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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FJUDAT. MAY 27, 1904. E32 o it it iii hi 1 1 j filial i i - r s n n rn s? .. , HlMENSD NEW LOTS OP nn.A UVLI f ON SALE TODAY Never btfore did we have so many special remnant bargains as. we will place on sale in the basement this morning. Mercerized (kmuk Wslstlng Rem- 'rants One big- table 1 ' worth np to 6o ysrd A.nQ. t, yard........ mssbjsv Dotted Drapery Swiss f r" Remnants 1 big- table, 1 1 If regular. 19o kind, yard Very Fine White Lawn f ' 40 lnobee wide, worth I J nO 190 yard, at, yard 2 V Fine Percale & Flee Corded Qlng nam Ketnnante -regular 15o kind, new and beau tiful pattern , yard 42 loch Cham bray Olng hams One table, ,e,t, yard. 61c 36-Inch Light Percale Rem nant One table, at, yard Black India Unen-worth f 1 ivo yara goes at, yard SllkoNne One table at. vard "2 Mercerizea satines ana farmer , Satin black and all ool ors the regular 40o kind, at, yard Fine India Linen la Mill Lengths regular fifteen cent O 1 ki;5..,. 02c 3k 1 2k srmer's 15c OIN SALE IN THE MORNING ONLY Percales and Corded Madras We will sell one big table 36 inebes Ide they aro worth, In full pleooa, up to 2)o a yard 2lc the remnants go at, yard ss IN THE AFTERNOON We will IN TUB AFTERNOON We will sell one table Printed Lawns and pimltles worth in full pieces 12o yard, the 0C remnants go at, yard ami sell one table of fine Corded Olng- hams, In all the new neat F checks, In full pieces, worth ff 16o yard at, yard w ON THE MAIN FLOOR New 50c Dress Goods at 121c Yard Thousands of lengths or the finest waistings and suitings on bargain square enough for dresses and waists these are BOo quality new flannel waistings, nub voiles, f Al mercerized pongees; tub suitings, moussellne ll U 1 g da sqle, etc., In onampagne, white, plain and M dny fanoy choice at, yard,..;.......... C for 60o quality iJC dress jrood s 5c svery color sod style ot np-to-date fabrics 8 to 8 yard lengths. $1 Dress Ooeds at 49c Nub eta mines, granites, Panamas and Blolllans, extra wide black, white .- and all colors front bar- ACI gain square, at ...... '.. for drummer's samples of dress goods 3-4 and 7-8 yard lengths all styles and colors. basement sample , dress goods all colors and styles three-quarters yard lengths. ' 78c Dress (foods at 29c Voiles, etamlnes, Panamas, etc, enough for skirts and dresses, worth 76o a yard front bargain square, at, yard , Remnants of Laces French Vals, point d'etprlt Cluny laoes and bands Tarlety of widths worth np to twenty-five n C . 1t cents ysrd. st....... ...... IC-aejC-JC-1UC Embroideries All the fine lots of , embroideries from the Bt. Louis exposition stock, worth f Q. up to 81.25 a yard Medium Weight Embroideries and inser tings worth fifteen cents a yard, will go at, yard 2C REMNANTS OP LINEN. Short remnants of plain round thread linen suitable (or doylies and center up to si.oo yard, at a remnant pieces, worth Remnants of linen toweling I yard leagtha at, a remnant in 114 to ... 10c Remnants of bleached table damask abort lengths, worth up to 60c, for, a yard 5c 15c I J. L BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J w J IT WILL BE ALL RIGHT If yon take ona of our fountain vena with you to- use durinv vacation. We have a good pen for tt.00, a better one for tl.26 and tt60. A Waterman pea, 12.50 end W.60. These pens are all warranted. Spend a few minutes in our store. look lor ine name. , , S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1816 Douglas St WEBSTER OFOR BELLEVDE 'Otadldate for Vice Present Participates ; In Commencement Ezaroiisa, CLOSING BEGINS SUNDAY AFTER NEXT Btefco Wortfclma-toa Will Pveaca Ai. . Stsal Sewaiea t Gradaatlaa Clau tm Urowmell Hall at Trlalty Cat&adral. . 3bsananoament week at BeQevua eallege wLU vesin, Sunday, June & with the bao .alanreat sermon in the First Presby .tariaa. churoh at BeUevue by President Kerr ' and will eloae Thursday evenlns, June with the president's levea at Rankin halL .-v . Sixteen students will be graduated from the college proper and seven from the nor mal department. ' The baccalaureate ad dress Will be delivered Sunday eve nine by Bar. John A. Eakln of Bangkok, Slam. Monday and Tuesday the athletlo competi tion for prises will be held, while the class day esercUee will take place In the audi torium at Clarke hall Monday evening-. Tuesday morning the annual meeting of the board of trustees will be held, and in the evening there will be a recital In Clarke . hall. The library reception wlU be held at the Sam place Wednesday afternoon, and the evening will be given over to the Junior proea. John Lee Webster will make the an nual address at the commencement exer cises proper, to be held In Clark hall Thursday morning. The alumni and ex- students' collation and reunion will be held In' ZjowtI ball Thursday afternoon. J WtrtkUrtoa Cornea. BbAos) Worthlngton ot the Nebraska dio cese WlU'ceme to Omaha from New York for ' the " commencement exercises of BrownaU hall,- arriving June 4 and spend ing a. -week here. Sunday morning, June C hS wQl preach the annual sermon to the class of ten young- women at Trinity ca thedral, Monday morning exercises by the Junior class will be performed In the gymnasium, beginning at 10 o'clock, while from 11 to 1 the work of the art students will be on exhibition In the studio. In the evening the -students of the muslo depart ment will give a recital. The commence ment exercises and presentation 1 of dl piomas win be on Tuesday morning. In St Matthias church, and will be followed by an informal reception and luncheon In honor of the class at Brownell hall. The alumni will meet at t o'clock In the after noon. Invitations have just been' issued. The sixteenth annual meeting of the Alumnae association of Brownell hall. which Is set for June 7, will be an.un usually Important gathering, , as It will complete the gaining of a scholarship for the school. Mrs. T. I Rlngwalt will en tertain the members of the association Monday, June (, from 4 to o'clock. Tues day they will h given a luncheon at the hall and the business session follows. The executive committee of the association con sists of Mrs. Philip Potter, president; Mrs. Horace O. Burt, vice president t Mlaa Alice French, secretary; Mrs. Florence Voss, treasurer, and Mesdames S. D. Barkalow, Richard 8. Hall and F. Drake. Lame Back. - This ailment Is usually caused by rheu matlsm of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously- at each application. If this does not afford relief,' bind on a piece of flannel, slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick relief la almost sure to follow. Chteaaro sad Retire, Via St. Loels. 25.60. Commencing June 1st, the Wabash R. R. will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, good going via Bt. Louis, returning via any Chi eago-Omaha line. Stop-over allowed, at St. Louis. Only 11ns with station at main entrance World's Fair grounds. Request the ticket agent to route you via the Wabash. For beautiful World's Fair folder and all information call at Wabaah City Office, 1001 Farnam street, or address HARRT B. MOORBS, O. A. P. D. Wab. R. R., Omaha, Neb. To roe ark Sleepere. Chicago to Toungstown and New Castle, via' Pennsylvania lines, leaving Chicago daily at 7:10 p. m. Ticket agents of connecting lines will sell, you through tickets. -- Thoa H. Thorp, traveling passenger agent, room Z6, U. 8. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb., will give you full particulars. ... MRS. J. BENSON ". . . We've Got a Very Big Une ot SHIRT WAISTS Lawns, linens, cashlne, lace and silk. Neatly made lawns from $1.00 up. Good quality of linen, handsomely tucked. Prlco' 11.87 extra fine quality, handsomely tuck ed, .' 82.75 extra fine quality, with elaborate drawn work front and tucked back price $0.60, Cashlnes, in white or champagne, $2.87 up to $3.00. . : : v We are showing a large- line f embroidered and lace trimmed waists, from lowest price to best' ' ' China silks, from $2.60 up. Girdle or belt foundations different lengths and widths. Japanese Goods Toya, Delia, Here Kaereee Wasrene, Lewi S wiser, all laelae la ttifa tiltersinir aan iiTt tntr. Uc Jap Porch Pillows at.. Japan Screens, irom i-iM to, 25c Japanese tee pot", toy.. 15.00 Green Trading Stamps with each dollar purchase In toy and doll department. $5.00 Ore n Trading Stamps with each Express Wagon, large or amall, ff4r prices from tl.W to....0 ' 39c frrrvri) i.98 mmmi , . ', toe llMgj mi 39c 15c 16 00 In gren trading sumps with every dollar purchase In the Jap room. LAWN SWINGS We aell the very beat lawn swings made, A 0 prices from 19.80 to..-""' $10 00 in Green Trading Stamps with each lawn swing. On lswn swings you get the regular amount of stamps and 110 00 CKtra. o)R 3& n rr AN ENORMOUS PURCHASE OF PRINTS, GING HAMS AND WASH DRESS GOODS The firm of Sweetser, Pejnbrook & Co., for fifty years one of the leading jobbers of dry goods ia New York, are going out of business. They commenced to sell their mam moth stock by auction Monday last. We had our agent attend the saleand secure nearly $20,000 worth of the cream of their stock at regular auction sacrifice prices. As you all know, even by the fastest freight this enormous pur chase cannot be put on sale in Omaha in less than ten days, so be ready next week for the greatest bargains in Prints, Ginghams and Wash Dress Goods ever offered in Omaha. 2j 11 2 I the ?! 18 3! . telegram gfsS i S Mi : we lill I ft received 5 f fcV I I Tuesday lSn. . f - 3 T? v ;8 advising ! I the S n 1 1 6 V purchase it VI MLf ! J 2. r; ': by 1 White Qoods Worth Up to SOc Yard Friday 10a Yard. COO pieces very fine quality White Goods, Including dotted swiss, fanoy figured dimities, figured and striped lawns, open work swiss, fine Irish dlmlUae pret tiest stylee for dresses and waists not a yard worth less than 26c . . . tHr many run as high as too all go Friday yard avrw . At the Big Bargain Section Harney Street Entrance. M-lnch Table Padding worth fifty oents a yard ' i OCr only Bleached Muslins and Cambrics in lengths from two to ten yards En worth ud to luc vard only . Ow ..5c 7ic Twelve and one-half-cent fine Curtain Swisses only .., 40-lnch fine White India Llnona nice sheer quality regular lSVfao quality only MesLs Clothing Pepi SHIRT SALE OF THE SEASON These shirts were bought for spot cash for 50 cents on the dollar. Best shirt makers' goods in the United States. Wilson Bros., Lion and Ideal brands. 1,000 dozen men's and boys' shirts negligee, soft col lars, attached and detached collars. 50c values men's and boys $1,00 values men's and boys JJq $1,25 values men's and boys SL50 valuee men's and boys "... - On Sale Friday and Saturday A Grent Factory Reducing Sale of High Grade GRANITE . WARE i This is an Immense purchase. Goods hnvA iii wt heeti utilnnrlerl. Th sn1 will li a aoHaaHnM .fnr Plrfnir CI trri u mA in turquoise and mottled blue outside and white inside. . - . IP K-quart preserving OQvi Kettle JJy fSOO worth of Green Trading Stamps. 8-quart Preserving , A fin Kettle IO- $5 00 worth of Green Trading Stamps. 10-qua rt Preserving C O 0 Kettle ft)L S5 00 worth of Ocean Trading Stamps. No. 8 Tea y QOn Kettle ...OU 16.00 worth o Green Trading Stamps. 2-quart Coffee Pot , 43c K.OO worth ot Green Trading Stamps. 8-quart Coffee A C rot v..4yc S3 00 worth of Green Trading Stamps. 14-qaart Dlab Pan 59c H 00 worth of Green Trading Stamps. GetTin on the Green Sticker Sensations. r.lon'o $10 Suits THE BE8T EVER SHOWH ANTWHBKB FOR THE) MONET. We place on sale today a lot of fancy all wool men's pure Worsted Suits, made as good and trimmed as well as the finest stilts eults for whloh nearby stores will charge you at .least flS-00; svery Improve ment that a high-prloed tailor can put In suits are there. It's one of those rare op portunities you ought to take advantage of. MEN'S ITW SUITS. . We also place on sale 4 more additional patterns in our line of suits; sale price CT.60. Tou can see them exhibited In our side window as you enter the door. ALFRED BENJAMIN SUITS AIM. We have taken several numbers of Alfred Benjamin Suits and reduced them from 115.00 and tWM to H&60. Alfred Ben jamin's Suits are made to be retailed for whole lot more than 111 CO, and every one of these suits are the equal of what a tailor makes to your measure for from tS.OO up. Gusrsnfi. Clothing Co., 1519-1631 Douglas BC For Friday and Saturday only, we offer men's all wool blue G. A. R. Jits at tS-OO, In round or square out. O. A. R. Buttons thrown in free. M-l-sr-B- DIAMONDS wsi i Specials for Friday. $5.25 ..$12.00 1 SINGLE 8TONS DIAMOND RINGS I TWO 8TONE3 RINGS ONE) DIAMOND Just the things for Graduation Gifts. Gloria Is the Best Lining Sateen Made. iilMV lyEWs THB hkliablr storb. Gloria Comes In all Shades. Try It. Friday is Remnant Day in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room THB 8WEETSER-PEMBROOK F1NB WASH OOOD8 LINRNfl AND DOMES TICS WILX. FE ON SALE, BOTH IN WHOU) PIECES AND IN THB RBMNAM a WHICH HAVE) ACCUMULATED DURING THIS BALE 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT The air dear and temperature neither too hot or too cold an Ideal time for paint ing. If you use SHBRWIN-WILLXaWS MIXED PAINT you surely will get a good Job. This is the paint from the factory established fifty years agov and its the ACKNOWLEDGED STANDARD TODAY, EVERT GALLON OF BHERWIN-WIL LIAMS PAINT WILL COVER 800 SQUARE FEET TWO COATS. 1 gallon 8.-W. C. Outside Paint.. .... ..Vfl M 6 gallon can S.-W. Co. Outside Paint... 17. 76 1 gallon can Commonwealth Born Palntt.LOO pint jsnamei, lor onaira, oeasteaaa; etc - SSc J4 pint Buggy Paint..'. too 1 pint good Varnish.................... SSo 1 quart varnish stain - , 70c 1 auart Floor Paint eoo S gallone Cresote Paint $4.60 i inis is enougn tor a out oarn.j 1 pound can' Crack and Seam Filler tBo 1 quart Ruby Floor Oil 0a 1 quart Graphite Paint for Iron fences.. .60o We have ' PAINT. VAJWI8H and ENAMEL for every purpose. No job too large or too small. t , ' CALL FOR COLOR CARD. Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go. Corner 16th and Dodge Bts., Oroaha. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN & Raiiway . St. Psul-Minnespolis Limited TTHE only electric lighted train to the Twin Gties. Equipped with new Club Car, Pullman Drawing-room-Sleeping Car and free Reclin ing Chair Car, Leaving Omaha 8:30 p. m.. Council Bluffs 8:52 p. m., ar rive St. Paul 7:20, Minneapolis at 8.-00 the next morning. Tickets at 1312 Farnam Street, er Union Station, Omaha. Diamond Rins for Enaement Ws make a specially of1 twa rings the Diamond Solitaire Engagement King and the Old Kngllsh Wedding Ring. The former binds the bargain and the latter tlea the knot. If you have the girl we have the rings. We carry the largest, flneat aa4 Most Complete ' Stock ( Loom aa feast ed Diamonds ia Oaiaks, Bron & Borsheim, JEWELERS. tZ3 8. 10TH ST. PARASOL SPECIAL ' $1.50 and 1X00 Worth from $3.50 to $9.00. FRIDAY AID SATVRDAT. . Ed. F. Pickering, to lata st. . 30o and Xa linen colored batiste, lOo end 15o French dlmltlee end organdlrs, lo. the and 19o orgaolles and lawns. o and SSo esforris for shirtwaist suits and other goods worth up to He t yard, IClc all will go In this sale at. yard vW Andelusla batistes, perfectly fast colors, finest variety eells at 12W everywhere . Alcaae woven stripes, worth 19a, handwork organdies, etc. goods that sell everywhere at Ko-all will go In this 71 r sals at. yard Irish lawns, domestics, batistes, apron and dreas ginghams. H-inch percales and other goods worth up to UVso - Rp at. yard uw FROM TO 11 NOON. We wUI sell remnsnts of wash gond worth up to SOo, oxford waistings, mercerltrd walatlngs. eto., ON all will go at, yard ... ahj FROM 1 TO 1 P. M. We will sell full standard calicos worth sc. So, Ho a Jrard, and only U r ten yards to a customer, at OJW 1,000 bargains too numerous to mention. Black wove dress Inches wide, from ten yarda to a customer at, yard goods, double fold, 40 J to 11 a. m., and only 10c Omaha's Largest Linen and Domestic Dept. BLEACHED SHEETS reedy to use, n. iH, regular SOe values rSc on sale at . Remnants of sheeting, In lengths of I to yards 1, and H.. bleacnea ana un bleached, regular tSo to 6o tFkC values, on sale at v. REMNANTS OF PLEACHED AND UN BLEACHED MUSLINS, regular ftc so to 12e on salaat .vii.' . REMNANTS OF TABLE) LINENS, In lengths of I to Vs yarda, on special sale at leas than cost. . . EXTRA HEAVY BROWN LINEN CRASH regular o values Krj on sale at . w WHTTE INDIA LINONH, from the great Bweetser, Pembrook stook, from lOo to Uo a yard. ENGLISH LONO CIXJTH, regular 12V4o values, on sale Friday fH wV U yards for I.UO ? Ths largest stock of white goods ever shown in Omaha, oomprlslng the very lat est designs and prices, that will surprise you, go on sale Friday In our large do mestlo room. We are headquarters on linen ehlrtwalst Ings. Prices ranging from 2So to 89c yard. St and 46 Inches wide. Flannel Department Remnants of Plain White Wool Flannel and Etnbroldered Flannel at lass than oost Remnants of OTto Shake Flannel, at, yard ..7ic Remnants of Ke Drapery Sateens, Cr tonne and Denlna, lie at, yard tw tLOO White Honeycomb Bod Fpreods, Hand some Marseilles Patterns, hemmed, ready fur use, fSQc each IVe Wish to Announce a . . Great Sale of Silks I Rug Sale ; Extraordinary Purchased from the SWEETS ER PEMBROOK CO., New York, at our own price. SG0 pieces, over 1V0 yards In all. mostly black silks, many plain 04 fanoy silks. This will mean a GRAND BILK BARGAIN CAJtNI VAL for people of Omaha, to com meooe Saturday, to continue Monday and an week. unUl every yard is sold. Saturday, May 28. We have purchased at a great bar vain the entire mill stook of a large Rug Manufacturer, consisting of odd and regular-eland Room Rugs, In Ax mlnlatere. Wilton Velvets, eto. The first shipment will go on sale Satur day a. u. at before unheard of low prices. See Friday Evenings papers for prices PURE FOOD GROCERIES 100 ALWAYS THB LOWEST TO THB CON- BUMJWt. tt-lb. sackp High Patent Minnesota Flour, warranted, per sack Large Sacks Corn meal I lbs. HanT Picked Navy Beans for. ids. uooa japan mw ii t lbs. Fancy Pearl Tapioca......... aroutmugvwf dnyuuu, wv ws Pud din., per pkr 70 Th BBt 3om Btaroh, per pkff... ..... 4c 1 ... ntr. Slil Large BotUes Pure Tomato Catsup or Worcester Sauce, per bottle...... W Large BotUea Pickles, any kind you w ...... mo 1-10. Jars"Pure Fruit Jsjn....:i. tVo Largs Glasses French or German Mus- tamA SVtO Oil Sardines, per enn.... 0 Vila, pa...... Best Bulk . Laundry Stareh. per lb. tVo t-lb. cane Solid Packed Tomatoes,. .... TV t-lb. cans Boaton Baked Bmm....... THo 44-lb. cans Potted or Deviled Hbi.,m.. JWg WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH AND SALT WATETH FISH. GET OUR PRICES. DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS Large California prunes, lb .......m , Large California peaenea, 10 ...... iwi JOis-llsh cleaned currants. Ib VAa California seedless raisins, lb i;0 London layer raisins, 10 ........ ...7Ho New York apples, lb ........ ...... T)o California grapes, 10 ....7o 8TKAWBBRK1 Eft. STRAWBERRIES. We have received another Urge consign ment or rancy Large oirawDecTjea,. wnicn we will place on sale Friday In Strawberrisa. whl ry iepc at. per dox... ...... BUTTER. BUTTER. BUTTER. The very beat grass Creamery Butter nothing finer made our price 2ftn Friday., per lb VV THE BEE PRINTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS BEE WANT ADS BRING BEST RETURNS Free Books ; Saturday Place your want ad in The Bee on Saturday, May 28th, under the classifications: For Rent, Rooms; Help Wanted, For .Sale Miscellaneous, Personal, Wanted, to Buy, Wanted to Rent, or "This for That," and get your , choice of the handsome books listed below: Twenty Titles "Dog of Flandors" Oulda "Love Letters of Worldly Women" ' Mrs. W. K. Clifford "Lost Heiress" Southworth "Mloah Clark" .A. Conan Doyle Tom Brown at Oxford". ...Thomas Hughes "What Would ths World Bay". Mrs. Holmes "Last of the Mohicans".. J. Fenlmore Cooper "Luoile" Owen Meredith "Macarla" -Loma Doone" Blaokmore n'Days of 'pompii,',.'.'.'.,.". Lytton it sesee w nshmael" 1 Vouthwort "An English WomAj'S Lova Letters. "The Three Ouardamen" .......Dumas "Idle Thoughts by an Idle ,eyowc.,'j,roms ' -All' Aboart"' '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'..' . .Oliver Optlo Author of "Laddie" MM9 eeeeo I 'amantha at Saratoga HoUey R. One cent per word per UIVW, Bunday, oa above classlficatlona. No advertisement taken for less than 20 cents. V 1' BEE WANT ADS ARE BUSINESS STIMULATORS l 'A 'I 7