Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1904, PART 1, Page 8, Image 8

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Pari srfls drug.
Leflfert's glasses fit.
Stookert sells carpets.
The Faust cigar. I cents,
Peterson sharpen! mowers. 420 W. B. W,
Full 11ns fishing tackle. Morgan & Dickey
Tel. 134. Case Stors Blue Ribbon beer.
New classes Monday at Western Iowa
col If an.
Gilbert Plumbing Co. Plumbing, heating
and repair work. I'hone 4C8.
Pictures for wedding gifts given special
attention. Alexander's, 333 Broadway.
For wall papering, painting, picture fram-
ing, ( U rVl T Ml il V1 II Bl, null?
Jop-A-Lac floor finish. Morgan A Dickey.
If you read this ad send us an order to-
aay. it you non i read u, sena it any now,
C. flafer. 'Phone Sffii.
The high school cadets broke camp at
Lake Manawa yesterday morning after en
Joying a week's camp life.
The laying of the corner stone of the new
Jewish synagogue on Mynster street will
be held Sunday, June IS.
Mrs. C. F. Reynolds of Omaha reported
to the police the theft of her pocketoook
containing I-J5 and some valuable papers
at Lake Manawa Friday night.
Mrs. Kate Bchulta, aged 62 years, died
venterriav afternoon at her horn. SIT Scott
street, from tuberculosis. Four daughters
and three sons survive her. The funeral
will be held Monday afternoon at 2:80
o'clock from the residence and Interment
will be In Falrvlew cemetery.
Word has been received here of the death
of Mrs. o H. gheagren Friday morning at
her old home In Burlington. Death re
sulted from heart failure following an op
eration the day before. Mr. and Mrs.
fiheagren lived at 2i North Eighth street,
this city.
DeLong's New Location The eld 8am
Friedman store at 4u6 Broadway la being
remodeled for the DeLong Printing and
Stationery company. The main room will
be occupied by the stationery store and
office and the mechanical departments will
be Installed In the new fifty-foot addition
In the rear.
The formal opening of Joe Smith A Co.
handsome new haberdashery at 416 Broad
way wilt be held Monday evening from 8
to 10:30. to which the public Is cordially In
vited Everybody will be made welcome
and will receive flowers and a souvenir of
the occasion. Music the entire evening. No
goods will be sold. This wll be a good
chance to "get the new location habit.
Hater jells lunmbei. Oaten Um tde?
Benefit tor Crochet.
On Tuesday evening will occur the big
benefit performanco for tbo Creche, at the
Ne theater. Following are the casta of
the three plays to bo given:
Chauneey Oglethorpe .... George B. Phelps
Edward Ralston, a young Amjn.'Blrni
Mrs.'" '6ndegojhon'esV'who worships
titles Ma belle Murdock
Blerra Bengaline, her niece.... Hasel Brown
Lady Genleveve Landpoor. studying
slang and fascination Hasel Cook
Henry Weldon, United . States revenue
officer Richard D Rutherford
Hank Miller ........ Clement Smith
Bob Miller, in lovo with Polly.. Carl Miller
Polly Clulrborne Fannie Dietrioh
Jack. Polly's brother .......... Leah Jones
The Broadway quartet wCI Introduce in
cidental muslo. ..
Mr. Pettljohn Roger Cokyr
Guard ...John Btubba
Eugene Clark . m vrsorgvn rreips
w tmt in w uru run
A farmer
Mrs. Pettljohn ...
George Camp
j... Helen Blxby
Hasel Livingston
....... Kaael Cook
Bulll fage
Flower woman ....
A French woman
.. Edith Runyam
An old lady
............ viva tani
...... Elisabeth Macrae
Velma Peck
Matinee girls ...
... Ms belle Murdock
Fannie Dietrich
A haughty dame'.!..
K.. T. Plumbing Co. Tel SO; nlgbt, r-JT.
Lahl ulta Tews.
R. H. Lfthl, who was suspected of com
mitting numerous thefts of poultry and
salves from farmers living adjacent ' to
tho city and who has Deen unaer ponce
surveillance, has left town. Lahl resided
at 2112 South Twelfth street and was taken
Into, custody a few days ago while In the
act of disposing of a number of chickens
to a Broadway grocer. Ho was later re
leased as none of tho fanners who bad
lost chickens or calves could Identify him
is tbo party seen around their plaoes. Ev
idently aware of tho fact that ho was un
der police surveillance, Lahl suddenly left
town. Yesterday John Tjtm'f of SOU South
Twelfth received word fromtLahl at Little
Sioux asking Mm to take care of his horse
and furniture.
Plurr.bltig and beating Slzby 4k Bon.
Coatractor Will rile Bond.
Woodward Brothers, the local architects
for the Carnegie library building, received
word yesterday from Winchester ft Cnllen,
the contractors, that Mr. Cullen would be
here Tuesday without fall and bring with
him the firm's bond. In their letter to
Messrs. Woodward, Winchester & Cullen
say they would have forwarded the bond
before- this bad they thought that th Li
brary Board would have stopped tho re
moval of the buildings from the site until
tho bond was filed.
On arrival her Mr. Cullen will make
arrangements for the commencement of the
work and will at once start on the exca
vations for th foundations of the build
ing. ' Real Katate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to Th
Be June 11 by the Title Guaranty ft Trust
Co.," of Council Bluffs:
Ada E. Waddell and husband to James
H. Cralgmlle, lot 8, block 10, Jef.
feris sub-division, w. d I 8,000
H. O. MoOee and wife to John A. Kil
ling, lots 2, 4, 6, block 8. Momlng
slde addition, w. d J00
Two transfers, totals I 8,300
A vsry high grada Business College and
Normal College.
New classes will begin Monday, June 13th.
Beginning classes in all subjects. Review
classes In all subjects.
Writ or call for Information.
E. P. Miller, Pres.
Maaoalo Temple.
Phone BO 14.
Th World Famous
Palmist. Clairvoyant
and Adviser.
deduced Prices &E$:a:
203 Fourtb St, Council Bluffs, lows
Corner Fourth and Willow Av.
Hours From 1:30 to 8.00 p. m.
aisfflt "
8erricei Approprig'. for th 0ooion by
Mn of the Oonrrsjitlons.
Exercises of Varies! Cfcaraetor law
tended to Interest an! Instraet
tbo Old as Well as tbo
Children' day will be celebrated In a
number of the churches of Council Bluffs
today. In observance of the day special
services will be held at the ' Presbyterian,
Methodist, Baptist and Christian ohurche.
At Trinity Methodist church Children's
day will be observed with a special sermon
in the morning by tbo pastor, Rev. A. E.
Burin", on the topic, 'Infant Baptism and
the Relation of Children to tbo Church,"
and In the evening with tho following pro
gram by the children of tho Sunday sohool:
Organ voluntary, Mrs. Nellie Brown.
Bong, school.
Responsive scripture lesson, superintend
ent and school.
Prayer, pastor.
Recitation, Hasel Wlndl.
Exercise, primary department.
Recitation, Ruth Elllrf.
Recitation, Leland Case.
Bong, Mrs. Freet'o class.
Recitation, Carl Taylor.
Recitation, Hazel Smith.
Anthem, choir.
Exercise, Mrs. Rreti' class.
Exercise, Mrs. FTeet's claes.
Motion song, Mabel Evans.
Bong, Miss Lockhart's class.
Recitation, Bernlce Goehring.
Recitation. Cecil Jones.
Recitation, Grace Elliff.
Collection for Educational society.
Tableau, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul."
At - th First Presbyterian church th
children will hare charge, of the morning
services. A feature of the service will be
the singing by a chorus of children hidden
m the belfry, of tho anthem, "Father, Keep
tTs In Thy Cars." This la th program:
Organ prelude
Miss Thatcher.
Processional The Son of God Goes
Forth to War
Hymn Again Wo Meet In Gladness....
Hymn Around th Throne of God in
Conrreaatlon and School.
Prayer (closing with Lord's Prayer by
congregation and Bonooi)
Response to Prayer Heavenly Father,
Let Thy Light
School and Choir.
Baptism of Children
Earl Cars.
Scripture Selections . ...
Superintendent, School and Congre
gation. Hymn The Light of th World Is Jesus.
School and Congregation.
Recitation The Perfect Light
Seven Little Girls from Primary De
partment. Song Sunshine
Primary Department.
Recitation Little Sunbeams .'
Margaret Barnes.
Song Gaily the Bells Are Ringing
Recitation Savior, Bless the Children..
Shirley Btevens.
Hyrrm There Is Sunshine In the Soul..
School and Congregation.
Recitation Little Ships :
Six Girls from Miss Woodford's
Song Tho Violets
Primary Department.
Recitation Be Sweet
Mlgnon Stevens.
Recitation How We Grow
Margaret Groneweg.
Anthem Father, Keep ITs In Thy Care.
Choir and Hidden Chorus.
Graduating Exercises
Eleven Children from Primary De
partment. Recitation
Master Frits Loomls. .
Hymn O. Jesus, I Have Promised....
School and Congregation.
Mis Thatcher.
At the First Baptist church th children
will render at the evening service the can
tata, "Life's Springtime," a chorus choir
of twenty-five voices giving th concert
numbers. This is the program:
Anthem by th choir,
While Nature Re-
"Forward In th Sunshine,'
Song by Sabbath school, "Birds in th
Greeting by Lohr Case, "Glad Words."
Song by the school, "The Lord of Llf
and Love." . . . ,'
Song by the school, "Summer ; Winds,
Primary song, "Trust Him Evermore."
Recitation, "Fresh as the Grass," Charles
Bong by the school.- "Awake, Jubilant
Bible reading, "The Springtime of Life."
Bong by the school. "A Loving Voice."
Bong by the school, "The Wondrous
Exercise and song by Misses Ruby Mun
sen, Mabel Anderson, Luclle Ballenger,
Hasel Long, Mede Westerholm, Ida Herr,
Iaura Robinson. Gertrude Ellis and Stella
Krlngle. "The Flower Committee."
Duet by Misses Aura Bweet ana ieaiia
Case, "Children. Flowers and Song."
Recitation. "Our Pleasant Hour," Miss
Bessie Lowry.
Song by the school, "The Heat and Bur
den of the Day."
An opening and a closing prayer, Bible
readings and a collection will be Inter
spersed between numbers of the cantata.
The congregation of the People's Union
church at Thirty-fifth street and Avepue
B will eelebrate the first anniversary of
their organisation with special service
today. This Is the program for th day:
2:00 p. m. Sunday school.
z:30 p. m. tipecial
prayer services.
Henry DeLong.
spiritual singing.
Interspersed with
8:00 p. m. Address, Congressman Walter
I. Smith, followed by nve-mlnuts talks by
pastor and others present.
8:00 p. m. Prslse service.
8:1S p. m. Illustrated talk by F. L. Evans.
8:80 p. m. Address by Dr. N. J. Rice.
8:40 p. m. "Has This Service Benefited
Me?" Responses by those present.
First Congregational church. Rev. James
Thomson, Pastor Morning worship at
10:80; Bible 'school at noon: Christian En
deavor at 7 p. m. : no evening service. In
the morning the pastor will preach upon
"Our Obligations to the Children." a ser
mon for children's day.
The exercises of the children of the Sun
day fchool of the First Christian church
will be held In the evening, when this
program will be given:
Processional Onward Christian Soldiers,
Song No. 7-Let the Rlesaed Sunlight.
Welcome Grace Mitchell.
leaver Superintendent C. C. Gillespie.
Responsive service.
Bong No. 68 Dear To ths Heart of the
"IJltle Builders" Ray Cook.
"Prettv Vloleta" Edith Hyatt.
Song Primary class.
Recitation Eva Moonev.
Garlnnd Exercise Marie Knight. Marian
Hanthcrn. Mildred Shug.rt, Marian Owens.
Addle Kelley, Gladys Crum. Msml GafTord.
"A Little Pov's Dream" Harry Kelley.
Bong Mrs. Williams' class.
"The Goblins" Emma Menarv.
"Gifts To the Olver" Harold Rarr, Ward
Foster, Byron Swan, Worth Mtnnlrk.
"Beautiful Rlrds of Bummer" Pauline
Clemmer. Marls n Owens.
Recitation Willie Thompson.
Recitation Harold Ashmore.
Male Quartette Or R. O. Williams. K.
C. Hammock, Ross Williams, E. E. Crsw
ford. "Olesms From the Holy Ind" Eva
Moonev. Edna Kelley. June G.tTrrd Mln
nte Rurke, Pauline Clemmer, Phoebe
Hong Vise Gillespie's class.
Bong Mark 1 Crawford.
Offering for beatben ml too
Song No. . 17 flowing th Seed.
Benediction. :
At St. Paul's Episcopal church this mora
Ing at I o'clock will be tbo corporate com
munion of St. Agnes' guild. At 10:30 a. m.
there will be morning prayer and sermon
by th rector, Rer. H. W. Starr, who will
preach on "Tho Story of th Deluge in th
Light of Modern Study." At S p. m. will
b evening prayer and sermon by the rec
tor on "Tbo Parable of the Great Supper.
The offertory solo In th morning ,wlll be
sung by Mrs. Sherman and In the evening
by Mr. LongVreet.
Th Second Church of Christ (Scientist)
will bold services at K: a. m. In Wood'
man ball in the Merrlam block, when the
subject will be "Is the Universe, Including
Man, Evolved by Atomic ForceT" Sunday
school will be at 11 : a. m. The regular
mid-week testimony meeting will be held
Wednesdsy erening at 7:48 o'clock.
At the Broadway Methodist church this
evening the pastor. Rev. W. J. Stratton,
will preach a memorial sermon to the
members of th local lodge of Ben Hur.
Assessor H( find Memory.
City Assessor Frank Everest bought a
bicycle a few days ago with the belief that
th exercise would reduce his weight, which
Is beginning to be a cause of worry to him,
seeing that ho is not an alderman. Friday
morning be was Inspecting soma property
at Third street and Willow avenue and
rod there on his new wheel which cost
him close on a 1100 bill. He returned home
on foot having completely forgotten that ho
had ridden out on his bicycle. As It hap.
pened no thief passed that way and the
wheel remained against' the curb until
yesterday morning when two boys living
In th neighborhood took It to police head
quarters. Teaterday afternoon Mr. Everest
suddenly remembered that he had left his
wheel standing at Third street and Willow
avenue and hastened In search of It only
to find It gone. He supposed that it had
been stolen and reported his loss to the
police. When Sergeant James Nleoll re
turned th wheel to blm Mr. Everest of
fered to set up a box of cigars if nothing
was said about his lapse of memory. Ser
geant Nlcoll was willing but Chief Rich
mond thought It too good a joke on the
city assessor to keep the story quiet and
be loosened th cat from the sack.
Fraternal Memorial Exercises.
The Woodmen of the World will hold
their annual memorial services this aft
moon. The members will meet at their
hall on Broadway at 2:80 o'clock and march
to Walnut Hill cemetery, where the exer
cises will be held. Monuments erected dur
ing the last year to W. S. Rice and Ru
dolph Ptasse, deceased members of the or
der, will be unveiled in connection with the
The Pythlans will hold their memorial
services this morning. Members of Con
cordia and St. Alban's lodges and Bluffs
company, Uniform Rank, will meet at cas
tle hall at t o'clock and from there march
to Fab-view cemetery, whore the oxerclses
will be held at the Pythian lot and tho
graves of departed members decorated.
Tho Knights of tho Maccabees will hold
their memorial services this afternoon at
their hall In the Brown block.
Associated Charities Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the As
sociated . Charities will be held Monday
afternoon at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Jacob Sims. Carriages will be In waiting
at the end of the motor line on East Pierce
street at 2:30 o'clock to convey the mem
bers to the house. , Members are requested
to make report at this meeting cf sale of
tickets for the" performance at the New
theater Tuesday evening for the benefit of
th Creche. The social part of the "meeting
will be In charge of a committee of which
Mr. J. P. Greenshlelds Is chairman.
DeLonss Removal Bale.
All ' fine perfumes, 29c an ounce
stitched stationery,, 89c a box; good sta
tionery. So a box, and many other cut
price at DeLong's, 807 Broadwajv
Initial Da nee of Boat Club a Pleasant
Affair. 4
Miss Bessie Hammer Is tho guest of
friends In Iowa Cltyr
-MirlLMthSwJPa8 of Chicago Is the guest
or Mrs. W. E. Dawson.
Mr. snd Mrs. W. 8. Cooper entertained
at dinner Monday evening.
Mrs. C O. Fitch has as her guest Mrs.
C. E. Bell of Helena. Mont
William Lacy of Prairie City, la.. Is the
guest of his brother, C. A. Lacy. .
Mrs E. A. Moorehouse entertained at
a kenslngton Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. George Wlckham left Saturday for
Denver and other Colorado points.
Mrs. R. J. Morgan and Mlas Morgan left
Monday for an extended eastern trip.
Mrs. W. E. Dawson was hostess at last
week's meeting of the Kensington club. ,
Mrs. Nina Smith was hostess at a 7
o clock dinner given Tuesday evening.
Miss Anna Moore entertained a number
of friends at a 7 o'clock dinner Thurs
day. Mrs. Mary B. Thomas left Tuesday for
Paul s Valley, I. T., for a yislt with rela
tives. Mr. Lyman Bhugart has returned from a
yislt - to his ranch In northwestern Ne
braska. Mrs. it. Barnes of Avoca, la.. Is a guest
at the homo of F. F. Everest of Glen
Mrs. H C. Mathls was hostess at a
charmingly Informal kenslngton Thursday
Miss Anna Longacre of Dodge, Neb., Is
the guest of Miss Maud Williams of Frank
lin avenue.
Mrs. W. A. Groneweg and children have
returned from Horton, Kan., where they
visited relatives.
General O. M. Dodge left last evening for
Denver, He expects to return to Council
Bluffs In two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huston of Sixth
street have for their guest Mrs. Mabel
Katolle of Jefferson, la.
Miss M. H. Williams was hostess at a 7
o'clock dinner given Friday evening at her
home on Park avenue.
Mrs. James Fenlon of Des Moines Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. P. Wlck
ham, on Seventh street.
Mrs. F. T. True is home from Lincoln,
where she attended the commencement ex
ercises of the high school.
Mrs. C. 8. Lefferts gave a charmingly
appointed luncheon at her home on First
avenue Saturday afternoon. '
The. annual commencement of St. Fran
cis' academy will be held at the academy
auditorium Thursday, June 1C.
Mrs. C. C. Conk entertained the Euchre
club Thursday evening. The prise, a hand
some sliver fork, was won by Mrs. Wood
Miss Oriental Group left Thursday after
noon for Colorado, where she will spend
the summer In th hope of benefiting her
Mra. W. . Lang of Portland, Ore., Is In
the city and will be the guest of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Will Helser, for th summer
Miss Norene entertained a number of
her associate teachers at a very delightful
kenslngton given at her bom Tuesday
Mrs. W. B. Clemmer entertained Monday
for Miss Nellie Ferguson, whose marriage
to Mr. Edmund Hayes took place Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Connell and Mr.
GUea Atherton of Stockport. England, art
ruests at the nome or Mr. ana
lam Coppock.
Mrs. Charles Woodbury and daughter en
tertained a number cf little peuj.i i a
(leasant outing In Falrmounl urk on
Vadneaday afternoon. i
Mrs. II H. Van Brunt was hostess' at
this week's meeting of the Evening Whist
club. Mra Horace Everett entertained the
Afternoon Whist club.
Mrs. W. I,. Fleming pleasantly enter
tained a number of little ones at a party
given in honor of her little daughter's
birthday Thursday afternoon.
Th Woman's club will meet every Tues
Cay uoriuhg during U suiuwar with
Mrs. A. P. Hanchett snd will study th
writings or James Russell Lowell.
For her guest. Miss Cook of Missouri
vaney, ia.. Airs. H. 8. Terwllllger enter
tained at a kenslngton given at her horn
on Fifth avenue Friday afternoon.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First Con
gregational church met with Mrs. W. W.
Wallace Tuesday afternoon. After the
business session dainty refreshments were
Mrs. John M. 11n,h.. nr Reach street
left Monday for Connellsvllle, Pa., where
sne win visn relatives for two momns.
ne win aiso visit the St. Louis lair do
fore returning.
Mrs. F. B. Warner has returned from
Tabor, where she attended the commence
ment exercises. Her daughter. Miss Kath-
enne, wno is a siuuent at tne college, re
turned with her.
Mrs. L Hardman left Frldav for a short
visit with her daughter in Chicago, after
wnich she will Join a party of frlenas in
northern Michigan, who expect to spend
pan or tne summer camping.
The following Council Bluffs women were
In attendance at the luncheon given by
Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay of Omaha at the Coun
try club Wednesday: Mrs. C. D. Parmalee,
Mrs. li. w. Hart and Mrs. F. H. Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hart. Mr. and Mra
Leonard Everett. Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Dodge and Miss
Dodge attended a dinner given Wednesday
evening Dy Mrs. Arthur Bmitn or umana.
Mrs. Dan Harrington of 1004 Seventh
avenue went to Sioux Citv yesterday to at
tend ine graduating exercises or. ins
Epiphany Cathedral High school, her
niece. Miss Marrueiite Harrington, being
one of the graduates.
Dr. James M. Barstow arrived here yes
terday from Atlantic City, N. J., where he
attended the meeting of the American Med
ical association. Enroute east he attended
the annual convention of the Society of
American Railway Burgeons.
Miss Winifred Robinson of this city and
Mr. Sidney P. Wilson of Omaha were mar-
They will spend their honeymoon In Colo
rado, ine Dride was rormerly a teacner in
the pchools of this city and the groom Is a
traveling salesman for an Omaha Arm.
Wallace Benjamin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fremont Benjumln, snd Miss Catherine
Uope surprised their relatives snd friends
by going to Fremont, Neb, and getting
married a few days ago. The announce
ment of their marriage was made yester
day on their return home. They will make
tneir nome for the present at mo Benton
street with the bride's grandmother.
Tuesday evenlnar Mr and Mrs. O. H.
Lucas entertained a few friends Informally
at their home on Oakland avenue. The
evening was pleasantly passed In conver
sation ana music, ine dancing or. nine
Miss Mary Chapman and the playing of
Mlas Klrkpatrlck added much to the pleas
ure of the evening. Elaborate refreshments
were served.
In honor of Miss Kennedy of Des Moines,
who ia the auest of Mr. and Mrs. Moss of
Omaha, Miss Cberrle Wells entertained at
a charming red and whit dinner Thurs
day evening. Covers were laid for the fol
lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Moss, Miss Kennedy,
Miss Wells, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Van
Brunt. After dinner the entire party went
to Lake Manawa, where the remainder of
the evening was most delightfully spent.
The weddlna- of Tracv M. Rodwell and
Miss Nora E. Gray was solemnised Wed
nesday evening at the new home which the
groom had fitted up on Madison avenue.
Only tho relative and Intimate friends at
tended. Dainty refrebhments were served
at the close of the ceremony. They will
vlnlt relatives at Oakland. Ia.. for a few
days and on their return will be at home to
their friends in this city.
One of the most successful and thor
oughly enjoyable affairs of the season was
the aance given Dy ine uoni ciuu i
Manawa Friday evening. It was strictly
informal, shirtwaist suits being decidedly
in the majority, almost to the exclusion or
the usual fluffy ball town. It was exceed
ingly well attended debutantes, belles of a
seaHon or two and the more sedate matrons
entering alike Into the pleasures of the
dance. Whaley's orchestra furnished the
munio for a long program of dances, which
lasted well into tne email nours.
Comullmentary to Mrs. James McCabe,
v.ho leaves soon for Seattle, WaBh., a num
ber of old-time friends united in a very
pleasant farewell party given .Thursday at
the home of' Mrs. E. C. Lougee. The
picnic crowd, once composed or aooui
twelve families, but now numbering only
eight, were seated at the large table- which
had for the centerpiece a large mound, of
pink roses. The rest of th - company, to
tne numuor.oi aoeui uny, , pisveu
small tables. The decuratluiia tluougnout
the rooms were In pink ana green ana mis
rf.krTr tdeu was carried out as far as pos
sible In the refreshments and ices served.
Wednesday afternoon at the home of the
bride, on Park avenue. Mr. Kendall E.
Griggs of Oroenvllle, 111., and Miss Lulu K.
Parsons ot tnis ciiy were unuea in nmr-
i riasre. Only the Immediate relatives ana
i friends attended. The home was prettily
decorated ror tne occasion wun pin
peonies, syrlngas and ferns, the ceremony
being performed in the northwest corner
of the parlor, which was banked with
palms and sword ferns, bouquets of long
stemmed peonies and syrlngas being used
in tne roregrouoa. inere were no aiienu
snts, the wedding march being played by
Miss Ethel Shepard. The bride wore a
simple but very effective gown of sheer
Persian lawn, with Valenciennes lace
trimmings, and carried bride roses. Her
going away costume was a silk shirtwaist
suit of one of the new tan shades, the hat
being tan, with touches of pale blue. Mr.
and Mrs. Griggs will visit the exposition
for a few days, sfter which they will b
at home to their friends at Greenville, 111.
A charming home wedding was that of
Mr.' Edmund H. Hayes of Norfolk, Neb.,
and Miss Nellie Grace Ferguson of this
city, which took place Thursday afternoon
at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs.
Fred Weener, on Third street. Rev. W. B.
Clemmer officiating. Promptly at the hour
appointed the bridal party entered the
troni parlor to tne strains of Aiendeis
sohnns wedding march played by Mrs. W.
11. Clemmer, and look their places In the
bay window, which had been transformed
into a veritable bower of green and white,
the dark green of the palms and ferns
studded here and there with white roses,
making a very picturesque setting for the
party. The attendants were Miss Doris
Hockett of Manning, Ia., and Mr. H. W.
Dixon of Norfolk, Neb. They were pre-
ceded by the charming little ring benrer,
Miss Buelah Hayes, sister or tne groom,
who curried the ring on the petals of a
large American Beauty rose. During the
ceremony Mrs. J. J. Ferguson played softly
"O Promise Me." Following the
ceremony refreshments were served
in the dining room, which was
elaboratoly decorated In pink and green,
the centerpiece of the table being a large
mound of pink blossoms edged with as
paragus sprengerl, while from the chande.
Her strands or asparagus sprengerl ex
tended to each of the four corners, where
it was held by a bouquet of the pink b!os-i
soma. Mrs. J. J. rerguson ann Mrs. w.
H. Ferguson presided, being assisted by
Miss Carson, Miss Stevens, Miss Martin
and Miss Howlett. The punch bowl in
the vestibule whs In charge of Mrs. H. O.
Ferguson, assisted by Miss June Gafford.
In the gift room was displayed a large
lirnt-y ui ueiiumui prrseniB lur xne uri
couple, consisting principally of handsn
paintings, cut glass and fine 11 r
The bride wore a beautiful creation
array of beautiful presents for the bridal
creation of
Purls muslin with trimming of Bwlss em
broidery, and carried a shower bouquet of
bride roses, her only ornament being a
brooch ('t with pearls, the gift of the
groom. The golnr-awny gown was a stylish
blue silk shirt wniat suit with hat to match.
Immediately after the reception Mr. and
Mrs. Hayes left for an eastern trip and
will be at home after July 1 at Norfolk,
Neb. Among the out-of-town guests were
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hayes, Mrs. N. J. Cole,
Mrs. Bnrirelt. Mr. Clyde Haves and Mr
James Andrews of Norfolk; Rev. and Mrs.
G. H. Mnln of Omaha, Hon. S. F. Roe,
in.innn, in. , mmv maoei Elevens vi Mis
souri Valley and Miss Doris Hockett of
Manning, Ia.
Thieves Take Watch and Lear Chain.
(Special.) Last night burglars entered
the residence of R, L. Kendall by prying
open a window and carried away a gold
watch. The chain and charm were de
tached and left behind because of their
being too distinctly In design to be dis
posed of. Nothing els was stolen.
Epworth Leaga.ri Will Meet.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., June II (Special.)
The district convention of th Epworth
league will begin a three-days session at
Marlon Tuesday, June 21, at which dele
gates from all over th district will -be
present and plana for the betterment of
the league will be discussed and special
paper and talks Indulged In.
Marlon Hose Team to Contest.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., June U. (Special.)
Th Mentaer hos drill tesm of Marlon,
th champion hose team of th state, will
leave Monday In a special car for St. Louis,
where they go to represent the state ot
Iowa in tne fireman contest and drills.
Th stat of Jowa appropriated t&0 to pay
their ax pe use on th. trio.
G!8 Limit of Law n Pis of Guilty of
Charles Cnckley, Who Was Arrested
and Coarlotea of Murder After
Being a Fngltlre for Thirty
Years, Ask a Pardon.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Ia., June 11. (Special.)
By the sentence of Charles W. Graves cf
this city to eight year In th penitentiary
today In the district court, there was closed
one of the strangest cases that has come
before the courts here. Graves confesses
to having choked his wlf to death In a
quarrel, then setting Are to the body and
the house to destroy evidence of the crime
But it was done In such a way that the
state had no positive evidence of anything
and but for the fact that the doctors de
clared the wife had been choked to death.
Grave would never have been arrested.
But he was Indicted and tried and con
victed of murder in the first degree and
gtven a life sentence. The court ' allowed
a new trial on the ground that the verdict
was not sustained by the evidence and
because of prejudice of a Juror. It be
came evident that If the law was followed
strictly, there could b no conviction and
the county attorney accepted a plea of
guilty of manslaughter from Graves. Then
ha tofd of his having had frequent quarrels
with bis wife and having choked her on
many occasions and that on this occasion
he killed her. But the heaviest sentence
that could be given Graves was eight
years. This was Imposed today by Judge
McHenry. There was much local Indigna
tion because of the fact, but It waa either
that or freedom for th confessed crim
inal. Cackley to Ask Parole.
. It became, known to Governor Cummins
today that an application will be made
for the parole of Charles Cackley, now
serving ten years for murder from Van
Buren county. Cackley returned from the
war In 1S66 and was sent to Jail for drunk
enness In 186$. He broke Jail and killed
a constable In the fracas. He went to
Washington county, Missouri, where he
assumed the name of John Beck and thirty
five years ago married an estimable woman
and settled down as a farmer. Last winter
It was discovered that he was the Charles
Cackley who had committed murder at
Farmlngton. He was brought back, con
fessed and was sentenced. Now a large
number of his old neighbors In Missouri
have sent the governor a petition for clem
ency based on their thirty years' acquaint
ance with blm, declaring him to have lived
a blameless life all that time, and stating
that he leaves a wife and three dependent
children.. Th governor has also received
letters from persons In Illinois and Minne
sota asking him to investigate, and a pro
test from the sheriff-of Van Buren county.
Cackley was discovered through an appli
cation for a pension which he filed.
peaktna- to the Schools.
State Superintendent Rlggs returned to
day from a trip through the state, speak
ing to teachers and at normal institutes,
spending the week In ihe northern part of
the state. He reports that the Institutes
are well attended and much Interest in
school work In the state.
The auditor of state sent today th
blanks for organisation of the Readlyn
Savings bank. In Iowa
There was filed with the secretary of
state today tho article of incorporation of
E. Children Son Manufacturing company,
of Council Bluffs; capital. 2:00,000; and of
the Otilla Telephone . company No. 2, of
Marlon county; capital, 8000.
Mayor Refuses to Act.
Mayor Mattern today refused to take a
step In the direction of having an investi
gation of the accusations of graft in city
hall affairs and took, the position that until
there Is proof presented to him of Improper
actions on the part of somebody he will
not appoint any committee.' In the mean
time other committees are at work on an
Investigation of affairs at the city hall. It
Is charged that there was graft In connec
tion with the recent purchase of voting
machines, and in connection with a big
bridge that, was built and In regard to
many other matters. '
Endorses Kirkwood Memorial.
At the Grand Army of the Republic en
campment this week a resolution was passed
endorsing the recent unanimous action of
the Iowa house of representatives In "pass
ing the bill to place a bronse statue of ths
late Illustrious war governor of Iowa,
Samuel J. Kirkwood, in the statuary hall
of the. national government, at Washing
ton," and recommending that measures be
taken to secure the passage of the bill
through both houses of the general as
sembly at the next session. The bill to
have a bust of . Kirkwood placed In the
hall of statuary passed the house, but failed
In the senate.
Settle Railroad Controversy,
The railroad commissioners of the state
hav received Information to the effect that
a controversy which has been pending be
fore them and also In th courts for sev
eral years - has been settled by the com
panlea This relates to crossings and depot
groinds In Storm Lake, as between the
Milwaukee and Minneapolis railroads. "They
had com in conflict and a merry war was
carried on for a long time. The matter
has at last been settled largely as th sug
gestion of the railroad commissioners.
Insurance Case Decided.
The supreme court today knocked out
th celebrated claim of Newton R. Parvln
for 87,600 Insurance on the life of his father. I
the late Theodore S. Parvln, long prominent
In Masonic circles. The court holds there
waa no right to recover on the Insurance.
Mr. Parvln bad held certificates In the
Northwestern Masonic Aid association. In
corporated In Illinois, which association
changed Its name and plan in 1886, and In
1000 sold out bodily to the Mutual Reserve
Fund Life Insurance company, of New
Tork. It appears that Mr. Parvln, after the
change ot name of th company had re
fused to pay the Increased assessment con
trary to what he had agreed, and waa
having a controversy with the company
at th Um of th sale to the Mutual Re
serve Fund, The, latter company did not
accept him as a member because of his
not being In good standing. Th claim
was mad by the heirs that under the con
tract b was made a member, but th
court refuses to entertain this view.
Court Decisions.
Ella R. Preston vs. School District of
Marlon, appellant. Linn county, Judgs
Preston; reversed, opinion by Bishop.
l-tank or Indiana. anti
nt vs.
D W. Mentser, Linn county. Judge Thomp-
son; reversed, by Ivdd,
State Bank of Indiana vs. William Cook.
appellant. Linn county. Judge iCemiey; re
versed, by McClaln.
B. A. Dolan, appellant, vs. Midland Blast
Furnace company, Lea county, Judge Bunk;
reversed, by Deemer.
Auston Howard va Town of Lamonl, ap
pellant, Decatur county, Judge Towner;
iflrmed. by Weaver.
Newton R. Parvln va. Mutual Reserve
Life insurance company, emxillunt, Judge
Treioliler; reversed, hySherwln.
Iowa, I4f Insnranee.
The annual report of th state auditor
on life lrururanc for 1903 was filed today,
showing that there were 121 companies
writing life Insurance In Iowa; number of
policies In force at close of year, 432,148;
amount of policies In force, 8593.34,463, and
amount said tMnaAolarlea, 13,770,811. The
bulk of th business was don by fraternal
beneficiary societies,
Arreage of rrosa.
Director Sage of the Weather bureau ha
Issued his first monthly statement on acre
age and condition of Iowa crops and stock.
Th corn acreage shows an Increase of 7
per cent and wheat and oats a decrease
of arrenge. Th conditions of crops In
percentage shows: Corn, 80 per cent
spring wheat, 94; winter wheat, 86; oats,
82; barley, 83; rye, 91; flax, 88; potatoes.
95; meadows, 98; apples, 91; plums, 88;
peaches, 48; grapes. 87; cherries, 83; straw
berries, 94; raspberries, 8K) rattle, 94; swine,
93; sheep, 97; horses, 85; 'foals, 83; spring
pigs. 83.
Medical Bnlldlng Hears Completion.
IOWA CITY, Ia., June 11. (Special.)
The work on the new medical building I
rapidly nesting completion, and It Is ex
pected that the work will be entirely fin
ished within three weeks. The workmen
are now engaged upon the Interior paint
ing and wood finishing, and when they hav
completed the building will be ready for
use. These two buildings which have been
building now for the past fourteen months
will give the medical department of the
State university the finest equipment of
any school in the state. If not In the west
for Its slse.
Working on Rla Ditch.
ONAWA. Ia.. Jun 11. (Special.) A. M.
Roth of Harrison county has been appointed
commissioner for that county by the Har
rison County Board ot Supervisors on th
big Monona-Harrison ditch, and will act In
connection with O. H. Elliott of Monona
county. Mr. Roth Is a farmer, living near
Little Sioux. Mr. A. B. Hasbrook of Mis
souri Valley was the former commissioner.
Th commissioner will try to hav their
report ready for the meeting of th boards
of supervisors of th respective counties
June 30. The dlteh petitioners are anxious
to hasten the work as fast as possible.
Prepare for Cedar Rapids Carnival.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., June It (Special.)
The Cedar Rapids Carnival company held
a meeting last night and decided to hold
the carnival as usual this fall, despite th
presence of the World's fair. The carnivals
have established a great reputation In past
years and the association says they will
have a better and bigger on than usual
this year. They already have assurances
from the Western association of reduced
rates on all roads and hav been In corre-
flmportant Sale of FinBsfCuT)
Glass at Fully i Off
Values in every instance are positively unprecedented
and this occasion is indeed a fortunate event for those who
contemplate purchasing June Wedding Gifts, for there is
nothing more appropriate than a handsome piece of crystal,
such ns heavy, rich American Out Glass, brilliant, artistic
cutting, new shapes all at prices that mark it as the very
greatest opportunity we have ever been able to present in
this line.
Don't misa an item every one will reveal some ex
ceptional bargain.
Sugar and Creamer,
were 86.80, now
Sugar snd Creamers, Afl
were 88.00.. now w.UW
Cologne Bottles, were 84.00,
now .a ,
Cologne Bottles, were 88.00,
Vases, wer 85.00,
Vases, were 810.00,
Olive nnd Pickle Dishes,
were 83.00, now
Olive and Pickle Dishes,
were 84.00, now
Olive and Pickle Dishes,
were 85.00, now
Cheese Plates, were 13.50,
Cheese Plates, were 15.00,
now w...
Bread Trays, were $8.00,
now ,
Bread Trays, were $10.00,
let Cream Plates, were $10,
Ice Cream Plates, were $11,
now ,
Celery Dishes, were $7.00,
Celery Dishes, were $8.00,
now '.
Telephone L607.
If some one ehould tell you that you could buy a pair
of shoes for 12$c would you take them? . No, of course not.
Why? Because you feel there is something the matter with
the shoe. You place a value on your money. .
If 12ic is a proposition to think about, than what are
you doing when you spend DOLLARS.' Do yon get money
value or do you take a chance?
Reliability is the stamp
given, not asked for.
It is impossible for you to buy shoes at these prices
$1.50, $2, $3, $3.50 and get better value than we offer.
A Twist of the Wrist
and th heat la on, If you us steam or
hot water heat and had it put In by us.
We do all the piping and connection right.
W do th work so you can always turn
on th beat when you want It and' can
turn It oft when you don't want It. Tou'll
nnd that our work and our price will allk
give satisfaction. '
J. C. Bixby Son,
202 ruin Street and 203 Peart Street
Couacll Bluff. Tel. ipj.
spondenc with some of the leading attrac
tions of th country.
Horse and Driver InJnrrd.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Jun It (Special )
C. R. Riley of this place la laid up with
serious Injuries received while riding his
liuivn, IUH i ninn. O.K mi wnt I ri inn roevs.
He wss In the lead of a field of four
horses when another rider ran Into him
and both horses fell. Riley was badly In
jured andhis horse will be out Of th
raring all season. The other horse and
rider wera slightly Injured. Riley Is at
ft. A . I .K...ft.. .ft... l ...
iiiiiiv mm id ftiivuBiifc tuai ne will re-
Rathboae Sisters to Meet.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia., June 11. (Special.)
Th Seventh district of Iowa Rathbon
Sisters will begin their annual session her
June 18. The district Include seven coun
tlna and about, MO delegates. Including
ome of the state and national officers ot
the lodge, will be in attendance.
Elaht Mra, Inrlndlng Chicago City
Engineer, laid to Have Been
CHICAGO, Jun It By an explosion to
day In a huge sewer being constructed
along Thirty-ninth street manhole wer
blown up for many blocks; the street was
badly torn, and a frame building demol
ished. Eight persons, Including City Engi
neer Mlltlmor. were reported killed. An
accumulation of sewer gas apparently
caused the explosion.
When an Investigation had been made It
was found that only four men had been
killed. Three workmen, accompanied by
City Engineer Guy Mlltlmor, who carried
a gasoline torch, went down Into thu
ewer, when they encountered gaa and the
explosion followed. All four men - were
Date of Meet Depends on King.
LONDON, June 11. The committee of
Oxford and Cambridge universities having'
In charge th arrangements for the athletic
meeting with th Harvard-Tale team will
meet Juno 14 to consider conditions sug
gested by tho Americans and to fix a date
for the contest. It seem probable that
July 18 will be selected aa the most avail
able day on which King Edward will be
n-nla to be nresenL owlnar to his malestv's
other engagement.
Bowls, I In., were $4.60,
Bowls, In., wer $6.00,
Bowls, 8 In.,' wera $8.00,
now ..."
Bswls, 10 In., were $10.00,
now,... -
Bowls, IA In., were $18.00,
Bowls, 10 In., were $26.00,
Comports, were $3.00,
Bon Bans, were $12.00,
.. - 6.00
. .. .7.50
... .12.00
.... 9.00
. 9.00
Water Bottles, were $3.00,
Water Bottle, were $8.00,
Pitchers and Lemonade
Jugs, were $9.00, now
Pitchers and Lemonade
Jugs, were $11, now
Tumbler. Vi do., war $3.00,
Tumblers, H do., wer $4.60,
Tumbler. H doa war $8.00,
Tumblers, H dog., were $8.00,
- now
Tumblers. H dos., wore $9.00,
409 Broadway.
Of value. That's why it will g
jPt iisi