TTin O.NfAFTA DAILY PEE SATURDAY, MAT 2S, 1D04. RULES FUR LAND SEEKERS Imnfl 025os at Chamber. in Imai Circular Latter. rn n3 Ladies' Neckwear at 10c Turn over collars and tabs in embroidered J jf and hemslitched, neat and dainty styles II H Hf that ara regularly worth 35o each, at, each V V Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs at 12ic l -U Unwise" Ladies' and men's fine sheer quality all linen handkerchiefs, worth unto 35c 12ic each, very special for Saturday, at each COVERS OPENING OF ROSEBUD LANDS j fill Reaulremeats at (iTniil Clearly and Elaborately Forth Tfcert Need Be Ho Hliii. erstsusalags. CHAMBERLAIN. B. D.. May 27.-(8pe-clal.) During the put week the United States land office located In thla city has been flooded with Inquiries from ail sec tions of tbe country regarding the terms and conditions of the coining opening of the Rcsobud reservation to settlement. Thousands of letters have been received, and the number Is constantly Increasing. In order that the country may be In formed and relieve tbe burdens of the local land office Register C U Brockway today Issued ths followtntf otUulal state ment to Ut, bunilsr UNIT-, ofAiES LAND OFFICE: CHAMotRLAlA, H. D., My M. lM.- ISui.e but persons iiuaunad to make home stead entry will be -permitted to register lur in komuuiI lands in Uregory county, boutb LaoLa, opened by act of congress of April iU, 11)04, and the presidents ptOM lumaUon of May U, IM. yuaUfloatlons to make a homestead en try are: Not the owner of more than ltW acres of Isnd In any state or territory, clilsea of ths United States, natl.e burn or naturalized by first or second papers, ver tns age of 21 years or the head of a familyi bona fide Intention to make entry and comply with the homestead laws of the United States for own ue and benefit and not directly or Indirectly for the use or benefit of any o'her person: has nut sines August SO, 1690, entered un der t he public land laws of ths United States a quantity of land which wl'n a li'tral homestead would make more than Im acres; has not heretofore peneoisd or abandoned an entry urtuer tho huineleid laws of the United States. Ths following classes of persons may nsaks second eutrlee: Who prior to May 17, 1A made final (Ave yeaty proof and payment of tho pries of ths land In certain Indian reser vations opened by ths acts of congress Of March 1, 18s. Who prior to June i, 1900, lost or for feited a homestead entry. Who prior to June 6, 1900, commuted a homestead entry and paid the government price for the land; (such persons cannot cotnmuts a second entry),' Who prior to April its, 1904, relinquished l lost a homestead entry, receiving no , payment or compensation tor tnent or loss. ! .Persons otherwise qualified to make home- stead entry, who, heretofore made final proof and received final receipt for home- stead entry of lens than lt0 acres, maty I make an additional entry of a quantity of nu wii.cii Buura iu iiie auiiuvi vuitjr sumi nor. exceed 160 acres. I'ersons having a second or additional right should, before registering provide thehiseives with a memorandum giving the numonr and date of lorner entry, descrip tion of the land, office where made, and date and manner of Us disposition or loss, as the case may be. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors of ths civil or Spanish-American wars or ineir widows, may by power or attorney appoint nn agent and furnish hlrr. with a copy of dlsoharge or other competent evi dence of military service and honoiab:e discharge. Buch ageu'. can register for ons person so appointing nira oni, ano tor nun solf. No person will be permitted to register more man once, or in any otner tnnn nis trus name. Any person who shall transfer his regAitratlnn certificate will thereby lone all benefits of "h registration, and be preolua-d r.'om entering or settling upon any of said lands during the first sixty days. As soon as registered sach person will be given a oirtlilra'e of registration which Will entitle him to go upon and examine the lanl This certificate must be preserved and presented wltli application by those en'irUd to maks entry. Dated of regis (ration. July 6 to Jul 23. )94, both days Inclusive. ' ?lces of registration. Chamberlain, Tank ton, Fairfax and Bonesteel, 8. D. - Manner of registration, In person at the Mm os and, plaoes mentioned. , .s-. Drawing for right of entry begins July tb, uH. at cimmoeriain ana continues until f,e names of all persons registered have ;een arawu, s acu person win oe nounea by pos'nl card at the address given by him n-hen ho registers, of ths drawing of his narte, and of '.he time ha must present his application to make entry. The drawing will bs under ths super vision and management of the socretary of the Interior, through the commissioner of the general land otrloe and a committee ap poli.tod by him. Kvery safeguard to ensure fairness will be adopted. It Is not essential that persona registered shall be present st the drawing unless they wish. No one will gain or lose anything by ths time, place or order of his registration. Persons whose ntmes era drawn thereby secure the right to maks selection of ths lands, and homestead entry therefore. In the ore's? of drewli g, beginning with No. 1. ! Entries begin August 8. 1904. at 9 a. m. at Bonesteel, 8. D. Ths names of ths first 106 drswn will b called on that day, ths sec ond 100 n ths following day and in manner 100 on each day until ths lands are exhausted. If at ths time of considering his regular appl'catUn to make entry It shall bs found tht soy applicant Is disqualified from making homesesd entry, his application wil! be rejected, notwithstanding his prior regt-t. atlori. , Hono.-ably discharged soldiers and sailors of the clashes above mentioned, or their widows, mar fils declaratory statements by agents am appointed ry powor o: an at torney. An agent so appointed oan file for only one soldier or sailor. Soldiers whj file declaratory statements eitner in person or oy egnt must wHhln six months after filing ths sai-a make homestead entry for the trac. n'.el upon and establish a residence and reside upon and cultivate ths land for a period not lees than one year, which added to their term of military service In ths wars mentloaed hall be equal to five years. Within sis months sfter making entry the homeaUad claimant must establish a , resldenn In a house on his claim, snd thereafter reside continuously upon ths i n ill F V-f'i t" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o A Partloufer Coffee A For Particular People America's Cast Coffees Q Bold only In one pound fancy oar ton. . auusmrs and dust proot 1 1 20o PER POUriD) Subject to market Suotutloas. V Not! os ths ball ob Um packate and take do oUtsr. Tbe ltt ftr tst Mosey errrrri J. H. BELL A CO, 0 0 0 Ghleaga. DOCTOR StRLES & SEARLES Omaha. Mt. CURES GUARANTEED Quicker and for LESS MO NEY then otber SPECIALIST. cures all tpMial dlsestei of weu -kidney, bladier end dUeaww uf eroist 01UCU rulJJB jaipuia. eoree ou lody, la moulh. tocgus, lUroat. hair and ayobrow lulling ouli duu.iiear eomplelely frser. iVrlr(l Vl'Dt ruptured, enlarged aad ksot r HIIC85I IliSt iy yalne cured wUltsutout litis, pain wr loos sX tl.u Mevor tall QuLko.1 cure la Ue wortX Weak, Henoaj Un lTAXTS delilniy, sarLy tteoUue. laca vf vigor aa4 Silaiikln. Trkiment by tiM. 14 years Of BL'C-Ck-DD LL. PltAl.TlCK IN OMAliA. Cur af Hi leUi aiul ihUtfUM, Amazing Bajftims in Lakes' uits STYLISH NEW SUITS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SATURDAY SELLING. NOTABLE OFFERS IN DECORATION DAY APPAREL As a very special bargain feature for Saturday roe offer a tremendous assortment of fine spring style suits at half or less than half actual value. These are all new, stylish, up-to-date spring garmenU. Never such a sale in mid-season. Ladies $10 and $12.50 Spring . Suits at $5 si!!?Sfiiri Waist Suits Tho atunn'.ng suits rr summer wea? nothing bo popular tnd nothing nioro stylish iu appearance ti new cloth of gold- - . checli anl barred tnffetc, etc, now '.' sleeves, new plated ekl.ts at . land and cultivate tbe same for ths period of five years. ' , . . ,,. PdmIii Mosty and Fees. fro fee .Tata ver la reaui.-ed at the time of registration. Bach person must pro cur anil execute tlie proper aid neces sary papers for registration, for which notaries and other proper oftfcerJ"wlll be permitted - to make a reasonable charge of 26 cents for each person. The exe cuted papers na.ut be presented by t'ie person to tho registering officer. Those who become entitled by the draw ing to make-entry, must at the time of filing their homestead applications, pay the land office fees, which amount to fit for 160 acres, and In addition thereto, ft r acre tor tne amour.'. or iana em raced In the application. The fee for a soldier declaratory statement is n, payablo at the time of tiling tne same. which n.ust be In the order of the draw lntr. At ths end of two years, tiree years. four years, and wttbln s'.x moi.ths after the expiration of five years, respectively, from the dale of making ei.try the claimant must pay 78 cents per aore far the land embraced in Ms entry. Default in sny isyraent at the time it Deoomea aue ior elts all right to the land and ths entry will bs canceled. , Feo and price or tne land are tne same tn anlritm-a and sailors as other persons, sr.d payments of the same commence at the tin: or maaing nomesieaa euiry, fommatstlos of Entries. At any time after fourteen months of mniinunui residence and cultivation an nrvnn who shall have mide a homesteai entry for the lands In question may mike a commutation proor tpon sucn entry, upon r, ni the bMance of the purchase price for ths land- then remaining unpaid, the lend office fees and commissions, and In addition thereto $1.25 per acre for' the land, for ths privilege of such commuta tion Vpor. lands filed upon within the first three months after August I, 11)04 the corn. mutatloi prloe will be JE.25 per aore, besides fees and coirraimnoni, No per"- wi 1 be allowed to settle upon snv of the Rosebud lands until a'er Oc tober 8 1904. eiept those who shall mnke entry therefor pursuant to the act ant procL ; tarnation. ,m. . Register. Oaly Oi Braael Necessary. 8TTJRG18 S. P., May 17. Speclal.) There Rbs- been misunderstanding all over the stats In some way concerning stock brands, ths statsment having been pub lished that the same brand eould not be nsed on cattls and horses In the sams place. H. O. Anderson of this city, one of the state brand commissioners, ssys that ths samo brand may be used on both cattle and horses In ths same place, but that the brand commission at Us last session ruled that separata applications must bs made for sach brand; that Is, .the brand for each class of stock. This Is done so that horse and cattle brand applications may be filed separately. - Indians to Celebrate Fanrtk. RAPID CITT. 8. D.. May 27. (Speclat.)- Ths eagle will scream tn this city on the Fourth of July. The Sioux, Cheyenne and Crow Indiana hold their annual council her on that data and besides their tribal ceremonies they will engage In the white man's games and amusements that hsvs been arranged for by the celebration com mittee. Since the government Indian school was established at this place the Indians congregate here every year In Increasing numbers to attsnd the closing exerclsss and to revisit the once cherished bunting grounds of the Blsck Jillls. oath Dakota, leader Schools. HURON, a D., May .-Speclal.)-The local committee Is busy securing entertain ment for visitors and delegates to the Btsts Sunday school convention which meets here on May Si, continuing three days. Ths at tendance promises to be larger than at for mer gatherings. An entertaining program has been prepared. Take Trip ta Canada. HURON. 8. D.. May t7.-(Bpec4al.)-The United Commercial Travelers of this city will take a trip to Winnipeg the excursion to lsav Huron on Juno t, going via Min neapolis and St. Paul. Arrangements for tbe trip were eonsummsted by H. J. Rice, who will bare personal supervision of ths party. Mark Rain la Hills. BTl-ROIS, a P.. May 7.-8peclal.)-An enormous amount of moisture bss fallen here during tho past week snd prospects Cor 'jU cjtis wars sever better. This is a complete stock in itself ionable spring colore in blouse, Eton and military effects many of the jackets are silk lined, fashionable dress and . walking styles prettily made of cheviots, Venetians and suitings none are worth less than $10, and a great number are regular $12.50 quality Buits. Very special Saturday, at fis..d.$i7 Spring Suits ad $6.50 These are specially desirable and fashionable suits everything is right up-to-date splendidly tailored new colors all sizes and scores of late styles dress and walking styles in voiles, broadcloths, Venetians, coverts, English mixtures, cheviots, etc. new broad shoulder effects Dutch pleated skirts all jackets silk lined better than most suits for which you pay $15, at. Ladies' Exclusive Spring Here is an exceptional chance for $9.50 a remarkable offer oration Day wear. These suits are re markably fine grades of dress walk ing'suits, many skirts ore full silk lined, all the newest and handsomest spring fabrics- -worth up to $30 your choice Saturday at :. . hg Cravenette Coals New assortment just received, ve:y hnndsome coats, all the latest style features, for stormy weather and dress wear, at. APPEALS OF NAVAL CADETS Applicant! for Annnpol i May Now Tun to . y .. Nary Department. AERIAL TORPEDOES TO BE USED IN WAR American BotanUi Finds In Guate mala an Ant Which Makes War Upon the Destructive Cotton Weevil WASHINGTON, May 27. Several mat ters of Importance were conmderel at the cabinet meeting today. It, was decided, on the suggestion o' Secretary Moody, that hereafter the president or tbe Navy de partment would entertaid appeals frcra ap plicants for admission to Tlis Naval acad emy at Annapolis rom the decision of the medical examining board. Heretofore It has been a practice of such applicants as were declared by the medical board to be physically disqualified to carry their cases to the president or to ths Navy department In ths hope of having the de cision of the board overruled. Secretary Ta't presented some of the reasons far bringing to, the United States ot a delegation of between forty and fifty high-class educated Filipinos. The better class of Filipinos felt that In the exhibit of natives at the St. Louis exposition the population of the Islands was not repre sented fairly, as the Filipinos at ths fair were composed largely of representatives of the wild and uncivilised tribes. Enemy of Boll Weevil. The Department of Agriculture today an nounced that an ant had been found In Ouatemala that la an enemy of the boll weevil. It will be Immediately introduced Into the cotton states. The greatest s'g nlflcance Is attached to the discovery, which was made by O. F. Cook, the bot anist In charge of tropical agricultural in vestigation of the bureau of plant industry. Cabled Instructions have been sent to him to report Immediately to tho depart ment what asslstancs he needs in the way of men and money. During a trip In Central America last year Mr. Cook discovered a cotton grown by Indians which gave evidence of being immune from the raids of the boll weevil and on order from the department he latef began an Investigation In certain points In Guatemala and Mexico. Mr. Cook's Investigations have been In more or less accessible regions in the prov ince of Alta Vena Pas, Guatemala. The weevns are present mere, but tbe Inves - ligations show that they are unquestion ably kept in check by ths presence of an active enemy In the shape of large red dish brown ant, Mr. Cook's Investigations show that these ants spread themselves over fields of cot ton four or five to a plant and that they are constantly engaged In the destruction of the boll weevils. Aerial Torpedoes far War. The attention of the military and naval experts here, who have been closely fol lowing the developments of the war, has been attrscted to tbe fact that on July 29 the prohibition Imposed by The Hague con ference upon the discharge of aerial tor pedoes from balloons or flying machines will expire by limitation. It was with' tbe greatest difficulty that the powers represented at The Hague conference, through their military delegates, man aged to reach an agreement upon the rules governing war and this particular section was fought over, although It is ons of the few which the United States government accepted without reservation. Te make easier the reaching of an a gr ea rn. ut as to tne use of aerial warships it was determined that the rule should be tried for a period of five years and that period of time expires In July. Consequently new field is now opsn to ths inventor of flying machines and diri gible balloons, which may now outer Uis 821 every size and nil the most fash- Suits at $9.50 to buy an elegant $25 suit for Dec Shirt Waist Suits The dainty tub suits of chain brays cotton foulards, new trimmings, new summer ideas throughout-- fZfk charming effects, yjU at field of warfare without violation of the rules of war. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL J. Jennl Appoint jd Special 'Agent Land Department. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 27. (Special Tele gram. Julius F. Jenal of Hartington, Neb.. wan today appointed special agi-it of the general land offlc j a: a salary of $1,200 per annum. Mr. Jenal has been prominently Identified with the political affairs of Cedar county for many yean and his endorse ments on file at tlie land office Include men of affairs in that section of Nebraska. itural carriers appointed: Nebraska Burchard, Bert 8. Wright, regular; Charley rung, suDBtitute. Ong, August Bers-aulst regular; William Rudd, substitute. Iowa- Mason City, Charles M. Drake, regular; A. A. Halght, substitute. Missouri Valley, inomaa jjunigg and Elmer E. Bates res-. ulars; Ellen Duhlgg and Dale E. Fouts, sub stitutes, south Dskota-Ramona, Edward r. fuiwider. regular; William Edwards, BUDsutut. Springfield, Walter C. Macy, regular; Meivine c. Benedict, substitute. South Dakota, postmasters appointed Athol, Spink county. Uriel Enos, vies A. 8. Qlllett, removed; Center, McCook countv E. P. Waller, vice A. Sundberg, resigned; Flat Iron, Lawrence county, H. D. Willis, vice r-airicK uraoy, resigned. Wat Follows Orlat meuipoma orien, out never when T King's New Discovery for Consumption Is used. It cures colds and grip. (Oo, $1,001 sor sais oy nunn Co. FORECAST 0FJTHE WEATHER Fair and Warmer (or Nebraska, sued Adjoining States Today and Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, May Iff. Forecast: tor Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Montana Fair and warmer Saturday ana Sunday For Indiana and Illinois Fair Saturday ana Sunday; slowly rising temperature; freeh west winds. For Colorsdo and Wyoming Fair and warmer Sunday. Sunday, fair. For South Dakota Fair Saturday and Sunday. Ijoeal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA, May 27.-Ofneial record of tem- ferature and precipitation compared with he corresponding day of the past three i, ' x . '- 102. 1W1. mnaiimiin lemperaiurs.... ji 7H 6s 80 45 M 00 .00 Minimum temperature. Mean temnemture 49 CO .00 Trreo,P,tallon Record of temperature and ; preclpltj March 1, tatlon at Omaha for this day since Normal temperature 1HW: ...66 Deficiency for the day Total deficiency since March 1 Normal precipitation , Denclt-ncy for the dav! t Precipitation since March 1.... a $4 . .15 inch . .15 Inch . 8.0 Inches . .54 Inch . 1 61 Inch . 93 Inches T P. IS. Kxcees for cor. period, 1903 Deficiency for cor. period, 1902. Reports from Stations at Hi tt C M 2 -: 3 fi c : 3 CONDITION OF TUB WEATHER. Omaha, clear Valentine, cloudy North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy QJ2 9 71 .00 W i .00 6i 64 T U Hi T to j . 64 .00 7J 72 .00 7 74 .00 H 71 .00 1H 7 .00 "70! 72 .00 61 h .00 7rt 7S .00 To 74 .00 72 7 .00 7k, 4 .00 Bait Lake City, partly cloudy., . rtapiu City, clear Huron, clear Wllll.ton, clear Chicago, clear St. Paul, clear r veil port, clear Kansas City, clear Havre, clear , Helena, cli-ar , Plsmsrck, clear Galveston, partly cloudy ...... T indicates trace of precipitation.' U A. wax-mi; Uk.U jrwrecaater. Extraordiivary Sale of Millinery lomorrow we place on sale absolutely ntw andresh goods frow the great wholesale mil linery purchase. The stock was so enormous that we could not possibly show all on thefrst few days of th sale. Saturday we bring forward new goofo that have not been delayed before in this sale. TUo A Ills ItUrT W7U111 If JCAk AaA.k The-stunning new style hats will be displayed for the first nn Natnrrlnv na thnv wffru This is a grand comprehensive review of the most effective waist hats. Visitors to our will Bun a anlHiirHd Aqsnrtmflnt styles in millinery. The newest ideas in trim pssj med ready-to-wear hats in they are worth $1.50 and millinery department, at - Two Great Specials in Basement $1 hat for IOcLarge untrimmed gardsn hats, nata dr39 shapes, eta, In white, black and colored straws also ready-to-wear Q sailor hats basement, at Trimmed and RsaJy to-Trim Hats at 23c-The greatest variety In now2'5r braids white, blaclc and colors splendid values, basement....''' Ladies' Trimmed and handsombly ' late and and toques imart and trimmed at The new hata tor summer wear in the ST M MJ II 17 r the hats for every day summer wear and outing dozens of Bmart 7 A C( and effective styles prices f lXJ ggBfBasaaaHBSsasaaaasassaassBasaaaaasassi saaaassaasssaasaaaaaaasaawaaawaasawaaaaasssaasBsasssBasssBSBasasssBsasBBMSB Special SikIc of Silverware A Big Saturday Sale on Famous Silverware. Our Prices Aro p"ar Below Jewelers William A. Rogers triple Spoons and Ice Cream Spoons U0 recrular price 50o. at, e ach. William A. Rogers triple plate sugar Bhells and butter knife, jewelers AQo price $1.25. at, each.. OUTLOOK APPEARS BRIGHTER Retail Trade Stimulated hj VsatkiV and Business Genoral'y (SoocL MANUFACTURERS REPORT IMPROVEMENT Ra'.lra7 Earnings for. Month of May Slightly Behind, bnt Foreign. Commerce Shows m Gain at This Port. NEW YORK. May 27. R. O. Dun ft Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say; Retail trade Is stimulated by seasonable weath-tr and the industrial outlook is brighter on the wlio.e, although adverse factors 'havo appeared. The big dry goods auction sale opened with an unexpectedly large attendance and good prices were se cured. It Is particularly gratUylng to nots thai retailers, rather than Jobbers, have mads most of the purchases, thus providing prompt distribution into consuming chan nels throughout the country. Manufactur ing lines report a slight Improvement at woolen mills and shoe lactorles, and, while there is more Idle cotton machinery. It Is worthy of note that the lust Fall River statement showed very little reduction In dividends. Railway earnings thus far reported for May fall 1.1 per cent short of the same time last year, but foreign commerce at this port for the last week shows gains of $1,637, 200 in exports and 149.645 In Imports. It is Increasingly difficult to find en oouranlnu conditions Dertalnlna to the Iron and steei Industry. Ptircliuses are small . and frequently effected at further conces- j slons, although it Is difllcult to find dell- niteiy lower quotations, except ror nig iron, which now averages from 15 to $S a ton cheaper than at the corresponding date last year. Much structural work Is under negotiation and there is constant hope that substantial contracts will be placed, but thus far the tonnage is small and condi tions unsatisfactory. ' Considerable export business is under con sideration. This branch of the Industry will need to expand materially If domestic conditions continue quiet, or the liberal output of pig Iron will produce an unde sirable accumulation of stocks. Textile markets have Improved to soms extent the last week, conditions being not ably favorable for retail trade, while the orders for woolens and worsteds Increased more than the most sanguine manufac turers anticipation, cotton mills have fur ther curtailed production, and In a few cases quotations at first bands are slightly lower. A better volume of business is re ported In carpets. Although packers' hides are active and firm, tanners discriminate In favor of late saltings, which is causing some accumula tion of the less desirable qualities. Im ported hides are steady at the recent de cline, arrivals being promptly absorbed. leather Is quiet. Returns as to the New England footwear situation are Irregular. Failures thla wsek numbered 226 in the I'nited States, against ) last year, and 17 in Canada, compared with 7 a year ago. WINTKR 'WHEAT SHOWS GAIN Business Generally Shows Improve ment, Although Behind Last Year. NEW YORK, May 27,-Bradstreet 'a to morrow will say: The situation is rather mora lrrniiav Distributive trade, stimulated by better weather In some sections, has Improved, but Is still behind a year ago. Cereal crops, particularly winter wheat, show improve ment, but cotton reflects drought by condi tions in the south Atlantic and vulf u,i. while good reports come west of the Mis sissippi. The Industrial sltustlon is hardly so satisfactory, a slowing down being notsd In many leading industries; the number of Idle persons is growing and unskilled labor shows In some seel Ions a woeful lack of foresight and knowledge of real conditions. Current railway earnings continue to show declines from a year sgo. .detailed telegrams from western markets show a livening up of distributive trade, liotter weather Is stimulating retail demand at the south, but Is the northwest rains at some msrkets havs been unfavorable to current distribution. The rather better tone noted In eastern leather and shoe markets continues this week. I'ullnees in ths iron trade is responsible for a further weakening In pla Iron. It Is very generally a buyers market, but values ere low and third and fourth quar ter requirements will soon hsvs to be con sidered. Finished products are rather uleter, although there Is soms business ulna st ths west in light rails at reduc tions and in bars for the use of car builders. The copper market has moved lower this week, as hss lead. Wool Is dull snd In hand to mouth de mand at boston, New York anil Phila delphia, but Is selling actively at prlcea equal to or above a year sgo at the west, Uti ous-tiaU ot the" ifiiig wool clis re-s Ckee.4 W,veo4 If a 4c nnt. ahnnn in Iflfit oaillruav a great third floor millinery department nf thnsft fitvli.h. neat shirt this bit? assortment $2.50, on sale in Street Hats at $1.98 A great variety of th nw effects, trimmed with colored braids pretty spring and summer shapes, at... ..--s $7.50 Hats at $3.50 Many choice pattern hats made of lace chiffon, etc. in Colonials, sailors also a number oi very effectively 3.50 street hats ......... Duck Hats for Summer new French sailor shapes the Prices for Exactly the Ice Cream Soda William A. Rogrers warrantea extra piaro on uwkui ouvei o iuutw . and forks Jewelers pries W our prioe tor 12 pieces Rogers Bros.. 1847 sugar shells. Jewelers price J1.B0 our price -' a a ."" William A. Rogers price fl.2&-cp'4al ported sold. The dry goods market has shown more activity this week than for a long time. , . business failures In the United States for the week ending May 26 number 1C4, against 215 last week, 181 In the corresponding week In 1903, 163 In l!k2, 144 in 1901 and 145 In 1900. In Cunada failures number four teen, against fifteen last week and thir teen a year ago. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending May 26 aggregate 1,132,167 bushels, against 1.226,763 bushels last week, 4.677.678 bushels this week last year. 3.9C0, 64G bushels In 1902, and 4,138,970 bushels in 1901. From July 1, 1903, to date they aggre gate 126,992,611 bushels, against 204.163.81S bUKhels lest season, 228,899,914 bushels In 1902 and 189,839,163 bushels in 1901. Corn ex ports for the week aggregate 233,695 bushels, against 118,337 bushels last week, 1.178,739 bushels a year ago, 71,478 bushels In 1902 and 2,037,848 bushels In 1901. From July 1, 1903, to date they aggregate 49,948,20ft bushels, against 61,371,861 bushels last season, 24.406, 649 bushels lit 1904 and 161,555,813 bushels in 1901. KIDNEY TROUBLE AND BRIGHTS DISEASE Rev. Dr. Jones, of Houston, Texas, says: "I Was III Unto Death With Bright's Disease, But Was Completely Cured by Warners Safe Cure - i 'i . . , - -.?.,('a : iennsi ill us m i r-nr if RKV. W. J. JONES, Houston, Texag. 'The facts In my esse may be briefly stated. I was 111 unto death with Blight's disease. No medicine reached me until Warner's Bate Cure was prescribed. Your medlciue cured me. 1 see no advantago in going Into details. I am thankful for the cure." April 8, '04. (Rev.) W. J. Joues, IJ. D., 1411 Jackson Street. Houston, Texas. Warner's Safe Cure has been prescribed by leading doctors ths world over for more than thirty years as the only certain curs known to medical science for Hriglit s disease and all forms of disesncs of the kidneys, no mailer of how .ong standing. If you hsvs kidney trouble, or S'laprct It, or if sny memlier of your family In this or past generations has had kidney disease, your lite Is In danger. It's hereditary. Oct a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure without delay. All drug eloirs or direct, IXhi and fl a bottle. It will cure you and It's the only medicine that will. Cloudy urine or sediment In it when it stands twenty-four hours. Iiacharhc hiad.iche. no., sr cer tain signs of kidney trouble. Booklet telling all si out this great medicine snd some of the wonderful cures It has made and doctor's advice freu. 'Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, IV. Y. Beware nf so-called kldaey cures that renlsla sediment aad ara of bad odor. They are danavruue. Take none hat Waraer's Sata Cure. 'tint" fills move the bowels geutly ud aid a speedy cure. tlmej. Dtti. shirt i WaiSt( in loops, ribbons, etc 1 CH Very Stunning and Artistic Hats exclusive new patterns from the wholesale millinery stock wide variety of late spring styles hatt that were $10 and $15 your choice Saturday, at, each ........ ......-.--. S5 The swell new effects in duck walking styles just pretty bame .Pieces. horsesnoo Mna knives ana rorics. 2.49 .69c triple plate sugar tongs jewelsra L69c prlos ASSEMBLY VOTES FOR UNION Presbyterians Almost Unanimously 1 Favor of Joining Foroea with tho Csmberland Chare h. 13UFFALO, May r.-rlmmedlately after the devotional servloes today the dlscus slon of the report of tho committee oq church co-operation and union was re sumed by the general assembly of tho Prea- byterlan church of tho United States. After the result of the vote Is announced the dis cussion of the report of the oommltteo on territorial limits of presbyteries which wag begun Wednesday, will bo resumed. The a'lsac.bly declared In favor of union wiAi. the Cumberland Presbyterian church by a vote so nearly unanimous that It wag not counted. i ' V - S- ' . i t n t, ' . . t ; i . . , . " - , J "f 4 '