TITE OMAHA DAILY" BEE: TnUKSPAY, JUNE ' 9, 1904. Tel. m. "Habit la n rabfri we n thread of It every '. anal at laat.wa M sot break. It." Individuality Is beyond question the flnt essential qualification In the attributes of a fascinating woman. Thl mar. to ths casual reader, eem a far-fetched Ides to bring- Into a corset talk, but. Individuality beinf th fundamental principle In our method of cor act fitting, wa wish to emphasize thlr very Important fact. In no way doe Individuality ao tru'y express Itself aa In the numberless lines and graces of the figure when properly brought Into effect by a scientifically fitted corset. Wa bava a comfortable fitting- room and prefer to fit every corset wa sail In price from CM to IlJ.SO each. ' A complete line of Kabos. Excellent for summer Wear. Prices' $1 00 to $2 50 each. II aa no brass eyelets and axe non-rostable. ! Investigate Our Deposit Account Department. y. M. C. A. Building. Corner ad stubborn attack on Port Arthur slm . ultaneoualy by land and sea. They were repulsed with revere loss. The" position of the Japanese In Kwan Tung Is said to be precarious. ; . . "There are rumor from the same sources that the Vladivostok squadron has effected a Junction with the Port Arthur fleet, that a naval battle took place and that the Japaneae lost four large ships. LOOKING FOR PIBATICAL CRAFT t Correspondents Fire -Vpon Were At tempting to Enter Port Arthur. NEW CHWANQ. June . The funeral of ' Lewis Etsel, correspondent of the London i Dally Telegraph, will taker place here this ! afternoon. He was killed 'ten miles out at aea by some Chinese soldiers who were searching for pirates.- Immediately . after ; realising the mistake, they had made the 1 men put out to sea and have not been seen since. United States Consul Miller held an tnqueet at Bhawantaltze ' yesterday, at i which Chinese General Xn acknowledged that Etset was kilted by his soldiers, Ernest Brlndle of the London Dally Mall, who waa along with Etiel 'wtven he was Shot, testified that their Junk waa unchal lenged by the soldiers '.and waa fired upon In spite of the fact that ,two foreigners were plainly visible at a distance less than 100 yards. At least 150 shots were fired at the correspondents' Junk, which did not reply. . Consul General Miller 'will forward his report to United States' Minister Conger at Peking showing gross ..carelessness upon the part of 'the soldiers 'lo say the least. While Brlndle is' uncommunicative re garding the plans 'which took himself and Etzel on the sea voyage, the Associated Press -correspondent' has learned that they were attempting to reach Port Arthur. The Russian authorities' are doing nil In their power to assist the American officials In the matter.' General Koridratovitch placed a steam launch with'' twenty 'five ollders under the orders of Consul General Miller and otherwise rendering great aid In recovering the body of Etael. Consul General Mlfler has 'replied to General Kon dratovltch thanking him heartily for his kindness en behalf of the United State government, WASHINGTON. ' June 8. Secretary Hay today received a telegram- from Miss Anna Etsel In Denver, a sister of Lewis Etzel, the newspaper . correspondent who i waa .killed by . Chinese soldiers off the coast -of 'the Llao Tung peninsula, asking the-secretary to endeavor -fo have his body recov ered and returned to the United States for burial. The. Sate department has heard nothing so far officially of the kill-. Ing of Etsel. . a fact, probably accounted for by the reported departure from New Chwang ot Coi.sul General Miller, for the scene of the killing. Therefore, It has not yet been possible. .tQ make any representa tion on the subject to the Chinese gov ernment. , .. ' ;: ;,,V',- '' ,WAHTs'' NO j FIGHT ' IS MASCHiniA ,i . .. ' . ' N - Admiral Alemlelt Says Be Wknts Ras ' alano to Retire Before Japanese., ; PEklNO, June a. Viceroy Alexleff re cently Issued a proclamation stating that he had Instructed- the troops not to. engfcg the Japanese forces, but to retire Inland, Manchuria being thereby ' kept free"' ot actual warfare. The' Chinese Inhabitants are therefore instructed to continue their usual vacations. Those caught helping the Japanese "or acting against Russia are threatened with extermination and warned that they will be held responsible for the preservation of the railways, the responsi bility resting .upon the villages located within twenty miles from the point where there has been any destruction of this claas of property.' For the first offense the peo ple Of such villages will be fined, for the second offense the villages will be destroyed and the villagers will be put to the sword, not a soul being spared. - Not only will the common people be held responsible in- this matter, but also the Manchus and local officer. The proclamation also charge the Inhabitants to. make a strict search for all suspicious: characters. GASTON AND ALFHONSB IN FAR BAST Japan Mourns Russian Loses and . Enemy Cheers Brown Men. LXAO TANG, June 8. An entire absence of personal feeling against the Japanese is noted here.. This may be due to conscious superiority over the foe. No doubt the Russians -are entirely confident of final victory. The message of sympathy felt by the Japaneae on the occasion of the Petro pavlovsk disaster was not exoeeded by the Russians, and led to the conclusion that they bad to deal with a chivalrous foe. An Incident testifying to the existence of this sentiment took place here In a res taurant which Is frequented by officers. The war being discussed and also the recent dAsster to the -Japanese warships off thjwng Tung peninsula, when an cr'n-r 'proponed cheers for the brave Japa nese, which were wejrmly given by the Russian officers, who undoubtedly admire the oourage of the Japanese. WARSHIP! LKAVB FORT ARTHIH List Tana; Receives Confirmation of Report of Salllaar of Ships. LIAO TANG. June.l.T-The rumors that the Russian fleet has sailed out of Port Arthur are confirmed here. Unimportant engagements continue to take place on the Feng Wang Cheng road, between the Motlen mountains and the Japanese .position. They are principally SURE! I'd llks Co know oJ delicious' hot meal time drink to take tho place oi COFFEE. TRY POSTUM (Tbaf the answer) Got the little book. "The Road to Weilvtlle" in each, pkg. WE CLOSE BATURDAT8 AT I P. M. ,. B. Jt , lWi. or-sels Sixteenth and Douglas Stl. between Japaneae cavalry and the Russian ilvinio nnsta The renorta that the Rue slans had re-taken Salmataza. whlcfi the Japanese had previously occupied, are Con firmed. Skirmishes are occurring In the neighborhood of Pu Lan Tien Tien, about forty miles north of Port Adams. The Japanese, lacking good cavalry, are adopting the system of using Infantry sup port In their reconnalsanccs. JAPAXF.SB DESERT VAFAWGOW Suspicions ' Lull In Fsr Best Which Excite Anticipation. LIAO YA NO, June 7. (Delayed In Trans mission.) The Japanese have' evacuated their position near Vafangow. The neigh boring mountains are deserted and the re cently constructed entrenchments are empty, Japanese mounted scouts even are no longer seen and the Russian patrols have failed to locate any Japanese as far as Nafangkau. The railway Is only slightly damaged and can be repaired Id a few hours. A severe fight may be expected at Klrr Chou, where the Japanese are con' centratlng with depositions captured from the Russians. Japaneae north of Pulandlen are appar ently retiring on that place. The Japa nese have not efUoted a landing at Kal Chau. r. Their .fleet Of twenty-five : trans ports loaded with war material and pro visions which was lying off Kal. Chau has disappeared. Stores for the Japanese army are reaching Kin Chou from all directions. While the days .are now hot; the nights are still eqld. and. It is learned that ;the Japanese troops are suffering from disease brought on by sharp variations of temper ature. The Japanese regard the. use ot the lance as barbarous because of the mortal wounds It Inflicts. In the recent fighting the Japanese, It Is estimated, lost 120 killed or wounded. They employed many coolies to carry away the bodies under cover of night. TELLS OF LOSS OF TORPEDO BOAT Viceroy Informs Csar" of Part Taken by Ships at Kin Chon. ST. PETERSBURG, June t. Emperor Nicholas ha - received the following flls patch from Viceroy Alexleff: According to the report ot Rear Admiral Wlttioeft on the battle of -Kin Chou, our right flank waa strongly supported by the gunbont Bobr and the torpedo boats Burnl and Holkl, which afterward returned to tsift A r, 1.1.1- '. On the night of May 26 ten torpedo boats 'vera sent out against the Japanese boats operating; In Kin Chou bay. One of the tcrpedo boats struck the, rocks and sank. Its crew was saved. The easualttoa among those serving the r.avai guns were BUDIieutenant . Hnjmano bovsky, missing, and six; sailors wounded. JAPAJIESE BOMBARD - THE COAST St. , Petersburg- Rece tree Rows of . Aotlylty of Island Fleet. LONDON, June 8.-A dispatch - to Reuter Telegram company from St. Petersburg an nounces -that a telegram has been received from Mukden dated today as follows: ' - According to information here a Japanese squadron of nine vessels has been bom barding the coast between Slung- Yucheng (Pleungo Tchengl and Kal Chou (Kal Phlng on the west coast of the Llao Tung Senlnsula Just below New Chwaag) sine une T. Csar Hae CnnSdence In Troops. . ST. PETERSBURG, June 8. The emperor Is discussing the war situation at Tsarsko Selo with a prominent diplomatist, although expressing complete confidence In the .ulti mate outcome of the war he displayed eon' slderable'conoern over the fate of Port Ar trur, against which he said he believed the enemy was directing its principal energies. His majesty . told the visitor that there was not enough coal at Port Arthur for the squadron had not "a vestige of foundation and the emperor also said that from the re ports he had received he was satisfied the Japanese had already lost three battleships. Rumor of Port Arthur's FaJL ST. PETERSBURG. June 1 Nothing Is known here of the various rumors to the effect that Port Arthur has fallen, but it Is not considered possible at this time. HEW WORLD'S FAIR TRAINS Via Wabash Leave Omaha T:45 a. m.. Council Bluffs ( a. m. dally, trrrivlng World's fslr station 7:88 p. m., St. Louis Union station 7:81 p. m. . Leave Omaha : p. m.. Council Bluffs I 45 p. m.. dally, arriving World's fair sta tion 7 a. m., St Louis Union station 7:11 am. . i Returning, leave St. .Louis Union station I a. m., World's fair station 8:15 a. m. dally arriving Co. Bluffs l:5 p. m.. Omaha, I p. m. Leave 8t Louis 7:80 p. m., World's fair station 7:48 p. m. ' dally, arriving' Council Bluffs 8:08 a. m., Omaha 8:10 a. m. Only line with station at main entranoe ot World's fair grounds. Compare time with other lines. Your local agent can sell via Wabash. For all Information and beau tiful World' fair folder call at Wabash City Office, 1901 Fa mam St., or address HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. "LAKE SHOHB." Samnter Tears. Where are you going to spend" this year's vacatlont The Lake Shore railway's book of "Summer Tours to Mountains, Lakes and Seashore" will help you to decide. It will be sent on application to M. 8. Gil, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A, a. P. A., Chicago, :,. ) , . . . t Yalo Shingle. ' The "Yale Shingle" Is the name gives to the book gotten out for the year 1804 by the students of Yale, in which are expressed their various personal .-opinions on a va riety of aiffcl&cts among them being "who Is the best actr7" "ths most popular drink." "favorite author," etc It Is worthy of note that ."Force" (a given the palm as being the "moat popular breakfast food.". A New Fwblteatton. A new mosthiy paper has been born In Omaha called The- Western Soot. It will undoubtedly be pleasing and full of Inter est, especially to the Scotchman, as the well known and popular William Kennedy occupies the position of Jlttrary editor. Th first number Is bright and snappy and a pace haa been sat that will keep Its pub lishers humping to keep up. Pabltah your Waat Ad la The Bos. PENNSYLVANIA IS AT SEA Leaders Tit Undetermined as to Who Will ' fiuccesd Esnstor tjaij. WITHDRAWAL OF OLIVER UPSETS PLANS LonsT Day Spent In Conference, but the Question ot Sight Is So Nearer Solution Thnn Before. ' PHILADELPHIA, June 8,-After another long day of conference among the party leaders, candidates and other persons on the matter of filling the vacancy In the United States senate paused by the death of Bejiator Quay, the question tonight ap pears as far from soltftlorv as at any time lnce the old state leader died. The withdrawal of George T. Oliver of Pittsburg, who had be'en practically agreed on yesterday, has opened the whole subject, and politicians from all over the state who are here taking part or watching the situa tion are at sea aa to who will be selected by State Chairman Penrose, who will name the man. The candidates still In the field are Wil liam A. Flynn. a Pittsburg leader; Francis Le Baron Robbins, president of the Pitts burg Coal company, one of the largest bituminous coal producing concerns In the Country; former Attorney General John P. Elkln ot Indiana county, who Is the party nominee for Justice of the state supreme court, and Richard R. Quay, son of the late senator. The Pittsburg delegation which presented the names ot Oliver, Flynn and Robbins to Senator Penrpee, and Israel W. Durham, the Philadelphia leader, who I Penrose' advisor, also named Congress man John M. Dalzell, but ltls believed thl was done merely as a compliment Plenty of Good Timber. Leader Flynn is an especially strong can didate, but there Is objection to him by som ot the leader In the eastern part of the state. The candidacy of Robbins loomed up strongly this afternoon, princi pally, through a visit paid to Senator Pen rose by John Mitchell, president ot the Mine Workers' union. President Mitchell and Mr. Robbins are very friendly arid a toon as Mr. Mitchell arrived a rumor be came current that he came here to see the chairman In the Interest of Mr. Robbins and that he brought with him the solid backing- of zTO.OOO mine workers In this tate . . Senator Penrose ' and Mr. ' Mitchell were together less than a half en hour, . and after the conference was over the senator reftmed to talk. Mr. Mitchell; however, denied that he came here In the Interest of any candidate , for the swnatorehlp and added that hi sole purpose la calling on Mr, Penrose ws lhat he wished to confer with him on some legislation in the Inter est of the mining Industry of the state which will come before the next legislature. When Mr. Mitchell was Informed that cer tain politicians were accusing him of tak ing a hand In the contest now on he sold: "I am not dabbling In politic. ' Rather thnn InVolvo the miners' union In partisan politic I trould resign the presidency of (he organisation." The reticence of the leaders concerned In the naming of Quay's successor was Ir ritating to the many politicians here. Every Interview that Benator Penrose, Mr. Durham, or any of the candidates sub mitted to were of a negative character. The only definite thing given out was "No agreoment." Much Interest was added to the situation when It was announced by H. C. Frlck of Pittsburg, who arrived Irt the city today. that he came here In the Interest' of "United States Attorney General Philander 'C. Knox. Former State Benator Flynn, when seen regarding Mr. Knox's candidacy, admitted-that he had met Mr. Frlck during the day and that the latter asked that Mr Knox be considered a candidate. output of packing Houses '. r: ' ' ' Marketing of Hogs Hardly bp to (he ' Standard -tot Previous Week. CINCINNATI. June 8. (Special Tele gram.) Price . Current say: Ths move ment of hog to market has continued In a steady manner. Total western packing was 190,000 head, compe.red.wlth 686,000 bead the preceding week and 436,000 head last year. since March 1 the total ts 6,835,000 head. against 8,445,000 head a year ago. Promi nent place compare as follows: Cities. , 1904. ..1,445,000 ... 7IU.0OO ... 715,000 1908. 1,696.090 660,000 650,000 4M),00 436,000 287.000 121,000 135.000 100.004 ' 102.0IJ0 127,0110 6.000 Chicago Kansas City . South Omaha ' St. Louis 4X6,000 446.000 274.000- 146.000 146,000 140,000 . 118,000 133,000 140,000 St, Joseph .... Indianapolis . Milwaukee .... Cincinnati .... Qttumwa ...... Cedar Rapids , Sioux city .... St. Paul ...,... MINERS ; 0FFER A REWARD Western Federation Will Pay fi,oOO for Apprehension of Man Who Perpetrated Outrage. DENVER, Juns 8. Th annual conven tion of the- Western Federation of Miner today completed the election of officers by choosing an executive board. Among Its members Is .James Klrwln of Terry, 8. D. Owing to the absenoe of President Moyer, no eleotlon of president was held. This has the effect of continuing Moyer In th pres idency. A message was received from Moyer today advising the convention to offer a large reward for the apprehension of the persons guilty of the dynamite out rag In the Cripple Creek district. Th convention had anticipated thl message by .offering a reward of 88,000. Provision was made for th care of the men,, expelled from the Cripple Creek dis trict. . , FOR SEMI-CENTENNIAL PARADE All Official and .Visitors Especially Invited to Meet at City ' ' Hall. ' The reception committee of the Semi centennial celebration has Issued thl no tice: r i All official and other visitor who have been especially Invited to participate In the semi-centennial . celebration ar re quested to report at th city hall, comer Farnam and Eighteenth atrtets, at 1:15 p, m. on Friday to Join In th parade. They will report to members of the reception committee, who will be there present and be assigned to carriages which will be in waiting. All vice presidents and men and women who Were residents of the territory of Nebraska and were of age before the admission of the state will report In like manner for similar assignment. liy order of the reoepiion committee. . CHARLES F. MANUKUflON, Chairman. DEATH RECORD. . Brother and Slater G Tosrether. ASHLAND. Neb., June (.-(Special.) Within a few hours of each other occurred the death of George E. Gilbert and Mrs. Emma A. Jonas, brother and alster. Both had been la poor health for some time. Mr. Ollbert was aged 81 years snd lived north of town near the Riverside ranch. Mrs. Jenks was aged U year sad resided In Cats county, sis mile south of Ashland. Th funra of Mr. Ollbert wa held Tues 4ay, conducted by JUv. f. U. Sturdevanl ot ths First Baptist church, -and that of Mr. Jenk was conducted by Rev. J. Wil liam Carson of the Congregational church. Brmhef and sister were pioneer resident oi Nebraska. . J. T. Dean. STUART. Neb., June .--fSpeclaLW. T Dean, a highly respected citizen of this place,' died thl morning after a lingering illness ot consumption. H was a member ot the Ancient Order of United Workmen. HYMENEAL." Nash-RosTers.. Two of Omaha's oldest and most promt nent families were united yesterday by th wedding of Mies Janet Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers, and Mr. Louis Nash, son ot Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nash, which was solemnised at high noon at St. John's Collegiate Church. Owing to recent bereavetnent In. the family of the groom, the wedding was quiet, the guests numbering lees than halt a hundred rela tives and Intimate friends. The " church was decked with spring flowers, a profusion of pink snd white sweetpeas being used. Aside from the solemnity of the Catholic marriage service, the ceremony wa most simple. The pride, who was attired In a robe of whit lace, with veil of real net bordered with, point and Duchess lace, car ried a shower ot white sweet peas. Miss Miss Mary Rogers, a younger slater, was her only attendant. Miss Mary' gown was of white point de esprit, with trimmings of valenclennes lace, and she carried a shower of pink sweet peas. Mr. D. D. Myer of Dubuque acttd as groomsman and Father 'Bronegeest was the officiating priest. A breakfast to. the wedding guest followed at 1 o'clock at the home of Mf. and Mrs. Rogers on Park avenue, where, as at the church, sweet peas prevailed In the decor ation. Mr. and Mr. Nash left last evening for an Indefinite western trip to be at home after September 1 at 820 North Thirty-eighth street. The bride, who Is one of the most gifted members of the younger fashionable set, was one of last season's debutante and since her Coming out has not only had a large share of the lavish ttentlon bestowed upon that eet of fortu nate young women, but haa been prominent In society generally! Mr. Nash 1 not les prominent or popular socially than hi bride. Among the out-of-town guest who ttended the wedding were: Captain and Mrs. Spoor of St. Louis, grandpaperent of the bride; Mrs. Laty and Miss Laty of St. Louis, Mr. and Mrs.' E. W. Naeh and Misses France and Esther Nash o New York, parents and ' sisters of the grcom; Mr. end Mrs. George Myers of Dubuque, Mlas Florence Wyman of New York and Mr. D., D. Myers, Jr., of Dubuque. . Hlssley-Caln. BLAIR," Neb., June 8. (Special.) Today at high neon,, at the residence of the groom, occurred the marriage of Mis .Sadle Agnes Cain to Harry Hfgley, -both residents of Blair, Rev. Marsh of the Epis copal church officiating. ' The beautiful ring ceremony of that church was used and during which the bridal couple knelt upon two dainty pillow amidst a profusion of flowers, roses and ferns, with which the rooms were decorated. Prof. W.. L, John-i son presided at the piano and rendered a beautiful wedding march as the contract ing parties descended the stairway and en tered the parlor. Mr. Hlgley has been for a number of years the manager of the Ne braska Telephone service here and ilss Cain .assistant manager. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner wa served and Mr, and Mrs. Hlgley left on a wedding trip of two weeks to the St. Louis exposition. Cndahy-Morton. At Nebraska City ' yesterday the an nouncement was made of the engagement of Miss Jean Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Morton' Of Chicago, to )llr. Joseph M Cndahy," son ff tor. and Mrs. Michael CUdahy. 'also of -Chicago. Miss Morton Is now. visiting at Arbor Lodge, Nebraska City. Mr, Cudahy ls making his home In Omaha, being employed In connection with the Cudahy packing Industry. Both Miss Morton and Mr. Cudahy are .well known In Omaha society and are deservedly popular. The date for the wedding has not yet been given out. Wilson-Allen. I NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., June 8.--(Special.) Word was received In thl city today that W. W. Wilson and Miss Clara Allon, both of this city, were' married In Cnna toto, N. Y., yeetcrday, at th home of the bride' alster. Th bride Is the daughter of D. E. Allen, a wealthy cltlien of this place, and the groom la a prominent law yer, here, having been county attorney for several term. After a short wedding trip to Chicago and St. Louis they will return to make this city their home. feennett-MacCnalg;. NEBRASKA CITY, Nob., June .(Spe cial.) At the' residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Donald MocCualg, Mis Flor ence MacCualg of thl city -wa united In marriage to Mr, Alfred Bennett of St. Louis lost evening. After the ceremony they left for ar wedding Journey, and will make their future home In Bt. Louis. Hopkins-Reynolds. STUART, Neb., June 8. (Special.) The marriage of Miss Fern Reynold of this place to William Hopkins of Bassett oc turred at- the Northwestern hotel thl morning, followed by a wedding breakfast lor a large number of invited guests. A Thonahtfn! rlnananei Cured hi wife ot fainting and dlxzy spells, weakness, headache and backache with Electrlo Bitters. Try them. 60c. For sal by Kuhn & Co. University of Illinois Commencement. URBAN A, 111, June t-Among the visi tors who are here for commencement ex ercises of . the University of Illinois are uorernor and Mrs. wnue ot i orui Da kota; Governor and Mrs. Bailey of Kan sas; Benator and Mrs. Falrbank of In diana and Director North, of the United States Census bureau. Senator Fairbanks delivered the commencement addreea today. Governor Ualiey and Governor wnue were Iraduated from the university. President .. S. Draper - conferred 221 degTeee, ln- c.udlng the degrees from the colleges ef medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, the anl vei'ttity conferred tM this year. , Small Collision at Bloomlngrton, BLOOMINQTON, III., June . A collision between two Big Four and Wabash train occurred at t o'clock thl morning at Dan ville, 111., but no one was seriously injured. Two engine were badl? damaged and the property loss Is heavy. The crew escaped by jumping. There were several narrow escapes. - Army Oflter Wants Dlvareo. WOOSTER, O., June a. Major E. J. Tms gert of the United States army, located at Fort Leavenworth, brought suit here today for divorce from Grace viola ( ul vert Tagfrnrt, who was a prominent society girl of unica.ro He alleges desertion. Deposits Made Now Draw Interest for the entire month. Ao ootiat opened for C or more and 4 per cent Interest paid. I. U BHANDEIB SONS, Bankers. A. B. Hubernmnn, only direct diamond Importer In th west. Cor. Utb and Douglas, Chance of.Tlaae. On Rock Island System, effective Sunday, June t. .several Important change In and out of Omaha Union station. Consult tim card In notber column. photos, toe and np. U1Z sarnam street. Mecca court, No. IS, Tribe of Ben Hur, will hold It annual memorial service Fri day evening June 10, 1904, at Us hall. Six teenth and Harney street. Every article from A. B. Hubermann' jewelry store Is under absolute guarantee. Photos, toe asA tip, liil Varaem street STILL LOOKING FOR A JOB . Conrt of Appeals JtU:oa Girt If its ( Taylor No Enooursgtment. SULTAN OF MOROCCO COMES TO TERMS Offleal Announcement of Person Selected to Malts Snevche Sec onding the nomination of Roosevelt. WASHINGTON, June 8 The court of appeals of the District ot Columbia today affirmed the decision of the court below In refusing to compel the secretary of war by mandamus proceedings to reinstate Miss Rebecca J. Taylor as a clerk In the War department. Miss Taylor admitted the au thorshlp of a newspaper article which the defense claimed to be a severe reflection on the president of the United States. For this she was dismissed. Reinstatement was sought through the court on the grounds that Miss Taylor was removed because of her political belief and that this waa con trary to civil service law. British , Ambassador Sees President President Roosevelt nd Sir Mortimer Durand, the Rrltish ambassador, had a brlet conference today. Primarily the am basaador called on the president to pay his respects on the eve of his departure for Lennox, Mass., where the British embassy will be located this summer. Dlernas Claims of Missionaries. Former Secretary of State John1 W. Fos ter called at the State department today and had a long interview with Secretary Hay respecting the claims of American missionaries against the Turkish govern ment on account of th destruction of their property and hardships suffered by them during th last ten years. General Foster, In the name of the American Missionary societies, urged that the State department bring some pressure to bear upon the porte to secure payment of these claims. American marine have landed In Africa. Admiral Chadwick this afternoon cabled the Navy department from Tangier as fol lows: "I have procured a guard at the Belgian legation, having been asked to do so by our consul general here." ., Hltt Calls on President. Representative Hltt of Illinois had 'a talk with the president about his state. He laughed when a newspaper friend Inquired about his vice presidential boom and re plied that he had not had an opportunity yet to discuss the subject. Cnnnot Sue t'nlted States. Secretary Shaw today filed a demurrer to the recent suit to restrain him from mak ing payment on the Panama canal pur chase, brought by W. B.. Wilson. The re public of Panama and the Panama Canal company ere also defendants in, the suit. In the demurrer the allegation la made that the court Is without Jurisdiction for the reason that Wilson ha no Interest In the matter jhat entitled him to sue; that the suit Is practically - one against the United States, and that neither the United State of the Republic of Panama can be ucd; that'the law authorising the purchase of the canal is constitutional and that the purchase was made In accordance with Uw. Speeches for Roosevelt, - ; - It was officially announced today that the following persons have , been . selected . to make the speeches seconding the nomlna--tion of President Roosevelt at Chicago: Benator- Beverldge of Indiana, George A. Knight of California, Harry Bt 111 well Ed wards of Georgia, Joseph B. Cotton of.MIn-, nesota and Harry . S. -Cummlng of - Mary land. ... . Morocco Saltan Gives In. The State department has received un official assurances through Mr. Gummere, who had It from the British consul at Fes, that the sultan of Morocco will accede to all of RalBull's term. The bandit demand that Great Britain and th United State shall guarantee the execution of - the sultan's promises, however, is the sticking point and this probably oan be gotten around only by the acceptance of this obli gation by Great Britain or France, or some other country not so strongly bound by it traditions as the United State not to entanle Itself with other countries. It Is stated positively that under no condition can the United States government execute these guarantee. Denies the Charge. Lieutenant John M. Sliuok of Kansas City, late of the United State army, ha tukn exception to a statement mode by the War department to the effect that he and his interpreter, Leoma, were guilty of xtortlng 600 pesos from an old Philippine woman. Shook says there is nothing In hi record In the War department concern ing thl alleged affair and he has never heard officially or otherwise that his name was connected with the business at all. CLASH WITH TROOPS (Continued irom First Page.) operators that any significance attached to th marked photograph of non-union miner found at Victor union headquarter. A union leader said today! "The purpose In printing- pictures Is to prevent the strike breaker assuming an alias and semiring work in a anion camp. Hundred of strike breaker have left here during- ths last tew mom ths sbd by means of photographs we have made It Impossible for them to secure work In union camps, though many havs tried. These markings indicate nothing and least of ail a con piracy to morder.' Martial law was declared to th Cripple Creak, district early today by ths posting of Acting Governor Haggott's proclama tion at a number cf place In the camp. The posting wa done under the direction f Adjutant General Bell. Conditions In the eamp ar qnlet,' according- to all accounts. General Bell has assumed command of the military control of the district and has called a council of the officer of the lotal military companies. He has also ordered Colonel V er dec 1c berg, who hod charge of affair in th district when martial law nded there several months ago, to th district. The proclamation reads as fol lows: Whereas, There exists In Teller county, Colorase, a large number of armed peraons acting In conjunction with a large number of persons outMde of the county who are fully armed and ortlng ugetherfor un lawful purposes; and, Whereas, Open riot and Insurrection now exist la said county of Teller, and felonies and murder have already been committed by such persons and ar still threatening to commit murders and felonies, and are offering violence to. tue eltiaena and prop "THE QUEEN J. Naturally effervescent and mildly alkaline, it greatly benefits the entire digestive tract. I v - A Savings Account Drawing 4 per cent interest without bother or expense is a pood investment. Deposits nmd on or before June 10th draw interest from June 1st. Oldest and strongest savings bank in the state. City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas Sis. Atlantic CITY find return CCI fifs On sale July 0 and 10 ....T'.UU boston and return 1 C3 1 ft On sale August 11, 12 and 13 $JJ3 Chic ago and return-- "r CI l ftft On salo June 16 to 20 , iflJ.UU chicaoo and return CPA Aft On snle every day,......,. tAnUsUU- ghicauo and return wne way via St. Louis) C 7 C fi On snlo every day....... ... ., U rnnitiATi and return CIO 7 C On a!e July 13, 10 and 17... t D Detroit and return CC Q On sale July 5, 6 and 7 , DEINVER, COLORADO SPRISOS AKD RETIRS CI 7 C ft On sale every day vpl I 3U itniAKAPOLts and return ClCl sVQ ' On sale June 20 and 27 pUDD ' LonsviixB and return- C51 71 On bale August 12 to 15.. .'. I ) ogdeh, salt lake ciTV and return . Cft Cft- Ou sale every day . JU.DU , Also very low excursion rates to many points La Ontario, Quebec ,. . and New England. Call or write. . . . . .-v- t- erty In said county and are resisting the laws of the stAte of Colorado; Whereas, At diver and sundry other time various crimes have been committed In said county of Teller by and with the aid and under the direction of ald vicious and lawless persons, and the security pf persons and property is now threatened in said county; ana, ( Civil Authorities Are' Powerless. Whroni Threats, lntln-flrintlms and Vio lence are threatened and belkved will be resorted to by said lawless class of Indi viduals; and, . . Whereas, It Is represented to me by the herin rr Raid Toller county that the Civil authorities within said county are unable to enforce the lawa to secure peace ana order In said county, and that It Is neces irir n nnf the mlllfurv into said county for the purpose of enforcing the laws and restoring peace and order. Now, therefore, I, Warren A. Hnggott, acting governor and commander-in-chief of the military forces of tne state of Colo rado, by virtue of the power and authority lu me invested, do hereby proclaim and de olnre the said county of Toller, In the state of Colorado, to be in a state of in surrection and rebellion, : In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state o Colorado to be affixed at Den ver, the state capital, this seventh day of (Signed) WARREN A. MAUW1T, Acting Governor. SHERMAN BKC.L, Brigadier. General and Acting General- , Wans Strike Declared . Off. J' The-Record, owned, and edited by George E. Kyner and rc A gnlzed a the . official organ of the Western Federation of Miners In the. Cripple Creek district, published ah editorial today-urging .the. miner to call off the strike Inaugurated ten months sgo, Three more VJctor city officials have been forced ist resign.' They are. Justice of the Peace J. P. Thomas and Alderman J. W, Murphy and J. J. Tobln. Police Magistrate Michael Gibbons, who refused to resign was made a prisoner at the. Victor military armory, where many union miners are also confined. ' Frank J. Hangs, loading attorney of the Western Federation ot Miners here, has been warned to leave the district. In all about 200 union members and ym pathlxer have been arrested by the (herlff and military since Monday. Twenty-eight Of these have already been deported. The remainder are Imprisoned In the jails, Vic tor armory and the Cripple Creek Mining exhonge hall Under military guard. Talk of lynching has subsided to a de gree. The man who killed Roxle McGee at the mas meeting here on Monday baa been positively Identified by an eye witness of th shooting, and although he bo not yet been- captured, it Is believed be cannot escape. . , ; . . . NNo . further death have resulted from those hurt In the explosion Monday. . I Dispute. Over Inquest. CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo., June 8. Teller county la one more under martial law and the military 1 in supreme command. Adju tant General Sherman Bell and staff arrived In Victor early today and Immediately pro mulgated military rule by posting on the door of the armory, where a large number of union men and sympathiser are Impris oned, Acting Governor Warren A. Ha-gott'S proclamation. General Bell is in command and will be assisted by Colonel Ver deck berg. Two companies of Infantry ar on duty. Company L of Vlotor and Company H of thl city, both of which had been ealled out by the local authorities before martial law was proclaimed and had been assisting In making numerous arrests dur ing the lost two days. Gives Vw Bis OSt on. A dispute has arisen over the Inquest on the bodies of the vlotlms of the Indepen dence explosion. Coroner James Doras, who resigned under pressure brought to bear by the dtlaens Alliance, the pres sure being a noose around bis neck, ao. cording to his statement, now euys that his resignation does not go and that he will bold the Independence Inquest. He bas am paneled a Jury for .that purpose. George Hall, the new coroner appointed In Dornn place, is ahio proceeding to conduct an In' auvst. ';-., ' Coroner Doran, ..being Informed that be would not be permitted by th military authorities to proceed with the Inquest or to sot as coroner In this county, rello qutKhed the office today and discharged th jury which he had summoned. The Inquest will be conducted by George Hall, who ba been appointed coroner by the county board. . lenr Hint of Murderer. General Bell said today: "W will not bring any outside troops here unless the situation beoomea worn than It la at pres- nans OF TABLE WATERS." f.p. rutiierford;d.p.a; 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebs " ent The strikers, did - not appreciate the treatment w gave them when here before., No resistance from them- will.. b-tolerated and If necessuy they, will he. shRt down.". General lkell In'Jtaated that the further deportations 'woulo: be 'made today. Tie Cltliens' fJllnicc and the" mine - bwnr, who are in control of the' camp,-' dollrit' upon the contlnvied support of :fhe tnllftafy" and have determined to deport all MI fnert' except those against 'whom' Information" charging crimes will be filed. ' ' ' Major H. A: Naylor, the new marshal bf' Victor, with a squad of soldiers. Is search-' Ing ' for a man named Brldley, ..whs la charged with having killed Roxle-McGe. In the rioting at Victor on Munday. .-; Gold Kxeltement A Blind." ' CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo.; June 8.-Dun-J vllle sprang Into- prominence last week ' when It wa reported, . that enormous amounts of free, gold had, been discovered, and there was an. immediate rush to the , place by union men, who declared that jioi others should be permitted lt .the . camu. -All other were barred. . . . ....... . The camp was of mushroom growth and t th. thousand who, encamped there. In the.. first two days of. .existence dwindled,, away fifty .op a . hundred., a. da. GeueraJ Bell , ha expressed . the 'opinion"., that' 4Ji ramp wa nothing but , a. , decoy and would , be used by the miners as a base of opera- , tl0n"' ' ' v . ' . . J Dupvllle 1 about twenty tulles' south of . here. and .1. said to.be In Fremont county; which has. not been declared by' tho, cpvr ernor. to bo, .in a , state, of insurrection. . a nd; rebellion. .. . ', .' . ; -p The ladles of the First Memorial Metho.-' dlst Episcopal church serve dinners' at ih'e',' Ancient Order of Unltejl Workmen' 'hall lib' North Fourteenth street. Jane 8, 9 anlO from 11 to t o'clock. Dinner V cents.- Photos, SOc and np. 'iSlt Farnam street What Will Curo ? ! r Weak Won Hr Is a prescription tljat has proved most wonderfully effective in even the, r -. .' oldest jnen. .,., ".' ANYONE CAN HAVE IT; FREE A combination of Inmrilmti liani ' been found by a Detroit doctor which, together comprise a prescription ior ths cur , of DR. II. C. JUTNOR. t weak men thai. eertaJnlr lias never equaled for qulrkm and' thorotiKnnss of ours, and ail weak mf & everywhere should send for it, as H comU. abMiiuteiy nothing. It is free, and In this Way many a weak man has eared himself In the privacy of bis own home when a.11 other tlUnn selmed t rll him. It will oiiis any weak man din to the age of 83, and pot only roiUts Mia stronger and mors vital, but cure all coo. riiii-aUtiiui urn welL It sets at the very root' and cause of the dlstmse, atul not only ban ishes It forever, out duiius up me general kuith nA mil the Important orsana so that tb body Is fortified against any re lapse. All men abouid have it who suffer , from lost manhood, vital weakness, losses, prematurity, stricture, enlargement ot the; nrostate. eta., for we know it will cure them. -,, mulish the cure youmolf at home.. and no one Is the wiser. In order to get tt '. write In. H. CL Kaynor, 15& Lurk Bulidrbg, Detroit, Mich., and beeldaa the free pre scription, ne will send rou a Mxjkle.t on dis eases Ol mn mac pnuum jitvivw vrry nfiptui. to you. This ts also frn, so wriee novo, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. On Oellsr a Year. , - AJfTSEMEXTS. nnvivo woodward a f ElUlU O Burgee, MtT. ', The Ferris Stock Co. Tonight - Balance of Week juid s FVunday Matinee "Ul TNt BOMrORTI if Hour ; isunday Pntll Wednesday i ST SUCK K 3 BU11 IX 1 ' prlceslOc lia. Xnv -. Mat. aoy aen Ann 3rd Bis Week J