Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1904, PART 2, Page 15, Image 15

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Japan. (Merchandise tor U. B. Postal
Aaancy at Bharjgh! cannot b forwarded
nV.r zEALAKt. al'stcialia extent
. WAII and ttJl ISLANDS, vis Ban Fran.
, elsco. clew at : p. m. Jun ltth, (or
despatch par a a. Ventura. (If th Cunard
teainer carrying British tnall (or New
Zealand does not Arrive In time to con
. riect with thla despatch, extra malls clo)-
in at :v a. m., : a. m. and ) p. ra.
Sunday ut 4:10 a. m.. 1 a. m. and t:M p
m will be made up and forwarded uniU
the arrival of the Cunard ataamprl.
IPPINE ISLANDS, via Bun Francisco,
cloee at (:30 p. m. June 17th (or despatch
per a. a Coptic
Wean, and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van
couver and Victoria, It. C, close at :
p. ra. June Uln, for despatch per a. a.
HAWAII, via Pan Francisco, eloss at .
p. rn. Mar , for despatch per a. a.
PHILIPPINE . 1HT.AKr. via Ran Fran-
Cisco, cloee at 610 p. m. June Mth. for
dtapatch per U. 8. Transport.
Ban Francisco, cloee at t.V p. m. June
iitn lor despatch per a. . saanposs.
at praaent forwarded via Russia, instead
of via Japan, the usual route.
ROTE I'hlee ctherwts addressed. Weat
Australia l forward"! via feurope: and
New Zealand and Philippines via Ban
Franclecc the quickest rout. Philip
pine specially addresaed "via Canada"
r "via Europe" muet be full prepaid al
the foreign rates. Hawaii la forwarded
via Sao Francisco exclusively.
Post Office. New York, N. T.
June J. 1W.
MA8TEH, Cheyenne, Wyo., May
24, 1IW4. Sealed proposals. In tripli
cate, subject t the usual Condi-
J ion., will be received at this office until
o'clock, p m. mountain time, June 14,
ISM, and then, opened, (or furnMhlng and
Installing wall lockers In two (sing.; field
artillery barracks at Fort D. A. Kunseli,
Wyo. Plmis and specifications may be
Been at thin office 1 aluo at the office of the
chief quartermaster, Chicago, Denver, New
York, Omaha, Bt. Louis and Bt. Paul. The
United States reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all - bids or any part
thereof.. Envelopes containing blda should
be endorsed "Propoiail (or wall lockers at
Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.," and addressed
to Coptaln W. B. Bcott, quartermaster,
,y U. 8. A. In charge of construction, Chey
enne, Wyo. M24-2- JeIO-11
master, Bherldan, Wyo., May 27, 1904.
Bps led proposals In triplicate will be re
oelved here until 10 a. m. June 13, 1904,
for furnishing and setting up Wall Lockers
In One Douhle Barrack building at Fort
MacKrnate, Wyo. Plans, specifications and
other Information may be found at offices
of the Depot yuartermastere' at Denver,
Omaha, Chicago and Bt. Paul, and at this
office. U. B. reserves the right to accept
or reject any or ail proposals or any part
thereof. Envelopes containing proposals
ahould be endorsed "Proposals for Lock
ers," addressed Capt. Thos. - Swobe, Q. M.
MASTER, Cheyenne, Wyo,, May
24, 1904. . Sealed proposals, In tripli
cate, subject to the usual condi
tions, will be received at this office until
1 o'clock p. m. mountain time, June 14,
1904, and then opened for the construction
and erection, complete, at Fort D. A. Rus
sell. Wyo.. of a crematory of a capacity
'of not less than one ton per hour, to
gether with a suitable building to en
close same. Bidders must submit, with
uietr Dia, piart ana speculations, in tripli
cate, of tha crematory &nd building thev
propose to erect. Instructions, blank forms
of proposal and full Information furnished
on application to this office. Bids under
my advertisement of March 28, 1904, for
crematory, have been rejected. The United
States reserves the right to accept or re-
Ject any or all bids or any part thereof.
Envelopes containing bids should be en
dorsed "Proposal for Crematory at Fort
I). A. Russell, Wyo.," and addressed to
Captain W. B. Bcott, quartermaster, U. B.
A., In charge of construction, Cheyenne,
Wyo. MM-KJelO-U
Quartermaster, 611 Dooly building, Bait
' Lak City, Utah, May 14, 1904. Sealed pro.
poaals. In triplicate, will be received here
until 11 a. m., standard time. June 14, 1904,
... and then opened for wall lookers for two
. double Infantry barracks, now under eon
atructlon at Fort Douglas, Utah. The bid
ders will state In their bids the time In
which they will complete the work. ' Full
Information and blank forms of proposals
furnished on application to thla office. Plana
and specifications may be seen here. United
Btates reserves the right to accept or re
ject any or all proposals, or any part there
of. Envelopes containing proposals to be
endorsed "Proposals for wall Lockers" and
addressed to Captain Sam'l V. Ham, Quar
termaster. . Mtt-90-HJnel-li-H
Chleaaro, Reclc Island
... I d an
...a 1:00 am
.. .bll:01 pm
...a 4 10 pm.
...a 6:40 pm
a I to
a :a
a 615
a l:M
a 1:10
Ckltarn SaytlirM Limited .
Chicago Daylight Local ....
Chlcao Eaprraa
Dm Molnn Eiprvas
Caloago rest Bxpraaa
, WJJ.B1.
Rocky Motintala Mntltrd a T:M am
Lincoln. Colorado tiurlflga. Dan-
var, Puebla and wast a 1:M pm a I 68 pra
Oklabosia ana Taxaa Bipraaa. . .a I :U pm all:W aia
tlnton PacltlP.
Tha Orerland Limited a :40 am a 1:0 pra
Tha Fart Mall ..a :M am a 1:10 pm
Tha California Bipraaa a list pm
Tha Atlantlo Spaolal a 1:10 pm
Tha Portland-inloaso Spaalal.-a l:K pm a I:) pm
Tha Atlaacla Bipraw 1:10 pro
The Colorado Special aU:16 pm a l:o am
The Ckloaso Rpaclal a 1:40 am
Lincoln, baatrlca A Stromaburg
Bipraaa b 4 :00 m bit pm
Celunibua Loeal b 1:00 pm U S la
Cblcaao, Mllwamkee A Bt. Pa-ml.
Chtoago Pajtllght
.is I a
s I N am
all: II
a Mo
a l it
a 1:10
Chloaao Fait
uvariana Limina ...
Daa Motnta Eapraas .
Illinois Central.
Chlcass Kxpraas
Cblnaaa, Minnaapella
a 1.M am
s 144 pm aliMa
Paul Lamitea
maseapolla St. Paul
.a 1:10 tm
a Id
..k 1:44 am
Cklcago dk
...a 1:40 am a t'H sat
Past China (o ....
Local Cklcago ...
al ilaua City
LarlKht St Paul
Larllant Chicago
Limited Chicago .
faat Chicago ...
Local Cblcago ..
Saat it- Paul ...
i. paul Bipnaa
all :0 am
.. 1:10 pm
..a 1 10 am
..a 1:00 am
..a 1:U am
..a 1:40 m
..a 4 sf pm
,.S 116 put
a 1M
b 1:41
all: to
a Hit
a 14
a in
s I o
fast Mall
Local Uir 4:0
Mortolk Bouaataal al Ot
Llneoln an! Long Fine s 1:01
' pm
fcaadwaod. Hot apriags ana
Lincoln r a I M pm
.nd Wvomlua BiDraaa. -d I 10 pm
s 111
Haatluga. Superior and Albion.. b 1:40 pm bi ll
Mlasomrl raelfle. V
t. Louts Bspreas alOidl am
kanaaa City it. LeuU Bx-
praaa all:4Spai
World s Fair BpeaUl . 130 pm
a l 4pm
a 1.04 am
all 40 m
Chicago Great V4 estern.
I. Paul A UlnnaapolU Um-
Itad a 1 K pm a 1:11 am
si p.ul a Mlnseavella Ba-
praaa Si ll am
Chicago Minliad a 4 40 pm
Chloago Xapraaa s 4 am
It. Loula "Cannoa Ball' Ex. a I JO pm
Haw World', fair a 1:4k am
Level from Ceuaatl Mugs a : aa
a 1:10
a 4:
S l
a irel
si1 Islington btationiotu a mason
Clileasjo, BirUsiles dk mimf.
Laara. AfTlva.
vniaago opfviai ,
Chicago Vaatlbulad Bapn
....a 1 in am
a l:il pm
a T al am
..a 4 oo p
tateaao Local
... a 11 am all .00 tm
a 1 .01 pm il it pm
Ihloago LlmlUd
Fait Mail
w pm
Kansas City. . Joseph at Co. Bla fa
Kanaal CUr t Baprass g t il am a I t Pm
t. Loaia Flyor a I at am gll: am
Kaiag City Night Capraaa ....aUiaa pm a 1:4 a
Bitrllagttua dfc allaaonrl Hlvev.
Wymvra. Baatrtaa A Unguis ..a I M am bit IS pm
ftaLraaae Kipnaa a I to am at aopm
aar LlmlUd a t lo pa; I I II
iliac a HHia A Pgt found k all 14 pm s I 41 pm
Colorado VaotlbuM Flyar s I go tm
Llucolu Faat Mall b 3.11pm all ut pm
Fort Crook d) flattaiuuuib ,...b I 10 piu kill II am
UailaTua Pa 1O0 Junction ..I I U (a g I 11 am
Maliavue A Paallg Juuetloa ..a l ie am
Mlaaoorl Paclde,
J . . l aidt Msasfliai
in Aniia.
arBaaak tmmt a'
Waiar k 4:11pm all P
rhteaao, St. Porwl, Mlna. A Umaha.
Tola CltF Paaaaagav M H Is k I 10 pm
Sieui lujr a I 04 pm ail S am
Oakkaad Loeal k 4 44 pm k 1:14 am
a dall. h dttllv HMl Sanda. A Afctl
p.iHf. v mUM wept aawauaf.
, . r
fmvlg sella aruga.
Leftert'a glaaaea at
Btockert sella carpets.
Tbs Fauat eigar. I cents.
Peterson sharpeae mowers. 4 w. B. W.
Full 11ns Ashing tackle. Morgan A Dickey.
Tel. 114. Caso Btorl Blue Ribbon beer.
New classes Monday at Western tows
Pictures for wedding gifts given special
attention. Alexander's, 333 Broadway.
For wall paperttigr, painting, picture fram
ing, see fiorwlck, 211 Main st. 'Phone A-4X.
Jsp-A-Las Boor finish. Morgan dk Dickey.
C. II. Cooper, a prominent grain dealer
nf Hancock, fa., ws visiting friends in
Council Bluffs yeeUrdey.
The Knights of the Maccabees will hold
memorial services Sunday afternoon la
their hall In the Brown building.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Frederick H. Orote, aged to, and Bar
bara F. Ostdlox, aged 23, both of Neuio, la.
Harold Bsrr of IS North First street was
reported to the Board of Health yesterday
as suffering from amallpoa. Ut was quar
antined at his homo.
James Venle, a dining car waiter, charged
with orlmlnsl sssault on Mrs. Joe Tanna
hlli, was discharged after a hearing be
fore Justice Ouren yesterday.
Building permits we Issued yesterday
to the Consolidated Conltructlon company
for a 12.500 two-story frame dwelling on
Lincoln avenue and for a ti.WO two-atory
frame dwelling on Oroham Terrace.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boner, living at
Thlrty-teventh street, and Avenue O. will
have a hearing In police court this morning
on a charge of wilfully disturbing tns
peace, filed against them by a neighbor
named Smith.
The city has Invited bids for the con
struction of a boiler house to be located
at the rear of the city building and which
will be used to furnish heat to the city
jail and patrol house, aa well as the city
hall Bias must be In the hands of the
city clerk by noon of Monday, June 27.
The Carpenters' union has elected these
officers for the ensuing year: President,
John L. Smith: vice president. Chris Chris
tensen; recording secretary, J. W. Taylor;
financial secretary, H. L. Ward; conductor,
Anton Nelson; warden, William Parks,
trustee, A. Chrislenseni auditor, F. li
st over.
Contractors Delay with Bosd.
The delay of Winchester dV Cullen, the
fontrartnra for the Carnegie library build
ing, In flling their bond Is sevsrely criticised
by the mssnbers of the board -oi imrary
trustees. Although Secretary Stewart of
the board has not been so advised, it has
been stated that J. P. Cullen of the firm
will be here the first of next week with the
bond. I
When the contract was awarded his firm
Mr. Cullen stated to the board that he
would beain work here not later than June
1, whereas he has not only failed to begin
work but has not even filed his Dona. Mem
bers of the board also criticise the firm's
action In selling the buildings on the site
before It filed Its bond. It Is said that Win
chester dV Cullen have been unafcle to se
cure the concrete piling before this, but
that they will begin work about July 1.
According to word received by the local
architects Stone for the building Is being
out at Rockford, XlL
The regular meeting of the library board
la slated for next Monday night, at which
tlms if the bond Is not forthcoming some
sctlon In the matter, it Is said, may be
looked for.
flafer geiia lunmket. Catch lbs Idea?
. r tt. C. tory Pis. ' '
Henry Clinton Cory, aged 68 years, died
yesterday morning at his residence, 830
Sixth avenue, from paralysis, with which
bs was stricken three days ago. His wife
and one child survlvs him. The funeral
wfll h held Sunday morning At 8:30 O'clock
from the family residence and burial will
be In Walnut Hill cemetery. 8ervloes will
be conducted by Rev. H. W. Starr, rsctor
of Bt. Paul's Episcopal church, assisted cy
Rer. T. J. Brookes, rector of Grace Epis
copal church. '
Mr. Cory was a native of Watertown,
NT. T.. arid had been, a resident of Council
Bluffs since April 27, 1S67. He was promi
nent for many years in real estate ana in
uranne , circles and waa closely Identified
In the earlier days with the public Interests
Of the city.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel 2C0: night. F-4K7.
Bra, LorLnda Allem Dead.
Mrs. Lorlnda Allen, a resident of this
city for thirty years, died yesterday morn
ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T.
J. Walker, 1108 Graham avenue. Bhe was
80 years old and death was due to the In
firmities of old age. Two daughters. Mrs.
H. E. need of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. G.
W. Jacobs of Glenwood, la., besides the
one with whom she made her homo, snd
one eon, D. E. Havens of Prtngle, 8. D.,
survlvs her. The funeral will be held thla
afternoon at I o'clock from the Walker
residence on Graham avenue and burial
will be in ralrrlew cemetery. Rev. F. A.
Case of the First Baptist-church will con
duct the services and the Woman's Relief
corps, of which Mrs. Allen was a member,
will have ctargs of the funeral.
PluKblug and heatlna Blxby g Boa.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
June 10 by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs: . .
Ira F. Hendricks to William Barker,
part w4 swVi 11-74-44, s. w. d I ' 1
Oeorae W. -Carter and wife to Lu
clnda Carter, part sw4 nw 17-76-39,
. w. d. ..i. , M
Lenna F. Fauble and husbandUo Em
met TInley. lot 12, block id. Beers'
subdlv., w. d 1,600
Elmer U Fehr to C. H. Gowens, lot
ss, block 4, Webster's first add.,
w. d 40
Four transfers, total
I l.41
A very hirh grade Business College and
Normal College.
New claeaes will begin Monday, June 11th.
Beginning classes In all subjeota. Bevlew
elates In all subjects.
Write or call for Information.
- E. P. Miller, Pres.
Maaoale Temple. 'Pkea B614.
Suparlor goootamadatuaa. Bxoallaat eulalaa. Tag
comfort of aaaugrg carahillf eouctdarad. Slnglg
or rwaod-trtp ttaaata botwaaa Nov lack aad Saataa,
Bogiiak. Irlak and ail pnaolpal Saaadlaaaiaa and
cautinaatal poinu at attraotlva rataa. Saad foe Book
at Toura. For tlckata or graaral inkmuatioa appip
ta any local agant of the Anchor 1.4 uo, or to
UkNbk.aOM BHOS., 4re'l Aaaa, CkMaea, Ik
Cooatr $01 & Tain Stsrg to Condoct
BsniicB-Po'.tawg'timn Wor.
Ceaslderable Work Already Doae oa
Coatrarts fader Old Law fVmlesi
Have Bee a Declared la
' valid by Coarta,
The new petition asking for the estab
lishment of the Harrison-Pottawattamie
county drainage ditches was acted on fa
vorably yesterday by the Board of County
Commissioners. R. B. Wilson of Carson
waa reappointed commissioner, and he, in
conjunction with W. H. Fensler, the com
missioner appointed by Harrison county,
will select an engineer. The commission
ers and engineer will then make a report
to the supervisors of both counties, who
will then appoint commissioners to make
the assessments. In view of the fsct thftt
the old drainage law was declared null and
void . by the supreme court, the contracts
for the construction of the ditches will
have to be relet and this Is likely to raise
more or less of controversy.
The Harrison-Pottawattamie county
drainage ditches consist of the Allen creek,
Willow creek and Boyer river cut-oft. R.
A Brown & Co. of Washington, Ind., had
the contract for the Allen snd Willow
creek ditches, but have done no work. W.
A. Smth dl Co., who had the contract for
the Boyer river cut-off, hsve 'done con
siderable work and the question now arises
If they ore not awarded the new contract
how will they secure pay for the work
which they have don 7 ' ,
Last year Thomas Toetevln, now county
surveyor of Pottawattamie county, was ap
pointed engineer by the commissioners for
the Harrison-Pottawattamie ditches, but It
Is said that the Harrison county people
are opposed now to bis reappointment.
The board also acted favorably on the
new petition tor the Pigeon creek ditch In
Crescent township, for which E. A. Wlck
ham had the contract last year and on
Which he had not commenced work when
the supreme court declnred the old drain
age law Invalid. As this ditch traverses
Pottawattamie county only the appoint
ment of an engineer la needed and County
Surveyor Tostevln was named by the
On Ditch Nearly Done.
Work on the Fenaler dltoh In Rockford
township has been nearly completed by
W. H. Pratt, and as yet no new petition
has been filed with the board, although it
Is expected that one will be. Should MY.
Pratt fall to secure the contract under the
new order of things the Mm question as
In the case of W. A. Smith & Co. on the
Boyer river cut-off ditch will arise as from
what source Mr. Pratt will seoure payment
for the work he has completed.
There la some question as to whether or
not the persons who filed the petitions for
ths establishment of the ditches last year
and put up bonds with the county authori
ties will be liable for the work done by
the contractors. i-
The board adjourned to June 17, at which
time It is believed the commissioners can
make their reports so that the necessary
preliminaries under the new law oan be
completed, thus enabling work to be be
gun during the fall.
It was decided to have the public open
ing of the new poor farm on Wednesday,
June 39, and the matter of securing a spe.
clal train from the Great Western was left
with County Auditor Innes.
The report of F. Ia Reed, olerk of the
district court, for the five months ending
May 31 showed that the feea collected in
olvll cases amounted to $1,650.30, and in
criminal cases to 146.
Opunty Treasurer Consigny'a report
showed that the fees in his office from
March 1 to June 1 amounted to 11.941.20,
These fees are a perquisite of the county
treasurer In addition to the salary of 16.000
as fixed by the county board. The feea 111
the county adulter's office for the same
period only amounted .to $128.90.
Bona Stgas of Clash la the Board f
Shall the salaries Of ths newly elected
teachers be fixed after or be forte assign
ment to grades Is a question on which the
Board of Education is said to be divided.
Chairman Davenport of the committee on
finance, which recommends the salaries to
be paid for the ensuing year, takes the
position that the N rules and regulations
governing the public schools of Council
Bluffs provlds they shall ba fixed after
tsslgnment to grads, while other members
contend that the custom has been to fix
the salaries as soon as possible aftor elec
tion. Rule 81, on which Colonel Davenport
relies, reads as follows: , "The salaries of
sll teachers shall be adjusted as soon after
their assignment to grades shall have been
made by the board as Is practicable."
Section t of nil 81 Is as follows; "In
fixing the salaries of teachers, their quali
fications as to successful experience, In
dustry and practical skill, faithfulness and
professional Improvement shall be espe
cially regarded." This being the ess Colo
nel Davenport -contends that until his com
mittee is fully advised by the superintend
ent as to each teacher on these various
points, the salaries cannot be fixed..
It Is said that In view of the removal of
Mlsa Jensen and Miss-Whistler, members
of the board who were opposed to such
sctlon will Insist on a detailed report from
the superintendent as to ths qualifications
of every teacher on the list and that when
the salaries are fixed In accordance with
such report there will be several surprises
In store,
President Hess stated yesterday after
noon that he might call a special meeting
of the board for this afternoon or evening
to settle this question. He took the stand
that the custom heretofore prevailing of
fixing tha salaries before assignment should
b adhered to,
Creek Needs Atteatlea.
The special committee of the Commercial
club on Indian creek met last evening end
Informally discussed ths problem of tho
city dralnags. Ths committee la of the
unanimous opinion that Indian ersak needs
Immediate attention and should bs cleaned
from Nineteenth avenue to the river, but
Is not prepared to report on the method
until It secures figures from City Engineer
Etnyre showing the estimated number of
yards of dirt which will have to bs re
moved. Secretary Used submitted to the commit
tee a report made to the city council In
1884 by Beneaette Williams, ths civil engi
neer who planned the drainage and sewer
eyatem of Council Bluffs. The report con
tains an exhaustive discussion of Indian
creek and Engineer Williams recommended
that tbs water f ths crssk bs diverted st
the north dry limits. The plan suggested
by Mr. Williams provided for a 7,000-foot
tunnsl through ths hills at an estimated
cost of $30,000. He also recommended a
tunnel running north from Main street to
Cut Off lake, this being much on the tines
of ths plan proposed by City Engineer
Present at the meeting last night were
President Van Brunt of the Commercial
club, Secretary Brooks Reed. City Treas
urer True ,and E. H. Merrlam, Richard
Green and I C. Besley, members of ths
special committee.
City OSJlelals Are Shy.
The msyor snd aldermen, who accepted
the Invitation to attend the meeting of the
First Precinct, First Ward Improvement
club last evening at the city halt, were
conspicuous by their absence, with the ex
ception of Alderman Younkerman, the rep
resentative from the First ward In the city
council. Municipal ownership of the water
works was the chief topic discussed and
Hon. Spencer Smith sf1dresed the meeting
on this subject at length. His talk was In
opposition to such a proposition.
Cfclldrea of Foandere Help Celehrate
the Occasion.
GRINNELL. Ia.. June 10 (Special Tele
gram.) Orlnnell today celebrated Its semi
centennial. All business was suspended
from 9:30 a. m. until 2 p. m. and citizens,
civic societies and military turned out In
full force In a procession to Haselwood
cemetery, where the graves of three of the
prominent founders of the city were deco
rated. In 1RS4 four men were prominent In se
lecting the site of the present city of Orln
nell, of these Josiah Buehnell Grlnncll
was the executive leader, and for him the
town was named. The others were Rov.
Homer Hcmlln, Dr. Thomas Holyoke and
Hon. Henry M. Hamilton. Mr. Hamlin Is
the only survivor. He liVhs. at Millstone,
N. J., and was expected to deliver an ad
drens In Orlnnell on this occasion, but was
unable to be here. Orlnnell was nearly
demolished by the tornado in 1882, there
being thirty-two killed and more than 100
Injured, besides great Ions of property to
both town and college.
Among the noted speakers of the day
were; A. B. Cummins, governor of Iowu;
Congressman John F. Lacey. Sixth district
of Iowa; Prof. James Irving Mannett,
Brown university; Rev. David O. Mears,
D. D., Albany, N. Y.; Mrs. Mabel Lan
phere Conklln, New York; Hon. Ell P.
Clark, Los Angeles, Cal.; Rev. Dr. James
Im tlnU, Salem, Mass.; Harvey Ingham,
editor Dea Moines Register and Leader.
The children of the founders were all
present at the ceremony of the day aa fol
lows: Mrs. D. O. Mcars, Albany, N, Y.,
and Mrs. Prof. R. D. Jonas of Vanderbllt
university, Nashville, Tenn., daughters of
J. B. Grinnell; Edwin Holyoke of Lincoln,
Neb., and George Hamlin, cashier of Mer
chants National bank, and his twin sister,
Mrs. H. P. Proctor, both residents of Orln
Iowa Isprem Court Decides Against
Armours In Test Case.
DES MOINES, June lO.-The Iowa
supre'me court today affirmed a decision
of the lower Court prohibiting the sals of
colored oleomargarine unless the state
dairy laws are complied with.
The suit waa brought by the Iowa Dairy
commission against the Armour Packing
company, and waa In the nature of a test.
The Arhmours contended that their oleo
margarine was made of the color of yellow
butter through natural process in its manu
facture, snd that therefore their dealers
were not compelled to exhibit the label.
The first Indictment was quashed through
technicalities. Upon the second trial the
state secured a favorable verdict snd an
appeal was taken. The supreme court
holds that it Is not enough for the pack
ing company to prove that its oleo
margarine Is made yellow through natural
processes, but that It Is violation of the
state law to sell any' color and kind of
oleomargarine without the label.
. t
Saffraran Bishop of Archdiocese of
Dubuque Perform Fanctlon.
DAVENPORT. Ia., June 10. The suffra
gan bishops of the archdiocese of Dubuque
met today, to nominate a. coadjutor to
Bishop Cosgrove, authorized by Rome.
Three names were relected to be I lubmltted
to the Vatican, but they were not dis
closed. It Is a popular opinion In the dio
cese that Rev. James Davis, pastor of ths
Sacred Heart cathedral, Davenport, a vicar
general of the diocese, Will be the final
The meeting today was attended by
Bishops Scannell of Omaha, Garrtgan of
Bloux City, Bohaoum of Lincoln, Keen of
Cheyenne and Cosgrove of Davenport
Asaes to Have an Armory.
AMES, Ia. June 10. (Special.) It has
finally become a sure thing that Ames Is
to have an armory post. It will not - be
an artillery, as was at first .proposed, as
the appropriation for such was not se
cured, but it will be sn infantry, and will
be known as Company C of the Fifty-fifth.
The required number of serviceable men Is
fifty-five and of that number forty-five have
already passed the required examination
and the remaining ten can easily be se
cured. Araaa la not really In the Fifty
fifth district, but on account of this being
the home of General Lincoln, It IS proposed
to establish It- here. The necessary stock
has all been subscribed for the erection of
ths building which it is proposed to build,
and will probably cost In the neighborhood
Of $8,000 when completed. It will be so
constructed that It will serve as an opera
house aside from regular drill purposes.
General Lincoln Is In St. Louis at the pres
ent time and ths mustering in of the men
will take place as soon as he returns, which
will be some time next week.
Hsnars Himself In Barn.
AVOCA, Ia., Juno 10. (Special.) Soeren
Rorkholm, a Dane farmer living five mile
northwest of Avoca, committed suicide this
morning between 10 and 11 o'clock by bang
ing himself In his barn. Dr. Kay of this
plac had driven out to Rookholm's to se
nlm. ) Upon asking for him the wife said
she guessed he was at the barn. The doc
tor went to the barn, where he found
Rockholm hanging, dead, though yet warm.
Rockholm had been drinking of late. He
asked' hfa wife to give him a drink this
morning, which she refused to do. H went
to the. barn and was seen no more until
Dr. Kay found him. The wife and six or
seven children survive him. He was about
36 yeara of age.
Asaes Cadets for Bt. Loala.
AMES, Ia., June 10. (BpeolaJ.) Seventy
five cadets front the Iowa State college left
for St. Louis yesterday to be present and
take part In 'the celebration' of Iowa day
next week. They were accompanied by
Genersl Lincoln. They were so fortunate
as to have all expenses paid except car
New jrasflee Peace.,
ONAWA, Ia., June I0,-(Speclal.)-8. B.
Martin of Onawa has been appointed a
Juirtlce of the peso for Ouawa to suceeed
J. W. aUndsn rsmoved.
Ciorgs Via Djki of Dss liointl Poitoffio
Transferred (s DsngrtmtDt
' l
City Officials Are at Oats aad as st
Resalt Chart of Croohed
ness Are Being Dandled
(T"rom a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, June 10-(SpecIal.) George
Van Dyke, deputy postmaster 6t Des
Moines, has received the otter of the posl
tlon of chief of the salaries and allowances
division of the United States Postofflce de
partment, will accept the place and soon
remove to Washington. His place at
deputy postmaster will be taken by John
Ryan, deputy county clerk. Mr. Van Dyke
has been deputy postmaster a number of
years snd Is prominent In local politics.
He Is chairman of the congressional com
mittee and has been one of the stauiv-hest
of ths supporters of Congressman Hull.
The position he accepts at Washington Is
a very important one and he was selected
because of his great capacity in the postal
Will Add to College.
The national convention of the Danish
Lutheran church la In session at Oska
loosa and today voted to add $10,000 for
building purposes to the Grand View col
lege In Des Moines, which Is a college sup
ported by this church. Tho co.lcge Is one
In which the Danlxh language is used ex
clusively and therefore attracts little local
attention, but recives students from all
over the United States.
City Officials nt Loggerheads.
The Des Moines city council and City
Auditor Lucas are having a quarrel, which
Is partly a sequel of the fight for the
mayoralty nomination last winter, and aa
a result accusations of the bravest kind
re being hurled back and forth. A spe
cial council committee went to work today
on the books of the auditor to discover
alleged graft In the matter of discounting
pay checks of the city employes at a bank.
The aldermen declare that the auditor and
a certain banker are In collusion and both
making money off the employes. The au
ditor accuses the council of graft In re
gard to olty contracts of various kinds.
A general investigation will follow and the
citizens out of office believe much good
will be accomplished.
Ilia- Map of Iowa.
M. Hueblnger of Davenport brought to
the city for the approval of the state ex
ecutive council the great map of the state
of Iowa which was authorized by the last
general assembly to be made for exhibi
tion in the Iowa building at St. Loula. The
map haa Just been completed. It on a
canvas twenty by sixteen feet in size.
Taking Into account the work of preparing
the county maps of which it is formed
and placing them together, with the fin
ishing work and coloring, all by hand, It
repreaents the work of twenty-eight men
practically for three years' time. It Is In
nine colors and a magnificent piece of map
work. When It has been exhibited at St.
Louis It will become the property of the
state and go to the state historical de
Arrest for Aaaanlt.
Manuel Hughes of thla city was placed
under arrest today for an assault upon his
brother in a family quarrel, which may re
sult fatally. Tha brothers had had a quar
rel And 'Bowman Hughes went to where
Manuel waa at work to talk matters over.
A fight followed and Bowman was stabbed
three times.
National G. A. R. Delegates. '
The delegates selected at Ah department
encampment of the Grand Army of the Re
public at Mason City to attend the na
tional encampment at Boston were as fol
lows: General G. M. Dodge, Council Bluffs;
L. 8. Tyler, Keokuk; M- H. Holladay,
Davenport; T. E. Hudaon, Hampton; M. l.
Darkln, Cresco; J. U. Brown, Marshall
town; E. Allen, Agency City; John O'Nell,
Colo; Jacob Deemer, Red Oak; D. W.
Sheets, Monrovia; C W. Cook, Council
Bluffs; J. H. Wilson, Adair; Thomas Duff,
Brltt; G. M. French, Humboldt; J. A.
Bunn, Correcttonvllle1. .The department offi
cers Installed today were: Zi. T, St. John,
Rlceville, commander; S. II. Rogers, Red
Oak, senior vice commander; S. C. Spear,
Algona, Junior vice commander; E. H.
King, Muscatine, medical director; J. 8.
Ferguson, Keokuk, chaplain. It Is an
nounced that Dr. G. A. Newman of Cedar
Falln will be continued aa assistant ad
jutant general In charge of the depart
ment headquarters In this city.
Monona County Assessment,
ONAWA. Ia., June 10. (Speclal.)-The
Monona County Board of Supervisors ac
cepted the assessors returns of the several
townships of Monona county as returned
for 1901 without change in any particular,
which is something ' i nusual. The assess
ment of personal property Is :ery uniform
throughout ths county and la thought to be
an improvement over former yeara. The
decrease in the total valuation of the
county, as returned for 1904, over 1903
amounts to $262,000. The board paaaed a
resolution In regard to peddlers, which
ought to increase the county fund to some
extent. Peddlera on foot are obliged to
pay a tax of 150 per year, With one horse
$7S per year and two horses or more $100
per year. This la In accordancs with the
new state law and will be collected by the
county auditor. It Is safe to suy the retail
merchants will see that It is enforced.
I.oat Child Found lu Chicago.
PIEDMONT, 8. D., June 10-(9peclal
A report now comes that the little Har
rington girl who disappeared from Elk
Creek and is thought to have been kid
naped, Is In Chicago. It Is said that
the authorities there have notified Har
rington that they have placed a negro
under arreet who had In his possession a
little white child answering the descrip
tion of the little one wanted. The negro
upon being questioned, it Is said, stated
Pork Loins, per lb Qc
Boiling Beef, per lb. . . .2ic
Pork' Boast, per lb 8c
Good Steak, 8 lbs.' 25c
Bib Boast, boned and
rolled, per lb 6c
Bpare Bibs, lb 5c
Veal Steak, lb 10c
Veal Stew 5c
Tslsphons 46. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 8 37 W. Broadway.
that he was In the Black Hills and was
about 'to go to Chlcagrt, and seeing the
little one wandering about on the prairie,
thought he would take her along with
him. The child Is said to be In the hands
of the authorities at Chicago, awaiting the
arrival of Harrington to Investigate the
Cowhoy Discovers Remalaa of Pall
man Porter Who Jamped from
Train on Pralrl.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. June 10. (Special.)
A cowboy In the employ of the Belvolr
Ranch company, seven miles west of Chey
enne, this morning came upon the dead
and nude body of L. Sewall, the Kansns
City Pullman car porter who, while de
mented. Jumped from sn east bound pas
senger tralnnear Borle on the Union Pa
cific a' week nso last Sunday. The body
was found lying on Its back In a fence,
corner. Ths remains were In a fair state
of preservation and were brought to Chey
enne at noon today by Manager Bacon of
the nelvolr ranch. The body will be pre
pared for burlnl at the Glenson undertaking
rooms and probably shipped to Kansas
City for Interment.
The Inst seen of Sewall alive Was a
week ago last Tiusday, when the same
cowboy that found the temalns came upon
the negro. ewall at once disrobed, piled
his clothing In a heap and then darted i ff
acnes the prairie. During Ihe twelve days
that he tvas on the prairie he a-hs In sev
eral hailstorms of great severity, and rain
fell almost continually. His 6enth was due
to exposure and lack of proper food.
Express Themselves on Colorado Oat
I race.
CHEYENNE, 'Wyo., June 10. (Special.)
The remains of Henry Johnson, the LIUlo
Horse Creek ranchman who was ltilled by
the explosion of dynamite under the depot
platform at Victor laet Monday, arrived
here today and were met at the depot by
a large number of relatives and sorrow
ing friends. The body was taken to the
Gleason undertaking rooms and will prob
ably "be laid at rest in Lake View cem
etery here tomorrow. Deceased was well
and favorably known in this county and
Lis death Is deeply regretted. With his
brothers, he had purchased a ranch at
Little Horse creek and It was to procure
money to make payments on the same
that he went to Colorado to work in the
There is great Indignation here over the
death of Johnson, and the dynamiting Is
being condemned on all sides. It Is tha
publicly expressed wish here that the
guilty men be caught at once and put to
death for the dastardly crime.
Continues Case Against Editor.
SIOUX FALLS, S.,D., ,'une lO.-f.Special.)
- The case of Thomas W. 'Ttubman, editor
of the Planklnton Herald, who was ar
retted on the charge of criminal libel, pre
ferred by Fred L. Stevens, formerly en
gaged In the banking business at Plankln
ton, but now a resident of Minneapolis, has
been continued until July 6, at which time
the defendant will have his preliminary
examination before Judge Fowler cf this
city. Editor Taubman had a friend with
him to furnish ball if necessary, but Judge
Fowler allowed the accused his liberty en
his own recognizance. The alleged libel
grew out of the failure of Stevens' Plank
lr.ton bank. Editor Taubman, In speaking
of the charge against him, donles having
made an attack on members of Mr. Ste
vens' family, as had been -alleged in some
qunrters, and states further that he has
nothing to retract. t Is probable that
when the case comes up for preliminary
hearing on July" 6 nn effort will be made
to have the case transferred to Aurora
oounty, of which Planklnton is the county
Wyoming Wool Sales.
DOUGLAS, Wyo., Juno 10. (Special.)
The Flynn Sheep company's clip of wool
lias sold for 18 cents per pound, the high
est price paid for Wyoming wool this sea
son. It is understood that the Major
Ormsby clip has been sold to a Boston
firm for 16 cents, but the report oan not
be confirmed.
Converse county wool, taken as a whole,
has brought a much better price than
wool from any other part of the state, and
prices received hore compare favorably
with the prices paid in Montana.- . Among
the clips Bold during the week were the
following: Oeorge W. Metcalf, cents;
John T. Williams, 15H cents; C. F. Maurer
clip, 14V4 cents; William Morsch c ip, IS
Body Not Yet Found.
STUBG1S. S. D., June li.-(Specfal.)-The
body of Guy Shoudy, who was drowned In
Hare Butte creek near Sturgls last Bun
day afternoon, has not yet been found.
Searching parties have been busy ever
since scanning the stream, but no trace of
the body has been found. The etieim Is
lowering very slowly, and It will likely be
several days before the body will be ex
posed. A reward of $100 haeNben offered
for its recovery.
Freak of Lightning, i
SALEM, S. D., June 10. (Special.)
Lightning did some peculiar tricks at the
rural homo of Mrs. Charles O'Nlel, north
of town. After damaging the chimney and
tearing up the roof, the bolt divided, onii
,'ork entering the psntry and breaking the
f.lsbes, while the other foslc followed the
stovepipe, Mrs. O'Nlel, who was sitting by
the stove, received quite a shock and had
her hair singed..
Drive TrAmps from Town.
HURON, 8. ' D., June 10.-(Speolal.)-Frank
Hayes, the man so terribly cut and
slashed in the "free-for-all" fight among
a gang of tramps Monday night, was sent
to friends at Eryant this morning. An ex
amination was had before Justice Oeddla.
tut as none of tho crowd would testify
against the others the whole hatch were
discharged and driven out of tho rlty.
Nebraska Mini Killed In Mlue.
GLENROCK, Wyo.. June 10. (Speolal.)
F. G. Miller, a miner employed In the coal
mines here, was killed Testerday by a
fall of rock. The accident was due to his
carelessness and Inexperience In handling
powder. The body wns shipped to Clear
water, Neb., for burial.
Veal Boast. 6c
Lamb Stew, lb v5c
Skinned Hams 12c
Best Bacon. 12c
Kettle Bendered Lard,
3 lbs 25c
Best Salt Pork 8c
Butter 17ic
Leaf Lard, 16 lbs. for. $1.00
Eetnrm Bo B 11 Agaiatt Yoang'i Alleged
Fair Prisoner Confronted on the
Way to the Tombs by Victim's
later aud Dramatic
Scene Ensues.
NEW YORK. June 10-Interet In the
mystery surrounding the death of Caesar
Young, the bookmaker, last Saturday, con
tinued today in the efforts of tho police
to find J. Morgan Smith, the brother-in-law
of Mrs. Nan Patterson, In order to serve
on him a body attachment requiring him
to appear before the grand Jury and xtell
what he may know of the case. Smith
and his wife left their apartments In the
St. Paul hotel Wednesday and It Is not
known where they are.
Stern, the pannbroken, who sold the re
volver found In "j'oung'e jocket. In his
testimony before the grnnd Jury said he
was f nsltlve he could identify tho revolver
snd the man and woman to whom he sold
It. He was given a view of Mrs. Patter
son, but said he could not Identify her
as the woman who accompanied the man
to whom he sold It. The grand Jury ex
pressed a desire to have Stern confront J.
Morgan Smith, and then It was learnej
that Smith had not hppeared In answer to
ths summons that had been served on him.
Stern sold that the woman thnt accompa
nied the purchaser of the revolver seemed
to be much Interested In the wenpon and
hnd him show her how to load, lire and
eject the empty shells. She took the
weapon in her hand and mapped the trig
ger two or three times while pointing it at
the floor.
There waa to hsve been a coroner's hear- ,
lng today In the Young Inquest, but It was
1 ostponed until Monday. Mr. Levy of
counsel for Mrs. Patterson protested
against the adjournment.
Important Witness Missing;.
Before adjournment a coroner's Jury
was empaneled. To the Jury Coroner
Browh described the shooting arid said it
was doubtful whether tho case was one of
suicide or homicide. He told the Jury that
he expected to get at the real facU.of
the case.
The grand Jury today continued Its in
vestigation of the caso and It was ex
pected that some conclusion would be
reached before evening. Among the wit
nesses examined today was a per.on who
Is said to have actually seen hat took
p'.ace iu the cab. His nams was not
The story that th man who Jumped upon .
tho step of the carriage fired the shof
which killed Young was further discred
ited today when a 7 ung man told a
policeman on tho street that It was he
who first approached the cab In which
Young and Mra. Patterson were riding.
The young man, who said he was William
Stcmm, Jr., of Brooklyn, a truck driver, .
refused to make any further statement.
At his request he was taken to the dis
trict attorney's office, where he was at
once closeted with Mr. Jerome.
It was said today that In addition to '
Mr. and Mrs. J Morgan Smith, another
witness whom the police ornsldercd of,
great Importance In making a thorough
investigation of the case, has mystetlously
disappeared. The man Is Harry Frank,
a bartender in the saloon where Young
and Mrs. Patterson are said to have spent J
a greater part of the night before Young '
was shot.
"You Fiend, Yon Did It!"
Th grand Jury reported this afternoon,
but did not return an Indictment against
Mrs. Patterson. It was reported that If
the case is to be reconsidered by the grand
Jury It will not. be taken up until mm
time next .week. A dramatic seen oc
curred after the coroner's hearing, while
Mrs. Patterson was being led hack to
the Tombs. Mrs. William Luce, sister of
the dead bookmaker, confronted Mrs. Pat
terson and cried out:
"You fiend, you did It."
Mrs. Luce tried to reach Mrs. Patter
son, but was led away. Dtstrlut Attorney
Jerome, In speaking of the failure of th
grand Jury to return an Indictment against
Mrs. Patterson said: ,
"I do not believe the grand (jury has
refused to tender an Indictment In this
case. In fact, I know Ihey have not. X
attribute the fact of not filing an indict
ment to some error In presenting the In
dictment to the foreman of the grand jury
for his signature, which makes the paper a
true bill."
William Stemm, Jr., was quoted In sn
Interview this afternoon as saying that ' ,
when he mounted the rtnp of th cab
Young appeared to be already dead. He
saw no pistol and Mrs. Patterson was
pate and appeared to be very ntrvou
He said he rode in the cab to the hoe- -pltal
where he helped carry the body and
helped Mrs. Patterson up thf stairs, but
they held no conversation.
DrakYs Pslmitfa Wins
A tonl palmetto medielno tial rslleres lus-
mediately and absolutely turen every ease of
Indigestion. Flatulency, aril Co
larrb of tbe Mucous Memoranda to ttay cured,
brake's Palmetto Wine ts a speellla for Kidney
end Liver Coiigestios mm! latigoimatlou ot
Seventy-five rents at Dreg ftures for a Uue
bottle, unual dollar size, but a nul bottle will
be sent f re and prepnld Vo eve.'j jcV o Oil
paiwr who write for It.
Simply send your r am and adore t-y lmt
or poatal card to Drake Formula Company,
Drake Building, Chicago, III.
of HAND SAPOLIO makes it
a very desirable toilet article; it
contains no animal fats, but is
made from the most healthful of
the vegetable oils. It is truly
the "Dainty Woman's Friend."
Its use is a fine habit.
!.a ft - -
Tl'iouioieb the gremtb of tho balr and
gives It the lustre and sUklufcas of youth.
lTtt.aa VV. tm. aa- A a.
TT UXU iaUV UeUI As I O-J VI gV4At-U lit
bring! back the youthful color.
It pruveuU Dandruff aud balr falling
snd keeps tbe scalp cleun and healthy.
Imperial Hair Regenerator
1 evary where racegulged aa the '
fnr Orar - binmiIinI Hair. Iu arslk
cation la uot artt-fto,! br lrhai pti'luiiA
eurlluai la atiauluilr karmn
ku.l la-
vln.ili) tir lii-crii aie MaatMha.
AV AI'l-l.IATIOM IAb'l'H iluN'l'
V I ft "fcainule of m half r. '.neit rtaa. gf
4 liartalC.MI.U. WW.liiuVlark
b4rsaaa at Mm w na Barasj taa, uataaa.