THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: tVEPyEBDAY, JUNE 8, 1001. ret m. WE CLOSS SATUR "Sneak ( Injarloaa wards, neither la Jest or rararati irod at (, afthoaah tkrr Blra ot I slon." V A That teUt the whole story of why we are doing the silk business. When it cornea to reliable silks the name of Thomp son, Belden & Co. is a guarantee of superior quality and lasting worth. Here are some fine values for Wednesday. It would be impossible to tell you of all their good points a look will tell you more. HANDSOME BLACK TAFFETA Thes reliable black taffeta wa show have proven their worth by the teat of yearn. Wa have aold thU umt silk for ovr fifteen years. .Thay will cost you no more than Ilka roods of ordinary quality; absolutely no cutting, no crackln;; avery yard perfect. 22-Inch, 11.00; 24-lnch, $1.26; 27-lnch. 1.M rrd. " i NEW MESS ALIKE BILK-Tf tha best news we've lately' .told to lovers of ex quisite black silk;. llht In weight; beautiful silk luster; will not muss or crush. H-lnch. $1.26 a yard. BKNOAUNB LUMINBAUX-The newest, freshest weave from the leading silk manufacturer of the world. Very much the style and finish of the Irish poplin used years ago, but much brighter, prettier silk finish; all colora and black. 26-Inch, $1.26 a yard. HANDSOME! NOVELTY SILKS FOR B HIRT WAIST SUITS This Is the one place to see the great bouquet of new textile beauty. There la no secret about It; tha great ailk business we are doing Is simply the reward of superior merit. We have no cheap, trashy goods to deceive you w ith; every piece choice, new and stylish. Fine valuea at bOo, 76o and $1.00 a yard. TnraiPiKio! (DJ n PSCOJ OT. M. C A. Building. Corner ought to have a great' public' arena where the people should gather. The people owed a great debt to the men who had laid Its foundations good and deep. 'Here should be evidences of Industry and exhibition of thrift; here the people should come for education; here 'they should have muslo tha Inneses of the country to come and to teach a higher art. Dr. Miller would In conclusion "again pay a tribute to the young men of the city who had wrought so much out of nothing. .The speaker said as he bowed that he would like to talk an hour, for he bad so much to say In praise. Oflleera of tha Association. Tha officers, executive committee and directors who sat on the platform were: F. A. Nash, president; T. C. Byrne, vice president; Alfred Millard, treasurer; J. R. Lehmer, secretary; J. M. Olllan, manager; T. J. Mahoney, counsel. Executive Committee F. A. Nash, J.' F. Carpenter, E. P. Peck. T. C. Byrne, 3. L. Kennedy, F. H. Davis; fr. 15. Sanborn, C. H. Pickens. ' V Directors Ouy C Barton, J. R. Lehmer, Arthur' Brandeis, T. J. Mahoney, W. M. Burgess, Fred Met. Thomas C. Byrne, Alfred Millard, J. F. Carpenter, F. A. Nash, F. H. Davis, Fred F. Paffenrath, E. A. Cud&hy, James L. Paxton, Gould Diets, C. O. Pearae. Thomas A. Fry, E. P. Peck, F. T. Hamilton, H. J. Penfold, Joseph Hay dsn. Charles H. Pickens, O. W. Hoobltr, F. E. Sanborn, W. S. Jardlne, J. A. Sun derland. Oeorge A. Joslyn, O. W. Wsttles, John L. Kennedy, II. 8. Weller, C. M. Wllhelm. S , V , Innes Gets 'In the Picture. When Dr. -Milter bad concluded bis re marks the band played "Arma," an Inter meiao by Krouse, "Street Bongs," by Nel son, and last the' grand march, "Omaha Auditorium," written by" Innes and dedi cated to the people' of Omaha. This was Its first performance, and 1ha compliment fef the bandmaster drew .much applause. The Auditorium Is largv tliere I no doubt of that, and the eomolent strains of the reed Instruments in the lntermeiso could at times scarcely be beard half the length ' of the ball. The march which followed with Its bid, bang and crash was. quite equal to the environment.. Innes and his band were favorites 'when they left Omaha tftar the- latest long engagement here. They return under the best of conditions, and there Is little doubt the work of these two week will continue a nd perhaps In crease the -good will of Omaha toward leader-rnd. instrumentalist. . Coining 'to the . Opening. Perhaps as interesting a. view as the open ing night could disclose wo that about the entrance way. There from quite early In the evening carriages were pulling up and well groomed men and 1 women gowned as the rainbow and Noah was not, were topping down and disappearing through the ton door, arches. Other were walking from the, nearest oar line, . Twelve tall mighty men of the police under their chief were part of the decorative background. Across Fifteenth street the sidewalk was mass of people, who were indeed Inter ested in the smart equipages and the cos tumes, and heard through ths open doors nd windows the music of the band. The music for the dances was almost continuous, , for the band from the stage played the two steps and an orchestra from the foot of the hall took up the softer train of the waltses almost aa an echo. So there : waat ho Idle waiting. While the i,i . For Tired, Aohlng, . Smarting, Swollen Feet. 1HAKB ITO VOIR HIIOV.H Allen' Foot-Ease, powder. It cure painful, smarting feet and Ingrowing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of corn nad bullions. It' the frreateat comfort dis covery of the age. Make tight or new hot easy. A certain cure for sweating. oitUoua and hot, tired, aching feet. 30,000 testimonial. Sold by all )ruggit and JKUoe stores, 25o. Don't ancept a lubititutt. Trial package FREE. Address. lA Roy, N. T., menatas bear above signature U. 8. A. VhentheveatherS hot, nothing tastes as good as s7 y, soi'TH o: Be. Jun 7, 1901 Best Values in Correct Styles Sixteenth and Douglai Stv floor wa a kaleidoscope of form and color, the sides where were the chairs held really more people,- who were content to watch the dancers and listen to the music of the ball. The refreshments were served in the great room beneath the stage. Her many attendant were busy in serving the crowd. The last of the people had not passed up the stair before midnight. The ball itself did not end for some time thereafter. Program of First Two Concerts. The following are the program to be given at the first two concerts today. Innes! band will be assisted by Mrs. Emma Partridge, soprano; Alfred D. Shaw, tenor; Mrs. Grace Whlstler-Mlslck, contralto; Ed win C. Rowdon, basso; Bohumlr KyrL cor netlst, and the festival chorus. The after noon concerts begin at t o'clock and tha evening at 8:16 o'clock: AFTBBNOON. '.' . Overture The Ball., (a) Serenade ..Sullivan ,.,...Moekownki ........... Nlreila (b) In Toklo (dan;e li'Appari (from "Martha");.. ...Flotow Alia for tenor by Mr. Shaw. A'.rt from "Babette" ' :.. Herbert Kermesse Scene from "Faust" Gounod Overture Phedre ...Massenet From "Samson and Delilah" (air tor contralto) ' ....St. eaens ' Mrs. Mlslck. - Vienna Woods (concert waits) Strauas The Whirlwind (concert polka) Levy Cornet solo by Kryl. My Old Kentucky Home (paraphrase) , Langey-Foster Scenes from "Rlgolette" ...Verdi EVENING. Kalsermarsch Wagner Serenade Kocooco Meyer-Helmund The Two Grenadier ........ Schumann "Mr. Edwin C. Rowdon, Second Hungarian Rhapsody ....I'lLlazt Aa Torrent In Summer Elgar Festival Chorus and Band,' under the dlreotlon of Mr. J. H. Bimms. Hall Bright -Abode (from' Tannhaeuser)- Wagner Festival Chorus and Band, under- the direction of Mr. Ben Stanley. - Russia ("Fantasia") ., Levy ... Mr. Bohumlr Kryl. . : Ocean, Thou Mrghty Monster.. .Weber Mrs. Emma Partridge. S ' (a) Amra (Intermezso) Krause (b) Love la King (march) ......).:. Innes Scenes from "Lohengrin". ...... ......Wagner Introducing- the famous "Wedding March" and ending with the "King's -Prayer," by Mmes. Partridge and Mlslck, Messrs. Shaw and Howdon and Festival , Chorus. WOMEN WHO WERE AT THE BALL Partial List of Those Present and What They Wore. Following I a partial list of the women who were present at the ball last night, with a brief description of their gowns: A. .-. Mrs. W. R. Adair white net over white with mull trimmings. Mrs. C. C. Allison White organdie with medallions and lace Insertion. Mrs. L. J. Allen Green and whit or gandie. B. '-' Mrs. Will T. Burns-Whlt lace with Polnt-de-Venice; pearls. Miss Ella May Brown Pink ercpe-de-chene with pearl and - iridescent trim mings. Miss Hilda Barrow Blue moueseline-de-sole. Mrs. Ed Black White silk mirte with pearl and Irish point trimmings; pearls. Mrs. W. J. Burgess Pearl white crepe-de-chene, with cluny lace trimmings; pearls. Mrs. L. C. .. Byrne White orcpe-de-ohene gown. Mrs. A J. Beaton -Black lace robe over black peau de sole: diamonds. - Mrs. John S. Brady Black lace; diamonds. Miss Bettale Brady Cream chiffon cloth . over silk. , Mrs. E. E. Bryson White chiffon with lace and satin trimmings. Miss Lillian Bushman White net With lace and ribbon trimmings. Mrs. E. S. Bradley White silk with lace Insertion. C. ........ Mrs. W. J. Connell Blue crepe-de-chene with lace applique. Miss Hazel Connell White embroidered mousnellne. Mrs. Clement Chase White chiffon with yellow silk. Mrs. F. M. Castetter, Blair. Neb. Black silk grenadine and lace; diamonds. Mrs. W. W. Coatee White polnt-do-eoprlt over pink silk net with ribbon trim mings. Miss Curtis, Redlands, Cal., guest of Mrs. Floyd Smith Figured net over pink silk. Miss Leila Chase Pink Bilk mull with white lace trimmings. Miss Geraldine Clapp Blue foulard with white s'.lk trimmings. Mrs. CI" fa Cole White embroidered China silk; diamonds. Mrs. W. B. Clark White silk with me dallion sod lace trimmings. Mrs. Q. F. Campbell White organdie over white silk. I D ' Miss HeVen Davis White embroidered moussellne. Mrs. B. B. Davis White crepe and lac gown. Mrs. John Daugherty Champagne pongee with lace applique; diamonds. Mihs Edith Dumont Silk voile over burned orange silk. r. Mrs. B. M. Fairfield Black net gown Mrs. J. D. Foster White Paris lawn, with lace insertion. VA UVi. I'll!- ,. .dr W if Ui SI-. Oouaa. bluu, Ti. m. DATS AT P. M. -. - r I; i. 1:1 Mies Caroline Fiblirer White organdie over Persian lawn, with lao bertha, G Mr. Gentlemsn Pink crepe-Je-chene with - chiffon trimmings. Mrs. Herbert Gannett Black dotted net. Mrs. W. H. (Uitr Black Jetted chlflon and lace goWn: diamonds, Mra O. W. Grlfflths Pink novelty silk. Mrs, J. J. Gibeon Cmara silk grenadine with Venetian lace trimmlnga Mra Ben Gallagher Black lace over black ailiu diamonds. II. Mra E. E. Hart, Council Bluffs BUck net with black il&h scales and guld trim mings. Mlt Julia Higglnson Blue silk, real laoa trimmings. Miss Laura Hunter Green silk with cluny ' lace trimmings. Mra G. W. HooUler White Farls lawn with Valenciennes lnce trimmings; pearls, Mrs. Fraak llaller-Gray crepe-de-chene, antique lace Vwrtha; diamonds. Miss Jlsrlon Hailer 1'lnk chiffon over silk. Mra Albert D. Ilmvg Klack onibrolderod creje-Ue-chene with lioe trimmings. Mrs. F. LK Hochsteller Chamnogna crepe with lnce trlmmlnars. Mrs. Edward Hsrt. Council niurTs Pink liberty silk with lace and chlflon trlmr mlngs. Mrs. K. R Hart Black silk net over black silk with Jet and luce trimmlnga . J. Mrs. Charles Johannes Embroidered Swiss with Irish point trimming. Mr. F. W. Judson Black lace with trim mings of passempntere. K. Miss E!la Kelly Blue silk with trimmings of cluny lace. Mrs. Francis Kennedy Paris gown with white lace and chiffon. Mra. Charles T. Kountxe Black net; dla- monda Mrs. O. D. Klpllnger Champagne silk voile with irldescuut and medallion trim mings. Mra W. 3. C. Kenyon Black lace em broidered In chenille over black silk, trimmings of embroidered chiffon; dlu monds. Mrs. J. E. Kramer Block grenadine with trimmings of real lace. Mra F. H. Krug Uniy French voile ovor pink silk. L. Mr. A. J. Love Tel'.ow chiffon with trim mings of renaissance lace. Mra George W. Lininger Champagne re naissance lace gown; diamonds. Miss Jo Lyman Novelty foulard with fish net yoke. Miss Fay Lyman White dotted Swiss. Mrs. E. V. Lewis Figured organdy, trim mings of Valenciennes. Mra Harry Lyman Princess gown of duchess laoe and pink chiffon; diamonds. Mrs. Joseph Lehmer White crepe-de-chene with trimmings of cluny lace; pearls and diamonds. Miss Edith Locke Whit China silk with lace trlmmlnss. Mrs. George H. Iee White crepe with white lace and chiffon ovor white silk. M. Mrs. T. J. Mahoney Barred green and white gauze, with Irish point trimmings; diamonds. Miss Margaret Mulvlhill White silk gren adine with duchesse bertha. Mrs. J. A. McNaughton Black lace, iri descent applique over white silk. Mrs. W. F. Miller White Paris moussellne, with Valenciennes trimmings. Miss Mae Mount Yellow silk with trim mings of Russian lace. Mrs. John A. McShane Irish point over white tucked chiffon with Iridescent trimmings; diamonds. v Mrs. Charies F. Manderson White chiffon oloth, Irish point trimmings; diamonds. Miss Elisabeth McConnell Pink silk gren adine. Miss M. Meredith Black grenadine over blue silk, with lace trimmings. Miss Mclntyre Pineapple cloth embrol- ' dered with jseorl trimmings. Miss Helen Munroe Figured organdie. Mrs. F. L. McCoy Champagne voile with pink silk and lnce trimmings. Mrs. William McOaskell Pnrls gown with blaok crpe-de-ohene embroidered with black silk. Miss Georgia Mitchell, Council Bluffs White opera batiste with Valenciennes Insertion. . Miss Louise McNalr Brown crepe-de-chene with cream lace and embroidered mu- dalllon. Mc3ratnYnte cjoth and lac , trimmings. - , Mrs. H.D. Neely White silk voile, cluny lace trimmings. O. Mrs. T. M. Orr Gray and white tripd MrS.'D?" J.' O'Brfen-i-White moussellne de ., sole over green silk with lace Insertion, P. Mf. ' M. C. Peter White silk moussellne , with trimmings of pearl and guipure lace; diamonds. . ... Mrs Arthur pinto Pink dotted Swiss with duchess lace trimmings. Miss Oma Patterson Striped net over green silk. Miss Margaret Preston Embroidered net; Mrs. James L. Paxton Embroidered lace with, irtdoscent trimmings ever, blue silk and pink chlffon-.dlamonda. Mrs. George Palmer Whlto chiffon over frfnk with pearls, lace and .lrldecent rlmmlnrs. . . Mrs. George Peake Pink crepe-de-chene with trimmings of chiffon and lace. Mrs. H.- J. Penfold Champojrne crepe-de-chene with white applique medallion and pink trimmings. , Mrs W. E. Palmatler Black net over black silk with chiffon trimming, ft. Mra II. A Quimms, Council Bluffs Black crepe-de-chene and black loco with Jet trimmings. n. Mrs. Forest Rlchardsop Black net and Mra6' Arthur Remmlnrton White chiffon with duchess Uce trimmings; pearls. Mrs. Will Ruf White voile over blue. Miss' Daisy Rogers Pink novelty silk. Mrs W. M. Rocheford Black embroidered grenadine with Jet trimmings; diamonds. Miss Blanche Rosewater White silk voile . . . i . Jt Y). Im , I m rv ( Mrs. Edward Rosewater Black lace gown over wraie sua. Mrs. J. t. Rnhn Black grenadine over greem silk wun irimminBs oi punn m, Mrs. N. F. Recknrd Black grenadine over black silk wun lei irirnmiiisn. Mrs. Victor Rosewater Embroidered chif fon Inset with lace. S. Mra E. H. Sprague Meteor crep and ap- Mrs'qUByron Smith White net with cluny lace trimmings; -pearls. Mrs. Charles T. Stewart, Council Bluffs Mrs. Floyd Smith Blue .satin with trlm- mlnVrs of white chiffon. Miss Xate Swartslander-Whlte French lawn with net ana inwroun. Mrs E. C. Shephnrd Light blue crepe-de-chene with trlmmlnBS of cream lace. Mrs. Wallace Shephard Light blue crepe with chiffon trimmings. T. Miss Edith Thomajt Blue chiffon with lace trimmings. Miss Thurston, Washington, D. C W1" point lace over occordlan-pleated chiffon. V. Mrs. P. H. tTpdlke, Harvard, Neb. White lace gown with Iridescent and white laoe applique; pearls. Mrs. C K. Urquhart White embroidered chiffon with real lace trimmings; dia monds. Mrs D. M. Vinsonhaler White opera ba tiste, with real lace bertha. W. Mr. D. H." Wheeler, Jr. Flowered net, pink trimmlnga; pearls. . Mrs. G. W. Wlckeraham White Paris lawn with Irish point trimmlnga. Miss Flora Webster Black net gown. Mrs. H. L. Whitney Blue pineapple tissue; pearls. Mrs. E. S. Westbrook Liberty silk and lacev gown. Mrs. D. Ik Welpton Apricot loulslene, ir idescent and blue chenille trimmings. Miss Ethel Wllklns White opera batiste with lace trimmings. Mir Blanch Waterman White net Inset with cluny lace and embroidered with yellow end black chenille. Mrs. H. T. Whitman Green foulard and lace. . . Mrs. Harry Weller White opera batiste with Ircs trimmings. Miss Wood Figured net with laoe Inser tion; pearls. , . Mrs. Osciir Williams Cream plna cloth with medallion and pearl trimmings. Mis Wells. Council Bluffs Figured blue net over blue silk. .,. Mrs J. F. Wilcox, Council Bluffs White opera batiste with lnce medallion. Mrs. R. E. Welch White voile with lace trimmings; pesrls. Bonventr for Mia Hoosevelt. ST. LOUIS, June T- As a memento of her appearance at the Olympic games, where m!, awarded the senior Amateur Ath'etlo union championship medals last Saturday, the department of physical culture of ihe World fair has arranged to present Ml Alice Roosevelt, eldest daughter of Presi dent Roosevelt, with a handsome souvenir belt. It Is composed of three medals and a buckle. Joined by ribbons of the tlon colors. One of the medals of the belt will be a representation of the senior cham pionship medal, another will be of. the handicap championship medal. The buckle will be a reprvaentalioa of the Olymplo bar. DENY RIGHT TO GOVERNOR Attornsyi BmylL tnd Eailh DtoUr Uiektj'i EiUadiaoa lllgl W EViDENC! WAS ADMITTEDLY FALSE Argue Deaslsoa Waa Bnl4 Hearing; Which Bwnrlvva man of Liter? Wtthow Dm Process of Law, C J. Smyth, ataociai counsel for Tom D&nalson in the habeas corpus case In the criminal branch of the district court, yes terday told Judges Day, Troup and Redick that Governor Mickey's warrant for Denniaon was illegal first, because he transcended his rights as ehlef executive and then because the evidence on which it wa Issued was admitted by Deputy United States Marshal Christian of Iowa, Gov ernor Cummins' special official representa tive, to be false and because Dennlson was deprived of his liberty without due process of law from the fact that he, as an accused, did not have the right to be beard before the governor. Argument In the case was closed yester day and a decision from tha court Is promised at 9.30 tomorrow morning;. Mr. Smyth said were the matter one of less Importance, not only to De&nlaon, but to the state of Nebraska, he would feel Inclined to leave it wherp the able and ex haustive statement of hi colleague, Mr. Connell, had placed the question. He there upon proceeded to emphasize the fact that It was admitted by Mr. Christian and his counsel that the evidence submitted to the governor on which he issued tho extra dition papers was false and therefore en titled to absolutely no consideration. Wrongly Deprived of Liberty. "I do not propose to cite many authori ties," Mr. Smyth continued, "but rather to discuss the principles involved. The only question actually Involved is whether or not Tom Dennlson Is deprived of his lib erty without due process of law. I think It was established by magna charta that every man accused of a crime shall be en titled to a trial by a jury of his peers, and that principle Is as sacred today as It was when laid down. And what Is attempted here? I want to say that the governor of this state has no authority to Issue a war rant that shall for one moment deprive a citizen of hla liberty. The power to ijsue the warrant for the detention of a citizen Is a Judicial right and cannot and must not be usurped. "What Is due process of lawT It la a fundamental principle that a . man shall have a right to be heard. Did Den nlson have a chance to be heard by the governor? Unless he did this extradition wa Issued without due ' process of law. And If he did not obtain due process of law before the governor of bis own tat where can he get his rights .but In the courts of the star of Nebraska? You must say that he ho the right to be heard, and by this court, and at this time. Whether due process of law has been ex ercised In this case depends, on whether or not this man Is a fugitive from Justice, and the only way that fact can be deter mined Is by a fair .preponderance of evi dence. How else can any person arrive at the facts without giving him a chance to offer testimony to the very fullest extent possible?" Where Is the AothoWtyt Asks Smith. E. P. Smith addressed the court shortly before noon. Ho spoke forcibly of the Im portance of tho habeas orpus theory and sold that It madevnot Ul, particle of differ ence as to Dennlson' guilt or. Innocence of the crime charged In-Uetermlning hi rights In the .present maUerThe question pre sented to this ootirt I by what authority I he held? " 1 '" ' '' ' ' '' "The power of the governor to issue, war rants Is more limited than almost any other officer," said Mr. Smith:'' "Ho has the right under the federal statute to Issue a war rant for a person who Is a fugitive from justice, but this Is the first Instance I ever knew of where the Jurisdiction of fact was not agreed as subject to determination by the courts of the state. According to all decisions Tom Dennlson Is entitled to Insist upon proof that he is a fugltlvo from Justice and whore is he entitled to insist upon proof if not before the courts of this state. It Is admitted that 'this man was not In the state of Iowa' at the time this crime was committed; It Is admitted by their mo tion that perjured testimony was offered to the governor on which his action was based and yet they come here and say that this court Is powerless to ' act or Interfere. Surely the question whether Tom Dennlson Is a fugitive from , Justice cannot depend upon the Blender thread of a requisition from Governor Cummins and extradition of Governor Mickey and we invoke the power of this court to determine the fact of whether we are to be condemned without a hearing or. not." , . Continuing his argument at the afternoon session Mr. Smith established by citation that the law was that a man charged with being a fugitive from Justice would be given a chance In court to show that he had lived in Iowa for three years and that therefore the statute of limitations had run. against the crime. This principle, Mr. Bmith said, had been established by the United States supreme court and from It he argued that Tom Dennlson had the same Inalienable right to show In court that he had never been in Iowa at all or at a specific time. Mr. Smith's plea throughout was a most powerful and lucid presentation of the cose of hi client. Thomas and Brome Close. Preliminary to Mr. Thomas' argument, Mr. Brome and the opposing counsel dis cussed the case freely with frequent Interrogatories from' the bench. Th re Iterated statement of Mr. Brome was that It Is the duty of the governor of the state of Nebraska to send to Iowa any man la this state charged with having committed a crime, whether the man wa ever In Iowa or not, and be said that It I ret competent for any court to interfere with the action of th chief executive. He c'almed that ny evidence submitted to tho governor was competent Mr. Thomas said It made no difference what the evidence was that was submit ted to the governor nor how good It was. "The matter for the consideration of this court," he said, "was there any evidence submitted to the governor, and If It finds that there was this court's Inquiry ceases." The speaker took up many of the cases and points cited by bis associate, re Iterating and adding to the remark and argument he had made upon them, the keynote of his argument being that th relator wa a fugitive from Justice on th acknowledgments of the application for a habeas corpus, which sgree that evl- Perfect Food That's Grape-Nuts and trial 10 days proves Get the little book. The Road Wellvllle" In each ikg. m I dene was submitted to the governor, but claim that -it was false, no lunner stated that Denntaon and his counsel hsd been Invited to appear before Governor Mickey and put in evidence before him at the tlm the extradition snd they re fused to do so. The contention was also md that th counsel for the relator were trying to get their client free on an alibi which. It was submitted, wa prop erly fof the consideration of s.n Iowa Jury, being of Improper consideration In connection with aa application for a writ of habeas corpus, Mf Thomas' argument was very brief and the matter was submitted to the con sideration of the court, Judge Day an nounclng that a derision would b handed down Thursday at ;30 o'clock. WILL MEET AJ BENNINGTON Dona-Ins Connty Veterans Deride on ' Place of Iteonlon, but Not Date. At the meeting of the Douglas County Veterans' association Monday night the question of the annual renin I on and encamp ment of tho Douglas county ex-soldlers and sailor and marines was taken up. In view of the fact that the state Grand Army of the Republic reunion project for this city had been abandoned by th action of the department encampment at Kearney in May it was decided to hold the annual Douglas county rounlon some time during the summer. The reunion and encampment will be held at Bennington. The date has not yet been decided upon. It is the Inten tion, however, to moke this rounlon a not able one. An abundance of tonts will be procured. An effort will be made to secure a battalion of the regular troops from Fort Crook to attend and go Into camp during tho reunion. All soldiers, sailors and marines of Doug las county and vicinity, with their friends and families, have been invited to Join In the reunion, which will continue for sev' eral days. RE-ELECT THEIR OFFICERS Retail Liquor Dealers Endorse Ad. ministration by Giving; Each Another Term. The convention of the Nebraska Retail Liquor Dealers' association was opened yes terday afternoon In Osthoff's hall, about 450 delegates being present Besides the re-elec tlon of all the officers, reports from the president and secretary were read. In the evening the delegates visited Boyd's thea ter In a body. The convention will last till Thursday evening. The following is the list of officers elected: James Nevels, president; A. M. Tillman, vice president; Henry Keating, secretary; Hans Peterson, treasurer; executive board, W. C. Schuls, J. W. Hobson, A. II. Kooys. DEATH RECORD. Michael Hla-glns. FAIRBURT, Neb., June 7. (Special.) Michael Hlgglns, a well known railroad contractor of this city, died Friday at the Grand Island hospital and wa buried here yesterday. Mr. Hlgglns was 73 year of age March 1 and came to this country from Ireland In 1852, engaging In railroad work He came to Jefferson county In 1S69 and took a homestead, where he lived for ev eral years, then In company with hi sons resumed railroad work, operating in sev- eial of tho western states and territories, until falling health compelled him to eease active labor. He was the father of seven sons, six of whom survive him. His eons. James, Peter, Thomas, William, George and Michael H. Hlgglns, have been associated with him In railroad work. "HYMENEAL,, McCann-Stoll. BEATRICE, Neb., June 7. (Speclal.) Mr, J. J. McCann and Mrs. Carrie Stoll, both of this city, were united In marriage at Marysvllle, Kan., yesterday. The newly-married couple returned to Beatrice last evening where they will reside for the present. Sleeps on His Rlarhts, BASIN CITY, Wyo.. June 7. (Speclal.)- Through a clerical error in the filing on the Basin coal mine, located near this place, on which George Mechlem has spent nearly 12,000, hi claim lapsed on March 1 last, and Mr. Mary HI lend filed on the prop erty. Mr. Mechlem could probably regain possession of the rojjie If the matter was taken into the courts, but he and Mrs. Hllend agreed to not go to court, but work the property together Instead. Mechlem agreed to turn In his $1,600 plant of ma chinery for' an undivided one-half Interest. Cattle Are Poisoned, BURLINGTON, Wyo., June T.-(Speclal.) A large number of milch cow in the vicinity of Jordan and Welling have been poisoned recently by eating larkspur. The vererlnarians have been unable to success fully combat tlye disease. Police and Oploni Smokers. In an Interview regarding a recent edi torial appearing In the World-Herald, In which the police were censured lor allow ing opium Joints, Chief of Detectlvos Dunn last night said that the police at once ar rested the Inmates of a Joint as soon as they knew of it. "These people seem to think," he said, "thnt every iieiBon who Is found smoking opium Is liable to arrest. This is not so. We can only arrest people who enter another person's dwelling, and, while there, smoke opium. A person Is allowed to smoke opium In his own room If he likes, but the inw forbids others, who are not occupants of the room, to smoke there. And when It Is hinted that we ere not doing our duty In this respect It shows that the person who says so does not know what he la talking about. A look over the police books will convince doubters that a number of arrests have been made for this crime, and another look into the lumber room at the police station will disclose a hean of smoKing apparatus wmcn nas been confiscated." Tvro Mysterlons Fires. The series of Incendiary fires which bothered the fire department and detectives a short time ago peeius lis it It Is to be repeated In the locality of Thirteenth and Cuss streets. Monday tilsht a lire broke out at 113 North Fourteenth street for which no reow could be given, and last night another one started at 1307 Cass fitreet which on the face of it looks Ilk ncendlarlsm. The lire last night was In a coal shed in the rear of Charles Sun shine's grocery store. A short time before a group of children were seen playing nearby, and It Is believed that some one among them utrrted It. Sunxhlne has hud some trouble with the boys of tha neighbor hood and only last week had to chastise one for spilling a barrel of ice cream. The ponce are investigating ine case. Overhauled with Plnnder. Detectives Ferris snd Dunn found Ray mond Ptunm of Benson trying to dlsoose of a Winchester rifle and a buffalo robe. As he could not give a proper account or tha manner In which he obtained the arti cles he was arrested as a suspicious char acter. Later Is was discovered that the rifle and robe belonged to Robert J. Smiley of Ilenaon, who told the police that the goods were taki.n without his authority. Fish Women Fight. J . 1 n w ""it. ".. brldse hotel, and Annie Fisher of 1211 lv enlxirt Btreet got Into an altercation yes terday afternoon while fishing, and had commenced to damage each other with their rods when the police steppea in. in women said that the trouble arose on ac count of the fish not biting. LOCAL BREVITIES. Tlie city council met last night Just long enough to adjourn, a number of the mem bers desiring to attend the opening grand ball at the Auditorium. No business was transacted. Mrs. W. U Woodard. 140 North Eigh teenth street, fell Tuenday evening while getting off a street car and suffared two slight scalp wounds aud wus considerably brulaed. Her lujurlu are hot considered serious- EXERCISES B. DEAFANDDUMB Oonimtncmr:t of Ktbraiiig Itntitut Vrj Euccsiiful AfTiir- MUTES WIN APPLAUSE FROM AUDIENCE Sins; and Speak In strange Missal Lanftanae, Showlns: Marvel of Their Perallar Attala, menta. Yesterday was commencement day at the Nebraska Institute, for the Deaf and Dumb. The chapel at the Institute was packed with spectators to see the exercises with out words. Many exclamations of surprise were heard during the recitation of the program that such perfection could be at tained wltb pupils who could not hear and in most cases could not speak. The Invocation was offered by Rev. J. M Ross, which was followed by an essay on "Every Day Opportunities," by Richard Bingham, son of W. W. Bingham. The "art demonstration" by Lloyd Blankenshlp, which came next, was very fine. Anna Johnson, who Is perfectly deaf, re cited In a very pleasing manner "The Watch on th Rhine," while Earl Hallcr repeated It In the sign language. Perhaps the most attractive number on the program wa the "s.arf drill fantastic, presented by Bertha Bauman, Laura Peter' on, Orvlna Johnson, Lillian Rasmuascn Nellie Johnson, May Williams, Anna John son, Lydla Geath and Cora PUlard. Mlsi Itegnicr and Mrs. Hendoe were the Initruc tors and directors of the class. Oral Class Work. Th number entitled "oral class work of second yoar pupils" was very good. Tho class was composed of Augusta Klscr, Lloyd Thomaa, Edith Davis, Katherlne Kll coyne, Bessie Isom and Mabel Myers. Tho exercise consisted of short speeches by the pupils and the working of examples In arithmetic. The teacher, Miss Evelyn Humphreys, put the questions to th pupil, who read her Hps and made audible an swers, having been taught to speak. "Will There Be Any Star In My Crown" was next sung by the class of young wo men, there being five members. Mrs. Hen dee, the Instructor, stood at one end of the nlatform and sang the song, while the class followed In the sign language. In the absence of Mrs. Lena Bouton, on the program for a selection In instrumental music. Miss Dora Prather filled out th number and received much applause for her effort, which was exceptionally weil rendered. Mis Ota B.. Crawford, teacher of a clos in fourth year work, exhibited the ability of her pupils, who vsre mall children, to memorise a story and tell it In their own language. Viola Jenks followed Mrs. Hendee in the sign language while she sang "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." The essay and valedictory by John H. Opfer, valedictorian of . the graduating class, exhibited much thought and reason, The subject was "Th Russo-Japanese War." After dwelling for some little time upon the horror and pleasures of war, Mr. Opfer launched out Into a study of th present conditions In the far east. During the reading of the essay In the sign lan guage Miss Orr followed the speaker by reading the essay from a paper. Sins; by tha Signs. A song, "nils Way and That," was done In the sign language by four little girt who followed the singing of the song by Mrs. Hendee. The theme of the song wn what should end would be done by the singer tlndef certain conditions -and was acted. out te perfection, exciting a great deal of merriment In the audience. - The presentation of the diploma to th graduating class, composed of Richard Bingham of Omaha, Harold S. Lee of York, John H. F. Opfer of Odell, Frank B. Pllsry of Weeping Water and Isaac J. Wlttwer of Salem, was In the hands of Superintend ent H. W. Rothert of the Iowa School for the Deaf, who addressed the clas In the sign language at the same time that he spoke to the audience, so that all were enabled to understand what b was saying. His address was very pleasing. Hs re quested the boys who formed the class to always lead uprig-ht lives and thus prove an honor to the Institution from which they secured their educations. The exercises closed with a song, "Far Away," by Sena Stlllahn, Eva Redman, Cora Plllard, Edith Marshall and Lillian Rasmussen, they using their fingers to do the singing. Soldiers Look Cor Trovhlo. What for a moment seemed likely to terminate In a serious disturbance among th nnllr.e and a. bodv of soldiers from Fort Crook last night was stopped by the prompt action of Offloer Bondstrom. yesterday was pay day for the soldiers, and according to the usual custom a number of them visited Omaha to have a good time. Early in the evening a soldier named Michael Kline was arrested by Sandstrom for disorderly con duct and this fact seemed to Inflame his comrades, who went about the resorts threatening to damage the police oflieer if annthftii arreat wal made. TheV got nhnnpA aimut 11 n'elock. when Sand-. Strom arrested tun, anotner soiaier, iur creating a disturbance In a resort. Hill showed ngnt, dui was soon pui uui. ih,n anlrilera who haw the arrest gath ered and began to make a demonstration. They followed Sandstrom and his prisoner almost to the doors of the police station, but were kept off by tho action of Sand strom, who drew his revolver and threat ened to shoot the first man who attacked him. As Sandstrom came out of the police station he saw the crowd, which In tho meantime had begun to gather brickbats and paving stones, and told them to dis perse. The soldiers replied with abuse and Untinir without waltlnir for help. Sand strom immediately charged the crowd. For a moment the soldiers stood pal, but a; Sandstrom showed no rear, iney wokr nu ran. The officer gave chase and arrested four of them and brought thetn to the station Single handed. The four men wl ra nn-Mtoit are Clarence Rose. Thomaa Baker, James Stack end Fred Hunter. The others Immediately made trucks , for Fort Crook, dropping their paving stones as they ran. Italian Haves Ills Money. Ranhnla Cresea. an Italian living at Thir teenth and Dodae streets, has come to the conclusion that women are what many writers have painted them. He has arrived at tlds determination on account of an encounter he had with Lena Burns, n colored woman residing at Thirteenth and Cuss streets, and which nearly lost him io. According to Cresea, the woman came to his House peanung yesiarasy tuwriiuun r,rf hu,n tn talk to him. As Cresea'a English is limited to a few words and Miss iiurns nas no anowieage 01 wimi sue the "daito ta!W," the conversation did not go on verv fa a. Hut by degrees the Burns woman managed to explain to Cresea that at the sight oT him there hod sprung up within tier Dosom an unquencnauio wun WANTS tfv INVALIDS No more wakeful night if yon give your baby Mellin' Food. Mellin'8 Food babies sleep well. . A postal nqimt will bring a sanpU of Mslua s rose right to your beiue. i MELLIN'I FOOD CO., BOSTOM, WA. i' A POP) AND "SWI V of love. Cresea wns, however, usplclou, and when the woman attempted to put her arm around him he resisted strongly. Bhn wbm so liiHlstent thnt Cresea felt for hla money, snd wes dismayed to And It gone. Miss lfurns snw th action, and thinking It time to tie going tried to do so, but wus prevented bv Oeren, who held her fst. The exclamations In two lanR'mges brought a crowd to the scene and a!o a polli entu". at the slaht of whom, Cresen nllcg"", the woman shoved the money buck into hi" pocket. The two were locked UP. the . woman chargiA with larceny from the per son snd Cresea as a complaining wltm'ss. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Shower and Cooler for Nebraska Today and Fair and Warmer Tomorrow. . . WASHINGTON, June 7. Forecant : For Nebraska and Kansas Showers and cooler Wednesday; Thureduy fair and warmer. For Iowa Partly cloudy Wednesday, with probably showers In west portion and cooler In northwest and warmer In north east portions; Thursday shower, except fair In northwest porilon. For Missouri Partly Cloudy Wednesday; showers and cooler in west portion; Thurs- -day showers. For South Dakota Pnrtly cloudy Wednes day, with shower and cooler In central aud east portion; Thursday fair and ' warmer. For Colorado Partly cloudy Wednesday, with showers In east portion; Thursday fair and warmer. For Wyoming Partly cloudy Wednesdny, with showers In southeast portion; Thurs day fair and warmer. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Ul'REAU . OMAIIA, June 7. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 11M. ia2. Mwl. Maximum temperature.... M M "3 69 Minimum temperature.... M 4 67 45 Mean temperature 8 74 65 67 Proclpltallon 00 .00 . .63 T Itecord of temperature and rrerlpltatlon at Omaha for this day since March L 1904: Normal temperature 89 Deiltlency for the day 1 Total dcllciencv since March 1 101 Normal precipitation 18 Inch Deficiency for the day ID Inch Total precip. since March 1..... .11. 01 Inches Kxcess since March 1 7D inch Excess for cor. period. 1903 1. 11 Inches Deficiency lor cor. period, 1902... 1.82 Inches Reyorts (roas Stations at T P. M. : B . c i B ; e : 3 : i ? 'if .: p. CONDITION OF THE) WEATUUR. Omaha, clear Valentine, cloudy. ....... North Platte, clear .60 .no . .oo ' .10 ' .00 M .00 ' T T .00 .00 .00 .00 , .00 .00 ' .00 .00 ' Cheyenne, raining Bait Liake uty, clouuy... Rapid City, clear... Huron, clear Wllllston. raining Chicago, cloudy St. Ixiuls, clear , St. Paul, clear Davenport, part ciouay. Kanaas City, clear Havre, part cloudy... Helena, cloudy Bismarck, clear... ... Galveston, cloudy...,. "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. .A WELSH. Local. Foreoaster. AMUSEMENTS. CODRTLAND ALWAYS THE LEADER Is Presenting the World's Greatest Sensational Act ; The High Bicycle Dive The Act the "Scientific nerlcis" makes so much over. I,oop-t he-I.oop a baby act In Comparison. HARRY RUSSELL THE ONE-LEGGED CYCLIST Courts Death "Every Afternoon and Evening. Women faint and strong men blanch at the ride. The Bathing Season Has Opened NORDM'S BAND AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS PICHICS ARB TUB VOGt'B AT COIHT. LAI. T1IH B4IXOOW tiUK CP K VE RY EVKK1NG AIX KINI F AMUK METS AT OMAHA'S CONKV ISLAND. Something Doing; All the Time. Fare 5c Only from Any Point MAN A WA Omaha' Fashlonablo Summer Resort. EVERY NIGHT Th Latest Sensation THE BATTLE QH THE YALU RIVER rim )jmcuiuuii u( uiu viifiiou f ll mil .....nillltlnn . I f t t . vw-i. llut,u .... .... tne Japanese and Russlaus. MA Y OTHER UIU A ITH ACTIONS DAILY. nnvn'c woodward & II U III O Burjess, Aljr. Tills Afternoon Tonlifht Tho Ferris Stock Co. In TUB DIAMOMll ItOimICY Thursday snd lialance Week All the Comforts of Home. frtties toe, 15c, ' o. ' t slat, any seat U 3rd Big Week , 79 . 80 . H . K2 S6 tf . CO K 62 64 . TV 74 . 64 ffl . 66 68 , 1H Kt 70 70 70 72 80 K4 68 6i '60 64 Ti 12 . Sl U I , The purity, grace, HI ;. If Dorflingei n u Glassware m commend it to care- ll M (ul purchaser at U M peculiarly appropri- I H ale for Wedding ft f enUtionj ft BEACH