TITE OMAHA DAILY DEE; WEDNESDAY, JUKE 8. 1904. L f Willi ivn nnnnrrr uiocrT vitals nui i uuuuvlj anuivLii - GsTtrnnun. Report Findi Wheat Varying, Cera Blow and Ok t Bxming. f PROMISING EUROPEAN CROP SHOWING Bradstreet's near? Wktat Drtrttie Lake Strike Break!- Vp 1,04-als Walt for Grala Rates , , Before Serine;. OMAHA, June V. ?8M. The government report which is out today la on the whole rethcr bearish. Tie statis tlrlana And winter wheat boa suffered by hesvy rain In portions of Oklahoma and Missouri. Etsewhere the crop has advaneod favorably. Tbe raetern portiofi of the belt 1 alo better the Ohio valley and the roid Atlantlo seutlons showing' mot1 or lens im provement. The winter wheat la heading aa far north aa the central Mississippi val ley and the harvest la going on In the aouthern stated. The ' northern Pacific coaat hoe advanced favorably and Califor nia la maturing rapidly, the late aown there having been severely damaged by hot wlnda. The spring wheat,-the report finds in general very promising. i Corn In the west portion has been checked In growth by cold and cloudy weather, while In the east planting and replanting his been de layed by rain. Poor standa are reported from the lake reglun and- the Ohio valley. The southern states are generally promis ing, although rain la reported needed In the central gulf coast states. Oats, the report gives a vigorous growth In central vallevs and mid-Atlantic states, with a general Im provement all over. Seeding Is practloally finished In the extreme north and harvest ing has begun In the extreme south. The weekly foreign summary reports fa vorable weather In ths United kingdom. In jermany ana rrance some complaints are heard and the promise Is not so brilliant. Italy Is all right, but Houmanla wants rain. Turkey and Bulgaria report some sections a total loss and general email crop through droughts. Russia has had rains which greatly Improve the condi tion, but some complaints are heard. North Africa reports good condition. The Austria Hungary official estimate places the wheat crop at U7,6ffl.00O against 187.600,000 last rear. The drought has also hurt the corn n Hungary; the rye shortage amounts to 30 per cent, the barley to- 24 per cent and the oats to 74 per cent. . , The wheat was strong again today, prin cipally on Bradstreet's estimate, which finds a decrease In world's visible supply of 4.076.0OO bushels. The decrease east of the Rockies Is 2,276,000, and In Europe 1, 800,000 bushels. Corn has increased 666,0u0 and oats decreased 3W.0OO bushels. The Jake strike is reported breaking up and the corn situation win be nearea up in a rew days so It can be seen whether with lake transforation the eastern market will be open to Nebraska corn. The ran in jjtk et of Omaha grain for future delivery and the doss M,onday and wun were as ioiuwi; Closed Open. High- Low, Today. M day w neat July .. Sept. . Corn June .. July Sept. . Oats June .. July .. Sept. A asked B bid. Local Cash Grain M $6 80. Whs made an advance of 1714c, clos ing at I7.12W7.1&. The leading futures ranged as follows: ArtJcles. Opon. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Bafy. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept July Sept. July Sept. Pora July Sept Laru July Sept. Rlt July Sept. S7Vii vassal i 81S& 4RW 4-"Va v i4;vA si 11 so 12 00 BO 70 ? 06 I sin 83s 81 87V fWMi 82814,6 4ff4 40 12 15 12 12 2h! so 96 7 15 4H! 47 4 4 4f48e'n 47 488 47. 41 Ts 41 U .39WH S I - . 1Z IB 12 $2 n m u oo ( so 671 m 1 oo f u 6 7 U 11 72i 11 95 6 47H 6 65 ( 77H 6 17 .. 83. .. 48 .. 464 83 73Vi 43 4 42B 42 73 47 ' 4&H 42 Vs ... 17 874 17 83 B 82 B 73V4B 73B 47 A 48 A 46 B 48 A 42,A.42A 41 B 41HB 87 B 87V.B 80B 80-B rket. Tbe spot grain' business waa very dull this morning. No demand was no ticeable. Two things have something to do with this. In the first place the new sensuuie ot rates goes into eneci ine lotii 4id shippers do not wish to load ud now vlth nrirri Thv ea-iir I h. mnpliftl m n.h lower when ths higher rate becomes opera- tive. Anotner tning is tne reported upen ding of the lake navigation. Locals do not Know just what effect this win have on corn In this market.. Corn was ft about V,o today regardless' Of the better situation in unicago. iteceipts ana shipments were: Wheat 10 cars In and 12 cars out: one week ago, 8. and cars. ' Corn 17 cars In and 29- cars out (one week ago, 47 and 11 care. - Oats 6 cars In and, t cars out;' one WHEAf-No, 2 hard, 91c; No. S hard, 88c; imo. nara, la'spac. iNominai. CORN No. 2, 47o; No. V, 47c I No. 4, 45c Via rfla il. Vn O ....linn. J T 1 ' - V- 1 yeUow. 47c; No. 2 white, 47c; No. white, 460. OATS No. 2. 41Hc; No. 8, 89c; No. 4. 87c No. 2 white, 42c: No. 2 white, 41c; NoV 4 wniterceuc; stanaBsnsyro. l ommai. eat cept No. 4 white.) ... ; ... - Metes from the Cicaaags Offlcss. ' Omaha stocks of grain In public ele MlnM Ulh... 1M U. i. ..V.l.. . . . foi bushels; oats, j4,423 , bushels. Contract corn slocks are- 841,444-, bushels. Of this amount la, 678 bushels are In the Merrlam & Holmquiat house and I08,7i6 In the Union elevator. Charles T. Feavey of Omaha Is an appli cant for membership In the Omaha Uialn exenange. Exchange visitors were: & Bole. Sew. ard; A. B. Ellis. Winnipeg;. James Candy, .riaveioca; a. u. uaieiiDerg, ung; B. tr, iivans, Minneapolis. Omaha lnsDeotlons of araln were R7 ear. J of wheat, 2 cars graded No. 2 hard, 2 oars vvo. 8 hard, 8 cars No. 4 hard and I car f flo grade; of corn, 26 cars graded No. 2, 1J vr o. a, o cars no. s, m cars no z yellow, 6 cars No. 8 yellow, 4 cars No. 1 white and 1 car No. 4 white; of oats, 1 car graded No. , s care no, t wane ana l car no grade, Grata Markets Elsewhere. The closing prices of gram today and we maraeia namea were as iimuws: ... CHICAOO. ' -' Closed .Wheat ' 1 Today. M'd'r. September M. 61B vurn July September , 49HA 87S 4W4 47A "" 711 71 KANSAS C1TT. w neat July September Corn eeptembeV'i!.'."!.!"!""!!.'" 43&- ' 424. ST. LOUIS. Wheat- July 86H September Corn July , September Wheat- July ....... September Wheat July September , .Wheat July September MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTH. ....... 8Z4 48 81 ""7S 94HB MH 82HB 82VkB MHB B4T4B 82a H2a NEW TOJIK. 93H-A- H 8&B to CHICAGO GHAI!V AND , PaOVISIOHS. -sjl "ree ( tbe Trading; sail Clostaaj . Prices oa Board of Trade. RECEIPTS Today: Wheat, s5 oars; com, ' 687 oars, 66 of contract grade; oats, A oars, 4 of contract grade; cattle, 8,500 head; hogs, 18,000 head. Estimated tomorrow: Wheat, W cars: corn, tii cars; oats, 81 cars; bogs, to.uu) head. CHICAGO GHAIN AMD PROVISIONS Feateres of tbe Tradlas; mad Closlngr Prices a Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Juns 7. A large decrease In the world's visible supply was, perhaps, the principal bull Influence In the wheat market today. The crop damage reports from ths southwest, however, were of al most squal Importance, final quotations on July wheat showed a gain of S'O-o. Corn is up V3c oata advanced VuVo and provisions 16i37Vc. ' Improved weather conditions and easier cables caused a small decline in wheat at the opening. Initial sales of July being own Wao at 87Ve87Vic The hlh point en July was reached at RStt&SiiHe. The lose was at 88tjNlo. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to M.3U0 bu. Primary receipts were 862.100 bu., compared with iil.sw) bu, a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 246 cars, sgalosl 6,0 cars last week and 804 a sear ago. Under active covering by shorts a rally of about a cent occurred In corn. With the exception of large primary receipts the dews of the dsy was extremely hulllah. Re ceipts were loo oars leas than the number estimated and cash prices were up c. The market closed almost at ths highest point of the session. July opened a shade lower to Hfto hlghsr at 4&'i(a4il7a, sold up to 4Vu i&V and closed at 4'1o. Local re. celpte were 667 cars, with 65 of contract grade. Oats were quite dull, strength of wheat and oorn being thj main sustaining Influ ence. July opened unchanged at !Sc, raep-ed between SSfitHo and 40c, closing ,-Y Ki.'aso. Local receipts were 2u cars. ' Trading in provisions was mora active and the market manifested greater strength than for some time past Light reoelpts of hogs with a Arm market at the yards was responsible for much of ths buying. The close was at the top, with fiept.iiber Dork up 874a at 612.82V Sep. ' W4 alnssil Willi a pai aJ Ua as No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market was stesdy; winter pat ents. 4.V'Oft4 8ii; straights, $434.60; spring patents, 43'Q4 70j straights, 83.9ut04.3O; bakers, r263.30. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 6S98c; No. I, J5 J8t; No. I red, ll.OSl 04. CORN-No. 2, 4a60c; No. I yellow, 60Hc. OATS No. t 41T42Hc; No. t white, 42 43Hc. BARLET-M3ood feeding, 40fl43c; fair to choice malting, 46'566c, SEEDS No. 1 llax. $1.00; No. 1 north western, Sl.OfiH- Timothy, prime, 12. 96. Clover, contract grade, 110.78. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., $1206 12.10. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $6 && 57H. Short ribs sides (loose). $fl R2S6.87Vs; short clear sides (boxed), $6.757.00. Receipts and shipments at this market yesterday were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 12,100 12 W0 Wheat, bu 24.600 28.400 Corn, bu 758.000 4M.100 Oats, bu 209,600 265,300 Rve. bu 2.000 $.100 Barley, bu 28,600 8,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 13Vitt 17M,c; dairies, llttlfic. F.ggs, steady, at mark, cases Included, 14yL5V4c. Cheese, easy, 79ifi 8c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day am Various - Commodities. NEW TORIC. June 7. FLOUR Receipts, $,2 bbls.; sales, 11,748 bbls. Market Inac tive; Minnesota patents, 85.10ffiJ.35; Minne apolis bakers', $4.004.20; winter patents, $5.104f5.4o; winter straights. $4,9045.00; winter extras, $3.35(4.00; winter low grades. $3.16S) $.80. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $3.90 u) 4.16; choice to fancy, $4.164.50. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, $1.101.12; city, $1.121.16; kiln dried, $3.96 8.10. RYE Nominal; No. S western, 75c, nom inal, spot. BARLEY Inactive: feedlns-. 4Kc n. I. f - New York: malttne-. nominal WHEAT Receipts, 106,000 bu. Spot mar. ti nrm; no. i red, nominal, elevator; ino. i rea, si.iit, anoat; io. l nortnern, ua luth, $1.08 "4. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, afloat. Options opened oareiy steaay, out recovered and were firm an day. the cloae belne- net h eher July, 82Vij82 15-16c; September, 84 ll-16'a 85 13-160, closed 86Hc; December, MQ sosc ciosea i'4C. r- CORN Receipts, 1,606 bu.: sales, 6,000 bu. futures. Spot market steady; -No. 2, 67Ho, eievator, ana tc, r. o. b. anoat; No. i yel low, 60c; No. 2 white, 60c. Option market was quiet, closing tto net higher; July, 64W3W1V4C. closed 66c OATS Receipts, 40.500 bu. Spot market eieauy: mixoa oats, 26 to SZ lbs., bH'oc; natural white, 30 to 82 lbs., 4SMj49c; clipped Willie, M io eu IDS., D0atC. HAY Quiet; shipping, 65T70o; good to cnotce, &c. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 13(0. -26u35c; 1902, 28fa'26c; olds, 9&14c; Pa. cifta coast. 1903. 2tia35c: 1902. 23(326o. RICE Dull; domestic, fair to extra, 2ViQl o'c; japan, nominal. TALLOW-Steady; city ($2 per pkg.), 4c; country (pkg. free). 4Vic. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, s to au ids.. jc. LEATHER Steady; acid. 23jT2Bo. WOOL Steady: domestic fleece. 2ft332c PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family, $9.60 kjiu.uo: mess, n.wttja.bu: nams. izo.ooann.50 packet, $9.0010 00; city, extra India mess, iu.iw(iu.m. cut meats, quiet; pickled bel lies, $6.60(7.00; pickled shoulders, $6.60, pick led hams; $9.002flO.OO. Lard, Arm; western steamed, $6.80; refined. Arm; continent. $7.00; South America, 87.50; compound. $6.76 436.87. Pork, Arm; family, $13.75S14.00; mess. IIS. 25(313.75. BUTTER Steady; creamery, common to extra, laif isc; state dairy, common to ex tra, S(l7o. CHEESE Easier; state full cream, small colored, 7Te; small white, eKtiVAc; large coioreu, iwavc: large wnite. V42ic. LGOS Steady; western extra, lWtt&o; crsis, ii'uisc. POULTRY Alive.' steady: spring chlok- ens, 20c; fowls 14c; turkeys, 12o; dressed. easy; western iowis, no, turaeys, xvaiao. St. Loals Grain suisl Provtsloaa. C3T T nT'Tfl Tun. V WUt' A Ul.k.. No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1.06; track, $1.07 juiy, wi(0'iMc; jseptemuer, az'Ac: No. 2 hard, 92(S96c. CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, 47Hc; track, smw Juiy, tvc; eepiemDer, jc. niTOlfllMu. n f.n .1, i1UA l..lr 42H43c; July, 37c; September, SOc; No. i Fl6uR Dull and unchanged; red winter patents, $6.00610; special brands, 16260 nigner: extra rancy ana straight, $4.7U4.l; clear, st.wgt.iu. . SEED llmothv, steady, $2.50(2.75. CORNMEAL Steady, $140. - BRAN Higher: sacked, east, track. 31.00. HAY Steady to firm; timothy, $6.00314.50; prairie, so.wraiu.w. IROI CO'fTON TIES-t8.26.. HEMP TWINE 6c. provisions porn, higher; jobbing, $12.75. Lard, steady; prime steam. $8.25, Bacon, steady; boxed extra, 87.26; clear ribs, $7.82Hi snort citar. 7,S7V. POULTRY Easy; chickens, fttc: eprlngs. 166il8c; turkeys, lie; ducks, 8c; geese. So. BUTTER Firmer; creamery, ltflSc; dairy, lOfi'lSc. UU8-Hianer: umc. case count. tteceipts. umpments. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Professional CoatiafaD. 8ttrts Out De prtiiad and Lngnbriou. MARKET DISAPPOINTS ANTICIPATIONS Better Tone aad trailer Dlstrlbrntlea of Beslaess Tkas Wats Hoped for frona Preceelac Day's HoTemests. NEW YORK, June 7. The professional contingent in tbe stock market started to day with very discouraging views of the hopes of sny activity in tbe market or of any movement of prices. The movement of the market to ahow any reaponse to yesterday's decided movement in Ontario & Western was made the basis for this hopelessness and the reflection ot resitt ing sales In the early 1 point decline In that stock aggravated the depressed senti ment. The market turned out better In tone end distribution of business than was the case under the stimulating Influence of yester day's rise In Ontario Sl Western. A late recovery In Ontario & Western to day produced more effect elsewhere In the market than did yesterday's more sensa tional advance, and the kindred coalers were especially affected. Ths market was still far from being s broad one and waa almost wholly In professional hands so far as could be perceived. The money market was almost stagnant and rates were in clined to droop, though with little money at the present rates. The advance in sterl ing rates at Paris to 27 f 26c was an Indica tion tnat tne course ot capital was no longer drawing towards that center. In coming gold to the London market was accordingly taken by the Bank of Eng land with no demand for Paris account. The discount market was yielding both in Paris and In London. The market for sterling here also yielded, thus deferring If not averting an outgo ot gold to London from here. Prices eased off In the final dealings, but the closing was steady. The bond market was Irregular, with weak spots among the low grade bonds. Total sales, par value, $1,746,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call Following was the range of prices on ths Dtoca exenange: BAies.Hign.ijOw.uioae, ruling rate. He per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid. 14 per cent; offered at 1V per cent. Time loan, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days. 21124 per cent; six month. SS3, per cent. TRIME RIERCANTILE PAPER 3BH per cent. ' STERLINO EXOH A NOR Raster, with actual business In banker' MM t $4 Kt 4.8765 for demand and $4 8f75'&( &vn f,,r sixty davs bills. Posted rate. i.k.ih)IU and 4Wftiiu. Oommerclsl -Mil. 4 SILVER Bar, 56V: Mexican dollars, 44'c - - BONDS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: ...lMH nhit(n a. . 4a..ieuJ ...lo iMei. Ontrsl 1 ...HV n 1M Ine 1IH ,Minn. It St. L. 4s.. ...li: M , K. T. 4s ...l'l do in 7T ...1 S. R. n. ot 11. 4s. 14 ...!7 'N. T. C. I. -... ...101 N. J. C. (. bt -.Ill No. Pullc 4s. lM'i ... r-l I do U 7m ...101 N. A W. r. 4a ... S 0 8. L. 4s ft psr.... 6 ...lOi'Sk Pnn root. IWi S5U 7,1 Resdlni sen. 4s " HI. L,. A I. M 0. H lilt V. t. nr. ts. ri 4o coupon 4o Is. reg do eoupoo 4o nw 4s, Trg , 6o eoupoa 4o 014 4s, ros So eoupon Atchlsoa soa. 4s.. do sd). 4s. Atlantic C. L. 4s B O. 4s do IVtS Csntrsl of Os. ts.. do 1st Ine l'hes. Ohio 4HS...104 Chlrsgo A. Ita.... 7 . S. L. s S p C, B. Q. B. . .. ISH'KU L. B. W, C. M. B. P. s 4s..lH deabosrd A. C. N. W. e. Ts...l:7l 0.! I'actnc 4s C, R. I. r. do eol. la C.C.C. St. L. i i nicsfo Ter. 4s Con. Tobacco 4s..... rolo. St so. 4s D. R. O 4s Erie pror llsn 4s.... do ta. 4s F. W. A D. C. Is Hocklns Val. 44S.. L. N. unl. 4s 101V4 Bid. KJffexed. ff. 4S. U 41 L. 4a.. 704 67h 8o. RsllwiT (a Ill ... 7SlTHaa A F. Is 114 4s. T.. Bt. I,. St W. 4s WH ... 73H vnion fscmo 4s 104 ... 62V so ronv. 4a. ... 12 x V. 8. Stasl Id ... Kirwsbash 1 U5H ... ssajj ao ovd. a di ...IS W. ft U. K. 4s V 104H Wis. Central 4s 0 lOTiColo. r. ft I. o. Is. 4H MADA LIVE SIOCH MARKET s t . Cat'.lt Aotivs aid Strong, Boat Qradst a Tnflt Higher. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER Good Demand for Fat Sheep aad LasatB, bat Commoa aad Thin Stall Mas Slow Sale aad Hard to Dis pose of at Aay Figure. boi:th Receipts were; Official Monday . Olliclul Tuesday OMAHA, June 7, 1904. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. 2.907 4.415 8.u.!8 12.110 1.731 74 Flour, bbln. ........ 4,0u0 Wheat, hu ....45,O0O Corn, bu... ,..84,000 Oats, bu 88.000 6.000 76.000 83,000 41,000 ' Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. June 7. Special and tele graph lo communications reoelved by Brad street's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last account: Wheat, united states and can ada. east of the Rockies, decreased 2.276.- 000 bushels; afloat for and In Europe, de creased 1,800.000 bushels: total supply de creased 4,076,000 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies. Increased 8ti6,000 bushels. Oats, United States and Canada,, east of the Rockies, decreased 360,000 bushels. Transposition error In- teleirram laat week made Chicaare private elevator wheat stocks l,S81,0uO bufchels Instead of 1,831.000 bushels, as It should have been. Stock this week, 1,681, 000 bushels, a decrease of 250,000 bushels from last week's real totals. Other de creases reported to Bradstreet's this week were 853,000 bushels In Manitoba. 108.000 bushels at the Milwaukee private elevators, 87,000 bushels at Portland, Me., and 76,000 bushels at Coteau Landing. The Increases reponea are bi.uuu rmsneis at uepot Har bor and 64,000 bushels at Nashville. Kaasas Cltr Grain and Previsions. KANSAS CITY. June 7 WH IT A T PMrm . T -1 ,. . T . . 1 .. 1 . - . , n . . nm.y, iiTsv, uiy, nTkai Bepiemoer, 71c; cash, No. 2 hard, 89fc; No. 8, 85Vi5 87c; No. 2 red. $1.04; No. 3. 8c$1.02; re ceipts, 82 cars. 4,'OKN f'lrm: May. 46Uc: Julv. 48v;e: Sei- tember. 374'tj37''iiC; cash. No. i mil sxn No. 8. 48c; No. 2 white, 48fc8c; No. $', 48c. oat diow; imo. i wnite, tn,tf4iHoi No. mixed. 3&?40e. RYE No. 2, 64c. HAY-Cholce timothy. ilO.Kflrfrii no- prairie, $8 60. m ri the c reamery, lmibc; dairy, lie. EGGS Steady: Missouri and Wn.. cases returned, J?c; new No. 2 whltewood cases inuiuucu, asc Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Receipts. Shipments. 6R.A1O 88.200 S"i,800 26,ftu0 7,000 8.0U3 Mlnaeastells Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., June 7 WHEAT -July. 4S-&4e: He rt ember. I2e- nn track: No. 1 hard. 7c: No. 1 nortnern Mc: No. 2 northern, 84c. FLOUR r'trst patents. 86.20fiSO: inH patents, $8 10ijt.20; first clears, $3.70; second clears, 12.70. BRAN in bulk, isc; shorts, 17c 63o; sample, 60961c; July, Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 7. WHEAT Firm: No. 1 northern. $1 00: No. 2 northern. B)s,f Mir; old July, 9rfiWc. BARLEY Steady; No. 1 40,diin. CtiRN 10 higher; o. . 4Jic. I.lverpeol Grain Market. LIVER POOI June 7. WHEAT Spot easy: No. 1 ranromia. es lod- Futures Steady: July.-4s ld; September, 6s 4Sd- tX)RN Boot steady; American mixed. new, 4s W; American mixed, old, 4s 6Vtd. futures uulet; July. 4a 4Vd; beclsaittr. 1 Ikd 700 200 i.'eod 900 6,800 "ioo 200 Atchison 8,600 do pfd 700 Baltimore A Ohio 8,700 do rjfd Canadian Pacific Cen. of New Jersey. Ohesa. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Great West C. & N. W C. M. & St. P do pfd C. T. & Trans do nfd C. C. C. A St. L.... Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 800 Delaware & Hudson.. 700 Del.. Lack. & West D. &. R. Q 200 do pfd j , Erie 6.500 do 1st pfd 2,600 do 2d pfd 600 Hocking Valley do pfd , Illinois Central... Iowa Central do pfd K. C Southern do li 200 Louisville & Nash.... 700 Manhattan L 1,400 Met. Securities Met. St. Ry 2,000 Minn. & St. Louis.... 100 M., St. P ft S. S. M. 1,600 do pfd Missouri Pacific 2,600 M. K. & T 800 do pfd Nat. R. R. of M. pfd. New York Central... 1,300 Norfolk & Western.. 200 do Dfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania . P., C. C. & St. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pid... Rock Island Co... do nfd St. L A S. F. 2d Dfd. Bt. Louis 8. W 100 do pfd 100 Southarn Pacific. ...... 4.100 Southern Railway..,. 1,600 6i S3 77 78 700 118 117H SO 86S4 8014 141 14V 18H 153 "is '24 67 84 87 108 1444 iio 42 61 'w 16 13 169 134fc ' 14 17 152 i 87 107 144 iio 42 90 16 .61,100 . 8.700 Louis 14,600 .'.'.'!.'!-'.' " 300 .... 4,300 ..I. 600 116 64 "254 114 114 63 '24 113 46 44 do rjfd. Texas & Pacific...... T., St. L. & West.... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. 4k L. E Wisconsin CenWal... do pfd Mexican Central Adams Express American Kxpress... Unltod States Ex.... Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car tt Fdry do pfd American Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd American Loco do pfd Am. Smelt. & Ref... do pfd Am. Sugar Refining. Anaconda Mln. Co... Brook. Rap. Trans. Colo. Fuel Iron.... Con. Gas Corn Product do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Int. Paper do Pfd Int. Pump do pfd National Lead North American People's Gas..... Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pull. Pal. Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal 4V Iron... U. S. Leather........i do Dfd TJ. S. Realty do via 17. 8. Rubber do pfd.... U. 8. Steel do pfd Wcstfnghouse Else... Western union. 100 800 100 200 6,100 63 20 36 'ii 28 -46 25 83 20 22. 86 83 400 84 100 100 700 6.600 100 200 400 5 87 , 1 49 IS 8 63 19 .86 'ii ' 28 .46 19 83 20 22 . 84 82 83 i6 87 6 49 16 70 io 100 it 1,900 400 -800 6,300 200 1.000 100 100 "ioo 97 126 '47 28 203 10 10 'si 600 20 100 IOO "ioo 800 . 900 200 400 . 100 , 700 300 20 too 10,600 100 200 86 6 88 34 19 '62 97 126 '46 28 203 10 10 '29 '19 '96 '68 "A 69 92 X 157 30 36 80 14 169 140S 176 , 0 14 68 13 48 18 153 268 66 23 Gf 84 61 79 129 14 81 109 37 107 144 75 110 42 61 118 89 15 84 85 114 64 86 24 114 60 4o 78 63 20 8 42 11 28 .46 20 82 22 36 83 91 16 83 14 16 87 6 226 ISO 100 200 49 16 70 26 88 26 o 19 80 62 97 126 73 47 28 203 10 64 20 166 10 66 80 70 19 81 96 26 Hew York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, June 7. The following are closing prices on mining stocks: th Adams Con hco Braoos Brunawtck Con .. Conutock Tsnnsl Con. Cal. ft Vs.. Horn BIlTer Iron Sllrer Lasdtllle Coo ... to a . it . 14 . $ .ISO .133 .U3 . I Little Ctalsf Ontario Ophlr Ptxnenlx v Potoal Saras Sierra Narsda Small )lona Standard . ( ..175 ..4:5 .. 10 .. 14 .. 11 .. II .. II ..no Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, June 7. COTTON Spot, quiet; prices 14 points lower; Amerlc.tn minanng rair, e.7a; good middling, 6.58d middling, s,48d; low middling, 6.34d; good ordinary, 6.20d; ordinary, 6d. Futures openea easier and closed steady. Amerl can middling g. o. c, June, 6.32d; June ewiu ju-y, juiy ana August, o.ltfa August and September, 5.94d; Septembe ana uctooer, o.4ta; uctODer and Jsovem per, .2Mi; rsovcmtier and December. E.1MJ December and January, o.ltkl; January and February, 6.15d. w ST. LOUIS, June 7. COTTON-Nomlnal ana unchanged. Middling, I2c; sales none; receipts, none; shipments, nono Biocx, u,uth bales. NEW ORLEANS, June 7. COTTON nrm; sales, 3,200 bales; ordinary, 9 8-16c good ordinary, 10c; low middling, llc good middling, 11 15-16ci middling; fair, 12 8-16C. Receipts, 894 bale; stock, 136,827 oaiea. opoi iutures, steady; June, 11.54c oia; juiy, 11. 641 1.66c; August, U.01(?11.02c Stptember, 9.9iji9.98c; October, g.SSiS.frlc November, 949a.51c; December, 9.499.60c 210 69 ' 16 66 9 63 164 83 80 69 16 66 8 62 164 06 88 16 75 80 69 15 64 8 63 164 80 Total sales for the day, 186.600 shares. Boston Stock Qnetatlena nrwmN. June 7. Call loans, 233 Pr cent; time loans, 8B4 per cent, omciai closing of stocas ana wnui Atchlaoa ad. 4s... do 4a Max. Csntrsl 4a... Atchison do sia Boston ft Albany.. Beaton Elsratsd ... Mas. Contra! Ame. Arts. Cbsm do pit PMtchburi pfd .... N. Y., N. H. ft H, Pars Marquatte .... Vnloa Psclnc Amir. T. ft T pra Pnoa. Tubo.. Sugar nfd T. ft T Woolaa ptd SOU,, do Pfd r. .100 Wasting, comntea , M Advsnture . 49H!Allouas . Amalgamated .W Amarlnas Sins ... .142. Atlantis . 4 Bingham . It . II .1(4 .1S7' Oa.1. ft Hscla., Contsnnlal .... Cop par Rsngs Dalr Wast .... Dominion Coal . H.rrsnKiia .114 Orsncf . 71 lals Koral ... , 4H'Mass. Mining . 1X6 Mlchigsa 1W I Mohawk 115 Mont. O. ft C. 11 Old Dominion , 14V.!'sceolB Dominion I. ft S Parrot Bdlaon EIM. II1U....JV 1 auiara.a Oonsral Elaclrlo ....1M I'. 8. Mining.. .. in l'. vil .. Jn t'tsh ..now Victoria .. 4 Winona .. II iWolvarlaa .. IV Amar. Asier. do Amar. Amor. do Maaa. Kleotrls Maas. Uaa Hulled fruit United Bhos Mcn. do pid V. S. Staol Bid. .. UV4 .. n .. 114 .. ii. .. 4H .. .. .. 10 ..44 .. 11 .. 4114 .. 14 .. tl .. t .. t .. 1 .. tt .. 1 .. 40 .. IH .. 13 .. .. 13 .. 15 .. 1H .. I"4 .. 4 .. 1 .. 11 UsdsB Stack Market. LONDON. June 7 Closing: Conaols. monor .. 0 -lS,N. T. Csntrsl. do socount . . N 11-11 Anaconda Atchison do ptd isltlmor ft Ohio, anadlaa PaclBe .. Che, ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W M. ft Bt. r.... D Bears D. ft R O do aid rlo do let pfd do td ptd Illinois Cenlial flouts ft Noah M , K. ft T ... SILVER Bar, W... v Norfolk ft Hal do Did ,. 1 Ontario ft W ., H Penneylvanla .. SuH Rand Mines . . 1IJ t, Reading .. OS4 do let ptd .. 14 do M pld ,.141 So. Railway ., 1 do pfd ., 1 So. Pariflo .. is Union Pacific .. It do ptd .. ! J S. Steel , .. U do pld ,.lu Wataah ..lus do ptd .. u'Spsnlah is firm, 26d per ounce. .117 . . M . tt . 1H . . 41 . . 14 . 46 . Sf . M . t . 44V . IS . S4 MONEY 13 per cent, The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 per niontlis bills, 8 per cent. cent; fur three New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Juns 7 MONEY On call, lut lilsht rata. 1U, ihu- wnt; kiwat. 1 Wool Market, ST. LOt:iS, June 7 WOOL Steady: me dium grades, combing and clothing, 18 itc; hum nne, ibhhbc; neavy nne, laaiic tub washed. 21r22c. BOSTON. June 7.-WOOL While trade In the Boston wool market Is quiet, but there Is a more confident feeling among dealers, who look for better prices as the outcome of the situation In the west, where the market Is higher for some grades than It is nere. uid wools are well sold up here, many of the warehouses being unusually ciear or siock. current .Quotations are Idaho fine, 16f&17c; henvjr fine. 13814c; fine medium, 16&17c: medium 1718c; low me dium, 17(ffl8c. Wyoming, 164pl6c; fine me dium, I&8l7c; medium, 1819c; low medium. isowc. utan and jNevaaa, nne, l&'Wi&ic neavy nne. I3ispl4c; nne malum, ll7c; me dium, VipXc; low medium, 19$21c. Dakota fine, 1516c; fine medium, 1616c; medium, l&fi"20cf low medium, 19.20c. Montana, fine choice. 184T19c: fine averasre. 17&18e: nne me. dium, choice, 18 19c; average. I&ul7c; staple, lKgw; medium, cnoico, iwsfmc. : ' Farelsrn Flnnnclnl. LONDON, June 7. The amount of bullion taken Into the. Bank of rngland on bal ance today was 68.000. .The. money mar ket was Influenced today by the large sum due the Bank of England", although this sum -was counterbalanced.-by consid erable government, diabtirsoments. The tone .on the Stools exehatnge. waa steady Consols and home railaj.wera sustained. Americans were dull and irreru!ar. frac tional losses predominate, 'but the market closed steadier and auiet.' r 1 PARIS, June-; 7. Prices on. .the Bourse today were firm throughout. Russian lm f erial 4s closed at 90.45. Rate of discount, ner cent. ' - BERLIN, June 7. Trading on the Bourse today was stagnant. Government bonds were firm. Discount rates, short bills, 2 per cent; mree-monms Dins, per cent. Metal Market. ' . . nunc 1," XWJUXAL.0 a .Hi ther decline of 17s 6d to 121 10s for spot and 121 2s 6d for futures In the London tin market In connection with a light de mand caused weakness In the local market and snot tin c oaed at I26.62Mrdrj6.87M. Cod. er advanced ns in ionnon, closing at km a Cd for both snot and futures? locally cop. per Is quiet but steady; lake is quoted at 312.87, electrolytic at 212. 612.87 and casting at 812.3712.50. Lead was quiet but unchanged at 84.20&4.25 for Jobbing lots out of store; In London prices were Is 3d lower at 11 lis. spelter also declined in London, losing about 2s 6d and closing at 21 17s 6d, while the local market remained without further change at 34.764.87. Iron closed at 42 15a 6d th Glasgow and at 42 10a 2d In Mlddlosborough ; locally Iron was ouiet and easv In tone: NO. 1 northern foun dry Is quoted at 314.6015.00, No. 2 northern foundry at 114.0014.06; pig iron warrants axe weaic at Otis and Rosin. NEW YORK, June 7. OILS Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, 282c. Petroleum, New York, 15.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore; In bulk, 88.60. Turpentine, steady. 66ffi68c. , RObl IN Steady; BiruJnud, common to good, 3&'tf37c. 1 OIL CITY, Pa., June 7. Of L Credit bal ancea. 11.50: certificates, no bid: shipments. 49,661 bbls.; average, 60.911 bbls. ; runs, 87,538 bbls.) average, 6s, Mil bbls.; shipments, Umu, 74,080 bbls.; average, 69,52i bbls.; runs, Lima, 10.943 bbls.; average, 67,970 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ua., June' 7. OIL Turpen tine, firm, 62c. ROSIN Firm ; A, B and C, 12.60; D, 82.05; E, 82.76; F, 82.80; U, 82.86; H, 82.90; I, 83.15; K, 83.40; M, 83.66; N, 83.86; W. O., (1.06; W. W., 84-60. Sugar ana Molasses. NEW YORK. June 7. SUGAR Raw. nominal; fair refining, 8c; centrifugal 9d test, 8c; mojasses sugar,- sc; retined, steady; No. 6, 6.60c: No. 7, 4 46c; No. 8, 4.4ic; No. 9, 4.86e; No. W, 4.80c; No. 11, 4.25c; No. 12, 4.20c; No. 13, 4.16c; confec tioners A, 4.60c: mould A. t.26o; cut loaf, 6.60c; crushed, 5. 600; powdered, 6c; gran ulated. 4.90c; cubes, 6.15c. NEW ORLEANS, June T. SUGAR Strong, open kettle, 2u'S 8-I60; centrifu gal) 8&8C! centrifugal whites, 44c; yellows, 84 6-16c; seconds, 23o. MOLASSICS Nominal; open kettle, 20 tfir: centrifugal. 1041 i&c ; syrup, nominal, Evaporated Apples a awl Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, June 7 EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet, with common quoted at 44i6c, prime at 6660 and choice at 6c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl lTS Prunes show little fnature, prices ranging from 20 to 6c, according to grade. Apricots are quiet, with choice quoted at 8al0o, extra choice at 10('loc and fancy at US 18c. Peaches are quiet on spot, but futures are attracting more attention, the market showing considerable firmness, with choice ? noted at 7'n7o, extra choice at 7Sc and ancy at 9ai0c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 7 COFFER Market for futures opened unchanged to an ad vance of t points. Sales were reported of 18.500 bags. Including June, 6.6036.55c; July, 6.6C5.66c; September. 6.80c; November, 6.06c; December, 6.11X&6.20C; March, 6 .859 6.4f.c; May, 6.5o26.66c, Spot Rio steady; No. 7 Invoice, 6c; mild, quiet, Cordova, 9 lie. Whisky Market. CHICAOO, June 7.-WHI8KY-Steady, on a basis of 81.28. PEORIA. June 7. WHISKY On ft basis of 81.28 fo'- finished goods. ST. LOUIS, June 7.-WHI8KY-6teady. on a basis of $1.32. CINCINNATI, June 7. WHISKY On a basis of 11.41 for finished goods. Dalnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn., June 7. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern, 96c-; No. 2. northern, 94o on track; No. 1 northern, 7c; No. 2 northern, 9c; July, 96c; September, 8-c. OATo-On track and te arrive. 41c, Bsak riecrtngs. OMAHA, June 7 Ran ( clearings for to davk ll.3a6.63u.H5, sn ine'eeso (,f 8142.828.U ansa enrrunanilluajss last vsvaa. Two days this week.. 7.323 20,148 6.233 Same days last week.... 6.414 18.:6 2,516 bame days week before.. 7,415 13,317 9,1:8 Sams three weeks ago... 6,914 21.05 6,iTl bame four weeks sgo.... 7,343 1 4.881 7,'W0 Same days last year..., 6.9-9 16,717 1.804 RECEIPTS FOR THE 1 EAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oniana for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 1904. 19ii Inc. Dec. Cattle 412,286 423.104 20.818 Hogs 1,169,788 1,061,612 1 08,176 Sheep 6til-031 623.923 137,117 A vera, prices paid for nogs at South Omaha lor the last seven! aays with com parison: Date. I 1904. 19oa.1992.1901.ilSO0.pS99. 11888. Msy 16... May 16... May 17... May 18... May 19... May 20... May 21. ..1 May 22.. .1 May 28...1 May 24... May 26. .. May 26... I May 27... May 28... I May -a... May 30... May 31... I June 1... June 2...I June 8... I Juno 4... June 6... June 6... June 7... 4 60 4 62 4 62V: 4 47 4 tt 4 4t 6 3i 6 36 8 27 6 81 6 27 6 181 6 18 e 19 7 12 I 641 6 211 Oij tW D .J 6 721 201 6 73, 6 Hi 6 10 6 73 6 03, t tt 6 61 6 61 6 61 7 13 s 7 12 7 11 ; 03 7 08 7 08 7 Ou 8 67 3 C3 3 3 69 S 66 3 65 E 01 i 08' 8? 6 Llr 3 66 6 04j 3 61 6 04! 3 68 4 991 3 6 95 4 90 3 60 S 60 3 6 3 67 3 50 4 A 4 46 4 29 4 t 4 24 3 62 4 83 4 i 4 17 4 18 4 .0 4 08 4 36' 4 32V, 4 331 6 04 4 38 I 5 V3i 6 96i 4 4u 6 771 6 97 6 60 4 49ii & rCi 7 Oil 6 63 1 6 701 7 (191 D 62 4 631 6 0 7 101 6 4 00 4 49 I I 7 Hi 6 71! 4 8i 1 M IK B.I 1 6 70 4 881 4 48f 6 01 7 07 I 4 S3 3 55 4 6 Hl 7 13i 6 70! I 8 C9 4 64 6 K0i 7 16 6 Vl 4 831 I 4 10 I 6 ioi 7 i0 6 70, 4 91 3 68 4 63 6 77 1 6 16 6 71 4 94 3 6S 4 01 4 osfai I 1 1 5 'ib, 4 9j 8 6 3 88 4 10 4 14 4 21 4 12 4 Hi Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of. stock brought in today by each road was: t 44 mi in 4 TM 4 I t:o I 71 M ITS 4 00 4s I as M ' t to l K in SO Til 4 to HOU9-There was quite a liberal run of hogs here this morning, but the local de mand was In good shape and reports from other points fsvorahle to the selling Inter ests, so that prices improved a little. The aeneral msrket was right around a nickel higher. Packers were slow to bid the sd- VHiice at the beginning, but salesmen held on and finally buyers took hold more freely and the miirket became active, with prices generally 5c higher than yesterday. There were a few weak and a few strong spots In the market, bat the close wss ss pood as any time and everything was dlspofed of bv the middle of the forenoon. The bulk of the good hogs sold from 14 55 to 84 no, with the choicer grades from 84 w to f 4.7'. wtth a top at 14.75. The light and common stuff did not seem to show much Improve ment and was somewhat neglected. That class of hogs .went from 34.56 down. Rep resentative aales: 11 3 6 38 10 47 13 28" 6 1 2 2 2 2 169 464' 1.6i7 27 717 2.3D1 8.16 987 3.-.91 14 736 3,9:MJ 9j 681 110 .... .... 116 12 100 41 66 107 136 3 174 .... 80 .754 12.088 680 C, M. & St. P.... W abash 3 Missouri Pacific 19 Union Paclnc system 34 C. ot N. W 2 F., E. & M. V 25 C, Bt. P.. M. & O 30 fa. & M 80 C, is. & Q 2 K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. 1. ot P., east.. 7 C, R. 1. & P., west.. 23 Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. 1 Total receipts 182 The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnaslng tho num ber of head Indicated:. cattie. iiokb. om-rii Omaha Packing Co Hwltt and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Armour, from Sioux City Vansant & Co Carey & llenton w. 1. mepnen Hill Huston & Co Hamilton & Rothschilds L. F. Hub Root Bulla & K Other buyers Totals r atti.k Rex-elnts of cattle were not at all excessive this morning and the market ruled active and strong an arouuu. nn demand from both puckers and shippers was of UDerai proportions, auu no uujw. started out In good season It was not long before most everytning was oiaposeu.oi. Th. hef sieer market could be quoted in ivnnir and active. Some of the mnr desirable erade In fact sold at prices that looked a little higher than any that have been- paid- so fan this year. tn some cases claiming they got 6o or lOe more than the same kinds brought yesterday. There were sows vi wi nr. ui that nut a new top on the market at 16.10. The demand seems to-be best for cattle of thick lat. no matter what weight, though, of course, the heavy cattle top the market. inin catue, 110 matter how choice they may be so far as breeding Is concerned, do not sell to ss good advantage. Owing to the active de mand from all sources an early clearance WThemcow market was also active end fully steady ort fhe more desirable grades of cornfeds. Some sales In reality looked a little stronger. When It came to the commoner kinds of cornfeds and to grass ers the market showed some oinevenness, but. as a general thing, about steady prices were paid. Canners and cutters also rtmuui iii uv.ii fc.wu.u w i i f same prices tney nave uwu " late ' u.'iiia veal calves and stags commanded steady prices all around. ,.- The Blocker ana iwuer nr" w- again today. The demand from tne coun try has not been sufficient to maintain the high prices established last, week and a slump from the high time of about a quar ter has taken place. This decline hae af fected all kinds, and common stuff is very slow sale. Reoresentatlve sales: No. At. 88. Pr. No. At. 8h. Pr. li4 Ill DO 4 40. 74 S4J ... 4 P7H frl 117' 44 4 46 TO TLJ ... 4 47V, 13 14 ... 4 40 14 tiV 0 4 It's 17 1" W SI 4 141 00 4 171 7 Ilfi. 40 4 to TO til ... 4 ITV 81 til 110 4 10 10 l'.l ... 4 47 1 40 4 40 10 Ill 40 4 t7 tn lul 10 4 10 II 131 40 4 17V, 71 ll ... 4 10 14 242 ... 4 CTVa 76 11 100 4 10 l Ute 110 4 T so 148 1J0 4 M 44 1M kO 4 17V, 74 ltw ... ltl'4 40 2U 10 4 47 V, St 107 SO 4 13V, 71 541 ... 4 SO M 141 XI 4 12V, t t;t ... 4 0 14 1"0 1.1 111 SO 147 ISO 4 SO 71 Ill III IK 70 244 SO 4 0 7 tlb ISO 4 SI S 1'. 140 4 N 77 221 ... 4 fcS 41 2.1 1J0 4 0 4 ,.234 ... iH tt 3. ... 4 10 2u7 120 4 14 10 1..S 110 4 10 11 114 SO 4 SS 11 r. 110 4 10 41 in! ... Hi 70 16 ... 4U 47. 210 ... 4 IS 41 2M 10 4 SO 14 207 40 4 to to 144 ... 4 10 II 14 40 4 IS rot 121 140 4 40 70 210 ... 4 M II 27 140 4 SO II 226 ... 4 IS 71 2S1 40 4 SO 74 Ill 44 4 Si M 21 10 4 40 14 2i ... 4 SS 45 104 40 4 SO 41 117 ... 4 66 II 140 10 4 40 86 Ill 100 4 6S II 2JI ... 4 10 71 22S ... 4 SS 12 221 ... 4 40 14 ,.2l'7 M 4 SS 21 !4 SO 4 10 7 Ill ... 4 66 71 22 10 4 10 77 2"S ... 4 SS SO 24 ... 4 40 10 0 10 4 66 II 242 ... 4 10 S S'-t 10 4 65 49 145 10 4 40 31 2l 10 4 6S 70 24 SO 4 SO II Iff 40 4 65 14 260 ... 4 10 82 221 SO 4 66 67 141 ... 4 10 10 2.'.4 140 4 15 M 221 ... 4 40 14 Ill 10 4 64 7 117 120 4 10 19 115 40 4 SI l"4 70 80 4 40 74..... ...211 80 4 SS 4T. 231 ... 4 60 71 204 ISO 4 66 44 240 10 4 10 10 ..!. ... 4 61 41 277 120 4 10 69 1 10 4 66 71 141 ... 4 10 77 191 10 4 66 SI 1st 44 4 SO 32 241 ... 4 65 17 220 120 4 40 li I.U ... 4 St T7 227 10 4 10 II 231 ... 4 6 17 211 280 4 SO 76 224 120 4 68 41 263 40 4 M 3 27t ... 4 14 17 261 400 4 0 74 221 40 4 67 Vi 63 292 10 4 10 84 . .120 100 4 67 V, 70 17.4 10 4 12 V, 61 216 ... 4 67 IK 250 10 4 12V, 2 216 ' SO 4 61V, 62 2U 10 4 12V, 12 SO) 40 4 67V, l 245 ... 4 42't 66 211 120 4 67V, t4..H 24 ... 4 42V, 74 2.H ISO 4 67V, M 272 ... 4 12V, 71 Ill 120 4 67 V, ( 244 ... 4 12 V, 10 124 10 4 17V, S 261 SO 4 61V, 81 121 60 4 67 V, 64 ISO ... 46 74 221 10 4 67V, 71 240 SO 4 46 66 140 80 4 67', 1P8 27 120 4 66 71 230 120 4 67 V, (2 K6 ... 46 71 2ll 40 4 67V, 62 292 120 4 IS 78 217 ... 4 67 VI 6 181 0 4 16 63 238 80 4 87V, 61 281 10 4 IS 71 231 ... 4 87V, 61 171 ... 4 88 44.. ...... 251 80 4 57H 6., 104 40 4 5 41 258 80 4 67 V, C4 214 ... 4 61 72 214 120 4 67 V, 60 2.41 ... 4 16 71 228 W 4 67V, 62 291 10 4 21 273 ... 4 67 63 261 ... 4 67V, ' 220 20 4 571 4 .174 40 4 70 79. .......230 40 4 67V, 24 104 ... 4 70 '4 ISO 100- 4 B7V4 II I3J ... 4 78 ' No. 1 16 4 41 4 7 II I tl 16 48 7 17 1 14 21 4 13 41 4 4 I 12 II It 14 21 to 22 1 24 IT 42 12 71 t 26 I IS I At. ...1120 .. 426 ... 64 . . 426 .. Ut ,..1017 ,..1167 ,..1034 ... 94 ...1026 .. 7I ..1088 .. 8i .. 134 ..111 ..1238 .. 770 .. 403 ..1168 .'.1045 ..1031 ..1074 ..1130 ..1007 ..1231 ..1108 ..1101 ..1161 ..1172 ..1071 ..111 ..lib! ..1460 ..1207 ..101 ..1261 ..1160 ..120 Pr. 4 80 4 40 . 4 16 4 40 6 10 I 10 14 I 10 I 15 t 16 4 16 t 24 I 26 I 40 I 10 I 16 I 40 6 41 t 40 t 40 I 40 4 40 4 40 I 40 I 40 I 46 t 46 6 46 I 46 5 45 I 60 I 60 6 60 6 60 I 64 I 66 I SO I SO No. 11.... 26.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1... I.... 46..., 7..., 14.... II.... II.... 41..., II.... 42.... 17.... .... 10.... II.... I.... 14.... 1.... II.... 44.... 47.... 76.... 7.... 72.... 44.... to.... 24.... 20.... 12.... 17..., II.... 10.... 40.,., I. At. 1148 1231 1270 1320 1210 1100 1200 1211 1264 1187 1311 1237 1144 1240 1201 1091 11.1 ,1208 1128 1300 1831 1240 v.iano 1378 1241 126 1268 1800 1441 12118 127 1108 1321 1341 lis 1363 1164 .1133 STEERS AND COWS. 60 ..,.1021 .... 74 ,...10U0 .... 124 .... 601 1140 4 40 4 16 4 40 6 20 I 20 I 21 6 86 II.... 14!! IT. . ..1061 .. Ml ..1061 ..1401 ..1361 ..1114 Pr. I 66 6 66 t 66 4 66 I 66 ( 64 6 66 4 66 I 40 6 40 4 40 4 44 ( 15 6 46 6 16 6 16 4 66 6 S I 46 I 70 I 70 4 76 4 70 8 70 t 70 I 70 0 70 6 TS 4 TS 4 75 4- TS 1 76 B 10 I 40 6 60 4 SO 6 84 I 14 I 14 I 40 I 60 I 65 I so I 44 SHEEP There were about seven loads of sheep and lambs reported, but the qual ity was very common of nearly all tho offerings. There were some clipped lambs on ?ale good enough to bring ard aside from those the quality was Inferior. Some Texas grass wethers sold for 3 r-6 and only fair In quality. There was quite a string of Utah range sheep Included in the offerings, that were so thin In flesh that packers did not take hold of them with any lire, jt is impossible to quote a market on that class of stuff, as there Is nothing wtth wnicn to make comparisons. The general market can probably best be described by calling it steady on good stuff and slow on others. Packers seem to be anxious for woll-fattened sheep and Iambs, but are rather afraid to take hold of the thin grassors. Quotations tor clipped stock; Good to choice lambs, J6.25f36.60; fair to good lambs, $3. 60tfffl.no: trood to choice wooled lambs. I6.75f7.26: fair to good wooled lambs, $8.60(3 o.o; sjooa to cnoice yearlings or wethers, i5SMi 'j.75: fair to good yearlings or wethers, $5.0O6.6O; good to choice ewes, IS. 005.25; fair to good ewes, 4.7$6.00. Represented vi vw sales: No. . . - 306 Texas Ixed.. 15 western cull lambs... 1 western ewe. 1 western ewe 266 western lambs..' 1 native wool buck .... 43 western Iambs 4 native wool yearlings t native wool lambs ... sirs li.009 Av. . 69 , 63 160 140 62 130 63 90 .60 Pr. 5 65 4 rs t 60 6 60 6 85 8 60 4 66 6 00 t 60 CHICAGO "LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady, Sheep Steady and Higher and Hoars Higher. CHICAGO, June 7. CATTLE Receipts, 4.000 head; market steady; good to prime steers, $5.60b.40; poor to medium, )4.75y 6.60; stockers and feeders, $3.2&34.60; cows, $1.75a4.75; heifers, 2.50j6.00; canners, $1.76 H2.?5; bulls, t2.60ftj-4.3O; calves. t2.6Wt6.60. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head; market So higher; mixed and butchers, $4.65!&4.86; good to cnoice neavy, si-tarBtno; rough heavy, i.ooiy i.w, jigni, ji.WAUi.io duik oi sales, $4.704.80. SHEEP Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady to 10c higher; lambs steady to lOo nigner; gooa to cnoice wetners, fo.zbfg&.oo; fair to choice mixed, t3.764i6.25; western snecp, si.oixijo. oi; native lambs, t.WXu6.6t; western lamoH, eo.ouiao so. STEERS AND HEIFERS. 14 441 S eoe 11 14 ? SuT 1 Ml f ro 184 10 900 ion t 1031 It 474 1 1U10 1 1070 1 UeO 0 1044 T Ill 4 M f 194 II ""I 1 1191 I lluO 1 1161 1020 113V 1 10HO M4 611 14 611 10 I" I sas 714 T04 100 1176 725 10 imu 1 14S0 1 10 t 1ST 1 146 I Ill J luO 1 120 STOCKERS 1 446 I oo IM) I OO 1 470 I 10 1 7 I U IT 747 IU I Ul 111 4 14 1 911 4 41 4 40 20 676 4 10 4 10 II 468 4 16 4 TO 11 1116 I 36 4 10 1 1176 4 46 cowa I 40 4 1147 4 t I 40 1 103S 4 24 I 46 4 407 4 24 I 60 1 1161 4 24 t 44 I 4 24 I ae 1 1210 4 26 I . .1043 4 26 00 I ...1017 10 4 44 4 1003 4 IS 4 00 1083 4 26 4 00 1 1240 4 40 4 00 1 1030 4 40 4 00 Jl 640 4 40 4 00 1 1460 4 40 4 10 4 1131 4 60 4 II 11 1127 4 60 4 16 4 1331 4 40 4 20 1 1160 4 40 4 20 1 1640 4 So 4 SO 1 1130 4 14 4 44 1 1140 4 70 4 26 HEIFERS. 1 40 1 710 4 M I 40 1 670 4 14 I 90 II 60 4 tO I M 1 1260 4 0 I SO 1 1171 4 Tl 4 OS 2 S61 4 SS 4 00 1 1210 I 04 BULLS. I 76 1. 1404 4 II I 00 1 lino 4 26 I 00 1 1670 4 16 I 16 1 19U0 4 SO 4 00 1 160 4 SO 4 16 CALVES. 4 40 4 HI I 04 4 60 1 230 t 26 4 76 1 IM 6 60 4 76 1 190 1 60 5 00 1 170 6 40 6 00 AND 21. II. 4. II I. 41. FEEDERS. 191 1 44 444 1 16 446 I SO Hi 6 16 6.'6 4 00 , HI Is) Kansas City Live Stock Market. ' KANSAS CITY, June 7. CATTLE Re taint a It AnA riaorl Innlur1li fiAA mst-. h n es VUlfllUt UVVU - U lllbtUUIIIB WKf RUUlUKIIIOj market strong and active. Export and dressed beef steers today sold at 36.3S, the highest since December, 1S02. Export and and dressed boef steers. $5.76(86.35: fair to rood, $4.7616.60; western fed steers, $4.75 6.60; stockers and feeders, 13.2&4114.B6; south em Bteers, t3.6(Kji5.00; southern cows, $2.25(ij) 4.00; native cows, $2.&oi 4.60: native heifers. $4.006.61); buns. Ki.ooft-i.7v; calves, 25o higher. $2.76M4.76. HOGS Reoelpts, 11,000 head; market opened 5c higher and closed strong at 10c higher; top, M.KO; bulk. $4 564.70; heavy, $4.66(54.80; packers, $4.56(3.4. 72t; pigs and lightH, $4.0(KU4.B6. SHEEP Receipts, 4,600 head; market 10c lower; native lambs, $5.25ft'7.O0: western lambs. tS.iST.OO; fed ewes, t4.50Ca5.26; Texas cllDDed yearlings, t4.76ii6.60; Texas clipped sheep, $4.2524.76; stockers and feeders $3.50Cu4.60. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, June 7 BEEVES Receipts, 181 head, all consigned direct; no trade In live cattle, nominally steady; cables quoted live cattle higher at HUlHo per lb., dreamed welsrht: sheen steady at 12(514c. dressed welaht; refrigerator beef selling at tC9o per lb. Exports today, $49 beeves, 1.248 sheep and 4.SU0 quarters or meet; estimated tomorrow, 75 sheep and 2.600 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 96 head: market full and steady; prime veals sold at $6.25 per 100 lbs.; buttermilks, nominal; city dressed veals steady at SMii&S'io per lb.; country dressed. In light supply and selling at f9 8M1C. ttHEEP AND IJIMBS RecelpU, 6.021 head; shep, weak for top grades, all others KK&150 off; yearlings weak, prime lambs steudy; other grade slow to 15c lower; sheep, $3.2fh5.1214: culls, $1.503.oO- vear llngs. K.OW&sJ.OO; culls, $4; lambs t6.607.85. HOGS Receipts, 3,016 head; market steady; good state hogs, $S. Stoek In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities: 1.411110. jingo nn li. 31 South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis ... St. Joseph ... Sioux City ... Totals 4.415 4.0"0 . R.611O 5.000 1.6S6 U0 12.710 16.00P 11.000 11.600 9.02 6,000 1.7 12,000 4,600 3,600 713 .24,501 66.2K2 22,444 St. Joseph I.lve Stock Market. . BT. JOBEFH, Ms., June 7 CATTLE Receipts, 1.6S6 head; market steady to 10c lower; natives, $o.Wn6.60; cows end heifers, $2011416.76; stockers and feeders,' $3.5(ki4. 66. HOGS Reoelpts, 9,02 head; market steadv; light, $4.604.G5; medium and heavy, t4.56''i4.77V4. , SltKEP Riecelpte, 713 head; mnrket steady to lOo lower; lambs, t6.66. Sloax City Live Stork Market. SIOl'X CITY, la , June 7. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 900 head; mar ket strong; stockers slow; beeves, ti'w'tt i 76; cows, bulls and mixed, $3 .Ovo.i4.6u: stockers and feeders, $3.0uU4.60; calves and yearlings. $3.00q4.20. llOi3--Rtxieltiia, 5.000 hesd ; msrket big Sc higher at $4.4W4 6i; bulk, $4.5oU4.G5. St. Louis Live Stoek Market. BT. LOl'18, 'Mo., June 7. CATTLE Receipts, 6.O11O head Including 2.600 Texans; market steady, native shlplng and ex Krt ateers. t3.9ofi6.Mk; dreesed beef and butcher steers. $4 (JO'ii4.10; steers under l.OuO founds, t3.0uiii6.ia.; stockers and feeders. IbmlM' cows and hellers. t18"a4.to; can- Mrs, $lK-UiHi; bvUls, H.0l4t.W, oaJv4 H 00; Texss and Indian steers, a :; cows and neirers, .i uvt a. HOGrf Receipts. 11,6 head: market steady to 6c lilnher; figs nd lishts, $.lik 4.66; packers, $i5kfj4.ii"; butcher and best heavy. $46u4&6. riHEKP Kect'ipts. i.600 hesdj market steady; native muttons. $4lii5oii; larahn, t6.tai;.X; culls and bucks. $3.0vit6.tW; Block ers, $J.5oijj3 00. OMAHA WHOI.ESA1.K MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Qantatloae on Staple and Fancy Prod nee. EGGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fre.h stock, 14'jc. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9c; roosters, ac cording to size. 611 fc; turkeys, 13u; ducks, 9c: geese, 6c: broilers, iuUc. lU'TTKR Packing stoca, 11c; rholcs to fancy dnliy, 14.il.c; separator, Ifcu.'Oc. KKKSII FISH Trout, luc; pickerel, c; pike, Iit; perch, 5c: blueflsli, lie; whlteflsh, 14o; salmon. He; redsnapper. lie; lobster, green. -6c; lobster, hulled. 30c; bullhesds, 11c; c.itflsh. 14c: blnrk bass, JOc; halibut, 1c; crapples, lc; roe shad, tl.00; buffalo, 6c; white bass, lie; frog legs, per dos., S6c. R RAN Per ton, 319.00 HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: t'holce No. 1 upland, $S 00; No 2, $7.60; medium. $7.00; coarse. $i.50. Rye straw, $5.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipt light. TROPICAL FRLITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, Isrge slse, $3.00; fancy navels, all sizes, $3.50; Mediter ranean sweets, chok-e. all sixes, $3.0)n3.2o; jaffas, all sizes, 4J.7:mu3.0u. LEMONS California fancy, 300 to 360, $3.7614.00; choice, $36lKy3.7ti. CALIFORNIA r IUS Per 10-lb. carton. 60c; Imported tSmyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6-crown, 14c: 7-crown, 16c. It A NAN AS Per medlum-slxed bunch, $2.00 2 60; lumbo, $2.763.26. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs.. $2.00; in 60-1 b. boxes, 60 per lb.; Oriental stufTed, per box, $2.40. PINEAPPLES In crates ot 24 to 42, per crate, $3.60. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per S4-quarl case, $1.76. CHERRIES California, per box. 11.609 1.75. GOOSEBERRIES 24-qaart cavsa, $2. On. PEACHEt Texas, per 4-basket crate, $1. aval. &". CAN'l'ELOPE Texaa, per crate, $2,500 2.75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, $1.20: Dakota, per bu.. tl.20; new Texas Red stock, In sacks, PtNAVj'2BEANS Per bu.. t2.164j2.23. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-1D. crate, $2 26; Louisiana. In sacks, per lb., tlsu CABBAGK-CaHfornia, per lb., IHcj southern, per crate. $2.50. CUCUMBERS Her dox., 60a TOMATOES Per 6-basket crate, fancy, $3 25; choice, $2 60; Texus, 4-basket crate, $2.00. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, SOo. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos.. SOo. TURNIPS Southern, per dox., 43c. REETS Southern, per doz., 45c. CARROTS Southern, per dog., 75c. PARSLEY 1'er dos., 40c. BEANSj Wax, per bu. box, $3.00; pec DU. uaBaei, Sl.uv. oiling ici uu. uujl, 00; per "4-bu. box, 85o. SPINACH Per bu.. home grown. S540q ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunnhee. 40c. GREEN PEPPERS Per t-baakret crate, $2. SQUASH Florida summer, per dog., 76o PEAS-Per bu. box. $2. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c: block Swiss, 16c; vVlsconslq brick, Utyc; Wiscon sin, limberger. 18c. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 60; No. 1 green, Bol No. 1 salted, 7u; No. 2 salted, 60; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9Hc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry Halted, 81 2c; Bheep pelts, 2l27c: horsehldes. tl.KLli.aO. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., ISc; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hurd shell, per lb., 12c, fiecans, large, per lb., 12o; small, per lb., 0c; peanuts, per lb., 60; roasted peanut per lb., 80; Chill walnuts, 12pl3Vso; large hickory nuts, per lb., llo; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c: hard shell, 22c; shell, barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu $1.2J.. . Dry Goods Market. NE WYORK. June 7. DRY GOODS The market Is in a waiting attitude. More or less export business Is in progress, but domestlo buyers exhibit little Interest In this class of goods. The outlook is for no immediate Improvement; but It Is be lieved that before the summer Is over a; decided change will be noted In the buy ers' attitude. n .... Philadelphia Produce Market.. . ' PHILADELPHIA. June 7. BUTTER Steady; extra western - creamery,. 18c; nearby prints, 19c. EGGS Firm; o higher- fresh nearby, 19c loss off; fresh western, 19c; fresh south western, 18c; fresh southern, 17c. CHEESE Quiet, but steady; NeWYork full cream choice to fanoy old, 8HB9c; choice to fancy new, eSWic; fair to good new, 77!4o. Toledo Seed Market, TOLEDO, June 7. SEED Clover, cash, t6.6; October, $5.72Vi. Prime alsike, $6.0j August, $6.60 bid; prime timothy, $1.46; September, tl-474. Peoria Market. PEORIA, June 7. CORN Steady ; No. 8, 46o; No. 4, 42o. it Freight Steamer Is Ashore. - BAN FRANCISCO, June 7. The big' freight ateamer Algoa, is ashore near Point Bolnata on the northern Bide of the Golden Gate. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 7. aa furnished, by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Earnam street, to The Bee: Imogen A. Benson to Jennlo Brown, lots 6 and 6, Block 111, Dundee place 7. ....$1,000 Mechanics Savings bank to Charles P. Stromberg, lot 20, Windsor place . 1...:. LOtO- Edward R. Benson to Mary Temp's ton, part of lot 14, block 4, Plain view 450 Msry M. Reed to Thomas C. Calla han, sub lot 8, of tax lot 1, 21-16-13.. 1 Edmund Paulsen et al. to Anna C. Paulsen, lot 10, block 103, Florence.. 10 Bankers Savings and Loan associa tion to Elizabeth Lentz, part of swK ne4, 34-15-13 1. William L. Adams and wife to E. Murray Hill, block 20, Bow3ng Green f Emma Sinclair and husband to Rosa ' M. Hoyt, lot 4, block 7, Burnham place I Seymour W. Banker to William P. RuHnell, part of lot 2, block 2, Im provement association 1,900 Joseph T. Smith and wife -to John B. Moore, part of lot 7, block 78, South Omaha 12,760 Benjamin F. Knox and wife to Theo dore G. Bernhardt, lot 3, block 6, Ambler place 800 Sheriff to John D. Crelghton, lots 8 and 4, block 4, Paddock place.... 4,000 Riga M. Thompson et al, to Charles P. Metcalf, lot 6, Prnyn's sub. 23ft Millard & Caldwell's sdd 2,250. Martin Slattery to Alfred Thomas, part of lot 8, Parker s add J0 Maurice D. Rees and wife to William H. Huntington, lot 10, block 3, Ames place 1,004) Petrlck H. Carey and wife to Emma M. Hi:, part of lots 2 and 3. block I. Kountze & Ruth's add 1,700 B. Edgar Whitehead and wife to John juns, lot 4, block 8, potter at ni.hh'a una Robert A. McEachron to M.'DeWItt Long, lot Z, block 2, Sherwood sub 1.TS0 H. Murray Hill snd wife tn Charles F. and Henry C. Zeamun, block 20, Bowling Green B0 Harriet B. Clapp et a I, to John T. 1'ianieen, lot 4, uiock 0, Jiuisiae zna add M0 Clementine Hrown to John H. Klemme, lots 11 and 13, block. 3. Knuntze place " Addle H. Bsusermann to Thomas C. Callahan, sub lot 8, tax lot 1, 21-15-13 4.7M David Porter Redman and wife to Helen K. Kills, part or sw'S 8-'-l-13 KJO Charles Beeberger to John P. Web ster, purt of lot 19. Hawes' add ohn Johnson to Alma Thonipnon, lot 13. block 32. Albright's choice.. 400 80 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Neb. Ii. ISsssslDry Capital aod Surplus, $600,000 rtANI MUlrlT, Frsa, Ult t. W00S, V. frsa. LU7BEI MAkX CsiMsr. rtAXC f. IAMILT0N, Asst. Casklar. Esoalve ssasaau at bsjUui. Wckere, oon atloua, grass 4 iseUettaals a fasoraMs ter bas. Fvrslsa Esebaass scmsfet aa4 sold. Letters mi Crejit laeueo. sislUble Is all biu l Ihm witt letiriet pa.14 ssi Time CertlScstes ef Deroalt. t.sllewcloaa sseSs promirtl saS soueuluslljr, We maift inisissi anSesua.