riTE OMAITA DAILY PTTR; TTITIRSDAY, JUNE 9, 1004. YALuATlON ON RAILROADS To Hnndrsd Rftj Mi'Uin Looks About Bight to EiaU Board. ONE MORE CHANCE GIVEN FOR ARGUMENT (oBBiBn( EttrtliM mi tbe ito-to lalverotty Ineseaoo la Rkr f Ianaateo at tno Penitentiary. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jun 8. (Special. )-Tomorrow nil, occ tr. tho last grand debate on the pr position of railroad assessment, but Just wh will be here. If anyone, the board haa not yet been Informed. Today the member ho.vo bee busy trying to get. together on a tentative assessment, 0 that this could be the baais of the argument, but up to a late hour the agreement had not been read ed. o the subject for debate will be the Justice and th Injustice of taking the value of the stocks and bondage a basis upon wVch to find the value of tha varloua railroe,!. systems. At n- r It waa sta,t A by one member of the board that whl'. sertr-U estimate bad been made for tha toVu valuation for as Brnm purpose, the difference WMom. purntlvel) small, all hovering around the :X).orio,OW mark, that to be the lum of the assessment, making a valuation of $250,000, 00. Thla lum waa not reached by taking the stock and bonds valuation aa the only bs and neither waa it found by capitalis ing the net earnings, but, aa one member aald, by taking everything into considera tion Krld.y the board will not be In session, a Oovernor Mickey expects to be In Omaha to assist In the semi-centennial celebration, eonhcquei.tly the board when It adjourns tomorrow will meet no more until Saturday, at which time Mr. Crar.don of the North- weatern wants another shake at It. In the meantime the assistant secretary Is figuring up tha val te of the roads on the stocks and bonds baala, , ) Commencement Kaorei. The features of the university commence, rnent today was the address by Prof. Jesse II. Holmes of Philadelphia and the annual Hcno given at the state farm and par-tlcli-ated In by about 400 students. Prof. Holmes spoke oa "prophets and Prophecy." and, being an old university man, he was given a royal reception. His talk waa a plea for the Individual man and the op portunity to work out his own existence without the Interference of laws that would tend to oppress the growth of personality. Old Coast Weda. Of Lincoln's eight weddings In high life today Omaha and Crete furnished the ma terial for one that probably attracted more attention than all the others. The groom gave his name aa William Kirk of Omaha tnd he haa lived SO years and more since tha day of hi birth. The bride, Mrs. Laura Jj. Wayman, modeatly laid olalm to 71 years.' Both were young for their agea and both had poat the age of simpering, though the bride admitted that aha had had a hundred chances to wed during- the thirty, three years of her widowhood. . They were married by Judge Waters. Priaoa Association Meeting!, The board of directors of the Nebraska Btaie Piteon aaaociatlon met at tho Llndell hotel in quarterly session last night and oisoussed the work done by the order and received words of encouragement from a number of interested outsiders. The report of the committee on visitation, which was looked forward to with much interest, was del erf ed' urftil next' Monday afternoon. ' at which' time the committee will meet with Mayor. George Adams and formulate the report. It waa the ' consensu of opinion that the guards and others employed la county Jails and the penitentiary should he careful, religious men, to the end that they would exert a good Influence on the prisoners instead of exerting the opposite. The report of Treasurer Davlsson showed that IU9 had been taken In by the asso ciation and U0 spent. Rev. M. A. Bullock was chosen chairman of the visiting com. ml t tee and N. 8. Haynes vice chairman. C. H. Oere, vice president, presided at tha meeting. Nebraska will be well represented at tho National Conference of Charities and Cor rection to be held In Portland, Me., next week. Among those who have signified their Intention to attend are: Secretary Davis and Mrs. Davis of the Prison association,- A. W. Clark of Omaha, Joseph RelMng ot West Point. A. J. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson of 'Beatrice, Rev. Helner of Lincoln, J. W. Connolly, and tho police matron of, Omaha. Most of these will leave BufidVy night, lacreaae la Prisoners. The seml-annua! report of Warden Beemer. A led with Oovernor Mickey to day, shows that during the last six month convictions have been greatly on the in crease, the average number of Inmates for that . period of time being But the bulk of the convictions were made Ir. tho month o. May, aa the average nuner of Inmates during thut time waa II?. the high est average for the six months. During the six montha there has been, received at the state prlion 120 convicts; four were re turned from parol, on recommitted by the supreme court and three returned after escaping, making A total, with tha 171 In the penitentiary last December, of 299. There has been forty-six discharged, on pardoned, one commutation, three re manded by the supreme court, nineteen paroled and on transferred to the asylum. Whet yog aett a Berr-Swaataa Blot Strgi tht plesisT will b mutual. From tkc te of collar to tho bottom f tb tranter they ara -qsestloaibly correct . Two of tali country's bed Makers aad oaa firat faaioai for excellence at axdlam cott data trodaccd oar pretest stack. Strearta wfcera itreeftk ihoald be. graca where dltfraca ataally aboands, aad slyla away froojthe ordiaary. S7.so. sio, m, sis, ia, $jo. ' ' farroct Pr aa for Mea aad So. J making: a total of seventy-one, and leaving El ia prison the first if tha month. Honor far Cadets. Commandant Chase of the University bat tail oa haa recommended to Oovernor Mickey those cadets for honors: Cadet majors, L. J. Hewitt of Lincoln, E. M. Stanley of South Omaha; captains, C A. Mohrmaa of Geneva, O. T. Brown of Geneva and B. O. Lewis of Auburn; first lieutenants, C E. Bell of Lincoln, L. M. U an tins-ton of Lincoln and C E. Shoroy of Seward; secood lieutenant, R. E. Noyea of Fremont. R J. Mansfield of Wlsner. Tho Barker Mannfaoturlng company 1 a new concern organised to make farm lm piemen ts at David City. Tha capital stock of tho ootapany 1 116,000. Sill Irrlcatloa Ditches. Secretary Dobaon of the Stat Board of Irrigation haa received Information that tho rains In tha northwest sections of tho state have completely filled the Irrigation dltohea and moat of them are overflowing. Aaslstant Secretary Hubbard left today for Bargeant and other point to take a look at tha Loup river. rorair Oaska Has W4a. Char Us E. Matson. at one time an Omaha newspaper man, but now a lawyer of this city, was married tonight and Miss Ethelyn Blgnell, daughter of Superintendent Blgnell of the Burlington, I hi bride. The cere mony oocurred at the horn of the parent of the bride at Utf F street at 7 o'clock. and none were present save a few intimate friends, fraternity brothers and slaters and relative John J. Thomas ot Chicago offi ciated as best man and Miss Helen Allon of Lincoln as bridesmaid. The wedding march waa played by Miss Josle Poynter of Lincoln. Rev. Francis W. Eaaon of tha Episcopal church performed the oeremony after which a reception waa held. Mr. and Mrs. Matson left this evening for California, where they will remain Ave or six weeks, after which they will return to Lincoln to make their home. The bride 1 one of the most popular girls in Lincoln and ha won recognition In Chicago and other eastern cities as a vocal ist. Until recently Mr. Matson practiced law in Ravenna. No Troth la Caargro. George W. Do bolt, who waa last night arrested upon a charge of statutory aasault preferred by Ellen Roberta, aged 14 years, waa discharged this afternoon, the story of the girl having no foundation. It took tha police until late thla afternoon to locate tho girl, and when brought to tha station tho Debolt home from Ulysses, and this morning when her father was notified of her chargea by telephone . told the police that he did not believe the story and would not until his daughter had told him. He and Debolt had formerly been neighbors and the famll'.e frequently, exohanged visits. Debolt is a foreman at the manu facturing plant of the Lincoln Bash and Door company and ha been married for about two year. Methodists Aro CalebratlasT. The seml-centonnlal celebration of Meth odism began here tonight at St Paul' church with an Immense crowd of out of town Methodists present. The only set speech waa that of Rev. Charles Bayard Mitchell on the "Achievements of the Meth odist Circuit Rider." Chancellor D. W. C. Huntington of Wesleyan university pre sided. The celebration will continue over tomorrow night The board of trustees of Wesleyan unl va rutty thla morning re-elected Chancellor Huntington and nearly all of the old In structors. Thla haa been one of the most successful years of the school, the attend ance being 811. J. L. McBrlen, deputy state superintend ent this afternoon presented certificates to those graduates entitled to them. . Coart Holds Another Day. . The supreme court failed to conclude Its work tonight and will not adjourn until in the morning. A-large number of opin ions will bo handed down, but the LUlle oaae will not be among the number. A journal clerk will be appointed to take the place of McCall. who resigned today, but none of the other appointees will b dis turbed at this altting. Two Armies Clash at Lincoln. As a result of a contest for position be tween the Salvation army and the Volun teer of America, the former was gathered Into camp by the police tonight. Each member took the oath of allegiance as prescribed by the city ordinances for keep ing the peace and will tell It to Judge Coagrav In tha morning. The two armlea have been getting nearer the ground each night, lately both trying to get the corner of Tenth and p streets. The Salvation army waa there first tonight, but It happened that a lodge was In session over tha bank, and in trying to drown out the Volunteer the army drowned out the lodge, which, through Its offioera, filed a complaint, and the police did the rest, taking the entire army to jail the tune of "On to Glory," played by the drummer boy. Henry Watterson of Kentucky, who is to address the university students tomorrow, arrived this evening from Kansas City and la at the Lincoln. He was met by a dele gation from the university and escorted to the hotel. Thla la his third trip to Lincoln. P. E. 0. TAKES BROKEN BOW Womn Datotnd ia Foroo on tbo Capital of Cottar County. PEOPLE SURRENDER WITHOUT STRUGGLE Maate mmm Saolal rtsttm Carrie Aloaat with tha Work of tho Rekraska Orasi Chapter. BROKEN B3W, Neb... June 8. (Special Telegram.) The Burlington ran a special train from Ravenna to Broken Bow for the accommodation of the delegates to the fifteenth annual convention ot Nebraska grand chapter of P. E. O., which assem bled In the Presbyterian church at Broken Bow today. Delegates numbering fifty seven, representing thlrty-flvo chapters throughout Nebraska, were in attendance, together with tha state officers and the following women prominent In P. E. O. circles: Mrs. M. Lue Weber, president S. G. C. j Mra. Jennie Burch, supreme organ iser, and Mlsa Mary Osmond, editor of Rec ord. National Grand Chapter President Mrs. Lillian Parmalee of Plattamouth opened tho convention. The addresa of welcome was given by Mrs. Nellie Humphrey of Broken Bow, and tho response by Mrs. Carris 14." Peterson of Aurora. A solo, "A Summer Rain," was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Laura Sheets of Omaha and elicited an encore, "Oh That We Two Were Maying." A report of the supreme convention, writ, ten by Mrs. Mary McKlnnon of Lincoln, waa read by Mrs. Jones. Reports from grand chapter officers of Nebraska fol lowed. The afternoon session convened at 4 o'clock. A vocal nolo by Mrs. Sheet was followed by a solo, "Tho Swa'Jows," by Mrs. Delia Adamaon of Broken Bow. Charters were granted to new chapters at Alliance, Fullerton, Havelock, Fremont and North Platte. After chapter report, memorial hour was observed by an open meeting. Miss Min nie L. Davis of Beatrice presided, giving tho memorial address, after which the fol lowing program waa gtvon: Selections, by Ladles' quartet; violin solo, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," Prof. Garllsh, Broken Bow; vocal so'.o, "Harbor Bar," Mrs. Laura Sheets; selected reading, "Our Friends In Paradise,' Mrs. Elisabeth Klrkpatrlck of Tork, At 7:30 the convention was entertained by a band concert in the park and at o'clock a model P. El O. meeting waa eon ducted by Chapter S o Broken Bow. rfuRinESTOEBLOOPy t IE Wow Is the time to clean out and the Elimino Remedies are the only ones that will do it thoroughly. 1 A Clean Out Your System WATERKAlt WITHDRAWS REQUEST Omaha Promoter Chances Mind About Waatlagr Sarpy Coaaty Praachlse. PAPILLION, Neb., June 8. (Special.) At the regular monthly meeting of the county board here today Lyman' Wateiman, gen eral manager of the proposed Omaha ft Papllllon electric line, asked to withdraw his petition filed with the board, wherein he sought to gain permission to use a portion of the publlo highway between Papllllon and Sarpy Mills. Ho asked this owing to his Inability to aecure from the farmers the necessary right-of-way through their farms. A few weeks ago the county board ex pressed themselves willing to grant this franchise, but placed in their answer a stip ulation whereby the company should begin construction work within thirty day or consider the franchise forfeited. Mr. Waterman stated that It waa lmpos. slble for the company to commence work within the thirty days and hence the with drawal of the petition. Representatives of the company are now negotiating with the farmers to purchase the right-of-way through the farms which, it Is said, will give the line a more direct routa Aoctl Ing to the present outlook work will com mence within three weeks. as Dedleato Ball. ASHLAND, Neb.. June S.-(8peclal-Monday, June , was a red letter day for the Masonic fraternity In Ashland, the oc casion being the dedication of their new hall on Fifth and Silver afreets. The cere monies were in charge of the grand lodge of Nebraska and there were present to eon duct them Frank E. Bullard of North Platte, grand maater; John B. Dlnsmore of Sutton, grand treasurer; George A. Beecher of Kearney, grand chaplain: Luther M. Kuhns of Omaha, grand orator; Orman J. King of Lincoln, grand marshal: Michael J. Dowllng of North Bend, grand senior deacon: William A. DeBord nt rw.h. grand junior deacon, and Jacob King of umana, ranu tyier. A large number of Maaona from Lincoln. Wthoo. nn,fi and other places were present. In all about 1M took pan in ta beautiful and Impres sive service. An elegant banquet was served, after which toasts were responded to by the grand officer and many of the brethren. The members of Pomegranate lodge No. 110 are entlted to great credit for constructing the beautiful home which they bow have. PHARMACISTS MEET AT FREMONT Large Atteadaace at Twenty -Third FREMONT. Neb. June 8. (Special.) The twenty-third annual meeting of the Ne braska State Pharmaceutical association held Its opening session In Masonic hall yesterday afternoon. President C. E. Hoppny of Beaver City called the meeting to order and delivered the annual address. Ho spoke at some length on the connection of the business and professional sides of pharmacy. At tho close of the-address the association adjourned till evening. At the evening session Mayor Wols gave a brief address of welcome In which he re ferred to the state undertakers' meeting, which Is soon to be held here, and deliv ered to the president the keys of the city. Frank Kasa, on behalf of the local drug gists, also welcomed them. H. M. McFad den of Hosting responded to the address of welcome. ; ' Mayor Goring of Plattsmoutb spoke cf the benefits derived from the meetings of tho association. He got an idea from a previous meeting that had netted him 81,500 in cash. James Reed of Nebraska City was called upon and Informed the associa tion that he had attended twenty-two meet ings and that the members present were the homeliest lot he ever saw. Secretary Hanson of tho Commercial c ub also made a few remark. After the speaking several of the various contests, consisting principally of ball throwing took place and were much enjoyed.- Prises were awarded to tho wln nera. The floor was then cleared and dancing- enjoyed until a late hour, Plambeck's orchestra furnishing tho music This morning the attendance waa In creased to nearly 400 by tha arrival of a large delegation from Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs and the Omaha Col lege of -Pharmacy. Most of the latter wore a cap with a red band which attracted much attention on account of their resemb lance to another organization. The hill was well filled when ths meeting was called to order at 10 o'clock. The morning ses sion was principally occupied by routine business and discussion. This afternoon a number of paper wers read and discussed and tomorrow the prizes for best papers will be awarded. At 2:80 a reception and card party was given the women visitors at Central hall under the ausptora of the women of the local entertainment committee. Prizes were awarded the successful players. This even ing the association attended a vaudeville show at the Larsen theater. The State Board of Pharmacy he'.d a session yesterday and today at the 'Eno hotol for the examination of applicants for certificates and will complete their work this evening. Elimincis satisfactorily relieve and our constipation. They make unnec essary the continued use of ca'.har tloa and purgatives which debilitate the bowels and aggravate and pro long the difficulty. Ellmlnets are small, ooa'.ed tablets, easy to take and pleasant In their action. They, give prompt relief and If taken ac cording to direoUons will result in a cure. Elimino Is pat up In 13-oaace bottles and sells for $1. Ellmlnets are put tip In vials and sell at 25 cents for 35 tablets. Ellmlnatnm la put up In 12-ounce bot tles and ell for $1.00. Ask your druggist ov write u TTrlo poisons accumulate In the pystpm more rapidly during the winter than any other season. With spring: and early Fummer there comes a change In temperature and the poisons are brousjht out Into thi blood. They make the blood thick cause sluggish circulation and low vitality and deprive the system of the power of realstln-t dlsewse. Tou can't be healthy when your circulation Is poor and the blood Is not throwing; off the Impurities. If nothing more serious hnrpens they produce colds, In digestion, mental depression, Irsomnla, Irregulnr he.trt action or "that tired feeling." If you don't rid your system of these poisonous urates promptly, they will get into your joints and tissues nnd then you will suffer from the horrors of Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Sciatica and kindred complaints. ELIMINO and El.IMINATt'M wilt positively dissolve and expel all uric poisons nnd put the system In a condition of perfect health. This t art prepared ts re br rkt er deoct of year swi sefitibari. Write ar 'ptoal rle:al Ihii, Scaitfer't Cat Prica Draf Siere. It-tli aad Cklcira Sti.. Osnhi. 'rtiaaet 747 aad W. ana Mia aad NStk, SoatkOaika, 'Peoat M. I. sad Ilk Artni aad Mils Strttt, CeeKM Msfli. 'Me JJ1. aad art thia wtut tkey tkisK aad kaaw it it EUmao iMUitei. ELIMINO Purifies the Blood ELIMINO remeves from the blood tha urate which abstract ths circulation. Thee urate suppress the natural secretions, and Interfere with nutrition; they lower vitality and cloud the mind; they disturb the sleep and discolor the skin; they disturb the heart and make kidney trouble. There urates produce weakness and general weariness; they predispose to Inflammations and infectious diseases. Elimino causes these urate poisons to be expelled from the blood by the kidneys, thereby removing the chief underlying cause of disease. When this la done the circu lation improves, digestion Is promoted, the mind brightens, the complexion rleara, the heart's action grows steady, sleep become restful, weakness and weariness give way to strength and buoyancy. ELIMINO Is pre-eminently the remedy for Poor Circulation. Cold Hands and Feet, Suppressed Secretions, Indigestion, Varicose Veins, "Heart Trouble," Palpitation. Plfflcult Breathing, Dizziness, Falntness, Sick Headache, Muddy Complexion, Catarrh, Scrofula. Mental Depreaslon. "Kidney Trouble." Scanty and Highly Colored Urine. Irritable Bladder, Difficulties of Old Age, Change of Life, Ill-Health Peculiar to Women, General Weakness and Weariness. ELIMINO acts by removing the poisons that accumulate In the blood, obstruct the circulation and cause the above named troubles. m ELLIMINATUM Cures Rheumatism ELirilNATUM dissolves from tha tissue the urate deposits which csase rheamstlsm and other diseases andiaslats nature In expelling these from ths ay tarn. When these urates are In the tissues they cause Irritation and pioduco symptoms differing according to the nature of the tissue affected. If they are deposited In a Joint they cause rheumatism. If deposited In the sheath of a sensory nerve the result is neuralgia. If deposited along a motor nerve there are twitching and jerklngs without pain. If a mixed nerve be affected there la both pain and contraction or cramp. If the Irritation be in the larynx, or in the nerve supplying the larynx, the result I spasmodic croup. . if the deposit I In the muscle it develops soreness and lameness, which In the back is called lumbago. If It settle In the skin Itshow Itself a eczema, bolls and other sore. Eltmlnatum, by dissolving, and assisting nature In expelling these Irritating poisons from the tissues, promptly relieves and cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramp, Soreness, Croup, Lumbago. Eczema, Bolls, etc. Eltmlnatum thus relieves pain by removing tho cause, and not by benumbing the sensibilities a do opiate and anaesthetics. and get our booklets. They are free and full of valuablelnformatlon. Elimino Medicine Co., , Des Molnss, Iowa. Schaefer'i Cot Price Drag Stores, Local Ageota Court Settle Controversy. CHADRON, Neb., June 8. (Special.) At t p. m. a surprise was sprung on the mem bers of the city council of Casper, Wyo. From the records and briefs In the Wyom ing court the following Is gleaned: The statutes of Wyoming make the city council the canvassing board to determine the election of the new city officers. As shown by the record of one of their meetings the council delegated (or attempted to dele gate) this power to a committee consisting of the mayor and clerk, Instead of doing it Itself. There wss sn understanding among many of the business men to have a non partisan ticket, re-elect the present mayor, a democrat, and two republicans council men. The democrats had a caucus and did not do thla So tho "taxpayers" nominated a ticket also and nominated Buckman. who was fifty miles away at hi sheep camp and knew nothing of It, for mayor, snd Webel to succeed himself aa member of the council. Then the democrats added the nam of Webel for the unexpired vacancy. When the election cams off the present mavor, Kimball, received a small ma jority, and the two "taxpayers" nominees. Webel and Ford, were elected by a two to one vote. The mayor and clerk as a can vassing board declared Webel not elected because tits name appeared twice on the ticket and a-ive the certificate of election to I. A. Robertson, a democrat. Today Attorney A. O. Fisher returned home from T-aramle, where he obtained a peremptory writ of msmiamu commani'tn the eft" council nt Corner to meet and canvass th votes and Rlvo Webel a certificate of ler-tlnn. Mr. Keyeo Not a Candidate. INDIANOLA, Neb., Jun T. To the Edi tor of The Bee: I notice In today's Bee that your special correspondent Informs yours renders that I should like to succeed Hon. D. B. Hasty as stste senstor from tho Twenty-ninth senatorial district. ThU statement la Incorrect. I am not aad never was a candidate for the nomination, nor do I desire the office. Tours truly, HARLOW W. KEYES. RIDE PROVES FAT.ar, FOR ONE BOY Jumps from Moving- Train and Skull Is Crooned. STUART, Neb.,' June 8. (Special Tele gTam.) Last night four boys of this place went on a little diversion, and boarded the blind baggage of the westbound passenger to go a couple of stations west, intending to return on the 2 a. m. train. Among them waa Edwin Haskln, aged 16, son of J. N. Haskln. Returning. s the train waa crossing a siding four, miles west of New port at full speed, young Haskln Jumped from the train. He-waai hurled with such force that his.akull wt fractured and h died In a short time. The supposition ts that he mistook the siding for the switch at Newport and Jumped from the train to avoid detection by the crew. An inquest was held at Newport today. The verdict was that death waa accidental. penning, who stands charged with the murder of Maynard Edglngton In front of the bowling alley of C. J. Oay In this city on the morning of April 7 last. The county attorney filed the information against Tar penning this forenoon and the defendant waived his statutory right to twenty-four hour to plead and entered the plea of "not guilty." The work of Impanelling a Jury began at 1 o'clock. Fatally Injured by Train. BEATRICE. Neb., June 8. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. Christina Kalokowskl. an aged woman, waa struck by northbound j Burlington passenger train No. 90 near Hoag this afternoon and fatally . Injured. Both her arms were broken, part of one foot out off and her body frightfully bruised. She waa walking along tha tracks and being a deaf mute failed to hear the approaching train. She was brought to her home hero this evening and tha phy Iclana say v she cannot recover. BOY DROWNS WHILE SWIMMING Son of Brown Connty Ranchman Goes to Bottom of Clear La lft. AINSWORTH. Neb., June 8. (Special Telegram.) Frank Clapper, the 15-year-old on of a prominent ranchman living south west of this place, was drowned last night in the presence of companions while en deavoring to swim across Clear lake. ' He waa seized with cramps when In the middle of the lake, which Is forty rods wldo, and 'called for help, but was dead before anyone reached him. Vol way Wants Time to Tbtnlc, YORK, Neb., June 8. (Special.) Frank Sheldon, whose real name Is Frank Volway. would not plead guilty or not guilty yester day when brought before District Judge Evans, asking that he be given twenty four hours to consult with hi attorney. Volway is said to be wanted In several places where he Is supposed to hav forged checks and drafts. Last fall Volway arrived In York county and secured work on the farm of J. Welsh man near Charleston, this county, and by his work and behavior won the respect and the confidence of those In that neighborhood and made the acquaintance of Mr. House man, cashier of the Bank of Bradshaw, to whom he presented a check of over $400, depositing about $100 and drawing cash for the balance, saying that the maker of the chek had now employed him to buy stock and that he did hot need all the money at that time. That evening the cashier dis covered that he had paid a forged check and commenced to look for Volway, who after being traced to many different points. waa at last found In Canada, where he had recently married and had become religious, On arrival here he sstd that he would tell all and that he did not care to shield any' thing. News of Nebraska. NORFOLK, June 8. Scholl teachers from Madison and Pierce countlea are In session hero at the annual Institute. SEWARD, June 8. Tho new 112,000 high school building Is now up to the second story, and will be an Imposing structure when completed. PLATT8MOUTH, ' June 8. Mra. C. C. Parmele and Miss Dora Herold have gone to Broken Bow to attend the state P. E. O. convention. Mrs. Parmele is the president. PLATTSMOUTH, June 8.-Mrs. W. At wood and granddaughter, Mrs. J. W. New ell, departed this morning for an extended visit with relatives In Chicago and the oast SEWARD, June 8. Miss Belle Schick was elected to the position of assistant prin cipal of the Seward High school at the meeting of the school board on Monday night. LEXINGTON, June 8.-The business men of the city held a meeting here last night and arranged for celebrating the Fourth of July. A large sum of money haa been subscribed. PLATTSMOUTH. June 8. Th officers of the Nebraska Telephone company have written to the city council that they will consider the requeat to remove their tele phone poles and wires from the main street of the city Into the alleys. DAKOTA CITY, June 8. The preliminary hearing of Steve Whlttecar. charged with Incest on his 13-year-old daughter, was to have taken place belore County Judge Elmers thla morning, but on application ot defendant the case was continued until the 18th fnst. In default of his bond, which was continued at $1,000, Whlttecar was again placed In Jail. NORTOLK, June 8. Much heavy rain throughout last week haa brought the rivers In northern Nebraska to the banks and they are overflowing In several spots. The Elkhorn valley was especially visited. The country In northwestern Nebraska, where there, was formerly a praying (or rain, haa turned into a country praying for a let-up ot water now. BEWAKD, June 8. The will of the late Thomas Best of Pleasant Dale waa con tested by some of the heirs in the county court on Monday and Tuesday of this waek. Only a part of the evidence was taken in the case and Judge Leavens decided that the will should stand as tiled. Judge Thomas offered no evidence for the con testants and appealed the case to tho dis trict court. CHADKON, June 8. The Knights of Pythias have Just held their annual elec tion of officers as follows: Wayne T. Wil son, chancellor commander; Oeorge Cram, vice chancellor; D. Lafayette Kllf, keeper of records and seal; Max Loe wen thai, master ot exchequer; L. Mote, master of arms; A. O. Fisher, grand representative. Damascus lodge Is In a very prosperous condition and has decided to rent a large hall for its own use, having previously met in Odd Fellows' hall. YORK, June 8. The county Institute Is being held here this week, with a large attendance. Superintendents Searson, Rouse and Stewart, and Miss Martin and Miss Reynolds, are the Instructors and are doing good work. A reception was given Monday night to the oounty teachers at FTaternal hall, when a musical and literary program was rendered and lunch served. Tuesday night they were entertained by the annual musical of York college, and last night Mr. Jchi.aon Invited them In to see the large display of Indian goods, bead, basket and blanket work. NEBRASKA CITY, June 8. Some time since one of the clerks of election sued the city for $6 for services of clerk of eleotlon, the city having before paid but $2. The suit was decided against the city and the coun cil Is now settling the claims of the Judges and clerks of election for $t each tO avoid further litigation. There are several cities of the first class In thia slate that will be affected by this decision aa there are none now paying the W per day aa required by taint. HEBRON, June 8. Tha teacher' insti tute Is now In session and the city is warming with blight school mar'arns. On hundred and forty-five are In attendance. The Instructors ar Prof. Shurman of Schuyler, S. Ureebs of Lincoln and Prof. Wagner, superintendent of the Hebron pub. He schools. Prof. Thurman gave a very interesting lecture last night on "The Mak ing of a Citizen." Friday evening: Prof. McBrlen will lecture on "Pessimism versus Optimism." STELLA, June 8. M. J. Clancy, In a fit of intoxication, began whipping his ' small baby yesterday afternoon and when his wife Interfered In the child's behalf he struck her a blow In the eye, making a very painful wound. He then took tho child up stairs and the neighbors being thoroughly alarmed by thla time, hi wife wore out a warrant for his arrest, 11a was taken before Justloe Bhrader. Tho court fined him 140 and costs, and aa the property and moneya Is in his wife's name he was unable to pay the fin and waa taken to the county seat, where he will have to lay the fine out in the county Jail. ASHLAND, June 8. While In the city oa other business, Sheriff Webster gathered In "Dick" Jackson, a local character of bad reputation, to answer a charge pre. ferred by 14-year-old Miss Barger, Jack, son's sister-in-law. A warrant for Jack son's arrest on thia charge has been out almost a year, but Jackson always eluded the officers. Sheriff Webster landed hi man through strategy Jackson was watch Ing him, so the sheriff boarded the evening train for Wahoo. and when a short distance from the depot had the conductor atop the train. Ha came back and took Jackson unawares. Jackson is now languishing In tho county Jail at Wahoo to await action by the district court. HUMBOLDT, June 8. Sheriff O. R. Mar', tin came down from Pawnee City and placed under arrest Nick Bentlor, a well known Humboldt young man on a charge of boot-legging at Table Rock seme months ago. Ths warrant was Issued from tho court of Justloe Marble shortly after tho offense Is alleged to have been committed, but In some manner tha offender seems to have been given a tip and made him self scarce. lie is thought to havr been in Missouri, but on Sunday aftwrtioon drifted Into town and was able to stay here but slightly over twenty-four hour when the Pawnee county officials were no tified and the officer came down. He met young Bentler on the street and placed him under arrest before tho young men was aware of his presonce on that mission. Commercial Clob Reorganises. HASTINGS, June 8. (Special.) A special meeting of the Commercial club which wa called to meet In the city hall drew out a large and enthusiastic attendance of busi ness men last night. The club waa thor oughly reorganized and the following board of director elected: C. J. Miles, V. B. Trimble, Oeorge T. Brown, William Brsch, William M. Lowman, C. E. Hlglnbotham, Herman E. Stein. John Pickens, G. J. Ev ans, George H. Pratt,. W. M. Dutton. W. E. St. John, J. B. Wallace, Hans Hansen and A. T. Bratton. The directors elected C. J. Mllee president of the organisation. George T. Brown treasurer, and A. T. Bratton sec retary. Committees were selected to so licit active members. It la the purpose of the reorganised club to make an active campaign for the commercial Interest of Hastings, Sons of Vrterana Meet. OSCEOLA, Neb., Jun 8. (Special.) The division encampment of the Son of Vet erans Is being held here. The first session was on Tuesdsy afternoon and it will con tinue for three days. There Is a good at tendance and everything Is done by tho good people of Osceola to make It pleasant for the boys. On Tuesday evening an old tlmevCourt-martlal was given for the bene fit of the encampment, and the Sons en joyed It Immensely, for they say they never knew It wss that way before. Murder Trial at Kul let-ton. FULLERTON, Neb., Jun 8. (Special.) District court convened hero Monday after noon, Hon. J. O. Rider presiding. There k a very light docket and tho only case to be triad at this term 1 Stat The "eh cry day test" is the best test for butter, and only a small proportion of the butter marketed, stands it It is hard to maintain uniform excellence veek after veek, from one year's end to another. , Butter that never varies in quality, that always has the same delicious flavor, is a good brand to insist on having khen you find it. If all butter vas like this, there would be no need for butter testers. All we ask for Me&dqw Gold Butter, is that you taste it Aa one housewife remarked "it al ways haa a 'more-ish' taste that brings one back for another package." Ask your dealer for it .Sold only in airtight packages. V Beatrice Creamery Co.