Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1904, PART 1, Page 4, Image 4

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Men s $5, $6, $7 Pants ai $2.50
Hundreds of high grade pants from the Flint Pantaloon
Company of Port Huron, Mich. ell wool, made Pl
In latest style many up-to-date outing P
.panu, at... .. aWssJV
Men's $1.25 Underwear at 25c . 35c
Entire stock of underwear torn the crest 8wwtser-rerubrook Company
roes tomorrow st 1ms than one-fourth Its value light snd nierltura
weights worth op to $1.25 a garment, 1 r t t n
t ...zdc and- jdc
Men's 75c SUSPENDERS at 15c (& 25c
rf7Trp nnn
12 50
V;-."; iVy
v"tvI ...
. - si. I
Assam f r- a
Winners tot Final Honors Band at Klfh
School hj Jndf .
Ida Ctorde-a, Jaaeph Iwauos, Bliss4
UmiKtcr, JUis lermioa, sla limrt
tag, Mellle BroSker
UuiiMeemMt Htvkit.
The sis Omaha High sohool . fTadustes
who sre t deliver orations oommsnc.metit
night, June 17, at tbs Orpheum theater,
-were chosea yeeterdajr on Uielr merits ss
spoaJcers by s board of Judses composed of
' V-v, T. V. Moere, Ker. Clyde Clsy Clssell
-A'Rcv. M. I. Strtcht The eontest wss
anions tse eleven students standing the
highest In the preliminary competition
which relsted to the worth of their produc
tions sUndlns slens and adjudged by the
Enclleh department of the State university.
The wtnnors sre Ida Oordon, Joseph
Bwensen, IUchsrd C Hunter, Anns Boren
sen. Mollis Brodkey and Mao Harding. The
contest wss held yesterday afternoon st
. the high sohool snd wss sttended by the
faculty snd a number ef the class. Tbs
orations were uniformly of s high charsoter
snd the margins between their sxoellenay
were slight.
The State untyersity Judges picked thir
teen est of the seventy-six manuscripts
for the final competition, but ef these Miss
Lew Ella HIne withdrew because she was
pot physically able te undergo the erdesl,
while Miss ray Twamley did net partici
pate because shs wsst prevented from grad
uating with her ewn olsss last year snd
was not oleeely Meatlsed with the Class of
How They Stood.
Following sre the competitors, their sub
jects snd order of standing:
Ida Oordon, "The Jewish Question."
Joseph Bwenson, "The Eastern Question."
Richard C. Itunter, "Munlclpallsatlon of
Jubllo Utilities
Anna Sorenson, "Clvlo Improvements la
Our Pufbllo Schools."
MoUle Brodkey. "Child Labor."
Mao Harding, "Parties and Party Oor
srnment." Elolse Wood, "Musio la Our National
Carl Paulson, "Arts snd Crafts Move-
?wln Pelstor, "Strikes snd Compulsory
iiajtsmie wroa, me servant wuetuon in
America." I
llelda Wllke. "Need for Advanced Com- .
merclal Education."
The senior banquet will be held st the
Millard hotel on Monday night. June 30, j
and will be a class affair. Ouy Mont
gomery will be toasUnaater and the re
' sponses have not been assigned.
At I o'clock on the morning of commenoe
ment day the senior class will present a
large frlese, Thorwaldsen's "Triumph of
Alexander," to the sohool. The presenta
tion speech will be made by Ben Cberrlng
to, the class president, and Principal
Waterhouse will aocept the gift.
As snnounced the alumni will meet st
the high school on the evening of June If.
Wests Iladly Mart.
Mrs. Vetu Nel.-on cf Tenth snd
Chtirre streets had loth her legs severely
niftprlfd yterday evening on the l;nln
l'ucino tracks at Tenth and Clark streets
while attempting to crawl between the i
cms. The train was rtandins still when
she approached It and not wishing to make
S luiiu circuit to -t aornas she attempted
to crone between the cars. While doing so
the train started and ths wheels of thecr
went over ber legs Her scream of anguish
eras heard by ths train crew, who stopped
othiDR can boat a blue serge suit for wear, for style and fo general appearance. It is the
sensible and stylish suit for summer wear and always looks fresh and neat on every occa
slon. In our big special sale Saturday every man can have a well-fitting up-to-date serge
suit at about the cost to manufacture. These suits are all wool serge, made by high class ,
workmen of the best Indigo blue serge all In single breasted styles every size actually
worth 12.50 a suit, at ;
A Genuine $18 Blue Serge
tailoredthe very finest and swellest serge suits ever presented at
special sale adapted for dress wear and stylish summer
wear, at .:.
Men's Fine
Outing Suits
Stylish 2-piece suits in latest sum
mer materials--every one a new up-to-date
style and pattern big variety,
will go at
the train and telephoned the police of the
accident. Tho Injured woman was first
taken to Clarkson hospital, but there being
no room there she was removed to St.
Joseph's hospital. It-ls not thought sn am
putatlnn will be necessary. The train was
In charse of Dave Milan, enslneer. and
Switch Foreman McAvoy, who both say-f
that tney am not see toe woman trying to
cross ths tracks.
Coafeealeas of Mtddla-Aed Maa
Wis Smile Away the Kavmsras
I Tim.
Now yea wast to know how sa eld fellow
like me keeps himself well snd happy.
I should be Inclined therefore te answer
the question that lad te the writing of this
letter by saying that "a man advanolng In
years," who wishes te exercise without be
ing bored, should by all means provide
himself with some children the more the
To teach ysur sea ts shoot, te pass a base
Vail with him, to play tennis or golf with.
him, or spar with him; to nde with the
little daughter, and teach the trig one te
drive her ponies tandem ; er to receive the
open-eyed admiration sf the small daughter
whs still finds skating a sedentary eooupa
tion, at your mediocre ability to do the
Dutch roll and the outside edge backward
these sre really the most refreshing ex
ercises sn eld chap sf "advanolng years"
can take. There Is as toestloa sf being
bored st such times.
Next to playing wtth ysur children, a
good form of exercise Is walking. They
say Bayers, one of the beet old-time pugil
ists in England, did all his training for his
fights by walking. Take a long breath and
walk gently as far ss yon can before ex
haling. Do this again snd a rain, and thus
Improve your wind, broaden your chest
and, beet of all, provide yetaoelf with oxy
gen te keep the vital fires going.
In summer, by all means swim. It is
Ptobably ths beet all-around exercise there
la. It is good for legs, arms, chest, lungs
and heart; and the ocean, onoe you get to
it, la free. If you csn go where you can
plunge In in the "buff" Just so much say
M per oent. at the least the better.
By all means play golf. It Is the best
game there is. It hss but ens rival, snd
that is court tennis; 'but it beats court ten
nis In one essential particular, you can
play It out of doors. Tou csn ptsy golf
alone; you can play it by an easy method
of hsr dlcapping, with a poor player or a
good player. Your real antagonist Is s
gutta-percha ball, which at times is pos
sessed of seven devils, snd you pot only
get s long walk, snd exercise for your arms
and shoulders, snd capital training for your
eyes, but you get a schooling In self-control
which no other substitute, domestic pr
otherwise, can provide. I have been a
fourth-rate golf player now for ten years,
and yet I never play a round of the game
without being stimulated to hope that I
may play better. It 1 like the mirage In
the desert No mas sver plsyed his beet
game. Just ss so msn ever lived hie best life,
snd we play on snd live on. always In the
hope that some day we may play or llvs our
dream. Now that there sre so many golf
courses, some of them public courses, any
man, even of moderate Income, may play
golf. Price Collier In Outing.
Hosaeseokers' Hates te North Dakota.
Every Tueoday until October ti the Chi
cago Great Western railway will sell round
trip tickets to points in the above earned
stste st s greet reduction from the usual
fare. For further information apply to
Geo F. Thomas, general agent, laU JTax
nau street, Omaha, Nsb.
Suit for $11.75 These suits are thoroughly hand- rf
Great Sale
$2. 50 and $3 Knee Pants
.$1.45. Norfolks and,
breasted suits, ages 3 to
years, wen auu strongly
Boys' washable suits pretty
cashable suits pretty
-wash and launder
feet ly
Boys' blue snd fancy
ealloo waists'- regu
lar 29o value
Boys' Shirt Waists,
to 14 years, worth
up to 75 cents,
Vd floor
sensational purchase of the choice of the Boston shoe stock, sold to us by S. Rosenberg, 772 Lincoln
Street,. Boston Twenty-six hundred pairs of ladies' fine sewed Oxford Ties in blacks and tans
and patent colt skins all new, swell,
Aside from the regular business and pro
grams, the St. Louis biennial was rich in
deed in good thoughts, expert enoee snd
clever sayings of some of the oleverest
women of the day. There were enough
side Issues well worthy of record to fill
a book twice the else of the regular bien
nial report, and that will supply anecdotes.
Illustrations snd references for those whe
were fortunate enough to attend that meet
ing until the next biennial. Among these
was Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker's recital of
some of the amusing and often exaaperat-'
lng mleoonceptlons of the women rotors
held by persons outside the four suffrags
states One editor telegraphed Mrs. Decker:
"Wire la ten wards how many women
voted at last election snd what ticket they
voted." Another made telegraphic Inquiry
concerning the age of the women voters;
whether they had any children or not and
If they were educated. Do they attend
churohT "What have the grandmothers,
wives, school teachers, etc, done with the
suffrage T" ars some cf the other questions
ssked by wire, by letter and by tnagaslne,
writers, both, men and women, representa
tives of every clime snd every nation, whe
visit the suffrage states te ses what voting
women look like. s
Oonoernlng the more practical aspect of
the enfranchisement of women, Mrs.
Decker quoted Carroll D. Wright, United
States commissioner of lsbor, that ths lew
wage rate among women workers would ex
ist as long as women were not direct po
litical factors "Women are in the In
dustrial world," she said, "net ' because
they ohooee to be but because they must
be. No one believes that women tell In
sweatshops snd factories making wrap
pers st ts cents a dozen for the pleasure
of It or to buy finery with the money so
earned. The ballot will help working
women most and help them quicker than
any other means."
The local Women's Christian Temperance
union will hold s special meeting Wednes
day afternoon of next week which Is to be
devoted to preas work. Ths value of ths
press work of organised women Is being
more and more realised and the "press
session" In most of the larger olubs snd
societies has corns to be not only an an
nual, but s aeml-anniyil, occasion. Though
the program for the state Women's Chris
tian Temperance union meeting Is not yet
completed, there Is some talk of Inaugu
rating a press session ss a part of its pro
gram. Ths Women's Christian Tempera noe
union of Douglas oounty will hold Its an
nual convention st South Omaha, June 28
and 24. The South Omaha unlou will act
as hoe teas. Arrangements for the enter
tainment of the meeting are not yet com
pleted, but one of the larger halls or
churches will be secured for the sessions.
Aside from the South Omaha union, which
is the largest, the Douglas county organi
sation lncludee unions st Omaha, Valley,
Elk City and Waterloo, Mrs. Elisabeth
Covall of Omaha being oounty president.
The meeting was beld In Omaha last year
and wee largely attended, but It Is thought
that this year's convention will surpass In
Interest and attendance any that has yet
been hfid owing to the Increase In mem
bership, particularly at South Omaha,
of Boys' Clothing S?
Suits at
Boys' well made suits at $2.43 and
$3.45 Splendid values In pretty,
15 flS
up-to-date juvenile
ors snd styles
mads for bard
pat- " p f O
per- 45C - 75C"IOC
Boys' Knee Pants,
strong wool mate
rials, worth to 60c,
Boys' blue Brownie
overalls, fine for
26c Wash Knee
Pants, ages 3 to
10, worth 26c,
In Basement 1,300 pair
men's blue Cheviot pants
A snap for worklngmen,
$1.59 and $1.98
where the newly organised Union numbers
nearly seventy members.
Ths Woman's Auxiliary of ths New Terk
Civil Service Reform league has offered
seven prizes, one of 150, one of 240 and five
of $26, to women who are members of clubs
united with the General Federation, for
essays -on "Ths Merit System as a Busi
ness Factor In Public Administration." The
seven prise essays will become the property
of the auxiliary and will be used for the
furtherance of civil service reform. Each
essay must contain not more than 4,000 nor
-less than 2,000 words snd esch must bear
the endorsement of the president sf ths
club. Ths competition will close on De
cember IL The essays are to be sent to
Miss Anna B. M. Meyer, Park Kill, Yon
era, N. Y.
Slips ( this Twagraee Calealated te
Raise a Smile ea the Wrlmklod
Brew Cars.
There is no more prolino source of Inter
esting matter In a dull season than the
storehouse of mixed metaphors and Irish
bulls that Is te be found In the memories
of Englishmen who are familiar with ths
annals of Parliament. From time to time
samples of. these appear In the English
Journals, snd ths supply is well-nigh Inex
haustible. For several weeks letters have
been published in the Spectator giving
choice specimens, snd ths latest number at
hand has some of the best sf ths lot One
of them Is this: "A loan to India Is a mere
flea bite in the ocean of expense." Equally
good Is this: "This bill effects such a
change that the last lesp In ths dark wss a
mere flea bite." ,
Next te flea bites, ths elements seem to
be the fsvoritee with honorable members in
search of graphlo expression. One of them
declared that "the floodgates of Irrellgion
snd intemperance are stalking srm in arm
throughout ths land," snd another that
"these accidents depend upon the most ca
pricious circumstances, upon ths winds snd
waves' of Providence." ,k. few others sre
no less striking: "In every line of this bill
they have hatched a chicken which will
come home te roost." "Shunt a question by
! a side wind." "I cannot indorse the phan
, torn that the honorable member hss
evoked." Marriage with a deceased wife's
, sister: "The man who marries does it with
his eyes open, snd ths child as soon ss it Is
born is swsrs of Its legal position."
On the whole there ts none superior to
ths fsmous ons of "Tim" Hesly: "Ths key
to the Irish question esnnot be found In
the empty pocket ef the landlord." New
York Globe.
Mt. Clcsaeae, the Mineral Bath City,
Is reached without change ef cars only
by the Grand Trunk Railway System.
Timetables snd s beautiful descriptive
pamphlet will be mailed free on application
to Advertising Department, 134 Adams St,
Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. A T. A.
Satisfactory Reeve
"I've Just beeq making my
X have
to my
bequeathed everything I
"Then you did It in about ten words T"
"Not st all. Ths lawyer who drew It up
for me used four sheets of paper."
"What did he charge your
"Five dollars."
"Then he's sn honest lawyer. He wanted
to stake the service worth ths fee. "-Chisago
Men's High -Class Shirts
Noweststyles for
ty patterns
snd plain,
Pure Irish Linen Mesh Underwear
Sold everywhere at 13.23 A
lsT: t, 1.0 J
The swellest, coolest hat for summer wear
lighter than Panama or sailor right
up-to-date worth $3, at
Men's Sailor Straw Hats
French Palms, set brims etc., neat
suits late col
and dressy
i l
- I.50
Boys' Straw Hats
Latest juvenile styles,
Genuine Panama Hats
Large outing shapes the most fashionable
hats for hot weather newest Ideas,
worth tlO, at
up-to-date styles
Firs Thou-sad Ftsple Hear ths "War aid
Pesos" Program.
Arraageanent of Popular as Patriotic
Airs and tongs with the Terl.
sLnttUtad ef Aotaal War
tmrm Proves EateettTw.
Playing st war is a pleasure when Innes
moves the troops, as (,000 people who visited
the Auditorium last night te hear the fa
mous number, "War and Peace," ars. un
doubtedly willing to testify today. The lever
of good musio wss thrilled snd retbrllled
snd bsd his appetite for sweet sounds snd
harmony slmost satiated before the eve
ning was over. There were ne delays.
Everything went with a rush and roarT
with a promptness and enthusiasm which
aroused ths most sluggish to s realization
of the fact that something unusual was
going on. Those who went to while away
a few moments stayed to hear the last
number of. the pregrsm and Joined in the
singing of "America" with s wilt
Ths numbers preceding the ellegery, con
sisting sf ths "Festival Overture," "Nobil
Stgsor" from "Les Huguenots," sung by
Mrs. Grsce Whlstler-Mlslck, snd "Second
Polonaise." were quiokly passed sver, but
esch called for an enoore, and when the
leader lined his bsnd up snd struck ths
tuns of "Ths Marob King." written by
himself, the applause showed something of
the enthusiasm which was to roHow. Mrs.
Mislck gained sn enoore which wss quits
hesrty, but responded only with a bow.
When the first strain of ths great alle
gory, "War and Peace," filled the Audi
torium everyone sst up prepared ts hear
every sound, snd they were well repaid
for the short wait beforehand, although the
program did not commence until twenty
five minutes sfter the snnounoed time. Dur
ing the entire rendition of the musical
drsms there wss a beautiful swing and
tone which could not fall to arouse interest.
snd when the greet chorus, consisting of
about 00 voices, Joined la ths sir trembled
with educated melody.
Bog-iaaiagr of ths Drasaa.
The pastoral soene descriptive of the
agricultural pursuits of ths south preceding
the war was very soothing, snd ths snvil
brigade which followed was well received
snd bstokened soms of ths firs which wss
ts come. Mrs. Emms Partridge, soprano;
Mrs. Oraos Whlstler-Mlslck, contralto; Al
fred Shaw, tenor, and E. C. Rowden, basso,
Indicated the amusements of tbs nation at
peace in a song preceding a note sf dis
cord, which was followed by the first shot
of ths war of Pert Sumter. When the
cannon shot rang out ths greet chorus
Joined In singing ths "Star Spangled Ban
ner," and the audience areas. At the com
mencement ef the chorus Director Innes
faced about and by s nod of the head In
vited It to Join In, but few took advantage
ef the Invitation, preferring to remain
quiet and listen.
Tws iedles bf troops, ons from each
wing, marched ts ths center of the stags
during ths singing sf ths last verse of the
national air and the sudlencs went wild.
Ths applause was dsafenlng snd for s
moment slmoet drowned the musio. This
was the assembly. Each verse ef ths song
was sung by Mrs Partridge snd ths full
chorus Joined In. "The Boldlers Farewell"
was Indicated by the order to ahouder
arms and ths marching away sf ths boys
Manufacturer's stock of fine silk and lisle wet
Suspenders just the thine for summer wear.
Thousands of imported silk and lisle web
Suspenders in all new webbing and pat
terns silver, gold and gun metal buckles,
worth up to 7?c, 11 En H) Cn
1904 silk and mohair pret
Saturday Sale of Men's Straw Hsxts
shapes, at $3, $2, $1.50. 98c &
25c to
your , choice of
in blus. Ths four soloists then occupied
the center of the stage snd sang "The
Prayer vf or Victory." "The Soldier's Fare
well" number wss sung by male voices
snly. This csncluded the ares part o the
la the Embattled Field.
The second pert opened with the rival
armies encamped within hearing distance
sf each other, listening to each others
campflre songs. . Ths soloists, chsrus snd
full bsnd Joined In singing "Ths Suwanee
River," which brought out "Columbia, the
Gem of the Ocean," played as s cornet
solo by Kryl, who promptly responded to
sn encore. E. C Rowden, bssso, followed,
singing "Ths Two Grensdlers." At ths
ooncluslon of the solo the chorus arose and
Joined In "Dixie," which produced a gTest
deal -of enthusiasm. The cslm preceding
the crash of arms to corns wss indloated by
the singing of "Just Before the Battle,
Mother," by Mrs. Mislck. The reveille is
heard and ths confusion snd crash of war
followed. Cannons boomed and the mus
ketry flrs wss continuous for several min
utes, while the sound of bugles snd other
socompanlmenta ef two srmles In actios
seemed ts surround ths sudlence sn sll
"Ths Battle Cry ef Freedom" snnounoed
the shock snd crash of meeting of the
two srmles. This was rendered by the full
chorus. "Ths Vscsnt Chair" reminded that
some would not return, snd "The Halle
hijeh Chorus" told of a reunited nation.
"When Johnnie Comes Msrchlng Home,"
s fife and drum corps marched rapidly
down the center aisle, followed by. a de
tachment sf soldiers, snd sll present who
souls' sing, sr thought they could. Joined
in "Amerioa." The war wss over snd
pesos reigned oace more.
Prearrams for Today.
Ths programs for today are ss follows: '
Overture la the Highlands (Scotch
Two Intermenos
(a) "Songe d'Amour"
fbS "HiaTmar"
.... Llsst
Sixth Hungarian Rhapsody
Salve Dimora" (from "Faust").
Mr. Alfred D. Bhaw.
Airs from "The Wizard of Oz" ..
Fantasia Caprice
Cornet Solo bv Krvl.
Fsckeltana, No. I Meyerbeer
"A Gypsy Maid" (srls for contralto) ..
Mrs. Mislck.
"Invitation to the Dance"
Scenes from "Trovatore" .,
, Verdi
Overture Tan nhauser ,
"The Meiaterslngers" (Walter's
Mr. Alfred D. Shaw.
"Parsifal" (Procession of the
"The ValkyrteaV (Wotan's Farewell snd
Magio Fire Scene)
Mr. B. C. Rowdon.
"Tsnnhsuaer," "Hall Bright Abode"...,
Directed by Mr. Ben Stanley.
Scenee from "Lohengrin"
(s) "Vorsplel"
rhls beautiful work takes for Its sub.
lect the eesoent ef Uie Holy Grail,
the mystertoue symbol of the Chris
tian faith. The delicious harmeales
which accompany Its descent lncreaas
In warmth and power until the sa
ered mystery Is revealed te human
eyes. They then die away te a pian
issimo and gradually disappear as
the angels bearing the holy vessel
return to their oelestlal home.
(b) "Else's Dream"
Mrs. Partridge,
(o) Wedding Scone and Verwandlunge
Musio ,
(d) Procession te the Cathedral end
King's Prayer
(Orsnd Ensemble by Festival Vocal
ists, Orand Chorus snd Band).
What Follows wrtpt
Pneumonls often, but never when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption Is
used. It cures colds snd grip. Mo, fl.OO.
For sals by Kuhn A Co.
UiV &4JPj
Men's Outing Shirts New black
and white effects-regular f"n
ana si.zo values, III
Skr v -mr
American Silk
In fancy oolors and
Union Suits imported French
Balbrlfrtraa, lisle & mercerised silk, NAp
worth up to 15 a suit, go at $i30 to
r w
the entire purchase
The marriage of Miss Jessie Walker,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walker,
to Mr. Anton B. Anderson was solemnised
st I e'olock Wednesday evening at the
reeldesoe of the bride's parents. 1831 South
Fifteenth street Rev. Walter H. Reynolds
officiating. . The wedding was followed by
a supper, sfter which Mr. and Mrs. Ander
son left for a wedding trip to Minnesota
to be at home after July 1 at their new
home, 1016 North Thirty-third street Mr.
Anderson Is ons of ths tellers of the Omaha
National bank and Miss Walker has for
soms time held a position ss assistant at
ths publlo library.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Phllllppl have Issued
invitations for ths wedding of their daugh
ter. Miss Ruth PhlU'npl, te Dr. frederlck
George Sparling, which will be sc-innlzed
Tuesday evening, J use 21, at their rest
dence, 2310 California street. The wedding
will be followed by a reception from S:30
to 11 o'clock.
The wedding sf Miss Predcrleka Wessels
of Hannibal, Ms., snd Mr. Sam Caldwell
of Omaha will take place at the home of
the bride's mother, at Hannibal, June 2t.
Mrs. Ward Burgess will entertain the
Cooking club luncheon Thursday.
Miss Buckingham, aooompanled by her
brother, left Wedneeday for Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Harry O. Steel is ependlng the week
at IJncoln attending the - temmeaoement
exercises of the University ef Nebraska.
Miss J-Aura Dais returned this morning
from La Sails seminary, where shs baa
spent the past year.
Dr. V. O. Coffman, accompanied by his
daughter, Miss Marie, hss gone te Cnrtls,
where they will visit the ranch owned by
the latr Mr. Weir D. Coffmaa.
Mrs. S. D. Barkalow is spending the
week st Concord, N. H., attending the
commencement exercises sf -St Psul's
school, Mr. Dealse Barkalow being a mem
ber of the graduating class.
Miss Bessie Brady goes to Dee Moines
tomorrow to visit Miss Palmer, who wss
her guest in the early spring.
Miss Marguerite Pritohett is ixpected
home from Chicago today, shs having
spent two weeks there.
Miss Frances Wessels of Hannibal, Mo.,
wss ths guest of Mrs Vlotor Caldwell the)
early part of th week, having come VP
for the Auditorium ball.
Miss Clareta Hlnman of Nat' has, Miss.,
la spending the week with Omahs friends.
Ths members of ths Cooking club were
guests yesterday afternoon, of Mrs. Joseph
Barker, at bridge -
Mrs. Cyril Hawkins snd Mrs. Justph Mo
Keowa of McCennelsvlllt, O., sre the
guests of Mr. snd Mrs. Frsnols F. Porter.
Atteadaaoo at St. Less Fair.
An Indignant subscriber, probablv more
er less Interested In some one of the nu
merous guessing contests depending on the
matter, writoe te The Bee demanding that
It publish each day the QaiiV attendance
st the Bt Louis exposition. If the afore
said subscriber had read Ths Bee as cure
fully as he claims, ne would have real
a lengthy dispatch from St. Iuis some
weeke ego to the effect that the exposi
tion management would net give out for
dally publication the flguree on attendance,
but would furnish them to the press on
Sunday evening each we k. Eaoh week
since Ths Bee has published on Monday
the figures on the attendance at the ivouln
lana Purchase exposition. This Is as much
as any newspaper can do, for the Hgurue
are not furnlshud, even to the bt Louis
papere for daily publication.