, J. TUB OMAIIA DAILY KITR: SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1904. I I. ill-.... imi.m mL.MmmmmamM..M.L um m. fr T""" 1 " ' -l 111 WTilIVeM-to buy lighter Hats We've been training for months for the "Championship" popular opinion awards us the honor of being "Ahead" and "Leading:" '. '" Sennet snd Split "tfa-ws In Bailors and Net'lgce effects..... Pnnsmas direct from Pern. New (toft Hat, In swell colorings Black, Gray, Neutra. Tan, Pearl and Stetson Hats . 3.50 Two Great Specials from a Great Furnishing Department. . to dosen Men' Whl'.o Nt-gllgeo Shirts in Mohair, Madras and Bilk .Stripes matchless valuaa worth to $1.00 50c Saturday Underwear Offering. Special cash purchase of weaver's entlrs output Fins Combed Balbrlggan. In Ribbed and Flat Weaves regular values 60c-apeolaW- CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS. H'CORllU Will MI BtaUment Dacled Bsgfttdinij Ant'-An ican FeolioK la fiuwia. PERDICARIS AND VARLEY REPORTED WELL Philippine Commission I at Wnanlngrton Entertained nt WM onnrtmont Whit Hone. WASHINGTON. June 10. Wo Intimation has been received at 'the Stats department that Ambassador MoCormlck haa any In tention of resigning his offlco on aocoont of tha alleged anti-American. feeling -In St. Pf tersbirrg. On ths contrary nearly U ths reports' ths minister has mads to ths de partment Indicate that bo has been treated with ths greatest courtesy and considera tion by ths Russian omotals and socially he Is extremely popular. However, Mr. Mc Cormlck has been far from well physically for many, months, suffering from a gouty affection that -has led his physicians to Insist upon his -visit to soms of the springs In Austria, and as he is entitled to a lib eral leave of absence it Is expected that he will avail himself of this and go either to Austria or to ths United States to recuper ate. At ths Russian embassy ths positive statement Is mads that Amabaasador Mo Cormlcx enjoys excellent relations with the Itussian government and that hs has dons excellent service In preserving friendly re lations between Russia and the United States Among ths officials at Bt. Peters burg. . Prisoners Are) Well. Bear Admiral Chad wick cabled ths Navy department from Tangier today that ths .captives Ferdicarls and Varley havs recov ered from their Illness and therefore a sur geon will not bs sent to Ralsoull's camp. Filipinos nt War Department. Ths Philippine commissioners were at ths War depsrtment and there Several speeches were made. In th'e course of his remarks Secretary Taft said that If President Roose. velt were sleeted, hs (ths secretary) would rusks a tour of ths Islands. He also said hs believed that legislation which was pend ing In congress-and which was greatly needed would bs passed In soms modified form during ths comlnr winter. ' President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained at an elaborate luncheon this afternoon ths members of the ' honorary board of Phil ippine commissioners. Ths Marina band fvrnlshed a specially arranged program of music during ths luncheon. In addition to the Filipino commissioners ths guests at tho luncheon Included ths secretary of stats and Mrs. Hay, ths secretary of war and Mrs. Taft, Lieutenant Osneral Chaffee, Ar thur W. Ferguson, secretary of ths Philip pins commission! Captain and Mrs. Thomas Hardeman, Commissioner of Pensions and Mrs. Wars. Colonel Clarence R.. Edwards, Colonel Charles 8. Bromwell, Major Charles L. McCmwlay, Dr. layman Abbott, Hon, Charles A. Wlllard, Hon, W. Cameron Forbes. Mrs. Clifford Richardson, Miss Ruoeev.lt and Miss Hagner. Nary ta Hunt Mirekutm.s. In response to an sarnest request from ths Marine exchange of New York Secre tary Moody has telegraphed orders to Com mander Nicholson, commanding the crulssr Tacoma at San Francisco, to proceed with out delay In search of ths freight steamer Conemaugh, now about two months over due at New York CltY from Chile. When last heard from there were about forty persons on ths steamer Including ths crsw and notwithstanding Its long absence from port there Is a strong; .hope that It may sllll be afloat somewhat out of ths eourss of vessels making ths trip around ths Horn. Talk ran ant Colaasr. 1 By appointment the members of ths Joint commission appointed by ths government of ths United States and of Panama to ar- Prcdigestive Food is ft wonderful help at a "Quick Meal Grape-Nuts Get the little book.N "The Rosd to Wtilvllle" In each pkg. . .... . Brown ...j 1.00 to 3.00 5.00-8.50 ...2.00-2.50-3.00 riv at an aarreement respecting the adop tlon of a coinage system for the new state of Panama assembled here toaay. WESTEBK MATTERS AT CAPITAL !f amber Of rarest Rangers Appointed . far Wyomlnst. (from ;a Btaft Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 10. (Special Tele gram.) The . secretary of the Interior to day appointed the following residents ot Wyoming . to bs forest, rangers In that stats St 60 per rnohth,: John D. Alsop, Chsrles H. Anderson, Phillip J. Burch, William P. Banes.' Leslls M. BIckncll, Elmf p. Carter, Eno6n Carrlnglon, George P. Centner, . Henry C. 'Hall, Edward H. Hhvt . Vincent Janskv: James P. Jansen, John A. Shorten, ''C. B. Swim, Richard I Smith and Lewis' "8. frapp; ths latter being promoted from $60 to $7S per month. Rural ' carriers appointed: Nebraska Tita renter, res-ular Euman N. Hitch- oocki substitute,. Milan JE.' Hitchcock, Iowa -Wotthmtron, ireguiar, . miss . unncw n Jagsger; substitute, Christian Jageger. OMAHA MAN IS A SPEAKER Dr. MeCIanavhan, Addresses -American nodical Association oat ths ',' Cars of Infants, . ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., June 10.-Th6 Americas Medical" association, which haa baen In session hers for several days, closed1 with a general meeting today. In ths sec tion on- children's diseases a paper was rsad by Dr. M. P. McClanahan of Omaha o(l "Ths Care of Infants In Public Instltu tloGi.'" and In the section of materls medics a paper on ' "Ths Therapeuttb Value ot Maeeage.ln Acute. Diseases," was resd by Dr. J. W. Beaver of New Haven, Conn. Portland, Ore., Was selected as the next place of meeting, ths data to bs decided later. The following elections were madct Orator on medicine, Dr. Charles O. Stock holm, Buffalo; orator on surgery, Dr. John Collins Warren, professor of surgery at Harvard university ; orator on state medl clns. Dr. George Bloomer, San Francisco. NEBRASKA VICTIM OF EXPLOSION Watte W. Dalao Killed. In Strike Troablsa la Coloraaa. FAIRBURY, Neb., Jun 10. (Special.) Ths remains "of Walter W Delno, who was killed ih ths flynamlta explosion at Victor, were brought hers today and will bs burled In ths Fairbury cemetery. Delano's father and two brothers rsslds In this vicinity and his life from boyhood was spent hsrs until two years ago, whsn hs wsnt to Colorado and engaged In mining. He was working for ths Flndley mine and was With his fel low workmen waiting for the train when the dynamite was exploded. Hs leaves a wife and two eons, ( and 7 years of age.' Fred Stuteroat.' the 'engineer ot the In dependence mine, who was wounded In the melee between ths soldiers and unionists. Is a Fairbury boy. Hs wsnt to Colorado a fsw months ago and entered ths employ ment ot the Independence Company, 'and when the strike was ordered refused to go 'out It Is not known whether hs was hit by a stray missile while In the crowd or shot by soms of ths strikers who had threatened him for hot going" out with them. stasis Long; Litigation. FREMONT. Neb., June lO.-(Bpeclsl)-Ths decision of the supremo court eflrm Ing Its former decision In ths Cass of Dodgs County sgalnst Accora and others will practically end ths litigation growing out of ths construction of ths Ames cut off flitch, which has been pending in the courts for ths last seven years. The case wan an appeal from the action of the board ordering ths construction of ths central Cut-oflt ditch. It was tsken to ths district court and Judge Orimlson hold that ths bosrd acted without authority. Aq appeal was taken to the supreme court, a supersedeas bond given and tho dltoh oonstruoted. On tke orlgtnal hearing In that court a decision was handed down reversing ths cass. Judgs Sullivan dis sented. A rehearing was grantsd which wss heard two years ago and since that Urns ths esss has been under advisement. lajarea In Rsnavray. HASTINGS, Neb., Juce 10.-i8peclsJ.) While' l(-yesr-cld Fred Brumengst.ln was drlvl.ia- cn Hustings svenue this afternoon his horse, which was hitched to a light buggy, became frightened and lunged stds ways, broke the single-tree snd tore wildly down the street. lirumengsU-in was thrown violently to ths brick psvtng Snd Sustained a broken lg snd dtslooated ankle. Ths horse ran but a short distance before a splinter of the brcksn shaft entered his leg and brought him down helpless upon ths street. DAY OFF ON ASSESSMENT But Bosrd sf Equal satirn Attsndi Eir oiiei in Omaha. & FINISH UP ON THE RAILROADS TODAY snasasaasagsss ladtcatlons Are .that Valaattam tor Taxation Parpo.es Will Bo Fixed In the Vicinity at Forty Eight Million Dollars. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Juns 10. (Special.) There was no meeting of the State Board of Equali sation today because most of the members went to Omaha to take part in the semi centennial celebration and for the same reason there was little doing In the state house, Ths board In all probability will make Its final report tomorrow afternoon after having listened to Tax Commissioner Cran don of ths Northwestern tomorrow morn ing. Ths total of ths tangible property re turned by the various roads, exclusive ot ths Illinois Central snd ths Omaha Brldgs and Terminal company, amounts to about 10,(M).000 and It Is believed now that the valuation placed on all the roads will In ths Sgfregats for assessment purposes reach more than 148,000.000, though there is no definite way to tell until ths board makes Its report Just what the figures will be. Two or three of the board members are carrying around different sets of fig ures snd none of the figures vary much and all hover around the $48,000,000 mark. This valuation Is arrived at by considering everything returned" by the roads snd In formation dug up by the board besides and at the best It will be little short of a guess. Ons member of the board announced yes terday when the railroad representatives began to talk that he had heard Just about enough, as the more that was said the deeper and more complex beeamS the prop osition. This member had labored hard to get a system ot assessment that would bs Just to all concerned, but last night he admitted that when the board concluded It would be a hard matter to say Just how ths valuation was found. The'value of the stocks snd bonds, however, will be the main factor In getting at the final values, for upon this proposition the board has put In nearly all of Its tlms, after the first few days of hearirg. The start the board has made In establishing a rational system of assessment, however, will assist the next board In Instituting a perfect system, for never before has a Stats Board of Equal! satlou dug down Into the stocks and bonds and ths earnings capacity of ths roads as has this ons. Object to SlanlasT Warrant. Peter Hofeldt, county commissioner, and John Drexel,, county clerk of Douglas county, do not wsnt to conform to tne re quirements of the peremptory writ of man damus Issued to compel them to sign the warrant Issued to pay Mrs. N. C. Allred of Wyoming $108 witness fees alleged to have been earned In the William Heap. Jr., trial. To show that they do not they today filed petition In error and bill of excep tions In the supreme court allotting that the peremptory writ allowed by the Judgment does not conform to the slternative writ and that the court erred In not granting a rehearing In ths case. After Mrs. Allred had testified the costs lh ths cass were certified to the county commissioners and ordered paid, no one ob jecting. The claim was sold by Mrs. Allred to. ths Union Stock Yards bank of South Omaha and It Is the bank that Is trying tq make the two officers affix their signatures and ths seal to ths warrant. Flarata'Payaftent of Fine. " Ths 'case of Louis Zobel, who was fined for refusing to serve a colored woman In his restaurant out at Kearney, Is now. In the supreme court and ths question to de cide la whether ths district court had Juris diction to try the defendant on his appeal from ths county court. After conviction In ths county court Zobel secured a transcript of the proceedings from the county Judge and tendered the Judgs his own personal recognizance to appear and answer In the case. On motion of the county attorney the case was dismissed In the district court and then Zobel appealed to the supreme court. It is the contention or the state that the recognisance failed to conform to tho requirements of the statutes and thoretors no rights could bs gained by It. Incorporate to Handle Trust Fnnd. ' The trustees of ths conference claimants fund ot the Nebraska conference of the Methodist Episcopal church filed articles of incorporation this morning, with Lincoln as Its principal place of business. It Is the Intention of ths corporation to raise $100,000 for ths purpose of caring for ths superan nuatedsnd worn out ministers of the Ne braska conference of ths Methodist' church j and their wives, widows, children and or phans. Ths officers for the first year are: Wharton B. Alexander of Falls City, presi dent; C. B. Lenfest of Bhelby. vice presi dent; Delbert L. Thomas of Beatrice, secre tary; A; C. Crosthwalte of Edgar, treasurer, and these with Lincoln C. Lemon of Uni versity Place and P. C. Johnson of Tecum sek constitute ths board of trustees. Pike Are ft Disappointment. Recent Investlsatlon shows that of extermination Is being waged by the plka recently planted In the various streams of the sute by Deputy Game Warden Carter on the trout planted in trlbutnrv streams at ths same tlms. After eating the trout fry the pike pike out" in ths di rection of Wyoming for the head waters, and lis a consequence Mr. Carter has de termined to plant very few pike. In the future. Ths trout and the bike frv were nlnntct at the same time, but the latter is so much mors voracious and grows so much faster that the game warden Is of the belief that the pike Is a losing proposition. Next year it Is his Intention to use ths entire ap propriation set apart tor fish production In securing and Dlontina- crorDlne nn,i planting a very few pike In the Blue river oniy, as it nas oeen round that they will remain In the Blue without trying to get to the headwaters during the first seaaon. Dlffos Only In Labels. Three cans of Jelly,' labsled current, rasp berry and strawberry, analysed by Btate Chsailst Walker, showed a difference In their makeup only in the labela. Each contained front (0 to TO per oent glucose snd coal tar dye. Ths Jelly was purchased In Omaha and ths name of the manufacturer IS not oa ths glasses. . Beoauss soms snergetto reporter during ths last year In writing up ths investlga tlon of ths food commissioner In ths mat ter of Jama and catsups, stated that In the strawberry Jam a number of timothy seed wera scattered to give It an appendicitis ef fect, the food commissioner Is , getting soms red-hot Inquires at this lats day. Re cently Mr. Thompson received two letters from Oermsny snd ho has received a few from the Interstate Commerce commission board for Information on the matter. Mr. Thompson didn't say ths things that looked Ilk. strawberry seed were timothy seed, nor strawberry seed, snd neither did hs glvs any Information what they were or how the got In ths so-called strawberry Jam. Caw Has Taboroaloels, Bute Veterinarian Thomas wss called out ih Lincoln county to examine a sick cow, and discovered ths animal was afflicted with tubercolosls and bad her shot. It Is not knowa how long ths cow had been af ; dieted though ons family had ftea using her milk for shout four years. In the meantime ths sxnmlnatlnn ot milk mads by the state chemist for formaldehyde shows ths milk used In Lincoln to bs pur In that respect Divorce Not So Easy. Amelia B. Hoffman, who la trying to se cure a divorce from her husbflnd, has failed for the present at least because one of her witnesses testified that Mrs. Hoffman lived in Omaha. Judge Holmes Is not in favor of Omaha people coming hers to get sep arated from their better halves, conse quently he has tsken the matter under ad visement for a few dnya Mrs. Hoffman aald she had lived In Lincoln previous to her marriage snd though she had gone to Omaha with her husband she never con sidered that her home. The removal oc curred in 1S98. She claims her husband deserted, her 'over two years ago. Ready for SOnimer School. Ths university school year is ended and today began the registration for the sum mer school. Last year less than 200 stu dents took advantage of the summer school, but from the Interest taken today It Is believed this year the attendance will be much larger. Classes will begin Monday. Coon Goes to Oxford. Of ths four Nebraska ellglb'.es for ths Rhodes scholarships, Raymond H. Coon was tonight at a meeting of the atate col lege presidents, designed ss the one best fitted for the first year man and In ac cordance with their decision he will go to Oxford In September next. Mr. Coon Is 21 years old, a native of Minnesota and was educated In Nebrauka. MANY ARE LOOKING FOR LAND O'Neill Land Office Has Many Appli cants for Blst Homesteads. O'NEILL, Neb., June 10. (Special.) In quiry at 'the local land office brings out the fact that from twents to thirty strangers are visiting this place dal'.y In search of homesteads. Many persons are filing on 100 acres under the Impression that when the Ktnkald bill takes effect on June 28, that they can then take three more quarters and some under the im pression that such a filing now will give the applicants a preference right to ad joining land. It Is certain that such a filing made now will not give any prefer ence rlfcht to ndjoinlng land, but It Is be lieved by some well Informed persons here that such an applicant may on June 18 make application to amend his original entry and that If such an application is made before another filing la made on the land desired in the amended application, and khere wouM be a possibility of the entry as amended being allowed tc stand. Judge Klnkald la taking an active Inter est in looking after the rights of the settlers in his district and hopes to iive such a construction put upon tha law. The Judge received word from Washington this morning that the filing fee On $H0 acres will be $14, the same amount as heretofore charged for 160 acres. There Is yet an open question regarding the rights of those who have homesteads and have not made proof, where there Is no I vacant land adjoining, being able to take three quarters not adjoining, but ths Judge Is making an effort to get a liberal construction Which will permit such fl Ings. Such a provision was In the Judge's or ginal bill In plain words1 and it Is believed that ths bill ss passed will bo construed to permit taking land In this manner. The last congress also passed a bill allowing persons who hsve taken homesteads snd havs Abandoned or relinquished their former entries to take another home stead. BIO INCREASE IN ASSESSMENT York County Vsloed at Over Twenty Two Million. YORK, Neb., June 10. (Special.) Tho as sessment of York county for the year of 1904, which has Just been completed by the assessor, Is a large per cent mors than the returns of ons year ago. The valuation of York county Is $23,012,670, which Is nearly $7,000,000 mors than what France received for Its entire territory lying west of ths Mississippi river. Ths value of real estate for the city of York, town and county is $18,891,720, and the as sessor found $5,118,175 of personal proparty. There ars in. York county 13,000 cattle, worth nearly $1,000,000, and counting) the small pigs, there are nearly 60,000 hogs and pigs. Ths amount of money loaned and cash Indicates the prosperous oonditlon of York cOunty farmers, who have loan and cash on hand of about $1,000,000, Ths farmers ot York county have wheat, corn and oats, a surplus crop, on hand to the amount of nearly $600,000 and the agricul tural Implements owned and In uae by the farms In this county are worth nearly $4)0,000. ... SBWAKD, Neb., Juns 10. (Special.) Ths total assessed valuation of the real and personal property In ths -city of Seward this year Is $366,198, an' Increase of $150,771 over ths assessment of a year ago. Tho personal property last year was assessed at $80,087, while tills year it Is rslsed to $206,226. Last year the real estate was assessed at $133,468, while tho value this year is $169,971. Real estats In Seward and towns of ths county haa always been near Its true vslue, so the returns do not show marked Increase. In tHs value of ths personal property assessment there is a marked Increase. - TARPENNINO ON TRIAL FOR MIRDER Case Attractlmw n Large Crowd to tho Court Room. FULLERTON, Neb.. June 10.-(Speclal.) Judge Re'eder and a Jury have been, occu pied since last Wednesday morning In listening to the evidence In the esse of tho State against Bert Tarpenning. On April 7 ' last young Tarpenning and Maynard Edglngton wore playing pool when a dis pute arose over the game which was re garded by the lookerson as a trivial quar rel. The game was Anlahed and Tarpen ning having lost paid for the game and stepped out of the door on to the sidewalk, followed by Edglngton and others. As thay bad been playing the game on a bet of $1 Edglngton Just ss hs stepped out of the door reminded Tarpenning of this fact and asked hlm to come down with tie money, whereupon Tarpenning struck him on the side of the head, felling him to ths, side walk, from which he never arose. Ths state Is represented by J. II. Kemp, county attorney; W. F. Crltchfleld of this city and J. C. Martin of Central City, while the defendant Is represented by O, C. Tar penning ot Wahoo, uncle to the defend ant, and Judge Sullivan of Columbus and W. L. Roue of Fullerton. The evidence was all in by noon today and arguments of counsel begun this sfternoon. The court ropm has' been crowded every day during the trial and many people went to the court house this morning who could not get standing room. Ths defendant appears cool and collected and has great hops of being acquitted, as hs ressons that ths killing of Edglngton was purely accidental- Ths Jury la mads up of twelvs honest and Intelligent farm ers whose Integrity la beyond question. , Trouble tor Northwestern. CHADRON, Neb., June 10 (Special.) Owing to continued rains ths Northwsstem Railroad company Is surely having Its share of troubles this month, and espe cially today. A wreck on the Wyoming line yesterday of the passenger gave employ ment to the regular wrecking . train and crew. The fireman, John Uastir, has a broken leg. Ths whole train was ditched. Last night two freight anginas craa 0rt CATARRHAL NERVOUSNESS A Condition. Known as Systemic Catarrh--A Congressman's Indorsement DR. O. B. CROWE, a phlslclan and a ery Influential man In Alabama and chairman of the Populist State Com mittee, in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman, Of Columbus, Ohio, says: Wa.hlna-toa, D. C, "Peroaa Is n most valuable saedl fine. It affords me nnllmlted plena nre to testify na to the mrrlli of yoar remedyHs n catarrh core. I have nsed It aa lack and And It la of very f rrnt benedt when my nervoas system Is run down. I heartily recommend Pa rana to all whose nervous systems uro deranged." c. H. (rowe, M. D. - Ths nervous system Is the source of all our bodily powers, mental or physical. ' The brain and spinal cord generate ths power and the ntrve fibres convey ths power to every pert of the body. It is ths nerves that glvs the heart power to beat; It Is the nerves that glvs the arteries the power to contract, and thus regulate the How ot blood tlirougn them. Each artery Is provided with an elastic or muscular coat, which is capable tr con tracting or expanding so as to permit more or less blood to pass through, according to the needs of th body. When the nerves are paralysed or weak ened this contractile power of the blotd vessels Is wholly or partly destroyed. This produces congestion, esieclnlly bf the mucous membrane lining the various organs of the body. When this congestion continues for some time it Is known as chronic catarrh. The congestion may occur In the mucous membrane lining of the nose, throat, bron chial tubes, stomach, bvwels, kidneys and pelvic organ. Whenever It occurs it produces the same condition chronic catarrh. J. H. Hullng. '-Member of Congress from Wset Virginia, writes: I- ISsn 1 v , 7tw. p 1 i4 V , CONGRESSMAN J. H. HULINO. ' "Parana ns n core tor catarrh and n tonlo of moat serviceable excellence Is beyond nil question, ns haa been proven by many of my friend, who have been benefited by Its nee." J. H. IlullasT, Charleston, W. V' the track between this point and Dead wnod. and today the whole passenger train was ditched between here and Rapid City. No one hurt. District Court lit . Alma. at.ma Won.. June 10. (Special.) The district court adjourned Wednesday after a aesalon of three days. During this time some very Important cases were tnea ana itoiKFminMl hv the court. Two parties charged with grand larceny were arraigned before the court. One pleaded guilty and was Sentenced by Judge Adams to the penltentla.-y for two and a half years, the other defendant on Deing arraignea con 4f Ait bimnflf in such a manner ft to lead tt,- amirt tr hatiov that he was temporar ily. Insane. A Jury wss Impaneled to de termine nis sanity, ine caao wao uit onu .... ..ttirnart tb- v.rrflrt that he Was sane. Upon' having ths information' read to him he still, aoted in a strange manner, not answering to tho Indictment In'any way i,,. ni-aitinv ralltv or not guilty. The Judge, whs was still Inclined to believe that probably the party was Inaane or temporarily mentally deranged, ordered that the cass be continued until tne ucio K mrm n t nourt and ths Drlsoner be re moved to Jail upon failure to give bond. These parties are both strangers ana it is r-r.rtui ihnt thev are both toughs and general thieves, but It Is quite certain the prisoner's conduct outdid the Judge, county attorney and the officers and he will be per mitted to rest quietly in the county Jail at Red Cloud until the October term of court. vi... Ai.n.Mi rr granted during this term snd one continued, the one continued being the case of Nelson against Nelson, a suit brought by Mrs. Nelson agalns' her husband to obtain a dlvorcs on the ground of extreme crueltr. which conststea oi ae priving her of her religious liberty, she, being a memo.- of the Roman Cathoiio church, desiring to worship at said cnurcn and being prohibited by her husband from doing So. A demurrer was filed to the pe tition snd '.he court took the demurrer un der advisement until the next term of court. Former Banker Insolvent. HUMBOLDT, Neb., June 10 (Bpeclsl.) F. W. Samuelson, for many years well known in commercial circles of southeast ern Nebraska and who was up to shout a year ago president of the First National bank In this city, has filed a petition In voluntary bankruptcy with the referee, Jamea W. Eaton ot Nebraska City and fixes his liabilities at over $70,000. with as sets of about $50,000. Ths hearing of credi tors hss been set for June 21 at Falls City, where Mr. Samuslson has been making his headquarters sines his retirement from the bank fcere. The assets sre largely in hold ings of California oil stock of questionable value, the creditor being various banking houses and Individuals from whom the banker hsd borrowed money. Rumors of his being In deep water have been floating around for many months, but all such re ports Mr. Samuelson denied with vehe mence, ssaertlng that his assets outnum bered his liabilities two to one or better. For soms tlms stps hsvs been tsken to bring sbout a settlement with creditors without ths expense Incident to bsnkruptcy proceedings, but this seemed to be Impos sible. garpy County Prohlblttoalsta. PAPILLION, Neb., June 10.-(8peolsl.)- The Sarpy eounty prohlblttnnlets met st Springfield and named the following county central committee: Joha M. Fraieur, J. M. Martin, A. C. Sloan, Jamea Hagai , Mra. L. C. Overton, 3. E. Jarman, W. R. 'Wllber and Jamea MoCaemly. Rev. II. A. Chap pel was chosen chairman and Rev. R. N. V m t ifO i VI s v; .vv.' - V ;:' - .T-V . Kc)v . v. - ?C V; ; -.'' t WW''r' '-:.':':.:'-. , , tvw v. ,,i , jvi W , , v .,'V ' " , lVv.VvvV' jr'f . .,.$ a v. ' .v f -s.: . ' ? sV . r, ,t , , fa,. hm . . .. -'-i v,. . --v: ' 5)1 LEON J. CHARLES, ATTORNEY 1 NERVOUS COLLAPSE. Leon J. Charjes, Attnrney-at-Law, WInslow, Arlsona, writes: "For n man taken up with the dsllr routine, nnd rushed nnd puahed ennataatly to do thirty houra' work In twenty-four, thcro will Invariably come n time when nature demnmla her due. I wns on, the elc of Juat anoh n brenUilown when. Pcrunn waa rooam mended to me, and proved n helper nnd n friend. It aecmed Intpo slble at th time to tnk a vncnllnn, and yet the conatant brain fast seemed o Impel it. reruns built nn the broken flown ayatem, re stored me to n normal condition, nnd thronicli Ita uae I waa enabled to continue my work. I have Icnrued to nppreclate Pcrunn very highly, and advocate it aa a ante, proper and Indeed neceaanry medicine to every business uian who Is worn out, tired nnd sick." Leon J. Charles. The symptoms of catarrhal nervousness are: A foreboding of culaniity, a sense ot something awful about to happen, twitch ing of the eyelids, moving- brown specks before the eyes and metallic ringing in the ears, sour stomach after eatiug, with' belching ot gas, a feeling of great weight in the strmmch, morbid fear Of leaving home, a constant desire to talk of symp toms, chills and hot flashes, hands and feet usually cold and clammy, genuitil tendency to coldness and dryness of tho kin of the whole body, neuralglo headache, nerv ous chills, hysteria, sinking and faint spells distressing palpitation of the heart, defective oyeslKtit, total inability to read, write or dp nny business, urine abundant., without color, loss of flesh, sleeplessness and sexuul excitability. Some of these symptoms are present in every case. , Throckmorton secretary of the organiza tion. Delegates to the state convention: E. J. Smith. Rev. II. A. Chappol, Rev. H. M. Triplet, Mrs. V. M. Heacock, I. 11. Carpen ter, J. W, Martin, James Cockerel, Mre. L. A. Bates, Rev. It. N. Throckmorton, J. E. Jurraan, LewiS Bishop and J. M. Martin. Found Dend in Saddle, HAY SPRINGS. Neb., June 10.-(Speclal.) During a. severe rain and thunderstorm yesterday Bam Lane, a ranchman and farmer living eight miles west of hero, was killed by lightning. Mr, Lane was a horsebacic, riding his fences when the storm came up, and he and the horse weto instantly killed and he was found shortly afterward Sitting In the saddle. , News Of Nebraska. OENEVA, June 10. Almost two Inches of rain fell yesterday, commencing nt 1 o'clock and raining some all night, bvill threaten ing. OENEVA, June 10. A brother of Mrs. Ed Katon uf Ueneva wns killed In the riot at tho Independence mine in Cripple Creek district, lie was a nonunion niun nuiued VV. W. Delaney. TECl'MSEH, June lO.-Miss Anna Mich ael, a domestic in the family ot T. II. Ale' C'luro, southeast . ot this cny, was bitten by a rattlesnake one day recently. She promptly recovered from the effects of the poisoning. i SEWARD, June 10. The Seward County Teachers' institute commences on Monday, June 13. Dr. Condia will give an illus trated lecture on Tuesday ovenlng and Marlon H. Lamont of Madison, Wi... ,wiil give a reading on Thursday night. ALMA, June li. A gooC ra:ii Is fulling here today, coming from the) south and west, 'i he wheat crop is in good Condition and this rain will Insure a heavy harvest. Alfalfa IS being cut, but the rain Is hinder ing It from maturing. Corn doing well. BEATRICE, June 10. Tho Bean-ice Mili tary band gve its third promenade con cert of the season in Nichols' hail hint night, the affair being very largely at tended. The proceeds will be used mr pur chasing new uniforms for the oisauisuCion. WILUftR, June 10. The eighteenth an nual commencement exercises of the Wll ber Hitch school were hold last nlgni, wln.ii lleuutv SUilo tiuuerinteiident Alciiriru de livered the address and Miss Mary Barton was class orator. The graduating class in cluded ten girls and two boys, i PAPILLION, June 10. Everett Long of Bellevue, upon the complaint of Mins Lu treiU UOW of the same place, charging lilin with statutory assault, lias been ai rested. Long waa arrested by the eouth Oinalm officers and brought hi re, where hu was released under $i'ou bonds. The case will be heard next Tuesday. PAPILLION, June 10. Scarlet fever has again .broken out In i'apilllon. A young child of Mr. and Mrs. O. 1. rltcliiieUi l down with the disease. A strict quarantine-hua been established with the liupes of confining the disease. Several canes of smallpox in the vicinity of Millard are re ported an the families quarantined. BEATRICE, Juno 10. Mr. und Mis. W. A. Foidcn, old residents of this city, Wednes day evening celebrated their tiftletn wed ding anniversary In the presence or about lifly relatives and frlondw at their lioiov In West Beatrice, ipnle a nuuiPer being present from different parte of the state to assist la celebrating the memorable event. OUALALLA. June 10. Keith county will vote on a bridge bond proposition on Juno It. It Is proposed to bu.ld two brldxes across ths North Plultu. 'fills will open up and give uecess to the .North Pi.iiie country, which Is coming to the front rap idly a a great live stock and dairy aw tlon. The prevailing opinion is that the bonds will carry. BEATRICE, June 10. The Adams Lum ber company has tiled articles of Incorpor ation Willi the county cierk. The cupiiul stock of the compi.ny Is plactd at vo.'.'l and. the principal pince of doing business la at Adams, this county, the incorpor ator, are Bird Crltchnelri, CI. VV. l'u kui iug, H. A. Betas of Lincoln and WulUr tin. rison of Adams. IIARVAKD, June 10 A fine, steady' rain amounting to a little over one Inch of aster, fell yesterday, whll. today is cool ami cloudy. J'hut ruin, wltn lavoraole we.ilher hereufter. will insure a wheat crop, as many fields are now beaded out. 11. a rsiu is timely, u. the Kiound was in a condition requiring ruins, and coin will ulnu receive much benefit. HHKLHy June lu. While returning home John Lucas, u farmer and hog buyer at Shelby, dropped tins line and his high- - AT - LAW, WAS VERY NEAR SAVED BY PERUNA. All that Is claimed for Peruna Is that It cures catarrh, wherever located, by Its action on the vaso-motor systom of nerves. That it is a specific for that phase of ca tarrh called catarrhal ncrvoUBuess tha ac companying letti'rs show! Mr. T. W. Bcott, Custom HouSe, Ban . Frttnclsco, Cal., writes: "Borne time ago, suffering from lndHrea tlon, lose of sleep, and what might bs termed general exhaustion, I was recom mended to try Pt-runa, which I did, and found that it did all that is claimed for it. If you do not receive prompt and aatls factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a, full statement of your cose, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advloa "Address tr. TJartmnn, President ot Tho ' Hartman .Sanitarium, Columbua, O. spirited team became unmanageable. Ho was thrown against a tree, his spine dis located and his body paralysed below tha heart. When found Some hours later ha was unconscious. He wns operated upon last evening and is still living. BEATlt ICE, June 10. While in the act of turning on the battery to ths Olsar lighter at his billard room yesterday, Ed ward Humblin happened to strike his arm against a huge needle which penetrated his right wrist to the bone, breuklng ths needle In two. In order to remote ths piece which was burled In tho flesh It Was found necessary to use an X-ray machine, BEATRICE, Jline 10. While the drivers Were walking out their horses- between heats at the driving purk yesterday after- noon, Archie Bretiki-r, 8 years old, ran too near one of the horse's heels and was kicked In the face. He received an Ugly cut over and undnr the eye, but os the animal Jumped as it kicked tho boy did not receive the full force of the blow. His In. Juries are not regarded ns serious. BEATRICE, June 10. The Beatrice vol unteer fire department held lie regular monthly meeting Wednesday night, -and to till vacancies elected John Bcharton secre tary and H. E. Lench treasurer.' The -department arranged to observe next Sunday usj memorial day and Rev. O. W. Crofts has consented t" deliver tho sermon. It was decided not to take any active part In . the Fourth of July celvbrutlon as a de partment. , TECl'MSEH, June 10. Two young men Who sre well known to the officers hern proceeded to egg the band and bandstand, as well as tho crowd ot spectators and the soldiers' monument In tho courthouse yard lure hist evening durlmj the progress of tho band concert. One or the bandmen was struck squarely on the shoulder with an eR and others were besmirched by tha gK being broken on the bandstand. It la probable that arrests will follow, PLATTSMOl TH, June 10. In Justice Archer's court Kmll Ptsk swore out a complaint HKalust Joseph Blla, 11 years old, chaiKlng him with the theft ot $300. tha money of the mother of the Complaining witness. The boy has been spending much money raccntly and suspicion rested upon him, but the evidence tailed to show where he got the money that he was spending SO freely. He said he found a portion of it and the rest waa given to lilin. Tha pris oner was released, SEWARD, June lO-EIght years ago C, Bchaal of ''C','. precinct found a bed of thistles In his pueiure and hs killed then hv L'Uttiiis them on. inch htdow the sur face. But some of the sued, blown by tho wind, found root In many places and have ruined I he meadows so that no animal will grasu them. Mr. Bchaal wrots to ths experimental farm near Lincoln and learns from i'rof. Besaey that these are not Cana 01 in thistles, ns- was supposed, but a native thistle that was discovered IJb years ago. ilu sui.'i!CHts the tilowinit ud of these af fected meadows, the roots burned and tho land Planted with corn. TEct'MSh.11, Junn hi. On complaint of Libtil (tarrisa, John BrlllFiart, a farmer ana fruit growir who liven last of this city, has ln-iii brought Into the county court on tho cliaiKe of llhy.slly selling vinous liquors. The complain, nil avers that Ills 17-year-old son, Willis OarrisM, and two companion went out to the Brlliliart farm last Sun day and bought two quarts of wine of Mr. Biillhart. and they proceeded to get In toxicated on the same. Mr. Brillhart pleuded guilty to tlie churgo and County JuiIkh .Times IslvlnKHtnn assessed him a fine of $!o and costs, the minimum fins for the offense, which was paid. INFANTS INVALIDS 1 Tired babies become rested babies when fed on Mellin's Food. Mellin's Food nour 'ishes. ' You will he (Isd that you sent far a sample if M.i tin's frood wr..a you m. h.w eag.rly b.by take it, MELLIN'S rOOO CO., BOSTON, MAM. YJ.A FDS V AND oal mutism i i " 1 L