The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES fcS TO 24. www 1 r ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 187L OMAIIA, SUNDAY MOUSING, JUNE 12, 1904. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. .J. . l -.. i .-. .. . . L, nIrY . A-- W vmsT Vsvaw VWbW sakw av -mmm 1 sajsaw ssasam- B jfT? -Vi ' 1 '" jjju' in"1"" " " i 1 " 1 i-1-nil II-in" i r Ci f r ! ! 7 Bring Your Eye Troubles to Our Opt ician. Another of Our Now Famous Spectacle Sales AGAIN MONDAY Gold F cles or with billed Spocta r Eyeglasses, I lenses .. Vpil And $5.00 in ureon Trading Stamps. H TOP Everybody's Shoe Place Why not have the latest style when you buy your Summer Ox fords? Bennett Has Them! Men's tan Russia Calf Oxfords, most shapely toes, $?.00 values, at--"- Men's Patent Colt Ox fords, in four different shapes, $ CA values, at-' Men's chocolate Vici Lace Shoes, Regent, '$250, t ty t 30 different styles of ladies' and children's Oxfords and Slippers and at prices that defy competition. Holiday Books M tflDICllOlSLY LOW PRICES LAY IN A SUPPLY OF GOOD BOOKS TOE YOUtt VACATION TRIP. Monday we offer the best literature wo carry In stock. NO. 1 A larg line of paper back novel bought at half their value the lot embraces 280 subjects, written by standard anthers marked to Bell at 25c Monday, our price, each .... -..6c NO. 4l complete Una of handsome cloth-bound book all subjects his tory, romance, travel, fiction, biography, poetry and religion -written great author books are printed on good, papera sens tlonal p. ''a for Monday, eacn. . . . I Ilv NO. 8 Popular copyright books, such books aa "The Virginian," by Owen Winter; "The Ona Woman." by Dixon; "Calumet 'K " by Merln Web ster; "The Choir Invisible," by Jamas Lane Allan: "The Heart of Rome," by F. Marlon Crawford. These books are printed on good book paper, In large. . clear type and are paper bound. Our sensational offer for Monday Q each. , . . 10C At tm Boak Stall-Mala Floor. SWINGING H&mmock Sale To Last All This Week The best selected, most sub stantial 'and greatest assort ment of Hammocks ever shown in Omaha every imaginable design in woof or warp or color. Hammocks of all descriptions with pillows and val- Lftf ances, up from Out We purchased an Immense quantity got a rook-bottom price we share the advantage lth you. During this sale every Hammock sold will carry $.VOO worth of GUKKX TRADING STAMPS with It Sportla Goods Dept. Main Floor. Silks'. Silks! Notice what marvelous 51lk ara bslnx offered at Bsaaett'a foi Monday, at prices beyond a doubt lower than any previous sale. We have 600 exclusive Shirt W alst Suit Patterns. In choice colors anu styles, that for one day MONDAY will bs as follows: 60 choice patterns of fifteen yards each for O pattern " u choice patterns of fifteen yards each for " 7c pattern J 100 choice patterns of fifteen yards each for ETC pattern 100 choice patterns of fifteen yards each for T rj pattern .iJVJF 76 choice patterns of fifteen yards each for Q 60 choloe patterns of fifteen yards each for 4 4 IE pattern 1 JS choice patterns of fifteen'-yards each for f R pattern 1 J.UU 26 choice patterns of fifteen yards each for Q 7 pRtvji 'O-iO Wash eUki, In plain white in Japs, China and Habutal IE. at $1.16. '160, 66c, 6O0 and Cloth of Gold Pongees for suits and coats In $8 Inches wide the 4 an $2.26 quality for Monday for I.vfvJF Have received another larg-e, fine line Grenandlnes, Chlffonettre and Silk Qrr Voiles 18-ln. wide that are bargains for V our price Monday only. Black Taffetas for drop skirts or trimming- the kind that will wear, for Monday's big sale 10 Inches wide the 79c quality at SOc 19 Inches wldo the 95c quality at 65c 24 Inches wide the $1.10 quality at 75c 21 inches wide the $1.35 quality at : I. OO 27 Inches wide the $1.25 quality at 89c 80 Inches wide the $1.25 quality at 75o 30 Inches wide the $L50 quality at I.OO rnKSBBSSm W&tttt&IffrW fc:-VVf' VfWiPTO V ml mm m m Wash Goods from Sweelser Pembrook Auction We are seling Wash Goods for leas money than they cost to manufacture. Be 5c 15c 18c From 9 to 12 Monday we will sell the choice of 2tt pieces very fins Im ported pin dot Drens SwUsos light and dark ground with Cn white dots worth SOc yard at, yard , ANT TIME MONDAY, plain whits Organdies worth 16o yard for, yard 200 pieces prrtty new Printed lawns and Dimities a good 16o wash goods special yurd 1,6m plpoes Trench Novelty Sultlnirs In almost every well known and e elusive Clemen and texture every color, ntaae and nnmn goods in this Immense assortment worth up to 4to a yard special 160 pieces new Suitings heavy, medium and light weight all the new colorings worth 36c yard special, yard India Linons from the Swcetser Pembrook Auction ISO pieces fine sheer round thread snow white India Llnona a fine 20c value special, yard 176 pieces very sheer Persian Lawn a fine 29o quality special, yard 150 pieces black India Unons a grade sold In New York at 16o yard special, yard .... Big Bargains for the Housekeeper 66-Inch bleached and unbleached Table Linen all pretty, new pat- BQn terns regular 75o values only, yard '5rW 60 dozen Table Napkins 22x22-lnch floral patterns all linen f f5 regular $2.60 quality only, dozen ,.' 200 hemstitched LINKN TABLE CLOTHS-A11 linen Kematitched Table cloths In 2. 2H and 3-yard leng ths special for Monday 4 OSS per cloth $1.96, $1.76 and I.OO 124c .20c ..10c TJ-i !idltJH 100 dozen bleached Huck Towel s-18x38-peclal sale only- 2r.crrfVt:riv4-:ii :.-7y.ii,:y-.j--7fii9i:'w! saarh 1 . MiiM- VJ .-TMV-TVJ . A 7 -.. H-V.- f-- T.H V it 'JiTe.'HT J(,5 1 k . iS 10c SHORT KIMONAU-In fancy silk orep-b&nd-palnt6d in eiegiuii aesig7ik LONO KLMONAfl In Japanese crepe plain ooiors, iancy ooraors oaon e mum l e ee OgO KIMONA8 la fancy orep- LONO KIMONAS-slIk crepe fujicy ooiors LONG KTMONAS silk erepe, fine jap sua lining , , KIMONA8 rlaln Jap silk, black and all colors, $8.95 and , .;, LONG. KIMONA8 fancy Jap silk 9iou una . . . . Importations from Japan. JTJ8T OPENED, TWO CASES OB" EXCLUSIVE STTT.KS IN LONO AND BHORT K1MONA8 DIRECT FROM JAPAN. EXTREME IN STYLE EXTREME IN PATTERN, THE NOBBIEST GARMENT OUT. lf SHORT KIMONAS IN CREPE, PLAIN COLORS, fancy borders.... If .6.95 -.1.95 1.95 ..4.25 14.50 .5.75 .9.90 Women's New Wear from the Sweetser-Pem-brook Auction Sale. WOMEN'S BLACK LAWN SUITS-really A r worth $7.50-at : M 4.y5 WOMEN'S BLACK AND WHITE FIGURED BUTTS 4 fB $4.76 quality at .,4.10 WOMEN'S BLACK AND WHITE A-ND TAN AND WHITE A OK CHECKED CHEVIOT WASH SUITS $8.60 quallty-at BLACK SATEEN AND MERCERIZED PETTICOATS 4 n three oasea worth up to $2.00 at , l.lil Special Sale of Wash Waists Monday. CUT PRICES t-n 98c, 89o, 76o, 6o and OUC BULGARIAN BJM fi ROIDBRY SCARFS table squares and circles, mate. doylies and cushion covers the very laUist. Ribbon Sale from the Sweetser-Pembrook Stock Monday. 600 PIECES FA NOT RIBBONS 01 worth 16o and 20o a yard at OtC ONE THOUSAND PIECES SATIN BACK VELVET RIBBON BLACK AND ALL COLOKS-at, piece ... SmSC ONE CASE WHITE WASH BELTS tn plendld vaJue $6o and , lUC CORSETS FROM THE SWBBTSCR-PEVTBROOK STOCK r sizes only 20, 27, 28, 9. and to,oolurs white and drab, worth to L.M OC CORSETS AND GIRDLES, COUTILU AKD BATISTE A O regular 76o qualltlea-t . w.fOC WOMEN'S UNION SUITS fine oream r and whits knit-worth 45o-at...... M.IVC , mmmm ne snk Lisie Under- n ICrnil'fl WeaF WOrth 2 g at figment 3W Men's Balbriggan Union Suits, Clothing Dept. Sweetser-Pembrook Clean Up 00 ha 1 ;o; . 'jf, ri'wv .ir..tf3Wi. worth $1.2?, go at Thitits of Mens Shirts, fiCR valut to $150, go at MM Thousands of Men's Shirts, vninA tn b5Q. (to at -..p il-OS-P - f 0 . i The balance of Sweetser-Pembrook Men's Handkerchiefs, value, to l?c, Big lot of Suspenders from last ship ment, value to ?0c, 2 gO at " ;- .-,.i ni. Furniture Items Of More than Usual Interest to Sum- mer Home Furnishers Iron Beds Scroll design, substantially mada, all colors, 12.71 valus, Continuous post, heavy 4 ra. Olllua, 8.M vidua, at VO Continuous post, extended toot end ariisUa design, til vsJu, y gQ Continuous post extra heavy, brass scroll, bead and foot 1,4 (tt nd, 21 valus, at I4.VO Rockers Ladles' Sewing Rockar, shapsd .ml, well Bmahsd, 7I, $130 Talus, at ..'C Reed Rorker with anrkS, handsome designs, KM value, j (Jg Solid Oak. shaped aeat asd arms, larp. and comfortable, 'I 7Ei $6.uj value, at O.O Dining Chairs .90c Cans seat, braes arms, w finished, $1.26 value, at.... Solid Oak, seat upholstered with pan tasote, $2.00 valus, I 25 Solid Oak seat, upholstered wtth gen-' ulne leather, $2.Su value, gQ Genuine box seat cauatauclloa cana seat. French leg, JJ.OO value, JQ"J Dook Cases Crrmtx nation Book Case and Writing Iesk, solid oak, tJ value, 1 1 Qg Combination Book Case and Writing Desk, solid oak, polished, large bev elwl mirror, oval glass dour, ii sa $-2 value, at IO.OU Combination Book Case and Writing lek, genuine mahnsany, I drawers, finely earved, 3b valy, 2g Qg Grocery A JUNE BUNCH Monday, June 13, we place on sale two thousand two hun dred and twenty-five paper sacks filled with the following lifct of first-clana ( ( f Groceries for .... t-pIsUU And ?3 worth Green Trading Stamps: 1 can Omar Pean.. w. ...... 1 can Brockport Tomatoes. 1 ran Fancy Steak Salmon.. 1 can gllred Peaches. .. ..... 2 pkga. Uneeda Blscnlta.... 1 can Snyder's Soup.. . tOo 1 lb. CaroUna Rico go 1 Jar Preserves.... Qo 17Ko ....12 So 23o lOo lOo Total... .... UD HTB IKLXARS WOnTH STAMPS. si MILLINERY MILLINERY SOMBJ REAL GOOD OFFERS FOR MONDAY. For the Ladies, at $2.98 a Trimmed Hat, made of tucked chiffon, trimmed Mth flowers, steel ornaments y CIQ and velvet ribbon, worth ?6 and 5, at. . . . . ... . O A Hat for the ladies at $5.75 A nobby trimmed hat, made of Pyroxyline braid in delicate and rich colors trimmed with white roses and forget-me-notS) rich pearl ornaments and ribbon worth $9.00 and C 7 C $10.00 at . J The New French Sailors, ranging in price from $5.00 to $1.75 a good assortment of Duck and Bataria CI Q J lata, ranging from $3.00 to.... ........... .-.,ayOi WALL PAPER TO CLOSE) OUT X FEW 6 MALL LOTS IK WALii PAPER WB HAVE REDUCED THE PRICB TO LB-M THAN OP THEIR ACTUAI. VALUES. roll For bed rooms, up from--er Fur bails, store rooms, oto., Up front Parlor, dining rooius, eto., up from Mn. M French Tapestiiss, up fronvper roll. . . .ISi Wall Paper Cleaner per can M ya Room Monldli.g. up rom tur foot to AND DOUBLE; ORBiKN TflAJDrKO STAMPS MOM DAT AND aOJEaDAY. THIRD FLOOR. Art! Art! Summer Bargains That Aro Live Ones. m 600 PICTURES, In gilt fram.s. neat name plates en each X ttia oRTbon ttee, the choicest ut Jeots ever offered for the rice 25c And S3 00 worth of Little Oreen Stickers with every one sold. PRAITTTFUL PICTI'RFJa FOR JTTNH WKUDINOa and graduation gifts, elerant remembranoea prices to suit the oSn pocketbook of everybody tHO to. ...-' PTROORAPHT DRESSER BOXES regu larly lift-sale 4 Cfl price .. I.OV PIG PHOTO BOXES regularly e ort 1 6-eale price PHOTO FRAMFlH-regularly o fQr ana 46c sale price --' PA NELirt great variety of slsee AQn regularly 0o sals piioe SHE) WINDOW DISPLAY. In the Crockery I r i " Corridors MASON FRUIT JAR CAPS WTTH RUBBERS, per dosen 24c And $2.00 In Little Green BUckers. FIVE) TIMES ORBEN TRADING STAMPS ON A-LL OUR RICH CUT OLASS. LARGEST LIKE IN THE CITY. NOTH ING MORS SUITABLE FOR THE JTTNB BRIDE. Dinnerware Specials liOO-plece sots HIGH GRADE ENGLISH POBCEl-AINthe product of those two most famed of English potters, Johnson Bros, and W. H. Grlndley A Co. all niled In transfer decorations with gold treat ment we fully guarantee these to be equal to any ai.ti.ou sets on the marVuH they are sold regularly by us for tiS.ii, u!m snd $14.60 YOUR CHOICE MONDAY FOR.. 10.00 ONE GALLON STONE CROCKS eaoh 10c And $3.00 In Little Green etlokers. CondlUons: limit of 4 to a ouetomer. NO C. O. D. or telephone orders taken on this Item. COLORED BANQUET CAiraum, aJU oolors-each 4c And $U in Little Green Stickers. LARGE flIZH BNOUBH PORCBJ- f 1 IArN BOWlJT AND PITCHERS-. S If .. .. fanoy ah ape SECOKD FLOOR. Screen Doors Screen Doors Need them? Get them In time for the pestiferous invaders of jour do mestic peace and tranquility of tem per. No flies on Dennett at selling of Screen Doom lllear Are Reed Bargains Hariwood Adjustable Win- dow Screens covered with 9 9 ( best black wire cloth t.,mifmj 4-panel Screen Door 1 Inches thick painted green, covered mm c with best black wire fif cloth vJtv Three-quarter-tnoh War ranted Cotton Garden Hose per foot Three-fjUH rtPT-tnrh War ranted Itubber Oarden Hoee per foot Other grades at 16c, lie, 12c . aim , Oeu Iloae Noxsles at HOSE SPRIIfKl.EE81 UETKLfl, ETO, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. . ....... . 9c 9c 10c 38c Sweeteners. PISH III ill Mo worth Green Trading Stamps with each p3kage Phoephau s-r U-00 worth Oreea Trading Stamps with each full Ld.MH ,18c Soothers. Any S5o Briar Pipe, with too worth of Green Trad ing Stamps-. A genuine French Imported Pipe, vulcanised Rl rubber Ut.. ......OUC tl.CO la Oreea Trading Stamps. s 3 3 3 3