TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TIITTnPPAY, .TVNT. 0, lfOi. 12 DB. KERR il AYES BELLEYUL Pssidnt of Fifteen Ye Inw Oorp! Aootpunoe of Eir,iiation. BECOMES HEA OF WESTMINSTER COLIECE OlMfTMBHt Ot Fiscal Policy Divides Board ( Trnateae 1. teveaae Mar B Elected. to Office. .1 After Ion ana unfinished annual meat tng of the board Of truataea of Bellevue college, marked for a lack of harmony, the resignation of President David R. Kerr was acoepted Tuesday eight. Dr. Kerr, finding that a minority of the board had determined to continue a fight to take the . executive management of the school out of his bands, pressed the matter of his raslg. nation, submitted some weeks ago, aa told la The Bee, Against the desires of a ma' Jorlty of the board It waa finally accepted, to take effect at his pleasure. This means Dr. Kerr will go to Fulton, Mo., In July to become president of Westminster college there at aa Increased salary and under con siderable leas stress and financial responsi blltty. - Belle-rue college, located at Bellerue, ' Is the Presbyterian syhodlcal college of Ne braska, having been founded In 1884. Dr. Xorr has been president for fifteen years and during Ms tenure the school with its enrollment of more than 200 students, prac tically ha been made, being -built up largely through contributions and endow ments secured by Dr. Kerr in the east. For the last four years, however, mem bers of the board of trustees, led by T. A. Crelgh and Dr. W. B. Qlbbs of Omaha, are said to have agitated opposition to the ' broad policy of the president and advocated retrenchment and placing the management f the school partly In the hands of commit tees with arbitrary powers. To this Dr. Kerr was opposed, holding that the college must continue to Improve or loss prestige. ' The contest culminated in the annual meeting of the trustees, thirty-five or forty being present, and others represented by proxies at Bellerue Tuesday. The meeting began at noon and concluded at 10:80, when an adjournment was taken for a week, when the members will meet In Omaha, probably at the Paxton hotel. Spirited contmttcn ' characterised the session throughout and while a list of officers waa elected, trouble waa experienced In getting three members of the remainder of the executive committee. ticket was elected and then annulled, because oertaln of the moors declined to serve with them. This, -the question of Dr. Kerr's succes sor, and the changes In the rule and the Inauguration of the new poller of manage ment, 'are some tasks confronting -the reorganised board. - Dr. te-veaeosi Mar laoeeed Him. It is said Vine President Robert I Stevenson, formerly pastor of the Second Presbyterian church in Omaha, Is the most 'available candidate for the presidency. Dr. Kerr's friends assert he Is at the bottom of the controversy just settled. Since re signing his pastorate in Omaha, Dr. Bteven eon has been soliciting funds in the east for the institution. Bellevue college at present is quite heavily In debt and the fiscal side of the question of maintenance Is a serious one. The board of trustees elected Charles M. Wllhelm president to succeed II. T. Clarke; re-elected Edwin Hart Jenks as rice presl ' dent re-elected Howard Kennedy, Jr., as treasurer, and elected T. K. Hunter of Dundee secretary, in place of T. A. Crelgh. ' With the removal of Dr.' Kerr will go Willis Kerr,' his son, who Is registrar of the college. ' and the other members of his large family; ; .. ' Borne months ago the trustee of West minister oollege extended a call to Dr. ' Kerr, naming a larger salary . than Is paid at. Bellevue. ,This school Is to Mls- sourt what Bellevue is in Nebraska the slat sectarian college of the Presbyter EOUNCJLMEN NOT , AT BALL City Fathers Adjowr te Go te Andl tertasa, kat Re fas ts Far the '' Price ' Members of the city council had no Joy i ful time at the Auditorium ball An . tlcrpattngT much pleasure therefrom they did no business Tuesday night, bat ad 1 Journed, so all the members might attend. The body had not been especially invited; neither bad admission Uaketa been for warded. En route someone told the eoun ellmen that It would cost them 15 apiece, i A consultation was held and the' city ' fathers sought other amusement. Dave O'Brien was the enly one who frolicked . at the ball and he was on oner of the Auditorium committees. "Pay 85 to look onT .Well, X should say not," said one of the city officer. "Every body In the city hall contributed aa liber ally aa he could to subscript una for the kulldlng and they paid their assessments, Mow, when the building- Is opened they are denied the right, to enjoy Cie occasion un less they pay over an exorbitant sum. This is not right and the Auditorium man agement made a big mistake. I am told there were more people outside than In nd that the galleries did hot hold a corporal's guard. . This Is short-sighted policy and will not pay. COMMERCIAL CLUB BOOSTER KBOU-stew. Trip Flaaaod Aloes Cajera baUtvate lew '( ' Trade Fields. , An excursion - for members of the Com Inerolal club haa been arranged via the jDnlon paciflo which will run as far west as Sidney. The object ot the, trip Is to permit business mea of this city to be come acquainted with dealers in the towns and cities along the line. The members who take advantage of the trip will be earrted in a special train. The dates set for the trip are June XL, a and 83, and It Is axpeoted that about 100 members of the Uub will be In the party. One night will fee spent at Grand Island and the other l Columbus. '' Marrlaere Ueeams, TTp to noon June the following- couples read bean Itoensed to wedl -Name and Reeldenoe, Age Jack Larson, fit. Paul Minn 25 afupoa tllh MaggoneU, Omaha..,...,,.,, n jLrthur D. Smith, Provo. Utah.... u m Ed M. Bhlvely, Fairfield j; leaao O. BUger, Omaha.. ... M Cora Tongwt, -Omaha. 10 Tanlal Koro, New Tork...M..n..MM.M, 31 Josephine iX Levy, Omaha.................. 20 Fred W, Bchulan, Omaha. ...... tl Anna T. Fruhwlrth, Omaha. t Kdward Werlen. Omaha,. ........ U Gcorglenna Young. Omaha 84 HarUy B. Baughman, Omaha.. ............ IS Sarah K. Miller, Omaha ... 81 iohn II. Oainey, Crawford, Colo..',. n bareea M. O'Toola, South Omaha 26 U-K, Wedding lUnas. EdaoUa. jeweler. Fruit cf (ho Pafa. rrekeB Palmetve Wine, a toelcTWatlve. faliliis spoflng Irota pure lute ot Uie wonderful palmetto f ruiw Gives laiuraJlete relief aud t Sulutely peraianonl sure la ail ease of Ofclarra, butwaoa Vriulu Futtuleaor. (Vxisllpsiloo, twuwl aLMiinys and luor uituaUuo of biadV &euur-le euts t Drug btoras fur a lnre boil), uwkl duller slta but a wil buttle vi:l be tout free and )rnid to erery reador of aula (wixr who writs fur Ik A loller or pout! nrd adaremid to lraaa Frtriuuia (Xnuwuh lrk butuiius. CtiloiMiik lu . I tbe ouir as. frumm to Mwure a uiai of UriJie's lai.w m ute. vats emeu ewe e uj wmwiuv vtuvu. iuye (r More new Jfo) fooUa lrotn 5weeter- LLQJU Ferrjbrtok Company " Every day bringt nevs good from our immenM pureMse in the Srcter Penbrook, Kevo York, Block. Frt$h good artdfruh bargain greet th hop per tvtry day. Xevtr rucA a talt Ktld in Omaha. Each new telling event it qf real importance very peciaZ tale for Thursday. Shift Waists Ladies' $1.50 Shirt Waists. 69c The very newest very latest mer styles, 2.60, each Silk Shirt Waist Suits-New styles . la prettiest chocked and barred taffetas new pleated skirts broad shoulder waists t'J Ct effects, etc., at I-i.JU For Millinery Specials Ladles' $10.00 Trimmed Hats at $3.98. $7 and $10, $3.98 These were the pret- P)f tiest styles of the season in ) millinery department, at ... . . ' Pattern Hats at $3.00 The, very newest shapes the popular colors represented, most of them C F. exclusive with us your choice of any of our fine pattern hats at $1.50 Ready-te-Wear Hats, 9o New lot or nobby up- . to-date ready-to-wear trimmed hats' in i millinery department, at S0C 5ILK FLOWERS AND FOUAQB, IN EVERY POPULAR VARIETY, ON SALE IN BASEMENT AT SC BUNCH. C!11fr trim the 5weetser-Pembrook Stock Freeh new lots of OllliS shirt waist silks la neat small effects, dots, eto., hundreds of patterns, also EO WRIGHT PUSHES THE CASE ' SJaVBSBSsMaSBS City Attornsy Orstlfltd with Progress of '-.; PaTing OontroTBiiy.'" LOOKS FOR FINAL DECISION VERY SOON relat Wants ( Boatoa Waa to Look After Imtsa-sats I III BltttUthle Caano . ;. , . ' ' ' 'City Attorney WrtlUt says he has made record for Quick court procedure In the Six teenth street paving- repair case. The suit acalnst the city was filed In the dlatrlot court by Hugh McCaffery Thursday, Vas argued and submitted Saturday and decided Mon day against the city, tbs court holding that the repairs constitute repaying, which cannot be done with a majority petition of, the abutting property owners and that the charter confers no right upon the city to levy special assessments for paving re pairs. Tuesday morning pity Attorney Wright filed an appeal with the supreme court and the esse was argued and sub mtttedvln the afternoon. He. hopes for an early decision In favor of the city. Other wise the BUteenth street paving matter will be In: as bad shape as ever, , . 4 - The presence In Omaha of J. 'Fred Warren of Boston,' president of the Nebraska Bl tullthlo company and head of the bltullthto Interests, may hare a bearing on the paving Question. Mr. Warren will confer with Cltj Attorney Wright and the result may be a change or compromise on the 1904 paring peclflcatlons. which are at present satis factory to Mr. Warren's local representa tives. . ' Hot EaoasJi Jvl8T. Borne time ago Mr. Warren wrote to the city hall and a&ked for certain Information ooncernlng paving matters. Implying that the amount of paving being dona .in tmiaha seemed to be very little. In tbs reply he was told he bad better ooms out to Omkjia and make a personal Investigation of the conditions If he wished to do- anything toward mors paring. 7 ' It was made plain to the prealdent of the I bitultthlo company that sren though his, firm did sucoeed In getting paving oon tracts, these contracts would be contested In court In very case where the ooet is sceeseed to abutting property owners. Fur thermore, the esiatlng specifications ere liable to attack at any time by competing firms. ' City offloers who have been trying to sours nw patng daaptte the labyrinth t MitipUcftUoos sad elxlacXas arising froos Hot new g-oods from Sweetser- From the . Swctser-Pern-brook treat stock style waist a, dainty lawns fe Swisses, beautifully made with embroidery and lace insertions, narrow and wide tvekd, the large full sleevea, the ntw effects. These waist Jf "Kr were made to sell at 1. 25 and' (1.50 each. Saturday " Ladles' $2.50 Shirt Waists ot 95c Sheer summer fabrics, hand somely trimmed, tucked and pleat ed, the new Bulgarian trimmings, wide lace edged Berthas, (TK 95' of the charmlnft sum made to soli up to Wash Shirt Waist Suit - Neat ' and dainty tub shirt waist suits nice for outing, etc., eto., will go Cfl J. OR fcl Dt'ttJO We have reduced all .our smartest trim med hats and shirt waist hats that were down to 39c lnohes wide, ore ps de 49c 2nd Floor AD the ladles' Oxford Ties and Slip pers from the Sol. Rosenburg stocky from 72 Lincoln St, Boston, on sale at 59 .S 08 Blacks, tans, high and low heel, plain kids and patent leathers on sale sec ond floor. On Sale in Basement Ladies' Patent leather Oxfords, . .89c Ladles' Common Sense to kid Ox ford Ties ..... . . S9c the war of paving contractors are hoping that Mr. Warren's visit may ' have the effect ot straightening out the tangle. ' ' Blanghtsr W1bs olaVCas. Judge Cartand has handed down a de cision In the case of the United States a'net Brad D. Slaughter, suit on bond while SlauKhter was United States marshal several years ago. The decision Is in favor .fH,S.defenda, (Slaughter) in the sum or M.821.28. The case has ben in ths United bPMes circuit court for several years. Building; Permit. Building permits ' have been Issued to George Warren Bmlth for a td.uuu brick addition to a store at 1607-11 Farnam: C P. Crowley, & 600 residence at Thirty-third and Burt: B. Erlckeon, fl.Ouv frame dwell ing at 262g Patrick avenue. Our Pants Sale. Our sals of Werner mads pants Is prov ing a great success. People know a good thing when they see 1t They aren't going to pay high priced stores 13.09 for pants when they oan get aa good hers for U.W. Werner Is known to make hie pants just a lltUs better than any other pants maker. The fact of It Is, lots of custom tailors can not get np as good a pair of pants. If you wish to pay a little mora than ll.W we have a erackerjack line on sale for J3.60. Style, shape, fit, everything the ths finest tailor can' put in pants will, be found In the Suit Vfiluss. Our $7.60 and $10.00 special suit values now on sale, mean In every Instance a sav ing to you from $160 to $6.00 per suit. Ths suits were bought by us at a sacrifice from manufacturers that were overstocked and short of money. Furnishing Spsclils. Men's fancy hose, plain colors, embroid ered, white with black figures, large as sortment to select from. Bale price Tttc. All silk neoktles, s-ln-bands and tecks, worth up to SSo, your choice 16c Men's blue light weight underwear, 16o a garment. Dollar shirts. iSo, eto. Qsnuhs Gocdytur V7elt Shoes $1.88. Men's viol kid hand sewed shoes stamped on tbs sols, $100, now .on sal at $1.98. Jtany other articles probably just what you a looking for always at a big saving to Qusrcntco Clolhlns Ca. Green Trading Stamps Every Time Q)aoilivi i I 0 d Green Trading Stamps will not be up-rtxitcti by the tittle tattle of those, who, for reasona best known to ' themseves, wmld like to Bee the Little Stickers cut out of Omaha. We have pledged our word Green Trading Stamps are going to con- tinue to be a feature in our merchandising. They're to remain here. Keep on col lecting . all the books you have a mind to. ' OUR WORD IS GOOD. A RARE OPPORTUNITY IN LADIES' HIGH CLASS COSTUMES WE HAVE DECIDED TO CHANGE ONE HUNDRED OF OUR flOST EXPENSIVE SUITS INTO CASH AT ONCE, AND HAVE MADE 2 LOTS f$57.50 All suits marked at these prices.... . .... 162.50 167.60 $75.00 185.00 1 Will be put on sale Thursday, at I $95. 00 L98.00 48-50 THURSDAY BARGAINS IN SlLKS Thursday we ofTer greater bargains than any day this week In BILKS from the Sweetser-Pembrook stock. Thousands of pieces of plain and fancy . fQn silks for Waists and dresses, at, yard, I1.U0, 75c, 60c, 2So and tow Embroidered Pongees and White Haubnti Fifty pieces very fine Ponge and white rTaubatl wash silks, beautl- rtEn fully embroidered, In. wide, worth H.S6 yard, Thursday, at yard ; VOW Black Taffetas S8 Inch wide black Taffetas, worth U.15, Thursday, yard 27 inch black Peau de Sole, worth $1.60, i nursaay, yarn. , White Dress From 8 to 12 Thursday morning l&o white dress organdies, , 28 incnes wiae, ior, yara ' Hot Weather Wash Goods 1,600 pieces fine Imported lawns, dimities, batlntesr organdies and Swisses, In plain and fancy a beautiful collection, worth to 26o yard, 1fn Thursday, 'yard Wash Goods for Serviceable Dresses 200 pieces linen shirt waist sultlngs.knlcker macaroni, voiles and eta mines, In greens, blues, browns, chamntignee and a big lot of fancy tailor suit- QP fngs, worth up to Kto yard, Thursday only, yard:....... ' ' SHOES.--'-- " -";j'V. Now that warm weather is here, why not go to Ben nett's and see the nicest styles of ladies' and children's oxfords and slippers in Omaha. ' . ' . - . ULDIES- $3.fl0 TAN RUSSIA CALF OXFORD6-, , Jr LADIES' 3!TO QOODTBiUt WffljT,"PATENT' 'co'T ", OXFORDS AT M, IAXIE8' $2.60 IMITATION JULIA MARLOW v O.X FXD R.U 8 -A T ... s s . GIRLS' 42.00 VICI KID SANDALS AT aa men's 'black: a'nd'tan OXFORDS" "" """J" 'm'A all leathers, from $3.60 to 1,ou On . TURSD AY we give $1.00 extra Green Trading Stamps with all oxford and slipper purchases. 1 1 GRAND GUT PRICE f.llLLIt! ERY SALE THURSDAY Every Hat m at Cost Investigate, It Pays. f 12 PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SI.OO ' t i Until. July 1st we will make 12 of our Imperial Ovals for $1.00. It will pay you tto investigate. 1 ; Open Sundays from 10:30 A. M. to 4 P.M." THE WILLIAMS STUDIO , 1406 Farnam St. Opf. Paxton Hotel. Double Green Trad ing stamps Thursday on k. vvai- rra lnrp & Son; Vd-M & tUX fill floral pattern pij spoons and Ife fancy pieces. Ex quisite ideas for wedding' presents in solid and plated sil ver. Jewelry Dept. f 132.50 135.00 . $ 37. 50 $40,00' $42.50 $45.00 $47.50 All the suits marked at these prices Will be put on sale Thursday at L$50.00; 75c lSSitSaatMIPmilt . ......... Organdies . c Be 1508 Douglas St. 28-50 ;....l-59 98c r j?. m t,h'' 20 Per Cent Discount on Suit Cases and Grips When yon goto St. Louts or take your vacation don't carry a cheap or wornout grip or ault case, when we sell you the beet for such a low price. We alao have a complete line of high grade trunks at prices that will save you money. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Send for Catalogue. ' 1209 Fa mam it. ; our lining Counter THB HEU1BLI TORES. Money Saving Values in Wo men's Garments $40,000 WORTH OF RtADY-MADE SUITS. Swell Dress and Valking Skirts SWELL DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS tYora Max Solomon's, Broadway, N. T., voile dress skirts, trimmed with several rows of taffeta, beautiful garments that ws and other houses have sold at E flfl m. and flB your choice Walking sklrU, In Sicilians, Panama and many other materials, in an colors, emu p'aln and fancy, worth up to O Qfi Thiirt hrin at 15.90. 14.90. great bargain at IS.9U, 14.90, EXTRA FROM 8 A. 11.00 lawn kimono at 39c $3.00 orepe klmonas at 81.60 lawn and percale wrappers . at 1.00 1 00 Women's seersuoker underskirts A,Qn at ......... ......... Don't Ladles' Jersey ribbed nnbrella pants, trimmed with deep laoe nrfC Ci itfkt ur nholca for one hour ZAdles black and fancy laoe and drop stitch hose worth 25o to 8o your choice Sweetser-Pembrook Stock STOCK? HOW COULD THBT HELP IT AT THB PRICES ,WB ARB MAKING. Here are a few tot Thursday. They are only a slight indication ot what ws ars doing: ' 86c, 8Bo and BOo Wash Goods tOC An sntlrely new line of 85o woven tissues. fiOO BWlases, KK3 xiatisies, too insu auu Scotch Dimities,' Mercerised Jacquard Walstlng, Mercerised Oxrord Shirt Walst 'Ing Suiting, Wo plain black satins and 1,000 other weaves and wash fabrics, com prising the most complete assortment of new and up-to-date spring 1904 goods on the market, worth from 26o to - . i(c 60c per yard ...... . llUa IRC, 190 WABH. rAPHlUJ, Ifto. An entirely new line of BaUstes, Imported SwisBea, Koyai nquee, uxioru omri warn. SulUngl S, jrwsncn ana nootca all WW t . ; THB ORBATE)ST BARGAIN OF THEM Al.ln YARD. 4W-lnch fins Percales, 25o double fold black IlnlrTg", 12WS linen suitings, winca ir heavy German blur calico, lawns, dlml- ties, batistes nothing worth less than 10c and up to Ko yard all win go Sn In this sal at.......... Grocery, Hardware, Crockery LETTTNG DOWN PRICES PRIOR TO 48-lb. sacks high patent Minnesota , Large eacks'white or yellow cornmeal'.12V4o ik. lan.n Hr, T1A.W beans. . sasro. tapioca, barley or farina for.; 19o I bars best laundry oaP ror 8-lb. cans Boston baked beans J-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes . . I. n . a,1 ri art mimnlf n. homlnT .180 ..7Ho ..IVio t'lU. sail. Bv,uu" - JXLr or squash : '.' "' Large botUe pickles, any kind you jfello, Bromagelon or Jeltlcon, pkg ..7V4o Oood Japan tea for Ice tea, lb..... ....soo FREE J'REE FREE. $6 00 worth Trading Stamps absolutely free with every 8 pounds best mocha and Java coffee, for 1-00 Or with every sack best flour. BUTTER ' Good Country Batter, pound The very best new grass creamery butter, pound .10c .300 DR. BRADBURY , ptlsUM Ectractlo" Wltboat Oa. FtUlao ' Cold Crtrwa. $X9 mtp BrMLfwWork, $1M up Lstly Attsottsrt. f. , - 1506 DENTIST. ,.; AUDITORIUM POON8 Ws ars showing corns handsome spoons with a design in bowl Srt'rnew Auditorium.. $L86. $160. $1.75 and 00.. These are'the Nebraska State Spoons with emblems and buildings on the handle. These would make a nl graduating gift. Spend a few minutes In our store and nee them. Look for tbs nam. , S. W. Undsay, Jeweler. ' V 1516 Douglas St. " Bee Want Ads Cut in Half .v , There la where our prices are on the well known Dr. Usee's Steck and Poultry Food, Lice Killer, etc., also the Curran Remedy Co.'s goods, of Shenandoah, lows, and the Oriental Remedy Co.'s goods ot Grsnd Island, Nebraska. These prices WfLL LAST ONLY while thla steck lasts, ss ws can never Duy mors if it at these figures. DKT'J018TS FROM OUT IN THE SMALL TOWN 8 are writing US to supply mem wnn in we srs srs glVUkg me rarrn.r or mo ' . .T needs these goods the banntlt of these Diiis. Don't delay now but stock up sblla It last a SEE THE GOODS II8PIJEnl0R COUNCIL BLUFFS STORE WINDOWS THIS WEEK. Prices cut In half. SCnflEFER'S Hm K. T. YATE8, Propr. 16th and Chicago Sts , Omaha. 'Phones 147 and M. t4ih and N. SU., South Omaha. 'Phiuia No. L 6b Ave and Mala SU, Council Bluffs.' 'Phone lii All go Uvuce4 la s4Ua City SvbauluUly teas. clorU the BEST Lining Sateen. SHIRTS. WAIRTS. WRAPPFmS-ermd by pur buyer on his recent trip te New lork. at a small fraoUon of thetr roil worm. THE N;XT ltlKT lAld will be the greatest women's garment burrrvJn days evsr known In Omaha. XX) NOT TAIL TO ATTEXD Tlll SALH. XOU CAN gAVSJ FIFTY I'BR CliNT. From the Fashion Manufacturing Co.. vireen sireet iew lorn, oxquintie in Tab lie, beniitfful In daaign. In plain taffetas, iripre nni iMnciea. an colors mi tiiork, at tit-ao, $aoo n on and IwiUU Worth double. prurrrr wash suits. rrom Well. Heskell A - Co., Broadwar, N. T , beautiful suits. In lawns, dtmlt:s, batlHtes, voiles, crash, eto., laoe and em btclilery trimmed, nebby 4 nu summer sulte-at RU, 13.96 and,.,. lefQ Worth double. BTTL18H WOOL SUITS.' From Bhftfl 8t Bllbwrman, Panal stroct, N. T., 476 sarmentn. In all the newtot ma terials and moot popular wmvra, all high class, well made suits, at about -one-thli-d of actual value Thursday, S ft flB.OO. 10.00 and .0'W IIANDBOMT3 811 JC AND COVERT COAT3 From Turkoll, Telstner, 11th street N. V., beautiful blouses, made of peau de sole, regular 17.60 value, Thursday, 3,30 Women's covert and loose silk coats, at $10.00, 17.60 and tVOO.' WASH WAISTS. From Max Both,' Market street, N. T., 800 dosen waists, purchased at one-third their real value, our whole middle alela will be devoted to ' the display, great snaps at $198, U98. , tl.BO, dQc 9uo, 69o and SPECIALS. M, TILL . 11 M. $2.00 motrs nndaraktrts 1.00 a 86.00 women's copes ...2.98 at ........ .. $3.00 children's Jackets 1.50 at m.. $1.00 women wrapper 49c Miss . 15c :.l5c ATTEND OUR FAMOUS SPECIALS . FROM ta U .A. M.- Ws will sell a good assortment of short lengths of all ths fine goods from this stock In Dimities, Batistes - and Lawns, worth from 7V4o to 2So yard, and ' , 'r only ten yards to a customer, at...... agv FROM 8 TO1 P. M . We will sell German indigo blue prints, worth 64c and only '10 yards to a cus tomer at, per , yard.. ,r . ((... ......... -V WHITE GOODS SALBL Check, Nainsook, India Llnana, Dimities, etc., regular ISo and 26c, en CSw sale at, per yard, 7Vo and.... Mercerised Walstlngs, Unen finish, and Madrasses, regular o par ' f Bn vard. 12 Wo am iU. naMtSHIlt " 16o best grade SUkollns 5c at, yard 15a Drapery Denims, at, yard 2&o Drapery Sateen, at, yard 10c SEMI-ANNUAL INVENTORT. LETTING DOWN HARDWARE PRICES 2-bumer gas stove ....a- M,.81.4S Copper nickel plated tea kettle 7o I-q t, blue and whits enamel eoffe pots ,..... ..48o 6-qt. blue and white enamel sauce pans Ijirr. bin mnA whlta Snaroea Wash baeln ......... ';... ,...m...mJ8o 4Vpanel 1H-Inch screen door..,..'..'.......o t-biirner gasoline stove ..88.4s FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS-.- - Iirge juicy seedleaa lemons, dosen ...10o i Large juicy sweet oranges, doseu Uo Fancy llaliow'een dates, lb i.M i Colorado -White Clover honey, rack ,...13o Fancy Florida pineapples, each ....... A'riiO CROCKERY DEPT. SPECIAL . , Decorated beet English scnu-porcelain 100 piece dinner set, the colors srs pnaoook and pencil, they sell regular from JU to 115 these sets Thursday, only $&M Farnnm KtiSS3 TEL, 17". w t4Mtcivir nerve tram toeih wtSb ot tn let peaHcto pala. ' llt4M $2mp Opa Sflaxtays lOtotl Produce Results jOSTflirQTDRE gPECIHLS (Oo Rubber Complexion Brush mnhh 19o 80 Sticks Gum (o Quart bottle Port Wins tto Pint bottls Port Wins Ko Quart bottls Malt Whiskey 76o Pint bottle Malt Whiskey ioo Tbess ars. prepared especially for medici nal purposes. Whit Rose, Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Crab Apple Blossom, Viotot and XJly of Valley Perfume, regular (Oo value, at per ounce 2&o l-ounce bottle Witch Hasel .....- 10 18-0 u rice bottls Witch Hasel ........' too 82-ounce bottls Witch Hasel 80 Milks' Emulsion German Liver Powdar w : L.-J , I J