THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 190f. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H Canada Lands H Fine, rich. 'level fairn lands, from $6 to 113 on sore. In the beet agricultural dis trict In ('a nmla, rlose to goxd towns, school and railroads. Thousand are going this lunmfr. Call or write for our new il lustrated pamphlet. Hastings & Heyden t , 610-611 N. Y. Life Building. RE- MONTHLY PAYMENT HOME Look at 4-roim houae arid lot. 2917 Dupont at., and make us an offer, and will let you pa v for (4 month1 BEMI8. PAXTON BLOCK. RE- MSM U ItOSEBL'D AGENCY POCKET MAI'S, the best m'le. Patterson & Co., Box 652, Bloux City, la. RE MMKJB 14x PRICE CUT TO $2,700. Rev. PI I Ion. who leaves the city, now offers lila modern home for the above amount If tnken at once; part down, ba.v anco easy. 4316 Grant atreet. , RE 441 TAKE YOUR ROSEBUD CON TRACT QUICK On June 10 we shall Increase the price of our excursion trip from Omaha to Bone steel and return to TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS On all contracts closed befure the 10th day of June we will make the rate TWEN TY DOLI.ARS for the round trip, which Includes railroad fare, sleeping; accommo dations, meals, making out papers and very assistance necessary to complete registration for a homestead. GAS BELT LAND CO. Hi FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OMAHA. HB M424 ARE YOU coins to buy or sell real estate. If so, call on Geo. F. Pierce Co., room a, N. Y. Llf Bldg. 'Phone 133. RE Wl 12x IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Paclflo In Nebraska abd Wyoming, $16. Uinta Irri gation Co., Omaha. Neb. RE M633 J 21 ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Home. Ten acres, wHb bearing fruit, all nicely seeded to alfalfa, U.GuO.OO. Five acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, tl, 200.00. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract. $560.00. Benson & Carmichael, 643 Paxton Block. RE MS HANSCOM PARK COTTAGE Large grounds, 125x150 feet, full of fine flowers and garden shrubs and shade trees, making a most beautiful yard. House bus 7 largo rooms and bath on ground floor; Is well built and is partly modern; one block from car, fronting the park. Street to be paved thie summer 48 feet wide with asphalt at expense of the park board. No special taxes against this pro perty. Never offered for sale before, but want to make quick turn now. Owner . moving out Can give Immediate pos session. Price, $4,000; reasonable terms. HARRISON & MORTON," 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE S7 ACRES. Near Omaha and bouth Omaha, choice and sightly, tract of 146 acres owned by eastern client. This desirable property could be sold to great advantage by sub dividing Into 10-acre tracts, land across the road having sold as high as $200 per acre. It is the owner's desire to close out this tract to one purchaser at once and price has been reduced to $110 per acre. This la your opportunity. , W Farnam Smith & Co. 1220 Farnam Street. re aa Williamson Cau.ffb1E0SFd, RE 284 TWO brand new cottages, modern exoept furnace; cne (1,800 and the other 12.460. BHIMER at CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. RE734 THE ROSEBUD Reservation Is open to settlement. Bend 60 cents to Rathman & Keller, Boneateel, 8. D., for Information and large map showing topography of country. RE 287 FOR BALE We have several tracts of land close In, ranging from one acre to 3o0 acres, all well Improved. Be sure and see us before you buy. Geo. F. Pierce t Co.. 'Phone 133, room 3, N. Y. L. Bldg. RE 180 12x BOUTHWE8T corner Park Ave. and Pop pleton, . loOxlSO, Including two houe leased for one year from June 1, lot; annual rental, Will take $9,t00; one-half cash, balance to suit purchaser at- 6 per cent Inquire 406 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' RE 162 12x DOYOUWANTTO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stook raisers about it. The bust way to reach them la through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly gue to 60,000 Aome of farmers and slock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will .ind a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small 2 cents per word in small type or per lnuu if set in large type. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-bTOMV building, liU. and u- .:.;uml floor 1508-lu Howard. W. Uv Busluuan, IF A GOOD light Is neodod, wo cun show you a north trout office ou the null ..our a splendid room, at the moderate price of $2o. R. C. Peters & Co., ground noor Bee building. I U STORE ROOM, C17 8. 16th Bt. Inquire of Clark Powell, lolt Capitol Ave. lau A 110 ottloe In the Bee building carries with It all of the conveniences and (idvantuaes lu the way of heat, llfiht, anltur crvca, 11 night and all day uud Sunday elevator Service. A 110 office Is now vacant. Call t once. R. C. Peters St Co., ground . floor. Bee building. 1 23 FINE NEW STORE BUILDING. 1406 Douglas street. 22xlS2, Ural iloor with skylight in roof; awoii front; line ce mented basement; the two upper Moors are 22x80 each; stairway from street: near all car lines; line location. Will rent floors separately. THE 11 CAUL U INVESTMENT CO.. I'm DODGE STREET. , IM3S5 A PHYSICIAN or dentist will find a choco of two desirable rooms In the Bee build ing: Room 604 Is divided Into a good-sued wait', lug room and a private oitUa. It U dl reclly in front of tho elevator. Tlio price Is $30. Room 116 Is likewise divided. It Is on the second floor and has a Very pleasing a p proach from the brond corridor facing the t'ourt. The price Is $16 per month. H C. I'eters & Co., ground floor, Bsc building. I sa STORE BUILDINGS FOR RENT 1515 Dodge HI., 4 stories end basement, ele vator, steam heat, etc.; fJOO.OO per month. 1414 Harney St., 4 stories and haxement. Xix 1.11 feet, electric elovfator, steam heat; JJM.tu per month. , GEORGE & COMPANY. 1C01 Fa I niim Street. I-Ml 52 14 WANTED TO BORROW WANTKI To borrow fDuO to l&tM, home money, at 7 per t ent, on realdoncv; Oman property; security ample. AdJrets M ia. Be -111 WANTED $SO0 at I per cent ' Interest on long time; good business security. Ad dices M 17. lie U0 FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaria Van and Storage Co. pack, more and H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. ijfth. OlHoe, laUto Farnam. Tel. 166-8t4. D 281 PAVNE-BUSTWICK CO., choice houses. m-MM New York Life Bldg. Phone l'l. HDIISF1" " Prt o' tha city. The IlUUOCOa F.Davis Co., ton Bee Bldg. D u WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. 1460. Office 171 Webster St. D-l HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker bk. p-m Uni IQFQ !" P"ts of the city. R. C. riUUJCJUn 4, Co., Bee Building. D 231 ELEGANT 8-room modern house, 31st and Cass sts., 135. Thomaa Brennan. New Tork Life bldg. D 296 FOR RENT No. 1641 Park av., oppeelte park, modern brick dwelling, I rooms; price, 840.00 per month. Inquire st JUS ' B lid t. J. M. Richards. D M764 1948 8. 11th, 7-room, .porcelain bath, gas, lawn, 8:u D M"l l-ROOM modern house, 613 N. (3d St. D MS4 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-roorn nouxe; Tliard. 220 N. 23rd. D M477 10-ROOM house, near 18th and Farnam, only S42.60. Bemls, Paxton block. D 448 FOR RENT The nine-room residence at the corner of 38th and Farnam; modern In every particular. Inquire at 1608 Har ney street, Omaha, Neb. . D 16 1401 Jackson St., 6-room flat. $77.00 GARVIN ilROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D M-768 2564 Harney St., good 8-room modern brick, walking distance, 835.00. GARVIN BROS., 1804 FARNAM BT. D-M-7J7 NEW HOUSES 417 N. 18th, 8 rooms, $45.00. 688 So. 24th st.. brand new modern brick of 8 rooms, 840.00. GARVIN BROS., 1804 FARNAM ST. D M-768 FOR RENT, modern 10-room furnished houae for July and August. Apnlv 1811 Farnam. D M815 13 1814 1818, N. 18, 8 rooms each, all modern, steam heat, newly pnlnted. Will put In good shape Inside. The Byron Reed Co. D M 800 14 ROOMS, modern, close In $85. rooms, modern, larpe yard and barn. $35. HARRISON A MORTON. 913 N. T. Life. Tel. U D F47 FOR RENT. 8-room modem houae. 8406 Center at., with barn, $25. W. H. Thomna, First National bank. D 913 13 NINE-ROOM modern brick, two. blocks from court house. $36.00. See Elmer J. Neville; office, 1523 Dodge. D-918 12x FOR RENT ThorougTilv modern 10-r. brick flat, 114 S. 2fith St. Verv beit location. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. 1201 Farnam. D 123 1J FOR RKNT. 15W Sherman ave., 6-r. flat, bath, toilet, gas, $20 month. 28th and Dewey ave., 7-r. modern flats In flrst-elaas condition. $26 Ter month. 8218 Popnleton ave., 8-r. STRICTLY MOD ERN house, $35. 27K8 WVbater, 7 rooms, nice condition, bath, toilet, electric lights, $25. Burllnsrton Hotel, loth and Mason, 26 rooms, splendid location. PAYNE lNVEeVTMENT COMPANY. First Floor N. Y. Life Bids. Tel. 1781. D-156 13 '$J.OO ELEGAJCT 8-room all modern house, N. W. cor. 20tT and Miami sts.; strictly up-to-date, has porcelain bath, washbowl, closet, polished floors, hot and cold water, furnace, cemented cellar under entire houae; laundry In basement. This is a nap and an elegant home. KENNARD & LOWER, . 309-10 Brown Block. D 991 13 FOR RENT, furnished house 8 rooms. 1626 spencer st. can an Emmet st. D 994 12x COTTAGE for rent at Lake Okobojl. near Doaraing nouse. u. C. Patterson. Omaha, D 693 12 2716 DETWEY, 9-room, choice, $36. D-961 HOUSES FOR RENT $30.00 for N. W. corner 24th and Templeton bis., n-room nouse,. modern, large yard, fine shade trees and barn. $27.60 for 1616 Howard St., 6-room modern flat $10.00 for 17S4 S. 13th St., 4-room flaC second noor. GEORGE & COMPANY, U01 Farnam Street. D M161 14 HOUSES, 3 rooms and up; also Insurance. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. FOR RENT -room eottage, mod. ex. fur nace, $20; until Sept. t, 6-room furnished cot tape, mod. ex. furnace, $22.60. Call 8081 California. D 204 12x FOR RENT Nicely furnished, 6-room cottage for the summer; rood neighbor hood; nice lawn. 3703 N. 20th at. D-211 12x 2917 Dupont St., 4 rooms, city water, $8 B14M1B, rAAlUN BLOCK. D 194 1$ Payne, Bostwick & Co. 01-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1530 So. 28th. 8-room modern, nearly new, large yard, near Hanscom park, only $26. 920 So. Slat at.. 7-room modern cottage In first claas condition, only $24. 816 No. 20th. 9-room. atrictly modern dwelling, close In, line lawn, $40. 2010 webater. 11-room, modern dwelling, cloe In, suitable for roomers, $40. 81S No. 17th, 12-room dwelling, strictly modern, $50. . We have three new, -room. strictly mod ern houses, Juat being finished, open plumb ing, mantel and srste. oak finish, eto. Theae nre within walking distance and will rent from $42.50 to $46. W. have others. See our list before moving. Payne. Bostwick & Co. 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldr. D 183 12 920 So. Slat St., 7 rooms, all modern, por celain Kith, good location. See us about this. Rent aaked $24. 4t;::t Douslna t., 8 rooms, modern, nice ynrd and barn. $20. 2715 Dewey ave.. 9 rooms, modern. $35. D. V. S HOLES COMPANY, 723 N. Y. Life, Tel. 49. D-18ti 12 SOMETHING FINE Splendid 10-room, strictly modern house, with new white enamel bath room, large verandas, beautiful lawn and barn, re duced from $60 to $10 per month. Over $100 spent on Improvements. A real snap. Payne. Bostwick & Co. 601-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. D M185 13 9-ROOM houae. wtih small barn. 1306 Geor gia Ave, win he for rent about July 1. Inquire C. H. Young, 1518 Dodge. Tel. 1571. D M182 14 PRINTING PRINTING i LYNGSi AD f High Grade Work. Crounsa bloc, corner of Uth at. and Cupiiul ,tvi. 246 Kit AM EU ft CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT ERS l!v3 Fnrnam. To deliver work whea pronnted is our hobby. il24 Prlntinrr job printing. Beet work in city. I I IIIIIH uuarauteeil UU Capitol Av. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN o-W.TS actonl. 717 N. Y. Life. 2wi FACSIMILE letters, CUV elopes addressed. Bojioa college -tJt PERSONAL GREAT SACRIFICE SALE HIGH-GRADE PIANOS. We are remodeling our second and third floors and are obliged to sell over 100 pianos and organs regardless of cost, to make room for the painters and carpenters. Three $600 pianos $318.00 Six $460 pianos 2X5.00 Two $4u0 pianos 275.09 ($10.00 CASH AND $5.00 MONTHLY) Ebony ease Vosw, upright, good condition $175.00 Fine Gabler upright, roeewood , earn 126.00 Arlon. cottage upright 106.00 New York upright 86 00 Walnut case English upright.. 65.00 ($700 CASH AND $4.00 MONTHLY.) Sletnway, Knabe, Mathuaheck, Emerson and other square pianos, tft.OO, $38.00. $48.00 and up. laaon A Hamlin. Burdette, Sterling, . Kimball, Farrand A Votey and other organs, $8.00, $16 no, $24.00 and up. ($6.00 CASH AND $3.00 MONTHLY.) SCHMOLLKR A MUELLER. Manufacturers and Largest Piano Dealers In the West, 1313 Farnsm SL Phone 1626. U ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS LLK. TEL. 1936. U MMn JeiK DR. ROY, Chldropody, R. 3 &, 8, 1606 Farnam DETECTIVE Capt. Corraack, 611 KurbacU block. Tel. A2432. U 3u7 MUSICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voice, Davldg block. U tw BEAUTIFUL young brunette, blue dres, red belt, straw hat, red trimming, lbth St. car, Farnam St.; 6:30 Friday evening; gentleman dark suit gave you seat; may we meet? N 63 Bee office. U ui 14x Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quick- e v. jars. A. j. iuara, 1 1 in aim yuu,mo. V 30S TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE S530. U 310 PANTORiUM-1r- 4Ui So. 16th. Ci -11 "VIA VI," way to health. 360 Bee Bldg. U 3i4 INFORMATION deslrsd of Henry A. Mc Evoy of Decatur, 111., by his slater, Juila C. Xoolan, btu Front St., Decatur, 111. U 119 14x PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller & Mueller, 1318 Farnam. Tel. 1626. U 316 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th st. U W STEIiVWAY piano are sold exclusively by Schmoller ec Mueller, 1313 Farnam Bt. U 316 Cormin'ti Dye W ks. Up-to-date clean- uermania CTs, dyers, m s. u at. t. . U 31 "PAPA says he can's snake 'em off" Hute sou s New Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most invisible. Hutesou Optical Co., 213 S. 16th St., Paxton block; factory on the premises. U 20 Cr7CIMA Quickly cured. B. J. Scan- i.wi.uiin noli. 609 War noli. 609 Ware Block i U MT16 J23 THERE are at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram 6c ci gar. The first is: It Is equal to any 10c cigar on the market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. M A P.NPTIP treatment ft baths. Mme. JVl AUIN C 1 IV. gmith, U8 N. 16. 2 fir. R. 1 U 626 Jy-8x EXPERT piano moving, lowest prices. Schmoller ft Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. 1626. - vm YOUNG man, with means, good appearance and position, desires acquaintance of young lady of respectable family; object matrimony. Discipline, General Delivery, Yorktown, Va. U 400 14x LODGES, dancing cluTs or meetings of any kind can secure a hall in the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, electric light piano, etc. Apply to R. C Peters ft Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. U 941 BALLOON ASCENSIONS Furnished by the reliable Sam Murphy Balloon Co 2601 Miami St. Tel. 36u4. U M680 ADVICE TO MEN Don't pay 10c for a cigar when you can buy our MONO GRAM for 6c the best cigar ever put on the market for the price. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U 732 Dressmaking. Mlas Sturdy, 2608 Davenport. U 7. RETIRED business man, very rich, seeks good, honest, home-loving wife. Money no object. Address Mr. Lord, 202 Wash ington St., Chicago. U 968 12x HANDSOME blonde, ae 40, has $200 000, would marry a good, square man. Wil son, 109 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. U 976 12x MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Mich. U-972 12s BRIDES Your gown will lack the decided finish unless It la trimmed in the latest RUCHINGS Let us show you them. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. Suite 200, Douglaa blk. -"Phono 193d. U 218 12 A BUSY doctor, age 35. handsome and worth $100,Oii0, wants a good sensible wife. Address Doctor, 1U9 Central ave., Minne apolis, Minn. U 1S8 14x PRETTY widow, worth $$6,000, beautiful home, Income of $5,0U0, wants honorable. Industrious husband. Address, Alia, St. Nicholas Hotel, Chicago. U 96 12x UMBRELLAS. WE sell thein; WE repair tliem; WE recover inein. Lowest piloes. BOSTON UMHRELLA lO., 606 So. 16th St. Phone 1617. IT- CHICAGO LAUNDRY WE TAKE THE DIRT AND WE LEAVE THE CLOTHES 'PHONE 206. 214 N. 16TH ST. U- MARRY RICH. Can get you the kind of a huKband or wife you wish. Pay when married. C. II. Rowan, Milwaukee, Wis. AN unencumbered American gentlewoman 27, Independently situated, stylish, pleas ing appearance, personally, i;oud. jovial companion, dealioa innl.ig small aelei't party St. lxui fnlr, European summer trip; reference exchanged. N C8 !ee office. U Ml lix WANTED at once, prices on charcoal In carload lots delivered Omaha. Address J. H. Howlrtl, TuO Delaware at., Kansas City, Mo. u-ira 13 DON'T LET THE JUNK MAN AND THE OLD RAG MAN HAVE THE CAST-OFFS. A Want Ad at a small cost will sell them or trade them for something you want. PERSONAL PR. C. H. DeLONG, Dentist. 362 Bee. Tel. B-3248. U-791 Jy DR. 8LABALGH. DenUst, N. . LI"' u U 343 a TOUNG man (27), residing In beautiful, healthy portion of Mexico, desires ac quaintance of refined young lady, of good appearance; object matrimony. Adaresa L is. Be office. U lu6 14x A REPUTABLE young man wlshe to make the acquaintance of refined young lady ul means who could Invest money In business; object matrimony. Principals only apply. Address L 66. Bee office. U 144 14x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con ultstlon free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mlas Allender, 422 N. Y. Life.. U-9S6 Ux SIDE SHOWS, freaks, street fair attrac tions, dog and pony shows, Tom shows, minstrels or anything good, come to Fontanelle, la., July 4. The best Fourth town In the best state In the union. We always get the crowds and Fontanelle crowds are free spenders. Come to us and get a good piece of coin. No gam bling or skin games tolerated. No llcena charged If application Is made by July 1. For free licenses and further Information write Lock Box 2L Fontanelle, la. U-4123 12 A YOUNG lady, fond of outing, desires to meet a lady of similar taste for com panionship; one of moderate means to share expenses. 3 Court St., Brooklyn. U 307 13X EXCESSIVE sweating and the dlsngrre able odor cured by SUDORNON, a liquid, $1.00 prepaid. Send for free booklet. Slack & Griggs, Harper, Kansns. U 999 12x SUPERFLUOUS hnlr forever destroyed by liquid electricity; latest discovery; bents electric needle; harmless a water. Sealed Instructions free. Rnre Chemical Co., 23 East 14th St., New York. U 997 12x A GENTLEMAN of means would like to make the acquaintance of a young lady of about 20, with a view to matrimony. N 46 Bee office. . U 3S0 14x An orphan boy, Catholic parentage, not o'd enone-h to work, has home with family of limited menna. needs some assistance to advnnce education already well begun, so as to mnke him eelf-eupportlnr. A schol arship In business collere would be much nr-rreolatert bv his fH-nds Anvon will ing to help, please address for Interview, A. M. D. G.. care general delivery, post office, Omaha, U 236 lfix WANTED Sewing In families. N M. Bee office. U230 20 -MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha. -324 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries. 1511Vs Dodge st. Omaha. 326 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2216 Charles. Tel. A2618. S2t PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 626 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted Mrs. Dr. King, top floor. 606 N. 16th st Tel. 3559. -824 JelS LADIES Chichester English Pennyroyal Pills are the best Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter, by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemlesl Co.. Philadelphia. . DR. W. HUTCHINSON, Specialist of women and children; 30 years' practice. Offlct, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone, 3666; Office, 8667. LADIES When in need send; for free trial of our never falling remedy. Relief sure and quick. Paris Chemical Co., Milwau kee, Wis. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills that have accumulated during the winter It might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and then pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rate are as low as any and a groat deal lower than some. Our service 1 3uick and without publicity. If you have ealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg Tel. 229S. (Established 1892.) 8o South 16th St. X S37 MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 638 Paxton Blk. I X 840 LOANS. ON SALARIES, FU KNIT ORE, PIANOS, LIVE .STOCK, ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOU. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. bii-J PAA.TON BLK- TEL. 1411. X M796 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Piano. UNTIL YOU BEE US. i It you csn tall, write us or telephone 1607, and w will send agent to explain and arrange loan at your residence. J. A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. X 442 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 4 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-842 3 P. G. YEAR FROM $100 to $J,uuu loaned on your personal note at 3 PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wunted. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman ft Co.. UoS Farnuni, Omaha. X 343 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2;H. X-341 MONEY to loan on furniture, hones, etc., at half usual rates. , Dr. Frlbbeuow. roojn 216 fit 209 . Uth St. Tel. B2264. X-3li ,DiMii li.ined on pianos furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. 0. F. Reed. 2i:i H. loth. X-SI6 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1S04 Farnam St. X 317 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X-M4S2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-39 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-2 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas Yf , WANTED, city loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., I82O Farnam st. W 800 MONEY TO LOAN, Payn Investment. WANTED, reel estate loans snd warrants. R. C. I'eters ft Co., Beo bldg. W-302 6 per cent loans Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam Q ii6 100 KIND8 of Mineral Water. Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 256 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a flrst-claaa standard school In Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at Be i fllc. Q-863 PIANO PLATERS. Largest selection In th city, Including the Appollette, Playann, Cecellan. Simplex and the matchleaa PIANOLA, at $. $126. $176. $20 and $260; are now sold on easy payments. Three months' subscription to our circulating library free with each sale If bought beiore July 1. Schmoller ft Mueller, manuiarturers and lurgest piano denier In th west, U13 Fnrnnm st Phone 1626. Q 231 12 FOR SALE Will sell st a discount a schol. arshlp In one of the best Omaha business college. Address F 16. Bee. Q M:K)1 TEI.EFHONE poles; tong fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. W-M257 HOG. Ponltry, Ijiwn, Farm and Rnllroad Wire Fence. Wire Works, 6U 8. 16th St Tel. 1590. J M25)i Jy8 2D-HAND safe. S waits. Hatter, 114 8 11th. Q-259 v3 SECOND HAND MACHINES THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF WHAT WE OFFER FOR ALL THIS WEEK: Former This Price. Week. 1 DOMESTIC $ 8.00 $ 4.00 1 DOMESTIC 20.00 10.00 3 SINGERS, high arm 24.00 12 00 1 SINGER, new imp. 80.00 16.00 1 HOUSEHOLD 20.00 10. (fl 1 UNION 10.00 6 00 1 WHITE 10.00 8. 00 1 WHITE 10.00 6.00 1 WILCOX ft GIBUS C0.00 80.00 1 NEW HOME 20 00 10.00 SINGER SHOEMAKER, $2V00. MODERN DROP-HEAD MACHINES, SLIGHTLY USED. AT ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. WE RENT MACHINES AT 75c PER WEEK. OR 2.iK PER MONTH. THESE ARE MODERN, UP-TO-DATE MA CHINES, WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS. WE SELL NEEDLES AND PARTS FOR AND REPAIR EVERY SEWING MA CHINE MANUFACTURED. , Nebraska Cycle Co. CORNER 1BTH AND HARNEY STS. 324 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. BRANCH OFFICE 626 N. 24TH. SOUTH OMAHA. GEO. E. MICKEL. 'Phone 1603. Manager. Q 160 12 WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manulactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 262 MY diamond ring, cheap; In pawn nt Dia mond Loan Office. 1401 Douglaa; they'll show you. Q 263 FOR BALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon,' Baum Iron Co., Omaha. Q-2G4 BODA fountain. Richmond, Derlght Co., 1303 Farnam. Q 727 Je23 FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture. In good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose water, room 100, Bee building. Q 824 ELECTRIC nlckel-ln-the-slot Peerless mu sic boxes, suitable for cigar store; big money-makers; cheap for cosh or easy payments. Schmoller ft Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. 'Phone 1626. Q 232 13 THE largest toek of DOG COLLAR FUR NISHINGS, WHIPS. SWEAT PADS. AXLE GREASE and HARNESS OIL DRESSINGS In the state of Nebraska at the STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO. J. G. Blessing, prop., 829-831 N. 25th st. South Omaha. UNION SHOP. Q-M89H FOl 44ALE Cheap, a tine Sohmer grand piano, slightly used; easy terms If de sired. J. C. Acton. Fremont, Neb. Q-M6T7 J21 FOR SALE Cheap, Ink barrel. Apply press room. Bee building. VI m m x 1 81 FEET front lot within easy reach of Walnut Hill and Twenty-fourth street car lines, and walking distance of the postofflce, for $460. Address N 27, Bee. Q M838 13X STEGER ft SONS' Piano, In splendid con dition, only been used a short time; will sell at a big bargain. Address, N 33, Be. Q 896 FOR SALE Nine English setter pups, two months old, nicely marked, good Individ uals, beat of breeding; six males, 312.00 each; thr?e females, $10.00 each, if taken at once. W, D. Hardin, Mornlngalde, Council Bluffs, la. Q-687 12x WILL trade fine upright piano for good ' driving horse. Schmoller ft Mueller, 1313 ; farnam st. fhone l62o. g 233 12 FOR SALE One large alse "Hall Safe and Lock company's burglar proof safe;" also one high speed "Ideal" engine, size of cylinder 8x11 inches. Inquire of First National bank, city. Q UPRIGHT Kimball piano; cost 8600; built especially for me; good as new; Including music rack and latest sheet music; must sell at once; complete, $126. Mrs. Cuth berUoa 1663 N. 17lh. Q 209 12x AUTOMOBILE An 8-hore power double cylinder Runabout, used Ave weeks, for $500,00. Terms, 8300.00 cash, $60.00 per month for balance, on good notes, or $460.00 spot cash. Must sell quick. Call Sunday 10 to 1 o'clock, or Monday 9 to 11 o'clock. A snap for the first man. 414 80. 15th tat. Q 199 12 FOR SALE Cheap, 1 2-horsa power gaso line engine; 1 3-horse power gasoline en gine; hangers, shafting, pulleys, etc. O. E. Carlisle, 19th and 8 sts.. South Omaha. Q 201 12x CHERRIES Families detailing cherrlei fresh from the orchards write for prices and place yeirr orders with W. J. Starves, Shenandoah, la. Q 174 12x 10-HORSE power bol'er and engine cheap; used S months. The Hardle Company, Kearney, Neb. Q M167 Jyll 60.000 TOMATO PLANTS 6c per dosen ny mall or express: cash with order. W. R. Nightingale, vegetable plant grower. Vnl ley. Neb. Q 171 12x FOR SALE Cheap, numbering machine, book rent, copy holder and letter scale, all In first-class condition. Inonlre of 10. E. Zimmerman. 811 N. Y. Life Bldg.. csre N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Q M179 FOR SALE Book case arid desk; also baby Jumper; cheap. 2212 N. lth. Q 161 12 FINE IPSO ReHnt nlokcl-n-t he-alot music boxr 011k ense; cheip for ensh or on pay ments. Cchmoir & Mueller, 1318 F"rp-m ' st. 'Phone 1(126. 1 Q 234 1 2 SMALL refrigerator cheap. Call at 2028 Half Howard st. Q 238 13l WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel 3 iM. N 43 WANT to buv second-hand desk: not over 1 815: must b In flrst-class condition. N Si, ucd unit g, . u u . & CAN use more Improved acrenge. Many in quirers for small south side homes. Moral List with us. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam St. N 148 wanted -To buy 6 or (-room houae, all cash. MILLER ft MALONE. 224 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 18112. N-124 12 THIS FOR THAT WILL tradrt sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co.. latk and Harney. 10-1 N. DISC records taken In exchange for new records. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam, . 2-333 WHAT have you to exchange for a planot Perfleld Piano Co., Bee bldg. Tel. 701 Z-V PHOENIX bicycle to exchange for som of the money you pay the street car com pany. Lout Flescher, 1622 Capitol av. Z !M WEPER piano, slightly used, trsds for horse ana buggy. Room 7, Bee bldg Tel. 701. IP THERE is nothing In this column yon want, put an ad. In and you will soon . i . r. . . . get It I, IU IF Vot'R old furnltur don't suit, we will exchange new for it. Tel. 771. Z M818 $300 AUTOMATIC REOINA music box. fancy case, to exchange for r'ano or planol.t. Address K 18. Be. Z M19 PHAETON and surrey for exchanee 118 Farnam. Z S27 j:6 FINE 11 -piece dining room set: cost 8T new; win Pii or trade; bargain. Enter prise Furniture Cc, 103 8. 14th. Tel. 22"4. . Z-70 EIGHTY acres. Union Co.. Iowa, nearly all tlll.nhle. now In timothy and clover, fenced and crosa-fenced, fruit, house and barn, at VA per acre, for Omaha realdnce prop erty. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. Tel. 133. Room 3, N. Y. Life. Main Floor. Z 947 13 . I CAN exchange your farms and lands and an kinds or merchandise for wnat von want. Tell me what you have and what you want. T can suit you. Addres H. ii. woodaii, rxonoiK. neo. Z-A57 12x WILT, exchange second-hand phonograph records for others; in good condition. Address N 65. Bee. Z M222x FOR RALE OR TRA TO I 500 stock fur nltnre; onlv two; 2,000 Inhabitants; H ensh and clear real estate, cash Value. Address Box 23, Central City, Neb Z-B40 12x TO FXCHANGE. merchandise. farms, lands, business and residence properties, hotels flnu'-lrtir mills, elevators, etc., ete. Over 4.SO0 propositions for exchange. 8nd us full desct-lptlon of what yon have for exchnnge. Can match most any deal. Robert Mather (Fstshllshed 187EV 3rd St. and 3rd Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. Z 943 12 WILL exchange second hand phonosraph rcods for others In good condition N 64. Bee office. 55 M?7 PATENTS AND PENSIONS H. J. COWGILL Patents. No fee unless successful. 613 S: lath, Omaha. Tel. 179(1. -004 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues ft Co., Omaha. 306 PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS secured or fee teturned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for Illustrated GUIDE BOOK and lift of inventions wanted; finest, publication issued for free distribu tion: contains valuable Information re garding patents, trade marks and copy rights, how to obtain and sell them, 100 mechanical movements, etc. Patents se cured by us advertised free In the 1 atent Record; sample copies free. Ada. ex Evans. Wllklns ft Co., Registered Attor neys. 503 F St., Washington. D. C. Y PENSIONS & F. Moore, 1623 Farnam. 864 Jell SCHOOLS A SUMMER school of flv weeks will open i in r arnam cnooi win ave. aim r ni, June 20, for sixth, seventh and eighth grade. XATH BRINE B. CRANE, DORA HARNEY. -917 12x Williamson Co. Sales Dept.. JNO M. WEL8HANS. Mgr. GEO. MARSHALL. 1201 Farnam St., U. S. Ntl. Bank Bldg. Sample Offer. 8 r. modern house, and lot 66x126, North 24th st; a lovely home, ONLY 12,800. Cozy modern cot tage, rent steadily 360 a year, large corner lot room for building. Insuring splendid Interest on In vestment, 4 ml. from P. O. ONLY 83.376. We have large list of homes, lots, acreage and farm. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received until 1:30 p. m. June 28, 1904, for furnishing and laying about eight blocks of castiron water mains In the town of Allison, la. Pinna and specifications may be seen In the office of the town clerk. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. FRANK S. SHAW, Town Clerk, Allison, ta. J12-13M RAILWAY TIME CARD BllOlir STATtOH IOTU AND MAHClt. I ' Cbtcaso, Rock Island Jt Pacific. Laara. AitIt, Chleaso Daylight Limited alUam s 1(0 am Chicago Djllbl Local a 1:00 am a :a pis Chleaso Kiprraa ,...611:01 pm a Pm Da Molnaa Kipraaa a 4 30 pm 611:60 am Chicago raat Kipraaa a 6:40 pm a J ;1S pm WEST. Bockr Mountain Limited a am a 1:1 sm Lincoln, Colorado Sprlnga, Dsn- Tr. Pueblo and wat alWpm a 6:04 pm Oklahoma and Texaa Kipraaa... a I6 pm all US am Daylight 8t Paul a1:0am a 10: 00 pre Daylight Chicago a 100 am all :20 pm Limited Chicago a I 20 am a 1:1 am Fait Chicago a l:6 pm a tM pm Local Chicago a 4:14 pm I nlon Pacific. Tha Overland Limited a :40 am a t ot pm Tha rant Mall a W am II Hpa Tha California Enpraaa a 4:W pm Tha Atlantic Special 1 M pm Tha Portland-Chicago Special. .a 1 In pm H Wug Tha Atlantic Kipreaa 1:10 pm Tha Colorado Special aU:5 pm a 110 am Tha Chicago Special s 1:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice A Stromiburg Eipreaa a 4 00 pm bit 48 pm Coluiubua Local b 4 .00 pm b:lita rhlrauo, Milwaukee ft St. Paal. . Chicago Payllght t. a 1:66 am all:15 pm Chicago Kaat Kiprea a ( pm a 1:10 pin Overland Limited a 1:20 pm sail am Dea alolnea Eipreaa a 1:66 am a 1:10 pm Illinois Central. ' Chicago Bxprraa a 1:50 pm glO U pa Chicago, Mlruieaiuilla A St l'aul Limited a 1:60 pm a I 04 am pUnneapolli A St. Paul Ex b 1:60 am bid. 15 pm Cliit'uaio av .orlhncaltru. Kaat Chicago Local Chicago Mall Local Bloui City ... Kaat St. Paul bt. Paul Lllreaa ... Kaat Mall Lu sl bloux City ... Kurfolk A Uuneeteel .a 1.40 am a 166 am all 30 am a 4:1ft pm a I tti pm b 146 pm a 1:16 pm a 1 :06 am al Ham a 140 pm b 4 Ou pm a K ani .......a 1:06 am bl:36 am Lincoln aud Long Plna .. a:06 am blO:U am liaauwood. Hot Seringa ana Lincoln a 2 K pm a 6 10 pia Caxper and Wyoming Kxprvaa. .d 2 h't pm a 6:10 pm Haulnga, Superior and Albion, b 1:60 pm k 6:14 am Missouri rnelge. St. Loula Eipreaa a 14 46 am s 4 10 pm Kanaaa Ulty A St. Loula Ei preaa all:45 pm a 1 00 am Warld'a Kalr Special a IK pm all . 60 am Chicago Great Wcaters. St. Paul A Minneapolis Lim ited a 1:1 pm a 11 am It Paul A Mlnnaapolla Ki preaa 1U am a I t pm Chicago Llml'rd a 4 40 pm alO 10 aui Chicago Eipreaa 4 10 am a 4 01 pm Wabash. 81. Loula "Cannon Ball' El. a 134 pm 1 I t) n New Vkorld'a Kalr a 1.46 in a 00 pm Local lium Ceuiuill bluffs p. 00 gm g i.ou s Bl KLI.a rOM STATION lOTH ft MASON t'blcawo, Barllagtoa at (laloey. Laava. Arrlee. Chicago SpecUl s 1 uo am a 1 ei pm Cl.loega Veaiilula4 Kipraaa ....4 Ulpm a 1 4a am (hl'ago Lxal a l it am all vupm 1 hlcgo Limlud a 10 pm s 1 40 pm Kaat Mall S .16 pm Ktiuaas tlty, St. Josepk at Co. Blk fa. Kauaaa city Day Eipreaa :16 am g 4 o pm hi. Loula Klyer a it em all ut am Kanaaa tlty Night Eipreaa , pm a (.44 am Barllagtom at gfissoarl River. Wymara, Beatrice A Lisaula .s 14 am fell: pm Mebraaa evipraas I.W am 1.411pm Ctiasv. E. 1 A RAILWAY TIME CARD Denver tmilte 4:1 ia a 45 am Bia k Hills ar Puset aoa E.U.10 pn ;' pra (oloraila Vrtlltinlr Pirw I In Lincoln rut Uil ....kl ttrm ll 06 m Fart Crook A PUtUnculk .k I l n 1,10 J4 n hllvi A 1'anoe jannioa ..a T'til pot a I 11 aia IMIku 4k Fkcibs Junctloa .. 8.M am WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH WEBSTER Mlsaanrl Pacific bin, ArrtT. N.nraska Loesl, na Weepln Wtlar b 4 .U) pm SU M pa Chicago, Bt. Paal, Mian. A Omaha. Twin Cltr fiswitw MNu b 1:14 pm max City ruMnpr I on pm ill JJ ina 0al4 Local k 4.44 Pm kilt an s dallr. k sally eioapt 8Bdar, 4 daily aicrpt Bataroaf. dally sicapt ataadar. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR UNI V. 8.- MAIL STEAMSH1PA KEW TORK. LONDONDERRT AND GLASGOW. NEW TORK. GIBRALTAR AND MAPLEA Superior aernrnmeAatlona. Enallaet enlelna. The comfort of paaeengera earafally coneldered. Single or round-trip tlcketa between New Tork and Scotch, Englleh. I Hah and, all principal Scandinavian and continental polnte at attractive re tea. Send tor Booh ot Toura. Kor tlcketa or general Information apply to any local agent of tka Ancber Line, ar to HENDERSON BROS.. Oea'l Agents, Chicago, I1L tlH OliflClAl, SOIICKS. NOTICU OF THUS SITTING OF T1IH cixx council, as a uaiu of a-yUAilAlluN. that th t council ot Uib city of Omaha, and rsevl eaiaie oeaurlueMl berIa or aliut luig 011 or aujaceni to the streets, al.eys or avenues herein duiuhI, or auu.iieil in Whole or in part within any 01 in Ula t riots herein bpecinea, avud ail being with in the city ot umaha, IMugLia) county, Nebraaka: Tou, ana each of you, sir hereby notilied, that uie city council 01 the oily ot omalia, will sit a a board of equalisation at the council chamber In the city luul, Omaha, Nebraska, three days from ID o clock n ui. until 6 o'clock p. tu., commencing 'i'uesday, June 14, 1!4, at 16 o'clock a. 111., tor the ioriuse of oonsldsrlug ana euual Uing the proposed levy u( special taxes and assessments, as shown by proposed plans of assessment pi a pax ed by the city euginecr and approved by th Board of Public Works, and now on file in th oltice of the city clerk, and correcting any errors therein and hearing all Cumpialni tbat the owner of proper ly so to ue uav. seesed and taxed may inake; said special taxes and assessment proposed to b levied being necessary to cover the cost of the several Improvements duiy au thorlsed to be mad bad now completed, as follows: To -cover the cost of damegua awarded for changing of grade of will avenue (torn, Casteliar street to alley north of Bancroft street, amounting to th sum ot lluO.00, which sum It is proposed to aa&ea upon Hie lot and part ot lots Specially benefited by reason of said change ot grade, as tollows: lxl 4, block 4, Campbell's addition... 7.00 West 16.6 feet lot a, block 4, Camp bell's addition T.M ICaul lot leet of west lit feet of lot U, block 4, Campbell's etddiuon.. 7.09 Went UK teel of east 111 feet lot 12. block 4, Campbell s addlUou 1.50 Fast 104 teel of went litt feet of lot 14, block 4, Campbell's addition 7.00 West Hi) teet, east Ul feet lot 14, block 4, Campbell's addition 1.75 East lu4 feet of event lis feet of lot lu, block 4, Campbell's addition 7.00 West M feet, earn ill feet lot 10, block 4, Campbell's addition 2.00 East li4 feet of west 116 teet of lot 17, block 4, CamiioeU's addition 7.00 West .feet, eauit 111 feet lot 18, block 4, Campbell's addition 2.25 East feet of weat 116 leet of lot It, block 4, Campbell's addition.'..... 6. GO West V feet, east 111 feet lot 20, block . 4, Campbell's addition 2.W South iv.i leet of uat So feet of west ill feet of lot 2i,- block 4, Campbell addition r fi.&O West W feet, east 111 feet lot 22, block 4, Campbell' addition z.o East 86 feet of west D7 feet of lot 23, block 4, Campbell' addition CM Weat 90 feet, east 111 feet lot 24, block 4. Campbell's addition 2.50 Kneit Kh tmtt nt weat 7 feet of lot 2L. block 4, Campbell's addition 6.00 West M feet, eaat 111 feet lot 20, block 4, Campbell's addition 2.23 East 85 feet of west 97 feet of lot 27, block 4, Campbell's addition 4.&0 West 86 feet, east 111 feet, lot 28, block 4, Campbell's addition 2.00 Eust 86 feet of west 97 feet of lot 29, block 4, Campbell's addition 4.00 West 99 feet, east 111 feet, lot 20, block . 4 Campbell's addition 2.50 East 85 feet of weat 97 feet of lot SI, block 4, Campbell' addition 5. 09 To cover the cost of damages awarded by reason of the change of grade of Marcy street from 81st street to S3rd street, amounting to the sum of H5, which sum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots ami real estate according to special benefits by reason of said change of grade as follow: Lot 1, Houel ft Stubbing' Sub of lot 14, Bartlett's addition 2.15 Lot 2 to 13 Inclusive, Housel & 8tet- blns' Sub lot 14, HurUett's addition, at $2.35 each 28.20 Lot 14, Housel & Stebblns' Bub of lot 14, Bartlett's addition 2.15 Lot 1, Housel & StebMn' Sun Of lot 15, Bartlett's addition 2.15 Lota 2 to 13 Inclusive. Housel A Steb blns' Sub of lot 16, Bartlett's ad dition, at 12.35 each 2S.20 Lot 14, Housel & Stebbln' Sub of lot IB, Bartlett's addition 2.15 To cover the total cost of grading the allev between Hamilton street And. Lafayette avenue from S3rd treet to 84th street, amounting to the aura of 811316, which sum it is proposed to assess upon tho lots and real estate specially benefited by reason of said grading according to the usual scaling back prooess, pro rata per foot frontage at th rate of 10.1677 er foot, as follows: Lot 1 Reallotment and Subdivision of block 1, Bemls Park .M Lots 2 to 7 '.ncluslve, reallotment and Subdivision of block 1 Bemls Park, at 7.10 each 4X60 Lots 8 and 9 reullotment and Sub division of block U Bemla Park. at 17.06 each M.U. Lot 10, Reallotment and Subdlvlalon of block 1, Bemls Park 7.14 Lots 11, to 1G Inclusive, Reallotment and Subdivision of block 1 Bemls Park, at 87.09 each S5.4I Lot 16 Reallotment and Subdlvlalon of block 1, Bemls Park ' "94 ' To cover the one-half cost of constructing sewer in Sewer District No. 282, amounting to the sum of $2,446.22, which sum It Is pro posed to assess upon the lots end real es tate Included within said diatriot, accord ing to the usual scallng-back process, pro rata per faot fiontagu. at the rata of $0.n6196l per foot, as follows: East 128 feet lots 14 to 28 lnohialve, block 1, M. Donovan' Sub., at $:'6.98 each $09.80 East 128 feet lot 24, block 1, M. lono- vans Bub 81.70 East 95 teet lots 1. 2 and 8, block 1, Lincoln Park, at 22i each. 68.58 West 16 feet lot 6, block 1, Linooln 1'srk " Lot 6. block 1, Lincoln Park 21 afi Lot 7, bloak 1, IJncoln Park 17.54 West 112 feet lot 8. block 1, Ur.ooln Park v. 1 P0 West 112 feet lot 2, Okahoma 6" W) East 9o feet lot 2, Oakhoma 68. w East 95 feet lot 8, Okahoma W W Weet 112 feet lot 3, Okahoma rW-W Weat 112 feet lot i Okahoma 68 W Kaat 95 feet lot 4, Okahoma East 95 feet lot 7, Okahoma f wl West 112 feet lot 7, Okahoma.......... W.til Bouth 149.5 feet of east 128 feet lot 20, 5. E. Roger. Okahoma 77.03 East 128 feet lot 22, S. B. Rogers Okahoma -y.r". 68 ra East 128 feet lot 23, S. E. Roger Oka- noma 'J,' XI " 11 M East 128 feet lot 21, S. E. Roger1 Oka- homa vwi; J XL" 6869 East 128 fet lot 26, S. E. Roger Oka- homa -"i.M'v:, 17'18 South 98 feet of east welt 810 fet lot 26. 8. E. RoKers' Okahoma...... 60.93 East V, west 310 feet lots 27 to 38 In clusive 8. E. Rogers' Okahoma, at liiX. 68 each 68S.90 Lots 1 to $ Inclusive, block X. W. W, Thompson's Addition, at $17.16 each. 1J7.20 Lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block t W. W. Thompson's Addition, at $17.15 each. 187.20 Eaat 12a feet lots It and 12, block 2, Qulnn's addition $ 68.00 Weat 122 feet tax lot 10. section 27- 16-13 137.19 To cover the cost of paving the alley be tween Farnam street and Dodge street from 83rd street to 24th street. In Street Improvement District No. 7i9, atnountlnK to the sum of $'.11.87, which sum It Is pro posed to asaeas upon the lots and real eatale Included within said district, accord ing to the usual scallng-back process, pro rul a per foot frontage, at the rate of $1.13$ per foot, a follow: Lot 3, block 6, Summit Place. $ 31. W Lot 4, block 6, Summit Place 41.33 Iit 6, block 6, Summit Place Hi 67 Lot 6, block 5, Summit Place 1U.6I Lot 7, blcick 6, Summit place I06.W Lot 8, block 6, Summit Place S.I.H4 Ixit 9, block 6. Summit place 41.91 Lot 10, block 6, Hiimmlt Place 21.44 To cover the cost .f planting tree in the City of Omaha, under and In pursuance of the provisions of Ordiuunfe No. 6'4ii, amounting to the sum of $1760, wlilcli sum It Is promoted to araoss upon the ,i find parts of lots spi'dxlly benefited by teaaon of said tree planting. a follows: Ixt 8, block "C '' Ixiwa'i addition $3 40 It 9, Mock (" Uwt'i addition $ 40 Lot 7, block "K," Ixiwa's addition 66 Lot $; block. -K." Low s tvddlUon Lit) I' V ' T!iTVdahMiii.