I THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. JUNE 12, lt04. i .V - HONOR FOR A FRONTIER HERO TribnU to ft Ft m m Mr tal Wha Timed lb Toujhs of Abilene KILLING TIMES IN A CATTLE TOWN lory et the Ciriit Work Thomas t, Imltk, Marahaf aad ' Martyr the Caaee ( Law a ad Order. l On Memorial day the people of Abilene, Kan., dedicated a monument to the bravest and beet marshal that Motion ever had. The monument la a hue granite boulder nd on Ita top U fastened a bronse plate Which reads: t ...... THOMAS 3. SMITH, . MarahAl of 'Abilene. 1R70. Died a Martyr to Duty, Nov, t, 170. A Fenrless Hero In Frontier Day Who. In Cowooy CTiaos, Established the Supremacy of Law. Abilene l an old cattle trail town. In the later '80s It waa the end of the Union Fnclflo track then the Kaneaa Pacific. It waa merely a atock yard at first, but later a the end of the trail that led up from the ranchee of Texas, It became a wild and no torious town. "Joe" McCoy, a young- 1111 Tiolsan. waa the first to give It Ita glory. He took a horse find rode off Into the south and Intercepted a herd of cattle bound for California and Induced the owners to bring tfctm there. Others followed, and soon the whole Texas trade waa coming over the Old Chlsholm . trail . to the new shipping point. A sample train of stock was taken to Chicago, decorated with bunting and ac companied by a brass band, and then the rush came In earnest. About 90,000 cattle rnme In WSl; this grew to 300,000 In 1868, and In 1869 nearly 600,000 head came trudging up out of the south to be yarded and taken by railroad to eastern cities. It was In 1M8-M that the town began to feel the effects of the new business that had come to It. The "bottoms" were covered with saloons and dance halls; murders were common and drunken cowboys riding up and down the streets shooting their revolvers Into the windows terrorised the peaceable portion of tho community. Thirty-two saloons had licenses from' the city council. Start for Reform. The business Interests of the town were suffering, and finally the city administra tion took up the matter and considered ways and mesne. T. C. Henry was mayor and A. A. Hurd, now at ths head of the western law depsrtment of the Atchison, Topeka sV Santa Fa Railroad company, was city attorney. . They sent to St. LOul and asked the chief of police to tend them two Of his beat policemen. The officers came and were invested with all powers for the enforcement Of the law. They arrived on the afternoon train big, burly fellows, In the full glory of their blue uniform. They went to the mayor for consultation and then walked through the bad portion of the town. The further they went the more frightened they became. They re turned to the mayor. ' "How do you expect us to keep ordfr when every man carries a gun?" they asked. "Make them take off their guns." "But there are a hundred of them and only two of us. They laughed at us as we Went down the street We don't want the Job." On the night train they returned to St. Iuls, and the town was worse than ever. The wlckednees went on twenty-four hours tn the , day and the cowboys boasted that they owned the community. It was In the midst of this reign of terror that the mayor sent for Tom Smith. No officer waa ever asked to undertake a larger Job than he when he waa requested to control the whole wayward element of the place single-handed. Smith "was a native of New Tork and flurlng tho civil war was on the police force of New York City. For some reason he never told why he waa dismissed and he drifted west to White Fine, Nev., where he remained for a year during the silver paining excitement. When the Union Paclflo was being built through Wyoming he was marshal of Bear Ttlver, Green River and Cortnne. . At Bear River during a riot he was severely wounded, getting a load of buckshot In various portions of his body. This kept him In bed for several months and then he went to Fort Wallace and Kit Carson., on the main lino of the Kanass Pacific. Iters he was marshal and was employed by the railroad company to keep ordsr. - ' ' S .1 Threats that Failed. ' When In Hays . City, one of tho tough frontier towns, he saved the life of Judge Canfleld, one of the beat known of the die. ' trlct court judges of early days. Canfleld .; was presiding over court In the town and had a famoua case in which number of cattlemen were interested. They threat ened to kill him If he decided against them, as Canfleld had about made up hla mind to do. ' . He waa about to call out the troops from the fort to protect htm when soma one mentioned Smith. Smith was sent for. and stood around town and in the court room for two daya. When the decision was rendered against them the cattlemen had taken the hint and did not dare an assault on the court. One, more bold than the rest, attempted ' to climb up to the rear of the court room . where he could get a shot through the wln ; dow and then make a retreat to his pony, ' bat he was seen by the marshal, who sent shot after him that laid him up for months. While Smith waa coming to this city the officers built a calaboose, but the cowboys rased It to the ground. Then they rebuilt It, and under atrong guard put a negro In It. Later tn the night a crowd of the gTBjaveg at M'eAa4 Sa 'f warm evenings nothing fasted so good aa AGENTS: Hugo F. Bits. 1334 m r m m jwj nv .at r Lea Mitchell. Couocll Bluffs. 'Phone au. BOCTU OMAHA. 'fHOSB S. drunken cowboys rode Into town, tore down the building end took the negro away with them. Smith looked over the town for a dsy before he took the Job, then In the evening strolled Into the mayor's office and said hs guessed he would take the office. He was asked for his plan of operations and Said he had none except that he thought he would stop the practice of carrying firearms. "You can't do that," declared the mayor. "They have been carrying firearms since the beginning of the town." "But It In against the ordinance." "Yes, of Course It Is." "Then I will stop their carrying fire arms," said Srclth, quietly. "You see, we could stand guns or whisky, but we can't stand both. There ain't no chance to stop the whisky, and we might aa well Stop the guns. Then there will be less danger." j Smith Begins Business. That night new copies of the anti-gun ordinance were posted around the town, and the next'morntng Bmlth took the oath of office. Long before he appeared on the street the gang wss ready for business, and many boasted that the man did not live who could make them give up their guns. Bmlth was about five feet eleven Inches high, deep chested and With sinews of steel. He did not seem to be so powerful aa he was. He ate a hearty breakfast and strolled down the street. The first person he met was Hank Hawkins, a huge cattle puncher from southern Texaa, who had made him self obnoxious to the town. As the new marshal camo in sight Hawkins stepped out and asked: "Bo you're, the man who has come to run the town." "No," replied Smith, "but I have been hired to keep order, and I am going to try "That Is one of the laws, and I will have to trouble you for the guns right now." "I won't give them up to any live man." "I ain't lookln' for trouble," said the marshal, his steel gray eves flashing, "but "you will obey the ordinance." Like a flash he leaped forward and landed a terrific blow on the forehead of the big Hawkins, who promptly measured Ms length on the sidewalk. In the twink ltng of an eye Smith was on top of him with the guns In his hands. "I will give you ten seconds to start for the city limits," was the ruling. After a glance at the determined face of the marshal the cowboy lit out for the high grass. Smith leisurely pocketed the guns and sauntered down the street as If he had nothing to do. J Example of Serve. Presently he came to a aalobn where a crowd of cowboys were drinking. To them Smith made a little speech: "I am going to have order In this town, and I want every man to obey," he said. "If hs don't obey I will make him. I shall treat every one fairly. You must all give up your guns and they will be taken to the mayor's office, where you can And tbem when you want to leave town." For a moment there waa silence. Then a faro dealer, a leader among the sports, spoke up: "That Is the nerviest act I ever saw. Here, Mr. Marshal, Is my gun." He handed It to Smith, and all the others followed his example. They were glad of a chance to get out of the predicament at the least possible loss of self-respect. "I can'f carry them all," laughed Smith, and bo a compromise was proposed. The saloon keepers were to be the cus todians of the weapons, and the cowboys were to leave them off during their stay In the town. They did It. too, and from that time until Smith met death not a gun waa carried In this city with the knowledge of the marshal. ! Smith was killed while attempting the arrest of a murderer three miles northwest of here. Two Scotsmen had trouble with an Irishman about some of the letter's cattle destroying their corn. They killed the Irishman and took refuge' in their cabin, defying the authoiitlea. .. The sheriff and his posse went out and did not dare go near enough to the cabin to make the arrest, coming back to town. Smith volunteered to take two men and bring in the murderers. A Martyr to Doty. When they came near the cabin one of the Scotsmen was In the rear chopping wood. The other was inside, and he cut loose with a gun, firing a shot Into Smith's breast. The deputies fled, and Smith, with his true nerve, leaped into the dark little Cabin and had nearly handcuffed the mur derer when the Scotsman outside came with his axe, and with a single blow sev ered Smith's head from his body. The wound from the rifle was of Itself mortal, and his desperate fight after' re ceiving it showed how undaunted he was. So ended the life of the man who Is said by every one who knew him to have pos sessed the most msgniflcent courage of any Of those who mingled with the procession of desperadoes and bad men on the plains In the early daya ' His murderers met speedy Justice for their deed. Bmlth was burled In the little cemetery, and the cowboys ran the town again with their old vigor and reckless nesa He waa followed by Wild Bill Hlckok, another marshal of note on the Plains, more theatrical In his methods and with a wider fame than Smith, but not the former's equal as a fighter, and possessing not half the respect that came to the quieter man. It was characteristic of the feeling of the cowboys who had been ruled as with a rod of Iron that when they once gave up they were Arm friends of the man who naa conquered them. One day, long after omiin a death, a gambler took occasion to Insult his memory. The saloon waa In an uproar In a minute, and he wa called on to take back hla words. He dW not do It quick enough, and was promptly stretched on the floor by the strongest man present, while the others cheered at the action. A short time ago one of tho old settlers Meiaanj . a Douglas 8.t Omaha. 'Phone 1M1 of Abilene found among bis relics of the cattle trail days a daguerreotype of Bmlth, probably the only, picture he ever had taken. This was copied by the local photographer, and nearly enough copies were sold to build the monument to the dead marshal's memory. . FLOODS CAUSE DESTITUTION Appeal to Washington for Seed to Replace Haloed Cropa la the West. WASHINGTON. June 11. An appeal for assistance for people in. the flood stricken country In the west came today In a telegram to the Department of Agriculture from Representative Charles C. Reld of Arkansas. He wired aj follows: Almost the entire Arkansas rivef bottom In Inundated; probably all the cotton crop destroyed. It Is extremely late to replant. Can you suggest the kind Of seel that matures eariy in tne tan ana wnere n mny be obtained. It Is contended that cotton planted now will not matur.. l'lessd furnish as early as poeslb'e any Informa tion or suggestions that you may hare of vslus to us. The loss to this country Is the biggest ever known. Many families are destitute. Acting Secretary of Agriculture Brlgham immediately conferred, with his assistants and later Colonel Brlgham telegrsphed in reply that he regretted that the depart ment could not furnish the seeds snd said: If the local seed Is planted Immediately by the 15th there In possibility of getting a crop, but the chanoes are against it. It Is difficult to procure seed from here In time to make a crop. Colonel Brlgham ' then suggested two varieties of cotton and added: There Is a better chance to secure a crop of corn If planted before July 1. Consult with the experiment etatlon at Fayetteville regarding the advisability of planting sweet potatoes - and especially cow peas. There Is alwaya a good sale for cow pea seed. Official dispatches to the Postofflce de partment today report that the rivers are rising again In southern Kansas, Okla' homa and Indian Torrltory and that ths Missouri, Kansas & Texas line may be broken st Vlenta. The condition of the service on the railroads on tho Kansas postofflce district are as reported, but In absence of advices to the contrary from the Wichita district, Division Superintend ent Taft of the railway mail service at St Louis reports that he r.ssumes a similar Improvement has occurred In the Wichita country. The Missouri, Kansas A Texaa line Is now open from Parsons to Denlson. Between 8edalla and ' Pareona through train's are running by way of Paola, but stub trains are on the main line between washouts. The service between Junction City and Parsons Is broken and will re quire two or three days of favorable weather to open. NINE DEAD FROM HIGH WATER Levee on the Arkaasas Hirer Breaks ad Cotton Lands Arc Inun dated la the Lowlands. ARDMORE. I. T., June U. The high water has caused the death of nine persons In the Indian Territory. The dead: MRS. R. H. WILSON AND HER J Y EAR-OLD BABY, at Mill Creek. MIS8 FAY DAVIS, at Mill Creek. FIVE CHILDREN of Tony Jones, In Ktamlchi valley. A CHILD, name not learned, at Bengal., Mrs. Wilson, her child and Misa Davis were ssleep fn their home when a cloud burst gorged the creek, which swept away the building. The bodies were recovered. All the tributaries of the Washita are out of their banks and cotton and other crops have been destroyed. PINE BLUFF, Ark., June 10. The levee at Hannsberry. OA ' the 'Arkansas rivef, broke. today and more than S.000 acres of cotton land are under water. Every avail able man, together with state convicts. Is working to repair the break. EVANSVILLE; Ind., June 10. The break ing of the banks of an ' artificial lake, 700 feet long by. 500 feet wide, tonight caused a flood In the west snd of Evansvllle. Peo. pie living In Maryland street were com pelled to vacate their homes. The path of the flood Is streaming with the carcasses of animals and poultry, but It Is beltoved no human lives were lost. RICHARDSON DROPS OUT Bead of Dei Sfolaea. College Says Be Does Wot Hecelve Co operation. DES MOINES, la., June 11. President J. K. Richardson resigned his position at the head of the' Dee Motnee college today be cause he said he was convinced that there was lack of willingness on the part of cer tain faculty members and some students to co-operato with him. RCFTCHB IS CAWApIAK. MILITIA ' (' mmm . ' Lord Dundonald, Commanding Officer, Mnat Resign. OTTAWA. Ont., June 11. Lord Dun. donald, commanding officer of the Canadian mllltla and a veteran of the. South African war, must resign his position or his ap pointment will be cancelled by the Can adian government. The causa of the rup ture was a speech delivered recently at Montreal by Lord Dundonald, in which he aald that the appointment of officers In the mllltla was by political preferment . The matter came up In the House of Commons today. A letter from Lord Dun donald was read In which, he adhered to hla . statement that Sydney Fisher, min ister of agriculture, was interfering with mllltla appointments. Mr. Fisher said In .reply that when he Interfered he wss acting minister of mll ltla. Sir Wilfred Laurler, the premier, condemned Lord Dundonald'a Indiscretion In atrong terms. .The commanding offloer of the Canadian mllltla Is appointed by the British government. Aa, it would be Im possible to retain an .officer In the position who was not In aocord. with the govern ment of the Dominion, nothing remains fori Lord Dundonald to do but to resign or his appointment will, be eanoelled. m W TOPICS FOR A OAT CF REST Sunday Is Children's day. In most of -the evangelical churches In ths city special services will take place, at which the chil dren of the Sunday school as an organi sation will be the principals. The hour of these special oervlcea varies, sometimes be ing given to the regular time for morning service, sometimes to the Sunday school hour and sometimes to the early evening, or evening service period. The latter time probably will be the most generally chosen for tho gathering of little churchmen and women. Chlldren'a day la growing to be one of the most prominent of church feast days. Christmas and Easter are of course the greatest of all days, but Chlldren'a day In Its uniting and strengthening effect upon the Sunday school organisation Is consid ered by many teachers to be of almost equal Importance. Flowers will take a large part In these services, and songs and recitations. Trinity Methodist Episcopal church has an elaborate program. That for the First church follows: PART ONE. Processional Hymn 62. "Onward Chrla- tlan fluldler'r Hymn 883 School and Congregation. (During the ainglng those desiring baptism will come forward). Sacrament of baptism Hymn 78 Responsive reading by superintendent and congregation Prayer by superintendent Address' of welcome (senior department) M. Z. Howell Addrees of welcome (Junior department) Naomi Fowle Vocal Solo Voice of Angels. ...Clara Selfkln Recitation The LUtle White Lambs.... Myrtle Bonner Anthem I Waited for the Lord Mrs. O. W. Mislck. Mrs. Ben Stanley and Choir. PART TWO. Collection Aria from St. Paul O Ood Have Mercy. Recitation Muriel Baldwin Vocal solo Josephine Pardoe Recitation The Buttercup's Wish Adeline Wyckoff Presentation of prlsea by superintendent First prlxe, George Merriweather; second prise, tiutn KODerrs Remarks by pastor At Trinity Methodist Episcopal Sunday school at Twenty-first and Binney Btreets all the babies of the surrounding neighbor hood together wtlh their parents, relatives and friends have been invited to. be pres. enf. The pastor, Rev. J. R. Bmlth, hopes that at least 100 babies will be present. The Sunday-school exercises will be held at 12:05 p. m. Every one Is expected to take a bouquet of rosea or of some other flowers. It will be a babies' day and chldren's day and a special program will be rendered. Mrs. Albert E. Parmetee Is the superin tendent of the cradle roll department and is confidently expecting a very large at tendance. Special music by the cnolr of Kountae Memorial church: Anthem My Soul Truly Walteth Upon God , Rea Solo O, Shadow In Sultry Land...Maraton Harry higglna. Quartette . H. j. ttpoern, v. tr. uameis, o. 11. BoVelle, William Reynard. Duet The Lord la My Shepherd... .Smart Edith Foley Mary Btapenhorst. Chorus Be Not Afraid w, From Mendelssohn'a "Elijah" Quartette With soprano obllgato Miss Foley. Solo The Earth Is the Lord's Byrnes Miss Mary Btapenhorst. Musio at Calvary Baptist church: MORNING. Organ Prayer Lemalgre Anthem Out of , the Depths Ashford Organ Grand Chorus In F tialome Solo Tako Me, O, My Father , utni vvyn juun . - . Miss Noble. EVENING. Organ Andante Chlpp Anthem Remember Now Thy Creator. ; Adams Organ March In C Calkins Hymn Anthem Now . the Day is O'er. The U a. m, and I p. m. services at Trinity cathedral will be taken by Rev. Frank Du Moulin of St. Peter's church, Chicago. He Is a ptomlnent clergyman of Chicago and was nominated to the ca thedral as dean by Bishop Worthlngton, but so far has not seen his way clear to accept the election. He Is quite well known to Bishop Williams and other clergymen of the city. His father is a bishop in the Canadian church.'' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Du Moulin are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Yates at Hillside. Musio at the Seward Street Methodist Episcopal chuch: Anthem (solo and chorus) Magnify the Lord with Me ioreni Mvrtla llodder and chorus. Solo In the Shadow of the Cross....... , ii. iiauBJine Mrs. J. B. Davis. EVENING. Duet In the Cross of Christ I Glory.. , co xiowo Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watson. At MeCTiitw. Methodist Enlsconal church. Farnam and Fortieth streets, Sunday morn ing; will be held the third quarterly meet ing, communion service and reception or members. In the evening the Sunday sohool will observe Children's day by a concert entitled, "Jfelrs of .Tomorrow." Mnals at St. Barnabas as follows: Organ Prelude Intercession Schevo m 1 1 M .. X . r - 3 1 1 f 1 . Processional Savior, Blessed Savior.... Anthem-Seet la Thy Mercy, 'Lord.. Miss Connoran,' soprano, quartet and choir. Agnes Del Rtai Miss Howes, soprano and choir. Nunc Dimltls Turner Recessional Jerusalem, mo uoiuen...... Postlude U-V..V';.' Ravelin T. P. Haller. The Children's day program of Immanuel ftantlat Sunday school. Twenty-fourth and Btnney streets, which was arranged for to morrow evening, naa been postponed to next Sunday evening, June 19. An attrac tive nroKrram has been prepared and it Is hoped the church will be filled. Special children's day services will be held in th First united Presbyterian church. Twenty-first and Emmet. This service will take the place or the morning preaching, An interesting oroaram will bo given. W T. Graham is superintendent of Sunday school. V. M. ". A. Notes. Former General Secretary. WUUs will be In the city June 1. During the last week Acting Secretary i I ... .4 -M ...ma... In ... . a r.n ttrOCHniBJl VWIICU wumni., 1.., ference with B. C. Wade, who will assume bis duties a general secretary July 1. Mr. Brockmnn is very enthusiastic over the work In Ottumwa, its organisation and the field that It Is occupying. The regular Sunday afternoon men's meeting will be held In the association building Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The orchestra will play from 1:80 to 4 O'clock. Elwood Bailey will sing. Rev. J. R, Smith of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church will address the men upon the sub ject, "The King Among Common Things." The Young Men's Christian association will again have Its tent at the annual high school encampment. The tent will include amea such as chess, checkers, ehutfleboard, i.ln-pong. a reading table with all the late iiia"slnes. a writing tabic with spe cial camp letterheads, an organ for even ing entertalnmenta and several very at tractive feature which made the tent the most popular resort In the whole camp. Sunday afternoon a meeting will be held In the open air for the oadeta and the peo ple of Missouri Valley. Last year the at tendance wos about 600. The meeting will be conducted by State Secretary lialley. The tent will be In charge of Boys' Hecre tary Arthur Jorgensen. and Frank W illis. Mlseellaaeena Anaewateeaseata. PI mo u la Congregational-Morning ser vice at l:jn. theme. "The Ten Words. Children's day exercises at 7 p. m. Unity, Seventeenth snd Case. Rev. New ton Mann, Mlnleter-Rervice at 10:. ser mon: "Preaching, Its Weaknesa and Its Strength." Hlllsldel Congregational, Rev. W. F. Bergi, Pastor Morning service at 10:0, theme, "A Vnllant Man;" at I p. m., "Dante and His Ethics." . Our Savior's Danish-Norwegian Evsngel Ical Lutheran, Twent r-slxth and Hamilton, Rev. George Henrlcksen, Paator English service at 11 a m. People's, Charlea W. Saridge. Paator Morning subject, "Big People; evening subject, "The Great Advantage and Re ward of Pure Life." Trinity Dunlsh-Norwelgian Evangelical Lutheran, Twenty-ninth and T irfouth Omaha), Rev. George Henrlcksen, Paator Norwegian services at 4 p. in. First Congregational, Nineteenth and Davenport, Kov. Hubert C. Herring, IaTj.. Pastor Children's day, services at 10:30 a. m. ; evening service at t o'clock. Knox Presbyterian, M. DeWltt Long. D. li.. Pastor Morning theme, "Children In the Streets ot Gods City;" In the even ing the exercises of Children's day. ttouthwest Prebvler1sn. Twentieth snd Leavenworth, Thomaa IS. Osborne, Paator Morning service at tuuoain scnoui at l. rii., innniiHn cnaeavor ai I p. m., evening service at a. V'Ufton Hill Presbyterian, Forty-fifth and Grant, Kev. R. M. Dillon, Paator Preach. Ing at 10:W) and ; morning theme, "Wom an s Blessedness;" evening, "Children's Grace Bftntlst. Tenth ind Arhnr tl V Fcllinan, Pustor Morning theme 10:46! "Christianity ami the City; ' Children's day program Dy ttunuay school at p. m., Ill stead of tne regular breaching service. Immanuel Baptist. T wenl -luurili and puiiiey, ir. n. iverr iiccies, pastur Morn ing service at 10:30. Similar school at noun Junior union at : p. m.. Senior union at .w p. in., evening service at o clock. Pslvarv TTut.l- rr... . .. . .. I. "M .:. l -uil Alii. UIII- Hton, 'I homos Anderson, Pastor Service at 10;3o a. m., topic, "Uving la Fire;" Bible school at noon; evening service at S, topic, "Seest Thou Not hat Tho Do in the Central TTnlte.l Pr..h.t.H.n T fourth and Dodge, Rev. John M. Ross, Pastor Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m., Sunday school at noun Children rinu tui I 7p 0,nMerv"1' you"sT people's meeting at First Church of Christ, Scientist, Twenty-fifth and Farnam tiunday school at 8.44 . m., morning service at li; lesson topic, "IS the 1'llWi.iaA 1 nelitillnw Mnn h'unlu. by Atomic Forte?" Wednesday evening service at 8. MyCabe Methodist Episcopal, Farnam and "''. nev. x. n. vvutson, rasior tun day school at 10 a. in.: sermon and com mumon at 11 a. in.; children's day con cwn iat p' Epworth League sorvice win ue uiiucieu. St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twenty first and Lurdetie, U Uroli, i-ustor ser vices lo-.tb a. m "Ihe Land of Promise, Ne braska;;, g p. m., utrong In Faith -A Sure Mastery; ' Tjunday school U n.: young People's, 7:15 p. m. First Presbyterian, Seventeenth and podge, Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., Pastor rteryices 10) a. in. and s p. m.; morning i "drc" day exercises by Sunday school, lr' rlpnry, superintendent, and a short talk by the Dastor. Holiness Convention at the Church of the ...wreiuj, iiw Luininf, June U to 16, In clusive. Services every day at 2:30 and . .m' Meetings In charge of Dr. C. J. l'owier of Boston, president of the Na- iiunm xiuuness association. First I lilted KvangeilLal, Twenty-fourth and Franklin. Rev. . J. Lindsay, Pastor Presiding Elder Rev. S. J. Bliupp of Lin coln will preach Sunday morning at 11 and evening at 8; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Westminster Presbyterian, Georgia Av enue and Maaon, Rev. X. V. Moore. Pastor Regular Hunday services at 10:.W a, m. and p. in.; Young People's Christian En deavor society at p. in.; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal, Forty first and Charles, G. H. Main, Pustor Children s day exercises at 10:45 a. m : platform meeting at 8 p. ro In interest ot the Sunday school, with several short ad dresses. Publlo Invited to both services. First Baptist, Park Avenue and Leaven Worth, Rev. J. W. Conley. D. D.. Pastor Services at 10:30 a. "m. ana 8 p. m.; morning, Children's day exercises; evening, the pas tor will preach on "Life's Commencement Daya; young people'a meeting at 7 p. m. Hirst Memorial Methodist Episcopal, Thirty-fourth and Lariinore, William Ks., plln, Pastor Service at 11 a. m., preaching, baptism and reception of members; Sun day Bchool at 13 in.; Junior league at I p. m.; League, 7 p. m.; Children's day exer olsea 8 p. m. , First Christian, Seventeenth and Doug 'as. S. D. Dutcher, Paator Preaching at ..'. a. "m. and 8 p. m.: morning auuject, or His Name'a Sake;'' evening subject, Equipment and Responsibility for the Sal vation of Others;" christian Endeavor at 6:44 p. m.; Bible school at noon. -..f"0'? Avenue Presbyterian, Fort'eth and Nicholas, Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke, Pastor Morning .jtArvliv. wvao ,nkiiui fin.- itHinn of Christians;" evening service 7:46, sub ject, "Recognising One's Opportunity," Hunday school at U; Christian Endeavor ot 6:46; Bible study. Wednesday, 8. orace Lutheran. South Twenty-sixth and Poppleton, Rev. M. L. Melick, Paator At 10:46 a. m., "The Great Supper;" at 8 p. m., sermon from text '"When I see the blood I will pass over you;" Sunday school at noon: Luther lea r no at 7 n. m i nrav.r meeting on Wednesday at 8 p. m. Second Presbyterian. Nicholas and Twen ty-fourth, Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck, Pastor At 10:30 a. ni. Kev. H M. Steven. eon. D. D., will- sneak on "Ths liufriLlo General Assembly." The pastor will preach hi s p. m. weanesaay miuweea service at 8 p. m.. subject, "The Spirit of the Age," being a study in Malachl. Castellar Street Presbyterian, Sixteenth nd Castellar. Walter H. Revnnldn Pastor The annual Children's day program by wio cnuuren win ds given at tne morning service hour, 10:30. At 8 p. m. the pastor will give an object lesson children's ser mon, which will be of Interest to all, chil dren and adults. Choir music, and In ad dition the boys' trio from Park Forest chapel will sing. Trinity Methodist Enlsronnt. Rev .Tnhn Randolph Smith, Pastor At 10:30 a. m. the third Quarterly meetinar will be hM nv J. W. Jennings, D. D., preaching the Ser mon anu aaminisiering tne sacrament or the Lord's supper. In the evening at 8 me pasior win preacn, subject, "The New Evangelism."- Mr. Ed P. Sweelv will eon- duct the Epworth league service at 7, sub ject, "Conditions of Christian Dlsclple- hlr. CARDINAL SAT0LLI WELCOMED Catholic Clerg-ymen and Laymen Meet Former . Anostollo Delegate Upoa Hla Arrivals NEW YORK, June 11. Cardinal Satolll was welcomed to America tonight by more than 700 Catholic clergymen and laymen at the residence of Archbishop Farley, Pre vious to the reception Mgr. Lavllle deliv ered an address of welcome to tho former apostolic delegate, to which Cardinal Sa tolll replied, referring to his two previous visits to America and expressing the hope that the blessings of American liberty and American civilisation will spread to all parts of the world. Bee Want Ads are the best business boosters. YOU CAN'T BUY A safer or more reliable remedy for the oiomacn. i.iver or ivinnevs man tne cele brated Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. With a FIFTY YEARS' RECORD of wonderful cures back of It. no stronger argument for ii uu chu uo prcseniea. o Hostellers stomach Bitters has never b e o n known to fall lu STOMACH cases of Poor Appetite, Indigestion, r Constipation, Elilousoess, Nervousness, 6emral Debility, Dyspepsia or UalsrlilFew, GET A DOTTLE TODAY and test lis merits for your i ZiS 'V-- ' own satisfaction The genuine l.ai A. our own prhate atamp over the D I J. rliii?lsi at - locTOEis The difference between auocess and failure In business life Is due In nine out of every ten esses to lack of phy sical manhood. Your growth, your strength, your ability, your Intellec tual or business capacity, your skill as a workman In the usual business pursuits of life, your popularity with other human beings, of cither se. tn all shaken nr.d your future career blighted If your sexual power Is de pleted. You an't be half a man stx ually, and a whole man otherwise. A chain Is no stronger than Its weakest link. Upon possessing the essential elements of manhood depends chiefly the happiness of marital life, your success In the commercial world and the perpetuity of our rare. The loss of rexual power wl'l bo found a sure and certain condition In almost every case of business fullure and poor sue. cess In life, hence the value t6 a man WE CURE and We Don't Patoh Up-We Cure Quickly, Safely and Thofot.nhly. Are you suffering from any hidden drains, weaknesses ' or prlvute dlsc-nsosT If so. why not he cured? Whv not win back the vim, vigor and vitality 'ost? The spark of sexual vlta'lty eoldom dies Out. It Is often weakened, Impitlied, tcmporarllv absent or frequently disappointing, but seldom dies, and It tun be , renewed. The secretions can be reawakened, vitality restored anil the functions agAln made normal, Just the same as a wilting llower can be revived by sun shine and water. We have been the direct meiins of testorlng thousands of alfllcted sufferers to complete and perfect health. Years of praetlcul expe rience, thousands of dollars spent In researches and ;n Immense practice have enabled us to evolve a svstem of treatment that la a speedy, safe pnd certain cure. The rhange In thousands of cises Is simply marvelous. Blighted Uvea, blasted hopes, weakened systems, debilitated and atrophied organs and nervous 'wrecks are perfectly restored by our system of treatment. If you will give us the opjiortunlty we will prove to you our nklll and ability by curium you of your ailments. If you need skilled medWal attention, nlve this matter your earnest thought and consideration, as your future health and happiness may depend upon the course you pursue at this ttmo. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele. Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Waste In Urine, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex cesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases, rnilCIH TlTim tRCC- Office hours a. tn. to I p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. tUHoULI AllUn met if you cannot cull - write for symptom blank. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Bst. 13th and Hth Street, Omaha, Neb. OB cod Atlantic city and return On sale July 0 and 10 bostow and return J On sale August 11, 12 and 13 Chicago ond roturn On sale June Id to 20 Chicago and return On eale every day Chicago and return (one way via St. Louis) On sale every day cihciumati and return . ' -On sale July 15, 16 and 17 DETnoiT and return On sale July 5, 0 and 7 DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS AND RETURN On sale every day..... Indianapolis and return- On sale June 20 and 27.... LOCisviLLR and return On sale August 12 to 15. ogdex, salt lake: city and return On sale every day Also very low excursion rates and New England. Call or write. Fi An Office In The Bee Building: For $10.00 Per Month We have a very desirable small office, that la vacant today, at the price mentioned above. There ar only a few of these smaller ofnees In the bulldlnc. but In point of comfort and desirability they are vary satis . factory to anyone who needs only a smsll floor space. This price tncludee all the advantna-ee of the bulldlns perfeot Jani tor service, all day and alt night and Sunday elevator service, electric light, water and beat. These little offices are usually snapped up quickly. Better call today. R. C. PETERS O CO., Rental Agents Everybody who entered the building containing the INFANT INCUBATORS at the Omaha exhibition remembers ths doctors' udvlue to young mothers. Nothing but- CABINET was used In tho Incubator building simply bei-auae Its milk producing qualities was and Is today bettor than any other beer brewed. Order a case. It Comes In quarts or pints. A small Rlaaa full , occasionally will bring quick results. Sold oa Dlolnaj and BaSfet Cars. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Onuaaa'a Model Brewery. Telephone 420. OMAHA for am of regaining hla health. Intellectual power and vigorous manhood cannot be measured In dollara and cents. It Is a power and a privilege that should endure with man as long aa life Itaolf, and whenever It Is Impaired or sus pended through Ignornnre, excesses. Indiscretions or dissipations, n.ituro will neert Itself snd every oiher bodily and mental function wilt. If ' you have violated thla law you must pay the penslty unless you are agvln lestored to what nature Intended you a strong, robust, healthy man physic ally, mentally snd sexually. It Is use less to worry about the pnst cau after ths disease or weukness becomes onoe established. Tlio fact that the trouble now exists makes It necessary that there should be no apathy, no Telay, no deferring matters until later on. CURE QUICK $34.00 ..$33.10 . $13.00 $20.00 $25.50 $22.75 $19.25 ..$17.50 $19.65 ...$21.75 . $30.50 ...;.... to many points In Ontario, Quebec P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, fieb. r IrJJalrWtiwaMaHSflic -i' : -1 Cro und Floor, The Bee Bu llding. SEARLES I SEARLE3 Omaha. Neb. CURES - GUARANTEE) jf VVJI yuicaor anu ir f, :fV UE88 MONEY V ' vfs. h,,n other IC i&O SPECIALIST. cures all spool! dlseatu ul uieu kidney. ulJir nd uUeu of worn it Blssil Dnlesa eured tor life, soon every si gn 81000 rOISOO Vruntoui. o"s oa body, U mouth, tongue, tnroat. hair and eyebrowa (falling out) disappear completely forever. Viruses Vslss ruptured, enlarged and kao. leilCOSB TBIDI i, vein cured wllUem cut ting, pain ur loss of time,. Never full Quickest cure in the world. Wmi, Narwoiii Men iZtf.T'tJXi: aabllity, earl decline, lack of vigor and sirsiigtli. Treatment by mail. M years OS" SVC CkBtisUL. PKACT1C8 IN OUAHA. Cuf Ur of lub. and Liwuglae. FOOU INBl'Ki'TUlt. H. L RAWACCI0TTI D. V. S. CITY Y K'I'fc. H I J A RJ AN. Office and Infirmary, 2Uh end Mason Bis. OMAHA, N Ell. Telephone K-. Vk-I CTX oi'ATH VETTtrtlN AtUAM. -" - .'- - .. , , , ,