Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. m.
II snake 4o th
To make our June sales of
of one year ago we will make special prices on about one hundred
fine skirts. They are mostly
weight. I-riday they will be sold
At 75c Each Cambric Skirts, double
Bounc of lawn, finished with .hemstitched
tucks reduced fom $1.2 each'.
At 7c Reduced from II. K and fl.W
Skirts of cambric, deep flounce, trimmed
with Inserting and edging of Point d Pari
r cotton torrhon lace.
. Our Store Will Be Closed Friday Afternoon From I to 4 O'clock.
Investigate Our Deposit Account Department.
Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner
porary timber structures. '. Cuttings are not
often necessary and with one except'on
there, Is no difficulty In laying track at th
rate of on mile per day. There is still
sixty-two miles uncompleted of the em
bankment, but work Is being carried on
very rapidly. At several points entente
. the country folk were seen busy In the rice
t fields. The future transportation of this
product will afford great commercial ad
C vantage In the matter of military supplies
r and will demonstrate the value of 'the road.
. Rasstavabi and Japanese Oatposts Meet
1 Near Llao Tin Put.
LIAO YANO, June 9. Six warship. In
cluding one battleship, participated In the
bombardment oft the coast ' of the ' Llao
1 Tung peninsula near Kal Chau. After ap
? pearlng 6ff Ouan Tela Tung and Tsang
, Tsla Turn they Opened Are as they ap
! p roach ed the latter place, ' shelling the
' coast' Una between Hud 81a 'Tung and
Balost Chay.' At'4'clock In the afternoon
( they shelled Russian scouts near. Slan-
bantasy and were Joined at 5 o'clock by
;; eleven other warships,' two large and nine
jf small ones. It 'la possible that the detnon
v stratlon was made With' the view' of land
ing troops.
Railroad communication on the Llao
jj Tung peninsula Is restored a far south a
Vafangow. " . ' '
1 The enemys outposts .were withdrawn
J from their positions In the Llao Tin pass,
f on the Bui "Ten , road, -June J. 'They are
holding' a small pas 'at' Mudon Fu, where
the Russians exchanged shots with' the
j Japanese all day June "7, " Petalls of the
g skirmish are lacking, "- "i' . ' '
J Etsel Was Foallr Handled.
f TIEN- T8IN, June Viceroy Yuan Shal
, Kal has sent the Taotal Liu to New
Chwang to Investigate the death of Lewis
Etsel, correspondent of the London Dally
.; Telegraph, who was shot recently by
, Chinese Imperial soldiers, tt Is now re
) ported that ha waa foully dealt with. '
f Partly nosir Wettktr fr Itcbruka
Today and. .Pal for . .
j WASHINGTON,' June 9. Forecast: ' '
' 1 for Nebraska Partly cloudy Friday and
1 showers' in north and east portions; warmer
jj lw west portion; Saturday, fair,
j -For Iowa Partly cloudy Friday and
cooler in west portion; Saturday, showers,
'except fair in extreme west portion, cooler
fin east portion. . . '
J, For Missouri Partly cloudy, showers and
.cooler In west portion Friday; Saturday,
, shower and cooler In east portion.
For Colorado Fair and warmer Friday;
Baturday, talr; -. '. .. , . ...
. For Wyoming Fair Friday and warmer
la south portion; Saturday, fair.
For Montana Shower Friday and cooler
fea north and west portions; Saturday,
i partly cloudy.
f For North ' Dakota Showers Friday and
Swarmer In northwest portion; Saturday,
showers' and cooler, v
f For South Dakota Shower fPrlday and
; warmer in extreme west portion; Saturday,
jhowers and -cooler.
"( For Kansas Shower Friday; Saturday,
'fair and warmer. 7 ,'
Boys' Wash Suits
1515 Douglas Street.
Vfl hqur lunchwill
refVesIrxou forihe
AOENTB Hugo F tills, 1324 Douglas St., Omaha.
TW Un. Mitrhell, Council HlnrTa. Tel. .
Bee, Jun I, 1904.
Mnslin Underwear ahead of those
cambric, and a good , summer
at the following reductions:
At 11.60 Each Reduced fom $2.00 and
12.25-s-four styles at this price some trim
med with ?ac and inserting and others
with' embroidery.
At 1.00 Each Reduced from $3.00-wlth
trimmings of lace or embroidery.
At 12X0 Reduced from $3.75 deep circular
flounce, finished with ruffles of embroidery.
Sixteenth and Douglas St.
Demoeiati of Utah Dare Hot Middle with
, . 4he Question. ,
Rational Delegates with a Prefer
ence for Judge Parker Sent to
St. Loala Without In
structions. SALT LAKE CITY, June 9.-The six dele
gates from Utah to the democratic national
.convention will go unlnstructed. Four of
the six, it I understood, are against Hearst,
with a leaning toward Parker as first
choice. Two delegate probably will sup
port Hearst. ' '.'
For soma time before the state conven
tion, which met today. It seemed almost
certain that a bitter factional fight would
be waged over the question of Instruction
to the national delegates with regard to
the polygamy question. One' faction, led
by Brlgham H. Roberts, was outspoken In
Its demands that the delegate be In
structed to fight any anti-polygamy plank
In the national platform.'
Another faction strongly ; favored the
adoption of a plank In the state platform
similar to that adopted by the Idaho
democratic convention, demanding that tha
federal government take' Into It own hands
the suppression of polygamy.
It was finally decided by the party lead
ers to'avold all reference 'to the question,
and ao thoroughly was this plan carried
out that no committee "on resolution was
appointed and no platform was presented
to the convention. Temporary Chairman
Tillman D. Johnson, In his opening speech,
made a plea for an unlnstructed delegation
and said the only platform the democratic
party needed this year to win wa an ant.1
Roosevelt plank. Thl was the only refer
ence to national Issue made. The delo-'
gate to the national conception are: V
Joseph Monson, George C. 'Whltmore,
former Senator Frank ' X Cannon and
Joseph I Rawlins, a A. Long n Simeon
Bamberger. D. H. Peery, Jr., a young min
ing' man df Bait "Lake City, waa elected
national committeeman from Utah. '
I'ntverslty Give Oat Diploma r.nd
Bestow Honor t'pon Prominent
Men and Women.. "-,
MADISON, Wis., June 9. This wa the
closing day of Wisconsin university's Jubl
lee week and waa given over principally to
commencement exercises, which were held
at the armory. The weather waa beatlful
and a great crowd filled the hall. Diploma
were given to 835 students and other re
celved higher degrees, making SSl ln all
The large number of degrees conferred
wa a striking mark of the phenomenal
growth of the university ' since 1854, whin
only four student were graduated. Hon
orary degree of L.L. D. were conferred
upon thirty-seven men and women promi
nent In scientific circles of this and other
countries. '
WEAK. Styles Just a nobby and tailored Just as well
as our woolen suit.
For the little fallow, 1 to 8 years, coined or whit
Russian Suits at 11.60, I1.T5, tl.M. 12.60 and L9t. -.
Colored or whit Sailor Suit, ages I to 10 year, at
1.00. U.K. $1.60, Il.ts, SIB. U.Tty WOO; and eaoh
price raprsaant extra value. '
Byron Linen Suits, f to U year, with Knicker
bocker trousers, era just the thing for big boy (1.96.
Special Tsiuss In boy' Wash Pant at l9o, 4to, Wo.
Another ahlpmsnt of boy' blouses just received alt
tyles-Mo to tt.00.
Base Ball Tickets Free With
$5 00 or Over,
v.-. ....
r a
S - L H I J 1 V 1 F f 1.1
Obliged b Ceart Decision to Prove Claim
in Drrni-on Cue.
Jadgea Day, Redlrlt and Tros Con
car In Opinion Denying Thomas
Motion and Legality of
Mickey's Act.
Judges Day, Troup and Redlck yoterda
morning denied the motion to auash the
application for a writ of habeas corpu
made In the district court In behalf of
Thomas Dennisnn, which means that the
state of Iowa will have to make a showing
In court on Its requisition for Dennlson or,
in other words, that the writ of habeas
corpus will be argued. This will begin
at f:30 o'clock this morning.
The motion waa that Dennlson's appljca
tltrn for a writ of habeas corpus be de
nled on the ground that the evidence sub'
mltted to Governor Mickey and on which
he based his authority In Issuing' a war
rant for his extradition waa sufficient a
to the accused being a fugitive from Justice
as charged In the Iowa indictment. The
question was argued on this ground all of
Tuesday and Wednesday by W. J. Connell,
C. J. Smyth and Ed P. Smith for Dennlson
and Elmer Thomas and II. C. Brome for
Christian, the Iowa marshal sent here to
represent his state and effect the arrest
and transporting of Dennlson.
The three Judges of the district court
who heard the arguments concurred In the
Judgment and opinion which was delivered
by Judge Redlck.
The gist of this opinion was that GOV'
ernor Mickey had not the right to send any
cltlxen of Nebraska into a foreign state to
answer to a criminal charge without first
having exercised the tight to be heard In
his own behalf.
Sufficiency of Petition.
Judge Itedlck said that It was not neces'
sary to make any detailed statement of the
case further than on the points on which
the court had based Its conclusion. The
main subject for consideration Is as to the
sufficiency of the petition for the writ of
habeas corpus and the motion to quash the
same. He said: -
"The motion virtually admits all the facts
as set forth In the petition and were the
court asked to pas simply on the suffl
clency of the petition the rao'.ion to et It
aside would have to be overruled at once.
The main point Is that before the governor
is authorized to Issue a warrant it must
pear to him that the accused Is a fugitive
from Justice and It Is claimed that this Is a
question of fact. If the answer to It is In
the negative It divests the governor of any
power in the matter. It Is beyond dispute
that unless the accused Is a fugitive from
Justice no extradition can be had, for It Is
not floor to us that under this motion any
right to the accused Is made on any other
At this point Judge Redlck took up and
discussed the two sections, one Of the
United States and one Of the Nebraska
statutes, bearing on the natter of extradi
tion and the power of the governor of a
state with regard to it, which formed the
matter of so much quotation and com
ment at the time the case was argued and
discussed them at much length to the
final conclusion that the respondent In
habeas corpus 'proceeding must show the
accused to be a fugitive from Justice as a
matter or fact.
Point at Issue.
The petition claims the right to Introduce
evidence as to. the establishment of this
fact and the respondent denies- this rlffht.
. Judge Redlck said: "In the case or a
committing magistrate tho defendant has a
right to be present, call witnesses and have
the evidence considered by the magls
trate, and after that the incident la closed
sl far a the magistrate is concerned.
"The governor has no Judicial power aid
in Issuing a warrant 1 not in th exercise
of Judltlal power. It la conceded that thia
petitioner was notified of th hearing be
fore the governor and Invited to be pres
ent in his own behalf, but the case U en
Urely different from that of a Judicial pro
ceedlng. The prisoner has no legal right to
go before the governor and introduce evi
dence, and if the governor receive and
considers such evidence It is a matter of
grace and courtesy to the prisoner. The
prisoner may stand upon his legal rights
in the matter, so that there is a wide dif
ference between a hearing before a Judicial
power and the executive, and the defend
ant has no legal rights In appearing before
the latter. The warrant issued by the gov
ernor is conclusive upon him when he sub
mit It, but it Is only conclusive upon the
prisoner when so found by the court. The
definition of jurisdiction is the right and
power to hear and determine a question,
and the governor ha a right to determine
jurisdiction only as provided by the consti
tution of the-United States, and only where
the accused is a fugitive from Justice."
Not a Fugitive from Justice.
"No man is a fugitive from Justice unless
it Shall appear that at or about th time
of the commission of the crime , of which
he is accused he was In the state where
the crime' was committed.
."It has been objected that this testimony
can prove an alibi and . that . it I a
matter of defense which can properly ,be
Introduced only In tha court of Iowa, where
It Is - alleged - this ' crime ' was . committed.
This court ha nothing to do with the guilt
pr Innocence of the accused, but- if it in
quiry give further information than a
mere alibi it has a right to pat over that
to the' determination of the broader ques
tion. A man may prove 'an alibi if he can
how he was fifty, feet from the place
where a crime was committed, but evidence
here must go further 'and prove th ex
istence of a Jurisdictional fact, without the
existence of which the governor could not
ct. In' other words. It doesn't matter If
the evidence submitted does prove an alibi
If It proves another, question of fact. Now,
What does the . warrant of the governor
say? Does it say. that he considered evi
dence and thereupon found any fact or act
to be true?. No. ,Of course It does not
where the prisoner had no right to appear.
"Under the showing that is mado it wpuld
be impossible for this or any other court at
this time and In- this century to say that
a man shall be summarily taken from the
street of a city and state which; ha been
that of hi residence for years and trans-
Nature always tries to
repair damaged hair. Some
times she succeeds, very
often she doesn't.' She needs
a little help Ayers Hair
Vigor. It repairs the hair,
touches it up, gives ituew
life, brings back the old dark
.color, and makes it soft and
; glossy. Cures dandruff, too.
;; "I used only one. bottle of Ayer'i
Htlr Vigor and It completely itopped
my hiir from filling out." -MrC.
L asenfeld, New York City- .
port him to a foreign state there to answer
to a criminal chitrge on such testimony a
this without the chnnce for a healing In
his own behalf. Such a proceeding would
be monstrous. Therefore the motion of th
respondent Is overruled and this court an
nounces that It will receive evidence upon
the question of fact n to whether or not
this petitioner Is a fugitive from Justice."
Troop and Day Explain.
At the conclusion of the delivery of this
opinion Judge Troup stated briefly his
grounds for arriving at a concurrent con
clusion In the opinion Just delivered. It
waa In substance that while there seemed
many things that led him to sustain the
motion of the respondent the dictum of the
circuit court of appeal was so manifestly
in favor of the contention of the petitioner
that he could see no other way than to In
terpret the law as against the motion.
Judge Day said the construction he put
upon the argument that the governor had
authority to Issue extradition on evidence
that might seem proper to him was. that
the statutes confer upon the Individual a
right before he can be extradited, that
If the governor sees fit to grant a
warrant the Individual can apply to th
court to have the fact established.
"It is conceded that the hearing before
the governor was purely, ex parte and that
In It the accused had no rights," continued
Judge Day. "Under this condition of af
fairs It would not be due process of law
to deprive him of his liberty without due
process of law, which latter constitute
a chance to be heard and raises the ques
tion of fact as to his being a fugitive
from Justice.' -.
After some arguing of attorney It was
agreed to proceed with the taking of evi
dence In the matter at 9:30 o'clock this
(Continued from First Page.)
Is therefore given that all violation of the
law In the way of inlury to or destruction
of property, and all acts of violence of any
and every sort must henceforth cease.
And all persons who shall violate any or
the provisions of this order, or shall be
guilty of any Infraction-of the law will be
arrested and podlly dealt with and pun
ished for such offenses. All good citizens
are urged to at once resume their usual
and lawful occupations and all miners and
other emnloves are reaueeted to imme
diately return to their respective occupa
tions with the full assurance tnat lire ana
iroperty will be henceforth tuny protected
n every part of the district now under
military control. The military orders ana
the will or the military commander wm do
(Signed) SHEKMAIM M. fr.L.u.
The commission appointed by General
Bell to Inquire into the records of the
miners under arrest reported to him today
a list of ninety-seven union miners, with
the recommendation that they be deported.
General Bell accepted their report and an
nounced that the men woujS be sent out of
Teller county aa soon as a. special train
crew could be arranged for..
Outrages of Ball Pen.
The Srantng exchange hall Is being used
as a bull pen In Edition to the Victor
armory. Armed deputies are perched in
he galleries In the exchange, the prisoner
occupying the pit of the call room, sev
eral guards are at the door, each carrying
a repeating shotgun that contains buck
shot. Families and wire of the prisoners
call In an endeavor to see and have a talk
with the' husbands and fathers incarcer
ated, but In most cases permission Is being
Five of the six members of the Goldfleld
city council are in the bull pen, so that
tho town la without a, ' legislative body.
xne comou. im -aio. .,.., -
mand upon District Attorney Henry Throw-
bridge that he lemove hls c.eputy, J.. C.
Cole, and also requested that 8. D. Crump
be appointed to. fill tV. vacancy.: Crump
Is the attorney for J:ne Jtflne Owners' asso
ciation. i ; '
Sheriff Edward Bell today appointed L.
F. Parsons of Cripple Creek under sheriff
of Teller county and the appointment was
confirmed by the county commissioners at
once. Mr. .parsons is secretary oi xne tTip-
ple Creek CItisens' alliance and Secretary
of the Cripple Creek Mining exchange.
Coroner George Hall, who succeeded Cor
oner James Doran, who . resigned under
compulsion, today empaneled a new Jury,
which will hold an inquest over the men
murdered at Independence with an Infernal
Peabody Don't Care.
DENVER, June J. Concerning the con
tention that Dunnvllle, the new mining
camp where the battle between General
Bell's soldiers and union miners occurred
yesterday, wa outside of Teller county and
therefore beyond the ope of territory In
cluded in the proclamation deolaring Teller
county to be In a state Of Insurrection and
rebellion. Governor Peabody today said:
I do not know where the Teller county
boundary line is as compared with the lo
cation of Dunnvllle, but I have no objec
tion to what General. Bell did and I op
prove of his every action In breaking up
that gang of dynamiter and capturing
their gun. I don't think the location of
th place will cause muoh unfavorable dis
f. . 'I ..
Action ot Colorado Military Will Be
Challenged by Portland Gold
- Mining Company.
DENVER, June 9.-VTh . closing of
the Portland mine at Victor by order of
Adjutant General Sherman M. Bell will
probably be the means? of reaching the
Federal courts with a , test the
powerof Governor Peabody to vest In th
militia absolute power In the district de
clared to be under martial law.
The Portland Gold Mining company, be
ing a foreign company,' Incorporated under
he law of Iowa, it Is stated by eminent
lawyers that therefore any act affecting
it may be reviewed by ihe United State
James F., Burns, president of the Port-
and Mining' company, is in Denver and is
closeted with his attorneys, who, It Is said,
are preparing paper which will probably
be filed in the United States circuit court
tonight, asking for a restraining order to
prevent further Interference upon the part
of the state military authorities with the
Deration of the Portlanjd mine.
Mr. Burn, it is further stated, will also
ask that the -military be;, withdrawn from
the vicinity of hi property in Victor and
that he be allowed to protect 1)1 men when
they go back to work. I
'The military authorities. are credited with
saying that when the Burns Injunction Is
issued an attempt will be made to arrest
Mr. Burn himself on the criminal charge
that he incited riot. It 1 is not claimed
that ' there Is ground for the acousatton
that Mr. Burns personally Incited riot, the
implication being that he should be held
partly responsible for the recent troubles
at Cripple Creek because he irfalntalned
the union by giving employment to union
Attorney Horace N. Hawkins, one of Mr.
Burns' counsellors, said tonight that the
matter of applying for fn injunction to
prevent the operation of Adjutant Genera!
Bell' proclamation concerning the Port
land mlno wa under consideration, but no
definite plan of action had' been decided
upon. He thought some action would be
taken tomorrow. Mr- Hawkins Intimated
that the correctness of the decision of the
Colorado supreme court' concerning th
powers of the governor during a reign of
martfal law will t attacked.
Attorney General of United Sia'et Selected
to Fill Vactno
Selection I it Harprlse to tenasl
vanla, a Ills Name' Waa Kot
Considered by Pen-
PHILADELPHIA, June 9. Philander C.
Knox of PlttSburg, attorney general of the
United States, was selected today to nil the
seat in the United States senate made va
cant by the death of Mathew Stanley Quay.
He will accept and serve by appointment of
Governor Pennypacker until March 4, the
date of the expiration of the late senator'
Unless political complication should arise
a a result of today' action he will be
elected for the full term by the legislature,
which meet In January.- It I expected
that Attorney General Knox will remain In
the cabinet until September.
The selection of Attorney General Knox
came aa a surprise to the politicians of the
state. Directly after Senator .Quay died
his name waa among those mentioned for
the vacancy, but as no one came forth to
support It very little was heard of his
candidacy during the past week. Ills nam
was not considered by Senator Penrose,
who, as chairman of the republican state
central committee, along with Israel W.
Dunham, had the naming of Quay's suc
cessor.. Yesterday afternoon, however, H. C.
Frlck of Pittsburg came to this city and
announced that the attorney general was
a candidate and that he had come here In
No Opposition to Candidate.
As the leaders had decided that Alle
gheny county. In which Pittsburg is sit
uated, was to have the place, Frlck thought
the leader could have no objection to the
attorney general. This caused considerable
agitation In the Pittsburg delegation, which
had already, named four men for the va
At first it was expected that Mr. Knox
would be opposed, but after a scries of
conferences the Pittsburg delegation ac
cepted Mr. Knox and the public announce
ment of their action - was made by Max
Leslie, chairman of the Pittsburg repub
lican city committee.
Attorney General- Knox, who ha a farm
at Valley . Forge, wa In the city for a
short, time today and then, went to the
farm of A. J. Cassatt. president .of the
Pennsylvania railroad, where the Farmers'
club, a dining organisation of wealthy
men, gave a dinner tonight Among other
present were Senator Penrose, Mr, Frlck,
Governor Popnypacker, former United
8tatcs Senator Don Cameron and Richard
R. Quay, eon of the late senator.
President Is Pleased.
WASHINGTON, June . Just before At
iumey uenerai Knox left Washington ' a
few days ago he called on the president
and told him that he had been tendered the
appointment of United State senator to
succeed Mr. Quay and that If the president
was willing he would accept.
The president said that during the next
session or two of congress it wa a fair
assumption that' there would be consider
able constructive legislation .on Ui aubject
of trusts and combinations of one charac
ter or another, and In that matter Mr.
Knox would . be of greater service than
nerhaos anv nthr n.n rM ha ...
h. ' . . ,' Z .
hi services In the senate, would be, -valu
able to the state., -v .
The president"! greatly pleased that Mr,
Knox will accept the position". " The iattef
will probably not resign a attorney gen
eral until congress convenes next Decem
Ganar Wkleh Dynamited Rio Grand
Train "apposed to R Surrounded
In Garfield Canyon.
NEW CASTLE, Colo., June . A posse of
ranchmen and cowboys living m the neigh
borhood of Garfield, west of this place,
came upon three men supposed to be the
Denver & Rio Grande train robbers who
dynamited the express car of a train iear
Parachute, Colo., Tuesday night, and In
a battle which followed one of the pursued
was killed.
The other two escaped Into Garfield
canon and at last accounts were completely
surrounded. It 1 thought that escape I
Impossible. Elmer Chatman, a cowboy, re
ceived a slight flesh wound. The dead man
was brought to this place tonight and, wa
identified as one of the three men who
worked several days last week on the
Denver & RIO Grande section near Para
chute. He went under the name of J. H.
Previous to working for the railroad he
Eczema drives its victim almost to tho verge of
despair by its intolerable itching, stinging and burn
ing. It seems to set the skin on fire, and the
tormented sufferer rubs and scratches till the flesh
is raw and the skin is torn and bleeds. Nothing
applied externally does much good, for .the disease
is internal; the blood is aflame with acid poisons
that are forciner their way throuch the p-lands and
pores of the skin, causing it to redden and swell and break out in
splotches, pustules and pimples, from' which a clear, yellow,. watery matter
exude, hardens and dries, and then peels off in scales or fine particles like
bran. Eczema kindles a fire that water will not quench, and that lotions,
salves, powders and soap cannot smother. As warm weather comes on
and the system is reacting and the blood making extra efforts to' throw off
the accumulated roisonS, Ec- ECZEMA KEPT 8PBJEADIWO.
zema attacks with redoubled Bfx yea: ago my wife had a breaking-out below
violence, and the sufferer is al- hV.?aV At flr; rd b.up: ILp,rAd' but "?!!
. ,. ' , , . , , , . white, husky oabs came, and when these would
most distracted by the fearful shed off the plao became red again, and would
itching and burning. It is the Vh n4Attr.n ' to ,ound. " lmDO"lbl
. 6 . , , , aleep. At time a yellow water ran from th
most uncomtortable and ag- bump, and it kept getting worse and wors. Our
gravating of all skin eruptions family physloian pronormoed It Xcma, and pr
b , . ' ., roribad ointment and powders! but It kept
ana a terror in warm weather. apreadi&g. breaking out on her body and arm,
-ocal lemedies give tem- and almost closed up h ar. TUdrugglt at
. . J? Garner told m to try 8. 8. .. whlob. she did, and
porary ease, but as tczema IS aft.r taking several bottle wa cured, and 1
not due to Outside causes, but wUto-day andhabonforyr.
j- j j t Qarner, N. O. W. A. HOOUTT.
to a disordered condition of
the system and an over-acid and impure blood, the treatment must be
constitutional, or internal.
Purify the blood and the skin disease will disappear. No better blood
remedy can be found than S. S. 8. It builds up the sour and acid blood,
S. S. S. is guaranteed strictly vegetable. No mineral of any descrip
tion can be found in it. It is not only a blood purifier, but a 6plendid
tonic and appetizer, making it an ideal spring medicine. ' Treat Eczema
through the blood, or you will never get permanently rid of it, Write or
our book on the skin and its diseases, which is mailed free. If you desire
medical advice, our physicians. will cheerfully furnish it without any co6t
to you Vhatever nie sWifT SPCCinC CO., ATLANTA, CA.
waa employed In a restaurant In this town.
Nothing la known of his history her.
Identification waa made by a. pay- check
found on his person. The two other mci
who worked with Ross last week gave the
names of John Emmellng and Charles
Scubbs. They worked along, the railroad
track from Thursday until Saturday night
and all quit together and left the neighbor
hood. -Their several days' employment on the
road gave them an excellent opportunity
to get familiar with the lay of the land
In the vicinity of Parachute. It Is re
ported that at least fo men. heavily armed,
are watching the. two men In Garfield
canon tonight and will shoot them down
If they attempt to escape.
(Continued from First Page.)
the territory of Nebraska and of age before
the admission of the state.
The request also has been made for the
owners of private automobiles who may not
have been reached by speolal Invitation to
present themselves for position In the pa
rade assigned to them. There Is consider
able competition i.mong the big automobll
lsts for the first place.
All owners of automobile are requested
to Join In the parade on Friday afternoon.
A place In the column will be reserved for
them, and each and every one Is Invited
to take part.
The weather man promise fair and
warmer weather for Friday.
The public library is exhibiting In the
rtyron Reed collection tt number of maps
and autograph documents and books bear
ing on the location of Omaha In the early
history. '
General J. A. Casement, known in Omaha
and th west as "the man who built the
Union Pacino railroad at the rate of five
miles a day," has arrived to attend the
celebration. General Casement came all
the way from Costa Rico to be present.
The general' home Is In Ohio.
Mgmber of Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of
Scottish Clans, are requested to meet at
their hall at 1:30 this afternoon for
regalia and to participate In the parade.
Persons entitled to appear In the parade
and who have private carriages have been
especially requested by the committee to
make use' of their vehicles today as a mat
ter of convenience and accommodation. The
committee wishes also to once more remind
those Invited to participate In the parade
to meet at the City hall at 1:30 to take the
carriages assigned them. All widows who
contemplate appearing In the parade and
have no carriages of their own will be
generously accommodated.
J. W. Relber.
NEBRASKA CITY,. Neb., June 9. (Spe
cial.) The funeral of J. W. ..Belber wa
held from his late residence. this afternoon.
The services .were under the auspice, of'
the Nebraska City fire department, the
Ancient Order of United Workmen and
the Modern Woodmen of America, with
which organizations the ' deceased wa
affiliated. There were no service at the
grave excepting a prayer by th ( veteran
chaplain of the flro . department, 8. II
Fields. , ...
Mr. Mnhala Max well.
BEATRICE, Neb, June. . (Speclal.)r-
Mr. Mahala Maxwell, who sustained
broken hip last week by a fall, died yeater
day as a result of .her Injuries, combined
with .old age. , She was born In Ohio April
80. 1832, , and lhad been a resident of this
city since 1882. She is survived by four
children two daughter and two son her
husband having died many year ago.
' ' idrm. Wit lYace" cWlnobn.'
, tPIBRRK, S.T.-D.ii Juno. Jl (Speelal. Tele
gram. )Mrs, Wallace Calhoon, wife of
prominent . resident of this . clty, dropped
dead this afternoon. She had been in her
usual health up to the-time of her death
and It came without a warning.
Alamnl . Banquet End Prosperous
Year for Institution.
TORK, Neb., June 9. (Special.) Com
mencement week at Tork college closed
with the alumni banquet last night. L. S.
Cornell, ex-atata superintendent -of Colo
rado, ' gave the commencement address In
the morning at 10 o'clock, at which time
twenty-two graduate received their dl
plOmaa. The trustees have fompleted the
business of their annual meeting. Dr.
Schell, who has been at the head of the
Institution for seven years, was re-elected,
a also were all the member of the fac
ulty. The new conservatory building Is
nearlng completion. Tork college will be
gin Us fifteenth year of .educational work
with the opening of the summer term next
Monday. ,, ,
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., . June 9.-(Spe-clal.)
The pupil . of St. Mary' Catholic
chool held pleasing exercises at the Lled
erkran hall last evening, the event mark
ing the olose of another school year. A
rids not all impurities and poisons, stimulates
the sluggish organs, and invigorates and tones
up the entire system ; and as. all ekin eruptions
like Eczema are only symptoms or signs of bad
blood, they naturally disappear when that vital
fluid is again restored to health.' . , - .
line " program of munle, recitations, etc.,
was rendered.
Fl F. Starr of.. GU uyyie .won, the fli-st
prise In the Cnrr contest In ofatory among
the students of Grand Island college. R. I.
Benjamin of this city second and J. W.
Davis of llolbrnok-third. Last vpulng- the
mimlcAl deportment of the college gave an
excellent musical.
Ground w as hmken -nidny for -the new
dormitory to be erected nt the Gyp.l Inland
college. The new building, in addition to
the first dormitory, will accommodate a
large number of the lnKlltutlnti's Increas
ing number of sludnnli and will cost JJO.OuO.
Honor for John1 W. Wallace.
MONMOUTH. Ill . June 9 -MmimouH
college today conferred lh honurxry de
gree of doctor of law on John F .WiilUrej
chief engineer of the Panama' cnnnl. Mr.
Wallnco In a son of Ihe riisl president of
Monmouth college. . . , . .
Cardinal Sntolll Arrives.
NEW YORK,' Jtme i.-Cfi r.Ifnrtl 'Pfitolli
was a passenger on the 'si "n men Prlnsess
lren, which arrived hero today from
Genoa, Naples nml.Glbraltur, ' iho cnrdliinl
w.-is accompanied by R"v. McConnoll,
Perry nnd Sullivan.-
Trainmen Killed In, Wreck.
CAIRO, III June Uy n wreck In the
Pig Four vnnln her trfd.iv EnClnef Oforrte
Gibson and Yard Foreman firewater were
killnd. A switch engine and two tar wer
demolished. ... J
We are going to 'keep only the Michigan
and are closing out all other line of ,Oaso'
line Stove. Two-burner 12.13, and three,
burner, 13.11 Other Myle and' dse li
proportion. The New, Improved. iiXH Mi.-h-j
lgan is taking so well with the, people,' and.
our Payment Plan 'Is getting eo--popular,
that even tho better class bt pople' rather
buy a first-class storsi on payment) than,
the 'cheap stoves for cash. Minister, doc
tors, lawyers, business,'1 men 6n Jarrtarn"
and '-Dougla streets', peopl whbVha'v
houses for ,rent, buy: from us on tti Pay
ment Plan. ' '. ' ' " '', ' "
. We sell the llurj .'White Enamel Tu.
frtgerator at $3.00 per month- -Our long
lasting Steel Range' at $5.00 per'' rhdnih.
Our Mlchlgap Gasoline Stovaa at &0 per
month for the tS.OO to flt.00 sties and IS. 00
per' month far the 115.00 to "$20.00 sizes, or
at the wholesale price for ca&b, .-
Tho Sfootzcl Stove
714 5o. I6tb 3 .
Spend Your Holiday Today at the
people's ravGTiie Keson.,
in His Deaih -Defying. Act
The High Bicycle Diva
After the Parade You'll b In Time
for the' Afternoon Dive, '-
Any Point In Omaha and South Omaha 5c Fan
linVIVC Woodward &
UUIU O Bi4fgeM, Mzra.
The Ferris Stock Co.
Tonight and Balance of Week
Bunday Lntll Thursday
., Prices 10c; 15o, 3Bo,' '
Wat. any seat 10o.
TONIGHT 8;!5 V ; r
. . . ...... ,i,.rr-.
Pec MSI EL LII.JE1TS,. Champion Kiah
Diver See Fit KE V AI'DEVILLK gllOW
at Cnalno IIKall COY ALTS Bll'KRB
cone of . Ac. taement
.' Jnne JO, .111. . .M'
Vintort Street ParklT
Here is Something That
Would Tickle the Appetite
of a prince, for our Friday iiin.ier
Fopulfir Price. '" ' 120 Dorfg St.
1415 'MRlMM Sr. "'
Trv our regular dinner. 25c. served' every
day, from U;uO o J:U0.
Friday plnnor i
A c at C to. Mwcu, nasi.