I Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE II, 1004. NEBRASKA MARKS AN EPOCH On of tha Ureal Ino denti la th Hiitory of the World. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS IN MAN'S PROGRESS riod'a Mrslerloos War wm by the DeTelopmeat mt Uses that Have lalmlaatea ia Free oat' Trlamph. At tha Auditorium yesterday Henry IXj&f Estabroolc ot New York, formerly of Omaha, addressed the multliude that as sembled to take part In the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the approval of the Nebraska-Ksnsaa bill. The full text ot bl aUdresa follows: "The ftrat four words of the first of all books are the moat Important words erer uttered by one lntellttace to another: 'In the begMoryng-God. "Please to observe that theae words form ulate the statement of a faot and not simply a working hypothesis. This fact, I say, I Important, because It redeems the unlveise from the oliarae of Idiocy and alone Juatlflea the tremendous ergo of Des cartes. Bald be: 'I think, therefore, I am.' And the converse of this postulate, while not so apparent, may be no less true, namely, that there la no real existence out side of thought. "It Is all very well for the scientist, so called, to draw partial oonciusions from tentative premises, but to draw an ulti mate oonoluslon from an unknown premise is nothing short of arroganc. Time was when an assumed primordial atom, calleJ matter, and an assumed primordial force, called motion, were made to aocount fur everything that Is or seems to be, and the peculations built upon this dual absurdity were, with great solemnity, called science. "This science reduced life to a ferment, and thought itself to a by-product of chemical combustldn. Like the flame of a candle we gleamed for a moment In a naughty world and then went out In dark ness. I,ov tfc All Pewerral. . "But recently there has been found a something called rkdltim'. - Up to date there is only a little of It in the world, and It Is very) precious. - But radium exists and behold I the hitherto indivisible atorrt of chemistry has been shattered Into a mil lion Ions, and tha Ion Itself comminuted until matter, as such, disappears and there Is left, as the final scientific theory of causation, 'a swirl of force.' Can you con ceive of force in the abstract save in the terms of thought? ' " "But there is another something more wonderful than radium, another force more puissant than chemical affinities. It was discovered long ago, but up to date there Is not so very much Of It In the world, and It Is very precious: This Is the force called love. Thought and love. Are not these the sum and substance, the very definition ot Almtght OodT "Fellow citlsens. for a layman In an oc casional address to start out by dlsousslng things spiritual, rather than things tem poral. Is to bring upon him the crltloism of sermonising. But my sermonising by way of prelude has this only for Its ob Jeot: If the unl verso be Godless, If things happen because- thy happen, without rhyme or reason, object or design, then history becomes a mere chronology of events of little more Interest than a last year's almanac. Hope cannot breathe In a moral vacuum, and wo stand brooding over her pathetic corpse. . The sun him self, seen through a glass darkly, seems veiled In orepe, whilst the chrysography of the stars spells only on wordpur poseless. ' ,'" "But If God be All In All. all life, all love, all truth, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, why, obviously, there Is room in the universe for naught but Ood, and we know, therefore, that In Him we live and move and have our being. In this spiritual Ised pantheism and I make bold to affirm that such Is the Christian religion stripped ot Its theology all partial truths are recon ciled. The theory of evolution Is based upon a law of eternal progress, but It leaves unanswered the yearning question, whence oometh this great law? And yet, ! spite of Its hiatus, evolution Is a con soling theory, for It Implies that regardless of the mistakes and blunders and wicked ness of man he must, through the very law of -ills being,, grow Into a better and higher manhood. It teaches that every sin has In It the seeds of Its own destruc tion, thereby confirming the Bible state ment that all that Ood mads or mani fested Is, In Its essence, good. Seems Like fin I'gly Dream. "Take, for Instance, the sin of slavery. By cudgelling our memory or delving Into history we can realise, no doubt, that slavery once existed In the United States even on Nebraska soli. We can realise that 'ministers of the gospel attempted to vindicate It on mora) grounds; that men fought and Intrigued to perpetuate and ex tend It i and that thousands upon thou sands died In Its defence. Today all this terns 11 kt an ugly dream. Via very does not exist and eannot exist, because the very thought of It has passed out ot consciousness. Bo that ' In studying the vents of even half a century wo may look from the pages of our history Into the deep blue of the Infinite and cry out with the psalmist: "Surely the wrath of man hall praise Thee: the remainder of wrath shalt Thou restrain." "Now, from time to time there comes a crisis In the affairs of men so big with portent that the world, stands tip-toe waiting the. event.. When thought has ap pealed to thought, when reason has corn batted reanon, when at last men threaten to coeres where they failed jto convince, the issue ma be an American revolution, where reason battle! with folly; or a French revolution, where passion warrsd with anmganco or a civil war, like our late rebellion, whtr for the first time In human experience men. took up arms In the name of the golden rule. Such a crisis waa the Both nf May, and Its ocranlnn was the organisation of Nebraska, Terri tory. ' Horn at a VII Compact. "The nation had travailed snd begat twins. Kansas snd Nebraska were the offspring of as vile a compact as was ever legalised by act of legislature. Their birthright under . the constitution was a free and happy soil, but It was sought to rob them of It r-vin In their cradle. To !lncate yet once again the aggressive selfishness ot slavocrary, Stephen A. Doug. Ins, a senatov from Illinois, had succeedud In grafting Into the organic acta of Kansas and Nebraska his doctilne of squatter sovereignty, though the phrase Itself. I be lieve, originated with General Cass. And what was this squatter sovereignty? film ply that certain portions of the public do main had been marked oft by metes and bounrla, labeled respectively Kansas and Nebraska, and the Slav owner and the abolitionist were told ta scramble for their possession. "With our knowledge of the sequel It Is easy to discern tha fatuity of such a program. What was Intended as a pallia tive was certain to prove an Irritant; fur the north wns not afraid of the south, nor had It ever been. It had been willing to ronoede that slavery was an existing evil for which no one then living waa wholly responsible, an evil, therefore to be treated gingerly. Put, being an evil. It was not to be cxldled. On the contrary, the gan grene must be localised, and by all means kept from spreading. Hence the north had acquluscsd in the admission of Missouri as a slave state In 130. gnimblngly, to be sure, and only In consideration of the eighth section of the act of admission, which provided: That In all that terri tory ceded by Franca to the United 8tates under the name of Louisiana, which lies north of in degrees, 30 minutes north, not Included within' the limits of the state con templated by this act, slaver and In voluntary servitude otherwise then In the punishment of crimes whereof the parties shall have been duly convicted, shall be and hereby Is forever prohibited.' Abxoerated tha Compromise. "Henry Clay, 'The Qreat Pacificator,' who had favored the Missouri compromise, was careful not to champion slavery as an In stitution. He deplored snd reprobated It, as did also rinckney, and nearly every other southerner of national consequence. The Missouri compromise, I say,, was ac quiesced In by the north because It pur ported to set bounds to southern aggran disement. Judge, then, of the feeling of outrage that tingled through the north like unseen lightning when the acts creat ing Kansas and Nebraska Insolently declared that the compromise of 1S20 was unconstitutional and void, and that the south, notwithstanding Its solemn avowals, refused to be' bound by It. Northern men looked at each other with questioning eyes. They acknowledged themselves duped, tricked, hoodwinked. The south had pal tered with Its sacred word, presuming upon northern cowardice and using the consti tution as a mask to Its hypocrisy. The people of the south Seemed to court and welcome a conflict on tho virgin plains of Kansas and Nebraska. Very well! Since tha challenge had been given In the name of slavery. It should bo accepted In the name of liberty! And thus the 'Irre pressible conflict' was actually begun. "Among the numerous old societies In stantly formed to promote northern Immi gration Into these new territories, probably tho earliest was the Boston society, of which Edward Everett Hale was the young and vigorous secretary. This noble gen tleman, who still lives to receive the blessings to which his heroic work en titles him, wrote a history of Nebraska that Issued from the press during the month ot August, 1S54. On the map that accompanied his book there Is Indicated not a single town or settlement, except Kearney and Bellcvue. Omaha. Is an aching void a cipher with the rim oft opposite Council Bluffs; and yet the author found a great deal to talk aboutl Edward Everett Hale's Ussnsie. "There was no attempt to disguise the purpose of the book. It was written frankly end avowedly In the cause of free dom, and the words of Eward Everett Hale rang out for Ood and the right as clear and sonorous then as they do today lt the senate of tho United States. In closing his history Mr. Hale, after urging upon northerners the neoesslty ot effort to settle the new territories, says: " 'It Is an effort which the whole provi dence of God demands, and which is made easy by the wonderful arrangement ot ilia wisdom. Two free states planted west of the Missouri are two new securities for American freedom. By so much the more is the perpetuity ot the American union possible, liy so much the more Is the prin ciple of republican government redeemed and made consistent. They are two tree states which command the gates to the Pacific, and to tha colonies on the way there. In the center of the United State, In what .may yet be the heart of Its em pire, they will maintain In Its purity the principle on which the empire is founded. " 'The destiny of America Is to call all races of men Into a freer life within her borders than they have ever enjoyed at home. In her government is the secret which 'gives to each religion its exercise, to each oppressed nation its refuge, to each race of man Its development. It will only be by a miracle of Indolence, by blindness utterly Insurable, that the men of the frr states can forfeit such a prise. Unless free dom refuses the strength she always has flven to free men, that victory Is gained, t Is gained unless the church of Christ, which has thrown over the world a net work, along the cords of which run the electrical words of good tidings. 1s false at home to a golden opportunity of advancing His kingdom. Unless, In one word, the firovldence of Ood be wholly neglected ami he Immense power for freedom flung away, which God gives when He sends an army of his children westward over sea and land, the freedom of Kansas and Nebraska Is secured and the firmest step for the future prosperity of America made sum. "'The victory Will be won! Ood gives It to the energy and wisdom of thore who go. and to the sympathy and praye.-s of those who stay.' "Fellow citizens, a good man Is ' some times gifted with a clairvoyance vouch safed only to the pure In heart, for such only cari see God. . The beautiful and cour ageous words I have read come down to us through half a century with the majesty and almost the sanction of an Isalahan prophecy. We know that Dr. .Hale'i pre dictions were fulfilled and wa know how they were fulfilled. Nebraska's Karly IHatorv. ' "Happily for Nebraska In those early days the actual collisions between the contend Ing forces were confined to Kansas. To bs sure tha gaunt figure of John Brown was occasionally seen In Falls City, which was a station on one of his undergrounl rail roads, but for the most part Nebraska was exempt from the turmoils of Kansas, and endured no greater strain upon her auton omy than the" fight between Bellevue and Omaha (and. afterward between Omaha and Florence) for the territorial capltol and the somewhat tumultuous meetings of her leg islature. "Tha domcstlo history of Nebraska has been gathered Into the archives of your State Historical society, whloh has pub lished neorly a dozen volumes of Nebraskan biography and memoranda. And I have read these books all of them, I think to what purpose I scarcely know, for the names of those who figure In the narrations were already as familiar to me as house' hold words, while the facts set forth I could almost vouch for as an, eye witness to their truth. I read these books I guess because they recalled names and faces and happenings of by-gone years, when the earth was young and I was young, and when the wild freedom caught from my Indian playmates had not been turned by the secular routine ot a work-a-day Ufa. And as I read there would sometimes come a mist before my eyes that was not alto gether the mist of revery. For there is a melancholy In retrospection, unreasonable, perhaps, and unaccountable, unless It be a part of the lnchrymae rerum the tearful ness of things In general. Well Sprlaars of Reminiscent. "Was It expected of me, when I was hon ored by your Invitation to speak on this occasion, that I should tell of the lives and works of these pioneers of Nebraska? That I should trace step by step the growth of Nebraska from municipal protoplasm to the atrong, vital, glorious organism that she is today? "Hut how could I speak of the dead with out speaking of their contemporaries, many Of whom are living men who have attained a time of Ufa when memory la longer than hope, to be sure, but whose mimes and f.imes are Inseparably linked with the his tory of Nebraska. Could I speak of Thomas Cuming, that brilliant boy, who received his education In a telegraph ofRce and who as Its secretary twice became acting gov ernor of the territory, without speaking also of his successors In oltlce Thayer, Boyd, Furnas, Crounse and others? Could I utsntlon J uds-e Ferguson or Hall or Dundy and leavs unmentloned Judges Lake and Doane and Wakeley? Could I apeak of Savage and Ignore MamleraonT Or of Eld ward Crelghton and not of John Orelghton? Could I recall, the great lawyer and elo quent advocate Poppleton without at the same tnatant recalling another great law. yer. Woolwortt whu nauia waa always associated with thai ot Fcppleton? Could I refer to J. Sterling Morton without refer ring to his life-long friend, George I Mil ler? Could I allude to Qeorg Fraools V - THE ILLUSTRATED DEE NEBRASKA ONCE MORE HAS the center of the stag., so far as The Illustrated Bee Is con cerned, the next number, like the last, being almost exclusively de voted to the state and Its people. Another double page Is given up to the portraits of eminent attorney! of the state; the delegation that will represent the state In the na tional republican convention at Chi cago, occupies another page, an other page Is given up to the Bo hemian turners of the state, who recently beld their annual compe tition In Omaha, and another page tells of tbj? dedication of the monu ment to the late James Laird at Hastings on Memorial day. All these Illustrations are of Nebraska people. A fine portrait of George B. Cortel.vou, the new chairman of the national republican committee. Is on the front page, with some comment on the man and the po sition to which he has been called. Mr. Frank O. Carpenter's letter gives an account of his recent In terview with Dr. Alexander Orn nnm Bell, the Inventor of the tel ephone, who Is now Investigating the question of aerial navigation. It Is illustrated from photographs of Dr. Bell and the kites with which he has been so successful. In ad dition, will be found another In stallment Of the Interesting serin) that la now rapidly approaching Its climax; the Illustrated Women's Department, selected miscellany, short stories, chatty comment, and gossipy anecdotes, making the num ber complete In every particular. If you arc now not already a sub scriber you should leave your order with your newsdealer today. . the illustrate BEE Train that man of noble aberrations, with out some mention of the faithful Beinls? Could I speak the names of our late sen ators. Hitchcock and Saunders, and leave unspoken the names of their moet worthy eons? And were I to discuss the life and work of John H. Kellom I fear It would be with loving prolixity, Involving a whole brood hatched from yonder high sci.ool. "But why should I presume to Instruct you in such history as this, when there are men among you who are Nebraska s history personified? Take Dr. Miller, for Instance, take him into a corner and ask him about that Omaha papoose to whom. In his lethal days, he administered calomel and Jalap touch but the historic button and tha doctor will do the rest. Incidents, Accidents and Effects. "I choose rather, in the time remaining to me, to point out to you certain, histor ical coincidences, which, as they . vitally afleoted our country as a whole, must have afleoted Nebraska Incidentally. "When Columbus discovered America he was enroute to China. That fact, in view Of recent history, compels reflection. But why was not America discovered and popu lated long before the era of Columbus? Why was the better halt ot the world per mitted to lie fallow and perdu through untold millenniums when, all that while. It was so easily accessible? The matter of fact person would probably answer: 'For the earns. reason that the steamboat was not Invented till the eighteenth century, nor tha telegraph and railroad tilt the nine teenth century.' Precisely. Yet this answer, so far . from answering, only changes the form of the Interrogatory. Why Is It that the steamboat, the tele graph and railroad were not invented till centuries after America wa-' discovered? There waa never a time when they would not have been a convenience even though they may not have been a necessity. Ah! In that Word 'necessity' we have tha an swer to our question. Necessity, they say, is tha mother of invention. Bo these In ventions grew out of a necessity. - A neces sity for what? Mere existence? Creature comfort?. Not at all, for mankind had ex isted without them and had always striven for Ha comfort. But theee Inventions were necessary to preserve the union of the United States. To this end the creation and maintenance of a tree government the sequence of evolution, whloh Is Hhe unfolding of the purposes of the Universal Mind, had been directed slnoe the anarchy at Babel. steward Conies with Tim. "Tha Phoenicians and Norsemen were the boldest navigators who ever lived, and It Is said, that they even found their way to this western hemisphere. If so, thslr dis covery was abortive, being out of time. The Egyptians were profoundly versed in the laws of mathematics, mechanics and chemistry, and tfie secret of some of their Inventions is beyond our abilities even to gueas, filling us with admiring wonder. And yet It Is not recorded that they nor the Romans, who stood so muoh In need of it, ever contrived anything to shorten distance by annihilating time. Nor did we hit upon these Inventions until the ex istence of Our government depended on them. We did hot know this at the time, perhaps, but Ood did. "The Americans conqusred their freedom In the name and on behalf of the peop'e Of the earth. For this they fought. All else has come to them voluntarily and al most as a gift, save what was acquired In our war with Mexico, a wicked, unholy war, begotten by slavery, for both which may tha Lord forgive us. Ours was the first government ever deliberately contrived by the people themselves and ratified by a social contract. Theretofore every govern ment had either been Imposed by conquest or usurped by fraud. It needed a new world for the growth and development of this new idea. In the old world the people were so Ignorant that all they asked .was to be permitted to live. Tyrany was en trenched In time Itself. Custom had be come Inveterate. Freedom, with the lever Of Archimedes, could not have moved the Inertia of such a, past. To make possible a government suoh as ours It required a new wurld, a new Idea, a new man, yes, and a hew woman. DIversLeatlon autd tnlty. "At first It waa contended that tfee con stitution waa not adapted to the govern ment ot a -large area, and that thirteen states Joined In a confederacy were too many to make possible a reconciliation of their conflicting Interests. Orr the other band, Alexander Hamilton bad argued that .tie larger the territory and the more diversified tha Interests, the more Infallibly would tha constitution. It properly Inter preted, adapt Itaelf to governmental re quirements. Implying thai if the whole world war Joined to the Amerloaa rs publio the happier for the world and the more peaosf uil governed. So ta sjperl- ment began with thirteen states, contig uous, compact and homogeneous, and the experiment succeeded. "Now, a government by the people re quires that the people shall be educated ahd Instantly Informed. H"nce came to pass America's first characteristic Insti tutions, the puMlo school and newspaper and their adequate development. "As pioneers pushed Into new and un known territory they at first settled along streams and rivers inaccessible to sailing vessels. It would never do foe communities of mert to become separate rind localized, fostering local prejudices, opinions snd Jealousies that should harden Into custom with the force of law. This would endapger the government. Hence carat to pass the steamboat at the very moment 11 was needed; and the ateambcat Invaded th?se streams and rivers, the Mississippi, the Missouri and even the Platte. "Dr. Hale, whose words I have quoted, declares that It Is the destiny of America to call alt races of men Into a freer, life within her borders. The negro came her as a slave; was this a coincidence? Would he have come otherwise? I ence heaid Booker Washington say that the negro was the only foreigner who was ever really Invited to America, with an R. S. V. P. so peremptory that he must needs respond In person. Doom of Slavery. "But slavery, the one sore spot In our body politic, was becoming all this while more troublesome and putrescent. In 1S20 the outbreak of rebellion was seriously threatened and the marvel IS that It did not co.ne. But In the providence of Ood the war waa postponed; and why? Be cause In 1820 the south would have won, and our union would have been destroyed. All the world knows that the rebellion was conquered by the West. Before that awful warfare was permitted to come upon us two things were necessary to the salva tion of the nation. In the first place, the south must be put wholly In the wrong, not only as to tha cause she fought for, but In the manner In which she should have abused her opportunities for peace. It was because the south was morally wrong that Queen Victoria stood between us and her ministers In the second place, the west must bs populated. "But how was this latter to b brought about? What was there to be found In the west of sufficient value to attract Im migration? Alas, nothing better than the pelts of wild animals, to obtain which the wilder Indians must be encountered. In 1844 It had been proposed to build a na tional highway to connect the Atlantic, and Pacific, for no better reason apparently than to enable those who cared to explore the west to do so with less hardship and adventure than Lewis and Clark had ex perienced 'earlier In the century, and a. bill providing for the building of such a road had been Introduced In congress by Sena tor Bonton, I think. The bill was violently opposed, among others by Daniel Webster, who Inveighed against It and. I could al most say, brayed against It, Rising In his place In the senate, Mr. Webster In his most majestic and grandiose manner, said: " Mr. President, what do we want with this Vast worthless area, this region of savages and wild beasts, of deserts, of shifting sands and whirlwinds of dust, of cactus and prairie dogs? To what use could we ever hope to put these great deserts, or thae endless mountain ranges. Impenetrable, and covered to their bases with eternal snow? What can we ever hope to do wth the western coast, a coast of 8,000 miles, rockbound, cheerless and un inviting, with not a harbo.' on It? What use have we for such a country? Mr. President, I will never vote one cent from the public treasury to place the Pacific coast one Inch nearer Boston than It is today.' "No wonder Daniel never became presl. dent of the United States! Maglo of the Oold. "Bui why should the people of New Eng land venture Into the west, when Daniel Webster, who knew everything, said there was nothing there but cactus and wild Indians? Why should emigrants from the old world ever think of the west, when Americans themselves did not think of It and called It an uninhabitable desert? To go out into the mountains or onto the plains was to go out of the world, to oease from all communication or association with one's fellows. A numerous people, the Mormons, had tracked the deserts for no other pur pose than to get beyond the reach of gov ernment. "And yet, all within good time, a word was to be spoken at the sound of which all men In all corners of the earth should prick up their ears and bestir themselves; a short word, of such compelling power that it came like a command of deatlny. It was the word 'Oold.' "In 184 gold had been found In California and Instantly a flood of Immigration poured across the plains, across the Rockies, on and on to the Golden Gate thousands, tens Of thousands, hundreds of thousands of all classes and conditions of men from all por tions of the globe. When the flood would slacken and turn back the word 'Gold' was repeated, tor In lf59 gold had ,Hecn found near Pike's peak, Nebraska now Colorado. And the word 'Gold' In 1858 had an added charm, for another coincidence hard times on account of the panic of 1S57 were then universal. Gold or the hope of it might not alone have allured so many to cross the plains, but gold in the west plus poverty In the east created, a flood tide of Immigration, and lot as If by magic the weat was populated, t Telegraph and IXallroad. "But let me ask you, feljow citlsens, was It not a strange, a wonderful coincidence, that contemporaneous with the announce ment of gold In California should come the announcement that the rallroid and the telegraph were no longer playthings? Could these Inventions have come more In the nick of Urns if the Almighty had ordered them? "And then, too, was It not a fortunate coincidence that before this magnet, gold, had attracted so many to aeek western homes, the west all of It should have be come ours to populate? "The story of how th vast territory of Louisiana cam Into our hands, a territory more than twice large as the then United gtates larger than Oreat Britain, Germany, France. Spain, Portugal and Italy combined Is one of the most dramatto coincidences In the history of our country "We have been taught In school to ap plaud the wisdom and dexterity of Jeffer onian diplomacy In negotiating the pur chase of Louisiana. As a matter of fact, Jefferson was the most surprised and em barrassed gentleman in America when Napoleon Bonaparte, first concut of France, thrust the territory upon him. He had sent Livingston to France to obtain. If he might, the right of deposit on ths banks of tha Mississippi or if not, to buy the village of New Orleana He was bewildered and for a time dumbfounded when he was told to take all or nothing. Ideas, of Great Men. "Now, according to Jefferson, there was no power given by the constitution to con clude such a purchase. Was It not a lucky coincidence nay, was It not a divine novi tiate that at the very beginning of our government this literal constructionist, of such dominating personal Influence, was thus constrained to look not to the letter of the constitution but to the spirit of the Instrument, and Imply the power he heeded from the power to movie trestles? Thence forth be sould not quarrel with the opin ions of John Marshall, who breathed into our constitution power by Implication to do anything and everything that a govern ment ought to do for the welfare of Its people) and tte vli days were CI handj when this mere difference In hermenutlca meant tlfe or death to our nation; dsys when the strict constructions. In behalf of slavery, were Ilk (ss Jude says) Taring waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame.' "The' circumstances that Induced Na poleon virtually to give Louisiana to the United States Is a 'chapter by Itself. In 1656 La S.ille visited Quebec, founded by Champlaln In ltra LaSaJle thought that the shortest pathway to China was by way of the St. Lawrence and the lakes. Cham plaln had previously announced that In his opinion an Isthmian canal between the At lantic and Pacific was not at all unfeasible. These early Frenchmen had big Ideas, snd for some Inscrutable reason China seemed to be mixed up with them. Later. In the same year, standing at the mouth of the Mississippi. La Snlle took possession of the territory west of that river In the name of his sovereign, Louis XIV, and called It Louisiana. Nspolenn and Louisiana. "In llh: France ceded tre territory to Spain as a sort of honorarium to a power it was then anxious to conciliate. But In 1800 tables wre turned and France was In the ascendant. Napoleon had Just been declared first consul and dreamed of world wide empire. He insisted upon a retroceo lon of Louisiana and sent his brother, Luclen, to negotiate the treaty, which wa drawn up in 1800, but was not signed by Carlos IV. of Spain until 180?. "At this time Napoleon expected to take Immediate possession of Louisiana with an armed force and establish a New France on Jhe American continent. As a prelim inary he thought It necessary to come to a misunderstanding with the United States government. Hence it was, I think, that Morales, the Spanish Intendant at New Or leans (probably by the command of Na poleon, though I can find no record of the fact) revoked the old license of 1795. Under which the Americans had enjoyed the right of 'deposit,' as It was called. Thte right of deposit was merely the right of American vessels on the Mississippi to land for the purpose of transferring cargoes to and from ocean going vessels. The revocation of the license greatly Irritated the Ameri can people, who were all for war. There was Indeed a misunderstanding, snd Na poleon had accomplished ao much of his purpose. But Jefferson was a man of peace; so he forthwith dispatohed Robert Livingston as minister to France, handed him a check for $2,000,000 with instructions to purchase a perpetual right of deposit, or the village of New Orleans outright. When Livingston arrived In Paris he was turned over to the wily Talleyrand, who kept him dangling between hope and despair or cooling his ministerial heels In an outer chamber. Genlai Learns from . ftenlna. "Meanwhile, as an Incidental prelttnlnnry to the coup do main, It was necessary for Napoleon to put down a rising spirit of in dependence among the negroes of San Do mingo, for It was Intended to establish an exclusive commerce between New Orleans and the French West Indies. Accordingly Napoleon Sent his brother-in-law. General Le Clerc, to San Domingo at the head of a great military expedition. Le Clerc had a splendid fleet and a great army, and his task seemed simple. But the free negroes of San Domingo had themselves a Napole onic genius In the person of Toussant J'Ouverture. Every schoolboy knows the outcome. The brilliant generalship of Toussant, the herolo valor ot his troops and the ravages of yellow fever decimated tha French forces, and the expedition! collapsed In utter failure. 'These things compelled reflection and Napoleon arrived at some conclusions. He concluded that he was never certain to win In battlo unless he commanded In person. He concluded that he himself was greater on land than on the water; that England was ths mistress of the seas, and would continue to be tho greatest maritime power in Europe. He concluded that It was his destiny, and that of France, to war With England. He concluded that In the event of such a war a French colony In Louis iana would prove a source of weakness and would fall an easy prey to the ships of England. "From these conclusions hs deducted a corollary: If France- could not retain Louisiana, England must not obtain it. It should belong to a government over Whloh England exercised no Influence and which should be able to defend It from her ag gressions then and forever. Such a gov ernment he believed our republic to be, and the battle of New Orleans a few years later vindicated his estimate of our abilities. Bonaparte Family Council. "Napoleon confided his purpose concern ing Louisiana to his brother, Luclen, and Luclen revealed the secret to an elder brother, Joseph. Joseph and Luclen de termined to remonstrate with brother Na poleon, and forthwith called at the Tulller ies. At the moment of their call Napoleon was In his bath, but aocoutred as he was or rather as he wasn't he summoned his visitors Into his dank but dangerous pres ence. For a time the three brothers dis coursed on Impersonal subjects art, music, poetry Napoleon splashing in his tub and Stirring up its perfumed waters with keen est relish. Finally the conversation turned on the subject nearest the heart of eaoh, and the angry words that forthwith hurtled In that bath room would be quite awesome were It not for certain Incongruities. "In his memoirs, or diary, Luclen Bona parte has given a circumstantial account of this quarrel between Napoleon and his brothers over the proposed sale of Louisi ana, and I venture to read you an excerpt from his report of It: Note, Luclen," said Napoleon, "I have made up my mind to sell Louisiana to the Americans.'' 1 thought it my cue to show enly moderate surprise at this announce ment, which I pretended was news, feeling sure that 1 should have reason to show more, as his determination appeared to sell It of his own accord, without any consulta MHEHf (Boffffee BELL'S OGHA AfJD JAVA FL: 4 tion of the Chambers. I slmoly exclaimed, "Indeed:" In a lone of cUiioMty. indicating a wish to know more, expressing n.ltte. approval nor the romrsry. This apparent Indifference ceased Napoleon to say: Wei;. Joseph, you see Lurln des not utter lou.i cries about this thing; vet he almost lis a right to, seeing that Louisiana is, so to speak, his own conquest.' "1 assure you.' said Joxeph, "It Luclen says nothing he thinks none the less." "Indeed, snd why should he be diplomatic with me?" Hrough-. forward thus unexpectedly, and, as It were, thrust against the wall, I had to explain myself, and really I waa not s irry. But, i.s Napoleon did not ask my pinion about the sale. 1 contented myself with decKirlig that 1 really thought on this matter ni Joseph did. "I undertake to B'y," fald l. in a tone which I tried to make as lltti. offensive as possible, "that ths Chsmbe s will not assent." "You undertake to sav" Napoleon said this with sn air and toi-e of contemptuous surprl-e. "A pretty pe e of buslnes!" "And I undertake to say,' said Joseph, In a tone of ttl'imph, "that It will be so. And that Is what I told th first consul before." "And what Old I say r said our brother, his wrath rising, looking at us by turns as If not to i-se sny chnii'te In our countenances. "You declared.' sal I Joseph, "you would get along without tin assent of the Chambers, did you not' F.xactly. That Is what I took the liberty to say to Monsieur Joseph, anil what 1 re peat here to Cltlien Luclen, besgln? ht-ji to give me his opinion about it, durh-e.l from his prtteraal tenderness for th.it migbtv diplomatic conquest of his." " 'The matter seenv-d about to be dropped and Joseph and I were turning toward the door, while the valet was spree.dlng upon lh sheet to wrsp up his master, wIkmi the latter, returning to the chsrge, suddenly ' cried out In a tone that made us all start: "Well, sirs, ihlnk what you please ab.mt the sate of Louisiana, but you may both of you put on mourning over this thlnr you. Luclen. over the sale of vour province- you. Joseph, be cause I propose to dispense with the con sent of all persons whatsoever. Do you hear?" I confess that 1 fairly shivered at such an outbreak, on a topic so delicate, In the presence of a servant. Stung by th scornful words and manner, especially by the contemptuous "Do you hear?" whloh liad been the outtlng snapper to ou: brothers lashing wrath, Joneph tusheJ buck, exclaiming: "You will do well, tn dear brother, nut to lay your plan befo.r the Chambers, for I swear to you 1 will; myself, the firs t, put myself. If necessary, at the head ot the oppusliion which will certuinly be made." i " 'At these words Napoleon, rising so ; as to show half Ins body out of the water opaque and frothy whb cologne, cried ! sternly: "You will not need to play tiie orator, for I repeat to you that this de bate will not take place, been us" the pin, J so unlucky as to be disapproved by you, i conceived by me, negotiated by me, will be ratified and executed by me by me alone, do you understand? by me, who scorn your opposition." The speaker then Im mersed himself once more to the neck. But Joseph, whose self control was quite gone, his face nil aflame, roared: "Well, General, on my side I tell you that you, I and all of the family, If "ou 1o what you sny you will, may get rcuuy to Jain shortly those poor. Innocent devils whom you so leanlly, so humanely above all, with so much Jus ticehave had transported to Onyenno, " 'At this point the great Napoleon rose as If he hnd received en electric shock and shouted, "You insol nt fellow! I ought" "But alas for greatness! His foot his mighty foot that had trampled kings and emperors chanced to encounter the fuga cious soap and the great Napoleon fell back Into hit tub kersplash, gurgling the oaths he would fain have thundered, sjapoleon's Reasoning-. "In the History ot Louisiana, prepared by Barbe-Marbois (who signed the treaty on behalf of Napoleon), he says that Na poleon had declared to his cabinet: To free the world from the commer cial tyranny of England it Is necessary to oppoBi to her a maritime power which will one day become her rival. It must be the United States. X know the worth of Louisiana and I have wished to repair the error of the French negotiator who abandoned it in 1763. I have recovered It on paper through some lines In a treaty; but I have hardly done so when I am about to lose It again. But it it escapes me it shall one day be a dearer cost to. those who force me to give It up than the cost to those to whom I will surrender It. The English have suc cessively taken from France, Canada, the Isle Royal. Newfoundland, Acadia and the richest territories of Asia. ' They are in triguing and disturbing In Ban Domingo. They shall not have the Mississippi which they covet. Louisiana Is nothing in com parison with (heir aggrandisement in all parts of the: globe; but the Jealousy they feel because of its return under the do minion of France warns me that they In tend to seise It and It Is thus thev will begin the war. They have already twenty Vessels in the gulf of Mexico. They swag ger over those seas as sovereigns; and In San Domingo, since ths death of Le Clerc, our affairs are going from bad to worse1. I contemplate turning It over to the United States. They are asking me for but a single city of Louisiana. It is not only New Orleans I will ceae; It is the whole colony, without any reservation. I know the value of what I abandon and I have sufficiently proved the Importance I attach to this province, since my first diplomatic act with Spain had for its object the re covery of It. I renounce It with the great est regret. To ottempt obstinately to re tain it would be folly. I direct you to ne gotiate this affair with the envoys of the United States. Dc not even await the ar rival of Mr. Monroe; have en interview this very doy with Mr. Llvngston; but I require a great deal of money for tills war, and I would not like to commence it with new taxes. " ' "Perhaps It may be objected," he con tinued, "that the Americans will be found too powerful for Europe in two or three centuries. But my foresight tnkeB no count of terrors at a distance. Moreover, you can look to the future for dissenllons in the bosom Of the union. The confedera tions which ore called perpetual only en dure until one of the parties to the con tract finds reason to break It. It Is against present dangers to which we nre exposed by the colossal powers of Kngland that I wish to provide a safeguard. , Mr Monroe is on the point of arriv ing. Neither this minister nor his col league Is prepared for a decision which goes Infinitely bevond any thing that they are about to ask us. Begin by making them the overture without any subterfuge. You will acquaint me day bv day, hour by hour, of your progress. The cabinet of London Is Informed of the measure adopted at Washington but It can have no sus picion of those which I am nov taking. Observe the greatest secrecy and recom mend It to the American ministers: they nave not less interest tnan ourselves In Conforming to this counsel." ' "Napo!eon signed the ratification of the treaty May 22, 1803, end on that day began his great new war. Other Frnlts of the Purchase, "I have quoted to you ' thus copiously from the French version of the Louisiana Purchase because I thought the facts brought to light might possibly be new to (Conelnued on Seventh Page.) Packed In Ono-Pound Dust-Proof Cartons This Coffee Is a special blend of the best South American Mocha and Java and is selected by our special agent from private growth planta tions. It is superior to .any offered heretofore at a tuodciate price aud is GUARANTEED TO PLEAtK THE MOT FAtTIDlOU TASTE. 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