TITE OMATTA DAILY 11EE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1004. CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Kkj Wht. Cornea Down ti Fail u it Went Up rift Daji Ag. BRADSTREET SHOWS SMALL DECREASE Uartrimml Weekly liaatrr Shows Good f'ondltloae firala Monatit Ceatlaaes aad Receipts Are Large. The market want up like a rocket a few days ago and now It la coming uown ilk the stick, 'lha crowd which Ik not In the lead, but floes) It grain speculating accord ing to the tlpa turnisned by utners, bought the wheat and now Bells It. 'ilia May la Chicago opened at ti'c, which waa V,c under the clone of Monday, and by noon the break waa down to Sic. The new Juiy aaed off about a cent during the same time. One of the weakening Inlluences waa the Brsdstreel estimate, which did not show the decrease expected. This gave the decrease In the oast aa 2,346.000 busuels and the Increase In Europe as i.UO.OOO, making a decrease In world's stock of. only 64,OtM bushels. The corn decrease la l.iM.OOu and the oats 1.3(6.000 bushel The government weekly aummary finds seeoing practically nnisnea except in North lmkota, and the early aown coming up and stoolina well. Rain Is needed In Mmnriotn. Montana and the northern Paclflo coast to germinate the lata sown grain. Nebraska nnd Kansas have advanced favorably and Missouri also, although portions oX that aiare are not ao rnvorabie. An improve ment is noted in Illinois,- Michigan and onto, but the condition Is (till very bad, The middle Atlantic states have mAn a. satisfactory advancement and the Paclflo const shows, an Improved condition. The grain movement oontlnuaa large In all sections. One firm in Illinois reports it bought 27,000 at its stations, and the Illinois Central shipped aa much grain Monday aa any day In its history. Chicago had 81 cars oi corn and TM Sara of cats. The range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and th close Monday and touay were aa lOllow;. . - . Open. High.' Low. Today. 1'ea'y. w neat . ...... May 4 B 88 B B July Sept. June July Sept, Oats May July 82HB bo : 49 45 ' 48 . 60 49 4i 48 A 60 B 47 A 4 A 45V4A 4ftA m a 42 a 4t B 41 B 8SVB 88B Sept , m a v a A asked. B bid. Local Caah Gsmla, Market. The market was fairly good this morning. although corn. and oata were off somewhat I rum Monday prices, 1 cent being in limit. Wheat waa - stronger. Receipts werei Wheat. cars in and 34 cars out: ona week ago, 2 cars In. Com. 60 oars In .and S cars out; on week ago, 13 carg in and 9 out. Oats, 3 cars in; on week, ago, 1 oar in and 2 out. Representative sales of oar Iota by Sam tile on track. Omaha: Mixed Corn No. 2 1 oar at 49c; No. 8, 1 cars at 48c, t can at 47o( No. 4, 1 car at 47c; No. yellow, 2 cars at Mo, 4 carg at 49o ana l car at 4aa ' Hard Wheat -No. 1 1 oar at H. 8687c; No. 4 hw, o0S2o. Wheat quota tiona are nominal. 47c: No. 2 yellow; iKWUHBo. nominal; No. I yellow, 48c: mo. a wniie. nominal; No. 2 whita. '472M8o. 'nominal. OATS-No. S,.4io; No. 2, 8S4t39o; No. 4, M 37o; No. 2 white, 43c; no. S white, 40041oi standard. 42c Oat quotations are nominal. Notes froaa.th Eaehaasr OfMoe. Omaha stock of grain In publto house are: Wheat. UUK buahels; corn, 360.293 bushels; oata, 24.7S bushel. Contrsot corn in public house amount to 144.928 bushels. Of this 119,6) 1 in the Mwrlain ft Holrn-i quiet elevator and 2M89 la th Union ele- vstor. Exchange visitor were: W. C Gordon. l.'ncoln; J . Auoker, Shenandoah, la; M. itreenwooa, wymore; j a. nncnie, xxntis vllle; John Pheifer and Fred Hermamyer, jonntowa. Omaha inspections of grain war lit cars. Of wheat 8 cars graded No. I hard winter. Of Corn, 22 car graded No. X, 44 oar No. 2, 7 cars No. 4, cars No. I yellow, 11 o no. a yeiiow, i car- s wniie ana i oaj no grade. On car f oat graded No. 4, , Grata Maurlttv Elsewhere. ' Closing price Of grain today and Mon- day at the market named war aa follow: Closed. Wheat , Today. Mon. July 8Wa S7HB September swB buA Corn July September .... fA 48B .... lU 4VH KANSAS CITY. Wheat July ...... fieptember Corn , July September 7SHA 7MB . TOiiA TOViB 48HB 44 B 43 A' UH ST. LOUIS, i July September September W 84Tk 0A 205.A 47HB 47HB ,..48HB 48SB, MINNKAPUIjia. Wheat- July ST4 4A September , tift &1HA UUIUTH. Wheat July September Wheat 24 B 24HB 8iB 8iB NEW YORK. July eptember . U3A CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Fatoee of the Tradlag aad CleslngT Prices aa Board of Trad. CHICAOO. . May 24. -An unexpectedly mall decrease In the world's visible sup pi caused weakness in wheat today, leather conditions were alao bearish. At the close July wheat waa off lo. Corn is down Ho Oata show a loss of H3VxC Provisions are unchanged to 7 Ho lower. In th wheat market the exoectatlnna nf larra receipts were resllsed by returns from Kansas t'lty, where 120,000 bushels were received and only 8fi,C00 bushels mppeu. uuring me last part or the ses sion bearish sentiment was emphasised by Uradstreet's visible snuclv statement. which showed a decrease In the world's atocks of 646, OoO bushels, against a decrease or nearly 4.uuu,uuu bushels a year ago. The weekly government report Indicated marked improvement In crop conditions. '.After selling down to 8V4p, July closed at son's1 WHo, May ranged between MMiWio, doling at t6c. Clearanora of wheat and flour were equal to 71.200 bushels. Primary re. erlpts were Ml, 700 bushels, compared with 2l!.u0 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Iuluth and Chicago reported receipts of 109 cars, against 6J cars laat week and 232 cars a year ago. A weak undertone was manifested in corn, the principal bear fuctor being favor able weather conditions. July opened a shsde lower to a shade higher at 4'4ft 4vtc, sold down to 47Ho and closed at 47 H M?c. I-oi-al recelpu were 2L1 car a with 4H of contract grade. Weakness of wheat and corn led to considerable selling of oats. The close as near the lowest-of th day. After penlng le lower at SWHc, July declined to 87e and cloaed a t J7Wc-l-ocal receipts were E4 cars. Provisions wer easier In sympathy with the lower grain markets. July pork closed with a loss of 7o M 211.00; July Mrd and ribs were each unchanged at 2 -H and 240 respectively. Estimate receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 4 -arst corn, 210 cars; oats. 87 cars; 1hrs, 20,001) head. The leading futures ranged, aa follows: Articles.! Open. Hlgh.f Jw. Close. Sat'y. Wheat May July b July 8ept. b Bept. Corn- May July Sept. Oats Msy July SepL Pork July Sept. Xrd July BepL Jllbe a I 7H 87H1 (AS, mvirm 8u 47Ti. tar 4-4C'S 47H4rHJV 4"H, 40S! V 2V 304 11 IS W 9K 11 00 H PTH U 17V U V 11 2u 11 26 I n 8 ! 4 5P i7Vk iu 7H 60 July Sept. It 42 4A 40 SJj 64 7V 67i No t a Old. New. rtins. m;o: No. 2 rrd. 11 Ob a 1 sa. COANNo. 2, 8.a; No. 2 ysllow, 429 49ATS-No. J, 3H4o-5ioi No. 4 white, 29 4Se. nOI'K-Mirkit week: winter patents, AL-avM winter aUaighta, Ktvjt.aOj aprlag i "iSS;r,n, B'lK dA KL.K, V kjod feeding. iXiMc; fair to vui-i,- mailing, ihtiwks. BEEDs-N'D. 1 dax 11 Ml. Mn 1 hamIi western, tl.HR; prime timothy, 24.08: clover, enntnnt tiA ?it PROVIblONl) M.oii nnrV . nr Khl Hft tTU. lO.M. iArd. per 100 lbs.fA 26 27V4. Short ribs side ( I oose ), pi tow, . Short clear Idea (boxed), 26.2V6.0. Th following were th receipts and ship- Receipts. Bhlpments, Flour, bbls Wheat, bu . Corn, bu......., Oats, bu 21. 0 2.1'0 11.0)10 ZS.&V) t.BM.400 2V1.7O0 2i.' 144. 00 vu. ........ Barlsy, bu II (M 11 24.100 2.700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was m- a k rTM m.rl ma lirVt k.. dairies, l3Va. Egp. easy; st mark, cases iiwiuumi, niac. cneese, easy; new goods, NEW YORK GENERA ti MARKET otaloas f k . Day Varloas Conumodltles . .NEW YORK. May 24. FLOUR Rscelots. 21,1) bhls. ; exports, 718 bbls.; firm, but quiet; Minnesota bakers, 14 014. 20; winter Patent, 5.1j6.40; winter straights, 24 oa 6.10; winter extras. 13.3534.00. Ave flour. steady; fair to good, 63.ava4.16; choice to fancy, 84.161j4.50. CORN MEAL, Dull; yellow western, 21.0S0 ; cny, ii.iutif i.u;. sun ariea, S3.uon.ia RiE- Quiet: No. 2 western. 70c snot. HARLKY Quiet; feeding, 40c, c. t f., New York. WHKAT Receipts, 20.000 bu. Spot, firm: ii o. s rea, nominal, elevator, ana i.oz, I. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth. llldTk. f. o. b , afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nomi nal, f. o. b., afloat. Options were under bearish domination all day. The close showed V4lo net decline. May closed at 97Vc; July, 91 13-1302 9-160, closed at 917tc; eepiemoer. m4,c. closed at !o; De cember. 83SH-,c. closed at 83c. CORN Kfcelpts, 8,225 bbls. Spot, Arm; nu. s sioiiuoai, eievHinr, ana Dtfc, r. o. D., nuimi,- s fcuww, ; no. s wnue, WK2 Options were dull and easier, closing net lower, excent Mav. which was Sir hlsher on manlnulation. Miv. R2i Sfir closed at 62c; July, MtyfffrHio, cloaed at 64Hc; September closed at 63HC OATS-Recelpts, t2,500 bu. Spot, barely . ' . ! w, iwiurai White, 20 to 32 lbs., 4&&49c; clipped white. J W 1 ., iFKftOU, TALLOW-FIrm; city ( per package), 4Vc: country (na kB frv tufhCu. HAY Steady; ahipplng, 66470CJ good to HOPS Steady: state, common to choice. clflo coast, olds. bfi4a. ' HIDES Steady: Galveston, 25 to 28 Iba. j., icJiiui, uiy, lu w IDS., W, LEATHKR Stead v: acid. 4affi2So. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, H4tr&Vic: Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS-Beef, quiet; family. 29.60; beef hams, 29.00&10.00; city extra India mess, 114.000)16.00. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies. 28.26'.76; pickled hams, ia.0010.00; pickled shoulders, $8.50. Lard, dull; western steamed, 26.70; refined, dull; continent. 28.76; South America, 87.25; compound, 26.00.i2H. Pork, dull: family. 812.60: short clmri xix iM HU1TH wckx: creamery, rammon tn choice, 14'ansvC5 state dairy, common to choice, l&titlVAa. . CHEESE Klrm; state, full cream, small, Oolored, 7V48o; small, white, itilo; large. wmiff inu uuiureu. VKtti7SO. EOQ8 Weak. POULTRY Alive, firm? inrin rMA.n. V"aZio; fowls, 14c: turkeys, 12c; dressed, mm, wesieru iowis, uo; turaeys, louo. t. trftnla Grata aad Proylatoae. . ST. IOUI8, May 24. WHEAT Lower; NA. V Isw1 roarl ' alaUafrt nnmlnali nV WWI0!'Bei,t8nibr' CORN-Lower; track, WQMttc; July, 47Hc; pt.'uicrnmr, wo. a OATS Lower: No. 8 cash, 41c; track. 4 42Hc; July, 26V4o; September. 0Vo; No. IfLOUR Steady: red winter nntetita. tK.oo tuv.xv, wiui special Dranos itrt.'"e higher; extra fancy and straight, 24. 7034.95; clear, BhiELWTimothy, steady. 22.40(8.76. . ' WAT-iorra; timothy, 27.0014.60i prairie. IRON COTTON TIES-820. . BAOOING 6Uo. HEMP TWINlMo, PROVISIONS Pork. low.rl InhMns 211. UV4. Iard. steady: orlm ateam. 2&.27V4. Baoon. steady; boxed extra short, $7; clear rivm, fl -Quit inuri citMir, e'.WTI. POULTRY Quieti ohlokena, Hc springs, 20e; turkeys, 10o: duok. So; gees, 6c. BUTTKR Easier: crumnrv. IKnlf dairy, lOeiTc. ... ateaay at uo, case count. . RaoalDts. Shlnments. Flour, bbls 7,000 11.000 Wheat. bu M.ono ' lfaooo corn, du i. 78.000 71.000 Oata, bu.. 83,000 (2,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY;. May W.-WHBAT- gCTa! V . Maw VOns Tiilw TUIai Hah am Ka Uivattiy p Willi v rv.a UIJi t u-rjyj . Rruvviuuvi, 8,1400; No. 3 red. H0&S1.06; No. 2, tLOOQ CORN Higher: May, 47c; July, 484,0 ; eptember, 42fifria. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 60c; No. i, 4934vV; No, 2 white, 61c; IN O. S. ZIT)1G. OATS Steady: No. 1 whit. 4So: No. f ITIIHCVj 4f3-WC, BUTTER creamery,. 14(3160; dairy. 13o. KUOS-titeady: Missouri and Kansas stock, cases returned, 12c; new whltewood cases luciuaea, inc. HAY Choice Umothr. HO.60011.00: choice prairie, sn.ou. nio-eio. Recelnts. Bhlnmenta. Wheat, bu K,400 32.000 Corn, bu.... 127.200 28.200 Oats, bu 8,000 2,000 . Visible Sopply a( Grain. NEW YORK. May K4. Special cable and tatea-renhJfl eommunlcatlons received by BradirtTeet'fl show the following changes In available supplies as compared with previous account: Wheat, United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, decrease, 2,346,000 bushels: afloat for and In Europe, increase i.70o,ooe Dusneis: total sup ply, decrease, 846,000. Corn, United States snd Canada, eaat of the Rocky mountains, decrease 1,734.000 - bushels. Oats, United Btatna and Canada, east 01 tne kooky mountains, decrease, 1.734,000 bushels. The loxlin decreases reDorted this week are 1 nnn Kn.hels at the Chicago private ele vators. 162,000 bushels at Manitooa. iw,uw bushels at Omaha, ana n.tw ousneis at Ixiulsville. There Is an Increase of 63.000 buBhels reported at Coteau landing. Phlladelpkla rredses Market. nitrf a t-tt r nu f A Us m- 4 T)1 TIIU'.W Lowfr; wentern creunery, 17c; extra nearby western. Hc; frmh Bouthwestern, 17o; u tt o in -v . . i . Va Vftrlr rra ma v lie rn uin ( uv-w w. , , ' choice to fancy, 8Vic; fair to good, 7Vir7Jo. Balnth Grain Slarket. nTTT.TTTM Vf Inn May 24. WHEAT In store. No. 1 hard, S6c; No. 1 northern, 9tiVc; No. 4 northern. 92c; to arrive, No. 1 hard, 97c ! No. 1 northern, 9c No. 2 northern. 934c: on track. No. 1 northern. 844a7c: No. 2 northern, 9H,94iq; May, 4Vc; July, 26c; September. Rlc. OATS On tree nd to arrive, io. Mtaneapolls Mkeat Market. 9ic; July. 93'(iic; September, 81hc; on track, No. 1 hard, 974c; No. 1 northern, 9tttc: No. 2 northern, 94c. .... yT.n n. . . r .iriff a. . . n . patents. 85.0ui6.10; first clears, 23.80; second deara 82.60. . , MHwankc Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Mav 4 WII.AT-le lower; No. 1 northern. SKKiiOIMic; No. 2 normern. ,j:wt cua juiy, ic. Kiringner; rwa. l. ntc. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2. C3c! samnle SM 60c. CORN-So Jower; No. 3, 4Ceic; July, 47o. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Mar 24. CORN No. 2. 46c: No. 4. 44c Liverpool Has Heliday. LIVERPOOL. May 24. Oraln exchanse Closed. Byagtarated Aplea aad Dried Fralte. NEW YORK. May 24.-KVAPOTlATn:n APPLES The market meets only a e'lght demand; eommon ar Quoted at 4&6Uc: prime," 6Sflc; choice, 6!fiVic; fncy, 7 CALIFORNIA DRIED TRUIT-Pmnea continue rather unaettled, with prices rn ra ins from 2o to 64. according to arads. Aprlcou are moving very slowly; choice sre quote, st vvrfiioc; extra cnoic. 1041010; fsiu-Xv llOTJo. taenes snow some-firmness: choice are quoted at 77Vc: extra choice, 7Vtic; fancy, 8W910c. Dry Gd Market. NEW YORK. May 24.-DRY OOOD8- Buyer In large numbers were present at the auction sales, and While good price were obtained on small lota, high priced goods were botight at low figures. Local Jobbers hsd a good dsy on special sale. The market at first hands Is practically unchanged. Prices are being held tenta tively and buy in- far tea lulur ta re- irk led. NEW YORK STOCKS AiD BONDS Pric8 Again Show th Etrogrc2sion of Waning IntrrMt. REACTION RESULT CF INCIPIENT BOOM s Far aa Can Be Perceived Deell na tion Is Not Dae to Any ladae Oatsld IaOa NEW YORK. May 24. Prices dropped back easy and practically without opposi tion to tne level of last Friday, when the little stir in the market was caused by . last week s great loan contraction by the banks. The weakness wis not duo today, as far as could be perceived, to any newa or to any element of weakness. Rather It was simply a recognition of abor tion of an lnclylent boom and the hasty gutting out of small speculative holdings In consequence. The traders who bougirt stocks on Saturday and early yestcruay were troubled with doubts before yester day's session ended. Their doubts were confirmed by the cavalier fashion In which London this morning Ignored the laborious achievement of this market in lifting prices while London wag enjoying the Whitsuntide holidays. , Iondon prices reported here be fore our market opened showed ' declines throughout. The throwing over of Saturday's and yes terday's accumulations was then pretty quickly accomplished and the market re lapsed Into the stagnant and drooping tone which characterised it during moKt of the week. With the relapse In the money mar ket the bankers' loan bills which hud weak ened the exchange market disappeared and gold waa enaaaed for export Thursday to the amount of 82,000,000, all that the asxay 1 office could furnish. Ths freedom of the outward gold movement Is now more clearly recognized as following from the extreme lassitude for securities here as against the supposition that the demand for securities whs belna" baralyxed by the fears of the effects of gold exports. The Paris money market showed some symptom or repletion todav bv advancino: the rate of sterling exchange to 26f ll'ic. compared with lnt weeK a low level 01 ivtr,. opecuiaiive ue Dresslon here was due rather to general discouragement than to specific develop ments, xne striae 01 ireigni nnnuitm in the New Haven service and rears or anm.il nf thn Hifnmiltv were reaarded. hoW' ever, with disfavor. Published reports of Diana for the large curtailment or. pig iron production were regarded as a bad augury for the Industry and business and had spe cial effect on United States Steel preferred. The grain market movements moicatea an Interpretation of the weather bureau's weekly summary favorable to the hopea of the crops, but the stock market failed to be influenced. The last prices of the day were near the lowest and the closing tone waa heavy and very dull. Bonds were easy. Total sales, par vaiuc, 21,705,000. United Biaies Donus were uu nhenem fn ffill Following was tne range 01 prices on mo Stock exchange: ... Sales. Hign. ixw. ioso. Atchison 15,100 69 68 69 82Vi 924 92 78, 77 77 91 911 91 U7V U7V I" V JO SO SO 874 87 87H HV4 15 14 14 170 170 169 140 139 1S9H 126 7 B 64 16 13 14 69 69 68tf 15 51 51 51 21 21 204 105 151- lr 2S 19 19i 10 .... M4 24 23 23: 59 BS 68 25 3I'4 34 60 60 69 ..... 77i 129 16 S3 19 39 ,. 88 38 108 107 1074 ,144: 1434 143 do Dfd 400 Baltimore & Ohio .... 8,0 do nfd , 4110 Canadian Paolflc .... BOO Central of N. J Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 200 Chicago & Alton .... 400 do pfd Chicago Great West.. .V0 Chicago & N W 100 C, M. & St. P 10,300 do Dfd ChU Ter V T 2.800 t,M 100 'iiio do Dfd C C.. C. A Bt. L... Colorado Southern.. . do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Delaware & Hud.... Del., L. St W D. & R G .... 100 lolioo 1,200 900 400 do pfd ., Erie do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Hocking Valley .... do Dfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do nfd Kansas City South. do pfd Louisville A Nash 700 Manhattan L . 900 , Metropolitan Seo 300" "S 77 77 Met St Ry 2,600 111 110 110 Minn. A St. L i ... . 40 M.. Bt. P. tc 8. St M... ... do Dfd 62 119 8 16 35 36 114 66 Missouri Pacific M., K. A T do pfd Nat. R. R. of M., pfd ... lis" 114 664 664 '21 " 21 1144 113 43 43i "iivi "ri" '46 '46 21 20 V '38 84 Kl 91 91 17 16 34yt 83 f 2IS K5 190 190 'si-' '49 N. Y. Central Norfolk & W 1,500 ', "206 do pfd Ho 21 113 65 43 78 ) 20 44 12 80 ' 4S 20 8.1 H4 24 , 38 83 90 16 83 15 16 88 T m 187 U0 201 49 16 70Vj 27 t 27 7 28 18 81 49H 9' 125 74 46 Ontario A West.... Pennsylvania Fltts.. c. U. a. JLi. Reading 2,400 do 1st ptd do 2d Dfd Rock Island Co St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W 1,600 do Dfd Southern Pacific .... . 8.409 . 500 Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific .... T., St. L. A W... dO Dfd , 200 ,17,500 fiOO 10 , 1,100 Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash do Dfd W. A L. E Wisconsin Central do Dfd 200 400 100 Mexican Central .... Adams Express .... American Express .... 100 u. S. Kxprtss Wells-Irare-o ExDress .. .. Amalgamated Copper.24.S00 Amer. oar et r .. do Dfd 600 70 70 Amer. Cotton Oil do Dfd American Ice 800 300 100 200 900 ' liioo 7 20 'to" 96 7 . 27 7 28 18 4 95 126 do Dfd Amer. Linseed Oil do Dfd Amer. Looomotlv , do pfd Amer. 8. A P do Dfd 2,800 Amer. Sugar Ref 1,700 127 Anaconda Mln. t o.. Brooklyn Rap. Tran. .16,400 47 29 208 11 66 156 10 6 37 Colo. F. A 1 400 Consolidated Gas .... 230 Corn Products 400 28 2i 207 207 11 1 1 . 60 o 1'9 10 6. 37 70 19 81 26 9r.4 ?4 f6 210 6 !8 14 77 81 6 79 1S ; 9 M do Dfd 800 66 iss" 11 rv 37 Distillers Sec General Electric 400 International Paper .. W do Dfd ion International Pump .. 100 an nra National Lead 00 19 18 North American ... Paclflo Mnll People's Gas 200 200 Pressed Steel Car .. do Dfd Pullman Palace Car Republle Steel do nfd Rubber Goods do Dfd Tenn. C. A T V. 8. Leather ... 700 ... 400 ... 2 900 ... 2.700 ... 100 ... l.ooo ... 5.100 8l 6 7 7 1 7 33 6 79 6 76'4 66 9 64 IKS do Dfd V. P. Realty V. S. Rubber do nfd V. 8. Hteel do Dfd .-..86.700 64 Westlnghouse Klec .. loo Western Union 100 87 87 s Total sales for the day, 245,300 shares. London Stock Market. LONDON. May 24.-Closlngf Conaols. nenay.... SO l-l H. Y. c entral 1IT4 W l M , let . 22 H 13 V, , II , :i , ni . 4T , MS s i , 17 da aorount K" Norfolk a W Aaaconda I4t do itd Attblaon Ti Ontario at W do Pfd n Paonarlvanla Balttmura St Ohio.... iv Rand Mloaa Canadian Paclao 1a Hrsdlns iSt do lrt pfd Us so ' td ptd 144t 80. Railway bra a Ohio ... Chlcaao 01. W... C, M. at Bt P.. Bra ao pfd tf'ia So. Facile Union P., Ida ....... 14 dp pfd , 4H V. 8. Staal....' it do pfd US Wahaah . R. O da pfd Brie do lat pfd.... do Id pfd... Illlnola Cntral Loula at Mash M., K. T... . .... 1 10 I do pfd ItHlSpanlah 4 SILVER Bnr. steady, 86 11-1M per ounce. Munbi P'r cent. . The rate of Ulacount In the own market for short bills Is 2 per cent: for three months' bills, 22 1-H per cant.. . Forelga Ktaaarlal. RERUN. May 24 Exchange on London. 20in tcpfga for checks- discount rates, short and three months bills. 3 per cent. Quo- ations on the bourse today were scarutly nanseo. l'XItia. May 24. Prices on th bourse to day opened firm, but became heavy. Rus sian imperial 4a rluaed at MM; three per cent rentes, t't 2o for the aoeuunt; ex change on London, 26f 11 for checka. LONDON, May 24. Money was In fair demand and supplies . were more plentiful. lMscounts wrrs Hi in. Trailing un the sun k sachapge wag qulst, but lha tuue was mostly firm. Cnnsnls were steady, bu lost a fraction at the cloe flome t-al I mere dull. Anirtcaiia opened arm and closed easy. Orand Trunk hardened on trafflo return anticipations. Foreigners were cheerful. Japanese receded. Ru.slani Improved considerably on Paris support The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balHnce t.,,lay was -110.000, The sum or t.a.u'' was withdrawn for snip- menl to outn America. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, May 24 M ON BY On cell lVifl-V per cent; cloning bid and . offered at IV per cent. Time loons, steady: 0 and 90 days. 2 per cent; months, 3to Der cent. PR1.MK MERCANTILE PAPER-Sfl rer cent. j STERLING EXCHANGE Slightly firmer, with actual business in bankers' - bills at 24 !7C4j4.S0 for demand and at 24 M7iy 4 84M) for 60 days' hills; posted rates, M.MMt 4.86 and j4S,vM.w: commrrnui bills, hmy SILVER Bar, fcHc; Mexican - dollars, 44V.C. BONDS Government, steady; railroad easv. The closing quotations on bonds are a follows: V. 8. f. ta, rf...-im L. N. iinl. 4 Jiv do coupon Manhattan . g. s....iui lo la. res l'S M.x. Onlral 4a do coupon ....1i4i no lat inc.... 1 da nw 4a, ri 1 )-' Minn, a St. L. 4a... kk do coupon l.r.'yM . K. A T. 41 do old 4s, rs .li do la ITS Mi, N. R. R. of M. o, 4a. T4H4 do coupon Atrhlon kQ. 4a... do anj. 4u Atiantio C. L. 4a. B. O. 4a do 3a .lot N. Y. C. . IHa . 1 In. J. c. a. (a 131 . 4'No. PaclBo 4a 104 .1"! do Tiki a.'VIN. & v. e. 4a 6a....l( o. I. u li 4 sar.... t Central of Oa do lat Inc.. t'enn. ronv. la M rh. a Ohio 41. ...1" Rra,1ln (en. 4a t' Tbloao & A. H St. u a I. X. c. (a . 114 C, II. Q. n. 4a.... 4H St. L. A S. F. If. 4a. M ('. St. A S. P. f. 4a..l"tVist. L. 3, W. la C. a N. IV. c. Is Sea board A. L. 4a.... 70 C, R. I. A P. 4a... J So. !' IBo 4a l ao col. fl ,-.... tviso. Kallwar 6a lia CX'.C. ft B. U 4s,.loOH'Tuaa A P. la 11H Chicago Ter. 4a., 7-".T., U ft W. 4a.. MHifnlon Parlllc 4( 104 s M-.il'. B. gleel Id H.... t3H Con. Tohacco 4a... Colo, ft 80. 4a...., D. ft R. (1. 4a Erla prior Ilea 4s., do Ren. 4a ,, r. W. ft p. C. la. Hooking Val. 4a.. OiTcred. . . tt . us . 94 .1M ' .! WaUah la lUs do R S W ft U K, 4a fVk wia. central 4a aiiu Cols. f. ft I. o. 4a.. 70 Boston Stock Quotation BOSTON, May 24.Call louns, 2a per cent; time loans, 4U3 per cent, uiuuiai closing of stocks and boids:. Ati-hlaun adj. 4a II .Advanture do 4a - liHjlAllouca Mcx. Cantral 4a.. .,:.:' lAnuqtaatcd Atchtaun 4i4b American line L. do pfd lit I Atantla foaton ft Alnanr 141 lOlunham oaton ft Maine 16 k'al. ft Hecla..., Boaton EHevalad ....140'4!c'anteunlal rtuhburg pfd 1M ICnppar Rang .... Mcx. Central t-a'Dala Waat N. Y., N. H. ft H..1SH I'iAimliiloa Coai . Fere MarqucUo ...... 7 JyranKllo '. .. 1 . 4 .4 . 19 . 42S4 7V 4S Union I'actaa a3 -fOrancr , Amer. Arga. Cheat... 14. ,jtle Rorala .. do pfd :-. 'Maa. Mining, Amer. Pneu. Tub....k41t Michigan Amer. Sugar ......... 12.' 1 Mohawk do pfd ...USVMont. C. ft C. Amer. T. ft T....:...m Old Dominion Amer. Woolen 10V Oaceola .,.r. ,. IS J 4 It. 4 II , 67 14 10 do pfd.., 1 T4V4!Parrot Ediaon Elec. Illu.. .334 iljuincr , General Electric .. Maaa. Klectrlu ... do ptd Maaa. Oaa lata l 7H Shannon Tamarack Trlii ity C B. Mining.... U. S. . Oil Utah Vlolorla Winona . 4 so 1 United Fruit 110 United Bhoa Mach.... 4 do ptd SVi 13 1 V. H. Steal.... I do ptd Westing. ooaiiDoa Bid. Ua.Walverls 74 ' 70 !4ew York Bllniasr Stocks. NEW YORK, May 24-iThe following arc th closing prices on mining sioca Adams Con 10 il.lltle Chlat Alice Braece brunawick Cob .... Comatock Tannal .. Con. Cal. ft Vs.... Horn HUrar 10 Ontario 10 lophlr ., MO 426 ........ t .1 14 I 'Phoenix 10 160 1.18' Potoal , Savage Pierre Nevada small - Hope . M . 60 . It Iron Stiver .i....4....iM Lea4vllla Con 1 Assessment paid. kLaD4axd Condition of th Treasury. v WASHINGTON, My-i44.-Today,g state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 2150,000,000 gold reserve in the division or redemption shows: Available cash balance, iW,:ti,tWu; Cold, SK,i4j,otw. - Bank Clejtrlpga."' OMAHA, May M, Bank clearings for to day, 81,183,120.98, a dev-tease of A,o1.'ji from tne correaponoing awy last year. , - ' 1 en , , OlUlU'WUOLtWILH glAHKBTS. Condition of Trad as4 ttaotationa oa . Staple and Fsasy, Pspdace. EGOa Receipts. Uperal; market steady; frMh Itnrk. If,iul6t4fi. LIVID FOULTRH Hens, 910c; roost ers, according to siB,- MgyoCi turaeys, uc; ouchb, tic: geese, du s . -. BUTTER backlog stock, 10c; choice to xancy ouiry, Awte'ioc; ecyaramr, atcwu. FKf:SH TSli 'irtjut, lie; picaerel. 10c; Eike, lie; perch, 7c; bluehah, i2c; whlte sh, 12c; salmon, 14c ; redsnapper, 11c; lob Bter, green, Mo; ldbsttr, boiled. 20c; bull heads, 11c; catfish, 14c; blaok buss, 2oo; halibut, 10c; crappiea, lie; roe shad. 860; shad roe, 06c; butiulo, 7o; white bass, He; f log-legs, per dog. 8;iC. BRAN Fer ton, J18.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 18.60: No. 2. U.U0: medium. 27.60: coarae. 17. u0: rve straw. 80.6O. These mice are lor nay 01 gooa color sua duality, ue- mana xair ana receipts uent. TROPICAL FRUITS. flRANfiM Navels, choice, larra size. 82.252.60! rancy navels,' all Blzes, t2.75&3.00; Mediterranean sweets, an sues, w.vo; jat fas. all sises, 82.76. LEMON ti California fancri 800- to 860. 3.6; choice 24U to 270. 83.008.26. UAUfuHh 1. a. f it t-er iu-id. canon, 60c: imported Bmyrna, . 2-crown, 12c; 6- crown, 14c; 7-jrowu, luc BANANAS Per medium aised bunch, 2.Mi2.60; jumbo, 22.7&3.2S. DAT1CS Persian, pe? box of 80 pkgs.. 22.00: in 60-lb. boxes, 6c per lb.; oriental stuffed dates, per box, 13.40, PIN1CAPPLES In crates of 24 to 42, per crate, tJ.60. itiuiio, APPLES Oreaon fancy Ben Davis, ner box, 11. W; New York export Russets and Baldwins, 84.0b biitA w KE.nrti.a Arxanaas, per S4-at. case, $1.702.00. CllERRiLM-CallfornUi. per box. 21.60(9 176. P0TAT0E8 Coioraao, fl.;c0; Dakota, per bu., $LOli5l.lO; new Texas Red stock, in sacks, per bu., 21.2691.U6. NAVY BEANB Per bu., t2.U2.25. ONIONS Bermuda, por 60-lb. crate, 8100; In sacks, per lb., oc. CABBAGK) California, per lb.. ZUoj southern, pat crate, 82.60. CUCUMlltKB-Fer dOI.. oBJfTBO. TOMATOES Per (-basket crate, fanev. 2.60, choice, 82.00. ' tr tJi 011 LU i ci uu! ifi4ii-uca, wUi LETTUCE Top lettuce, per doi., 40c, TURNIPS Southern, per dos., 46c BEETS Southern, per dog., 76c. CARROTS Southern, per dog., 76c PARSLEY Per dog., 400. BEANS Wax, per bu. basket. 21.00(31.25; string, per bu. basket, 81.00ial.25. SPINACH Per bu., home grown, 60 00c. ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40o. OREEN PEPPER8-Per It-basket crate. 8200. , .... Eii- riiAT-rer aoa, ai.uu, SQUASH Florida summer, per dog., Too. PEAS-Per bu, box, 83O0. MIBCELLAN EOTJ8. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 11c; Wisconsin Young Anterlca, Uo: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin bflck. 13c; Wlscuu- sin Umberger, 13c. in limn C'.DEI U put-Per bt)i. t"er bbi., 85 60; per bbl.. 83.58. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio. 'per lb.. 10c. 10., HIDES No. 1 green, tc; No. 2 green. 6c No. 1 suited, 7c; No. 2 salted. c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., Sc; No. 2 Veal caif, 12 to 16 lbs., 6o; dry salted hides. tV?12c; ehees pelts. 24b7c: horsehldes, 81 60&2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; fiecsns, large, per. 10., uc; sinuu, per ilk, Oc; peanuts, per lb., tc; roasted peanuta, er lb., sc; cnui wainuis, iediiv: large Ickory nuts, per lb., -lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb, 16c: hard shell. 13c; shell- Darks, per DU., uu. uiaca walnuts, per bu., Il.a. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 24. WOOL The demand for old Wools In the market has been un usually quiet the last week. There have been no transactions of sny slge, almost all of the buslnHB being in the nature of clean ing the market of the old stock. From the manufacturers' standpoint the situation Is no mure favorable than at any time during the spring. Pulled woola are firm, with trudlng quiet. Old territory wools are firm, with sales chiefly in small lota. In foreign wools little Is being done, tfcime current quotations follow: Kentucky, Indiana, eta.. three-e khths blood, wi one-quarter blood. 2i'iC6o; braid, a: v Idaho, flne, 13'?'loo; heavy fine, 131l3c; fine medium, 16'illtie: medium. l"al7o; '"W medium. 17t IHc; Wyoming fine, ltyftlfW-; heavy fine,' 13 1il3.-; fine medium. li,lc medium, licO If ; low medium, lstiso. ljh and Nevada fine, 14rl6c; fine medium, liiaac; me dium, IK'uISc: low medium, 13Ao. Dakota fine, l.Vtitk-; flne mediinn, 16(al','"; medium, lHilltc; low medium, lMi2ic. Montana fine, choice, lyjftc: flne. average. 17ftlac; fine, medium, clioloe, IHWIbcj average. lS(Wc; atnnlu, lalftc; medium, choice, lhlo, ST. IXUIH, May 24 WOOL Active and Steady; medium sradear, combing and cloth ing, 1", it llardt pne 1f(jli; heavy fine, lialic: tuu-washtid. iiii'u. OMAUA LIVE STOCll MARREI Ltrfer Bo'ip'.i of Oattl Than Cxpio. bat Prices miin Steady. TRADE ACTIVE ON DESIRABLE KINDS Hogs Open Two aad Half t Five Lower, bat Cloa with Deellae Ra gaiaed Sheep aad Lambs Tea to TweatyFlve Higher. SOUTH OMAHA, May 24, lo4. Recelnts were- Cattie. Hogs, bheep. Ofnotai Monday , Linciai '1 ueaday .. 2.1C0 t.u4 4,iua .. a.iuO li.4u0 4.VUU Two days this week... 7,400 3.52 Same dus last week.... 6.H14 ii,ur-o Same days week belore.. 14,ilM tnne three week ngo.JO.iatj l.t Hume lour weeks ago....lo,6tM 1,4 Same days laat ycur ayutl 2u,u.s4 7.76S ;,iw U.aVU 7.4MI RECEll-iS FOR THE YEAR TO DA'lIk The lollowmg table shows the receipts of came, nogs and sheep at Mouth Uma..a 101 tne year 10 uale. witu comparisons wit laat year: ' 1904. 103. Inc. tatti Sfv,6tii 8M,6io i,u;i Hogs 1,031.043 1,61 1U.3A2 Bheep 6U.ll 6ub.t 13,44 Avaiage pri'.es paid for aog at cuuia umana lor the last severs, days witu com parlson: Pta. j llM.llM.lKa.l01.U.lgN.lMa. May L.. May 2... May ... May 4... May 6... l!!9l I f 84 8 26 8 61 (71 6 1 2 8 80 , 73 6 17 i 8 (7 8(4 884 866 883 t 3 tU 3 W ; I 7 3 64 3 S3 , 6 W 6 21 8 HO 6 641 6 1W 8 69 (6 iU 206 3 88 8 61 6 la 3 62 8 96 t 66 i 16 2 62 3 87 6 16 8 66 4 IS t 6S 3 4 36 6 71 8 17 4 23 6 66 6 -t 3 67 6 69 6233634 6 72 6 20 3 80 4 46 6 731 6 li 3 6a 4 28 6 10 8 66 4 2'J 8 73 8 66 4 26 6 63 8 08 3 63 6 63 6 09 8 62 6 bl 6 01 3 65 4 33 I 6 ill 6 04; 2 M 4 i& 00 1 11 4 66 f MI 8 76, May ... Ml 4 643,1 May 7... May I... 8 (3 May 2... May 10.. 7, 1 MVS a 64 7 071 May 1J. May M 46 May 13.. May 14.. May 16.. May 1.. May 17.. May 18.. May is.. May hi.. May 21.. no ! "1 7 V5 T 12 4 4 60! 4 6ii s so 6 ti 1 12i 8 36 7 07 7 13 s r 8 31 47 7 121 4 4 4 41 I 4 8UHi 8 27 7 11 6 I81 7 03 May 22.. .1 S 18 7 03 7 08 May a. May 24. 8 U 7 06 Indicates Suiidar. The official number of cars of stock brought in todav bv eaoh road waa (Jatue. nogs. Sheep. 11 sea. C . M. & Bt. oa Wabash , 3 10 67 , 2 46 35 64 6 4 2 4 49 11 62 20 46 8 ' 3 2 6 Missouri Pacific .... Union Paclflo o. N. W....1 F.. K. oil M. V C, St. P., M. & O.. B. & M. Ry C, B. & Q (J. c BU J C. R. I. at P.. eaat. C, R. I. A P., west. Illinois Central .... Chicago a. W Total receipts 247 240 15 The disposition of the dav's recelots waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the number 01 nead indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co M Swift and Company l,83o Cudahy Packing Co I,6u2 Armour si t o um 2.i08 4.246 8.747 4. W0 160 2.003 1 o3J Omaha pack. Co., St. Joe .... - swirt and Co., K. c Armour ot Co., Soo City . 814 Lubman A Co.... 36 Hill ok HunUlnaer 2 310 Huston & Co " 1 J. B. Root A CO 15 L. F. Huss 10 Squires & Co Wolf A Murnan 69 Sam Wertheimer 4 Lee Rothschild S6 S. 8. Co 149 417 Other buyers 130 Totals 6,339 CATTLE Receipts today larger than expected and the arrivals con sisted almost entirely of corn-fed beeves, with only a comparatively light run of butchers stock, such as cows and heifers. and a very light showing of stock cattle and feeders. In spite of th large showing of beef cattle the market, opened early and fairly active, so that the big end or the recelpu changed hands by or soon after the middle of the forenoon. As to orlcea there was not much change in either direction. - Some of the most desirable cattle of handy weights brought strong prices, while on the other and less desirable killers were a little aaaler for the reason that the large offer ing enabled packers to be rather discrimi nating In the matter of quality. As a rule sellers were Quoting- the general market as steady on everything desirable. Cows and heifers were far from plentiful, considering the large receipts, and as there waa a rood demand the market waa fully steady and reasonably active. Bulls, calves. stags, etc. sold in about in same notcnes yesterday. Btockers and feeders were In very light supply, but there was considerable inquiry for them and tne maraet was tuny steauy. BEEF STEERS. Mo. At. Pr. ha. Ar. Ft. i. 660 4 1)0 tt 1117 4 T 2 tii 4 10 0 . IMS 4 10 11 7 4 10 14 1141 4 TO 11 lot 4 li N 1U41 4 74 11..., lout 4 10 41 114 4 76 11 170 4 30 ....14N 4 Tt 1 110 4 14 24 llu 4 71 t 115 4 2ft 1 iao 4 Tt 11 0ot 4 4 li 1141 4 Tt 22 1016 4 10 tO ....Hat 4 Ti 16 1040 4 10 14 lOU 4 Ti 1 .lubl 4 M M U01 4 Ti It HJ1 4 34 21.... 1181 4 Ti 21 IIS IM 21 ,....114 4 Ti 16 4 4 40 40 ....1U62 4 Ti 14 UI0 4 6 21 lllf 4 76 II W4 4 60 37 laST 4 M 11 1040 I 60 1 1164 4 10 17 m0 4 60 IT 1161 4 W 3 1180 4 M tl 1U 4 to It 1076 4 64 1 1111 40 16 1147 4 60 41 1141 4 10 tl 10U 4 60 41 11176 4 10 21 101 4 6t 21 UU 4 10 11 1106 4 64 II 114 4 40 li 1101 4 64 II U10 4 10 10 1164 4 66 10 1111 4 10 12 1U0 4 66 40 131 4 16 II 1016 4 65 II 1140 4 16 27 ;.122 4 64 27 1441 4 15 18 llifl 4 66 IT 1144 4 00 1 1010 4 66 21 1670 4 M 20 1140 4 66 20 1161 '4 10 16 1(131 4 10 44.; Ha! 4 0 12 10M 4 40 20 1MI 4 0 II 1111 4 W It 1104 4 14 1107 4 U 11 lMl 4 M II 1116 4 i 16.. ml 4 M 24 1080 4 16 11 1UI 4 64 II 1160 4 16 14 liW 4 K 40 1111 4 M II WhO I 00 11 1021 4 46 II 1181 i 00 20 1204 4 41 II 14! I 00 It 1212 4 16 IT 1481 I 00 10 1147 4 II II 1214 I 00 IT lint 4 TO 10 1014 I 00 II 1160 4 TO 11 4444 t 00 20 1111 4 70 II 16.6 i 00 22 1170 4 TO 17 1444 I 04 11 1U1 4 Tl 11 1411 I 01 21 1144 4 70 (...., 1611 I 06 14 114 4 TO II 1171 I 10 20 1411 4 TO It 1214 6 14 6 4 TS STEERS AND COWS. t 1176 4 16 13 1011 4 60 IT 1031 4 46 li 114 4 M II luT 4 60 . COWS AND HEIFERS. II W 4 20 30 1104 4 16 t 1011 I 40 COWS. I..... BM 2 60 f 1041 I Ml 1 121 t Tt i 1040 I M 1 1040 I 10 t 1101 4 00 1 1160 I (Ml 1 1040 4 00 1 10O0 I 40 t lout 4 00 10 Ill I 40 1 110 4 00 1 1161 I 10 11 141 4 04 1 1UI0 I 60 1 1110 4 00 It 44 I 14 t 1171 4 06 10 1041 I IS itta 4 io 1 1011 I 14 T 1044 4 14 I MM) I 16 1 1184 4 10 1 T0 3 16 II If 14 4 10 3 I6i t TO 22 1101 4 10 1 1160 t TO 1 120 4 14 4 60 I Tt 1 1180 4 li l 1181 I 10 4 1187 4 II 4 1016 I U T mo 4 if 1 1M 3 10 10 12.1 4 H 4 1141 I IX) IT 1171 4 44 3 U00 I K) HEIFERS. ' T 224 I TO t rro 4 It 1 117 I 10 4 I7i 4 If 11 tr o I 10 1 K) 4 20 II Il I 66 IT Ml 4 M I T6i I Tl 1 110 4 20 t 6M 14 II Ill 4 20 Ill 4 IS . BULLS. 1.. . 1204 t 10 t 1120 I 14 1..... 1480 t 64 1 160 I M 1 111! t 60 1 leuo 3 tt 1 iv 1880 I 64 t 1880 I tO 1 18M I 60 1 1KXI 4 00 1 164 t It I ...1110 4 06 1 160 I 71 . 3 tWO 4 04 1 1640 I 14 8TEER9 AND HEIFERS. I HI 4 B II 116 4 t4 8 ITt 4 40 14 1011 4 10 CALVES. J Ml 3 It i ITS I OS 14 Ill 4 60 1 too 00 1 110 I OA I , 160 6 II l" 1 "STAGS. " ,W ,U I.. Ill 4 tt BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 nu 1 71 n s 84i 4 to 184 I 14 to tat 4 24 HOOS Hardly anyone expotd such a large run of bogs IXla morning, as lha feel ing was mat 1114 aeiiuia 01 imbi wee would have tendency cut down ship- ments for a little tlmo at least. Naturally enough, with euch large large receipts In r'ght and with nothing ver rnrouraaliig In the way of news from other veiling points, the msrket here opened with buyers taking the beat side. 1 no opening price were fully iWirfo lower tlian yenterday. Iater on as It became apparent that buyers sii had large oruero in nan tne trade ilv ened up and became quite active. At the aame lime prices Armed up so that the most of the decline was recovered. The most of the hogs Bold In gord reason In the forenoon la spite of tne slow opening. Ma ti.... 6.... 44... Tl..., T.... 7.... T4..., T.... in... T4.... 14.... !.... 7.... I.... 72.... 71.... ..., 10.... II.... 74... 17..., 72.... 2.... 74..., .... It.... 17.... 61.... 76.... II.... 41.... TT.... 17.... 10..., 74.... AT. ....170 ....If ....1M ....26 ....134 ....1S ...2fl ....20T ....2I4 ... !M ...207 ....IN ....til ....:: Bb. Pr. .. I li 40 4 n 120 4 25 44 4 27 10 4 14 40 4 40 4 ao 4 i 130 4 l?4 o 4 laa 40 4 l-'S 40 4 li M 4 .. 4 lite No. a. h. Pr. Tl 113 llv 4 II 12 144 1(0 4 16 61 284 180 4 16 Tt 140 IM (a S5 2" 120 4 SI Tl 214 I. 4 14 14 221 18-1 4 36 TT 214 M 4 26 tl 214 40 4 M 64 2l fO 4 6 4 234 .. 4 21 IT 24 4 4 16 Tl : M 13 240 40 4 It lit 211 .. II II HI 40 4 16 Tl 1.4 to 4 II cm 27 to 4 ituj 47 SM .. 4 274j 6 24 .. 4 ST i, Tl IU in 4 i:u 11 2f 160 I 177 at in .. 4 i7ia II 141 to 4 I74 71 IN .. 4 I7' 61 IM 10 4 174, 6 l 10 4 IJVi 4 16 120 I 10 72 HI ..4 44 4 .. 4 40 17 271 10 4 41 11 Ill .. 4 40 M 2T .. 4 40 7 541 ., 4 40 IT till .. 4 424 41 mi 10 4 42V, 44 101 .. 4 44 .let o I .til 10 4 MH ...:oo 4 2Vj 4 l 4 13 I UVt ,...?2 ....tn ,...10 ...242 ....2:1 ....2S1 ....114 ...311 ... 4 ,...8J ... .211 ,...2M ,...234 ....II ....!! ...tfj i. ..244 ,...240 ,...284 ....212 40 40 .. U4J 200 4 21W .. 4 1214 M 4 I2V4, li I 1IV4J 16 4 Si 4 Si 60 0 so an 180 10 4 II 4 31 4 36 4 si 40 4 li N I II 110 4 24 .. 4 86 140 4 II SHEEP Receipts were liberal sgaln to day, making the run for the week so far larger than anticipated for this iat in the season, ma cemand waa good acaln today and the market steudy to a Utile higher in spots man yrateroay, making tne gen eral market lfXoic htgner than last weeK Practically evervthlna desirable cluinasd hands In aood season In the mornlna show ing that buyers want the stuff. There were some more shorn lambs here good onough to bring iu.ou, and tno reeling is that a right good bunch of Colorado wooled lambs would bring I..UO. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to choice lambs. 35.5u.uu: fair to good lambs. So.0tKfiifi.50: Rood to choice wooled lambx. 16. 604 7. 00; fair to good wooled lamos 36 0iri6.6o; good to choice yearltngx or wethers, 86.0Vfrft.60; fair to good ye irllngs or wetners, . i;gu.uu; goon 10 cnoice ewes 84 7066 00; fair to good ewes, J4.0tiijl.6j. Representative sales; No. Av. Pr. 9ti 4 60 60 5 65 84 3 26 ,66 4 25 80 4 60 80 4 60 68 4 60 72 4 7.-. fl 6 00 71 6 26 ' T! 6 40 71 8 50 127 6 76 70 6 75 72 6 00 72 6 00 69 6 01 63 6 25 80 7 60 834 western ewaa 20 western lambs .... 44 western cull wethers 99 western cull lambs 144 western wethers 62 western wethers 5 Aresttl n lambs St 3 western yearling ewes and wethers - 1 6r7 western yearlings vMi wejtern lambs 44 western yearling ewes and wethers J4fi western lambs 4 western lsml 144 western lambs 902 western lambs 816 western lam be 13 western lambs , 150 western lambs 2 sprlnj lambs CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle aad Hoar Higher aad keep "trong aad Higher. CHICAGO. May 24. -CATTLE ReoelDts. 2,600 head; market steady; good to prime steers, 83.2Mi.35: poor to medium. 84.2611 6 86; stockers and feeders), 83 20 "0 4.76; cows, 31. 7584.60; heifers. 32.40tf8.0o: canners. 31.66fl 2 75; bulla, I2.35ifi4.sfi: calves, 32.5Wu6.00; Texas fed steers, 34.Ou4f4.60. hous Receipts, 30,000 head: estimated tomorrow, 20,000 head: left over, 8.009 head; market steady; mixed and butchers, 4.50f 4.67ft; good to choice heavy, 34.80tS4.67V4j; rough heavy, t4.45t.05; light, 34 454.66; duik or sales, I4.wxii4.oo. SHEEP AND LAM BR Recelots. 10 000 head; strong to lOo higher; good to choice wethers. 86. 2571 6.76; fair to choice mixed, 34.00&6.00: western sheep, 84.76ii5.75: native lambs, $5.3ti6.W; western lambs, .0O$j7.6O; spring lambs, 8T).00if7.&0. ' Kansas City Lira Stock Market, KANSAS CITY. May 24.CATTLE-Ra- eelDta. 7.600 head, tnoludlnar 60 head annth. erne; market steady to strong: export and dressed beef steers, 34.866.26; fair to good, 34.owu14.60;. western fed steers. 34.ooro6.0O stockers and feeders, 33. 26 4,761 southern . , , ' . , ,.01,1. IV, BUUI1WI1I lU WW W, ,..OUt.W, native cows, 32.0Off4.S5; native heifers, 34.00 510. ai Duus, i2.80W4.uu calves, soo lower at 32.7604.75.- HOOS Receipts. 10.500 head: market steady to 10c lower: top. 34.50: bulk. JI.SGli 4.45; heavy, 34.40fr4.50; packers, 84 45tg4.60 pigs and lights, 83.70 4. 40. SHEEP. AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 head; market strong to 10c higher; native lamps, tb.MW4i.iu; western lambs, &.duii7.oo; fed ewes. 84.5o6.00: Texas clipped year-. lings. 35.0fm5.75: Texas clipped sheen. 34.60 66.20; stockers and feeders, 83.70(34.70. . , St. - Loals Lire Stock Market. a.t TTrq ur .. oj A nrTr n 3,600 head, including 1,000 head Texane; market active; ahipplng and export steers, 84. 70(276.75: dressed beef and butcher steers. 4.1CK(j5.&6; steers under 1,000 lbs., 34.0OJj5.0O: stocaers ana reeaers, ij.du0 4..sn; cows and hal..a rl KTi M- .... ti nriqjE. 1 1 1 $2 603.50; calves, 33.755.76; Texas and In dian steers,. 83.26Q4.90; cows and heifers. ta.wa.io. HOGS Receipts, 7,600 head; market Arm; pigs and lights, 34.1O4.50; packers. 34.40(9 4.55; butchera and best heavv, 34.6O34.07U. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 8.500 head; market easy: native muttons, f4.0f7i 5.60: lambs, 83.O0-fi7.75; culls and bucks, 32.35 44.00;-stockerB, 32.28.00. New York LW Stock Market. NEW YORK, May 24. TiERVER Re ceipts, none: no trading; market steady; dressed beef, steady, 71i8Stc for native sides; London and Liverpool cables quoted live rattle steady; refrigerator beef Belling at 9T)9Hc; no exports today. CALVES Receipts, Si head; market steady; choice veals sold at 85.60; city dreswed veals. 6(fJSVaC. HOOS Receipts, 2.8S4 lie.d; nona on sale. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 418 head; market firm; spring lambs sold at $fc.&0; winter lambs, 3,; she-p, i.bO5.40; dressed, steady, SHllc; dressed spring lambs. 149 lfio; country dressed spring lambs, 83.003 0.50. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. . BT. JOSEPH, May 21 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,601 head; market strong to lOo higher; natives, 34.S5S6.50; Texas and west erns. 83.856.00; cows and heifers, 32.264.85: bulls and -stags, 32.86fc4.75; Btockeaa and feeders. 33.86ii4.50. HOGS Reoelpts. 4.360 head;, market stronger; light, 3i.3563-4.42V; medium -and heavy, 34.404.6$. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 2351 head; market strong to loo higher; lambs, 27.10. Slonx 43ity LIT Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. May 24. tSpeclal Tel- fram.) CATTLE Receipts. 400 head; mar et strong, beeves, 83.50&4.85; cows, bulls and mixed, 32.304.00; stnckrrs and feeders, 8S.00ijM00; calves and yearlings, 38.751).75. HOGS Receipts, 6.400 ri,d; market weak to 6a lower, selling at 84.104.40; bulk, M.i'W Stock, la giarht. ' Following are the receipts of live stock at Iheep. 4,758 10,000 6.000 S. Ml 2,824 South Omaha .... Chicago Kansas City .-.,,. Bt. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City ......... Totals .......... 26,682 Cattoa Market. ! LIVERPOOL, May 24.-COTTON-8pot quiet; prices 12 points lower; American mid dling fair, 7.46d; good middling, 7.JJd; mid dling, 7.24d; low middling, T.lod; good, ordi nary, 8.MU; ordinary, t.76!. Futures opened barely steady and closed quiet; American middling, g., o. c, May, 7.37d; May and June, 893d; June and July, 6.9id, July and August, 6.87d; August and September, 6.63d: September and October, 6.0sd; (Jcto ber and November, 6k6d; November and Iecember, 6.87d; December and January, 6.76.1: January and February, 8.74d. ST. IX)1TIS,- May 24. COTTON Qultt; middling, 13o; sales, none; receipts, nona; shipments, none; stock, 11,853 bales. NEW YOHK, May 24. .'OTTON-fipot. quiet; middling uplands, 13.3Ac; middling gulf, 12.60c: sales. Ml bales. Futures were steady: May, 12.7o; June, U93'412.fric; July, 131hfilil9c; Atiruat, 12.81rai3.62q: September, U.llfjllJOc; October, 10.7it 10.71c: Novem ber, 10.6fyi0f.2c; December, l6.8010.61o: January, 0 64a 10.68c. NEW ORLEANS, May 24.-COTTON-Spot steady; salea, 2,700 bales; ordlnsry, 10 ll-l4o: good ordinary, 12e; low middling, lir; middling, 13c; good middling, 13 6-lc; middling fair, 13 11.16c; recslpt. t: bales; stock, 16,99 bales. CasTee Market. NEW YORK, May 24.-COFKE The market opened steady at a 8 per cent ad vance. UttJua were reported nt bag, Includinir: June. 6.tWn-; July, 5.75c; rli'H-ni-br,6 iiii .Jnuiuary, t.y; Ua, C.ioti tio. Cattle. Hogs. ..6.800 17,4110 ,.2,600 20.0UO ,. 7,8"0 ' 10,500 ' . .8.600 7.600 ..1,601 4.350 .. 400 5,410 .20,901 65,150 pot Rio, quiet; No. T Invoice, 6To. Mild quiet; Cordova, bvil3c Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 24. -M :-TT ALS-Spet til underwent no change ttliruml or locally London quotes spot a 1-1 I" fid and f turea were 2s V1 higher ht 17s tVl; l chilly spot is nuoteti at 37.4.U7.W. ."orpoi In Ixmdon was higher; spot tin-re ndvancet 2:t M to 56 I'a and futures fx to !.' 17s 6tl lorallv ronper remains unchanged; Inks a 114 electrolytic are quoted at 111 '"jl3. l't ant ctutlng at JlJ.ST'sii IJ.ii-W. IjoiiiI was yiv rh.-ingecl at r4.44-(i4.tj In the local inArke snd nt 11 l.'-s In I.ondcn. Spelter bIko wm nnchiuigetl lu both m.trkete. with Londi cltslng at i and New York at 88.1miu. Iron cloeed at Ms 91 In Gliuaow ami at 4Ja d In Mld.llesborot'gli; locaily Iron Is tin changed; No. 1 northern foundry Is Ouoli-' nt 8i5.ui'riiU,jO; No. 2 imtthern foundry 114. boi 15.00; t'lg iron warrant dull ant) nominal nt fj.Ii. ST. I.41CI8. Mav 24. MKTAIJ Iad. dul at ,4.27. Spelter, dull tit 84. 90. , Oils aiul Itoaln. NEW YUiRK. May 24 OILS Cottonseed firm; prlini crude, homlnal; prime 'yellow !74c Fetroieuni. stendv; rehned. New Yolk, 8S .io; Philadelphia, tv.15; In bulk, V.:U Xur pentine, eiea-.ly. ROSIN-Su-ady; strnlned, common to good, 3oc. OIL CITY, Pa May 24 -01LS-Crdll balances. 31.62; rertthVates. no bid; ship ments, t1,o3n bbls., aeiage 73,7 bl)l. runs, 18.3H1 bbls., average (Vt,M2 bblaf ship ments, Lima. M0,9!t6 hula., averam 6o.wi bbls.: runs, Lima, 40,1 AS btM., averag 63, 391 bills. BAVANNAH, O 1. May 24. OILS Tur pentine, (lrm. 54'c. ROSIN Firm; A. ii. C. P. 82.35; K. 81.70; F. 82 76; O. 32 SO; It i.s:.; I. 8S.: K, 81.15, m!, 33.20; N, fo.30; W G. 33.71; W V 83.86. gnaar and Molaaaea. MFW VllBK Mav U SI'n AR Haw firm; fair refining, S7-16c; centrliugal W test, s i-iac; molasses sugar, a-ioc, no fined, firm; No. 6, 4 65c; No. 7, 4. 60c; No. a 4.56c; No. 9, 4 40c; No. lu. 4.35c j No. 11, 4.30c; No. 12. 4 2fc: No. 13. 4.20c: No. 14. 4.15c; con fectioners' A, 4.ao; mould A, 6.3oo; cut loaf, 5.tloc; crufhed, 6.65c; powdered, 6U5c gran. All grades of refined sugar have been ad Vsnced oc per loO lbs. viti, rti trivia HI.. 41 QtTmil-. i- rj llll,r.VltlO, ..i O.J m-t. J , , ptroiiK; ojen kettle, Z1i'a3 3-l$c; centrifugal, Sfi.ic; centrifugal whites, 4Uii47ic; el- tows, it-iti n-inc: seconus, e-c Mt II.ASHK9-Nominal: open kittle. 203 2.V; cenirlfugal, loiulju. Srup no.-n:ia), 'A j-25c. . i Whisky Market. CHICAGO, Msy 24. WHISKY Steady, on a hauls (if Jl.Jtv, . vmnu. Muv 24 WHISKY On a basis of 31.28 for finished goods. Ml. LUllt, Jtiay ;4,-nnioni-aau, on a btisis of 31.8i. CINCINNATI, May 24.-WHISKY-On basis of 31.28 for flnlnhed goods. Perdlraris lu Uood Health. WISV i UKtV, Aiay 11. J uiian;u una Tangier, Morocco, tu tr.o n.iva ters navo letn received from ion Perdlcarls, tne weauny n i-1 1 ,;ii , ... . rr. ......... a few days ego by bandits. The writer niri he is beiua- well cared for and la in good health. RE1AL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday a fur nished by the Midland Ousrantca and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Vnrnam atieflt: William E. Weekly and wife to Janet Falconer, lot 12, Weekly's add I Samuel 8. Curtis, master, to National 173 8,000 830 1.3'0 800 760 1408 1 Life Insurance company, part oi lot 1 block 4S Omuha Sheriff to William Hutton, part Of lot a hlni.lt 16. 1 red it Ftoncler...'. Westerly Saving bank to Kred Bunch, lots 6 and 7, Remington's subdlv.... Helen R. Clark to Nels J. ' Anderson, lot 9, block 2, Stephens Place Clementine Urown to Martha A. pe Lamutre, lot , diock si, liounise Pine D. V. Sholes A Co. to Frank Russell, lot 12, block 4, Dupont Place Frank Dlnniy to Mary Dlnnsy, part nt lnta UK and 26. Hlckorv Place Lydia H, Hall to Thomas F. Hall, several lota in Hall Place Charles W. Brown, administrator, to llrltta swanson, part oc lot su, Clark's add 1,660 1 '600 Frank B. Montgomery and wife to Annie K. uuye, part oi lot 6, diock . Patrick's add Mary A. Hutchinson 'to Csrllon D. Hutchinson, lot 4, block 19,. Walnut Hill, and other property Sheriff to Abby Hills, lot 6, block 8, and other land In Clovaniaie....' Sheriff to Ernest Brcnhans, lot 7, klnnl. A W .i I n r-r . 1 ICO 235 l , V" n . i. r. . " ,, .n,. ............ Mnra-nret Halev und hushnnd to John Franck, lot 24, block 11, mown Park L475 Bherlff to earl D. F. Langfcldt, part of taxlot 27. 21-15-13' 2.600 Julia A. Gibson and wife to Alice A. White, part ot lot 44, block 6, ana other land 16.000 Rt. Rev. Richard Beannoll to City of Omaha, part of nw!4 nw4 aw1 ro- 15-13 SfO WUHam B. Her et si to Peter E. Her, lot 2, block 6, Kountze & Kutn i aaa., and other land.... 1 Lottie Stemler nnd husband to Inter state Investment Trust, Limited, a tract In nett nwtt 83-18-18 8,000 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. lit. 0sJtff Capital and Surplus, $00.000 mm mirnm, . . sex. s. wooi, v. v. UntllW88.CK riA T. IAMILT0H Aut Caar. ' staoslre aaoeuata at kaaka Saakars, eoraor stloua, Braaa aa IsAtTlsWals sa tavoraM taraw. rarelca xehaaae koaalit aa st14. I Latter ef CnOlt Isauaa. available is Bit pans ef the vorM. Istaraal I4 ee Tina Cwtifleatas a4 D4Katt. rauaatiesa sua ptoapiir sa seeaoeaiaaiir. w . GOVERNMENT it CT I Oil. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. MASTER, Cheyenne, Wj-o:, 'May 24, 1904. Pealed proposals, in tripli cate, subject (0 'the ususl condi tions, will bo received at this office uiull 2 o'clock p. m. mountain time, June 14, 1904, and then opened for the construction and erection, complete, st Fort U. A. Rus sell, Wyo., of a crematory of. a capacity ox not icsa man one ion per nour, to gether with a suitable building to en close same. Bidders must submit, wlUi their bid, plan and specifications, in tripli cate, of the crematory and building they propose to erect. Instructions, blank forms of propoxal and full Information furnished on application to this oftlce. Bid; Under my advertisement of March 28, 1904, for crematory, have been rejected. The United States reserves the right to accept or re- itict any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids should b en dorsed "Proposal for Crematory at Fort D. .A. Russell, Wyo.," and addressed to Captain W. H. Bcott, uuurtermuster. U. $. A., in charge of construction, Cheyenne, Wyo. M24-26 JeiO-11. LEGAL NOTICrp.' ' t ! NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. '" Notice ia hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of a ditch la. Dodgo county, Nebraska, known as the Bowman ditch, lll be received by ths county cleric of Dodge county until 10 o'clock a. in, Jun 2, ltnH. Bald ditch to be -constructed ac cording io the plans and Hrieclllcatluna of the county surveyor, which are now on file In the ofllce of the county clerk. The party or parties to whom the contracts are awarded must give bonds in the sum of 2K0O fur faithful performance of con tract, aud. 31,800 to secure the payment of laborers and mechanics. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified oheck oil some Fremont bank in the sum of ll payable to th county treasurer Jt Dodge county, to be forfeited to said county Tu cae the party awarded the contract falls to promptly enter Into satisfactory con tract. Healed bids to be addressed to V O. Boe, county clerk, Fremont, Neb. Tha board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. O. BOE, County Clerk. M24d6tm OFFICE CONSTRUCTINO QUARTER MASTER, Cheyenne. Wyo., May' 24, 1904. 8aaled proposals, in tripli cate, subject to ttie usual condi tions, will be received at this offlre unit! 3 o'clock, p. m. mountain time, June 14. 1904. snd then opened, for furnlinlng and installing wail lockers In two (slngiei field srtlllfry barracks at Fort D. A. Ruxsell, Wyo. Plana and specinratv-'iia may bs seen at thli ofllce; also at the office of the chief cjuarterniiialer, Chicago, Denver,' N"W York. Omaha, HI. I-oula snd fit. Paul. The United States leaervea the right to BCcept, or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids should be endorsed "Proposal for w.ill Icrkers at Fort D. A. Rnsaell, Wyo ," and addrenaed to f'optain W. M. Recti, -quarU-rnmaiei, U. 8. A , In charge of constrtn-tlon, ''hey. line, W'ya M-it-A Jio-il