THE OMAITA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, JXTNE 12, " 1004. " CEAIM AND PRODUCE MARKET Gortramtat Ksport it About u it Hid Been Expected. OATS ACREAGE, HOWEVER, A LITTLE LESS ' Forelaja Wheat lul Ftexarea Be ajlaatasj to Attract Attoatloo Local IpacalatlT aaa Cash HMktt Vry Dalk OMAHA, June 11. 1904. The government report la about aa ax pected. The winter wbaat condition If lven at 77.7. against 71 last month and il l last year. . This la about what had bean expected. An- Increase In condition for winter wheat la almoat unprecedented during May, only one year being Instanced, and men a bumper crop waa experienced. Tha spring wheat condition la given at M l compared with HI I net year, J he acreage of spring wheat la given at 17,140.000, which la a alight Increase only over the area of last yexT. Tha winter wheat acreage If estimated at 37,e4ft,ono. suggesting a total wheat crop of XI,OU),000 buenpls. Tha report does not In any material way change the corn Idea or add any particular Information. In regard to oata, tha acreage Is not what had been anticipated. It glvea tha area planted to oats aa K7,64(l.0 acrea, suggesting a crop of 7tJ4.W7.0iXj bushels. Tha condition la given at fcl.l. Wheat has had almoat a steady decline this week with the exception of a slight .rally Tuesday. Tha expectation ot tiie S i government report which should show an '. improved condition of winter wheat and a large acreage for spring wheat and a good condition were the factors In thla weakness. While tha cash market has maintained Us price there waa very little wanted and tha trade generally expecta lower figures. Tha threatened coming of new wheat from tha extreme southwest has been another argument for a slackening and holders of the present small stocks are losing con 1 ftdnnce. The figures showing tha probable amount of European exporting aurplusea re attracting: attention. It Is now esti mated the European surplus will be 76,000 (i0 ' ' 'iKlmls larger than last year. The Indian vernmeni nguree tna surplus tor eipin m tna empire aa busneis. me gentlne shipments were 1,036,000 bushels, ng awi.uuu larser than last wees: ana a Me smaller than last year. nere was absolutely no speculative misi- aa on tha Omaha market this morning. a crowd apparently being busy with the pa book before making any plan. Local Cash drat a Market. VThe sample tables ware almoat bare this kirning ana the business of tna exenange ts at a standstill. Tha broker and otner onera haven't their rush business tlflleu lyet. The market la adjusting Itself to (new rata schedules. Keceipts ana enip- VI were: w neat, cars in; one weex 9 cars In and 17 out. Corn, 13 cars In i out; one week ago, 47 cars in ana 84 I Oats, 7 cars In; one week ago, 9 cars gVheat waa off about 1 cent, corn from centa and oata about 1 cant. ! EAT No. 1 hard. M6c: No. S hard. b; No. 4 hard. 72'374o. (All nominal.) ItN No. 2. 43c: No. t, 4ii&42c ; NO. 4, 31 no e-rade. -88c: No. 2 yellow. 4SAci yellow, 42c NO. I white. 43c;- No. I . 41C42C. (All nominal.) rs-No. 2, 49e: No, t, 8SHo; No. 4. 37oi wnite, ic; no. a wnue; wfac; ino. 3Mo: stanaara. eoc, All nominal to. 8 white.) pa from tlo Eiehaan Aflleoa. Osborn of Deahlcr was an exchange Ilia Inspections .of grnti were 41 cars. ami. a viirw srtiucu no. a nara, 1 car spring and 4 cars no grade. Of corn, graded no. J. 7 cars No. 1. 1 car No w and 2 cars no arrado. Of oata. 1 killed No. I white, I car No. 4 white ar no graae. a stocks of grain In public ele- wnsai. Dusneis; corn, 44a, els; oats. SS4.423 bushels. Contract cks are 841. $44 bushels. Ot this 122,678 bushel are In tha Merrlam uist nouse ana xis,7ea in the Union aln Market Elsewher. prices of grain today and Friday irkets named were aa follows: CHICAGO. Closed Today. Friday. S6.A m bWkB S7HU eese- WB 49L a.... ., - 48 A 48 fysAtr citt. 7BHB 76HB 70B TtH, '. 4(B 44V T) 43 42tfA T. LOUIR . UK 85n ....a 01 (INNEAFOLIS. 1 83H 934 f. l!iB 81V.B DULUTH. i8UB 94MB 8IV1U lilU NEW VORK. 91 H 93 A M'B 84 GISHKRAb MARKET. It tba Par aa Varlona l orn mod It lea. ijl. FLOUR Receipts, n.i'vj ddis. ; Titer patents, to.10 ; Minnesota pat. extras, a.3o34:oa; XlO; winter low "eti fair 'to M44 2 0 V western, lfto, kaa off; fresh southern, 17c, loss off. CHfc,K8E-J"lrm, but quiet; New York full creams choice to fancy new, 8Hc; New York fuU creams fair to good new, rV CHICAGO -CRAIX AXD FROV1SIONS Faataroa oi tfco Tradlag aaa Clestag Prices Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June It. Abnormally wet weather In Manitoba helped to a consider able extent to etiuallso the liquidation to day caused by crop reports, July wheat, however, cloned at a loss ca VU,C- Corn Is off He, outs are down d and provisions show a gain of Kitsc. Initial quotation on July wheat were oft So to tfSe at Uoo to h5Ti&)c. During the first part of the session tha tendency of prices waa steadily downward, but dur ing the last hour the market showed some resistance to the declining tendoncy. After Selling oft to niVsO, July closed at 8tiC; Clearnncea of wheat and flour were equal td 5i0 bu. Primary receipts were ivd. 8"0 bu, compared with 3C5,s) bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth ami Chicago reported receipts of 710 cars, against 14 last week and sua a year ago. Corn waa weaa. The market closed at about the lowest point of tha day. July opened Wtic lower at tf'VStAe, Bold down to 4e and closed at 48 V. Local receipts were MS cars, with in of contract grade. Tha 'oats market was slow. After open ing unchanged at Ko, July remained un changed between S9Vc and iitc. and closed at 8V. I-ocal receipts wera 123 cars. Provisions wera strong the entire session. Strength of hog prices waa a help. At the close Beptember pork waa up 12H$15c at 111 77H'a Iard was 60 higher at 46.90. klbs were up 7Hc at 47.87H. Kstlmated recelpta for Monday! Wheat, 21 cars; corn, 622 cars; oats, 1&3 cars; bogs, 44AO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.1 Open. HJgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Bopt. Corn iune uly Sept. Oats June July Sept. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. rTte7 87 8& 8182 80-VUiW 80J to 48 Mil "ih 48Vfl49 48 48V4j H1 41H SOS 3fl'S,:8!iv4igi sis;814jviih! I1V 81Vi 12 45 12 65 4 75 6 90 13 6'M 12 80 12 42 12 65 U 80 13 10 13 30 4 40 4 75 4 92H 7 12 13 82V) 4 82 4 1i 4 77H 6 .V4 90 e SB 7 7124 7 82 7 T 12' 710 7 87H 7 S7VH No. 3. a Old. bNew. Cash quotatlona were aa follows 1 VlajLH Market wns quiet and steady; winter patents, 14.7084.80: straights, 44.40 4.6u; spring patents, 1404.40; Straights, iJ.iX.); bakers', 43.658.30. WHEAT1 No. 4 spring, 90(g96c; No. 4, 86 9Rc; No. t red, 4l.081.04. CORN No. i, 48-y.c : No. 1 yellow, $00. .KYE No. t. 75c. BARLET Good feeding, tS&Hc; fair to choice malting, 46 46c. SEEDS No. 1 nax, 11.00; Ko. 1 northwest ern, 4107. Timothy, prime, 42.95. Clover, contract grade. 410.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, rer bbl., 412.50 12.55. Lard, per 100 lha.. 6.704.72H. Short rlba sldea (loose. r.007.12H; ahort clear sides, boxed, 46.76S7.00. Receipts and shrpmenta yaeterday at this market were as follows: , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla Jfx.nio 15.200 JJhea bu 83.70 3.260 Corn; bu...... 633.400 2S7,gno Oata, bu 171.600 104.000 Hve, bu ,000 f.Joo Barley, bu 39,000 1,900 On the Produce exchange today tha but ter market waa steauy; creamery, 13Vi lfc; dairies, uojlbc. tggs, dull and wean, cases Included. 14014Vc. Cheese, weak. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and (tnotatloaa on ' ataplo and Fancy prodoe. EGGS Receipt, liberal; market steady; fresh stock, J4e. LIVE POULTRT-Hans. 9c; roosters, ac cording to size, 67c; turkeya, 13c; ducks, 9c; geese, 6c: broilers, 2uc. BUTTER Packing atocK, 11c; choloa to fancy daity, 14.ul5c; separator, 19iia. FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel, Sci pike, 10c; perch, 7cj blueflsh, lie; whiteflsh, 14c; salmon, 14o; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, tec: lobster,' boiled, 80c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14o; black bss, 30c;. halibut, 10c; crapplea,' 12c; roe shad, 41.00; buffalo, 4c: white baas, 11c; frog legs, per do.. 46c. BRAN Per n. 419.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 88.00; No. 2, 87.60; medium, 47.00; coarse, 6.60. Rye atraw, 45.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light.' TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, larra 'six, 43.00; fanoy navels, all sixes, 43.60; Mediter ranean sweets, choice, all sites, 43.0u4i4.25; JaftiTs. all siiva, 42.703.00. LEMONS California fancy, 800 to 460. $a.76Cr4.0O; choice, 3.60'a3.?t. CALIFORNIA FIGS-Per 10-lb. carton, 50c; Imported Smyrna, 2-orown, 12c; (-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, 42.00 C2.C0; lumbo, 42. T6&3.2.. DATES Persian, per box of 40 pkgs., 42.00; in 60-lb. boxes, 60 per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per box. 42.4o. PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 42, par crate, 4860. FRU1TA STRAWBERRlEttMlssourl, ptfr 34-quart case, 41.601.6u. CHERRiia California, per box. 4l.eci9 1.75. GOOSEBERRIES 24-qt. case. 41.76. PEACHEo Texas, per. 4-oaakat crate, 4i.aK&i.w. CANTELOPE Texas, per crate, 42.500 175, VEGETABLES. ' POTATOES Colorado. 41.S0: t)atota, per bu., l.a0j hew Tskaa stock. In sacks, "navV "As-Pm bo.. 42.U2.. OMIOND" inuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.; ouisiana, if '"WLper ii., ajL. n, S640a a. 40o. Asket crate, lr doa.. 7So 1. full ' cream. fa. 12o: block !3tto; Wlscon- lb., 10c , 1 green. 6c: ft..- Kn i tNo. t veal calf, jad. Sfi'lSc; sheep oft shell, per lb., la; No. 1 soft shell, shell, per lb., 12c) .2c; small, par lb., yfo; roasted peanuts iiiuis, xu'ito; iarge . 11c: almonda. aoft :ard shell. I3e: shell. black walnuts, par bit. 11. WHEAT Lower: tor il.Oi- tranlr t1 ihill September, 81c; Np. i k2 cash, 47c; track. 489 lrasb. 4uc; track, 41 iiiioer, lie; No. 2 9c; springs, : (ease, 4a. I winter pat- 'W'iio higher; I-tt.w; lulear, 5062.70. I I sacked, east 1 16.00; prairie, left! jobblris-, I irteam, 86 16. shorta, 47.W; r. 88.UV4. - 1 Ipts. Shipments. 4,000 6.00D 4i.0uO U.OiiO 68.0ia kuJ '..42Ju0 42.H0J .rket. "ORN-Dull, lower; 4. 4ZC (.aals U 1144 for fin- t jncy, Aata, ; per jflu. box, r NEWYORR STOCKS AND BONDS slrk4t Hal EDOonrt.inr Ttj nd Etrikca Higbtf Lett's. 1 STEADINESS OF PRICES PROVES FEATURE Report front Washington AeVnowl dsrtBs; Permission . for tbo De posit of f2, 100,000 at Hew Torkc otreasnry. NEW TORK. June U.-Tha short session of the Stock exchange today ahowed good support for prices, and tha market closed Arm at the top level of the week. There waa considerable realising, but It waa evi dent that satisfaction was felt over the color of tha monthly crop report to prompt a good absorption of this realizing. The day s gains were not striking, but the steadiness of prices in view of the activity ot the trading made tha tone good. The bank statement showed about the expected gain In cash resources and sufficient to meet the reserve requirements by a rise In deposits with a margin of 41.831,216, which went to enhance the surplus reserve of tha baaks. A report from Washington as- ferted that permission had been given for he deposit of 42.100,000 at the New York subtreasury for transfer by telegraph to Ban Francisco, which la a reversal of the recent current between the two oenters without explanation. Tha market for In vestment securities begins to reflect un mistakable presHure to find employment for Idle Capital. Today's bond market was mors active than that for stocks. Total sales of bonds today, par value, $1,610,000. Prlcea of stocks have been slightly higher this week than Inst, and there has been an occasional stirring among speculative Interest. The trading has been spasmodic. The sudden beavy absorption of Ontario Sc Western waa the principal special move ment of the week. There were numerous rumors In circulation pointing to efforts to secure this road In the interest of other large systems. Much of the pries changes and speculative rumors were suspected of having a speculative origin. While money has continued easy and In little demand tha cessation of the gold ex port movement has been of good effect on sentiment. .European money oenters have grown quite plethoric. There have been further large recelpta of Japaneae gold at San Francisco, somewhat contrary to ex- Jiectatlon, aa the flotation of the Japaneae nan was expected to check this movement of gold. In spite of the present seeming redundancy of money the period of the In terior demand for currency is looked for ward to with some questionings. There has been some Improvement In the Inveatment demand for well secured rail road mortgages, but fluctuations In mora speculative ' bonds have kept the price movement Irregular. United States new 4s have declined Vs and the 2s have advanced per cent on call during the week. The quotation on the New York Stock exchange yesterday were as follows: Sales. Hlch. Low. Close. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio. do nfd e,9"0 71ft Wj utt 94 79, 4,800 79ft 7974 904 Canadian Paolflo 700 119 Central of N. J 200 Itil Chesapeake & Ohio.... 100 314 Chicago dt Alton , 118 161 180 41 814 874 804 134 00 pfd Chicago Gt. Western. Chicago ft N. W C, M. & St. P 700 134 1S4 100 167 6714 167 1675 145 1704 144 68 15 484 194 VA 271 20 70 24 594 344 65 80 130 16 83 l!l4 881 100 144 TO 11374 4.700 142ft 1421 00 pfd Chicago Term. St T do pfd C, C, C. & Si. L Colorado Southern ' . do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd 200 19 104 Delawsre & Hudson.. 400 165 164' Del., Lack. A West... Denver & Rio Grande 500 8u0 20 70 244 694 36ft 65 804 '164 834 194 19 69'4 244 58 364 66 804 'lfl4 83'4 194 do pfd Erie do 1st nfd 2,700 2.200 800 110 100 .."" "ino 1Q0 2U0 do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central - Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville A Nashville Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. A St. Louis M . St. P. Sk S. S. M.. do pfd Missouri Paclflo ...... Mo., Kan. ft Tex do pfd ,. N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central $00 1094 109 900 144H 144 l.OOO 80 794 4.G00 114 113 A3 1,100 63 6?4 624 100 1194 1194, 119' 4,800 91 91, 91 6UU 1H:S 16'4 2t0 464 85 16 86 36 115 56 86 ino 1154 1164 Norfolk & Western... 1,500 64 604 do pfd Ontario A Western..,. 8,200 8,200 264 7,200 116 , 24 11474 25 Pennsylvania p . c. c. at. L. 116 664 Reading 12,200 do 1st pfd 100 do 2d Pfd 7 81 '21 644 40 12 29 21 84 21 474 47 81 Rock J land Co.. 4.400 300 , 700 , 100 200 4.4O0 1.900 HO 100 21 64 44 12 29 47 20 84 21 do Dfd St. U St 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W do pfd , Southern Pacific Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Paclflo ; T.. St. L. & W , do pfd .., Union Pacific ' do pfd , Wabaoh 100 7.300 87 86 87 86 800 i '16 , 46 44; do pfd 700 Wheeling A L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd Mexican Central 966 "is "iji Adams EX American Ex United States Eikim.. 100 102 103 1"3 Wellr-FargoJCx 1 :. 203 adui, copper 4 4 Am. car, F.... 100 17 17 00 pro. . -I Am. Cottfiu Oil. n. Cottiiu OH. o pfd L n. Ice J... do Am a... ..... do pfd Am. Linseed Oil ...... do Btfrt i... ............ Am, Locomotive do pfd '. Am. Smelt. St Refng.. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng ..... . 4aF Mt .Air 7. Annconns M. 10 P-rooklvn R. T Colo. Fuel etc Iron... Consolidated Oaa .... Corn Products '., do pfd Distillers" Securities General Electric .... International Paper. do pfd , International Pump do pfd .12,700 48 . 200 80 ,. 9m 190 . 100 10 National Lead 20,000 North American Paclflo Mali Pen-pie s Gaa Pressed Steel Car 800 do pfd Pullman Palace Car., 100 211 211 Bi Republic Steel MO 6 V4 un iTfi auu Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 1.600 U. 8. leather do pfd 100 V. 6. Realty l.ono d.rt.pfd ............,. 0 U. 8. Rubber 2i0 do pfd 400 U. S. Steel !. do nfd 6,910 Westlnghoiise Elec Western Union Total sales for the day. 122,400 shares. London stork, Market. LONTJON, June 11. Closing: Conaola, money ... do aoaount Anaconda Atchlaoa da pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian rtiee. A fio Chicago Ot. W.... C. M. St. P.... PeBeera D. A K. O do pld Brie do let pfd do M P'O tlltnole Central ... Louie. A Naata.... M., K. A T 0H N. T. Central... Norton A W.... do pfd .. .. n .. M .. lVi ,.m 11 .. 14 ..14(14 .. i .. H .. 71 .. tit .. " .. rr ..1114 ..111 .. 14 Ontario A W.... Penneylvanls ... Rand Mines .... Reeding do let pfd.... do td pfd.... 80. Railway .... do pfd 80. Paclflo Union Paclflo ... do pfd U. I. Steal....:: do pfd ....... Wabaah '.. o pfd SILVER Bar, steady, 25d per ounce. MONBY Z$3 per cent. The rata nf discount In the open market for ahort bills la 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 41-l&d24 per cent. Clearing? Honso Averaarea. NEW TORK. June 11. The atatement of averages of clearing house banks in this city fur tha week shows: Loans 11,04'. (413 400, Increase t6.5?8.oo; deposits $l,l"S -231.&0, Increase I',0,4:i2, Juo: circulation iuC ,0t0, Increase Isno luX); legal tenders, 4il, 2.7,7l lncreoe tl, 390.600; specie 4 '31 642 fciO, Increase 46 O19.1O0; rervs t'fl2,870,iO, In crete 4.4i,oo0; reserve required 4J77.407,. 81 0, Increase $3,&J8.0."6: surplus 4 Je.G62.4iiO, In crease 13. 801,614; ex-Cnlted Stales deposits 441,410.860, Increase 43.7ir7,3&0. Now York Imports and F.iporla, NEW TORK, June ll.-Total Imports of drygoods and reneral merchandise at the purl of ISew ltrk (or the week ending (an 8"0 (3 634 53 800 9 98 98 600 126 126 124 72 48 48 80 SO IK.0 190 10 10 7 800 JO JO 19 1"0 1M 158 157 400 11 10 lou 600 67 67 674 y 40 111 21 21 21 42 .a... 25 90 47 16 30 ti . 41 ' ai IS 75 C 44 44 80" 'M" 79 5 6 87 B7&4 E7 16 ln. 16 ' 6C4 66 66 9 9 9 6474 64 M !? todsy werij valued at 4.42,4;.9. Exports of specie from New York for the wek were 4719.4T jllver and 4iM10 gold. Iip"'" ot P'C" New York dur ing tha week were 44.771 gold and 414.4 silver. J How Torfc Money Market. NEW TORK. June 11-rMONET-On call, nomrnal, no loans. Time loans, dull and easv; sixty and ninety days, 24,2 per cent; six months. S'ii? per cent. TKIMK MERCANTILE PAPER-334 Sterling exchange weak, with actual business In bankers' hills at $4.87261 4 8736 for demand and at $4 Kf.3Vtf 4.140 for sixty-day bills: potel ratos. 14 86a4 and 44.SM4 x; commercial bills. 44.M''34.86. SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars, 44c IiONDS Government, steady; railroad, 'The'closing quotations on bonds are as followst U. 8. if. la. r-1 do coupon ...... r a la. raa 1M Manhattan a. a. 4i..l""k ltfs. V Ontral 4a 2 I'lia, 4a in Inc So coupon 14 -Co B- 4a, rag do coupon . . .11 W do old 4a. nt do eoupon 1' Airhlann aan. aa 101 Minn. A St. V 4a. M.. K. 4V T. 4a 4 do 77 N. R. R. of, M. e. 4a. N T. C. . I 100 N. 1. C- . a 1 do ad). 4a. No. Faclnc 4a. '4l ... 7JV Atlantic C. U 4a.... i Co u B. O. 4a K'i w. w. t. 4a do la Kt n. 8. L 4a ft par.... n Central of Oa. t 1'- P""- conT. IHa M do lt llfr ' iResdlns sen. 4a 100H Ch-a. A Ohio 4ta....l04 St. I,, it. M. . --l Chlraso A A. IV,a.... ,81. U A 8. K. t. 4a. M C B A Q. a. 4a.... fl. U 8. W. la C. M. A 8t. P. (. 4a. lot i9ahard A. U 4s... 7i4 C. A N. W. a. 1a....irS So. Pacific 4a l C R. I. A P. 4a o. Rallwar (a 11 do col. a Tv,Teia. A P. la 117V4 C. C.C. A 8t. U f. 4a. MUt, It L 4 W, 4a.. T0 Chlcain Tar. 4a 7H. Union Pariftc 4a 108'4 Con. Tobacco 4a I onv. 4s Colo. A Bo. 4a HWV- 8. Steal Id 6a 74H D. A R. O. 4a HWabah i, in Irlo prior llan 4.. ..100 do deb. B J"4 do san. 4a s5!w. A L. K. 4a H T W. A D. C Js..JH:ws- Central 4a o Hocklns val. 44a....l071l,Colo. F. A I. c (a.. 6H U N. unl. 4a 101 I Offered. Boston Utock Quotations BOSTON, June U.-Call loans, 23 per Official cent; time loans, awii per cent, closing of stocks and Donas: Atchlaon ad. 4a Waatlnf. common do 4a 100i Adrentura U.i natural 4a 0 Allouet Tl 1 , Vi , 4 Vl . ts t 450 It 41W 13V HVi 7 7 t t4 T 4V, 11V4 tst 4'a M - 3 ' s 4;4 , t V4 73 Atchlaon , Amaigtmaiea .... . 4Vtl Ameriean lino .. .240 jAtlantlc .13 Bingham .do pfd Boaton A Albany.. Bn on as Maine... Boaton Eleraicd yitchburg pfd ... ....146V, ( 1. Hecla ....Mlt Ontennlal .... TV Copper Range .... Mex. Central N. N. H. A H Per Marquette .... Cnlon I'aclOo Amir. Arge. Chem. do pld Amer. Pnen. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Ames. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A 8... 181 I Paly Weal 71 'Dominion Coal .. .. t6Vi Franklin .. IS lOrancy .. 71 lisle Rnyale ...... .. 4H Maaa. Mining .... ..lltVi Michigan ..m Mohawk ..138 :. Mont. C. A C... .. lOH'oid Dominion .... .. 7V Oaceola .. 7s Parrot .. 3Qulncr ..lit I Shannon .. HVt Tamarack .. Tl iTrlnltf .. Ki t, 8. Mining ..112' I'. 8. Oil .. 4'a Clan .. W Victoria .. Winona .. Ml Wolverine Ed I eon Eire. 11 1 u. . General Electric, .. Maaa. Electrlo .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa I' n lied Fruit United Shoe Mach. do pfd V. 8. Bteel do pfd New York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK, June 11. The following are the closing prices on mining siocas: Adams Con ! Little Chief Alloa Breeoa , Brunawlck Con .. Comatork Tunnel Con. Cel. A Vs.. Horn Sliver Iron Bllver LeadTlll Con ... ... T ... 10 ... 14 ... ...126 ...135 ...176 ... I Ontario Ophlr phoenix , Potoil Savage Sierra Nevada Small lionea . Standard , 3M) 360 19 11 30 96 14 IM Foreign Financial. LONDON, June 11. Supplies of money were tomewhat more plentiful In the mar ket today and discounts were firm, but business . was slack. On the Stock ex change week-end dull was pronounced, Con sols were easy, depressing other first-class securities. Home rails were lower. Ameri cans were cheerful, mostly higher and well above parity, but were not particularly active. They closed firm, especially coal stocks. PARIS, June 11. Business o nthe Bourse todav waa dull throughout and prices closed irregular. Russian imperial 4s closed at 90.70. Three per cent rentes 97f 9o for the account. Exchange on London 20 f 10c for checks. MERLIN, June 11. Prlcea on the Bourse today were unchanged. Railroad securities improved upon Hie strength of the New York market. Discount rates, short bills. 1 per cent; three-months bills, 2 per cent. a Bank Clearings (or tbo Week. OMAHA, June 11. Comparative state ment of bank clearings for the week: 1904. 1903. Monday .... Tuesday .... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday 41,45d.446.80 41.624.4H2.4J 1,820,530 86 1,183,811.78 1.356.013.90 1.217.303.47 1,234,342.08 1,178,637.01 1,187,926.35 1.S38.4K8.59 1.806.042.11 Saturday A decrease of 4218.844.86 from the corre sponding week last year. Wool Market. BOSTON, Juno 11. WOOL Old wools are well sold up, many warehouses being un usually clear ot siock. current quotations are: Idaho fine, 1617c; heavy fine, 1314c; fine medium, lefilTc; medium, 17Ul8c; low medium, I'iJj'ISc. Wyoming. 1616c; fine me dium, 16517c; medium, 18rg)lc; lo medium, WiViOo. Utah and Nevada, fine, I5jl6c; heavy fine, lagilo; fine medium, 16l7c; me dium, l(S0c; low medium. 19(i21c. Dakota fine. 154?16c; line medium, 16a16c; medium, 19t7'20c; low medium, 19Sf20c. Montana, Una choice, lb819c', line average,, 17glHc; fine mo. dlum, choice, 18919c; average, lftwl7c; sta ple, 19(&'20c; medium choice. 19i20o. ST. LOUIS, June 11. WOOL Steadyi medium grades, combing and clothing. l- 23c; light fine, 15318c; heavy fine, 1215c; tub wnshed, 21'32o. IpNDON, June 11. WOOI-The arrivals of (wool for the fourth aeries of auction sales amount to 163,801 bales. Including 84,000 Torwaraea oireci 10 spinners. 1 ne imports fyjhMH wet bis week were: New bnutn vvaies; 2,9:10 ueensland, 2.2U7 bales: Victoria, 3.093 ! bales; South Australia, 70 bnles; Tasmania, 1 mice , omuiii nuriinim, iv ihiicb. , aniijama, 79 bales; New Zealand, 6,274 bales; else- I TO hn .. wnere, tw Daies. . Kansas City drain and Provlalon. KANSAS CITY, June ll.-WHEAT-IJwer: May. 75c: July, Wtlv; Septem ber. 70c: cash. No. -2 hard, 8t;c; Nn. S, 821186c: No. 2 red, Jl 001.04; No. 8, 954t98c. Receipts, 44 cars. CORN Steady; May. 44c: July, 43c: Sep tember 87c; cash, No. 2 mixed. 49c; No. S. 48e; No. 2 white. 4c; No. 8. 48c. OATS-Pteady; No. 2 white. 41du42c: No. I mixed 89fr39V4o. HAY Choice timothy, 410.6OiSll.0O; choice prnlrle. 48.2fiT8.75. RYE-Steadv: No. I, 40(ff34o. BUTTER Creamery. 1315c; dairy. 14c. EGOS Steady: Missouri nnd Kansas, cases returned, 12c; new No. I white wood cases Included, 13c. Recetnta. Shipment Wheat, bu 2T.2O0 18,000 Corn, bu 20.000 400 Oats, bu 4,000 4.0 0 Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, June ll.-OILS Cottonseed, stead v: prime crude, nominal; prime yel low. 28. Petroleum, quiet: refined New York. 48.08: Philadelphia and Baltimore. 48: In bulk, 46.10. Turpentine, quiet; refined, 66c. ROS7N Fteafly; strained, common to good. $S OR 074. OIL CITY, June 11. OILIt Credit bal ances. 11.59: certificates, no hid; shipments. 68.184 bbls.i sverage. 6? 404 Mils.; runs. 94004 tibls. : average. 79,847 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 68,708 bh's.: average. 68 oao bhls.j runs. Lima. W.958 bbls.: average. 66.SS0 Mils. SAVANNAH, June ll.-OILS Turpentine, fllRrSaTN Vlrmr A. Tl, C tt.TT: V.. 82U; T. 12874: O. 13.92; II, 43.07; N, 42.86; WO, 44.10; WW, 11.50. . gosrav and Molasses. NEW YORK. June 11. STTJAR Raw, steadv: fair" refining, Se; centrifngnl. M tost. c; molasses sugar. 8c. Rpflnod, steadr: No. 6. 4.50c; N. 7, 4 45c: No. 8. 4.40c; No. 4. 4.8rV; No. 10. 440c; No. 11. 4.26c: No. It 4 0p; No. 18. 4.15c; No. 14, 410c; confec tioners' A. 4 74c; mould A. 4.76c: cut loaf, 6.0c: crushed. 68O0: powdered, 6c; granu lated 4 90c; cubes, 616c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 41fr37d. NEW ORLEANS. .Time 11. 8U1AR Slrons: open Vettle, 2(93 4-16c; open kettle, centrifugal. M134o. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, JO J6c: centrifugal. lOrtmSo. SYRUP Nominal, 1!6o. Dry nooda Market. NEW YORK. June ll.-DRYOOODS-The market shows little appreciable Increase In the volume of sales, but buyers as well aa sellers are more confident of the future, and It la believed the market is prncticallv on rock bottom and that any change will be In an upward direction. Developments In the price situation are expected next week and many are awaiting this change. Dnlnth Grata Market. DULUTH. June ll.-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern, 94c; No. I northern, 92c; on track, No. 1 northern, i3c; No. i northern, 91c; September, 814,0. , OATo-U'o arrive autl no. truck, 4i4 JHABi LIVE SlOCt. MARKET Betf 8ter4 Llttlt Eighff for th Wk and Beit Cswi Etroag. SHARP DECLINE IN FEEDING STEERS Hogs ot Illaheat Point ftlneo April and gt ftsartef Higher Than a Week Ago Practically Mo Change la Sheep or Lambs. POITTII OMAITA, June 11. loot. Receipts werei Cattle. Horn. Sheep. Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Friday Official Saturday ... I.Wi B.UbS 4.0'iJ 4.411 2.741 3. .VI tl 290 12.119 1,731 10.474 42 li).3l S.53 8.037 34 4.194 Total thla week 14.511 6S.1R2 10 .102 Same days last we.k...,16.c22 5,9M 7.336 Fame days week before. .14.611 6.'l 13.113 Same three weeks sgo. .15.191 72. Hi v 14.7:7 Same four weeks ... 14.175 40,48 12.9"7 Same days last year. .. .18.440 63.376 lo.rr.2 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows trie receipts ot rattle, hogs and sheep at South Onaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year; , 1904. 1901 Ine. Dec. Otttle 419J75 436.5H9 17.221 Hogs 1,197,802 l.f Sl.l'.'O 106.612 Sheep 004. !V! 529.5W 135,309 Averaae prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last several oaya with com parison: . a P"t, 1904. 11904. 11402. 11901. n00.184.l May 15. May 16. May IT. May 18. May J9. May 20. May 21. May 22. May 28 May 24. May 26. May 26 May 27 May 2S, May 29 May 30. May 31. June 1 t 66) 6 69 4 7: 6 73! 6 211 6 I 4 20 6 11 4 10 e 6 M 4 (' 4 671 3 631 4 a 4 401 4 44 8 59! 4 2t 4 651 4 26 I 651 4 24 a 6 73 6 C3i 6 641 6 61 8 62 4 671 6 01 6 04 I 66 4 43 4 ii 4 17 4 1.1 4 24 4 06 e 6 67 6 61 e 6 601 6 G3 I 62 4 68j 4 I 6 04 4 4 60 e 4 60 4 57 6 90 6 62 6 68 4 90 4 86 4 14 6 71 4 83 4 88 4 83 3 57 4 14 4 21 4 11 4 03 6 70 4 60: June June June June June June June June 1. 8 55' 4 59, 2. 4.. 6.. 6.. 7.. 8. 5 70 6 1 4 83 5 70 i 4 91i 6 71 4 94 4 10 4 58 8 t e I 4 01 5 7S 1 9M 6 78 6 02 6 101 6 83 6 91 S 00 8 6. 3 8 C0 4 47 9.. 3 61 3 i 94 4 Hi June 10 8 59 June 11 Indicates Sunday. The ofttLiol nutnbei of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. C.. M. & St. P. Ry .". 15 Union l'acllic system , C. St Is". V. Ry F., K. & M. V. R. H 2 26 C, St. P., M. St O. Hy 6 B. & M. Ry 84 C, B. Ht W- Hy 6 K. C. A St. J m... ... (J., R. 1. ot P. Hy.. east .. 6 C, R. I. & P. Hy., went...... I Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great Western 6 Total receipts 11 131 Tne uiHpuxiL.on 01 tbo utty s receipts wa as lolluws, eacn buyer purciiaslng tne num ber of head Indicated; : Cattle. Hogs, Omaha Packing Co 1.3o7 Swift and Company r 4 i.u-rf Cudahy Packing Co Xu-o Armour & Co - ,& Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C 2a Armour ot Co., K. C 9o8 8. & S v 4.6 Other buyers 3 .... Totals 235 9,002 Cai xiti iliete were just a few oua buncnes of cattle here tins mormng una not enougn to make a market. ur tue week tecuipts aro auout the same us lor last week, but auout 4,00u neud short ot tno coiTetponuing week 01 last year. The uciiianu bus oueu In good shape and prices on & numoer ot lines ai higuer tiiau tuey vtcic a. weK ago, 'Hie luuiKet uu corn-fed steers advanced sharply tue eany part ot tne weeK, but luwuru the clo&e packer got rather bearieu anu ueemeu to thina tney wuie paying tvo ruuon tot- ttielr cau.o. Inen, too, they are in liopcs tue eany pari 01 next weea wul unng in a rioou of caiUe, winch wiu give ineui a goou opportunuy to take ou u. big cnuna ot the aavaiKO tney nave oeen pulling on lor tne lust few wetas. uu liiuiauay and Friuay tney took oil' ijilbc ironi the general run 01 cattle and uuing was siow at the decline, liven at tins, uowever, the more aesiraolo grades are riant orouna a quarter niguer lur mu week, wnlie tiiose tnai do not. suit buyer exactly are not over ioykuc higuer. binci.y cnoice steers may be . quoteu irom,f d.); goou to choice, o wo-ou; tair to uuu, o.wuu.w; common to lair, 44. m 90. ' The cow market did not advance aa much as tns steer market tne early part of the week and uia not suiter quite as inuuii aa steers the latter part of tne week. Birictly choice betters anu cowa may still be a llttis higher for the weea, but not much. Oiassare nays suffered quue a sharp uecllne, but owing to the uneveli ness of the market It U practically im possible to tell just how mucn tney have declined. Commission men are sending out warnings tq. their customers to look out for grassers, aa they are liable to slump off in bad shape at any time. C'anners and cut ters are no more than steady for the week and slow sale at any price. Oood to choice cows and heifers may be quoted from 44.25 to 43-00" and something fancy a little above that. Fair to good corn feds go from 13.80 to 14.25. Better grades of grassers 43.00 to 43.50, with strictly choice a littls above that. C'anners and outtera go from 42.00 to 4 00. t Bulls veal calves and stags have shown little change during the week. The bulk of tho bulls sell from 43-25 to 44 25, with a top at 44.50 or 44.55. Veal calves go largely from 44 60 to 45.25, with choice up to 4o.W and occasionally a top at 4S.75. The demand for stockers and feeders this week haa been very limited and as a result prices have gone down hill ata rapid rate. The better grades are around Soc lower for the week, while ths commoner kinds are very hard to move at a decline of aa much as 50c, It now takes something strictly choice to bring over 44 00, whlls th bulk of the fair to good bell from 43.50 to 43.80. HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning were not excessive and with a good de mand from both packers and shippers the market continued on Its uward course. The general market could safely be quotea strong to a nickel hlKher and quite active at the advance, everything being sold at an early hour. The bulk of the good hogs sold at 44.77 and 44 80, with choice largely from 44.80 to 44.90. The lighter and com moner loads went from 44.76 down. There was no particular change )n the market from start to finish. Receipts of hogs for tho week have been quite moderate, showing a loss both as compared with Inst week and the corre sponding week of last year, as the table of receipts above will show. There has been a liberal demand from all sources and as a result prices have moved steadily upward and show a net gain for the week of about 25c. This advance carries the market to ths highest point reached since April. Rep resentative sales: No. A. b. Pr. no. at, ih. rr. to... t... Tt.... 0.... 1l.. 47..., 47.... 41..., la.... 46.... rr.... ti..., 70... 75... &..., IK.... 7.... tt.... 7J..., tt.... ...110 ...1M ..211 ,.l4 ..liK ft 40 4 M 4 44 4 7 4 72V 4 1i 4 HVfc si m to 4 Tl 4 T7 H 117 IN 44 .147 140 4 T7V ... 4T7 It..., II..., 14... 1... 44... ..., ... It... 17... ..til ..Ml ..lit ..111 ..111 ..i4 ..Ml 14 'ii M 144 4 TTVb 4 77 v, 4 71 4 T7 4 77 4 77 V, 4 TT 4 10 4 0 , 4 lt . ao 40 ..lul 1 hi ,..111 U0 4 ?t .Jul 4 72 4 Tl .100 40 'to IN a0' 4 Tl 4 Tt 4 Ti 4 It 4 Tt 4 T6 ,...1H ....13 ,...24 ,...214 ... Jas ....IK ....114 ..14 10 TO 144 Tl 141 ti m 40 4 10 40 42.. ti.. T.. To.. .. II.. in.. n.. Ml 110 4 40 (0 4 Tl 40 4 75 110 .144 .117 111 40 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 10 4 0 4 14 4 e 4 Tt 4 Tt 40 ,...114 42. 114 1M 4 Ti 11 1 4 75 4 Tt ..141 ..141 41. Tt. T4. ..Ml 110 ..1)0 ..til 160 4 Ti H .111 4 Ti II !.!. 41 140 44 1.7 47 .lit 147 48 141 T4 1l T Ul II 215 4 230 10 1.. ,.1M 144 4 Ti 4u 4 M 110 4 40 M 4 40 140 4 40 44 4 10 2 K0 4 M aO 4 44 KO 4 W T4.. 74.. 44.. 11.. 4.. 41.. IT. . 4.. Tl.. a.. TO.. TO. . 44.. it.. Is.. Tl.. Tl.. 10. . 4e.. 1.. 4b. . Tf.. 40.. Tl.. 41.. M.. 14.. r?:. 44.. II., .lui 4 Ti ..111 ..111 ..Hi ..17 ..HI ..111 . .121 ..Ml .141 W 4 Ti 40 4 Tl 40 4 15 KH) 4 Ti 40 4 Ti 10 4 T7Va 40 4 71 44 4 17 120 4 77 no 4 to II V.I 140 4 40 4 44 4 40 B XI ..121 40 4 77 4 771, 14...., Iii M ..140 140 44.... .tOt 140 4 40 4 a ltd 4 TT 47.... .III 2i l0 4 17 M 41 4 44 It Ill 11 41 12 4 44 42 41 4 41 168 10 4 M Ill 12T ... 4 71 ... 4 17 120 4 T7 40 4 T7 ... 4T7 ... 4 17 M 4 1' 10 4 T1 40 4 Tl ... 4 T7 ..t.M ..141 ..t4 ..I'M) ..144 ..114 ,.11-4 ..l4 ..2l ..114 ..21.1 ..IO ,.8ft4 10 10 4 10 4 10 4 at 'io 44 'ti) .237 4 II 4 It 4 It 4 44 4 16 ..114 ..III .111 ..ill . JW ,.2J0 ..tlh ..til ,.tsi ..1.11 1 ..111 ,..ail 444 4 15 40. to to 0 4 14 4 44 4 II 4 17 4 17 so 40 4 T7 4 T7 4 77 4 71 4 T7 417 140 Ml 46.. 44., 4 l ... 144 4 M 6 42 7 12 4 60 6 86 7 07 4 62 s J u 4 62 6,27 4 47 6 31 7 12 4 46 4 27 7 11 4 4i 4 18 7 03 4 18 7 Oil 4 46 6 19 7 08 4 & 7 06 4 43 6 04 4 88 6 93 4 40 4 46 6 77 4 97 4 494 4 72 7 01 6 70 7 09 i 63 6 80 7 10 4 49 7 11 4 53 5 93 4 4S 6 07 1 07 4 49? 6 &'. 7 13 4 64 6 85 1 16 6 75 7 20 4 63 6 77 6 15 4 i 7 Id 4 684 6 80 4 Ct( i 85 7 21 4 74s, 6 0J 7 26! 4 7S 6 03 7 36 It t IX 4 TT 4 ft M 4M 44 ... 4 17 41 IH 4 IS SHEEP Thero wers no carload lots of sheep or lamts on sate this morning and as a result there was no market. Thvre Is noth ing new to be said of the situation, as there Is a good demand for anvthlng that has any kill to It at steady prices, but for com mon thin kinds there is a limited demand. Ths receipts for the week have been about the same as f"r the same week of last year, but about 4,010 head .heavier than for last week. This Increase, however, comes largely from the arrival of several ship ments of grassers. The number of corn feds wns snout the same as Inst week. Quotations on clipped stock: Oood to choice lambs. 46.0ofi6.oo; fair to good lambs, So 54 ti4 00; good to choice wooled lambs, 6 H"gt 76; fair to good woolod lambs. 6.0"e? 50; good to choice yearlings or wethers, iYno-ip J8; fair to good vearllngs or wethers. 4 7j.q6.00; good to choice ewes, 4.2T'4.&Q; air to good ewes, 14. 004. 25. CHICAGO I4TB STOCK MARKET. Cattle Nominal, Hosts stroma:, Sheep Steady and Receipts Light. CHICAGO, June 11.--CATTLE. Receipts. 100 head: market nominal; fnod to prime steers. 626&6.60; poor to medium. 44 76'.? 6 00- stockers and feedeVs, 41oOy4.70; cowe, 41. 75474.60; heifers, 43.60614 26? ennners. 1.76 lfi2 7S; bulls, 12 5rtif4.30; calves. 43.00ifi6.5O. HOQS Recelpta todav. lO.frnO head: esti mated Monday, 40,000; market strong; mixed and butchers, 14 Slufifi.OO; good to ch.ilee heavy. 14 906.00: rough heavy, 44.75 7490; light, 44.7594.96; balk of sales, 4.8fyJ 4.95. SHEEP ANT) LAMRS-Recelpts, 2,000 head; market stead-; lambs, steady; rood to choice wethers, 6. OOfy. 60; fair to choice mixed, t3.75!6.00; western sheep, 44 5Ou6,60; native lambs, 46.0Or,"i.75; western lambs, 46.50'ti6.50: spring lambs. 46.0Ow7.26. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June U.-CATTLB-Renolpts, 700 head. Including 400 southerns: market steady; export and dressed beef steers. 46.766.35; fair to good, 44 504.60; western fed steers, 4.75&6.S0; stockers and feeders, 43t4.90: southern steers, 43.6rt? 6.16; southern cows. 42.2.Vrj6.26; native cows, 12.604 75; native heifers, $4.0CKfj6.50; bulla, 42.76a 50; calves, 42.7o.fl4.75. HOGS Reoelpts, 4.000 head; market strong; top, 44 90; bulk of sales. 44 "ON-80; heavy, 4.&.vg4.90; packers, 44.JO&4.86; pigs and lights, 44.264.76. SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts. 1JO0 head; market steady; native lambs, IS.ft'if 7.00: western lambs, I5.264f7.00: fed awes. 84. 750$. 26; Texas clipped yearlings, 44.75.1 6.60; Texas clipped sheep. 4.2Vu4.i6; Hook ers and feeders, I4.00tl4.50. : St. Loots Mto Stock Market. ST. IX)T'IS, Mo., June 11 CATTLBJ Re ceipts, 3.000 head, Including 2,800 Texans; market steady to strong: native shipping and export steers, 44.25So.60; dressed beef and butchers' steers, tMf&&; steers un der 1.000 pounds, 43.85&4.60; stockers and feeders, 43.6084.60: cows snd heifers. 12.25 414.50; canners, $2.253.28; bulls, 43.10dt3.86; calves. 45.lo4i43.00; Texas and Indian steers, 43.0IV&6.00; cows and heifers, 43.10S4.26. HOGS- Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady to srong; pigs and lights, 4.16pp4.76; packers, 44.6CkS4.86; butcher, and best heavy $4.804.90. . SHKtJP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady: native muttons, 44.00 f()6.25; lambs; 46.004(7.86: culls snd bucks, 42.50Q4.50; stockers. 42.2663-00. JSrvr York Lire Stock Market NEW TORK, June 11. BEKVE8 Re ceipts, 183 head; dressed beef, steady, at 8CpHc. Exports today, 1,300 cattle; 620 sheep, and 7,070 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 18 head; no trading; feeling steady; city dressed veals, steady atHOa'S Receipts, 2,048 head; fesling steady. . SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 4.499 head; sheep and yearlings, steady; prime to choice lambs, firm: others 'steady; com mon to prime sheep, 43.75(86.00; a few choice, 5.50; yearlings. 46.00; lambs. 47.2T(tf'S.0o; one car of fancy at 18.60: dressed mutton un changed at 7'iHOc; dressed lambs In good demand at ll&'14c; dressed yearlings, a He. Sioux City LIto Stock Market, t SlOfX CITY, la., June 11. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts SCO head; mar ket steady; beeves, 44.6O05.86; cows. bullB and mixed, 3.00i&4.50; stockers and feeders, 43.00ft4.o0; calves and yearlings, 43.0O4)3.8O. HOGS Receipts, 4,600 head; market 6c higher at 44.65g4.80: bulk. 44.724.76. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. on trxawtvi Mrt .Time 11 CATTLE Receipts, 69 head; market nominal. HOOB Receipts, s.nui neau: min to 6c higher; light. 44.674r4.s0; medium and heavy, l4.724.90. SHEEP AND LAM.BS Receipts, none. Stock la Sight. Following are ths receipts of live for ths six western cities yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha 290 9.194 stock Sb'p. i'.w 1,400 1,000 Chicago .....,. 100 10,000 Kansas city j,v St.. Louis 4,000 1.000 St. Joseph 69 J,8"4 Sim. City 800 4.500 Totals ., 4,469 82,498 4,400 Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, June U.-COTTONSpot In limited demand, prices 4 points higher, American miaanng iair. o.wa, " dling, 6.82d; middling, 6.72d; low middling, 6.58d; good grainary, 0.44a. "r""?af -t The sales 0? the day were 4,000 balea, of which 100 balea were for speculation and export, and included 4,200 bales American. , . n -t. , 1 a i Hi.rl(,.n lCll Receipts, l.uw uanro. ii ""-'"i aT-. tures opened firm and closed steady: Arner . . . , .,,. n i,,nA a .sA.l June lean miauling "r"'v IT.i. and July. 4.17d; July and August, 4.41d; Auiust and September. 6.20d: September anT October, f6Sjl; October and November, 6 44d: November and December, l.88d, De cember and' Jatjuary, .35d; January and Febniiry, 6.34d. Spot, quiet snd steady: sales, 650 bales: or- c ru,, ju. . .,4n.t 11 t.1Ar. Inw mrddllng,' li'lSOOc; middling: llHc: receipts, 111 . i ' t..i7. turea closed very ltendy; June. 12.16c; July, I2.20e; AiiS'ist. n ffio; t fleptcmher. 10.67c; her, 1003c; January. 10.07c. Spot cloiM e? a .A.i. kUKas mMrl ntf linlttndfl. IJlllPIa IV K" " 11 1(9 Stlf iixri , an r 12.86c; middling gulf. 18.1JV; sales, none. ST. LOulo. June uz-uuiion-wuii'i. higher; middling. ISoi sales, none; receipts. 20 bales; shipments, none; stock, 13,042 bales. , i Coffee Market. NEW TORK. June ll.-COFFEE-ru-tures opened steady at an advance of 6 to 10 points on steady cables, moderate pri mary receipts and bullish crop news, which was received via- Havre It stated that the bean was small and yielding only about tlllrtV-IWO piMlll"" IU .r,ri. ...... m of cherries, whereas the normal number of rlliarts IO tne aivcu u -.u.- sixty-five. Trading was moderately active ana tne msrnei wnn jih,.,, v net advance of 15fi20 points. Sales were . . P (Ml in.lildln. Till.. m t reportea or eo.o"" uae 1 ' - , . . W c . a . (, A fifi.rtil .15c; December, 6.4O(S4.40ci March, 6.bC 4T6c; May, 6.80o Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW TORK, Juns ll.-KVAFOBATBI) APPLES A slight Improvement In demand Tor r X L' 1 L acui'UIII "l" " . .." ' -' ' jnjf effect On the market and prices show a hardening tendency. Common are nuoted at 4(3ie; prime at 6Hc; choice at 6ttH4c: and fancy at TCiWVaC. Prunes show a snme- . . . 1.. inn. lV.nn.1, rtiialneas 1 hv Wlim amauiri ....... ........ --- no means In satisfactory volume. Prices range from io to oc. act-orum ; ru. Quoted at 944floo; extra choice at 104 l04o; And fancy at 11(8 13a. Metal Market. .... vAntr T.m. 11 f TT A 7 A llpal new a ... - msrkets today were ouiet and 1 unchanged from tne nna. nn. -;vi',wa" featureless, i m en.jrj '"',v5'"'-'''i"''-Copper, electrolytic, 412.2Mtl2.76. nuhVT 44 264.36; spelter quiet, J4.TTW4.W. PI Iron warrants, nominal: spot. 49.124; northern and southern foundry prices un changed. Liverpool Grain Market. n,nntwif. tuna 11 W7T1TA.T Brnt easy; No. 1 California, 6s 104d; futures. oulet: JU1T, S 7a". mpitmuw, oe mu. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new 4s 6HV American mixed, old, 4s 64d: futures, dull; July, 4s 4d; Beptomber, 4s NEGR0ES MAY GO TO LIBERIA Haw jersey Heftro Society May Send a, Tboasand Men to African Republic. (Copyright by New York ITersld Co.. 1904 NEW YORK, June 11. ("New York Herald Service Special to Ths Bee.) James J. Car mlcliael and Walter L. Dardan. officers ot the Llberian Emigration Association of the I'nlted States, which Is thus far composed entirely of Newark nroes, have practi cally decided on a trip to Liberia this moith to make the pecenary arrangements for the settlement and. 1 possible to ob tain concessions from tl government of Liberia which will be of advantage to the now colonists. They will endeavor to send 1.000 men to Liberia before the end Of tha present Tear, most of thero to be taken from the south. It Is figured that they can be sent tor about 430 each and that the Llberlan government will aid them until they can get farm lands In productive conditions The problem of cheap transportation 'la believed to have been solved by an offer of tha Donald Steamship company to furnish a steamship which will carry 1.000 for 44,000. GETS GLIMPSE OF OTHER SHORE Loots Michel Describes Peelings When Death. Appeared to Bo Near. (Copyright. 1904, by rress Publishing Co.) PARIS. Juno ll.-CNew York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Louise Michel, much broken In appearanca from the severe strain from a recent Illness, has Just given In ths Hotel des Socletlo Bavantes, In Paris, a lecture In which she described her feelings when she believed herself to be tying. , , "My will was absolutely gone," she said. "I observed myself as dispassionately as though I wers another being. All material things became vague. But my Impressions grew powerfully acute my senses became externalized aa It were. I recollected a similar experience t had In New Caledonia during a cyclone. The heavens were black, tha sea waa black, and it seemed to me that from tho depths of the sea rose a pro found power of attraction. It was aa If we had existed In the elements and deatb was only a return to them. "Thought mads Impressions In symbols and language no longer was possible. The war In which I was engrossed appeared to me as a vast stain of blood. The future was an Indistinguishable mass, In which difficult epochs loomed like the summits of a mountain range. Beyond, there appeared the new horlson where truth shone for all. "What restored me to health was the universal sympathy extended to me, with which. I felt myself . In constant communi cation. Now that I am well, I shall con tlnus my lectures, for my one desire Is to diminish the hatred between people who think." ' Louise Michel goes from Paris to Lon don, thence to Algeria and Chaumont, to lecture. NAMES NO JflORE BISHOPS Several Important Dloreaes In FraUeeo to Remain Without , Head. (Copyright. 1904. by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, June 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) It has been decided that the dioceses of Bayonne, St. Jean do Maurlene, AJaccIo, Vannes, Nexers and Versailles shall continue vacant until the attitude of the French government toward the church shall hkve undergone a change. At the coming consistory not a single French bishop is to be named:. ANCIENT RELICS UNCOVERED Gold Coin and Vases Ilorled In ' Twelfth Century Pound 1st Bulgaria. (Copyright, 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) BUCHAREST, June 11. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The French consul at Phlllppopolls reports that at Sxgherli, near Falar-Passardljk, in Bul garia, gold pieces and vases of solid gold, which are supposed to have , been hidden In the twelfth century, have been dug up. SEEK PENSI0NF0R CRONJE Be Asked to Provide lor. tho Famous Boer General. (Copyright, 1804. by Press Publishing? Co.) PARIS. June 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The French Society of Boer Sympathisers, organized during the Boer war, anxious to save Gen eral Cronje from giving exhibitions of sham battles at the World's fair In St. Louis, has sent a representative to Mentone to ask Mr, Kruger to give General Cronje a Ufa pension out of his own abundance. REAL ESTATES TTLAIfSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 11, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: Sarafi J. Blakeway to Pan JCosaek. lot 21, block 1, Ames Place , 4 40 Jacob W. Wilcox and wife to Hans N. Jensen, part of. lot 29, block 2, Park Place " M Aldred Wyfnan and wife to Hans N. Jensen, sams ' 26 James B. Nelson, administrator, to. Ollvlg Nelson, part of lot 9. block I 1. Armstrong's 1st add..-....'........... J;07S Charles E. Price and wife to Naomle F. Schonek, part sub. lot 7 tax lot 29, sec.' 4-16-13 1 Charles E. Prloe and wife to same, same '. .7 1,250 Tukey Imd company to George For gan, lot 7, block 12 Clifton Hill 1 Le Grant F. Ledwleh t al to Jurgen Thomsen, lots 6 and 7, block 16, Rose I Hill -E00 17. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS. BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1320 Farna m St. Tel. 108 We buy and sell South OmahaUnion Stock Yards Stock. The Merchants . National Dank of Omaha, Nt. tt. ft. DesealtMV . Capital sod Surplus, $600,000 purat iwrr, Pm. set A vooo, .ra, UmiCl MAIL UanW. . MAW T. AMAT0f4. AaatCaaklaa. Saaatia a.eesaU at Sanaa. Sea a are, etiona, Iru aad tsabTtaaaOs a, la' yore ll Isahaase kouarst aa sola. Letters ef Oreait leetiea. aealuMs la all a tSe werie laUet pais aa TlaM CevttSaeUs ef BapaaM. fall lane aaaae arompalj a4 ..aaamuallf. We teajaeat nsnav.aSwia Updike Commission Cp. Q RAJ If AND PROVISION.. BusIdaos handled promptly In all markets. Offloa, 661 Bee Building. Telephone I4GA O. W. UPL1KID. MANAaBR. Ten free trips to ths World's Fair. See coupon on pegs twa DIVIDENDS 110 per month for 20 months will yield IT.0 to IKjO per year for life tlm. Write to day for In fifrroat Ion -Tropical Krtilta. OVKHLANI HKCUiUTlfcli fMHANT, Exchange Uulldlug, aVeuvwr, Cvlo. n