i! THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1804. S3 : 4 t I r 1 M 1 BUSINESS CHANCES Sholes-Armstrong Co., m w t lf tM Trl. 4. IF TOT' WANT TO BUT OR SELL ANT THING, CALL ON US. WE CAN DO IT OIMi-VI Y KD OUR CHARGES ARB REASONABLE. Hardware toc7 In zood town of 7W. This In the only stock In town snd I doing a food bu"!nm. Owner would trade for l.ono rottnge In Omaha or Co. Bluffs, bal ance cash. $3,500 lnrV-rr mnrh In the best rrt of eastern Wyoming, unlimited free range. 7 head of cattle and 10 hornet Included at thla price. Thin la a anap. Ownar might take mercnanaise ior pan. l,200 Viimltura and lense of B5-room hotel In Omaha. Very satisfactory business. Fur niture In rood condition and worth double uie price. , 4,500 Al stock of racket goods, doing a business of $10,000 to xiz.ono per year, Handsome fixture. Owner wishes to retire and will trade for - gilt-edged rental property in Omaha, 11,800 Grocery near the business center, doing business of MO to $W per day. Very cheap. $12,000 A stock of Implements, brick a to re building and handaome residence In one of the very beat eastern Nebraska towna. Will trade for (food land and pay a little cash differ ence. 500 Tea and coffee bualneaa In Omaha, Include horses, wagon and lease on store. Very Satisfactory business. 40 ACRES f first-class ami nvp roved land near Neoln, la., smooth and rich. Price, $66 per acre. AN INTEREST , In an established manufacturing business In this city paying 10 per cent net on the Investment Will sell five, ten or fifteen thousand dollars' worth of stock, 80 ACRES of first-class unimproved farm land In Da kota county, 14 miles from electrlo rail way. Fries, 176 per acre. Will take $1,000 down, balance on long time, Lay in terest. W KIT 13 FOR OUR NEW BULLETINS OF MERCHANDISE STOCKS AND BUSI NESS CHANCESJUST OUT. PER CENT SEMI-MONTHLY DIVI DENDS paid regularly on acoounts of IM and upward; not so extravagant in promise, but rich In lasting results. If you desire a permanent and substantial Income from your Idle capital, with abso lutely no rink of loss, do not fail to in vestigate this ad.: handsome booklet free. Hanover Stock Co., Inc.. IS Broadway, New York. Y-693 tlx FOR SALE, millinery and dry goods busi ness, well established in Iowa town of . 8,000 population; invoice $3,600; good terms. Address Barton Barton, Red. Oak, la. T M674 24 JEWELRY STOCK 12,600 Jewelry stock, and fixtures; good benoh trade; located In large Iowa town; sell for cash only. Ad dress Barton at Barton, Red Oak. Ia. Y M676 14 LARGE manufacturing concern, whose products are sold In all parts of the United States, located at Battle Creek. Michigan, highest bank references, will open branch offices hi Des Moines and Milwaukee and we want a capable man who can come well recommended to fill the position of local sales manager; sal ary (1,200.00 per year anr commission. Our sales manager should .make at least $3,000.00 per year In this territory and must Invest $1,600.00 In the preferred stock of the company, In accordance with our co-operative plan of doing business. Ad dress Manager, Drawer R, Battle Creek, Mich. Y 498 22x Good 2-story building with bowling alley, now clearing $10 per day; could doubls in come. Price, $1,800. House of 7 rooms, three large lots, all In small fruits. Also good stock ' of second-hand goods. A good opening for right man. Price, $1,70. Both of the above In a live eastern Nebraska town and are bargains. Investigate. FLETCHER R. E. CO. 101 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha. Y-688 21 .WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange Jour property or business quick, see J. L Johnson, 84$ N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y-M464 WANTED To Invest $100 and services; real estate or rental office preferred; Jnderstand general routine office work, '. O. Box 234. Y 150 22x PER CENT money earned on your invest ment by our co-operative operations is larger, safer and the investment more pro tit producing than by any other plan .known up to the present time. Years of experience hss taught us to operate con servatively, carefully and oautlously for by these methods with ample capital your Investment, your dividends and our opera tions are at all times safe. Remember we are not novices, not a new company who bids for your patronage, but an old tried and reliable company who have Stood the teat of time and have not been found wanting. We are here to-make money for you and for ourselves, we have done so In the past, are doing so now and will continue to do so In the future. You msks absolutely no mistake when you place an Investment with us. Write for particulars at once. The best of references right In your own vicinity. Indorsed by business men of the highest standing. Ws can not say more and the dividends are paid to you each week Jn any form desirable and your credit with this company returned on demand. Fleishman & Co., 12M Broadway. N. Y. Y-477 22x A LEGITIMATE, protected business. Man ufacturing pneumatic, puncture proof Inner tires for sale. tOO per rent net profits. State rights. Propositions con sidered. Manufacturer, 182 West 4!th St., New York City. Y647 22x PROMOTERS, small investors securing leases, $2 acre, may make fortunes from present developments; new Arkansas oil Meld. Write ''Missouri Pacific Railway Immigration Agent," New York. Y-648 22x MEROENTHALER basket now earning $500 week above all expense. Write for spe cial report, snd lowest price for stock. T. A. Bell, 62 Broadway, New York. Y 660 22x BUSINESS opportunities. One hund-ed visiting cards postpaid, 85 cents, with leather card ease, 60 cents. F. C. Kber hardt, 2053 South Third street. Phila delphia. Pennsylvania. Y 6E2 tix SALOON for sale on account' of advanced age and ill-health. IU4 N. 16th st. Y 4SJ 22x GROUND floor opportunity to get Into Kansas .oil deal for Urge or small in vestors; property producing the highest grade oil; early dividends; experienced ' oners tors. (16 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis. Y 47S 22x WE CAN BUY for you or tell you where to buy anything you want. Send stamp for circular. "Home Traders." 8439 Calumet, Chicago. Y 488 tlx INVESTMENTS as made by me average per cent weekly; full particulars, bank- ing and Nebraska references from Frank r. Martin, 184 E. VanBuren St.. Chicngo, III. . Y-483 22x WANTED Party who can Invest $1,600 cash or bankable notes, In sn established, legit imate business, which will bear closest Investigation; will glvs position to In vestor yielding IW0 to 81.000 per month, so cording to ability and energy possessed. J. W. Henley dt Co., Dayton. O. Y-480 22x CLARK CO.. Turf Information Brokers. SIS Broadway, New York, exponents of the International system; the one system the bookmakers dread; system me I led free upon application; no commissions handled; you do your bettlnr Y-646 Rx WE MAKE extra trousers, A goo. I line to select from. Dresher. Y 4U4 83 THE BEST OPPORTUNITY IN EXIST ENCE for the Investment of small snd large sums of Idle money where It will produce a lnrse and ateitdv monthly revenue without rlxk or losa Principal bark on demand. For full particular address W, H. Latimer, 41$ Walnut St., Philadelphia Tv Y-tJJ tix THFl HOTRti BAROAIN." One of the brat hotels to western Iowa, In a coxnty seat town of 18") Inhab itants. The nlv rt rr dey houe In the place; 8-strv brick with basement; a rronertv worth $18.0"0: run be bought for grtuo; I'.Suo down snd t& OOri time will be alvto. Address U it, Oaiatia Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE Let us tell you of a profitable Investment of a small amount of money that will yield you good returns. Can be taken care of In addition to your regular work or busi ness. Address The Abamo Co., Omaha, Neb. Y-M8S8 jel FURNISHED HOUSES Two special money makers one 14 and one 1 rooms, well equipped, fine location, first-class patrons they ' re bargains; see em qj.CH. JOHNSON, If. T. LIFE. y BHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO.. 72$ N. Y. Life. Tel 4s. Y-847 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Net. Bk. Bldg, can get you in or out oi uuiiim-. Y-848 CMflk'P PRIDE OF HASTINGS so ol OiuUNEgar. Cushlng Uauvreau, Dlstb. Y 61318 Ji A BUSINESS MAN With ability snd push, together with $5,0u0 to llO.Ouu, can acquire controlling In terest In an Incorporated, well established and rapidly growing business in Omaha which can be greeny Increased. This is an exceptional opportunity. J. 11. JUlUMBUfl, . x. uja T FOR SALE Barber shop and bath rooms; best in the state. In good Nebraska town. Address L 41, xtee umoe, umana, neo. X M49V iUx FOR SALE In the wheat belt of Kan.. Os borne machine and blacksmith shop, well equipped for engine repairing. Address at once, c A. xnompson at Donj omwnn, Kan. x la FOR BALE Hotel Jamison furniture and good will. A fine opening for a good hotel man. Writs or call upon Doniathorpe Son's Reel Estate and Loan Agency, Gen eva, Nebraska. I aa.ir ix FOR RALE, chean. 14-room. 82 a day hotel: only hotel In town of 1.200; good business; best of reasons for selling; for particulars address H. A. Bottles, fxorui riena. iNeo. Y M34$ 17 FOR SALE A drug store doing a rood. profitable bualneaa; snout viuck. in a god farming section of southeast Nebraska; must be cash or bankable pa per; do not answer unless you mean busi ness; this la a snap for a good man; best reason for eellln. Address L, 42, Bee. Y-M368 $6 HOTELS FURNISHED 80 well equipped sleeping rooms, modern f hmi.. navfnsr business. Nebraska town. 8,000 people; a bargain; cash and time con sidered; siso . . 2 onmniete furnished rooms. $3 house, only hotel In fine western Iowa town; it's a bonanza; circumstances compel quiu sale; snap: money maker: cash and Urn. J. H. JOHNSON, ti. Y. LIFE. THE BEST paying business In Hastings. Neb., for amount Invested. 220 South Hastings ave. Y M368 26x FOR SALE Must be sold at once, good first-class bicycle and gun stock at Grand Island, Neb., Invoiced at $1,660. Write or call on Adolph Held. Grand Island, Neb. Y M439 26x FOR SALE Meat market, boarding house and confectionery combined for $3,600, either cash or on time with good banka ble note. This business Is for sale, not for rent. This Includes stock and all. En quire of Julius Sohroeder, Gretna, Neb. DON'T work for others; be the boss; start a Mail-Order Business; we help you. Plan and new catalogue for stamp. Cen tral Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you havs some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L. Brandels A Sons, Bankers, 18th and Doug las Bts. Asset over $400,000.00. . Y ONUl HUNDRED LOTS FREE ADDll cants sending stamp will receive deed of lot, slss 25x100 feet. Suburb N. Y. 20th Century Keaity to, wail Dt., A STEADY Income, more than equaling one's dally axpenaes, can be derived from small investments upon strictly legitimate business principles. Not horse racing nor anything similar; $30 earned $100 inside xnirty aay. ien operation promises still greater returns. Accounts $60 and upward accented: positively no risk. Write for circulars. John E, Stetson, 8J6 Broadway, New York. Y 661-22 12 INTEREST I NO SPECULATION I An absolutely sound, gilt-edged proposition that guarantees you the payment of 1 monthly. We are paying and have paid 12 annually for 8 years. Capital can be witnarawn any time on Z4 noura nouoa. Amounts accepted from $100 to 11,000. Let your money earn legitimate profits. Write for full Information. INVESTMENT SECURITIES, 220 .Broadway, New York. Y 664 22x A SAFE INVESTMENT. $100 for every $26. Safe, sure, reliable proposition. Profits distributed' bimonthly.- Write for partioulars. McBee 4c Kirkman, Room 258, 28 Broadway, N. Y. Y-668 22x KEEP your money working. Small Invest ment makes stclv Income. Dividend checks mailed weekly; withdrawal priv ileges allowed on demand. Investors are protected by our conservative method, preferring assured profits to risk In more attractive propositions. Send $20.00 or more for trial. Particulars, Francis A ' Co., Brokers, Burlington Bldg., St. Louis. Y 634 22x $200.00 INVESTED now, with part servloes In responsible corporation, will bring quick returns. Lock Box 1021, Peoria. lit -441 22x FREE lots to advertise N. Y. suburb. Send stamp for one lot. Oceanvlew. Hlsh elevation. Seaside Co., 231 Broadway. N Y. Y 640 22x DID you ever make a little money? Not by gambling or "get rich Quick" notions, but by sheer wit and clever Ingenuity or far-sightedness snd brains? If you did, no matter how small the amount, you can make more simply by scribbling off a rouKh account of how you did It and mailing It to a responsible firm of New York Magnxlne Publishers. Address P. O. Box 407. New York City. Y 636 22x WE start you mall order bualneaa. Par ticulars and samples free. American Spe cially Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. Y-520 22x WILL LEASE weekly newspaper and Job printing ofilce. Geo. E. Brown, Hastings, Neb. Y-18 22x WANTED Young man with $5,000 to $10,000 to take an active Interest in well estab lished manufacturing and jobhlng busi ness. Address L 24, Bee. Y 612 22x CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, to one man only In esch state with a few humlrel dollars snd references; monopoly of legiti mate I'tislnesa; enormous profits: without risk; highest endorsements. Hull. 154 East 23d Bt., Nsw York. Y-632 22x WILL Invest $11,000 In mercantile or manu facturing business, with services: must be an attractive proposition, with un questionable references: owners only answer. Address L 66, Bee. Y 1&4 2Sx CORPORATION whose products are han dled by leading wholesale and retail deal- - ers wnnt competent man to take man agement of branch office, salary $2,500 per annum and commission. KnergeMe man should earn M CKX) per annum. Must In vest from 81.0110 to vnO0 In stock of com pany. . Unquestionable references as to sbllltv and Integrity required. Address Box 638, Mndlfon. Wisconsin. Y WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. X3I N 1)2? WE hsve customer who will pay cash for an old concert or baby grand piano. Schnioller si Mueller, Btelnway Agents, 1311 Farnam. N-U4 2$ WILL pay reasonable price for one 10 horse power gasoline engine. L M. Bee Office. N 421 J2x WANT to buy scalper's ticket to Montreal reasonable. Address L 64, Bee orn.-e. N 1U 24 WOULD pay good price for Angotla goat, trained to pull a small cart. L ;. lies office. N-JtW $lx WANTED, sound family horse under T veers; Aaceri about ITS, Adilreas I. C7, tee. r N-22x PERSONAL BRAND NEW PROCESS Columbia Gold-Moulded Cylinder Records VOLUME DURABILITY QUALITY Columbia Disc Records Absolute Perfection of Sound Reproduction All the Sweetness, Volume and Beauty of the Original Rendition. 7-inch, 50c each 10-inch, $1 $5 per doz. 10 per doz. 2 each. COLUMBIA RECORDS FIT ALL TALKING MACHINES. Columbia Phonograph Co., GENERAL, 01 Pioneers and Leaders in the Talk'ng Machine Art Grand Prize, Paris, 1900. 1621 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Information of the whereabouts of Annie Shaw, from Olen Arn, County Antrim, Ireland: deed or alive. Address Joseph Shaw, 1108 Bxaddock ave.. Brad dock, Pa. U-616 26X DR. ROT. Chiropody. R. 2, l&U Famam. us8 DETECTIVE Cap t. Cormack, 617 Karbach block, TsL A-20. DRESSMAKING, In families, alias Sturdy, 2ti0 Davenport. U MM1 MUSICAL-Tnoa. J. Kelly, voice, Davldge block. U3SH Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quick est Mrs. A. C Mark, 17th and Douglas. LA BOOK, ladfts' tailoring, tU Karbach block. . U 8i TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. U 344 PANTORIUMc.-TSh U-887 Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge bldg. 1 ELITE Parlors. 615 8. 16th. 3d floor. U-8S1 IF YOU wish to earn money by writing short stories or by acting as news corre spondent, address United Press Syndi cate, 833 Postal bldg., Indlanapolln, Ind. U-319 2Sx "VIA VI." way to health, SS0 Bee building. U-9u PIANOLAS for rent; 1 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Bchmoller 4c Mueller, 1413 Farnam. Tel. 1626. U 8S2 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th at TTjtaa THEATRICAL maaq. costumes. 1018 Farnam. Lleben, U-S45 TIMID We were at the place you men tioned at 7:30 p. m. sharp, but did not wait later. Write again to K 67, Bee. U 861 22 THE NEW DELICATESSEN 180S FARNAM QUALITY CLEANLINESS YOUR CONFIDENCE ' . A MOST DELICIOUS CUP OF COFFEB HOME-MADE BREAD, THE GENUINE ARTICLE. YOU'LL ALWAYS BE GLAD YOU CAME TO THE NOQN LUNCHEON TAKE HOME A LOAF OF OUK HOME-MADE BREAD TO SQUARE YOURSELF WITH YOUR WIFE. We ALSO ICAKI HOME-MADE PIES, COOKIES, AND DOUGHNUTS. THB BOG. WE SELL AND 82RVB AJUS F&KSU FROM THB COUNTRY. TRY AN ORDER OF PURITY JAVA MOCHA . COFFEE i OUR SPECIALTY LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any Kina can secur a bail in we nee ouuu lnir. with floluiidld accommodatiiina: fcie- v vator service ail night, electric 1'fbt. piano, etc. Apiny m it, u retsrs ai ground floor, Hee bldg. U 41 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 202S. THERE are at leaat to reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram so cigar. The llrat Is: It Is qual to any lOo cigar 'on the market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U SW M A nMPTIP treatment baths. Mme. I'lrtun a iv. Snutb. Us N. la. S Dr., R. 1 U-4i2-J-Jx A WIDOWKR (Hebrew) In prime of life, good character and dispoaltion, Is anxious to meet a lady of rennemont and loveuble disposition with a view to mutrlmony; one of means preferred; all communica tions considered; strictly confidential. L 67. Bee omce. U 114 2tx LYNCH Information wanted of John Lynch and Bessie Lynch, children of Thomas Lynch and Susan, otherwise Ju dith iJonohoe; they are heirs to an estate und vere !ivln in New York eighteen years ago. Address J. H. Hubbell & Co., M Broudnay, isew loin City. U-S81 Mx BTEINWAY pianos sre sold exclusively hy Sciimuller ft Mueller, 1311 Farnam St. U-HM i Dye Worka Up-to-date lemanla'"1nfhtn,1 Trwu U-Mboi A TOUNO bualnenB man. musical, well edu cated, speaking English, French, German, Italian, has his own Itustnesv, nice home, drelres acquaintance of educated, musical, loving young girl or lady of means ; ons from good fsmlly, who siso knows some thing of cooking snd husekeeplng and loves n home; object, matrimony. L 68, Bee office. U-SU iix ''MIGHTY OAKS FROM UTILE ACORNS GROW" Read what mighty businesses have been built up from little" Want Ads" Jiad "TK Stories of Business Success" on page 4. PERSONAL BRAND NEW RECORDS SUPERIOR IN each Grand Opera Records DR. C. H. DB LONG. Dentist, 332 Bee. U 4u7 Jet EXPERT piano moving, lowest, prices. Bchmoller Mueller, 141! Farn. Tel. ltui. BEST photos from 32 to $10 per dozen and a 14x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon included in each dozen FREE. Frames If desired st very low prices. Stonecypher, photos rspher, 1312 Famam St. Tel. 3522. V-tif WILL the relations o Harry Carlton Aus tin, who left New York about 13 years ago, please communicate with the under signed. Mrs. H. C. Austin, Central De livery, San Francisco, Cal. U 444 24x BOOK of 700 secrets and known facts In every branch of business, science and art, enabling the pogeensor to avoid the rocks and shoals of life and secure much wealth; It In replete with rules und recipes for universal application; literally a store house of knowledge; sent postpaid for only 25c. Mason & Co., 102 E. 7th ave., Homestead, Pa. U 316 23x M. A. Thanks for Information concerning Mama Ktnle; do you know where her niece lives, or where I could get particu lars about Mrs. Klnle's death? L Rl. Pee 1 Office. U 303 24x AMERICAN gentleman, well bred, pleas ing personality, amiable disposition, form erly wealthy, would marry cultivated young woman or widow of means; would be devoted husband. L 82, Bee office. U-333 24X LUCTLE A Sent you letter to the place you mentioned. U 898 13 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, -varts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free snd confidential; all work guaranteed. . Miss A 1 lender, 422 N. Y. Life. U-671 22x . RAYMOND S. White; mother very sick. MORRIS. U-80123X TOUNO MAN, 29 years old, of culture and good education, wishing to take charge of an old established business; would like to make acquaintance of refined young lady with means, which she Is willing to invest; German lady preferred'; object matrimony, u to, uee omce. u loo kar STREET. HELEN Pies more fully. t write and express yourself U 710 23x THE EPPERLY CORSET Latest Styles of French Mska. ChooaeOTour own Style of Corset: LONG OR SHORT HIP. HIGH OR LOW BUST. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Orders promptly filled. Call and be convinced that we can pleas you. ' This corset manufactured at 1807 Farnam street, Omaha. JEANNIE I wish you maty happy returns of the day. Harry. U-412 23x "PAPA sys he can't shsks 'sm off Huts son's New Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al- . moat Invisible. Hutes-jn Optical Co., 211 8. Ulh st., Paxton block; factory on the premises. U 400 PIANO New, modern upright, mahogany case, large alze, carved panela, sold under our full guarantee. $186; $10 cash and $6 monthly. Schmollrr A Mueller. 1313 Far nam St., Omaha. U 667 23 PERSONAL FENCINO kssons flven to ladles or gents wedlsh system. Gives i tneir Dome. Swedish svi Von a superb figure, fine complexion and great strength. Professor, P. O. box 122, vinana. u M6 Jeix ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. GRADUATING DRESSES A SPECIALTY. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 800 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL 1938. U-M3M JeU PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, f N. m. lei. Jbbit. 117 zi LADY. So. with rMh and real mminlm wishes correxpondence with honorable gentleman; object, matrimony. Give dr- enpuon; enclose stamp, Clarke, 1641 impanoe si, Denver, Colo. U-6fi7-22x OENLINE piano snap, upright, finely made, newly remodeled In our factory, looks like new, sold under our full guar- nt.. . nn . i A . . . ... . . "n nnn o montniv price om-.nFachmo,lcr MMUer-jxl LADIES YOU KNOW THAT RUCHINGS ARE ALL THE RAGE NOW. LET US SHOW TOU OUR SAMPLES, THE FINEST AND LATEST. WE HAVE , THE ONLY RUCHING MACHINE WEST OF NEW YORK. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. SUITE 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK, Over 107 8. lGth St., Omaha Tel. 193S. PERFIELD PIANO CO., ' BEE nUILIMNO. OMAHA. To the Prospective Purchaser of a Piano: An opportunity oflered whereby you can save 81. 6 per cent in Interest alone In the purcnase oi a piano udoii our man. as com pared with that of others doing business in the same line, is submitted to your careful thought and consideration: A piano, the purchase price being $300, sold on a mommy payment or n.uo, witn in terest at 10 per cent per annum, would require 76 months to complete the con tract. Purchase price of piano 1300.00 interest at 1U per cent, 76 months. less rebate lor averasre time on monthly payments made 93.75 Net cost of piano $393.76 OUR PLAN. A piano, purchase price being $300.00 payable xh.uo per month without In terest $300.00 Net amount saved by our plan f 93.75 in otner woroa vour mano hm cost von but IW.2S by our Plan, as compared with plan above. Call and we will explain more luiiy. Perfield Piano Co.. Be Building. Telephone 701. U DO JU WEALTHY young widow, owns and runs a targe iarm, wisnes to marry soon. Ad dress Wilson, 109 Central Ave., Minne apolis, Minn. u U2S 22x 1 i EXPERIENCED teacher of muslo and rencn desires additional pupils. Ad ores Alias xerraii, mi iougias st. U-M633 Ux I WILL send you free, book telling how to make 31.00 earn $10.00; larger amounts In proportion ; send no money, book is I roe; no raining or . gamDiing. j. X. Lawrence, lu .Michigan St., Chicago. ,U-47t22x HANDSOME widow, VERY WEALTHY, owns Deautirui home and large income, wants immediately good, honest husband. Address Alia, St. Nicholas Hotel Chicago. RETT RED business man, VERY RICH, seeKS gooa, nonest, nome-ioving wire: money- no oDject. Address Mr. Lora, zu Washington St., Chicago. U 4flJ Ex MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY: MAR. RIAOE DIRECTORY FREE: pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept 297, i sKonsna, xaion. u zzx WE MAKE the best blue serge suits In the city fox $2o. Dresher, 1616 Farnam St. U-4U9 33 WE MAKE cravanette coats. Dresher, 1515 Farnam. U-618 33 INFORMATION WANTED August Rlees ran away trom mends in Madleon, Madi son county, Neb., on May 16, IM; was last seen on May 20, 1903. at Columbus, Neb.; 16 years of age, well built, blonde hair and light complexion, dark brown eyas. He Is evidently In eastern Ne- DrasKa. Anyone wno Knows nis wnere abouts Is urgently reouested to communi cate with L H. R.. care John titler, An- heuser-Uusa Brewing Ass n, St. Louis, do. u 081 HELLO, CENTRAL! Give - me O-N-I- M-o-u,, tne nest snoe on tne market; price $3.6(1 and $2.60; sold exclusively by uie itegeni enoe to., xuo a. mn. U-671 23 WANTED Will take good care of horse and carl rage for their use during sum mer. Telephone ti. u. Mcunton. U-647 22x I NEED funds to hold bond on a California mine and will sacrifice 20,000 shares of I Metals stock at IM cents per share; v stock is now quoted at ( cents; in blocks of 1,000 shares. Address L 64 Bee office. U656 22x VERY respectable mlddle-ased. unlncum. Derea wiuow, solicits correspondence of gentlemen 48 to 66. American, good habits ana oi means, l, n, at. u 80 Z.x PRINTING DDIMTIMP. i Hlkbt Grade Work. i . i-. r roune uiock, corner oi LI INOo IflU 1 ltn nu ana Capitol Ave. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest price. aju J, M. SIRPLESS, Reliable Printer; eatab- lialied 13 years, nut a. in st., wn. 346 M18 Di-infinrr Job printing. Best work In city. l i lining, Guaranteed, lou uapitoi Ave. KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINT- CKb, 1103 f arnam. m ueuvor m wucu promised is our hobby. M318 GARDNER PRINTING CO., removed to rooms z ana I, uaiiy " V LAWNM0WERS SHARPENED C. JARL, 713 Bo. 16th street. M-icoj.io 1 E. E. LAWRENCE, 2703 Lsvenworth. ' 'Phons Lltiis., iu aoiii p. MELCHOIR machine works. ISth and Howard. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS. WHITE, -drawer drop head J.00 NEW HOME, 5-drawer drop head... .... 5U.00 SINGER AUTOMATIC, -drawer drop head. Good a Nw,jp2 .00 SINGER, -drawer drop head $20.00 STANDARD GRAND, 5-drawer drop head. ....$2.00 WILCOX & GIBBS, drop head $40.00 WILCOX & GIBBS, box top .$1S.00 NEW HOME, drop head DOMESTIC CABINET. NEW HOME The.e machines are shop-worn, but Joet as good as new, and are complete rlth all attachments. Box top machines, any make, - from 35.00 to 110. On. We rent machines for 76c per week. We repair and sell parts tor an machine manufactured. Nebraska GEO. E. M1CKEL, Manager. . 'Phone 1663, Cor. ISth and Harney Sts.. Omaha., 'Phone B6I8, 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 'Phone 4365, 625 N. 24th St South Omaha, Neb. 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. lilt Famam. 100 KINDS cf Mineral Water. Sherman Aicconneu Drug Co., Oraaba. Q 8(3 HIGH-GRADE rlnno for sale; a big bar- sum, nium ue aoia. Aaarews Lt ji, i-tee. O MSSS M?S FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first- nafs pianoaro rcnooi in umana, compris ing complete course 'n business, short hind and typewriting. Inquire st Fee office. J S62 FOR SALE, will sell at a discount a schol arship in one or the best Omaha buMneaa colleges. Address F 16, Bee. Q M901 TELEPHONE poles; lone fir Umber: cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. Q-MC95 HEAVY Drummond make top bssgy cheap. Also goou (iieo nnrrow ai vi.iue. John son Sm Danforth. S.W. cor. 10th and Jcnes. Q-M226 JeU NEW Stelnwsy Pianos are sold only by Bchmoller ft Mueller, U13 Farnam. Tel 1626. DRUMMOND FOR STANHOPES, RUNABOUTS, PHAETONS, TRAPS, Belmar Wagons, . Lenox Wagons, Golt Wagons, Poaching Wagons. Horse Show Novelties Harness and Horse Goods, Composition Dressings Stable Requisites Summer Sheets Muzzles, English Halters. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. HOG, Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad wire fence, wire wor, ei a. iu; w Tel. 160. Q-M3X7 Jy8 ID-HAND safe. SwaxU, Hatter, 114 , 8. ljth. VI m i im SAM L BURNS closing out refrigerators. 4 tfv LARGE stock of nsw and second-hand auiowouues. a. V' SJi a STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., uri i .... i H Pais ll VVUUiVoaiV Ciuu s,bv.eat HARNESS and Is ADDLES; everything ooa- iiana-iaU, U1U V .aava w J. G. BIESSIMG. 331 N. 25th, So. Omaha. H 4WO?v SMOKE Auditorium Brick. 6o cigar. Q 900 WE RENT fiewlng machines, 75o week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.UU to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1G63. Corner 16th and Harney. via MY diamond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dia mond Loan umoe, itui uougias; tney u show you. QM4Q0 FOR SALE Wardrobe, heater, bookcase and ciiinuiiiei', goou as new, Cheap, uis N. 3 2d St. Q-M'iJt) 23x FOR SALE One roller top desk, fitted for typewriter; complete launory outnt, in cluding stove; one bed room set; one gas stove, etc. Call at 3010 Sherman Ave. y Miiio ztx PIANOS 5 Square Grand Pianos including many standard makes, :20;25,38.yo'to 75 $5 cash and $2 monthly. Schmoller & .Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. WHO'S your tailor? It should be lretier. FOR SALE. Chalnleas Cleveland bicycle, new, for $20 cash, a rare bargain; wli sell, as I have no place to keep it; call or sddress, jno. 11. ui, , ,;r of Trade. Omaha. Q . FOR SALE, cheap, a fine Sohmer Brand .ii0htiv i . mnA tt.v terms If da- sired.' J. 5. Acton, Fremont, Neb LATEST FOR LADIES Handy hat fasten ers and snap loca srin uuuii kuii money for agents; complete sample line 2 cents. Nassau Mercsntlle Co., Dept. r villi Tit .1 Kun Frani'lllUL t, miiw FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ns $20.00 ,-.$20.00 ...$20.00 Cycle Co. j CLOSING gas fixtures at cost. Saml Burns. Q-la3 Jell FOR SALE, rails of all weights; also switches, frogs and cars for sidetracks ' snd tramways, locomotives, sream shov els and contractors' tools. We make a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired.. M. Mltsbkun Co.. Detroit, Mich. , Q-M313 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon. Baum Iron Co Omaha. . Q 238 FOR SALE One large else "Hall Safe and Lock company's burglar proof safe:" also one high speed "Ideal" engine, slxe of cylinder 8x11 Inohes. Inquire of First National bank. city. Q PIANOS 15 sqnare grand pianos. Including many standard makes, $20. $26, $38, $50 to $76; $6 cash and $2 monthly. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam, Omaha, Q 651 23 PIANO Upright, standard make. $12B. left on sale at Schmoller sV Mueller's, on Farnam street, Omaha terms If desired. Q 668 23 THIS FOR THAT FURNISHED house r fiat, family of three adults, until September L Address, with full particulars, L &, Bee. K 6Slx WILL trade sewing machine for type--, 1 IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, we will exenunge new ior it. leu ui. -M72$ M26 $300 AUTOMATIC Reglna maslo box, fancy case, to exchange for piano or pianola. Address K 13. Bee. Z-M7S1 M4 $3S9 FISCHER PIANO for $75; will trade ior Id-hand furniture. Enterprise Furni ture Co., 102 S. 14th. Tel. 296. Z-763 10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for new records. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. Z 751 WHAT have you to exchange for a planot Perfield Piano Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 7ul. Z-743 UNIQUE Journal, hew Ideas, sales and exchanges. Sample, ' 4 cants. Mutual Exchange, 3118 Howard. Zibi Je3 PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange for some of the money yea pay the street car com. pany. Louis Aescher, lt22 Capitol avenue. Z M40 WEBER piano, slightly used, trade for horse and tagST Koom 7, Bee bldg. Tel. 70i Zr-M229 FOR SALE or exchange for home In In Omaha, 40-acre fruit farm, acres Bearing iruii, m ence; price $3,400. bearlns; fruit, nicely located near Flor w. ui Dnnver. i in. x. Lite tiiag. Z M429 23 PIANOLA olroulatmg library at Schmoll A. Mueller's. 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1U26. Zr-biA 23 HAVE a good muslo box to trade for horse and harness. Address L 31, Bee office. &-318 24x WILL trade Fox Terrier puppy for Irish eeiier. JMiaress xj so, see tuaoo. Z 401 24x WHAT ' will you trade for a first-class Kaaiam Home (large sue) nara coat burner? Been used only a short time. Address L 63, Bee Office. Z 400 26x IF THERE is nothing la this column you want, put an aa. in ana you win soon get lt Z 153 HAVE good Iowa farm for exchange stock hardware or general merchandise. Ulen wood Abstract Co., Glenwood, Iowa. Z-676 23 MEDICAL MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggist. 61. tsui HOMEOPATHIC medloines, wholesale, re tail. .Sherman & McDonnell. Omaha, -900 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any ' cajse; experienced and reliable. Addrena, with stamp, Dr. l'rlos, isdl Dode st., Omaha. tWl PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gar dots, 331$ Charles. Tel. A-3B18. -803 TRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good bamarltan Sanitarium, ',28 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 626 DR. HOSTETTER hss removed to the 8. w. corner or zutn ana heaven worm sis Tel. 77. 603 Jet PRIVATE home during confinement; bable. adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, top floor, 606 N. 16lh St. Tel. Sb'oli. K4 JeU DR. W. ' HUTCHINSON. Specialist t i t women and children: SO rears' practlo i , Office, 22(J6 Ounilng. Resldeucs telephone, . 8866; office, mt. DR PRIES. German graduate, renowned for his skill nnd experience In confine, meats; cures sterility, long standing; dis- ) eaaen of uterus and overtes, oures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru etlon recent or of long standing. Ladles who have suffered for years, hopelexe and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview la Impossible stats your case fully. Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Address R. V. Pries, M. D . 16HV4 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. LADIES When In need senA for free trial of our never falling remedy. Relief sure snd quick. Paris Cheralosi Co., Milwau kee, Wis. . LADIES, our monthly regulator aever faila; box free. Vita Co., Station A, De troit. Mich. LADIKS Cblchestsrs English rennyroyu Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Bend 4a stamps, for particulars. "H'-llef for Ladles," in letter, by return mall. Auk ymir druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. te. A SURE cure for corns, Onlmod, the shoe for men; sold exclusively by the Regent Shoe Co., 2U6 S. 16th. 1 676 22 FLORISTS HESB 8WOUODA, 1416 Farnam. KJ7 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Send tor price list of cut flowers and plants. -77 ALFRED DONAGHUB. JR.. IMJ Farnsm. T i