18 ' TTIE OMATT A DAILY PEE: BUXDAY JTJSE 12, 1901. THE Omaiia Sunday Per E. ROSBWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORN1NO. TKRMS CIV BRCRIPTION. Pally B (without Sunday), pre Year..$V' une T " JT VBPAKALLtLtD HITCATIOS. The situation In Colorado is unparal leled In our history. Never before has the governor of a state assumed such unrestricted authority, prnctlcally des potic, as is being exercised by the chief executive of Colorado in the disturbed district of thnt commonwealth. There 1 I 1 I . i 11 ItA. i 00 1 nave iecii mnny wnuun tokuh" l.oo .ween cnnital and labor In this country, DELIVERED BY CARRIER. f th.m mmi .nlllno- the enmlov- Dally ? (without Sunday). per "JJ;"" . . ... ,. ntll in the JT-lll 1,1 IIHIIKIIJ Doily Be and Bunday, One Tear J Illustrated Bee. One Vear J Sunday Bee, One Vear Baturday Bee. One Tear -AU-'Vi'.";" 1 Twentieth Centurr Former, One Year., i DELIVERED BY CARRIER. . . , i i v-... . a.mrinvV ner rnPT Dally Bee (without Sunday), per wfK....u: Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per weeK...iic Sunday Bee. per ropy...... ".llu" Evenln Bee (without Sunday). Pr ek. 8c Evening Be (Including Sunday), per CopIainu"of 'MrreguVarity "in- djivrry ly Bee (including nunaaj;, , . authorities of no Bungay Be., per copy .1"'-' - " ' . ing wee (Wiinouirun.io Btnte ever went tO ine extern. of Colorado nave gone in utn- Twen- should he addressed Depaxttnant. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaiia City Hall Building ty-nfth and M 8treets. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 10 Unity Building New York-232S Park Row Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, paysiile to The Bee Publishing Company. Only -oent stamps received In payment or mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not ccf Ji1 THH BEE PUBLISHING COMPANlf. te ever lose r "'""I ... l .! ,tl.rnmr.lln.r the tO City ClrCUiailun I ri-llll(( lllf HI v. n imu ....- n rights of citizens guaranteed by tne con stitution of the United States and pre sumably by the organic law of that state. For this unprecedented condition the supreme court or t. oiornuu m imt-uj responsible. Thnt tribunal has decreed that the power exists In the governor to declare thnt a particular part of the state Is in Insurrection or thnt a condi tion of lawlessness like that la threat ened, therefore it is contended that he has full authority to employ whatever means may in his opinion be requisite to restore order or to prevent the threat ened outbrenk. "The supreme court has STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County jut. : George B. Tsschui k. secretary of The Bee says that the actual number ot full sna llpclurwi BpPCiflcal!y," says the Denver complete copies of The 1 ' Morning, r Evening and Sunday Bee pnntea aunn, u KepuDllCnn. "tnni in oruer to restore or month ot May. 1804, l an.eoo I sw.ooo ao,To 4 s,rao l immcto ta sWs9s40 T ! BOaOSO t 96,reo 80,180 10 ao.ino Jl MOO 12 ae.Tao u autoo 14 .....MUM 15 aajom M. aMo as follows: 17 20.0:10 Jg" 80.O1MI K zo,io ! ),430 a 800 t) 2,HH jj 2,tTO 14! Jl,TOO 25 JH,t40 preserve the authority of the state the subordinates acting under the governor may even take human lives and be en tirely free from all legal blame or re sponsibility." and that paper adds that "eertalnlv if they have the power to take life in order to enforce the an thorlty of the state, they have authority either to imprison or to deport unruly persons." No restriction whatever, ac 20.H3O pn-fjin,, to this, nnon the Power of the .2tt,730 . KUVt'I IllirvIt UU lilO BUUIInimairD vir vmr Total.'.'.'... .7. . clthten. If they regard him as "unroly Less unsold and returned cop.es.... lu'"" thev ninv kill him or imprison him or Net total sales eoi.821 floport him, nnd they will be "free from Net vera sales !'' all leeal blame or responsibility.1 nrn n t7.('h i ri. i wriM 1. mv nresene'e and sworn to We submit that this is utterly un . .T , . m 1 A l-i ItkU 2.. 17.. 24.. .. so., u.. .xu.hoo ....Btt.TIO ,...a,4o bridges that cross the Missouri river between the Kansas and North and South Dakota lines. . It is exceedingly doubtful whether these properties could be replaced for double the valuation placed upon them by the experts. A very conservative estimate of the value of railroad terminals at Omaha and South Omaha alone Is not less than $:0,noo.00o, which distributed over every mile of road In Nebraska would add $3.4ii0 to its tangible value per mile. The seven bridges that span the Missouri river between Sioux City and St. Joseph could not be replaced short of $0,000,000, or $3,000,000 for Ne braska's proportion, which would add $."i(0 a mile more, so that the terminals and bridges together would be equal to With vofirUMKKTS to mk maHOSKT. Only a few years ago. when I turned Timothy J. Mahoney la blessed with the searchlight upon the borrlMe con- . , . A that I niTinn inpn nrpvainnir in our inuuu jau. a very xenuer cuucie. 1 ieei ruic -- 1 - - mv strictures of his conduct as former into which baskets of whisky, wine and beer were being carried night after night for the prisoners, and out of which r- oners were taken by deputy sheriffs to gambling houses and guarded by offi cers of the law while they were staking their money on the gaming table, and out of w hich notorious women prisoners prosecuting attorney were extremely mild, but he feels touched on the raw, flares up nnd flies Into a towering rage like a Mexican bull whose hide has been lanced by a picador. He pro nounces every statement I made in my .raiwh aa linnnnllflnillv false, and ,.... ti.nf I m.ria th. statements were taken at night by the sheriff and because I knew them to be false. When his deputies to road houses, out of Mr Mahoney cools down and takes wnicn cnar.ey Mosner. a Penui, , n,wi h ui .psrcelv relt- convict was allowed to go on parole on M. ia,,itinr dia-inimer. rounds of debauchery by making a lib What did I say thnt was not true? ernl payment to the sheriff. I was de I stated that I had openly supported nounced as a monster of iniquity and Mhon for eountv attorney and al- caricatured as a serpent coiling Itself m HUR-Ofi railroad in Nebraska. about $4,000 per mile for every mile of though he was a democrat helped to bring about his election, Decnuse 1 u.u not believe his republican competitor would enforce the gambling laws nnd prosecute criminals without fear or fa vor. Does Mr. Mahoney pretend to deny around Its victims to crush them, when, In fact, I was fighting the battle for clean, decent government. Did anyone In Omaha hear the voice of Mr. Mahoney in support of my effort to enforce cleanliness and decency and integrity in the sheriff's ofllce? Did Mr. Absolutely Free $10 Worth of Green Trading Stamps olSoh.yne.rpa,rGOLD FILLED SPECTACLES, $1.00 Exclusive Manufacturing1 Optician. Eye Work only-20 Year Experience. Consultation and Examination Free. Huteson Optical Co. 21.1 8. 16th Street, Pnxton Block, Omaha. Established 1S. Vholeaale nnd Retail. Factory on Premises. Hi Ml Ml IS BVS8IA SCAKKDt That is a somewhat surprising state ment xrhleh cornea from St. Tetersburg trth nt thnt assertion? If so, let thnt in view of the possibility of the fall L,ra CIam,ne the fliP8 of The Bee during Mahoney raise his finger at that time to i,e r . HUaatpr to the Bal- , . .i,ii, , -na rnnninir vindicate tne law aim upnoia me wuen Jk i Jl Al uiut va " l (B U I l 1 rS IM 111 " li iv 11 lit. tic squadron Russia la taking the pra- a9 candidate for county attorney. rnutlon to strengthen the fortifications T am QUOted correctly In saying that which protect St Petersburg. These "Looklne backward I discover that Mr. fortifications are already very formld- rah0ney, who now figures prominently . i able, but it is contemplated to mane m (ne refonn crusade, was not as active I was dragged before the police court on a charge of libel? And where was Mr. Mahoney when The Bee sounded the alarm over the looting of the city treas ury? Where was he when The Bee ex- tbein much more so. The report says or efflcpnt In prosecuting gamblers as he I the attempt to pack the Jury, that that althouch the chance. of a Japanese demonstration against the Russian capi tal is regnrded as remote, Russia is tak ing nothing for granted. Nothing seems more improbable In a. tt Ti lis ilnnnnAV I n lljnik in' ashivivj, miirnT nnvn ntHii. iriifH .111. .nauvnvj pretend that I knowingly and wilfully bslw of more than half a million dol ii. .. T made thnt statement? What 1rs of state money? Where has he has he to show on the court records that been at any time when the very foun- would Justify him in claiming thnt to non or government was oe s .pe,. before ma this 21st day of May, A. V. W. : . . i - ...-v .... (Seal) Notary . Public Now for the railroad assessment amerlcan, wholly at variance with our Institutions, and if generally accepted would lead to consequences of the grav est nature. We reprobnte as strongly aa anyone can the lawlessness that de- Deportation la a atrlctly original Colo- Btroys life and property. Those who rado remedy. . have been guilty of it In Colorado should I J have meted out to them the "severest It aeems to be much easier to Indict punl(,nmpnt that the law provides. But connection with the war in the far east prosecuted gamblers actively and effl- thnn operations on the part or japan I ciently 'when he wns county attorney? agnlnst St Petersburg. That power j 8tatP(i timt during the whole period cannot now spare any of Its naval force wllllo Mahoney wns county attorney for such a movement and will not bo public gambling wns carried on in ble to do so as long as Russia has a Omaha wjthout restraint and to the fleet In Asiatic waters, fcven in me st of my recollection not a solitary event of the capture of Tort Arthur and gambler was prosecuted before the dis the expulsion of the Russians from that Urict court during his term. Mr. Ma- port Ion of Manchuria, Japan will still i,oney indignantly denies that public need to retain most of its warships gambling remained unmolested during where they are at present In order to his term as county attorney and asserts make sure of holding the position tllftt gambling in those days wns car- gained. Moreover it is . no part or Japan's plan, as now understood, to at tack Russia in her own territory. She is quite content to have the war con fined to its present area, well knowing that if she were to carry It beyond it that time and time again gambling de- my Mr. Mahoney can explain why lowed to go unchallenged I think it no than to extradite. i Just because Kansas Is a prohibition iltate there is no good reason why it should have so much water. ' The semi-centennial . of Nebraska's statehood will be celebrated March 1, 1917 Some of tis will be there. we maintain thnt no one in the disturbed district should be punished without due process of law and this fundamental principle is not being compiled with by the Colorado authorities. If the reports from the scene of trouble are to be re lied upon, men have been arbitrarily Im prisoned apd deported without being given an opportunity for defense. Can any argument be needed to show the in- PmVw ! Mid M ba In hot water in England. Thus does the political boss Justice of this? Is it not over-riding the ret variety he was in ice in New York. ' "uuu" 1U W I tiOTornni. Jeff Davis of Arkansas has It mnt'.ers not that the dlsturfiea ais- the satisfaction of knowing he is not trict is under martial law. The citizen the first of that name to be hung in still has the right under tnat regime to effigy. . la hearing and a trial. Even during tne insurrection in tne rnmppmes persons Canada Is to have a new governor arrested on the charge of giving aid to general without the aid or consent of the Insurgents were given an bppor- any of its citizens. Ho, for a Canadian tunlty to meet the accusation. would be very likely to bring on com- viCP8 were carried into the police court, plications with other powers, quite pos- but the gamblers who were caught in slbly to her disadvantage. Hence the the gambling rooms managed to escape apparent apprehension on the part of I because they gave fictitious names. Russia of a possible demonstration what a travesty on Justice, what a against St. Petersburg seems to be en- fjnUZy excuse for manifest shirking of tirely groundless and doubtless no such piain duty. Did not the gambling tools idea ever entered the minds of the men an(i devices afford abundant Justification who are conducting Japan's campaign. f0r the prosecution of keepers of gam bling houses? When did Mr. Mnhoney ever prosecute one of these? During Mr. Mahoney's Incumbency as county attorney the Diamond gambling house was reported to be running wide open, Bryan. An Italian invention is said to record permanently conversations over the tel ephone, and thus is another means fur nished for checking up on employes. Colorado is not all bad, despite the Cripple Creek situation. A district Judge at Denver has refused to give to the public the papers in a spicy divorce organlznHon or ln BTnipathy with suit Shall less consideration be shown our own citi- sens? The state of Colorado can cer tainly uphold Its authority without re course to methods which are not toler ated In any civilised country tnd which are antagonistic to a vital principle of our governmental system. Arbitrarily deporting persons who have not been convicted of any violation of law, merely because they are members of a labor it Perhaps the best way out for Iowa is to promote an educational merger that will consolidate its two universities or at all events fuse the managements Into one. as Is reported to have been done. Is a proceeding that cannot be Justified and which we think will be very generally condemned. Let those firnlltv of dis order a violence be arrested, tried and If convicted punished, but let those who I are charged with enforcing the law also Wait till the hotel keepers at Chicago respect it emulate their St Louis brethren in ad justing prices to what the convention traffic will bear and then bear pot call kettle black,. It is possible that federal authority will yet have to be appealed to to settle the trouble In Colorado, unless the state authorities should modify their policy In dealing with the disturbance. It will be noted that the democrats nave not gotten far enough to bother themselves yet as to who should be rled on behind Iron bars and locked doors. lie explains furthermore that keepers of gambling houses and their dealers escaped prosecution because the police raids were tipped off, but claims and mined by the paid emissaries of corporate greed? Was his voice ever raised against that most dangerous abuse, the bribery of public officials? Will Mr. Mahoney stnte a single in stance where I have slandered any of my reputable neighbors or libeled nny honest man or woman in private life or In public office, wilfully, maliciously nnd knowingly? In pointing out Mr. Mahoney's short comings as county attorney I had no other motive in view but to show that reformers do not always practice what he knew that when he made the statements, thev nrench. I also wanted to remon- I and doubtless made them because ha knew atror. ralnat the Intrusion of the Civic them to bo false; but lest In this com Federation, made up of men of all par- ludent may bo a(Tected bsr wnat he ties. Into republican factional contests. Ray particularly If such statement Is al MR. MAHONEY HAS HIS SAY. He Answer Allusions to His Official Iternrd by Crying- "Liar." OMAHA, June 10. To the Editor of The Bee: The Bee of June t contains what purports to be a speech made by Mr. Ed ward Rosewater at a meeting; of the Fifth Ward Republican club Inst Thursday aven ln If Mr. Rosewater Is corsectly re ported by his newspaper he said: Ixinklnr backwards. I discover that Mr. Mahoney, who now tla-urea prominently In the reform crusade, was not as active or efficient In prosecuting- gmmblers as he might have been. During the whole perloa while he was eountv attorney dudiic iram- hllns; was carried on wide open In Omaha, without restraint. Not a solitary gambler was prosecuted, to my recollection, and a policy Knme was running In Omaha also undisturbed. I have heard It. whispered that the lawyer retained by the a-ambllne; nouses, and im-mentaiiy ny ucnnison, was furnished with a piece of written advice by the prosecuting attorney to say to the fiollcy Kamblcrs that If they would sell end pencils for 6 cents or 10 cents apiece, with a doIIcv ticket thrown in free, thev could not he successfully prosecuted under tne gamming law. it would seem mat when Mahoney was prosecuting attorney he could not discover now public gambling and policy gambling could be suppressed, but, on the contrary, he seemed to enter tain the peculiar notion thht load pencils for ll cents apiece, with a policy ticket attached free, would relieve the policy peddlers from nil liability. It Is wholly unnecessary to tell Mr. Rose- water that every statement In the fore going, as well as the aggregate of such statements. Is unqualifiedly false, because the Civic Federation manifesto, slgnexl by himself, was issued on the eve of the republican primaries and why he and his executive committee have gone Into winter quarters since the primaries. In what way could municipal reform be promoted in the selection of delegates' to the republican state convention or republican national convention? Last, but not least why did Mr. Mahoney sign the manifesto making the specific dec laration about crime and vice without more than Justice to an abused public to at least call attention to the fact that once again Mr. Rosewater has borne false witness against his neighbor. So far aa my efficiency In the office of county attorney is concerned I am con tent that every man who knows any of the facts in connection therewith shall draw his own conclusion: but when Mr. Rosewater makes the statement, and causes It to be published In his newspaper. that during the period while I was county attorney public gambling was carried on wide open In Omaha without restraint, that not a solitary gambling house was having personal knowledge of the same, closed by the law officers, and not a soii- and why has Mr. Mahoney. who Is a tary S was prosecuted, and that I . . . , . . , gave advice to gamblers, or their repre- good criminal lawyer, not taken the " tatlVM. . m,fln. hv whlrh th ,aw B SWA HE UFHIQHBALLAXD FOOIBALL. Two thousand seven hundred doctors were congregated at rhilndelphla the other day In attendance at the national ,th ni-onm on the eround floor. sesulon of the American Medical assocl- . mule- and other nmhihited irames PrIr steps to make bis anti-vice cru- could be violated, his mendacity Is so glar- ation. In discussing the .effects of rin I floor nnd u a matter -e ana exv-row uu iu - of notoriety that Morrison, iiiDDins ana -- - . " . " running wide open, and no gamblers doctors agreed as usual to disagree. wh,tJ were the propriotor9 of the Dia- bu,Ia,nBs Ipased for immoral and crlm- pr0Becuted. there could have been no oc- One of the eminent medical practltJon- ,. In th.a. ,t thnt chu0. mal purposes? - ers asserted that moderate drinkers and oy,ch wa9 the chlef owner of the Dla. When he answers these questions people who are addicted to the use of mond j, recently. Two or three without evasion nnd without losing his beer or malt beverages In moderate Bh , Dld anybody t!p off any intended t,emper 1 ma PrPnna a few others. quantities are noi as prone to iub iaiai ,ng cty Attorney Mahoney's term tusoruers oi me mui.b, "'- '-" and it did not take a crowbar to enter t7vii K.in,, m ,f . ous infectious diseases as those who use them Was poolroom gambllng less un- proprlatlon from congress to be used to beverages that contain a higher per cent ,awful then than lt te nowT entertain distinguished people crossing -1 V. 1 ...k - - wktabv Anil tn rv- . . . . n oi niwuui, duuu - " "".-v . Mr. manoney ffoes into a wmte rngu h pgin. nhn imoriran .nil nr called high ball. ,ni characterizes my statement that he Lha ror . th,f rrn.1- - . Another eminent authority in medl- aavJce to lfCent lead pencils Ln ' Am.Hcn Ht A lSvt nawrliltlla nsVAaal ... - . . I ' . w cine inu BurBrrj m p..--. wltn a poucy ncket tnrown in as a piece make ag m0Bt of them are usually will vn me i umi. .u.BO or jrmnnir menaacity. win nr. ma-1 , rt nav tnr v. !,- rrAnini,, 4V. ,ln of . . . .. . I ' " " letes we rauu.. ui B noney mrorm nis associates in tne uivic Bhona wake np and try to walk without ine anencH, n in me uuij w i u.. Feneration rerorm movement wny Torn cal profession, therefore, to warn par-1 BlddiBon. who later on sold out to Tom ents and those ln charge of educational Dennison, was allowed to run policy Institutions where athletic sports are gambling during his entire term without permitted of the serious results tnnt molestation? Did it require a crow may follow the playing or root Dan ana Jmr to break into Blddlson's policy other contests of strength, As a counter poise to these forewarn- ral(j on the policy ticket peddlers? In lngs Dr. - Richard Canot or Boston as- the law courts proofs resting on the serts that the association of alcohol with memory of man are not so conclusive fatalities resulting from the premature a written documents. If Mr. Mahoney hardening of the arteries is erroneous. wU1 tavor me wlth a call I will exhibit Plain people who do not know emetics to him blanks of "The Nebraska Sta- caslon for devising schemes by which prosecutions could be escaped. It 1 wsll known to msny men now on the polio force of this city, aa It Is to Judge Herka and Judge Helsley, who occupied the pollca court bench while I was county attorney, that numerous raids were made upon gambling housesthat these raids wera not "tipped off." and that time after time all peopla found In the gambling houses, to gether with all gambling paraphernalia, were carted to the police court, where most of the victims registered under ficti tious names. I repeatedly advanced to W. 8. Beavey. chief of police, money with which to send detectives not connected wtlh the police force Into gambling houses for the purpose of gathering evidence. Such gambling houses as existed In Omaha at that time were operated behind heavy barred and locked doors, with a man at the peek hole to admit only such persons aa ho thought safe. The proprietors of tha Diamond were repeatedly arrested, and-xmo of them bears until this day, a mark re ceived from a crowbar In the hands of one of the police officers who were engkged In breaking through a four-Inch plank door to raid the house. I do not say that there was no gambling In Omaha ln those days, as I do not say there was no murder com mitted ln Omaha during that period; but there was no open gambllng. and every tliing that could be done to make gambling behind locked doors expensive, dangerous and troublesome to those engaged tn It, was done. For this I have never claimed an yspecial credit to myself. It was chiefly the work of the police. A county attorney finds himself fully occupied in prosecuting cases that are brought to his attention when the evidence Justifying a posecutlon Is gathered by others and furnished to him. He cannot perform hla duties a a law yer, representing the state, and at the same time occupy himself ln charge of the duties of a detective. When open gambling Is suppressed It Is not a matter for which the county attorney Is entitled to credit, and when lt Is permitted to flourish lt Is not a matter for which the county attorney ought to be held responsible. Mr. Rosewater la quoted as saying: It would be regarded as disreputable, even ln village gossip, let IO0l1m.f0c:! like Omaha, for men to retail against their neighbors, much less i Is It reputable for men who stand high ln busi ness and In the community to use their position to destroy the rrpulatloni of men about whom they personally know nothing. It U too bad that Mr. ftosewater has never practiced the bsautlful doctrine which he here preaches. The fact, how over, that he does preach lt, unless It is done parrot-like, is encouraging as Indi cating that even the mind of one who has Invented, retailed, and printed more slanders and libels than any other. man who ever had a habitation within the help. Democratic politicians who were cut out of the opportunity to manufacture political literature by the early adjourn ment of congress are making up for lost other poolrooms flourished in Omaha dur-1 time through the magazines, which seem to have fallen heir to the Congres sional Record's leave to print Attorney General Knox has been ap- chosen to manage their national cam- pointed United States senator to fill the pal&rn for them. vacancy caused by the death of Senator Quay, but lt is understood tnat ne will There Is nothing small about Omaha. remain ln the cabinet probably until Even before the big elevators and big September. His services as attorney gen flouring mills have materialized Omaha eral have been most creditable to himself has had Its exhlleratlng pastime with and of great value to the public. When a corner on corn. I appointed to the position there was some i I apprehension that he would be. found A movement is on foot to bare "Oom friendly to the great combinations, but raul" Kroger pension General Cronje, he has throughout shown an earnest As that bero is to take another wife disposition to enforce the anti-trust law this month, we may infer the pension and has supported President Roosevelt would not come amiss. In his efforts to obtain legislation for the i ''ii I supervision and regulation of the corn- It was hardly necessary for Governor blnatlons. More than once the president Peabody to say that martial law does has borne testimony to the devotion of not prevail at Cripple Creek. There are Mr. Knox to tne duties 01 nis orace and some limitations to martial law, while to his absolute sincerity and fidelity ln the Cripple Greek situation is anarchy the enforcement of law. v undented. I Pennsylvania s new sens tor ia ueserv- edly regarded as one of the greatest lawyers ln the country and It has been a long time since his state was repre sented ln the senate by a man of equal ability. If continued In the senate after the term for which he was appointed expires, as ln all probability be will be, there Is no doubt that be will attain a conspicuous place ln that body. Ills re tirement from the Department of Jus tice will be very generally regretted, though as United States senator be will have equally good opportunity to be of service to the people. Llao Tang correspondents may not be long on war news, but they have suc ceeded ln getting past the censor with a from cosmetics will, however, conclude doners' association," the disguised name description of the dally life of General that there are two things above all that nf the noltcv ticket dealers, with explicit Kouropatkln. which shows that the directions how to sell stationery and give away policy tickets. Possibly Mr, Mahonev'a memory ln these matters has sone back on him. and possibly the law- Chancellor Andrews will speak at the yer employed by the gamblers, who was coming meeting of the National Educa- reputed to be on extremely friendly men should avoid if they want to stay healthy, become wealthy and appear wise, and those are high ball and foot ball. general Is keeping at work despite the paucity of results. rcroitr foji vaiht mtkrbst. The decision rendered a few days terms with Mr. Mahoney,- may have tlonal association on "Present Tenden cies of College Athletics." That is a subject that should carry with lt con siderable momentum. Perhaps ft will be well to stop right now and have the disputed question set tled by a duly Qualified tribunal whether or not the first Omaha post- office was located ln the luner lining of a silk chapeau. Dead Ifiasy. Atlanta Constitution. Tho Massachusetts legislature has passed a law to abolish grafting, now simpiei Why didn't we think of that beforeT The men who are running affairs at Cripple Creek are said to find a serious problem ln the women of the camp. Bhould they have solved It they will hnT acconiDllsbed something which bos troubled man since the days c: Adam. The legislature failed to provide for the official celebration of Nebraska's semi-centennial, but the public-spirited citizens of Omaha jumped into the breach and provided a fitting celebra tion for the state. It is sometimes a good thing to have Omaha inside the state lines after all. omcera of the populist national com mittee are trying to raise the wind by selling tickets In advance to their Springfield convention at the rate of one dollar per. At last accounts, bow ever, the sale was going a trifle slow because the tickets bear no guaranty that the spectator - will get their money's worth ago by the supreme court of the United I been guilty of glaring mendacity when States, upholding the constitutionality he assured his clients that he had the of the oleomargarine law, was a victory written opinion from the prosecuting at- for the dairy Interest of the country torney's office that throwing in policy which lt will duly appreciate. A dealer I tickets with 10-cent lead pencils would in oleomargarine brought suit to recover not subject the seller to prosecution un $50 paid by him as a penalty for the sale der the gambling laws. of a fifty-pound package of colored oleo I When Mr. Mahoney goes out of his containing a stamp tax of of a cent way to discredit me in this community a pound Instead of 10 cents a pound, by declaring that I had "Invented, re The plaintiff's counsel argued that al- tailed and printed more slanders and though the oleo was colored to look like libels than any other man who ever bad Gutter, the color was obtained by the a habitation within the boundaries of use of butter, which was itself artl- this state" he places himself in a most flclally colored, but the use of which unenviable and pitiable attitude before as an ingredient ln the manufacture of the people of Omaha and reDraska, oleo was authorized by law. It was Every political crook, every treasury also urged that the tax or iu cents a emoezzier, every pcnneuuary rumirr, who fcave chndren ana thus have his pound was prohibitive end confiscatory every legislative boodler, every munlcl- name passed enthuslaslcally along to pos and an attempted federal usurpation pal grafter, every swindler ana every terity, Of the police powers or tne States. tuipositrr uikju iiuiu me ""'"f" Belated Herocnltlon of Genlns. The court held that the tax contera- publicity was ever turned Dy me has Brooklyn Eagle. plated the finished product and not the said the same thing. All these enemies The ability to raise hair has long been -...n t nf pnod government, sll the scoundrels considered as a mark of genius. Therefore was colored It should pay the higher that ever were lashed by f lt- If UauSS? tax and if uncolored tne lower tax, re- to pry uyuu iuo iuunc wt """'""'J Amerlman man of genius. gardless of how obtained. As to the pictured me as a man who delights in amount of the tax the decision said it malignantly pursuing personal and po was settled that the court could not con- litlcal enemies for no other purpose than aider the amount of tax fixed by coo- to gratify his malice. It is only be- Persisfency that is what wins you wrote my first policy. Now fifteen years after you settle. Not here to day and gone tomorrow. "I am heartily satisfied." "Aly lartre ho? ' rigs affords me a feeling of real security. Head this letter from a most successful banker and mer chant he is a friend of "The Strongest in the World" J. I BHANDEIB, Prest. H. H. BRANDEJH, Vice-Prest. A. T. BRA.NDHT8, Beo'y. H. Omaha, Neb., April 7, 1004. D. Neely, Manager, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sir: Am Just ln receipt of your letter stating op tions on one of my large policies. I elect to accept the cash option?, nnd in doing bo wish to tell you that I am heartily satisfied. Since you wrote this, my first policy of life assurance. It has been my pleasure to have you- write me several other policies In the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, and I believe today I am one of your largest policy-holders ln Omaha. My large holdings ln this great corporation with its mountain of surplus affords me a feeling of real security. Yours trul, ARTHUR, D. BRANDK1S. The value of the tangible property of the railroads of Nebraska as figured out by the expert accountants for the State Hoard of Railroad Assessment averages $18,858 per mile. This Is presumed to Include the vslue cf the right-of-way, depot grounds, depot buildings and other permanent Improvements, road beds, bridges, track snd rolling stock. and lat, but not least the terminals of all these railroads within the state. Including the western half t all the A Fstnr. Possibility. Chicago Record-HeraJd. Pretty soon somebody will put up a flat building for the exclusive use ot people Car Worse Than the Disease, Chicago Chronicle. The Texan planters who are filling their cotton fields with red ants to destroy the eress this belnx a purely political func- cause I have stood up against public boil weevil may have an experience like x- . ... .k. ii.ii, v,m thieves, lmnosters and miscreants. niKn m ui mm iumh r HUH. iow mat iiic Tnuuiij v " . - margarine law has been affirmed by the and low, that I have been vllllfled and - l - . . . highest tribunal and lt Is decided that traduced and advertised as a nearness the colored article must pay 10 cents villain who would hound honest people a pound, the probability Is that there to tbelr graves Just to gratify his innate will be leas -colored oleo placed on the vlndletlveness. In this respect, now ever, I have only shared the rate of Horace Oreeley, Henry Watterson. Mu rat Halstead and scores of editors who had the courage of their convictions and ers, who used mongooses to destroy rata In their cane fields. The mongoose at all tb rats and then at all the cane. market At any rate the decision Is manifestly of very considerable Impor tance to the country's dairy Interest which may be expected to make a vigorous effort for the retention of the I were traduced because they made tbeui- iaw. ... I selves terrors to evil doer t'aeless Knowledge. Boston Globe. Not the least of the causes of the troubles of the Russians Is the shlmos powder thst the Japanese are using. It Is not used to propel the shot, but forms th. bursting charge of tke army and navy explosive hell. The Russian don't know how It Is made, but they know from sad exparlenc bow It works. The stronoest in thb world" THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES HENRY a HYDE, Founder 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK JAMES W. ALEXANDER. Pres. JAMES H. HYDE, Vlce-Pres. II, D. NEELY, Mgr. for Nebraska flerchants National Bank Building Wa HENRY BROWN, Cashier 8. R. ELSON and B. S. STREBTER, Oeneral Afts., Omaba H. H. LOUOHRIDOE, Oeaeral Agent, Lincoln JOE KLEIN, Oeneral Agt , Plattsmoutb, Neb. ED. E. JONES, Ueneral Agt , Hasting. Neb. J. R. HOOVER, Oeneral Agt., Wayne, Neb. W. J. STEVENSON, General Agt., Falls City, Neb. a T X - 1 .