TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1904. I SPECIAL NOTICES rill B takea til IS for ta rrtalif edit lea and aatlt 8 a. at. for aaaralac 4f edltlea. Rat, 1 l-2e a wi ftrst Insertion, la a war thereafter. Natalaa- takea far leas tbaa ZOe for the flrat laaer tlaa. These atrtrtlttarili aaaat aa Ma eaaaeeatlretr. Advertisers, by reaaeatlav aaaa bare check, eaa have aaawera ad Areas to a numbered letter la ear af Taa Bee. Aaawera aa addressed arfll he delivered aa reaetla af MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in al branches. Catalogue free. B 223 COWS & PONIES Pony safe for children. Two Jersey cowa; Do better to ue found. 4Jd ana Cen.er. 'Phone Asb-7W2. R 821 i2x CUT RATH TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phlloln lAOe 1 arnam and opp. Union station. Tela. 7M and 1673. R (TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3630. R-226 HO SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. UULUiatm, C'0 160B Harney, 'lei. 2W5. R-22H CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R 229 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat. Ing; all buslneea confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-230 A NTIMONOPOLY Garbage Co.. 1621 N. IS. Tel. 1 1779. R-231 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and atorage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 111. R 23 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON. In the Bee Bid. R-2S5 SIGN painting. S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglaa. R i'M SPECTACLES. Hi examination fret; 30 days only. U. 8. Opticians, S08 N. 16th. R-237 STANDARD Filters. Huber. Tl. 3913. 1301 Farnam. R 431 J22x PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest; honest values; easy term. Tl. 701. . R-239 H W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1134 N. 26th. Tel. . $747. R-240 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. I CI R- BARGAINB Uncalled for suite nnd correct trousers, 1617 Farnam, upstairs, room 6. Ask for Forman. R M384 Iff IPP Stammering? and Stuttering. lUIC J. Vaughn. Ramge bid., Omaha R M392 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 8. UTH. PHONE 264. Why carry your soiled linen T Our wagons call and deliver unit. Bills collected monthly. R 222 J29 SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT FLOORS AT COST M'WILLIAMS BROS. 31-1 Paxton Blk. 'Phones 3360 and B310& ; KRjMMe 10 BUSINESS CHANGES ABBOTT-COWAN Co., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. can gat you ta or oat of business. - Y-245 SHOLE'8-ARMSTRONa CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y 244 .WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, 848 N. Y. Life. 7Phone L2270. Y M464 WANTED A man with acquaintance among bankers, real estate men and law yers in Nebraska to Investigate our very remunerative proposition. Address Box 866. Omaha. Y M846 12x POR 8ALE-iAn Interest, territory or out right U. 8., Canada and Great Britain, r stents that will control the rubber hose rade, for steam, air and liquid around all our Industries. Owen, 1712 Douglas St. ' Y M&2 llx pTOR BALE, the best meat market In 8. K. Nebraska; county seat town, 4,000 popula tion; one (1) other market in town: a nap it taken at one. Address N 26, Bee. ' Y M834 llx CMnk'P PRIDE OF HASTINGS be cl OiVlUrvu gar. Cushlng&Gauvreau.dlstb. Y M831 JyS SPLENDID location in new town for a Kgood general mdae. store. Address Lock Loa iL Randolph. Nab. Y MK.TL IK $1,000 WILL BUY a 00x24 frame laundry, a barn, three lots and also a small house. I have run the laundry 19 years and there Is no opposition. The place Is also good for other Business. Poor health Is the reason . for selling. Address P. A. Hansen. Red Cloud, Neb. Y M865 16x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS JD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1113 Farnam Q-266 tOO KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 266 fOR BALE Several scholarships In a Arst-class standard achool in Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee . me. 862 fcVOR SALE Will sell at a discount a schol. arshlp In one of the boat Omaha business colleges. Address F 16, Bee. Q M901 (TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 101 Douglaa. Q M267 WOO, Poultry, Lawn. Farm and Railroad Wire Fence. Wire Works, 611 8 16th St Tel. 160. Q-M268 JyS ID-HAND safe. 8 warts. Hatter, 114 S. 1.1th. Q 259 v3 SMOKE Auditorium Brick, Eo cigar. Q 361 WE RENT Sewing machine, 76o week. We repulr and aell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from 15.00 to 110.00. k Nebraska Cycle Co., Phone 1663. Corner 16th and Harney. Q-263 MY diamond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dia mond Loan Office. 1401 Douglbs; they'll how you. Q-263 CLOSING gas fixtures at cost. Sam' I burns. Q-M823 Jell jrOH SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baum . Iron Co., Omaha. Q 264 SODA fountain. Richmond, Porlght Co., 13i4 Farnam. Q 727 Je2S JOR BALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture. In good condi tion, at a bargain. Addreas C. C. Rosa water, room 100, Bee building. Q 4 VHEI largest stock of DOG COLLAR FUR NISHINGS. WHIPS, SWKAT PAD3. AXI.K GREASE and HARNESS OIL ' DREHSrNGS In the state of Nebraska at the STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO. J. a. Blessing, prop., 3:"!'-381 N. 26th St., Boutk Omaha. UNION SHOP. Q-MSM yOH BALK4 Cheap, a tine Bohmer grand piano, slightly used: easy terms If de sired. J. -'. Acton, Fremont. Neb. Q-MtlT7 JJ1 yOR BALE Cheap, Ink barrels. Apply press room. Ilea building. v4 M721 x II FEET front lot within easy reach of Walnut Hill and Twenty-fourth street ear lines and walking distance of the postodlo. for 1460. Address N 37. lire. Q MSaS llx JTOR BALE All or part of furniture of alx awaiiis; new, 442 8. 2utn at. . Q-MS7MU WANTED MALE HELP MOSHER SHORTHAND is a vast Improvement on the old Pitmanlo systems, position writing slant, and shad Ins are eliminated. Students master It In half the time and make better stenogrsph ers. The expense Is less and the positions to be had far better. Investigate it. Catalogue free. Address, OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17 th and Uouglaa. WANTED Wagon teume to haul dirt from grades st 36th snd Poppleton Ave. Inquire on work. D. M. Owen Co. B M37 4 EXPERIENCED men and women to Oil food positions now open. Call or wtl.a or list of vacancies. Western Ref. 4t nona Assn., mo-mi . i. u. MAN ENERGETIC, willing to learn, under 8.", to prepare for Gov't Position. Begin ning salary 3800. Increase as deserved. Good future. L C L, Cedar Rspids, la. Enclose stamp. B M397 lOx WANTED In every town In U. 8. at once, a man to act as local secretary for a locel credit clearing company; prefer young attorneys, retired mercnants or hustling real estate men; must be men of food sunning in their communities and e sblo to maintain offices of their own. Golden opportunity for right man. Write at once. Merchants National Credit Clearing company, Cambridge, la. B-620 10 WANTED, flrjt-class air-brush portrait artists; permanent employment. Chicago Portrait Co., Chicago, 111. B M496 lOx WANTED, clarinet and double B bass players, with or without trades, good sal ary, steady employment; must be able to play standard music. Single men. Ad dress Leo Steppan, Glenwood, la. B-M494 10 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes by our method; free practice, qualified teachers; board and tools Included If desired; 312 to $15 weekly paid graduates: that beats hard work; call or write. Moler Barber College, 130J Douglas St. B Mo&3 lOx WANTED Nonunion railroad telegraphers. Apply room 10, Victoria Hotel. B 829 tx EXPERIENCED china and glassware acker, who can act as city salesman. estern Re. 4k uona aki n,, bw-mi n. i. fe. B-851 9 Life. WANTED, porter at Delmonlco hotel. South Omaha. Good wages. bw x RPLENDID BUSINESS OPENING. CHANCE TO BE YOUR OWN BOBS. LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUS1N1UBB. Start In for yourself; only $27 capital re quired, we teacn you tne Dullness, ap point you our special representative, fur nish large list of saleable property, co operate with and assist you to earn from $3,000 to $o,000 annually; write for par ticulars. Harry W. Cross tt Co.. 247 Ta coma bldg., Chicago. B M870 lOx WANTED FEMALE HELP SO GIRLS. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C M204 O. K. American, German employment office; oldest, most reliable In Omaha, 1624 Dodge. C 877 J3UX WANTED Girl for housework. . Inquire Mrs. i. U. Neoly, xa Mamliton st. C 72 TWO experienced salesladies. Western iter. & Bond Ass n., MO-stl n. z. Lite. CS62 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1618 Madison ave. C M379 WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or racial massage; two .to Ix weeks completes; graduates earn 12 to 318 weekly; best paying work a lady csn do. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C-M6S4 lOx WANTED Experienced second girl; refer ence required. Mrs, u. JU ountw. South 39th street l C M786 WANTED, girl for general housework. 63S raric ave. v; man in WANTED, second cook and laundry woman at ueimonico notei, nouin Omaha. Good wages. C 848 8x WANTED Girl, about IB years, to help nurse baby, call after 8 p. m. Saturday, 603 N. 18th St., third floor. C--M872 11 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED, position on country newspaper oy printer laminar wun an orancnes. Can furnish references. Lock Box 126, Tekamah, Neb. A 766 9x WANTED Refined home for girl IS years oia, wnere sne can earn Doara ana ciotnes and go to achool. Address N 81, Bee. A M-884-10X WANTED By young married man, position as ciem, eignt years experience in tne stationery and racket business; would ac cept position In any kind of store. Best of references. Address N t. Bee. A M837 12x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to Xna TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; stead ysmployment with assured good In come; agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. J 313 AGENTS Ladles and Gentlemen, Boys' and Girls, Attention! Just out, latest nov elty, used Dy every noay; real oonansa tor agents, pays enormous returns. Retails to, 6 for 26c. Write for large illustrated catalogue, absolutely free. Address, Schneider Mfg. Co., Plainfleld. N. J. J-M-771 It x AGENTS make $6 dally selling the cheap est and most perfect water filter ever Invented; retails at $2; big profit; exclu sive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Seneca, Mo. J-M882 14x . SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen, calling on retail hardware trade, to sell washing machines on commission; state territory covering. Box 634, Dea Moines, la. M872 10 PRINTING PRINTING 1 Hi'h Ord Work, i vi rc i-AH r Crounae block, corner of LYNGSlAUi ltlb St. and Capitol Ave. 246 KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT ERS liua Farnam. To deliver work when promised is our hobby. M249 Drinfinre Job printing. Best work in city, rrinung Guaranteed. liU Capitol Ave. 248 WANTED TO BUY 1,200-LB. horse for light wsgon. Call even tncs. 830 Parker st. N-830 lOx 8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel 3036, WANT to buy second-hand desk; not over lis; mut ne in nrst-ciass conumun. n oj, Deo office. N MSS8 ltx LOST LOaT Ladles' gold watch, Elgin works, picture In back. Liberal rewaard. Re turn to Prague hotel. Lost 763 9r LOST If party taking purse from embroid ery counter, Boston store, Thursday, sbmit 6 p. m., will return with contents to 1141 8. 33d st. It will save trouble. Lost MS lOx SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. 1-1 fa. 9M FACBIMILE letters, envelopes addressed. Boyles college. 4" LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F MOREARTY Alt'y 437 Paxton. Tel. A-2CIS, 2W JOHN M. MACFAni.ANO, New York Life WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM Y Able-bodied Unmarried men between agea of 21 snd 36; clUsens of United Stales, of good character and temperate hablta, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, Win and Douglas Bis., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. 13 AdAoi bldg., rooms 304 and lis. Tsi. 1M i "On the great dock I Bee Want FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. K 21 DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E 2t $1.26 PER WEEK. Doran house, 422 8. 18th. E-270 VIENNA HOTEL, 10U Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 271 I NICE furnished rooms, 3rd floor. 1420 Dodge. THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam Sts. E 271 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN The Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms and smoking parlors; appointments first class. 110 8. Uth St, opposite Millard hotel. E-274 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rea sonable. 42fi N. 17th. E 418 DESIRABLE rooms, with or without board. 2310 Douglas. E M6W 11 PLEASANT rooms, modern, 'phone. 124 8. 26th. E M4K5 10X NICELY furnished rooms, modern. 'Phons A2638. 6ZlVi 8. 19th. E M4S9 10X NICELY furnished front rooms, modern; young gentlemen preferred. 620 N. 19th. K M491 10X LARGE front room, with alcove; also small room, porch and lawn. 623 N. 2th. E M860 12X LARGE, cool front room, alcove. 'Phone A2089. 1821 Douglas. E M861 12x NICELY furnished front rooms, modern. 2221 California. E M866 12x THREE rooms, light housekeeping, mod ern. 118 N. 26th. E M857 12 LARGE, cool front rooms, southern ex posure. 1812 Chicago. E MS58 13x FRONT parlors, modern, single or ensulte. 622 N. 18th. E MS59 12 NEWLY furnished room for lady or gen- ueman, in quiet, private family, l.U) per week. 2423 Seward. E Mi77 12x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished, cool, outside rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16ih and Chicago. F 270 THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone 86; nice, light, airy rooms; ensuites and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 276 BOARD as room, $4; meals, 16c 1619 Dodge. F 277 O. M. E. TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F M3 Jel9 FURNISHED rooms and board, $4. 2609 St, Mary's Ave. F M430 Je20 NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board. strictly modern, rates reasonable. iti7 Cass. F-M680 J21 NICELY furnished south front room, board. Phone A-1994. 2418 Cass. F M472 17 , FURNISHED rooms, with board; refer- encea, bib a. seem. r juoso ii NICE, clean room on bath room floor, flrst- ciass boara ana accommoaauons. -Harney. F 793 BOARD and room for two. private family, modern house, targe lawn, nne snaae; references. N 19 Bee. F-M806 12x DESIRABLE rooms, with or without F M467 10X board. 1813 Chicago. NICELY furnished Isrge parlor, with Doara; mc-aero conveniences, waning uib tancs; rates reasonable. 2020 Harney st. F 216 12x LARGE, pleasant room, with excellent boara; gooa locauon. ouo x arnam si. F 679 9x SUITE, furnished or unfurnished, south eastern exposure, moaern; ror two or three persons; board optional. 618 8. 22d. F M382 lOx LARGE front parlor, with flrat-class pri vate board; large, modern residence In Kountte Place, near car; nne lawn; very desirable for summer. 'Phone 8978. Ad dress 2018 Wirt F M8G4 12 LARGE front room and board; new man- agemenv, ituo iwugo. - UTOPIA Desirable rooms and board. 1721 Davenport. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ONE suite unfurnished rooms; 1910 podge. O. C KeaiCK, lull amain. v u 1306 N. 30th at., rooms. G 746 9x SECOND FLOOR at 704 8. $6th to adult couple II great Daraaiu; uuuui n uuuov, good neighborhood. O M843 IPX THREE very desirable rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. ww. . z-gJi BEAUTIFUL unfurnished front room for gentlemen; reierenvw. iui Q M878 12x FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, 2412 Cass. Q M802 WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house or flat, family of three adults, until oepieroner i. auuiobb, whu full particulars. L (6. Be. K Ux WANTED, room in private family, close in. Dei ween iwu uu u.. j -N 28, Bee. K-741 12x FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORSES for sale: Id-band harness and ve hicles chsap. Melchlor's Stables, 601 S. 19th S. P 278 Family horse, carriage, cheap. Sam'l Burns. P M824 JeU BELLING out buggies, wagons, harness, at cost. Andersen-Mlllard Co., 1616 Capitol. P-844 JeU WAGONS I Delivery wagons !1 Don't fall to see them. The largest assortment In the west at wholesale prices. Johnson 4b Lanforth. 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones sts. P M227 Jel4 A NEW runabout top buggy to trade for driving horse. 811 N.- lbth. P-376 VETERINARY DENTIST J. W. Boquet, 614 8.14th. P-M701J23 FOR BALE Second-hand carriage, Victoria style: good condition; cheap. William K. Potter, 303 Brown block. P M423 Dr W. C. Langdon, VETERINARY H03 PITAL. commodious, up-to-date. 2411 N.16. P-M399 JeM LI A M r made Runabouts, Phaetons, etc., nAlN Lat IOWEST possible price. Also painting, trimming, repairing and rubber tires. .WM. PFEIFFER (phone 3748. 8tS30 Leavenworth. All work GUARANTEED. P-M782 Jy-e THE FROST BAND, or tires, on wagon wheela stick. 14th and Leavenworth. P 279 PONY, harness, doubia seated rsrt. 1926 B. lid. P M866 12x OOOD second-hand, extension top carrlago cheap; also buggy and harness. Johnson & Danforth, B. W. cor. 10th and Jones sts. P-794 13 CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER, palmist. 716 N. 23d. Tel. B-3246; BUS1NES8 MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th St. B-MH76 JyX MADAM MASKUA. spiritualist medium, tells of dead relatives, lost or stolen sr. tides, brings lovers snd friends together; strictly bualneas; satisfaction guaranteed. 114 N. lla lUHC -24 lo of, ti?ne there is but one word 'NO IV" ADVERTISE Ads arc Best Business Boosters, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BOULEVARD. Choice, east-front lots, near two car Unas, with water, gas, sewer, large native for est trees, front on boulevard, 100 feet wide; kept up by the park board; no paving or sidewalk tax. Price only $800. Lots limited. HARRISON A MORTON, 912-911 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4. RE 823 PRICE CUT TO 52.700. Rev. Dillon, who leaves the city, now offers his modern home for the above amount If taken at once; part down, ba, ance easy. 1216 Grant street. RE 441 TAKE YOUR ROSEBUD CON TRACT QUICK On June 10 we shall Increase thl price of our excursion trip from Omaha to Bono steel and return to TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS On all contracts closed before the 10th day of June we will make the rate TWEN TY DOLLARS for the round trip, which Includes railroad fare, sleeping accommo dations, meals, making out papers and every assistance necessary to complete registration lor a homestead. GAS BELT LAND CO. 214 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OMAHA. jRE M424 IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Pacific In Nebraska and Wyoming, $16. Uinta Irri gation Co., Oinaha, NeU RE MS33 J21 ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Home. Ten acres, with bearing fruit, all nicely seeded to alfalfa, $1,600.00. Five acres, rome fruit, three blocks from car, $1,200.00. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract, axw.uu. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. RE 843 HANSCOM PARK COTTAGE Large grounds, 126x160 feet, full of fine flowers and garden shrubs and shade trees, making a most beautiful yard. House has 7 lurgo rooms and bath on ground floor; Is well built and is partly modern; one block from car, fronting the park. Street to be paved hls summer 48 feet wide with asphalt at expense of the park board. No special taxes against this pro perty. Never offered for sale before, but want to make quick turn now. Owner moving out. Can give Immediate pos session. Price, $4,000; reasonable terms. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. FJE-4B7 A S-N-A-P-CLOSE IN. It is a snap and cannot be duplicated for the price 33,600. A modern 8-room house at 714 North lath St., easy walking dis tance and within block and half of two good car lines. House has large, cosy rooms, best of plumbing, elegant front hall and stairway, house stands four feet above grade, stone wall, nice shade trees and everything convenient to make a cheerful home; location very desirable. . It will pay you to investigate this at oava. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life. Telephone 1781. HE 792 9 ACRES. Near Omaha and South Omaha, choice and sightly, tract of 146 acres owned by eastern client. This desirable property could be sold to great advantage by sub dividing Into 10-acre tracts, land across the road having sold as high as $200 per acre. It la the owner's desire to close out this tract to one purchaser at onos and prloe has been reduced to $110 per acre. This is your opportunity. W. Farnam Smith & Co. im Farnam Street RE 612 $10 office in the Bee building carries with it all of the conveniences and advantages in the way of heat, light. Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office is now vacant. Call at once. R. C. Peters 4k Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1638 A MAP OF ROSEBUD reoervaUon for the asking. Write or call for one today. Gss Belt Land Co., 214 First Nat. bank bldg., Omaha. Neb, RE 281 ROSEBUD AGENCY POCKET MAPS, the best made. Patterson A Co., Box 662, Bloux City. Ia. RE M808 14x LANDS In Western Kansas and South Dakota for sale cheap, or will exchange for Improved farm in Eastern Nebraska or Kansas. 8. F. Benson, Pleraon, Iowa. . RE M-776 14x Williamson Co., UR, RE 284 FOR GOOD STEADY RE TURN FOR YOUR MONEY PURCHASE ONE OF THESE ALL BARGAINS $12,000-For 60x187 feet. Urge brick build ing, tnree stove, tares nan, two small buildings, costing twice the amount asked to build; annual rental income, $1,260 per year; abundant room lo build I or 4 more bullulngs. 1,000 For 100x150 feet, with fine, s-rouin houe, all in fine repair; rental In come per year, $1,060 ; good location. This price Is very reasonable. . ,000 Lot 66x132. It has four 4-room flats, in good repair. They are always rented and bring $984 per year. 2,300 Ten-room house, 31st and Mason: rental, liM per year. uaj& iuui UP IMMEDIATELY. 2,200 Nino-room house, 22d snd Popple ton ave., near new freight depot. SNAP. 2,000 Two double, frame houses, between 9th and 10th on liiokoryj rental, per yeur. J. A. LOVGREN 636-7 Paxton Bloc. RE M7B3 TWO brand new cottages, modsrn except . . . . . nn C 1 Qj. .. A . K . nt I.a l JUil SH1MEH at CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. RE 734 THE ROSEBUD Rsservatlon Is open to settlement. Send but cents to Rath man A Keller, Bonesteel, 8. D., for information and large map showing topography of country, RE 287 8-ROOM house and lot. Inquire J. O. John son, 816 8. 26th RE M609 lx MISSOURI LANDS. W. J. Clemens 4k Co., Clinton. Henry Co. Write us your wants. - RE M3dl JelJx Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co, RE 286 DO YOUWANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about it. The beat way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rwasoitaoie pm ru m .urir among them. The cost ot n advertisement la small I cents per wordlln small ty- e $2.U per Inote U set la Wr typ Thla agricultural weekly gues to 60,000 homes of farmers and slock -raisers, so if you hava a good piece of land to sell at a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT A Block of Four Houses Pressed Brick Hardwood finish, 4 flue mantels in each house. Corner lot, 99 feet front by 140 feet, both streets paved. Permanent walks, and all paid for. One of the bext locations In the city, monthly rental $150.00 Owner will sell for $16,600.00. 15 Per Cent Two houses of 8 rooms esch, on corner, both streets paved. Rent $t7.00 per month. Owner will sell for $4,700.00, making a 16 per cent Investment. V We write Insurance. We make loans. W'e make abstracts. We rent and manage houses. THE BYRON REED COMPANY 212 South 14th Street. RE-M803 11 Houses and Lots for Sale 2716 T St., South Omaha, 6 rooms 2618 A St., South Omaha, 4 rooms.... 6118 Pierce st., 6 rooms 8408 Jones St., 6 rooms 2780 S. 9th St., 6 rooms 3012 Marcy St., 10 rooms, modern .... 4107 Dodge St., 6 rooms, modern i3'S Boyd st., 4 rooms 4737 N. 37th St., 6 rooms 46C8 Hamilton St., 7 rooms 4624 Franklin St., 7 rooms 2 vacant lots, 30th and Ames ave... 2 vacant lots. 28th and Fowler Kts... ..$ 860 .. 650 .. hnQ .. 1.200 .. 1.000 ... 1,000 .. 2.SO0 i.. 8.V) .. R50 .. 1,1011 ,.. 1,100 .. 6IX) .. 600 lots In Also many ether houses and vscant all parts of city. Call or send lor list. THE O. F. DAVIS CO., 608 Bee Bldg. RE MS33 11 MONTHLY PAYMENT HOME Look at 4-room house and lot, 2917 Dupont St., and make us an offer, and will let you pay for It monthly. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. ' RE M856 12 A FINE RANCH (central Nebraska) of 1.280 acres, for sale or trade lor tsrm: good frame Improvements; three wind mills. 11 miles fencing, uo steers, 4 norsss. machinery; price, $10,600. Ac' dress box ilk. tturweu, iNeo. RE M871 lbx FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. psck. more ana store n. rt. gooas. Biorenouse, 1120-24 N. Uth. Office, lollH Farnam. Tel. 1669-863. U 283 PA YNE-B08TWICK A CO., choice houses, (01-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 289 rinimFS'11 Par' h city. The D 290 WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Van & Stor age vo. iei. H umce 1718 Webster st. D 291 HOUSES. Insurance. Ring wait. Barker bk. D 291 HOI JF ln V"U of the city. R. C. IIUUJLJ Peters t, Co.. Bee Building. D 293 ELEGANT 8-room modern house, 81st and Cass sts., $35. Thomas Brennan. New York Life bldg. D 296 FOR RENT No. 1641 Park ave., opposite park,, modern brlok dwelling, 9 rooms; prtco, $40.00 per month. Inquire at 1116 8 32d st J. M. Riohards. D M764 1943' S. llth, 7-room, porcelain bath, gas, lawn, $20. : D M769 9-ROOM modern bouse, 613 N. 23d st. D M8SS CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house; Tlxard, 220 N. 23rd. V D M477 10-ROOM house, near 28th and Farnam, only $32.60. Bemla, Paxton block. D 443 FOR RENT The nine-room residence at the corner of 38th and Farnam; modern in every particular. Inquire at 1608 Har ney street, Omaha, Neb. D 616 $15.00. ELEGANT 8-room all modern house, N. W. cor. 20th and Miami sts.; strictly up-to-date, has porcelain bath, washbowl, closet, polished floors, hot and cold water, furnace, cemented cellar under entire house; laundry ln basement. This Is a snap and an elegant home. KENNARD & LOWER, 109-10 Brown block. D 850 9 1401 Jackson St., 6-room fiat, $27.00 GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D M-768 ff4 Harney St.. good 8-room modern trick, walking distance, $35.00. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D M-767 NEW HOUSES. 417 N. 18th. 8 rooms, $46.00. 888 So. 24th st., brand new modern brick Of 8 rooms, $40.00. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D-M-766 FOR RENT, modern 10-room furnished house for July and August. Apply 1818 Farnam. D M815 12 1814 1818, N. 18, 8 rooms each, all modern, steam neat, newly painted, will put in good shape inside. The Byron Reed Co. D M 800 14 9 ROOMS, modern, close In $3S. , rooms, modem, large yard and barn. 135. HARRISON eV MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. D-847 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612. and the second a ..ad 1 n TI . A ur U T) . . - 1 1 na IF A GOOD light Is needed, we can show you a north front office on the fifth floor a, splendid room, at the moderate price of $2o. R. C. Peters 4V Co., ground floor Bee building. 7 1822 STORE ROOM, 617 8. 16th St. Inquire of 1 1. Tl 1MB sl.niA -A. . , T 4tA FINE NEW STORE BUILDING, 1406 Douglaa street, 22x132, flrat floor with skylight ln roof; swell front; line ce mented basement; the two upper floors are 22x80 each; stairway from street: near all car lines; fine location. Will rent floors separately. THE MCAUUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 DODGE STREET. I M3S6 A PHYSICIAN or dentlat will find a choice of two desirable rooms ln the Be build ing: Room 604 I divided into a good-aired wait ing room and a private office. It ia di rectly in front of the elevator. The price Is $30. Room 216 is likewise divided. It Is on ths second floor snd has a very pleasing ap proach from the broad corridor facing the court The price Is $18 per month, ft. C. Peters 4V Co., ground floor. Bee building. I wa STORE BiriLDINGS FOR RENT. 1516 Dodg St., 4 stories and basement, elevator, stem heat. etc. $-.".00 per month. 1414 Harney st.. 4 stories and basement, 83x120 ft., electrlo elevator, steam heat. $250.00 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. I-M760-U USTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664 DR GRACE DSEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel, two. -828 MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK, Ostsopathlc Phy sician; office. Douglss block. Tel. 2623. 330 Dr. Fsrwell, specialty nervous diseases. 604 Paxton, 831 PERSONAL ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING. RUCHING. GRADUATING DRESSES A SPECIALTY, GOLDMAN PLhATING CO. 200 DUtUU8 siuK. TEL. 1336. l'-k4 Jem DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 2. 161 Farnam. DETECTIVE Cart. Cormack. W7 Ksrbtih MUSICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voice. Davldgs WANTED Information of tha whereabout of Annie Shaw from Ulen Am, county Antrim, Ireland; dead or alive. Address Joseph Shaw, 1106 Braddock ave., Brad uock, 'a. u iui ivx Accordeon pleating, rheapest. best, quick' est. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17th and Douglas. TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3534 u iu rv i a t r r-v i . Tal. 961. rA KJK VI leaning.. Dyeing wjbo. ittn. U-311 VIAVI," way to health. 860 Bee Bldg. U 314 WEDNESDAY afternoon, lady in black "..it .Muy xrieno, at ooor vnium.i taurant, address party that spoke to you -' hi, uiiice. j " ' i PIANOLAS for rent! 1 months' rent si lowed on purchase. Schmoller 4V Mueller, mi t arnam. Tel. 14. o Ji TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th st U MB STEIN WAY pianos are sold exclusively by scnmoner si Mueller, ma t arnam bi. U-418 riprminii DX W'ka Up-to-date dean vjermania tr. dyers, m s. u w. t. 37 1T010 TAPA says h can't snake m $? Hute- most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co.. 213 . 1 ' T fOf Pi7E!AA Quickly cured. B. J. Scan- fc-Vrf-,-",rt ntll, 609 Ware Block. U JtllO J 23 THERE ars at least 20 reasons' why every man snouia.smnke the Monogram 6c ci gar. The flrat Is: It Is equal to any 10a cigar on the market. W. F. Btoecker Cigar Co., manuUcturets, 1404 Douglas. U-821 M AH ISIPT1P treatment A baths. Mma. IvlfUJlNCHV- Smith, 118 N. 16. 3 fir. R. 1 U 626 Jy-8X A FRIEND who wrote (P. 67. BEE), will write again; letter win be treated strictly connaentiai. u 90 lOx Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. 16J6. U 322 LODGES, dancing clubs or meetings of sny kind can secure a hall in the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, electric light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters tt Co., grouna noor, nee Diag. u 4l CRYSTAL Ic Co.. 1300 TT. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M460 JelO BALLOON ASCENSIONS Furnished by the reliable Sam Murphy caiiuon vo., ui jnuum Ol. iei. 3MH. U M680 ADVICE TO MEN Don't pay 10c for a cigar wnen you can ouy our MONO GRAM for 6c the beat cigar ever put on the market for the price. W. F. btoecker Cigar Co., n an vcturers, 1404 Douglas. u 782 WILL Charles E. Bennett, formerly of Brooklyn, Dut late or omana, please ad- aress risn tiros., ii state St., xsew iorK. , U-681 lOx Dressmaking. Miss Sturdy, 2606 Davenport U 71 CHICAGO LAUNDRY WE TAKE THE DIRT AND WE LEAVE THE CLOTHES 'PHONE 206. 214 N. 16TH ST. UN WANTED To know the whereabouts of "Lizxle" Crawford. She was In Omaha during 1898 exposition and was connected with a room-renting agency; Important. Address Hall & Merrltt, attorneys, Springfield, Mass. . U MS18 lOx PR. C. H. DeLONG. Dentist, 362 Bee. Tel. B-3246. U 791 Jy6 DR. SLABAUGH, Dentist, N. Y. Life H dir. U-J4J WILL the tall blonde, who wore a black dress and got on N. zttn st. car at Hith and Farnam Friday evening about 6 O'clock, address the gentleman whom she noticed get off at list and Cuming. N 22, Bee. U M816 lOx UMBRELLAS. WE sell thsm; WE repair them; WE recover them. Lowest prices. BOSTON UMBRELLA CO.. 806 Bo. 16th St. 'Phone 1617. U- SPECTACLES and eyeglasses for weak eyes and headache, $1 up, examination In cluded. Dr. Richards, 116 S. 16th., opp, Boston store. ' U M88J 11 BALLOON ASCENSIONS and speclol attractions for any occasion. Most perfect and up-to-date; bar none. Prof. Rice, Carroll, la. Phone 961. U M807 lOx MIDDLE-AGED BUSINESS MAN, worth $50,000, wants poor, but honest, wire; con fidential. Address Mr. L., 202 Washington St., Chicago. 111. U-MS69 lOx When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tha pen to mention the fact that yon saw tha ad In Tha Bee. MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholessle, re tail. Sherman 4t Mcvonneu, omana. -324 DR. FRIES treats successfully alt diseases and irregularities oi women, worn any cause; experienced and reliable. Addreas, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 16111a Dodge Pt, Omaha. 326 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. uaraeis, zzig Charles. Tel. A2618. 826 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Tne uooa oamantan sanitarium, 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, Ia. 626 LADIES Chlchesters English .Pennyroyal Pills an ine beat Safe, reliable. Take ne other. Send 4o stamps, for particulars "Relief for Ladles." in letter, by return msll. Ask your druggist Chlchestsr Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. PRIVATE horn during confinement; bsbles a a op tea. Mrs. ur. rung, top noor, eus in. 16th St. Tel. 3669. 324 JelO PATENTS AND PENSIONS H. J. COWGILL Patents. No fee unless successful. 613 8. 16th, Omaha. Tel. 1798. PATENTS guaranteed. Sues 4k Co., Omaha. -dob PENSIONS 8. F. Moore, 1628 Farnam. 864 JeH WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $300 to $600. horn money, at 7 per cent on residence; Omaha roperty; security ample. Addreas M 38, ea. I -"2 WANTED $900 at 8 per cent interest on long time; good business security. Ad- arras as si. oes. FLORISTS HESS 4V BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 8&0 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Bend for price list uf cut flowers snd plan is. 861 ALFRED DONAOHUE. JR.. MO Farnsm. I Si. SMS. THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machlna for typve-vl writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Hsrny. V 10-IN IN. DISC records tsken In sxebsnge fat iew record. Columbia Phonograph Co., 21 Farnam. Z M3 r 121 WHAT, have you to exchange for a p!s Perfldd Piano Co- Bee bid. Tel. 701 71 !sno? S$.u THOENIX bicycle to exchange for some ol the money you pay the street esr com pany. Louis Flescher, 1623 Capitol ave. Z-338 WEBER piano, slightly used, trade for h"rse and buggy. Room 7. Bee Mdg Tel. TO1. Z-M229 IF THERE Is nothing In this column vol want, put an ad. In and you will soon ret It Z-)$3 IF TOUR old furniture don't milt, ws will exchange new for It Tel. 771. MS18 $300 AUTOMATIC REOINA musle bos. fancy oase. to exchange for rlano or pianola. Address K 18. Bee. Z-MJli PHAETON and surrey for exchanr. HI Farnam. Z fcT J: FINE 11-nlere dining room set; cost new: will sell or trade: bursal n. Enter prise Furniture Cc. 102 8. 14th. Tel. KM. Z-STO WILL exchange printing for good car riage horse or for good horse snd single Z MRS 11 POR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine mill inery stock, ln a good low town. Ad N S4. Bee. l-M 10 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bills that have accumulated during the winter it might be an advantage to you to secure money from us snd pay them and than psy us in weekly or monthly psyments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Oi:r rates are ss low as any and a great deal lower than some, our service is 3ulck and without publicity. If you have calt with us snd are plessed, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortrsse Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg TelT 229C (Established 1892.) 206 South 16th St. X 387 MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., C33 Paxton Blk. X-M0 LOANS. ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATE8 TO SUIT YOU. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-308 PAXTON BLK. TEL, 1411. X-M79J DON'T BORROW MOllY On Salary, Furniture or rHanoa , UNTIL YOU SEE U& If you can call, wrlta us or telenhnna 1607. and we will send sssnt to jlaiii and arrange loan at your residence. J, A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. X 442 MONEY LOANED SALARIED 1 EOPLB and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-842 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loaned on your personal note at i ri (..urnr rmti icak. ah good loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman 4k Co., lioi Farnam, Omaha. X $43 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton. 812 Bee Hidg. Tel. cH. x 344 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc.. at nan usual rains, ur. x ri DDenow, room 210 HI WW O. 101.11 Ol. A VI. XOt. A-OW MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. eiry, nurses, cuwi, ,iu, v,. r. xieea. sis 13th. X-346 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley iiwn lo., A0U E arun.ni o. A. 4i MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. BTAP. 1J" All -KJ., m rAAl VJil A4W. X-M463 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. T nomas, r irsi i iu 4ug. lei. joss. W-29 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. 17 OtJi PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglaa w-ii WANTED, city loans and warrant. W. Farnam Bmitn Co., ism Farnam st . W-800 MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Investment Co. W 801 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. T? r Pat... M. tn I.a Vl4 l per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-808 FINANCIAL- A HOME FOR $100. - . A COMPETENCY FOR $1,000. A FORTUNE FOR $5,000. 18 IT POSSIBLE? IT IS. IS IT SAFE? , IT IS. ' HOW! ' THVff". WB SELL UNDERWRITTEN OIL STOCKS. Guaranteed to pay back your Investment in nve years, ana so loaasa wun possibili ties that a home for $100, a competency for $1,000, a fortune for $6,000, Is not an un reasonable hope for the fortune te owner of these stocks. The guarantee is In writ ing on the back of each certificate and is signed by a Kansas City bank, a big Kansas City bank. Call and see us or writ to us and get particulars. FORD MACKAY. Underwriters of Stocks and Bonds, Room 42, Paxton Hotel. M854 lsx LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED C. JARL, 712 Bo. 16th street. M-7M JelO E. B. LAWRENCE, 1703 Leavenworth. 'Phone L1678. -416 JelO P. MELCHOIR machine works. 13th snd Howard. M-791 JelO When You Write to Advertisers' . remember It orly takea an extra stroke or two of tbe pen to mention the faot that you saw the ad In Ths Bee. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending June 11, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at tha General Postofiic as fol lows: Parcels-Post Malls close one hour earlier than cloning time shown below. Parcels-Post Mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. June $ and 13. Reguler and supplementary mail close at Foreign station (corner of West and Mor ton streets) half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supple mentary malls for Europe and Ceutrsi America, via Colon, do on bour later at Foreign station). Traasatlaatl Marts. SATURDAY (llth) At a. in. for EUROPE, per a s. St. Paul, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland mut b di rected "por s. s. Bt. Paul";: at 8:80 a. hi. (supplementary 10 a. ni for EUROPE, per s. s. Unibris, via Queenstown; at t:20 s. m. for BEIiGlUM direct, per s s. Kroonland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kroonland "i: at 8:80.. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Princess Irene (mall must be directed "per s. s. Prlnoess Irene"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per a. s. Island (mall must be directed per S. s. Island"); at 12:30 p. m. for HCOT LAND direct, per a. s. Astoria (mall must be directed '"per s. s. Astoria"). After the closing of the supplement ry trsnsailantio ntails named uv, tkddl-