Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1904, PART 2, Page 10, Image 10

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Pally Be (without Sunday), On Y ear.. 14.0
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Illustrated, bi, One Year ....
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Twentieth Onturr Farmrr, One Year.
Dallv Bee (without Sunday), tier cony te
Dally Bee (without Sunday), pur wek....12c
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Just now, In the hands of General Bell,
the bull-pen Is mightier than the sword
Governor Herrick of Ohio should send
without delay his recipe for stopping
mining troubles to Governor Teabody of
It will be well to remember thnt court
decisions are not for a particular, rase,
but for all rases thnt may arise under
6lmtlnr circumstances.
It Is to be hoped the Wisconsin club
formed In Omaha has no intention of
pointing with pride to the present po
litical situation in that stats.
The man who carried the first United
Btates mail from the Missouri river to
Santa Fe died yesterday in Kansas City.
The mighty west is very young.
Russians who are fortifying St Peters
burg and the approaches of the Neva
flo not seem to havs much faith in the
tales of tho strength of Port Arthur.
Fifty years hence they will sar,
"There were giants in those days," Just
as -we say today that the pioneers of
IS." 4 loomed Up aboTe the present gen
Just to keep in the limelight Kansas
announces the coming of another flood.
The high water habit seems to havs be
come chronic lu tho prohibition common
While we are celebrating fifty years
of Nebraska's progress by looking back
ward, we must not let the bablt become
so fixed as to prevent us from looking
As Colorado has begun to count the
cost of tho present reign of terror in the
mining districts, which Is placed at not
less than $22,000,000, it may be hoped
that the end Is in sight
Japanese merchants who bare fol
lowed the armies to the mainland say
they roust leave, as the Chinese undor
Sell thetu another complaint of cheap
Chinese labor which cannot be gain
aid.- '
The supreme court refuses to relieve
the insurance companies from their obli
gation to pay city taxes in Omaha, but
perhaps some more accommodating dls
trict court can be found to come to their
Some of our territorial pioneers seem
to be only Just waking up to a realisa
tion of the honorable distinction that
was thrust upon them by their residence
in Nebraska before the ' attainment of
The thing for the school board to do
Is to restore the rules governing the
teachers' permanent 1I as originally
adopted namely,, safeguarding tried
teachers from dismissal except for cause
tnd after hearing. ,
King Edward surrenders the Cape May
cup which be won while Prince of
Wales, saying his cutter, is too anti
quated to make a defense. Evidently
the king Is not as eager for advertising
is bis friend, the Irish baronet who
lells tea. .
e us
Americans have been so often. Justly
ar unjustly, accused of being flllhusterors
and , agitators that It Is gratifying to
bear thnt it was through the active ef
forts of A morion cltlseiis that the last
revolution In tSan Pouitugo Mas brought
to an end.
Another tuiHIou-dollar telephone com
pany bas filed articles of Incorporation
In the secretary of state's oltlce to do
business when 12.1.000 of capital stock
s paid up. TUe reut is doubtless re
served to ' reprettuitt fruuehtse values
when such privileges shall have been
obtained. Yet we are told that there Is
bo suh quullty ss value attaching te a
Every railroad corporation employs
hlgh-snlarled lawjers and well-paid tax
agents to exert all their eloquence and
Influence upon city, county and state
boards of assessment to keep down the
railroad taxes. It Is perfectly natural
that the Btate Board of Railroad Assess
ment should be beset by railroad tax
agents, lawyers and lobbyists on the
very first day of Its session, snd It teas
not at all surprising thnt these men, en
forced by the heavy guns of the law de
partments should be on hand on the
closing day with misleading arguments
and confusing figures. Thnt Is what
these men are paid for snd they would
not be earning their salaries had they
neglected to avail themselvos of the op
portunity offered.
Surprise Is said to hare been expressed
at the state capital that nobody should
appear for the people on the last day.
Why were not the people represented
before the board on the closing day? and
why were the railroads oO hand? The
people cannot afford the luxury and
should not be asked or expected to put
themselves to the trouble and expense of
nppenllng for fair play to thelf own pub
lic servants. The railroads have lawyers
and tax Agents hired by the year and all
they are out is their hotel bills. The
people expect and have a right to expect
that the members of the board, each of
whom Is a state officer elected by the
people to represent the people, will act
for the people without any special plea
or argument
As a matter of fact, the invitation ex
tended to all the 'people Interested in
railway taxation to appear before the
board in a three hours' wordy debate
with tax agents and railroad lawyers
was manifestly perfunctory and not cal
culated to subMrve any good purpose.
The taxpayjng citizens who appeared for
the people In the early part of tho ses
sion were bombarded by the swarm of
tax agents with all sorts of questions,
when by rights the board alone should
hnve participated in the discussion. For
four weeks the r!lroad tax agents and
lawyers have been In attendance on the
board from morning till night day in
and day out It Is an absurd proposition
to expect people to r-ome and argue with
these hired tax fighters for two or three
hours merely for the sake of placing tbo
board in position to say that everybody
bas had a chance to be beard. A two
hours' Joint debate on railroad taxation
would have been a farce. .There was no
necessity for further argument on one
side or thepther.
iu) railroad tax agents and lawyers
surely have had their hearing and The
Bee has supplied ample Information for
the board to contradict their pretentions,
misleading figures, illogical reasoning
and preposterous claims. Now that the
argument Is closed it Is to be hoped that
the men elected by the people will do
Justice by the people without fear or
favor. Nobody asks the board to over
reach Itself and assess the railroads for
more than the actual value of the tangi
ble property and franchises. Nobody in
Nebraska wants to oppress railroads or
Injure railroads. AH that the people ask
Is that the railroads shall beaf their Just
proportion of the cost of government.
The fact that the railroads represent
one-fifth of tbe wealth of Nebraska
should not entitle them to special con
slderatlon any more than If they repre
sented only one-one-hundredth or one-
one-thousandth part of the wealth of tbe
state. The railroads of Nebraska take
out of this state more than $40,000,000
a year for freight and passenger charges
and fully $15,000,000 of this amount Is
distributed in the shape of dividends to
their s took holders. It will not be lm
posing any great hardship and surely do
no Injustice to these stockholders if a
small fraction of the dividends Is de-
manded for the maintenance of state,
county and municipal governments.
One of tbe newspapers of the country
whose Independent position in regard to
political parries gives special weight to
in oplnlona Is tbe Philadelphia Publla
Ledger. In a recent Issue that paper
Said of Theodore Roosevelt that he ap
peals to tbe Imagination of his country
men. 'They know blm to be honest,
manly, courageous, not afraid to speak
the truth aa he knowa It nor to do what
la right as be sees It. He has proved
his patriotic teal, his ability, in peace
and war. He was a brave soldier; be
was and is a good cltiaen. an upright
public servant Somewhat impulsive,
Impatient of control, It is true, but what
has he done as president of the United
States for the doing of which tbe coun
try- should not sustain him V
This question the opponents of tbe
president will find difficulty In answer
ing. They charge blm with exceeding
bis constitutional authority, hart they
utterly fall to sustain the charge. They
liege that be haa attempted to dictate
nd control legislation, but they do not
support this with any evidence, or show
that he has gone beyond his constitu
tional right and duty to make recom-
moudatlous to congress regarding legis
lation. He earnestly urged the ratifica
tion of the treaty with Cuba and called
special session of congress for that
purpoao Itecause he believed the honor
nd good faith of the United States re
nlred that tbla be done. There was no
dictation to congress. Tbe course pur
sued in the Panama matter was
promised by a high sense of national
Interest snd Is approved by a great ma-
lority of the American people. Had tbe
ew republic in the isthmus not been
rncogtiutod can there be any doubt thnt
e should sttll be dickering with tho
greedy and unscrupulous politicians of
Colombia? As It la our government has
secured all tbe concesslona deelred and
Is ready ta proceed with the work bf
cannl construction. Tbe people cannot
be induced to condemn tbe president for
this. The course of the administration
In regard to tbe enforcement of tike
ntl-trust law baa been Judicious and
for the most part successful.
la short, Prtsidsut Rovseve it bat fear-
lessly asserted his convictions In dealtng
with all public questions and the people
believe in blm. Even those who have
been disposed to criticise blm because
their private interests may have been J
affected by the policy of the adminis
tration will come to a sober second
thought before November. Thoughtful
and unprejudiced men are not Influenced
by the cry that Theodore Roosevelt is
"unsafo.H They recognize the fact that
the action taken In' the Northern Securi
ties merger contributed to the elimina
tion of wind and water from over-exploited
securities in many lius and set
tled busfhesa on a healthier basis, while j
every other move against combinations
has been In the interest- of the legiti
mate and conservative business of the
country. The policy pursued has un
questionably been of incalculable benefit I
to the whole country.
There can be no doubt that President
Roosevelt will steadily grow in strength
before the people from tbe day of his
nomination at Chicago until tbe votes
are cast on November 8.
the vhioos Lrsnoy.
Mgns or an anti-repuDiiean uprising
are not particuarly manifest In tbe Ore
gon returns." remarks the Bprlngfleld
Republlcan. Certainly the democrats will
not find any comfort or encouragement
In the result of the election In that state.
The republican majority la somewhat
larger than had been expected and very
conclusively shows that the democratic
attacks In congress upon tbe natlonnl
administration have had no unfavorable
effect upon republicanism in that sec
tion of the country. Popular sentiment
In Oregon may be accepted as repre
sentative of most of the Pacific coast
and in that view it seems quite safe to
count that section as secure for the can
didates of the Chicago convention. Na
tional questions entered Into the Oregon
campaign and were very thoroughly dis
cussed. President Roosevelt nnd repub
lican policies have been indorsed by the
largest majority ever given in that state,
about 20,000. v It gave McKInley 2,100
plurality in 1890 and 13,000 in 1900.
There is no present sign anywhere of
nn anti-republlcnn uprising. As two
party has shown itself to be stronger in
Oregon than ever before, so it will be
found next November to hnve gained
in most If not all of the normally re
publican states. The same general in
fl nonces favorable to a continuance of
republican policies thnt prevailed with Pten- Nobody hears of any aisturb
ts. n- . I. MM In Ohio any longer. Th Foraker
the people of Oregon arc In operation in . h ntl.Por.ker .i.ment. 0f the party
Other States. The people of the country
are . not disposed to take tbe risk of
financial and business disturbance that
democratic party. Oregon has pointed
the way and tbe country will follow its
lead. v
The latest report from the scene of
disturbance In Colorado states that there
is less excitement and that work is being In .,nm,nln mine- ' Tha da.
plorablo events of tbe last few oays in
the mining region have commanded na-
tlonal attention and there will be a very
- - -
premise that there may not be a repeti-1
tlon of the violence that marked the first
two days of the present week. While
ha eoennnutHliirv fne thta In w!anta
. - ... ...
bas not been, nxea ana possimy win
never be, It Is universally deplored and
condemned and there Is a quite general I
sentiment that had a wise and ludtclous
course been pursued It might have been
The obvious fact seems to be that
there bas been wrong-headedness on
both sides. The agitators among the
miners have been prompted by a revolu
tionary spirit that cannot be Justified.
On the other band tbe authorities ap
pear not to have exercised that careful
Judgment in dealing wltn the trounio I
utu v , r
which they should have used. Of courso I
a very grave situation was presented,
Which It was necessary to aeal Wltn I
m t . . ,. . , . , . i
uriuiy, uui hub rouiu iinvu uvnii uuur i
wlthoiit the enmlovment of such ex-
treme and drastic measures as the state
authorities adopted.
The trouble in the Colorado mining re
gion has existed for some ten months
and has been exceedingly costly. It
should be speedily ended and it is not
to be doubted that this is attainable if
both sides will make reasonable conces
sions. Thorn are some questions In
volved in this disturbance of far-reach
ing Importance. .
If the echoes of the recent republican
state convention remain in Springfield
When the populists convene there for I
their national gathering next month, tbe I
deadlock germ may find Itself grafted
on the populist convention as wellat
least until aner tney near irora me
democrats at St Louis.
Late reports from the cotton fields are
to the effect that tbe red ants will not
consume tbe boll weevil until after the
nests have first been killed. " Solomon
must have been acquainted w(tu an
other variety of ant for even a lazy
man will eat food after It Is prepared.
. J. iL 1 -.) '
Increasing Friendliness.
New York World.
Th British "friendly mission" to Thibet
la now getting reinforcementsmerely to
roak it mor friendly of course.
, What's the l'f
Kansas City. Tim.
But what need was thar for Vioaroy
AlexlefT to Imu aa order forbidding- hi
troops to engage th Japanese, but 'to re
tire inlandT Isn't that what Uiey hav bu
dol.ig aU l be timet
Painful Scarcity of Ustki,
Philadelphia Lodger.
Th man who said that scarcity of fool
never did a community any harm waa
wrong; It Is th scarcity of fools that has
caused the discharge of 1.R0O clerks from
th Wall street broker' ornce.
data OaTsats fa Coat,
Nw York Tribune.
Ne doubt th prediction so freely mad
puull In Europe, Asia. America and Africa
that th capture of Port Arthur by assault
would caua as enormous luaa uf life ar
well Justtnd. But what do th Japanese
tart I Tbtutgss f the aulaadt soma It
I as gain te b shot down In the servloe of
J xorlT ruier ana tneir country
What Fool Partylam Make.
Chicago Chronicle.
Colorado's so-called democratic conven
tion Indoraed the Kansas City platform,
blamed the dynamite murders at Crlppl
Creek on the republican legislature for fail
ure to pwss an eight-hour law and com
manded Bryan aa th leader of the dem
ocratic party. No arreata.
Hash, My Honey, Hnahl
Dallas, Texas, News (dtn.).
A resolution which Indorsed Mr. Bryan In
th Nebraska democratic convention was
ruled In order, while the resolution pledging
the delegation to support th man named
as nominee at Bt. Louie was ruled out of
order. Up in Nebraska they hav parlla
mentary law which Is flexible to a dagre.
Ripe for a Padded Cell.
Indianapolis Journal.
If old man Piatt of New Torlt succeeds
In recovering his tooo.000 from th black-
maller betnsr a negresa, she can hardly
ba called a fair blackmailer th law ought
to take It away from him and put It
where It will be safe. The male of the
human species has a propensity for mak
ing a fool of himself, and the older he Is
the bigger fool he can be, but a case so
astounding as that of Mr. Piatt haa sel
dom found Its way Into th newspapers.
THE bittatio in the west.
j Affaire Shaping Themaelre for Coa-
tinned Republican Supremacy
- St Louis Globe-Democrat.
Things ar shaping themselves among
the republicans In th middle west In a
way that will be very demoralising to the
democratic rainbow chasers. Tho repub
lican national committee next week will
have an easy task In the settlement of the
Wisconsin wrangle, it Is now confidently
snld. Both sides In th feud have submlttea
their statements to the committee, and
basis of accommodation will be reasonably
certain In the national convention. Both
say that, whether the settlement as to rep
resentatlon In the national convention be
acceptable to both side, to one side or to
neither side, there Is not the faintest pos
siblllty' for harm to the Roosevelt ticket
Each faction wants Roosevelt. They have
united on electors.. No contest Is possible
on the national ticket, whatever sort of an
adjustment is made by the national com
mlttee or the national convention. Each
side has mode It plain that It will abide by
the action of ths convention, whatever
that chances to be, although the matter is
to go before the stat courts, which will
have the final word In the settlement.
Illinois, too, turns out to ba as hostile
to democratic chances as It was four years
ago. The nomination of Deneen tor gov
ernor has not left any scars on th party,
All factions have accepted the situation,
It is safe to say that all of the recent as
plranta for the candidacy. Including Gov.
ernor Tates, will be on th stump for the
state as well as th national ticket In the
have settled their differences. Both sides
will be represented In th national convea
tlon- Both wl11 De active In the canvass
In booming the presidential and the state
nnmlt,AA A 1 1 ffl rtf.r. t m.rHn ,1a In XVI R
con.ln. Illinois and Ohio to allow th repub
iicans to win, even if they should lose
I many thousands of votes. Nobody now,
however, believes that the republicans m
I The nartv Is harmonious and anthuslastlc.
Tn, only aggressiveness that is shown is
I directed against the commoh enemy. This
y' will be aa bad for the democracy In
tna m,flal.e w" " 18aH na were- "
I ramiKllosin lAnrtAr nrrar w rtAtaaVter ISI T-
cent factlonai affiliations may have been,
I looks for a smaller majority In Wisconsin,
Illinois and Ohio than 1900 furnished.
i . . . .
Oregon s opening gun or tne canvass or
1WU In tan nubu It nlnln ttymt h seat
a ,onKer iwA t0 tn wpubHeans
J this year than it did four rears aro. That
M.OOO plurality for McKInley in 1900 has
I far Dehlna by th margin given
iv hit iciuiuauu v-aiiuiimtcn iui vviiki vj-sirj 111
IhAt-iitAt ' In tha aleotlnn on Mnndnv of
I this week. No majority ever given to he
republican party in the past In Oregon at
approachea that which has Just been
I rolled up.
Caa Certain Common Evil Be Eradi
cated br Statnter
. Bprlngfleld (Mass ) Republican.
On of the measures passed by the pres
nt Massachusetts legislature la attracting
attention outside of th stat. It Is tha
on which provides that:
Whoever gives, offers or promises to an
agent, employ er servant any gift or
gratuity whatever with Intent to Infiuenc
lH action in relation to his prtnoipai s.
:mepn7ep,ry.Vttabnr1 who'
or accepts a girt or gratuity or promise,
unuer an agreement or wiin in unuwr-
standing that he shall act In any partlcu-
Br . mnir in relation to h employ tri
business, shall be punished by
by a
fins of
not less than 110 nor more than
1600. or
imprisonment for not longer than on year.
It haa been explained that th bill alma
at the practice of provision supply houses
in giving gratuities to the purchasing
agents of hotels, etc., but It Is obviously
broad enough to cover th whole field of
trade, and no one needs to be told that
this field today is crowded with suoh prac
For example, let tho purchaalng repre
sentative of a local mercantile firm go to
New York for a supply of a certain class
of goods. H has but to put himself in
touoh with tha salesman of any supply
hous to find himself th object of th most
flattering attentions. Cigars, wine, din'
ners, amusements, slumming or any other
kpnsiv attentions likely to prove agr.
8M .frce(1 "ton hlm uoh en"
thoutn M ,ncllnaUon. htt preserved.
to eea th terms of competing house
Thus is th purchaalng agent "nailed," and
not only his present order mad secure
but his future patronage enlisted. It
stem to b a fact that the salesmen of
many of these supply establishments are
authorised to draw liberally upon th con
cern for the cost of employing suoh Influ
ences to obtain orders, and It must be,
therefor, that houses which refuse to
adopt such methods are placed at a dis
advantage In tbe competition for business.
It Is aU most objectionable and most
demoralising, being nothing mor. than a
resort to petty bribery for the winning
over of trade. Sellers cannot long indulge
tn such practices without finally disposing
buyers to demand gratuities and bribes,
and so competition in trade Is reduced
from, a legUlmat to an Illegitimate basis
where aU sort of trickery and dishon
esties must be resorted to to make good
th 1 oases from these parasitical depreda
tions. But what can b don to stop- th abuse
la not clear. We should suppose at first
sight that th measure adopted by th
Massachusetts legislature would not b
worth th paper It Is written on for sub
stantial problbltlv results. It would re
main for competing houses which er los
ing business by th generous or artful
bribery practice of their rivals 10 bring
actions under the law, but how are they
to get th necessary evidence T How ar
they la know or prove that th aaUaroaa
of a rival supply hous 1 wining and
dining sums buyer en business rather than
oicfroly on personal account T It la to
be feared that th new law will hav small
sffecl to compwlllng trad a adhere 10
saurt WitiMat tusihed.. , (
Morocco la a little larger than the Oer
man empire or Franc. Its southern boun
dary. on the Sahara desert. Is undefined
The best authorities place the area at about
tl,efl0 square miles. That is more than five
times the sits of Ohio. The population Is
unknown. It Is probably not less than
8.000, am). Borne estimates run aa ' high
,000,000. It Is hardly so large aa that, but
It may reach lOfO.Ono or 7.000,000. That
mean a density of population about equal
to the average for Minnesota or Arkansas.
Th distribution of the population la very
uneven. Much of the desert on the south
snd southeast has few Inhabitants. Borne
of th most fertile districts of th north
arc quite well peopled. Somewhat more
than naif of th population Is of Berber
stork. A large minority are Arabs. The
latter are most numerous In th southern
districts, and the Berbers In th Atlas
mountain valleys and foothills. It Is be
lleved that the Jews number ISfl.OOO and
there may be 200,'DOO negroea. A liberal es
timate of the Christian population Is (,000.
Nearly all of it Is in and about Tangier,
the chief port and foreign trade center, snd
the only Important doorway open from the
sea to th Interior.
The English have been the rulers Of India,
or a large part of it, for a century at least;
yet there ar only 152,388 persons In th
Indian empire who can speak the English
language. This number, compared with the
total population, may be called Infinitesi
mal. There are 147 languages recorded tn
the census as being spoken today In the
whole country, but twenty-five of them,
which are spoken by 221,167,673 persons, are
closely allied members of the Aryan sub
family. Nowhere Is a nonaryan tongue su
perseding an Aryan one; and It should also
be noted that the classical Sanscrit for
many centuries has been profoundly In
fluencing th modern vernaculars. The
lianslatlon of "Ramayana," on of India's
great epics, Into a dialect called Dwadhl,
by a native scholar who lived at the time
of Shakespeare, Is now "the one Bible of
90,000,000 people." Among the many Indian
languages. It Is pointed out In the census
reports, there are some with great litera
tures and vocabularies rivaling In richness
tho English, French or German. While
some, too. have no paat, others have lived
3,000 years. It Is not easy to believe,- in
view of these facts, that the English lan
guage will ever occupy the field In the In
dian empire. Certainly, it must take an
exceedingly long time for it to drive out
the richer native forms of speech.
A writer In the Russian Vledomostl gives
Instances to prove how th oommerce and
Industry of th country are suffering
through the war. He says that the prac
tical cassation of trad with Siberia, due
to tha monopolisation of the railway for
military purpoaes, la felt In many pro
vinces In European Russia, particularly In
Moscow, where several large houses have
become Insolvent. From Kieff come reports
of great reluctance to invest la land. Th
timber industry in Minsk, Krementohug and
Kleff Is suffering on account of the falling
off In the building trade, and a number of
firms hav become Insolvent in Jltomlr.
Poland is a- severe sufferer. Directly after
the outbreak of hostilities, a number of
foreign bank shortened the credit of Polish
firms and the consequent embarrassment
has greatly depressed industry. The elos
lng of the far eastern market has also
brought ruin, and In Lods alcn 16,000 per
sons are out of employment. There and in
Blalystok. where the number of Unem
ployed Is about 1.000, relief committees have
been formed. In Odessa, to which about
(0,000 laborers flock every summer to work
at the docks, the prefect haa asked the
governor of th provinces to warn labor
era that their services will not be required
In th harbor this year, Many factories
have olosed or are working half time,
Gloomy reports are given of the condition
of the home Industry in Nljnl Novgorod
and it Is reported that ou certain railway
line, including the Rlasan-Ural railway, a
large proportion of the employes ar to be
Australasia Is presenting to th world a
most Interesting and instructive study In
applied socialistic government. It is not
an experiment In the system of state so
cialism of which Karl Marx and Ferdinand
Lasall ar the major prophets, and which
Is, advocated by political socialists In Eu
rope and th United States, but rather an
extension of governmental proprietorship
Into the broad field of Industrial enterprises
heretofore generally conducted by quasi
publio corporations. Publla ownership and
operation of railways, waterways, lighting
plants, irrigation works and such like pub.
lie utilities have become th established pol,
icy of th states of tha Australian com'
mon wealth and the adjacent colony of New
Zealand. It is not state socialism, although
decidedly socialistic. The line of limitation
seems to be drawn at thos public utilities
which because of their natur cannot be
made subject to free competition. But In
various other respects, such as providing
old age pensions, work for th unemployed
and the like, Australians are biasing new
economic paths.
A prominent Viennese newspaper asserts
that the great Increase in the Austro-Mun
garian military estimate waa due to mis
trust of Italy. It declares that Lieutenant
Oeneral von Pltrelch made It clear, in con
fidential communications to th budget
committee ef th Austrian delegation that
additional fortifications and extraordinary
military and naval estimates wer neces
sary ss a precaution against eventual dis
agreement with Italy In regard to Adriatic
and Balkan questions. It goes on to say
that the recent meeting between Blgnor
Tlttonl and Count Ooluchowskl did not lead
to a complete understanding, or allay Aus-
tro-Hungarian distrust of Italian inten
tlona. Moreover, th acceleration of Italian
military and naval preparations convinced
th Austro-Hungartan authorities that their
own armaments must be perfected. 1 Only a
few delegates who could be trusted, say
this authority, were Informed of the real
situation; but th attention of other dele
gate was directed to the "southern dan
ger" by Admiral von Spaun'a confidential
statements to the budget commission of the
Austrian delegation. This officer empha
sised the need of developing Austro-Hun
gartan eoaat defenses. Commenting- upon
these stories the Vtenna correspondent of
London newspaper points out that tha
allegation of Increased Italian armament
Is absolutely unfounded.
Oregon sets th proper republican pace
for November.
Senator Quay left an estate valued at
tl.SOO.000. Yet som poopl insist th.r I
ne money In politics. '
Congressman Hearst grasp th sentiment
of th country when he say! "My own
candidacy is of ho moment."
There Is danger that soma of th Illinois
delegates will switch to Cleveland at St.
Louis. Hired men are mighty uncertain
away from, home.
Former Senator peffer denounces as a
malicious canard th report that h had
shaved off hi whlaker. H. affirms he
Is still a populist-e, very still on for th
A score or more obnoxious stat office
holder, who failed to stand up for Gov
ernor Yates, have been guillotined by the
governor of Illinois. Several others ar
bulling th market for neuk armor.
Jlmmit, Selbert, eaclae eoiumlsslonar of
gt Louis, coosulououe as iZt ef tbe la-
aaaansaa Wal sfssSllSl
Indispensable in making finest
breads, biscuit and cakes. The
greatest culinary help of modern
times. Young housekeepers find
the beginning of their success
in cookery in its employment.
Miob SARiNa rowois mm
dians at the West end of tbe brldg. has
been Indicted for "conspiracy to hinder
due administration of the law. Two
boodlers In Milwaukee were convicted this
week. Truly these sre perilous times for
political grafter.
Simon Cameron and his lieutenant Mat
thew S. Quay i between them ruled the poli
tics of the Keystone state for sixty years,
or nearly half the life of the nation. Cam
eron sought to pass the scepter to his
son Donald, but Quay caught It and held
It till his death.
Senator Fairbanks of Indiana was asked
regarding the statement made by Senator
Penrose of Pennsylvania that he (Fair
banks) would run for the vice presidency.
It Is very good of Senator Penrose to
nominate me," said the ..tall Indiana man,
'but I hav repeatedly stated my refbsat
to become a candidate for the place named
and see no reason to change my mind. X
really can't say who would be a good man
for th office, but as I believe In reciprocity
perhaps I cannot do better than nam the
distinguished s-nator from Pennsylvania."
Tend ' nnd the dealt
Strong Enloa-lea.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
A very Interesting controversy Is that con
ducted under th auspices of the Agricul
tural department aa to' which of twe mem
bers of the brute creation I to be set down
ss the farmer's best friend. Th competi
tors as represented by able pamphleteers
of the department are toad and the quail,
aad stror.g . eulogies of both urge their
respective virtues. v
The modest and pretty "Bob White,"
whose call used to ring over th harvest
fields, Is held up aa a friend of agriculture
who, according to th representations,
ought to hav. a close season twelve month
In th year. A bird dclard to sat sov.ral
hundred tons of Weed seeds a year In a
slngl state without touching grain er
fruit, and who makes a regular diet of
chlnoh bugs, potato - beetles, cotton ' boll
weevils and locusts deserves better of man
kind than to be served to epicures on
But another eulogist presents the toad'a
claim on publio gratitude. Re admits that
hi candidate 1 not as pretty nor aa good
to eat as his rival, but declare that hi
voice in the spring bas been poetically de
scribed as "the sweetest sound In nature."
But the chief claim for the toad I on
th maxim that "handsome Is aa handsome
does." In th line of an Insect consumer
the toad is a beauty. His consumption ef
the pasta that feed on th farmer's crops
and fruit -Is declared to be one of the
greatest labor saving appliances In agricul
ture. Fortunately while the claims Seem to b
conflicting, there la no need for settling th
championship. The toad and the quail are
not Incompatible. They will dwell together
tn peace if their advocates will. The farmer
Who gets his land, fully Inhabited by both
birds and batrachtans will have servd no
tice on the obnoxious organisms to en
croach at their peril.
"I have never married, lest my wire
Should be Jealous of my costumes."
ileeu Brumm.l to His Valet
As Good as Can Be
That's our promise as to our Summer Suits good In material and
workmanship correct la cut and style $12.60 to $23.00.
No Clothing Fits Like Ours.
Growing Children
can hardly wear out a good suit before It is too small. For that reason
mothers hesitate at tbe uaual cost of the best goods. M'e have aluipllflod
tbe problem for them in our present mark-down sale.
Suits that sold for $6.50 aud $7.50 are marked
Sailor, Norfolk, Two and Three-piece Suits that told for $5.00 are
And quite a number of Odd Suite that sold up to $6.50 art marked
We've all the variety of Soft Shirts
Aad our Straw lists are tbe kind
a 3. WILCOX, Mo n nee r.
or 0
HOT.-4HatW baktsg ewwdw are law.
er ia nrlc, bat Uy aro mostly
ssad from alum aad ar tatar
tees t health when take In looA.
"Well. What's the news from the frosA
today?'' asked the first Russian cltlsen,
"Same old thing," replied the other. "The
Sront today is where our rear was y ester
ay. A Philadelphia Pre.
"Weary, did you notice how Uncle Rue
Sage says dat he don't believe in vaca
tions?" "Nied.r da I. Llmpy."
"An' why not. Weary?" r
" 'Cause It's only de man who works dat
can use a vacation. Bee?" Cleveland Plain
Dealer. .
"You're one of the few men I have met
who don't object to hi mother-in-law pay
ing a long visit."
,!M. objeot to my mother-in-law I I
should ay not!"
"You get along well, then."
"You bet we do." And you ought to see
her boss my wife arounev'tit Faul News.
Noah was tip on ths roof ef the ark,
shingling away, when an insurance agent
came along.
"Don't you want to get that atrueture In
sured against first" asked the agent
"Huh!1' snorted Noah, looking down.
"There ain't goln' to be no fife, stranger
It's gotn' tew rain. Houston (Tea.) Post.
.Warn had Just won the battle of Stony
"But why," Inquired th British, "do they
call you 'Mad Anthony r "
"Because," replied the doughty general,
"I am th original Anglo-manlao."
Putting hi statement to tho test, he
pressed onward, taking with him several
cannon of the latest Eiurllsh manufacture .
N.w York Tribune.
Baltimore American.
Now Mabel's packved her trunks and gone te
dwell beside the sea;
She took more things than she will need to
wear, It seems to ma.
She took her dark blue etaralne, her pongee
and her voile.
Twelve nainsooks, twenty organdies that
ost me lot of toll, ,
Foulards galores two crepe de chlnea, a
mousaalln de sole.
Two taffetas embroidered mull Lord, kelp
poor old per
Borne dotted swise as fin as mist ball
d recce by tha bench,
With gown for breakfast dinner, tea, and
other gowns for lunch.
Of snowy muslins she took ten. Of shirt
waists ninety-two.
Of yachting suits and white duek skirt .
enough to please a shrew;
She's also got Iter bathing ault-tt Surely s
a dream. v
Made out of hardly anything worth men
tioning, 'twould seem.
She's got a gross ef petticoats, eight hun
dred pairs of hose,
And handkerchiefs enough to Mow each
blessed human nose;
She's forty-two kimonos and a hundred -weight
of glov,
And. dressing gowns and picture hats and
other things tn droves.
She took a dosen mirrors and a peck of
powder puffs,
With bottle after bottle of the best com
plexion stuffs;
With thirty-seven parusols r-nd things I
s'pose her ma
Knows quite a little mor about ttian ms,
for 1 m her pa,
We stood around to see her off and 'shed
ome tears of fear
She'd miss her eatoh and make US buy her
summer duds next year,
Her ma's last words w.rei 1 "Mabel, dear,
ne sure and don't forget
To wear your bathing suit each day but
don't you get it wetl"
and Underwear anyone could ask
yon will like and appreciate.