Tlin OMATTA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1004. N LANDS HIS FIRST York. I: Cleveland. 1 Struck out: Moore, 9; bv Chesbro, 8. Time: 1:35. pi re: Sheridan and Carpenter. Staaslusr of the Ten ma. By Cm- I. Won. Lost. P. C. .43 29 14 .674 .41 24 17 .6 .44 2fi 19 .39 22 17 ,41 22 19 .SM ,39 20 19 .S13 .41 15 26 . ,40 7 S3 .ITS Sin Hits Mads OS Him, but H Btriki Oat Eight Ken. St. MAS PEnTECT CONTROL AND GOOD HEAD Onaahaa m Little Behlaal on the Hilling- Proposition, bat the wata Com la Mora Timely. (From a Btaft Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June . (Special Tele-gram.) On a water-Boaked field, with the clouds hanging black and low and another down pour threatening constantly, "Pa" Rourke Omaha Western leaguera today took the measure of the Dea Moines team by a score at to a. It . was Lincoln's first glimpse of Western league base ball since the clty"a membership In that organization nine years ago, and In, spite of disagreeable weather aondltlona nearly 6") fans flocked to F. and M. park to witness the proceedings. The muddy grounds and rough outfield made clean field play Impossible, But both teams howed good ginger and the game left a good Impreselon with the spectators. Charted Crown. Rourke's latest pitching acquisition from Amea college, Iowa, where hla splendid work in the box was largely responsible for the college championship of Iowa going to his alma mater this year, made his debut in professional company, and the young man made good. His deliv ery was not a great puzzle to the Dea Molnea crew, but he was able to keep the hits acattered and by his splendid control the Iowans were never dangerous. Brown has fine speed and a mystifying variety of ourvea eight of the prohlbg striking out but hla control of the ball. Is his chief re liance. The lad also fielded his position In perfect style, accepting several difficult chances without a bobble. Rourke declared tonight that he has strong hopes that Brown will rapidly develop into one of the moat effective pitchers in the league. A questionable decision by Umpire Cusflck In calling Carter out at the home plate cut off Omaha'a chance to score in the first, but the second was more fruitful. Thomas walked, moved to second on Bhlpke'a neat little sacrifice and. sprinted home on a lashing single by Freese. Dea Moines evened the score in the third. Thiel rapped out a double and advanced to third on Freese'a mult of Shugart'a third strike. Clarke bunted to Brown and when the colleglata sought to throw Thlel out at the plate Freese fooxled and Thiel slid safely over the pan. - Omaha Jumped into the lead In the fifth and thereafter was not headed. Freese worked Cushman for a free pass. Brown tried to aacriflce.' but Catcher Towne re fueed to let him do IV Instead he scooped up the sphere in front of the plate and hurled it over Connery'a head into right field. Freese moved up to third, although ha. would have perished but ' for Lobert's muff of the throw. Meanwhile Brown had ambled to second and both Freese and the ex-colleglan cantered home ( on Howard's slashing single Into : right. Carter added another run to Omaha's total In the sev enth. ; A base on balls put him on the first sack and -singles by Miller and Welch batted in Omaha's last tally. ' Dea Moines gave Brown hla only sem blance of a thumping In the eighth. 8hu gart smashed out a single and McChesney Boon followed with the fiercest drive of the game. The ball went sailing over Miller's head and rolled to the fence. Bhlpke fell down Irr the :rtud in .an attempt . to relay Miller's throw to the home plate and Mc Chesney made, the,, full, circuit. A double by Towne. in the ninth raised Dea Moines' hopes, but Brown settled down and retired 'Cushman and Thiel on strikes. The score! ' , OMAHA. ' AB.., R. Carter, rf 2 1 Howard, 2b ...4 1 Miller, If 8 0 Welch, cf 0 Polan, as 0 Thomas, lb....v 1 Bhlpke. 3b.. 8 0 Freese, c. ........ 8 1 Brown, p 4 1 Banquet Hall A ALL HAVANA 10c.Cigars M. FOSTER I CO. I MAX EM ..... NEW YORK ALLEN BROS. CO. DISTRIBUTORS . . OMAHA aineieW was made in the eighth Inning by Camp bell. Batteries: Beatrice, Dryer and Ooodale; Wymore, Snyder and Weaver. Hits: Beat rice, 5; Wymore, 2. Errors, Beatrice, 2; Wymore, 3, GAMES in THIS NATIONAL, LKAGIF. Every Cincinnati Player Scores In the Game with Boston. . BOSTON, June 9. Every Clnclnnntl player scored In the sixth Inning today. Fisher gave way to Stewart In this Inning. Numerous errors helped the visitors. At tendance, 2,079. Score: CINCINNATI. I BOSTON. R.H O.A.B. R.H. O.A.B. HuRxIna, lb.. 1 0 t 1 Oeler, ef-3b.. 1 0 0 0 OiAb'tlchlo, aa. 1 0 Oll'annell, rf. .. 0 Keller, lb. Seymour, cf. nolan, rf.... Corcoran. ... Odwell, It... Woodruff, Pelta. o. Haha, p. 86. I 1 1 t 11 1 I 0 1 1 o 4 0 Totala t 10 IT 15 I Cool.y, If.... 0 Tenner, lb... 1 Moran, lb-e.. 0 Rarmer, lb., 0 Nndhun, 6.. 9 Camay, cf.... 0 Fleher, p P Stewart, p... 0 1 II Total! I t IT 11 I Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 09 Boston 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0-4 Two-haae hit: Kelley. Stolen bases: Ab battichio (2), Oeler, Odwell (2). Double plays: Abbattlchlo to Tenney, Moran to Raymer to Tenney. First base on balls: Off Fisher, 4; ofT Stewart, 1; off Hnhn, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Stewart, Odwell. Struck out: By Fisher, 4; by Hahn, 1. Passed ball: Neec'ham. Time: 1:66. Um pire: Johnstone. Postponed Games. At Philadelphia St. Louis-Phlladelphla game postponed on account of rain. NEW YORK, June 9. The base ball ?ames between the Pittsburg and New ork and the Chicago and Brooklyn teams of the National league were postponed to day on account of wet grounds. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.O. New York 41 28 13 . 683 Chicago .....40 27 13 .675 Cincinnati 44 29 16 .039 Bt. Louis 39 19 20 .487 Pittsburg 41 19 22 .VA Brooklyn 44 18 28 .409 BoHton 41 16 ,. 26 . 39) Philadelphia 38 8 , SO .212 Games today: Bt Louts at Brooklyn, Plttttburg at Boston, Chicago. at New York, Cincinnati at Philadelphia. V .,- James today: Washington at Detroit, Philadelphia at Cleveland, New York at Chicago, Boston at Bt Louis. GAMES III AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Minneapolis Ponnda Air and Toledo Wins Eaay Victory. TOLErxi. June 9. Minneapolis was un able to hit Lundblom today and Toledo had no trouble In winning. Sweeney, who haa been with St. Paul, Joined the local team toaay ana played a brilliant game. At tendance, 600. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. R.H. O.A.B TOLEDO. I R.H. O.A.B. Pliable, cf.... I O'Hara, If..,, 1 Sweener, aa. . 0 Haaeltun, lb. Delnlnger, It. 1 Reading. ... 1 Burn., tb 1 Brouthers. tb Lundblom, p. 0 0' MrVlch'la. tb 1 Sullivan, cf.. 0 0 Coulter, If.... 1 0 Ww, .... 0 0' Maloner, rf.. 0 Fox, lb 0 Ojrler, aa 0 Schlatter, lb. 0 Bailay, p 0 Totala into 1 Totala I 4 14 II Toledo 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 Minneapolis 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 Left on bases: Toledo, 11: Minneapolis, 5. Two-base hits: Sweeney, Beading, Coulter, Malonev. Sacrifice htta: O Hura. Brou- thers. Coulter. Stolen base: Lundblom. Struck out: Bv Lundblom. 3: by Bailey, 2. Bases on ballx: Off Lundblom. 2: oft Bailey 3. Hit with ball: Hazelton. Time: z.w. Umpire: Pears. Louisville Wlni I'nlntereatlna; Game. LOUISVILLE. June 9. Louisville de feated Kansas City today In an uninterest ing game. Both Gear and Wright pitched giKa Dan. nut trie locals Duncnea nits on Ooar In the seventh and scored enough runs to win. Attendance, Zoo. Score: LOUISVILLE. I . KANSAS C1TT. R.H.O. A.E.I R.H. OAS Kerwln, rf... 0 Hallman, If.. Hart, cf Arndt, 3b 0 Dexter, c 0 Rra.htar, lb. 1 White. lb...i I Uumlan, aa. .. 1 Wright, p....O 1 Hill, cf. ...... 0 0 VanBuren, rf. 0 0 Nance, lb.... 0 0 Uonner, lb... 0 0 Kyan, 3b 0 '0 Montf'ery, If. 1 0 Butler, c 0 1 Lewea, as.... 0 Uear, p 0 Total..... Louisville Kansas City .... Two-base hit: Bonner. Stolen i 17 u I1 Totala 1 14 II I ....0 0001030 1 ....0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Nance. Three-base hit: bases: v right, Mont gomery. Sacrifice hits: Vnnburen, Bra- shear. Left on bases: Louisville. 5: Kan sas City, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpire: , Holllday, Milwaukee Defeats Colombo. COLUMBUS. June 9. Milwaukee de- teated Columbus today by superior play ing. The locals' errors were coxtly. Glen- don's two bslks also helped Milwaukee to score the winning runs In the fifth. Attend ance, 2.877. Score: MILWAUKEE. I COLUMBUS. Stone, Schaefer. ae. O'Brien, lb. Clark, lb.... ponnell. If.. Hempni II. cr Dateman, lb. Slattery, c. Curtlaa, p..., R.H.O.A.E rf 0 I 0 0 0 P.rla, R.H.O. A.I lWrlgler, lb. 1 Frlel. lb.... Ttltam. lb.... Clymer, cf... Martin, If... Brldwell, as. dlmon, c... Uleudon, p.. 1 I 1 12 H. 0 2 1 1 0 O. 2 S 8 1 2 5 2 8 1 A. 0 0 0 0 0 1 s 0 4 E. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 Totala Thiel. If ;.. Bhugart, 2b Clarke, cf McChesney, rf... Hoffman, ss. ...... Lobert, Sb. ....... Connerv.. lb... v.. Towne, o 4 Cushman, p 4 30 6 DES MOINES. , AB. K. H. 6 ..4 ..4 ..4 ..4 4 4 1 27 1 1 0 1 - O. 1 2 2 0 S 1 10 5 0 A. 0 Totals 37 ' S Omaha 0 10 0 3 Dea Moines 0 0 10 0 Earned runs: Dea Moines, 2. Mtai Thiel, Towne. Home run 14 I 0 S 2 03 Two-base McChea- 24 0 1 0 0 ney.' Btruck out: uy Brown, k; c-y jun man, 4. Bases on balls: Off Cushman, 4. Double plays: Howard (unassisted), Hoff man (unassisted;, Bhlpke to Thomaa. Um pire: Cusack. ' Postponed Games. At Denver Denver-Sioux City game post poned on account of rain. At Colorado Bprlngs Colorado Springs Bt. Joseph game postponed; rain. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost, Colorado Bprlngs.... 34 Denver 87 Bt. Joseph 86 Omaha -. 37 Ixs Molnea 42 Bloux City 36 Games today: Des Bloux City at Denver, rado Springs. P. O. .679 .649 .m .459 .42) .278 Moines at Ornnh-i, St. Joseph at Colo- 23 24 19 17 18 10 11 13 17 20 24 26 Beatrice Shnts Out Wymore. GAMES IN THE AMERICAN. LEAGUE Detrolta Fall In Love with Tannehlll'a Delivery. DETROIT, June 9. The Detrolta took a great, liking to TanneMU'a delivery, earn ing five runs by hard and consecutive bat ting. KItson had Boston at his mercy until the seventh, when a misjudged fly and a long hit gave them a run. Mclntyre'a catch of Farrell's long fly was the fielding feature. Crawford also made two fine run ning catches. Attendance, 1,600. . Score: DETROIT. R.H.O.A.E Barrett, cf... 1110 0 Mi-Intyre, If.. 1 I I 0 0 Lowe, lb 1 1 1 4 0 Crawford, rf.. 1 1 t 0 0 Carr, lb 0 1 0 Oremlns'r. lb ft 0 0 I 1 Buelow, c... 0 I T 0 0 KItson, p.... 1 1 0 I V O-Leery, as... 11110 BOSTON. H.H.O.A.E. Dougherty, If 0 Collin., lb... 0 Buhl, cf 0 Freeman, rf.. 0 Parent, as.... 1 Let nance, lb o Ferrla, lb.... I Fnxrell, C....0 Tannehill, p.. 0 Total. 5 10 17 11 ;l ToUla I 1 IT It 1 Milwaukee 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 06 Columbus 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 03 .Sacrifice hits: Wrlgley, O'Brien. First base on balls: Off Glendon. 2. Two-base hits: Bateman (2), Hemphill. Three-base hit: Frlel. Double plays: Wrlgley to Klhm, Schaefer to Bateman. Struck out: By Glendon, 1; by Curtis, 2. Balks: Glendon, Time: 1:35. Umpire: Bausewine. Indianapolis Turns Tablea. INDIANAPOLIS, June 9. Indianapolis turned-the tab'.es on 8t. Paul today. Ses sions was pounded out of the box In the second, the locals netting seven runa. At tendance, 1,720. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. I T. PADL. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Carr. tb Maioon, lb. . I Mecreery, cf, 0 Swander, If.. 1 Hogrlerer, rf. 1 Berry, c Heydon, e.... Dicker. 4b..-. (Iromley, lb., Jleea, aa....,, Phillip., p.., Fl.ber, p S Jonca, cf 1 0 Cllngroan, as. 0 9 Jackson, rf... 0 0 Wheeler, If... 0 O'Brien, Sb. .. 1 0 Kelly, lb 1 0 Marcan, lb... 0 1 Pierce, e. ..',.-.1 0 Be.Rlona, p.. , 1 Corbett, - p.... 0 IS BETTER. THAN OTHER- BEER J" . WHY? B ter l iorewcr e perjonai j'upervi.Eion. oi ju vearj ex- in penence -Because is noted for Jjecaure our e cause eack trew or ji un a ma j Germany and tke United Jiatcr . --- we uxe artesian water exduively winch it sparkling purity an J kcalOi Jivino ruailic$ rewery 15 modern and jcrumtloujlv clean. Because wc ac flke Beer in kermet ically ,fealed vat Qacrcly avoiding lis coming in contact wik fli& air, and preervrnd it life and flavor. BecsLixse we put it m totlles tnat kave ed seven times lefbre fiilmd . Jteriiixecl keen wasli- and Paxteur 17.Q d after . . -Ak Tor Jlorx Blue RaLlon at your or There J keallTK ca Keen it een it in vour (ke olajtinction . Tele Lome koiie 12.GO. CO L OMAHA 0 Totals. I t 14 11 4 Totala 0 27 11 ft! Indianapolis 0 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 St. Paul 0 8 1 0 1 0 0 0 0-6 Bases on balle: Off Phillips, 1; off Fisher 1; off Corbett, 1. Struck out: By Phlllpps. 2; by Usher, S; by Sessions, 8; by Corbett. 3. Hit by pitcher: Herry. Three-base hits: Carr, O'Brien. Sacrifice hit: Dickey. Double play: Heydon to Hess. Stolen bases: Ma goon, Dickey. Passed ball: Heydon Lft on bases: Indianapolis, 4: St. Paul. 8. Time 2:06. Umpire: Klein. ToUla 4 10 17 II ll ToUla I I 14 11 I Detroit 8 0002001 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 28 Two-base hits: Ferris. Parent. Three- base hits: Crawford, Tannehill. Sacrifice hit: I.owe. Bases on balls: Off KItson. 1 off Tannehill, !. First base on errors: De troit, 2; Boston, 1. Left on bases: Detroit, 3; Boston, 7. Struck out: By KItson, B; by Tannehill, 2. Double plays: Lowe to O'Leary to Carr, Parent tQ Itachance. Time: 1:36. Umpires: O'Loughlin and King. . . Streak of Lack (or New York. CLEVELAND, June . After having shut the New Yorks out with three hits for eight Inn'nprs. Moore weakened and New York scored three runs on a base on ballt, three hits and a wild throw by Bemls. Chesbro held Cleveland down to one hit after the first Inning. Attendance, 2,894. Score: KW YORK. I R.H.O. A. B I Keeler, rf.... 0 0-0 0 1 By onroy, aa.... ill Wllllama, lb. 0 0 I Anderaon. If., Ill Oaniel, lb.... 1 1 11 M.dulre, .,. 0 0 7 Onteen, lb.., 0 I 1 Thonry, cf... 0 0 1 t'henhro, p. , , . 0 0 0 cf. 4 0 Lu.h. If I 0 Bradley, lb.. 0 0 Lnjole. aa.... o 0 Flick, rf. CLEVELAND. R.H. O.A.B. 4 0 Hickman. I 0 Brhwarts, 0 0 Bemta, o., 1 0 Moore, p. Ill 0 0 0 111 0 0 1 0 1 0 lb. 0 1 1 lb. 0 0 10 .... 0 0 10 .... 0 0 0 Totala. I 4 IT 14 ll ToUla...... I 4 17 II I New York (I A n n n n a n . BEATRICE. Neb.. June . (Speclal.)-Th Cleveland 2 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Wymore' and Beatrice base ball teams I First base on error: New York: 1. Three played one of the best games, of the season base hit: Flick. Sacrifice hit: Lush. Stolen it Wymore yesterday afternoon, the game bases: FlU-k. Anderson, Thonev. Bases on resulting In a shutout for the Wymoreans balls: Off Moore, 1; off Chesbro, 2. Hit y a score of 1 to 0. Beatrice's only run I with ball: Moore. Left on bases: New ' ' " Played, Milwaukee 44 St. Paul 44 Columbus 41 Indianapolis 43 Louisville 47 Minneapolis 44 Toledo 40 Kansas City 41 Games today: Milwaukee Kansas City at Louisville, St. Paul at In- umnupuiiB, .Minneapolis at Toledo. e Teams. Won. Lost. P. C. 27 17 -.614 26 18 ,6!)1 17 .586 24 19 .658 23 . 24 . 4K 18 2 .409 16 24 . .400 14 27 .341 at Co'umbus, North Bend Win a la Eleventh. FREMONT. Neb.. June 9. (Special Te'e- ?xam.) The North Bend base ball nine def eated the Pohl & Sliepard team In an eleven-Inning game this afternoon. A wild pitch by Dexter in the sixth did the busi ness for the Fremont boys and In the eleventh the boys from the Bend touched him for hit which hmurht 1 n Ihra. run and gave them the same. For nine inninin he pitched great ball, several times pulling the team out of a hole. The score: . R.H.E, North Bend 0 000020000 35 9 3 r-oni s Bnepara...!) 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 9 Batteries:. North Bend, Klmmel and Cus- aui r-oiu cx Diiepara, Dexter and Carrol Byron Wins bp- One. DE8HLER, Neb., June 9. (Special.) An other exciting game of haar hail played today between Alexandria and By- vj,,, imuiuuB in viuiury lor ijyron. (score: wyron 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 26 AWAanuru u U 1 U u 1 0 0 81 EVENTS ON THE RUNNING TRACKS won. Veto second. Salt and Pepper third. Time: 1:04. , - . ST. LOUIS, June 8. Results: First race, six furlonars. selling: Mildred L. won. Burrows second, Llla Noel third. Time: 1:17-14. ,( Second race, aeven furlongs, selling: WIs sendlne won, St. VUua,,seeond, Conundrum third. Time: 1:31H., e- Third race, four and , a half furlongs, purse: Milton Young, won, Arlena second, A Lady Fair third. Time; 0:6VKl. Fourth race, seven furlongs, selling: Vel asquea won, Klngstelle second, John Doyle third. Time: 1:31ft. , Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Hoe down won, Lady Fonzo second, Ora Z. third. Time: 1:18. Sixth raco, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Murmur won, Miss Fon second, Easter third. Time: l:68Vi. GOOD CARD FOR SECOND MATINEE How to Judge Beer PURITY hapoatlbl to fine it In most bottled exters, kecauta their preeervatkm U gained through ohmlcJ adulteration. Bottled beers, aa well food products, are often adul terated with chemical preservatives, etc., which tot awhilo . keep them from souring, but are injurious to the stomach. A. B. C lUrXJt, is guaranteed to be ahaolutety cure and free from any adulterant whatever. It is never exposed to the sir (which is germ -laden) but is brewed, fermented snd aged for eight months in sir-tight compartments, then piped in tin-lined pipes direct to the sir-tight bottling machines, where it Is bottled, scaled, pasteurized and packed tot shipment. A. B. C. . TV only Vaer bottled exclusively at the Brewery, therefore the only bottled beer that can be absolutely guaranteed. . The Americmi Brewing Co., St. Louis, U. S. A. ' II. May & Co., Wholesale Dealers. I - 6 Peculiar Performaace of Poseur Leada to aa In vestlitatlon. CHICAGO, June 9. For an off day the card at Harlem today waa attractive. Po seur was made the medium of a coup In the first race, which she won easily. Badly beaten by cheap fields in her last two outs her sudden reversal of form today brought about an Investigation by the stewards of the Harlem Jockey club, with the result that J. Gray A Co. and their trainer, M Foster, as well as the horses runnlne In the name of the firm, lncludlne- p,,,,. Ous Heydon and. others, were suspended! prfiuiiia an inveHiinaunn, .rtf-siuta: First race, six furlongs: Poseur wnn Alma Dufour second, Bensonhurst third. Time: 1.14. Second race, one mile: Gregor K. won, Talna aecond, Sioux Chief third. Time: Third race, one mile and twenty yarda: Mona Beaucalre won, Colonial Girl aecond. Bragg third. Time: 1:41'. Fourth ruce, six furlongs: Shawana won. Commodore second, New Mown Hay third. Time: 1:18. Fifth race, five furlongs: Gold Enamel won, Flaxtnan aecond, Chicago Lad third. Time: 1:02. 81xth race, one mile: Federal won. Boaster aecond, Spencerian third. Time: 1:42. CINCINNATI. June S.-Reeults: First race, six furlongs: Oudon won, Haidee second, Trompeuse third. Time: 1:14. Second race, five furlongs: Odolletta won. Ban Jose second, Wexford third. Time: 1 :02. Third race, one mile: Montpeller won. Frivol second. Dutiful third. Time: 1:40. Fourth race, Cincinnati trophy, five and a half furlongs: Oseau won, Sherman sec ond. McClellun third. Time: 1:08. Fifth race,' mile and an eighth. Sailor's Dream won, Balra aecond. Postmaster Wright third. Time: 1:64. Sixth race, six furlongs: Jigger won, Battlecry second. Icicle third. Time: 1:14. NEW YORK, June . Keeults: First race, handicap, about alx furlongs: Monte Carlo won. Gold Saint second. New York third. Time: 1:13. Second race, selling, steeplechase, about two and u half miles: Blxrk Death won. Flying Buttress second. Fulminate third. Time: 6:22. Third race, aelllng, five furlongs: Nlclock won. Brush I'p aecond, Workman third. Time: 1:04. 1 Fourth race, the Gazelle stakes, one mile and a sixteenth: Beldame won, Graceful aecond. Little Em third. Time: 1:52. Fifth race, handicap, one mile and a six teenth: Himself won. Duke of Kendal sec ond Haitian third. Time: 1:62. Sixth rae, five furlongs; orotb Ora rromlslnac Racea ' Scheduled for prague Park Tomorrow. The card arranged for the racing matinee at the Bprague Htreet park, under tne aus pices of the Omaha Driving club, tomorrow afternoon surpasses In some particulars that of the first meet of the season two weeks ago. Instead of five races, with a small entry list In each, only four races are Bcheduled, with a field of five or six good ones in each. Particular attention haa been paid to getting the horaea evenly matched in each event, and the result la aure to be aome finishes that will be of the neck and neck order. Many new horses that have not been tried out In a regular race this season are up for Saturday after noon, as well as those whloh furnished such excellent sport Decoration day. The first race will be called at 2:30 sharp by Starter Sapp and .the fact that there are only four on the card gives assurance that the fun will be over at a seasonable hour In the sfternoon. - One or two exhibi tion races will be trotted that are not down on the following list of entries: First race, trotting: -Sadie N, eh. m., F. A. Nash; General Nutlnghsm, b. g., R. H. liealan; Myrtle Boy, br. g., T. C. Byrne; Consider, b. m., Charles Lane. Second race, mixed: Nellie B, b. m., J. L. Baker; Allle Chantwood, ch. m., J. W. Carr; Robert, b. g., O. J. Mllltgan; Walter D, b. g., W. C. Russell; Robbie Post, br. g., O. C. Redlck. Third race, pacing: The Kid, br. g., H. W. Dunn; Anawlll, b. m., R. W. Lowrey; Toney W, b. g., W. A. McKey; Mark Derby, b. g., Charles A. Lewis; Roy F, br. jr.. F. J. Campbell. Fourth race, pacing: Lady Belle, b. m., A. W. Henderson; Sam, b. g., Frank Mori arty; Fny 8, b. m., E. C. Smith; Rose M, g. m., E. Johnson; Eddy D, br. g., B. Dlet rlck; Red Buck, chs g., J. 8. Iman. Racing; at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., June 9. (Special Tele gram.) The matinee races held here this arternoon were not very largely attended on account threatening weather. The re sults: 2:40 mixed race, beat two In three, half mile heats: Zucoa 1 1 McConaueror t 1 Quakeress .... 8 3 Time: 1:17, 1:10. 8:00 mixed race, beat two In three, half mile heata: Alen M 1....1 Wrymore Boy 3 i Time: 1:21. 1:80. Free-for-all roadster race, best two In three, half mile heats: Black Bird 1 18 8 Loekhead .. 3 111 Fox 1 t Orland Medium 8 3 4 4 Time: 1:46. 1:33. 1:28. 1:31. Matched trotting races, half mile heats. beat two la three: Ida Bell.. 1 2 2 Thelma I 1 1 Time: 1:19. 1:13. 1:18. Running race, half mile dash, waa won by Annie Schafer. Time: 0:55. 1. Louis and Return Sr. Louis and return 6n sale July 2 to 6, " inclusive Tickets good in chair cars (seats free) and coaches, on sale every Monday In June. $11.75 $13.80 $13.00 $20.00 $25.50 $17.50 St. Louis and return on sale every day Chicago and return on sale June 16 to SO, Inclusive Chicago and return on sale every day Chicago and return, one way via St. Louis on sale every day Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return' on sale every day Atlantic City and return on sale v and return on sale . . 0iri aa July 9 and lO A Jy.UIJ Cincinnati and return and 17., n sale July 18, 16 Detroit and return on sale July 0, 6 and 7 Indianapolis and return on sale June 23 and 27 $22.75 $19.25 $19.65 I can give you all the latest formation about excursion rates and furnish, free, Illustrated booklets about all excursion resorts. See ma or v write about your vacation trip J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. JJ m i ami mm n i wii m un " 1 National Oaard Shoot. CEDAR RAPIDS, la . June 9. (Hneclnl Telegram.) The Iowa National Guards In- USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken luto tke bIioch. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and damp, and get tired easily. If you bare aching feet, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures aching, swollen, sweating feet. Misters and callous spots. Relieves Chlllilalns, corns and bunions of all pain and gives rent and comfort Try It today. Bold by all Druggists, 25o. Don't accept any substitute. Trial pack age FKEE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Uoy, N. X dulged In raild fire and skirmish shooting today and the following were the high scores: Ueutenant Olest of the Fifty-third regi ment, 117; Sergeants F. O. 'Wopllhort ami 8. U Daniels of Company II, Fifty-fourth reg iment, tied with 67 for second place. To morrow they shoot for some more of the trophies. With the Howlers. On the Omaha Bowling association alleys last evening the Regulars of the Armour IAffite are hlirh for the week. Mr. Kd- wards won the honors for high Individual score for the evening with 600. Bcorea: BKOCKTONS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. , 157 157 144 4M 124 U0 115 3.r.9 117 125 110 SS2 149 13 lfiO 448 Parker .. Wilkinson Culp Kohansky Totala 64T 541 REGULARS. KS 1,617 O'Hern ... Brown .... Chumlea , Ed wards , ToUla 1st. A 152 .; i4i 148 168 2d. m 122 liirt 1U3 3d. 1M 150 144 146 Total. 41G 421 454 506 617 MELROSE. 1st. 2d. , 156 , 102 115 liB 613 567 1.77 167 m 134 126 8d. 139 his 170 VjO Total. 453 843 419 415 .542 550 667 1,659 Englea llanchett Blmnaban Duke Totala "Tula" Sullivan Ueta IlecUlon. BT. II'I8. June 9 Jack "Twin" Sul livan of Boston received the decision to night over Andrew Walsh of Brooklyn at the end of fifteen rounds of vicious tight-lug- The men weighed In at 16 pound. bow at Least Ills. I.EADVILI.H, Colo., June 9 A heavy anow storm begnn here today. JToax lutlies ttt snow covers the around. INQUIRY INTO FREIGHT RATES He-triiif Brought by Ttxu Cttl Raise n Again Continued. CASE MAY HAVE TO WAIT OVER TILL FALL Railroads llaatllaeT Kvldeaea Teadlaar to Prove that the (.Its Stock Rates Are) Much Too Low. ST. LOUIS, June 9. The hearing before the Interstate Commerce Commission In the case of the Texas Cattle Raisers' asso ciation againat the southwestern Unea, charging poor service and excessive rates, was continued again thla availing until some time In the future on account of the fact that the commlaulonera are compelled to go elsewhere and the case could not be concluded thla week. The hearing will not be resumed until early In the fall. The railroads have been putting in evidence all week and are trying to prove that the coat of handling Uva Block traffic Is greater than on any other freight. All the officials testify that Uva stock rates are too low and that In the opinion of the traffic managers the rates should be advaroed very materially. Tbey all claim that but for the refusal of one or two lines to concur rates would hare been advanced long ago. Ail testified tbat ths cause of the loW rates on rattle was competition,, but that the competition was not such that It could bring about any decline In rates.i The cattle raisers deny the existence of competition and Inaiat that rales have been advanced by mutual agreement and con-v ferences among the Interested lines. Sev- ral witnesses testilied that there had been, such conferences, but denied any agree ments In a legal sense. Tramps Flajht at Huron. HURON, S. D., June 9. (Special.) Near -the Great Northern railway crossing yes-' terday a gang of tramps got into a fight, t On waa cut with a raior across the face, ' the gash extending from the upper lip to the back of the head, splitting the left ear. Another cut laid bare the skull from the top of the head to the back of the neck, and another cut the left wrist to the bone, and the small linger on the left hand1 was nearly cut off. The man waa found In a box car, almost dead from loss of blood,! Ha waa taken to the city prtaon and hla wounds dressed, and he la likely to recover,: but will always carry aome very ugly scars. Three men were arrested and ara now In jail pendln Investigation, but neither of them, nor the Injured man, will tell of the fracas or give any account oft themselves. Photos, too and up. 1-112 Farnara street. , Constipation Caotis Headache. Bad Blood and Urinary Troubles, I rake a Palmetto Wine cures In three days Free bottle sent on rstiusat by Intka f ormula Compear. CakvagUb