TITE OMAITA DAILY TEE: SATURDAY. JUNE 19, 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 'Etnewed Inturtit in SpwnlttlTi Euintii Ehowa by Loral Crowd W OslssBBBassai WINTER WHEAT HARVEST ADVANCING Argentina Dronth Only Ball Fen tare . Omaha Market Receives hat lhreo Un of Una aa4 So Wheat, OMAHA. June 17, 1901 An intereat In speculative business baa . returrted among tbe Omaha crowd, but the aggregate of business is not large. It Is nut likely that much of a Ions or short Interest will develop, however, fur some days until the corn crop la far enough advanced to make crop newa of more account In determining the situation and promise of December corn. Tbe corn crop la admittedly late In nearly all tne siatea and badly weedy in aome sections, but nothing has happened ao fax which can be accounted real damage. The caan corn situation la rather vague also, and the locals are net very sure of what to expect. Modern Miller finds the winter wheat barveat la progressing northward steadily with nothing- to interrupt it but tem porarily la the aouthwest by showers. Cutting is going on In southern Kansas, Missouri and lulnois, and the returns so far received would seem to indicate a satisfactory field ana a quality generally satisfactory. The millers In the southwest, Including Texas, are beginning to run on 'new wheat. The Miller finds the prospect good for a free movement from farmers as soon as the harvest is wall along. Vicksburg reported new Texas oats ar riving there, which' are the beat in three years. , The large export business reported late Thursday seems to have been a mistake, and the amount the aggregate of several days. This Is a blow to those who would bull the wheat. Considerable was bought however en news of drought in Argentine. Minneapolis reported atooks there will de crease 400,008 bushels for the week. An estimate made of the wheat acreage of three northwestern states places the in crease over laet year at 636,000 bushels, which, taking the government June con dition, would give a orop of 2o.0O0,OO0 bush els. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Thursday and today were as follows: Closed- 'Open. High. Low. Today. Thure. ,w neat- July n OA 814B 73fcA 73B Sept, Corn June July Sept Lec July 46 46f 1 44 46B 484B 4ttA 46 44 A 44V. S8B 38B 41BV41 B 3S A 8S14.B II B SI B t , 41 34 41 41 87 Bept A asked. B bid. Local Cash Grain Market. As the receipts of the Omaha market were confined to three cars of corn, busi ness In spot grain was neoessarily very small. Receipts and shipments were as follows: Wheat, 1 oar out; one week ago, S and 11 care. Corn, I cars In; one week ago, 12 and 27 cars. Oats, none; one week ago. 11 and 1 car. v, WHEAT No. 2 hard, Wo; No. 'hard. 82 hj?No.WS?-N. 44AMM6H.; No. 4. 40ffl43o: No. 2 yellow, 47c; No. 3 yel low, 45&46c; No. 2 white, 46o; No. 2 white, "oATSNo. 8. 88C1 No. white, 41c; No. white. 3fj40o; (No. I whit. 3880c; standard, 0o. ' Notes (rem the Exchange OsSce. Omaha stocks of grain In public v ware houses: Wheat, 82,086 bushels; corn. 14o,428 bushels; oats, 27,96 bushels. Omaha con tract corn amounts to 00,724 bushels. Of this 23.03a bushels Is In Morrlam & Holm qulst' house, and 67,US7 bushels in the Union elevator. Bldney Smith of Kansas City was an ex change visitor. He was formerly con nected with 8. A. McWhorter In this city and Is now with the Grant Kennedy Grain company of Kansas City. Grata Market Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain Thursday and today at the maltets named were as fol- l0WB! . CHICAGO. . Closed Wheat- W;nS September 'B Ju?v 48A 484A September V4A KANSAS CITY. Wheat July Beptember .. 74B 74. 70B fU&A c?uir ...... September ST. LOUIS. 44 B July 82 82 September .......... 77i . aiHa-B Corn lln, July mw..,w.i in September - 46B MINNEAPOLIS. 47 A 47 B WheatV Julv .. sofe SeDtsmber . DULUTH. Wheat- July ... 92 , 80 3 80 BeptemDor . - NEW YORK. Wheat July 89 : September 3 n b 64 B CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS rosvtnres of tbe Trading ana Closing? Prices a Board of Trade. " -OHICAQO. June 17. Prospects of a free movement from the farms In the near fu ture had considerable to do in producing a weak undertone in wheat today. July was down H&YaO. Corn is off S'uHa, oala Snow a JOBS Ul 71 U Xfc" iuiu inuviNuiii hade to 7c. Steady cables and a big decrease In Ar- firmness In wheat at the start. Opening quotations for July were unchanged to Vo higher at 841,4j47ic. The market soon lost Its Initial strength, however, and prices started down. A reoovery In July made late In the day ranged between 79V&79yo and 79c, oloalng at 1o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 86,400 bu. Uraiistreet's reports exporta for the week were equal to 1,044,000 bu. Primary receipts were 223.800 bu.. compared with 252. iuO bu. a year ago. Minneapolis Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts 01 ia cars, against lis last week and 278. a year ago. Sentiment in tbe corn market- early In the day was somewhat unsettled, but aa the session advanced the tone became quite weak. Liberal receipts and fine weather were the influences that caused the selling pressure. A big reduction In Argentine shipments bad a steadying effect at the , start. July opened a shade to c lower at 4KHG'4Ko to iKA sold between 48o and 49a and closed at 4Stc. Local receipts were SHr cars, witn or contract graae. Oats were affected by the weakness of corn. Trading was on a very small scale and the tendency of prices was downward. , The September delivery monopolised the small business of the day. July opened at ti)o, sold between 3Ho and S9Tc. closing at 8t38c. Receipts, 18 cars. Provisions were strong In the early part of the session. Small receipts of hogs snd low prices at the yards were early fea tures. Lard waa eft 2Hc at $6.87; riba Were a shade lower at 17.46. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 19 cars; corn, 87 care; oats, lul cars; hogs, lO.OuO head. The leading future ranged as follows. Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. I CI or. Yes'y. Wheat July , JJuly Sept. tSept. Corn June July Sept, Oats June July bpt. Ieo. Pork July .wept. July Sept. 'July Sept. KjVCf M'i a V 8S 84 84S'8S?iA4l 84 88 84 81 7 st jbiVi' Bl1 sot 7 77S T9hi.U 47S! 48 e) 48 4i487i4J 4ST.I 4UV4 448VkWl 414I 41 89 X 2(! 31t(1aiiii'32S 1 18 7 11 70 12 M 1 11 BS ia as 11 87 8 80 T 00 7 27" T 47 U W) 1 8 87H 7 80 I 7 W I 12 6 90 7 I 12 77 12 82 77l 96 I 7E T 40 I 8 80 8 7! T 8! TW I 7 2IH T4sl No. t tOIJ. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: ! LOI'K-Wulot and easy; winter pat ents. M.7ii4 M; straights. Si 4(Ku4b0; spring patents. I4 3"T440. straights, 8i.IKuj4.8o; ba kers. -J 6f. .13.30. WHiiAT ro t - ',, MQitic; No. 8, 86(jJ I2i: No, 1 rd, MrfifVOO. COHN-No. 1. 4fc'o; No. 1 yellow. 68o. OATS No. 1. Vd41o; No. $ white, 41 tHt- hVK-No. S, S5o. LAhl.ly-Ouod feeding, 86ff40c( fair to Chuli malting, 44'ui4c. hiU-i'U. No. J. 11.01; No. 1 north western, 81.08; prime timothy, 81M; clover, cnnir.i t e.irt- f le "R PROVISTONMss pork, rr hM., 811 SO 12-6. Lard, per 100 Ine., .768.77H- Short ribs sides (loose), $7 004(17.26. Short clsar Miles (boxed), $7.007.2S. Kereipts and srui menie yesterday at thi market were as follow: Rscelpt. Shipments. Flour, bbls 1R.40 .no Wheat, bu S9.0 VIX) Corn, bu $n.8n0 &9. Oats, bu " 130 400 138) Rye, bu cooo 4.200 Barley, bu 18,600 1.100 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries, 1JV-9 174e; dairies. 119lr-. Kggs. easy; at mark, dairies, 11lo. Kgga, weak: at mark, cvn Included, 14140. Cheese, weak at 7'esa NEW TORK GENERAL MARKET Uaotatloas of the Day Varloas Commodities. NFJW TORK, June 17 FLOUR-Reoelpts, 14 747 bbls.: exports, 4,617 bbls.; market in active and lower; winter patents, 8S.0O ti.i.30; stnilghts, H.fu4.96; Minnesota, pat ents, $4.ae.a; winter extras, $1 &.j-t UO; Minnesota, bakers, 8X7o34.00; winter low grades, .). l.Vj..l. sO. Rye flour, quiet; fair to choice, $4 .0ua4.25; choice to fancy, 84.2C 4.W. r CORNMKAL Steady; yellow western, $1.10'ul.l2; city, 81.121.U; kiln dried, 2.!6 t(3 1". RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 76c, .nom inal. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 4o, C L f.. New York; malting, nominal. WHhiAT Receipts, 8,U bu. Spot, easy; No. y red. nominal elevator; No. 1 red, $1 07. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du luth, 8101. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat., A se vere break In July wheat today, due to liquidation, was resisted for a time by other months on account of the demanda from shorts against sales of July. Event ually, however, with crop news all bearish, the whole market weakened and closed H9 lo net lower. July, 8 13-1691c; olosed at 89 16-18c; September, 83i(4o; closed at K8c; December, MW4Wc; olosed at 83o. CORN Receipts, 3,7(W bu.; exports, 2,800 bu.; sales, 10.000 bu. futures, 4O.0UO bu. spot. Spot, easy: No. 2, (6c elevator, and 84o, f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66c; No. 1 white, 56o. OpUon murkt was Ann until afternoon, when prices broke with wheat and cloned Htic net lower; July olosed at uiVo; September closod at S3c; December, eWiijo'.icj closed at 50c. OAtS ReceipU. 12K.300 bu.; exports, 1,194 bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats, 26 to 82 lbs., ;.6-17e: natural White, SO to 82 lbs., 4i&50o; Clipped white, 28 to 40 lbs., 51g52o. HA Y Steady ; shipping, 7ro; good to choice, 860. HOPS' Quiet: state, common to choloe, 1803, 26013;:; 1902. XifQ2c; olds, sialic; Pnclflo coast. 103, 24t(30c; 1902, 2326c; olds, 914c. HIDES Steady; Oalventon, 20 to 26 lbs., 18c; California, a to 26 lb.. lc; Texas (dry). 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 23Q2&0. f COAL Nominal. WOOL Flim; domes tie fleece, 2832o. TALLOW-Steady; city, 4e; country, 4iS4c. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 1 Cje: Japan, nominal. PEANUTS BUrm; fancy, hand-picked, 60; other domestic, 3sc. 1 PROVISIONS Pork, steady: family, 89.50 C10.60; mess, 88.0O(U.oO; beef hams. $20,609 22.00; packet, .0iii 50; city, extra India mess, $13.001.00. Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, $7.0007.75; pickled shoulders, $6.60; pickled hams, $9.00010.00. Lard, steady; western steamed, $7.10; refined, quiet; continent. $7.16; South America, $7.50; compound, $6.76(96.82. Pork. Arm; family, IU.Oii; short clear, i3.2614.76; mess, $14.00 13.00. POULTRY Alive, weak; western spring chickens, 1820c; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 12a,; dressed, easy; western broilers, 2226o; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 14J16e. BUTTER Firmer; creamery, common to extra, 1318c; state dairy, common to extra, 1317c; western factory, common to choice, llbl3c; western Imitation creamery, com mon to choice, 138il5c. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, small colored, lh,$Hc; small white, 'T77o; large colored, &V4o7c; large white, 6441J7c. EGOS Quiet and stead v; western extra seleoted, 17418c; firsts. 1617c St. Louis Grala and Provislo- ST. LOUIS, June 17. WHEAT Lower ; No. 1 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, $1.06; July, 8282o; September. 7&-79c; No. 2 hard, 8tj90e. CORN-Lower; No. 1 cash, 46c; track, 47'a4Sc; July, 46o; September, 4G346c. OATS Lower: No. 1 cash, 41c; track, 42242c; July, (7o; September, 80o; No. 1 white, 44c Jj'LOUiR j-ull and unchanged. Red win ter patents, 84.8O4.90; special brands; 10ft 26c higher; extra fancy and straight, 84.369 4.80: clear. $8.7003.80. 1 'SEED Timothy, steady, $2.6092.7 CORN MEAL Steady, $3.40. BRAN Higher and Orm; sacked, east, track, 90c HAY Dull and heavy; timothy, $7.00 14.50; prairie, t6.0010.00. IRON COTTON TIES 82a, BAOOINO-Hc. HEMP TWINB-60. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $12.55. Lard, lower; prime steam. $6.17. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $8.00; Clear ribs, I8.12M-; short clear, $8.82. POULTRY Steady; Springs. 14&16o; chickens, 8o; turkeys, Uo; ducks,. 8c; geese. 8c. BUTTER Slow; ereametr. 1401so; dairy, U14o. OOS Steady; 13a, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls..'... 4,000 8,000 Wheat, bu..... 24.000 83.000 Corn, bu...l 82,000 11,000 Oats, bu 60,000 Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June 17. WHEAT July, 74c; September, 70S'7tc; December, 70370fco; cash. No. 2 hard. $8&90c; No. 8, 80t7c: No. 1 red, $1.02; No, 8. 8B9o. CORN July, 46Cf45c; September, 43iSi 44o; December, tt(a3!)c; cash. No. 2 mixed. Unfile; No. t, 49c; No. 1 whiU, 60c; No. 8, 4'60o. OATS No. I white, 4294I0; No. 1 mixed, 4041O. BUTTER Creamery, 133'15o; dairy, 11a. EUOS steady ; , Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewood cases included, 13c I case count, 12o; cases returned, o lower. HAY Weaker; choice timothy, 110.009 10.60; choice prairie, $8.2698.76. RYB-bteady, 64c Recelpta Shipments. Wheat, bu - 18.400 U.OOO Corn, bu 12,8i 8,00 Oats, bu 1.000 T.OOO lllnneapells Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 17. WHEAT-July. K(ifWo; September, 77ic; December, 78 97t4c; on trac. No. 1 hard, 96c; No. 1 northern, 84c; No. 1 northern, lc FLOUR First patents, 86.0006.10: seoond patents, $4.i-Kaf.0-'; first cleara, t.M3a.0; second clears, $2.46. , BRAN In bulk, $16.00; shorts, $14.00, Mllwankee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. June 17. WHEAT lo lower: No. 1 northern, 899c; No. 3 north ern, &f-flWo; old July, 600. RYE Market lo lower. No. 1, 72o. BARLEY Dull; No. 8, 3o ; sample, 16968a CORN Market c lower; No. i, 48Hyc; July, 48Hc. . Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, June 17. WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 1 California, ts 8d; futures, dull; July, 6s H4d; September,' 6s 2d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4s 4d; American mixed, old, 4s 6d; fu tures, quiet; July, 4a 4d; September, 4s td, Dnlnth Grala Market. DULUTH, . June 17. WHEAT To arrive, No. 1 northern, 2s; No. 1 northern, 90o; on track, No. 1 northern, t2a; No. 1 north ern, tc: July, 92c; September, 80o. OATB To arrive and on track, 41o. Toledo Seed Marks. TOLEDO; O.. Jurte 17. STKETJ Clover, Cash, $6.50; prime alslke, $6.50: August al slke, $6.55: prime timothy, $1.46; September tlmothyr $1.47. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., June 17. CORN Quoted dull to easy; No. t, 4&c; Ne. 4, tiMiita. W 1U3 K.1 4X28. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. June 17. COTTON Spot In limited demand; prices 10 ttolnts lower. Amerloan middling, fair, 6.82d; good mid dling, 6. Kid; middling, 6.3Sd; low middling, 6Z4d; good ordinary, 8.10d; ordinary, I.WjJ. Futures opened easier and closed barely steady. American middling, g. o. o. June, t.lld; June and July, 6.03d; July and Au gust, 6.97d; August and September, 6.77d; September and October, 6.42d; October and November, i 23d; November and pmber, 6.17d; lecetnber and January, 6.17d; Jan uary and February, 6.13d; February and March, 6.1Sd. NEW ORLEANS, June 17.-COTTON-Futurea steady. June, 10N6c bid; July, 10.96 ti'lO.Wc: August, 10 3Jf 10 23c; September, loiiOs.c; October, $.3a!i4c; November, 9 3u";ic; December, 8.U49.23c; January, NKW ORLEANS, June 17. COTTON Quiet; sales, 2.100 bales; good ordinary, vl&-16c: low middling, 10-16o: middling, lc: good middling, 11 7-16c ; middling fair, It U-I60. Dry Goods Market. NEJW YORK. June 17. DRY GOODS Total Imports of dry goods at this port for the week endiujf today were valued at $1.7y6,W. , NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS InUmt 0ntrt Lugj in th Sovthtra Pgoifio Btcttrititd. ACTIVITY OBSERVED IN UNION PACIFIC More or Less Dlverarenee In Conrse f the Two Stock Has Effect of Repressing Opera ' tlOBS. NEW TORK. June 17. Interest In the stock market remained larcely centered In the Southern Paclllc stock Issues. This plan was diligently canvassed from every point of view. There was considerable speculative activity In, Union Pacific and bout hern Pacl.lc as a consequence. The early advance In Union 1 acilto was due also In part to a rumor thai a decision In favor of the Union Pacific party waa to be handed down in the Northern Mecurlilea case, upholding Its contention for the re turn of the Northern Pacific stock aa originally deposited. There was more or less divergence in the course of the two stocks, and this had the effect of re pressing operations In the general market, owing to the confutdon of sentiment. Ueil ings fell away to the weakest of the week late In the day. The nature of the deal ings on the curb In Southern Pacific sub scription rights and Id tbe new preferred stock when Issued hsd its part In upsetting sentiment. The effect on Union Pacific was mod erate, except as It dimlniahed Its activity. The selling of Southern Pacific was large. Including free offerings for London ac count. Sharp declines in the Metropolitan group of street railway stocks were a depressing Influence. Metropolitan street railway declared the regular quarterly dividend, but many rumors were circulated of the Inadequacy of the company'a earn Inga to provide for dividends as guaranteed. News of crop conditions was very favor able, but was disregarded. So were the reports of heavy sales of copper, both for domestic and export account. The time money market was called weak, seven, months' loans being made at S per cent. Estimates of the movements Indicate large Influx of cash to New York, the week's gain by the banks being estimated at up wards of 37,0u0,00O. Southern Pacific was forced down 1 late In the day, but vig orous support was offered it snd the mar ket closed steady and generally slightly lower than last night. Bonds were less active than recently, but prices were well sustained. Total sales par value $1,745,000. The quotations yesterday on the New York Stock exchange were: eaies.nign.uow.dose. Atchison do pfd Baltimore at Ohio ... do pfd Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake St Ohio . Chicago 4k Alton do pfd Chicago O.-W C. A N. W C. M. St. P do pfd C. T. sc T... do pfd C, C, C. ft Bt. L Colorado Southern . do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd Dels ware A Hudson. D. , L. & W D. at R. O do pfd t. 8.000 72 71 71 , 700 , 8.300 WW 84 94H 80fe 80 79 2,200 120 119 119 160 100 30 80 30 78 13 163 200 13 13 100 168 168 4.900 1434 142 142 , 300 177 177 177 100 15 16 100 48 48 300 19 18 700 1&41 163 154 271 .. 100 L600 .. 600 20 69 Erie do 1st pfd . 24 23 23 6t 68 68 e 46 81 81 81 00 ma pia Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. AN Manhattan L 100 800 130 129 129 II 83 20 89 100 1.200 6.400 109-;. 109 109 146 146 77 76 111 111 42 1.000 147' Met. Securities ... Met St. Ry M. It St, L M., St. P. aV S. Ste. do pfd Missouri Paclflo . 900 77 14,300 113 M. 62 3,200 M.. K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. T. Central Norfolk & Western .. do pfd Ontario & Western... 4.600 Pennsylvania 4,200 P.. C. C. &. St. L Reading , 4,600 do 1st pfd de 2nd pfd Rock Island Co L900 do pfd 600 .64 tt, L. A 8. F. 2nd pfd t. Louis S. W .... do pfd 600 28 Southern Pacific ......65,600 Southern Railway .... 300 do pfd 100 Texas & Paclflo 100 T.. St. I W 100 do pfd' Union Paclflo 28,800 do pfd Wabash SO0 do pfd 100 W. L. E Wisconsin Central M ... do pfd .... Mexloan Contra! .... Adams Express . . American Express U. S. Express ..I Wells-Fargo Express .... Amal. Copper 6,800 Am. Car & Foundry.. 300 do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do ofd 20 84 21 22 85 86 91 15 it 16 7 225 180 108 203 49 17 70 24 88 .6 26 7 24 18 82 63 88 16 ft XV. 49 49 17 17 American loo do pfd Am. Linseed Oil .... do pfd Am. Locomotive ...I do pfd : Am. S. A R do ufd Am. Sutrar Refining. Anaconda Mln. Co... Brooklvn R. T Colors do F. A I Consolidated Gas Corn Produots A ioo ' "26 26 200 19 18 '63 98 1,400 . 1,600 64 98 9TM 126 70' 9.000 48 48 29 48 2)10 80 6,700 194 193 do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General El ec trio .... Inter. . Paper 800 600 ... .... 68 20 67 10 150 10 65 90 70 r 80 26 96 26H 89 112 40 15 76 ' 14 79vJ 6 58 16 66 154 do pfd .... later. Pump ....... .... do pfd National Lead L808 North American .... 20 Pacific Mall People's Oaa ......... Pressed Steel Car . . do pfd i Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... U. S. leather do rfd U. S. Realty do pfd TT. S. Rubber do pfd 90 97 96 109 100 40 40 TJ. 8. Steel do Dfd . . Westlnghotis Electrio Western Union 87 86 Total sales tor the day, 209.200 shares, London fteek Market. T.XyNTXN, June 17. dosing! Consols, eieasr . SO 4-1 . 80 I -W N. T. Central IN ds saeeunt Norfolk A W (714 So fd KtT Ontario A W M4 PonnayWanta i Rand Mines 14U Koadfns Wi do 1st sfi 41 s to M std (4 Be. Ballwss ti do pfd tT So. rai-tse 41 Unloa Paella any, do pfd .-. M Anseenia Atrhissa a eft Baltimore A Okie. fanadtaa rsclfle . Chas. A Oh In fhlrase At. W C .'M. A tt. F... PaBasrs Deavar A R. O).... as eft .. ,..... Krl do 1st fa to t P nilnots Central . Uil. A Nash.... . Tl . rti . i .in . n . 14 .1M . 1M . . v . u TJ. A Steal H Wabash 17 do pfd M paalsh 4s ad .I1t . 17U St.. K. a T SILVER Bar, euiet, 26d per ounce. MUJMfcJt l!1 per oeni. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 1 per cent; three-months' UUs, 1 l-16'.i per cent. Row Tork Mlalaar Sleeks. NEW TORK, June 17. The following are the closing prices on mining stocas: Adams Cos ft I Little Chief aitco a) On tarls Ophlr Pboasia Potosl Saraas SUrra Narsda 8uadv4 tram 1 Comstoak Taoael .... Cos. Lai. A Vs.. ...IN Harm silrar 1M Iras Sllrsr Mo Laadrille Cce 8 fex-dlvldend. - ....lit .... 13 .... .... 14 .... I Porelsra rtnanetaL LONDON, June 17. Money was In good demand In the market today for the pay ment of borrowings from the Rank of England. Discounts were maintained In view of the unfavorable Paris and Berlin exchange rates. Business on the Stock ex change was practically confined to a few transactions. Consols opened rather dull, but grew firmer later wlih other gilt-edged securities, In expectation of an excessive ease of money In July. Americans opened today st a trifle over parity as an Induce ment to buyers, but the Southern Pact no issue ere led a feeling of unoertaint and f 14 68 2 48 18 300 62 62 61 117 92 91 91 16 600 86 36 86 85 400 115 115 114 100 65 65 64 86 25 25 25 115 116 114 58 47 46 46 -64 21 80 20V 64 64 j .... 44 I .... 11 27 28 46 44 21 20 84 84 21 21 23 23 mo c 100 79 79 7"0 6 8 100 68 68i 100 18 16 .. no . .1100 64H 63 109 87U 17 operations were cautious. The Vandrbllt roads' dividends did tiot stimulate the mar ket Stocks hardened later, but closed he low the best quotations of the day. Grand Trunks hardened on fairly satisfactory returns. Foreigners were Irregular. Japa nese were In better demand. PARI9, June 17. Business on the Bourse today waa Irregular and hesitating. At the closing prices were fairly firm. Rue alan Imperial 4s closed at 90.00. BERLIN. June 17 Trading on Ihe Bourse today had an Irregular " tendency. Iron shares were aaln depressed upon the United States market report. REPORT OP THE Os.RARfgQ HOCtEt. TrsssaetUsi of the Associated Banks Deris the p.at Week. NEW YORK. June 17.-The following table, compiled by Bradstreet, showa the bank clearings at tna principal cities for the week ended June 16, with tbe per centage of Increase end decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last yesr: CITIES. Clearings.j Inc. Dec. New York $1,029,923,697 14.8 Chicago m.9?9.246 6.4 Boston 14.536.779 16.7 Philadelphia 99.343,894 20.4 St. Louis 85,896,8 28.4 Pittsburg 38.ti24.606 24.0 Ban Francisco 82. 701,606 12.1 Baltimore 21.0f9,43S 17.7 Cincinnati 26.622.3iO 1.1 Kansas City 20.697.S93 14.1 New Orleans 14.895,4. t.l Cleveland 14.073.639 14.8 Minneapolis 12.431.444 1.1 Detroit 10.4hl.167 1.6 Louisville 10,933.343 4 OMAHA 7.664,646 1.7 Milwaukee 7.7Hb.4()2 10.0 Providence 6.587,800 6.0 Buffalo 6.677,246 1.2 Indianapolis 6.539,619 8.1 St. Paul 6.629,627 1.8 Los Angeles 6,6SJ,817 14.8 St Joseph 4,849.890 11.1 Denver 4.628.498 1.6 Columbus S..9.0OO 18.1 Memphis 4.06S.2O1 29.6 Seattle 4.2S1.338 1.8 Richmond 1128.978 ....v. IS.! Washington 4.498.628 17.1 Savannah 3.177.9SS 24.8 Albany S.944,427 7.7 Portland, Ore 8.248,26.) 4.8 Fort Worth 2.326.853 16 9 Toledo, 0 3,028.819 6.0 Sslt Lake City 2.293,522 9.6 Peoria 2.1K4.609 7.8 Atlanta 2.618.868 1.7 Rochester 2.593.053 1.4 Hartford 2.612,317 4 Nashville 1.851,629 14.4 Des Moines 1,081.985 ....... 4.4 Spokane, Wash 13S3.35'i 1.4 Tacoma 1,811,655 8.2 Grand Rapids 1,040.251 8.6 New Haven $.0uS,6S3 12.6 Dayton 1.703,227 8.9 Norfolk 1,662.089 8.0 Springfield, Mass.... 1,431.655 8.1 Worcester L406.944 10.4 Portland, Me 1.672,984 7.2 Augusta, Oa 1,020,712 26.6 Topeka 836,196 30.6 Sioux City 1,346,460 22.3 Syracuse 1,200,624 21.2 Evansville 1.158.483 7.8 Birmingham 1,056.437 9.0 Wilmington, Del 1.002,435 9 9 Knoxvllle 1,183,077 1 6 Davenport 859,060 6.9 Little Rock 672,732 16.6 Wllkesbarre 867,806 19.8 Fall River 877,720 82.3 Macon 2t;l.l39 49.6 Wheeling. W. Va.... 724.672 14.8 Wichita, 935.178 82.4 Akron 669,700 13.1 Chattanooga tX.16 16.8 ...... Springfield, 111 644.083 10.6 Kalamasoo, Mich.... ' 746,602 8.3 Youngstown 637,478 14.9 Helena 636,428 29.3 Lexington 607,004 6.4 Fargo! N. D 668,264 9.6 New Bedford 490,648 7.6 Canton, 0 668.000 1.9 Jacksonville, Fla 870.109 163. i Lowell $17,948 23.9 Chester, Pa 872.902 89.1 Greensburg, Pa 440,044 Rockford, 111 479 571 8.4 Bintthamton 461. 900 4.4 Springfield, 0 876.529 7.8 Bloomlngton, 111 871,649 24.1 Quincy 111 320,671 10.4 Sioux Falls, 8. D.... 278.836 27.5 Mansfield, 0 209,092 11.4 Decatur, III 285,116 10.8 Jacksonville, 111 218.665 43.4 Fremont, Neb 163.375 6.9 Houston 10,123,069 6.6 ...... Galveston 7,074,000 81.1 (Charleston, B. C... 1,026,790 6.3 Cedar Rapids 408,940 Total,, U. S.i $1,863,377,819 16.i Outside New York.. 833,466,126 7 CANADA. Montreal Toronto .,. , Winnipeg Ottawa ..v Halifax Quebec 20.780.941 83.8 3.4 17,796.404 . 6.123 712 12.7 2.022,890 1,668,204 1.676,176 1,431.469 8 2 6.5 8.9 1 Vancouver, B. C , 8.9 6.8 "i'.i 36.3 Hamilton , London, Ont St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C Total, Canada..., 1,132.641 903,575 954,447 801.895: 8.6 S4.797.3sll tNot included In totals because containing other items than clearings. I Not Included In totals because of no comparison for last year. lfcrw Tork Money Mnrket. NEW TORK, June 17.-MONET-On call, easy; highest, 1 per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; of fered at 1 per cent. Time loans, weak; sixty and ninety days, 22 per cent; six months. ItfTSM per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 334 '4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In bankers" bills at 14 8720ft 4.8726 for demand and at $4.8ri20iS4.8825 for sixty day bills; posted rates, $4.86 and $4.88; commercial bills, $4.85(54.86. SILVER Bar. 55 c; Mexican dollars. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. The closing quotations on txrads are as follows: TJ. I. ref. la, ra. .1M'4 IMaBhai'an . (. 4s.. .104 do mrapon 105H Max. Central 4s M da is, rag , ...1054 do 1st ino 1114 do coupon ...... do sow 4s, rag do eouDoo ...if ...lltS Minn, dt at. 1 4s... w M . K. A T. 4s .... ) ...IMS do M TI de old 4s. rec....loN. It. It. of M. a. 4a T441 do, coupon lOTH N. T. C. aa ms..lWHi Atchison san. 4a 10!4 N. J. C. (. 4s I34 do ad). 4i H No. PaelSo 4s 1M4 tlantle C. L. 4a MV.I do (a 7114 B. A O. 4s. ,10:14 N. a w. e. 4a . Hj O. I. L. 4s A par..,. X44 .10014 Pann. eonr. 14a 44 14 do mi Central of Os. Is. do 1st ino O. A O. 4Ha ... Chicago A A. la , 74 naaainf f. 4s .IN Bt.L. A I M. e Is 1114 . TH St. L. A I. F. If. 4a l C. B. a a . a'o.si. u. s. w. ista.... m CM. A St.P.san. 4s lot Sa hoard A. U 4a... 0. A N. W. 00a. 7a.l?'4 Southrn Fao. 4s .... M C. R. I. A P. 4s.. so 80. Rallwar Is 117 do ml as Jm a fae. lata III C..C..C. A it s.4a 14 T . St. L. A W. 4s.. 70 C. T. 4a 71 1 Union Paetfta 4s 1M'4 Con. Tobaoeo 4s 114 do eonv. 4s M roio. Bo. 4a 14 ii'. B. stool id fa 7414 D A R. d. 4s 1M Wabaah Is 117 Bria prior lion 4s.... MS do dak. aali Erie san. 4a M Wt. AL B. 4s 10 Ft. W. A D. C. Ist.lMtf Wla. Central 4s SO (tocsin vsi. 44a..ii,1"voio. r. a L 4 a L. A N. unl. 4s. 101 H1 Offered. Bank Clesvrlnara. OMAHA, June 17. Bank clearings for today were 11,278,066.69, a dtcreese of $62.. 80167 from tbe corresponding day last year. 'Oils and Resin. NEW TORK, June 17. OILS-Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal: prime yel low, 2S&2Sc. Petroleum, quiet; refined New York. $7.96; Philadelphia and Balti more, $7.80; In bulk, $5.10. Turpentine, steady, at 653664c; refined, 66vd6o. ROSIN Steady : strained, common to good, $3.10. SAVANNAH, June 17.-OIL-Turpentlne, steady, 62 e. Rosin, steady ; A, B, C, 2 7in 1.76; D, $i7MM.80; E, $2.8o42.85; F, $3.80.5 190; G. 12,90Ql6: H, $3.06; I, $3 30; K, $3.40; M, $3.66; N, $3.86; W G. t4.154.20; W W, $4 60. OIL CITY, June 17. OILS Credit bal ances, $1.57; certificates, no bid; shipments, 67.178 bblsj sverage, 68.650 bbls.; runs, 80.061: axerage, 76,671 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 461 bbls : average, 62,671 bbls.; runs, Lima, 67, 475 bbls.; average, 61,685 bbls. TOLkiDO, O., June 17. OILS A decline of 3e In western ell was announced today. PITTSBURG, June 17. OILS The Stan dard OH company made another cut In all ?rradea of oil except Ragland today. Que stions: PennsvlvanlB. $167; Tlena. $1.7!; Corning, $1.$7; Newcastle $1 44; Cabel, $1.12; North Lima, $1.08: South Lima, $1.03; In diana, $1.03; Somerset, $1.01; Ragland, 66c, Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. June 17. EVAPORATED APPIES The market la a little firmer, particularly fer prime fruit. Common are quoted at aJGo; prime, at 6$e; choloe, at &!i4c; fancy, at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITO Prunes continue quiet, but show steadiness with quotations ranging frera lCMo, according- to grade. Apricots ars In very light supply and rule firm. Choloe are quoted at 9ldo; extra choice at lot10c, and fanuy at ll'iao. Peaches also are pretty well oleaned up, and while the demand Is light, the absence of pressure Imparts a firm tone to the situation. Choice sre quoted at 7u7o; extra choice At 7&bo. and fancy at rVslOe. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle lUoeipti Ligb'i bat Market Virj Slow and Wk- HOGS SOLD A SHADE STRONGER Practically Ro tkeep or La sabs on Sale with Which to Mnke a Test of the Market, hat the sasne na Laant, (Joed Staff Waa Strong. SOUTH OMAHA. June 17, 1904. Receipts were; cattle, liogs. bueep. OlUcial Alonuay Urticlal luesouy Uhiciat veaiisday .... Official Thursday onicial s'rlday Five days this week. .13,466 Same das last week. ...14.1 Same week before U,Sii bame three weeks ago...l4,ou4 Same four weeks ago..le.& Uame days laat year....ita.81i Kbitio FOR Tilt; YUaH AO DATiii. Xhe luilowiiig table ahows tiie receipfa of cattle, nogs and sheep at Bouui omana for the year lo date, with comparison wlUi laat year: IP04. lu. lua. leu. Cattle 43,840 457,628 &4,s8 Hogs 1,2j0.iJU 1.138.168 111.621 blieep oe,7t8 6Ji.7sI lJU, Average prices paid for bogs at South Omaha for the last several daja with com parison Date I 1804. 101.1J8. 101. 11800. 1889. 11838. June June June June June June June June June 1.., i.. t... 4... 6... A., 7... 1... 4 63 4 48 4 4B. 6 83 i.b.J a,..! Uw LOi'I ,.1 i.vi.J 3,7T1 12,M 1.341 l,io j.asO 4ud 62.HK8 3,518 4S,Uti lu.lui 6u,.e 0,828 (n,ii 12, (uo 6J,!wi 14. Wl 81, ISA) S.D4 3 601 4 21 4 12 4 03 4 18 07 6 88 1 66 68 686 C 76 1 68 4 63 6 77 1 6 4 01 4 3 4 68 5 80 i1 1 M 1 88 1 U e 71 1 78 1 77 4 & 4 74'. 6 86 t, 3 bu o June 10... June 11... June 13... June 13... June 14... June 16... June 16... June 17... 6 Uu 4 78 6 Ot 6 89 6 07 I 571 4 81 4 84 3 64 3 66 1 54 1 01 a xr., i 01 I 6; 1 80 4 1 6 H I 63 1 63 Indicates Sunday. The olflcial numbet of cars of Btock brought in today by each road was: CatUe. Hogs. Sheep. Ha'es. C, M. A St P. Ry.... 1 Ma Pao. Ry U. P. System I C. A N. W. Ry F., E. A M. V. R. R. 16 C., St. P., M. A O. Ry. 1 B. A M. Ry 14 C, B. A Q. Ry 2 K. C. A St. J C, R. I A P., east.... 1 C, R. I. A P., west.. 1 Illinois Central Chicago O. W .. Total Receipts 61 I 6 70 4 88 7 07 4 a 7 13 6 70 I 1 6 71 81 7 30 6 70 4 81 6 li 6 71 4 84 7 U 5 i 4 9 6 71 6 03 T 11 6 10 7 26 6 83 7 86 6 1 6 00 7 83 6 89 4 82 7 36 6 86 4 86 7 31 6 81 4 86 6 86 4 8 7 34 4 86 7 23 6 83 U 6 .. .. 18 .. U 1 34 8 :: :: :: i :: 4 t J 110 "i S The disposition of tho day receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head, indicated; Buyers. CatUe Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudaby Packing Co Armour A Co Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C. Swift and Co.. K. 0. Armour A Co., 800 City.. Vansant A Co L. F. Huss Wolf A Murnaa. S. A S Klngan Robb - Haggerty Other Buyers Total : 103 881 626 . L447 136 67 1.831 4 101 ,2064 ... 168 61 ..... 204 676 ... 6 S oeeee 20 141 ... 210 ... 20 9 67 1,233 7.661 403 CATTLE There was a light run nere this morning, but reports from other points were rather unfavorable to tne selling in terests, and as a result packers were very bearish and a slow and unevenly lower market was experienced. In spite of the small number on sale it was late before a clearance was made. , All grades of corn-fed steers were slow this morning and lower, though the best grades of heavy cattle were but little lower. A high as $6.10 and $6.k5 was paid, which was perhaps about as high aa they would have brought yesterday or at the close of last week, but they are lower than the middle of this week. The less desirable cattle were extremely slow sale today and safely 610o lower than yesterday. For the week all but the best ea'tle are all the way from 10 25c lower, the greatest decline be ing on warmed-up cattle, such aa sell from $6.K .down. , , . The cow market was also Blow and weak. Something strictly choice In the way of dry-lot cows and heifers were not much different from yesterday, but aside from those the corn-feds were fully 5(&10c lower. Qrassers were almost unsalable at any fig ure. As compared with a week ago they are riant around 60c lower. Canners and outters are also dull and lower, as the de mand for anything but choice grades seems to be limited. , . There were only a few hulls on sale and the choicer grades of oorn-feds were about steady and In fact have not shown much change all the week. Orass bulls, though, are 2650o lower. Veal calvea are about "'There were only a few stockers and feeders in sight and the demand was fully as limited. The market was certainly no hlEher, but there were not enough on sale to test the situation. For the week choice grades are about steady, but common kinds dull and weak. Representative sales: He. 4... I... I... II... 4... 1... 1... 1... II... I... 14... 1... ... 8... 1... 11... 10... 8... 11... ll'.'.! It'.'.'. Av.. Pr. 487 V04 lull I M 1016 4 71 100 4 M 131 4 1170 4 0 1S74 I 00 10 I 06 S0 I 10 1170 I II 1041 I SO ' 11(H) I 40 1231 I 40 1100 I 10 No. At. Pr. .114. A 60 .11M I 16 .1174 I 40 .1161 I 60 .1111 I 60 .1131 I tt .1130 I 66 .1141 I 71 .1114 I 60 .1291 I 61 - .1937 I M .1411 A l 1141 I 00 .KM 4 00 10.... ::::: .... M...., I..... 1...., 40.... 14 )...., 47...., 14..... .... 1220 t as 84.. 1410 I 10 .......1211 110 17.. 1121 d Is ' STEERS AND COWS. , 771 4 10 63 Ms 4 TS STEERS ANI HEIFERS. IM 4 IT 1 11M I tO 4 "cows. , MO 8 00 II list I 40 040 I 40 8 1026 I 60 Hi l ....... 14 I 40 4. , lObl I 44 1. 1010 I 10 10. 110 10 3. 000 I 00 3. , no 1 00 t. Ill in , 1. .1000 II 4. 10 1 64 . 640 8 70 I. 1000 I 70 8. 071 I 00 4. 1600 I 00 4. 1110 8 00 1. 1410 8 M I. 1021 3 10 1. .uu 1 m 126 8 tt 1110 I 60 3I 8 10 lltt 4 00 .....110 4 00 law 4 u Ull 4 18 K) 4 11 1210 4 is U0I 4 24 10M 4 If ..... 041' 40 ISO 4 M 1170 4 10 110 4 60 1220 4 14 COWS AND HEIFHR3. a gna 16 t ' HEIFERS. T 1 40 3 00- 1 1000 4 SJ 1 606 I 40 1 676 4 21 I 71 8 Ml (II 1 171 8 SO 8....M 724 4 SO I U I 44 E ......1040 8 40 1. . 4 06. 1000 I 10 1... .1100 4 00 Ud I 06 1. .1160 4 26 1 10M 8 71 1 -....1100 8 11 1 , I....,, ..not 46 ..MM 4 44 1 740 8 II CALVES. 1.. M0 4 00 8TAO8, 1 140 I M 1 1104 8 80 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 40 I 40 4 721 I TO 4 467 I 40 10 121 4 00 HOOS Tho run Of hogs this morning was much smaller than yesterday, but nackara were very much opposed to paying more money lor meir supplies, uney started In bidding steady prices while salesmen were asking' more money, and as a result it was rather late before much business wss transacted. As fast as a salesman could get little stronger prices he cut loose, so that the market could best be described by calling it slow with prices a shade stronger. The bulk of all the hogs sold from $4.86 to $4 85. The choice loads went largely from $4 83 to 16.00, with prime from $6.00 to $6.06. The lighter and com moner loada went from $4.86 down. The last end or tne market waa not a great deal different frera the first part, though. If anything, the feeling waa a little weaker. In other, worda, packers weuld not give over steady prices with yes terday snd the salesmen that did not sail early were never bid more than ateady prices, so that In reality the close with them was the san is aa the opening. Pack ers and ahlppera almply picked out a few hega they wanted to fill their more urgent orders at stronger prices and the rest had to go about steady. Representative sales: tie. At. Ma. 14 .. t7... 71... 71... 74 .. II... 64... 1... 41... It... 44... At. Sk. rr. s.l.. 7.... .11 ... ..1st ... .! U 4 to 4 10 til 4 u 4 so 4 0 .ill 7.... 76.... ...210 120 4 00 ...214 120 4 0 ...2M ... 4 00 ...la 10 4 M ...214 40 4 lo 120 4 0 ...K.I SO 4 0 ...2i.ll M 4 t2S4j ...Ml a 4 t .20 UO 1.... .... .2m ..till SB 44 ... 4 II 4 as ... 4 I ... 4 ... 4H I.... 7.... 42.. 64.. ""iln Tt. ...... .81? at 4 IJi, St. ...... .ri 140 4 17 194 10 4 7 !".... 4 l'a 72 Ill ft 4 7 U ...1.11 4 4 U l.'O IN IN 41 14 ... 4 f24 II 117 ... 40 M 1'4 ... 4 US 14 Ill SO 4 SO 214 1M I III) l IJ ... 4 44 2M 12 4 !4 77 Ill ... IN XI 4 71 lit M IN M :m ... 4I1S 7 141 ... IN 01 M 10 lit', 4 trl 40 4 N 14 Ill 0 4 ltt M 't ... 4N W 144 ... IN', 64 Ill N 4 N 0 1-1 ... 4 M IS Ill N I N 0 tl ... 4 7. ...... .121 40 4 N 41 174 10 4 11 I i7 ... 4N M 177 ... IN 12 II 10 4 N H I 10 4 H 4 211 12 4 N K IKS M I H 6S 110 4 N 13 Jl 10 4 11 64 2)1 (41 I N l :4I 100 4 M 1ft 2.14 M 4 N 261 10 4 M 17 X-4 ... 4 N Ml 40 4 M 71 Ill N 4 M 70 .141 66 4 13 61 221 M 4 N 4 1ST ... 4 Ml K Iill 0 4 N 71 11 10 4 & 114 40 4 N 17 241 10 4 l 12 ... 4N SO IM 10 III II 157 0 4 N It 141 so 4 as 7C 141 140 4 N 71 141 IN IN 0 260 k IN 17 !l 0 I M 70 121 ... IN II 271 ... 4 IS 71 221 140 4 M 11 2'l 10 It! 4. If! 40 4 N 14. ...... .221 W IM II. 190 ... 4 N 0 118 H I 00 71 Ill ... 4 M 4 211 ... IN IS IM ... I 06 71 101 11 4 N 17 117 ... I 06 74 ll ... IN 40 tit ... I 06 SHEEP There was prsctleally no sheep market this morning, as everything re ported was consigned direct to packers, with the exception of a few that were driven In. There la nothing to be said of the market, as there has been practically no chnnge all the week, there being an activs demand for all killers at good strong prices. Quotations on clipped atoekt Oood to choice lambs, $6.0Ofj6.6O; fair to good lambs, 5 6ku4 00 good to choloe wooled lambs, $6 6U&6.76; fair to good wooled lambe. $.i.0n'l 6 60; good to choice yearlings or wethers, $8.00ih5 26; fair to good yearlings or wethers, $4 76476.00; good to choice ewes, $4 3fi'4.;4); fair to good ewes, $4.vXKa4.26. Representa tive sales: 1 western buck western cull lambs ... 33 western cull lambs ... 6 western ewes 1 western yearling ..... 10 western lambs 13 western lambs 11 western lambs ... 140 ... 43 ... 62 ... 128 ... 120 ... 66 ... 64 70 I 60 4 04 4 00 6 00 160 4 28 6 26 6 at CHICAGO LIVE) STOCK MIRKEt Cattle nIl, Hose Five Cents Higher aad Iheepa Are Steady. CHICAGO, June 17. CATTLE Receipt a, 4,000 head; market dull; reeelpta Texana. 1.600 head; good to prime steers, nominal, $6.766 .60; poor to medium, $4.605.60; stock era and feeders, $2.754.75; cows, $2.00&4.50; heifers. $2.0004.65; canners, $1.00'ii3.0; bulls, $10044.60; calves, $2.60416.50; Texas fed steers, $4.80416.26; grassers, $2.808.36. HOOS Receipts, 17,000 head; estimated to morrow, 1,000 head; left over, 1.117 head: market strotig to 60 higher; mixed and butchere, $4.86e6.20; good to choice heavy, $5.1Ca.22H; rouah heavy, $4.85(86.10; light, $4.86(6 5. 12H; bulk of sales, $5.066.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; lambs same; good to choice wethers, $4 754(6.26; western shoep, $4.6(XSM.00; native lambs, $5.0036.50; western lambs, $6.007.00; spring lambs, $5.0037.6&. Row Tork Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, June 17. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,300 head; market for good to choice dry fed steers, steady: all other steers, 15 ji26o off; bulls. 164260 lower; cows, 64,12c. Native steers, $4.26&.60; oxen, $6.00; bulls. $3.0Offl4.60; cows, $15S4.S0. Liverpool and London cables quoted live cattle steady; refrigerator beef higher, at K8Vio per lK exports tomorrow, 1.092 head cattle. 690 head of sheep 'and 6,640 quarters of beef. CAX.VES Receipts, 386 head. Fresh. 25 400 higher; all sorts higher. About JO unsold. Veals, $4.0u&6.75; buttermilks, $3.40; dressed calves, firm; city dressed veals, 69o per lb., country dressed, 6tt8c. HOOS Receipts, 2.863 head; market 10c higher; state hogs, $5.40(g6.&0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,258 head; market for sheep steady; lambs, 25 6O60 lower; common lambs, 85fijr60o lower; sheep, $3.004.76; few choice, $5.00; culls. $2.GO3tt.60; lambs, $6.62Hi7.00; one car, $8.10. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, June 17.--CATTLE Receipts. 5.000 head, Including 4,200 head Texans; market steady to slow; native shipping and export steers, IS.SBfaiS.eS; dressed beet and butcher steers, $4.90(36.16; steers under 1,000 lbs., $4.O0Ca4.65; stockers and feeders, $3.60 4.60; cows and heifers, $3.0Ki5.25; canners, $1.5032.dO; bulls, $2.60(0400; calves, $4.60J6.&0; Texas and Indian steers, $3.0uiu6.70; cows and heifers. $2.76(83.76. HOOS Receipts, 6,000 head: market 60 higher; pigs and lights, $4.154.90; packers, $4.80S5.00; butchers and best heavy, $4.903 6.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.600 head; market strong; native muttons, $3.60 434.76; lambs, $6.0047.10; culls and bucks, $4.6034.76; Blockers, Jl.6CKff2.75; Texana, $3.60 4.76. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY,. June 17.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head, Including 100 head south erns; market slow to weak: choice export, and dressed beef steers, $5.7&(&6.&0; fair to good, $4,2645.50; western fed steers, $4.26(9 6.00; stockers and feeders, V3.O04j4.70; south ern steers, $3.00j;5.70: southern cows, $3.00 6.70; native cows, $2.00S4.25; native heifers, $3.25&6.30; bulls, $2.604400; oalves, $2.604.2&. HOOS Receipts, 7,800 bead; market strong; top, $&.02tt; bulk of sales. $4.86416.00; heavy, $4.&&5.02H; packers, $4.85426.00; pigs and lights, $4,2644.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,500 head; market steady; native lambs, $6.00(0 6.75: western lambs, $5,0046.76: fed ewes, I4.754T6.10; Texas clipped yearlings,' $5 003 6.60; Texas clipped sheep, HOOCj.4.76; stock ers and feeders, $3. 00(04.00. Sloax City Live Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY, June 17. (Special Tele- fram.) CATTLE Receipts 2oQtiead; mar et steady; beeves', $4.60436.00; cows, bulls and mixed, 13.00 5. 00; stockers and feed ers, $3.0O44.00; yearlings and calves, $2.7&4r 1.85. HOOS Receipts, 1,500 head: market 60 higher at J4.76iip4.96; bulk, J4.M4.90. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSBPH, June If. BATTLE Re ceipts, 718 head; market ateady to 10c lower; natives, $4.26(a6.60; cowe and heifers, $1.60 5.50; Blockers and feeders, $2.75(64.26. HOOS Receipts, 6,003 head; market strong to 6c higher; lights, $4.86426.00; medium ana heavy, $4.82(S6.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 606 head; market steady to strong; wethers, $6.60. Stack la Sight. Following are the receipts of Nve stock for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1,196 7,650 403 Chicago -i. 4,000 17.0U0 4,000 Kansaa City 6"0 7.3o0 1,600 At. Louis 8.0.(0 6.000 1 2.600 St Joaeph 718 6,008 606 2U0 1,600 Sioux City eeeea)oo Totals .. .11.815 , 46,351 1,908 Wool Market. BOSTON, June 17. WOOL Pulled and territory wools are quiet. There Is little In terest In foreign grades. Leading quota tions follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX rd above, 13234o; X 204i21c: No. 1. 33o; No. 31&820; sflne unwashed, 2242c; one-quarter, three-eighths and one-half blood, un washed, 26(36Ho; fine unwashed delaine, 344i6o. Miohlxan, X and above, 26i'27c; No. 1, 2fi30c; No, t, 2842!c; tins unwashed, 21422o: one-quarter, three-eighth and one half blood unwashed, 2&C26o; fin unwashed delaine, SVu&io- Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths and one-quarter blood, J&H 26c; braid, 28924c. Idaho, fine, l&wloc; heavy fine, 1442460; fine medium, 1718c; medium, 184490; low medium, 184U9C: Wyoming, fine, Mtj'lViO ; heavy fine, 144flo; nne medium, 164147c; medium, 19&20c; low medium, 2o4 Klc; Utah and Nevada, Ane, 15t716Vc; heavy fine. 13a 14c; fine medium, 164rl7o; medium, UKh-aoo; low medium, l'fr21o; Dakota, fine, I641I60; fine medium, 16flltHic; medium, 19 20c; new medium, 194i2oc; Montana, fine, hcolce, 184T19c; fine averago, 17ft48c; fine medium, choloe, 18190; average, 1617c; staple, l&iWOo: choice. lSfiOc. ST. LOUIS, June 17. WOOL Market steady; medium grades, combing and cloth ing, lStjiSc; light fine, 164118c; heavy fine, 12415c; tub washed, 21(332c. Metal Market. . NEW TORK, June IT. METALS The London tin market continued to show weakness, the cables Indicating the decline of from 10s to 15s, with spot closing at 116 6s snd futures at 117 10s. Locully tin declined about Vkc, closing at $26.1826.20. Copper advanced In London, with apot clos ing 7s 6d higher at 56139d. while futures were steady at 64 12s 6d. Locally the mar ket is quiet but steady. Lake Is quoted at $12.624413.76; electrolytic, $12.604jl2 62V; casting $11.12(613.26. Lead was quiet at $4.2"7i.30 In the local market and at 11 6s 3d In London. Spelter waa unchanged at $4.7644 .87 in New York and at 21 16a In London. Iron closed at 51s 15d In Olasanw and at 42s 3d In Mlddlesborough. I-rocu'.ly Iron wss quiet and easy; No. 1 foundry northern ts quoted at $14. 6Qa 15.00; No. 1 foundry southern, $13.764214.26; No. 1 foun dry southern snd No. 1 foundry southern soft, 318.25v43.76. Pig Iron warrants are woak at $9. Cotfee Market. NEW YORK, June 17.-COFFEB-The market for futures opened firm at an advance of a partial 6 points. Hales were reported of 63.1i0 bales, Including July, 6 0f(U6.1c; August, 616c; Sfi.teiiiher, 6 2.4I 6 3ic; October, 6.40c; lecenil-r, 6.5!iC6 6ic; March. 6 oi''ri6 96c; May. 7.0( 7. Inc. Spot Rio tirm; No. 1 Invoice, 7Vc; mild. Him; Cordova, 9Vj;2c. The board of managers of the Coffoe exchange today voted to clone the exchai.ge oa Satutday, July i. OMAHA Tt HOt.KALB MARKET! Coadltloa of Trade and ttaotalloaa Oa Staple aad Faacy Prodeee. Eoas Recelnts, liberal; market, steady! freh stock, 14vc. LIVE POULTRY Hens. $vjc; roosters, according to else. turkeys, 13o; ducks, 6'l''c; geese, 6-; broilers, i;,i2iic. BUTTE K 1'ncklng stock, lie; choice to fancy dairy. l.VrtlSc; sei.arator, 17e. FRE'VI FISll Trout. KKj; pickerel, 8i rilke, loc; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 12c: whlteflsh, 4c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lnbster, green, 26c; lobster, boiled, Sue; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 10c; halibut, loc; crappies. 12c; oe ahad, $1.00; buffalo, 8c; white bass, lie; frog iegs, per do., 35o. BRAN Per ton. $t9.00. MAY Frlces quoted oy Omaha Whole.ssl enhrs w UHon: C hoice No. I uplnnd. tSvO; No. 2, $7 50; medium, 7 00; coarse. J6it. riye atraw. to jO. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOKS Navels, choice, large site, $3.00; fancy navels, all sites. 13.50; Mediter ranean sweets, choice all sissa, ooji3.2&; Jaffas. all sites, J2.7HW.0O. LEMONS -California fancy, 170-800-340, $3.7.X.4 2S; cho'ce. $3 &23.75. CALIFORNIA FlOS Per 10-lb, CArton. 50c; Imported Smyrna. 3-crown, 13c; 6 crown, 14c: 7 crowu, 15c." PANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, lltjiijrt.SO; Jumbo, $2.76473.36. DATES Persian, per box tif 30 pkgs., $2.00; In OOrlb. boxes. 60 per lb. Oriental stuffed, per box. $2.40. PINEAPPLES In crates f 14 to 42, par crate, $3.26. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per 24-qtiart case, $16031.66; Oregon Hood rivers, $2.00. BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 14 qts.. 12.26. ' CHERRIES California, per box, 1.604f L75. , OOOSEBERRIES-2S-qt ease, 11.50. 1 r EACHES Texas, per 4-baaket crate, 11 25. CANTELOUPE Txaa, Bar orate, $3.6049 WATERMELONS Fr Ih, crated. 1401 each, 3u(J40c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, $1.30; Dakota, per bu., $1.20; New Texas Red Btock, In sacks, per lb., lio. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 83.154f2.25. 1 ONIONS Bermuda, per (0-lb. era to, $2.00; Louisiana. In sacks, bar lb.. 240. CABBAfiE California, per lb., mifio. tAUtiir i.un i.n-rir oos., avci.ue. CUCUMltERS Per dos.. 60c TOMATOES Taxaa, 4-basket crates, $1.26, RADISHES Per doi. bunches. 20c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per do., 30c TURNIPS Southern, per dos., 46c BEETS Southern, per dos. 46c CARROTS Southern, per dog., 76c P A R8LE Y Per dos., 40c. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $2.60; per H-hu. basket, $1.00. String, per bu. box, $2.00; per H-bu. box, 16c SPINACH Per bu., hom grown, 354140c ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40o. GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-basket crate, $2.00. SQUASH Florida Bummer, per doi., 75c PEAS-Per bu. box, $l.oe, MISCELLANEOUS. CHKESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Bwlse, 16o; Wisconsin brick, lMo; Wiscon sin llmbergsr, 13c, MAPLE SUQAR Ohio, aer lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 60; No. 1 green, 60: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 1 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 1 to 13 lbs.; to; No. 1 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6Vc; dry salted, 8ffl2c; sheep pelts, 244f27o; horsehldes, 11.60472.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14o: No. 1 sort shell, per lb., 13t-; No. 1 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, . large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. iOc; peanuts, per lb, 8c; roasted peanuts, per fix 81; Chili walnuts, 12413Ho: Urge hickory nttta, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c: hard shell, 13o; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, pr bu., $126. x agar and Molatni. NEW YORK, June 17.-43UOAR Raw, steady; fair refining, 8c; centrifugal, 84 test, 2 27-32c; molnaacs sugar, 3bio; refined, quiet; crushed, 6.60c; powdered. 6c; granu lated, 4.80c. NfJW ORLEANS, June 17. SUOAR Strong; open kettle, centrifugal, 84j)3Hci centrifugal whites, 4Vi4fc; yellows, 3Q A EICa .oAnnil. Ofrl "itu-r l4r Atia-g iriimiD, at Tfi'll 07?jvi k MOLASSEa Steady; centrifugal, 1016c; syrup, nominal, Booth Dakota Masons Adjoara. YANKTON, B. D June 17. (Special.) The thirtieth annual session of the grand lodge. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, for South Dalcbta adjourned today, clos ing one of the most successful as well aa one of the best attended meetings ever held In the state. The sixteenth meeting of the grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star also brought to a close its sessions this morning. Last evening the grand lodge and grand chapter met informally at the temple and participated In a de lightful reception and banquet. The early part of the evening waa occupied- with a presentation by looal amateurs of the play, "Nanoe Oldfleld," followed by reel tatlona by Miss Anna Bags tad. Dancing and a splendid banquet followed the en tertainment and the immense orowd that thronged the temple enjoyed Itself to the utmost Many masons and stars' left today, but ' their places have been taken by the dele gates to the grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons, which holds sessions today and tomorrow. The sessions of the grand chapter. Royal Arch Masons, are very well attended, only two. chapters In the state being without representatives. The grand chapter elected the following officers: M. B. grand high priest, George H. Perry of Sioux Fills; V. E. deputy grand high priest, John H. Kutnewsky of Redfleld; R E. grand king, A. C. Blrvemtzkl of Salemi R, E. grand treasurer, B. C. Jacobs ot Lenox; R. E. grand secretary, George A. Fettlgrew of Sioux Falls; H. grand chaplain, Rev. John L. Baboouk of Sioux Falls. Marderer Goes to Prison. SHERIDAN, Wyo June 17. (Special.) Sheriff Nsllson will leavs today for Raw Una, where he will plaoe in the state peni tentiary James Hanley, whs was oonvlcted of murder In the first degree. Hanley -waa tried during the December term of the district court, but was granted a new trial at that time. His case came up again for trial laat Monday and he entered a plea of guilty of murder in the eeoond degree, and was at once sentenoed to life im prisonment in the state penitentiary by Judge Stotta. The crime for which Hanley was con rioted was for the murder of Henry Shroeder at Dayton, Wye., last September. Freight Agents Adjoara. , PEORIA, June 17. The delegates of the American Association of Local Freight Agents' associations, which has Just con cluded Its annual convention here, de parted today In a special train for the World's fair at St. Louis. They were ac companied aa far aa Springfield, where Lincoln's monument will be Inspected, by the Peoria association. Washont Delays Train. NORFOLK, Neb., June 17. Washouts In the Black Hills delayed tho through train from Deadwood to Chicago several hour today. REAL K STATU! THANIFKHB. Deeds filed for record June 17, as furnished by the Midland Guaranty dt Trust com pany, bonded abstracter, 1614 rarnain street, for The Bee: United Real Lxlute A Trust company to Frank J. Herman, lot 6, block 15, Koumiss' 3d add 1,160 James A. Griffith and wife to John F. . , Fracier, s21 taet lot 4, nJ4 feet lot 6, Clarke's add 2,450 John F. Frasler to Arthur Mets, same 2,5oO William O. Shrlver to Adallna V. Shiiver, e2k foot w6e feet lots 11 and 12, block 6. Parker add I Mutual Loan and Building association to Isaua Ijevy, s20 feet lot 14 block SO, City of South Omaha 660 Laurence Ml not et al. to George W. Henry, lot 11, block L Armstrong's first add 1 John II. Evans and wife to Orrln E. Htoddard, sVs nV lot 4, block 26, West Omaha 26 Sarah J. James to Rita Pascoll, s21 feet lot 8, block 14, Florence Ralph R. Osgood to Charles Brown, lot 8, block 92. City 6,000 Bnrtlia C. Plxton to Henry B. Payne, lots 12. 13 and 14, black 1, Saunders et IIIinel.iuigh'B add 1,600 George Kitrll and wife to Winter II. Nichols, lot 16, block 1. McUavock dt CKecfes aUd. to South Omaha 1,800-