Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1904, PART 2, Image 9

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    wr2-paK9to"i The Omaha Daily Bee.
m urns
Hnsierv Sale
25,000 stock of men's, ladies' and children's hose, which
we secured at practically our own price '
50c Men's Hose, i2c. j 25c 6 35c Ladies' Hose, i2c
Newest pattern In lane atrip and
embroidered, plain and fancy col
ors, worm up to too
your choice
Fancy I no and drop stitch hose
In black, oxfords and itMl grays
I2tc I worth Irm 10 - 124c
25c 6 39c Children's Hose, 8c, 10c, 12i
All. the new srimg patterns, the fratet bargains ever
offered. ,
Men's and Ladies' Underwear
Bleeveleea, with lace tad fancy Lisle thread, laoe trimmed, or plain,
rake, la ail else, your I fl th aTntet anap In ladles Otm
choice Saturday UC eulta Herod MM...fcwC
extra sis, oholo ORst IBB and DRAWERS, hand- RRa
Saturday..... ...UG wmtl trlmmtd, at....M...UUy
Saturday ..... , .....-...... Www
MEN'S AND BOYS' SUSPENDERS Worth up to So, your cholo (fit
Saturday, pair IUC
That Vacation Trip
la not ill in ulili If you have to worry about am eld battered trunk or carry
an old battered crip.
"We Can Supply Your Need
With trunk of the very beet manu-
frSm.r.,,.....2.75 to 30.00
Suit cases that will stand the wear
and axe handsome a they make
1.50 to 18.00
Grip in the very latest atylea and beet
aC"" 40c to 18.00
Do Not Fail to See Our Line
An Exceptional Shoe Opportunity
LOSING OUT the balance of the surplus Boston stocks and also from a
large Omaha Jobber at almost ONE-HALF. ON SALE SATURDAY In our two
Dig anoe department.
Men's $8.60 and $4.00 Patent, Colt Bala !
at ,
Men'a and Women'a $2.60, $100 and $3.50 Patent Colt, Vlcl and
T 1 f CI 1
DIU lDUUH, .Lit .. ....... ,,..,......
Misses' and Cbllds' Roman Sandals,
at $L75, (1.60 and. , ,
Chrome Patent Calf Vamps,' dull calf quarter, and mlases', chllda' and Infanta
dongola and patent vamp aandala, 1 . ACr
TOo. Wo, tlM and . "C
Women'a Tan Juliet and Kid t&tO Oxferds, S 1 , Qgg
Chllda' $1.00 Turn Shoes and Roman Sandala,
afc ........................,....... ............. .. ....... .wwm.
Men'a. Boys' and Toutha' Canvaa Shoe and Oxford,
DLES In white, pink and 111.
blue, at OuC
These are broken lots, of standard makes,
auch aa R. O. Thompson Glove Fitting;,
and many others your
Ladies' Neckwear
10c Turn-Over Collars, 01r
each fiv
loo Ladles' Linen Collars, Oin
each "I
25c Ladles' Bilk Stock Collars, fr
2fo Sets Ladles' Collars and iftf
Cuffs, per set IV k
80c to 35c Wash Laces, Rc
per yard
2&o Applique Embroideries, 7J"C
Special bargains In All-Over Laces;
Ribbons, lo to lOo per yard Saturday.
Umbrella Special
$1.50 Men's and Ladles' 26 and 28 In. Q Q
Gloria Bilk Umbrellae at UOC
. Ladies' Fancy Silk Parasols
In all the newest shades and patterns, an
Immense assortment, from 15.00 njj.
down to tl.CO and UO0
Kaysers Silk Cloves
In all th new shades, great Pfl,
Value at $1.00, 76c, and UUC
$f0,000 Worth of Women's Ready Made Garments at About One-Third Regular Price.
The Greatest Money Saving Sale Ever Known Saturday a Banner
Day for Bargains.
aSflO Women's Wash Waists
Trimmed In lace, Insertion, embroidery or
tucks. In all the new wash materia a
lateat styles, Including- the NEW
BERTHA WAISTS, worth from $3.00 to
$8 00, your choice
L ..2.39
....0A ,;.JM)0
up front.
Double Trading Stamp all day on Shoes. -Brooks
Bros' $100 Turn and Welt Oxfords, J QQ
How about your feet this hot weather? G rover's HAND SEWED shoe are
what you are looking' for. ULTRA and GROVER for worn, and STETSON.
fXO Women's Jackets fa.98.
Better than" those offered last Saturday
nearly all silk coats, the greatest values
ver offered, worth up to $10.00. O (1U
Saturday, while they last S.VO
tUMSO Wraia'i Wash Salt f4A8.
Nearly all samples, mad up In th newest
styles. In linens, lawns, madras, dimities,
batiste, trimmed with lace and Insertion,
worth up to $12.60, A QQ
Saturday .VO
9 Ut Women's Veil Skirts S.
Mad of te very best French voiles, trim
med with several rows of taffeta, worth
up to $12.00, the best values . r fifl
ver olTerad, at.'.. O.VU
' fllk Shirt Waist Bnlta.
ITS sample suite, made to sell at $16.00,
$30.00 and $30.00, Saturday's Q Qf
price, $lA.00V$li.60 and ..V
Extra Specials
Wo want a crowd Saturday. As an extra
Inducement for you to visit our Cloak
Department and see our stock we will sell
FROM 8:30 TILL 9:30 A. M.
$1.50 Black Mercerised
Underskirts, at
$1.00 Women's Wash Waists, In vestings,
lajvTis, dimities, etc., 29C
Curtain Day
Monday, June 13th.
Our Lac Curtain sales have attracted buyera not only from tha thre
cities, but throughout several states.
Monday morning we will place on saie our Lace Curtain
stock of four manufacturers-NOTTlNGHAMS, CABLE NETS,
LOT 1 Nottlnghams, worth up to $3.00,
Monday, pair
LOT 2-Cable Nets, worth up t $0.08,
Monday, pair
LOT S Bon Fame, worth from $V00 to $9.0 each,
Menaay, each, from 14.60 down to.....
LOT 4 Irish Point, worth from $1 00 to $1000 per pair,
Monday, at, per pair, $5.20, $3.10, Xao and
x) i ) a
I5C-TO MUSIC t01E?S-l5c
FOUR OF Navaho, vocal and lntsrumental
THE MOST Gondolier, vocal and Instrumental r-
POPt'LAR Funny Folks, vocal and lnstrumsntal
HITS. Under the Anhauser Bush, vacal and Instrumental
Also many others, almost If net quit as popular Instrumental gems, such aa
"Thoughts of Love," "Flowery Kingdom," ''Romany Rye," "Yankee Otrl," "A
Seed of the Pen." "Virginia Beauties." "Steel King." "To th Front." VTrum
petecrs' March," "Uncle Sammy. '
SUCH VOCAL FAVORITES as "Up m a Coooanut Tre, "Zulu'a Dream,"
"slor Boy' a Farewell," "If I Hod a Thousand Hearts," "Bessie," "She's
My Girl," "My Dream of Lov," "Th Robin's Sweet Song Remtoda Sle of
Tou," and many other catchy pieces Your choice (Ca
Saturday IwV
FROM 0 TILL 10 A. M.
$1.00 Women'a Wrappers,
FROM 90 TILL 10:80 A. M.
xro women'a Lawn Klmonaa, 39c
FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M.
Women'a Wash Suits, In lawna and per
cales ' trimmed with embroidery. fe.
worth up to $4.00, each 1OC
FROM 7:80 TILL 9:30 P. M.
$1.25 Women'a Wrappers, In
lawna and percales, at....
Special Salejron
Beds j Dining Chairs
A oar load or Iron Beds will be placed
ort sale Saturday A. M. at factory
prices. The best opportunity of the
vear. We secured them at a barcain
f " 1 and will give you the benefit
We also have a lot of odd Rockers and Dining Chairs which
we will close out at 50c on the dollar Thursday.
Drug Specials
Florida Water,
per bet tie
Talcum Powder,
Kirk's Glycerin Soap,
large cake
Dr.. Route's Egg Whit
Woodbury Boapa,
Eastman's Violet and
Rosa Talcum,
China Dept.
100-plnce Decorated Dinner Sets, best
English seml-porcelaln, fancy shapes.
Regular $12.00 and $15.00 values, Satur
day $59
Stippled Gold and Hand Painted
Salads, Fruit Bowls, Chop Trays,
Cake Plates, etc, regular $1.60 values,
Saturday, at 26o
Imitation Cut Finished Tumblers,
6 for , ...6o
Cups and Sauce re, handled, fanoy
shapes, best whit granite, per
set $4
All sizes Odds and Ends In Decorated
Plates, as long aa they last, eaeh....6o
High tn Quality Only
at Hayden's
Chickens, per lb
Rooeters, per lb M.
Veal Roast, per lb ..........
Veal Stew, per lb
Lamb Roast, per lb ..........
liunb Blew, per lt
Boiling Beet per lb.
noiut Beer, per lo.
No. 1 Hams, per lb..
No. 1 Bacon, nor lb.
California Hams, per lb..
no. l Bait fork, per ID
l-lb. Leaf Lard.
. ..Co
,.. 64,0
Trading; Stamps Absolutely Free
Tnl 'r'f rVr ...... ......
Good Japan rice, pound
xne aest macaroui pg
T . .va wKit nr vaIIow cornneal
1-lb. can fancy Alaska salmon ....
Uauou cans lanny appicn
Large bottles fanoy pickles, any
Large bottles pur temato catsup ..
4-IO. cans petiea nam
S-lb. cans deviled ham
t-lb. cans-solid packed tomatoes ....
n. Itn.tAn haVftd bAftUia .... ....
S-lb." can gQlden pumpkin
1- 1D. pxg. mincemeai m. ....
2- lb. can fancy sliced pineapple
large vjauiurnia pruuus. iu ......
Fancy Oallfrnla seedless raisins, lb
London layer muscatel raisins, io ..
English cleaned currants, lb
..3 'o
Fanoy Separator creamery butter, lb.
in vary oest new grass butter, lb .
Good country butter for family use .
Choice country butter for cooking, lb
Large Juicy seedless lemons, dozen .
ij&rge juicy sweet oranges, dozen .
Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, lb..
Colorado White Clover honey, rack
Fancy Florida pineapples, eaoh ....
8 rolls tellet paper ...
6-pce, table set, fancy matts
8-drawer spice casts ........ ...........
lover egg oeoier
8 large oxes tooth picks for
-incn ruDDer garoen nosa
Garden rakes, 12 tine t
Hardwood adjustable screens ...
Don't Suffer from
Defective Vision
Wt nt Glastts Corrtctly, Moderatt Charges, Ask Our Optician About It,
Gtoriai af Iu If arrsk tu Powtri Fraaouced
Mainly BaiL
Dee Het Bffeet the Ceroe Clalaaed e
It, hot Instead Ittmnlatea
Oessa t Oreateg
Th wonderful and mystr1ua properties
of radium cav furnished beautiful themes
- for th psud-solentlst te aw th lay
mind with during th past two or three
years, but. Ilk th perpetual motion at
long ago, this latest Idol has fallen to
earth and It real character la at last re
In num arena technical' and papular ar
ticle there have appeared vivid aescrlp
tlons of all the things whloh radium Is
supposed to d, but ther has net been a
single artlcl written by an' authority en
th aubjeot wn baa com to th front
with deQnlt statements and undanlabl
facta of What radium cannot do.
Soan of the most extravagant assertions
bar been mad not only In th popular
press but tn the technloal paper aa wall
indeed, the lattera are usually recorded
authentically In the Utter class af jour
nals trston net one af eur scleatifte
spirit aa shows. only t plainly that th
greater percentage of these wn pos aa
a rants are really melodrama tie charao.
playinaT to the gallery of publl sen
timent. As a Light mm m Cere-AIL
To begia with, whsa the discovery of ra
dium was made by the Curies It was her.
aided as a substance of auch Intense lumi
nosity that a grain af the stuff would fur
nish light enough to Illuminate a room.
To those who were Interested enough te
investigate, this deception waa quickly
dispelled, but the great publlo seldom
aeeks te pry Into technloal matters for
any on of a number of goad and sufficient
reasons, and t this day the majerlty af
lay rtadera believe that radium I capable
of emitting quite enough light to read by.
Radium la jointly luminous, but net
nearly as much so aa good phosphorescent
paint of equal quantity, and a firefly
makes the radio-active substance look Ilka
a tallow dip under the rays af an are
lamp. Such statements, misleading aa they
are, are harmless when compared with th
cruel deceptions which have been perpe
tratedby sclentlsU(T) in New York, which
educators has taken the trouble to refute
them; just why It Is not easy te aay, un
less It la for the reason that our learned
fraternal brethren do not approve of the
idea of contradicting each other. This
method of procedure, this alienee, la not
at all tn aocordano with true actentlflo
waa evidently dona for the purpose of ob
taining publicity. One of these waa th
claim that th blind could be made to see
by causing radiation emanating from th
tube to be directed upon the optlo nerve;
another waa the wide publicity given te the
curative properties of radium in ths treat
ment of caaoer and other pathological con.
dl tlons.
Thai radium anx ethos known auk-1
stance or method cannot restore a dead
optlo nerve, any reputable phydoiaa or ocu
list will tell you. In fact. It 1 quite as Im
possible aa It la to restore life to a dead
bodyk yet this waa the frightful hoax that
waa sprung last winter, and the hopes of
hundreds of persons so afflicted were falsely
raised, and there la no doubt that these
glowing tales account for the large sales
of low-grade radium to the unsopklstl
cated. That many of th blind have actu
ally paid large sum for these X-ray cure
treatments are facta la possession oc ths)
Inierlor te X-Rays.
'Aa to the curing of cancer by th ema
nation of radium, It may be aald that when
the X-rays were first discovered the same
optimistic claims were held out, but time
soon proved -that the X-rays offered little
or no relief for the dreaded disease. Now
the active rays af radium are not ao very
different from those of a Crooks tub, th
difference being la degree rather thaa la
Both the X-rays and radium rays produce
very similar physiological results, and both
penetrate wood, flesh, and other pore us sub
stances, . while lead aad all the metals, ex
cept aluminium, aeem te absorb or deflect
them, aad anally both class w of raya af
fect a photographic dry piae. Th chief
dlffereno between radium and X-raya la
that th strong eat emanations of the former
are a million times' weaker tkaa the latter.
How absurd It la, then, te suppose that
radium rays oould prove more beneficial
than the X-raya under similar patheUgical
conditions! A fairly good X-ray oell with
Crooks tube and battery complete can ha
purchased for a couple of hundred dollars,
whereas a grain of radium having a radio
activity af M.000 costs tUSO.
But there are very few physicians who
have radium of this aotlvlty, the usual
activity being LOO, 8.008 or 7.000. and worth
$40, $1M and $Ka. respectively, ao that the
exposure for the treatment of malignant
growths would have to be prolenged sev
eral hour te have aay effect at all.
Radium cannot begin to eompeto with
ultra-violet light In its healing proper
tie f those untoward conditions, and
von ultra-violet radiations are not posi
tive and absolute in every ease by any
means. There are n diseases known t
th madloal profession for which the
X-raya of ultra-violet radiations are net
superior la doing the work better aad
quicker thaa radium.
Annihilating all the germa la water by
placing radium In it la another one of
those delightful little fantasies whloh men
with more technical training than cemrnea
sense would Ilk to have th people be
lieve to be a commercial achievement of
radium. . Radium will kill germs In a
test tube of water, but It would have lit
tle effect If plaoed la a barrel of water.
But evea If this were possible, what would
be the us when a little heat will bring
water to a temperature where It la known
to a certainty to have a baoterladdal
aotion aad bo rendered perfectly safe?
It has also been argued that by this
method water absorb a certain percent
al e of the ray of re Cum gad is itself
made radio-active, and whoa taken In
ternally Its therapeotio value la similar
to the direct application of radium, and
ao affeota the diseased tusmes and rids
the ayatam of bacilli by its destructive
force. When It to takaa tnla wu. dera
tion that the amount of pure radium In
pitchblende la only about ene-ten-mllllonth
of 1 per cent equal to the amount of gold
tn salt water and when this la made up
In the form of a compound with barium
chloride of carbonate and a grain of this
substance la hermetically sealed In a
glass tube aad placed In a bucket of wa
ter. It la only reasonable te suppose that
Instead Of killing the microbe K would
act aa a delightful stimulant, and It still
remains for the Investigator to prove the
Wad lens fa0OO,OOO a roaadl
One et toe aaost sensational features
about radium, and one that really appeals
to the Imagination of ovary one, be he
technloiaa or layman, la the enormous
prices at which the substance la quoted.
For instance, wa are Informed that radium
la a substance whloh millionaires eaanot
buyl Likewise millleaairea may net buy
the moon. There la no auch thing as a
100 per .coat pure radium, but any on with
$1.60 may buy a grain of radium barium car
bonate that haa aa aotlvlty of about 60 X;
that Is, the radio-active material la a grain
of the compound la fifty times greater than
la a grain of the mineral pltaableado from
whloh It la made.
la some of the stores radium la an exb
bttlea In the windows aa aa advertisement;
the little glass tubes eontaialag the white
powder are placed in neat velvet cases
which eest two or three times as much as
the radium itself. To these oases cards are
attached oa whloh this legend appear la
Urge letter;
Radium I
$8,090,0u0 per pound.
It la an attractive advertisement, aad ens
cannot help but wonder how, If radium la
worth $$,000,000 per pound, a grain of It aa
amall aa the amount U should have ever
found IU way Into th llttl Broadway
store. It U a bit f advertising equal t
th bast yellew Journalism, and catchee the
aye af the public, and If ana oarea to In
vestigate Just a little Into the mysteries
proposed, It would be found to be like the
proverbially half-a-lle, since the substance
shown la a preparation of radium, aad pure
radium, were It available, would oeat ap
proximately $8,800,100 per pound; as It is.
there are 68 grains te the pouna, which, at
the rate of $L6v would be $760 per pound instead.
The announcement of Sir William Ram
sey that radium U capable of being trans
muted lata helium has given the "gold-
from-leed' workers fresh argument, a U
Hunter, of Philadelphia, but Sir William's
deductions must be weighed In the scales of
time. Pereglnua, a brilliant scientist of the
thirteenth oentury, showed a remarkable
clear Insight Into the phenomena exhibited
by the loadstone, but Pereglnua fell down
bard la one respect, for ho proclaimed ha
oould produce perpetual motion magnet! o
ally. Pereglnua was as good a man la his
day aa Ramsey la now.
A Columbia professor has ahowa a per
petual motion acheme by means of radium.
but the moral pointed out above U obvious.
Radium possesses IU especial properties and
so deea magnstlo stsel, and the former Is
not more wonderful than the latter. Th
laws relating to the conservation of energy
still remain unchanged, and radium emana
tions dearly conform, to these laws. A
JJrdrivk Collin la Waahln(toa post.
Pamphlet, -48md bytk 0rmniant Tall
of Hia OomaajratiTaly Ekvpy Lot
Opportunities tor Edaeatloa Mixed
with D at lea la Times Peace
rawvtetea for Athletic Sparta
evnd Other Diversion.
The glamor Which surrounds a aoldlera
life In time of war haa been th them of
singer and story teller for centuries. The
shook of battle, the reverberating booailas
of sonorous artillery, th wild daah of
oharglng cavalry, the storming of cannon
crested heights by long linos of cheering
men behind th glittering steel of bayonets,
tba bugle calls, the aoreaaolag and crash
ing of bursting shells, the joy of combat,
the celebration of vf-rtory la the blue, acar
let, and gold pomp aad panoply of glor
leue war, have long been told la song and
But what of the aoldler'a Ufa in days,
months and years of peace? What doea
the soldier da te amuse himself T Where
doea he llveT What dees ho wear and eatT
Theaa are question seldern anawered by
aeng and atery writer. .
Tula the United States government an
swers In a pamphlet In sued to combat the
Idea which seem te prevail la maay parts
of the United B taxes that the soldier U the
regular army helda a position below that of
an ordinary cltisen; that he perform dutlea
degrading to an American ; that his privi
leges are few and far between and that en
listment In the army aCorda practically
ao opportunity either for advancement,
accumulation of savings, or self-Improvement.
These ideas are ao far from th truth
that they are preposterous. The day has
gene by when the rowdy, the bum, the
hobo, and the dissolute can tnd a refago
In the army. The army regulatlona bar all
such from the ranks.
Recruits tn the regular army must b be
tween a and $5 yeara eld. They must be
unmarried, of good antecedents and habits,
aad free from bodily defects. They must be
eitlsena of the United State, or have de
clared their Intention to become dtlaena,
and must be able to apeak, read and write
the English language.
There are many recruiting . stations
throughout the country where a maa may
present himself for enlistment. If he pauses
a satisfactory examination h will be ac
cepted by the soldier tn charge and duly
awera Into the service of the United Statea
oldler I pen's Comfortable Lite.
The roorult may not have a cent tn his
pocket aad only a ragged ooat oa his back.
He may be homeless, shelterless, without
friends. Ha may not knew where his next
meal Is to oome from, but from the moment
ha la awera Into the eervloe of Undo Bam he
haa a heme, good clothing, oomrades, a
club, a gymnasium, a chance to educate
himself, a monthly In coma, and an oppor.
tunlty to aava money and have It draw a
higher rate of Interest thaa la paid by any
savin bank la Cluoeao, Bull sick he
will receive medical care and nursing free
of cost. If he should become Infirm dur
ing twenty yeara of service If he cares to
make soldiering a llf business he 1 sure
Of a comfortable hem near th national
fapltol for th rest of his llf.
Once enlisted, the recruit receive new
clothing, a part of hla uniform that Is, a
cap, kleuae trousers and some undercloth
ing, and la sent to the depot rendeavous.
Here ho will be given aa overcoat, If In
winter, blankets, ahoea, stockings, and mora
Thus the new recruit haa provided himself
with new olothfng and temporary quarters
through no more effort thaa that required
tn raising hi right .hand to take the oath
to aerva Uncle Sam faithfully aad well.
Having been assigned to a company th
recruit will receive hi bed aad bedding and
assigned to the squadreom. Then he beglaa
to learn the routine life of a soldier. First
he is instructed how to fold and oar for
hla bedding and to keep his part of the
aquadroom in order. But that la easy com
pared to drill. . He la supposed to knew how
to walk, to held himself erect, or hew' to
carry a gun. Thre hour a day for flv
day in th week thex reorutt spend in
squad or company drill. This Is the hard
eat part of the recruit's life at the rea
dexveua, but it usually ooetiauea not longer
than a month. In a month the recruit la
supposed to become pre Select tn military
evolution. j te Attend gchoek
Four time a week he listens to lecture
aa various military dutlea. The evenings ho
will have to hlaaaelf uatU 11 o'clock, at
whloh time, unless ho haa pormlaaioa to be
absent, he will have to be In bis bed. If
ho chooeoa ha may attend school in the
evanlag, otherwise ho I free to put In his
time aa he likes, either U or out of the
gar rise a.
After a month haa passed th recruit will
begin te take hk turn at the Impertaat
tjuty of going oa guard, and at th end of
three aoatha he Jelaa his regiment, fully
equipped tor the life of a soldier.
la th regiment the roorult will hav a
better Urn than while at the readesvoua,
for ha then feras those oomradeahlpa
which often oontlnue through Ufa Hla
home la at oompeny quarters. Her he
finds squad rooms, a dlalng room and bath
room. Ha haa aa Iron bed with wevsa
wire mattreaa, and a lacker In which to
keep hla personal belonging. Modern bar
racks are heated by steam, with plenty of
hot and oold water tm the bathrooms.
At every military station there la a
achool, a post exchange, a library and
reading room, and an amusement halt At
the achool the recruit may Join classes from
November 1 to April 1 and receive instruc
tion In language, literature, mathematloa,
history and the sciences. Ia th library
he will And book of all kind carefully
selected and purchased from tin to time,
the men being allowed to name auch hooks
aa they like to read.
Tba pest exchange la exclusively for the
soldier's use. It supplies the men, at mod
erate prices, with auch articles as may be
deemed necessary for their use. In It will
be found billiard and pool table, and tables
for playing checker, chess, domlnoa and
cards. Gambling Is not permitted and only
oft drinks are sold.
The gymnasium 1 aupplled with ths
various baxgt ring, trajpeees, ladder. Uk,
useful for developing th musel and giv
ing healthful exercise.
The amusement ball Is fitted up with
stage and scenery, and it 1 used tor ama
teur theatricals, dancing parties, etc.
Oatdoor Sports Popular.
Ther are ample outdoor facilities for
foot balL base ball, la creese, tennis and
other sports, and th rivalry between the
teams of different companies lends greater
Interest to th life of a seldler.
Thus It will be seen that every arrange
ment U mad for th aoldler'a comfort
and amusement It can safely be said that
hardly in any place where a young man
may live, In the ordinary employments,
will he have a many convenlenoea ao easily
within reach and with so little to pay
for them aa he will find la the army.
Eaoh seldler receives a dally allowanc
of thr-fourtha of a pound f pork or
bacon, or canned beef, fresh or corned, or
one and ene-feurth petmda of fresh beef,
or twelve ounces of salt meat; eighteen
eunees of soft bread, on pound of hard
bread, or one and one-fourth pound of
commeal In addition he receives an
ample supply of beana or peas, rice or
hominy, sugar, vinegar, salt, pepper, coffee
and tea and one pound of treah vegetables.
These rations are drawn In bulk once In
ten days, or aa often aa may be necessary.
The meals are prepared by eempany cook
employed by the government. On holidays
turkeys, chlckwna, puddings, etc, are
added. Any game ar fish resulting from
hunting parties la cooked free of charge.
The pay of a private la $18 a month and
an increase of $1 a month for hla third year
and If he enlist within thre month from
date of discharge $3 a month for fourth
year and $3 a month for the fifth years
that la, $18 a month for the first two
years, $14 'a month for the third year, $15
a month for the fourth year, and $18 a
month for the last year. For every subse
quent five yeara af contlnuoua service $1
mere la added to hla monetary pay. He la
allowed $182 every three yeara for oieth
Ing. By care he oaa save from $60 to 878
of this amount Chicago Tribune.
Oaoe It Waa Far Ahead at the Civil
ised World of Eaiej la
All Thlagrs.
The more the history of China is investi
gated the more oertain It a earns to bo that
many of th Invention and diacoverlea
supposed to hav first become knewn ia
Europe were really known centuries befr
to th Chinese
Th Chines mad us f th Invention
and discoveries for a while; then, a th
lit of the nation stagnated and all prog
ress slopped, they were allowed to becesae
lost arts ia the land where they originated
and were fergotten until they were reintro
duced from the west
Centuries be for tba people of Europe
began to manufacture paper the Chinese
made It aad used te write en It Even
Hedln, the explorer, found burled la the
aanda f Gobi desert a ruined city, aad la
the city many manuscript af paper cov
ered with Chinese script
These piece of paper wera 1.860 yeara
old. and very good paper It waa.
According to the Chinese chronicles paper
waa mad la Chlnd 1,009 yeara before th i
Christian era, whereas It first became
knewn In Europe la the ninth century, and
Its general use and manufacture dates from
comparatively recent times.
Long before the European began to mine
coal to use as fuel th Chinese were using u
It Marco Polo, th Venetian traveler, who
visited China In 1276, being then a young
man of 2L waa much surprised to find the
Chines "burning s loses" a he expressed
He says la th story of his travels:
"Through the whole province of Cathay
(that la, Chlna certain black stones are
dug out of the mountains which, put Into
the fire, burn like wood, and, being kin
dled, preserve fire a long time; and if they
be kindled In the evening they Veep fire all
night; and maay nee these atones though
they have plenty of wood."
Recently there was celebrated at the city
af Amalfl, In Italy, the 0Oth anniversary of
the birth of a Bailor named Gloja, who has
been commonly regarded aa th inventor of
the mariner's compass.
Though his claims to having Invented th
compass have been discredited. It Is certain
that It waa about hla time that the mag
netic needle began to be used by European
sailors, and the Invention became generally
known. Tet aa ancient Chinese record
speaks of the ootnpass as having been
used by on of th old emperors 2,035 yenr
before Chrtot, when the emperor, being
caught hi a fog, made himself nn Instru
ment which told htm which was north and
which waa south. ,
When the Interior of China la at least
opened to ervfllzaMon and an the history of
the decrepit empire become known. It
may be found that many other lnventlona,
eomrorte and Inxurle which FAirope and
America enjoy were old stories to tile Chi
nes centuries before they became known
to th western world. Washington Post
8 ere Aid to Lenar Lire.
Electrlo Bitters give aa aotlve liver, per
fect digestion, healthy kidneys, resruhir
bowels, fine appetite, or no pay. 6O3. For
saie ay a. una a (Jo.
A Parrot Detective.'
A parrot belonging to Jlnie. Tarby of
Paris has won distinction by leading the
police to arrest a band of clever and no
torious burglara The band broke Into Mme.
Tarby'a house at a time when only the
bird waa within. As soon as the .mistress
returned the bird, much to her surprise.
saluted her with "Hullo, big feet I" When
sbs discovered ths ransacked state of her
house she sent at once for the police, and
upon the commissary arriving he was alxo
greeted by the parrot with the observance,
"Hullo, big feetl"
The commissary resented the remark, and
said, "Hush" to the bird, which replied at
once, "Oh, hurry up, big feet; you are slow
big feetl"
Thk commissary turned to Mme. Tarby,
and the Utter, anticipating a complaint,
hastened to explain to the Indignant ofn er
that the bird had never used the expression
before that day. At that a light broke In
upon the commissary.
" 'Big Feet' Is the nickname of a notori
ous burglar," he exclaimed. "I soe It; your
bird has reported the robbery." .
Following-up the clew, the burglar and
hla accomplices were soon arrested, and
the bird la to be produced as a witness
against them at the trlaL-Nsw Xork Press.