Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18

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DR. ROT. Chldropody. R. 1 . Fsrnani
DRTECTIVK-Or.t. Cormack, HI Kevbn"b
block. Tel. A2SK. VM
MAP.NCTir treatment bath.
Smith. 114 N. 16. I Or. R
U 2 Jjr-
EXPERT piano moving, lowtit Prt'
Schmoller Mueller. 113 Faro. Tel. l
Furnished by UK renabie earn Murphy
Balloon jCu., 2Sui Muml st. T$jft;t
Dressmaking. Ml Sturdy. 260 DaTrJJt"
BTE1WWAT pianos are sold exclJSlvely by
Schmoller Mueller. 131a Farnam St.
riormini-j Dye Whs. Up-to-date clean-
vjermania er. asr. m . -
. "PA PA say- he can's snake 'em off Hute
on'i New Patent Rlmles Eyeglaaa; al
most Invisible. Hulesun Optical Co.. -il
8. lth St., Psxlcn block; factory on to
premises ' U
DR. C. It DeLONO. Dentist. Be. Tel.
B-8244. b-TOl Jy
PIANOLAS for rent; months rent al
lowed on turrrn. Schmoller Muel er.
Uli Farnain. Tel. 1626. Uy-sls
July 4, 1WM, we will have Goliniar Bros,
big railroau circus, nose race oen to i tna
wor'.J, thrse coitau;e o tat mum
will be entampou, giving, drill and snam
battle; tna First ncg.iiienl bund wlii
furnlsn the music w.iu seventy pieces.
For concessions apply to uoiuiiuuee, A. a.
West, chairmau. U 1
PARTY who picked up Waterman foun
tain pen Tueauay forenoon at Commercial
IvaUonal bui.k will picas return aame to
Bee ofllce. b B1
MUSICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voloe, Davhlge
block. V
Accordcon pleating, cheapest, beet, quick
at. Mrs, A. C Mark, lfih and Douglas.
'PHONE 8630.
U mo
"VIA. VI," way to health. 860 Bee Bldg.
U &14
TUB, vapor and alcohol hatha, 720 8. 13that.
U 31ii
PR, BLABAUail. Dentist, N. Y. Life Bldg!
PACKARD, accountant. 410 Bee bldg. Tel.
B-752. ' U-72
tffl flfl 'i'ne Williams Studio,
l.AJ 1-1107 Farnam Bt,
Full Vox. J2.60.
U M728.
100 DOUULAo HUL TEL. 1B34.
U M7..
SPECTACLES and eye glusses for weak
eyes and neadacne, i up, examination in
eluded. Dr. itlchAida, lie B. ltitn, op
poslte Boston store. U M.87 it
DRIVE out 1 mile east of Papllllon for
large, ripe, fine cherries. Will show you
a sigat worm seeing, aa. x . uruwn.
U ewi 2Cx
RETIRED business man, very rich, seeks
good, honest, home-loving wife. Money
no object. Address Mr. Lord, 202 Wash
lufton St., Chicago. U 80 2ox
PRETTT widow, worth S8,000, beautiful
home, Inoome of I6.W0, wants honorable.
Industrious husband. Address Alia, Bt.
Nicholas Hotel. Chicago. U 80s 26X
MAIDEN, ojrs 2R. hns S50.0UO. wants a hue
band aha can confide In. Address Wilson,
VM Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
.. . u m Kx
RIDES SHOWS, freaks, street fair attrac
tlons, dog and pony shows, Tom shows,
minstrels or anything good, come to
Fontanelle, la., July 4. The best Fourth
town In the best state in the union. We
always get the crowds and Fontanelle
rowds are free spenders. Come to us
and get a good piece of coin. No gam
bling or skin games tolerated. No license
cnargea it application is maae Dy juiy i.
Por free licenses and further Information
write Jock Box Zl, Fontanelle, la.
U 871 28
TOUR fortune told; send name and address
with S-cent stamp and date of birth and
I will send a pen picture of your life from
the cradle to the grave. Prof. Le Amil,
Dept. lba, uildgeport, conn. u e a
WANTED Tou to know how Hie will earn
ttfO.Ott); It's ires. T. Q. Sorter, Bt. Josepli,
mo. u w Zbx
11.001) REWARD.'
Dr. Martha Walker knows Just what a
woman needs ana ner tspeeay riener aoes
the work; abnormal suppression from any
cause relieved at once; absolutely safe,
sure and Quick: 100.000 testimonials. Ad
dress Dr. Martha Walker Co., 1C3 State
st.. Chicago. U 821 26x v
MARRY Wealth and Beauty: marriage di
rectory rree; pay wnen marnen; entirely
new uao; senu no money. Aaareaa m. jl.
Hortoli, Dept. 297, Tekonsna, Mich.
. U-41S26X
strTrrR itt .1 rni in Vat wr
permanently removvd by elwctrlcliy; con
sultation free and confidential: all work
guaranteed. Missallender, 422 N. Y. Ufe.
U 831 Mix
OIRL8, an exceptional opportunity to maks
money during vacation; inay-iike employ
ment; outnt rree; write toaay. riender
on & Henderson, Buffalo
.10, N. x. v
MARRY RICH Cnn you get the kind t
a husband or wife you wish. Pay when
, married. C. II. Rowan, Milwaukee, Wis.
t V-
TWO nice front rooms sod large alcove,
modern, walking distance, private family;
reasonable; reference required. ?610 Daven
port Bt, O-OOO Six
Of Pomogy, Hungary, who until September
1, lftoS, was In the employ of the Urton
Pscltlo rallwuy. Omaha. Neb., la asked to
end his preient addreas to the Ausiro
Hungarlan Consulate In Chicago. III.
. U-Kl 23x
QIRL8 An exceptional opportunity to
make money during vacation; ladylike
employment St your own home: outfit
free; write toduy. Henderson & Hender
son, Buffalo, N. V. U
WE sell them: WE nruir them;
yii recover them. Lowest u Ices.
I0t Bo. lilh St. 'Phone 1611. .
PlJNE tut. 114 N. 1STH ST.
LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best. Bafc, re'l-ble. Take no
other. Bend 4o st imps for particulars,
"Relief for Ladles," In letter, by isturn
mall. Ask your druvRlst. Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
EXPERIENCED doctor wants location In
any desirable town In the west. Might
buy practice. Would like to hear from
doctors and druggists. Addres ". rw.
u-a ix
R08KBUD AGENCY Mun wanted to file
declaration puM-rs of ex-oldlrr for land
in agency. Address O 23, life.
U-M960 2$
RnCCi'RKFStNO CLUB: 75c a month.
IlOCxel. IKil. 414 N. ltfth st.
U-M9S3 JyU
Furnished for Celebrating
Bend for circulars.
G. M. r.ltchie, 2000 Davenport St.. Omaha
uwo at
When You Write
to Advertisers . .
remsmter it only takes an extra stroke SC
two of tb pen t mention Uts taut Uutl VOS
The Abbott-Cowan Co.
First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Omaha, Neb.
Bakeries, Barber Shops, Confection
eries,, Cigar Stores, Drug Store. Dray
and Transfer, Furnished Flftta, Furni
ture, Flour Mills, General Merchandise
Stocks for sale and trade. Groceries,
Hardware, Hotels, Jewelry, Livery,
Laundries, Lumber Yards, Meat Mar
kets, Manufactories. Millinery, News
papers, Tool and Billiards, Photo Gal
leries, Restaurants, Racket Stores, Sa
loons, Furnishing Stores, Shoes, Coal
Yards. Specialties, Wholesale Tobacco
and Cigars, Theaters, Law and Collec
tion, Medical Library and TracUce,
Houses in Omaha, Farms, Bandies
nearly every line of business and every
luss of land for sale or trade.
Tell us what you want We can suit
First Nat'i Bank Bldg.
FOR ale, good, live retail Implement busi
ness, eastern neoruu town, nuuuinru
trade: no trade wanted. Address lock
box 1ZK4 Omaha. Y-M&s7.
ABBOTT-COWAN Co.. 1st Nat. Pk. Bldg.,
can get you in or uui vi vubiiicb.
TeLtt. ' T-244
WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange
vour property or umimn juii, in
U. Johnson, ia N. Y. Life. 'Phone LK74.
I x M4M
OiYlvJNC gar. CushlngAGauvreau.dlstb.
Y M812 Jy
A MONEY-MAKING bakery and restau
rant for ssie cneap ii iaan roun. un
dress Box 174. Craig. Neb. Y 718 28x
J. H. Johnson.
GENERAL MER.CHANDISB-$8,000 to $10,-
000 stocks, good line. iNeDrasaa towns,
paying trade, cash, city property or Im-
S roved land considered.
ROCERY 8 1XHJK $2,600 to $4,600 city
and good Nebraska towns; cash and good
Drrmertv for fine stock: maks offer.
HARbWARE-$2,600 to $9,000; staple stocks.
city and country, nne opening; migm
consider little trade on large stock.
DRUGS $2,600 to $6,000; protUsble business,
good Nebraska, towns; Improved land and
LAUNDRY business in Omaha, fins trade;
pay to Investigate; owner wishes to go
to old country.
CHINERY One stock $3,600; fln Ne
braska town.
and business property valued about $26,000,
located gpod western Iowa town; will
conslderTmproved farm
locution In Omaha, fine ODenlng; owner
wishes to retire; value, $1,600; consider)
land or city property.
HOTELS 2& 30, 40, 60, and 60 rooms, all
well furnished, good business, well lo
cated, Nebraska and Iowa towns; can
make price and terms to suit; ask about
them Monday.
ROOMINO HOUSTOS T to 80 rooms, all
welL equipped, fine location in city; good
propositions; pries and terms are sight;
come and see ma,
MANY other lines of business on my list!
come In and see ma about anything you
wish to buy or sell. Perhaps we can be
of mutual benefit- to each other. All cor-
. respondence snswered promptly.
MS N. Y. Life.
Y 4 26
FOR BALE $2,000 bankrupt notion and
racket stock. Address George A. Kellogg,
- trustee, Missouri Valley, la. Y MVoO
FOR SALE A first-class hotel, doing
good business, in splendid hotel town; or
would sell rurniture ana rent ouiiaing.
Address Ivan A. Howard, Edgar,' Neb.
Y M749 30
RESPONSIBLE party with small capital
can easily realise $1,000 monthly. Legiti
mate, honorable. Endorsed by lending
banks. J. H McClurkln. 416 Locust St.,
Bt, Louis. Y-8S9 26x
MAN who Is capeble of selling county
rla-hts on Datented article that is well ad
vertised and without competition. Our
proposition is a co-operative one and will
appeal to any business man. It requires
onfv a small Investment on your part
after we convince you that we have what
you want. Address W. D. Peters Co., 224
Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn.
Y 887 Ztx
FREE lots to advertise N. Y. suburb. Send
stamD for one lot. Ocean view: nigh ele
vaUon. Seaside Co., 231 Broadway. N. Y.
x est MX
TORONTO investments will double In
ninety dnys. Dividends are In sight. Buy
now. We have splendid offerings. Jas.
J. Rutherford & Bon, Ledger Bid., Phil
adelphia. Pa. Y 4)06 26x
I WANT an immediate partner (or a drug
store that is making money, well es
tsbllahed. Hsve a few choice drug stores
In Omaha and Council Blufrs for sale.
Do you know of a drug store -for sale near
Omaha. P. V. Kniest, 701 N. Y. Life
bldg., Omaha. Y-S3J 26
AN opportunity to make from aw to WW
per month, If you can invst $000. ha'f
cash and the balance In good note; a
unique nrnposltlon, sbsolutply straight
and legitimate; can be handled In con
noctlon with other buslnesn: anv lorn
tlon; no peddling: Investigate. Address
The Winn" Co., New Nelson Plds-. K-n
sns City. Mo. Y-S47 Xx
COT'I,r voii raise 22.60 If von were con
ringed It would bring you 10 for IT If so,
write for full particular Western Spe
cialty co., wjo ynity mag., un"aro.
Y T2 88x
even earns money while yon sleep and Is
paid iback to you in large dividends each
week; we can glvs you ths highest refer
ence rlrlit-ln your own. town ; write for
full nartisulsrs st once, r'lelnhmnrt uo.,
itroaawsy, new xorx. x ai jox
AM HERE from the east to rell legitimate
hlgn-toned business; n.oaihjiecrssary'. 13,000
to st.ixu yeriy prnnts posmveiv enown
Highest city reference urn'shed. d
dress O It. Bee. Y 876 26x
FtR BALE. stock of drugs In a god
tiermsn t'atno'ie town, inquire or r. M
Wilson. Templeton, la. - Y
FOR 8 ALE. In southern Colorado, a well
ot'ippeo dry gooas Dusiness. riegant
and mrte-n fixtures. A good openlnr for
snvone oepinng to go into mi'tness. "op-ul-tlon
6.v Bl bl-monthlv psv roll.
Address Chllds Mercantile Co., Piehlo,
Colo. I M kx
PATENTS secured or fee returned. Send
model or sketch tor free opinion as to
patentability. Bend for II. usl rated GUIDB
uuoH and list of Inventions wantsd;
finest publication Usuea for free ulslnbu
tlon; contains valuable information re
sarulns patents, trad marks and copy
righls, how lo obtain and sell tnera, lis)
meclianical movements, etc Patents se
cured by us advertised free In the Patent
Record; sample copies free. Ana e.-s
b.vans, villains st to., negirterea Attor
neys, sua St., wssningvou. u. v. X
DON'T work for others; be the boss; start
a Mall-Order Business; we help you.
Plan and new catalogue for atamp. Cen
tral Supply Co., Kansas city, Mo. T
YOU ran never profit by business chances
unless you nave some money; smuu say
lugs are tne foundation or large Fortunes
tart a aavinaa accounts with J. 1.
Brand! 4k Bona, Bankers Kth and Pong
las tits. AiMU over 4-too.uuo.uu. I
MONDAY OR TUESDAY I will sell one of
the best located drug sioies In On. aha
Price. and we'l worth much mtw
Clean stock good fixtures, thickly s-ull
liKallly and very low rent, with living
room, big basement, etu. Well estab
lished and will be sold to ths first cxiUr,
as thla Is oimi snap In a thousand. JT, Y.
Jvillasl. Jul H. 1, UI Vlslf umana.
Sholes-Armstrong Company,
T2J N. T. Life Bldg. TeL 4S.
If You Want to go Into Business or
Get out of it. Call on Us.
We Can Help You.
FTult and cigar stand, S27B; best location In
the city: rent tM; stock and fixtures will
Invoice $300. . .
Ntws and cigar stand, central location,
price $1,400. Business 120 per day.
Central grocery, large trade, clean stock;
will sell at a discount; Invoice about xz.oiMl,
Grocery In town of 10,000, main street, cheap
rent, large trade. Price, il.ddO.
moo best grocery stand on South 18th St..
new store, cheap rent.
Sholes-Armstrong Company.
IF YOU can put 2,B0O cash In a drug store In
Omaha, I know 1 can Intereet you, as I
. have Just one store at that price which
will Invoice about $3,000, and with a big
business and very large territory. Will
be sold this week. F. V. Kniest, 701 N.
Y. Life Bldg. Y 947
FOR 8A LB Grocery and bakery, best
county seat town in eoutnwesirrn spwa;
Invoice about $3,000. Address O 22. He.
- Y 046 Mi
FOrt KENT oiunU & OFFlUtS
TV o-ai K bu.iuing. At,..,
Itltl tltb StMjOliil
U. Bushman,
1 Oi
floor Utts-iw oowaru. .
IP A GOOD light Is needed, we can show
you a norm num uiuce uu u,v unu hwj
--a splendid room, at the moderate pries
of tM. C. Peters & Co., giound iloor
Uee building. I 22
STORE ROOM, til 7 B. ltii St. Inquire of
Clark I'oweit, isis apiioi vv i
A $10 office In the. Bee, building carries with
li all or me conveniences ana auvaniagc
In the way of heat, light, janitor service,
11 night and all day and 8unday elevator
service. A $10 ofnoe la now vacant. Call
at ones. R. C. Peters & Co., ground
floor. Bee building. 1-421
140R Douglas street, 22x12, first floor with
skylight in root; swell iront; nne ce
mented basement; the two upser floors
rvj 22xS0 each; stairway . from street:
rear all car lines; njhe location. Will
rent floors separately.
A PHYBICIAN or dentist will find a oholos
of two desirable rooms in the Bes build
Room 604 is divided Into a good-sized wait'
ing room sua a private omce. it is J
rectfy in front of the elevator. The pries
R. C. Peters & Co., Ground Floor, Bee
FOR RENT Two store rooms In the Pa
cific hotel block; none but nret-claro mer
chants with flrst-clis? stock wanted; gen
eral merchandise preferred. For partic
ulars apply to John Koenlgsteln, Norfolk,
Neb. i I M281 27x
DESIRABLE corner store, east front, at
intn ana euming sts. ; recently remod
eled througout; exceptional opportunity
for drug store. Inquire Joseph Barker,
1624 Farnam St. I M709
STORE ROOM, 617 8. 16th st. Address
Clarke Powell. 1616 Capitol ave. 'Pho"e 921
1-878 36
DESK ROOM for rent in fine large office,
.arrtcuy moaern, electric neat, teiepnone.
heat and janitor service furnished. Call
at once.
1201 Farnam St.
1906 26
Have you any offices for rent In the V. 8.
National Bank building?
YES.' SIR I We have two fine, large.
ground floor offices and a fine suite of
rooms. Just vacated. Heat and janitor
service) furnished. Call and see us at once.
Chas. E. .Williamson Co.,
1201 Farnam, St.
I-9C6 18
FOR RENT, desk room.
Inquire Contl-
P-971 27x
nental cigar store.
HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesal. r
ta.11 klhaeman M. .4n n aal 1 aina.UK
aaa HJ1V4 4MH Sa tHVW4tUt4 VIUBUsm
PR. PRIES treau successfully all diseases
ana irregularities ot women, irom any
cause; experUnced and tellable. Address,
with stamp. Dr. Pries. iU DoUg t.
Omaha. tit
PRIVATE hospital during confinement;
DaDies aaopieu. sirs, uaraeis, iit cnariea
Tel. AiolS. -W
PRIVATE home during confinement: babies
adopted. Mrs. ur. King, 606 is. 16th, 3d
floor.; tel. 1659. MI33 Jylfl
PRIVATE home during confinement; babies
adopted. The uood Hamnritan Snnitarlum,
728 1st ave., Council Bluffs.Ia.Tel.774. 626
LADIES When In need send for free trial
of our never-falling remedy; relief quick
rnd safe.. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee,
DR. W. HUTCH1N80N, Specialist of
women and children ; 80 years practice.
Office', 2?06 Coining. Residence telephone,
8ut); office, 8667-
VIAVI, a wholesome, rstlonal home treat
ment., inva.uaoie in ail cases oi innamma
tlon and displacement Send for booklets.
850 Bee Bldg. 033 i
HESS 4V BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Send for
price list of cut flowers and plants.
Tel., STO 353
C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Ufa
FACSIMILE letters, envelope addressed.
Boyles college.. -tu
Eastern owner writes
of his elegant modern
11-room house large
lot, Vi mile from court
house: "MUST SELL,
fet best offer possl
le". See this quick If
you want a bargain;
cost 116,000; price 19.01)0.
Splendid offers also In
seres, vacant lots snd
small houses. Many
Inquiries. Owners all or write. Buyers
Real Estate Dent. J. M. Welsnans, Mirr..
Geo. Marshnll. CHAS. B. WILLIAMSON
CO.. Main Hoot, U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg.
O. M. E Tel. 611
1819 Farnam Street.
Chicago, Bosk Islnad a Paelfle.
Lee .a Arrtee.
Chleaa Larllgbt UalteS llUia
Lfclcag llarilskl Laoal tl a H pa
t bbieao Eipreee bit 1 Pa a 4 14 pa
Dea MoUea Epra e bil.Maa
Cblcago Past lUpraa TTv.s 4.40 pa a I at pa
- . WEST.
Reeky Moan tela Limited a t;p aa a 4 14 aa
Lluooln. lolurede Spnuga, Daa- .
rmw. bl aad seat a 1P pa 4 W pa
I aioa facia.
rka Oearland I liallad . 4 SB I I S r
Ike fM blall Ihu I IH pa
Ta CeJi:r.l Biprwa a I k pa
Tae a l.. ell Special ale pa
Vka Paillaa4- bioaae SaaaUi. B 4W pa Ilk pa
Th Atieaile tiuM I k pa
tk Ovtura keala all -44 pa lI Dle
Ik ta.eao e-cia; a I t aa
Llucla. beautd A SUvaabtuf
aupreea 4 4 pa bit 44 pa
CaiaaM Leaal b 4 et pa b 4 at aa
Caleaso, MUwaakee at St. PaeL
Cbtraa DarlleUt S t M SB all 'It pa
Caia Vest aw proa m.m.amp title
Overuse LladteS .
IX Malaas ir
..a i m ) sa
,4lu a (lis
llllaals tenlrsl.
Chlnn CiprM
tkieu Miaasells St.
Chtcaa; Xortaivveetsrav.
rut Cklosce .at:4eai T: Sst
Looal Cklcase U ...........
uu i a st -m
NkUkom ana Tua Bisna... M U t4
Dsilitkt St Pl
. in HI a
.a 1:0 as all.M I
tajHlit chieaia ,
U mi 14 Lblcaga
rut Chicago
Ixwaf Chlcaao
Local Slou cny
rasl St. Pl
St. Piul Kiprass
yast Mall
Local Sioux City
Norfolk Bonaoteal .....
Uaooln aod Long Pin
paadwooS. Hot Springs
t I HMtB
....a M sis a
....a 4 SI tm
k : pa
a I.U est !
a at
lis n
.... I " sa a I M
....IIS SB kl M SB
....k 1:04 aa kin M b
Caaror and Wromlng Itpr.. I:i0 n e 1:1 pi
Hastings. gpMor an4 aibiea.. 1:44 sst k 1:1 pi
Mlsaoarl raelae.
St. Lasls BxprM al0:4i as a t -M sa
Kanaa City St. Leala ste
prW ...7. all .-44 pa U Nia
World's Fair Special l-P all.M aa
Clileaao Great Westera.
St. Fsal st atlanaapolls Liav.
IU4 a:pa aT:Uaa
St. Ptsl s atiasaapoils 2U-
pra t:M sa I pa
Ckl.aio IJaltaA a 4:4 pa au:S aa
Chicago iprs b 4: aa a 4.04 pa
St. Loan Caonoa Ball' lx..t :M fa 4 r aa
Nw World' alr a T:tt aa a pa
bol.lroa CouueU BluO a 4:1 a I l;M a
Chicago, Barllagtoa at 4lney.
Leave. ArnH.
Chisago Special a l:u am a i n pa
Cblcag VaatibulaS XUpraas ....a 4:IM pa a t:4 aa
Chicago Local a 4:14 am aU:vtpa
Cblcago umitaa I.u6 pia a t: pa
ram Stall 3:44 pa
Kansas City, St. Joseph at Co. BtS-1.
Kaosas City Day Express aa a 4: pa
bk Louis flyar a 4:a oa all:u4 a
Kanaa City Night Expraai ....alk:4 pa a 4. a sa
littiliugton &t Missonrt River.
Wyawra, Baatrio Llnoola ..a t:4e aa bU:M pa
Muraaa aokyr.M a k.M an t i t) la
Uauvar Ltaitta a 4.1 pa a 4:4 aa
Black Hilla a 1'uiM bouns Kx.aUaD pa a 4:uk pa
Colorado VaMlbulad ljrr-.... il lti
kiucoin Past Mail b 2:61 pa all.u pa
tort Crook A fiatuoioutb b 1:61 pa biu 4 aa
tiaiiovu a ra -iuc juucnua ..a 1:v i,a a aa
MliviM faoiuc Juuctioa ..liMM
Missouri Pacific.
Lost. Arrtfa,
Nebraska Local, - via Weeping
Wiur 4:M pa aU:M pa
Ihickgo, St. Pail, Miau. Jt Umaha.
Twin City PasMngar ... B 4:M am b 1:14 pa
bioux city PuMugar a pm ail:IMi aa
Oakland Local b 4:44 pa b aa
a dsllj.
b dally eioopt Sunday.
dally exoapt Moaaax.
4 dally exoapt
Superior accommodation. Sicellent eulstna Tb
oetnlun of paaaanger carefully considered. Single
er round-trip ticket, between New York and hcoua,
Engilab, Irlah aua all principal Scandlnarian and
eontlnenUI polnu at attractW rataa Sand or Boot
et TouiV Kor tickets or general lnfermat:oa apply
to anr local agent of the Anchor Lin, or t
UhNDERSON BROS.. Oaa'l Asauta. Chios g UL
Notice Is hereby given that settled bids
will be received by the Board of Educa
tion of the school district of the city ot
Weet Point, Cuming county, Nebraska,
until 8 o'clock in the afternoon of the 7th
day of July, 1904, tor the erection of an
addition to the school building of said dis
trict and for certain alterations to the old
building. Plans and specifications may be
M.n at the office of the secretary. J. H.
Thompson, West Point, Neb., or at the
office of the , architect, John Latenaer,
422-424 Bee building. Omaha. Neb., on or
after June 26, 1904. The successful bidder
win he renulred to enter Into a good and
sufficient bond for the completion of the
work according to contract, ana vo pay
for nil materials used and labor emuloyed
by him. The board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids. By order of the.
Board of Education. P. 14. Moouibi.
Attest: president.
Dated this 25th day of June, 1904.
, M 6tJylst
The' rails of the Mexican Gulf railway
are laid on mahogany. No other timber
was available in most of the country
passed through.
The bodies of alt the cxars f Russia who
have died since Peter the Oroat lie In a
memorial chapel In one of the islands of
the Neva. All the monuments, consisting
of a block of rilaJn white marble, are ex-
! actly alike, excepting that each bears the
neath It.
A featue of the will ot John L. Devereux.
a retired farmer of Philudelphia, who left
13U0,0uo for charitable purposes, is a clause
bequeathing JlO.OoO to the Pennsylvania So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani
mals, with the request tnat his three
horses and two dogs be killed la Uie most
humane manner possible. '
Mr. autd Mia Louis AggerWof Newark,
N. J.,' have two children, Harry and Min
nie, aged 8 and years, respectively,
h united weisrht is nearly 360 pounds.
Harry weighs in at ii& and his little sister
tips tne beam at uu. n uiumreu,
are blessed or otherwise with enormous
appeUUes, are hearty and healthy young
sters. ''
A curious old custom Is said to be still
kept up at tns picturesque w uaio uuie
iiil.n ni Tia.lntirldse. Knalsnd. where
every winter's night at 9 o clock, a large
horn is blown on the village greeh to aid
any wayiarer who migni cnance to ue loav
on the aurroundtna nolds to find his way lo
the village. The nne horn now In use was
rir.u.ntJi to the villaae some years ago
and at one time adorned the head of a
huge African buiu
The tomb of Btow, the antiquarian ana
early historian ot uonoon, is uning re
stored by the merchant tailors. Stow was
o ollnr hv tnLite. hut devoted so much
time to collecting ana aooui uonuun tnm
he lost his business and James I gave
him a patent to beg. t Ths tomb Is In St.
Andrews underahaft. and as his corpse
wia ramnvaa in 1722 to make room for
another he Is called to mind in St. Andrew s
only by uie terra cotta monuiuen, wuiuu
his widow erected to him.
A 84 gold coin belonging to Dr. Charles
T.Mnr la on exhibition at the Germania
Nationul bank in Milwaukee. The piece of
gold is thinner than a 85 coin, but of the
same diameter. It displays on the obverse
side the 'liberty head" without a cap and
the thirteen stars, raierspeiseu wun.
(i(j3S7C7 grams. un trie revorae eiue ia
live-pointed star with this ' Inscription:
One stella," and on the rim "United
States of America. 4 Dol." The coin is
valued at 8200.
Rev. J. B. Shoup of Fltxgerald, Ga.. has
started to waia truni Cumuci uttid, lnd., to
hi. l.uia. stxi miles, Mr. bl.oup la quite an
elderly man, being a union vtttran of the
civil war, but he Is robust in spite of his
age. He carries little more than a cnana
r,, olnthinir. eiDreisins Ins bassuge from
place to piace. Alter spenuuig auuie mum
at tt Ixi u is Mr. Shoup expects to attend
ths national uranu Army ui me neuuuno
enuaiiipinent at tiosion aim men iu to
Gettysburg to the reunion of his regiment,
the Third Pennsylvania heavy srtlliary. In
October, after which he will return on toot
to his boms in ueoigia.
Bee Want Ad, ar Business Boosters,
Ho Weal aad Asked.
Ills appearance suggested Germany,
Reaching Aator place, on an open Broad
way car, be politely asked the conductor
for a transfer. '
"Get 'em on the corner," the conductol
replied, briefly. '
"From the agent oo the corner."
"Vlch corner?'
"Right over there. Step lively."
But the Qcrman stepped not st all. He
was far from satisfied. ' And there were
challenges in his tune as be aald:
"How can dot agen tell away ofer dalr
on der corner who vass it vof has got off
der car und who vaas it vot has not, vsn
hs glfs out der transfersT"
The conductor had service stripe on
his sleeves and was, therefore, too tired to
get msd.
- "I tell you what." be said, ringing the
bell, "you go and ask him." New York
Bun. ...
Bee WeVTlu lriu ths pest returns.
Tip on Treating Victims of Tourta of July
Uttlo Ways of Relisvlast tkio lajarea
Oa Paadlasr the Arrival Ol a
Doctor Vital Isnportaaew
I CleasUlaosa,
Thar ia something almost gruesome In
the suggestion that every mother is likely
to have an emergency case on the glorious
Fourth, but statistics gathered by hospital
nd police surgeons, city and country doc
tors, go to prove that many a small Uie
might be saved and many an Injury les
sened by making timely preparation far
the great day. The right remedy (or the
right moment, administered by a steady
hand, backed by a cool brain, is worth its
weight in gold In case ot an aocldant with
So long as small boys and Chinese in
genuity combine; to celebrate the day with
red Ore and noise, the family circle la in
danger of depletion. The pistol that is "not
loaded," the fire cracker that has refused
to go oft and demands relighting, the
mall cannon that is overcharged, keep
the maternal bosom in a flutter from dawn
till dark and set telephone and ambulance
bells ringing.
In the case of any wound following an
explosion, cleanliness is ot vital impor
tance. The majority et deaths from Fourth
of July injuries can be traced not to the
aotual explosion, but to lockjaw, which sets
in from a carelessly dressed wound. This
must be borne In mind fcy the mother or
older member of the family who dresses
the small boy's injuries, when A surgeon
cannot be obtained at once.
No Injury, especially if due to a toy
pistol. Should be regarded lightly, and the
best ot surgical attention is none too good.
The wadding used In toy pistols is fully
as dangerous as bullets used in those of
larger caliber. A boy will go at once to
a surgeon and have a bullet removed, while
he counts the wadding as a trifle, ties up
his hand and dies of lockjaw. The fol
lowing hints are to be used only when there
Is delay in securing the services of a sur
Things to Have oa Hand.
Here ar some of the things which every
mother should have at hand on the Fourth:
A porcelain or agate pitcher and basin, a
paekegs of absorbent cotton and one of
iodoform gauge, some safety pins, a car
bolic solution, a solution of linseed oil .and
lime water; a solution ot boric acid, antl-
ceptlo soap, flaxseed for poultices, and a
surgeon's probe. The carbolic solution Is
known as the "two per cent," a teaspoon-
ful of carbolic acid to a pint of water. The
boric solution calls for a teaspoonful of the
acid to a glass of warm water. I
The slmpliest form of injury from 'fire
works is the burn. Unless the patient In
hales the flames or is terribly bufned, fatal
results do not follow, but the pain is ex
cruciating. A wise precaution is to dress
children sensibly for the day In heavy
clothes, and not in fluffy. Inflammable ma
terials. ' Theyoung girl in lawn or organdy.
trimmed with filmy lace, who undertakes (o
neip ner ratner set off the fireworks at
night, takes her life in her hands, as a
spark from rocket or roman candle can set
her dress ablate.
Should such a catastrophe happen, snatch
a shawl or a porch rug, wrap the girl in it
And roll her on the grond. If the clothing
ticks to the burned spot, wet it with
water or oil and cut it Away-from the
wound. ' If the burned space is large, dress
a little at time, excluding the air. This
last is Important, as the contract of air
with the burned surface not only cause
pain, but is largely responsible for scarring.
cover the burn with a solution of linseed
oil and lime water and swath in the antl-
septio gauxe. If the patient suffers from
hock this condition wlU be indicated by
coldness of the. entire body, feeble pulse
and drooping eyelids, If not complete in
sensibility. Apply hot water bottles around
the body, rub the arms and legs and apply
mustard plasters to the wrists and soles of
the feet. If the patient Is conscious, ad
minister mijk, tea or coffee, but . do not
give an alcoholic stimulant until ordered
to do so by the surgeon, who should be
summoned st once.
In case of slight burns use the same
solution or unseed on and lime water and
bandage with the gause. Simple remedies
for burns from punk ind matches, of wh'oh i
children acquire a goodly number on the
Fourjth, are white of egg, which covers the
burn like mucilage and keeps out the air.
and common baking soda In the proportion
of one tablespoonful of soda to half a glass
or water, cover with gauxe.
Powder in the face.
Another" very common accident on Inde
pendence day Is, the explosion or shooting
of powder Into the face. Do not allow the
boy to pick this powder out for himself,
but send him at once to a surgeon, after
bathing the face with carbolic solution and
covering it with sntiteptic gauxe. This
does not relieve the pain or remove the
powder, but it does prevent small, dirty
hands from carrying poisonous matter into
torn pores. The powder must be picked
out by the surgeon's needle, as any powder
remaining under the skin shows a 1 through
tne patient lite as minute black specks.
When the powder la blown into tne eye.
ana tne Injury seexjix gugnt, ao not touuu
nth the lingers, but have the patient
uatbe the eyeballs witn the soiuuou 'ut
oono acid, ons teaspooniul ot acid to A
giasa ox wsrm water., inis win prevent
Diooasnot, but tne patient mould be taaeu
at ones to an oculist, or, it one cannot be
louno, to a regular surgeon, so tnat tne
exact extent ox tne injury may oe learned
and Immediate steps taken to prevent
blindness. (
wnen the explosion tears open tne nesny
jrart of the hand, the home nurse must ex
ercise ner utmost skill and patience. Tho
pauent will demand immediate relief-,
something "to make him feel better" but
nere she takes her first step to ward off
lockjaw. Ths wound must, not be touched
save with sterilised implements and fabrics.
Place the sgate basin over the gas flams
and throw into the water the probe with
which you expect to take out the offending
piece of wadding.
Importance of Cleanliness.
Turn back your slseves, and wash your
hands thoroughly in sntlseptlo soap and
prater as hot as you can bear it, and there
after touch nothing with your hands ex
cept antiseptic articles. Have soms ons
remove the agate pan from the gas stove
after the water in It has boiled Ave min
utes and both water and probe are abso
lutely aseptic. Remove the wadding from
the wound with the probe, and bathe the
wound with the sterilised wster and a so
lution of carbollo in the proportions given
above. . Us absorbent, antiseptic cotton
snd esch time you are through wltji a
piece of the cotton throw it away, but do
not ley it back In the wster.
Wrap in Iodoform gauss and leave the
rest to the surgeon. Linseed oil and lime
water will relieve the pain, but not being
purely aseptic, they carry danger with re
lief. Cleanliness and freedom from death
dealing germs are more Important at this
tags of ths proceedings thsn relist from
Bear In mind that It la better not to
dress a wound at all than to areas It with
unclean bands aad cloths that are not
asoaptio. et BsnuK a wound to heal
unless' you have .the surgeon's word that
It is safe to do so. Many a lad binds up
the sore hand, without appealing to his
mother, and goes back to his play. The
hand swells; be ia taken to A surgeon, who
cuts straight down to the offending piece
of wedding, which Is removed, And the
wound Is washed. If the germs of lock
jaw are not present and the wound Is kept
antiseptic, the results are merely painful
for the patient. If It has gone too far be
fore receiving surgical treatment, lockjaw
frequently sets in and tbe-end is fatal.
(Continued from Twelfth Page.)
world. They must give their dreams life
and form in music, In painting, la sculp
ture, in architecture. In poetry, In prose.
In acting or In oratory, that the world
may be the better because they have lived
In it- The dollar sign may or may not
be understood by them; It Is not theirs to
bask beneath Its protection at will, for they
feel the divine call and can not linger
along the way to the goal, no matter how
alluring the nooks and dells through which
they pass, or the dreariness of the desert
way they have to cross. It Is theirs to
bring the world nearer to that time.
When no one shall work for money and BO
one shall work for fame.
And only the Master sha'.l praise ua. And
only the Master shall blame.
They know that only in this war can the
glad time be reached when
Each for the Joy of working. And each In
his separate star
Shall paint the thing as he seen it for the
God of Things as They Are.
Oomlngr Events.
This evening At the Boyd theater the
Ferris I'tock company will present another
of those interesting old plays, "Man and
Master." This ia a melodrama, but is
written with care and gives splendid op
portunity for the acting ability of the com
pany. Its story Is of the genuine sort,
and has always proven interesting., . Mr.
Sullivan will appear as Gerald O'Neill, the
man; Mr. Owen as Mr. Stone, the master,
and Miss Pavey as Florence Sinclair, the
woman around whom the action of the play
revolver The others of the company are
well cast, and a fine performance Is as
sured. On Thursday evening the bill will
be changed to "The Belie of Richmond,"
the fine old southern drama that proved so
very popular last season. In this piece
Miss Pavey will have the role of Nellie
Mason; Mr. Sullivan will be Gerald Goidon;
Miss Hill will he Rosalind Mason, and Mr.
Owen will bo William Osmond. The piece
will be perfectly staged.
At the matinee this afternoon the closing
performance of "The Charity Ball' will be
Oossip of Stagelaad.
Lew Fields' theater, Forty-second street.
New York, la fast nearlng completion.
It is an assured fact that the beautiful
new playhouse will be ready for occupancy
by Mr. Fields' all star stock company
early In November.
One of the important comic opera pro
ductions to be seen here during the com
ing season will be "A Venetian Romance,"
which ran at the Knickerbocker theater
In New York long after the Customary
time for keeping that playhouse open.
6everal singers and comedians are to be
exploited In the cast. Including Joseph
C. Miron and Mabel Hit.
Julian Mitchell, In the course of his re
searches as a st..Jent of amenities, may
always be depended upon to discover some
charming form of anodyne for life's wor
ries. With the suocess of "The Wixard
of Ox" and "Babes In Toyland" to his
credit, Mr. Mitchell is now concentrating
his consummate stagecraft upon "The En
chanted Isle," which may be anticipated
another boon to the public.
The new rural play which Glen Mac
Dnnough has evolved out of MoCutcheon's
Bird Center Cartoons" promises to be a
dlstlnce Innovation in American comedy
drama. Every character in the play is a
recognisable local type. The cast there
fore requires the most careful selection.
When the nsmes of the' players engaged
to realise the quaint "Bird Center" folks
are disclosed the roster will be one of the
strongest ever known in character work.
Miss Viola Allen will continue to appear
In Shakespeare next season. Her produc
tion for next season will be "The Winter's
Tale," In which Miss Allen will appear
as Hermlone and as Perdita. Miss Allen
will be supported by a very strong com
pany and the production will be as massive
as magnificent. "Twelfth Night" has
proved so great a favorite with Miss Allen
a sVlola that the comedy will be presented
for a few performances In each of the
larger cities where she appears. Miss
Allen Is already booked to appear In
Omaha during the coming season.
Perhaps the highest tribute paid "The
Wisard of Os" waa the cold-blooded appro
priation of Its central role, the Scarecrow,
by the manager of Drury Lane theater,
London, who Incorporated this unique
personage in his last Christmas panto
mime. The Drury Lane Scarecrow, a du
plicate In every detail of makeup and
stage business of Fred Stone's Imperishable
creation, was a tremendous hit .In London.
Now some astute French manager has
aelied upon the Cowardly Lion In "The
Wisard ot Ox" and made this most origi
nal travestry of the King of Betiats the
principal comedy feature In the latest sum
mer ''Revue" At the Folles Bergeres,
Victor HeTbert last week completed the
score for his new opera, "The Enchanted
Isle." which Messrs Hamlin, Mitchell and
Fields will present early In the season
at the Boston thester. A party of Mr.
Herbert's personal friends who sre llkav
wise his severest critics were privileged
with a private piano hearing of ''Ths En
chanted Isle," and one and all x declared
the music to be In his lightest shd most
sparkling vein. Victor Herbert Is too am
bitious a musician to make any conces
sions to degenerate popular taste snd hie
work is always up to tna highest scholarly
standard. But In "The Enohanted Isle''
he has caught some of the swing and
spirit of Offenbach, that frothiest of oper
atic geniuses.
The second anniversary of "The W heard
of Ox" was celebrated Thursday, Jun
18, at Its birthplace, the Grand opera house,
Chicago. For two solid years 104 weeks
this record-breaking extravagansa has
delighted and enchanted Immense audi
ences of enraptured playgoers. Although
there Is no diminution in tne popularity
of "The Wizard" In Chicago Its run must
terminate after another fortnight. In order
to allow the Indefatigable Scarecrow, the
superhuman Tin Woodman, tireless little
Dorothy, the exuberant Lion and the
effervescent Heifer a brief respite from
their Inns labors before the footllshts. All
ths favorite members of The Wixard of
Oz nave been re-engagea next sen son
for the roles in which they won their
first fame, snd the production will hs on
A more elaborate scale than before.
Does a Vacation Payf
Does It pay to regain your cheerful per.
Does it pay to sip power from its very
fountain head
Does it pay to .Increase your creative
power and originality
Does It pay to grt a firmer grip on your
business or rofesslopT
Does It pay to regain your lost confidence
by upbuilding your health?
Do you want to' get rid of the scars and
stains of ths year's' campaign T
Will a freah, vigorous brain serve you
muscles for strong elastlo ones
. Docs It pay to exchange flaccid, stiffened
muscles for strong. Jaded ones?
Does it pay to gt a new grip on life and
to double your power to do good work?
Does it pay to put Iron Into the blood and
to absorb granite strength from the ever
lasting hills?
Does It pay to renew the buoyancy And
lightheadedness, the spontaneity and en
thusiasm of youth?
Does it pay to get In tune with the In
finite by drinking In the medicinal tenl,
from the everlasting hills?
Does It pay to get rid of your nsgglna
rasping disposition so that you can attr6,
people instead of repelling them?
Does It pay to get rid of soms of our ner
row prejudices, hatreds and Jealousies thai
are encouraged by the strenuous city lire?
Does It pay to add to the comfort Ann
happiness of ourselves and those abou. y.
by being brighter and nvare cheerful ur.
elves? Success.
If eu have any thing to trade, sdvestls
It In the This for That column pf Tk
Be Want Ad Page
Both Immediate And Future Busine Ycrj
SAtisfactoTj to Local Jobbers.
Decline In Many Mao Hardware,
Cotton Goods Also Lewer Timely
Hint (rem Jobbers am Lead,
lagf tHyVes Dress Oeoda.
Midsummer trade with Omaha Jobbers
nd manufacturers is fully as good as could
be expected. With very few exceptions
they report their sales both tor immediate
and future consumption as being consid
erably in excess of previous years and so
long as that is the case they say there Is
very little excuse for offering complaints.
Each season as a jobbing center seems to
become more popular with merchants lit
the territory tributary to this market.
That Is no doubt due In part to the fact
that they realise the benefit of patronising
their home market and Also to the excur
sions which have been mnde by Omaha
business men In various sections ot the
country, which has enabled them to get '
acquainted with the merchants better than
ever before. Then, too, the rapidly in
creasing number of Jobbing houses in
Omaha has been of great benefit to the
market on All lines. Jobbers are all very
hopeful for the future snd say that present
Indications are thatthe fall demand will
go far ahead St anything previously ex
perienced. '
The hot weather of last week did re
tailers an Immense amount of good in
two way a It made people buy summer
goods of si kinds that they have been
holding off on and it also improved the
condition of crops, whloh roads farmers,
more willing to let go Of their money. The
advance in the price et live stock has
also improved conditions in the country.
A few more week of as brisk trade as
waa experienced last week will make A
big hole in retailers' stocks and put them
where they can no longer complain.
There have been A number of important
changes during the week under review.
This is particularly true of groceries, dry
goods and hardware. The market on the
last two lines is not as Arm as generally
believed, as is shown by important reduo
tlona in prices, which Are llAble to lead
to others.
agar Exalted ssd Hlgraer.
Interest In the grocery market seems to
center very largely around sugar, whlon
has beeh in rather an excited condition
m a.1 I - A. M JBa aa fTT St Sa PU AtaV f af
tor wie lasi iow uj.. . . , . j
market In refined has advanced points and
8-lo and still advanoing at the oioae of tho
week. Reflnera report very heavy with
drawals and they are largely oversold, so
that still higher priors are expected in the
Immediate tuture. These Advances, to
gether with the Inoreased freight rAtea
previously mentioned through these col
umns, will make sugars cost considerably
more In the next two weeks. Jobbers ay,
however, that It Is likely not to be so
much a question of price a of getting sup
plies at any figure. The exceptionally large
fruit crops In nearly All sections of Uie
country. It is expected, will makA the de
mand phenomenal. ..... ..-
The coffee market is practically in the
same position It was a week Ago, no im
portant changes having taksn Place.
In the line of canned goods, Adtlve trad
ing Is reported in tomatoes owing to tb
low freight rats put Into street for a
limited time to Missouri river points. So
far as can be learned, however, trading has
been confined very largely to the district
thus affected. This demand, though, has
cleaned up the weak holders and the mar
ket Is now firm at the Advance with no
shading being done so far as rsported. The
general opinion is that spot goods in
short time will Advanoe to the Pf"ent
basis ot futures, which will necessitate
another advance of 6o per doxen. .
The new prloes on California canned
goods have not attracted ss much atten
tion as usual, owing, no doubt, in part to
the large crop of fruit in this seotion of
thWhUentther. has been no very actlvo
trading in. dried fruits, still the available)
JLpply of peiches and apricots Is so small
It f. claimed that values can be easily
maintained. Futures are not attrac ting any
great amount o',t.tnt'onu,a,nrd ,T. rkat
was some speculative trading, the market
has now quieted down and reacted about
cent from the high time. Jobbers say
that at the present time there is nothing
to justify high prices on either dried fruita .
0T"denewlthUlocal Jobber, is' reported as
being exceptionally heavy for the time of
year And considerably Ahead of last year.
Cotton Goods Tae A Pros.
The cotton goods market has reacted to
some extent from the high prices that have
been prevailing for some time past. Ihn
general feeling new seem to bo that both
cotton And cotton goods nave been higher
than the pubho would stand, and as a re
sult certain reductions became necessary.
The reductions made ranae from 7V to 10
per cent on leading lines of staple cottons.
Amoig t most Important is tfeet-lln
on American prints, amounting to H cent
on Indlgoes, mournings, grays, shirting
and loi.s cloths. Manufacturers have an
nounced, however, that these pi lues are
subject to change at any time without no
tice and it la thought by many that a re
action will take piace in the near future.
Tho consumption of cotton goods is said
to be as great aa at any former time and
althougn tha market is not as nrm as H
was sixty days ago. still manufacturers
claim that very lew goods are In first
h lnd"egard to the condition of trade locally
Jobbers say they have no cause for com
ulalnt. The demand for June has been
largely In excess ef a year ago and pros
pects for the future are much better. Ad
vance orders are the largest they have
ever been and Indications are that there
will be more buyer In the city this fall
than there were last spring. I
In speaking of fall styles In dress foods
a local Jobber said that It waa predicted
. i ... 1 i in ,),. Aunt nae
some lime as" " -
mohairs and Sicilians would not be aa good
this fall as they have been in the past.
1. 1 . . ,1 1 ... I ... . hna not nroveri
1 Ilia uibuivuuii, . . i
true, as goods of this character in botn
plain ami fancy weavm in
more generously than ever. The depleted
condition of Jobbing stocks In this line
bears out that aiatement.
Zlbellnea nave aiso oeen mmi ior n.n
1 1 . - ,nun j a T.r .Id'tAil rV
use mure itiiij ...... ,. . .. . j
a great many dress goods people and It
stands to reason that they will be worn
for skirt and coat suits more largely than
last fall. ... , . ,
.. i i . i in luh Vlatlia anr nlnra
nruatitiuiii. .i i '". 1
re stronger for the coming season than
they have been for several years past.
email, neai enecie iu lanujf wu...
. i . 1 1 v. .... t - Vanatlini anrl fiunnm
n i i uuiiia w.-, ,
effects are very good In medium priced
lines. There also seems to be a very strong
demand ror wooi "iu. -
fects, such as snowflakes, splashes, etc.
Voiles, hiyirieltas. crepe de chenes and
like fabrics of the clinging, draping family
are very good and promise to hold their
own this fsll and during ths spring season
Of 1905.
Dig Demi id for Binder Twine. '
Binder twine is now moving out at a
rapid rate. Ths exceptionally flue outlook
for a large crop of smHll grains haa niatio
the demand for that line very large and
present Indications ars that loctl stocks
Will be oleaned up In good shape without,
any change in prices
Leather Goods Srlllua Well. . ,
Boot and shoe men are doing a very
i.lce business in the way of siting up or
ders. Retailers are now selling mors stock
than they have for some time past and as
a, result find it necessary to get new sup
plies In the more popular lines. Future
iiusliii'tts Is also coining along In vary satis
factory manner snd Jobbers are beginning
to All orders to the more distant points.
Rubber goods are rather quiet, tna same
as usual at this time of year. Jobber,
though are making use of thu opportunity
to get thetr f ill stock in shape and are
beginning to make shipments to the far
west or wherever the goods sre wanted
H oak In Wire, Sails and Sheetlrou.
There wns a very perceptible weakness
in the hardware market last week. It was
particularly noticeable In wire and nahs,
on which a decline of 10c was announced.
It was accompanied with a decline of 2uo
per low rounds on galvanised and black
sheets. The Immediate cause of this break
In prices was a decline In plglrun of l:.uO
pe. -o... a. i.- o.i y IcasoiiuuK to suppose
that these ci.aifi. will be followed by
others, particularly In heavy hardware
where the saw material is an Important
factor, it is now evident that tho price
of both the raw material and the mtnu
f ctiirud lines haa been too high In many
pases and that trade has been restricted.
Outside manufacturers in search ot busi
ness have shaded prices until a general
reduction has become necessary.
Locally, wade conditions ars very satis
factory. Jobbers all agree that bualncas
bowl In Ame-riea.
HEW YORK, Jun 28 -John Alexander
t"(ow1e. the leader of the Zlou City, III., t.
lament, and his soil, A. J. Gladstone
ole, were paaaenger on the steamer Lu
aeinU, wlUub s-i(lvd today Uum eUveriMeuJ
1 iuii, una '-un.i'iri ,uiy iiicnu ui turn yritr
and that prospects are very encouraging
for the future. They are making prepara
tion for th best full trade that has been
experience, iu a long .line.
W u a Lu lbs