Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Withoii Card No On Can Qa oa Cam
- xneroiaJ Clnb Tour,
Ileal Eetate Ekui( Ha Telia ef
Pa re base at Sit (or Crelghtea
Law School ea Elgbt
eearik. Street.
Commissioner MoVann of tha Commer
cial club waa among tha special guests at
the Real Estate exchange meeting yester
day. II apoka of tha pleasure It gave him
to meet with the exchange and ha waa satis
fied that this and kindred organisations
were yet-to do meb for tha prosperity
and upbuilding of Omaha.
"I hope to Real Eat ate exchange
co-operate with the Commercial club," ha
said-, "for all of the interests of Omaha.
Every Interest la Omaha ahould be repre
sented "In 'the Commercial club, and I aln
carely ask your co-operation. The Com
inerclal otnb expects to do much for
Omaiie In the near future even during the
present quarter but I am not at liberty
Just at .tbl time to ouUlna the apeclal
character ' of work we have under con
templation."' " ' ' r ' '
In response to an Inquiry regarding the
Commercial club excursion, ha aald:
"The club will leave tomororw on a three
days' excursion 6ver ' the Union Pacific."
The drat day'a work will be devoted to
the vicinity of Colunibua and tha llnaa
radiating from there. The second day It
will extend to Kearney, visiting Orand
Inland In the meanwhile, spending tha
night at Kearney, and the third day it
will proceed aa far aa. Sidney, taking In
Jsorth Platte, and will .return to Omaha
tjunJay. .
I All Mast Have Ticket.
Mr. McVann deBlred to have It dlatlnctly
understood that anyone who doea not now
hold a ticket entitling him to gd with
the excurtlon, to Sidney cannot be accom
modated, aa all the apace on tha train haa
been aold. Tha Thirtieth United Btate
infantry band of twenty-ona pieces haa
been engaged for tha trip and will furnish
mualo along the way.. Tha Union Paclflo
railway la Bending W. A. Deuel, auperln
tendent of tha Nebraska division. Train
master Cahlll and a number of other offi
cials to see that tha party haa smooth
sailing over tha Una. There will be four
sleepers, one coach, one baggage car and a
privet oar belonging to tha Union Paclflo.
The train will leave at t a. m. and return
ing will arrive In tbia city at 7:30 Sunday
morning. Tha last night will be spent on
the road coming. In from Sidney. Tha
train's capacity, will be 110 persona.
i Another special gueat of tha Exchange
waa Otto C Raba of Dea Molnea, who la
Interested In tha La Crux plantation of old
Mexico, of which W. H. Green, formerly
of Omaha, la. general manager. Mr. Raba
la Just back from tha plantation. Ha aaldi
"The plantation comprise 20.000 acres, ex
tending over an area nine miles north and
louth and three and a half miles east And
wast The company la capitalised at 1600,'
too, with "V. A. Paxton of Omaha aa presi
dent. We expect to make such Improve-
tnents on tha plantation In tha near future
hat will make It worth 11,000,000. We have
established a One Irrigating plant and have
an unlimited supply of water, The products
of tha plantation are sugar, tomatoes and
orange . , , , . , ; .
"As an Instance, I learned yesterday from
unquestioned authority that the former
tjeorge ,Av Pritchatt property ,dn Eighteenth
street, - Just south of the Telephone build
ing, had been sold to C. B. Denney, trus
tee, for 315,000, 66x131 feet and that the
Crelghton law. school was to bo built
thereon," aald a member of tha exchange.
"The transfer for the property had been
placed on record. . I do not know Just
what the dimensions of tha building are to
be, but I understand that It will be suf
ficiently capacious for tha purpose In
tended." :
Da Hot Walt I'atli Ysi Need It. '
- The aeaaon la again at hand whan diar
rhoea and dysentery ara prevalent. Do not
wait until soma of your family la taken
with a violent attack, but be prepared. A
bottle of Chamberlaln'a Colic. Cholera and
I'lan hoea Remedy at hand when needed haa
saved many a life. Procure It at once.
13 K. Wedding Rinse. Bdholm, Jeweler
Mortality Statistics.
Tha following births and deatha have
been reported to the Board of Health
during tha twenty-four hours ending at
noon Wednesday: ,
Births-Sam P. Hughes, 3619 Patrick ave
nue; William ruant, irvington,- girl;
William Zimmerman, 1251 North Thirteenth,
boy; Sebastian Patwln, 131 California,
girl; Joseph Arold, 122 North Fifteenth,
boyi Richard Sleepy. 4008 North Twenty
sixth; Harry , Anderson, 3423 ttmmet;
Order Frtt Bottli
Of F rake's Palmetto Wine. It rlvea Tiro and
ener y to the whole body, soothes, beala and
iDTisoratea stomachs that are weakened by
injurious llviuf or when the mucous lining ot
tbe stomach la impaired by hurtful tcedlolnee or
food. Drake's Palmetto Wine will clear the
liver and kidneys from congestion. oauKe them
to perform their necessary work thoroughly aud
insure their healthy condition. Irake's Psi
nietto VViue eyres every form of atomaca die
tress, such as Indigestion, distress after eating,
sborirejs of brcth and heart irouNe eaiiM-d
by indlfestlon. Drake's Palmetto Wine cures
you permanently of that bad taxts la mouth,
finnsive breath, loss of appetite, heartborn,
inrlsmed, catarrhal or ulcerated stomach and
constipated or flatulent bowels. The Drake
Formula Company, Drake Ilulldlng-. Chicago.
III., provea all this to you by sending; you free
and prepaid a trial bottla of Drake's Palmetto
Wine to test It, This wonderful Palmetto Medt.
cine is purely vegetable and the greatest rem
edy ever offered to Cbronlo Buffnrns. Write
today tor a tree bottle. A letter or postal card
la your only expense.
At one-half
- of cost price
Entire Stock Must
Be Sold by July
dS:- 1st.
Silks, Uces and Trimmings,
Sacrificed at. an
unheard ot price.
flrl; Lerlont 8. Merlra, Freflrlck. boy;
1f.rbrt c- Oodw'n. X81J Hamilton, bov.
Deaths John Hroch, Vr South Thir
teenth, 42; P. J. Gannon. 1221 Leavenworth;
Henry Cook, 1107 North Twenty-first, 74;
Fasll L. Pnhson, 70 South Twenty-alxth.
1 clays; Mary Kaspar, 1460 Bouth Seven
teenth, 44.
Slaaaaaa Declares Ha 'Will feree Comm
HI Vee Ordlsasft
Prstcet Streets.
"I shall continue to present my ordinance
for tha protection of paved streets against
corporation carelessness and greed until
tha document Is passed or voted down,"
aald Acting Mayor Zlmman. "Tha corpora
tion lobbyists worked hard Tuesday and
succeeded In getting most of tha eeunell
men at least temporarily on' their slda.
Only Councilman Bchroeder stood by the
Informal vote taken In the commutes ses
sion Monday, - three others who voted In
favor of tha ordinance losing heart .
"The resolution directing public service
corporations and piurnbers to repair open
street outs within two weeka waa merely
a sop thrown to the public demand for
aoma radical action against a gross abuse
that has existed for years. Tha ordinance
that I have proposed would work no hard
ship on any corporation, but aimply would
enable tha city to force tha corporations
to kaep pavements In good condition. The
ordinance promises to show the people of
tha city where its city council stands when
It comes to a question affecting the corporations."
"Faiatlae; Bevtasv" Trips QSIetly 0
. Jail After Heading? the
' Blbl.
"Fainting Bertha" Llebecka apent Tues
day evening In reading tha good book pre
sented to her by Rev. C. W. Savldge and
started reforming yesterday by breaking
Jail. Having reached the conclusion that
the county Jail was no good place for turn
ing over a new leaf, sba took advantage
of the matron's absenca for a moment and
hurriedly left tha oounty'a free boarding
place by way of the open front door. A
few hours later Deputy Sheriff ' Roach
found her down by tha river beyond the
old Boyd packing house and brought her
back to Jail. . Bertha told tha deputy she
had gone out merely to get soma fresh air.
Bhe is being held for ' trial on a charge
of larceny from the parson.
Haw Oerau Destroyar.
Dr. King's New Discover.' kills consump
tion and grip germs. Cures coughs, colds
and lung troubles or no pay. SOc, !L00. For
aala by Kuhn at Co.
Osrersmest Land a for Homesteadere.
In western Nebraska near the Union Pa
cific railroad In section lota of 640 acres
each, for almost nothing. The salubrity of
these lands Is something remarkable. ' Dis
tance from railroad Is from three to-4hlrty
miles. There will be a grand rush of
homesteaders. This is the last distribution
of free homes the United States government
will ever make In Nebraaka. Writs for
pamphlet telling how the landa can be ao
qulred, when entry ahould ba made and
other information. Free on application to
any Union Pacific agent or olty ticket of
fice, 1324 Farnam street. 'Phone 316. . -
A Dellarbtfal Water Trio
between Detroit and Buffalo via the Detroit
and Buffalo Steamboat Company is the
privilege of the holder of any ticket from
tha West reading via the Orand Trunk
Railway System, to or , through Suspension
Bridge. . . .. .
Further particulars,. Inoludlng Illustrated
descriptive literature will bo mailed on
application to - Advertising Department,
Grand Trunk: Railway System. 136 Adams
BU. Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. a. P. A
T. A. .-. .
Gs of W eels Excursion to (Hear
Lake, 1st.
Via Chicago Great Western railway. For
trains Friday night and all trains Satur
day of aach week round trip tlcketa will ba
sold at one fare' to Clear Lake. Ia. Tlcketa
good returning on any train until tha fol
lowing Monday. .For further Information
apply to 8. H. Parkhurst. general agent,
1U3 Farnam atreet, Omaha, Neb.
gpeslal Sudsy Rates ta Great Waal
rat Park, Maaalag, la.
For tha months of June, July, August
and Beptamber, on every Sunday except
July 3, tha Chicago Great Western railway
will aell round-trip tickets at one fare to
Great Western park, Manning, la. For fur
ther Information apply to S. D. Parkhurst,
general agent, 1613 Farnam at, Omaha, Neb.
Cheap Rsaad Trip Rates tor Vaeatloa
From Omaha via Chicago Great Western
313.60 to St Paul or Minneapolis; 316.60
to Duluth,, Superior, Ashland or Bayfield.
Equally .low rates to all aummer resort
points In Minnesota. Tickets on sals every
day to September 30. Good to return to
October 31. Two magnificently equipped
trains each way dally via shortest line.
For further Information apply to 8. D.
Parkhurst General Agent, U12 Farnam
St, Omaha., Neb.
Natleaal Prablbltloa Costvsatiost
Indianapolis, Ind., June 28-30.
The Chicago Great Western Railway will,
on June 26 and 37, sell round trip tlcksts at
ana fare, plus 32.26. to Indisnapolia, Ind.
For further Information apply to 8. D.
Parkhursa, General Agent, IfiU Farnam
St., Omaha. Neb.
Bangle bracelets. Edholm, Jeweler.
Fancy pedestal boxes, with bust of Presi
dent Roosevelt, filled with choice boa bons.
(Oo. Dyball's, 1013 Douglas
See our fancy pedestal boxes, with bust
of President Roosevelt filled with choice
candy, only tOc, at Dyball s 1613 Douglas
Photos, too and up, uii farnam atreet.
Special Sasaaaev Tearlsi Rates
Felmts ! Illlaela. WIseeaila .
staa Mtehtaraa.
The Chicago Great Wesern Railway will
sell special round trip tickets at very
low rates to points in Illinois, Wisconsin
and Michigan. Tickets limited to October
3L For further Information apply to 0.
D. Parkhurst General Agent U13 Farnam
st. Omaha, Neb.
Photos, Mo and up. 1313 Farnam atreet
Atteattlosi Easjlea.
Tou are requested to be present to at
tend the funeral of our late brother, John
W. Hroci, U43 South Thirteenth atreet, at
1:30 p. ra. Thursday, June 33d.
O. E. ALLEN, Worthy Secretary.
Steamship tlcketa from all European
ports at half the usual rates. Call er
write P. H. PhilUn, UOt Farnam street
Omaha. , "
Signet rings. Edholm, Jeweler. '
tleaaaseokera Rates tat Hart Dakota.
Every Tuesday until October It the Chi
cago Great Western railway will sail round
trip ticket t potata la the above named
iete at a great reduction from tha usual
!re For further Informatloa apply te
Use. F-. Tbuanas.' geaeral egat 'ar.
ms street Omaha. Neb. ' -
t , ,
Photos, 60a and up. 1313 Farnam atreet
Attoroo Thomat 0oai to Iowa for XMiaioo
Against Panniion
Clvle Federatlo'st Lawyer Declares He
Has Safltclcat Evtdeaee, However,
te Iterate Testimony Glvea by
City Detectives.
Elmer E. Thomas, attorney for tha Clvle
Federation, haa returned from Dea Molnea
where he went in quest of evidence for his
side of the Dennlson case. Mr. Thomas
had beard that Morris Lynch, formerly
connected with a gambling house at the
Iowa capital, had recently declared that
after the Pollock robbery Dennlson ap
peared In Dea Molnea for the purpose of
disposing of some ot the atones. When be
arrived In Dea Molnea Mr. Thomas learned
that Lynch waa not there and that the
rumor In reference to Dennlson trying to
dispose of some of the diamonds there had
grown out ot a statement made by Lynch
that he had had an opportunity to secure
the atones.
"I ascertained that Lynch had left Dea
Moines," said Mr. Thomas, "and as I
also learned that he was a good friend ot
Dennlson's I concluded not ta follow tha
clew. I did not get any evldenoe at all at
Dea Molnea.
"The report In a Des Molnea paper that
I had confided to a friend there that I
lacked confidence In the -Judges who are
hearing the case is entirely without au
thority, aa I passed no comment whatever
In criticism of tha court X expect the
Judges will decide the case la accordance
with their honest . convictions as to the
facta and their view of the law. I did say
to the reporters at. Des Moines that we
would appeal if the dlatriot Judges decided
against us, and from this they may have
Inferred that I anticipated defeat In the
lower court
Thomas Saa-geata PerJary.
"However, we expect to make a showing
that will win the case In the district court
for on next Monday we will produce evi
dence that will show conclusively that the
police officers who testified aa to Dennl
son's whereabouts between December, 1892,
and February, 1S93, were either very much
mistaken or wilfully committed perjury.
We have documentary evidence to com
pletely refute the statements made by the
police officers on the witness stand. We
expect to get all of our testimony in Mon
day And will probably rest our case that
"While at Des Moines I met L. E. Fay
of Clinton, but ha haa no evidence to offer
In the Dejinison case."
Condltloa of Tarloua Fanda thowa In
Statement Submitted fey Comp
troller Lobeclt.
Tn response to a council resolution' Comp
troller Lobeck has prepared a statement
showing the condition of the various city
funds. The estimated available balances
at present are aa follows:
General -. .....tl2.S37.36
Water Rent .. 11,762.17
Water Judgment ,44,443 66
Water Board Fund 14,461.08
Judgment 13,733.26
Library : 14.274.76
Fire , v 63,093.73
Police , 66,034.43
Bewer Malntai. .ng , 3,017.93
Park 2&.!W1.04
Health , 7.304.71
Cleaning and Sweeping .... M,(Mil.23
Curb, Guttering and Paving 21,769.43
The. funds where there is an estimated
shortage are: . ,
Sinking ..J3J.963.S6
Lighting 8,694.46
The condition of tha general fund In de
tail la shown as follows:
' . Unexpended
' Dept Set Aside. Expended. Balance.
Mayor , 4,000 00 . 1.670 26 3 74
Council 8.100 oo a .37K no . i tka m
Comptroller ... 11,40 00 4,620 30 6.868 70
Clerk 8,010 00 8.4M 23 4.61 78
Treasurer 32.246 00 16,811 72 16.433 38
8i uu t,st 7 6.991 24
Engineer ....... 18,676 00 8,220 18 10,366 81
Tax Com 13.600 00 4.4x1 94 8,018 04
Building Insp.. 4,156 00 1,822 30 1.332 70
Boiler Insp 1,493 00 804 70 888 30
Plumbing Insp. 1,770 00 701 16 1,068 8i
License Insp... 2,360 00 8M0 60 1.4t9 60
Gas lnspt.. 1,620 00 . 632 66 887 86
Wts. it Meas.
Insp 1.160 00 426 K ' 718 35
Poiics court.... 3,360 00 . l.So 16 1.983 86
Mtng. city hall 16,000 00 8,655 23 7,8 77
Bd. Pub. Wks. 6.250 00 2,116 85 8,134 16
Electrical 4.364 00 1.741 34 3,612 76
Inspts. of Pub.
works 6,000 00 1.4B8 60 8,631 60
Emer. hospital 10,000 00 632 74 3,367 36
Elec. expense,. 6,0o0 00 , 1,4)4 00 4.69J 10
Advisory Bd... 2,500 00 - 963 16 1,634 86
Miscellaneous '. 6,000 00 6,000 00
Removing dead - -
animals 1,600 00 ' 683 33 816 68
Advertising ... . 2.000 00 776 60 1.224 60
Feed, prisoners 3,000 00 1.336 08 1 1,63 84
Printing annual -
report 8,000 00 3.000 00
City taxes 1,800 00 1,600 00
Prem. on official
bonds ........ 1.600 00 1,830 00 , 170 00
Unpaid claims. 22,300 00 22.300 00 .... ,
Int. on warr'ta 6,000 00 6.000 00
parade ....... 1,600 00 2,500 00
Various St
cost grading
A sewer dla-
trirt 282 3,365 IS 3,200 41 lis 84
Repairing curb i
and gutter.... 1,000 00 . 645 46 1,364 Li
Coat o? building ' '
asphalt plant 10,000 09 10,000 00
Totals 3233.842.25 3106.266 85 1127,686 40
Unprovided for expenditures: -'
(a) Salaries September, October. Novem
ber and December, 1903, 346.698.64.
(b) No provision made for street depart,
not yet received by comptroller. '
uj ror removing aeaa anlmalj by chanara
of system, 31.474 94 mora is needed.'
(e) Miscellaneous items.
oath Omaha Cosnpaay Protests that
Coaaty Has Aasesseel It
toe Heck.
The Union Stock Tarda company. In a
complaint filed with tha County Board of
Equalisation, modestly disclaims owner
ship of one-twenty-ninth of all the wealth
In Douglas county, and asks to have Its
assessment reduoed from 31,000,000 to 3600,000.
The allegations lhade in the complaint
are that property In Douglas county Is not
uniformly or reasonably assessed for taxa
tion at Its actual value, nor on the basis
of one-fifth of Its actual value; that the
total assessment of all property In the
county amounts to 328.08t.35S, of which the
stock yards' assessment Is one-twenty-ninth;
that the assessment Is made for
the purpose of relieving real estate In the
city of Omaha of Us Just burden of taxa
tion, and thus property outside of the
city has been Increased about 16 per cent
while property In the city has been In
creased only about ihi per cent; that the
valuation of the stock yards property has
been Increased 63 per cent The contention
la that the assessment ot the stock yards
property at 31.000,000 Is unjust, unfair and
Inequitable when compared with the as
sessment of other property In tha county.
', The hoard win grant a hearing to the
attorney for the stock ysrds company at
I o'clock next Monday afternoon. , u
World's Sea file Cere.
Why endure torture from piles till yon
eontraot a fatal disease when Bucaleo's
Arnica Salve cures or tut pay. tsc. Fas
sal by Kuhn Co. ;
Addltleat e People's tbarelt.
Tha People's church has aacured a permit
from lbs Uty fvr a addiUuo surf alter
ation to tha frame edifice at 115 North
Eighteenth street Work Is to be started
at once on the enlargement which haa
been found neceeaexy because of ths in
creasing oonsrreiratlon.
Oomplete Ceerse at tarred Heart
t Academy, Where Cemmeaeemeat
Is Witness by Bishop.
The twenty-second- annual commence
ment exercises at Sacred Heart academy.
Thirty-sixth and Burt streets, took place
Tuesday afternoon. Tha exercises were
conducted In the presence of Bishop Scan
nell and twenty-five of the clergy gath
ered from several states. A very pretty
feature cf tha program was the rendition
of a cantata founded upon tha parable of
Ten Virgins. The participants In ths
program were attired In accord with the
sentiment of tha cantata, the five wise
virgins being veiled In white snd ths fool
ish virgins In gray colors. The effect of
tha cantata was given with Impressive
significance and dramatic Interest Tha
program was, In detail, aa followa!
Entree Andante a Rondo Canrlccloao,
op. 14 Mendelssohn
Miss Bx Hacker.
Salutatory Miss Mmette Rousseau
Prologue The Gospel Narrative
1 Miss Alice Hayes
Cantata The Ten Virgins
Wise Virgins: Misses Claire Helena
Woodard. Sophie Bhlrley, Mary Hallman.
Cecelle Avellne, Helen Ferry; foolish vir
gins. Misses Alice Kennard, Mabel Ben
son, Mary Woodard, Mary Gleaaon, Ellen
The muaioal part of the program waa in
charge of Ben Stanley and Joseph Gahmv
The graduates ' were Miss Woodard,
daughter of Assistant Postmaster J. I.
Woodard and the Misses Shirley and
Hayes. !
Ths sold medal for efficiency In philoso
phy was awarded to Miss Alice Hayes,
Bishop Scannell being the donor. Tha
academy was accredited to ti e Nebraska
State university June 1.
The lawn social of Sacred Heart church
will be , given this evening on the
church lawn at Twenty-third and Blnney
streets, at which time a contest for the
diamond ring between four young women of
the parish will take place.
&Tvf n n Sin rfr
r -iyii. .
Plenty of Rata 1st Barllngrton Terri
tory and tee) Mick 1st Some
Tha Burlington crop report for tha week
"Ample moisture In all parts of our ter
ritory to keep the soil in good condition.
Precipitation has been excessive here and
there. In places where rainfall has been
heaviest however, no special damage haa
been dona to crop, except to the extent
that the soil has been too wet to cultivate.
The rainfall during tha week In Montana
and Wyoming, on the line west of Edge-
mont has been rather light, but sufficient
to keep the aoll generally In excellent
"Only favorably reports are received re
lating to the condition Of all kinds of small
grain up to s tlmo. . Fall grain is head
ing and commencing to fill. The straw la.
In many placea, rank, and grain wilt to
aoma extent no doubt, fall down, and will
probably rust In places. The weather has
been warmer than any previous week, and
hot aun and frequent showers ara likely to
produce aome rust, , No damage of this
kind has been reported up to this time.
Between Red Cloud and. Hastings the yield
of wheat la now estimated from 25 to 28
bushels per acre. This la tha only estimate
of the yield made so . far, and no doubt Is
rather a premature snd, possibly unreliable
estimate. . - .'. '
Aged eX'Slave Sorted ' 1st Omaha,
Where She Lived tor Forty
. Years.
The funeral service ot "Aunt Charity"
Smith, ad aged colored woman who baa
resided In Omaha for forty years, was held
yesterday morning at the Church of St
Philip tha Deacon, of which deceased waa
a member. Rev. J. A. Williams conjlucted
the service. Tha -choir ' aang, "Lead,
Kindly Light" and "Nearer My God to
Thee." A. N. Wade, G. N. Johnson, F. L.
Smith and S. Goodchlld were the pall
Ths church waa well filled with friends
and associates of the kindly old woman.
Ths Interment waa made at Prospect Hill
'Aunt Charity" waa 86 years of age; waa
born on a plantation near Bhelbyvllle, Ky..
December 10, 1818, and lived nearly half of
aer lire in umana. The woman was noted
for doing well whatever she attempted,
whether it -was laundrylng a shirt, cook
ing a dinner or wedding breakfast or what
ever duty came to hsnd. Sha had many
friends. It la said of her that ahe fought
a good fight and made the most of life
according to her light.
Barber B. Coaable Fights for Eighty-
eight Theasauid Dollars frena
' B. M.
Suit has been filed In tha United States
circuit court against Butler county (Ne
braska) for $88,000 bonds Issued in 1879 In
aid of the Lincoln A Northwestern Rail
road company, or the Blue Valley A North
western, part of . the B. AM. Railroad
company. Barber B. Conabla la the plaintiff.
Tha petition atatea that on May L 1879,
the Board of Commissioners of Butler
county authorised tha aubmlsston ot a
proposition to Issue and give its bonds to
ths amount of 363,800 to ths railroad com
pany to aid Its entrance or construction
through the county. The proposition was
submitted, voted upon and carried and the
road was constructed. . Plaintiff states that
hs ia the owner of seventy-six of such
bonds of ths denomination of $500 each and
each haa twenty Interest coupons attached
thereto, all ef which are long past due,
neither the face Of the bonds nor Interest
having been paid, and that there Is now
due him from the defendants 388,000, for
which ba asks Judgment against Butler
They Are Each Caaaea y at Pestlfer-
aa Germ.
Ring worm and dandruff ara somewhat
similar In their origin; each Is caused by a
parasite. The germ that eauses dandruff
digs to the root of tha hair, and asps its
vitality, causing falling hair, and, finally,
baldness. Without dandruff there ' would
never be baldness, andto cure dandruff it
la necessary to kill ths germ. There haa
been no hair preparation that would do
this until the discovery of Newbro's Herpl-
elde. which positively kills the dandruff
germ, allays itching instantly and makes
hair glossy and soft as silk. Taks rio sub
stitutes. . There Is nothing "Just as good."
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents
In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.,
Detroit Mich. Sherman McConaeU Drug
Co., special agents.
FsHiataaT Gets the Coa4raet.
The Board of County Commissioners has
let the contract for repairing the macadam
rtada of Podge and C'wuor streets ts
Charles B. Vanning. Five aud a half miles
of roads ara to be repaired and the job will
cost I7.K2. Mr. Paniilria a bid waa about
$2 0u0 lower thsA that f his only evuijyei-
Cool Summer Underwear for MenSl Women.
Heres a good list of underwear prices for men and women who
need cool, comfortable and good sorts of underwear for summer
wear. Though prjees are little you may rest assured that the
qualities are above criticism. ' ,
Underwear for Women.
Lad Us Vest.
Ladles' fine soft cotton, silk finished,
low neck, sleeveless vests
fu!l taned 19e value
Special prloe each
Combination Suit
Ladies' fine Quality lisle combination wults.
low neck, sleeveless, full silk taped, with um
brella shape lace trimmed drawers
loo values apeclal price ,
Atuavlln 5pcial Corset Coven
Ladles' eitra good quality muslin covers, with
square, round end V shaped necks, nicely trim
med with lacs and smbroldery. perfectly chated.
and finished special .,
Gowns .' . .' v
79c fine quality r-.iiiiln gowns, cut extra long and
wide, all beautifully trimmed with fancy embroi
dery and tucked yokes, in high, square and low
necsn regular dollar values at
Underwear for Men.
Good quality unbleached balhiiggan, medium sat
in faced drawers and pearl button trimmed Shirts
Fine finished fancy drop stitched ba!brlggan under
wear. In pink, blue, white and ecru an esoellent
garment for service iiC GARMENT.
JEAN pRAWERS beat quality elastlo seam Jean
drawers, i cut wide and full, with elntto ankles
th regular 60c klnd-SPECIAL AT atC.
Extra fine quality Egyptian cotton and fancy col
ored mercerised combination, beautifully finished
and properly shaped, regular 11.(0 ve'.ue 0C SUIT,
Rxtra good qunllty, medium weight balbrlggan and
fancy lace weave, with long and short sleeves
white, blue, strew snd errU Colored best value
ever ano wn of ctiau eov; uajkmiunt,
St. Louis and return Ticket good In chair oars (seats frV fffj "A '
and coaones, on aala avery Monday In Juna t 14) O.J II
St. Louis and return-on aio July 2 to 6, C11 7C
St. Louis and return on "ala every $1380
Chicago and return on sale every $20 00
Chicago and return one way via. St. Loui. CIO AC
on sale every day....... , vps4U.07
Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return, CI 7 Cfi
on sale every day . , )l.U
Milwaukee and return on sate June CtflL
SO, 21andSd2 .. ,...'pI0.
Atlantic City and return on aaie ffij nn
July9andlO i. $aS.UU
Buffalo and Niagara Falls and return. ' C17 f C
on aale dally .... ,.,.,,.tis
Cincinnati and return' on aaie July is, 16 ' C"t i r
17 $.15
Detroit and return-on sale July e, 6 car
. $19.25
Indianapolis and return-on saia June so (Mr. e
and27. .; ... .....'$1".05
Hot Springs, 8. D. and return ' C1Ai
on aale every day.., ,.'.j)I0sT'U
Mackinac Island and return, ""cri Iff
on sale daily................ ; ... $a40.6a)
West Daden, Ind.. and return. V " """" ' 'ait n-
on sale July 22 to 28 ........ .V. ; ... j . p U "5
French Lick, Ind., and return, ; - nfi '
on sale July 22 to 28.................. .;t .....i...;T4sIaUU
lu.i.'SS ILXS1 ,V,ltt information about exeuralon rates and furnish; free.Vi- ' '
luatrated booklet about all exoursion resorts. Sea me or write about your vacation trip,
City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnarn St., Omaha.
' """" ' """" ' L""""s" iminni. - u lain
Jade Meager Decrees Aactloa Sale
- of Laad Beleasrlag to Valley
Judge Munger Tuesday evening Issued an
order out of the United States circuit court
to Receiver Charles F. Searle to adver
tise and sell tha real estate In his pos
session at publlo auction to the highest bid
der at Ogalalla July U, of the Valley Land
and Cattle company and decreeing that no
bid shall ba received or accepted for less
than 314.000.
The title of tha case la Henry B. Read,
plaintiff, against Riley E. Haskell and
others, defendants. - The order of the court
alao states that blda may be received for
the purchase of the hay on aald premises
for tha year 1304, in the event thst the
real estate la not aold, with tha right to
cut and stack tha same and remove It
from the premises or to feed the same on
the premises, except on bay land, the
purchaser of aald hay to surrender ths
premises to the persona entitled to pos
session thereof not later than May 11306.
' i
In Your Pocket
And let the family enjoy the
goods things of this life as well
as yourself. Each little barrel
of Ice Cream will stay frozen
for hours after you hare put it
In your pocket
I 55rA .'tfX . ifrr ion
1 tJi
All-Ik We J. Or Eaoueh for
aw, eltrtat Daraoos
Pints, 20c, E"ou.r.OB.
Misses' and
Tan Shoes.
The new dark tan la tha very
latest In atlases' and Children's Bum
mer Shoea.
Vppera of soft, pliable kid. '
Soles, medium heavy, very flexible,
Child's slses. 1 to 11. are 3173.
Hisses' Slses, IA to 3, are 32 3a,
Tills Is ths first time this shoe has
ever been shown In Omaha and they
are proving very popular. Our ad
vice I. be fitted early while all slses
and widths are oomplete.
im Faraia Stent.
Osiibs'i L)ste-Dat Shea Haas.
Dr. Wilkinson's Eye, Enr, Nose. Throat Clinics
A CLINIC A place where many are treated at amall fees. Treatment and
operations for Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness. Adenoids often cause of mouth
breathing and deafnesa in children. Ill-Shaped Noaea, Chronlo Sore Throat. Neu-ra'-slas,
Enlarged Tonslla, Growths in Nostrils, Polypi, etc. Cleft Palate, Harelip
Running Kara, Nolsas In Kara. Croaa-Uyea straightened by operation. Affections
of Tear Dusta, Headaches due to eye or nasal catarrhal causes. Affections of tha
voice. Irritable Cougha, Hay Fever, etc a. m. to 3 p. m. Sundays. U) a. m.
to 13 m. No charge for examination of patients.
BrojJway, fifth Avenat and 27th St., New York
' la a modern, first-class hotel, tn the center
of the ahopping district. Complete In all
Its appointments and absolutely fireproof.
ISO suites with baths. Hot and cold water
and telephone In every room. European
plan. Culslns unexcelled.
Reduced rates for the summer
months. Room with bath $2 a day.
Ths only bote! In Manhattan fronting both
on Broadway and Fifth Avenue.
GEORGE) W. 0WEENET. Proprietor.
opened June 1st.
under the same uiaiiHaeinent.