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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1904)
10 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 81, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES Alti1lwiti for taiesa calasaa l will a taJtea ant 11 IS m. far the edition an4 aatll f . a. for tba ralna- aad flaadar edttleja. BatM, 1 1.2a a word llrst laaertlaa. la a word thereafter. othln taken fa loss thaa SOj far flrat laser . tlaa. Tars1 advertlaeaaeata naaet be tam eaaeeentlvrly. tared cheek, caa hare aaswere il 4mH o a a am be red letter la rare ' af Tha Bee. Answera ao addressed Will ba delivered aa preaeatatloa of MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bids-., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in al branches. Catalogue free. B 223 STflN'P WALK6, 6c per foot; cheaper 1 vylL than wood; macadam drive Ways. L. D. Van Court. 1902 Wirt. 'Phone lax. K Jit FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY CO. TeL 1812. y KtM;H Je9 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllbin lfti Kniam and Opp. Union Utlon. Tela. 784 ana 1613. R fc TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8S30. R-fctf Champ, Carp. Clean. Co.. 718 a 14th. T. Wo. R in nBILVER. NICKEL Plfttlnr. Om. vJULU Plating Co.. 15u8 Harney. Tel. 2h35. R 228 CITY BA VINOS BANK pari 4 per cent. R 229 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, eccommodat Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 230 ANTI-MONOPOLY aGrbage Co., 1621 N. 16. Tele. 1779. R 231 EXPRESSMEN'8 Delivery Co., moving- and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1196. R 232 LOCKSMITH N R-233 i:artrir Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. CieClIlC Christenaon, 2221 N. 3utn. Tel. 16i9 R-234 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON, In the Bee Bldg. R 235 SIGN painting. S. H. Cole. 1301 Douglaa. R 236 SPECTACLES, 11; examination fre; 80 days only. U. 8. OpUclana, 308 N. 16th. R-237 CARPET cleaning. Tet. A-1847. J. Wood. SOU Clark. R-23S STANDARD Filter. 1301 Farnam. Huber. Tel. MIS. R 691 J22x JPERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg ; no in terest; honent values; easy terms. Tel. 701. R-239 r CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. ni SO. UTH. - 'PHONE ;m. carry your soiled linen? Our waaons rail and deliver same. Collecting every thirty days. - R-323 J28 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 11M N. 26th. Tel. 8747. R-240 STOVES STORED 1207 Douglas. Tel. 960. Omaha St. Rep. Wka. . , v , , i. R 841 Da SLAB A UGH, Dentist, N. Y. Life Bldg. ... . .... R 242 BICYCLESl BICYCLES1 JDMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th. and Chicago, - .. R M3W BARGAINS Uncalled for suits and correct trouaera, 1617 Farnam, upatalra, room i. Aak for Forman. v- , .. R M3S4 SIDEWALKS ,. . ' AND CEMENT FLOORS, AT COST M'WILLIAM BROS. tn-1 Paxton Blk. 'Phones 3360 and imos, n ' ' . RM -366-21 BUSINESS CHANCES iWHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange four property or business quick, aee J. -Vl. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Vhone L227U, Y M4M POOD BUSINESS CHANCE-Let us tell yo of a. proillabia investment of a small amaunt of money that will yield you good returna. Can be .taken care ot In addition to your regular work or busl ajese.' Address Tha .bumo Co., Omaha, Web. Y M369 Je3 BHOLEtVARMSTRONG CO., 72J N. Y. Life. Te 44. Y-244 1BBOTT-COWAN Co.. 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. can (et you In of out of business. - . Y-245 9lv1nkrP'RI131fi OF HASTINGS 6c Cl J1U WlVi-ijjur, Cushlns Gauvreau. Dlstb. Y M319 J3 fOR SALE1, fresh stock merchandise, first class condition; . dry goods, groceries, , boots, shoes, huts and caps, splendid lo ; cation; a gncot bargain if sold within 80 . days. Writs Pool tt Colbert, Wabash or Weeping Wartr, Jsb. Y M'k'i 81 TOR SALE, 6-rocm hotel, with 8 fine lots; , .only hotel in tow; good, business from start; fine well of water; greatest bar , gain in ths stste. Write Pool A Colbert, Wabash or Weeping Water, Neb. ' ' Y-M3K8 81 (WANTED, stock of general merchandise of Uom 16,000 to 810,000- or exclmtlva dry toods, well located for business; none but us owner need answer. Address M 9, Bee. ' Y M364 SIX FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS llORSES for sale; 2d-hand hsjtteas and vs . hides cheap. Melchlor s fcUal4 . sol 8. lth ,. P 273 Miinlly horse, carriage, cheap. Sam'l Burns. ' ' ' aatrt Jell K BUOOIES. wagons and all kinds of rigs as half price. A. Frost, 14th and Lsvn wrth. f-279 BKIJ4NO out buggies, wagons, harnsaa, at oos. Anderaen-Ailllard Co., 1&16 Capitol. P 844 Jail SVAOONS! Delivery wagons!! Don't tall to tie them. Tha largest assortment in tha west at wholesale prtoea. Johnson A . lJantarih, S. W. cor. 10th and Jones sts. P M2i7 Jel4 ' a NEW runabout top buggy to trsde for driving; horse. 811 N. lblh. P37 FOK SALE Either separata or together, N. P, Munterferlng's cheatnut-aorrel pacer Itsn, burjry and harness. Inquire lietls Bros.' bai-n, 16th and Capitol a vs., or rooir 14. WlthnaU block. P-M7W irETt'BlNAatar DENTIST J. W. Roquet. 614 8, 14th. - P-M701 J 23 BUYI!0 auhnmoblle, will sacrifice tins coup rock away for tllS; runabout very Cbrapl rubber lire. Address M i. Bee. P M1U 31 WANTED TO BUY lliONFELD. tha ANTIQUARIAN. IC2 N Y. Life, pays hlgliesi pi ice for books. Tel i-i-t. N-243 WANTED TO BUT IOU8K for moving. Must bs In fair condition aaal price reasonable. State else, location and paVa. Addrena M X, V. J Wuik 1. JkANTEI Horar. aboul 1.100. Call or ad dress a2 N. trUl. south Omaha. . N-M209 SO rANTElVT bur, feather beds. M- Aus ila. UA CuiiUui . alvhooa !4-,7. H 219 tlx WANTED MALE HELP MOSHER SHORTHAND la a vast Improvement on the old Fltmanlc systems. Position writing slant, and shad ing are eliminated. Ptudenis master u in half the time and make hotter snograrh ers. The expense Is lsa and the positions to r nan far better. Investigate it Catalogue free. Address, OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas. B-251 MEN to loarti rarhr trad, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST, largest and only re liable, most practical harber college in mis section. Write for catalogue kjiuj. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, jnd B 258 WANTED FOR tT. 8 ARMY Able-bodied unmarried mm between ags of 21 and 36; cltlxen of United States, of good character nnd temnerate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting .mrr, inn and Dodge Sts., Omaha, or Lincoln. Neb. A LIVE man of good address out of cm- plnvmenr can secure permanent position and srood watrea: references required; experienced solicitor preferred. Apply at w. A. mxenoaugn, oou ware oioc. B 818 WANTED Wagon teams to haul dirt from graaes at ,xn unu riTinemn n.c. Inquire on work. D. M. Owen Co. B M34 WANTED Immediately, a man to do wood work and blacksmlthlng; none but first-class man, and no booxers. need ap ply. E. 8. Scown, Nebraska irv. jvo. B M846 81 x WANTED, blacksmith helper; one that can "n'K on tn noor. w. u. t. . wiKwur, Fnlrbury. Neb. B-M201 Six AMERICAN Barber Collere. Omha. Neb: Write for free catalogue; it tells every thing. B Mill X MOt.KR Barber College. 1J02 Doualas at, wants men to learn naroer traoe. rew weeks completes: practical experience; ciiallfled teachers: tools given: wages Saturdays: dlnlomaa granted. Positions guaranteed. Call or write. B MS7J JeSx WANTED, to hire a proceaser who thor oughly understands canning corn, tomt toea. green beas. pumnklns and squash. Writs to Lock Box 11, Lupton. Colo B M362 WANTED, for largest department store In Kansas, nrst-ciass aa man. wno unner standa catalogue work. Address M 47, Bee. B M857 81 WE need men and women of character and ability to fill good positions, sticn s managers, salesmen, bookkeepers, stenog raphers, etc.: aak for plan and list of vacant positions. West. Ref. A Bond Assn., 840-841 N. Y. Life, "Man Hunters." B-M363 81 WANTED, nonunion railroad telegraphers. Apply room 10 victoria notei. BM3S8 1 WANTED, a good salesman to represent us in umana ano eurrounaing territory; uo eral pay to right party; must be a mem ber of lodges. Address Qulncy R'gslla Co., Qulncy, 111: , B M381 WANTED FEMALE HELP SO GIRLS. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C Mi4 WANTED Experienced cook. Mrs. John a. McBnane, Jjoage. u ma so WANTED Ladles to learn halrdressing, manicuring or facial massage. 4 weeks completes. Practical experience: quali fied teachers; diplomas granted; posi tions guaranteed'. Call or write Molor College, 1302 Douglas St. C M971 Je3x WANTED Capable milliner interested in laying business proposition, lock Box S3, Omaha. C M178 31x WANTED Housemaid at 3620 Farnam street. C M1.9 Six WANTED Experienced white girl to cook ana ao general nousewor. zuu uougiaa. C-M214 8 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG woman, ex-school teacher, wants situation aa clerk in general store, small town; good rsterences. Address L 49 Bee, One wno answered this ad please write again. A M171 8x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ID-HAND sale cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co., Omafia. y a FOR SALE Several scholarships In a hrst-class stanaara scnooi in umaira, comprising complete course in business, shorthand and lypewriung. . Inquire at Bee citlce. W ko2 IKK bALE Will sell at a discount a scnol- arshlp in one of the oeat umana businebs coneseS.' Address h' 16, Bee. Q Mwl TKUifHONis poles; long fir timbers; cheap chicken tenoe. 9wi Douglas. Q-MX7 HOG, Poultry, Lawn, Farm 4?fTd Railroad Wire Fence. Wire Works, 611 S. ltiih 8t. Tel. 1690. Q Mlos Jy8 UHAN1) safe. Swarta, Hatter, 114 S. Uth. Q 269 Jyi SAM'L BURNS closing out refrigerators. Q 3M Je3 LAHUK stock of new and second-hand automobiles. H. E. Fredriukson, Omaha, Neb. Q 339 Jei bMOKE Auditorium Brick, 6c cigar. Q-261 WE RENT ' Sewing maohlnes, 76c week. We repair and sell parte for every machine manufactured, , Second-hand machines from 15.00 to 810.00.. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1603. Corner 16th and Harney, Q 262 MY diamond ring, cheap; in pawn at Dia mond Loun Omce, 14ol Douglas; they'll show you. Q 263 CLOSING gaa fixtures at coat. Sam'l Bums. , Q M82S Jell FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, faaum Iron Co., Omaha, Q 264 FOR SALE Cheap, a fins Sohmer grand piano, slightly used: easy terms If de sired. J. C. Acton, Fremont, Neb. Q M677 J2 SODA fountain, Richmond, Delight Co., 13U3 Farnam. Q-727 Je2S FOR SALE Cheap, ink barrels. Apply press room. Bee building. J M724 x FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture, In good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose water, room luu. Be building. Q 624 I CAN contract to supply from 100,000 to 2O9.000 feet of first-class Washington red cedar lumber monthly; all slses, f. o. b. Address R. S. Coe, P. O. Box 1662, Brattle, Wash. Q-MK49 8 HEAVY Drummond make top buggy: also surrey and harness, at V4 value. Johnson 4s Danforth, S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones. Q M236 Jel4 COMPLETE line new and td-hand furnl t u is. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 2.S WILL RENT half of office, consisting of two largo rooms, to suitable party. Call 637 paxton block. Q M161 81 FOR SALE Hard coal burner, cheap. 2319 Vlntoti. Q MJ.8 4x BINOK'a sswlng nachlns for sale at 1M6 Dodge. Q M2Ut lx ' AUCTION! Household furniture, heating stoves, car pets, sideboard,- hall racks and other goods. Sold to the highest bidder, Wed nesday, Jun Ut, 10 a. m., 1667 N. lth St. Q-Z16 30 THE largest stock of DOO COLLAR FUR MHIIINOR. WHIPS. SWF.AT PADS. AX1.F. GRCABK and 11ARNEHS OIL DKKriSINOS In the state of Nebraska at the STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO. J. O. Kleaslng, prop-. IH-MI N. 25th St., South Omaha. UNION SHOP. Q kf&ai FURNITURE of six rooms, almost new flat for rent. InquUe aXieT - o'clock. 423 8. fclh bU O-JU Six , MEN AND WOMEN LOOKING FOR POSITIONS PLACE FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. E 2bS DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. K 269 11.26 PER WEEK. Do ran house. 22 8. 18th. E-i70 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fin rooms, laalea' cate, private dining r.; open nights. E 2.1 NICE furnished rooms, 3rd floor. 1420 Dodge, E 2ii THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam Sts. E 278 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 'Hie Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms ana smoiung parlors; appointments nrst class. HO a. Uth St., opposite Millard hotel. E 4 . NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur- msnea. bin n. iotn. muuoo jtt NICE front room, 82. week. 1717 Web ster. tu AIM! jell TWO nlc cool rooms; modern; very rea sonable. 1426 JN. nttl. Jlr-tlS NICELY furnished rooms for rent. 2639 California. E 804 1 TWO very desirable rooms. (22 N. 23d st. Hi M imx MODERN furnished rooms, one unfur- nisnea; board il aeairaa; walking dis tance. 'Phone L-2681. 820 S. 21a t St. E 859 PRIVATE family, nice, quiet location. eiegant lawn, wanting aistance; couple young gentlemen preferred; references re quired. 1234 Park Wild ave. E M158 80s FURNISHED south room, suitable for two. uj ieavenwortn. tc-Miw ux NICELY furnished front room, double, rea sonable. 626 So. Zlst St. E M187 31 LARGE well furnished room for three or four. 626 8. 21st St. E M188 31 NEWLY furnished front room, modern, board optional. 636 S. Z4tn ave. E-M1S9 81 Nit ELY furnished front room, double. 1812 Dodge. . E M189 31 x NICELY furnished rooms for transients; nrst nat. 7iz s. wtn. jc mub ix NICELY furnished rooms; reasonable. 1816 Dodge. E M206 lx JUNE L front room, modern; private family, oio is. zaa. m zu. Jelx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th ec Chicago. F 2o THS MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone b; nice, ugnt, airy rooms; ensuites and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 276 BOARD A room, 34; meals, 15c. 1619 Dodge. zu THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; newly furnlahed rooms, good board; rates reasonable. F-M426 je6 O. M. E. TEL. 611. MESSENUEK AND BAGGAGE. F M397 Jel9 FURNISHED rooms and board, 14. 2609 St. Mary's Ave. F M430 Jezo NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board. strictly modern, rates reasonable. 1617 Cass. F-M690 J21 PRIVATE family. 609 8. 26th ava. F-683 FOR RENT June 1, front suite of rooms. 1 single room; the very Desi or ooara; beautiful lawn: garden private home; references. 627 Park At. F 826 FIRST-CLASS table board. 622 N. 19th. FURNISHED front room, with board, suit able ror two gentlemen; mouern aeiacueu house, lawn and shad. 2216 Farnam. F M184 31 FURNISHED front room and board. 633 Bo. 23d. utiao ix NICELY furnished large parlor with board; modern conveniences, warning aistance; rates reasonable. 2020 Harney street. F 216 Jelx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR rooms, parlor floor; modern. 1608 a. zstn. u mout ROOM apartment, modern. 818 S. 22d. G 866 3x TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 1512 Cuming St. u l Jeix CT5 DEWEY AVE., first floor and bath, 826; desirable couple. J WANTED TO RENT WANTED An eight to tn-room house. xurnisnea; wen raroaui uwuiwi f erred; period three to six months. Apply Byron Reed Company, 212 So. 14th st. K--M851 WANTED To rent first-class 8 to 12-room furnished nouse lor tne summer; vvesi Farnam district preferred. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1330 Farnam St., Omaha. K-671 FURNISHED house or fiat, family of three adults, until neptemoer i. Aaurena, wun full particulars. L 66. Bee. K 681x PRINTING Hight Grad Work. nnnaa rlraf t.fmf I LINud I ALI lth bt. and Capitol Ave. HIGH. CLASS Panting at lowest price. Tel. 1262. . " - 247 M. SI RP LESS, Reliable Printer; estab lished L 12 ysars. U8 8. 13th .J D- job printing. Best work In city. Printing Guaranteed. 16U Capitol Ave. 248 RAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINT ERS 1103 Farnam. To dwliver work when promised .is our hobby. M249 GARDNER PRINTING CO., removed to ronmi i sua s, uaiijr ii.w. jj SALESMEN WANfED WANTED Experienced specialty salesman for patent nowuni aiivy. vwu tlon for hustlers, no snap. Exclusive ter ritory. American Box Ball Company, Indianapolis, Ind. M979 Js3 WANTED, experienced traveling salesman with estaDiisnea imae m i-vm.. im southern Iowa by stationary, fancy goods and toy house. Address M43. Be otfiom. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents in vry county to solicit subscription w ma TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; stead yemployment with assored good Inr come; agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make eally to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, l.eelutl'llng. Omaha, jrjll- FLORISTS HESB A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnaia. - L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Send for price list ol cut nowera tuiu ih. . 351 ALFRED DONAOHUB. JR., 160T Farnam. Tal. ' r3".'l STENOGRAPHERS r. J. SUTCLIFTB, 1(16 N. Y. 1 papoal- Uaaa. auavaoUona. Tel. aftil. . FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS On North 24th street. In good location. stores with flats above; rental, 32 per month. Price, 85,500. One of the best comers on Farnam street. brick bulldlrg, gilt-edge property. Price, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE M874 MY ARTKTin HOME The "Oem Of Clifton Hill." paradls for MViosslnna I n . i A..a an 4rO UV w, 1 1 1 Tent flir 1 rt raw JAarn rdlanSi abasSIV romp, ito It at once. 431 Qrant St. Rv, T3 a T-iill n a NEW MODERN HOUSE 2309 CALIFORNIA ST. K4.000.00 I rooms and large hall, best of plumbing and gaa Axtures, large bath room, laun dry, fine yard, artificial stone sidewalks around house. Immediate possession caa D9 siven. GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam. RE 465 ELEGANT HOME CHEAP Party promoted and leaving the city at once offers his elegant 310.000 residence jot Ask ns about It Immediately. HARRISON & MORTON, 913-913 N. T. LIFE. TEL. 814. RE M765 TWO brand new cottag-es, modern except lurcuLce; one i,suu ana tne otner z,4oo. 8H1MER A CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. RE 734 FOR RALB 6-room modem' house, with barn. 32,400. See owner and house. 1413 N. 85th St. RE 735 JeSx A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the asking. Writ or call for on today. Gas iteu Lna io., ii first Nat. nanx bldg., ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Home. Ten acres, with bearing fruit, all nicely seeded to alfalfa, Jl, 600.00. Five acres, soma fruit; three block from car, xi.zuu.uu. Two acres on pavement, a fin garden tract, fooo.uu. Benson & Carmichael, 843 Paxton Block. RE 843 IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Paclfla In Nebraska and Wyoming, 315. Uinta Irri gation co., umana. Neb. re M633 J a. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE, 913-913 N. Y. L. Tel. 814. RK-283 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. On of the finest 8-room modern residences In West Farnam district. 82,200. RE 282 MUST BE SOLD. Party leaving for California say get m any iair oner tor my s-room, an moaern nouse, not far from Mr. Korty s residence Price asked, 83,760. Harrison oV Morton REAL ESTATE, 912-ftla N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. CH,AS-Williamson Co., ifelfffK, ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP, 26c. D, W. Forbes, Bonesteel, 8. D. RE 285 MISSOURI LANDS. W. J. Clemen A Co., Clinton, Henry Co. Write us your wants. RE M361 Jelax GOOD cottage. : rooms, 2904 Decatur St., cheap at IJM. House 8 rooms, 2113 Grant St., 81,660. Cottage, full lot. 1707 8. 10th. 31.660. New cottage, modern, near 23d and Spragua, .'31.660. Four cottage, modern, on a good corner, can Da sold tor to.ouu. W. T. GRAHAM. B"Bld RE-780 1 COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE Known as Hazel Hedge One mile west of Florence. An ideal Sub urban home; 20 acres land. New, well built 9-room house, two bath rooms, com plete water system, three fireplaces; also C 1 . 1 L. . . , I -J I .. . 1)1.. ... V. n . r r rv - uwrii iiu ut.iier uuiiuiuhb. ir i vww plet buildings for raising chicken. PRICE $6,200. GEORGE & COMPANY. - 1601 Farnam St. .RE M119 31 If a girl loves a man, that her business, If a man loves a girl, that's his business. If thev mt married, that's their business. If they want a pretty home, that's our business, and we can show them. 72 acres beautifully situated, 3 miles of Pittsburg, Kansas, and 7 miles of the Missouri state line; Pittsburg has a population ot y,wu. all nice laying land, deep rich oll. good lmnrnvements. nlentv of fruit. Splendid water, 30 acres In corn, 20 in wheat, balance pasture, 346 per acre, wun crop. Gregory Adklns. Kansas City, Mo. 1040 Union Ave. RE M889 Six FOR SALE 29th and Decatur Sts., t-room house, renting for 312.00, and 8-room hous In rear, rent ing for 33.00 per month; also good barn, full lot. with city water. Baay payments. Make u an offer. KENNARD & LOWER 303-10 Brown Blk. RE M988 81 $12,500 Four modern houses, A 1. Repair, first class tenants near Hanscom Park, annual rental, 31.320, owner nonresident, a fin deal for a local man. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE M16J 31 t I . 1 1 0 Will buy a splendid home, welt located among home owners st W 8. 30th ave., 8 rooms, all modern, nice oak floors, best of plumbing, furnace, grata and mantel, gaa, cistern, large lot, nice shade, permanent walk and pavement, gocd barn. It' a bargain. , HENRY F. DAI LEY, Phone F3246, 801 Bee Bldg. RE Mam 31 FOR SALE, store building 34x76. barn 18x24: all In good repair; 10 fine lots In village of Wabash, first station west of Weeping Water; fine opening for general mer chandise; will sell regardless of cost. Write Pool A Colbert. Wabash or Weep ing Water, Neb. RB MSS0 31 DO YOUWANT TO SELL, A FARM? II you wane TO veil una wi rin;a isu th farmers and stock raisers about It, Ths l.u a n u.nt taa t hrtitiarH WV V a 4T , V4Vl bit viis sv - - w THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly gwea to (0,006 homes of farmors and slock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonabla price you will find a buys among them. The cost of an advertisement la siiii.ll 8 cents per ward in srpall Lv af S2.U br Inch UmIU large typa. READ THE WANT ADS. WHEN YOU HAVE A FOR SALE REAL" ESTATE BRICK BUILDING FOR SALE Southeast comer Bixteenth and Harney Sts. Dubmlt bid to GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RBM11S-21 Illu. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co, Ktr ZSS fum i - . . . . . . . . . .w. Ann nmq apartment nuiiaings v vne northwest comer of 2th and Harney iiwib, prraeni rentni srfaiu per mtint.ii. Three three store and basement brick buildings are very well constructed of fTesed brick and stone, well finished hroughout; 8 lots, 134 by 130 feet; best location in the city for property of this kind; belongs to an estate, which must make sale at once, and puts the price of S37.0u0.0ii. This proposition can be handled with 812,000 cash. R, C PETERS & CO., , Ground Floor, Be Bldg. K B-867 30 THE ROSEBUD Reservation Is open to settlement. Send 60 cents to Rathman A Keller, Bonesteel. 8. D., for Information and large map showing topography of FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th, Omce, loll Farnam. Tel. wrm. 1 i-f to PAYNE-B08TWICK A CO.. choice houses, Wl-dOK Nsw York Lit Bldg. Phone 101s. U am HDI mPC.In all part of tha city. The nUUOWo, p. DavlaCo., 608 Bee Bldg. U WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Van A 8 tor age Co. Tel. 1498. Oftice 1713 Webster st. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, .Barker bk. uai Hfl! IC.CC in all part of the city. R. C nUUOCd Peter A Co., Be Building, 1 293 I ICT your house for sal or rent with W' I. N. Hammond, Paxton Block. ' D 294 ELEGANT 8-room modern house. 31st and Cass sts., 336. Thomas Brennan, New tone J,iie Diag. u w 2227 Spruce st. C rooms, city water. 810, 812 Park ave., 7-room cottage, modern, ex cept furnace, win put in nrst ciaa snap. til. vi. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam Street, Omaha. D-M457 FOR RENT No. 1541 Park ave., opposite park, modern brick dwelling, 9 rooms: price, 340.00 per month. Inquire st 1115 b. ma st. J. Al. luonaraa uzjo 1943 8. 11th, 7-room, porcelain bath, gas CENTRAL, modern, 4-room comer flat. Tlsard, 220 N. 29d. 1-A1C 8-ROOM modern house, 613 N. 23d st. utejsta 680 South 28th st., 8 rooms, all modem, will put In good repair. KENNARD A LOWER, 309-10 Brown Blk. D-M983 31 Ts'INE-ROOM all modem, large lot, fin trees, good bam, 2618 Merc, nt a montn. Harrison A Morton. 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. If MIDf SI FOR RENT 2018 Douglas st, all modern; rurnaoa; nn condition. Appiy to F. D. WEAD, 1624 DOUGLAS ST. D-M161 31 FOR RENT 2009 California ut.; partly fur. nisnea; j rooms; large yara; can arter noons. D M160 81x . FOR RENT. Second floor, four room, 1800 Farnam St, IU.MI. Second floor, four room, 1811 Farnam St ll.OU. HOWARD KENNEDY A SON, 309 First National Bang Building. D-M75 31 FOR RENT 11-room modern house, in best of repair; fin yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport st Apply H. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge street D M173 81 FOR RENT. Large 1 4-room tnpdern home, with large grounds and nice shade, only tnree diocks from P, O., 876 per month. HENRY F. DAILEY, Phon F3246. 601 Bee Bldg. D M363 31 NICE modern 6-room cottar, lawn, shade. city water, well and cistern, xi. iftis nin- ney. u mjsj zx 9-ROOM house, with bam, at 1306 Georgia ava., win be vacant aDout juiy J. Apply C. H. xoung, ui8 uoage st. Tel. isa. D-M172 31 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612, and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. H. Buchanan. , 1-848 STORE ROOM, 617 8. 16th St Inquire of ciarx f oweu, xoio uapitoi Ave. icw FINE NEW STORE BUILDING. 1405 Douglas street, 22x132, first floor with sxyiignt in root; nweu front; nne ce mented basement; the two upper floors are 22x80 each; stairway from street; near all car lines; fin location. Will rent floor separately. THE M'CAOUB INVESTMENT CO., 1508 DODGE STREET. I-M385 A 310 office In the Bee building carries with It an ot tne conveniencea and advantages in the way of heat, light, Janitor service, alt night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A 810 office is now vacant. Call at once. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, Be building. 1823 IF A GOOD light is needed, we can show you a norm front omce on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of 320. R. C. Peters A Co.,. ground floor Bee building. 1-823 A PHYSICIAN or dentist will find a cholco or two aesiraoi room in the Be build In': Room 604 I divided Into a good-slsed wait ing room ana a private omce. it Is di rectly in front of the elevator. The price I 830. Room 216 Is UkewLa divided. It I on the secona noor sna nu a vsry pleasing ap proach from the broad corridor facing the court. The price I 316 per month, ft. C. Peter A Co., ground floor. Be building. 1-821 LARGE basement, suitable for club room. 1-217 81x DESK room, Including 'phon. Continental larar uo. 1 us ix OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, CIS N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664 9CI DR GRACE DEEOAN, 332 N. Y. Llf. Tel. zeas. ' a Fayett Cole, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. MRS. JOHN P. MU81CK. Osteopsthle Phy sician; omce, Douglas bioca. tel. zra 330 Dr. Farwell, specialty nervous diseases. 604 raxton. mi LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Att'y., 437 Paxton. Tel. A-znsi. -aw JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Llf bldg., rooms 304 and 819. Tel. 1KZ. ai SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A. C. VAN BANTS school, 717 N. Y. IJfe. Nso. Bus. A ftborthaad CoU Boyd thea ter. PERSONAL ACCORDION AND SUNBURST Pl.t ATINin Rtir.HINti. GRADUATING DRESSES A SPECIALTY UOLUMAN PLtAflNCi tU. 308 Dutbuiui bLK. . 'l.u 1936. I'-um J DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 3, lal5 Farnam. Dn-Tt-'CHVK Capt. Corniack, WJ Karoacn block. ii. AA. u ii MLblCAL i'hoa. J. Kelly, voice, Davidge DIOCK. u w Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quick' est Mrs. a. c. Aiara, ana iwutuu. NtlLLY-In ths name of beaven. won you come home? or the sake of your little ones, it only lor tnem, won t you coin noine r i ntu. U it Jlx LA BOOK, ladle' tailoring. 613 Karbach OlOCK. l BWi TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8530. PANJOR1UM Tel. 963. Cleaning, Dyeing u bo. istn. U-ll Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bldg. u iXt ELITE PARLORS, 815 S. 16th, 2d floor. u oia 'VIAVL,, way to heallh. 860 Be jBJ PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al- lowea on purcnase. ucnraoiier m uwicr, 1813 Farnam. Tel. 1625. U i TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 12th st u ais THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, iuis f arnam. utii STEINWAY pianos ar sold exclusively by ctcnmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam st U 818 . Dy worka up-to-date , U-31 "PAPA say he can' snak 'em off" Hute- on a New ratent Kim leas Kyecla: al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 213 b. itn ut, nxun block; factory on tin premise. u oao FENCING lesson given to ladlaa or gent at tneir nomas. uwenian system, uives you a superb ngure, nne complexion ana great strength. Professor, P. O. Box 222, umana. u mwb jeix ECZEMA SriL'Wwar Block. Scan. NURSES' COLLEGE. Denver, Colo., open Jun 20th; six weeks course; diplomas has no equal; writ. U M767 J7x WILL the young lady with brown hat ana axiri, tan snoea ana oiue warn, o waa introduced to arentleman in the Bos ton store Thursday, address M 26, Be omce 7 u osu aux CAMP GROUNDS. For outtnar Dartles. Tents and boats fur nisnea at reasonanie rates. excellent fishing. E. E. Sterling, Elyslan, Minn. U-M840 Six LADIES Ws will have on exhibition for on week a well gown trimmed In the latest styl Ruchines. Tou ar cordially Invited to Inspect am. . THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., SUITE 300 DOUGLAS BLOCK, Over 107 S. 18th St, Omaha. Tel. 1936. U 220 30x CONTINENTAL Cigar Store, base ball neaaquartera. . win. arnam. U M207 lx RfjQR PRESSING CLUB; 76c a month. IawOC Tel. 1978. 414 N. 16th St. U M761 Je25 NAT. Letter received; have paid alt out standing account and note; communi cate by wire or 'phone; must see you; need you to dispose plant to advantage. ED. U d Jlx THERE ar at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram oc ci gar. The first is: It is equal to any 10c cigar on ths market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. M A flN UTif""1 treatment A baths. Mme. JHrVJll C 1 IV. Smith, 118 N. 15. 2 fir. R. 2. U 628 J7X POOR vision, headache and nervousness 1 ,-'''lVured. by wearing accurately fit ted BDectaclae and eve L'lasaea. No charae for examination. Dr. Richards, 116 S. loin. U Zil it DR. C, H. D'LONG, Dentist, 352 Bee. u ( .lea EXPERT piano moving, lowest prices. Sclunoller A Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tei. 164. IT '-') t LODGES, dancing clubs or meetings of any Kina can secure a nuu in tne cue duiiu lng, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, electric light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peter A Co., ground floor, lie bldg. U 941 CRYSTAL Ice Co.. 1305 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. u-mim jeio HANDSOME widow, very wealthy, own beautiful home ana iar-a income, want Immediately good, honest husband. Ad dress Mr. A., St. Nicholas hotel, Chi cago, 111. U-M366 Six INSIDE Information Rosebud agency lands. to be arawn Dy government lonery; sena 81 for full information. Lock Box 447, Sioux Falls, S. D. U M365 Six A FRIEND wishes to learn the where- abouta of Blanche carieton, presumably working somewhere in Omaha. Address M 48. Be. U-MS65 Six MEDICAL MAGNET. PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At aruggisi, i. 323 HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tail, onerman at jucconneu, unuia. 324 DR. PRIES treat successfully all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced snd reliable. Addrest, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 151 1 Dodge st, Omaha. 816 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Uardrla, 2216 Charles. Tel. A2613. -336 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies aaoptea. in uooa Samaritan Hanltarlum, 728 1st ava.. Council Bluffs, la. 626 DR. HOSTETTER has removed to th 8. w. corner or aim and Leavenworth sia Tsl. 779. 603 Je6 PRIVATE home durlns; confinement; babies auopiwi. ran. it. xviii, iuu noor vn n. 16th 4 Tel. 3559. 324 Jel6 MEDICATED and electric baths, 1615 Burt st, second noor, room Z, Mrs. Iuvies. -M176 4x LADIES Chlchesters English pennyroyal Pills ar th bast Bate, reliable. Take ns other. Sand 4a stamps, for particular "Relief for Ladies." In letter, by retura mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. . PATENTS AND PENSIONS II. J. COWQILL Patenta. No fee unless successful, (is liitn, umana. jei. ir.ii. 404 PATENTS guaranteed. Sue A Co., Omaha, PENSIONS S. F. Moor a, 1623 Farnam. THIS FOR THAT WILL trsde sewing machln for typo, writer. Neb. cycle Co., 16th and Harney Z lia 10-1N. DISC records taken In exchange foi new records. Columbia Phonogrspn C . lti.1 Farnam. A 533 WHAT have you to exchange for a piano': Perflcld Piano Co., Be bldg. Tel. nl UNIQUE Journal; new Idcao, sales and ex changes; sample, 4c. Mutual Exchange, 1313 Howard. .Z 386 8 PHOENIX bicycle to exchange for some of the money you pay the street car com pany. Louis Flescher, 162 Capitol ave. Z-336 WEBER piano, slightly used, trade for horse and buggy. Room 7, Be bldg. Tel. 701. fc-M.'Zi IF THERE Is nothing In this column you want, put an ad. in and you will soon et It Z 161 IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, we will exchange new for it Tel. 771. Z MS1& 3800 AUTOMATIC REOINA music box, fancy case, to exchange for rlano (r pianola. Address K 13, Bee. Z Msid PHAETON and aurrey for exchajiKS. U1 Farnam. z &7 J:6 FINE 11-rileo dining rodm set; cost $70 H.-W, win sen or irane; Dartrain. Knter prlse Furniture Co., 102 S. 14lh. Tel. Z--870 HAVE a good music box to trade for horse ana narness. A duress Li Z8, Bee. Z-316 Jelx WILL trad fox terrier puppy for Irish mi, Auurna do, f, ei jeix MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you ar annoyed by numerous small Mils uiai nave accumulated during the winter It might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them nnd then pay us In weekly or monthly payment until you get out of debt We loan on furniture, piano, live stock snd other chattel and w mak loan to salaried peopl upon their own agreement to r Day. Our rates are aa low as any and a great ooai lower man some, uur sorvice is auick. and without publicity. If you have ealt with ua and are pleased, tell others, and If you ar displeased, tell us. , Omaha Morta-aare Loan Co., lit Board of Trade Rldff. Tel & (Established 1892.) So6 South 16th St. X 337 MONEYI MONEY1 WE LOAN MONET TO ANY IERSON residing in the city and holding a perma nent Doaltlon with a reanonalhle firm. ON PLAIN NOTE, NO ENDORSERS. ana at in lowest rates, on long uine, eaav oavrrent Dlan. We also loan ON FURNITURE, WITHOUT REMOVAL, Pianos, etc, at tha same low rate and easy terms. If not convenient for you to call at our office WRITE OR "PHONB TJS AND AGENT will call on you to explain our system and arrang loan at your residence. All business confidential. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., SUITE 611, PAXTON BLOCK. TLEPHONJglflO ,; If you are FINANCIALLY ' EM3AJ1RAHSED, come and have a CONFIDENTIAL talk with u. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X S3- MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton Blk. X-840 MONET TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, UIAMOMJS, HAJAlUHrH, U'l'C Wo charge nothing for making papers. Lowest rates and easy terms. ALL BUSINESS IS PRIVATE. Tel. B-2418. OMAHA CHATTEL 1XAN BANK, . 1404 Farnam St, upstair. ' 'Phone A-2113. . JW U LOANS. ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT TOU. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. , 807-308 PAXTON BLK. TEL.' 1411. X M795 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 prlnoipal cities. Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A 3 P. C. YEAR FROM 9100 to 36.000 loaned on your personal I note at 8 fbu ci;jn r r&H itAit. ah t good loans wanted. Call or write and get I my system. W. L. Eastman A Co., 1108 I Farnam, Omaha. X 848 I SALARY and collateral loana Templeton, 212 Bee Biag. Tel. zot. a-w MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc.. at hair usual rates. ir. friooenow, room 216 at 209 S. 16th St. Tel. B2264. X-345 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, norses, cows, etc. c. . iteen. itv a. 18th. - X-346 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley ian co., ukh rmui Bt. x ai MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loana, low rate. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. IMS. W-2i 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W 2b8 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Dougla W-2.9 WANTED, city loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-800 MONEY TO LOAN, Payn Investment Co. W-801 WANTED, real estate loan and warrants. R. C. Petera A Co.. Be bldg. W-atf 5 par cent loana. Garvin Bros., 1904 Farnam. . W-303 CITY loana. L. D. Holmes, 712 N. Y. Life. W-815 ML'8 CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER, palmist, 715 N. 23d, Tel. B-3345. S-333 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. 6-M286 Jelx MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady queen of clairvoyants; everything told past, present snd future; satisfaction or, no pay. 8u7N. 18th. B-Mj!L.Ji. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED C. JARL, 712 So. 16th street, M 790 J10 K. E. LAWRENCE, 2703 Leaven worth. 'Phon L1676. 416 J10 P. MELCHOIR machln works 13th and Howard. M-791 JelO WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow 8300 to $500, horn money, at 7 per rent, on residence; Omaha property; security ample. Address M 31, Bee. -M1K3 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should b read dally by all interested, as ehsngas may occur at auy time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Jun 4. 19U4, will close (PROMPTLY In ail caaoaj at tha General pusiofllcs aa fol lows: parcels-post mails close one hour earlier than tluakig Uiue shown below Psrcels-post malls for Germany clous at t p. m. May 80. Regular and aupplsmsntary malls close at orelgn station (corner of V.aal and Mor ton streets) half hour later than closing time shown balow, (except that supple mentary malls tor Uurop and Centra Aiusilca. via Colon, cluaa on hour Uur at Fureign station). Traasatlaatla Malls. TUESDAY (31st) At 8.30 a. m. for EU ROPE, per s. s. Krojiprlns Wllheim, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 7:30 a. to. fur MiTilt-ULAMB dirMil, 1 !