THE OMAILU DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1904. GRAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKET Vl4 FrMpects Look Betttr, bat Corn la Hot o Good.' CLIMATE CONDITIONS ARE IN CONTROL ft Baying to Indicate that tke Pabll latent ta Craata peoalatlv'' Dtatil tor Row ' .U, GraJsa, ... i w. OMAHA Juoo SO, 1XM. Without Mylng so outright in any In stance, tba combined report irom tna larger market indicate a batter leeling dvno. project wltn ma wheat men, with, a correrpouuing tougning; oil m Uia cutn la tsreet. U'ba latter la more or less fully explained py the observant waning ana watcuing to what eort of present crop conditions are going to develop. In, other word, It la largely a matter 01 weatner ana cnmatlo coiuiitlons mat govern ana determine aa to whether tna corn figure of the near future will be of gjod or evil Import. Wheat velueo axe gradually settling toward an export basis. All other dem.nds seem to be Inadequate. 'Ihere la no buying to Indi cate that tba puoilc Intenda to create a speculative demand for tne new grain and there la certainly- no pressure for it from tha millers. It evidently requires more muscle than haa yet appeared In support of the market to prevent It from drilling to the point of competition In consuming countries with offerings from other pro ducers. Anyway, tha market--) atlll has some distance to go before the present flg y.f'i th" for'KI buyers are reaohed, Z?,r, U '".. JuWon how much further It will recede before the American exporter cJL4n nle' th competitive list, a. lna breaking of the strike on the lakes M released a great qua nut y of eaatbound HVhi1 ow -Ja-ht-Tata. This has filial up the aaatern demand and there Is no ex-t-jort demand to take care of future arrl- ini''. .Url week' "hlpments will i S?p . . tot' ,OCBl In publlo and ; private elevators from showing much In- i Sf? ,?r.lha weelt' u w" require a ra il iI,S.ith ""'PP'nt trade heavy future fj accumulation. 1 JiLTn,f.' In P1CM of Omaha grain for il uiur Uvery and tha close Saturday and today wera aa follows: ... . Closed High. Low. Today. Sat'y. t; Open.: ...... m heat- July I Be DC. 7SSX , Corh- 1 June ...... mu . ' July mJ '! Sept. 43. ft Deo U - 2, Oata f June 41 . t , July i&Z - f Bept- ..... 81 A asked. B bid. Omaha Inspections of grain wera only S If, cars. Of wheat I cars graded No. I hard: i of oata cars graded Not whit. J Looal -Cash' Grata Market. . v Tho day wltneased no sales and therefor t- no changes In Uia locaj cash grain market, 3 prices remaining as follows: WHEAT No. j hard. Hoc: No. t hard. 83 H 80 TOH M T4- 13 H 13 4tH H 4K 4u 40 4b 4f 4f 43. 43 .43 43V4 88 -88 tt 38 41H H " H H 3814 --87 ST 3W, 81 ' 304 31. 31 t et aiwi Kin. m it a u - 5 CORN No. 1. 4We; No. 8, 44H8i46Ho; No. 4. 4043c:1ko. K yellow. c; NoTTyel: ' low. iMHUo: No. 3 white. 48c: No. 1 whit. I. OATB No. . 88Ho; Na 3 white, 41o; No. t white.. V440yu; No. S white, 88V440o; tandard. 4oic ' Grain Market Elsewhere. ' , day at tha markets named were aa follows; UUVAUU, Closed Today. Sat'y. 84Sfl'4t. 64 7tV40 7iA J ' -Julv September Beptember Wheat July September Corn '. July September Wheat Julv Sep teta bar ...... September Kansas' 'citj. oaf " stV'q'uis. ' 47 4& 70S 47B 48sA ' 74HA 70WA 5iB 45B 4i3 43A , 80A Wheat MINNKAPOLla. S3 B 62 46B 4SUB 46HB'4l ' ! " . , ..www .,- .a, a-w.h.Jw. -k.---'V. 1: 0aptmW.w." .....'V -7 ' 5 ,v ' 1 ' DULUTH. '. ' - " : I Wheat- v , July September Wheat- Julw September . NEW YORK. 92 U 82ViB 9 8A b4X 4 CHICAOX, June 0. Sentiment In tha wheat pit today was divided, but tha ten dency waa toward a firmer market. Under: tha Influence of J a considerable decrease In the amount on passage there waa quite an active demand at tlie start. September opened a shade higher to Ha lower at 7VVa WtWWW After advancing to 78t79o a decline to 7So followed on selling by calpers. July opened 'thic higher to Mfco lower at &Hj3l4o. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 41 cars, against 41u cars a year ago. Excellent growing weatner and a blr Increase In tha amount on passage caused an easier tone In corn. July opened a shade to i Ho lower at 47?4c to 47fc47:o. sold at 47T4C, and reacted to 47o. SeptAm. ber opened unchanged to Ho lower at 44t 4H and held at 4tVc. . Tha feature of trading In oats was liqui dation of July. As a result of this selling tha July option waa eaMer. . Other deliv eries wera firmer. In sympathy with wheat. July opened unchanged to a shade higher at UttU and declined to 81 H. - Provisions were Arm on an active de mand from broker. There was a decided scarcity of offerings at tha start and buy ers were forced to bid tha market up sharply in order to bring out any sales. September pork opened 16c to 20c higher at 13.00 to 318.U6 and sold up to S13.OTH. Sep tember lard was 7Ho to 17Ho higher at 17. to 17.15. Ribs ware up iuo to UHo at ' 7.M to I7 S7H. . Chicago Cash Prices No. I red wheat, 1101; No. 3 red wheat, 06c; No. 1 spring wheat, 86$88c; No. 8 spring wheat, 80&6c: , No. 3 hard wheat, tu&KHic; No. 8 Hard wheat, 8o 88c; No. 8 cash corn, 4Ki?48hc; No. 3 cash corn, 47H1l48c; No. 3 yellow corn. tO&60Hc; No. 3 yellow corn, 4dWuaOc; No. i cash oats, 40c; No. 3 white oats, 44a44Hc; No. 8 white oata. 4043c. BUTTER Steady; creameries, lZHfHHo. EGOS Steady; at mark, cases Included, 14$14Hc. CHEESE Easy; daisies, 8c; twins, TVi THc; young Americas, Sc. POULT RT Alive, weak; turkeys. 8c; chickens, 8c Chicago Receipts Wheat, ' 27 'cars, 1 of contract; corn, 425 cars. 60 of contract; oats, 11( cars, of contract; cattle, MM0 hrad; hoca. 10 000 head. Katimated tnmnrrnw- Wheat, 48 cars: corn, 677 cars; oats. 17S ; nogs, ib.ouu neaa. HBW YORK GKNBR Al, MARKET ' t)tatloaa ef tha Day Tarlowa Commodities. '1 NFW YORK. June .-PlX)UR Receipts. 1S.64 bbls. ; exports. 6K0 bbla!; market du'.l and lower; winter patents, J6.0ttni.80; winter straights, H.lbtai.V); Minnenota patents, 34.80u6.26; winter extras, I3.3oi3.90; Minne sota bakers. (3.833.96; winter low grades, 83.1633 70. Rya flour, quiet; 'fair to good, M.Oiu4.2&: choice to fancy, M fc4.o. CORNMEALt Stendy; yellow western, 31.10(3:1.12; city, 31.1Scl.U; kiln dried. WOO C3 10. RTB Nominal; No. 3 western, 70o. BAHLEY-Dull; feeding, 4Hq It New Tork; malting, nominal. TAlXow-DuU; city. 4o; country, 4H WHEAT Receipts, 44.800 bbls,: exports, tt.OCe bbls. bpot, steady; No. 8 red. nomi t ,Jil, elevator, and 81.07H, f. o. b., afloat; I i No. 1 northern, Duluth, nominal, afloat; t J Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b aAoat. Options Ijwera generally nrm. except juiv. wnn-n iwas oversold. Tha close was e net higher. I July, 8ihtf 18-ldc, cloned at bl'S: Septem ber, SSVutUc. closed at 84Vtc; December, a-vTrt!o, cioaea at Mo. CORN Receipts, 14,060 bu. Spot, easy; Now 8. Wc, elevator, and f4o. f. a. b.. aflont; No. yellow, 65Uc; No. 3 white, 65c Op tions wera dull and without feature ' throughout the day, closing not unchanged. July opened at liic and closed at i3Ue; September cloned at MS.C OAT-Reielpta, USirt bu. Snot, dull; mixed M to 83 lbs., 46d7c; natural white, 80 to 31 lha., 41f&uc; clipped white, 88 to 40 lbs., M&6.1C. , TALJ-OW Dull ; city, 4io; country, 4Q . ICB Quiet; domestic fair to extra. IVti-c; Jupan, nominal. HAYSteadyj shipping.' 75c; good to choice, 86o. J HOPS Firm: state common to choice m 1". JwuikHi; l1, K--ik'; nlda, Kril4c; Pa V rltlo cuuat lo3, 84uJou: IaO. 33utic; old. HIDES Steady ; Galveston 80 to IS pounds, .18c: California, i to v pounds. 10c; Tfxas dry. 34 to ponnda. Ilk'. I EATIll'.K-Bteady; acid. tmHio. . WCx ilj Steady ; fleece, xi.r.v. BKEF-nrm; family, &o 10.00; mesa. S0ffl5; M hams, 8.Wgn.0O; pseket, O'gS.W'. city extra India mess, 8LL-(y MOO Cut meats, steady; plrkled bellies, K&-7V; pickled shoulders. SHc; pickled hpms, &10c. Lard, quiet; western steamed. 8710; refined, steady; continent, I7.1; South America, 87. ; compound. 6eve. Pork, nim; femlly, 3l4no; short clear, $13,160 14.75; rnfa. $74.0014.80. BITTER- Firm; creamery, common to extra, 1318o; state dairy, common to extra, 13-3 17C. " CHEESB Strong; state full creams, small, white and colored, 7HHc; large, white and colored, 7'fJ1MiO. EOOS Irregular; western extra (elected, lTV(llo; flmu. lftH17c. POUL.TRT Alive, nominal; dressed, easy; western broilers, 16jl8c; fowls, 12c; tur keys, 14S16o. CHICAGO GRAIS ASD PROVISIONS Featares of the Tradlag aad Closing; Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Juna 20. A probable shrinkage cf two-thirds In the Roumanian crop was tha principal element of strength In the wheat pit today. Rains In the southwent wera additional bull factors. At the close wheat showed a rain of e. September com la up He. Oata are Ho higher and provisions lTHC'STHc A feeling of uncer tainty pervaded the wheat pit at the start. Opening quotations on September were a shade higher to Ho lower at 78'37Hc to 7Sc. July wg HtTHc higher to H'S'o lower at KnifjrMHc. The market closed al most at the highest point of the sennlon. After selling up to 80Ho September closed at 80c. July was up Sf at MHc after the price had 'touched t4r, -Clearances of wheat and flour were equsl to 8,700 bushels. Primary receipts were 492,6X bushels, com pared with 469,200 bushels a year ago. Min neapolis, Duluth knd Chicago reported re ceipts . of 3til care, aaalnst 341 cars last week and 410 cars a year ago. i ne corn market was nrm ana mere was little to be had at less than the closing fig urea for Saturday. The close showed un changed. Receipts were 425 cars, of which (0 cars were graded contract. Prospects of a flood of new oats In July nearly stifled speculation In that cereal. With but meagre stocks In hand traders evinced little desire to presn sales In any volume. Trade was dull and prices easier. July cloned He higher st 3HHc ranging be tween 37'V83c tnd SSHfiC with Sep tember up HHc, having fold up from 31 He Local receipts were 118 cars. . Provisions made a sharp upturn on the firm situation In the hog market. Packers and long holders were liberal buyers. Final figures showed a gain of 87 He In September pork at 113.22, with September lard up 17Hc at 87.66 and ribs 20o higher at $7.fiS. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Whest, 48 cars; corn, 677 cars; oats, ITS cars; hogs, 18.000 head. - The leading futures ranged as follows; Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept. h Spt. July flODt. Oata Juna July Sept Dee. Pork July Sept Lard July Sept Ribs July Sept 85 mpm 86 tas'flrWH 83V(Jfl4 8474 83T4 84S 84U4H 81&MH Sl 81 81H'lH mH 7&HHS 80H 79HH n 79H6H 47if 4Tm'4k ""'41 47 47H 4iVH 4l 48H 48H 48H 41 41 38H 3' X7m 88H 88 Sl'V- 83 31H 83 81 ii 2HJl'5'tt32 S2H32HSH 13 75 13 98 11 75 12 36 13 87H 13 00 13 22H 13 00 18 22H 13 85 ' 8 92H 7 00 8 2H 7 00 $ 82H 7 06 7 15 I 7 OS 7 lo $ 87V, ' 7 87H' 7 47H 7 87h 7 44H ' 7 27H 7 66 I 7 66 756 766 745 No. 3. a old. b new. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, 84.56 C4.65; straighta. K8O34.40; spring patents, 84.SO1J4.70; straights, 83.904.00; bakers', 82.66 ff2.9o. WHEAT No. t VUSMci No. 8, 85(Sc; No. I red, tecBl.OO, CORN No. 3, 48c; No. t yellow. 4960c OATS No. 3, 40c; No. 8 white, 86440, RYE No. 2, 66c. BARLEY Good feeding, 8340o; fair to Choice malting, 473&4c SEED Flnx. o.- 1, 31.01; No. 1 north, western, 31.07; clover, contract grade, 310.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 313.80 12 96. Lard, per 100 lbs., 86.87H 96. Short rll sides, (loose) 87.36(31.60; short clear sides (boxedl, 37.00B7.Z5. Receipts and shipments Saturday at this market were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 17.600 16,900 Wheat, bu 28.000 73,200 Corn, . bu 407.000 . 673,800 Oata bu 181,800 97,800 Rye. bu..... 1.800 .TOO Barfay.. bu...... 22.000 - 2.000 On th Produce exchange today tha but ter market waa eteadv; creameries. 1SH l7Hc; dairies, Umc. Eggs, eaay at mark, cases Included, 14&14HC Cheese, easy, 7H80. . 7 t. Louis Grata 4 Provlsloms. ST. LOUIS, Juno 80. WHEAT Higher, on rains: No. 3 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track! $1.06; July, 83c; September, 80HC; No. I hard, 8890c. ' , . . CORN Higher; No. I cash. 47o; track, OATS-LHillL NolYcuh, fic; track. 42 42Hj3; July, 87c; Ssptembcr. 81o; No. 3 WFLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.80 1.90; special brands, 10c to 26c higher; extra fancy and straight, $4.5a4.M; clear, $170 tt80. SEED TIMOTHY Steady; $3JO3170. CORN MEAL Steady: $2.40. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, B6e. HAY Dull and lower; timothy, $8.00H.OO; prairie. $5.0orl0.00. IRON COTTON TIES 82c. BAOQINO HC HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, $12.96. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8,304 8.82H. Bacon, nrm; boxed extra shorts, $8.00; clear ribs, $8.12Vi; ahort clear, $8.2H- POULTRY Steady; . chickens, SHc; springs, M16c' turkeys, lie; ducks. So; awskAH 3tT BUTTER Slow; creamery, I4l8c; dairy, 10i'16c. . .. toas Steady, ISHo. case count Receipts. Shipments. Flour,- bbls. 7,000 6,000 Wheat, bu. 35.000 43.0W Corn bu S8.000 88.000 Oats, bu! 73.000 ( . 83.0W Kansas City Grain and Pro-visions. KANSAS CITT, Juna 30. WHEAT -Lower; July, 741c; SepWmber, 70c: De cember. 70H70ic; cash, No. 3 hard, 884?' 8Hc; No. 8. WUH9c; No. 2 red. 9W1JJ1.00; No. S, &5(S98c. CORN Steady: July. 46M6T4e: Septem ber, 43!648Ho; December, 8894ig3)iTic; cash. No. 3 mixed, 5oaoo; No. 3, $0o; , No. 3 white. 50c; No. $, 4d43c. OATS-rfteady; No. $ whlto, 434Sc; No. I "BUTTER Creamery, 1315c; dairy, fancy, 12c EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whltewood cases Included, 18c; case count, 12Hc; casea foturned, Vso ! Pr dor.en. HAY Firm; cholca timothy, $10.(XKM0.50; choice prairie. $8.50. RYE Steady; No. 1 4o. Reoelpts. Shipment. Wheat, bu. ..v 14,400 1.W Corn, bu 20,000 .40 Oats, bu. , 9.000 $.000 : Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 20. -BUTTER un changed, extra western creamery, 18c; nearby, 19o. KUU3 steady; fair demand; fresh nearby, 18Hc loss off; fresh western, 18tfW,o ao.; fresh southwestern, 17U18c do.; fresh south ern, IRWISo do. CHEESE Steady; fair demand; New York full cream, choice to fancy, 8fi8Hc full creams, fair to good, CHSf'sC. . Mlaaeaaolls Grala MarVart. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., June 30. WHEAT July, VW, September. 80fi074c; December. 78c; on track. No. 1 hard. 95o; No. 1 northern, 94c; No. 8 northern. 8IH0- FLOUR First patents. 84B5.tit.06 : s-cond patents.- $4.8564.95; first clears, $3.401.60; second clears. $2.40. BRAN In bulk, $14.50; shorts, $15 50. Mllwavukeo Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Juna 20 W H EAT One half cent 'ower; No. 1 northern, 7Hic; No. t northern,"8539c: old July, 850. RYE lc lower: No. 2, WWc. B A RLE T Dull, No. $, ac; sample, $79 68c. fDRN-Dull; no, . ticnMe; juiy, tho bid. - ' ' Llveratool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. June- 20 WH EAT 8 pot, easy: No. 1 California. seed. Futures, steadv: July. 88d; September, s 8d. CORN 8Hit. eaev; American mlx'd, new, 44d: American mixed, old. 4s d. Futures, quiet; July, t3Hd: September. 3d. Dalath Grala Market. Dl'LlTH, Minn., June 80-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern, 92c; No. 3 northern, je; on track. No. 1 northern, 9liHo; No. 3 northern, t-c; July, ttrtta; September, tic. OATS To arrive and on track, 41 He Toledo See Market. TOLEDO. June 20. SEED Clover, cash, $8-10; October. $8 17H: prime Alalia, $4.20; August. $ian bid; prima timothy, $1.46; September, $1.47. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS UBlaportaat Telnna of Bnilc8, bnt Firm toa PtfTguH Market. BANKERS BUYERS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC Aa Advaaee la talted States Stool Preferred Proves Helpfal to the Stock Market at Large. NEW YORK. Juna .-An unimportant rolume of business wss dona in tha stock market today, but the tone wss plainly nrm and confidence over the prospect for values wss thereby fostered. News bear ing upon values waa slight, but In the absence of threatening developments and with pro.ectlon afforded to Southern Pa cific, there was no urgent pressure to sell. Bankers usually Intrusted with financial operations for the company were large buyers of Southern Psclho and tha of ferings, 1 Including several thousand shsres for London account were readily absorbed. The circular Issued by the president to stockholders In explanation of the pro posed preferred stock Issue seemed to make a favorable Impresalon upon sentiment and was followed by tha rise In the stock to 4IH- This was a sensible relief to the general market where the effect of a de cline In Southern pacific has been dresded. An advance in United States Steel pre ferred was helpful to the market at large, and was connected with an agreement on wage schedules with a portion of Its em ployes and reports of a decision to main tain prices for steel rails. Confidence in the Condition of crnria warn unimnatrri although there was some complaint of rains in the harvest region, which made itself felt in the wheat market. With no fears for the favorable progress of the crops and with the extraordinary strength of tha banking position shown by Satur day's bank slatoment, there Is opportunity to await the progress of events, with hopes for a favorable outcome. Cash reserves and especially gold holdings are now well above any previous record. The Increase over this showing has reservations, as to Its Index of Idle trade conditions and as to tha responsibility for high interest rata on deposits paid by tha New York banks In effecting the result, but It Insures freedom from all pressure of securities-on the mar ket from the necessity of realising ready rash. Nona of the best prices of the day were maintained. The market became life less at the slight reaction and closed stagnant. Except for exception In Con solidated Tobacco 4s, prices on bonds were Arm. Total sales par value, 82,080,000. United States 4s registered declined H per cent on call. Following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison 800 12 72 72 do pfd 600 95 94 94 B. A 0 8.100 0 8UH 80 do pfd 90H Can. Pacific 3,100 121 120H VA Central of N. J 160 Ches. A Ohio 400 81 31 81 Chicago A A 200 38 87 87H do pfd .. .. 78 Chicago Ot Western 1.800 13 13H 18 C. A N. W 800 170 170 169 C, M. A St P 6,900 148 142 142 do pfd.'. 177 Chicago T. A T H do pfd .. 14 C C. C. A St L 68H Colo. Southern 100 16 15 15 do 1st pfd 48 do 2d Pfd 400 19 19 19 Del. A Hudson 100 154 154 164 Del., Lk A W 369 D. A R. 0 100 20 ' 19 20 do pfd 500 70 69'Z 70H Brio 3.800 34 23 23 do 1st pfd 1,800 58 67 67 do 2d pfd 300 86 86 84 Hocking Valley 100 66 66 66 do pfd 600 82H 81 81 111. Central 600 130 130T 119 Iowa Central 100 18 18 18 do pfd A 83 K. C. Southern -20 do pfd .. .. .. 40 L. A N 900 109 109 109 Manhattan L 3.000 14A 140 147 Met. Securities 1,400 7&H . 75 76 Met. St. Ry 18,300 111 109 110 Minn. A St L 40 M . St P. A 6. Ste M. 200 62 82 2 do pfd 100 119 119 118 Mo. Pacific..,.. 8.900 2 92 92 M.. K. AT 200 16 10 18 do pfd 500 87 37. 36 Nat'I R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central......... Norfolk A W......... do pfd .. Ontario A W,. Pennsylvania ......... P., C. C. A St. L.... Reading do 1st pra...., t do 3d pfd Rock Island Co 900 do pfd 100 Ft. L. A 8. F. 3d pfd ...... St. L. S. W.. 300 do pfd 300 Ho. Paolflo O.900 Bo, Railway 6O0 do pfd 300 Texas A Pacific 400 To!.. St. L. A W 60 do pfd - 00 Union Pacific U.ton do pfd 10O Wabash ew do pfd 1,200 W. A Lake Erie 300 Wis. Central do pfd , Mex. Central... Adams E"x Amer, Ex. ...... .. ,. . TT. S. fix Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper 18,300 $0 60 Amer. Car A F do pfd -200 . 71 71 Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd Amor. Ioa . 100 6 do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil , do pfd.... Amer. Locomotive do tfd Amer. Smelt A R. do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref... Anaconda iL Co.. Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A X Con. Oaa , Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities Oen. Electrto 100 151 161 Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump ex-dlv to pra Natl Lead No. American Pacific Mall People's Oas , Pressed Steel Car. do pfd Pullman P. Car.... Reoubllo Steel do pfd 100 41 41 Rubber Goods do pM - Tenn. Coal A 1 600 U. a Leather do pfd 400 U. S. Realty do pfd 600 U. 8. Rubber do pfd 100 U. 8. Steel.., 1.700 do nfd 23.700 Weatlngh. Flectrlc... 110 M Western Union ex-dv 100 & 8.400 t-' 8U-- 116 8,600 116 47 2,600 46 M 87 15 200 7 7 800 6TH 68 1,000 98 98 800 13ri 12A 800 74 74 17,000 49 48 '''406 194 198 '566 21 30 100 26 300 94 9 200 27 27 'iftO 213 218 100 6 8 36 79 0 ii 9 561. $4 79 $9 6A 9 M 1M 88 Total galea tor the day, 24L2U0 shares. 28 48 11 84 31 24 . 3T 87 91 1 35 16 6 37 7 226 181 104 . 300 60 17 71 4 88 24 34 19 82 63 98 12hi; 73 48 29 193 10 M 21 160 It m 28 70 20 88 25 9A 27 70 211 4?H 16 78 34 fo 13 64 1 86 Boston Stock daotatloos. P06T0N. June 20. Call loans. 293 per cent; time loons. WH per cent Official cloning of stocks and bonds: .101 AtcBlsea a4J tm 4 Ceatral 4a. Au-Maoa ' So 4 Nil Boat on Albany ..MO Uoatos aUlM....IU I Bosloa Klavat4 ...1W rilcsburi pli. Met. Oatral N. T . N. H. A H Fare laarquvlta .... Ualoa ratlao A mar. Area. Cham., 4o af4 Amar. Fneu. Tube., Anar. ur da I4 amar. T. A T Aomt. woolaa Waetlns. A4vmure Allouai AaialaamatH Amartvaa Ktae Atlaatla Btagaaa .: Cal. Haola CaaUaalal Copper Raace Dalr WW DooiiMoe Coal rraaklla Graaup Uia iterale Maae. kUnlns laaaiiaicaisaa , 1M I Mohawk U Moat. Coal aa4 Coke 14V Old Doajlaloa .114 . .191 . 77 . r . u . it 4 do Pfd Tt a Oaaaola Domlaloa I. A Parrot fcdiaon Eloc. Ills Oaaaral glactrla Maaa. Elactria . do td Maaa. baa XSi iQulucr ., Iba IShaaaoa ...... ...... IT 14 Tamarack TV Trtnllji , D, 8. MtaUc. t oliad yrult Htt V. 8. Oil I'sliad Shoe Mack.. it'Uk da aid n Victoria V. 'al Wtaona da pt4 I4 Wolnrlae .... Bid. Asked. it t 4 ?5 211 M M ' ' UV to t 15 4 41. 1H 21 UH to 0 ... 10 - Porelaa ptaaaclal. BERLIN, June 20. Trading on tha Bours was active. American rails on New York advU-ca of Saturday last were hi demand. PARIS, June 30. Prices on the Bourse today were irregular at first but later steadied and closed firm. Russians had an upward tendency. Rio Ttntua aaJuad It franca. Russian Imperial 4a cloaaxl at 80.80 ana nusNiana oi iv-i. at eta.. LONDON. June 30 Money wag In' good demand and In fair supply m the majket today. Discounts wore uodoratoly toady. Pualnees on the Stock exchange was quiet. The attendance was small, many operators taking advantage of the brilliant weather to extend their holidays. Consols declined a fraction and then became steady. Home rails wera cheerful m anticipation of aa Improvement in traffic returns. Americans reflected tha movements at New York. Tbey were irregular and occasionally above parity. The slight semblance of activity was mainly professional. The market closed firm. Foreigners were stesdy. Japa nese were firm. The new Japanese loan closed at 96. . Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. June 20. MONEY On call, ssy; lfclH per cent; closing bid. per cent; oftered at 1 per cent. Time loans, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 1 per cent; six months. per cent. PRIMe5 MERCANTILE PAPER 8H 34 Sterling exchange Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4-8716 for demand and $4.H6.6' 4.8640 for sixty days hills. Posted rates, $188. Commercial sTLvER Bar, 65c; Mexican dollars, BONDS Government, easy. The closing quotations on bond are as fAllnvt! O 8 ref. Is. r..14H L. N. anl. 4a 101 4i coupon l'H Manhitian . g. 4a...lH4 lOtVi. Mei. Contra! 4a 41 104 do let Inc U 13!!Mlnn. A St. l. 4a... t do la, rag do coupon , do saw 4a, red do coupon do old 4a, rc do. coupoa Atchtaon tea. 4a... do adj. 4a , Atlanta C. U 4a.. B. A O. 4s do 111 Central of Oa. , do 1st Inc , rtiea. A Ohio 44 Chliago A A. 8 Ha. it. a, u. a. aa C. M A s. P. a 4a.. in m. u s. w. la ... G. A N. W. c. 1s....l3K,4 Seaboard A. U 4a.. ...13:: ...lo ...ln7'4 ... ... Sl ... Mta ... J4 ...1WH ... TtH C, R. t. A P. 4i.. ( do rol. Il 10 C..C..O. A St.L. f.4l Chk-ean Ter. 4a Con. l(,nacco 4a.... Colo. fio. 4s D A R. O. 4s aTrle prior lion 4s; do (an. 4s bst r. w. d. c. i Hocking Val. 4Vta Bid. Offered, M . K. A T. 4s .... t do la 7- N. R. R. ot M. e. 4s. T4 N. Y. C. (. I'4s HWUj N. i. C. 8. SS 1'2H No. Paclflo 4a 104M da Is X. a W. e. 4s lM O I. L. Ii it par... Hv Penn. cobt. JHs H Reaillnf (n. 4s '"a St. L. A I. M. a. la.. lis "4 M4 St. u A 8. P. ft- 4a. t . M .117 .111 . 71 .106S . 741 . 'If .lit . M'4 . IIS " ,.100 "4 Po. Parlde 4s So. Railway la.... Texas A P. Is linlon Pacific 4s... do conv. 4a V. 8. Rtaol Id is.. Wabsiih la do lien. B W. & L. It. 4s... wis. Central 4s... Colo. P. A I. e. Is.. I) London tock Market LONDON. Juno 20. Closing: Consols money do account Anaeonda Atehlson do Pfd Baltimore St Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Chee. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W... 90 3 -11 . 10 ,. .. 74 ,. 7 ,. I!H . nit 14 C. M. A St. P 144 He Beers .. Denver A R. O... do Pfd Brie do 1st pfd do id pfd Illinois Central . Louis. Naah.... M.. K. A T... 1!Sb .. MH .. 71 .. 314a .. 40 .. KVa ,.1JS"4 ..UH .. 17Va N Y. Central.... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Peonaylvanla Rami Mines Readme do lat pfd .... do 2d pfd So. Railway do pfd So. Pacific. Union Paclflo .... do pfd U. 8. Steel .... do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4a .. .11 . 1714 . K . 24 ,. or . 1044 ,. 14 . 41 . U . 114 . 17 . 4H . ' . 44 . H . Mia . 17 . 84 iH SILVER Bar. steady, 25 9-16d per ounce. MONEY & Pt cent. THe rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2 J-1&S2H per cent; for three months' bills, 2fc2 : 1-16 per cent. We.OT York Htalnc Stocks. NEW YORK. June 30. The followln tne Closing pnuea uit mining uvm Adama Con t MOntarlo Alice 'ii rOnhir Breeca 11 J Phoenix Comatork Tunnel .... I Potoel Con. Cal. A Va K0 Bairaia tiM. Hil ...1:10 Rierra Nevada Iron Silver 171 Small Hopes LeadTtlle Don 1 imanaara Little Chief I Condition of the Treasnry. WASHINGTON, June 20. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of tha $150,000,000 gold reserve .In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $104,756,887; gold, $64,0o5,934. , , . . Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 80. Bsnk clearings for to day were $1. 86.498.30. a decrease of $120,0eo.21 from tne corresponding cay last year. g are ..171 ..H6 .. II .. II .. St .. 11 ..too OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Coadltloa of Trade, and. Quotations oa tanlo and Fancy Prodaeo. EGGS Receipts, liberal; market,, steady; fresh stock, 14c. , LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8c; roosters, according to else, 6tg6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, t49c; Boone, 6c; brolleraV Warnc. BUTTER Packing sfcock, He; cholca to fancy dairy, lulBc; separator, 17c. FRESH FISH Trou',- 10c; pickerel, 8c; I ke, lot; preh, 7c' tHSeflkh, 12c; whlteflsh, 4c; salmon, 14c; rodmvpper, 11c; lobster, green, 26c; lobster, boiled,, 80c; bullheads, 11c; cattish. 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 10c; orapples, lie; roe' shad, $1.00; buffalo,, 8c; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per dos.,, 8oc. BRAN Per ton, $19.08. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 18.00; No. 8, $7.50; medium, $7.00; coarse, $8 U. Rye straw, $5.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipt s light ORANGES Navels, choice, large site, $8.00; fancy navels, all sixes. 83.50; Mediter ranean sweets, choice, all sixes, $3.0004.25; Jkftas, ail sizes, $2.76S.0u. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California fancy, r70-$00-8, $8 75(34.36; choce, 83 5038.75. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. carton, tOo; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 13c; 5 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medlam-alxed bunch, $1002 50; jumbo, $2.75i)3.2S. DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkgs.. $2.00: In 00-lb. boxes. 6c per ib.; Oriental stuffed, per box, $2.40. PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 42, per crate, $3.0003.25. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per 24-quart case, $1.60(01.66; Oregon Hood rivers, $2.00. BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 24 at., $2.26. CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, 81.uoal.76; southern, per 24 qts.. $1.25. GOOSEBERRIES 25-qt. case. $1.50. PEACHES Texas, per 4-baaket crate, $1.00; California Alexandra, per box, $1.26. PLUMS-Callfornla Clyman, $1.85. APRICOTS California, $1.60. CANTELOI7PE Texas, per orate, $2,509 175 WATERMELONS Per lb., crated, l4oi each. 8Cg40o. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 81.31; Dakota, per bu., 91.20; New Texas Red stock, in sacks, per lb., 2c. " NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.16(3)2.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2c. CABBAGE California, per lb., 2(324c. CAULIFLOWER Per dos., 76c. CUCUMBERS-Per doi., 60c. TOMATOES-Tsxas. 4-basket crates, $1.18. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 20o. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos., 80c. TURNIPS Southern, per dox., 25c. BEETS Southern, per dos., 26c CARROTS Southern, per doa., 25c. PARSLEY Per dot., 20c, BEANS Wax, per ,bu. box, $2.00; per -bu. busket, $1.00. String, per bu. box, $2.00; per H-bu. box, $1.00. SPINACH Per bu., home grown, 86040a. A8FARAOUS Per dos. bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS-Per 6-basket crate. $2.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per doa, 75c. PEAS Per bu. box, $1.0C. EGO PLANT Southern, per doi., $1.60. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twlnr. full cream, lie; Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss, loc; Wisconsin brick, UHo; Wiscon sin limbergir, 13c. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb., lOo. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. I green, 5c: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c; No. 8 veal calf, 12 to It ibs., 6Hc; dry salted, Wl2o; sheep pelts, iVut'ic; horsehides, $1 6OJi2.60. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, par lb., 15o; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 1 soft shell, psr lb., 18c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; paeans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., lJc; peanuts, per Ib, 6c; roasted peanuts, per Ib, 8-; Chili walnuts, l-'il3Hc; large hickory nuts, per lb.. Ho; almonds, soft hell, psr lb., l&c: hard shell. 13c; shell, bareua, par bu.. $2.0o; black walnuts, per bu., $1.2i. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 20. WOOL Pulled and territory wdois are quiet. There Is little In terest In foreign grades. Leading quota tions follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 83i$34c: X, 2o21c; No. 1, 83c; No. 3, J14j32c; fine unwashed. 2292c; one-quarter, three-elghthe and one-half blood, un washed, 26u26Hc: fine unwashed delaine, 8tjic. MlchlKun, X and above, 2697c; No. 1, 2Dcuoc; No. 2, 28ti2c; fine unwashed, 21if22c: one-quarter, three-eighths and one half blood unwashed, 26fiMc; fine unwashed delaine, 8132o. Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths and one-quarter blood, 25H(lj 26c; braid 23024c. Idaho, fine, l&alttc; hnavy fine, 14jl6c; fine medium, lT'ylw; medium, lt19c; low medium, lailllc: Wyoming, fine, lbHWHc; heavy fine, 141lc; fine medium, 16ui7c; medium, 192ic; low medium, 2oa 21c; Utah and Nevada, fine, 15li-loc; heav fine 14c; fine medium, lOHc; medium, llfjiOc; low medium, lHdJlc; Dakota, fine, loyioo; fine medium, 16'il6Hc: medium, 11)$ tuc: new medium, VKa'iW:; Montana, fine, hcolce, lotl'l9e; fine average, 173lc; Tne medium, choice, lK19c; average, 16017c; stanla, HVMWic; choice. l7.ic. ST. LOUIS. Juna $0 WOOL Firm, ac tive; medium grades, combing and rlothlna-. lHat4Hc; light fine, 1ah8u; heavy tarn, Uit JmH tub washed, $Wtt3c, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Catt . 81ow Bl, with L3 Dtirbl Ondu Oonaldtrtblj Lower. HOGS, SOLD A BIG NICKEL HIGHER Wostera Raage teasoa (or theey Opened wltk Sklpsaeat from Ore gon, Waaktagioa a ad Idaho, at Very Satisfactory Prloes. SOUTH OMAHA, June 20, 194. C'attle.Hogs. Sheep. 1,9"4 6.40 4.0O1 6,271 .0u8 4.4J0 6.lHi 7.010 t.m 7 2.39 2.110 8.863 83 4, i 763 6.417 Ofheial Monday Bdme day last week.... bailie day week before bame three weeks ago Same four weeks ago.. Same day last year.... RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tha receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha lor the year to data witn comparison with last year; MG4. 19U8. Inc. Dec. Cattle 434.778 466,446 81.668 Hogs 1.2&.269 1.172,29 s9,IH0 nueep 8r3,6to 6JH.6T3 133.991 Average price paid tor hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparison: Data I 1904. 11908. 11903. 11901. 11900. 189. 11898. .. 7.. 8.. 8, June June June Juna June June June June Juna June lo.. June 11... June 12... June 13... June 14... June 16.. June 16.. June 17... June 18... June 19.., June 2a.. 4 63 4 4CH 4 49HI 4 641 4 13 A M . 1 4 6BHI 4 891 4 78 4 81 lu I 1 21 .1 4 87 1 iyi 4 t to Mi 8 07 t 9 t 75 t 77 $80 6 06 6 ! t 08 8 99 8 07 f 94 6 97 6 94! 8 ! 07 I 13, 16 7 20 i 16 7el8j 7 8tii 7 33 7 36 7 81 i 961 6 01 T 24 7 23 7 26 7 331 7 41 t 701 t 70 71 6 70 t 71, 6 $781 e t 83 8 1 t 89 6 86 ( 81 6 86 e 6 83 t 88 6 92! 8 89 4 ! 4 881 4 83 4 81 4 94 4 9o 6 02 6 lui e 8 00 4 92 4 86 4 851 4 891 4 96 s 6 03 6 06 4 94 8 50 $64 8 ts) 4 n 4 1.' 4 03 4 18 8 6S $ 6S 4 01 3 6i'i 8 s $ eoj ir 3 tl 8 U 3 691 e $ 57 8 64 $ 86 $ 64 3 (2, 8 63 3 64 3 71 8 98 $ 8i $ 71 3 79 3 77 3 90 3 63 8 60 e 8 80 607 965 687 1,019 143 1,220 'l88 143 438 350 1.422 1.143 1,067 Indicates Sunday. The official nuinoei of cars of stuck brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses. C, M. A St. P 6 8 Wabash 1 1 Union Pacific System. .19 4 10 1 C. A N. W. Ry 1 18 F., E. A M. V. R. R..26 21 1 C. St. P., M. A O. Ry. 7 8 B. A M. Ry 22 18 t 2 C, B. A Q. Ry 2 2 C, R. I. A P. Ry., east. 1 3 , .. C, R. I. A P. Ry., west . 1 Illinois Central 2 Cbloago Ut. Western.. 1 Total receipt 88 76 16 8 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head indicated: Buyers. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Company 99 Swift and Company 633 Cudahy Packing Co , 677 Armour A Company 360 Swift and Co., country Armour A Co., from U. C Vansant A Co 21 Klngan A Co Sam Werthelmer 134 Sol Degan 18 Layton A Co Ago Pkg. Co J. B. Root A Co Other buyers 154 Total 1,902 5,800 8,982 CATTLE There waa a light run of cattle here this morning, but at Chicago and some of the other points receipts were heavier than anticipated. As a result bearish re ports were received and local packers started in from the beginning to pound the market and succeeded to quite an extent. The beet steer market was very slow and lewer. In fact it waa the slowest market that has been experienced since prices started on their upward Journey some lime ago. Buyers picked out some ot the choic est loads, that were not a great deal lower than the same kinds sold tor last Friday. One bunch was good enough to bring $6.16. The medium class of cattle, though, were extremely slow sale and oould safety be ?uoted lo816c lower, with warmed-up corn ed and grass cattle 1626o lower. Some cattle of the latter description were almost impossible to sell at any price. In spite ot the fact that the supply waa small it was late before anything like a clearance waa made. ' ( ' The cow market waa also slow, and lower. Some of the choloer grades of dry lot cattle were not a great deal lower,, but the fair to good kinds were 104150 lower., , Grasser were almost unsalable and were right around a quarter lower than iaet Friday or 76u lower than a week ago. The bulk of them are now selling from ti.50 to $3, with choice from $3 to $3.60. Canners and cutters were slow avnd lower, but did not suner quite as much aa the fair to good graasera Good corn-fed bulls were a little lower than the close of last week and graaa bulla suffered about aa muoh as grass cows. Veal calves did not show mucn cnange. There were not enough gtockers and feed ers in sight to make a market. The de mand waa also limited, but the choicer grades would probably have sold about steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. No. 14... M... 60... T... 31... 4... 4... 1... 1... 17... XI... il... ... 4..'. II... 8... 84... 10... I... 11... 14... 4... 11... a... l 1070 8 to " COWb AND HEIFERS. 121 8 Tl HEIFERS. M t 16 la T4T 4 18 171 8 80 1 1164 4 49 Av. Ft. 81 H46 8 H AT. Pr. 84 1260 I 6 .... MO III 1 1110 I 40 1191 4 Si 4 1204 I 44 .... 440 4 II 4 1110 I 46 Hit 4 60 19 Hit I 41 1148 4 70 44...., Ut 6 44 746 4 71 M ISM I IS ,....1047 4 76 II 16 - ( 44 1040 4 0 44 104T 74 1040 4 M 40 110 t 70 ,....1171 I 40 41 , 1101 I 70 ....1140 t 00 18 1081 I 10 ....tin 8 00 M 1177 I 10 Wt I 46 II 1448 I 06 1261 6 60 82 1431 I 16 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... 441 4 U II 1011 I 40 .... 7M I M I COWS. 178 8 00 I... 1210 I 60 131 I 10 8 1116 8 60 440 8 76 . 3 846 8 70 ,....1016 I 00 I U61 I 70 1V01 I 10 1 1171 3 16 1008 8 16 1.. 1M1 4 00 1st 3 W 1 6.10 4 16 1117 8 84 II Hit 4 M 1001 I 16 II 1174 4 60 ..... 1,6 I 10 ' 1 1680 4 7 1IM 8 60 1 12u I 46 1 1330 t 76 1 1400 8 00 1 IUO 8 all 1 .....1720 8 40 i 1640 I 40 : 1 1049 8 60 CAjjve.H. ...1660 3 60 ...1404 a 44 ...16U0 4 00 ...1K0 4 00 ...1640 . 4 16 ...ISHO 4 16 ...1100 4 86 1 410 4 00 1 161 I 00 I M U M 160 I 00 110 4 60 ' 1 170 I 00 1 146 4 74 1 1X4 8 46 . 1 110 f M 1 Ill 8 60 1 110 6 00 BTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 8 no a si l aw a to t 1010 8 00 1 T4 8 40 1 IU4 8 04 18 664 8 76 8 410 8 14 4 76 8 10 a 101a a it . t 600 a ao a u im HOGS There was a fairly liberal run of hogs reported this morning, but quite a few of them were consigned direct to pack ers. The market was not particularly active, as salesmen were asking consider ably more money for their Iioks. The general market could be quoted a big nlokel higher or possibly b(g!Mo higher. Although trading waa not very active, still the light receipts soon brought the market to a close and there waa very little change In ruling prices from start to finish. The bulk of the hogs sold from $4.96 to $5.08, with a top at $6.10. The light and common kinds sold from $4.96 down. Representative siUes : No. Av. Fr. Ik. Ne. Av. Pr. 8k. 74 Ill 40 4 12 ...... i 120 I AO It mi ..44 71 ttt 110 8 40 44 13 114 4 H II sal .. 8 40 14 Ill 10 4 44 61 241 124 6 00 41 lul SO 4 44 Tt 144 leO 8 40 Ui 1 40 4 14 Tl 16 44 I 00 41 Ill 40 4 46 70 Ut 40 3 00 44 124 120 4 46 T4 1U 140 1 0 41 1 40 4 M M 14 40 t 04 10. Ill M 4 17H 72 114 44 I 04 14 126 64 4 I7A 41 1X7 .. 00 14 131 110 44... 124 804 8 04 11 124 .. 4 11 64. ...... .147 ..8 00 44 114 .. 4HV4-44 140 120 1 00 Tl 104 60 4 4T 44 164 140 1 04 74 ! 120 4 T II 224 10 1 01V 11 IUO 44 4 IT 114 14 40 I 42 64 124 .. 4tf 70 164 .. I 02' 14 146 40 4 I1H 40 144 .. 01 II HI .. 47 41 171 144 I 2'j 44 114 44 4 r 67 Ml .. 142 1 116 40 4 7 41 Ml .. 6 42 44 12 IX I , 44 Ill 44 I 44 tl HI 120 8 04 44 161 40 8 14 44 Ill 144 I 40 40 17 40 6 0 70 227 160 I 00 10 241 .. I 04 44 241 40 4 00 II 1V4 .. 8 06 61. 2.11 44 I 40 44 20 10 8 44 66 146 40 I 00 10 til 40 8 04 Tl 241 40 4 00 44 607 .. I 10 SHEEP There waa a more liberal run of sheep and lamhe here this morning than has arrived for some time pavat. It was the opening of the wxetern range season, shipments arriving: f rom Washing ton, Oregon and Idaho. The quality waa about aa good aa could be expected this early In the season and local packers took hold of them quite freely and paid very sstlsfsrtory price. Idaho ewes sold for 84 40, Washington wethers and ewes mixed brought $4.50 and Oregon wethers 84.40. As compared with a year ago, teee prices are about aa near steady as anything else. The first shipments of any itt.portance a year ago arrived June 12. or met a yenr ago today. Oregon ewes and wethers mixed brought $4.(, Idaho wethers $4.40 and Idaho lambs and yearlings 36.26. Quotations on fed stock: Good to choice Iambi. $6.0WT.tO: fair to good lambs, 86 &r u 8.00; good to choice yearlings or wethers, $&,0&5 25; fair to good yearlings of wofhers, $4.75(ti5.0O; good to choice ewes, $l.25j4.60; fair to good ewes, $4.0jl4.3&. Representa tive sales: - No. Av. Pr. 69 western ewes 84 2 75 39 western lambs 43 4 (10 6 western lambs 81 4 oo 141 Idaho grass ewea US 4 40 232 Idaho grass ewes l'H 4 40 668 Idaho grass ewea 103 4 4 7 western wethers 114 6 25 6 western lambs 63 8 60 !?4 western ewes and wethers.. 88 4 85 138 western ewea snd wethers.. 88 4 85 8n0 Oregon gran ewes and weth 95 4 40 30 Oregon grass ewes and weth 97 4 40 878 Oregon grass ewes and weth 94 4 40 4f.2 Waeh. grass ewe and weth 90 4 50 565 Wash, grass ewes and weth 90 4 60 116 Wash, grass ewes and weth 90 4 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Hogs Plvo .to Tea Cents Higher Skeep Steady to Strong. CHICAGO. June 80. CATTLE Receipts. JR.000 head, 250 head Texana: market for good to prime steers, $6.16i6.79; storkcrs and feeders, $2.7604.60; cows, $1.75U4.76; heifers. $2.00(84.60; canner.$2.0032.26; calves, $2.6fiS50. ' HOGS Receipts. 80.000 heed; estimated tomorrow, 18,000 head; left over, 1,857 head; market Iji&lOc higher: mixed and butchers, good to choice heavy, 36 2o-fjf.80; rough heavy, 14 (Mi 6. 16; light, $4.oto.20; bulk of sales, $5 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head; market steady to strong; lambs same; good to choice wethers, $4.75(6.26; fair to choice mixed, I4.0O&4.7S; western sheep, $4.60J4.SS. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, June 20,-BEEVES-Re-celpts 4,678 head; market for good to choice steers, 10c lower; others, 15v-c lower; bulls, KVuL'Oo lower; cows. lrloc lower; steers, $4.56(6.60; bulls, $3.00(i)6.00; cows, $1.8or(j4.26; extra, $4.60; calves quoted live cattle higher at lo(&12Hc; dressed weight; sheep steady; exports estimated tomorrow, 740 cattle, 1,100 sheep and 4,100 quarters ot beef. CALVES Receipts ' 6,400 head; market opened 25c to 60c higher, closed easier; veals. $4.0Of?6.00; choice early. $.12H4)6.25; general sales, $6.26.00; buttermilks, $3.6; dressed calves, firm; city dressed veals, 6c a pound: country dressed. 641SHC HOGS Receipts, 12.278 head; market 101? 15c higher; state and Pennsylvania hogs, $5.60tfi'6 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 18,585 head; market for good handy sheep, steady to strong; others, slow to 15c lower; good lambs, tOc lower; sheep 32.757J4.75; culls, $2.0Ol5O; lambs, $5.5085.76; one car of extra at $7.40; general sales, $5.70. St. I.onls Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, June 20. CATTLE Receipts, 6,000 head, Including 4,800 head Texuns; market about steady: native shipping and export steers. $6.0i6.i5, the top for strictly fancy; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.50 ji.60: steers under 1,000 lbs., $4.0Wfr6.O0; stockcrs and feeders, $3.00ff4.25; cows and heifers, $2.25ji6.4, the top being for fancy corn fed heifers; canners. $2.0O4it25; bulls, $2.754.60; calves, $3.0O43.O0; Texas and In dian steers, 83.0O&6.75; cows and -heifers, $2.76(33.76. HOGS Receipts, 2,600 head; market higher; pigs and lights, $4.15ftj4.95; packers, $4.855.06; butchers and best heavy. $5.00 (20 SHEEP AND ' LAMBS Receipts, 8.500 head; market steady to strong; native mut tons, $3.754.75; lambs, $5.00(i7.26; culls and bucks, $2.26&3.00; stackers, $2.00((K3.10; Texas, $3.40(i4.75.i Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June. 20. -CATTLE Re ceipts 9.3(0 head, inoludlng 4,400 head south ernfl?. marltpt ateadv to weak: choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5.75(8ti.40; fair to good. $4. 25& 5.50; western fed steers, $4.25 66.00,- - stackers, and feeders. $3.0O&4.70; southern steers. $3.006.70; southern cows, t2.0O4H.00; cows. $2.4)0(5.4.26; native heifers, 3.2&O6.40; bulls,, $2.604.25; calves, $2.60'a4.26. HOGS Keceipts, 4,iou neau; marKei ogiw higher; top, $5.10; bulk of sales. $4.90(U.06; heavy, $5.00(S5.10', packers, $4.9&&5.09; pigs and lights, $4.O0t4.9iH. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J.7O0 head; market 107fl5c higher; native lambs, $5.00(34.80; western lambs, $5.006.80; fed ewee. , J4.6OH&.10; Texas cnppea yearling, 34.75Q5.S5: Texas' cllpniw- smen, $4.0CK64.86; stockers and feeders, ,13.004.00. St.' Joeerth Live Stock Market. OT , inmrPH .Tune JO fATTT.IB Tte- celpts,, 1,817 head; good active steady. Others slow to loc tower; natives, 6. outgo. w; Texas and western, 38.36i6.25;. cows and helferg, $1.25$fi.60; stockers and feeders. 7.8fit4.60. HOGS Receipts, -2,093 heod; market StglOc higher; light, $4.966.0t; medium and heavy, 40.t'qu. JU. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head: market firm: shlDDlng spring lambs. $7; Wethers, $8.20; western, $5. Bloom City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. June 20. fSpeclal Tele- gram CATTLE-e-Recdpta. 300 head; mar ket steady; beeves. $4.&0?f6.0o; cows, bulls snd mixed, $2.5006.00; stockers and feeders, $3.0O7i-4.0U; yearlings and calves, $3.00(33.85. HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; market a big to higher at $4.8636.06: bulk, $4.9&.06. . . Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. Juile 20. COTTON Snot. In limited demand) prices 6 points higher) American middling fair, 6.64d; good mid dllng, 6.60d; middling, 6.4od; low middling, 6.26d; good ordinary, .12d; ordinary, t.92d. Futures opened quiet ana closed quiet; American middling g. o. c: June, 6. lid; June and July. 6.02d; July and August, 6.97d; August and September, t.TOd; Sep tember and uctooer, s.sua; uctooer ana .No vember. .6.23d: November and December, 8.17d; December and January, t.l4d; Jan uary ana iceoruary, o.ina; r eoruary ana Marcn, .i3d. - ST. LOUIS, June . COTTON Ho lower: middling. UHc; sales, none; receipts, 168 bales; shipments,. 46 bales; stock, 12,677 bates. NEW YORK. June . COTTON-Bpot closed quiet, 45 points lower; middling up lands, 11.25c; middling gulf, 11.50c; sales, 100 bales. ' NEW ORLEANS. June 20.-COTTON Futures, steady; June, 10.67c: bid! July, 1A Vtfi.1A 4tn. A..w.t in 4ln, C n a Ka. O '111 V. I I tfJV. IO.. , AUeum, IV,. -1'. ) I,, ,'.v.ll .w'v $.66c; October, 9.2(?0.80c; November, 9.27((j S.ftnc; jflTClilU'Tr, e.ioyir.ov, uniiuaij, a.oo 'j 9.35c. Spot, steady; sales, 2,500 bales; low middling, 10 7-16c; middling. 11c; good mid dling, 115-16c; middling fair. 11 9-16c; re ceipts, 1,306 bales; stock. 113,818 balea Metal Market. NEW YORK, June 20. METAL Tin was very weak in the London market, closing at 116 17s 6d for spot and 116 6s for futures. The local market, Influenced by the decline abroad and by the continued light demand was also weak, closing at 8i5.37H'fl-7H for spot. Copper was firm in London, closing at 56 17s 6d for both snot and futures. Locally the market was steady and unchanged. Lake Is quoted nt 3l2.ZDHtrl2-'v. i-eaa was uncnangea at xn 6a In London and $4.20 In local market; Spelter steady and quiet In local market. Iron closed 61s In Glasgow and 42s 4Hd In Mlddleshoro. locally Iron was quiet; No. 1 .foundry northern, $14.5Mil5.0O; No. 2 foun dry northern, $13.75414.26; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $13.26(Uvi3.75. 1'ig iron warrants are weak at $9.00- ST. LOUIS. June 20.-M ETA LS Lend, un changed, $4.10. Spelter, unchanged, $4.60. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. June 20. EVAPORATED APPLES Market quiet. Old crop supplies are being gradually cleaned up and prices rule firm, with common quoted at 436Hc. prime at tHil0. choice at 6WHc and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pmnes show little change either In price or the general condltlona recently noted, while quotations range from 2o to tHc. accord ing to grade. Apricots are in light supply and firm, with choice quoted at qIo:. extra choice at lOH'ulOHc and fancy at lift 13a. Peaches ore also nrm in the absence of selling pressure, choice being quoted at 7f7io, extra cholca at 7VtSc and fancy at 9H4jlc- , ' - Oils aad Roaln. NEW YORK. June 20. OILS Cottonseed, quiet; prime crude nominal; yellow, 28H( ftc. petroleum, easy; renuea rv ew i oi k, 87.96; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.9u; bulk, 85.00. .Turpentine, dull, s6(fr66c. ROSIN Easy; strained common to. good, $3 10. SAVANNAH, Ga., June 20.-OIL-Tur-penttne. ateadv, 5c. ROSIN-Urm: A. B. C. $2 65: D. $2 70: E, $2.76; F, $3.k; O, $2.86; H, $1.00; I, $3 80; K, $3 40; M. $3.6i; N, $3 86; W. G., $4 2o; W. v ., 84.60. NEW YORK. June 20 SUGAR Raw steady; fair refining, 8Hc; centrifugal 96 test, 3 27-T-c; moidABeS sugai, SVtC. .r.eiinea, quiet; crushed, t.5oc; powdered, tc; granu. Ihic-,1 4 law. NEW ORLEANS. June 20.-8UGAR- Strona: oi.on kett e, 2492 2-lAc; centrifugal. I:U1V; centrifugal whiles. 4Sc; yellows, 4i4 6-14r: H-(ini1. 2H'03Ho. MOLASbEtt Nominal; open kett la. 8Q4S 2rV: centrifugal. ItvfjlSc. yrttp. nominal. 20 C-c ColTee Market. NEW YORK. June ro. COFFEE The market for future opened steady at un changed price to a decline of t points. Sales were reported of 83,500 bags, including July at 1.90c, August, 6tc; September. 6 10 &6.20c; October 6 20c; December, 6 1n 46i-; January, t.6oc; March, 6.7O4i.80c. and May. 8.90&4.9&C. Peoria 49 rata Market. PEORIA. June 80. CORN Steady, N6. 3, 48Wo; No. 4, 2Hc. WHISKS On the basis ot $1.28. , Elgin Rotter Market. ELGIN. III., June 20 -IU'TTKH-RuIkI Arm at 17Hc Sales for the week were 883,400 lbs. CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS National Conference Takes lp Qee tloa ot State Scpervlalon ot tha Work. PORTLAND, Me., June 20. Th national conference of eharltlea and correction opened with a general session today under charge of the standing committee on "State Supervision and Administration." , The state's responsibility In the fluid of eharltlea and correction was brought out by the report of the committee at which Mlohael J. Scanlan of New York City Is chairman. "Limits of 8tate Control snd Supervision of Charities," wa tha topic of a paper by Rer. A. W. Clark of Omaha, Neb., which supported th centralised management of publlo Institutions and the close supervision f private charities. Officer for the ensuing yenr were elected is follows: President, Dr. Samuel O. Smith, St. Paul, Minn.; vice presidents. Freeman Gowen, Portland, and Mr. Simms, San Ftanclsco; general secretary, Alexander Johnson, Fort Wayne, Ind. Judge L. T. Klmme, Des Molncs, was appointed a mem ber of the executive committee. REAL EST.VTH TRANSFERS. Deeds llled for record June 20, ss fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust eompnny, bonded abstracter, .1614 Stephen D. Bang and wife to Clu V. spargur, lot it, diock n, oummn $ 800 Omaha Realty company to Amelia Carstens, lot B, Cherry uarnen i Theresa O'Brien to Ontharlno Ma- loney, part of lots 1 and 3, block . Ttnah Selbv'ej odd to South Omaha 25 D. C. Bryant et al to L. M. Iord, part or lot lb, Minarn at tjainweu s nun., o.ww Edward D. Jones and wife to Mar- faretha Kense. lots IX to 16. diock z, lalcyon Heights ' too Edward R. Benson to Hosting A Hcvricn nart of lot 108. llses' add.. 2,900 George A. Rohenbaugh ond wife to Juliet L. Kmery, lot o, -diock , Omaha View 1.000 Samuel Relchenberg and wife to James Vlckery, part ot lot i, diock no .itv 1.900 Anna M. O. MoCormlck and huahand to Marv M. Dundy et al, lot is, mora rM.H.lon 1 City of Omaha to school district of Orriaha, lot 6, block H, city 10.000 L. D. Fowler and wife to Mary P. Harris, lot 19. block inn. uunoee .... Andred Andersen and wife to John P. Flnley. nwH eH 6-16-13 i 3.800 Bvron R. Hastings and wife to Wil liam A. and Mary J. crosoy, ioi i, block 8 Drake's add 1.400 Philadelphia Mortgage snd Trust company to Henry w. Alien, ioib i i 1A rnrchran nark 2.000 Ellen A. Fraee et el to George W. Coslali, lot 6. Collins t'lace ,ou Updike Commission Co. GRAIN AND PROVISIONa Bualnnss handled promptly In 'all market Office. 653 Be Building. Telephone 2451 G. W. UPDIKE. MANAGER. Ten free trips to the World' Fair. Seo coupon on page two. JAILWAY TIMES CARD. jRIOlI STATlOTt 10TII A.D MAtU.' Y. A Pae4flc. Chicago, .- i Rock Islaad I Leave. ...a 1:61 am ...a 1:00 am ...bll ol ra ...a 410 pm ..A 1.40 am Arrira ..a 1:10 aa ..a 140 am ..a 1 60 am .a 4:M pm Chicago Daylight Limited .... CLicasa DavUht Loeal .... Chlqasa Kpresa , Da Molnra Uiipresa Ckleaao Paat sUpresS ....... WEST. wikv efrmatatn Unite ... Llneola, Coloraao aprmaa, aw ver, PseMo aad west a 1:80 pm t'ulua Paclflo. Tke Overland Llmlteg Th Paet Mall Th California Express tk. RnAlal The Portland-Obleago qaaaUI.. 8:84 pm Th Atlantic Eiprea .V.V"" The Colorado Special tl all:8l pm Th Ckleaso Bpeola: Llnooln. Beatrice 4V gtroDMburf Bipreaa 6 i' Dm Columbus Local D 4:00 pm Chicago, Milwaukee 4k St. Paal. Chlcaso DaylltM a T:44 am all:18 pm Chicago Feet Kipreae a ;: ya- 4:14 pia O.acland Llmltai - s t JO pm a J:10 am Des Moliiaa Bipreaa a 1:66 am a 8:10 pm Illinois Central. . Chicago Bu press a T .60 pm 014:18 pm rt.i...n Ulnneenolla A BL. Paul Limited a T:60 pm klnneapoll A St. Paul BU....b 7:64 am Cblcuao eV Morthvreetera. Past Chicago ...a 8:40 am Looal Cblvasa au:su am U.ll a 4:10 Oklaboma aa4 Texas Bipraa...a 4:16 lm t a pm l:it pm bu :64 am a 1:86 pm a 1:6 am 1:08 pm a l o pm . a 1:84 pm a V'io'pm a 6:0 pm 7:10 pm a 1:40 am 1:44 am bl 2:411 pm b 4:16 am a 8:06 am bl0:l! pm a T:41 am Daylight Bt Paul Daylight Chicago Limited Cbloago Paat Cblcage Loeal Chlcaso Local Sioux City Fast it. raul 81. Paul Bspreaa Fast Mail Local UIpux City Norfolk A Boneateel Unoolo aad Long Plae Dead wood. Hoi BprUiga I .1 nnnln ....., c...... and WTomlns Bipreea..d I 60 liu Hasting, Superior and Albioa..b 1:60 pm k 1:10 cm Missouri Paolflo. St. Louts Bipreaa al0:4f am Kanaaa City A St. Louis ..a T:0 am ...a 1:00 am ...a 8:10 am ...a 6:6o pm ...a 4:84 pm ...S 8:11 pm b 4:40 pm a 1:06 am b 1:04 am aua .a 1:60 pm a 8:14 ina all 66 atu al0:O pm all:10 pm a 1:14 am a 1:46 pm b 1:44 pm T 6 am a 8:26 IU a 1.40 pm a 26 am blo w am blV:4 am a 1:10 pm a 6:10 pm preaa World Pair pelal Bx- all 46 pm 8:8v pm a 1:14 pm a 7 00 am an .60 am C'kleago Croat Western. St. Paul A Minneapolis Lim it. at. Paul A Minneapolis Ex. pre T:M am Chlcaso 'Limited a 4 60 pm Chicago Bipreaa a 4:80 am Wabatli. St. Loal "Canooa Ball' Bx. hew World' Pair Laoal Crom Council ttluga .a 1:20 pm a T:14 am a 8:14 pm ai0:o m a 4.04 pm .a 4:10 pm .a 7:46 a in. .a l oo am a 1 10 am a 1:00 pm S 8:00 m 0URLIJSGTOJI STATIOX 10TH a MASOM Chicago, Borllagton at anlmey. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Bpeclal 4 T oo am a 1:66 pm Chicago Veatibuled Bipreaa ....a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chlcaso Local s 8:16 am allOO pu Chicago Limited s I.I pm aT.40p.n Paat Mall M m Kansas City, St. Joaepk a Co. Blafa. Kaaeaa City Day Kapraea ,,....a 8:18 am a 4 04 pm St. Lou la Plyar a 6 26 am ell :06 am kanaaa City Night Bipraas ....all.: pm a 4:46 am Bnrllagtoa e Mlasoorl River. Wyaiora. Beatrice A Llooola . a 1 60 am bll:08 pm Nahraaka liipraaa ..a 4 60 am a 1 4i piu Denver Llalte 4 4.14 pm a 4:16 am Blank Hill A Pugt Sound Bi.all.14 pm a l.u pm belturado Vast lbu lad Plyar 1:10 (m Llnuoln Past Mall bt:6Tpm all uo vm Port Crook riattamoutb ... b 110 pm 10:16 aui Ballevu A Pa?IB.o Junotloa ..a T:60 pm a I. II am Bellevue 4t Pastln Juuctloa ,. 8.10 am WEBSTER DEPOT 10TH et WEBSTEll Mlaaoorl Paelflc. toava Arrira. Nabraak Local, via Weeping Water k 1:14 pm all pm Chicago, St. Paol, Mian. A Omaha, Twin City Paaseoger 134 am k 4:10 pm 8tous City Peaaeuser a 8:00 pm all:lo am Oakland Local k 8:46 pm b 8.10 am a dally. ' b dally aieept Sunday. 4 dally aioepi Saturday, e dally eieept Mauda. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ANCMOfi L1NB U. S. MAIL STBAMSH1F. NBW TORK. LONDON DBA HIT . AMD GLASGOW. HBW TORK. 01 bk ALTAR AND MAPLB8. Superior aecommodatlona. Eioollent eulaln. Th ouifon of paenr carefully ronaldered. Slug er lound-trlp llckvU batweea N Yoik end koolun. Bullish. Irlah and all principal Scaitdli, avian s4 continental pointa at attractive rate. Svnd for Book of Tour. Per tlcsete or seel Informetioa apply eo any local agent of tba Anchor Line, or to UKNDKHSUN Bkua. Oaa I Aula Chlcaaa. I1L