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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BATUKDAY, JUNE 23, 1904. teu m. E,' June U. 1KM. "Tim U the staff life W 1 made ol Improve It Waal It failure." Knitted Underwear Values In our Underwear and Hosiery Department for Sat urday's selling. , Woman's game cotton or lisle Vests, low neck, sleeveless, a number of styles to Choose from, lace trimmed, crochet yokes or plain tape topr-2So each. Women's gnuse- cotton Fnnts. mart with French hand, umbrella, knee, la trimmed or plain tight safe JSc per'patr. . Women's gnuze -cotton I'nlon Suits, low neck, sleeveless,' lace trimmed umbrella1 knee, or plnin tls-ht knee price Boo a suit. CHILDREN'B TAN HOBE A new number received yesterday, fine ribbed cot ton hose, with double, knees, toes and heels, all slses from ( to 28c per pair. Champaa-no Colored Hone for women, In a fine gauae lisle Me per pair. 8PKCIAL. WAIST SALJ2 SATVRDAY-Th Opera Waist Is known for Its style and food fitting; qualities. These reductions for Opera Waist start Saturday morning: 11.75 Whlto Lawn Waists, Saturday $1.25 each. $2 60 White Uwn Waists. Saturday-ll.SO each. 13.00 White Lawn WaJsts. Saturday J1.75 each. t y. M. C A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglsu. Sti. According- to the Finland Gazette this step Was forced by the difficulty experienced In assuring an Impartial investigation If the affair was left In- Finnish hands and. also by the antiquated methods of the Finnish oourts. - ,.... BISSIASS ARE NOW ESTRESCHISO Reported that . General ' Kouropatkla la with Force Hear Kew Chwana. TIEN TSIN, June 24-New entrenchment ars being thrown up. east of the Llao river. The Chinese have been exp'olled from their houses, which are to be used by the Rus sian troops. A new proclamation has been Issued forbidding the exports of food stuffs north of New Chwang. It Is reported that large bodies of troops are eight miles from New Chwang, under the command of Oeneral Kouropatkln. It la supposed that they are marching toward Kin Chou. fifty miles northeast of Feng Wang Cheng, last Tuesday. The Russians were repulsed and retreated toward Shlnkalllng. The Russians lost Ave killed and twenty wounded. The Japanese loss la not given. Russia Adopt New Meat Proem. ST. PETERSBURG, June 24. Tha War office has adopted the Morgan process of preserving fresh meat for an army In the field. A corps of men la being Instructed In the system and will be aent to Man churia to take charge of the army slaugh ter bouse. Jap Hare "notch Coirne." LI AO TANO, June 24.-The messenger of the Manchutian army says that flasks found on dead bodies of Japanese at Vafan row contained brandy Instead of water and Intimates that the Japanese "bolstered themselves on Dutch courage." Che Foa Hears Firing. CHE FOO, June" 24. Heavy firing waa beard In the direction' of Port Arthur dur ing ssverkl hour last night and thla morn ing. V . Rasslana Are Kepnlaed. TOKIO, June 24. Four thousand Rus sians, Including Infantry, cavalry and ar tillery, attacked Al Yang Plen Men about EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. Ifewbro's Herplclite Destroy the Daa draff Germ and Prevaats Baldness, Quinine and rum and a whole lot of other things, are pleasant to rub on the scalp after washing It free of dandruff, but not one preparation of the general run cures dandruff and falling hair. It Is necessary to kill that germ, to be permanently cured of dandruff, and to stop falling hair, Newbro's Herplclde will positively destroy that germ, so that there can be no mora dandruff, and so that tha balr will grow luxuriantly. "Destroy the cause and you will remove the effect.". Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cent In stamp for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., i special agents. Alleged Abdnrtor I Arrested. CHICAGO, June 24. A man giving the name of Joseph Blaby Is under arrest hero charged with the sbduetlon of a boy named Samuel Oallop. The abduction la alleged to have taken place from the home of the noy in bt. uiiiii. rne Doy is also being neia nere ay me ponce. F 1&T 6MN0 j BORAXQLOGY The happiness of life Isn't all in the parlor it isn't all in the pretty part of life-1 there's another, a homely happiness the happiness of having the clothes white, or the dishes washed clean, or the housework go easily and quickly. Dozens of the things you do in everyday home work make up a large part in life's happiness. Borax has a very close relation to happiness, because it has a very close relation to housework Borax doubles the cleansing power of soap and water. You'll be astonished to see how much easier and quicker you can wash things by adding. a little. Borax to the water. ' Get purest and best Borax, 20-MULE-TEAM BRAND. , For1 sale by druggists and grocers in H, Vi and J -lb. packages. Tha femoui "AMERICAN GIRL- PICTURES FRZE to purcWsoi TO-Mule-Tin B rax. At torr or Krt for LB. EOX TOP had c. In sumps. Pacific Coast Borax Co, New York, Chicago, Saa FraacUco. W Mule-Totm 6ur Trad, Mark 111 JVarm Woathar Fixlti's and Vacation Togs. . iNo other store Is so well prepared to mak the boy and girls comfort able for the v.iostlon trip. BOYS' HEADWRAR. Felt Hat, In seasonable color, at 69o. 11.00, II. a. II M and U.00. Straw HaU, In stylish shapes, at 25c, AOc, sbc and genuine Panama at S3. So and I4.CU DIOUEI iXD SHIRTS. New shipments of white and colored Blouaea lust received. Special values at 61 c, sc, 90c, 11 00. Uoya' nhlrtx. Just like styles shown for men. at fOo. 75c. 8&c. 11 00. ROYS' AND TOl'NQ MEN'S CRAVKNFTTE COATS at 7, llrt. lit BASfcJ HALL TICKICTU TO OMAHA QAMK FHKE WITH 16 00 rXRC'lIAU. ' " Catalogue on Request ... BENSON 0 RWE3 X 1515 Douclas btreet, UOVS' SI ITS. Fpeclul valura for Saturday In styles, from J to 14 years, al 13.96. Nobby Suits. In clashes and Kama apurta, , Just tight fcr warm days, sil styles are represented. td.60 values, lioys' I'nllneU Skeleton Coats, blus serB, tailored Just Ilka the suits, HpeclaJ values lu young men'a Suit Saturday. (10.00. n FIRE AT" THE WORLD'S FA1 Hiaia of Hoo-Hco Da trcytd, Caniiin Hay Ldss- REPUBLICAN DELEGATES IN ST. LOUIS rresldeat Maker Are laformally He eelve4 at Their tat Balldlag aa4 Varleas Reeeptleaa Are Tenderedi. ST. LOUIS, June Jl.-Flre, which threat ened for a time to- destroy many buildings at the World s fair, today, consumed the House of Hoo Hoo, rendering the bulldin and all content a total loss. So quickly did the flames spread after the fire started that the occupants of the building, five number, all on the second floor, had dim culty escaping with their Uvea, being com pelled to climb down a tree to the ground Tha loss on the building and contents estimated at $50,000, on which there Js a Insurance of $20,000. In addition there la loss of $8,000 to the Union Baking com pany, which had a catering concession the building. Nothing Is known positive1 aa to tha origin of the fire, which Is sup. posed to have atarted from an electric light wire, the Insulation Of which had become worn. The alarm . waa answered by the entire fire department, and by eight companies and two ladder truck of the city depart ment, also by Hale's fire fighters. Quick runs were made by all companies, but the rapid spread of the flames rendered their attempts to extinguish the fire value less and all efforts were directed toward saving the Texas, German, Oregon an Mines and Metallurav buildings, all of which were threatened with destruction on account of the flvlna ahlnarles. All were saved without loss or damage. Blase Stampede Elephants. But ten minutes before the alarm from the House of Hoo Hoo the World's fair fire department had answered a still alarm from tha Mysterious Asia concession on the Pike, where Are had Matted in the elephant barn. The. loss was .Insignificant only a small amount of hay burning, but there, was ,a. wild atampede of elephant and camels, the frightened trumpeting of the former awakening people on all parts of the ground. Attaches of the company Succeeded In culetlng the animals befors any escaped from the building. The House of Hoo-Hoo was one of th. first buildings finished- for the exposition. It was erected by the lumbermen of the United States, but under the control of the local board of the order of Hoo-Hoo It was divided Into many rooma, con structed of different kinds of fine and ex pensive r lumber. Aside from' this, there were specimen of rare woods which were valued highly. It has not yet been decided whether to rebuild or not There were thirty black rata In the build Ing at the lima of the Are and tl.cae are believed to have rerlshed. Fearing tha Texas building would be destroyed, women of that tate worked heroically to save precious relic of early history. Sheets were torn from the beds in the building and used to carry the rel lea to places of greater safety. One point of tha star shaped building of Texas is within seventy-nve feet or tne House of Hoo-Hoo, and In the large first floor room of this point tha relics have been on exhibit They include pioturas, book, caper and varlou articles Identi fied with the early history of the state and are prloeless. . Nothing but tha fact that tha wind waa not blowing toward tha Texas building saved It neaubUeaa Delegate Arrive. Th visiting republican delegation ; who Came to the fair from the Chicago con veatlon were informally received at their respective buildings today. Special enter tainment waa tendered tha Massachusetts Connecticut and Rhode Island delegations. In tha Massachusetts building a luncheon waa served, after which ex-Secretary of th Navy John D, Long mad a short speech, which waa responded to by Wilson H. Fairbanks of Warren, Mas. Exposition Marshal Brlggen Edmund Rice,' United States army, extended a wel come In behalf of President Francis. Ed gar B, Marchant. secretary of the Okla homa commission, Invited the delegates to visit . the. Oklahoma building and see for themselves that "Oklahoma is entitled to be the next new state." At the Connecticut building the delegates were formally welcomed by, Senator F. L. Wilcox, president of the state commission. after which luncheon waa served. The Rhode Island delegation waa given a re ception and luncheon in th ft hod Island building. Tonight th. Missouri comlssloners ten dered a reception and ball to the other etate and foreign commissioners, to which th visiting delegations were Invited. ' The ..executive committee of the Order of Hoo Hoo's held a meeting and an nounced tonight that tha Hoo Hoo build ing, which was destroyed by fire today, win be rebuilt and ready for occupancy within forty, days, k . , WORLD'S FAIR HANDICAP ENTRIES Heavy Track I Against tha Chanea of Favorlt.a. ST. I.OITIS. June 24. The World's lftilr andlcao will be run over a tin Aw h.iM ins- rack at the fair grounds tomorrow. A ivy .rin last night and today Jeft th ck fetlock deen In miul and nn .mnnni of work can make It other than heavy for ths big rac. Light-weighted mud-runner will get the backing. Hermla, the eastern champion, It is thought by many shrewd omemen, io oe. doomed to aereat. It 1 raued that notwithstanding him .ir. Hermenlo, was a great mud norse. e rannoi give weignt Io the others who have' rx-rrormed well In that kind of going, with Old Stone, whose best rsees have been on a heavy track, to set the pace, for th first ran of the iac Rnnivi wh,v i. M-'adsworth, to take up the running at ths enu ui suven junonpB, ana wurui, colonial Girl, Moharlb And Gold Heels, sll notorious muddeis, to fight It out with the great eastern horse, if he can then come on and win It will stamp him as the horse of th dreads. 'The entries, probable odds and Jockles for the rac follows: Horse and Jockey. Odds. Wt Moharlb (Fl,cher) I to 1 loa Wltful .(Fu.Uer) $ to I 10? Sambo (W Davis) 1 to I 7 nernay (farmacK) 6 to 1 W Six Shooter IT. Knmrht) Itnl in Colonial Olrl (Pollock) 6 to 1 8 Hermis (Kedfern) .. i to 1 ISO Mcneo ciwrencej ; IB to I 101 Flvlna Torpedo (Hlaains) . IK to 1 ' mi Old Stone (Howell 12 to X fit Gold Heels (Austin) IS to 1 12) udge Mimes (H. Booker) ; 15 to I 106 uoupiea; rtespass entry. Favorltea had a bad day of It over n sloppy track at the fair grounds, only one favorite winning. Results: First race, our and a half furlongs, rirse: Lorrtta M. won. Moon Et second. la Lee third. Time: 0:W. Send race, alx furlongs, selling: Sol Smith won, Snnta Ventura second, BtuniD town third. Time: 1:2a Third rsce, Ave furlongs, selling: TJme rl:k Olrl won, Hlsck Art second. Franco third. Time: 1:06. Fourth race, alx furlongs, handicap: Charlie Thompson won. Commodore sec ond. Klastlo third. Time: 1:1V Fifth rare, one mile: Autumn Leaves won, Trupftter second. Pretension third. Time: 1:44. tttxth rare, six furlongs, selling: Joe O.i.s won. Our Lllll second. Suave third. Timet 1:11. 'HfCAOO, June 14 Results: First race, five furlongs: Iionde won. Dlurblrd second, John Suiulakl third. Time: 1 :rl v.. 8eene race, on mile: Alma Pnfour wun, kipenrriinn wcond, Kmprror of IndU third. Time: 1:41V Third race, six furlonss: Burlelfrh won Clifton Forge second, bklllfu! third. Time: MS, If durtb rav, ottm mil aud a elxt.euth: , Tancred won, Fummer II second. Glassful third. Time: l:t. Fifth race, one mile and an eighth: Schoolmate won, Horatlus second. Outcome third, lime: 1:64 blxth race, four and a half furlongs: Mis Jordan won, Moonett Damsel second. Cut ter third. Time: 0:6. NEW TOHK, June 24 -Results: First race, six snd a half furlongs: Ietola won, uncinnatus second. Pan Lougin tnira. Time: l:luk. Second race, hnndlcap, one mll: Ascen sion won, Jofk Ratlin second. Persistence ll third. Time: l:8i. Third race. Zephvr stakes. Are and a half furlongs: Gamnra won. Red Friar second, Pasadena third. Time: IK. Fourth race, Itilstle stakes, one mile and a furlong: Daintv won, buttons second, Whorier third. Time: 1:62. Fifth race, six furlongs: Blandy won, dene Bignora seoona, invader tnira. Time I:l4. Sixth race, one' mile and "a sixteenth, on luri: urmona JKignt won, mineoia sec ona, nequuer inira. nme: i:n. RACK FAILS FOR LACK OF WIND Argo and Lota I'aable 4. Finish Within Time Limit The race between the Arso and the Lotus wss called off by the Judges, ss the boats could not nmsh th course in tne time limit of one hour and thirty-nine minute. The start was made at 1:35 with the Argo In the windward berth, both boata crormlng the line together. A very light breese was blowing. Doth boats broke out their spinnakers and the Lotus gained the lead for awhile. The Argo slowly crawled up and began to pass it to windward, when the wind shifted, throwing the Argo unoer tne lee or tne ixtus. Again tne Arso worked ud to a windward position and blanketed the Lotus just before th. nrm Duoy was reacneu. The uoiua rounaea the buoy In 11:46 and the Argo In 11:66. They hauled down their spinnakers snd started closehauled for the second buoy the Argo overhauling and passing it rival to winawara. Mere the wind snmea sev ers! times and the boats had hard work makinK the buoy, brine becalmed several times. At last they made the buoy, the. Argo rounding in Z4:i ana tne ioius in IS: 15. Again they broke out the spin rakers. After drifting around with no breeze, the breese shifted again and fresh ened, giving the Argo the best of it, as It placed It 600 yards to the windward. The third buoy waa rounded In 48:10 by the Argo and 49:30 by the Lotus. On the long reach home the Argo got the beet wind snd gradually left the Lotus astern, crossing the starting line In 62:30 and the Lotus In 68:00, five minutes and thirty seconds behind the Argo. The race was tnen cauea oil and tne aeeona round was not started, ' as the. breese dropped again. There has as vet been no good test of the boats and today's race la awaitea wun great interest. , i .. n n AMERICAN WIX9 FIRST PRIZE! luaromar Take Two Trophic for Bchaoaer Cralsers at. Kiel. KIEL, June 24. In the race for big yachts today the schooner vacht Iniumar. owned by Morion F. plant of New York, came In llrst and l-Jmperor William's Meteor ill nnlsned third. The emDeror was on Doaru tne Meteor ill. uornellus Vanderbilt and Robert Goelet were among his guests. , The Meteor, however, owlna- to a mlahao naa noi completed tne course, tne inao- mar won the first nrlxe In class A for scnooner cruisers and also the Krupb memorial prize. The Hamburg was second. A. J. Drexel of Philadelphia arrived her touay in ni yacnt Margarita. On Roaad I Bsosgh, PHILADELPHIA. June 84. Peter Manor (onigni was Knocked out In one minute sni rortv-eeven seconds by Jack Williams pnofiiir.EriT physicians prescribe pe-ru-ua Dr. I! C. Geo of San Francisco Says, "Pe-ru-na is off Especial Bonofit to Women." James Crosier, M. P.. formerly f. S. Pen flon Office Medical Examiner, formerly -on tha Medical Board Of Referee. I'. 8. Pension office. In a I'tH-ent. letter from Washington.' D. C. writes: i "I hava often prjscriboil Peruna In my practice for catarrhal trouble, and after giving It a fair test I can cheerfully recom mend your valuable remedy, sad ., for coughs, cotds and catarrh la Its worst stages. It Is one of the best tonics I hav ever prescribed." Dr. James Croxler. . A constantly lncrealng number' of physicians pre scribe reruna n their regular ' practice. : It haa provsiv Its met Its so thoroughly that even the doc tors have nrvereome their prejudice against so-called patent medicine and recommended It to their pa tient. "Peruna occupies a untquo position in medical velcnte. It Is the only Internal systemic catarrh ' '.remedy knqwn to the medical profession today. Ca tarrh. , as everyone will admit, is the cause of one- half tha diseases which afflict mankind. Catarrh and catarrhal diseases affilct ona- 'half flie peopla of th United ? - Slate. ., ... of Philadelphia club. The men round. t the Manhattan Athletic were to. have fought alx Cattleman Killed While Riding. SHERIDAN, Wyo., June 24. (Special.) George Clements, for more than twenty years a leading cattleman of this section, was killed. last Saturday by falling under his horse. ' Clements ' had ' roped a steer and the animal threw hi horse off It feet, and In falling Clement waa caught In the stirrups. The fullwelght of th horse struck Clements on th breast, lit lived but a few hours. , It fm ' Dr. A. P. Bngue, formerly Professor of Anatomy at 1 ' Z rS ' J)) ' Howard University, writes from the Bureau of Education, , , 1 ' tviL I ' SsO is. ,, Washington. D. O.. ha follows: V :-if$VX? u) "I have usd Perutts In several cass of catarrh ' , and have found It an excellent remedy. . I can honestly ISJrys recommend It to the public as an excellent remedy tor ! tr)h J) To X r jPT)2?Y catarrh and colds." . A. P. Bogue, fl, D. MPT' lljrVM In a Class All Aloae. No other pilla. on . earth can equal Dr. Klng'a New Life Pills for stomach. Href and kidney. No cure, ho pay. tto. Fos sal, by Kuhn A Co,' i VI i ll Khlp la In -Traarble. NEW TORK. - June 14. The marine ob server at the Highlands .reports the steamer Ml uia, rrom uaivesxon ror mis pon, wncn southeast of his station appeared to be in trouble, its engines were not worKing ana It was ririfflna- with the tide. The cause of the trouble haa not aa yet been ascertained. ORECAST OF THE WEATHER 0 hewer and Cooler tor Nebraska To- gay and Fair and Warmer Sunday. WASHINGTON, June ?4 Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska Showers and cooler Satyr- r day; Sunday, fair and warmer. For Iowa Thunder ahowera Saturday; cooler in north and west portions; Sunday, fair; warmer In west portion. For Colorado Partly cloudy) cooler Sat urday; showers In east portion; Sunday, fair and warmer. For Wyoming Shower In eat, fair and warmer In west portion Saturday) Bun day, fair and warmer. . . For North Dakota Fair Saturday; warm er in northwest portion; Sunday, fair and warmer. . For South Dakota Partly cloudy; wanner Saturday; cooler In central and east por tion; Sunday, fair. For Kansas Showers and cooler Satur day; much cooler In southern portion Bun day; fair and warmer in north portion. ' Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, June 24. Official record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with e corresponding aay or tne past inrea are: ., 1904. 1903. 1902. 1901. Maximum temperature... 80 74 82 97 Minimum temperature.... 64 Mean temperature 72 Precipitation 93 Record of temperature and at Omaha for this day since : Normal temperature Dellclency for the day Total deficiency since March 1 Normal precipitation Excess for the day Total rainfall since March I.,,. Deficiency since March I Deficiency for cor. period. 1903.. Deficiency for cor. .period, 112.. Catarrh may Invade any organ of the body; may destroy any- function of the body. It most commonly attacks the head, nose and throat, but thousands upon thou sands of case of catarrh of the lungs. stomach, . kidneys, bladder and other pelvic organs l.ave ben cured by Peruna. Peruna 1 able to cure catarrh wherever It may be located by It direct action upon tha mucou membrane. Catarrh meona in flamed mucous membranes. Peruna acts 4., once to cleanse and invigorate 4the jca tarrbal condition of the trincoua membrane, no matter where It" mar occur In' the body".'' Its action is tha same on the mucous lin ing of th nose as on the mucous lining of the bowel. It cure the catarrhal lnflatu mation wherever it may occur.' Dr. R. Robblns, Muskogee, I. T., writes: "Peruna ia the best medicine I know of for cough and to strengthen a weak stom ach and to give appetite. Besides prescrib ing It for eatarrh, I have ' ordered It for weak and debilitated people, and have not had a patient but said It helped him. It Is an excellent medicine and it fits so many case. "I have a large practice, and' have' a chance to prescribe your Peruna. ' I hope you may live long to do good to the sick and suffering." Wo say Peruna cures catarrh. Th peo ple say Peruna. cures catarrh. Prominent men and women all oyer the United States from Maine to California do not hesitate to com.e out In public prlpt , to" Skf that peruna Is what It. is recommended ' to be, an Internal, systemic catarrh remedy 'that cures catarrh, whenever it may be located. Dr. M. C flee Espertewe. "( Dr. M. C. ' Gea la ' on of the phyalclons who. indorse tPeruna. ' . In. letter wsitten tTbi'iV Bl3" -"Jottes 'street; ,'Baar Rranclsgo,. Ca4 'lieVsaya rfr ?.t .nvi .'i;,v. ;, "There Is genera objection an the part of tha XMWctlelnsT physlclnn to advocate patent medicines, hat when any one nedclp cares hondred of people It demonstrate It own rain nnd doc not need the endorsement of the profession. v 1 "Fergus has performed so many wonderful cures In San Francisco that I asa convinced that It I a -valuable remedy. I have frequently ad vised lis use for women aa I Insures rcgyular and palates Men struation, cure leucorrhoen . and ovarian troubles, and builds up the entire system. I also consider It one f the finest catarrh remedies I know of. I heartily endorse year medi cine." M. C. Gee, M. D. vrotnen are especially liable to pelvto tarrh, female weakness, aa it is commonly called. Especially in the Ant few week of warm weather do th disagreeable symp toms pf female weakness make themselves apparent. In crisp, cold weather chronlo sufferer with pelvic catarrh, do not feel so persistently the debilitating effects of tho . drain upon the system, but at the appraaoh of summer, with it lassitude and tired feelings, the sufferer with pelvis catarrh'. feel the need, of a strenathenlng toDlo.. . r ' - J ' : Peruna 1 iiot. only the best spring onli , foe such' cases, ' but if persisted ia will effect a complete cure. Write for a copy of "Health and Beauty," written especlailr for women by Dr. Hart man. If you want to read of ome cure also write for a oopy convince you that our claims are valid., . . , If you do not derive prompt and satis factory result from th us pf Peruna, write at once ,to Dr. Hartman,. giving a full statement of your .case and h will , be pleased to give you bis valuable ad vies . gratis. . V Address Dr. Hart man, President of .Th , Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, BANKING BY MAIL Tli largest, oldest 'add stnmgest sayings bank in the state. Pays 4 per cent compound interest. Strictly a savings bank. All investments easily convertible into , cash. Deposits subject to withdrawal at any Ume with out notice. Established 1884. ' '' CITY SAVINGS BANK, I6TH AND DOUGLAS SIS. T ' ": : '""""Tar'T J For Menstrual Suppression EZTZZ&l PEN -TAN-GOT II bos; f ksMs, U. HoCosull Dr Ce. Mit.r Sites. TrsssaW M m Cnss kr IMftaaa FIRE RECORD. 62 SO 74 68 71 84 .01 .01 .00 precipitation rtarch 1, 1W. 6 :::::::::::ul .19 Inch .76 Inch 11. 31 Inches 1.22 Inches I. it Inches .ti Inches Depot at -Bine Springs. BLUB SPRING'S, Neb., June M. (Spe cial.) The B. M. depot at thla place was struck . by lightning about 10 o'clock lust night and was a total loss. There waa not a great deal of freight on hand. The Farm er' Independent Telephone company hod just received a shipment of new telephones and wire and had not removed them from the building avid these were consumed with the rest of the material. The depot ' wa out of reach at the fire department; CONDITION OF TJIE WEATHER. X a: Omaha, cloudy Valentine, raining Mortn riatte, raining heyenne. cloudy Salt Iake Cliy. part cloudy. Rapid City, cloudy ......... Huron, cloudy WHHston. cloudy Chicago, cloudy , St. lxuls, clear .1 St. Psul. cluudy Davenport, cloudy .., Kansas City, raining Havre, part cloudy Helena, cloudy Bismarck, cloudy' Qalveaton, part cloudy' ...... 791 80 .1J 6l 76 .T 6ct 82 ,02 60 6S .14 60 '61 .00 U 60 .10 66 72 .36 M 62 ,T 74 88 .00 81 M .06 72 78 .40 TO 84 .54 66 86 .88 9) 64 .T 621 68 .04 68! 62 .00 82 84 .00 cases of some sort of lltiuor were taken Into court. Sheriff W..II. Cummings and Constable Ltm Coper,.who took phsrge of the place and the liquor, and who sampled tho goods, swore that they were Intoxicat ing! a did other witnesses. The defense brought witnesses In court to swear that the stuff was not Intoxicating. Judge 14 v lngston bound the defendant Over to trial in the district court, fixing th bond at S30Q, which was furplshed. The court room wa orowded by noxious spectators,. . , Omaha's Fashionable Family Risort YACHT RACES TODAY. ' Tha Big Eicltlng- Etent of tbt Seisin T Indicates trace of preclpltstlon. Li. A. WKiH, Lcal f orecaster. SUNSHINE for the coffee wreck POSTUM as 10 days trial proves Get the little booic, "The Road to Wellvllle" in eacu package. World's Fair exhibit, Ppsr 103. Agricultural Uulldltig. Mew Town In Iowa. CEDAR RAPIDS, la,, June 84 8pecial.) The new town of Swisher, about sixtee miles from Cedar Rapids and ton miles from Iowa City on the line of the new Iowa City at Cedar Rapids Interurban rail road, was formally' opened yesterday, by a publlo sale of town lots. Kree transporta tion wo furnished all who wished to go and free lunch waa given those In attend: ance. The town already nas a aepoi ami storage station established and. the road Is building an electric power house that will supply electric light for the residents. It j Is ten mils from th nearest competitive j point and In an axoellent country. About fifty lots were sold and the company re- fused to sell more, ssylng that It was ; nmiih tn establish the town and they would b worth more money soon. Already the town hss th prospec t of an elevator, lumber yard and several business houses. Holds Drinks Were Blot Soft. T ECU MB EH, Neb., June 24. (Special Tel egranv) The preliminary hearing 'of the cose of Mrs. i. Foster against Robert M. PYost occupied the attention of the county court this afternoon. Mrs. roster, who Is a leading Women's Christian Tem perance union worker in this city, brought action against Mr. Frost on the charge of selling malt and vluous liquor without a Herns. Mr. frost ia th pioneer saloon keeper In tills city and In years when the town goes dry like the present one he con ducts a soft drink emporium. On circus day, June 11, It wss suHpected that he hud something stronger than the law allowed aod bis pUc wa searched and fuurteea Wool Drlnas (load Price. I'IERRK, S. D., June ,24. (8pecial.) The wool growers are beginning to come In with .heavy shipments of their products, and now that the price has been pushed up to '2d cents a pound they are not hold ing back ' to any extent. Thla is about I cents above the average ratige of last sea son and -higher than was paid at all' last year. At' the present price ' there Is a good profit 1n wool growing, and this will, no doubt, stimulate the business all' over the state. 1 ' cas. WKsSLovrs scoTi:sr.a syrup tu bees used by KUIIooi of Kotbtm for their fiuioiwi wtille Tcvinlus I tuoiUas U eiiild, mjl iIUMitbi wlille Tcetlilui for omr ntr Veers. 1 v etiiiii, surMis tu gums, uMtrs euras wtuil eulla, aiul Is tb ImhI winMy lrdirrhMe. .3 WEMTV-VIVa CEWTS A BOTTLE. . ROYIVS Woodward Burgess. - 11 al net arsarni Fifth Week TODAY TONIGHT Ferris Stock Co. CUAHITV RAL.U Sunday Until Thursday MAN AKP MA STB 11 Prices 100, 14c. 25c. Mat., sny seat, loe. 71 Base Ball ST. JOE vs. OMAHA . ' ' Jl D SO, S4,' as, so. ' : Vinton Street Parki'. ' Oam called at 6:48. '',' AUTOMOBILE MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE : RACES 1 Sunday Afternoon, June 26th, At tlie Oinalm Driving Park Seven Ms; races. Fast time guaranteed.. ADMISSION 2ra , ; : . : -mm per : -FittMORE IMlM 4 Otto Stuben's New Plat at Florence, Nebr. ' ' " Summer Oarden end Family Picnic Grounds. ( , '. I ' At the Nortl) End of fttreet Car L'ne. - Finest rerort In the w.-'t for a qulft family outing. .. , Kin )ln of refreihments served, and a delightful place to eper.d a few hours ' Take your family out and enjoy lb car rid and a cool, shady park for f ple iio party or family outing . .;..- --i.