Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BIX. 6TJN0XY. 3UXE 12, 1001.
8potUn All Out thi WorU Watcll-g th)
Dei g of Enmlt
pica of the sultan Kept Pretty Baiy
Amnnit Inaerceat. In the P.
kaos Strang Stories of
v: Their Operation.
(PopTTlgtit. 1304. by T. C. McClura.)
Like Russia's, Turkey' cret service la
on of the most complete and far-reaching
in the trorld. There ara spies of tha
aultan in tha German army. In tl:a atraeta
of St. Petersburg, In tho cafts of Paris, aa
Servants In the families of English nobil
ity, and even In New Tork they aeeretly
watch tha enemies of the Turkish govern-
But It ta especially In the Slavic princi
palities on lta northern border and In
Oreeca that Turkey haa lta secret agents.
Bo thorough la the aystem there that even
tha privately expressed opinions of govern
ment officiate reach the ears of the head
of tho Turkish police system. These spies
ara especially watchful of tha Macedonian
' Insurgent bands, and they have often sue
1 seeded In joining these bands, only to be
tray them at a orttlcal moment.
"Tha faot that a suspected man takes
part In a fight and kills his Turk Is not
positive proof that he la no spy," says
Ivan Radouloff, a Macedonian, now In New
Tork. and a veteran of several Insurgent
campaigns "Tha Instructions of a secret
servlue agent permit him to take Turkish
lives. If by so doing he can gain tha fur
thar confidence of tha enemy. A case of
that sort was Illustrated soma month be
fore I left Macedonia.
'In a certain town where the secret In
surgent committee wa unusually active, a
succession of unaccountable disasters al
most paralaed the Insurrection In that dls
' .trial. First, two of our leaders were
captured, and one band waa surrounded aa
It -was leaving town one morning and 1
rnost annihilated. Then caches of arms and
ammunition were discovered and captured,
and soma of tha moat active membera of
the-, local committee were thrown Into
prison and tortured Into confessions.
Suspicions Well Founded.
"Suspicion finally centered on a young
Servian. Ho had been out with the bands
several times and had distinguished himself
as a fighter. Ha once attacked two bashl-
' basouks slnglo handed and killed them
both. This deed had mada his comrades
reluctant to suspect him of treachery. But
It finally became Impossible to deny that
he waa always near when discoveries wera
mada and suspects arrested.
"One night the local committee met and
sent him with a message. While he was
gone they discussed plans to entrap him
and when ha returned they were ready.
The president then informed tha committed
that In a certain cave several miles out
' of town 100 rifles, with a corresponding
amount of ammunition, wera hidden. Tha
Servian, waa tha only one who did not
know that this statement was false,
"Next night ten Insurgents concealed
themselves in tha cave and waited. De
tore midnight they heard the tramp of
feet. ' They saw a squad of Turkish sol
diers in tha moon light, and at the head of
' them, was tha Servian. The Turk waited
while lie stepped Inside tha cave. As ha
did so, an insurgent slipped In behind a
rock at tha entrance, and, as the Servian
passed him ha drove a Turkish yataghan
almost through him. Tha other Macedon
ians then fired upon tha detail of soldiers
and drove Uisra back to the village."
, , . Vsnes la the Dasineaa.
. The, TurkJsa py system Includes a great
i number of women. The basis upon which
, the Turkish police work Is that a beautiful
, woman may learn the secrets of Allah him
self. 'Aa a matter of fact, their most use
ful information comes from women.
A wealthy Albanian, who was leader of
several rebelllona againat the Turks, waa
on time, during a period of peace, pre
sented with a beautiful wife as an addition
, to his harem by the pasha, of tha province.
, Tha Albanian was Immensely pleased and
mads the woman his favorite wife, which
position she held for over a year.
Meanwhile, it became known among the
Albanian revolutionary loaders that some
of their meat Important secrets were mys
teriously reaching tha eara of the military
, authorities. They appointed several of
their1 number to track down the source of
the leakage of Information.
', One evening one of the Albanian spies
, observed a small Nubian boy leaving the
headquarters of tho khaimukam. He recog
nised the boy as the attendant of the
woman who had been given as a present
to the Insurrectionary leader. The spy re
ported his discovery and the Nubian boy
was ( watched. . The spies caught him one
evening going down to the town and
searched him, but without result.
' 'Then, according to the Albanian mer
' chant in New York who tells this story,
they proceeded to torture tha boy, and
' learned that every time h was sent to
tha ofnee of tha khalmakam his fes was
taken away from him and returned after a
1 long interval. Tha Albanlana Immediately
examined the boy' fes and found a letter
' In the lining. They took this and let tha
boy go, threatening him with a terrible
' death If he revealed their Identities.
' Tba Albanians, not recognising the hand
writing of the letter, at once suspected
1 their leader himself, not thinking that the
; boy was the exclusive attendant of tha
leader'a favorite wife. When they reached
' their headquarters In the mountains it waa
' only to learn that their leader had been ar
' reated and waa In prison, while the favorite
1 wife had fled.
Such la one of the favorite methods of
spying employed, not only by pashas, but
' by th sultan himself.
Plots by a Priest.
A Bulgarian army officer now In New
i Tork tells the story of a priest spy in a
, small Bulgarian town near the Turkish
, border. It Is in this region that many
, Macedonian bands secretly organise.
! Shortly after the appointment of this priest
to his parish many arrests followed in
Macedonia. It was only through a curious
, accident that suspicion finally rested on
th prleat.
A young Macedonian refugee was out
wandering over the bills one day, when he
finally lay down to rest. Below him was
a road, and on one aide of the road stood
a wooden cross, to which all passers-by.
according to custom, made tie a'.gn of the
cross. The young exile waa Well hidden in
the buahea. Preaently ha VjrTed th
parish priest approach arid, e ha reached
tha cross, ha saluted It, but not, aa a Chris
tian. Ha mada the sign of tha (Mohamme
dan appeal to Allah. The boy reported
what be had seen to an Insurgent leader.
The priest wa called away from his
home on evening shortly after by a ruse
and hi house entered by Macedonians.
This wa an act that only the gravest sus
picion could have persuaded them to com
mit. Indisputable proof of tha priest
guilt was discovered. He had entered tha
church aa a novlc yeara before and had
been a Mohammedan spy all the whll ha
waa professing Christianity.
The Intruders restored everything they
had disturbed and reported to their secret
local revolutionary committee. A tribunal
was formed at night in the neighboring
mountains, the priest waa forcibly taken
there and tried. They spent two nights
giving him full opportunity to defend him
self, but the decision went against him.
Two of the committeemen were selected by
lot, and they shot him.
An American Tricked.
An agent of a large American firearm
manufacturing house made a special visit
to the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, with the
object of getting a contract to supply the
Bulgarian army with the make of rifle
which his firm manufactured.
It was only with the greatest difficulty
that he could get his one specimen rifle
through Austria. He arrived safely In
Sofia, however, and was allowed to present
his rifle at the testing grounds, where rep
resentatives of other gun manufacturing
firms wer competing with their specimen
some German, some English. The Amer
ican rifle wa given first trial. Then came
the English and Qerman gun men. Tho
comparative penetrating merit of each
make of rifle waa carefully tested; and to
his surprise the American found his Inferior
to the others, whereas h had expected to
core especially on that one point. He In
sisted upon a second trial, but again hi bul
lets failed to penetrate the teatlng wood a
deeply aa those of hta competitors.
Of course his gun was closed out of the
contest, and he returned to Parts, much
chagrined over a defeat that he felt he
did not deserve. On the train between
Sofia and Vienna he did much thinking.
His clgara were of a remarkably good
brand, presented to him by Prince Ferdi
nand, and they helped him along to a defi
nite train of thought.
He remembered that tha valet he had
engaged In Paris had suddenly left him In
Sofia, just after his failure at the proving
range. He remembered that he claimed
to be Greek, although he had never gone
Into reminiscent talks of his native dis
trict aa a man would be likely to do with
one who waa his dally associate. Then it
struck him that the wages the fellow had
asked were remarkably small, and that he
always declined tip.
At Vienna the American got Off hi train,
went to a hotel, retired to a room and
brought out hi testing apparatus. He
opened one cartridge after another, and
carefully examined It. Each one had been
tampered with. Then he cursed the
thoughtlessness which had allowed him to
give his gun and ammunition Into the keep
ing of a Turkish spy, and kept the Bulga
rian army from being equipped with a rifle
auperlor to that used by the Turkish army.
A Rnse That Palled.
A Macedonian now In New Tork repents
a story which was told him by Boris Sara
foff when-the Macedonian leader was visit
ing Ijondon.
Sarafnff was seated in a cafe In the
Strand when a well-dressed man ap
proached him and said In excellent French,
"Tou are Mr. Barafoftr .
"I am," replied the Insurgent chief.
."I . am tha correspondent of the Paris
Matin. My name Is Monsieur Bordin,. and
I should be pleasod to have an Interview
with you for my paper."
Sarafoff talked a long time with tha man,
and noticed several things. First, the
stranger spoke French with a slight accent
not the accent of, a German or of an Eng
lishman, but that of an Asiatic Then he
seemed almost too well acquainted with
Macedonian local affairs, and asked many
curious questions a newspaper man would
not be likely to think of.. So Sarafoff de
liberately misinformed him on many points.
At last the stranger rose and reached out
his hand. Sarafoff merely bowed,, then
Adieu, Mr. Bordin, I hope we shall meet
again not here, but In Macedonia."
The man's eyes and mouth opened In as
tonishment. Then he smiled, bowed low,
and answered:
"Not likely, M. Sarafoff. That Is too dan
gerous a business." , I
Of course tha Interview never appeared
In the Paris Matin.
At the Institute for Peaf Mutes In In
dianapolis there Is a Christian Endeavor
society i of 170 member.
Augusta Wlegand, an organist and
musician of world renown, has just
died at Oswego, N. Y. He was born at
Liege, Belgium, and at the age of 7 was
organist of a leading church in his city.
Bishop Daniel Ooodsell, the new Metho
dist head for New England, bears a close
resemblance to the late Phillips Brooks.
He has officially visited many foreign coun
tries and is well known as an author.
Should tha radicals and socialists In
France succeed In the demand for the en
tire separation of church and state It
would mean a loss In yearly Income to the
Cathollo clergy of that country of more
tram ten millions.
At a Presbyterian mass meeting In Buf
falo It was predicted that all the leading
branches of that body would get together,
forming a denomination of more than
l.Hiw.OflO members. There was immense
enthusiasm over this statement.
Dr. Henry, tha new moderator of the
Presbyterlun general assembly, has been
pastor of the Princeton Presbyterian
church, Philadelphia, forty-four years.
When he had been pnstor of the church
for forty years he had made 26,500 calls.
Archbishop Ireland denies the widely cir
culated story of the gift of 1,6(,0(i0 for the
new cathedral at St. Paul. He says there
have been no large donations, for there has
ss yet been no appeal for money. The size
and scope of the cathedral will depend
largely upon the generosity of the people
Of 8t. Paul.
The American Sunday School Union has
completed its eightieth year of work on
behalf of the children on the frontier.
During the pust year the society has estab
lished 2,642 new Bible schools; 133 churchea
have developed from these schools, and
over 12,io old schools were visited by the
missionaries, who have labored In the
neglected sections of forty-two states snd
territories of the union. Twenty-seven
thousand one hundred and sixty-one copies
of the Bible were distributed among the
needy families and schools.
i iaie
Etctj mother fla
great dread of the pain
and danger attendant upon
the moat critical period
of her life. Becomine
a mother should be aonrce of )oj to all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great
jpain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's
e Tercet trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those -who uto this remedy ara no longer despondent or
gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are
overcome, tho system is made ready for tha coming event, and the
'serious accident common to the critical
hoar are obvisteii by the use of Mother's
Friend. "If i WOrth its wilrKt In crnM "
says many who have used it. fi.oo per If J
hot lie at drug stores. Book containing
valuable information of interest to all women, will
bo sent to any address free upon application to
Etching of SndAltf; LIT in Unol Esm's
Immigrant Elatioa.
Ellis Island's Hall e Jey ssi
Sorrow Movlnat Pletsre ol
Country. J
"Children snd flowers are tha sweetest
thlnga that grow!" So says one of tha
twelve matrons on Ellis Island, snd the re
maining eleven echo tha sentiment. That
they are authorities on the subject Is con
ceded by everyone who sees them on duty
among the baby Immigrants, thousands of
whom spend from one day to four months
on the Island In the course of a year.
Mrs. Stucklen, the head matron, and her
assistant, Mrs. Denny, seem to be natural
magnets with the power of attracting chil
dren to them without visible effort
They are fond of their little charges and
delight In "showing them off" before vis
itors. At the present time there ara about SO
children on Ellis Island, ranging from the
Infant In arms to the half-grown boy and
girl of 12. They represent every nationality
under the sun except Chlneae. There ar
black-eyed Italian bambinos, falr-halred
Polaka In quaint dresses which touch the
ground and hide their bare feet: Rouman
ians, Austrlans, Syrians, Arabs, Turks,
Slavs, Huns, Finns, Swedes, Russians,
West Indians, Welsh, Scotch and Germans.
They swarm all over the place, cooing,
crying and saying "Ah Goo" In foreign
Just now the detention room contains
over 100 children, many of whom would
easily carry off the honors In a beauty
show. They seem to feel very much at
home In this big room, which haa been
called "the place of a thousand smells"
and "the hall of Joy and sorrow." With
the Insouciance of childhood they pay scant
heed to the fears of white-faced mothers
who worry lest deportation instead of per
mission to enter the country be their lot
and portion. The hearts of the little Inno
cents are as light as the proverbial feather.
They neither know nor care that they may
be sent back across the sea to a land where
the struggle for existence la harder and
more bitter than In America. They make
friends with each other, play, quarrel and
have as good a time generally as children
who are free to go where they chooce.
There Is a music box In the room, and
when It grinds out a merry tune they
dance, sing and clap hands in gleeful disre
gard of the tears of their parents.
Few of them are afflicted with shyness In
the presence of strangers. They stretch
out their small hands to be shaken with a
very pleasant confidence, and the majority
of them are exceedingly polite. When the
littla Polaks sre spoken to they rise at
ones and kiss the hand of the person ad
dressing them.
A Little Polak Maid.
Among tho Interesting children now In the
detention room Is a Polak mald0f 10. She
Is a beautiful child with great gray eyes,
delicate faaturea and a sweet, wistful ex
pression. Her hair la parted Madonna
fashion and hangs down her back In two
long, blonde braids. She has a positive
genius for amusing ber compatriots by
telling them wonderful stories of dwarfs,
giants, genii, fairies and the wild folk
lore of her country. .The older people who
understand her language are aa Interested
In ths stories as their offspring. She can
make them laugh or cry at will, for she has
the knack of infusing life and movement
Into the character In her tales, and they
seem as real to the audience as they ap
parently do to herself. She presents a
quaintly picturesque figure aa she atands
In the mldat of the wide-eyed group. Her
costume consists of a purple frock reaching
to th ankles, a gayly colored apron and a
kerchief, and a necklace of gilt beads, from
which hangs a cross. Her feet are guiltless
of shoes and stockings, but they are as
white end perfectly formed as those of
Du Maurier's famous heroine. The Polak
Interpreter employed by the Ellis Island
authorities says the child will certainly de
velop Into a great actress, singer or writer,
unless the hardships of life should crush
out her genius.
A pair of French twins also help to keep
every one In the room Interested In their
movements. They possess all the vivacity
of their race and tumble In and out of
laughable scrapes all day long. Their an
tithesis is found In the person of a littla
Syrian girl who la pining for the cedara of
Lebanon. While her mother dally offer
prayers that she may be admitted Into tha
land of the free, tha child assails heaven
with petitions that the two be speedily
sent back to their own country. It Is mora
than probable that tha desire of the latter
will be granted, as the mother haa only a
few dollars, and the people to whom she
sent a message asking that they vouch for
her ability to take care of herself have not
responded, and If the officials decide that
she may become a public charge she will
soon be deported.
Despite the varying nationalities and tha
noisy gambola of the little onea, compara
tive peace reigns in the detention room all
day except when the door opens to admit
sn Ellis island employe, who calls out th
name of some person whose friends have
com to her rescue. Pandemonium follows
his announcement. Women whose names
do not sound In the remotest degree akin
to that of the Individual called out rush to
the door and eagerly ask If they ar
wanted. They are sure a husband, brother,
distant relative or. friend have come at last
to give them the open sesame that will
enable them to land on the shores toward
which they look so wistfully each day.
The employe Is assailed with questions, and
for a short time it would seem as though
the Tower of Babel had suddenly been set
down in Ellis Island. But when the lucky
one has departed with a triumphant smile
the others return to their seats and wait
patiently until the door opens once more.
' The Dally Ablations.
Exciting scenes can also be witnessed
every morning when tha matrons announce
that they are ready to assist in bathing
tha Children. ' Many of the mothers have
an unconquerable aversion to soap and
water, and the fact that their little ones
are plunged Into a bath tub seems to thera
nothing short of a slaughter of the inno
cents. The children, Ifbwever, enjoy the
novel experience. They soon learn to
splash and kick as do youngsters who have
been accustomed sine birth to dally ablu
tions, and although they Invariably try to
eat the soap on the occasion of their first
introduction to it, they rarely repeat th
Thera are usually from alx to twelve
children In tha Ellis island hospital. As a
rule they are stunted In growth and bear
traces of unwholesome nurture, but they
pick up wonderfully under the skillful
treatment ot doctors and nurses, and tha
breesc from th beautiful harbor bring a
tinge of color Into their wan facea.
Perhaia tha most Interesting place on the
island is the department where Immigrants
ara discharged. Whole families take up a
position In a room separated from tha out
side office by a wire grating. Mothers, with
their babies clasped tlyhtly In their arms
and with three or four little onea clinging
to their skirts, peer out at husbands and
relative who art uadr,,irg cres-aatul-
naUon at tha hands of tha official. Th
system la a good and vary naceaaary one.
When an Immigrant lands on Ellis Island
hi or her history Is taken. Including name,
birthplace, age, amount of money la hand,
and such other data as may aid tha "pow
ers that be" In deciding whether the Indi
vidual will make a desirable member ot tha
community. Aa aoon as the relative arrives
on tha scene the same questions are put to
him, and If the two stories hang together
all is well. The gate is opened and th
woman flies into the eager arms of her hus
band, father or other near and dear one.
Loud and prolonged kissing la tha order of
th moment and tears of Joy ar shed.
Ueanwhll the children clamor for notice,
and tha proud father almost smother them
with the ardor of his caresses. Frequently
he sees for the first time his youngest olive
branch, born since he left hi native coun
try to establish a home In America for th
little family. It is a noteworthy fact that
he makes more fuss over this new arrival
than over the older children. He Is not
content to admire It at a distance, but,
gathering It close to his heart, CTles and
croons over it like a mother over her first
born. One of the feature of these re
unions is the difference between the immi
grants' attire and that of tha man who
comes to bring them to the new nest which
he haa laboriously built up for them. Us
ually he is arrayed In "stor clothe," a
"boiled shirt," and derby hat, and not In
frequently he sports a heavy gold chain
or ornate pin with a shiny stone. His wife
wears the short skirt, apron and head
handkerchief which form part of har na
tlonal costume, and tha children's garb Is
almost grotesque. Hut to the credit of the
Americanised foreigner be it said, he 1 as
proud and happy as he conveys his oddly
dressed family Into the city as he would be
If they were decked out in the latest mode
dear to tha heart of Baxter or Elisabeth
A Pathetic Story.
Sometimes the sights witnessed In this
discharge department stir to the depths
the feelings of even the most callous offi
cial. This was the cose recently when an
East Side Hebrew appeared to claim two
tots of t and 7 years, respectively, who had
traveled from far-off Russia with no escort
or protection further than that afforded by
the togs on their necks and the kindness
of fellow-travelers and railway or steam
ship employes. While the man waited un
til his little onea could be brought down
from the' detention room he told his sad
story to the officials. He had been four
years In New York, and had slaved night
and day to save enough to send for his
wife and two children. He had almost
starved himself In his effort to put aside
their passage money and to furnish a
couple of rooms In which they could live
In comparative comfort. At last he was
able to send to them a remittance large
enough to cover their traveling expenses,
but a few days before its receipt his wife
had died suddenly. Relatives made ar
rangements to send the children to him,
and now they were here. As he finished
his narrative an official advanced leading
the tota toward him. For a aecond he
stared at them In silence, then with a wild
cry rushed forward and flung himself at
the feet of tha tiny girl. "She has her
mother's face!" he sobbed. "Her mother!
Oh, my God, my heart will burst!"
"Hush, man, don't you sea you're fright
ening them!" warned a bystander.
Instantly he suppressed his emotion, and
holding out his arms coaxed tha little ones
to coma to him. Tha boy went readily
enough, but the girl hung back, her big,
dark eyes searching his face. He talked
to her softly In the mother tongue, trying
to smile, although the tears ran down his
cheeks and his mouth quivered like a hurt
baby's. At 'last she ran Into his out
stretched arms and cuddled down In them.
He rose from the ground and strode toward
tha boat, holding her close to him, while
the boy trotted sturdily beside him. Hia
shoulders were heaving with sobs, but the
look of Joy on his face was good to see.
The official were suddenly afflicted with
bad colds, and one, gruff old fellow fairly
melted under th Influence ef fhat "on
touch of nature which make th whol
world kin."
Where Orntttnd Is Fonna.
th matron say that the foreign chil
dren are th roost grateful little creature
Imaginable. They seem to appreciate any
thing don for tbem, and have a winning
way of expreealng- their thanks. The moth
er or grateful also, and some of them,
notably tha Italian have a dieconeerUng
manner of acknowledging favors. . Aa th
mat rone paaa through the room the immi
grants are prone to plunge forward, and,
prostrating themselves, make a wild dlv
to kiss the feet of the kind-hearted women
who listen to their woes and give them
good advice as welt as practical aid.
The matron who thinks that children and
flowers are the sweetest thlrg that grow
supplements her opinion by saying she
trie very hard not to get fond ef the Ellis
Island babies, for, a ah expressed It:
"They come snd go like th wave of th
sea, and a w can't hold on to them for
any length of time It' better not to grow
attached to them, but how can on help
It?" And again th other eleven echo:
"How, indeed T" New Tork Time.
(Continued from Pag Sixteen.)
or not he should Issue his warrant, must
pass upon two questions: first whether th
person Is charged with a crime In the
tat demanding htm: and, second, whethr
he be a fugitive from the Justice of that
state. The first is a question of law
purely, and tha aecond la a question of
fact, and that queatlon of fact it seems to
ma can only be determined by Inquiring
into th fact with reference to whether
or not he be In fact a fugitive from
"That, very briefly Is the line of reason
ing by which I have coma to these conclu
sions. To sum It up. It Is very apparent
that the conclusions we have all reached
is that the petition here sets forth such
facts as constitute a cause of action, and
that the motion should be overruled, and
the order will be so made, and tha re
spondent given an exception."
One of tha new streets In Berlin has been
named for Pasteur, the noted Frenchman.
When a Russian dies ha la burled with a
paper in his hands. On this is written his
Christian name, as well as a prayer for his
soul. ,
Today triers ara approximately 1,000,000
railroad men in the United States under
what amounts to a practical rule ot total
In a Parliamentary answer the secretary
to the British admiralty gives the average
annual cost of maintaining a first-class bat
tleship of 13,000 tons aa .4,000.
Tha editor of the Horton (Kan.) Commer
cial announces that he will raise his ad
vertising rates, on the ground that "little
girls require duds Just the same aa big
There Is an "old maid" Insurance In Den
mark. Women who think they may become
old maids pay ao much a year, and at 40
receive pensions for life. If they marry
before 40 what they have paid In premiums
goea to swell the amount available fox tha
benefit of their leaa fortunate sisters.
Kennebec county, Maine, has alnce 1820
furnished ten governors, eight United
States senators, ten national representa
tives, fourteen secretaries of state, six
state treasurers, three attorney generals,
six presidents of the state senate, eleven
speakers of tha house, three cabinet offi
cials and one speaker of the national houso.
J. E. Manlx Is 88 years old and a native
of Northampton, Conn. At 14 ha swept the
floor of a small retail store in that town
and made himself generally useful at 12 a
week. Up to about ten years ago he was a
clerk of the Edward Malley company of
New Haven. Today he Is president of a
company that represents forty-two large
retail stores, which do an annual business
of $30,000,000.
The handsomest man In Pittsburg is said
to be William Wearfrlts, an ironworker. He
stands Six feet two inches and weighs 242
pounds. He Is as straight aa a flagstaff
and there la not an inch of him that Is not
fully developed Into hard, white muscle.
He has a fine face and the bearing ot the
Apollo Belvedere. Ha doea not drink. Hia
teeth are white and even and he looks aa
wholesome as a red apple. The Apollo
Belvedere of the smoky city is a very mod
est fellow and proverbially good-natured.
I illWstf and CUFFS f 7P
Warranted Linen Sspi
J V You can get them at A yLA
I llffi many reliable dealers in ry'S ' j
JUJ -ACTo'tLjyjtrjitor,N.x-----
Green Trading Stamps
Willow Springs Beer
"As pure as the bubbling spring"
Made from th famou Willow
Gprlng water and noted for It
unercelleu purity. Guaranteed the
equal of th finest beer In th world.
CosU only about 5 cento a pint in com lott, dtMvtni.
Willow Springs Brewing Co.
Phones 1306-1685. Cttjr Office) 316 5. 14th ft
fK . L.w ilt r mm a LLifi4
io KKI 4 Gold m.ltlllo balM. !
wltkMMriMM. Tk Ulr. KeM
Dnstnl SetsUtHilM nl ImII.
Sy rwr ("Mint, 4e. ia
uiaiM fkr rrtlBlr. Tct!lata
4 Rllf Wr 14 las to Mr, J n
I lira UmU. 1 e.SIHI TMIaallt. P-M br
par. W4U -gai- I'IMUa-- faW
For Menstrual Suppression T
II a box; bete. I. gala Is OawW by Bkaraam a
MoCeou!) Drug Co.. Mall fanaUa4.Tna siiiU4
' The Beat Farae Fa.
H UJJ.1'1", I !l 'lipiHIlllll
tfer" y " Tl
7145 A.M. 6:30 P.M. Lv. Omaha Arr. 8:20 A.M. 9:00 P.M.
8:00 A. M. 6:45 P. M. Lv. Council Bluffs Arr. 8:05 A. M. 8:45 P. M.
7:35 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Arr. World's Fair Station Lv. 7:45 P. M. 9:15 A. M.
7:50 P. M. 7:15 A. M. Arr. - St. Louis Lv. 7:30 p. M. 9:00 A.M.
Sold June 6, 13, 20, 27 Good 7 Days
On Sale Daily Good 15 Days
All Wabash trains run to World's Fair Station, saving time, much trouble and
extra car fare. For beautiful World's Fair folder and all information call at City Office,
1601 Farnam, or address v
HARRY E. M00RES, Gen. A. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb.