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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1904)
TnD OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, JTJXT 25. 1904. i -1 Staying Power for TIRXD BRAINS Horsford's Acid Phosphate is a boon to the overworked OiSceman, Student and Teacher. It keeps the mind clear, the nerve steady and the body strong. HOItSFOIUVS ACID PHOSPHATE. JOBS L WEBSTER SATISFIED Isbmks't Ex-Cm didU for Vica Priint Takas laralt mioaophiMllj.. CHANCE OF FIGHT LOST WITH HiTT OUT Says Havsl nilausl Comtmimu Stala 1st Mavea Hffcraaefca VmM Hm r-roauPtlnn Fair." Ta oloo la said A Trip to th Bt. Lomls Worlds u M t wonny sreuaor to- hla production of "war and Peace." Tb aal of seats will b rfrtrlrfd to the seatin capacity of th Auditorium. TYi. lat of tha ra-tlme and concert danoa proaram by Inn and hla band will ba given at to Auditorium Saturday nifht. JtMlL m. S ay I am aararHad with tb raault af the national ooovanOoo." said John I Wabatar, Nfcbraaka's candidata for tha vlo praartaipcr. who returned from Chios) yeartarday.' "I regarded my tws candidacy .. in philosophical mood, knew that the chanoos ware acainst ma, and therefor am not disappointed at leaat not sufficiently disappointed to make m feel badly. r "Tb convntle 'was too wall directed and too perfectly arranged to permit much enthusiasm or Interest. Doubtless it would bay been better bad tb free tern delegate reoelved a trifle more - oonal deration, but the feeling of annoyance In this regard may be lookel upon aa uperficlal ao far aa the campaign la concerned. "A combination of New York, Pannsyl aula, Indiana, Massachusetts and Ohio effected tha nomination of Fairbanks. '' Illi nois waa Indooad to withdraw Hltt and this act ' successfully blocked a ' fight for the place. Then again.. tb United States Beni to r present pulled together Ilk one man. Their Influano waa a great force and, of course, It waa exerted in favor of Fair banks. It waa - this power that captured South Dakota. Wyoming and other states that would otbarwls bav voted for ma bad the opportunity been presented. "The withdrawal of IlltnoU from tb fight for ., Hltt. however, crippled my ohanoes for tha nomination aa wall as those Of every other candidate aaoept Fair banks. Hit Illinois jBiainw1 firm a fight ing ohanoa would hare been afforded to ail vk presidential candidate. -t "The, Nebraska delegation did all it could form and l am very grateful. Congress man Burkett waa perhaps the most aggres sive and aooomplished a great deal; all of the delegatia. h owe vac, showing their loy alty and good win." Belartrre f Faalrfcaak. ' linos the nomination of Senator Fair banks for the vice presidency It has com I UgJkt ' thai tha ' distinguished Indlanlan tm tW distant fejatftrea la Omaha. They are MyrB'Jju'Lnd, .th. attorney, and Bam K. Oreenlear of tha city clerk efflce. Tb Fairbanks family 1 on of the oldest la the country, has a firmly established family oclaJtnn aad baa mem bars scat tered all oyer this and, many other coun tries. ..Senator Fairbanks of Indiana is not known personally to a great many Omabans, but among those In the city who hare met him Is John Q. Burgner. Bemnet Rata bona, su perintendent of the rural delivery, is a friend. Sneaking af Senator Fairbanks. Mr. Burgnar aald: "I , hare, never bad any oloa Intimacy with' Senator - Fairbanks. Lilt a great many other smart, as well aa ordinary men, be la' a native of Ohio, being born and raised on a farm la Union county, ' near MarysvlU. I first mat him when on a visit to kiaryevlll and a few times since then. . , . "Senator Fairbanks received his educa tion at the Ohio . Weslayan university, lo cated at Delaware. After preparing him self for a legal oareer be Quickly seised an opening offered, through an uncle, then at the head of one ot the railroads entering Indiana poll. . The next '. smart thing he did was te marry a very bright girl, ths daughter of P. B. Col of MarysvlUa " Ims LeaaHaar Lawyer. "Fairbanks soon became on of tb lead ing lawyers of his adopted state, ranking along with Harrison and G res ham, though a younger mas. Having keen observa tion, with good Judgment .In business af fairs, hS soon acquired plenty of money. Ha did not pos as a candidate fat politi cal honors until there came a call for htra to go to tha United States senate, and then he went right la. , "He la a strong man, and If the party continues In control, aa It surely will, Fairbanks will stand a better chance to aucoeed President Roosevelt la th Whit House than any other man now In th public y. This may be looked for, be cause Fairbanks' life has been on of great success all along th line. ' "When I first saw Senator Fairbanks he seemed aa slim as a ran and as tall -as a tree. H has rounded out since then and I suppose stands about six feet four Inches high. Hs Is a fine appearing man and a most Impressive speaker. I look tor him to take aa active part la the campaign and doubtless be will speak In Omaha.' , CoaalaaT ( th KUaatrteka. Th Kllpatridk Brothers' show wis make Its Initial appearance In Omaha, Sunday afternoon - at Krug park, where they come for a week's stay, giving performances each afternooa and night. The show, comae direct from Old Msxloov having Just completed a tour embracing au tb dtlas In ths republic and has played within the past flv years tat every country on the globe, from South Africa, to Russia, whJl new ape per printed In various languages gfvs glowing accounts of the high-class character of the show In Its entirety. Charles Q. Kllpe trick, the famous mono- pede artist, shares honors with Dlavolo, the man who loopa the loop, In a program which Includes the Three Orion, aerial gymnasts, the Rouens, high wire perform ers; Sid De Clairvllle, aerial -novelties; Mile. La Carmonteile, Harry Cooper and Clara Ruet In the cycle dasale; Mora a Price, horlcontal bars, aad others. As a free attraction, Charles O. Kllpatrlck will. aa near as possible,. give. ' a reproduction of his famous ride down the west steps of ths Capitol building at Washington, D. G a feat which brought him fame aad for tune and has never been duplicated to this day. A flight of steps seventy feet high and ISO feet long are -erected near the roller coaster, from .which the ride will be given Immediately preceding each of the regular performances. A musical festival, embracing all the latest .compositions, will be rendered by Huater's concert band, the moving pictures will be given and all ths regular features of the park will be go ing full blast. Extra, preparations have been made for the reception and comfort of all patrons of the park. Aaasaaesaeatt of tb Theaters, This afternoon and availing th Frris Stock company wlH continue its splendid performance of that fine play,, "The Char' ity Ball," at the Boyd theater. Thla is one of the best plays and most satisfying performances the company, has yet given. On Sunday evening the Dill will be changed to "Man and Master," .a pleasing melo drama, which, will ruh.tll after Wednesday night, on Thursday, night . - Tro Bell of Kl cam ona win be put on. ... , YACHT BACKS AT JSANAWA Are Previa a Bl, Itrlar auaS raahloaebl Eve at. . Th cup races between th Argo and tb xtua at Lek Manawa ar exciting a keen Interest. A large number of tb smart set accompanied their crack boat. beside which th big crowd attending Is distinguished by large numbers of th local fashionables. Not only ar th races prov ing the big event of the summer season. but sre decidedly th leading event among th fashionable. KlasC MILLION AINEI Oamsmrsl Leads fa HeaaMteaders. In western Nebraska near th Union Pa- nno rauroaa in section lots of MO acre each, for almost nothing. Th salubrity f the lands is something remarkable. Dis tance from railroad la from three to- thirty miles. 7bcr wiu b a grand rush of homesteader. This la the last dleirtbutloa of free tomes tb Vailed State government will ever make in Nebraska. Writ for v pamphlet telling bow th land caa be ao- quired, wbau entry ahuuld b mad and -4, other infer instlon. Fre an Spplicatloa t T ' any Union Pactflc agot ar dty ticket oC ' 1M ftnui acre. 'Pbona Ea. . Unless Ume Msaa beaylly w'th. you. of you do th 'work (or the love of It, It doesn't pay to .mak children's lothea at ham. .Of course fa is inadvisable, Jb? Jlvy. tb poorly.mad -tuff rea,ee) ii4eme. stores, . but ava- the -cheapest garmeht we sell is of worthy quality aad neatly made. Bead our ad. oa page 1 . LJLLIPUTLAN BAZAR. , Haa fcers aVate t ltt Baketa. Every Tuaeday until October 'tb Chi cago Great Western railway will sell round trip tick, to points In th above named at a great reduction frca th sjsual fare, For further lafermauo apply la Oeo. F. Thomas, general agaat, laU Far- atrwJt. Omaha. Neb. - Faarxa af Jaly HataN. Tb Illinois Central will sell azoursloa tlckeU to points within 900 mils of Omaha at rat of far aad one-third tor the round trip. TlckeU on sale July 1 t and 4, good for return until July (. . TlckeU at 1401 Farnam atraet. Regular annual memorial.' services of Garfield circle. No. 11. Ladles of the Grand Army of ths Republic, will be held at Myrtle hall. Continental building, Sunday afternoon, June 28, at $M o'clock. All friends welcome.' Steamship tlckeU from all European ports at "half tb usual rats. Call or writ P. H. Philbtn, IKS Faraam street, Omaha, Diamond Birthday Rings, Edholm, Jewels. PALMBRr-Wnilain A., aged 44 years. FunnraJ fstturday morning, June ZS, St to, from Hearey A He&fey's, undertaking Kms to Bt. Phllomena's catbedral. Inter ment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. PRICE OF MEAT ADVANCES Ba'm Fslt by Con'hmtri aid1 Fsoktn ud SaUJtn Blam Each 0U BUTCHERS SAY THEY HAD TO INCREASE Wkabtakn Dear that Aay bait Faaey Cat Were Pat I saa They Bteassa CaUtta (M Tb packers and retail butchers blame each other for a Jump in th price of beef that has been made by local meat dealers during th last week. Th advance is from 1 to 2H cents a pound on all kinds of beef cut. Pork also ha goo up from 1 to 1H cents a pound. In extenuation . the meat men declare the packers are ' charging prices that mak the Increases Imperative, while the packers admit the charges only In part. ' At ona of th big meat markeU downtown thla was th story told: "Ws have been forced to raise prices for beef and pork because we have to in order to get a profit. About a month ago the packers started to advance the prices on beet and pork. W thought it might be only temporary and held off from boosting th retail cost, but no reduction has been made and. on the contrary, further in creases wer mad. It haa com to a point where we faav to charge more to the con sumer to protect ourselvea Roundsteak that could be bought by the consumer at It cents a pound a week ago now is 12 oenU; sirloin has climbed from 12ft cents to IS eenu; porterhou about the same in crease and rib and other roasts about tha same per cent.' Stateaaeat af Packers. At Cudahys a statement to this effect waa made: ' "It' is true that advances have been made In the price of beef, but It la only the very best grades that are much af fected.' We are now paying H to fl-M more per hundred for this class of stuff than we did a short time ago. Within the- last few days there has been aome decline la the cheaper grades. There U no Justification In prices for tbs advanfeJ made by the meat dealer except for the fancy cute. Our increases were made be cause live stock Is hard to get and there is a marked soarcity of com fed cattle at this particular time." The retailers assart tha extra margins demanded in Omaha bav not been exacted in other western cities, but this th pack ers deny, saying that the chargea are the same generally and regulated according to th markets. SEAVEY WILL GO ON STAND Will Testify la Wfcerela Plakertea aad Pallealc abaalt Depaattl th notnt of a levotref. 4h through bis pockets and tank US. Mr. Marks beUerea that the men ar amateurs, as they overlooked his watch snd went at their work In an uncertain kind of way. A description of th robber baa been glvaa to th pollca erety Fanrrta EsewrSloa Kate wta Back hlaai rtaa. Faat of Missouri river, one and one third tare for round trip between station within 100 miles. West of Missouri river, one fare plus SO cents for round trip between aD points on Rock Island and Frisco system. TlckeU on sale July 2, J and A Beturn limit Jury S. For further Information call at iar Farnam street or Union station, F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A.. US Farnam Street, Omaha. Neb. Sw York sad, Philadelphia be more pleasantly or conveniently reached than by the Grand Truok-Leblgn Valley Route. Solid through trams, mag nificent scenery, all trains run via Niagara Falls. Descriptive literature sent free on applica tion to Advertising Department, Grand Trunk Railway System, US Adams St, Chicago. Oeo. W. Vaux, A. 3. P. A T. A. Atteatiea. A. O. V. W. Members ef the Drill Teams' association attending the pionlo at Krog park Sat urday, June S, are requested to wear thail uniform. Captain ptaaae take aotloa, W. S. SmiaJUS. Pres. immmm ' Tl'f'- "ft ' 181 When the hearing of tb Dennlson ease is resumed Monday morning the attorneys for the Clvto Federation will lfttroduce W. B. Seavey, former chief of police ot Omaha, a a witness, and also bring In depositions from W. A. PInkerton and W. G. Pollock, the man who was robbed of the diamonds. The purpose of this testimony 1s to Im peach the evidence given by Omaha police officer. H. C. Brome Is taking the deposition of Mr. PInkerton In Chicago today and the deposition of Mr. Pollock was taken Thurs day In Nw York City by J. H. Mcintosh, formerly of this city. Mr, Seavey is expected to testify that ths Ortiaha police did not begin to shadow Dennfson -until after ' they had' been' 'ad vised, to 'do so by "the" ' PInkerton agency I and Mr.' PInkerton. it Is said, win depose f that his letter to Captain Webber, his Omaha" ' representative, . ordering the shadowing of Dennlson, was not written and mailed from Chicago until March IS, which Is sometime sfter the date upon which the Omaha police officers have testified that they began to keep their eyes on Dennlson. ' The deposition ot Mr. Pollock. It is said by Lawyer Thome, will show that Den nlson visited Pollock at his room in the Millard hotel several times soon after th data ot the robbery. The local police of ficer bav testified that Dennlson did not go to the Millard hotel while under their survlllanoe. 75c for One $1.50 for Two And two of 'era will wear longer on your boy's feat than any pair of shoes you can buy for 60s more. These boys' shoes are made for boys that means they're made to wear made from real leather. We've sold this same shoe for year and we know what they are and will give our guarantee with every pair. ' DREXEL SHOE CO., U 19 Far flam St re ;t. Omaha's Upa-DaU Heat. ayse MiMl UfTi 1 1 ' nH amewnmKwir Bad ' af Week Exearssta ta CSeaur Lake. la. Via Chicago Great Western railway. For trains Friday night and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tlckeU will be old at on far ta Clear Lake, la. Tickets good returning en any train until th fol lowing Monday. For further Information apply to S. H. Perkhurst. general' agent 1S12 Farnam street, Omaha, Nab. ' ROBBERS OVERLOOK WATCH Faatpsvds Take Forty-Five DoUaura, bat Da net Mak a Cleaa weeav While returning from' th Auditorium Thursday evening Oliver Marks of ioos Spencer street was stopped by two high waymen near his home. While one of the men admonished Marks to "keep still" at TEERIIX SELLING OUT At one-half of cost price - ' i.v . , Entire Stock Must Be Sold by July isl ' IMPORTED DRESS GOODS, Silks, Laces and Trimmings. Sacrificed at- an unheard of price. 'lasea Store Over slay. ' Aa a tatTe-amll tttatimorttal to Innn b has burn leouenled to remain with las band In OnuUi over ounday ajud flv t taxis wrll ooueerta This ha haa aieed dw. iU. liiii fur Uia Una Uut ia put o An E: 11 .' .xcenent Opportunity To Earn Money Is open to a limited number of people ' . . in your vicinity. If you are unemployed or if you have un ocomied time, write to us. '.. The work we offer is dean, dignified and profitable. Particularly good results await your efforts in this field. Write to-day for full particulars. aRCULATION DEPT. METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE v . 5 WEST 29th STREET, NEW YORK CITY (TS-IC) Farnam and Fifteenth , . i Farnam and Fifteenth Men's High Grade itirg S ults Men who are contemplating buying an outing suit should come here tomorrow and in vestigate the suits we have on sale at these prices $ COO, 7.50, ?10.00. It means money in your purse and better clothes than you're probably ever before wvn at these prices. There are no vests to these suits, just the coat and trousers, made of splendid quality J homespuns, cheviots and cassimeres; models entirely new; patterns very swell Pants Special! Pants Special! Pants Special! 1,000 pairs men's pants of. 800 pairs of men's fine trous- 600 pairs of men's flue qual- various TTtrialSj cut and ers of very good quality ity worsteds, cassimeres made in good maimer, worsteds, cassimeres and . and clieriota, In very swell worth $2-50 and $3,00, cheviots, worth, ft-00, and stylish pattern, worth t ...... 2.00 t,. 3.00 r ?: 4.00 25c Hose for v e . a. .. 75c Un- A derwear Dollar Shirts 1.50 Un- Q derwear s Men's Furnishings 5 5 Men's Genuine Maco cotton hose at a low price; regular C full fashioned foot In solid tan and black, guaranteed colors; positively a 25c x 1 CCf ralue, at -.'.' . . a . Extra fine quality Balbriggan underwear, In pink, blue, white C and ecru, made with French heck -and silk trimmed shirts, 45c heavy coton faced drawers, regular 75c Talue. Special price , 75 0 New lot of men's extra good quality fancy soft shirts with sepa C rate cuffs, come in latest styles, plain and neat, light, dark and medium colorings; hundreds of pretty pat- rt terns to select from; dollar value Men's fine finished Egyptian cotton and mercerired C salmon colored combination suits, perfectly shaped, and fin ished; a garment made to sell at f 1.50 a suit. Q CmC v Special price STRAW HATS FOR- MEN Bight at the beginning, of the straw hat season we're selling hats at lower, prices than hat-stores- around us will isell; them t the end of the sean. OUR MEN'S STRAW HATS" AT 45c, 76c,' $1.00 can not be equaled in this city; now, don't judge them by the price, Dut come and see them you'll voluntarily say they are the best hats ever sold for the money. To be explicitly frank, they are A gj W worth 25 per cent more than we cJ.J C"" A. OC" -I are asKing ., - ONI MOD STYUSH MEN'S SHOES It you ear tot a stylish looking sbo and ar Cot too proud to pay only I3.M for It, w can Interest you. Our shoes ar not only stylish, but they are good wearera, made of rood, solid leather. They -won't rip, tear or run down at the heel. The tami won't hurt- your fooling or your feet, either, If you wear the Onlmod shoe. Ws have only two gradea. th best which equals any 15.00 shoe, sells for $3.50 THE JTEXT BEIT $2.50 REGENT SHOE CO . SOS Soata rittMatk. I nslias.isTlaT-ssrJb You Need a Suit Case ON TOUR VACATION TRIP. For a limited time we selling- every Suit Case and Orlp at TWENTY PER I CENT DISCOUNT. Tb bast matarlala-th best I workmanship. ' Phon 1068. I U09 'lAHATRlPJKFACTORY- PREMATURE QRAYNESS m saaitanf,ints t Hupcri3l Hair RcsneraTor is ai sauy STsinaa vrasarsiMai ism vhtca Inaaiatty rssians basr to any soW at siaasa. Iarahl& laatinf sol lMva tba hair elaaa, surt a4 Wt. one AFPuaaiUiK wilixSuaWt VOKTH. S.K.). katr iil.iiifrM. aWa4lBS r'T'tln Mn; sasumaw' UMICAL SM. CaViis W. M M- Hsv Tfc SEAR1IS & iwm OsJaaa. Nate. CD&ES SUXEAITEEO Qulckar aad fac LESS MONEY than Ur SPECIALIST. ear ail spaoai dUaaass aa a'iTtr Wiaddaa aad Staaaan t LHittltU vflnlk rasn sr taac. pala luaa f tm Kva laU tialcsast car la tb waaraal Voi, Kariui tLti IZTJZ" itaiiiinjr. smsVUf W ml vtgw 4 fXAiA4LU. mmtL M or vrx rJUaruL. ica lm sisaa. star 4 lata aaa last waa swat CHICKfSICS'l NHUlit pfHlYnoyL PILLS M , ' Irtilal t.1 I ton. wm . ii a.n m.m I m aiusak. . U MS a u aia mmllH ..w ItlikharIMM TMa4M tafw. "KaObaf iW J.4uMSa'aUM0. fea r tan ka. I MMa. B-M M laa.M-. St. . i s am a a a an araa. I I CHEAP EXCURSIONS Via Illinois Central R. R. Round Trip Rates From Omaha Detroit Mlctu, on sale July R to 7 ,(.... 1 19.75 Atlantic City, N. J., On sale July 9 to 10 134.00 Cincinnati, Ohio, on sale July 15 to 17 S22.75 French Lick Springs, Ind., on sale July 22 to 25 120.75 Boston, Mas., on sale August 11 to 13 133.10 Tickets to points below on sal dally until September 3 nil. Betorn October 81st Montreal P. Q 833.00 Buffalo, N. T S27.15 Put-In-Bay, Ohio 122.00 Chautauqua Laae Points. 27.15 Chicago 120.00 'Chicago (via St Louis one way S20.65 Charlevoix, Mich $24 25 WliwJaon, Out 121.50 Quebec, P. Q 438.85 Mackinac Island, MIch.g28.eO Toronto 127.15 Cambridge Spring, Pa. $21.15 St I'aul-Minneapolis 112.50 Duhrtb-Supertor S16.50 Alexandria, Minn 415.25 Walker, Minn, (Leech Lake) 417.10 Rice Lake, Wis S15.00 Winnepeg. Man 445.00 Waterrllle, Minn S1Q.50 Madison Lake. Minn. . . (10.50 Spirit Lake (Okobojl).. . 19.05 Waterloo, Iowa 111.85 Cherokee, Iowa 16-85 other points In Illinois, rVtrrpsDondlnzlv low rates to many Michigan. WlBOoualn, Minnesota. Ontario and New York State. Attractive tours of the Great Lakes via rail to Chicago ox Du luth snd steamer. Beore planning your trip, call at City Ticket Office. No. 1402 Farnam St, or write . W. H. BRILL, Dlst. Pass. Agt, Omaha Neb. 3C SCHOOLS. Far a cstalos O- OMt aas Larst BllUtava-r leksal la (b. Hia41a Waal. adarMa Wnnfnnrth II Ulll II Wl PEIFUTT STATE VgTBRINARIA W, TOOV IKBPECTOR. ' " H. L RAWACCIOTTI D. V. S. CITT TETESIliSIla, N Offlw and Inftrmary, Sxk aad Mason BU. OMJLUA. NEK. TlJhIi Ba. ICSOOL1 B L EES ffiSitRV EirraausHED ism. Et-eks th patrenags of dlacrtmlnatlDg parents and admits beys f good character only. Far a iiilna Wok sa ImU Ufasautlaa mt&rmm Clal W. W. T. BLCtuS, SerlBladat, 1T Wrt BU-ara, Ma Ma, Mas.