Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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. T7Z7IZ
J'" tlnnal utfi1omntnry mall nf np-ned on
ne piers or the Anuric in. t"if.i"-, rrenrn
sod GTmn n atr-rimera, -tuirt rj"i'.irt open
until within -ten minute f the hour of
calling of teamer.
Halls for ok and Central America,
- West lilln, Kt.
l", VRIDAY, fioth). At 9.S0 . m. (sunple-
mentnry 10:30 a. m ) for INAGCA, HAITI
and BASTA 1IAHTA, per a. a. AthoU
(mail for other parts of Colombia, via
Daviiniiin, niu?i i-c uirerieo p-r a
,, Athos'j; at p. m. for 13t.HMU.DA,
.!' rPr ''eM"T intra iiauiax. . ,
da i i nuAi, UJin). ai :30 a. m. (sup-
. elementary 9:30 a. m.) for POitTo RICO,
CI.'KACAtT and VENEZUELA, per a. a
Philadelphia (mull for fjiiOmMn. via
t Curacao, must be directed "per a. s.
1'hlladelphla"); at 9:30 a. m. fnupple-
III mentary lO JO a. m.) for FORTUNES
... Caura and Magdalena I'ep't. and
, GHEYTOWK. per a. a. Alleghany fmall
, for Costa Rica must he directed "per a.
. a. Alleghany"); at JO a. m. for AR'.EK-
Pi a. a. Bel la run; at 10 a. m. for CI' HA,
er a. a. Morro Cajttla, via Havana; at
2.J0 p. m. for Cl'BA, per a. a. Curltyha,
Matanzas (mall muat be directed
, "per a.
lalla Forward Overland, Kte., Ex--j
cent Tramapaelllfl.
' CUBA-Vla Port Tampa, rioriaa, close at
thla office daily, except Thursday, m 6:M
- a. m. (tba connecting maila close bora on
-f Mondaya, Wednesdays and Bai'irdays).
fMKXICO CITY Overland, anleea specially
addressed for despatch by team', close
at thla office dally, except Bumiay, at l:j
p. m and 10: p. a, bundays at 1:00 p.
in. and 10:80 p. m. -
NEWFOUNDLAND -.except r-U-Poiit
Msils toy rail to Worth Sydney- and
' "--.rfrienc by steamer, oloaea at thla tjfuca
dally at 11:30 u. m. (connecting mails
here every Monday, Wednesday and 0a t-
r h
ai urday).
.JA.UA1CA-Dy rail to B-i"n. and thenoe
by ateamer, eioaea a toil onice at t.w
p. m., Tuesday ana mnaay.
. illQUELON By rail to Hoiton, and theace
oy steamer, closes at utia ouico aauy at
MALA By rail to New Urlenna, and
thence by ateaicer, cloeea at thla ofnoe
u dally, except Sunday, at 11:1m p. m. and
J1U SO p. m., Bundaya at 1 1:00 p. m. and
,, 10:t0 p. m. (connecting mail oloaea her
, Monday at 10:3o p. m ).
COSTA RICA By rail to New Orienna. and
thence by ateamer. cloeea at thla ofiVe
daily, except Bunnay, at u:M p. m. end
110.30 p. m., Bundaya at fl:w0 p. m. and
110:33 p. m. (connecting mall cloeea here
TueadHya at 10 80 p. m ).
IREG13TERED MAlL cloaea at :00 p. to.
pravloua day. , ,
TraaapaelOo Malta Forwaraed Over.
' lead tally.
Tba schedule of Aoatng Tranepaciflo mall
' la araaged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland tranalt to port
of Bailing. The final connecting malls tex
cept registered Tranapacino mane which
a, cluae 6 p. in. prevloua day close at the
general postofnea. New Yurie, aa follows:
tCHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma (spe
daily ' addreaaed only), clone at 6:30 p.
in., Jutia illi, for despatch per s. s.
Hyson. ' ' ' '
P1NB ISLANDS, via San Franolaoo, elosa
at 6:30 p. m. J una 6 for daspatob per a
a. Siberia. . . . ...
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
.n Victoria, B.' C, olosa at di.'tu p. m. June
! 7th, for .despatch per s. . Kmpreoi of
Japan. '(Meroliandls tor U. S. postal
Aaency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded
.' via Canada).
r,VAU and FIJI ISLANpa, via San Fr
,cl8CO, oloia at 6:30 p; m. , June 11th,
ran for
tespatch par a. a, Ventura, (If tba Cunard
Wteamer carrylns Brttlab mall for New
, Zealand does not arrive In time to con-.
(iivwi WHU villa uaa)nivii mam ww
lng St i:30, a. m , k;30 a. m. and tt:30 p. in.;
Sundufa ut 4:30 a.' m.. I a. m. and 6:30 p.
m. will be. made up and forwarded until
r, . the arrival of the Cunard steamer).
IPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco,
lM cloee a" .8;3Q p.. m. June 17th for despatch
r per B. a. Contlo,
n, WeBt), and NEVT CALEDONIA, via Van
' couver and Victoria, B. C, cloae at 6:39
p. m. -Jme 13th,' for despatch par a. a.
' Moana.
j HAWAII, via Ran Franclaco, cloae at 6:30
p. m. May to. tot despatcb per, . a
Alameda- - ' -
r claco,. cloae? at 6;I0 ip.- ofc June; Wtn, for
despatch per U. S. Transport,
y. Han Francisco, cloae at 6:30 p. m. June
27th for despatch per .' a. Mariposa. '
at present forwarded via Russia, instead
of via Japan, the usual route.
fcOTfr Unless otherwise addreaaed, Weat
Australia la forwarded via burope; and
- New Zealand and Philippines via Ban
- Francisco the quickest routes. Phlllp-
plnee specially addressed "via Canada"
or "via Europe" moat be fully prepaid at
i the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded
. via Ban FranHnoo exclusively.-'
,,,lWk postmaster,
- .ost Office. New York, N. T.
3, 180. '
Th Only Doubl
Track Railway
between the
Missouri River .
and Chicago.
MunllWni aolld dailf tnia t OWeno. Oemport-
nul sod drawlag-anom ilwplo can. iihrarr. Millet,
barber. bMh. telopbonx, Hl er urtio
gut XlwKrio llnhJ lhrounout.
Pa II man Brwln roora aa l touri.t altopins oataaad
4tnlaa om, sad txs rauiluiBS ehalr sua.
Pnllmaa drawln room and tonrlat alaaplnt card,
fra nollaina chair un, buOat libran aad amoalns
Mia, iHalas can, f
3.40 M kwS alMplsa can. bnltatWok.
eara ana ire rwciiaiim
kcaso. ixulasawa.
II Qfl lit Tkronih aarrica Oaaka to
I. AU AM Korth-Waatera Mandard daf
WW and fa chair oara. . U1aIs
Tkronih aarrica Oaaka o Chtcate
cata. .
7 35 AM 0b27ua "' 'lot cmn w'
-Q in py PaJliaan laaninc Pert. MriM Ubrary
I W ' ln oaa
l aud trmm reclioiiig chair vara.
Pullman alaauins car aonica.
l 7 I Fa 1 it To t'rcajont. Lincoln. Wakoo, Norfolk.
,1.10 AM Loum l'iiua, Vacdmra. Honaaiaal and tne
" Buaabud Imllitu liiaarinitloa country.
"1401 and 1403 Farnam Street
iWABTbit, :ii-yenue, Wyo., May
.14, ivot. Heuled proposals, lu . trlpll
.rate. siibjt-tt to the . usufii coiuil-
dions, will po received at this o 111 re until
jk o'clock, p. in. niuuutaln. time, June It.
IUiH. and then opened, tor funilshtiiK and
fJiiMtuIIIng- wall iK.kers In two tslnglel fl-ld
.iirtlllery bturuc-ks at Fort D. A. HuHsell,
a'yo. Plans Mid sptsUncstKuis niuy be
-rim at thin olnoei'alxo at the office of the
ishlef quartermaster, CIiIchko,' Denver, New
tork, OiiiHha, 8t IhiI and Kt. Paul. The
I lilted Slatea reserves the rlht to uccept
or reject any or all tl iur any purt
thereof. Envelopes containing bids should
master, .Sheridan. Wyo.,' May r7, 1K04.
-aSealed proposals in vnpiicate will tie re.
..ive.l here until 10 a. in., Jurw 13. IDoa
for furnlnhln and avtting .up Wall J-oi kt-ra
iLi.One lioul'16 Wiirruik .building at Fort
nifffoKt-nale. Wyo. Pimm. ape-itltloiia and
iher lnfoi ruutloa UiUV l ti-uud at tinVes
. ia' tliu lii'oot UuartiTiMdsu-ia ut Denver.
i irniht, t'tiU-ajcg sod ft Puul. anil at Hit
otner. IT. s. i .-series-tfc ili-nt to accent
or reject any or all proposals or try -rt
xtliereiif. (envelopes containing:
oliould le endorsed "Prouaala for iHjrk
eia," Sdraaad tJapt TI'S. ol., Q. ki.
J.e eiKiorsea 'j-rooosai lur wall iuckon at
.'i'ort 1. A. RuNttt-ll, Wyo.," ami ad.lre.-sod
lo Coptaln W. 8. Scott,. quHrtermiiSivr,
"tr. 8., A., ln pilars of construi-.ticin, Chey
'une. Wyo.. , Jeio-n .
Davis sella drngs.
Lffert's glasses fit.
Btockert sells carpets.
The Faust rlgnr, I conta.
Peterson sharpens mower. 420 w.-B. W.
Full line fishing- tackle. Morgan tk Mckey.
Tel. m Case 8tors Blue Itlbbon beer.
Mrs. Frank T. True Is visiting ln Lincoln,
Mrs. W. R. McConnell of Turley" glen I
visiting relatives In Sioux City.
Pictures for wedding gifts given special
attention. Alexander's, 3Ji Broadway.
For wall pnperlnk, painting, picture fram
ing, see Borwlok, 211 Main at. 'Phone A-0SO.
Jp-A-Lao floor finish. Morgan dk Dickey.
Come to our yard and our prices and
lumber will talk to tou. C. Hafer. 'Phone
Thre will be a special meeting of Bluff
City Mnsonlc Indite this evening for work
In the second degree.
The Aid society of the Woman' Relief
corns will meet this afternoon at the home
Of Mrs. Weatherbee, 63 West Broadway.
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Rodwtll. who were
married Wednesday, left yesterday for a
visit with relatives of the groom at Onk
land, la.
Unity guild' of 'Grace Episcopal church
Will hold a special meeting this afternoon
at the home of Mrs. R. II. Harris on South
First atroet. "
A marriage license wns Issued yesterday
to Edmund R. Hayes, aged 23. of Norfolk,
Neb., and Nellie Urace. Ferguson, aged 21,
of this city.
' Miss Etna lllllls was called yesterday
to I'annma. la., to attend the funeral of
her uncle. W. J. Halladay, who died at
Wayne, Neb.
The Commissioners for the Insane yes
terday adjud-red William Strankhoerner In
sane nnd ordered him temporarily com
mitted to St. Bernard's hospital.
M. H. Sears, F. W. Perry and W. E. Mc
Connell returned last evening from Bloux
City, where they attended the meeting of
the Masonic grand lodge of Iowa.
Bnlldlng permits were Issued yesterday
to C. P. Clementsen for a one-story frame
cottage to cost lino and to Frank Katsen
teln for a similar residence to cost f60.
City Clerk Ixiuls Zurmuehlen, Jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Platrier left last evening
for Waterloo to attend the annual meeting
of the Iowa State United Commercial
Travlers, which will be held ther today
and Saturday. .
A. W. Demliig of Haiel street moved his
family to Chicago yesterday. He Is a
conductor In the employ of the Pullman
company and under the new order of af
fairs his run Is from Chicago clear through
to San Francisco.
Dan ti. Weir, former city detective, was
removed to the Woman' Christian Asso
ciation hospital at an early hour yesterday
morning and was operated on for a severe
case of strungulated hernia. Lnirt night his
condition was reported to be most critical.
Fire, supposed to have been started by
tramps burned the roof of a small beer
storage house belonging to the Val Blatt
Brewing compimy on Eleventh street, be
tween Broadway and Avenue A, early yes
terday morning. The house ha not been
used for about two year.
Ham - P. Cnsterson. charged with the
theft of a horse belonging to Samuel
French of Boomer township, was dis
charged In police court yesterday. French
has reoovered his horse and all parties
concerned ln the transaction have been
recompensed by Casterson.
Q. -Whltebook wns cited to appear In
Kollce court this morning and explain why
e should not be fined for violating the city
ordinance by maintaining a swill barrel'
and other filth at the rear of his premise
on Broadway, after being ordered to re
move them by Health Officer Lucas.
The family of W. A. Ooehrlng of Wash
ington avenue on returning home Wednes
day night, after visiting friends, discov
ered a burglar In the house, who succeeded,
however; in making his escape through an
open window. The family believe the thief
was Interrupted before ha succeeded In se
curing anything.
The motion for a new trial In the case of
Richard Devaney, convicted of breaking
Into a Union Pacific freight car and steal
ing a quantity of loaded shells and other
goods, was submitted before Judge Wheeler
In district court yesterday, who took the
matter ' under advisement until Saturday
morning. ,; -
The performance to be given next Tues
day evening at. the New theater Is for the
benefit of the Associated Charities orsche,
one of Council Bluffs' most deserving In
stitution. . The association ha been com
pelled to place a new roof on the building
which it purchased about a year ago and
the performance 1 to secure funds to de
fray this expepse.
An Information charging Jules dismiss
with obstructing the sidewalk In front of
his store on Broadway was filed by the
police yesterday apd Chernlas cited to ap
pear in court this morning. Chernlss con
duct a second-hand furniture store and I
charged with displaying a goodly portion
of his stock on the sidewalk contrary to
th city ordinance.
Heal Kstate Transfers. '
These transfer were reported to The
Bee June 9, by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluff:
May VanBrunt to' Mary C. VanB'runt,
part lot 11, block 4. Glendal add.,
w. d ., , 1,006
Thomaa J. Hatch hd wife to W. N.
Hatch, aw SO, e nw 81-76-40,
w. d. i 1.200
Robert Taylor and wife to Henry De- .
Long. Jr., part lot 6, block 1, Voor- , '
bis add., w. d. 860
R. V. Inriess and wife to Nellie Doane,
lot 21, block 29, Central subdlv.,
w. d. '....!: '.-v. 260
Grace E. Hlgglna. to Isaac M. Smith,
lot U, block 12. Beer's subdlv., q,
c. d 10
Five transfers, total f 8,650
A very high grade Business College and
Normal College.
New classes will begin Monday, June 6th.
Beginning classes In all subject. Review
claxses In all subjects. ,
Writa or call for information."
E. P. Miller, Pres.
Masonic Temple. 'Phone B614.
m Ttt St, CoeuacO Biulfia
MASTER.. Cheyenne, Wyo.,,. Vlay
24, IdOi. Sealed proposals. In ' tripli
cate, subjeot to the usual . condi
tions, will be received at thla office until
2 o'clock p. m. mountain time, June 14,
1904, and then opened for. the construction
and erection, complete, at' Fort D. A. Rus
sell. Wyo., of'a crematory of a capaolty
of not less than one ton per hour, to
gether with a suitable building to en
clone same. Bidders must submit, with
their bid, l la-l and speciflcatlons, In tripli
cate, of the crematory and building they
propone to erect. Instructions, blank forms
of proposal and full Information furnished
on application to this onice. Bids under
my advertlKeineut of March 8 1M. for
crematory, have been rejected. The United
Statea reserves the right to accept or re
ject any or all bids or any part thereof.
Envelopes containing bids should be en
dorsed "Proposal for Crematory at Fort
D. A. Rusiiell, Wyo.," and add reused to
Captuln W. 8,. Scott, quartermaster. U. B.
A., In charge of construction, Cheyenne,
Wyo. M 24-26 JeKMl
OMAHA, Neb., June 7. I!w4. Sealed pro
posals, in triplicate, will be received here
and by qtiirterunaater at the post named
herein until 10 a. in., central standard time,
June 17, lt4, for furnUhing wood, coal and
rnarcoal during the fiscal year ending June
S'i. le. at Fort 1. A. Russttll, Wyoming.
ProtH-KHjs for delivery at other places will
to entertained. United Slates reserves
rlxl.t to reject or acocpt any or all pro
posils, or any part thereof. Information
fin nt.-!.l on application here, or to a u art-rummer
st post. Envelopes containing
proposals should-be marked "Proposals for
Vtiel," aad addressed Ut Major J. E. Saw
yer, C. U- M - J--10 1M
Council Decide that Work Dtmtodt
Immediate. Attention.
tome Fsrsr Boring; a Dredge aad
City Do the Work, While Others
Think It Shoald Be Don
on Contract.
That Indian creek from Nineteenth ave
nue to Its outlet at the Missouri river must
be dredaod and that the work must be
done with a little delay as possible was
the decision reached by the city council at
a special meeting ' yesterday afternoon.
Whether the dredging will be done by the
city or by contract, however, waa not de
termined. Tho lack of funds to do the work Is the
problem which confronts the council, but a
plan was suggested at yesterday's meeting
which It Is thought will solve the difficulty.
City Treasurer True suggested that the
city purchase A dredge on credit and pay
for It. next year, making provision for Its
cost when making the levy ln August
Treasurer True explained to the aldermen
that after the expense of maintaining tho
department there would be about 14,500 left
In the sewer fund and this he estimated
would be sufficient to pay for the labor and
help In working the dredge. The dredge It
)s figured will cost all the war from $4,000
to $7,000.
The question of the right of the city to
anticipate such an expenditure was raised
and both City Treasurer True and Attorney
Snyder gave It as tholr opinions that the
city would be justified In so doing In face
of the emergency which now exists. With
some of the aldermen the plan of purchas
ing a dredge meets with favor while others
are opposed to It. Aldermen Maloney,
Weaver and YounkermnH, the special com
mittee of the city council on Indian creek,
were Instructed to secure at once from
manufacturer of auch machinery quota
tions on price of a dredge suitable for work
on Indian creek. '
Some of the aldermen are opposed to tho
city purchasing a, dredge and favor having
the work done by contract. They point to
the fact that in the years post the city has
at different times purchased expensive ma
chines, uch a treet sweepers, graders,
etc., find after they have been used for a
year or so they have been relegated to the
junk pile on the lot used by the streets and
alleys- department.' This, they say, would
be the fate of the dredge and they feel that
It would be an expensive investment for
the city.
Use Board of Health.
In order to strengthen If needed the light
of th city council to expend this sum of
money on Indian creek Mayor Macrae, sug
gested that the Board of Health take the
necessary steps to condemn Indian creek
as a menace to the public health an- order
the city council to have It cleaned and put
ln shape to carry off the water without fur
ther delay. This action, is is understood,
wilt be taken by the Board of Health ait Its
meeting next Monday . night, '. '
City Engineer Etnyre accompanied the
special" Committee appointed" by" President
Van Brunt of the Commercial club yester
day afternoon over the course of the creek
from Nineteenth avenue to the river. The
condition of the creek waa a revelation to
every member of the committee. In many
places It was found that the creek had be
come filled with' mud and debris no within
three feet of the top and that at
ru point on It entire length between Nine
teenth avenue and the river was It wider
than ten feet at the top. Engineer Etnyre
plans to have It widened 'the entire dis
tance to fifteen feet at the top with but a
slight slope on t,he sides, thus making tho
bottom thirteen or fourteen feet wide. Mr.
Etnyra estimate the cost of widening and
deepening the channel at about $10,000.
Bids for th Work.
City Clerk Zurmuehlen reported to the
council that but two bids for the dredg
ing of the creek had been received. They
are from Dean & Bushnell of Glenwood,
la,, who bid 17 cents a yard, and E. A.
Wlskham, who bid 16 cents. Engineer
Etnyre figured on the work costing from
1J to 14 cents a yard. Several of the alder
men ' favor accepting Wlckham's bid and
providing the fund from the contingent
fund or elsewhere. It Is understood that
Wlckham Is willing to acept the contraot,
part payment to be made next year, and It
is contended that if the city can legally
purchase a dredge on credit It can:-also
contract for the work to be done on credit.
Some definite action on this important
question may be looked for at the meeting
of the city council next Monday night.
The city council also took up yesterday
afternoon the matter of the engine house
to be erected In the southern part of the
city. The plans for the house, as prepared
by Architect Patterson, were approved and
It was decided to recommend to the South
Side Improvement club that the bid of
the Consolidated Construction company for
a brick building be. accepted.
Bids for Engine House.
Bids- racerved were a follow:
On Brick Building Consolidated Con
struction cpmpany, W.748.8J, complete. In
cluding plumbing; Lund & Sandwick, $3,667;
Jensen Bros., H.H9; C. C. Norguard, $4,-133;
Petersen & Ollbert. 3,8MS.
On Frame Building I.und 4 Sandwick,
$3,6118- Jensen Bros., $3,275.
All bids with the exception of that of the
Consolidated Construction company are
without plumbing, which Is figured at $3U0
Under the arrangement with the South
Side Improvement club, the city Is to pay
an armual rental of per cent on the cost
of the building, with the option at the end
of five year to purchase. the building at
actual coat. A the city will undoubtedly
purchase the building eventually the de
cision of the council yesterday was that
It would be economy to erect a brick build
ing, although It will cost nearly $l.au0 more
than had been originally planned.
Before meeting yesterday afternoon th
aldermen took a drive In the patrol wagon
and Inspected the newly constructed sewer
on North Sixth street, and examined Ben
ton street, the property owner on which
have asked that the width be reduced from
thirty-six to thirty feet, with a view to
having It paved.
The council adjourned to t next Monday
Flu-tUn and heating nixby 4k Boa.
. Tako In Ditch Matter.
The Board of County Supervisor today
will take up the Harrison-Pottawattamie
county drainage ditch matter and Is ex
pected to take the necessary steps under
the amended law to create the drainage
district anew' and provide for the work
being done Jointly with Harrlsou county
a before.
At the request of the Council Bluff Re
tall Oroosrs' and Butcher' association the
board yesterday decided to Impose a license
on all peddlers of fruit, produce and other
foodstuffs through the county outside of
Council Bluffs. Th law authorise th lm-
poiltlou of a license of not lees than $B
and not exceeding $100 and the supervisors
decided that the rates would be tf0 a year
for foot peddler, $76 for a one-horse wagon
and $100 for a two-horse Wagon. Super
visor Brandes, In favoring the license,
stated that a number of so-called peddler
and hucksters were nothing more or less
than chicken thieve who carried on their
thieving operations under the guise of
hawkers. The imposition of the license, he
believed, would tend materially to stop this
nefarious practice.
The greater part of yesterday's session
was taken up with the semi-annual settle
ment with the county treasurer. The total
tax collections for the six months amounted
to $527.241.90 and the balances ln the sev
eral funds showed an aggregate of $50,-
066.13, but a there is an overdraft of
$.1,948.3$ in the poor fund, the net actual
cash balance In the county treasury la
Prartlrlna for Tournament.
Chief Nicholson Is putting the team which
will represent Council Bluffs at the Stat
Firemen' tournament, to be held In De
Moines beginning June 1, through soma
stiff work dally at the Driving park. A
frame building has been erected, at the
park for the men and the showing mads
by his team makes Chief Nicholson 'confi
dent that It will bring away some of the
prise money from Des Molpes. Yesterday'
time for hitching and getting out of the
house from the hunks wssf First trial, I
seconds; second trial, 8 seconds; third trial,
t seconds; fourth trial, 8 seconds; fifth and
sixth trials, 7H seconds. The team, how
ever, has made It In 6 seconds, thus beat
ing the record held by Kansas City by 1
The coupling Is done by Coll nnd Bob
Jones. Their time for jumping out of the
wagon, breaking the hose nm! attaching
the nnxxle la SV4j seconds. Yesterday on the
fourth trial they made it ln Si seconds.
The team from here will, be made up ns
follows: Driver. Stevens of No. S or Hough
of No. 4; couplers, Bob and Call Jones;
plugmnn, Joe Rooney.
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the
half-mile run will be practiced. This con
stitutes hitching and getting, out of the
house from the bunks, running half a mile
and then attaching nozsle.
I'nldentifled Insnno Woman.
A woman, a stranger and evidently de
mented, was taken Into custody last even
ing by the police, who later placed her ln
St. Bernard's hospital until her case can
be Investigated by the commissioners on
The woman,' with her hair loose about
her shoulders and a small wlilte shawl over
her head, attracted a crowd-at the corner
of Broadway and Main streot by her
strange actions. She carried a Bible
her arm and made a rambling address.
uppoBedly on religion.. To the police she
refused to give her name, but said she was
from St. Paul, Minn., and that she had
traveled along the line of the Northwestern
railroad, preaching at the different towns.
It Is thought she came here from Missouri
When taken to the hospital she at first
refused to. enter the building and fell on
her knees on the tldewalk and began to
pray. She Anally consented to accompany
the attendants Inside, where on being taken
to a ward ahe became extremely violent. V
St. Francis Junior "Exercises.
The closing exercises , of ihe lunlor de.
partment of St. Fmndg'tcdny school at
tracted an audience whtr-fi''rilia,1 ih. k.n'.
,7n I. ..-
some auditorium of ther aortUrny-'laa even-
x in enienainmenr. orferea ty the lit
tle folk waa most Interesting and reflected
much Credit on the etillHroti nnA V.t
teachers. In addition to a number of pretty
drills and choruses by th boy and girl.
the following program waa carried outi-
Address. .: rtf nteTViT-r,nM,,. t.,.
W elcome Florence Kelley
"Abou Ben Adhem". 'Miss Ieona Phoup
Trlo..Mlnses M. Ketlne. A. Carey, L. Shoup
"Seein" Things by Nigh t''...
Master Jo InoIdsby
"Phil s Complaint" Master J. Peacock
Trio. Misses M. Brock, M. Keline, L. McAtee
"How Snlvator Won".... Miss M. Ingoldsby
..-Mtt,!'8.1? AppI. F. Lenthan, E. kelley
"The Knight's Toast"
DtaiogtYe' .....Miss Anna McCarthy
..'!? "s- Leo Wiokham.' wil He ' O'Hara
..!" Fnllt Master Bernnrd Malone
"The Frenchman srrd th Flea Powder"
, Mast-er Denis McKlnley
Ihe,W,d0W 8 Mrn-"--..-Mlss Ruth Haye
"Gualberta s Victory"
Miss Margaret Maloney
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260; night. F-07.
Mis Robinson Wins Honors.
Miss Laura Mae Robinson carried oft
first honors In both the oratorical and mu
sical contests for silver medals hold last
evening; at the "First Baptist church under
the auspice of the Woman' Christian
Temperance union.
The same program will be given ithl
evening at the Fifth Avenue Methodist
church, last night' successful contestant
being barred from participating this even
ing. These are the contestants:
Oratorical Laura Mae Robinson, Joseph
Yetser, Genevieve Ward, Etta Bnlrd, Flor
ence Lougee, Vera. Saunders, Edna Cun
ningham. Marie Schofleld.
Musical A legra Fuller, Mary McConnell,
Harry Kerney, Florence Lougee, Laura
Robinson, Marie Schofleld.
Graduation at St.- Francis.
Th regular graduation exercises of th
senior pupils' of St. Francis' academy will
be held next Thursday everting. Following
the usual custom Wednesday and Thurs
day afternoon there will be the exhibit of
the art work of th pupils In the parlors of
the Institution. A feature ' of the com
mencement 'exercises will be the presenta
tion of th trial scene from "The Mer
chant of Venice." Diplomas will be pre
sented to two graduates, Miss Clara Zes
sln of Newman Grove, Neb., and Miss
Genevieve Kennedy of this city, the for
mer graduating from- the academical
course and the latter from the normal
Hafer sells lunmbei Catch th IdeaT
Pythian Memorial Day.
Member of the Pythian lodges of Coun
cil Bluff will hold their annual memorial
exercises next Bunday. Member of 8t,
Alban'a and . Concordia lodge and Bluffs
Company No. 27, Uniform Rank, will meet
at castle hall at a. m. and march to Fulr
view cemetery, where the ceremony of dec
orating th graves of departed brothers
will be carried out. There will be a special
meeting of St. Alban s lodge Saturday even
ing at which time the committee requests
all members to bring flowers. Members
unable to attend this meeting are requested
to bring their flower early Sunday morn
ing. National Prohibition Convention
Indianapolis, Ind., June 28-30.
The Chicago Oreat Western Railway will,
on June 26 and 27, sell round trip tickets at
on fare, plus $2.25, to Indianapolis, Ind.
For further. Information apply to S. D.
Parkhurse, General Agent, 1613 Farnam
St., Omaha, Neb.
Arrests Iowan for Murder.
SIBLEY, la., June . (Special Telegram.)
Fred Hokuf, residing near Melvln, this
county, was arrested today by the sheriff
of Osceola county, charged with taking the
life of Peter Johnson, who resided pear
Melvln, r.nd who ha been, missing since
February It, 1Mb,
Btok I'nd Still UncerU'i About Least
tn Fort l)odge L!n-
Jndse HePheraon - Decides Mnhel
Potts Shall Remain with Her
Foster Parents In De '
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, June . (Special.) Since
the annual meeting of the stockholders of
the De Moines & Fort Dodge railroad ln
thla city, nothing pew ha developed a to
tho future of that property, save as ther
are increasing signs that the Rock Island
company has no expectation of acquiring
till now. It was known positively two
years ago by the Rock Island management
that control of the stock had passed to
others. A high official stated then that the
Rock Island would pay practically nothing
for the stock, regarding the line a worth
but littlo more than the bonds, which ore
held by the Rock Island Interests. It wns
also stated at that time that If necessary
the Rock Island would build a new rond
into the territory. For some weeks a sur
vey has been going on which parallels the
road between Valley Junction and Perry
This Is ostensibly for an electric Interurbnn
out of Des Moines and right-of-way is
being secured for that purpose. It is now
announced that all the rlghUof-way has
been secured between the , two stations
mentioned. It Is also stated that Instead
of the survey continuing north from. Terry
to Grand Junction it is deflected west to
Jefferson, which would Indicate that this
might be the route to Gowrle. While the
promoters of the interurbnn, who have
been working very quietly, ssy that the
survey Is for an interurbsn line, the right-of-way
is .one that could be used for a
railroad quite as well, and the conviction
prevails all along the line that it is a pre
liminary step on the part of the Rock
Island, nnd laying the foundation for the
building -of a new route to connect with
the Gowrle-Sibley line ln case It Is found
Impossible to secure trackage over the old
Fort Dodge route. But the Rock Island
still ha the $2,500,000 of bonds which stand
as a mortgage against the Fort Dodge
road, and these will have to be disposed of
by whatever company takes the stock.
Rock Inland officials here make no con
cealment of the fact that they hope If it Is
the Minneapolis & St. Louis road that get
the old Port Dodge, to make an arrange
ment by which the Bock Island will run
Its trains to Gowrle from Dcs Moines, but
that If some other company tnkes the Fort
Dodge it Is not expected that any such
lease can be effected. The Rock Island peo
ple will know In time so that. If It la neces
sary, they can construct their now line
this year.
Convention Room' Troubles.
The demo(rars are having more trouble
because of the Hearst movement In Iowa,
The state committee, following precedent,
made arrangement for "Iowa headquar
ters" and rooms for all members of the
committee and the delegates and alternates
at the Jeffdrson hotel In St. Louis, and
these arrangements were completed long
before the holding of the state convention.
Chairman Mercer of the subcommittee ln
charge of this reported to the state com
mittee and delegation at the tinia or the
state convention and It waa satisfactory.
Now Mr. Mercer, as chairman of ihe sub
committee, has mailed to delegates a cnll
for funda to help pay for headquarter
rooms and immediately A. R.. McCook of
Mitchell county, secretary of the delega
tion, sends out a letter to the aama dele
gate notifying them that they are not to
pay Mercer, but to pay H. C. -Evans,' treas
urer of the delegation. He also statea that
the delegation agreed to permit E. M. Can
to select room for headquarters, and In
due time they will be expected to pay for
them. ,1t I found that A. W. Maxwell,
one of those claiming to be state chalrman
and Mr. Carr have both written the dele
gates advising them not to pay any atten
tion to Mercer or the state committee. The
anti-Hearst delegates have agreed, how
ever, to Join with the state committee ln
accepting the headquarters seleoted. It Is
regarded a certain that the Iowa demo
crats will therefore have two state head
quarters at St. Louis.
For BrlavaoV Encampments.'
. General orders hav been Issued from the
office of the adjutant general fixing the
dates for tba encampments of the Iowa Na
tional Guard, and these orders show that
brigade encampments have been decided
upon. The Fifty-fourth and Fifty-sixth
regiments ara to be encamped together
July 14 to !1 and the Fifty-third and Fifty
fifth regiments will camp August 11 to 18.
The signal company will be placed with the
Fifty-fifth. The places have not been se
lected. College Makes Settlement.
The suit of Simpson college against the
estate of the late Rev. E. P. Vail was set
tled today. Mr. Vail was a veteran min
ister and he left a legacy of $.'0,000 to th
college. Then two persons who claimed to
be adopted children of Mr. Vail appeared
on the scene and contested tho will, which
would take most of the estate. They have
practically established , tlislf right to ' Ini
heritance and today a stipulation was filed
in the case by which the college accept
one-fourth of the estate after payment of
all debt. This will materially reduce the
amount due the college.
Court Decisions,
The followlug are the decision of the
supreme court:
Bute against Hervy Smith, appellant;
Bishop cou"ty Judf. S-oau; atllruied by
Clara Campbell, appellant, against Illi
nois Central Kullroad Company; Cherokee
county, Judge Hutchiusou; affirmed by
Deemer. .
John T. Geneser against Martin Htaly.
appellant: Dallas county, Judge Gamble
attirmed by Weaver.
M. J. Roberts against George H. Jlale
and Washington National Bunk, appellant;
Washington county, Judge Clements; re
Versed by Ladd.
R. E. Dufheld against J. R. Dosh. a'p-
planti 0ulirl" county-. Judge Applegats;
affirmed by McClaln.
George F. Manker against Phoenix Loan
Association, appellant; Taylor county.
Judge Towner; affirmed by Sherwln.
Henry Armitage, appellant. against
George Kuns: Scott county, Judge Boll
liiKei , affirmed by the Court,
Potts Will Keep Child.
Judge Mcpherson ln the federal court
today heard the conclusion of the habeas
corpus case of Hannah Ferguxon, formerly
of Omaha, who desires possession of her
child. Mabel Potts, from Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. Potta, foster parents. The defendants
produced witnesses in ubundanco to prove
the high standing of the Potts family ln
Oniaha and the fact that they, were giving
the child a good .homo and excellent treat
ment. The only question left for Judge
Mcpherson to dispose of was whether or
not a previous trlui of the case In Omaha
constituted an adjudication of the case, so
that he would have no right to allow th
child to remain here. He intimated, how
ever, that h would And It difficult to dis
turb the present status of the child or to
allow Its removal from the present fatnlly
to bo taken by Its real mother, whose bad
character had beerr shown. At the con
clusion of th arguments Judge Mcpherson
danled Uia application for habeas corpus
": ' tesr
-r , w:- i'vK iyiTOtrJC r , V
7 1 rrr '
Young women may avoid much sick-
: ness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if
they will only have faith in the use of
Lydia R Piddiam's Vegetable Compound
" Dear Mas. riNKHAM : I feel ifc my duty to tell all votm& women.
HOW much Lydla E.l'lnkhnm's wonderful "WRetable Compound has
done for me. I waa completely run down, unable to attend school, and
. did not care for any kind of society, but now I foel like a new person,
and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months.
I recommend it to all young women who sutler from fomalo weafc
O-WS," Miss Alma Pratt, Holly, Mich.
v i "-.
" All younar clrls at this period of life are earnestly Invited to
Write Mrs. I'fiikham for advice; she has guided in a motherly vray
hundreds of young- women; her advice Is freely aud cheerfully
given, and her address Is Lynn. Mass.
Judging' from the letters she is receiving from so many young girls Mrs,
Pinkham believes that our girls are often pushed altogether too near ths
limit of their endurance nowadays in our public schools and seminaries.
Nothing is allowed to interfere "with studies, the girl must be pushed to
the front and graduated with honor ; often physical collapse follows, and It
takes years to recover the lost vitality, often it is never recovered.
A Younjsr Chicago Girl Saved from Despair. '
' "Deab Mrs. Pistkham: I wish to thank you for the help and ben
efit I have' received through tho Uf-e of Lydia E. Pinkhain'a Vege
.rtahle Compound and Liver Pills. When I waa about seventeen
Lydia E. Plnkham Vegetable Compound Is tho one sure rem : '
edy to be relied upon at this important period In a young- girl
life l with it she can go through with courage and safety the worK .
nhe must accomplish, and fortify her physical well being so that
fcer future life may be insured against sickness and suffering.
-.-.- , .
$5000 -9'
RFEITlf we cannot forthwith
taatli-uinl&la. whinb will
and decided the child should remain ln
De Moines with the Potts family.
Farmhand -Hs Ileen HnnnlnK Things
Since Owner Disappeared. ,
BIMLIJV; In,. June .-(Speolal Telegram.)
Fred Hokuf was bound over to the grand
Jury of the district court of Osceola county
this afternoon In .the sum of 110,000, charged
with murdering Peter Johnson In this
county on or about February IS, 1903. On
tho evening of that day was the last ever
Been of Johnson. t Hokuf, , now held , re
sponsible for hla death, had worked ' for
Johnson and Immediately following John
son's disappearance . reappeared on. the
farm and for. fourteen months he has man
aged everything as though owner, has paid
taxes on the property and sold most of th
personalty under claim of ownership. To
inquiries as to Johnson he' first . said that
he had gone to Illinois to visit and to
marry Inter 'that Johnson had gone to
Sweden and today when arrested he snld
he knew' nothing ot Johnson's whereabouts,
Hokuf say that he is InnorVnt and that
is all that he cares to say. Hokuf is mar
ried And has one child, Johnson had a
daughter In Illinois to whom Hokuf turned
over the remainder- of the property when
arrested'.' W.'C Davenport of Bloux City,
Sheriff Stevens of Sibley, O. B.' Harding
of Bloux City and ottfers have been In
vestigating the case. Mr. Davenport says
thnt while the evidence, that will be pro
duced agalnBt Hokuf is clrcirmstnntlnl,
there Is such a network that It Is thought
to be conclusive a to the defendant's guilt.
Elertrlo Car Derailed and Overturned
- Near Mjason City.
DES MOINES, June . Twenty-seven
people. Including several prominent Iowa
politician and a number of old soldiers,
were injured by an accident on the Mason
City & Clear Lake, electrlo line as they
were returning to Mason City from the last
campfiro of the Grand Army of the Re
public encampment.
The trailer on a heavily 'loaded train
Jumped the track while going at a high
rate of speed and turned over. Fortunately
a culvert kept the car from falling on the
passengers who had been thrown from the
windows. Mrs. R. T. St. John, wife of the
newty elected department commander, re
ceived painful Injuries.
Omaha Man Is Injured.
IOWA CITY, la., Juno f. (Special.) Q.
8. Campbell, a traveling' '-man of Omaha,
having greatly enjoyed his supper of the
evening which brought back, so he al
leges, the strength of youth, attempted to
"skin the cat" ,laat .'night by using the
awning In front of the Golden Kagle, a
retail store, for a horisonlal bar. As a re
sult of Ms exutx-rance h fell ix feet to
the atone walk bneath, waa rendered un
conacloiif and is today conniu d to hi room
In tho St. James hotel. No serious result
Is expected. '
The flilef of 1ia1rs.
Old sores, ulcers, piles, flntula and Ilk
stubborn maladies soon yield to Bucklcn's
Arnica Salve!, or no pay. 20c. Fur. sal by
Kuhn t Co. ' ' - .
Missouri Valley Will Celebrate.
- IXJOAN, la., June 8 JHpeclal.) At a re
rent ineetth of th 'cttlxt-ng of Missouri
Valla 11 was dsvldvd. to culvbrats Um
years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual gooa
w health and vitality. Father said I studied too
hard, but the doctor thought diilerent and .
prescribed tonics, which I took by tho
quart without relief. Reading one day in
the paper of Mrs. Pinkham's great cures.
and nnoing tne symptoms oesenrjea an
swered mine, I decided I would give Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a .
trial. I did not say a word to the .doctor; ;
I bought it rr-yself, and took it according
to directions regularly for two months,
and I found that I gradually improved,
and that all pains left me, and I was my ,
old self once more.-r LiLUB E. SmoiAta.
17 E. 22d St, Chicago III - "
produce the original letter and signature OS
tirT their absolute eennlneneis.
a. srinsnam nauuua vw., jaM, ama-asa
Fourth' of July and committees were ap
pointed. Don't I-use a Meal
Through dyspepsia and Indigestion. Take
Electric Bitter. They cure stomach trouble)
or no pay. Only COc. For aala bjr S A
Three Etatrlce Weddings. . . . '
BEATRICES, Nb Juno 9 (Special.)-.
Three June vedd:ngs wer solemnised to
this 'city yesterday. At 10 o'clock a, m.
occurred tho marriage of Miss Catherine
Elerbeck to Mr. Hugo W. AWquist and at
10:30 the marriage of Miss Pearl Ryan ot
this city and Mr. James B. Turner of Kan
sas City was solemnised at the home of
tho bride's father. Mr. Ira Ryan. The Unit
mimed couple will live In Beatrice aad tha
last named at Kansas City. At 8 o'clock
lust evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Elliott occurred the marriage of
Mr. Elmer Davidson aud Mls Grao M.
Morrison, both of this city. ,
ASHLAND, Neb., June 9.(8peclaL)-r
Principal Thomas A. Ilutcher of the Ash
land schools and Miss Ella K. Hutchison
were married at noon today at the home of
the bride's parents 'at Memphis. Rev. Da
Fom-st Austin of Lincoln performed th
ceremony. Mr. Butcher was recently
elected superintendent . of the Papltllon
schools, but has resigned to accept the su
perlntendoncy of the schools at Columbia
Falls, Mont. His bride has boen for several
years a t-uicher ln the Ashland schools,
HUMBOLDT, Neb., June 9. (Special.)
About 300 persons witnessed the marriage
yeHterday at high noon of Miss I-lxzlo, 6niy
daughter of William Lugenlilll, to Martin
Diko. Thn ceremony wus xcrformed by
Rev. Lehrer, pantor of the German Re
formed church, at the Dry Branch church,'
and after the congraulutlons were over the
entire pnrty repaired to the home of the
bride and made merry on th beautiful
lawn until the close of day.
B H ElU-bliahed 1610. M B
li ' ALL JUNE WFX- ' f I '
gl DINGS will have HM
I fl this in common- El M
II Dorflinger ;
u Glassware U
B Either pieces or sot R
Ft for pretentttioa. It
l Ak tlx draWa. f,