Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 24, Image 24

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    TITE OMAftA DAILY PET!: BpyD&Y, ZlJfSSl 7, 190$
Bit Hot All Bnttsrt Chnra Out Well in
BsVs To tin; Ooctest
Silas Evelyn Johnsen of Ontk Bne
4 a la Holding I,ed aa
Original Leaders All Wis
Only ten dark horse' pranced Into the
field yesterday at tho oloaa of Tha Bee's
fifth context for ten trips to the St. Louts
exposition and succeeded In dividing tha
honor with the original candidate, four
of whom bad to utilize their reserve votes
to pull through. Though very slow In tha
beginning, tha con teat more than mad Dp
for the lost time when the last day ar
rived and demonstrated the disposition of
candlddatas to play Indian which was very
pronounced. The first five In the race Fri
day all succeeded In winning their trips,
with Miss Evelyn Johnson of Omaha still
In the lead.
The rota at tha close was:
Brdrs Jokusa, Oaaha. ( B.ffTO
Rlebar Faller, Omaha. ...... 8.0T
O. EL Oktif, Omaha 4,000 singer, Omaha. ...... R.01W
A. H. Muale, Omaha ,WW
Herbert i ma tie a, FTemoat . ... .. JJMW
Rassell Uekwool, Omaha...... 31,217
F. E. Cave, Ooaacll Blnffa...... 8,108
Kdwnrel Glaaa, Month Omaha.... MSI
Coarad Xlehell, Omaha a,JM
James Colvle, South Omaha to
J. F. Tinkler, Omaha 8
Emma Folly, Omaha 61
Xewte Hanklnson, Omaha , 27
Anna Nlndei. Omaha 26
flam Hill. Omaha J
Mrs. B. M. Conklln. Omaha 21
Oenrge Kayes, Omnha ....... 13
William Burnett. Omaha 7
W1U Bolton, Omaha 1
Cnanare of Time.
On Rock Island Bystem, effective 8nnday,
June 6, several important changes In and
out of Omaha Union station. Consult time
card In another column.
Wyoming; Woman Shows New Yorkers
How to Cool the Pensive Ardor
of a Backer. '
A small timid-looking young woman en
tered an up town riding stable the other
afternoon and, stepping up to the man
ager said: .
"I d like a saddle horse for a ride lb the
park, please."
"Tea, miss," responded the manager.
"Something gentle, kind and not too frisky,
I suppose."
"No, I prefer a mount that has plenty
of life and can pick up his heels lively."
"Well," said the manager, who thought.
ha saw a chance for a little fun, "we have
a broncho that no one except tha owner
dare ride. Step this way, please, and I'll
show him to you."
The broncho was brought In. She laid a
hand firmly on his neck and stroked his
nose. "He'll do" she said.
"Really think you can stay in his back,
miss?" asked the manager doubtfully as
the hostler put on the bridle arid saddle.
"Just clear the way," was the answer,
"and I'll show you what a girl from Wy
oming can do on such a horse," and with
out any assistance she sprang Into the
saddle and gathered up the reins. The
broncko stood on his forelegs, kicked the
air furiously with his hind feet, and was
off Ilka tha wind.
"Well, I'll be blessed," said the aston
ished manager. "You can t tell from a
woman's looks nowadays whether she
wants an old goat or a mustang td ride."
Nsw York Press.
1 National Republican Convention
Chicago, III., June 21-24.
The Chicago Great Western Railway,
on June 16 to 20 inclusive, will sell round
trip tickets at one fare plus 26 cents to
Chicago, 111. For further Information ap
ply to S. D. Parkhurst, General Agent,
1512 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Cheap Ream Trip Rates for Taeatloa
From Omaha via Chicago Great Western
$12.60 to St Paul or Minneapolis; $10 60
to Duluth, Superior, Ashland or Bayfield.
Equally low rates to all summer resort
i points In Minnesota. Tickets on sale every
day to September 80. Oood to return to
October II. Two magnificently equipped
trains each way dally via shortest Una,
For further Information apply to S. D.
Parkhurst, General Agent, 151$ Farnam
St., Omaha., Neb.
Travelere' Protective Association of
Springfield, .111., Juno S-15.
Tha Chicago Oreat Western Railway will
on June 4 to inclusive, aell round trip
tickets at one fare plus $2.00 to Spring
field, 111. For further Information apply
to 8. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 1512
Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
, .' Fourth of Jely Celebration
Plattamouth, Neb.
The program will -befit the occasion and
no cost and labor will be spared to make
this celebration of the glorious Fourth In
our city tha very beat ever held In Ne
braska. Aerie No. 806. Order of Eagle,
nave tha matter In hand and the Eaglet
will ' know how to make the national bird
y for Joy
Window glaaa, plate glaaa, tor everybody
tn nay. quantity, Kannard Glass A Paint
The Bteyele Ulan IMve nt Conrtlaad
Beaeh Heada All Other Attraetlona.
Manager Griffiths of Courtland beaoh has
succeeded In booking the most sensational
act in America for Courtland beach. The
act is known as tha high bicycle dive and
Is ridden by Harry Russell, tha most dar
ing and intrepid rider in the country. It
will open this afternoon and will remain
for the entire week at this resort. Rides
will be made afternoon and evening. Mr.
Russell takes death In his hands whenever
he mounts his bicycle. Throughout tha
east and south tha act caused considerable
comment in press. It was called a delib
erate suicide, certain death and other fun
ereal appellations weTe applied to It Three
men have been killed attempting tha act
which Mr. Russell hsj successfully per
formed for two years. The last victim was
John Rogers, who fell and broke his neck
st Des Moines last week. Mr. Russell
starts at tha top of a 100-foot Incline which
runs for 100 feet at an angle of 45 degrees
and terminates abruptly 80 feet from tha
ground. He rides his Incline at tertifio
speed mounted en a bicycle, and when
reaching the 80 foot elevation, dives over
the handle bars-of his machine through the
air for a distance of 76 feet, landing In a
tank containing three, feet of water. Dur
ing the progress of the ride spectators are
terrified and gase In wonderment at tha
daring cyclist. Mr. Russell will perform
this wonderful feat afternoon and evening
during the current week. The act la consid
ered the most hazardous and death-defying
In the profession, Loop-the-loop and all
other aeemlngly hasardoua acts are put In
tha shade by comparison. No aot In
America Is paid as much money by one
half as the high bicycle dive, and there is
no rider in America so daring aa Mr. Rus
sell. An infringement on his act Is almost
impossible. In addition to Mr. Russell's
aot Courtland beach today offers numerous
amusements; among them being Nordlne's
celebrated band of 22 pieces, composing
some cii the best soloists in America. Mr.
Nordlne recruited his band In Chicago,
New Tork, St. Ixuls and Kansas City. His
repertoire of music Includes the very best
In comic, serious and musical comedy com
positions of the day. No musical organiza
tion ever organised in this part of tha
country can compare with the peerless or
ganisation of Mr. Nordine. The Washing
ton Star quartet composed of colored men.
Is probably the best of Its kind ever heard
here. In addition to possessing excellent
voices each member is an adept upon tho
string instruments, charaoterlstlo of the
negro. Sam Murphy, probably the most
daring aeronaut In the west in conjunc
tion with Madamolselle Sangre make an
ascension In their balloons, going beyond
tha vision of all beholders. Mile. Sangre.
will perform the difficult feat of dancing
a drapery dance on her trapese while fad
ing from view. In the cafe tha celebrated
ladles' orchestra, led by Prof. Becker, will
discourse an excellent program of up-to-date
musical selections. The park still
continues to offer Its natural advantages,
such as bathing, boating and fishing. The
fleet of boats Is large enough for all de
mands that may be made upon It while
the bathing facilities are the best In the
west Courtland beach has always been
considered the best bathing beach In the
middle west This year it is particularly
good, owing to the very material rise of
the waters of the lake. All the other
customary outdoor attractions are offered,
such as merry-go-rounds, scenlo railways,
see-saws and the hundred and one minor
attractions usually seen at summer resorts.
Refreshments will be served to the ao
companiment of music at both the cafe
and the pavilion. The street car company
has Inaugurated a service by which cars
leave down town points every five minutes.
The fare from any point in Omaha or
South Omaha to Courtland beach is but
6 cents. Courtland beach is essentially an
Omaha institution and in view of the fact
that its manager . has catered liberally
to its patrons, the people of Omaha should
appreciate his efforts by a liberal and gen
erous patronage.
World's Fair.
The Missouri Pacific is now ruuntng three'
trains dally to St Louis. Low round trip
rates on sale dally and very low special
coach rates on June 6th, 13th, 20th and
27th. Full Information at city offices, S. B.
corner 14th and Douglas Bts., Omaha, Neb.
Big plates ice cream, 4o. feople's Store.
Asbesto-Graphlte paint for Iron, ro8ts and
sll exposed metal. Kennard Glass & Paint
Company, 1624 Dodge.
The highest grades of pants. enamels
and varnishes at the lowest prices. If you
will go shopping in this line, you will dis
cover that it pays. Kennard Glass ft Paint
Company, 15th and Dodge,
Tla Wabash
Leave Omaha 7:45 a. m., Council Bluffs t
a. m. dally, arriving World's fair station
7:35 p. m., St. Louis Union station 7:51 p. m.
Leave Omaha 6:30 p. m.. Council Bluffs
6:45 p. m dally, arriving World's fair sta
tion 7 a. m., St. Louis Union station 7:15
m. -
Returning, leave St. Louis Union station
I a. m., World's fair station 9:16 a. m. dally
arriving Co. Bluffs 8:46 p. m., Omaha, 9 p. m
liwvt ox. Liouis 7:au p. m., -worm s rair
station 7:45 p: m. dally, arriving Council
Bluffs 8:06 a. m., Omaha 8:20 a, m.
Only line with station at main entrance
of World's fair grounds. Compare time
with other lines. Your local agent can sell
via Wabash. For all Information and beau
tlful World's fair folder call at Wabash
City Office, 1601 Farnam st, or address
O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.
skirts, waists, millinery; cash or credit
People's Store, 16th and Farnam streets.
18-K.. Wedding Rings. Ednolm. Jeweler.
Slaughter SaJe
There Is still more than half left of the 80 sewing machines advertised last week
at one-third of real value. Take advantage of this offer now if you are In need
of a machine. New machines at $20 up. We handle nearly all of the standard makes
nod latest Improved machines, and are In pool t Ion to suit everybody, both In qual
ity and price. See us before buying will save you money. Parts and attachments
tor all sewing machines always In stock.
P. E. FLO DMA N & CO.,
To get your elothes made by a tailor w bo doesn't know his business thoroughly.
We are wide awaka enough to know Just what the vary latest fashion Is, and Just
bow (ar wa can uas It in your case, and meet your peoulUr wants. When you eome
to us we cater to your taate In clothing. We don't try to give you something you
sWa't want
Helgreti & Gradmaati, Tailtrs,
309 South 16th Street.
Soft Leather Belts
ni.. kiul atwla VmH wnrn tn ttio Mvt Wa tuuVO a
nk atoo from ll.M to 16.00. ' It ousts you nothing to
mum, i
"im IH JlMB 40V61A3 jrT. OHAHAJZn.
The Pacific Northwest
is still in its infancy, and yet -the
states comprising it are contribut
ing to the business of the'
Bankers Reserve Life Company
0t Omaha, Nebraska,
-more liberally in proportion to the
' population than any other group
of states.
This successful institution will
gradually extend .its scope until it
becomes the Bankers Reserve Life
Company of the United( States of
America, in fact and in name.
Choice territory is available to
active, reliable men.
B. H. R0B1S0N, President.
$15 $15 $15-F IFTEE N $15 $15 $15
118 South 15th Street
Henry W. Dunham, Jr. , Mgr.
To begin June right you should take
the time to Investigate onr claim that
"We make to order for $15 aa good a
suit as you hare paid your tailor $43
for." We back up our claim with the
goods and are anxious that you should
gee the "goods' and ask your friends
who have one of those suits
$15 $15 $15- FIFTEEN -$15 $15 $15
$3.50 Shoes
It costs us nothing to sell and
carry a Una of $3.50 shoes because our
stock is so large that one line more
or . less makes no difference, con
sequently we can and do put in more
value in leather and making than any
store can that has only $3.50 shoes
for sale and must pay profit, lent and
clerk hire out of these sales only.
All latest ' style lasts and leathers.
Valour Calf, Box Calf, Russia Calf
genuine Crena patent Colt.
1419 Ftrain Street.
Omaha's Up-te-Dat Met Hens
Cool facta about cool
Did you ever see any
thing that looked, so cool
and Inviting on a sizzling
summer day as a gray
stone building?
Gray worsteds borrow
tills cool look and own
their own cool feel.
That's why they are so'
popular this summer.
That's why we've such a
splendid asRortment of
them In stock.
But being thin summer
worsteds, It takes talented
tailoring to shnpe the
shoulders and collar prop
erly. That's why we've
confined this work to tail
ors we've trained to shape
thin goods the right way.
We're sure you'd like
one of the $30 kind skel
eton lined.
MacCarthy Tailoring
S4-je a. let t,
Keit aeor te
Wesasa Tiaaat Osaee,
I JU.Jyl'Vwr n A flUT n4 aV4n vl
" m tut f vim w 'i vax. I
Sporting Goods
Boys' Mitts, 600, S6o
and ,
Men's Inflelder Gloves. OR.
$i!.6, $ down to..n..itC
"2?" tonfl.e.'.dT. . . 50 c
Base Bail Masks. &c,'60cQgg
Ehse Ball" Bats," l6o,"i3c" RO
end tip from OVIC
25c, 6Cic to ;...4 OB
Reach Base Balls, 10c, -
Pull slse. close woven Ham
mock. Children's size fiflfi
the $L00 kind at OiC
Full siie, close woven Ham
mocks, with pillow and QQr
spreader "Ov
Large else, closely woven, fancy
colored valence pillow f AO
nnd spreader complete... a.CT
Very fine done woven plslds
nnd fancy colored pillow f QQ
and spreader
We Have Auditorium Tickets
And Are Selling 'Em Too, Want One?
We will deliver one to you on receipt
We also have the sreatest BKD BUd
Klllor that ever happened; there Is no
sense of being bothered with these mraslv
pests when Immediate relief is at hand.
Conw In four sizes, pints 15c, quarts 25c,
one-half gnllon Me, gallon frte, and a pint
oil enn with a long spout, tree wun one
half gallon or gallon site or Re extra with
pint or qnnrt. WE GUARANTEES SATIS
DEATH to bugs.
Ttvor hofir nhnnt FJImlnntlim? IT
CURRS RHEUMATISM ! Money back if
it fails.
E. T. YATES, Propr.
1e V. rtVlnn C3e fkmnfen TV rv Ant
jqvii ui ill viiliMBJ pin., viiiauon a i i-
147 and 797. 24th and N. Sts., South Omaha.
'Phone No. L 6lh Ave and Main St.,
Council Bluffs. "Phone 833. All goods de
livered in either city absolutely free.
J! iwmA
We're selling refrigerators pretty fast
these days, but we really think wa should
sell more of them. Our $9.00, $11X0, $U0
and $K.0I stylaa are suoh fetching bar.
gains that you'd tray them If yo aaw tham.
On Alaska
Wbita Enameled
line, at, $11X0, $3100 and $2.00 rp
resents the greatest perfection In re
frigerator building. Let us show them
to you.
John Hussla. Hardware Co.,
4OT-0 Cuming B.
It yon buy It of Huasle to right, I
Beer ,
In a Wheel Barrow
It wasn't bo many years ago that our
entire output was delivered in a wheel
barrow. We started on a small sea 1a
Today It requires our own special rail
road refrigerator cars to supply the de
mand (or
aQ oyer the wnst Doeaa't this satisfy
you of the excellent quality of our beert
Try a caae In quarts or pints.
On BaJe an Dinfan- ana BaSei Cava,
Fred Krnz Brewing Co.
tnaWi ManeJ fswwr.
HetepbeMM 430. OMAHA,
' On Dolla Tea .
Ready for
the Ball?
If you are going to the
Auditorium Ball and haven't
anything to wear on your feet,
you will do well to call at this
atore and ssee the very swell
and stylish Slllpers and Ties for
party wear, we are showing.
You can surely please your
self at this store, with our big
stock of dainty Ties and Slip
pers of correct stylo to select
from, and the reasonable prices
for which you cun buy the
really high grade footwear.
I You Can Get a 4
very easily these wet days, but the
only way to get a good SHOWER
BATH when you want It Is' to use
one of Howell s Bath Sprays, fit any
faucet, attached or detatched in a
eeoond. Price, $1.26.
Rubber Sponges. 40c to $4.00.
T Sea Salt, pounds 26c
Nail and Hand Brushes we have
a nne una oi extra gooa values.
10c to 5"o ,
50o Lithia Tablets Xc
Lee's Corn Stamps 10a .
Turkish Hath Soap, dozen 1X
One pound Absorbent Cotton .;....26o
Oriental Cream $1.15 4
16th and Capitol Ave.
Greif Safe of
. Grttt Sale of
I fork now on
Great Price Concessions
in all Departm'ts Monday
119.85 bedroom
emit swell top
drawers in
dresaer & com
mode, 24x20
bevel plate
glass mirror a
great snap, at
Oak chiffoniers, 5-drawer with glass, $6.50, 7.h..t....4.85
$5.00 solid oak extension table ....... .3.85
$8.85 solid oak extension table ......... j6.50
$ 12.50 Bide board a snap at .................. .0.50
f 17.50 solid oak side board, at 12.50
$1.00 dining chairs, with wood seat, at ........... .75c
$1.25 oak dining chair, with cane seat 95c
Quarter-sawed oak center table, polish finish, 24
inch top, ?2.00 value, at 1.25
Music rack, worth $1.95, at 1.00
The greatest Iin: of Iron Beds In the city at, from, $L50 up.
I J J J, J r A-
Ladies' Hose
About 500 dozen pairs of
ladies' lace and fancy
stripe hose all colors
and black, worth np to
50c per pair will be on
sale Monday,
at, per
pair ....-
An immense line of men's hand
kerchiefs, the entire stock of a
large Jobber, secured at our own
price. They come in linens, cot
tons and chin silk, both plain and
fancy borders 250 values, will be
on sale Monday, at
5c each
Street Hats
Monday's Bargain Feature of
Hay den's Millinery Depart
ment is the sale of Five
Thousand Two Dollar
trimmed Street Hats at
Worth up
to $i0.00
On sale
Spectacles And
Correctly Fitted.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Worth up to
Miss This
DR. BRADBURY 1506 Farnam
DENTIST. TEL. 176. We tKMitlvwIv remove
fourteen Year
6a rae Location
We have put on sale, In the Candy De
partment, one hundred thousand sticks
of Standard Quo, at
20 sticks
fOf.eaaeaeee. stiM aeeeee
ma bucks
(Regular price, lo a stick).
Stick Candy, 2 sticks for...-. En
Pittsburg Mixed, lb Wo
Chocolate Drops, lb.... 13c
Zenith Mixed, Ib..............-1
Salted Peanuts, lb.....
Candy Dept.
Ivory Woman
U tateraMd a ushm innir
i stoat in wou4.rfaj
I MARVEL WhlrlMi spray
Its nw it
L tasee4-rtia.Be-N
nt-MMi mnami,
Uk imr ar a,
If h. MiKnoi .upplf the
eifc.r, m .Ma mi
lllBatnw IkkjR RftTM
Vtlu.Dl. to Win M n HI -w J
iuks., sarh. iiiinii'
For sale ry
Chicago Sts.: Bo. Oinana. sua ana oiej
KUHM CO.. 16th and Douglas Street
food iNSpracron.
Office and Infirmary, Mth and Mason Bta.
Oaf AHA, Maus. ft-elepbene tv,
Painless Extraction
Without Oas.
Pllllncs 50e up
Gold Crow as, $2. SO mp
JBrtdr Wrk S3. SO up
Lmdf Attendant
or ires from teeth with
out I be tenet particle el
pain. Plate $2 up.
Open Saadaya 10 tell
For Ward of a Nail
at the right time many a good building has gone te rack and
ruin. . Is there anything that annoys a man more than to
have a window eora broken and stay broken, or a door knob
off, or some little trifle that would take toe right man but a
few mtntttse te repeirt
wakes Its boast that its tenants are not
ubjeoted te this sort of annoyance. Its
aarpe as mechanics keep the building oon-
stantly in aa gooa repear mm w -
flrst tenant nwwea In.
Isn't this the place where yon ought to
hate your office? Let us ahow you around
lad you will need no further argument
IL C. Peters Co.,
Rental Agents.
around Floor.
(Pee Building.
mT Via X. M S,"" w 1
iu i vi
1 r f I
? !
. t