Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Lire Stock Ezobftog Will Holt Life
" Meeting on Friday.
Krnkm Claim to Have Proof that tho
Halo Is Belns Violate ut Pro.
pos to B force Xew Rmle
at Once.
portance of tho Bouth Omaha Live Stock
txchanm Is to be held on Friday of this
wark. While last Friday was the regular
meeting day, the fact that so many mem
bers were at. the Alliance cattlemen's con
vention, caused a postponement for one
week. It is desired that every member
fce present at the meeting' Friday as the
eld solicitor question Is to come up.
After the Fort Worth convention the
local exchange adopted a rule prohibiting
the employment of solicitors. This ex
change was the only one that adopted the
rule a? RUKgeited by the convention. The
other exchanges made modifications. Then
It came about that the rule here was mod
ified so that each member of a firm might
solicit business on the road for six days
each month. Tha statement Is now mads
that this rule Is being violated.
In talking of this matter last night a
member of the exchange said: "we havs
found by Investigation that firms engaged
In business at the exchange here ara
evading the rule, They do it In this way.
Hen wun neaaquarcers in hi. josepn, mo.,
are on tha road and traveling In the ter
ritory tributary.' tb Bouth Omaha. . These
men we. find are soliciting business for
certain live stock commission men here.
Tet they draw, their pay at St. Joseph,
and to all Intents and purposes they are
Working for the yards down the river."'
Copies ofj the new rule to be adopted In
connection with, this matter are now posted
on the bulletin board at the exchange and
. It Is expected that a lively session will be
held, especially when some firms are ac
cused of subterfuge In soliciting business
by employing men from another city and
Library Board Today.
President Bruce McCulloch, of the South
Omaha Library Board, has called a meet
ing of the board for o'clock this after
noon. At this meeting Miss Jane Abbott,
the librarian will make her first official
appearance. ' The' object of the meeting
la to get to work on a list 'of books to be
purchased. "At this time the board will
spend about tUSQO tor books. It la un-j
cerstood that In the matter of selecting
books the board will be governed largely
by the advice of Miss Abbott; as she Is
familiar wjth conditions here and Is con
sidered a thoroughly competent librarian.
Wants Boiler Inspector,
Councilman Klewtt has started the old
boiler Inspector ordinance again. Mr.
Klewlt says that the .dtr needs an In
spector of boilers aaM that It should be
a fee office. : By this , he means that the
Nret this has been tried, but such an ordi
nance was never passed. The city attorney
acting under. Instructions fom the council
will draft an ordinance,', but there td little
If any hope of, such' an ordinance being
passed. In tho first place the packers say
that they have to undergo an underwriters'
Inspection at stated Intervals, and they
do not see why' an additional! fee should
be paid for the same Inspection.
eeretary Bergqaist Disappointed.
A. X Berjrqulst, secretary of the Fire
and Police Board, Is disappointed at the
action of the city council, In turning down
the ordinance relating to the payment of
sm salary of S120 per month.' - Mr. Berg
quist sAid' that ho tiaoV acted as secretary
ever alnoe the organisation of the board
Jid considered that be was entitled to
soine compensation. "What I cannot under
stand," said Mr. Bergnulst, "Is that the
Judiciary committee ; of the ' counoll re-
' ported favorably -on the ordinance and
then When It came up for final passage
only one member, Klewlt, voted for it"
The finanoe committee of the council as
sert that the funds will not permit of this
additional expense at this time. .
' Repairs to I, Street.
It took Street ' Commissioner Troutan
and his men two days to repair L street
from. Twentieth street' west to Twenty
fourth street. The rains of late caused a
number of washouts anh many loads ot
dirt were used to fill the boles. Those who
live on tb street between the points men
tioned ara anxious to have the street paved
and put a stop to the constant washing
out of the roadway. , The trouble seems
to be that a majority'' of the property own
era are nonresidents and are not Inclined
to sign a paving petition. ' An effort Is
being made by residents to bring the par
ing of the street about this year.
Gataer-OTooIe Nuptials.
Dr, John Henry Qalnoy of Crawford,
Colo., and Miss Tessle O'Toole' of this city
will be married this morning at 8 o'clock
at St. Bridget's church. The service will
be oonduoted by Father Callahan. Within
a couple of hours a fun- the oeremony the
couple will leave for St. Louis. The groom
is well, known In South Omaha, having
Uved her up to the time of his graduation
from aa Omaha medical college. The
bride la also well known, having occupied
a prominent position tn the publlo schools
for a number of years.
Special fonurtl Meeting.
A called meeting of the city council was
held last night. The object of the meeting
Was to have the ordlnauce providing for
the paving of O street from Twenty-third
to Twenty-sixth streets read the second
time. This was done and the members
agreed that they would sign a call for an
i other special meeting for tonight Prop-
! ' .r-t v owners on O strent nr varv tnilmt.
to get this street paved by the time tv,e
new viaduct is open. Vitrified brick Is to
be used and work is to commence as soon
as the contract can be awarded.
Business Moa'a Meetlner. .
On Thursday evening the organization
recently formed from the remnants ot the
old Cemmeicial club will meet at the-parlors
of the' South-Omaha club. The new
organization Is known as "The Hustlers
and Homo Protective association." Na
The best hair tonic on the market at any
price. Cure dandruff and all scalp dis
eases,' stops falling hair and actually makes
" the hair rrow. Guaranteed not to darken
blonds hair. Mail orders not filled unless
6c extra it enclosed with price.
At Crsgglsts, IS, 40 and T 5 Cents
Your druggist will secure It for you if yon
deposit tue price with your order.
Drug Sale Co.. Chliaso. Ueneral Sulci Agents
IMT sale locally by
lrUfm o price prig tore, cl
m au4 ' ' rt sia.
turally the members are seeking to keep
trade at home and propose to agitate the
question of home patronage. Nearly all
of the business men In the city are Inter
ested in the new movement.
agio City Gossip.
iter: and Mrs. James Wise are visiting
relatives in Lincoln.
There Is to be A big sale of horses at the
Stork yards on June 14.
The KouUky-Hoctor contest has been
postponed until Tuesday, June 14.
Al Denny. Twenty-first and J streets, left
last night for Ban Francisco dn business.
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Roberts. Twenty-fifth and T streets.
City Treasurer Howe Intends Issuing a
call for warrants about the 'end of the
week. a
Mrs. Hattle Allyn has let the contract
for two houses at Twenty-first and T
John NovotinI, Twenty-ninth and 8
streets, took out a permltyesterday for a
Fred Carpenter, Twenty-second and H
streets, has returned from a trip to Spo
kane, Wash.
The fifteen letter carriers" at the post
office met at noon yesterday and had their
photographs taken In a group.
Owing to the lllnes of Mrs. P. T. Power,
the Ladles of the Maccubees will not hold
a meeting at her house this evening.
Frank Olson, a former member of the
Board of Education, was fined AO and
costs in police court yesterday for vag
Those Who Are to Jllde In. the Parade
Report at City Hall at Ids '
P. M. Friday.
The territorial pioneers of Nebraska will
ride in carriages In the seml-oentennlal pa
rade. This was decided on at the meeting
yesterday afternoon of the general oom
ml t tee. It will be arranged that , they pio
neers meet in the city hall and from there
they will be taken in carriages for the
parade. The resolution to this effect was
Introduced by General Manderson. It is
as follows:
Vice presidents of the semi-centennial
and men and women who settled in Ne
braska and were of age before its admis
sion as a state and who d eel re to Join in
the parade will report in front of the Far
nam street entrance of the city hall at 1:16
o'clock Friday, June 10, when they will
be assigned to carriages. It is hoped all
who will then participate In the parade will
notify N. P. Dodge,, jr., by mall at once.
The parade list has been perfected and
the line of march will be as follows: - At 1
o'clock the sections for the march will
form on North Sixteenth street When the
word Is given the parade will move south
on. Sixteenth street to Douglas, then turn
ing east on that street to Tenth, and south
to Farnam. The line of maroh will then
be up Farnam to Nineteenth street, south
to Harney, east on Homey to Fifteenth
street and then south to the Auditorium.
The afternoon ceremonies will take place
at the new building Immediately following
the arrival of the parade. The old settlers'
reunion on the contrary will take place In
the Orpheum theater. The meeting will
begin at 8 o'clock. "
AC the Orpheum theater Friday night the
old settlers will make short addresses. The
speakers and their subjects are to bet
Q. M. Dodge, "The Paclflo Railroads."
Edward Rosewater, "Pioneer Journalism."
J. M. Wool worth, ''Bench and Bar ot the
O. W. Doane, "Early Legislature and
X E. Boyd, "Pioneering on the Plains."
Charles F. Manderson, "Reminiscences."
' John L. Webster, "Transition from Ter
ritory to State.'
Henry W. Yates, "Early Banks and
fil. Wakelcy, "First Views and Impres
sions of Nebraska.''
Dr. Miller has reoelved a, letter from J.
A. Casement of Plalnsvllle O., accepting an
Invitation to attend the celebration. Mr.
Casement, In fact. Is on his way to Omaha.
Mr. Casement Is the man who superin
tended the laying of about 1.000 miles of the
Union Paclflo tracks, part of It at the rate
of five miles a day.
, All of the retail stores of the city, the
banks and the Union Paclflo shops will be
closed Friday afternoon In deference to
the Nebraska semi-centennial celebration. .
Inside Facts About Apolllnarls.
As such an enormous quantity of Apol
llnarls water Is consumed each year, over
ao, 000,000 of bottles, so high an, authority
on matters pertaining to health as the Lon
don Lancet recently sen, one of Its special
commissioners to the spring which la at
Neuenahr, Germany, In order to place be
fore the medical profession an authorita
tive description of the bottling of this
The report of this commissioner,' pub
lished In a recent Issue of the Lancet,
shows that he was given access to every
nook and corner of the vast establishment
In which the spring Is situated and that be
saw from beginning to end the process by
whioh the water is bottled there, ready
for delivery to all parts of tha world. This
report Is full of Interesting scientlfto de
tails describing the methods of bottling and
hows that the purity and healthfulnesa
of the water aa It comes from the spring
Is preserved; It says that the chemical
analyses which he made are In accord with
those given at various times by the late
Prof. Vlrchow, Prof. XJebreich, the late
Sir Edward Franklond and other authori
ties, and that the water wherever It is
bought Is identical with the water t&kon
directly from the spring, sa Apolllnarls
Is bottled only at the spring and only with
Its own natural gas. The supply of both
water and gas from the spring Is consider
ably In excess of the present enormous
demands. .
t i
' Italian Saves Ills Money.
Raphele Crezca, an Italian living at Thir
teenth and Dodge streets, has come to the
cuncluslon that women are what many
writers have painted them. He has arrived
at this determination on account of an
encounter he hod with Lena Burns, a
colored woman residing at Thirteenth and
Cass streets, and whioh nearly lost him
$35. According to Crezea, the woman came
to his house pddllng yesterday afternoon
and began to talk to him. As Cresna's
English is limited to a few words and Miss
Burns has no knowledge of what she calls
the "dago tulk." the conversation did not
go on very fats. But by degrees the Burns
woman manaed to explain to Cresea that
at the Bight oT him there had sprung up
within her bosom an unquenchable name
of love. Crezea wae, however, auspicious,
and when the woman attempted to put her
arras around him he reslnted strongly. She
was so insistent that Crezea felt for his
money, and was dismayed to And it gone.
Miss Burns saw the action, and thinking it
time to be going tried to do so, but was
prevented by Cresea. who hold her fast.
The exclamations In two languages brought
a crowd to the scene and also a policeman,
at the sight of whom, Cresea alienee, the
woman shoved the money back into his
pocket. The two were locked up, the
woman charged with larceny from the per
son and Crezea as a complaining witness.
Police and Opium Smokers. '
In an Iptervlew regarding a recent edi
torial appeurlng in the World-Herald in
"which the police were censured for allow
ing opium joints. Chief of Detectives Dunn
lajit night said thut the police et once ar
rested the inmates of a Joint as soon as
they knew of It. "These people seem to
think." he said, "that every person who is
found smoking opium Is liable to arrest
This is not so. Ve can only arrest people
who enter anothy r arson's dwelling, and,
while there, xmuke oplunv A person I
allowed to smuke opium in his own room
if he likes, hut the law forbldli others, who
are not occuints of the room, to smoke
there. And when It Is hinted that we are
not doing our duty In this nrspeat It shows
that the person who says so does not know
what he U talking about. A look over the
police books will convince doubters that a
number of arrests have Je n mudo for this
crime, and another look into the lumber
room at the police station will disclose a
heap of smoklug apparatus which has been
confiscated "
Overhauled with Pleader.
Detectives Ferris and Dunn found Ray
niund Stuinp of Henion trying to dispose
of a Winchester Mile and a buffalo robe.
As he could not give a proper account of
the manner In which he obtained the artl
eles he was arrested as a suhIc1oiis char
acter. Later is wus discovered that the
rtrta and robe belonged to Hubert J. Hmlley
of lleuson, who told the Illce that the
goods were taaan wuLout bis authority.
President Keller of Hstional Organisation
the Gneit of Honor,
Postmaster Palmer Presldee and Ad
Cresses Made by Local Men, Among
Them E. Rosewater and Coa
greesman Hitchcock,
A meeting of the letter carriers of Omaha,
South Omaha and Council Bluffs was held
Tuesday evening at the Millard hotel ball,
which was attended by about 100 of tM car
riers, and was addressed by President
James C. Keller of the National Associa
tion of City Letter Carriers. His address
bore particularly upon the purpose ot the
organisation and the methods by which it
could be made more efficient for both the
public and the association's Interests.
Upon the conclusion of Mr. Keller's ad
dress the association adjourned to the ban
quet room of the hotel where a banquet
of several courses was served, covers being
laU for lift. s
Aside from the members of the associa
tion there were present as Special guests.
President J. C. Keller of Cleveland, O.j
Hon. G. M. Hitchcock Edward Rosewater,
Captain Henry E. Palmer, postmaster of
Omaha; .Postmaster' A. L. Haselton of
Council Bluffs, Postmosterf Fred J. Etter
of South Omaha and Assistant Postmaster
Woodard of Omaha, Captain Palmer of
Omaha presided at the banquet aa toast
master Cona-roaaman Hitchcock Speaks.
Hon. G. M. Hitchcock was Introduced as
the first speaker of tha evenlnr. Ha said
in parti
Mr. Toastmaster and fellow nffl,-ftnlriar!
W e have all got to stand together. How
ever, according to some of my republican
friends I am not to remain an office-holder
much longer. About the first discovery a
COIl.irreHSional offlce-hnlrler Rink,, a f tr ho
'has traveled. 1,60 miles to enter upon his
uuuaa is mat ne is a very small ny on a
very large wheel. eeDeclullv If he be a
minority member. Possibly some of youJ
nero navs couaDoratea wun me in Uie
particular function of seed distribution.
As fellow office-holders we each have a
duty to perform, that is to give the gov
ernment the best service we con. I can
see no danger in organisation. I believe
that you ought to unite together. Organisa
tion produces results and will improve the
condition of-ach member of that organi
sation and will improve the character ot
service that you as carriers will give to
uie government ana to ine puouc.
1 President Keller was the next speaker.
He said:
We certainly hone that we shall reaD
some benefit from the seed that la sown,
as referred to by Mr. Hitchcock. I, too, am
a rmnever in organization, ror in organisa
tion we are capable of doing better for a
greater numlier of people. Large bodies
can accomplish more than a number ot
small organisations. Men are beginning to
recognize the tact that it is not independ
ence, but interdependence which succeeds.
ii we pun aown a man rrom tne top of
the ladder he will fall upon us. We must
assist the man down below, and in his ris
ing he will help us rise. It is a co-operation
. nil . 1 . . . V. n . . .. 1. U I. .1
success. The letter carrier who seeks to
put in only .his soheduled hours per day and
permits hlmntlf to become slovenly In his
dress and Habits reflect upon the whole
organization, and the poBtofnce which he
serves. His prosperity is dependent upon
himself. By organisation we have accom
plished much. Sixteen years ago before
our organisation was established the num
ber of carriers removed for cause was 18
per cent Now it Is only one-eighth of 1
per cent- Our aim is to build up, not to
aestroy. i
belters of Regret.
At this stage of the proceedings Toast
master Palmer read letters of regret from
Senator ' Millard and Postmaster E. B,
Sixer of Lincoln, because of their Inability
to be present
Hon. Edward Rosewater was then Intro
duced by Totmtmaater Palmer as a gentle-,
man who kfiew more about the Postofnco
department and postal matters than any
roan tn the ooontry, and a person always
the champion of more efficient postal serv
ice. Mr. Rosewater said In parti
It affords me great pleasure to be here
and to testify to my high appreciation and
esteem of the president of the National
Association of Letter Carriers. I met him
two years ago tn Washington And wus
much impressed with his Intelligence and
his conception of business affairs. I was
a member of the world's postal congress
Ir. Philadelphia several years ago, and re
member when 1.3U0 letter carriers of that
city escorted our delegation when we were
received by Governor Hartraft, I remem
ber, too, when there were but eight let
ter carriers In Omaha. In those days they
were not so Independent as now. The car
riers generally marched out of office with
the postmasters. They then, as the poet
master did, had to take their orders from
political bosses. But now the postmasters
may come and go but the carriers remain,
no difference who Is Inaugurated pree'dent.
I do not wholly favor a civil pension sys
tnm, even for the letter carrier, but I do
believe that they should be paid so well
that they may be enabled to pension them
selves. I have been wanting to see the
telegraph service Incorporated with the
postal service. ,1 believe that I am the
oldest man who has advocated this propo
sition. Forty years ago I went to the War
department and asked that It make the
military telegraph a part of tho publlo
Postal Telegraph Service.
i The speaker continued further along these
lines and believed that the time would yt
ocme when there' would be a postal tele
graph sorylce, and that from 300 to BOO
words would be transmitted by telegraph
and delivered to Its destination by a mes
senger, at a cost not to exceed 5 cents.
He favored a unity of' action aroeng the
carriers and believed that the carriers
xould be given an Increase ot $100 per year
without materially crippling the resources
of the Postofflce department, "particularly
If some of the railway contracts could be
lopped off. ' The time Is not distant when
your demands will be acceded to and I
shall be around to assist In the promotion
of your Interests." '
Short addresses were made by Post
master Haaleton of Council Bluffs and
Postmaster Etter of South Omaha, and the
banquet closed with a short talk by Presi
dent George Klefner of the local branch
ot the Letter Carriers association.
The success of the banquet Is due to the
efforts of tAe committee on arrangements
and reception, consisting of George J. Klef
ner, G, F. Harris, C. P. Daniels, Harry
Slngafelt and -Mr. Saafelt
Two Mysterious Fires.
Tlie series ot Incendiary fires which
bothered the fire department and detectives
a short time ago seems aa If it is to be
repeated in the locality of Thirteenth and
Case streets. Monday nlgnt a fire broke
out at 3U North Fourteenth street for
which no reason could be given, and last
night another one started at 13C7 Cass
street which on the face of It looks like
lnoendlarlxm. The fire last Vght was In
a coal shed In the rear of Charles Bun
shine's grocery store. A short time before
1 i , usj
At first a high cough, all
in your throat. You neglected
It. Now it is down deep in
the chest. That means a
low cough, a lung cough,
bronchitis. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral controls the inflam
mation, heals the torn mem
branes. Talk this over with
your doctor.
"Only hair a bottle of Ayer's Chen
Pectoral cured me of a dreadful coug
wunu usu lasica ior over tour yei
Mrs. J. L. Johnson, Winnie, Va
a group of children mere seen playing
nearoy, aau n ihbv-ii tnat some one
among then sttrted It. Sunshine has had
some trouble with the boys of the neighbor
hood and only last weeK had to chastise
One for spilling a barrel c f ice cream. The
police are investigating tne case.
Dan draff Is Canscd hy a, Germ that
Saps the liner's Vitality.
It Is now a settled Tact that dandruff Is
caused by a germ. Falling hair and bald
ness are the reeult of dandruff. Dr. E. J.
Beardsley of Champaign, 111., got hold of
the new hair preparation, Newbro's Herpl
clde the only ohe that kills tho dondruTC
germ. He says: "I used Herplclde for my
dandruff and falling hair and I am well
satisfied with the result." Dr. J. T. Fugate
of Urbane, ni., says: "I have used Herpl
clde for dandruff with excellent results. I
shall prescribe It in my practice." rferpl
clde kills the dandruff germ. Physicians
as well as the general public say so. Sold
by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps"
for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit,
Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.,
special a'gents. . .
Soldiers Look for Trouble..
What ' for a moment seemed likely to
terminate In n serious disturbance nmnnii
the police and a body of soldiers from Fort
Crook last night was stopp-.-d-by the prompt
action of Officer Sundstrom. yesterday was
pay day for the soldiers, and nerordlng to
the usual custom a number of them visited
Omnha to have a cood time. Enrlv in the
evening a soldier named Michael Kline was
arrested by Sandstrom fur disorderly ;on-
....... . V. 1 - A I .1 - Y I
uuv I nuu HUB LUM nvrmru u iiiiituiie Ills
comrades, who went about the resorts
threatening to da ma ire the police officer
if another arrest was made. . They got
their chance about 11 o'clock, when Sand
strom arrested Hill, another soldier, for
creating a ditfturbanee In a resort. Hill
snowed ngnt, Dut was soon pat out. About
eighteen soldiers who saw the arreat gath
ered and began to make a demonstration.
They followed Sandstrom and his prisoner
almost to the doors of the police station,
but were kept off by the action of Sand
strom, who drew his revolver and threat-
enea to snoot tne nrsi mnn wno attacxea
him. As Sandstrom came out of the police
station he saw the crowd, which in the
meantime had begun to gather brickbats
and paving stones, and told them to dis
perse. The soldiers replied with abuse and
hooting. Without waiting for heip, Sand
strom immediately cnargea tne crowa. jcor
a moment the soldiers stood pat, but as
Sandstrom showed no fear, thoy broke and
ran. The officer gave chant and arrested
four of them and brought them to tho
station single handed. The four men wlto
were arrested are Clarence Rose, Thomas
Bnker, James Stack and Fred Hunter. The
others Immediately made trucks for Fort
Crook, dropping their paving Btones as they
ran. -
F1h, Women Fight.
Nellie McMahon. roomlne at the Cam.
bridge hotel, and Annie Fisher of 1212 Dav
enport street 'got into an altercation yes-
teraiiy nrternoon wnnei nsning, and had
commenced to damage 'each other with
their rods when the police stepped In. The
women said that the trouble arose on ac
count of the nsh not biting.
No. OKI So many requests have been
made for a plain shirt waist with deep
pleat tn front at shoulder that we are
showing one today that has been especially
designed for those readers. In addition to
the pleat In front at shoulder, a tiny for
ward turning pleat Is made near the front
dosing. This not only gives a little more
fullness, over the bust, but forms an ex
cellent way to fit the waist at the neck.
Women who do their own sewing know
that there is always a little difficulty ex
perienced In fitting the front In the "hol
low" place between neck and bust .With
such a pattern &s shown this may be
readily adjusted by the tiny pleat.' The
blouse Is "made with French back and, like
all the newer modes, finished with a
peplum. Any of the mercerized goods,
linen or silk,, may be used In fashioning
shirt waists. For a waist to a shirt waist
suit this would be a good model to follow,
aa It may be as severely plain as one de
sires, or It will' admit of no amount of
SI see. 82, 84, 88, 38, 40, 42and 44 Inches
bust measure. ,
For the accommodation of The Bee read
ers these patterns, which usually retail at
from 25 to 80 cents, will be furnished at a
nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all ex
pense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10
cents and address Pattern Dop't,' Bee,
Omaha, Neb.
mm mmm a. . . - n
James R.Wilhs
Ocala Fla.
Retail Llqaor Dealers Endorse Ad
snlnlarratloa by Giving Back
Another Term.
The convention of the Nebraska Retail
IJquor Dealers' association was opened yes
terday afternoon In Osthoffs hall, about ISO
delegates being present. Besides tho re-election
of all the officers, reports from the
president and secretary were read. In the
evening the delegates visited Boyd's thea
ter In a body. The convention will last
till Thursday evening. The following Is the
list ot officers elected:
James Nevels, president; A. M. Tillman,
vice president; Henry-Keating, secretary;
Hans Peterson, treasurer; executive board,
W. d. Schulx. J. W. Hobson, A. II. Kooys.
BEATRICE, Neb., June . (Special.)
Mr. J. J. McCann and Mrs. Carrie 8 toll,
both of this city, were united in marriage
at Marysvllle, Kan., yesterday. . The
newly-married couple returned to Beatrice
last evening where they will reside for
the present.
Cheap Honnd Trip Kates for Vacation
From Omaha via Chicago Qreat Western
112.60 to Bt Paul or Minneapolis; $16.60
to Duluth, Superior, Ashland' or Bayfield.
Equally low rates to all summer resort
points In Minnesota, Tickets on sale every
day to September SO. Oood to return to
October 31. Two magnificently equipped
trains each way dally via shortest line.
For further Information apply to S. D.
Parkhurst, Oeneial Agent. lfjlJ Farnam
St, Omaha.; Neb.
Movements of Ocean Teasels Jnne T,
At New York Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm
II. from Bremen: Potsdnm. fount Rotter
dam. Sailed: Cevlo, for Liverpool; Btuten
dam, for Rotterdam and Boulogne; Prlnscss
Alice, ror uremen.
At London Arrived: Lesaba, from New
York. '
At Chrlstlanla Sailed: Helllg Ola, for
New York.
At ' Swaneea Sailed: Minnesota, from
London and Newport, for Philadelphia.
At uenoa Arrivea: uguna, rrom Maples.
"At Hamburg Arrived: Berblu, from San
Francisco. .
At Bremen Arrived: Kron Prim Wllhelm,
from New ' York.
At Queenstown Sailed: Oceanic, from
New York, for Liverpool: Westernland.
from Philadelphia, for Liverpool.
At Olbraltur Sailed: Canoplc, from Bos
ton, for Marseilles Oenoa and Naples,
At L.iverpooitrtfanea: oaxonia, ror. Boston.
At Philadelphia Arrived: ' Belkenland.
from Antwerp.
Tooth Povdor
"Goat for Bad TttA
tfst Bad for UA Teeth "
Give tho Teeth a Pearly Lustre)
.-- J
Tickets good In chair cars (seats free) and coaches, on
in June,
St. L-oul and return on sale July 2 to 6,
Inclusive , ....,..................
St. a.oul and return on sale every '
dft y eeseesseee eeeeeeeeefteeeeeeeeeekea -e tee e -
Chicago and return
Inclusive. . , 1 ,
Chicago and return
Clilcaff-o and return,
on sele every day
Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return . Cf "7 CA
on sale every day pli,DJ
Atlantic City and return on sale CTf I A
July 9 and IO... $Jy.UU
Cincinnati and return on sale July 10, 10 C')') 1 C
and 17 ...........l4ed
Detroit and return on sale July B, 6 frtt r
and7.. $V,Z5
inaianapoua ana return an saie juneato
and 27.
. , Oov,Bot2a,IB03.
lt it with Pennine pleasure i raootninend Wins ot Cardul to women fTrfferlnc with Ujo
trouble peculiar to the eex. In my experience of over sixteen yean I bare never found suythlrqf
which would so quickly restore young mothers to strength, nor do I know of any medicine better
for a pregnant woman to take to Lad ace e&ty childbirth, a healthy child aod comfort to both
mother and child. Is my opinion Wine ot Cardai is the best msdioine fx s woman suffering
from nlceration, inflammation, falling of the womb or ovarian troubles, and I hove knosm doasns
of cases where women were advised by tha doctors to submit to 4peraUcsav bat who were ouxud
imply by takinff Wine of Caroul a few months. In '
fact, my personal experience with this reliable remedy , w
bat been of such a satisfactory nature that I most sss riWrls
gladly give toq this onsolicited testimonial. r
, Oradaafd Wnree, TWP1 HespBsJ, gewOrleswt, la
Wine of Cardul is a help to women in every trial in life.
Painful periods, all-tired-out feeling, backache and headache, bearing down
pains and nervousness are cured by this successful woman's "medicine.
When childbirth is dangerous, when a mother! life seems to be In the
balance, Wine of Cardul comes to the rescue.
Wine of Cardul Is a medicine for every woman. Many hospitals hare it on
hand for continual use. It has made 1,500,000 cures. You want health and yoa
can get it by following Mrs. Willis advice when she says, take Wine of Cardul
You can secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardul today from your druggist
and take it in the privacy of your home.
No woman who uses "Mother's Frlcnl" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
' and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also neaitny. strong ana p.
good naturea. Our book V
Motherhood," is worth .yl
a a . 1
m ew TT ViKj AA Is AM w w n J
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
I fesi.
Abovrf all other thlnirs, wo strive to
save the thousands of young; and
middle-aged men who are plunging
toward the grave, tortured by the
woes of Nervo-Sexual Dobility, the re
sult of youthful haUltn, excesses, 01 a
We have evolved a special treatment
for Nervo-Bexual Debility and special
weaknesses that is uniformly success
ful in cases success was bofore
by other doctors deemed Impossible.
By our system of electricity and
safely and thoroughly all diseases and
have foiled. Our ohiect Is not so much
do, but rather to cure obstinate diseases which they cannot successfully com
bat. All that deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and thoroiurrt
scientific office equipment con accomplish are now being: dona for those who
come to us for the heJp they need. 1
We Care-QnlelUy, Safely and Thoroaarbly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Nervo-Sxsxual
Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison tSyph
ills,! Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, ,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits selN
abuse, excesses or the result of specino or private diseases,
mNKIIITATlftM FDFF lt T0U cannot call write for symptom blank,
lUtUULItllUll IflLL Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday. 10 to 1 only.'
1308 Farnam St.. Bet. 13th and 14th Sts.,.Omha, Nt.
I LoUiS and
on sale June 16 to CO,
, .w.,,.
on sale every
one way via St Louts-
I can gtve yon all the latest Information about excursion rates and
furnish, free, Illustrated booklets about all excursion resorts. Be me or
write about your vacation trip
City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Ooa&a.
And many otacr painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
ii .mi . rflUlkl! I IIG1S. Jll1w5n.av11.wvuj
a-, . - 1 . '..
is a tjoa-sena 10 womca, usuiilik
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
It does not stimulate temporarily, but
restores permanently. It allayn too
Irritation of the delicate tissues sur
rounding the lax and unduly expanded
seminal glands, contracting; thorn to
tholr normal condition, - which stripe
right emissions, dries up day draind
nnd prevents prem atu ronoss. It toneej
up and strengthens the blood Teesols
thnt carry nourishment to weakened,
and wasted parts, restoring; them tu
full power, size and vlsror.
medicine combined we ours quickly.
weaknesses ot men
aner oil oinars
to do the work that other doctors can.
sale everycMonday
ev e
tTflfl P