TUB OMATTA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, JU3JK 0, 1904. ALLIGATOR BUCKS AT MYER Kofi's PeV Ls'uisi to 8tiv ia Muddy Watsrt of Miisonrv SPURNS HUMANE SOCIETY BENEVOLENCE Iwlaia Oat on hore, Where, " the Next Morning, He Dltea Flee Oat of Matter's t Shex. Th unrespondlng coldners with which lertaln animals tntet the gentle efforts of :be Omaha branch of the Nebraska Hu mane society la annoying. It is perplexing. The gontlemen who art united by this common bond of kindness for the lowly inlmala that are subjected to hardship and sruclty by masterful man are somewhat Uncomflted at a rebuff received at tha hands or- whatever sjch an animal us tor rebuffing of Mogy Bernstein's alllg;. tor. At least It Is construed as a rehqW, sut there Is nd way of being certain. T-hs machine should have a licence, while in tner qunrters It -Is taken to mean that each machine should tear a different num ber. : "To merely have a number for each Owner of automobiles would defeat the principal object for which the ordinance was passed, namely, that Identification may be possible In case of accident and the Chauffeur does not stop." said Chief Dona hue, i The matter Is being further considered snd the full Intent of the ordinance proba bly will be announced Thursday. FOUR HUNDREDJIASONS HERE attendance at the Meet Ins; 'of the Grand l.odgs la Lares. Upwards of 400 members are In attend ance at the meeting of the Masonic innd lojge of Nebraska, now In session nt Ma sonic temple. Yesterday morning's session "was devoted to reading of the annual ad dress of Grand Master Frank E. Bullard. His address Is In the nature of a report of tho condition of the order throughout tlllfc'.itor has been used for aUvertlflrr pur- 1 'n'B Jurisdiction and shows the fraternity poses sna nas the name of a new- family magazine printed in red paint on. Its back. If the name of this periodical contained all Ihe letters of the alphabet, vUch it does not, and If the animal Itself, had had she advantages oi early ctwolrr.g, u might be ablo to make clear Us ideaby pointing with ;ts tall to the Utter neod'ed aod so spelling sut the words. ' The perplexity arljes from the fact that the society grew Vorrted at the pitiful 8onlltlon of the -tiigator In Its little, com fortless cage sd asked. Mogy to give It liberty end s it on the muddy Missouri, where It TiyiM swim away to the gulf ami be hariy and natural and unrestrained ia nature meant it to be. Mogy did this. Tut-suny evening, with the alligator, and a moinlr or two of the socjety. In a light w.ipja Mofey drove to the Doiiglns street lairing, and wlfcj.many kind expressions ot farewell, set the alligator free. t Swims Back to Shore. The animal seemed pleasefl .at first, and swam far cut Into the amber flood, dis posing Itself -fn a, carefree manner which It-lighted the human gentlemen. This they had expected. But the reptile, after a few minutes, Instead of biting a plec or two out of the bridge plor and starting for the gulf, a had been further expected, turned for the shore and came back to the party In a manner of a spaniel which hns been In after a stone. It was posi tively pathetic the way that alligator kept a hanging- around. Mogy fended him off with a pioc of drift wood and all of th porty united in saying. "Shoo, shoo," Snd other rude but Ineffective things. ' It was- finally decided to leave th "gater-' over night, with the idea that he would gradually tecom reconciled to Mis souri river freedom. Early this morning the master of th ovorfonJ reptile went again to the river bank. Ther many gey and men were searching up and down th bank with stick and stones for the etrango and repellent water varmint, which had been meandering' about In, a lost sort of mnnner. Mogy soon detected th alli gator, who la on the bank near the smel ter, the sunshine' glistening from the painted letters on it back. v Either because It waa hungry 'from not being served It usual ration, or because Its temper had been ruined by the hunt, the alligator re fused to recognise its master snd bit an Inch pit the end of his footthat ts, an inch away from the nd of It ' What to do Is now the question. Mogy thinks the "gater"' wants to be taken buck to the tank, to which sort of life It has been accustomed for eight years. Th humane society does not know what to , . .. TfiS . t y.r (1at. 7 first , slant would seom muddy enough for any alligator. . j BOYS ANNOY AUTOMOBILISTS Throw; Vegetable sadsEigi at Then as4 Police Get After Th em. 1 . ' jOurlng tha last few days, reports hay been received, by the police stating that small boys have been taking partioular de light th throwing such missiles as old veg etables and unmarKotable eggs at occu pant of automobiles. Borne of tfie boys are known ip th police, who say arrests vitl follow if tha sulsanc la not at one bated. Chief Donahue believes this warn ing, may have the desired effect without making the arrests necessary. Instructions have been given to th pa trolmen to keep a vigilant lookout for th number on automobiles as It is stated that on dealer has interpreted. . the new erdlnanc to mean that each owner of the to be In a highly prosperous state, with Its membership growing and tho condition of the subordinate lodges prosperous. The semi-annual meeting of t'.ie Nebraska Veteran Freemasons was held at the temple at noon with a big attendance. The meet ing was made additionally pleasant In the fact that the members dined together and there were several accessions to member ship. A member must have been a Mason twenty-one years before :i Is eligible to membership in the Nebraska Veteran Free masons' organization. The organization is wholly social and each year Its meetings become more and more Interesting. The grand lodge Is considering the, reports of the various committees, particularly that of the committee on legislation. This afternoon the grand lodge will visit the Masonic horn at Plattsmouth, going down by special train. The grand lodge will meet at Mauonlo temple at 2 o'clock to proceed to the depot and will be escorted by Mount Calvary commandery. No. 1. Knights Templar, in uniform. It is the present intention to return from Plattsmouth at 6 o'clock this evening. JCSLYN WRITES TO "EXPLAIN Tells Exchange lie Was Protesting; Against Lack of Jurisdiction In TmxIngT. - The Real Estate exchange, at Its regular meeting, listened to a letter from George A. Joslyn defining his position In the mat ter of taxes. Mr. Joslyn explained It was not the real estate taxes to which he ob jected, but the taxation of properties which were out of the jurisdiction of the taxing authorities. He said he understood th Idea had gone abroad that he was adverse to tho real estate taxes, a thing which lie wished to correct. The exchange voted to give the letter and the entire matter Its consideration nt the next meet Ing. Tax Commissioner Fleming, City At torney Wright and T. J. Mahoney, th attorney for Mr. Joslyn, will be aske4 .to talk from their respective points of view. KINQ MILLION ACHES Government Lands for Homesteader, In western Nebraska near the Union Pa cific railroad In section lots of 610 acres each, for almost nothing. The salubrity of these lands is something remarkable. Dis tance from railroad Is from three to thirty miles. There will be a grand rush homesteader. This Is the last distribution' of free homes the United States government will ever make in Nebraska. Write for pamphlet telling' bow the lands can be ac quired, ' whon entry should be made and other information. Free on application to any Union Paclflo agent or city ticket of fice, 1324 Fa mam street 'Phone SIS, ' GONE FOR EIGHT LONG YEARS Ex-Prisoner Agrreea to Take Losg ( Vacation. If Jndgo Will . Liberate Him. - It la possible that Thomas Fltxgerald will not see Omaha again for eight years. It Was under this self-inflicted penalty that he secured his discharge in poltce court Fitzgerald was arrested on the charge of being drunk, and owing to his lack of funds to pay a fine and his aversion to serving a sentence these nlc spring, day. ha promptly offered to absent himself from ihe Gate City for the period mentioned If Judge Berks would give., hiroj his liberty. Tha, judge granted the request and Frts gerald went to th postofflo to hare- his mall address changed. Max.;: via i8l4 LOUISIANA PURCHASE CENTENNIAL '(lSCl-lM). In December, 1814. Oanaral Andrew Jackson, Uarnlna ( their movemeote from tha pirate La Flu, defeated th Kogliaft boost Admiral Cechrano and Genaral PakaiM nam at taa oaiue et new vneaaa. fimitrro syim fWt'y' 'H'H '-J 'Vsv: C" cpP C Lcsscnf Laundry Labors, 1 x r r wr 1 v 11 11 aril ii rnde mmim UX !. kMia ss Soaio 11 Easfly the most . satisfactory laundry Eoapmade. It always does effective work and keeps clothes sweet and clean. Order today for Monday's wash, Sold by leading dealers. Gwift C& Company, U. S. A. Makers of Swift's Washing Powder HARR1MAN WILL CUT TIME Plans 6o Itcreatinj Spsed on All Wtt'srn Trsio. THREE HOURS OFF OF OVERLAND LIMITED Purpose is to Chaatge Time-Tables So as to Conform with Facilities Possible- by ew Roadbed. The present plan of operation of trains on tho Harrlman lines west of the Missouri river Is to undergo a radical change. It Is said that the running and leaving time of almost all trains on the extensive system will be changed and in some cases local passenger trains will be taken Off.- Tho running time of some of the fast trains will be mAterlaJly cut down and the feature ot the whole plan will be to lessen the time consumed in the operation of all passenger trains. The running time of th Overland Lim ited between Omaha and the Pacific coast will be lessened about three hours. It is not known at present whether the leaving time of this train from Omaha will be changed or not, but it Is thought that it will be. In order to expedite the running of trains a few minutes will be cut oft ot the schedule now allowed to cover each division on the Vnlon Pacific, Oregon Bhort Line, Southern Pacific and Oregon Railway St Navigation company. Since the extensive Improvements to th road bed of the Harrlman lines have been completed the track has been made much faster, but tha time table has not been changed to conform to the Improved run ning facilities, and it is for this reason that the changes are made. The new time table will probably go Into effect June 2, If they cannot be arranged for an earlier date. It is also said that ther will be material changes In the freight schedules of the company. Stlckney Will Come. President A. B. Stlckney of the Great Western probably will be In Omaha this week' to make arrangements with the Union Pacific . for a connection with the grain terminal of his company. If atls- factory arrangements can be made the building of 'the elevators contemplated by tha Exchange Grain company (Jaquith ft Barnes) and J. F. Twamley & Son will be begun at once. Th Twamley elevator will have a capacity of 250,000 bushels of grain and the Exchange Grain company elevator will be built to hold 800,000 bushels. It Is the Intention Of, the builders of these elevators to have them ready to receive grain in tho tall. In Urns for this, year's crop, and at present nothing but tle Union Paclflo connections stand In th way. It is not believed any difficulty will be experienced by President Btlckney in se curing a contract with the Union Pacific which will be satisfactory. Mr. Btlckney leaves St. Paul for Chicago tonight ahd probably will come direct from the latter city to Omaha to close the deal, BnrIlnotom Exploits Land. The Burlington has Issued a very at tractive folder advertising the lands along that system which are subject to entry under the Klnkaid bill. The folder says on June 28, 14,000 homesteads will be thrown open to settlement under the law In th state of Nebraska, and that this land, In sections of 640 acres each, will practically be given away, by the govern ment. The homesteader is required to pay only 114 to cover the cost of record I no- afterward he is required to live on the land for a period of five years, and to make Improvement thereon amounting, to $300. These Improvements do not have to repre sent' the expenditure ot money, but the homesteader can himself do the work. The Improvements can be mad at one time or at the rat of $160 each year for the five years. At the end of that time the land Is his. '1 A list of th land by counties is given. with a description' of conditions in each county. The principal towns In each county are also described and their population Is givon. Some of the land adjoining that subject to entry Is aald to be worth as high as 10 an acre. Another Fast Wabaak Train. It 1 probable that within a few days the Wabash will put on another fast passenger train between Omaha and St. Louis. Tho trsin will bo run as a second section of the regular evening train which leave here at 6:30 and probably will leave Omaha about I o'clock, remaining: hero lata enough to se cure tha World's fair travel arriving late over' western lines. The train will arrive In St. Louis about 8:90 the following morning. The Union Paclflo delivered to th Wa bash th World's fair sleeper arriving from Salt Lake for th first time today. Here after this sleeper will be run regularly from Salt Lake City over the Union Paclflo and Wabash to St. Louis. The new Bt. Louis-Pittsburg line of the Wabash will b opened for business June & Two fast trains will be put on running between the two terminal. They will be up-Ao-date in every particular. Two trains will also be put on the Chicago-Pittsburg line, which will make fast time and b as fine as any now running in the country. Heelan agalnt Illlnoli Central Railroad Com i a) , A ante Connell against Conwnl of Mercy. Ldward H. Lucainulll HgainH L'nlon 1'aiilc MllrOHl Company. Jonn W. Keabrooke, administratis, apxlnxt New Omaha Thomson-Mousinn Kiectrtc Com pany, William B. Maxtlcl l against Chicago, KocK Island A Pacific Hal lri.au Company, Conrad Buna agnlnat Ponnv Fenny, Wil liam H:ablll eaalnst -Chicago, Hook Inland sc racitlo Railroad Company and Joseph A. Kinder against Chicago, Hock Islsnd t ra citlo Railroad Company. The cne of the Henry Urammer Manufacturing company for Infringement of patent against th In ternational Manufacturing company of Omaha la being argued. MISSOURI PACIFIC LOSES CASE Falla to Keep Elevator Litigation Oat of State Coart as It Attempted. Contrary, to the motion of th defendant. Judge Munger has handed down his del cision In the case of the Farmers' Grain and Elevator company of Virginia, Neb., against the Kansas City & Northwestern (Missouri Pacific) Railway company, re manding the case ;back tj the supreme court of Nebraska, from which the case was taken to the United States circuit court. ' The suit is one wherein the plaintiffs brought action in the supreme court of the state to compel the railroad company to permit them to build an elevator on its right-of-way In the town of Virginia or to build a siding to th railroad's own elevator a few feet from Its right-of-way, providing that the plaintiff be accorded th sama privileges and facilities that wer furnished another elevator at that point, the plaintiff's elevator doing a much greater business than Its competing ele vator. The suit was brought under the provisions of the Ramsey elevator law. The rairoad company, however, contended that It was a foreign corporation and that to be compelled to comply with the prayer of th plaintiff' petition by any mandate of the supreme court of the state would be a virtual confiscation of the defendant's property, would Inflict a great hardship on tha defendants and entail much expense that would not be warranted by the re sults. Consequently the case waa carried to the United States- court. It was argued before Judge Munger in May by State Senator L. M. Pemberton of Gage county in behalf of the plaintiffs, wherein he main tained that the case, was wholly within the Jurisdiction of the supreme court of the state snd no Unite"" States Issue was at fill Involved. The position of the de fendants was presented by A' torney James M. Orr of Kansas City, assistant attorney for the Missouri Pacific. national Republican Convention Chicago, lit, Juno 21-24. The Chicago Great Western Railway, on June 16 to 20 inclusive, will sell round trip tickets at one. fare plus 25 cents to Chicago, 111. For further Information ap ply to S. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 1512 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. HON. HODGIN WINS A DINNER Omaha Han Bobdne RufOam Who Annoys Gelaha Girls and Latter Manifest Gratitude. R. F. Hodgln, editor of the "Trade Ex hibit" of Omaha, and national director of the Travelers Protective association, proved himself the hero of the hour on a train near St. Louts the other day. Mr. Hodgln and Al Conway, A. V. Whiting, John Keln, O. C. Rice, John Krclg, A. C. Warrick, R. F. Bacon' and John Kelley, Nebraska delegates to' the national conven tion of the Travelers' Protective associa tion, now in session' at Springfield, 111., were on the same trrtln With the fifty Japa nese Geisha girls ehroute; to the World's fair. The doleglwP'hrfanged "with. ".'the Geisha girls for a' lftl i 'impromptu enter tainment on the train 'iind after the pro gram a ruffian persisted In annoying the girls. When Mr. Hodgln interceded In their behalf by summarily dealing with the In truder. In recognltlbn of Mr. Hodgln's gallantry th' Japanese visitors will give a dinner In his honor on the fair grounds on T. P. A." day, June W. ' " . : LAWYER TAKEN FOJt ROGUE Prominsnt Attorney and Society Van Vlc- t m of Policenun'i Blandtr. ACCUSED OF PILFERING IN A STORE Meld Tightly In Craep of Falthfal Patrolman I ntll a Frlead IlentU a II Ira and Secnree Hi Release. A very well known attorney of Omaha, who Is hot less prominent socially, was th victim of a mistake the other day that was equally embarrassing and ridiculous. An errand had taken him Into a store on South Thirteenth street, and while the transaction of his business consumed an unnecessarily long time, he thought noth ing of It until, passing out to th street, he was approached by a policeman, who. with 'less deference than this attorney gen erally displayed for that Is his calling stopped him and Informed him that he waa "wanted." The lawyer's look of amass ment and even his assuranq) that it was a mistake, so far from effecting his re lease, only served to tighten the officer's clutch upon his arm, and when he at last Indignantly demanded to know with what he was charged the answer came readily enough: "With systematic pilfering from that store." Policeman from Missouri, Now it seemed only a case of announcing his identity to secure his release, but while the name was familiar enough, the officer said something about being from Missouri. uninKing or his brother uptown, also a prominent attorney, the now indignant prisoner insisted that he be sent for, and then, remembering his own visiting cards, attempted to reach for them. But this gesture only hastened the climax, for, mis understanding the move, the officer gav him a jerk, as painful as It was sudden. and saying, ' "You don't draw, no gun on mo," hustled the thoroughly bewildered attorney into the store ha had been ao- cused of robbing. Just what might have been the outcome of it all la uncertain had not a reliable party chanced to pass that way and, Iden tifying the attorney, secured (Ms release. Notwithstanding the assurance of the new comer, the policeman and shopkeeper looked dubiously after th departing at torney, and then, rubbing his head, the latter said: "Well, he may not b tfce thief, but ho looks mightily like him," Pleasant Ways for gammer Day ay the Grand Trunk-Lehlgh Valley Route, Chicago to New Tork via Niagara Falls; the Grand TrunkIHinols Central new through car line from St. Louis to- Mont real; the Grand Trunk-Central Vermont Boston and Maine Route from Chicago to Boston and tha Grand Trunk Railway Sys tem to Montreal, Quebec and Portland. Fares, descriptive literature, etc., will be mailed on application to the Advertising Department, Grand Trunk Railway System, 185 Adams St.,, Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A. OMAHA COMING HOME AGAIN I Will Play On Game at Lincoln with j De Moines and Open Hor Friday. ' This afternoon Omaha and Des Moines will give Lincoln a taste of Western league ball, playing the game scheduled for Omaha on the Lincoln grounds. This will be a regular championship game and will count as such. Both tesms are playing good ball now, and the Lincoln folks who attend the match will see something worth looking at. On Friday the teams will b at Omaha and it will be. ladles' day, with music und all that Sort of thing. Brown, the new pltchor from Ames, will Jsln th team at Lincoln, and may pitch the game ngalnst Des Moines. II I big and fine-looking and says he never felt bet ter In 'his life. The work he has been doing against college teams Indicates that he hai something behind him and the chances are that he will be a big help to the team. He will go In Sunday for the Omaha game and 'give the local people a chance to see what he can do." Here are the team the way they will play in Lincoln and Omaha: Position. .. iirst base .... second base .. . third base ... .. shortstop .... left field .... , center field ... .. rlsht field .. lark G catcher Towne catcher Freese Hotter rltcher Pfolster Morrison pitcher ........Companion jiuneja pucner xncuanny cushman pucner Brown Des Moines. Connery Ehugart Lobert ilofman Thiel f.i Clark. J McChesney. Omaha. Thomas Howard ..Shlpka ...Do an ... Miller ..Welch ..Carter Oondlng Railway Mote and Personals. A. L. Mohler, general rnanaa-vr of ths Union Faclilc, has returned from Chicago. S. D. Parkhurst. aeneral airent of tha Great Western, ha returned from a trip to au fO-UL A. Durlow. advertising manaaer rrf tha union facitic, ana wit left lor Chicago Xueaduy evening. H. L. Purdy. traveling nasaencer scent of the 9rl from Chicago, waa a caller at tne .Northwestern offlcta. H. S. Rowe. treneral aaent of tha Mll- wauui-o at roruoiid. is la Uie cllv on bis way home from the east. J. A. Munroe. freight traffia munacer: EI H. Wood, general Height agent of th Union Pacific, and J. C. Htubbs, director ot transportation of th Harrlman lines. ar ae piHnt in Chicago holding a. coutacenc wiin otnar iiarrunan uinciaj. A Joint jneeLtas: ot five Grmait Veterans' society 1 of Iowa and Nebiuska will ba hald In Omaha. July 2J to Tar tha occasion the railroads in both states have announced a rax of on ami oaa-tiUrd furea fur the round trip. Fred L. Feakintk traveling: freiaht na-ent of the Colorado Midland wlui headuuartera lu Colorado bprfiiKS, and W. J. Coveriey, tiavuung passenger agent 4i tne auma Una fi'uin Kiuuiu City, are in Utwa.and called at the Kuck Inland olfiaea. Th annual Cpworth league assembly will be held In Llnculn, August 1 to li Leaguers will ba In attendance from all Dart of tha state und th ratlroada hava announced a rate of una far plua 60 cents or the ruuua txlD rxum. au ml 111 lnv Ne braska. Th office of th Northwestern will dos at 1 o'clock Friday, June 1U, on account of th day having been proclaimed a holiday by AciinaT Major Zimman, It having been at aald a tl.e day tor the celokraUiui of th Nebraska aeml-cuntenniul. Th Northwestern has announced that it will sell ticket, from points within luO mllea of Omaha to tliia city good June V and 1. fur on and ona-tlilrd tares tor tlia round trlu. Tha tickets will be-. rooii returuliut leaving Omaha as la to aa June 1L Travelers who dcxire to attend the an- Eietinir of Nobles of the Myslla filirlue to be held at Ailuntlo City, July jl to 16, will huve tha privilege of choosing their routs from - this city lut If thy ravel by th Hurliuirtou. 1 hey can sTO by Clihaco und rvturu via 61. Loui vr any etht-r point on the line of th com pany, Ttcknis will lx sold July snd Hi, und rftiuning inn nuiuurs can leav Al LanUe City as latu aa Auausr i. Tha rut or tne rounu trip irom umuna wilt be Case Set for Trial. Judge Carland will tax up the rase on civil OorkBt or to l.uited Etutra clicult court not yet tried and lilrh have been noticed tor trial at ttna term of court. 11 naa anucururd tnat tne Jolloliin ru would, b sat tor Monday, Jun U. idUgg WILL CELEBRATE THE SEWER Clifton Hill Improvement Clnb Con template a Iteceptlon Next Mon day Night. Th Clifton Hill Improvement club will give a reception a week from Monday night In celebration of the arrangement made for the Clifton Hill sewer by the city. The reception will be to the. officers of the' municipality, club members and their wives. Tt will be held In the basement of th Pre, byterlan church at Forty-fifth and Grant streets and refreshments will be terved. A program. Including well known speakers and music, will enliven tha occasion. End of Week Excursion, to Clear Lake, la. Via Chicago Great Western railway. For trains Friday night and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will be sold at one fare to Clear Lake.' Ia. Tickets good returning on any train until the fol lowing Monday. For further Information apply to S. H. Parkhurst, general agent, 1512 Farnam street, Omaha, Nab. SOLDIER IS FOUND GUILTY Member of tenth United State Cav alry Convicted of Cutting: with Intent to Kill. The jury In the case of Arthur Smith, on trial In the United States district court on the charge ot stabbing with Intent to wound, came In with a verdict Tuesday evening of guilty of cutting with Intent to wound. Smith waa a private ot the Tenth TTnlted States cavalry and was charged wIUi cut ting Roy Matney, with Intetjt to kill. Th cutting affray occurred on th Fort Rob inson Military reservation February U, 1901 LKTIMVATpt Is Offered to the Public Upon its Record of Results Accomplished. Nothing Save an Actual Test Can be More Satisfactory to the Patient than the Testimony of Eminent Medical Men who have Repeatedly Tested its Merits in Bright' Disease, Albuminuria, Renal Calculi. Inflamma tion of the Bladder, Gout, Rheumatism and Uric Acid Troubles. ' Dr.' Roberta Bartholow, farmer Projnsor Materia Mcdka and ent eral TktrapfulUs in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and author 0 "Mrtholow's Materia Medic 'and Thtrapeutki" and other well-known tneUual troi tf, says: " It is used with great advents; la Oouty, Rheu matic an J Renal Affections." Dr. G. A. Fcoto, of Warrenton, C.,e.v President Medical Society of North Carolina Jormgrly Member of the State Board tf MedicU Examiners, and also of the State Board of Health. After reporting; remarkable relief obtained from the use of this water ip. a case of CHRONIC BklOtlTS DISEASE In his own person, Vr. Foote save: " From this experience in ay own esse, snd oltaervation of its action in similar cases in patients fur whom I have prescribed the water, I have no hesitancy in expressing the opinion that malady so difficult oi treatment. ofth Geo, Helsted Boyland, A.M., M.D., ofPttri Doctor- ofMedicint YhYtaclutvofftrissay,; 'There Is NO REMEDY SO ABSOLUTELY SPECIFIC IN ALL l ORftS OP ALBUMINURIA snd BRIOMTS DISEASE, SSSS-E"!: DUi:FlL9UTIilAV7ArER 25 bSu'Sdiet In all cajc of Pregnancy where Albumin is found in tho urino as lats as tha last week before confinement, if this water and a milk diet ia prescribed, the Albumin disappears rapidly from the urine and tne patient baa positive fuaranUe against Puerperal Convulsions. Used aa a substitute for ordinary water during the period of Gestation It will be found Inval. liable as a preventive of Puerperal Convulsions and other disturbances incident to .his condition. Voluminous medical testimony of the hihest order showing the value of this water in th other diseases mentioned mailed to soy address. CUFErUO LlTIilA YATER sale by dealers generally. Hotel opens June 1 5th. ' ' i" PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VA. Specials for Thursday. If you'll read those extraordinary low prices on Ladies' Underwear, Gloves and Hose, and confridef that every article Is of the highest character, your 'good judgment will not permit you' to neglect coming here Thursday. 5c 25c 39c 120 dozen ladies' low neck sleeveless cotton ribbed vests, silk trimmed regular 10c val ues at 5c each. CO dozen ladies' beautiful, lace trimmed um brellas style knit drawers regular 39c value, at 23c. GO dozen extra fine quality Bilk finished vests, full rifle taped, low neck, sleevcless regular 35c values at 19c. 120 extra fine quality fancy lace and plain lisle hose, In tans, browns, black, white and a beautiful lino of fancy novelty patterns 75c values at 39c. " 36 dozen extra fine quality of DOUBLE FIN GER TIPPED silk gloves, "KAYSERS" In modes, grays, black and white regular 75c values at 45c. , 45c 2? Put a Barrel in Your Pocket. The little barrels we make are filled with our own make of Ice Cream and you can carry it home in your pocket It will stay frozen for hours. QUARTS Enough for 8 persons. . . .40c PINT S Enough for 4 persons . . . .200 3mm You Will Be Sorry if you den't give me your order ri ght nowfor your Hot Weather Skirts lean get them out on short notice NOvV, but a little later, when the weather is very hot, you will oesd them and It will .take longer, to make them. ' - AI.RRRT r.AIIW VSSLTSSi 219 So. I4lh St. naisua wssi wcu a uiiuhb, Tsliys are th most popular sho for Man's wear this year at $3.50. , We hav th high and low cut sty! Including th new potay lat hlsh and medium military heel Blucher out and plain lac. Not a styl or last that you would wear but that we have In this 13.60 shoe. Let us show them to you and fit them to your feet w will gnarante to plea you In averythlns; Including tha wearing quality, . DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Faraam St re it. Oraabaj Up-to-Dti Shot Heas THE BEST BEER THE BEER YOU LIKE CABINET FOUR SYNONYMS IWR-TWO-NAUainVThars our telephone nuuber catcU It! You may. ueed It for future use. SOLD CH 0ININ3 AKD BUFFET CARS OWLY 5) ...TO... CHICAGO AND RETURN June 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 ...VIA... IIIinoisCentralR. R. Tickets and farther Information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnnm St., or write L-- . -tit '.s4,-5'nJ V. H, BRILL, D. P. A. ELL. CENT. R. R. Omaha.Neb. SEARLES & SEARLES - Omaha. Nt. CURES GUARANTEES Quicker and for LESS MONEY than other 8PECIALItT. euraa all .pedal dteeaiti nt oiau kiduojr, bisilltr and disease u( wuiatl f urad lor III. ooo ry si gn ..Diutoio. sores on body, u mouth, tongue, tnroat hair and ybrowaJ (lulling outj dlsupitear completely furever. Varicose Veins T.'aik:': ling, pain r lua U tinvv N Quickest cur in th world. WeU, loriow Mai VJl eebilliy, earls' ueolln. lack el vigor 4 trengtii, , Treatment by mail. It year OT SOC CtritoFUL, PRaCTICS IN OMAHA. Our see of 14th and Xoulea Blood Poison The Tonlo Par Exoelleneo. !( MuXr fiiifi CA Wine OordlulJ i beat Hocilic remedy toe Malarial and Typhoid, r rvvrsj Oolite, Influenza, 1 "