Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1904, PART 1, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. SH.
"If a word spoken In It
Urn la worth one piece
of money, silence In It
- lime le worth
You will need these summer weights for the hot weather that
is coming. Better assortments now, and best of values.
Vests, in low nock, sleeveless, gauze, cotton or lisle, lace trim
med or plain, tape tops',' a special good value, at 25c each.
Vests, in low neck, sleeveless or low neck wing sleeves, gauze,
cotton, lisla or vega silk COc each.
Pants, in gauze cotton, umbrella knee, lace trimmed or tight
knee with tape top 50c a pair.
Union suits, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella knee, lace trimmed
neck, anus and knee SOc per suit.
Union suits, in gauze lisle, low neck, sleeveless, tape top, um
brella knee, lace trimmed $1.00 per suit.
Union suits, in extra, tine lisle, low neck, sleeveless, crochet
neck, made with tight knee also in long sleeves, knee length
$1.D0 per suit.
We carry a complete"line of Ruben's Infant's vests.
Investigate Our Deposit Account Department.
TjfflKlPlRIf 1e LOT $&
Y. C A. Building. Corner Sixteenth and Douglai Su
merely an - Omaha celebration. Intended
only for the oluieus of this town w..j
lived here forty or lifty yeais ugo, atiu 1
am particularly delighted to hate tunou
our most honored gufiit today two gtiuiu
men one of lhtcf national lam una an
other of national tame, one of Whom
himself lUuatrinua In war1 and eminent in
peace, an a soldier- and a civil engineer,
who directed the great work of the Union
Pacific railroad that made possible the city
of Uftiaha-Urerivllia M. Dodge. lAppUuee.)
1 met him fifty yeara ago and wo have
been frlrnda from that hour. Another sol
dier ta here he wa a, soldier In war, and
ha waa mote' than a soldier When he laid
more than 1,000 miles of the Union tactile
railroad at the rata of five or tan miles a
day. HI name fa Genera! John A. Case
ment, but that la hot hH rlehi name; hta
right name la General Jack 'eement.
(laughter.) Now I ak that these gentle
men atop forward that I may present them
as the men who made this country.
Vanguard of Pioneers,
Ladles ahd Gentlemen: Let rne proaent
the vanguard of the amall army who pro
posed to themselves to conquer the great
sources of human happiness In ths open
ing and development of this country loqty
or fifty years ago, who conquered half the
continent without any weapons save their
energy, their Intellects and their strength
of heart, to the use, of million who how
occupy it. They wsre few in number,
but great In deeds, and I give grateful
thanks to the Allwtse for What they hava
wrought, when they bul't so much better
than they knew. They were a remarkable
body of men. Young men, coming In the
firlde- of their youth to this) lonely land,
nhablted only by Indians nnd wolves.
They settled here with the herolo purpose
to lay the foundation broad and deep of
an Intellectual and a moral supiom-uy ami
to redeem the land front barbarism and
chaos. The Woolwortha and the flakes snl
the Estabrook. and scoree of othera
whom I cahnot name. Ood bless them
all. (Applause.)
When Franklin Pierce put his autograph
to tha act by which congress had created
the twin territories of Nebraska and
Kansas It was the habit of the time to
belittle Franklin Pierce, A distinguished
statesman In Topeka a few days ago. who
shall be nameless on account of his want
of manners, aaw fit to attack the man
whose policy and Whose act created this
enormous territory, which has contributes
ao much to human happiness and progress.
Pterea a Statesman.
Franklin Pierce waa a man whs possessed
rare qualities of American etateamansnlp;
he was a man woo as a lawyer rose easily
to the head of the bar of hl state; he
waa Bent to congress twice) he waa offered
tha attorney generalship of tha United
States and he declined ft; he was elected
to the senate and he resigned the office,
and when tha war broke out In Mexio,
true to tho revolutionary blood of his
father, eager to show that the son "had
lost none of that patriotism which the
father iiossessed, he enlisted aa a private
In the Mexican war amf-won by gallantry
on tha field a brigadier generalship. The
father of that aon waa a revo'utlonary sol
dier; he enlisted as a private. Benjamin
Pierce fought through the revolutionary
war, was rained to the rank of general
and afterward became governor of the
state. That la my answer to the die.
tlngulshed gentleman who spoka at Topeka
the other day.
No political shadow shall rest on this great
ceramoulal today by any utterance of
mine. 1 Simply Wanted to corroot a mis
understanding of public, opinion as to a
public man at a time when the pnsMnn of
partisanship were aroused and which his
led to an Injustice to franklin pleroe. Th
great, tha noble Hawthorne deilcitert hi
frreatest and best Work to FYanklln Plore
n on of the moat elegant exprt:ona that
ever fell from human pen. There I drop
- that subject.
I wl'l now say that I have the honof to
? resent to you aa tha next speaker on
his program the Hon. John If. Mickey,
the honest and Incorruptible governor of
the state, (Applause.)
' Addreee of Governor Mickey.
- Governor Mickey waa greeted with great
applause and said:
Mr. Chairman, Ladles and dentlement 1
hall occupy but a few momenta of your
time. I fully appreciate the disposition of
this hour, aa made by your program com
mittee, and shall not trespass upon 'the
umiui 01 inline wno are 10 ronow. With
ou I urn anticipating great Measure In
lalenln to our distiiiBulshed rttlnen at
former' years, who hu been selected to de
liver tne aaoress on this memorable oc
casion, and who, though at present a resi
dent of another state, la still, 1 am per
suaded, In hearty sympathy with things
Nebraskan. It la my privilege, therefore
to act In tho oapaclty of curtain raiser to
tho Interesting drama which Is to follow.
We are aanemhlel here In formal celebra
tion of the semi-centennial anniversary of
the passage of tha Kunsae-Nebrnaka bill,
an act under the terma of which Nebraska
first emerged from the gloom of the desert
and began to assume form aa one of the
potent. BK8TomIvo influence of Western
civilization. There was a volume of his
tory Hack of that measure. It was the re
sult of the third congressional compromise
upon the great question of slavery which
naa oeen agitating the nation from center
to circumference for many years, and ,
which had been threatening a crisis during '
a good share of that time. i
uut Insofar a it affected Nebraska there
Was no retrospective view. It may be said
with reasonuble accuracy that this atate ,
Don't Procrastinate
If tho boy needs a suit don't put
one. but baa lt limits. Better come
Mora aults added to
thU) splendid lino In
oil atylea and all else
up to 16 years. They're
the kind you'd expect
p"- t"" Tp'il
he ti"'X Belt- on
Saturday ft
at '
Our 16 aults are of the
double action kind.
Tluty win favor with
the boys and mothers,
too. lioye say they
leei fine; mothers esy
thoy fit line. We guar
antor they'll woar flne.
Y.u a men ,uy suits at extremely modorsUe price,
13 to 19 years, $tO and $12. BO.
Auditorium and Via ton Sirtet Iiaseball I'arlc ticket frss with 13.00
worth or .vr.
IT 1
for Women
had no history prior to May 80. HH the
uuti of the approval of me Kansaa-Ne-oraska
bill. Primitive tiaiure held full
sway over nearly ail this vast domain ami
tha onjy sounds that disturbed the primeval
solitude were the bellowing of countless
herds of buffalo and the warwhoop of the
Indiana as they fell upon their tribal ene
mies In tmrmulnnry contilct. It Is true that
an otss!onal white mnn had penetrated a
short distance Into tha transmlssouri coun
try, but he waa ao little iir evidence aa to
scarcely attract notice. The Lewla and
Clark expedition had marched up the west
bank of the Missouri as early as 14, but
had left scarcely a trace ef Its pilgrimage.
A trading .post had been established at
bellevue and there were possibly a few
oilier sparse settlements In close proximity
to the river, but the great expanse of the
territory Was practically Unexplored and
its resourcee were unknown. A permanent
settlement was not efTected In Omaha until
later In the same year, 1804.
Glaa of BoraetMasr to Govern.
If I have been predestinated to be gov
ernor of Nebraska 1 am very glad, Indeed,
that the honor did not fall upon me In
those early territorial daya. If one Is to be
governor It Is pleasant to have something
to govern. Jurisdiction over Indiana and
bufluloes, over shifting sandhills and un
dulating prairies, over solitude and va
cancy, would not be entirely to my liking.
To be sure there are some desirable fea
tures connected with executive Inactivity. I
am persuaded that the earlier governors
were largely relieved of the perplexities In
cident to trying to take care of a hundred
applicants lor appointment where there are
only half a doxen places to be filled, nnd
also that they were seldom, If ever, com
pelled to wrestle with Uie vexatious ques
tions affecting matters of requisition and
extradition, There was no formally con
stituted board of equalization and assess
ments before which contending Interests
oould present a formidable array of argu
ment and figure, well calculated to drive
the lucklesa members of said board into a
Condition of premature decrepitude. In
stead the tax authorities could levy tribute
With careless abandon upon sagebrush and
Cactus, upon the pioneer's clearing and
the trader's shack, with "none to molest
nor make afraid." But even these points
of advantage) appealing to me a they do
at the present time, are not sufficient to
cause me to wish that my administration
had occurred at the) earlier date,
Fifty years la not a fong time In the
life of a nation, but measured by results
it is a long lime in tne lire oi one or mesa
western states. Bo far aa our own state
la concerned that period covers everything
that we have ever attained to. everything
that we have te abow. I shall not enter
Ihto a comparative statement of our growth
or challenge your attention to an array of
tlgurea which will adequately ahow the ex
tent of our development and the wealth of
Our resources. Others will perhaps enter
upon this line of thought, and It la cer
tainly of great Interest.
I want to briefly direct your minds to one
potent renson why Nebraska hne aueceeded
so phenomenally during the brief period of
her statehood. The secret lies In the char
acter of her sltlaenshlp. Following the
erection of the territory came the border
strugg'e. which attracted to these lands aa
brave, devoted and loyal manhood aa ever
consecrated Its energy to a great cause.
These men championed the right for the
right's soke. No narrow question of tem
pi rnry expediency Influenced them. Their
mlnda'vwere flxirl upon the eternal princi
ple of Justice nnd their acts were In ac
cord with their belief. They also saw and
nnd appreciated the richness of Nebraska's
agricultural resources. The plow wm
brttight Into use, the virgin od was made
ready for the seed, fruit nnd shade trees
were planted nnd it was practically demon
strated that thla w a goodly land. At
the close of the civil war came another
numerous company of settlers, men who
had successfully defended their country
nnxinst treason's onslnught, men of sturdy
character, heroic virtues and Inured to all
the hardhlps which could possibly attend
pioneer life even In that early day. It Is
from such stock as thle that our present
cltlienahlp spring.
Blood Will Tell.
It la an old saying that "blood will tell."
Aa a people wa have a heritage of the
beat ancestry, representing ihe energy, to
Intelligence, ilie thrift, the morality of the
homue oi New aingiand and the central
state, la It any wonder that our peopi
are proK.esalvef 1 It any wonder tnat
e havu here the lowest per cent of illit
eracy of any state in the unlonT la it
strange that the "desert na been made
to blossom aa tho rose" and that ti e earth
bus requittud toil with rich Increase?
Aa to the future, can ei naught but
promise of etlil greater thing, other
states muy have reaches the xenlth of
ihelr powers, but Nebraska la standing
upon the borders of a prosperity which by
comparison will make insigniilcant any
thing which it naa heretofore experienced,
irrigation In tha went, supplemented by
the amollfled homestead law and the ea-
tabllsumant of an experimental station for
the tenting or graase ana forage crop,
will give to hat section a new impetua
which will be productive of grand reaulta.
The agricultural, commercial and educa
tional TnterriL of the eastera part of the
state, though Important, are atlll In theli
lnfanoy and are deitincd to an expansion
and growth beyond present comprehennlon.
iTuriMi In written In bold character ail
over the map of Nehraaka. We ore confi
dent In the belief that the coming nity
var will exceed the triumph of the past
In all mattcraof material development,
and that In the procesfljn of elates Ne-
it off too Ions,
in Saturday.
Our stock Is bis
Excluatve fabrlca, auch
ua Itocksnum chevi
ot and fin worsteda.
Exclusive styles, such
as knlckerbocker, nor
folk and Jacket and
f'Unl suit with bell
o match. I C art
to M yours. ..."OU
braska will maintain Ita place aa one of
tha most conspicuous In tha union.
latrodnees Mr. E(krMk,
At the conclusion of the governor's ad
dresa Lr. Miller said, In presenting Mr.
Among the people who earn here In the
early day 1 cin remember one whose name
has been famnlar here for a haif century
and whose munory is today pcruiiany irosn
and green, a man gifted with great lorce
and strength of character, the lather the
mother, a woman of the most high snl
exalted type. 1 turn to the son a. id e.y
to him tnat these people here have some
claim upon the man who was glad to come
fourteen or flftovn hundred miles to be
with us here today. (Applause.) 1 will say,
ladles and gentlomen. that there was a
email boy running around on these op"n
ITnlries here, he grew up among us, n
fcenial ch.Ui whom we wore nil tond of.
ilils was a time when we did not have
any cards, snd when we visited the neign
lura nnd went In at the front door or the
brirl door.
This young man gave ho hope of making
any greater mark than any of the other
young men of his age and bearing and
ne left u one day. lie waa calleii to a
higher station, to a great metroiolllan city
In the west; placed there In charge, aa a
lawyer, of all the vast Interests of the
Western t'nlon Telegraph company. Tho
next thing we hear of this young man the
Gould ot New York seem to need hlin for
some purpose or other; they got Into trouble
with the Pennsylvania Central railroad;
they were surrounded by A whole menagerie
of lawyers of the first rank down there;
but my Information I definite and official,
for when they came to Something that was
really critical and that reqmred going to
tho bottom of things. In law. they called
on thle young man and they found him
not wanting. (Applause).
Oh, I welcome you, sir. and I reflect. In
what I am saying to you and about you,
the unanimous sentiment snd tho hearty
feeling of this entire community. I now
have the honor to Introduce to you Henry
1). Estabrook of New York. Omaha and
tha United States. (Prolonged applause).
(Seta Trcmendona Ovation.
Mr. Estabrook waa greeted with tre
mendous ovation when he arose to apeak.
Throughout his long address he held the
attention of hla auditors. Many of them
pronounced It one of the finest addressee
they had ever heard. The people for the
most part were too Intense upon the words
of tha speaker to break his chain of fancy
and loglo by applause, but when he paused
for a moment to wipe his brow they as
serted thflf approbation vigorously.
After he had finished Dr. Miller proposed
three cheers for Mr. Estabrook and they
were given in a manner to make the raftere
ring, then the band played a "Patrol,"
by innee, concluding with "The Btar
Spangled Bnnner" and the crowd filed out,
taking a long time because of Ita atae.
"There are aeveral things In Dr. Mlller'g
remarks that I resent," aald Mf. Esta
brook. "One Is that I we6f & brass collar
and the other I that I am out of a me
nagerie. Fortunately, the people of Ne
braska know Dr. Miller and will take what
ho aaya concerning me, not simply with a
grain of salt, but absolutely lh pickle."
Mf. EBtnbronh'i oration In full appears
on another page of thla paper.
Old Settlers and Xevr Settlera March
to Cheers of Thranga.
In the matter of tho seml-eentennlal
parade It would eeem the authorities who
rule In the dispensing of weather for the
portion of the earth which fifty years
ago waa made Into the territory of Ne
braska, must hove got together somewhere
and sold; "Look at these old fe'lows; they
have lived In this country all these years
without undue complaint. Let them have
one day tor their parade when It shall not
be frecilng cold nor burning hot, and,
moreover, a day when there shall be
almost no wind at all to blow the dust
lh their eyes and turn their whlto. hair
to a dirty brown." Bo the day waa all that
oould be wished.
The parade waa two miles In length. At
eight silnjtes after i o'clock the grand
marshal. Captain H. 3 Palmer, clucked to
hla horse at Sixteenth and California
atreets, tho bugle blew and tho parade
Waa on. At 1:20 o'clock the head of the
Una passed the postofflce, the various seo
tlona which were resting east and west on
California and Cass streets and Capitol
avenues falling In without hitch. Thirty
one minutes were required in passing thla
building. The Una of march waa along;
Sixteenth street to Douglua, down Doug
las to Tenth street, south 'to. Farnam, up
Fafnam to Nineteenth street, south to
Harney, down Harney to Sixteenth, south
to Jackson and around past -the Audito
rium. The old aettlers were not aafely
landed at tho doors of thla meeting hall
Untr 3:15 o'clock and It was 8:26 o'clock
before the last, of tho marchers passed.
Aa along the line of inarch, ao at tha
Auditorium, there ware Yaat throngs of
applauding spectators.
No difficulty was met In emptying the
carriages at the Auditorium, tha assist
ant marshals Working three ot tour car
riages along tho curbing at one time. Tha
high school aoldlara formod in battalion
front facing the Auditorium and the mili
tary and various 'drill teams saluted In
passing. Before and after the parade
reached the front of the building the
crowd wa entering. At !ength Captain
Moatyn of the police force was forced to
close tho hall to more spectators, aa oven
the great Auditorium was filled. Hun
dreds of people were turned away.
Captain Palmer led ''the parade and waa
followed by his aides. Then came Chief
Donahue and a platoon of the police. Fol
lowing thla wer three carriages with the
commanding general of the department and
hla staff, the officer either In dress or
campaign uniform. The first band wa
that ot the Thirtieth United Statea Infan
try. One of the musician of the army
band, a sergeant In fact, la a natlvo of
Cuba. The high school cadet band headed
the achool battalion and the three other
band were furnished by the Musical
union. Two of these were lead by Covalt
and Huater. Omaha people were flattered
that their local musician held civic pride
and patriotism so high they could lay
side their objections to the non-union gov
ernment bands and not cause a repetition
of the Chicago difference which made the
recent anniversary there almost muslcless.
The aoldlara of the Thirtieth Infantry
Shoaed they were veteran of the tropical
Jungle and the rough trail by their ateady
and unwavering formation aa they climbed
over the butt and ravines pf North Six
teenth atreet. The battalion waa the Third,
the same which took part In the Memorial
day parade. Major Byrne waa Iq com
mand. Following the regular, who
marched In khaki, came In 'six carriages
members of the military order .of the Loyal
legion. Then came the National Guard
the Omaha Guards In full khaki, aa were
also tha Dodge Light Guards and the
Thuratone In their blue ahlrta and yellow
The six companies of the high Bchnol
cadets made an excellent Impression. The
school companies were the only one In
line having more than four set of four.
Captain Stogadall, the commandant, end
four mounted offlcora led the cadeta. The
veterans of the Grand Army followed a
marked contraat In life.
The second division waa led by the Ak-Sar-Ben
governors In their familiar parade
formation. They wore dark red coat and
whit trouiera. The escort ef noble knlghta
waa a beauty and a wonder for the extent
of a block at leaat. They were divided
Into perloda-flrst. a few Indian bravee.
then a bunch of Norsemen, then a few
knlghte In brass eulrssa. In addition were
Puritana and eavallera. Oriental and con
tinentals and FrlUsh dragonna, with a few
ecattertng raqueroa and other rtdera.
Blxty-slx carriages formed the section In
which came the old aettlers. The first was
a drag driven by Robert Patrick. Then
followed alt variety of private and public
carriages, with many a silver-haired jjws-
tanger within, and then a good many whose
hair wsa rot silvery nor ages great.
Aeaistant Marahal C. L, Ba under lead a
wild looking herd of Red Men, torn
mounted and othera afoot, all wearing the
wild and thrilling clothing of their patron
aavagea. South Omaha furnished iotne
good rough riders. Cora It band aotne good
music and the letter carriers, the High
landers with their pipes end their low
necked stockings, the Bohemian turnere In
(heir characteristic buff and blue tunics fid
the Woodmen of the World and the Modern
Woodmen with their aluminum axe and
the drill teams of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen, all lent Interest and
numbers to the parade. The order of
parade waa as follows:
Marshal, Captain II. E. Palmer.
Aide, Harry V. Burkley.
Aide, tJieinent Chase.
Platoon of Pfthce.
Commending General Department of Mis
souri and Staff.
Kami, Thirtieth C. b. Infantry.
Ktaff, Thirtieth U. 8. Infantry.
Battalion, Thirtieth U. 8. Infantry.
Military Order Loyal Legion.
sOmaha Guard.
Thurston Rifles.
Dodg? Light Guards.
Omaha lllgh thool Cadets.
Orand Army of the Kepubllo Veterans,
Assistant Marshal, Thomas A. Fry; Jamea
M. hendrle. Waller H. Jardine, Fred Meta,
Mel Lhl: Aides, Charlea N. Roblneon.
Gould Dietx, Chark H Plckans, George
F. West, Luther L,. Kounno, Henry J.
Penfolrt, Charles M. Wlllielra 'Board of
Uovarnor Ak-8ar-Hen.)
Ha mi Omaha Musical Association.
Mounted Krcort, Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben.
Guesti of Honor (carriages.)
Assistant Marshal, Charlea V- Saunders,
Aide, C. H. T. Hlepen.
Alcie, Jamns 1,. paxton.
Band, Omaha Musical Association.
Improved Order ot Red Men tin regalia.)
Scottish Clana telan Gordon).
Independent Onier of Odd FelloWB.
Woodmen of the World tuniformed teama.)
Boys of Wooucrnft.
W. O. W., Compary D, Kleventh Regi
ment, W. O. W. Guards, Co. Bluffs.
Ancient Order United Workmen (uniformed
National Letter Carriers Association (uni
formed rank.)
Letter Carriers. Bnuth Omaha.
South Omaha Horsemen.
Assistant Marshal, Fred B. Lowe.
Aide. H. T. MeCormtck.
Aide, O. C. Rcdlck.
Band. Omaha Musical Association.
Bohemian Turners (uniformed rank.)
Tel Jed Sokol.
Modern Woodmen of America.
(Continued from First Page.)
one point or another In the state since
early in 1903. President Campbell of the
Colorado Mine Operators' association esti
mates that the lose to metalliferous miners
alone may be placed at Close to $5,000,000,
and It Is estimated that the total cost to
the Btate, With the troops row In service,
must ultimately reach fl, 000,000.
Coroner Is Invest lajatlns;.
VICTOR, Colo., June 10. An Investigation
by the Jury ompmelcj by Coroner Hall
Into the explosion at tho Independence sta
tion on Monday when over twenty men
were killed or crippled Is being pushed. The
Hist witness was James Dooner, engineer
of the train that was pulling In at the sta-
tlon at the time of the explosion. Dooner
said that he had stopped about seventy
five feet from the depot when some men
ran up and Informed him that the depot had
been blown up. He told of himself and bla
crew alighting to Investigate the scene and
ot assisting the dead and wounded. He said
he made a second trip to the depot plat
form with the conductor When they tried
to find a wire by which someone hod aald
the explosion had been caused. They had
not seen any sign of the wire.
The testimony of the other members of
the crew waa practically the same aa given
by Dooner. t
Several wltnessea testified aa to the find
ing of the wire with whloh a revolver waa
discharged exploding the dynamite uhder
the depot platform. Arthur Beard, a boy,
told of finding a bulldog revolver near the
aceno ef the crime.
"Sea be Goae to Hell." .
A eensatlon waa caused by C. C. Hatha
way, a carpenter who Uvea within 100 feet
of where the exDloslon occurred. He aald
he hurried to the place. He met a man
and asked him what Was the matter, to
which! he received the reply: "Oh. nothing, 4 lot of 'scabs' gone to bell." At that
Instant witness, In stepping over a gully
fell directly on ene of the vlotlms. He did
not know who tho man waa who had used
tho language, as it was still dark, but later
on heard him use about the same words to
another person. He Inquired the man's
name and was told that It waa Joe Craig,
'jury brlna In a Verdict.
Coroner Hall'a Jury brought In a verdict
to the effect that Qua Augustine, Arthur
Muhleclse, Henry Haag, Herbert McCoy,
William Franklin, Edward Rosa and other
came to their death by an explosion of
dynamite or other explosive at the Flor
ence it Cripple Creek depot at or near
the town of Independence, Teller county
Colorado, on the morning of June t, 1904,
about 2:30 a. m. The verdict contlnuea
aa follows:
"We further find that aald explosive was
exploded by an Infernal machine purposely
and artfully act and discharged by soma
person to the Jury unknown, for the pur
pose of willfully, maliciously and felon
iously killing and murdering said persona
aVid other; that said crime la one of elm
liar Crimea designed and committed la
the Cripple Creek district during the past
few month and perpetrated for the pur
ppse of Intimidating nonunion miner and
thereby preventing them from working,
and Bald crimes are the result of a con
spiracy entered Into by certain members
of the Western Federation of Minora, and
known to be Incited and furthered by cer
tain officers of that organization."
It is held that ao much testimony of an
Incriminating charaoter was given by some
Of the prisoners that many who were to
be deported wer sent to the county Jail,
whore they will remain uutll arraignment
In court.
Does Not Bar All Vnton.
CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., June 10. An
amendment ha been made to the agree
ment bolng circulated by coramltteee of the
Cltisen' alliance, pledging Its member not
to employ member of unions affiliated
with certain labor organisation. The name
of the American Federation of Labor ha
been atrtcken out and that ot the Amer
ican Labor union will be aubatltuted. Aa
It now etanda the agreement applies to
the local tradee assembly, the American
Labor union, tha State Federation of La
bor and the V'eatern Federation of Miners.
Barns Talus of Trouble.
DENVER, June 10 In aa Interview oon-
(cernlng the Closing of the Portland mine
fat Victor by order of General Bell, Jamen
F. Burns, president of the Portland com
pany, said that nearly one-half of the
Portland force were not members of the
Miners' union,
"There were aa good mlnere as ever
handled a pick working there," aald Mr.
Burns. "They are, moat of them, men
with families and they are neither law
breakers nor agitator. X would not refua
a man work because he did not belong to
the union nor because he did. I wanted
the best miners and kept weeding out the
poorer onea. I am a firm believer In what
they call the "open shop." It other mine
owners had adopted my plan there would
not be an Idle mine In the camp today
and there would sot be a disturbance
worthy of the name."
Every article from A. B. Hubermsnn's
Jewelry store is under absolute guarantee.
0d Settlers. Taks sn Ersniag to Diioosi
Emt of thi Luor, Put.
Mem Who Laid the Feaedatlon ef m
Great State Recount the Story
f Time When It Waa
The old aettlers gathered Inst night In
the 'Orpheum theater for a reunion and n
few reminiscences. The Nhotise was well
filled and the prominently and elderly gen
telemen warmed to their recounting of
times past From 1S64 to 1304 Is a con
siderable period of time and the speakers
found the time between t and 11 o'clock
hardly equal to the telllns of all that hap
pened from the first of these years to the
last. Judge George B. Lake presided at
the reunion and the stake was filled with
gentlemen who did and who did not speak.
Those on the program were greeted with
much applause.
"The committee," said Mr. Lake, "con
sidered that a reunion of old cltlxena and
of others, a sort of lovefeaat, would be a
fitting termination for the graver cere
monies which have proceeded It. The aeml
centennlal In the life ot an Individual la a
long period o ftlme. With the majority
ot men It apana the whole of active life.
With cities and with atatcs It la different!
fifty year Is but a line. Those who came
to Nehrakn, fifty years ago when they look
upon the farms, the grove, the schools
of the present time and the growing popu
lation are amaaed It hae all been' accom
plished while we short-lived beings have
been here. The children and the young
men and young women of today who live
to the centennial of the state will see as
great or a greater advance,
i .u. iae
uw sjb a a a an m - - -
General GrenMlle M. Dodge, who was
Introduced as a Nebraskan and a man or
national reputation, spoke on "The Pacific
Railroads." General Dodge Baid he had
made the first settlement In Nebraska on
the EJkhorn. He thanked Dr.. Miller for
having brought the old settlers together
and for much of the success of the Cele
bration. In talking of (he Union Pacific he
said It had been private enterprise which
had built the road and not the government.
The gehernl had crossed the Missouri In
1853 and had explored dut the Platte fiver
and found the most practical route for the
road was along the d parallel. From
Information gained from Mormons, trav
eler and Indiana It was decided wltat gen
eral direction" the road ahould take. In
18fli the .company had been organised In
Chicago. Ljhcoln had called the generul
cast for a consultation fcnd aald he strongly
desired to have the road built, but the
government Wea In Ho position to do It.
Ground had been broken 1ft 18(W and In W66
the foad finished to Fremont. During 1S6
surveying parties were sent to California
and the road finished to North Platte. Gen
eral Sherhlnn had marvelled at the prog
resa of the work. All the material used
had to be brought up the Missouri during
a few months eitch year. The company
gave eOrieral Dodge orders to proceed re
gardless of expense and track was laid
faster under the conditloh than hae ever
been done before or since, General Dodge
showed the recent changea made by the
Union Pacific were no discredit to the
original engineers, tor the Werk had coat
one-third the entire original coat and had
shortened the line and reduced the grade
to but a Comparatively email extent
)3rlr Kebrask Newspaper.
JS. Rose water was Introduced as one
whose papers had alwaye been for Omaha.
Who went aa near aa humanly possible to
doing the things he set out to do and to
whom the auccesa of the aeml-centennlal
was largely due. Mr. Roaewater was given
the subject "Pioneer Journalism." Before
taking up the Journalists he added s remin
iscence of the Union Pacino, telling of a
meeting down on a sandbar for the formal
beginning of the road. George Francis
Train and Augustus Kountse made speeohes
and both trembled at the knees, it being
their first speeohes. During the meeting
a man In a red flannel shirt cams along
and mad a wonderfully flne epeeeh from
a wagon. This waa Andrew J. Poppleton,
The ploneera of the Nebraaka pre, a
Mr. Roaewater found them on hla arrival,
were the Omaha Republican and the
Omaha Nebraakan, a copperhead Journal.
E. B. Taylor was editor of the Republican,
the pre waa run by hand and the edition
not more than 800 or 600. These It waa no
trouble to turn out and there was no swear
ing to circulation In those daya. Mr. Rosa
water came In touch with the pre through
collecting for the telegraph company, of
which he waa local manager, the Aaao
olated Preae iolla. Thee were $30 a month
and the papera considered the toll exor
bitant The papera now paid aometlmea aa
much aa 1330 a week. Mr. Roiewater, a
correspondent of the Cleveland Herald,
named the population aa 8.000. twice Ita
number, but he did not have to pay for
thla aa he did fer the awelllng ot the cen
sus to 140,000 in later years. The Associated
Press tolls go by the population and The
Bee and World-Herald had paid during
ten yeara (50,000 flne for thle exaggeration.
Mr. Roaewater told how the Omaha Tri
bune wae started. Dr. Miller, who had
come la control of the democratic organ,
waa Jolting the opposition te strongly that
retaliation became neceaaary. An editor
from the coat waa cent for, but when the
day of publication arrived he had not come
and Mr. Roaewater, rather than have the
paper not appear wrote the editorial snd
other matter for seven days until the editor
turned up. .
Lawyer and UgUlaten.
Judge J. M. Woolworth talked ably oa
the subject, "Bench and Bar of the 'ftOe."
He firat told of the many examplea of
greatness In the colonial bar. He eald the
best lawyers a country produced came from
new communities, which was true of Ne
braeka, territory. This waa not to Bay the
first lawyers were better than the present
but the present did not eurpas the early
legal men. He told of the first Judges, of
Chief Justice Furguaon. who organised the
courts; of AuguBt Hall and William Pitt
Kellogg and of Judge Little, the firat Clin
ton Brlgga and O. P. Maaon and closed
with a glowing tribute to A. J. Poppleton.
"Early Leglalature and Leglslatora" was
the subject of Judge George W. Doane. Ho
iM rw In oraanlxln the flrt house the
members were apportioned among the eight
counties. When the two precinct oi uows
la county were named the voting p'afli of
one wee the brick houee In Omaha city
and of the other the mlealon at Bellevue.
January in the year 1856 waa the time o
ih first session of the leglalature ana
there were then thirteen councllmen and
twenty-six representatives. Dr. Miller, who
timA kun chief clerek to the council, and
A. J. Hanacom, speaker of the house. Judge
Doane theught the only survivor or in
eight from Douglns county. The first legls
latore the speaker believed to have been of
exceptional eharaoter, and aa a result of
their work the lawa they made had needed
llltla rhnm In nrlnelnal to thla dar. They
had contained all the principal lawa Of
today. The Judge said nothing waa heard
In those daya of grafting possibly becauae
there waa nothing to graft. He told, how
ever, of a time wtian bribery wee aald to
exist and of a member who wa called up
by motion te be reprimanded by the chair.
"Sir," said that genial person, "eonaldsr
71 Savings
Drawing 4 frer fnt Interest without bother or expense
is a good investment. lepposits made on or befort
June 10th tlrnw interest from June 1st. Oldest and
strongest savings bank in the state.
City Savings Bank,
i6th and Douglas Sts.
yourelf reprimanded." When the Judge
compared the men ef the first three aee
alone with those of later years he felt the
former did not suffer from the comparison.
h f laere.
Hon. James E. Boyd, Introduced ae the
first and only democrtlc governor OI Ne
braska to:d of "'Pioneering on the Flalne."
Perhaps his most Interesting statement was
that during his business residence hfe
Fort Kearney he had three limes td sehd
Mrs. Boyd to Omaha for tear of th Hos
tile Indiana. The thing which the gov
ernor moat remembered 6f Omaha, When
he came to It, a town of 600 people, was
that there were no old people, its told
of hla first experiences Oh the plains, hS
having alarted with hi brother-in-law. Dr.
Henry, to start S etore on the trail to Sup
ply emigrants. He told of sreing S herd
of 30,000 buffaloes snd ef the depredation
o fthe Indians.
General Manderson was to hve re
sponded to "Reminiscenos,H but tould riot
be preseht.
Hon. John L, Wobeter had for his sub
ject 'Transition from TeTHtOty to Btate."
He drew considerable applsuse tof his Im
passioned tribute to the greatness ef Lin
coln. He also looked forward Into the fu
ture and predicted Very great population
and wealth for the United States.
Henry W. Tate was Invited to talk shop
snd did so very pleasantly, hla remarks
being on "Karly Bnnka and Bankers." In
beginning he eliminated the Wild-Cat bank
which were not banks at all and attl but
one of which had gone down In srt early
panic. The currency question was then
as now a prominent question, although the
conditions were different. , Seven actual
banks were In existence i the territorial
days In IS), ahd these had all been con
tinued under one form or another to the
present day. This, Mr. Yates pointed out,
showed the early banker Were the bank
ers ot the present day. It Commented on
the very small capital of tnoee early men,
probably not more than $200,000 for all,
while the sahie Institution how had $30,-
000,000. Ho paid tribute to August Koudtse
Snd Efcra Millard.
' Judge ESeaaer Wakeley was to have
commented 6a "First Views and Impres
sions of Nebraska," but la place com
mented on the lateness of the hour. He
believed aa Impression a man had carried
around with him for forty yeara could be
of little Interest to a tired audience st 11
o'clock. He, however, told how he had
chanced to enter when the early legisla
ture was In seasion and had been so struck,
with the argument of a young man there,
he hod predloted If the young man re
malhed true to ths atate he would leave
his mark upon It. "And," said the Judge,
"you will all Join and wish and hope that
years of health and vigor, bodily and men
tal, may be the fortune of Dir. Oeorge I
Miller." .
A r Hover snifter
After Porter's Antiseptic Healing on Is ap
plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at
ths sams Urn. Per man or beast Price, Sto,
EQdttors sal Maaaaera CtSosea Wy High
School Staseate frr
Register. '
Next year's editors and managers of ths
Register, the high school paper, have been
elected, the contest terminating yesterday.
Lyman Bryson Is editor, Florence Tms ss
Blatant editor, Charlea Ralph business man
ager ana nenry uose assistant ouainns
The high school seniors have received
their caps and gowns and will appear In
them at the St. Mary's Avenue Congrega
tional church Sunday morning, when Dr.
Toat dell vera tha baccalaureate sermon.
Many of the seniors appeared yesterday
with their new garb on.
Excursion to Atlantic City
Via Pennsylvania lines. Tickets on sale
July 10 and J'l. Fere from Chicago to At
lantic City snd back, 120.60. For full par-
t Inula i- call on at address Thome It.
Thorp, T. P. A., Pennsylvania Unas, Omaha,
Special meeting of Nebraska lodge No.
1, Saturday, June 11. at t p. m. Work la
M. M. degree. Visitors welcome.
GEO. A. DAT, W. M.
W. C. M'LEAN, Sec.
Seventy-Six Men Deported.
Acting under the orders of Adjutant Gen
eral Sherman Bell of the Btate National
Guard, a special train wa made up shortly
sfter noon today In the Short Line yards
at Victor for the deportation of seventy
six union miners. The train was composed
of a combination baggage car and two day
The men were marched to the train be
tween heavy line of military and depu
ties. A crowd of fully 1,000 people had col
lected to see the men placed on board.
Among the spectators were wlvee snd
sisters, father ' and mothers of the de
ported men, and the scenes were very af
fecting. Mothers, slaters and sweetheart
cried good-bye and tried to puah through
the lines for a parting handahaks.
No attempt wae made to unload the men
here. The train stopped long enough at
thta place to give the soldiers time to eat,
The deported men had rsttone of beans and
bread on board.
Another party of exiled men will be ssnt
from the district tomorrow. Sixty men
confined In the Cripple Creek bullpen were
taken to the county Jail today and charges
of murder were placed against them.
End of k Bseareloa t Clear
Lake, la.
Vis Chicago Great Western railway. For
trains Friday, night snd all trains Satur
day of each week round trip tlcketa will be
aold at one fare to Clear Lake, la. Tickets
good returning on sny train nntll the fol
lowing Monday. For further Information
apply to 8. If. Parkhurst, general agent,
1511 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb,
photos, too snd un. jfll rvmam street.
Diamonds! Diamonds! Kdholm. Jeweler.
CtteBWO)4 Klvew Hlaaa.
EMPORIA. Kan.. June 10. The Cotton
rood river rose several feet here and -If
till Halm A rlnurlhiirst In Chtna and
western Lyon counties caused the rle.
A n . lu.l flAnA It !
fuared, ha begun. Th water la linot up
10 ine nuiroaa iracss.
Wlsl River Tkreateae Flood.
n'luri lt 1 1 ifn 1 1 in . Hi u,'lnflM la
threatened wllh anb'thrr flood and cltlaens
in remnvlnv from the lowland. Th Wal
nut river I twnty-on feet above normal
snd I rising about two Inchea an hour.
Three luetic or rain na fallen in nil
vicinity In twenty-four hours.
EnltaVi ftep'stentitifs 8howi Binoerit
Toward AmeriOim snd British.
omctRs cxrttT succtssrut RESULT
Naval Omer Are Caatlotte and There
le Mope Its t1emeeireiiea
f Force Will De
PA RIB, 'una W. The Foreign office has
received lengihy advlcee from the French
minister at Tangier. He Bays Mohammed
Si Torres, the aultan's representative at
Tangier, has chosen his own son, who beara
the same name aa hla father, to proceed to
the mountain retreat of Ralsoult. the bandit
chief, and present the final terms to secure
the release ot Messrs. Pcrdleatis and Tar
ley. The son already hae departed on hla
mission. - The Journey will take a day or
two. Ths offlclnJs expect a successful out
come. .
They aay Mohammed's choice ot hie aon
ahows ths sincerity of Morocco's efforts,
Ths mlalster pays a high, tribute to the
cautious reserve and constant tourtesy ob
served by the Amerloan and British ad
mirals, which IS sonstruM as Indicating
thai there IS a likelihood ot precipitate
naval action.
It Is reported that Marine Minuter Fella
tan Is communicating with Vice Admiral
Olgon at Toulon, relative to the possible
eventuality of sending one or two French
Warships to Morocco.
Prisaaer Are 1st Darr,
LONDON, June 10.A. J. Nattan of Penn
sylvania, long a resident of Tangier and
Who has Just arrived In London, describes
ths situation In Morocco generally as being
serious. He considers that Messrs. Perdl
carls and Verier are In the gravest danger,
As RnlSoutl Is S common bandit the tribes
are quits beyond his control. If they
thought Ralsoull was sot acting sqiarely
they would themeetvea attack the captives.
The latter are far In the Interior of the
province ot Belilaroe, in the vicinity ef
MUllah Abd Belem, the most sacred khrlno
in North Morocco. It la certain. Mr. Na
than Says, that If maMheS attempted to
march Into that district the prisoners would
be killed. Had Ralsoult waited another day
he would have captured United States Gen
eral Oummcre, who was going to visit Mr.
Ferdlcarie. Mr. Nathan adds that there Is
nothing to prevent Ralaoull Of any othsr
bandit with 100 men frem entertrtf Tangier
and carrying oft any diplomat! body, as
the toceJ garrison, numbering I0Q men, Is
Utterly unreliable.
German Representative Flags Empty
Hall St. Levi.
. ST. LOUTS. June 10. Dr. Eugene Wsg-
ner, auperlor government councillor and
representative eommlaatoner ef Germany,
who la an authority on municipal improve
ment from an artistic point ef view In his
own country, had expected to address ths
American Park and Outdoor Art aaocla
tlon and the American League for Civic
Improvement In the town hall on model
streets st ths exposition today. He was
on hand with a carefully prepared addreaa,
but the hall wae empty, the delegate hav
ing adjourned for the day at the end of
ths morning session.
"I do not understand this way of doing
business." said Dr. Wagner to . reprer
sentativs of the Associated Press, who
had been informed that Dr. Wagner was
to tnaks sn address and was present to
hear, being the only pereon in the hall
except the doctor and a friend who e,o
oompenled him. "I have s written Invite
tlon te Address ths convention at I o'clock,
June 19, and find ths hAll empty," said
Dr. Wagner.
When it developed that there wtuld be
no meeting to hear ths doctor's address
he isft ths ball Apparently muoh dis
pleased. 1U MlUblOIV ACRE
Ooveamntesrt Ks tow Homestea-iore.
In weetern Nebraaka near the Union Pa
etflo railroad In section lots of 040 sores
each, for almost nothing. Th salubrity of
the lands is something remarkable. Dis
tance from railroad Is from three to thirty
mile. There will be a grand rush of
homesteadors. This is the last distribution
of free hemes the United Btate government
will ever make in Nebraska. Write for
pamphlet telling how the lands rsn be ac
quired, when entry should be made and
ether information. Free on spp'loatlon to
any Union Pacino -gnt or eity ticket of
fice. 1124 Farnam street 'Phone SIS.
Bee Want Ad bring the bet returns.
Wadding gifts. Edholm, Jeweler.
Owarts Death Aftoraoon a
SO Other Amaaement Attraction
go Fare from any Omaba or South
Omaha Palate.
nnvnic woodward
LiUlU O Burgess, Mgrs.
Th Ferris Stock Co,
Today, Tonight, Sunday Met.,
Sunday Until Thursday
Prlcee 10c, Uo, Ke. ,
Mat. any Beat 10o.
Base Ball
Jaae 10, 11, IS.
Vinton Street Park.