Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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Shy at the gute.
When the war between the Western end
American association was declared off
ire all looked forward te what the politi
cian call a season of unexampled pros
perity, but It doesh't appear to have struck
either of the leagues so far. Omaha Is the
only western town that Is furnlrhlng any
thing; like docnt attendance, and even the
crowds here have not threatened to break
down the grand stand yet. In Denv.T,
which always was good for a crowd, lffs
than VO people paid their way In to see the
lost Omaha game, which was described by
the Denver papers as being the fastest
game of ball ever played in the town, a
contest full of brilliant plays and sensa
tional features, in which Omaha made no
errors and Lenver made but one. Colorado
Springs has been to the bad from .the start.
Lh Moines has turned out fair crowds,
and Sioux City has done much, better than
could bave been expected from the position
of the team in the race. fit. Joseph, with
the fastest team It has had in years, is
giving the poorest support ever noted in
the Missouri town. Why Is this? In Col
orado somo excuse exists, for the business
affairs of the state have been practically
prostrated for months on account of -the
labor troubles. Colorado Springs suffers
especially from this condition, and Denver
has had more than its share of the pre
vailing stagnation; but no such condi
tions exist In the valley, and the teams
along the river are all located In towns
where business Is good and the peaple
prosperous. Sum other reason must be
in the American association the same
Condition is true. St. Paul, with a splendid
organization, a new down town park, and
the very good prospect of winning another
pennant. Is turning out week-day atten
dance around the 100 mark; Minneapolis
isn't doing much better, and the Kansas
City figures are right around the spot they
touched during the war times. One doesn't
know just what reason to ascribe for this
state of affairs. One thing is certain, the
'. attendance must Improve or the team own
ers will be further behind thaa they were
at the olose of the war.
It la a mistake to think that because the
war Is ended and some of the fancy salaries
have been out down that the article of
ball furnished la not up to the standard.
Nothing .could be farther from the facts.
Ail the teams are playing bang up good
bill, and every game Is an example of
this. In the Western league, for example,
the wide disparity between the teams, as
shown by the standing table. Is not at all
an Indication of the merit of the clubs as
playing organization. AU the valley teams
were handicapped by the weather that
prevented preparatory work, while the
mountaineers were favored with weather
that permitted them to get Into good con
dition for the opening of the season. With
long series on the home grounds, both
Denver and Colorado Springs got big starts,
but they did not repeat the string of vic
tories when theyt got away from home,
nor at home on the next showing. Bt.
Joseph has so far played the fastest and
most consistent ball of any of the teams,
and Is making a good stand right now.
Omaha has not yet quite got into the sea
son's stride, but Is coming fast, and Des
Moines Is In the same condition, Sioux
City has suffered to such extent from
difficulties attending the organisation of
an entirely new team that It appears to
be hopelessly last, and yet the new blood
that has been put Into the club seems to
Indicate "that It will have to be reckoned
with all the way from now on. It Is ab
solutely certain that the race for the pen
nant la going to be a olose as any ever
held In the west, and with the normal
degree of Interest, the attendance ought
to be on ' paying basis.
Denver has been the scene of the most
persistent assault on the port of the home
roasters ever known to history. Omaha
' 1 1 in uam m kiuiu ui mea ueieciaoie gentry
j that would rank fair In almost any sort
yiof contest, but the Omaha home roaster Is
a lily-white amateur compared to his Den
f ver -brother. Out in the mountain town
1 . the team could do nothing that would
please a large portion of the populace. It
Is roasted if It wins and roasted if it loses.
Not a good word of any kind . Is heard
for the players or the management. The
team Is one of the best that ever wore
the Denver uniform. It has played good
ball and deserves good support. If it were
'in Omaha It would have it, and It should
get it in Denver. For that matter, the
quality of base ball being presented by
the Western league Just now will com
pare with that furnished anywhere in the
country, and the pennant raoe promises
to be a scramble and not a procession from
now on. The home roaster should be
Cures All Stomach Troubles
Wo Want to Give Every Sufferer from Stomach Disorders of Xuy Kind, Coa
stipation, Asthma, Sore Throat or Lung Afflictions, Our New and
Wonderful Cure-It Shall Cost You Nothing.
Mllka Emulalon will cure you of stom
ach trouble in any form, constipation,
asthma, throat or rung afflictions. We
are so confident of this that we have de
cided to give one 60-cent bottle free of
charge to every sufferer. If you do not
know the wonderful merits of this greut
remedy and are a sufferer from any of
these afflictions, nil out the following
coupon and mull to us, VVe will then
Bend you an order which will be ac
cepted by the druggist In exchange for
the remedy. .There are no restrict Ions:
no obligations beyond your promising to
take tho remedy as prescribed. We will
puy the druggist. Your ouly expense
will be for the titainp and envelope
necessary to send the coupon to us.
This Is an honest offer nud your ac
ceptance of It means your eurly and
complete recovery from any form of
stomach trouble, constipation, asthma,
throat or lung afflictions with which
you may unfortunately 1m afflicted.
Not n Nostrum.
When your bauds or lips are chapped
the akin la In exactly the same con
dition that the lining of your throat,
bronchial tubes or stomach la when
those purta are troubling you. You
wouldn't think of using any of the medi
cine on your chappnd bands that you
take Into your stomach to cure your
Internal Ills. That's just why so many
onple are chrunlcally complaining of
Csthma, sore throat, lung afflictions and
stomach trouiiica. iiie nest reuieuy
known for chapMd akin Is ordinary
cream. Milks' Kmulslon exercises the
same healing and soothing Influence over
the mucous linings of the throat,
bronchial tubes, toiuach tnd Intestines
f chased out of town and the game given
liberal support from now on In every one
of the towns In the circuit. Omaha's
crowds are still of the right site, and the
other cities should try to equal them.
There Is much consolation In the statistics
for the last week's performance of the
Rourke family. Six grimes were played,
and all were of the fastest sort of ball,
with an even split as to results. The bat
ting tind fielding of the Omaha team were
all could reasonably be expected; In
fact, the ten m hatting average of .3i2 for
the six games Is away up. . Jack Thomas
led In the slugging, his average for the
week being a little above the .BOO mark.
Others made marked Improvements In their
standing, and the season's record for the
team was Jumped up twelve points In
batting and two points In fielding, thus
continuing the Improvement referred to
Inst week. The figures, Including the game
of Friday, for the season are:
AO. R. H. Ave. Week.
Freose S3 4 12 .875
Iolan 141 IT 44 .348
Welch 140 19 41 .114
Miller 1S9 27 45 . 23
Howard 1 27 44 .277
B'hlpke 144 1 S7 .3.7
Brown 4 1 1 .150
Thomas 153 24 87 .242
McCarthy ; 4 8 . 222
Carter 157 27 84 .217
(Joncllng Iu8 12 M .11
Pfelstex 24 1 t .1JB
Companion 32 I 4 .125
Totals 1,239 185 835 . 270
O. A. E.
TC. Ave. Week.
Pfelster 0 13 0 13 l.ono
Itrown 1 4 0 6
Clondlng 151 44 4 191 .90
Thomas 33 16 14 412 .9R8
Welch 81 2 6 89 .9:
Howard 7 102 IS 1K2
Miller B7 S (W .93!
Srhlpke 49 7S 12 191 .914
McCarthy .... 4 28 8 So .914
Companion ... 2 SO I K .914
Dolun 109 118 23 250 .908
Carter 67 t 9 81 .8S9
Freese 36 8 7 61 .8(13
' .W3
.1,007 450 99 1.556 .936
Jimmy "Chippy" McGarr, well remem
bered In Omaha as a member of the team
here in 18S8 and of other Western league
teams In ether seasons, who played with
Brooklyn and other National league teams,
and who was an umpire one season for
the National, la dead at Worcester, Mass,
his life going out In an asylum where he
has len for some time incurably Insane.
His Insanity is ascribed to his sufferlnfs
from ecsema, with which he had been
afflicted for some years. Jimmy McGarr
was one of the best third basemen- In
the business !.i his day, and was a player
who always had the attention of the grand
stand, the umpire and everybody else
about the grounds during the progress of
the game. He knew all the tricks of the
business:, good and bad, and was In the
game from start to finish, and no one could
ever tell when he was getting ready to
pull off something. If he couldn't think
of anything else to do, he would swipe a
ball or a bat from the opposing team, and
get the players stirred up that way. There
were few dull moments In the game -when
Chippy was feeling right,
Sloux City turned Tommy Hess loose
during the veek and Colorado Springs put
a can on Dusty Coons. His Dustlets Is due
In the Cotton States or some other refuge
for aged and decrepit ball players. . Omaha
showed him up twice, once here snd once
at Colorado Springs, and It was a sort of
solace to Papa BUI to see Coons get It,
for Rourke hasn't forgotten the Jump of
Dusty from Omaha to Louisville. And
maybe Dusty will remember It, now. Still,
there's hope for him. Podge Alloway and
Theo Breltenstein are doing well In the
south, and there's where Goons should head,
Young Brown, who Joined the Omaha
team at Lincoln and won from Des Moines
on Thursday, appears to be sit that his
colllege record promised for him. He has
splendid control, plenty of speed and a
great assortment of curves. With the
proper coaching he will become a 'great
pitcher. The Rourkea are pretty well fixed
in the delivery department Just now, and
there ought to be something doing.
It Is surprising how much faster a man
can learn to do a thing when It's for pleas
ure purpose than when it Is to be done In
the line of work. It doesn't take the
ordinary man more than a day or two
to get on the knack of runnnlng an auto
mobile, no matter If he doesn't know the
difference between a steam guage and a
washing machine and most of those who
purchase auto are of this order when it
comes to mechanics. But If the same man
were to undertake to run an electric car
It would take him weeks of painstaking
labor, and then he would probably go
that cream does over the external akin.
When your throat Is sore; when you
hnvo sharp, shooting pains In the chest;
when your stomach la out of order, and
the doctor calls It catarrh or Indigestion
or any of the other common names, the
afflicted parts are in the same sore,
cracked and sick condition that your
rough and wind-cracked handa often are
In. Much dependa upon the condition of
your skin. When it la soft and firm
there Is no pain. WJien It la rough and
chapped every move of the affected
parts causes suffering. The akin, or
mucous lining of (he internal parts, per
forms Important functions. When 1t
gets into the rough and sore condition
these functions are Improperly and pain
fully performed. If It Is the stomach,
the proper secretions are not produced,
the food Is poorly digested, constipation
results aud from- this may develop any
of the Innumerable afflictions which be
set the human IkhIj.
It all starts from the unnatural condi
tion of the lining of the affected pun.
It is useless to treat indigestion or con
stipation, treat the mucous lining of the
stomach. Restore It to Its natural and
healthful condition and all the other Ilia
will soon disappear.
Milks' EmUielon la Just the thing to
use when the throat la dry and sore, or
when the secretions t the stomach are
Inadequate to digest the food. The
relief la Immediate and positive. It Is
so delightfully pleasant to the taste that
children eat It eagerly. Iht tempera
backward for the first month or so. Gould
Diets, who recently purchased a White
"steamer" surprised a number of hi
friends the next day after he acquired hi
purchase by calling around te take them
out for a spin. He has thus far never
had the least i trouble In controlling the
animal nor lias he run over a cat
or a dog, so far as heard from.
George Holmes of Lincoln has been
among the Omaha visitors during the pre
sent week, snd while he came on the cars
went home on his own chug wagon over
land. He, saw and fell In love with
White and purchased It on the spot. The
rain had made the road Into rivers
some points, but with a man to wade
ahnd and cast a lead occasionally,
reports that he got along very well. Holmes
was accompanied on the trip by Mr. Sidles
of his own town, who drove a Cadillac,
One of the quickest auto trips that ha
been made in tnls vicinity this season
considering the condition of the roads, wa
that taken by O. C. Chrlstlanson
Fremont Wednesday afternoon. He left
here in his auto at S o'clock in the after
noon and was at home all unharnessed at
4 o'clock. Then he came back the nex
day to brag about it in about the same
length of time.
w ouia that some of the doubting
Thomases, who believe that sailing a boat
is but another way of loating, could have
been at Lake Manawa last Saturday and
Sunday while the races were In progress,
They certulnly would have been obliged to
take a reef In their opinions. It was
wild hike for the high side of the boats
from start to finish, with a mixture o
"low-brldgo" on a smashing Jibe when
those big sails swung around, and a good
deal of gymnastic work when tho light
sails had to be set. On Saturday the
Manawa won In a heavy breeze. The Argo
lost, partly through the crew getting Its
wires crossed when they tried to shake a
reef. The .Manawa crew on that day sailed
a perfect race, and worked with a rush
that was right. Everything seemed to
come their way except tho swash, and they
shook their reef In an Instant. But the
next day the pride that goeth before
fall got In' Its work from the call of time,
and the crew went down to ignomlnous
defeat. Maybe it was the bright new oil
skins that the Manawa men donned for the
occasion that spoiled their luck. Anyhow
they operated like land lubbers while the
Argo sailors hove away like true sea dogs,
The Manawa's crew didn't come to until
the other boat was so far In the lead that
there was nothing doing. They were beaten
by two full minutes. This gives the Argo
three of the trial races and the Manawa
one, with four more to be sailed. The In
terest as to which will defend the cup when
the St Joe men come after It Is becoming
Intense, and while the Argo has the better
of the argument so far It Is no sign that
It will have when the other races have
been finished. It Is the general opinion
that either of these boats will do all kinds
of fancy blowing around the craft fyom
aown the river. But that suggestion, too,
Is subject to change without notice, for no
one knows the first thing about the kind
of boat that will be sent against the cup
defenders, whichever It may be. One thing
la certain, it will have to be of tl)e flying
machine order to turn the trick. Empkie,
Hass and Rogers compose the committee
to select the defender, as between the Man
awa and Argo, and upon their Judgment
much of the happiness of the club depends.
Manager Chambers of the Field club ball
team is a long way from being cast down
or broken up over the failure of his green
backs to play winning ball. He accounts
for the fact that they have made the heavy
end of the score only once out of five or
six tries on a very logical ground, too. For
one reason and another he has been obliged
to switch the positions of his men In nearly
every game that has been played, and if
there Is one thing more than another that
will file off all the fine points of a team's
playing, as a team, that Is It. Put a man
onto first base or into. left field, or any
other position, and let him stay there until
he has demonstrated that that's his posl
tlon or that It isn't and very soon the men
will begin to fit together In a way that will
win games, but where a manager has to
play his shortstop on first- one day and be
hind the bat the next there are bound to
be errors that will do things to the best
nine players that ever chewed gum. Cham
ber's middle field man who had to cover
second bag in the hard-fought game with
the Thurston Rifle team the other day,
made an error that lost the game by let
ting In two runs In the tenth inning, when
the Field club men had the game p recti
cally won by one tally. And there you are
for a case In .point. Tou couldn't blame
the man, either. He did the best he oould,
but he was out of place and proved it.
That second Field club team that lined up
In Its final form for the first time the other
day Is no slouch, either, Judging by the
way it tore up the diamond dirt around
the vicinity of 'the home plate. If it keeps
to that gait it will soon be able to furnish
ture of the body quickly dissolves the
Emulsion, wtilch la quickly absorbed by
the lining of the affected parts and thus
soothing and healing the sore and un
healthy mucous membrane.
Thousands have voluntarily sent their
endorsements of Milks' Emulsion. to us.
Don't take our word for It Let ua send
you their addresses and you can ask
How to Get a 50-csnt
Bottle Free.
We want you to take Milks' Emulsion
for any affliction of the mucoua mem
brane. We will give you the flrat BO-cent
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do not obligate yourself to ua, beyond a
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rectlona printed on the . bottle. Fill out
and mall thla coupon to ua:
138 Fourth Bt., Terre Haute, Ind.
Orntlnmen: I accept your generous
offer to send me a free Flfty-ont bot.
tie of your remedy. I shall take the
remedy mvself and will follow the dl
rTtinns fulthfully. I have never taken
Milk.' Emulsion.
Street and No.
County -
This coupon must first be sent to the
Mllka' KiDulalua Co., Terre Haute,
Ind., and not to the local druggist.
Bold at drug Of partuost of the Dos ton
Btqra, v
Ask for
The Deer That
very vunhappy hour and a half for the
"big boys."
That much talked of base ball game be
tween the hard worked employes who kill
time at the city hall and those who eke
out a miserable existence at the expense of
the county seems to have dropped out of
sight with a loud kerplunk. The county
plodders had a challenge all framed up
and partly written by the master hand
of Charlie Moriarty of the district clerk's
offloe, but whether it died a-bornlng or what
did become of It nobody seems to know,
and If they do they won't tell. It's too
bad. too, for that game was to have been
for blood and other liquid things of a
more inspiring and cheerful nature and to
have It passed up Just as tb,e heated term
is getting, in Its strong licks seems a pity.
Meantime, now that the county boys have
crawled into their holes and pulled the
holes in after them, the city fellows are all
swelling up and saying: "Course they
didn't dare to challenge US." But then, the
good old summer time hasn't gone by and
the county laborers may screw their cour
age up to the sticking point yet
Speaking of sclenUflo games of ball, about
the most elaborate one that has been 'played
at In thin village for a good while took
place last Sunday between the married
men and those who are not known to be
married wbo compose the Heidelberg club
and vote, most of the time, in the Second
ward. There were three policemen, two
doctors of medicine, one of law and none
of divinity, and the rest butchers and va
rlous things, and Clyde Snndblad, whose
occupation is somewhat a matter of doubt.
He played on the .unmarried men's side.
The game took place on a back lot In the
Second ward and with the score 67 to 53,
or something like that, at the end of the
second Inning was called on account of
darkness and because the third base com
mlssary department had all turned to foam
on account of exposure to the hot sun
But they are going to try It galn and by
starting the day before see If they cannot
finish the nine Innings.
The nice things that she members of the
Omaha Driving club are saying of them
selves and each- other these days are per
fectly natural, as well as excusable, under
the circumstances that attended their first
and now their second meet of the season.
In . view of the unparalleled success that
attended the first venture the president and
other officers of the organization have
deemed It advisable to go a step further,
and In conformity with this last projeot
Secretary Carr has issued circulars to all
the club members In which he notifies them
that the park commission has finished the
construction of what Is known as the
speedway, along the southwest boulevard,
about two blocks south of Hanscom park.
'and have taken great pains and Incurred
much expense In preparing the same for
exhibitions of speed by the culsens of
Omaha." Without stopping to geny that
any of the "oltlzens of Omaha" are par
ticularly fast it has been demonstrated to
everybody's satisfaction that they have
some fast horses, and for that reason It
has been thought best to ask the club
members and their friends to Join In a
parade and practice exhibition each alter
nate Saturday afternoon, when the weather
will permit, the next meet being this
coming Saturday. These races will be en
tirely informal, and any owner of a fsst
horse or one threatened with speed will
be welcome to contest. Incidentally, in
response to the expressed wish of a num
ber of Council Bluffs horsemen who desire
to become members of the club proper It
has been decided to make a material re
duction In the membership fee for such,
who are so far removed from the track that
they will not derive as much benefit there
from as local members..
One amusement Institution that has
served to while away many a weary hour
for the muscular youth of this city went
by the board last week, when the Gate
City bowling alleys were torn up and out
to give plaoe In the near future to a store
of some description. These alleys were
among the first and beet In this city since
the time when bowling under present rules
nd regulations became a fad in the middle
west, and many are the hard-fought team
battles and many the hair-raising shots and
scores that have been made upon them.
Meantime the Omaha Bowling association's
I leys are drawing their usual crowd of
enthusiasts, upon whom the enervating
effects of summer weather seem to be
The pink Journals of Chicago are getting
up on their hindermost legs and printing
big headlines over the fact that the-hones
at the Garfield Park Driving association's
matinee went a half mile in and around
U, hitched to a cart and driven by their
wners. Thats notmn'. A weea texore
the Chicago performance at least fuur
horses owned In this city clipped this mark
by from on to three seconds; and they
Compare Our Methods
You will realize then why Schlitz beer is pure.
You wash a-cooking utensil once. We wash a bottle four
times, by machinery, before we fill it.
You use city water. We bore down 1400 feet to rock for ours.
You prepare food in the air of the room. We cool Schlitz
beer in plate-glass rooms and filter all the air that touches it.
Then we filter the beer by machinery filter it through
white wood pulp.
Yet your methods are cleanly. Ours are cleanliness carried
to extremes.
Then for fear of a touch of impurity we sterilize every
bottle after it is sealed. We double the necessary cost
of our brewing to give you a healthful beverage pure.
Do you wonder that we sell over a million barrels annually?
the brewery bottling.
had to be mud horses to do It at that,
while the Chicago bunch had a fast track
and two or three hands and things to go
with. As a matter of fact, there isn't a
grain of braggadocio In the statement that
there are mighty few cities in this country
of twice the size of Omaha that can show
up as speedy and altogether as prepossess
ing a string of nonprofessional performers
as this same Omaha, and when a town like
Chicago doesdig up a matinee race In pro
fessional time there's some display adver
tising done right away. Meantime the
Omaha Driving club Is showing up some
horse flesh that Is matinee stuff now but
keep your optic on a few of the leaders and
see where they land in the course of a year
or two.
The Country, club has been challenged
and accepted the defl to play a return
match with the Field club on the morning
of the glorious Fourth. It is to be an
eighteen hole match, and whether the Field
club managers have selected the morning
of the Fourth In the hope and belief that
the opposing players will have celebrated
so vigorously the night before as to be
unablo to handle their sticks beg pardon,
clubs as effectively as heretofore, does not
appear on the surface. It is a fact that
the same players will not be pitted against
the Country club players as were so un
mercifully walloped by the latter a week
or two ago. Under a new order of things
the men selected to uphold the golf prowess
of the Field club this time will have . to
win their spurs to wear them, on the
Fourth of July occasion. In other words, a
team of twenty men is now enrolled at the
Field club, divided into four flights of five
men each, graded aeeordlngto the work
they do. It is the privilege' qf any man
In any of the subordinate classes to chal
lenge a man in the next class above, and
If he succeeds In putting him Into clear In
regular play on the course then Mr. High
class man steps down a peg and the chal
lenger moves up a notch.' By the same
token, any player of the club not a mem
ber of either of the four classes may chal
lenge the play of any man In the lowest
class, and thus, If he be able, work his
way to the society of the high five. In
this way It Is expected to determine who
are the best players In the organisation,
without any regard ,to race, color or
previous condition of servitude.
Bpeatflng of the Field club golf and Its
players: They now have something that la
worth striving for, If' ever a club had In
the magnificent silver oup that has been
presented them by Charles D. Beaton. It
is of the loving cup style, with three
ebony handles, heavily mounted, and stands
upon an ebony pedestal. The cup Itself
stands eighteen Inches high, Is gold lined,
and. altogether, a truly beautiful souvenir
that cost something more than $100, and Is
a trophy that any man might be proud to
possess. It Is engraven with the name of
the donor and is to be known as the Beaton
golf cup. In order to become the abso
lute property of any member of the club
It must be won for three seasons. It
Is to be played for at handicap medal
play the second Saturday of each month,
the first game of this series having taken
place yesterday afternoon. At the end of
the season the winners of the summer will
line up and play off to see who shall have
the oustody of the trophy for the first
year. Besides being valuable In Itself, the
cup cannot fall of creating an Interest and
rivalry that will unquestionably improve
the general play of the club.
The seven splendid courts of the St
Croix Tennis club are at last in perfect
condition and have so been for several days,
and already two or three of them are under
gamea all of the afternoon and evening
hours. The club bouse Itself has not as
yet materialized and, discouraged with the
difficulties encountered, the managers of
the organization will make no further effort
to get the bouse built for the present They
have come to this conclusion on the ground
that they would rather have the courts
without any house during the time that the
game can be played than have the tennis
spoiled for a major part of the season, as
It doubtless would be by the building, and
thus be without either house or courts.
Meantime, a large tent has been ereoted
that serves for a shelter and nearly every
other purpose that a really and truly house
could be utilised for and the game jroas
merrily on without Interruption. Already
a handicap tournament has been arranged
and begun, the first sets having been played
yesterday afternoon. The entries number
nearly thirty of the best known players of
the city, among them buing Young and
Chase, who figured so prominently In the
Field club tourney last week, and a number
of other equally good players, not members
of the Field club, who will give the young
sters mentioned a good run for their
money. One of these Is Ovltt, who has a
back hand stroke and a return ball that Is
a revelation to those who go up against
him and who, the wine ones say. Is amply
well qualified to sustain the reputation of
the Bt. Croix club against' all local racket
players. The rains of the last week or two
Phone 918, Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co.,
719 S. 9th St., Omaha, Neb. .
have caused the St Croix managers lots
of trouble and cost them no little money to
keep their courts in oondillon, but they are
not aloue lu this annoyance for the same
cause is assignable for a depression in all
kinds of sporta throughout thla part of
the country.
There are 190,227 professional beggars In
Spain. In some of the cities beggars are
licensed to'cafor on their trade. Beeklng
alms Is recognized as legitimate business
and the municipality demanda a percentage
upon the collections. Seville Is the only
city in the kingdom which forbida begging
in the streets.
Prof. Drum of Bucknell university, Ijew
lsburg, Pa., went on a fishing excursion
Decoration day. While on bis way home
he fell in with an affable stranger, who.
seeing the professor's fishing tackle, asked
mm: what luck?" The doctor showed his
catch, whereupon the stranger remarked:
"Mphm. I'm Fish Warden Burkloy. You've
been fishing out Of season." and the day's
outing cost the professor something close
to ssu.
Among several orders posted at the St
Loula World'a fair camp of the West Point
cadets is this onet "Cadets, dartoina? with
ladies, must dance with their left arm ex
tended, and under no clrcumstanoea will
they be allowed to bend the right elbow so
as to draw their partners olose to them.
The dancing Instructions are the subjeot of
muoa aiscusslon in and around the camn.
The cadets think that as they are away
irom scnooi and on a seuil -vacation trip
they should be allowed more liberty, evea
to the extent of drawing their partners at
the dance a little closer, If she has no ob
jection, and bending up the arm to the
snouider, as is in vogue generally.
Peter Sater. of Sloux Falls Is the name of
a strong man who la surprising all by hla
marvelous teats. He is a Norwegian, about
24. Sater lsa section hand on the Great
Northern between Sioux Falls and Caret
son. On one occasion he fastened a strap
arouna an anvil in a blacksmith shon.
placed the end of the strap between his
teeth and walked away with the anvu. At
anotner time by means of a rope and his
teeth he lifted a I00.pound granite hitching
block dear of the ground. Another feat
is to take three sacks of sugar, weighing
100 pounds each, grasp them with his teeth
by the corners and lift them clear of the
Some comment has been indulged In be
cause Secretary Hay, so closely associated
with Lincoln during the civil war, had no
speaking engagement on Decoration day.
Tho explanation la that the president and
the man next In succession to the chief
magistracy seldom If ever leave Washing
ton at the same time, a it ia not thought
aavisaDie mat Doth should be exposed
simultaneously to the dangers of travel
While MoKlnley and Hobart were serving
together they once planned to make a trip
iu new iorn together. As soon as this
was announced a number of senators has
tened to the White House and protested
against such action. The plana were
changed and although both went to New
York they went over different railroads
that the danger from accident might be
A landed proprietor of the government of
Ufa, Russia, writes to a local paper: "A
typical German tricksUr arrived at our vil
lage of Anaetaeevka on April 12 and an
nounced that the first Japanese prisoner
was coming along In an Iron box, and that
if the Mir (Communal Council) voted a sum
of I roubles the peasants would be allowed
to hear him squeal tor mercy and afterward
sing hla national war song. The Mir ap
parently voted the money, for the perform
ance waa in full progress outside the state
public house when I arrived. On a table
In the roadway waa a small bos, from a
trumpet affixed to which issued In good
but squeaky English the famous 'Ta-ra-ra-Boom-Uo-ay.'
Even though bis right hand la crippled.
George Sherry of South Bethlehem, Pa.,
still In his teens, who Is In great demand aa
a piano player at dances and parties, la the
champion endurance piano player of Amer
ica, winning the distinction when he lapped
Champion Walerbury's record of twenty
six hours by thirty-five minutes. Sherry
started in playing at t o'clock In the eve
ning and at 10:88 the following night he
waa forced to quit by Dr. Evrand, who had
been constantly at his side, giving htm
nourishment, chafing his swollen wrists and
arms and refreshing him with applications
of cold lotions. Sherry played 1,103 pieces
of mualo without cessation In his world's
record performance. His right hand waa
crlppltd at the steel works two years ago
by a heavy hammer that crushed It. The
fingers are almost useless, and he strikes
the right hand keys mostly with the sec- j
ond Joint of the thumb.
EVERY man the broker,
the financial man, the
man who works whh brain
and nerve in any line is the
man -who needs the help of an
It will remove the strain,
which unconsciously con
sumes nerve energy.
Unconscious physical effort
is just aa trying as conscious
effort has fust as much effect
on the mind, nerves and mus
cles, Ask any vigorous.strong,
healthy, right-minded man
wbo wears an O-P-C, what he
thinks of it His answer will
be a revelation to you.
O-P-C suspensories are sold by
nearly all druggist. No doubt
your druggist ha them.
we imuiv yvn n win vc 10 your
IntcreM to insist upon the O-P-C
If your dealer wfll not supply
nt, Mnd to ua Mo. i O-P-C lisle.
No. 3 O-P-C, silk, fLjo.
"The Mark of the Master," an
latere. ting booklet, giving
reasons why every mtfl should
wear sa O-P-C suspensory, scat
free upon request.
, Bauer & Black
Ml Twtstynrts St. Calcage, U. S. A
k potmvi cum row
tin 1 sisl ssta St OES MOINES. IOWA
What To Est
fend far oapy. It scats or ttw a year.
&UaUe Hka ArUatas, Tab! Stories,
Jeta, Pmw, Clever Teejrta. A good
friend te brighten janr Wsnre m.
Bnenta. Fall ef stavel suggestions' for
rw im Hn BMibti.
.. a. Mitaiir Ai hrat at ta
WHAT TO BUT ' (Meat!? SU
edungeaa - Pits Ave
To try a 6o Monogram Cigar. It Is the
producer of happiness and good cheer.
Try one.
w. r.
1404 foualas
World's Fair and Suburban Handicap.
Write for quotations. Commissions handled
on all races.
Long Plstancs fhonea Yards (8 and VA.
2 ITS'