Zl FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE F0R SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THE 'OMAIIA' DAILY BEE: SDXDAT, JUNE 12, 1904. Bargain 196x130 Nine modern dwellings. Southeast corner 2Mb and Dodge streets $37,000. Jflxltt Fine 10-room noose, eM front, paved street: hot water hst; best plumbing. 1026 S. I2d street. $10,000. 122x121 it-rvm-u frame house, .urnsce, bath, etc. Fine frees, lawn, barn. Ull Burt street. A 89,000. 12x44 Three-story brick, tore below, lodging house above. 101 o. ii'tn street. 4.600. nl l-room. modern house, earn front, paved (treat. 813 8o. 33d street. $3,000. Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone 722. A NEW BEAUTY NEW t-etory house, reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen and large pantry on flret floor, 8 large bed ruoma, with closets and linen closet, also large bath room on 2d floor) porcelain tub, lavatory, closet, hot and cold water, nickel plpea and fittings, full slxe basement, furnace, laundry, gas and electric lights, oement . walks, large maple shade trees, eaat front, on 4th, with all paving paid; ex. cellent location, $711 N. 14th St.; flrst claaa material and workmanship. BEE IT AT ONC E and see us for terras. An elegant home and a snap $1,200. BWEBT A BEST, ttf N. T. L Tel 1472. $200 CASH and $26 for a month for a handsome, new, 6-room, modern cottage, porcelain bath, closet, hot and cold water, gas, cemented cellar, lawn, steel fence; not far out; rents for $17. Buy It for home or In vestmentonly $1,400. SWEET & BEST, fit N. T. U Tel. 1472. . RE 8KB C. H. Williamson's ad following "want ads." RE 117 13 SEARS & LEWIS, $21 New Tork Life Building. $1 l 1 toom lot 3x14' terms, Biz rooms, full lot. Bemls Park, $2,200. Nine rooms, modern, full lot. Park Place. $4,600; $1,000 cash, balance to suit. K&-S2S-1 HOME ON PAYMENTS. Four-room house, half lot. near car and , school ,clty water, $660, $60 down and $10 per month. ' , BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. - RE 18S-U HANSCOM PARK. In Windsor Place, 7-r. nearly modern house, good barn, paved street, large lot. cistern, handy to school and car, $2,550. THE NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO.. Tel. US. Room f. N. Y. Life, Main tfloor. RE 048 12 H New Homes- H 4 houses just completed Buy a, paw hease Instead of an old one that someone else has half worn out. We hare some beauties and our price Is right. 14th street, south of Blnney, eaat front on paved strtiet, 6 rooms and large hall, full cellar, fine plumbing and furnace, electric light, all complete, $3,000. Manderaon street, Just west of 24th street, right In where the big trees are, 6 rooms, 1-story house that can't be bent, modern throughout, paved street. Prloe, $2,900. 37th ave., lust south of Lake Is a dandy. Just finished yesterday, has 6 large rooms, all modern but furnsoe, bath on first floor, east front, line view, good neighborhood. Let us show you this tomorrow. Price, $3,308. v Ames) ave,. nehr 36th st. This Is a fine bouse. Just completed and ottered for the first time. Has 6 rooms, all modern but furnace, line lawn,- Is on paved street and ear line. Prloe, $3,660. , Don't buy until you see what we are offering, Our terms are low. upen jaonaay evening, a to iu, Hastings & Heyden $10-611 N. T, Life Building. RE CHOICE FARM LAND VERY CHEAP 166 acres, well Improved valley land In cen tral Nebraska, 6 miles from eouuty seat; R. C. PETERS & CO. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. RE 148 12 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION , TO Oklahoma, Texas and Pecos Valley, New Mexico. Improved and unimproved farms, good soil, abundance of water for irrigation, splendid climate, in Uie Peooe Valley for from 116 to $io per acre, in northern Texas . from U to U par acre. . Why not Join one of our excursions which leaves on the F1KBT and TH1BJJ Tuesdays Of each mouth? Write for our free booklet on the southwest snd Information concerning lands ia special nomeeeeaers rates. AiibNls C. L. TALMA DOB, (1$ Qulnoey Bldg., Denver. Colo. RE 114 11 A SNAP ON NO. 21 BT ST. Near Oraoe at., f rooms, well, cistern, out buildings, 6 Are cherry and some shade trees. Price only $1,600. Bargain. THE NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO.. Tel. Its. Room 3. N. Y. Life. Wain Floor. ' HE-4$ 12 SPECIAL NOTICE. X have for sale private residence, $ rooms, modern, a most beautiful home. In' splnk spank condition, corner lot, choice neigh borhood, that belongs te party who is moving away; has asphalt street, con crete walks and cellars, shade, large lawn. It coet $6,000 to build. A great bargain at $4,600. Easy terms. RICHARD C. PATTERSON. Sole Agent. RB 167 13 FOR BALE Ten sections of the finest wheat land In Canada In the Moosejaw district, from two to six miles from rail road station, and only eight miles north of Oaron on main Hue of Canadian Pa cific railroad. Farmers are now raising from 30 to 60 bu. of wheat per aero am) from 60 to 120 bu. of oats per errs. One year s crop will pay for land and Improvements. Will self n bulk or divide in sections. $30 round trip . rate to land. Write for terms. Address N 41. Bee. RE-MvJl 16x $6,260 Will buy a splendid home, well located among home owners at 1U17 South luth Ave, 1 rooms, all modern, nice oak floors, best of plumbing, furnace, grate and mantel, gas, cistern. Urge lot. nice shade, perinauaiit wnlk and pavsmeut. good barn; it's a bargain. " IIENRY JT. IJAILET. !hwt I"-, ivl Bee Bldg. Ki-4ttU T Bulletin. Miie Three-story brick butldlnff, six stores, twelve flats. $1I-16-17-19-21-a3 North 15th street. $40,000. imm Row of six modern house and a frame cottape; Inved streets, car line. 2-4---10-1 J 6 liHh atreet. 120,000. 6xU2 business lot In choice wholesale district. 1114-16-1 Jackson atreet. $12,600. 44X155 Eight-room, modern house, aouth front, near car line. 2808 Mlnml atreet. $2,000. 100x136 Flna seven-room house, electric light, south front, barn chicken house, fruit. 230 Franklin atreet. $1,000. SOME FINE CHANCES TO MAKE GOOD MONEY ON INVESTMENTS NOTHING SURER THAN REAL ESTATE ALL BARGAINS $12.000-For 0x187 feet, large brick build ing, three stories, three fists, two sniall buildings, costing twice the - amount asked to build; annual rental Income, $1,260 per year; abundant room to Duua s or more Duuaings. ,000 For 100x160 feet, with fine, 8-room house, all In line repair; rental In come per year, II. WO; good location. i nis price is very reaeonaDie. 6.000 Lot 66x132. It has four 4-room flats, In good repair. They are always rented ana Dnng per year. 1.200 Ten-room house, list and Mason; rental, $264 per year. LOOK THIS 2,300 Nine-room house, 22d and Popple ton ave., near new freight depot. 8NAP. 2.200 Double frame house, between 8th and 10th on Hickory; rental, $300 per year. 1,800 For a S-room cottage, with city water, gas and sewer connections on 24th. H -block south of Leavenworth. 1,000 Four-room house and kitchen, city water in nouse, near ma ana raraer, U block from car line. Have got one of the best bargains that can be offered In tho northwest part of the city, considering size grounds ana buildings and especially tne location, ii aiiyouny wants a SNAP In the next few days, kindly call for price and terms QUICKLY, as the owner Is VERY ANXIOUS to sell. SOME GOOD PLACES TO BUILD A beautiful acreage lot overlooking the Country club golf grounds and Krug park; can be subdivided Into 6 lots 50x137.. This can be bought at A BARGAIN. I also have elegant lots In Ben"on, cloef to street cars; lots are 60x127 and can bf bought at $160 to $236 each. Will build a house on any of the lots that may be pre ferred AT UDBT, J. A. LOVGREN 536-7 Paxton block. RE 625 SHIMER & CHASE, , Builders of Modern Houses. The demand for desirable, ready built houses continues good. We handle prop erty on commiaslson. List yours with us. We build to suit. Oet out booklet with half tonea ot modern houses. LOOK AT ONE OF THESE $1,800.00 South front, on car line, l-room cottage, now and convenient, you cannot beat it. ' $2,460 00 South part of city, 6 rooms, mod ern except furnace, brand new house, par lor, dining room and halls, papered, desir able neighborhood. We have others nearlng completion that are very desirable. A NICE LITTLE COTTAGE $1,200.006 rooms, city water and gas, corner lot; must be sold Immediately; pur chaser can move right In. KOUNTZE PLACE HOMES $5,000.00 Blnney street, $ rooms, all mod ern, first floor finished In quarter sawed oak, exoellent repair, permanent walks, large barn, near Boulevard; owner anxious to sell, SHIMER & CHASE, 160$ Farnam St., ground floor. Tel. 2422. RE WRITE FOR FULL' PARTICULARS. Ark., Cleburne Co., 270 A. & lmpts. Can., Diet. Alberta, lea A. tillable land. Can., B. C, Cbilliwack, res. & ground. Colo., Madera Co., stocked rancn, 2u A. Colorado Springs, 6-r. house and leu D. C, Washington, University Park, 2 lots. Chicago, flat house, N. Francisco Ave. Ind., adjoining Richmond, 30 bldg. lota. Me., Waldo Co., good 200 A. farm. Mass., Everett, bldg. plot 4423 sq. ft. Boston, Melrose, modern res. Sk lot. Mich., L'Anse, modern 16-r. res. at 3 lota, . overlooking Lake Superior. Mich., Muskegon Co., 140 A. fruit land. Minn., Bt. Louis Co., 320 A. fine Iron ore land; excellent prospects. Mo., WeUier Co., Ill A. & lmpts. Ok la., Appalachla, 3 good bldg. lots. Pa., Chester Co., good 106 A. farm, Tex., Harris Co., 6 A. truck land. Vs., Caroline Co., 6 A. A linpis. Pressing A laundry bus., Washington, D. C. Drug and Jewely bus., stock, store and 1 A.. Mlnden City, Mich.; modern lmpts. Cider mill, 10-r res. & store, 1H A. Orlggs- town, N. J.! excellent site for distillery. W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. Bldg., Phila. RE 383 12x HOME ON EASY TERMS. Five-room house, good stse lot, near 24th and Amee Ave., price only $1,160; tart down and balance on monthly payments. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 189 13 H S00, $K0 and 600 H Fine Large Building Lots in Bluff View Addition Just north and east of Kpuntse Place, fine view of the river, lakes and -blufrs, clly water and sewer In front of every lof, t lots on paved street, paving paid In full, 10 minutes ride down town, klight lots sold and Ave houses will be started this week. Buy where all the houses will be new and modern. These are the best values of fered In Omaha. Reasonable payment Hastings & Heyden . . n r i . w . - . i. .. eiv-eu uiv isuuaing. RE- BEE C. E. Williamson's ad following "want ads." RE 116 13 FOR 8AL.E Farm of 10,000 acres In Custer Co., Neb., nine miles from Broken Bow on Burlington route, and nve miles from Oconto on Union PaulHo; wall watered by South Loup river and six never falling wells, with windmills, all under fence, with good ten-room house and sheds; 6"t) acres under cultivation. A great bargain. Write for terms. N 40, Bee. RE MK0 16x DUNDEE PLACE The two best lots $1,060. HTRINUER. Room L N. Y, L RE 153 lix A FINE RANCH (central Nebraska) of 1,80 acre, for sale or trade for farm; ....... r- a ... i n tin.i'.m.n I ' ... I . mills. 11 miles fencing. 110 steers. 4 horses, machinery; pries, lu.6o0. Ardress box L'la, nery; pri 11, Neb. uurws RE Mm llg FOR SALE 30.000 acres of the finest wheat or gruss kind In southwestern Kansas; soil rich blark luain and level; price, $tO,bu0, or will sell In lota of 160 acres for 12. Ml pr acre. Addresv J. P. Chapman. 41S Mala street. Csaioa City, Celt HE set tf D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 722 N, Y. Life Bldg. $1.300 Two-story T-room houee, lot 60x140, good iron fence, fruit, cistern, ex cellent repair, 6 blocks from car, one biocK from school. UWO BAR UA1N. $1,25 Jsnsr 34th and Leavenworth, r-eat s-roora cottage, sewer, water and gas. Excellent bargain. $1,400 -room house and dam lit Florence with 132x132 ft. of ground, two blocks from car, cistern, well, orchard, lots of shrubbery. $1,660 Two blocks east of Hanscom Park, 1-4 blocks from csr, corner lot 76xlM, -room house, pore, bath, gas -and electric light, excellent repair Inside and out. $7i cash, balance $30 per . month. Including Interest SNAP. $2,200 Near itfrd and Lafayette Ave., Be mls Park, T rooms, 1H stories, lot rir- w"r. water, gas, electrle i'Khta, fruit. SNAP. $2.400-Near toth and Decatur, excellent T-room nearly new bouse, good plumbing, piped for furnace, line oak . floors. Dili BARGAIN. $8,500 tsat front on 2th near Pacific, s-room house, modern except fur nace, fine ground and shade. Would consider cash offer, or can make Ta"y terms. $3,750-5215 Sherman Ave., 62x124, new house. strictly modern, well built, on car . line and paved street, all paid. $3,800 On Jlst near Pacific, east front T room house, fine finish, well built, strictly modern, 60-(oot lot, good barn. Good bargain. $4,000262 Davenport St., large 8-room one story house, strictly modern, ground Mxl2, good shade, permanent walk. Big bargain. $4,500 Kountie Place, near 21nd and Wirt, $-room modern house, good repair Inside, best plumbing, large barn. $4,600-Corner lot, 74x125, on Blnney St., be tween 30th snd 22nd. large 6-room house, good repair. One of the best . bargains offered In Knuntse Place. $8,0001111 S. 31st St., Hanscom Tlaoe. rooms, oak finish down stairs, fine osk floors, strictly modern, good basement, good barn. Choice home In fine location. See It 1116 S. 81st St., the best modem con structed residence in Hanscom Place, 10 very large rooms. Inrge reception hall, finest of hardwood finish, hard wood floors, two fine mantels, boau- CHEAP LOTS 60x160 Fine lot on Lafayette Ave., for $250 on payments. 60X140 Choice lot on Parker street, tot $400 50X140 Oa Be ward street. Smith front. Owner wants $550 Make us an offer. Comer lot On 28th and Pratt for $325 Hanscom Park. Lot 60x160 lor , $800 100 Other bargains In all parts of the city. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. -EE NEAT HOMES Below are properties owned hy Insolvent banks or nonrosldents wno are anxious to sell. The pieces speak for the ti selves; NORTH 2504 Blondo Seven rooms, modern 600.00. tuo.oo. 000.00. vn.oo. joo.eo. no.oa dOO.00. SoO.00. 400.00. moo. li J Grant Street Five rooms, barn, 1N.W-M41 Nortn zzo I nree nouses. 2616 Hamilton Ten rooms, modern. $ S8J7 Decatur Seven rooms, full lot, $1 8K20 Franklin five rooms, full lot, $1, tH N. 42d Seven rooms, modern, $2, 819 N. 43d Nine rooms, modern, $1, 819 N. 4Sth Seven rooms, neat, 11 120 N. 27th Ave. 6 rooms, modern, $2, SOUTH 1(sns K'.m Five rooms, barn. $1,600. 00. 2S31 8. llth Four rooms, full lot, $1, ,200.00. 60. 3313-14 B. 20th 4 and 3 rooms, 1222 S. 87th Six roms, modern, $1,600. 00. ACRES m... . rn. m A A ... SI IVM. 00. riVI JkCrWe HU U.111A Aill.. AW.. a,wv. Ten Acres Near Benson, IZ.ow.W. Five Acres Southwest. $1,000.00. Acre Lots-South 0:;.aha, $300.00. N. P. DODGE, 212 Q ST. 1614 FARNAM JUS 169-H I-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. 6-room cottage near 23d and Mason, splen did condition, city water; price only $1,600; $300 down and balance on easy t,rm" BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. . RE 191 12 MflT FAR FROM COUNTRY CLUB. Elegant 6-room cottage end fine barn, shade and all Kinas oi wearing (run; sumer, 200x123 feet, one block from car line, high and sightly: price only $2700 00. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. N. T. Life Bldg. W. H. Crary, manager real estate depart. ment. rt.c wuq W, H. GATES Phnna 12B4. 617 N. T. Ufa. $700 s-room house, at 2120 N. 30th, lot JX MX), east ironi. lays nine; unsny n v.r RhMn nlaca. $1,600 6-room, 2-story, brick bouse, well ar ranged, corner win anu iunw ., 60x110: owner leaving the olty. $l,(iuo Large 10-room house and ham, ground 6ox220, 131 S. 21st. SlTboo 6-room cottage and ground, 80x160, 3k23 N. 17th St. $3,400 Two cottages and ground, 66x140, cor ner 18th and Grace; renting for $24. $3,000 6-room, 2-story house, open plumb ing, gas, wsil arraussu nvuvs, guuu barn, couth-front lot, some fruit, I blocks from 24th st. car line: very oheao. $2,6007 rooms, modern except furnace, good order; a nice nome, idij lkicusi. $8,6006 rooms, modern, ground 100x134, In Kountxe Place, on 17th and Spencer. $4 OoO 3-roem, modern house, In Kountse i'lace, not water ni, win iroos lor ,h.intr nlsr.e. $4.000 One of the best located $-roora homes in noun is pu 3 stores with flats above on 24th street, renting now and for the last twe years at $72 per mo. New roof and newly paintej ouxnu. 5,gg VACANT LOTS 60x134 On Mason, near 81st $1,000. L'l-IAA An RnillaVinl HMf Ijlk-JftS 60x14 On Wirt, near Boulevard 61.1U6. 64x133 On Bristol, pavea ana ones waiK, lota on Ud aod Pratt, each 60x134, Mwcl and water on atr; want a offr. Some of the rhany rumors of manufacturing hit ere sts locating in Omaha carit help btit become facts,' Where there- is so much smoke there is always some fire. The city is growing Invest in Real Estate. Tel. 49. tlful stairs, electric light and com -blhetlon natures, hns basement un der entire house. Best heating and plumbing, good repair, good barn. This Is an ideal modem home of best construction. If you want some thing that la absolutely rood, this Is il. Can be shown any dsy. We want you to look at this,. Inside as wall as out. Facing Hrownell Hall, modern 10- room, solid pressed brick house, etone trimming, slate roof, brick rort coohere, flagstone drive, good barn, house finished In fine hard woods. Strictly modem and up-to-date. Nothing equal to this offered In the city of Omaha for the price. Let us show you this. VACANT $ ,700-OslM ft. on Locust, "between 16th and 17th. SNAP. $1,000-8. W. Cor. lot a and Blnney, 62x124 ft. BIO SNAP. $l,260-4Oxl7 ft., west front on 33rd, north of Poppieton, Hanscom Place. Cheap. $1.350 6 ft. east front on 24th St., B. W. Cor. of Emmet, fine trees, room for two houses, or will build on this to suit $1,200-74x14 ft. S. W. Cor. 18th and Spen cer, specials paid. $1,860-74x124 ft. N. E. Cor. 20th and Emmet, on the Boulevard. $2,260 60x100 ft. north front, Dewey Ave., between 3th and 40th, highest point In West Omaha, paving and perma nent walk paid. Bargain. $12,000200x165 (eet on 2th St., opposite Joalyn and Tost homes, finest loca tion In the city, at M0 per foot, with all speclnls paid. Exceptional bar gain. This Is the greatest bargain In choice West Farnam property offered. INVESTMENT $6,600 For frame business block, stores be low and flats above, steam heat, lo cated on two corner lots, both streets Saved snd psld. walking distance. toss rental ll.SSO per year. Must be sold for spot cnnh and not one dollar less. A snap for party who enn look nftrr It proporl. wro'ino or building either worth the oncy. su- YOUR MONEY SHOULD BUY THE BEST INVESTMENT IN THE MARKET We are offering the 8-apartment pressed brick modern building at the N. W. cor. 26th and Harney, with 17.40 sq. ft. of ? round fronting on two streets, one block rom ear line. Present rental, . $400 per month, Belongs to an eatate and must be sold at once. Will accept $12,000 cash, balanoe long time. R. C PETERS & CO. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. RB 147 12 SEE C. E. Williamson's ad following "want ads." RE 114 12 LANDS In Western Kansas and South Dakota for sale cheap, or will exchange for improved farm in Eastern Nebraska or Kansas. S. F. Benson, Pterson, Iowa. RE M-776 14x ROSEBUD HOMESTEADS Our office is crowded dally with people going to Boncsteel on oar excur sion traini to register for a homestead. ON JULY 4th, 1904 We will run a special train out of Omaha for the convenience of our cus tomers; the train will be fitted out with tourist sleepers and will be scheduled to tcake the ran during the night, arriving at Bonesteel early on the First Day of Registration, July 5th. We hare made a contract backed by a substantial bond to furnish board for ear customers and we can assure you that you will not lack for food or sleeping accomodations. Remember That Twenty-five Dollars Will bay you a contract from us to furnish you with railroad fare, board, lodg ing, legal advice, the drawing of your papers at Bonesteel, and careful atten tion to all your business connected with registration- REMEMBER TOO That business is going to be rushing towards the time of registration. about time to arrange for your business and prepare for your trip. We shall be pleased to have you pall at our office, get a map nd other useful information. Our phone number is 2O80. If you cannot come up, phone us, or write us, and we will send our city solicitor, Mr. W. H. Beber, to call on you. The Gas Belt Land Co. 214 First National Bank Bldg. Washington Wheat Lands- Invest in Washington Wheat Land, and yoil can double on your Investment within three years. We have several sections of land In the "Famous Wheat Section" . and for homes or investments they are Unequaled Anywhere. We have the best Climate, no CYCLONES, Ho BLIZZARDS, no severe storms, no sunstrokes, plenty of Oood Water, and close to the Railroad. Tor full particulars and list ot bargains write Sutrierland & FranklinCo. Spokane, Washing-ton. RB WEST HARNEY ST. A very choice 8-room, new, all modern f louse. Fine reception hall, mantel, electric Ight and gas, 4 nice bed rooms. Fine nickel F Turn bins;. Laundry In basement. Oood urnace. Before buying a place, let us show you this. $400. PARK AVE. HOME We rare an elegant, (-room, all modern house Just completed, finished In quarter aawed oak. Has sn elegant reception hall with "koeey nooks, book shelves, fine mantel, electric light and gas. "Mud said." Owner will sell on payments. $6,750. THE BYRON REED CO. RE- BED C. E. Williamson's ad following "want ads." RE lie 11 A OOOD BUT One 7-r and one 1-r. house, nice lot, neer SMh and Bancroft Bt.; price only ti.OuO; biff bargain. BEMIS. VAXTON BLOCK. RB 183 It HOMES $1,000 Near South Omaha, Just oft 20th St., good S-roora cottage, panlry, cellar oilcked and cemented, city water and gas, screens every thing oompiete. Price, i,vm); small cash payment. $1,000011 tin, near Francis, $ rooms, In good condition, lot 40xlJ feet. For all cash this pioperty can be bought for lese money. A bargain. $1.000 on 36th ave.. near Poppieton, $ rooms ilrst floor, 3 in basement; gas. $1-Buys 6-room house and large lot, ciose te 34th st. car line. 2,M)n H. llth at., 7 rooms, olty water, full lot. $Z,3w Cosy home, 6 rooms, new and mod ern except furnace, near bherman ave.; paring paid; south front. $2.6)0 corner Stith ave. and Miami, $ rooms, large grounos; a nne home. $3,i Modern, i-room house, on California street. $3,5iio New, modern house, near 81st and Leavenworth, full lot. $3,M close in, 8 rooms, east front, and a bargain at tne price. $4.0UO Dewey, near -Tth, 8 rooms, good as new; rents for 640. $4,600 Large, modern residence, on Case St., Just right walking distance from bus iness, south front, excellent location, close to schools and churches; ougnt to sell on aieht at the orice. $6,600 Another cloee-ln property, near court house, s-room nouse and tine lot, running from 18th to 16th sts. ; space for double brick flats. $7,600 Suburban home, I Mocks from car, nne ana signtiy, s acres, line orcnaru, sp ies, cherries, plums, berries, etc., good ouse, barn, etc.; very desirable location. INVESTMENTS X ... , , . .rt.w ..... rl-l- mtm 4.1,1 111 - .PL tVi 11.1 Ul Atflll JIU Vl.l. , two houses and tine corner lot. secured under mortgage. Price, t,760. We want oners. Double frame house, easy walking dis tance, v rooms eaun nouse, partition wan brick, oak finish, paving psid; rental value rrom wi to iiw per montn. rnce, ao.uuo; casn. oa ance at a ner cent. Double brick flat, facing Hanscom park. wen mint ana in good connttlon, excellent tenants; rents J0 per montn. owner says to submit offer, tlet particulars. Double brick flats on Douglas st., across street rrom umana oluo, grnuna itmxiM rect, space for another building, price, fiz,uuu. LOTS At all prices ond In any part of the city. uei our list ot lot Dargaina oeiore ouying. W. FARNAM SMITH & Co. 1820 Farnam street. RE H Hanscom Place Homes, H $2,500 2S03 Woolworth ave.. 8 rooms, all modem, close to park, school and car line, newly paintea. inquire on premises or Hastings & Heyden 610-611 N. T. Life. Phone 1606 RE- BARGAIN IN LOTS. 2 lots near 43d and Dodge St.; full also, east front: only $700 for both. , BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 191 12 ON Grant, near 26th, rooms, well and cis tern, fruit trees, price, il.raw. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. Tel. 133. Room 3, N. T. Life. Main Floor, RE 948,12 It is Omaha, Neb. SHRIVER 1023 New Tork Life Bldg. Two lots, corner, 8-room modern house, paved street, Kountse Place. $S,2flft. New 6-room cottage, 40 foot lot, 1275 cash, balance W per month $875. Fine residence lot, paved street. West Far nam district $1,400. Corner on Parker Bt., paved street, sewer and water on lot, room for two houses 700. Two lots, t-room house, 42d and Charles I1.S00. Corner, 4-roora cottage, ?7th, near Leaven worth Isoo. l-room mourn cottage, near 20th and Ohio Sta.-ll.600. R5-133 12 SPLENDID HOME. New S-room house, strictly modern, elertrlo light, fine stable, large lot, east front, finest looAtlon In city for moderate price homes; price only $4,600; located near 28th and Pacific. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RB-190 1Z 9 ROOMS MODERN WALKING DISTANCE ONLY H3.500 At 714 North 19th St., l-room house, modern exocpt furnace; a nice home; east front on the boulevard and only short distance from business center; nice ehsde trees. Rooms are large and excedlngly well ar ranged. This Is the best close In bar gain on the market and if yau are look ing for a nice home near the city, you oan do no better. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. , First floor, N. Y. L. Tel. 1781. RE M 164 14 FOR SALE, greatest bargain In 8. D. 400 acres well Improved farm, Davison ooun ty, 8. D., best of soli, level, every foot can be cultivated. Preeent owner raid 1 acre for same. Must be sold. Only 111 per acre. Robert Mather, Cedar Rap ids, la. B&-44 li ON THE BOULEVARD. No. llth, near Lindsay ave., I rooms, grate, reception hell, bath, back and front stairs, air furnace, gas. water. Price, I3.2&0. THE NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO., Tel. 18JL Room t, N. Y. Life. Main Floor. RE-4HI 13 A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the asking. Write or csl) for one today. Oas Kelt Land Co., tli First Nat. bank bldg., Omaha, Neb. RE SHI THOMAS BRENNAN ROOM 1. N. Y. LIFE BLDG. A good house and lot at K31 Decatur street, onlv I 7P0 A desirable cottage of I rooms on the north side, price only LOajO On easy terms; HKO oash. balanc monthly, l-room frame cottsge and lot 100x130; high and sightly, only two blocks from Podge street car Una; price 1.100. Three houses and W-foot lot on North 10th street, rented for $27.00 per month; price only 2.130 KOUNTZE PLACE An elegant south front home. I rooms, all modem: everything you want tn a home. This is the beet bargain left In K ountxe Place; price 1,500 HANSCOM PLACE Modern 6-room cottage, 45-foot lot on asphalt paved street, all specials paid In full- price, on terms, only LOO Two frame houie and corner lot; room for two pi ore cottages on lot ;a snap at.. 1,01.0 INVESTMENTS Three frame houses on toth avenue, between Harney and Bt Mary's ave., close In and splendid rental property; price: 1,000 ON SOUTH 16TH ST. Three brick stores and 41 rooms above, splendid repair and good tenants; a great big bargain for somebody. I ACRES VACANT LOTS HOMES AND CHOICE RENTAL PROPERTIES In all parts of the city on sale at sacrifice prices to close out the holdings of eostsm Investors who have acquired these properties through forecuure of mortgagee. Come In and lot us show you what we have for sale. We know we can suit you. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Building W. H. Crary, Manager Real Estate Department , RE- GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam Street. 'Phone 754. HOMES FOR SALE $1,100 For No. 1118 N. 84th St., 5-roora cot tage, city water, etc., line shade trees, one block from car a:;d school; 1AM down, balance same us rent. $1,600 For No. mi Grand ave., &-room house, newly painted and papered. In first-class condition, city and cistern water in kitchen, cemented cellar, loo bearing fruit trees, all kinds small fruit, bam and good outbuildings, lto-ft. south frontage; high and sightly and only one block from school and church a desirable suburban home. $1,660 For No. 1661 N. ISth st., 7-room, 1 story house, clly water, sewer and gas. In walking- distance. $2,150 For No. 1111 N. Win St., 7-room house, modern except furnace, In good condition, walking distance from U. P. shops and postonlce; rents lor $i!2.60 per month. A safe Investment. $I,!60 For No. 8021 Chicago St., 7-room cot tage, modern except furnaoe, on as phalt paved street, all special taxes paid In full. $2,R00-For No. 628 N. 13d st, l-room house, modern except furnace, one-half block from car; owner leaving city and says make us an offer. $3,000 For 8. W. corner Corby and 19th sis., 8-room brick house, modern except fur naoe, In flrst-olosa condition, good barn, SL-ft. frontage, on asphalt paved street; all special taxes pttld In full. $5,100 For new attractive, 8-room, modern houee, on S. 28th st., near Poppieton ave., walls burlaped and canvaeed, lot H)xW feet. BUILDING LOTS $500 For 60x128 feet, 8. front, on Pratt St., just west of 26th st; very desirable. $1,000 For sOxlDi feet, S. front, on Burt St., Just west of 24th St., on grade. Desirable improved and unimproved prop erty for sale located in all parts of the olty. See us before buying, as -we have a large list to select from. RE A BARGAIN A' 2,500 6-room, strictly modern nouse on Looust street, near 18th, good location, just south of Kountse Place and two blocks from Sherman avenue car line. House has first class furnace, cemented cellar, with hot and cold water 'and sink In the cellar. Three large bed rooms and elegant porcelain bath upstairs snd three large rooms and reception hall on Arst floor; nice gas fix tures in every ruuri; elegant front porch; house nearly new and In Une condition. It is too good a bargain to be overlooked If you're buying a home. Be sure and ask to see this place. )AYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life. Tet .1781. RB GREAT FARM BARGAINS 886 acres In Adair county, Iowa, land all fenced and cross fenced, 66 acres culti vated, balance In tame grass; all con be cultivated; good Improvements; price for a quick sale, $48.00 per acre; time on part; this Is a big bargain; see us Quick. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. RE-130 ia 1949 BO 16TH, 7-r, house for $2,CO0; $900 cash required. iHUi inisw bNUW-unuKui CO., t N. T. L. Tel. 133. RE-048 U H New Five-Room House, H $1,450 Will build you a nice home, close to car line, on our lots In Boyd's addition, three blocks went of 24th mreet, south of Ames ave. High and dry, good neighborhood. Bee us quick If you want one, only six lots left. Hastings & Heyden 610-611 N. T. Life. Phone 1008. NEW MODERN HOUSE SACRIFICE 9-room house, built last year, having par lor 12X14; Bocona parior, uurur, 10x14; dining room, 14x14 all finished and wainscotted four feet high with best of paneled oak, built-in china closet, large kitchen, 4 large pleasant sleeping rooms on second lloor, with good-sited closets; trunk room 6x12; bath room luxll, porce lain tub, marble lavatory, best of plumb ing; oellings and walls in all roon.s painted and frescoed: speaking tube mi J electrlo bell throughout; cement bascmoi t with laundry, vegetable and fruit rooms: barn cost $1,600; paved street, permar.ent walk, one block from car line, wn-klng distance of postofflce: built for a home, but owing to death In family owner is compelled to sacrifice at $4,200. R. C. PETERS & CO. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. RE-14i 12 . A IS PER CENT INVESTMENT Two store rooms, with living rooms above and three cottages on same lot, that pays tl.060 net Income per year. Price, T.MO. Nothing like it to be found In city. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Kii-iai 12 FOlt BALK Bargains singly or together, two lots, corner, souin aim east irunt, Hanscom park one block. C. Uurcky, 8tM Union ave., Chicago. -HIS $1,160 buys cottage home south part of city. Part casn, uaiu-uua imIlllrlb' uwiw, ... city cue weea at 8418 Bouth 16th. S1& 186 12x OWN A HOME OF TOUR OWN. Make a start, buy one of our choice build ing lots in gooa localities, on car .ines, near parks, $lu0 to M0; $5.0u down and balance $.i.00 per month. BEM1B, PAXTON BLOCK. RiC 187-11 I-ROOM house and lot. Inquire J. O John- . XT A, iuU , . SUI1, CIS P. MIIU ,-WIW, AO MIPBOrill LANDB, W. J. t'lemsns Co., Clinton, Henry Co, Write ns your wants. n A. A..:, ... Ai ,,4,A lUue, your property. Baker Bros. Fng. Co. Payne, Bostwick & Co. . - Cth Floor N. Y. Ufa Bids:. We have some special bargains to offer this week. Be sure and oall and let ua show you what we have, (oil California st., rooms, strictly modern, liM feet of ground, eastern owner anxious to stll. AUxatuaie the property and make offer. In Walnut Hill district, an 8-room Louse, all modern, Including furnaoe, one block from car, $2,600. 2708 Blnney st, one acre of ground with a 6-room house, to be sold at a bargain. 40th and Beward at., .good (-room house, good yard, oiled finish, all modern ex cepting furnace. W-foot tot, barn, Una shade, $3,100. , On LaFeyctte ave., one of the beautiful south front houses, nenf 41st, finest loca tion In town. Prloe, $4,600. On West Farnam St., an 8-room house In fine condition, best of plumbing, very nicely decorated, 60-foot lot, iote of fruit. Price, $4,000. Owner will accept some acre age as part payment. ,'.. zm Bo. 8th at., rooms, 60-foot lot bar, furnnce, gaa only $l,8o0. 27th and Dewey ave., two houses, Rood In vestment proposition. Price, $3,600. On 33d t., near Bemls park, 8-room house, with city water, nice shade, property In good repair, for $1,500. Bpeclal for this week in a modern house of 6-rooms, In good location, near car, new plumbing, msntel and grate In parlor, hot and cold water, cistern, water In kitchen, everything up-to-date, good barn, large '.ot 76x140 feet. Bee ue about this. 1762 Grant st,, 6' looma, oiled finish, city water, cistern, screens, barn. Price only 20oO,8Arlwr "st., 6 rooms, oiled finish, gas. city water, screens, storm sash. In good repair, only $1,000; $200 cash and balance lgNa 'wat t., 6-room cotta.. for $800; $100 down and balance monthly. Cheaper Ten'oloTsTromity h-JL two house, on corner lot. renting for $1 per month. Price too low to print Bemls park, rooms, strictly modern, new bouse, iii.uuv. Payne, Bostwick & Co. 6th Floor N. T. Life Bid. RB LOOK AT New house J am building at 4$d and Daven port, oak finish, fine staircase, modem throughout; it is open today; aspect It; no better house In Omaha for the prloe. Ask me about It Monday. It is for sala CHEAP FOR CABH. ED O. HAMILTON, .m8-",hBt- .XB-4.U A 1,000 BARGAIN (-room cottage, barn, 13x20; 1 lota; N. J6th .avenue. U.ouO. R. C PETERS & GO. GROUND FLOOR. BEE BU1LDINO. KB 144 1 ON SOUTH 15TH ST. Near Dorcas, a 7-room house, good barn, house newly papered and repaired and In flrsi-cliiss condition. Price only $1.W0. THE NEW BNOW-CHURCH COj Tel. 133. Room 3, N. TC. Life. te$&r- FARMS AND RANCHES. $18,600 Fine fruit farm of 160 acres. . This Is one of the finest propositions In eastern Nebraska. A first-class stock of general merchandise will be considered In ex- rlisnire. $28,(0018 quarter sections. One ot the finest Improved ranonee in souinern A.ansaa. Nearly all of the 13 quarters is prime alfalfa land. WU1 exchange for good farm lund. Will carry $i0,0uO on the ranch it necessary. Write for complete descrip tion. $25,o 1,000-acre alfalfa farm en the Arkan sas river; tkiO acres in alfalfa; 126 acres in whoat and 17S In feed crops. Will take' good stock of merchandise or good land In exchange. Will carry purchaser on, one-half of It If desired. Write for par ticulars ot any of the above to JOHN O. N1U.K, FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA. RE 172 ltx Buy a New House We have Just completed a new house at S2d pnd Marcy sts., south front, iioe recep tion ha II and stairway, parlor, rilnln room and kitchen, with butter's pantry on first lloor, enamelled top sink, with ier enamelled back, enclosed rear poro, witn refrigerator loom, second floor, i. i,l. hall with four bedtootns, cJoseis In each room, bathroom In whIUi eii amel nnlsli, with enamel tub, toiloi, wa,h basin, tine combination gas and sImiliIo fixtures throughout the houae and eiectria light on front porch; hell pnrlor and din ing room floors flnoly polUhed, electne push buttons, cellar under ent're house, with good cement bottom, enamel sink, with, hot and cold water In basement, out side cellarway, good furnace room, coal Hns everything rigat up to date. Price, $5,000.' Payne, Bostwick & Co. Hole Agents. RiO- GOOD INCOME PROPERTY Two 4-100.11 houses and one 7-room bouee, corner !ct, 60x132; t blocks from c.r .ine; easy walking ilUtance; rents for $41.40 per uiontn. If sold this week. M.fcot. R. C. PETERS & CO. GROLND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. RE 146 1$ H Acres Near Omaha H 10 acres 1 miles 8. W. of Benson, has 4 room house, stable, well, bearing fruit tre and grape vines. Flue land on main road. Price. $2,800. 10 acres, 1 mile west of Dundee, fine land, on main road, $160 an acre. 6 acres, Z blocku from car In Benson, a big burgaln, for $i,0ii. Alany other pieces near Florence and South Omaha. Hastings & Heyden 610-611 N. Y. Life Bulldlngx RE BOULEVARD. Choice, east-front lots, pear two car Unas, with water, gus, sewer, large native for est trees, front on boulevard, 100 feet wide; kept up by the park board; no paving or sidewalk tax. Price only tSOO. Lots limited. HARRISON ft MORTON, 111 914 N. T. Life. Tel. til