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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
IIE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1904. ,12' Ml J ivlS OMAHA Friday cloudy with showers ind cooler wetther. Don't Miss ' Friday's Great Remnant Sale. o Don't Miss Friday's Great Remnant Sale. J) THE! RKI.IAfll.1B STORK. NEW- BOORS AND MAGAZINES V , bbbsss Mn. .iflfU t, S-Wttn WritMof McKlnley Buttons of Two Ca-mpaipu. i .' magazine Prints a sensational story ' " JMlr Xassteer af Everybody's Cosilalas "Tkeseas W. Lawsoa's "Frea sloel Flaasjeet the Starr imalgtnatrl CFt." "McKlnley Carnations of Memory. the McKlnley Button of Two Campaigns," by Mrs. Ancle F. Newman. Every admfrer of the greet McKlnley will find pleasure in this dainty volume. To Nebraska read ers In general, and to Omaha and Lincoln Jn particular. It will especially appeal. Its ta Vented author, Mrs. 'Angle F. Newman, is ths sister of -Senator John M. Thurs- , ton. Mr. Newman haa been a resident of Nebraska for more than thirty years, Lin coln being her present home. The little I volume 1s In itaelf a work of art. . Its typography Is first-class and It contains numerous unique and appropriate Illustra tions. Its cover Is a dainty and artlstlo one of green and gold, decorated with a whits carnation and a McKlnley button. Ths volume is Just such a tribute to the worth, character and statesmanship of the martyred president as one . would expect from the pen of a thoughtful, gifted woman. She says: 'Ths radiance of his life was as the radiance of an unletting star, but that radiance was the reflected glory of the ondlmmed star of Bethlehem. We are standing too much In that .ra diance. We are too conscious of' Its bril liance. W ars too near the personality to be fully persuaded he was but the re flecting surface of another and a greater glory, that glory, ths eternal truth. Mr. McKlnley's unwritten life Is the highest, dlvlnast commentary upon human action. It Is a grateful truth, that whatever of worth has been lived in any life oontlnues to live. To suoh then is no death, even in time. V ' Oh, mighty soul! that erst was with us Men saw not. knew not, the fullness of thy strength, T1U the sudden obscuration -of thy sun at midday Left the world in darkness. Through such souls alone God, stooping, shows sufjlclent of His light Tor us In ths dark" to rise by." Ths author gives a sketch of a foreign tour made by McKlnley buttons and re ' la tea how they and their wearers were re ceived by the cltlsens of foreign countries, and how she herself decorated an Arab sheik, whose guests the American party were, with ' one of the precious buttons and how seriously the ceremony was ao cepted by him. ' Then how the other button, "losing Us companion in Egypt, has since and yet awaits the publication of this his tory to end its pilgrimage and reach its final destination." Press of Mall and Ex press Job Print, New Tork. There are people who declare that the country is going to materialism and 'degra dation. There are' even people who prove this awful condition by Isolated examples of individual degeneracy. But at last we find we have' the final word, on the other aide. The World's Work devotes Itself In July to showing the. finer side of, American life and to proving, by .most interesting ar tides and interesting pictures, that the conditions are becoming better every day; that our schools are better; that our appre ciation of art Is better; that we buy more pictures and books than any otber people In the world; that our charities are con ducted with more skill and Judgment than they ever were before that' there la less 'dishonesty,-and that the cultivation of the arts and of the higher life Is making rapid Strides keeping pace, In - fact, with the great inorease in the material advance of the people. "This helpful review has been worked out with success, and ths pictures add very greatly to the Interest of the 'number. The most sensational feature any Amer ican magaslne has captured In years is Thomas W. Lawson's "Frensled Finance, the htory of Amalgamated Copper," which begins In the July Issue of Everybody's Magaslne. Mr. Lawson was on of the or ganlsers of that gigantic corporation and ha knows exactly what happened to the millions that, were lost through Its manip ulation. His first article is an announce ment of distinctly drsmatlo Interest and promises revelations ' of the highest Im portance, to everyone- In the . country. He frankly states that his purpose in telling the story la to set, himself right with the thousands Of investors who, through his In strumentality, put their money into Amal gamated and have been plundered; also, because his conviction Is that the best way to educate the mibllo to realise ths vtls of which such affairs as Amalgamated are the result. Is to expose the brutal facts re garding the conception, birth and. breeding f what ht says Is the worst offspring of - the modern system of finance.. The main narrative will deal with the real heads of Standard Oil and' Amalgamated: H. HJ Rogers and William Rockefeller and James Btillmm of the National City bank. A4 dlcks of .Delaware,. Helnse of Montana and James R. Keene of Wall street will figure among its ehlef characters, and we are promised such a showing up of financial personalities and methods as this coun try has not yet had, despite the disclos ures of the recent shipbuilding trust ex pose. , J. Adam Bede, the humorist of the hours of representatives, has written a . genial comparison of Speaker Cannon and John Sharp Williams, the democratlo leader, for the July number of Leslie's Monthly Mag azine. It Is not only the wisdom and keen ness of what Mr. Bede says, but the de lightful way in which Me saya It that makes this sketch valuable.- There Is Also an In teresting article on "The Men Who Will Control the Next Nation il Political Con ventions," and-a study of Senator Fair banks, and one of Mons Monnsen, the hwo ol the Missouri. . . - The unique feature of the July fit. Nich olas Is the beginning of a aerial story for bojs, translated from the Japanese for 8L Nicholas, snd written by one of Japan's most popular novelists. Oensal Mural. The story, which will run through several num bers, Is entitled - 'Klbun Dalsin;' or, From Long MRS. ' ' Final Sale of Remnants from the SvGetser-Pembrook Stock All the rt-mnanta from the great Swetser-Pembrook stock must go tomorrow. Qur immense rales aince the sale began left n with a very large accumulation of high class fabric. We have priced these at bargains that will sell them out quickly. Fine Wash Goods in ihe Basement The very choicest stock from Sweetssr Pembrook House. Irish dimities, Holly , batirtes, fancy lawns, Pl newest and prettiest wash goods of the ea- i n 2ff Ron floral and til new desicrns - extra baraain eon norai ana &u new aesigns cxira oargam Everett Classic aioghams special ly desirable for ohlldrsa's 1 wear worth l2o yd., it India Unons Fine sheer quality, Ions lengths lOo goods, Ql at, yard .'.02l Summer Shirting Prints ligh styles will go at, per yard .sV ISc Lawns Pretty blue, pink, red, tan, erowo, etc, at, per yard Two Afternoon Specials. 1:30 O'clock 40-Inch Victoria Lawns and Dress Swiss worth up to 25o yard, at, yard REMNANTS UNO TRAVELERS' SAMPLE Hundndi of sty Its, in bastmtnt. it, each Remnants of Toweling In 1 to 2 yard lengths worth up to 12o yard, for, remnant 2C prmbrook Summer Wash dress goods that Sweetser-Pembrook sold for 25o yard pretty lace lawns, In sky roso, navy, nlle, eto. foulards for shirt waist lOf dresses fancy lace organdies, eto.' main floor bargain square UC 15c Wash Dress doods at 7c Batistes, printed gauzes, dimities, light and dark colors, Dolly Vardens, etc., bar gain square yard 50c Meussellne de Solo at ISc Yard Extremely fashionable, dainty dress stuffs, street and party wear a very special bargain at yard.. , Voiles, Etamlnes, Canvas Cloths, etc. All colors, cream and black 3 to 8-yard pieces in dres goods department at 69c Silks at 21c Yard Bilks for rhlrt waist suits, fancy waists, kimonas, linings, eto., on bargain squares at yard. .... v ur Shirt Waists, at 25c b.,!; These waists are the talk of the town no one ever saw fine $ 1.00 waists priced at 25c until now. Thousands of them brought forward for special sale tomorrow dainty fabrics; prettily trimmed choice -of -the National Waist Co. stock at . . . : ... . , : ,- --y I Another Sale of Oxford Ties and Slippers 1,800 pairs' ladles' hand 'sewed, flxlble sole, low out shoes or Oxfords for street wear and l.ftiO pairs ladles' one, two, three, four and elg-ht-strap ellppera heels, plain mill tary heels,, common bish French heels In the new toes at TO LADIES Especially will the exceptional facilities offered by our i bank prove advantageousOur location in the heart of the retail district, our banking hours, waiting . room and tele phone are of particular convenience. In addition we pay 4f per cenf Interest, and deposits may be withdrawn with' out notice. You are cordially tnviled to open a bank ac count with us. Drafts and money orders sold. Checks on all banks cashed J. L BRMIDEis & SOWS, BANKERS. Banking hours 9 till 5. Shark Boy to Merchant Prince,1 and la founded' upon the life of Bunsayemon Kln okunlya. a Japanese merchant of the eigh teenth century, whose pluck, wisdom snd enterprising spirit made him one of the most prosperous and respected men of the time. The opening chapters are attractively Illustrated by Vartan. This Issue of St. Nicholas Is a patriotic number, and the Fourth of July spirit haa been well carried out In story, rhymes and pictures. "A Day with Hudson Maxim" Is a timely -and In teresting account by Joseph H. Adams of the cMy home of this noted American In ventot . and of bis work. "One of Uncls Joey's Jokes" Is a Jolly Fourth of July stoiy. "How Two Dorothys Ran Away from the British" Is a pretty bit of his tory, Illustrated with a photograph of Dolly Madlaoh's trunk, now In the State depart ment,, Washington, mads for Bt .Nicholas. - The frontlipleoe of the Booklovers Mag aslne for July Is a sllrer-polnt drawing, from life, of President Roosevelt, by Carl J. Becker of Philadelphia. It is an excel lent llkeneaa of the president In a charac teristic pose. Adventure and recreation sre prominent notes of the exceedingly timely articles which appear In the July J. BENSON V OUR Infants Wear Dept.! ' Is full of the prettiest goods made. Long end short Dresses, Kilts sod Blouse Dresses for boys and glrla, colored or white. '"' Infants' .Long Blips, trimmed .with .embroidery, laoe or hemstitched, Mhup effect prtoe tec,' Ko, 6o and TSc With ' Yokes BSC. 7Sc. SSe'up to S t. Drums, bead made, with hand embroidered yokes SZ-Jk ud to ts.7&. - BUort White Drceaes, from months to t yeara. Colored Drwxe, 1 year to years. Mull or Wash Bonnets Wo up to HM.' Children's Wash Hats c 65 and Si m, Buo Bonnets Xc. i&o and sue Linen Tarn O'aVhaaUrs sud Vlsar Caps Ko, Ke and . . . . .... . treat 40-m. riercerlzed Sateen the very best grade black and all C. colors, at, yard 111 Tard Wide Bleached nuslin and cambric wofth lOo Z I A yard, at ........... J1j 10c Scotch ainghama 10,000 yds very desii able lengths fi at, yard '....JC Mill Ends Many grades of lawns, calicoes, muslins and silko- lines, at, a yard lC 10,000 Yards fladras Shirtings worth 15o yd special la lengths, at, yard -C PIECES OP LACES lc Remnants of Table Damask AH lengths and qualities at about half regular price. Dress Goods On ruin Floor 7c 18c e 29c 21c Jnt sense - heels and I I S ji so tLJmf alssjT O 3 I Saturdays until 9 p. m. ber of ths Booklovers Magaslne. As to timeliness, the articles by Dr. William Powell Wilson on "The Philippines at Bt. Louis;" by W. C. Jameson Reld on 'The Forbidden Land" (Thibet); by Harrison Morris on "A Great German Portrait Painter" (Lenbach); and by H. D. Jones on "Gods, Gems and' Mascots" descriptive of the Ufa work of ths lets Maxwell Bom- mervllle are typical. phrey Ward'sSaew novel, "Ths Marriage of William Ashs," appears In ths July Harper's, and develops the peculiar diffi culties of the young girl. Lady Kitty Bris tol, in a most arresting manner. The i cret history of her mother la diaolosed. Mr. James W. Alexander, ths well known president of the Equitable Life, In a very Instructive, Interesting and scholarly con tribution to the current issus of Leslie's Weekly, explains the meaning of what Is known as the "college spirit," and abun dantly Justifies this spirit especially as It exists at Princeton. The number . Is called the "Convention Number," and has a beautiful Illuminated cover of a scene at the republican national convention. Notwithstanding ths reduction of Its pries from U to il per year 'The World Today' for July Is the strongest Issue of this great magaslne that has appeared. There Is certainly nothing la magaslne lit erature to compare with It at. the price. Special word should be spoken about ths illustrations of the number. They are unique, beautiful and timely. A recogni tion of the season appears In the pictures of suburban plctureequeness. This Issue oontsUns also several flne portraits of noted men and women, among them being one of the Hungarian novelist, Maurus JokaL of whom Blgmund Krausa gives a brief but interesting biography, and 'One of "John Heyl Vincent, the Bishop of the Democracy of Culture." Above books st lowest retail prieeej. Matthews, 111 South Fifteenth street. sa n..ili Rake Steam. II.VER CJTT. Idaho, June A lone ih V .h.ittfim hmA held UD the eulgoisif Stage y suurpu, r vm mmm 25 c ,3 Summer Flowers Friday Thousands of fresh picked Carnations, assorted colors Lovely Carnations as long as the supply lasts, dozen, 12c : One Penny Each. Sale Begint at 9 a. m. Grocery Dept Basement The Gremtest Green Sticker Hammock Sensation of the season. Real hammock weather has hardly ' come.' Our last big" sale of hammocks so depleted our storks that we were compelled to buy all over asaln. For tunately for all concerned we bought at the old low prices. VRIDAT AND SATUR DAY ONL.Y with every hammock sold up from $3.00 we will rive 110 In "S. ' H.'V Green Trading Stamps. Enough to All three - pages of your book. FRIDAT ' AND SATURDAY every hammock that sells under $3.00 will carry $5.00 In "8. H." Oreen Trad ins Stamps. Hammock racks, main floor. fflm- i 2g2eMMfcJI I WEDDING SILVERWARE The most suitable wedding present is sllrerware. A It has been so in all ages. The silYersmiljh's art is seen in its nobility In our showings of wed ding silverware. Your inspection is Invited. . v Friday and Saturday Iji the Dry Goods Depts. Crazy Patch Pillows, from the finest nrt feathers worth f 1.50 And $3.00 worth of "& each pillow. PORCH PILLOWS Very ally aold at 45o for And 11.00 worth of "8. each pillow. s BWISS CURTAIN NET AT THE HARNET STREET BARGAIN COUNTER full width, attractive designs 18e and 20c qualities BOY8''"wAISTB AND BLOUSES a grand cleaning up of our entire' stock at forty-eight cents nnd .'.:.. .i.t WAMPV'S -WARM KUITS BLACK WITH WHITE DOTS flvs Mueters of tucks In skirt, nine tucks 'In blue with wJitte dots WHITE ' 'PIQUE' BUITS trimmed in embroidery and neatly fln- o AC Ished In sailor style and ln shirt waist effect at aS4D 46 and ve-x-- ODD LOTS About' fifty Suits odds and snds of broken lots- g rj N worth' up to 3.W to close them WrJC ' OUt - PLAIN BLACK '' LA WN-r-and' black with white figures A fC hemstitched and 4ucked-r regular seven-flety - TteyO Frldav Will Be Another BJiz Remnant Day REMNANTS OF SILKS From one-half to five yards at, per yard 1 ft C 76c. We.e and......... ',J REMNANTS'! CMMWA8H DRE88 GOODS Voiles, Etamlnes, Linen I Of Novelty Suitings, Mercerised Walstlngs vslues up to 85c at svw LAWNS, DIMITIES, ORGANDIES AND WHITE WASH GOODB Kn Values Up to twenty cents at..... .' w ; REMNANTS RIB'JONS, LACES, EMBROIDERY AND ELASTICS at one- halfoft marked prices. . ; , : i- STAMP SENSATION IN PEARL SHIRT WAIST SETS DRY GOODS 8 ECTION l.OOO sample Shirt Waist Bets all this season's plain and fancy patterns goods Cr valued up to 11.00 set-Frlday. set lcW And SO cents worth of "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps. Notion Wire Hairpins . bundle ................ ............ Common .Pins paper ,. Ironing Wax stick . t . ............. Darning Cotton card ,.,,,1 U,lllHMltNM Hooks and Eye, card " lc lc .lc 2c Green Trading Slamps Every Time. Coats find Pent j $5.00 It'a about the same kind you pay others from 87.60 to- 810.00 foe. Young Hen's Suit $3.90 They will lit smalt men, as well as boys. It's from a purchase made from a hard-up manufacturer. The cloth, without the making, cannot be procured for that price. Special Pants, SI.39 Light colored cult bottom pants, all wool black cheviot, fancy worsted, also blue ssrge large assortment to chooss from. Sumner Cotls From 45c Up Light summer coats, 45c; black alpaca ooets as low as 76c; tetter ones In pro portion; white duck pants, D6c .. Alfred Benjamin's Fine Clothing No others fit as wslh No others as well. No others will retain their shape as well and ths prices ws ask for them are ' no higher ' than you pay to others for Inferior quality. . . 25c and 35e Hen's Hose Your Choiceic Today, we place on sals a lot of Imported and domestic men's fancy hose, tan, high colors, as well' as neat patterns-en enor mous lot to choose . from regular retail price 26o and 25o sale price, 16o a pair. Tho Guarcntco Clothing Co. I51Q-I52I Douglas St. Headauartera for bilk and Mohair Shirts. T a). rsrWwM sa . We MhltsheeL to terwUk mmT keek BARK ALOW BROS. TsJ. B3M4. U12 r, mlt, a few mUea from this place. Nine paastnsers were forced to sUsht and give up their valuables. The rol'ber then de mandd ' tlie fnall Sack, which he rn mmckf. I Ths stage driver was then ordered to drive on. The robber wore a b'aok mwk and hi shoes wsre covered lih nlilh Lii trevant leaving a track. Sheriff McDouald and a shnm are la (us Candy Dept. FRIDAY SPECIALS Toasted Marahmal lows, most delicious confection, 20c lb. This Is about half the worth of them. Carpet and Rug Department Third Floor! SOxCO double-faced wool Smyrna rug, heavy wool fringe, special each 1.59 36x72 wool Smyrna, same as above . r. ..... . . . .2.38 Salvage Smyrna rug, sizes up to 10-6x15, just the rug for rooms that get good hard wear, 5x9 Smyrna, at 6.90 7-6x13 Smyrna ...... .14.75 9x15 Smyrna ...... . 325 10-6x15 Smyrna .... 27. 50 for porch, bed or hammock, made denims and best selected ftP. at .. A H. Oreen Trading- Stamps with handsome patterns usu- OEr & H." Oreen Trading Stamps with .12io 25 c 3.95 to. each cluster comee also .......... Bargains Fancy Side Hoas Supporter pair Nainsook Dress Shields pair. Toilet Combs each .Y Curling Iron Lamps each Stocking Darners each w-a l! DIAMONDS e , Are rated by the "carat," a term de rived from the name of a small seed I used in India, and which when dried Is quite constant In weight. Diamond 1 merchants divide the carat Into haJva. I quarters, elgths, sixteenths, thirty-T seconds and sixty-fourths. We have s) 1 diamonds In sll slses up to t carats, I which we offer at prices so reasonable th.t mm an wrllli, n ',,... j I . v .. ...... B w . l.uiiu uiur i tenths of amount paid us If returned at any time within ons year. A Unique Investment As an investment. Diamonds afford advantages offered by nothing else. For years they have Increased in value at about the rate of 10 per cent a year, which makes them as an investment about three times as od as any bank. When you put your money In the bank someone else hae the use of it; when you put It In Dia monds you yourself have the use of It, and the p!eiture and satisfaction or wearing. Diamonds are worth as much as the returns from the Invest ment. This la no Idle statement. written onlv with the view of selling Our Diamond goods, but actual facta . which you can easily prove to be correct.. Our Diamonds are tbe finest cut, sod selected by an eapert in Dia monds, and bought at the right price. We can and do give the best values for tbe money In the city. Brown & Borsh'eim, JEWELER, ta a MTH ST. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. , FOOD INSPECTOR. H. L RAMACCIOTTI U. V. 5. city TBTHSiiiaiiii, Offloe and Infirmary, th snd Mason i Ste. OMAHA. UttM. Teleplwns Ms. L RAMACCIOTTI D. a s & :: ' SI 35 ((g) -s-s-s-s MK Friday is Remnant Day in Omaha's Great Domestic Room. ABOUT TWO CARLOADS OF REMNA NTS FROM 8WF.ET8EB-PEMRROOK STOCK AND FROM SEVERAL MILLS WHICH WE CLEANED OUT OF THEIR SHORT LENGTHS AND MILL ENDS ALL WILL BE LOADED-0f OUR SPA CIOUS COUNTERS AT A" SMALL PORTION OF THEIR REAL VALUE. , ' vn ur.RPHiNTii nw pir.nriL.KRa Hm.n -memo. . " Remnants of 16c. 19c and SEo lawns, Swiss es, organdies, dimities, batistes una otner goods. In nice lengths, and several 7f, Dleces to match, all at one prioe Remnants of Indigo blue prints 97r worth 6Hc a yard at Remnants of shirting prints worth 6c, at Remnants of full standard prints worth Shic, at Remnant of wool dress goods, worth from 75c to 11.50 yd., only . 2B . 8 8 .2Jc 15c 10c 86c, 8&c and 50c a yard goods in the piece at French batistes and organdies. dotted Bwlsnes, worth Wc, mercerised loularus, worth- 60c; printed boblnet worth 60c; French superfine madras, S2-!nch and 36 Incli wide, worth 89c; Imported fine 36 Inch bercales, flne colorings worth 29o: oxford shirtwaist suitings worth 2So and an Immense number of odd pieces) of other goods worth up to 60c yard mo all will go at 16c. 19c and 25o GOODS Tic AT M Imported dotted . Swisses and organdies,' worth 26c; oxford suitings In mixtures; worth 25c; batistes worth Uo. and other goods worth up to 26o. i 'Tic so In this sale, at .. ' w 10c, 15c AND 25c GOODS AT 6C The best 12'4c batistes In America, perfect ly tast colors, over 75 oirrerent patterns, i,"c percales. 36 Inches wide, 12c Scotch ginghams, 25c mercerised linings 86 Inches wide ' and lots of other goods worth up PERFECT VISION Flannel Department J REMNANTS OF 15o BILKOLINE Qln BEMNANTS OF 16c CHEVIOT Al AT YARD ; .....OJ 8HIRTINO at, yard OlC REMNANTS OF 18C DRAPER x 1flr CRETONNE at 'yard ;.. WW .00 FULL SIZB CROCHET BED ACirt SPREAD, Marseilles pattem-each.yO Groceries Freshest Goods, ''' I ' ' ' '; ''.Our Guarantee -with 48-lb. sacks high patent Minnesota Flour i .tl; Large sacks Commeal o2ttc 10 bars Best Laundry Soap...., 25o Fancy hand-picked Navy . Beans, per pound Good Japan Rice, tier lb 8Ho 1-lb. cans . Alaska Salmon to 011 Sardines, per can- ... Jo Potted or Deviled Ham, per can sHo The Best Maccaronl, per package 8Uo The Best Corn Starch, per packno-e... 3Hc 8 bars Wool or Armour's White Soap.. 10s 8-lb. caha Solid packed Tomatoes 7V4o 8-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans Ho Large Bottle Pickles, any kind 8H nn inJ JV WATCH TALK First cost should not be the largest saving on a watch, the real economy of honest wear and correct timekeep lr Is the true test of value. The man who pays a little urice for a watch gets but little satisfaction he oould C .. . - - xjm. V. . . , i n m , atMtt a Hnn for reliable watches and we Intend to keep It by selling mly the dependable kind. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the nameku.. . S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1516 Stylish . S- QiSIuitynthe best, - VAIllsUllf. ROQ il w mads to make where they A i . - wawuu, w . mt ii GREATLY REDUCED RATE COACH EXCURSION j MS' -32 iVMif JP 1J i a-V. 1. TICKETS WILL BE ON BALD JUNE 20 and 27, good for return passage within seven days from date of sale. ' ,' Everyone should visit this the greatest Exposition th world. . bas srer known. This is a delightful" season for viewing the woiderful sights. Ample Hotel and Boarding House Accommodations jfoi all. REASONABLE 4 BATES. . '.'.'!' Beo Local Agent for further Information. . T. r. OOOrBSY, Psuis. Ttke A art. TOM HIJJHES, Trav. Fass. Art. OMAHA, REBS) ASKA. . C TOvVHSsHm, . rasa. d Tleket Ageat. T. LOUS, MO. 5c Linens, cambrics, in brown and (ray 6c quality at ...a 10c fine lawns, only ten yards to a lln ciistom-r at yIU 12Ho sephyr cloth at M 12fea figured sateen 3ic ..5c 10c 10c at ...v, esB) m 4f see ef)a ' Js4e 50c London pique at FRIDAY WILL BH TUB GREATEST REMNANT DAY IN OUR IJEM AND DOMESTIC DKPT. BVER KNOWN. Muslin, bleached and jnhleached, in long mill ends, sold regular at 8o to . cl-, 12o a yard on sale at , '., ', Utlca Mills cheetlng, unbleached, 2 yards wide, sold everywhere st 23c to 26c yard, will go on special sale for ' . tiir, Friday only, at, a yard low Bleached pillow cases, I pair to a custo mer, regular 12Hc value q on sale at j "...." Half blenched table linen, guaranteed pure linen, regular 66o value A.iic on special sale Friday, at White goods, such as India Unons, lawns, checks, nainsooks, dlmltlfs, lace stripe, eto, regular 15c to 16o value fir1 on sale at, yard loo, 7 Ho and Remnants of table linen,' In lengths of 2, 2Va and t yard at less than cost. CAN BE OBTAINED WITH GLASSES FITTED IN OUR OPTICAL DEPT. i LOWEST PRICES REMNANTS CF 100 SHAKER FLANNEL at, yard H -.-.OlP and Fruits. . Lowest Prices. ....-.''..:'.. EveryWmgWe Sell. lArge Bottle Pure' Tomato Catsup., A. 8V4o THE VERY ; BEST' FULL GRASS CREAMERY BUTTER, PER 11... 200 OMAHA'S . FREST1 FRUIT HEAD QUARTBlia v Delicious, Laree, Juloy Pineapples, each TJ4o Large, Juicy Seedless Lemons, per dos. 12o Larue, Juicy Sweet Oranges, per dos.. 12a California White Figs, per package.... Bo White Clover Honey, per rack . . . . ... . . . 12o CHINA HOT WEATHER SPECIALS. Imported Majolica 8-qt. Pi toner 10 iAra-e lee Tea. Tumblrrs. .......... ....... 4o Handled Sherberts and Custard' Cups.. Ho Crystal Lemon flqueeser... ...... ......... 8Ho L2)U0 Douglas SU - Jewelry V a. IA Aisas MfraTft1lstnant. prioM always reaaonaWe. CaU and j to 25o yard at . EXTRA SPECIALS. HAWHItfHErS: KYAN COW" TRAVEL IN COMFORT. a properly proportioned, " nicely balanced suit ease or packing easy and holding the clothes can bs got at Ws ars selling- them at a , a Unf PhnnA yvh -. ' TO ST. LOUIS MONDAYS World's Fair JUNE 20th JUNE 27th 1994