Nebraska Bohemian Turners Competition Staff Artist Bco 4 i i 1 S 1:1 II .-a i I! : ; ... TT.-,, " "'. 1 MSK WHO COMPETED . XU TUB TOURNAMEMTL i V' V . ' "it "1 it--.. - fiTTtT-a WHO TOOK. PART IN TUB CONTEST. I ? MISS ROSH KMENT OP OM'HA WTVWNO TUB HIOTt JUMPTCISkINO TUB BAR AT THREE FEET, TBI INCUES. Mr . , I- it v. ... Til ' '"' EOT3 CLASS 1JNES UP FOR THB ARTIST.. w kEXXi trained muscles and mlnda acting In unison are the results of careful attention to the duties yy" 1 that devolve upon a member of li ii a turner socty, and. out of it comes the physical development that Is desirable In man and woman alike. It Is not essential that the member become so proficient that ha or she may go before the public as an acrobat, but It is expected that members of both sexes will be suffi ciently assiduous and attentive at the drills to get the benefit Intended. Germans and Bohemians lead In this physical culture work, which has long since pusned the fad atage with them and become an actual con dition of education, taken on as much as a matter of course as is reading and writ ing. The methods used are simple, the re sults attained are certain and the benefits are easily computed. As In other things, the Interest In turning Is enhanced by a comparison of ability, taking the form of state and national competitions. Nebraska Bohemians have long held high rank for. athletic ability, having captured a number of prises at national exhibitions, and once had the honor of entertaining the turner from all over the country. Recently the Nebraska Bohemian turners met In Omaha for state competition and for two days a merry crowd of athletes was busy out at the Vinton street ball park, engaged In the various muscle stretching and nerve trying feats that make up their routine. Along with these were the simpler forms of field athletics, and the time was ener getically employed . In giving each of ths 126 athletes assembled an opportunity to how what he or she could do. Olrls and. boys who participated in this competition showed a wonderful degree of proficiency and the whole was voted a very successful, affair, even though the general public did not bestow on it the interest It seemed to merit. 1 Last Sunday the Judges of the tourna ment gave out the Hut of winners and con gratulated the contestants on the excel , lence of the showing made In the competl-! tion. No records were established, but thai work demonntrated that the Bohemian ath- ' letes of the state have the rifibt (spirit la, j their work. The cloving session was glvenl .. over to social intercourse, the local turners acting as hosts. j' Crelghton's high school base ball teamf ( resents ths -claim of the Oakdale team toj the title of chamrloas of northeast Ne- , braska, and sets forth the claim that fo0 ; the season Ha rccor.d Is 80 per cent wonjf of games played, including a victory oven; Oakdale on two occasions. The Crelghtonjj team is composed of high school boys ex , cluvlvely, three of whom will be grodu-i . ated this year, and all of whom are under) ' 19 years of age. The picture published thlai J weeks shows a huHky lot of youngsters , each looking as If he might have the nmk-. , Ing of a Lajolo or a Delehanty In him. Th I team as shown In tho photograph comsistsi of Lyman Stewart, secretary; James Bert ryman, first base; Lute Brown, rlhgt field i Martin Bard, scorer; Lester Stewart, leftfj field; Herb Stoddard, shortstop; Glen Caley substitute; Will White, center field; AbeV Bard, second bate; Earl Watklns. third 1 base; Taul Crew, catcher; Roy Buclunoster, captain and pitch ec WORK ON THB "HOR &S" MAN'S CLASS. t. .1" f 7 v 4-- Uiail SCHOOL BASH BALL TEAM OF CREIQHTON, Neb,