Si TITO t)MAITA' DAILT EE: RUXDAT, JUNE 12, 1904. CREEK OBJECTS TU TAXES Fomw Prssld'sat E; Eitats Eiohange ProiMU i Faying; CITY TREASURER H.NNING5 WRITES HIM Tells DpTU Cltlaea Auuraral Vm Uh4 on Ilia On Sti ut ld Uefor. U. Concerning the sum 4 $21.M, du. th. Uty la peraocJ taxes, W. H. Ureen, now man ager of a bix Miloin sugar plantation, and City Treasurer liennloca have bad a brisk exchange of compliments, Mr. Green Is Indignant that b sbould b called upon to pay Lw4 taxes when b left tbs city March 14 while sir. Uennlngs points out that he has the law on sis side and de clares u bad graoe for Mr. Green to pro test acatnst taxes In a dqr where be made bis fortunes Mr. Ureen vu formerly president of the Real Estate) exchange and was classed am otix tbs men of that body who made tbs fight for more equitable taxation dur ing: tbs last few years. This is Mr. Green's Isttert SRVZ- Tam.iulepaa, Mex, June , 1WH. Mr. A. M. lienninge. Omaha, Neb.: Uear bir lour two pontile sni to my old resldeoca In Omaha, giving lha amount of my personal Lutes as lU.t-1, were received bere at my new hrnua today. I was always aware that the tax depart ment of ltobraka would tax a man's estate as Ions as bo had anything to collect from afUr bis death, but I did cot know tbat If a man paid ills taxes and moved away truin lbs state, In tact, out of Lbs United States, thai77 was compelled to ounUnus paying personal I moved away from Omaha on March 14 Ton had made no levy at that time and I cannot conceive bow you oan assess a per sonal tax against ms wbsn 1 do not live in the Unitad atatts. If you have any way of making this perpetual I would like to know It, so that 1 can prepare for It. Very truly yours, W. H. atLKKH. Mr. Heaalaa-s' Ueply. This la Mr. liaaaing' reply: OMA11A. June 10, 1. Mr. W H. Green, La Crux, 'lainaulepus. Max.: Dear Bir Hour very saroasUa luiter ut June 1M. Is at hand. 1 ain very much surprised that the ex presldent of the Onuuia Heal Instate ax change Is not better posted on tbs revenue laws of tbe stats of Nebraska. You Lite in your letter that when you left the city on March 14, 1&M, no levy had been made, while under the law the levy was made on the nrst lueeuay In February, lft. You signed the schedule yourself and you made a sworn return to October 10, 1J. Mr. William Fiemiu", the tax commis sioner, based the assessment on your own figures. Mr. Knocker, I don't see where you have any kick coining. You have become wealthy In Omaha, you have been-honored by our most Influential organization, the Real Estate exchange, and It comes with poor grace ufter locating in a new country to knock against Omalio, your old home. Its officials and the laws of our state. I am sorry to say that it will be Impossi ble lor me to mane you pay your iwi per- but they will remain on the books, will draw 1 per cent Dpr month Interest. ana may oe coi lecled at some future time when you make up your mind that Omaha Is a pretty good place after all and return. Yours truly, A. H. HENNINGa. City Treasurer. Beautiful religious muslo by Innea and his bond and great chorus, at the Audi torium this aftornoon. America's Summer Resorts. When It begins to get hot and dry one's thoughts naturally turn toward the lakes and rivers and the seashore of New York and New England, and we begin to wonder how much It would require of Urn and money to make the trip. A lot of these questions are answered and a lot of In formation given free in "Four-Track Se ries" No. S, "America's Summer Resorts. Sent on receipt of a two-cent stamp, by George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, New York Central tt Hudson River Railroad, Grand Central Station, New Tork. Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise" by Innes and his band and great chorus of 600 voices at Auditorium tonight. Photos, too and up. 1212 Farnam street. Tsi Feasisylvsvnlav Limited Leaves Chicago Dally at t p. m. Time to New Tork 21 hours. Ladies' mold, bar ber and other attendants on this train to assist passengers. Official stenographer aboard, who, free of charge, assists pss' sengers with their correspondence. Com partment and observation car Chicago to New Tork. Ask for tickets reading over the Pennsylvania short lines. Call on or address Thomas H. Thorp, T. P. A., Penn sylvania lines, Omaha, Neb., for full de- Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise" by Innes and his band and great chorus of 600 voices at ' Auditorium tonight Men's clothing, hats, shoes, ladles' suits, skirts, waists, millinery; essh or credit People's Btore, lbth ana Farnam streets. Photos, 60c and up. 1312 Farnam street Tlie Beanett Company. A big sals of butter Monday morning. ' Fresh grass country butter at sensationally low prions. Ws hsve tons on tons of sweet, Bice; grass butter, Ideal for storing: In your larder for future use. We will pack It In Jars of whatever capacity you wish. This is a special deal and will probably be the best of the season. , Pest country butter, too and lio the pound and tt worth of Green Trading J5tarops with each pound. , Our lower piioea qualities of butter, fresh and wonderfully good, on sal. Monday at 18o and lse the pound and with each pound of these grades we will give 50 oents worth of Green Trading Stamps. Remember this Is for Monday only. Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise" by Innes and bis band and great chorus of 600 voices at Auditorium tonight Wedding gifts. Edholm, Jeweler. Diamonds! Diamonds! Edholm. Jeweler, U-K. Wedding Rings. Kduolm, Jeweler. SPECIAL HAT US CADETS' Eaeampmeat, Missouri Valley, lows. Tickets on ssls dally till June 16 at $1.20 round trip. Tickets good on special train June 16th, $1.00 round trip. A delightful Spot for a day's ouUng. Nina trains sach way every day. City Offices Northwestern Line. 1401-1403 Farnam 8t Beautiful religious muslo by Innes and his band and great chorus at the Audi torium this afternoon. $1X00 OMAHA to CHICAGO awl Back via XLLINOS CENTRAL R. R., Juns Us 17, 18, It and 10. City Ticket Office 1402 Farnam 8t, or writs W. it BRILL. D. P. A., Omaha. Neb. Ilavs r.cot print it Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise" by Innes and his band snd great chorus of 800 voices at Auditorium tonight 1UU. NA ST Carl, June 11. seed 42. Funerkl Monday 1 Monday 1 p 111. from undertaking I braliey 4k Xorrnuo VrleuUs to-1 rooms as WHY PAY TRIBUTE ' to the East and its financial institutions, as is done annually in the sending of millions of dollars in payment of life insurance premiums, when the Bankers Reserve Life Company OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA, With its gilt edge securities drawing a higher rate of interest, is issuing modern. liberal policies which are not excelled in the world. Agents wanted to handle new investment policies eclipsing any now offered to the public. CALL ON B. H. ROBISON, President. I I Ladies, Attention! We hare a half Aozmi or more sewing machines slightly scuffed up, which we will sell at from $10.00 to $20.00 discount. These are practically new ma chines to all intents and purposes lattest styles and Improved In NEW nOME, HOUSEHOLD, STANDARD DOMESTIC, WHITE AND W. & W. NO. 0 one new Polltype, No. 8 Shoemaker machine at $53. A complete line of supplies and attachments for all popular machines. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., TELEPOISE 1574 flTLY RATE COACH EXCURSION TO VvV TICKETS WILL BE ON BALE TONE 13, 20 and 2T good for return pas sage wltbin seven days from date of sale. Everyone should visit this the greatest Exposition the world has ever known. This Is a delightful season for viewing the wonderful sights. Ample Hotel and Boarding House Accommodations for all. REASONA BLE BATES. Bee Local Agent for further information. T. 9. GODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Agrt. TOM HUGHES, Trsvv. Pass. Act. OMAHA, lIUUHABaA. H. C TOWHIB1ID, Gen. Pass and Ticket Agent, SOW WORLD'S FAIS TRAINS Via W aba an Leave Omaha 7:45 a. tn.. Council Bluffs I s. m. dally, arriving World's fair station T:SS D. m.. St. Louis union station 7:61 p. m. Leave Omaha l:W p. m.. council xuuns 6:45 n. m.. daily, arriving world's fair eta. tion 1 a. m.. Bt. Louis Union station T:U a m. Returning, leave Bt. Louis Union station I a. m.. World's fair station a. m. aauy arriving Co. Bluffs S:4fi p. m., Omaha, 1 p. m. Leave St. Louis 7:so p. m., worm s rair station 7:45 p. m. aaiiy, arriving uounou Bluffs 8:06 a. m., Omaha 1:20 a. m. Only line with station at main entrance of World's fair grounds. Compare time with other lines. Your local agent can sell via Wabash. For all Information and beau- tMul World's fair folder call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam st, or address HARRY iU. MOOKim, O. A. P. D.. Omaha, Neb. Photos, SOo and up. 1311 Farnam street. Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise" by Innes and his band and great chorus of 600 voices at Auditorium tonight. national Prohibition Convention Indianapolis, Ind., Juns IS-SO. The Chicago Great Western Railway win, on June 16 and 27, sell round trip tickets at on. fare, plus tz.zo, 10 inuinayun, xuu. For further information apply to 8. D. Parkburss, General Agent, 1511 Farnam Bt, Omaha, Neb. Packard. public accuntant, 814 N. T. L. Tel. Beautiful religious muslo by Innes and his band and great chorus at th. Audi torium- this sfternoon. Big plates Ice cream, e. people's Btore. Ronna Trip Rates for Vacation Trips From Omaha via Chicago Great Western Railway. H160 to Bt. Paul or Minneapolis; tlM to Duluth, Superior, Ashland or Bayfield. Equally low rates to all summer resort points in Minnesota. Tickets on sal. .very dsy to September 10. Good to return to October 81. Two magnificently .quipped trains each way dully via shortest line. For further Information apply to B. D. Parkhurat, Geneis! Agent, lll Farnam Bt., Omaha.. Neb. National Republican Convention Chicago, 111., June tl-U. The Chlcsgo Oreat Westsra Railway, en June 16 to Inclusive, will sell round trip tickets at ons fars plus 16 cents to Chicago, 11L For further information ap ply to 8. D. Parkhurst, Oeaersi Agent, 1511 Fernsm St., Omaha, Neb. Beautiful religious muslo by Innss and na band and great chc jateraooa, chorus at Ui. Audi- 1 OR ADDRESS, J 1514 CAPITOL AVE. ST. LOUIS MONDAYS IP r ill! - VIII IA . JUNE 13th JUNE 20th JUNE 27th 1004 8T. LOTUS, MO. 915 15 g.15 glO is aid IB 1 " 1 flB 18 1S( 1 IB IB IB flB glB F1FTEKH glS SIS Dunham Dunham TAILORS IB IB 1 IB IB BIS IB IB IB IB flB IP IB 18 1 IB 18 18 18 18 18 IB 18 IB 18 18 1 IB 18 IB IB Th. satisfaction our tailored-to-order suits are giving Is due to ths material and workman ship. We use the same oar. in making: tbes. $15 SUITS NO MORB NO LEAS that th. tailor does who charges you 646. W. have already demonstrated to th. Omaha publlo that we can make a Suit for lis that has no superior. 600 new patterns of th. finest woolens to select from, Henry YV, Dunham, Jr. Manager. 118 South 13th St. Between Douglas and Dodge. IB 1 IB 18 IB IB IB IB 18 IB IB 10 FIFTEEM-B1B g!5 We Want Every Man who is a particular dresser to call on ub. We cater to this class of trade and are as particular as the man who is to wear the garment. Quality In materials, style, fit and finish are the features we particularly look after. HELGREN &. 6RADMANN TAILORS. a09 South 16th Street. The Auditorium Selected to be used exclusively dur ing the Dedication Musical Festival. It 19 the sympathetic, rich gained for Its great reputation, and it is this quality, combined with purity and power, which makes this piano superior to others, and therefore the choice of great artists of the day Reisenauer, Gabrilowitsch, Campanari, Burmeister, Nordica and others. We wilt take your old piano in part payment, allowing jrou every penny It la worth, and give you time on tbe balance. Thus you may have the use of an Everett piano while you are paying for It. 'Twill cost no more than your effort to come and talk It over with us, asd yon really can't tell what yon can do nntil yon try. THE BENNETT COMPANY. 20 Per Gent DR. BRADBURY - 1506 DENTIST. Painless Extraction Without das. Fillings 80c up Qold Crowns, $2.50 up Brldo Work $3.50 up Lady Attendant New Oxfords for Men If a man wants the new and correct shoo In a low cut, he can surely suit himself at this ptore, where we are showing the latest styles and shnpes In both the regular cut aud blutcher cut oxfords. $3.50 and $5 g m will Duy ins vw 1 of the season here, In the new 3 " . I . M Til ..I U . ! ( . n ii. . 1 . . n.ll - Cnir, Velour l.'nir, f-aieni v-un b and the Tan Rumiaa In all the I correct and smart styles. We' invite your Inspection and comparison. I III. -"-- li( LVi Bi QR3LY ...TO. CHICAGO AND RETURN Juns 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 a VI A Tlcketg and further Information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Bt., or write W. H, BRILL, D. P. A. ILL. CENT. R. R. Omaha, Neb. fl II HI ft AW I AVPill ja in 3 M Piano quality of tone which has Discount on Suit Gases and Grips When you go to St. Louis or take your vacation don't carry a cheap or wornout grip or suit case, when we sell you the best for such a low price. We also have a complete une 01 nign graa iruims at prices mat will save you money. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Send for Cataloguo. 1209 Farnam St. Farnam - SSTocV, TEL. 1754. We Dositlvetv nerves from teeth with out tbe least particle of pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 10 to 12 ART oods Bridal Presents large and well assorted offers uneaualled oppor tunities for the selection of gifts for the bride at extraordinarily low prices. Our complete lines of China, Cut Glass, Brlc-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, etc., nr. very attractive, and when you are In doubt as to what to buy, coma to this store. It Is a pleas ure to have you call, If only to look. We are still making JLrtlstle Picture Frames at special prices. ardvl "THE 99CENTVf STORE" 1513 Dodef eSt Didn't I7e Toll You W. would give you the names of some peo ple, RIGHT HERE IN OMAHA, who you can go and sea If you wish, and ask them what th. Ellmlno remedies are good fort O. W. Malcom, living at VA South 19th, RAD rheumatism; he was so crippled up with It ha could not work and Ellmlnatum cured htm entirely. Go and see him If you doubt this. Ellmlnatum Is not a patent medicine, but a prescription made by a regular practicing nhvslelfui. who Droved to his own atlefaa- ilon and every one else's who has used It, mat n win nv tue syiem snureiy oi rneu matlsm. We cut prices 'cause we believe In It: not 'causa soma one else did. Some other drursists cut prices just because we do; SEC is tins not sot SGHAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRUQ STORE E. T. YATES, Pvopr. xulii sa. i la uiirsaB s di,s., 147 and 7f7. 24th and N. Sts, IfteW and Chicago 8ts., Omaha. 'Phones Bouth Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave and Main bt.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 833. All goods de livered in either city absolutely free. "THE YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK la something absolutely unique in this world." Prtidtnt Jtootevelt. Tbe popular route) to tbia delightful spot is via Union Pacitio to Monida, thenca by tage to all points in the park. The stage ride from Monida, by the splendid Concord Coaches of the Monida A Yellowstone Stage Co., through scenery hardly inferior to the park itaolf. Very lou rate during June, July, August and Btptembtr. Inquire of CITT TICKE OFF1CBI. iaa- PAR RAH ST. Phone til 1 i Ou, IV stock U ill Monday a Day of . Great Bargains THE RELIABLE STORE. Fine Clothes Economy j ''"'y ' siff OoprtlfM WH kr SArfW S WI Newest shades. In stripes, plaids, mixtures, spuns, iweeos, serges your chance to got a good pant i tzn for a small price as a spsclal, at 3.50 and J....- I.OU i a spsclal, at $3.50 and Is the Boy jui immense line or coys' DOUBLE-BREASTED KNEB.r PANTS SUIT 9 ages from m feus, in wrgos, worsteds, cnoviots. casslmerrs ana tweeds, in many of menu iuim tue panm nave noume anees and seats, th'jpy come In all col ors. In the neatest patterns on sal. at . Children's Wash Suits Sailor blouse suits. In all colors, ages from to s years, special ior Monday 35c and 50c Our Trunk and Grip Department Is well prepared to supply every need of th. most exacting traveler. We carry a com plete line of Trunks, ranging in price from K 75 to $30.00. Suit cases of all kinds In price from $1.60 up to $18.00 Grips in the latent shapes and best materials, from 40c up to $18.00 - All reliable goods from the best manu facturers of the country. SEE OUR LINK BEFORE BUYING. YOU WILL SAVH MONEY BY DOING SO. HATS WITH THE STYLE. Is what you want for summer wear. John B. STETSON. IMPERIAL. TIGER. CHAMPION AND RED ROVER BRANDS are style creators. We have them In all blocks at $3.60, $3.00, $2.60 and $2.00. WHY NOT WEAR A PANAMA? We are closing out our entire line of 1904 blocks-hats worth up to $10.00 as long as tney last at GREATEST STOCK pes in men's, boys', In the cltv all Shanes to suit you they rang. In price from on JV The age of a child de pends on whether a street car conductor or some body else asks the ques tion. The suitability of these new Irish Homespuns we're displaying depends on the man who asks the question. For the MacCarthy way Is the way that dresses you not merely clothes you. We've two men whose business It Is to know bow to adapt styles to your style as a man who pos sess the knack of know ing not only what fabrics but what hue will best suit you. However, their suggestions are proffered when nsked only. A MacCarthy 4-button, Single-Breasted Sack Suit made of these barlequln buod Homespuns Is cer tainly da shy, though and cool as nn ocean breeze. (25 to $45. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 164-JOS , 6U St , Next aoor to Wabash Tloxet Offio Pbeae IS0I. Chocolat- , Biscuit Is on. of the daintiest' delicacies of Menler, of "CHOOLAT-MKN1ER" fame. We hnve them In origi nal sealed packages at SOo Chocolat-Croquettes, box lOo Chocolat-Pastllles, In novelty wood boxes tOo Menler Mixed Chocolates and Bon Rons, lb., 60c; H lb SOo Menler Sweet Eating Chocolate, bar to Benedetto Alltgrettl's famous Italian Chocolates and Bon Bons, lb., 6uc; M lb SOo Maxeppa Chocolates, lb., 0c, Vi lb. SOo Remmber our fountain Is the only place where you ran get Howell s Famous Root Beer on draughb-a big stein. Ice cold..... to HOWELL DRUG CO. 16th and Capitol Ave. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tb Heat h'mm rpt Monday a Day of Great Bargains Does not consist In the buying of cheap clothing, but securing good clothing at the lowest possible prioe. The fnci that only reliable gArments are rwmlttf.d to become part of our stork, together with the ex ceedingly low price aaked. Id resnnimlMo for the enviable reputation our clotlilnu department has attained. A8 A MONDAY BPEClAti We will continue our mnRnincont offor of Saturday, for one day. DON'T FAIL To BEH THESE $11)00 8KROK 8fITS t J A 7f. We will sell men's nne all wool Ditto serge suits, In single brrastcri. rotiml cit sack and double breastpd stylc-i. mile of a good quality of worsted dergo, with good linings and trimmings, hand padiio.l shoulders and self-retaining hair cloth fronts. In slses from 84 to 46 cheat measure The bent serge suit sver oitered for th prlc, worth 110.00 tc our special prlc. i. d. tJ Hot Weather Suits, $7.50 to $10. Ths finest llns of men's coats and pant utlng suits In the olty tweeds, cheviots, homespuns, wonted, etc, In greiit va riety of nobby patterns: all well tailored. wun nana-paniied shoulders and self-retaining hair cloth fronts, at . $7.50 and $d0 i DON'T FAIL. TO BUS OUPj LINE. Special Pants Sale $2.50 to $ Men's JPants, $t.50 and $'X.50 eta, cheviots, CanrAeU, worsteds, home j.. Supplied ,2.05 25c Ctildren's Wash Pants, 9c An Imme wise line tn all colors, In ages from 8 to 10 "years, th. greatest snap of tho season at., car' pair ........ 4.9B OP STAW HATS, children's- t-you can't help but find some- lOo to $2.60,t ITS TIME fr)r you to think about a new snoes for summer wear. u do not live in Omaha send e of our new catalogues the hlngs are shown here among the New Broadway Inst fur the very latent out Comfort nd wearing Qualities combined X). iend them prepaid to you for ice and our guarantee goes with air. UI1&AI.U UilUb UWry, U19 Famani ittest. Omawji's 2p-to-Di! Shot Homj ooday Specials, Sleeve Protectors ...... .5o EOc Rubber Diapers t5 i too Rubber Complexion Brush la.i 20 Sticks Gum in Quart bottle Port Wine 39o Pint bottle Port Wine 260 Quart bottle Malt Whlakey ;ta l'lnt bottle Malt Whiskey 500 Theso are prepared especially for medici nal purposes. White Rose, Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Crab Apple Uluasom, Violet and Lily of the alley Perfume, regular too value, at, per ounce z'o 8-ounce bottle Witch Huzel jjo lG-ounc. botll. Witch Hazel &10 E2-ounce bottle Witch Hazel 3Su Milks' Emulsion 600 German Liver Powder 2&o . .. ..... . ... ... 1 FOOD INSPECTOR. H. L RAMACCIOTTI D. V. S. rrrr ktkkisariaji. Office and Infirmary, 2Sth and Mason fits. OMAHA, Ni-U. TsicpUun. Ut, . 'b ' t i ii ii BIT .ff I mill is now pair oU If Vt for oil new A them I women style for 83J We I this pi eacn mv I WMBRk;