Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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S. .' Isnind'); nt 12:30 p. tn. for SWT
LAND direct, rr s. . Astorla-imall niunt
.pe directed "per . a. Astoria j.
ftr the dosing of the supplementary
transatlantic msll named above, addi
tional supplementary mail are opened on
the ptr of the American, English, French
tnn rmnn steamers, .ami remain open
until wttMn ten minute of the hour of
sailing of steamer.
Malls fer Nitk an Centre! America,
Wt Indies, Ete.
FRIBAY, (10th). At :30 . m.'' (supple
mentary 10 SO a. m ) for IN AOL' A, HAITI
and bANTA MAKTA, per s.-aNAthos
tmall for other part of Colombia, via
i f -bavanilla, must be .directed "ier s. a.
t Athos'); at 6.30 p. n. for BERMUDA,
I J - " ...- v. -
per steamer irom Halifax.
8:80 a. m. (up-
Clements ry S ao a
a. m ) for PORTO RICO,
id VENEZL'EU. oer a. a.
Philadelphia (mall for Colombia, via
vurarao. must re directed "per
Philadelphia"); at 9:30 a. m
rnenury 10:80 a. m.) for 1
(au nple-
Cauca and - Maadalena Deo'tS. and
ORKYTOWM, per s. a. Alleghany (mall
for Costa Rica must bo directed "per a.
a. Alleahsny"); at D M a. m. for ARUEN-
a. s. Bellarual at 10 a. m. for CUBA.
fer a. a. Morro Castle, Via Havana; at
2:30 D. m. for CUBA, pef a. a, Curltyba,
via-Uatancns (mail must be directed
"par a.
. Curityba").
' Hail Forwarded Ovarian, Kte
1 cent Trnnanaelno.
CUBA-VI l'ort Tamp. FWloa, closes at
this oDlc daily, except Thursday, at 86 J
a. m, (the connecting (nail close here on
Mondays, Wednesday and Baturdays).
MEXICO CITY Ovtrlnnd, unites specially
addressed for despatch by steam", oioae
at this oiTlce dally, except Bunany, at 1:80
p. fa and 10.80 p. , tiunaay at 1:00 p.
In. and M:S0 p. m.
iSEWroUNDJ.ANl texcept rl-Pol
Malls) by rail t. Worth nyon, and
thenca bv steamer, eloaee at this cttloe
dally at 8:80 p. m. (connecting raft Lis c.osa
her every laonaay, "Wednesday and flat-
. tirday). 1 ' '' --
JAMA1CA--By rail to !" n, and theno
- by steamer, oloses a tnts oflice at )
p. m.. Tuesday and Friday.
salQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenca
by steamer,-' closes at taftl office dally al
( 80 p. T ' :
MALA By rail to New Orleans, and
thence by reamer, close at this oflice
dally, except Sunday, at Jl:8o p.. m. and
'110:3(1 p. nx, Sundays at fl :()'. m. aod
110:10 p. m. (connecting mall closes her
Mondays at (10:80 p. m.).
COBTA RICA Br rail to Nov Orleans, and
thence by. steamer,1' closes at this offlca
daily, except flunoay, at 11:10 p. ra. and
,.110.10 p. m.,-BundayS at 10 P. m. and
110:110 p. m. (connecting mall closes hers
'injesd'iys at jl 0 p. m..
BE018TIRKD MAJIi eloaoa at 1:00, a. m.
previous, iu-f. ' t.J . , :
Traarspaeiaa Mall ravar OvsW
. . '"' i - 'J: tmmfl nally. -,f
Tha achedul of ciosinc TranspaclOo mall
. la arra.isea .on' ah prsumpilon of their
. Uninterrupted overland transit to port
f sailing. .The final connecting malls tx
: copt rsauaiaraa Tranapacino maiia wnicn
, close p. -m:- previous day) cluso at tha
. general postorflce. Near York, aa follows:
CHINA. and JAPAN,, via ' Tacoma (spa
S daily addressed only), closo nt i.if p.
vm.f Juna. atli.r for despatch per a.- s.
H.NB ISLANDS, via, Ban Franctscaaloaa
; at ( 30 p. pa.' J una tut daepaldi pejr s.
a.' oiuen.
CHINA and. JAPN rla Vancouver and
,., vi
olorla 13. C... clnaa at B:JU o. m. June
. 7t
n, for despatch xr . a. impress oc
,. Jab&o. . (Merchandise lor . U. B. Poatal
Agency at Bbanghal.caanot ba forwarded
'via u n .1 .4.. fc
WAII iiikT FIJI ISLANDS, via Ban Fran
' cImuo.' yloa at 6;0 p. m. June llth, for
despatel) pat a. a. Ventura. (If tha Cunard
icuinei: tarrylna. BrlilfU, mall for. New
Zealand 'does, not arrive In time to con
liect with tills destmtch. extra malla-oloai
ig nt a, it,., :ai
Bundars Lt 4-5U a. tn.
a. nt, and B:W p. m. j
tn., a: tn. ana o:fu p.
' ttu will be made up and forwarded unul
ihe arrlyul of the Cunard steamer),
; IFPINE" IKLANbS; via Ban Francisco,
;.cloee at fM p. m, Juh 17tH for despatch
rer a. . Ooptta, '
JI -ISLANDS, ' "-"AUSTRALIA ' (except
wesT), ana hicw calkdonia, via von
I ' -couver nnd Victoria. B.. C .close at ;39
s . ftrrww BttctoY patfcH :pr
Moftna. t .. '
' HAWAII. Via San Francisco, close at :M
IK -m. Mar au, . lor aespatcn par a. a,
Alameda. ,.' ...
" PHILipplNfilISTJlNDB, v1la?San ffran
' Cisco,, close at 6:10 p. m. June 20th, for
r dispatch per U. S. Transport. , . . ;
Tahiti na -mar5c;e8As laLANDfl. via
.'Hnn Francisco, close at 0:30 p, m. June
l 'tli 'for despatch per s. .' Mariposa.
.at present forwarded Via Russia,, lostsajd
of via Japan, tha usual route. '
KOTE Unless cthorwlse sddr'ssed. West
Australia is forwarded via IMtropei and
NW ' Zealand and Philippines via San
ranctece ine quicaeat routes.' fnuip
pines specially addressed "via; Canada"
or' "via Europe" must be fully pr
!renAld aft
the fotelxn rates.
elxn rates. Hawaii Is forwarded
Via ibao- ranc(sco ecltjsivel;
t Pct Office. New Terx. N.- T
Juoa a, WQ. ,., )..,:
OMAHA, Neb., June 7. "1B04. Sealed pro
. ponals, in triplicate, will be reoelved here
and by quartermaster at the poet named
,n herein until JO swim, central standard time,
B June IT, ltM, ,r furnishing wood, ooal and
charcoal during the fiscal year ending June
SO, 1W6, at Fort D. A. Rusrnll, Wyoming.
Proposals for delivery at other plaoea will
)roe enienainea. unitea wtatos
II right to -reject or accept any or all pro-
& e,ni,r vt -. j )nv, meifui. tiiivri
i lurnieiiea on application nere. or to quar
.4 ter master st poat, . Envelopes containing
(proposals should be marked "Proposals for
Fuel," and addressed to Major J. B. Baw
eryer. C. Q. M. . J fr-10 14M
el .
t r." iv . r.m 'i . .,' , ., i. .' -i j
f'-GJlEAT'.:' ' v
MAPtr '
ItAr Rovn
CA Limited lfv!ngt 8.30 p.m.,
. arrives at St Paul 7.20 and Min
' neapnllj g.QO tli next jpiomlrig; 1 ,
Cs Day Express leaving- at 7.5 J
, a. fa., arrives at St Paul 7,3t and
. Minneapolis 8.10 p.m. Parlor Car.
Eoually low rata to all tfumtnesf
Keaorta la Minnesota.
' ii , i '
For tlokeu sod InforniKilob apply at
Clir Tloltoi Omoe, lin r uruatu it, or.
L'iIobSumIuu. Ouialia.
31 XZ
W-ssjassfasT. M
Office and Infirmary, isth and Mason Bis,
OMAHA. NKtt Telephone M
! to Saatplaj Copy
Railroad Promts on Portion o.' Water aod
Ligh', Aueunsnl
Asaoant lavolved la Pretest, WxMck
'Is Referred to City Coaaell for
. Adjajstaaaat, is Thirty
Sis Dollars.
Tbe Dubuque aV Sioux City Railroad com
pany takes exception to being assessed for
taxation for water and -lighting aervloa in
Its line Clear to the city limits, In a peti
tion Bled with the Board of County Super
visors yesterday It asks that $36.21 of It
taxation for these purposes b cancelled on
the grounds of It being In excess of the
service rendered. The railroad company
contends that light is not' furnished it by
the city for one mile of it Una afad that
the tax' for wstef service la in excess of
tho service. '. ' ,
It asks In the first place that 121-34 be
cancelled. It being the excess charged by
the t mill levy for water tn tha city on
each mile more than tha limit, of service.
It also asks for tha cancellation of $14. M
being xcesa charged by 1.6 mills levied
on one mile for lighting In excess of serv
ice limit within the city of Council Bluffs.
. This Is tb first Urn with the exception
of the Union Paclflo which refused to pay
taxes for city purposes on Its brldgs, that
any railroad has protested against tha as
sessment tor -taxation aa returned by tho
city assessor.
The County supervisors referred the mat
ter to tha city council.
Maalral and Oratorloal Contests.
Under tha auspices ' of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union musical and
oratorical contests will be held this even
ing at the First Baptist church and Friday
evening at the Fifth Avenue Methodist
church. The Successful competitors on the
first night will be barred from participating
in Friday nlght'o contest. These prtil be
the 'contestants:
Or&torlcals-t-Laura, Mae Robinson, Joseph
Yetxer, Oenevleve Ward, Ktta Balrd, Flor
ence Lougee, Vera Saunders, Edna Cun
ningham, Marie Bchofleld.
Musical Alegra Fuller, Mary McConnell,
Harry Kerncy, Florence Lougee, Laura
uoDiuaon, aiarie tscnoueio.
This. Will be the program:
Silver double medal contest, musical, oca
tor leal i ' .
Prelude ........Ruth Hendricks
Invocation Rev. W J. Btratton
Solo Lllloo Tree
Contestant No, 1...A Knot Of wnlt Kiooon
Contestant No. 1.., Only feUloen
SW A Bird with a Broken Wing
Contestant NO.. 3...
.......... I Young Americas war cry
Contestant No. 4.. New Recruits
Boloe-B eased 111 Die
Contestant No. 6 The Result of Treating
Bolo The CTiurcn Acroes me way.......
Contestant No. 6......-........: ..Saved
Bolo At the Old Cathedral Door
Contestant No. 7.....
,.L........Carl. or a, jaouier s innuence
Contestant No. 8.. v Poorhouse Nan
8olo One Sweetly Solemn ' Thought...... ,
Reading Mrs. Dollie Diok-Burgees
Presentation of medals...... '""Vi
Benediction .........Rev. Case
Plumbing and heating nxby A Boa. .
K Thai
P. Z
Read Esfato Transfovsl '
These transfer were reported to The Bee,
June 8, by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company' of Council Bluffs: ' . . 1
O. W. Collins and wife to Jonn uiam-
entsnn, tot s, oiaci i'"iu . -
ponlphan's sdd.v w. d.-.-.-j".'e W
O P.- Wllladnon and husband to . ...
George Waddell, lot 10, block 11,
Howard's add., w. d i""tfv' 600
F. C. Lougee et al. to Brfstl M. Wsb
stsr. lot 1. Evana' aubdlv., sr. d.. LIOO
Magdalene H. Ryerson to Oaoar Korn,
lot 7, Dioca v, won ""!. "
Mlnnie Gardner and husband to - W.
M Kilmer, lots i& ana m, ww
Highland Place, w. d. ............ ,.y
Mamie J. West and husband to W.
M. Kilmer, part of lot 17, block 10,
Highland Place, .wvd.iv. .
John B. Jefferls at al.. trustees, to
William C Jefferls, lot t of ne
sw4 S0-7&-48; lot 14, block 4, Jack
son's add., d. ........ j... ...............
Treasurer to Mary L. Everett, lots 11
and 11, block 42; lot t, block 48: lot
S and 4, block 44. Ferry add., t. d..
Mary A. Smith et al. to J. P. Martin,
nwU 1-77-48 W. d
J P. Martin end wife to T. 3. Pay,
neW nwfc 7-77-4. w. d.... .......
Ira F. Hendricks and wife to William
.Barker, se w. u. ...........
Christina Schroeder et al. to John M.
Galvln, part ew u-io-, a.....
Twelve transfers, toUl..............$l.lT$
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 200: night. F-4OT.
Broods Over Tronbles.
WUIIam Strankhoener, against whom ,.
H. Ohlcndorf filed an Information charging
him with being Insane, was taken into cua
tody yoaterday and pending the Investiga
tion of his case sent to St. Bernard hos
pital. . .. .' '' ;: 'v
Strankhoener hag been living alone on a
farm In Lewi township for several yeara
and hi appearance when brought to tha
city yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff
McCaffrey Indicated that he and soap and
water' had been strangers evidently for
long period. A warm bath waa the first
treatment he was subjected to at the hos
pital and the novelty of It nesmed to please
him. Strankhoener, while not violent, baa
become mentally deranged. It - la believed,
from living alone. and .brooding .over bis
trouble's.. His father died in the Insane
asylum and two brothers committed Sui
cide. His friends, fearing from bis manner
that he might follow the example of his
brothers, had his case called to the atten
tion of the Commissioners for the Insane. -
Hafer sell lunmbei Catch the KUt
CnngM In R haft lag.
Peter Paulson, an employe at tha Old
Union elevator at the Union Paclflo trans
fer had a narrow escape from death yes
terday morning. Whlls oiling the shafting
he became entangled In the machinery and
was whirled around two or three time be
fore resetted from bis perilous position by
a fellow employe. When rescued tie wag
unoonsclous and nearly all of his clothing
was torn from his body. He was removed
to the Woman's Christian association hos
pital, where examination' showed that be-
. A very high grade Business College and
Normal College.
: New classes will begin Monday, June Sth.
Beginning classes in all subjects. Hsvtow
claa In all subjects.
' Write or call fur information.
- E. P. Miller, Pres. .
Maaonlo Temple. - 'Pboae D14.
If owttci a f.
Mil MU Cwaawit auim '"
yond a number of bad bruises he had
escaped with nothing more serious than a
dislocated .shoulder. It la expected that
be will be able to be removed to his borne
at 1401 Sixteenth street today.
Creek Bhoald Be Dredged.
President Van Brunt f tha Commercial
club has named E. H. Merriam, F. H. Keys,
Riohard Oreen, L. C. Besley and W. B.
'S.Roed aa tha committee to devise some
plan for tha Immediate relief of the flooded
district In tha southern part of tha city.
This committee was ordered appointed at
the mass meeting Tuesday night.
This committee .met .yesterday afternoon
and it was the opinion of tha members that
the first thing for tha city to do wag to
dredge Indian creek from Nineteenth ave
nue to the river. This It Is conceded should
be don at orice and the additional money
beyond that In the sewer fund should be
taken from the contingent fund.
Marrlnsre Licenses. ,
Licensee to wvd were Issued yesterday to
tho following:. '
Name nnd Residence. Age.
Kendall FJ. Grlgg, Oreenvllle. Okl. .......
Lulu K. Parsons, Council Bluffs ,
Arthur Fmnds Hundley, Bolton, Mo....
Mary E. Hundley. Bolton, Mo
Tracy M. Rodwell, Council Bluffs.........
Nora EX. Qray, Council Bluffs
Miiron HESTioi
Davis sells drug.
Leffert'e glssses fit.
Btockert sells, carpeta
The Faust cigar, I cents.
Peterson Sharpens mowers. 420 w. B. W.
Full line fishing tackle. Morgan sY Dickey.
. TeL itt Case Stors Blue Ribbon beer.
Picture for wedding gifts given special
attention. Alexander's, 131 Broadway.
For wall pa pe rink, painting, picture fram
ing, see Berwick. 211 Main st. rPhone A-020.
Jap-A-Lao floor finish. Morgan Dickey.
'. Tlgredla temple, Rathbone Sisters, will
meet this evening in regular session at St,
Alban's hall.
Mrs. Mlchnel -Klldare of 81 Avenue A Is
in St. Joseph's hospltaL Omaha, where she
recently underwent an operation for can
cer. '
Countv Recorder Elmer . E. Smith was
banding around cigars yesterday In honor
of the arrival of an eleven-pound boy at his
Tha Board of flunervlsora has renewed
for one year the contract with the Woman's
Christian Association hospital for the care
of pauper sick.
Tha hall ame at Lake Manawa yester
day betwoen Companies A and B of the
hlah school cadets resulted In a victory for
Company B by a snore of to 14.
Arthur Franols Hundley and Mary E.
Hundley, both of Belton, Mo., were mar-
Sed In this city yesterday by Rev. A. E.
urlff, pastor of Trinity MetModlst church.
They are first cousins. -
Walter Knapp has filed with the Board
Of County Supervisors and had rejeoted a
claim of $60 for the injury of hie horss,
which fell Into a ditch alongside of the
roadway near the Iowa , School for tbe
Tracy M. Rodwell, cleric In the office of
F. L. Reed, clerk of the district court, was
married last svenlng to Miss Nora B. Gray.
Thev will mass .tneir itomo on urnnra
avenue m a cottageaiven xnem oy nr.
Rorlwell'e father. Tne employes of the
county office presented the happy couple
with a handsome rocker. .......
Commander' Commeata Favomaly ost
. Acta of Last Session.'
"MASON CITT. Ia.4 June . (Special.)
1 day received warm eomniendatloiy at the
. handa ot Colonel' L. B. Raymond, depart
ment commander of . the Grand Army of
the Republic, before the annual encamp
mental Mason City, for what; wag done In
the Interest of the veterans of the war.
Commander Raymond - detailed what - waa
done by the department committee1 on leg
islation, especially in securing the passage
of tha veterans' preference bill, which re
ceived but one adverse vote In the entire
legislature. But he warned that "com
rades should remember that the law will
not aid them In procuring positions for
which they Are not qualified or In holding
plaoea tbe duties of which they. are !tv
com pert ent to perform." He referred also
to the fact that the legislature provided an
appropriation of $760 annually to help de
fray the expenses of the department. The
bill to secure the making ' of a roster ot
every soldier Jiving In Iowa failed through
misunderstanding' in the senate aa to Its
scope, but partial amends were made by
providing that In the taking of the census
there should be an enumeration of all
soldiers separata, with record of their mil
itary service. The legislature also sent a
special (Committee to visit the Soldiers'
Home and their recommendation were
generous and the legislature appropriated
largely .for the home. .In view of all this
the commander asked the encampment to
make suitable acknowledgment to the leg
islature. ...
Cofonel Raymond reported that while he
had hoped there would not be a loss of
membership in the department, yet It was
too much to expect at this time. The ag
gregate loss In membership wag $41, and by
death 132. In vlow of the fact that la many
small towns the membership of posts ha
been reduced he recommended that the
posts, be ' transferred bodily to near-by
Soldier day at the state fair last fall wa
so successful that the commander recom
mended appointment of a special commit
tee to prepare a program for this year and
to see that It Is kept up as. a regular
Colonel Raymond "recommended la bis re
port that there should be a definite en
dorsement of the servloe pension bill which
waa urged by tha national legislative com
mittee and which was Introduced In the
senate by Mr. Dolllver and in the house by
Mr. Caklerhead. The bill, provides for , a
service pension of $11 a month to all over
43 yeara. B; In tha meantime Commlse
sloner Ware has Issued an order which
practically establishes the servloe pension
principle, and thta 1 highly commended.
I'lt la a cause for rejoicing," stated Colonel
Raymond, "and of congratulation that the
present commissioner of pensions la In
clined to take a liberal and broad view of
the provisions . of the pension laws, aod
the beneficial results fit bis ruling are al
ready apparent."
The report of Assistant Adjutant General
Newman show an ,. emergency .fund of
$S.0O0 out on Interest, and tbe department
received $0.M interests from per .capita
tax. M.7SS 06; from, sale, of supplies, $UUJ;
saVof souvenir badge, $a1.10; from the
state, $146.60. The cosh balance on .hand,
aside from the fund, la $l,HS.L ...
Adjutant Newman's report shows a net
loss of membership of 141, and a total mem
bership of, H.22. , There waa a lose of
eleven poet, leaving $72. The membership
loas by death waa $33. i 'There waa ex
pended In charity $81111 The report of
other officer correspond to these.
lajarea sy Falling; Coal.
MISSOURI VALLEI, Ja., June a.-(8pe-clal.)
Ed Sweeney, a young man employed
ae a coal beaver, met with a peculiar acci
dent last night. He waa unloading a car of
coal and In working? it down from the side
Of tho oar a chunk, weighing about 100
pounds, slid down and struck on hla left
foot, knocking hla over, when a smaller
piece fall, atrlklng him on the abdomen.
Injuring him Quite severely, m toot was
also badly apralaed.
UnADTC l ATlVP II l fniYfP
aUUrlu lUJltlU JSlAvuluLj
Polk County, lows, limit in Enough to
Carrr .oaEl cation.
tat Board of Control Ready to Re
ceive Bide (or Construction of
School for the Deaf at .
Conncll Bloffs.
(From a Staff Correspondsnl.)
DE9 MOINES, June L-(Speclal.) Polk
county and the city of Das Molhcs todsy
led off In ordering voting machines for the
use of the electors at election time. Fifty
one machine were ordered at an expense
of $26,000. These machines are to be of the
pattern called Universal, manufactured at
Blooming-ton, hi-, a machine , which pro
vides compartments for each candidate and
a ball la dropped Into the Compartment
when the vote Is cast by machine. This Is
the first place In the state where voting
machines have been ordered for actual use.
One or two machines have been given a
trial at different places. A state voting
mschlne commission" was authorized some
years ago and this commission has passed
favorably on several machines, authorising
their use In the state. By the terms of the
contract made with the Bloomington com
pany today the machines are to be, taken
back and money refunded if at any time It
Is found that the machines are declared to
be Illegal. '
Dlckerhoff Sentenced.
John Dlckerhoff waa today sentenced to
six years In the penitentiary on his con
viction for enticing two girls from LamonI,
la., to bis house In Des Moines for Im
moral purposes. It waa also announced
that he would plead guilty on two other
charges and that Mrs. pickerhoff would
plead guilty on two or three Indictments
Involving the same case. This will pretty
effectually break up a bad gang that hoe
been . engaged . In Immoral work In Des
Moines for some time: and which had be
come much bolder In Its operations In re
centmonths. Two glrlg were brought from
Lamont ostensibly to work as domestics In
a respectable home and when theyv found
out that the place was not respectable
they at once made complaint and com
pelled prosecution.
Internrban Promotion.
A party of promotera for an Interurban
electric line from Des Moines to St. Joseph,
Mo., arrived In the city today. F. S. Mor
daunt heads the party. They have been
looking over the proposed route between
Mount Ayr and Dee Moines by way of
Creston and Wlnterset, and .claim that
there Is excellent prospect of the building
of such a line. Practically nothing Is known
here aa to their plans, but the route Is re
garded as feasible for an Interurban line.
A second line has been' projected from
Creston to Des Moines1 by way of Macks
burg and a company- organised at Macks
burg In Madison county for this purpose.
. Rids for Deaf Hehool.
. The State Board of Control today sent
out the completed working plans prepared
by the state architect, for the new central
building for the School for the Deaf at
Council , Bluffs. : These plans- are to be
placed on file In Dea Moines, Omaha, Kan
sas City and some other1 cities for the
benefit of contractor; It' )a regarded as
probable that the- bids fbe4h!s one central
building, which 1 to .b' V administration
and office building. wltH Vlnga for dormi
tories, wtlUtnke nearly ill ; the $580,000 ap
propriated for therwjynaiructlon of tbe
school after the fire. . t
r State Bnvrorth Leagne.
Oskaloosa bos been selected as the plaoe
for holding the annual convention of tbe
atate Epworth league and, the date Is Axed
for November 17. Thi meeting will be, held
over Sunday, aa formerly, instead of In the
middle of the week, as .previously planned,
An effort is to be made, this year to se
cure an attendance of ; 40&, Previous con
ventions have drawn from-100 to 800. 1 '"'
One Hundred and Twenty-Thmo Re
- - eetve Diplomas, ! ,
AMES, la., June $.-(Speclal TeligVam.)
Amid good wishes ot . faculty, trustees,
friends and loyal supporters of the institu
tion,. 123 young men and women marched
Into the large tent on the cunpus pro
vided for the occasion afid received di
plomas from the Iowa Stats College of Ag
ricoiture and Mechanlo . Art- today. An
excellent program had been provided, the
principal address being that of David Starr
Jordan, president of Leland, Stanford Uni
versity o Palo Alto, Col., big subject be
ing "Our Century of Action," which bore
directly upon the conditions of the world
today..-,; -. -, ,- -
J. B. Hungerford, president of the board
Of, trustees, then made., short address
promoting the junior class to seniors, hla
talk being full of good thought
President Storms then, In behalf of the
trustees, conferred the degreed, the gradu
ate being called forth In separate divisions
to receive their diploma An alumni din
ner was then served, there being; a large
number here. In the evening President
Storms gave a reception to alumni, focuUy
and friend. ,; ... .) . .
Grand Lodge of Masons of Iowa Electa
'-.'. Offlcera, '
SIOUX CTTT, la., Juns l.4(8rclal.)
The Iowa grand lodge of Masons' today
elected tha following officers!" Moat wor
shipful grand master, Sumner ' Miller of
Outienburg; grand senior warden, F. W.
Craig of Des Moines grand Junior warden,
F. B. Wbltaker of HlUsboro; grand treas
urer, Charles Shade of Rock' Springs;
grand secretary,. Newton, B, , Parvla 'of
Cedaraplds, ' '."'' . .', ; ,
E. O. Dilley of Sioux City was appointed
deputy grand master. Davenport aeoured
the next meeting of the' grah'd" lodge, de
feating Iowa City. The vote by lodges was:
Davenport, a; Iowa City, 17V -
Throw Bee Bottle at laws Tonng
Oonpl Wno Are Ont for e Drive.
CUMBERLAND, la., June l.-Hoodlums
assaulted a newspaper man' aamd Carle,
ton and Miss Mary Connolly last night
wtlh beer bottles and rn dieted ouch wounds
on the latter that aha will, lose her sight.
Tha hoodlums waylaid Carle on and - the
young woman, who were out traggy riding.
They first abused them with vile epithets
and then threw bottles at them. One of
tbem cut out Mlsa Connollys right eye
and so injured the other that its sight will
also be lost. . . .
Coo Confess Degrees.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., June 8. (Special
Telegram.) At tha Coe college commence-,
ment exercises today tho faculty conferred
the degrees of doctor-of laws upon B. W.
Stanton ot Ames college and . J. McCon
nell of tbe city schools of Cedar Rapids,
and that of doctor if divinity upon Rev.
B. B. Blatter, pastor of the Presbyterian
church of T -t Moines. The winners of all
I. ,.-... rt.-.. . -vent, oratorical con-
- ,cl. ..-w .ide were awarded
I frtxes, this embracing about forty students.
The cornerstone ot the new gymnasium
J building was laid.
Pastor Takes Vneatloa,
MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. June t-pe-clal.)
Father Mullen goes to Connecticut
this evening for a two weeks' stay. There
will be no services at Jteney Creek next
Sunday, but a Jesuit father from Omaha
will conduct the usual services In St. Pat
rick's church, this city.
. . - .
Harrison County Conrt Adjoorns.
LOGAN, la., June $.--(8peclal.) Tester
day morning at 10 o'clock a special ses
sion of the Harrison county district court
convened. Judge O. D. Wheeler of Council
Bluffs presiding. An hour later, there be
ing no Important business to transact,
court adjourned until September 17.
Man Who Killed Wife Ask Sheriff
to Let Him Be
CARMT, 111., June a A 'mob surrounded
the home of John Robinson at Maunle early
today, clamoring for hla life. Sheriff Con
nery and thirty-six armed deputies wore
keeping bock the angry crowd. . It whs
thought the mob would not succeed In its
mission, as the officers were determined td
do their duty. .
Robinson, who killed his -wife and then
attempted to take his own life on Monday,
has sufficiently 'recovered to discuss the
crime. He shows no emotion and only says,
"People don't kill another for nothing." He
Invited Artsrbury, hla brother-in-law, home
with him. They - Quarreled and Robinson
shot and killed Arterbury. His wife was
then shot to death as she held her baby.
Robinson then shot himself.
On learning that he was not dead a mob
formed and made- an nttack -on the place
Where Robinson Is being cared for. He has
lost both -eyes and begs tha sheriff to let
the mob have Its will. ....
Congregatlonalista Are Not Satisfied
wltk Conditions Existing; In
tho Vtan Field... .
BOSTON, Juns 8. The report of the di
rectors of the Congregational Educational
society present at the anual meeting here
today designated the year as "one of vig
orous activity In all departments of educa
tional Work," and Indicated that progress
In Utah had been seriously hindered by the
Mormon church. The report said: -
"Opposition td our mission schools on th
part of Mormon church authorities 1 de
termined and persistent. - Every effort Is
mad to hinder their efficiency." -
Tha report 'showed two new colleges In
stituted, one at Redfleld, S. D., and the
other, French 'American, . at Springfield,
Mass. Twenty academlea were' helped fi
nancially, - .ii i
National Prohibition Convention
Indianapolis, Ind., June fS-80.. .
Ths Chicago Great Western Railway will,
on June 26 and 27, sell round trip tickets at
one fare. . plus l.t5, to . Indianapolis, Ind.
For further Information apply to S...D.
Parkhurse. General Agent, loll Farnam
St., Omaha, Neb.:. " , .'
Showers for Today and Friday Tnlr
v slnd Warmer for Jjlo. .'..;..
WASHINGTON, June aFqreqastj ,( ,
For Nebraskai-Shovrers ' Thursday bnd
copier in south portion), Friday (air and
warmer. ,
For Iowa Fair In east, showers 'and
cooler In wet portion Thursdays Friday,
showers vahd cooler in - east, 'fair and
warmer tn west portion. ''''. ''
For' Indiana Fair Thursday and warmer
In central and. north portions; Friday,
showers and. cooler; light .to fresh north to
east winds. . : . . . .
For Illinois Fair, Thursday and warmer
in: central and north . portions; Friday,
showers and cooler; light to fresh north to
east winds. x ' ' ' .
For , Colorado Partly -eloady ! Thursday
and showers In west portion; warmer In
the north portion Friday, lair and warmer
in east portion. (
For, Wyoming Partly ?iouay and warmer
Thursdays showers in the south, portion;
Friday, fair and warmer In south portios).
For. South Dakota-embowers Thursday
and cooler In central and east-portions,
warmer In extreme weft portion Friday,
fair and warmer. -
For Kansas Showers Thursday; Friday,
fair and warmer, .
For Missouri Fair, la east, showers and
cooler at night or. Friday in west portion;
Friday, showers, cooler In east portion.1'
Loosvl Roeord.
OMAHA, June a Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared witli
tle corresponding day of the last three
years i . 104. UOS- lKt. liwl.
Maximum - temperature... SS 83 72 70
Minimum temperature,... 1 62 ti U
Mean temperature .71 ' .71 .(Ii .80
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day since March 1, 1IM:
Normal temperature, degrees..., 68
Excess for the day, degrees 4
Total deficiency since March L 1804. deg. 87
Normal precipitation .18 inch
Deficiency for- tbe day. .- .18 inch
Total preclp. slnoe March 1 11.01 Inches
Excess since March I, 1B04., 61 Inch
Excess for oor. period In lW8..., 1.08 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period lrf 1W2.. $.60 inches
Reports front stations, at. T l. M.
Hi K
: B
: I
Omaha, cloudy
Valentine, cloudy
78 81. .00
64 . 80 . 04
74 78 .00
46 60 . 24
64 OS .00
60 tS .32
r 741, 8l ,T
u ex .oo
6 K .00
,74 3ti .00
72 7(1 .00
78 7 .00
78 82 .SO
70 . 7 ,.00
66 AH .00
U ti .n
SO 84 .08
North Platte, part cloudy
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake City, part Cloudy.,..
Rapid City, cloudy
Huron, cloudy
illtston,' cloudy ................
Chicago, clear,
St Louis, clear. ......
St. Paul, part cloudy
Davenport, elear ...t...
Kanaaa City, part cloudy
Havre, ciear
Helena, dear
Mlsmarok. raining ...............
Galveston, cloudy .-
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Sale Ten Million
Ktntuotj Govern or jYads aomines fcr
- Tstcporsr .
State Chairman' Yossg Eaters Into
. Bitter . Criticism of . Berkaam'a
Administration and Blaek-
. bars; Praises Bryan. .
LOnsVILLB, June- a The democratic
convention was called to order today by
Hon. A. H. Toung. the present state chair
man. An overnight surprise for the dele
gates was th announced withdrawal from
the race for eniporary chairman of Ben
jamin Johnson, the anti-machine candi
date. Although the convention was called
to elect delegate to th St. Louis conven
tions this feature was lost sight of In the
long and bitter struggle waged for the
contfol of the state central committee.
Governor Beckham and the administra
tion force have been supporting Lewis
McQuow for chairman of the state central
committee. United States Senators Black
burn and McCreery and Cobgreasmsn
Smith opposed the governor and have been
supporting Congressman J. N. Keh'oe .for
the coveted position.
The" opposition played a strong card In
announcing that Benjamin Johnson of Nel
son, which Is Governor Beckham's county,
would be their candidate for temporary
qhelrman. No sooner had this been given
out than a number of" Beckham aupporters
went to Bearflstown and after a long ses
sion returned and announced that Mr.
Johnson would withdraw.
State Chairman Toung In his address to
the convention bitterly arraigned Governor
Beckham's administration and denounced
the 'governor's course In the present cam
paign as calculated to disrupt the "party.
He waa -alternately cheered and hissed.
Curing the course of bis speech Chalrmkn
foung appealed to 'tho Bryan element by
warning them It the men supporting ths
administration secure control ot the ma
chinery -the principles advocated by Bryan
would be east aside, . .. , .
OA the question of a presidential candi
date Senator Blackburn spoke In favor of
an unlnstruoied delegation. . Mention ' of
names of Parker and McClellan brought
only perfunctory applause. Senator Black
burn declared with much emphasis that he
still believed that the party waa right tn
1896, and 1000, , He characterised the re
port' that Bryan would bolt as an in
famous He and paid an eloquent tribute to
the ' character of th ' Nebraskan. Gov
ernor Beckham waa declared the nomine
for temporary chairman of the convention
bya'voteotl7 to 82Z
Rains Commence Again Before " !
V Has' Subsided to Normal
I " ' V Level. '. " , '
k: . ,- . - . .
DEADWOOD, S. D., Juna a-KSpeolal Tel
egram,) WWtewood oreek 'and Its . tribu
taries are still very high and as It' has
again begun to rain preparations are made
to-' meet, another - flood. Many partly
wrecked buildings are falling over the
Stream And these are being removed and a
clear made for the expected rush
of water. The big piles of debris which
blocked ' tha water course In places have
been, taken away and If the present rain-
storm should assume anything like the pro
portions of the one which On Saturday and
Sunday last Inflicted so much damage to
the city and", surrounding samps,, things
will be: In a better condition to meet It.
Report from settlements, along the Bella
FouTohe are of most discouraging char
acter. - From Bnoma, below the city of
Belle Fourche, the' entire Valley Ttaa been
Inundated, farmhitmses and barns have been
washed away, fences carried down stream,
fields; of growing crops destroyed and ru
mors ot the toss of life are many,' while It
Is'kriown that hundreds of head of stock
have perished.. The. Belle- Fourche never
has been so high and It will be at least
two weeks before It will assume Its normal
level. Ths damage- In the Belle Fourche,
Elk creek, Box Elder, Spring creek and the
ether' valleys whose waters flow to the
Belle Fourche- baa been enormous, but at
the present time It cannot' be estimated, as
the . only, means of communication is by
horseback, and the journey Is filled with
danger. ; ;4 , . . , , ..
Call for Constitutional Amendment
On Liquor Question.
MITCHELL, 0. p., June $.-K8peclal Tele
gram.; a. state, prohibition mass conven
tion was held here today, about 100 dole
gate 'being in attsndanoe. Ths ' women
present were permitted to have 'a vote In
the convention. Rev, A.. R. Jamleson of
Beresford was made permanent chairman
and Glen A. . Delay of Yankton permanent
secretary. Ths w&rk of ths convenUon
was done late this afternoon, when strenu
ous resolution for suppressing the liquor
traffic . by . constitutional enactment were
passed. .
The nominating committee presented tbe
following ticket, which ' was taocepted by
the 'convention without change! '
Presidential' Electors A. Ov ' Harpel 'of
riyae, a. urinmer oi waiwortni U. A.
iieiiey or Laxe ana i. u. rucber oi Uiune
haha. Congressional Rev. A. Jamleson of Union
Governor W. J. Edgar of Brookings.
Lieutenant Governor George Seoord Of
Secretary of State George M. Gunnison
Auditor William Kennedy1 of Jerauld.
Superintendent of Schools W, U. Jolly
of Day.
Commissioner of School and Publlo Landa
n hum in uaviuHn os rsro wn.
Railroad C'omuilaslonsr Thomas Whaley
of Moody.
The places of the three Judges of ths
supreme 'court and attorney general 'were
left vacant on this ticket. This evening a
prohibition' rally was held and an address
delivered by W. C. Calderwood of Minne
Number Of Cuaess Passed Ubon r
-'.' Highest Court.
PIERRE, 8. D-i June a (Special Tele-
gram In the supreme court today opin
ions were handed down In the following
cases! - . -.
By Corcoran Marcen M. Fish against
Klrlln-Gray Electric company, appellants,
Codlna-ton aountv. affirmed: Jamaa w. Row.
ley et al against Iowa Land oompany et al.
appellants, ran- mver, amrmeu: r.asiuna
A. bruoe, appellant, against Edwin P.
Wanner, Douglas, affirmed; Tom Sweeney
Hardware company sgatnst Charlotte GardT.
ner et ai, appeUanta,, Pennington, affirmed;
Bosc3 a Year.
First National bank, Rapid - City, agnlnet
Patrick B. McCarthy et nl, nrpellnnts. Pen
nington, Judgment inodlfleu, llaney dissent
ing. liy Fuller state pf South Dakota, defend
ant In error, against tinier L. Callnhan,
plaintiff in error, for Gray. Iue1l countv,
reversed; Pnxton A Onllnrfier. api'ellanta,
sralnst Albert C. McIHmald, Pennington,
. Rv Haney ntate -of- fionth iMkeM. hm
fondant In prror, agilnst Olmcr L Calla
han, plaintiff In error, Duell, affirmed.
-MastWIto I'sed Strong Laaamaa-e About
Oftleer of Rank In Trouble.
MITCHELL; 8. P.. June a-(8peclal Tele
gin m.) Thomas Taubmsn, editor of tha
PIsnklnton Herald, passed through her
this morning on his way to Floux Falls In
charge of a deputy sheriff. He waa ar
rested last night on a chnrro of criminal
libel at the Instigation of Fred L. Stevens,
who was recently cleared of the charge of
wrecking the PIsnklnton bank find causing
a great loss of money to the depositors.
Taubman In his paper repeatedly accused
Stevens of being a robber and thief and
was particularly severe on Stevens when
the latter moved away from Flanklnton
to a suburb In Minneapolis. Stevens started
the case at Sioux Falls to take It away
from any local Influence. Taubman waa
accompanied to Sioux Falls by several par
ties to go on his bond, as he will waive
examination before the Justice court.
Bankers Select Officer.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. P.. June S.Mgpeclal
Telegram.) At the business session today
the South Dakota Bankers' nssoclntlon.
which is holding Its thirteenth annual con
vention In this city, elected the following
oflice rs for the coming year: President, H.
8. Rowe of Bryant; vice president, 8. 15.
Pt-rklns of Pturgts; secretary, George C.
Fulllnwelder of Htiron: treasurer, John
Schmlorer, Jr., of Tarkston. Ti. Label of
Bridgewstsr was elected chairman of th
executive committee, Watertown was se
lected as the plsee for the next annual
meeting of the association, ' '
Tramp Is Killed by Cars. -
NORFOLK. Neb., June . (Special Tele
gram.) A trnmp named Haskln, stealing, a
ride on a Northwestern passenger train,
foil off the engine . near Newport today
and was killed. The body was turned over
to the county. 1
, ' . . and Back ,
. ... June 14. 17. 18, 19 and SO. i
City Ticket Office 1408 Farnam
St,, or write ,' ... t
' W. H. BRILL. '
T. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
Meet to be Large One.
CrrrCAGO. Juno 8. The- iaterscholasrio
-meet of the University of Chicago at
Marshall field next Saturday afternoon
will be attended by more Junior athletes
than wae ever' present st anv previous
meet. 'Entries have been received from the
lendjng secondary schools of Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michi
gan, lowa ana Minnesota juany close con
tests are anticipated.
Assisted by ClJTICURA
Ointment the great Skin
Cure, and purest and
. r t? it, . " .
. sweetest oinmoinenis. .
For sunburn, htut-rashtan
' freckles, pimples, blotches.'
blackheads, red, roughs ana .
oil skin, bites and stings of
insects; lor aeansing tne nair
and scalp of crusts, scales, and
dandrufi; for baby rashes,
itchings, and chafings; for -many
sanative, antiseptic pur-.
poses that appeal to mothers, "
as well as for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath, and nurs-
cry, CUTICURA Soap, as- .
listed by CUT I q if R A
Ointment, the great . Skin
Cure, are priceless.
. 'i - '
N. B, Complrta Externa! tni laternal mat- i
sjwnt forsverjr Humor, horn Pimples ts Scrofula,
from Infancy to A, (onaidnt of CUTICURA '
,Smp, Ointment, ani Pills, price, the est, One
Dollar, may now bs bad of ill dnigfisc. i
Ihrvnrhoat tlx warl. Catleara Sop, SH., OIM. ,
Saut, ., llMulTOl, 0o, (la turiq vl! Q,4
yuit, Ht. yn vUl o( ). I).x-,. Indin, tl t tttrt '
s . - r fs
aottf, sq. t rani, f nut o la raia i 0utoa, 107 i.,ibi
Aw, rottaf Druf a i'mtB.. Suit ProurUlwr..
rmf lot " h'.w w t'-mry, rarity, aa4 SiisSSf
Z7 Jt '
v-e Iosarcs Psrt,Seft,Whlu8Ua
V X Pascal CaeapUxlevs, ;
sulaloly ' ao4 ria.aaaily
lias, fluilM, kliaa.Sa
asuis a4 'iaa. twi aib
Larsaa-UoiaU Sua a ,
favtaais is tuaaiwl.
teid st Drstftila, as '-.
Btsj he eiasnS Skesb
ter botUa, ex nvess nnleL
Marsnavsteyafcln, ft
laersaavBMysa Sa MS ewais, by aaaia.
y . SL as. mm.
Puns Sarsl Cssm CSssia
Ooiaaa, Mabr said w- - IVsua,
P 1 1
Prevented 3
I t M