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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 22, 190. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE PAYNE, BOSrWiCK & COMPANY, 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. City Properties For Sale pedal bargain to offer this Mk, property Just Hated y esterday, la the Welnut Kill district, tnree blocks from car, one-half block from paved atreet, baa 1 living rooms, beeldee hull and bath room, parlor, library, with fine mantel and grate, dining reom with plie moulding, large kitchen, hot and eold water, flue pantry, eioellent cel lar, nlcrly cemented, furnace, nice front hall, with food atalra leading to Urge hall on eeoond floor; three nice bed rooma, each with extra large cloaeta; large bath room; hot Re very finely decorated throughout, aplendld gaa fixture, good soft ooal range and eras range, all connected In Kitchen, goea with house; over fa feet of front porch leading around to aide of house; good cement wslke on atreet and Into houae, with fine cement atepa and beautiful lawn; lot 0x130, to alley, and completely covered with all kinds of ahrubbery. Including American Beautlea, lllaca and vines, a perfect little paradise; Immediate possession; price, $2,509. 8306 Lincoln boulavsrd, a brand new a-rootn houae, with all modern Improvements, In cluding furnace, screens, atorm ensh. Cellar under entire houae, fine plumbing, fin bade, one Mock from car, $.1,000. On Lafayette Ave,, near 4lat fit., w have a atrlctly modern 6-room hoUse.In splendid condition, with nice ahade and lawn, paved atreet, permanent walka, $4,600. SS10 Lafayette Ave., 8 room, all modern, $3,600. 414 N. kth St., I rooma, atrlctly air modern, two lota for 14.610. 10M N. 4th St., I rooma, nearly new, furnace, gaa. electrlo light, flna bath room and fixture, cemented cellar, location excellent, looking up Hawthorne Art., 14,000. New houae in Dundee, 7 rooma, all modern, 60-foot lot, $2,600. On $Sd St., Just north of Bemls Park 7 rooma, wltn gaa, city water, cistern, hade, fruit, price 11,660. 1M1 I,ocust St.. 10 rooma, with bath eleotrlc light. 12,800. 24 Clerk St., 10 rooma, with gaa, bath, nice shade; owner will exchange thla , property for amaller houaa further out; prloo 12.800. 8872 Reward Be, T rooma, all modern except, 60-foot lot with barn, nice hade: $,ioo. 423 Farnam Bt., I rooma, all modern except furnace, finely decorated throughout, with very lateat open plumbing, nice baeement under entire houae, permanent walka, -lota of shrubbery; owner will make price right. On (2d St.. aouth of Han acorn Park, a 7-room houaa with barn: property In nice condition, facing the boulevard; owner anxloua to eell on Account of leaving city and baa reduced price to 12,200. . ....... . 4823 Seward St., one-balf block from Walnut Hill ear, btgh and elghtly, living tooma, new enamelled bath tub, waah baeln, toilet, hot and oold water, clatem, with pump In kitchen, new gaa fixture throughout, newly papered, newly painted, mantel and grata In parlor, butler's pantry, fine cemented cellar, barn, new walka, lot 75x140, new pleket fence In front, tight board fence In rear along alley; Immediate possession can be given. Tbls la a aplendld place to raise chickens, keep a cow and garden. Xton't fall to aee thla property at an early data; price, $2,360. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & COMPANY Blxtb Floor New Tork NEW ATTRACTIVE HOME FOR SALE HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT 5,ioa.oo room house, all modern, fine mantel, beat of plumbing, walls burlaped and can vassed, lot 60x150 feet. GEORGE' & COMPANY- J601 Farnara. KB 164 23 NEAR NEW CAR BARN. Have beautiful lota Jusf aouth of Vinton street, near boulevard, between 17th and loth eta., from $375 up. Be our list be fore purchasing. , Bemla, Paxton Block. $1,960 buys 10 acres timber, with small housa, west of stores in Florence. F. D..WEAD 1524 Douglas St RB M638 14 FOR SALE t-room modern houae, with barn', $2, too. See owner and house, 1411 N. 86th Bt, - RB 786 3 tlx C. H. HENDERSON, Tel. 1666. 222 So. mh St $7.80Jk. 10-room hoaaa, oa oorner near, but not In Bemls Park, high and sightly , grotrnd, uontB, natural forests trees, fins barn, near car Una, If In West Farnam district would sell for $11,000 If In Hanaoom Park district, would sell for HaOOt, bat aa It la, oaa sell for $7,000. $1200-A l-room housa, very eomplsta on oar Una, with beautiful ahade trees, south front on high ground, hill slop east of It ' Convenient for High school or . Crelghton college, about half eaah required. LOTS, 5x151 ft, aa sontk 24th, near new ear barn locatlea, prloa H.0H (UlXt, oorasr, Lake and North Mtb, $LTO. ., LAND '; ., Dawson Co., Neb.,' only 4 miles from Lexington, County Seat S eeraa wall Improved, all neoeaeaxy build legs, good sis and In good condition: newly painted; trass around houaa and bam yard; ample water fadUtlaa;; farm all fenced and crass fenoed; three fields; hog pasture; cow pastor and cultivated ' lead; thirty acres good alfalfa; surroundings of good character; only ana mils to school prloa for the farm, only $ per acre. 7. Miles Northwest of Lexington. ye tores, good buildings, very best Platte and fail runniag water, U acres alfalfa; belasoa in cultivation oloso ta school and . gore, bat I offer it for $17 JO. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Bulla from Omaha la Saw oownty Improved ood ; good t-room housa and outbuilding C. H. HENDERSON SURBURBAN HOMES. Choice acreage In juteklrts of Omaha for our business men and other cltisens, who have a taste for country Ufa and a nlca little drive or ride to and from their busH nes. See us before buying. Bemls, Paxton Block. v. . RE 631 12 A GENUINE BAR GAIN exfio New, strlot'ly modern, (-room cottage, . reception hall, bath- room, large pantry, large closets, cemented oeltar under entire housa, large porches, ths very beat of plumbing and furnace work and an ele - gant lot 47x115 feet, corner 3oth and Dodge Streets. Only $3,2GO for this very denlr able property If taken by May 2R, 1204. WESTERFIELD & HILL, " OS FIRST NATIONAL BANK. KB 400 ti BEMIS PARK HOUSE. T-room new house, strictly modern, well located, In Bemls park, $8,000. Just ths place you would like to call home. Bemls, Paxton Block. RB 621 21 ROSEBUD HOMESTEADS . We Want the Ear Of aS Omaha people, who are Interested ta Roasbud land. 'Why not got yavr Information and assistance from rsllablo ham peonla, who bava spent money freely In preparing for tha Roasbud opening. - Wa save yaw money and reader you valuable aaslatanoa, ' 1 FIVE DOLLARS Wm make you a member of organisation. It will pay for an tha Information you paad aa badly and for tha drawing of your papers and tha supervision of your bust nesa.' It will secure you lowest possible rail soad rates and hotel rates. It win, Insure you from being "bold up" at every turn, XT PATS FOR TUB TELKQRAM WHICH TEIX8 TOU THAT TOO HAVB WON. Twenty dollars - Wtn par for all tha abow ssrvloss and also your railroad fare from Omaha te Bone teel aud return, and yaurodgtng and your meals for a period not ta exceed threa taya. ' ' Wa will give yau a map it ths RoMbud If you will oaU. The GasV Belt Land Co.. ; 214 Rrst Nat. Btnk Bldg.-Thone 2086. Bonesteel, S. D. JULy&RJVMCal First Naiteaal Bank. Omaha, Neb., National Bank or Coot marcs, Plerrs, C D. iterra Xauooal Bank, Pierre & P. Ufa Building. RE INSIDE CORNER LOT. Flna corner lot, 45x160, walking distance, paved streets, both aides, paving all paid. Big vacant snap. Price $2,100. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE-627 21 MY ARTISTIC HOME The "Oera of Clifton Hill." a paradise for professional man; price cut to 82,81.0; will rent for $26; part down, balance easy. Come, aee It at once. 4316 Grant St. Rev. R. M. Dillon. RE M637 H . West Farnam Lots ' H Two fine south front building lots on Dodge atreet between 8Sth street and 8Rth ave., feet above grade, choice, for $1,760, Hastings & Heyden, 810-611 New Tork Life. RE-697 LOT NEAR BEMIS PARK. 10 lota near 35th and Blondo eta., $150 each: $5 down and $6 monthly. Buy a lot, build i a houaa and atop paying rent. . Bemls, Paxton Block. RE-628 22 Valley land, plenty of timber far posts, i acre Brome grass; 10 acres pasture.' church. Thla farm should bring $4$ par land; U acres tarns prloa $1,(00. IU0- NEW MODERN HOUSE 2309 CALIFORNIA ST. RO00.0O , I rooms and large hall, bast of plumbing SAd gaa fixtures, large bath room, laun dry, fine yard, artificial atone sidewalks around house. Immediate possession can be given. GEORGE & COMPANY leot Farnam, RB 405 You are cordially Invited to Inspect today the beautiful new 10-room modern house I am building at 41 and Davenport sts. Ths house has many new features; It has natural California redwood siding; too. ball is sxoeptlonaily large and fine, with oak atalreaaa; mantel and beams, ceilings and floors, all to be flnlahed In Antwerp oak; tha library and dining room In flneat quartered oak, Including floors; den tn red birch, Four sleeping rooms and spsolous balcony on d floor. Attlo aer. vanta room; billiard room, 8fix30 feet. This house Is back plastered, saving many tons of coal. ED. O. HAMILTON. U a 17th Bt. RB 53 21 Omaha, Neb. The Byron Reed Company Lot on Lafaetta Ave,, 60x1(0 for two hundred and fifty dollars, on parmsnta, only on block to car. Lot I0xi5n, on fth St., near Woclworth Ave. Fine shade. Flna lot on 27th fet., near Poppleton Ave. Chada. $soo.OO Each for I flna lots on Lafayetta Ave. $70000 Flna lots on Bherwood Ava., near Mth St. Owner needs the money. Better look at these. rrro.oo 60x140 northeast corner 40th and Charles. Flna lot. $330.00 ' Good lot on Rewuru bu, Just east of 40th Bt. Bouth front The Byron Reed Company JOHN W. ROBBINS . BARGAINS. $7,600 Double dwelling of I rooms each, on one ot the best, corners in Hanscom Place, oak flninh, hot water heat snd open plumbing; annual rental 900. SNAP. $5,0004 stores and 4 cottages on 13th street near William; annual rental $668. SEQ ME FOR PARTICULARS. $2,250 7-room house, modern except furnace, east front, near Hanscom Park; an nual rental $340. $2,260 4-room houae, modern except fur. nace, east front, on Slat street, north of Leavenworth. VERY CHEAP. $2,750 9-room modern house and barn. No. 116 Bouth 29th street, clone to Far nam. WANT AN OFFER. $1,150 5-rnoni cottage, close In. EAST TERMS. $1,000 -rootn cottRfre and half acre lot. EASY TERMS. VACANT LOTS ,000 102x160, two full lots bn ona of the beat corners In Hansoom Place. Both streets paved and paid. ,60060x155, on 3sth avenue, near Joslyn's. VERT CHEAP. ,50048x136, In Summit Place, facing Tur ner Park and new Boulevard; double frontage. 128 46x127W on 87th street, near Farnam and right for grade. SN AJr. 10060x127, on Parker atreet, near 27th. I too $ full lots near Hanscom park and Boulevard; I of them corners, t too 2 full lots on Pratt street, near 24th. I too Flna lot In Dundee. ACREAGE $1,800 The finest 4 acres of Pratt's Bub, facing east on 42d street. $1,00010 acres of high, sightly land and all smooth, south and west of Ruser's Park. This la the cheapest acreage around the city. SEE ME FOR OTHER BARGAINS AND LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH MB FOR A QUICK SALE. - FIRE ; INSURANCE) AND RENTALS. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 f ARNAM STREET. TEL. 529 s uppoae you havent much money hand." A little goea In closing up a Real Estate Deal. "oa N par's your opportunity; then look back and "kick" at your own short-sightedness. don't wait; A 11 got "stuck" time tha boom. Differ ent now. It'a "struck It . rich" if you invest now. Please look at Elllstons Park Place (Beery Gardens), the popular Acre ' tract. Also one of the best Walnut Hill homes, 0-room modern except furnace; 4 block to car; Nicholas, near Lowe ave. It s a perfect home and 1HB bargain of Wal nut Hill. "S sek no further" bargain In vacant lots; 86th and Lodge, Nob Hill; fine building lot. Only good this month, at $1,150. Another Walnut Hill bargain a 7-room, lot 50x100, Lafayette, paved, near 41 U Other kinds at office. ' BUY IT NOWI CFJAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO, Real Estate Sales Department JOHN M. WELSHANS, Manager. GEO. MARSHALL, BE- HOME ON MONTHLT PAYMENTS, t-room cottage in south pf t of town, $760, on very easy payments. pemts, Paxton Block. RE 23 23 W. H. GATES, 7 k. T. Llfs. 'Phons 12M.- taOO 00 0-room house and lot, 80x100. Laics street near lth. ... $1,000.00 7-room house ltt story; chicken house, good barn, full lot 4lst near Can- tei,Goo.OO 6-room housa and lot, $9x140. 1843 N. 18. $1,650 00 6-room cottage, tSlt Seward. A nice home; sewer, water, barn; lot 30x127. $1,600.00 6-room naw cottage, $82$ N. 17 ground 60x160. . 10-room, 2-story gooi house antf larfce barn, 1931 So. 21st Good 'lot 50x220, only $1,600. r $2,100.00 g-room, 2-story, on Burt, near 24; ground, 83x177. - . $3,600.00 8-room, knodern house and good barn at 2til4 Reward; a well built house. $2.600.00 g-room, modern housa on 25th, near California. $2,600.00 -room, modern except furnace; bam. 1812 N. 26th. $ stores with flats ' above on 24th street, renting now and for the last two years at $72 per mo. New roof and newly painted 60xJ 30. $5,500. VACANT LOTS' 60x124 on Mason, near 21st, $1,000.09. 6x140 on Houlevard near Lake, I.Cl. WxUi on Wtrt. near Boulevard, $1,100.00. 64xU2 on Brlato); paved and brick walk; south front, near Kth, tsno.OQ. $ lots on 23rd and Pratt, each 60x124; sewer and water on street; want an offer. A FIN B BREEDING FARM. Wa are offering a flna $30-acre Irrigated alfalfa breading; farm, adjoining the Ne braska experiment farm, at North Platte; only $1,000. Send for particulars; It's a nap. - PATNB INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA, NEB. re-mizi a THIS IS A SPLENDID YEAR TO BUY AND BUILD, As There is no Dishirbing Element Between Capital and Labor. Head "TAe Storiss of Business Success" on page 4. n.joo.oo Beautiful tot on Lje Ave., near tha pro posed cathedral. Cheap. tl,400.0f Another fin lot on l.iwa Ave., Bear Cali fornia. Flna location. HOV8E9. $1,000.00 $11 Purt St., 6 rooms, city water, 60x140; $150 cash, balance monthly. lot $1,300.00 Good '-mom cottage, on east front. north nth It, $1,300.00 26th snd Poppleton Avi, good, well built house. $1,000.00 Cash, balance on monthly payments, buys 330 Harney St. A fine -room, all mod ern house,-Just completed, cement walka, fine mantel In reception lialL electrlo light-and gaa. A perfect gem of a houae. $2,100.09 Ws have a fine t-room houae on Ohio Bt., with full lot, barn, flna shrubbery. RB A Good One T-room house, good cornrr lot, price only $1,100; only $400 cash and balance $8.40 per month less than rent-about ona mile from postofflca. BEMIS, Paxton -Block. re i7 n SEARS $21 N. Y. Ufa. NICE HOMES IN KOUNTZE PLACE. Lot 27th and Bristol, on paved street.. (SO Lot In Lake's addition, on easy terms, ' corner . ..' 900 6-room cottage on half lot, near car line ,1,000 40-acre farm, north of Florence, 7 acres fruit, per acre SO Nlca lot In Marysville addition 700 RE-482 22x Bargain i 187x166 278x150 Best piece of vacant ground Modern Cottage, close In, In West Farnam District paved street, car line; Corner adjoining the Cudahy one acre of ground ft Gallagher Mansions. suitable for subdividing. $16,000. $12,000. HxM 132x132 Cubstantlal three-story brick; Row of six modern houses Stores below, flats above. and a frame cottage; ' Monthly rental $260. paved streets, car line. 1401-3-6 Jackson Street , U02-4-6-S-1O-12 S. 10th street $26,000. . $20,000. 60x188 f . ' 66x148 Fine ten-room house, Elegant twelve-room house, east front, paved street! ' best hardwood finish, substantial - hot water heat, best plumbing. , . and complete In all details. 1026 S. 82d Street. 2u2S Dodge St. $18,000. $16.0U0. ' 44x185 60x141 Eight-room modern house, Nine-room house, south front near car line. bath, gaa, east front ' v 2808 Miami Street - 2532 S. 9th Street ' $2,000. $2,600. . '92x33 40x120 Vacant trackage property, v Two sma.ll cottages; 10th and Clark Jtreet , A snap at . m and 118 S. 28th Ave, $2,000, , - . $1,600. Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Building. 1 - . TELEPHONE 722. $6,600 will buy an Inside property, 100x416 PARK AVENUE HOME. feet, with a good house, but needs 7-room, strictly modern houae, near Park some repairs. ave., and Leavenworth St., corner lot. Fr txc A r Price $4,000. Would sell to reliable party . U. WCAU $800 cash and balance on very easy 1624 Douglas. 8rm"' : Bemis. Paxton Block. RE 63? 23 RE 423 21 WHY PAY RENTT - BUT your reel estate of whom you please, Mske your start by buying one of our lots 2nVaiyorhBiMrtrneiR!lH fil2? lust south of, fronting on and overlooking Co" m a 16th' ONIMOD, $3.60 and UM. Miller park, on car line. Prices range from $100 to $0. $6.00 down and $6 00 monthly. ' a owip " mSSZ bVa'dvnoed " 'UU lW' JhW Choice lot. nsar St and Vinton .U.; win soon ne aavancea. paved street, east front, only $760. Bemls. Paxton Block. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE 628 ta RB 625 23 C R. OLOVER, Pres. C. D. GLOVER, The New Snow-Church Co. We Sell Property Anywhere. MAIN FLOOR, Telephone 123. CITY PROPERTY. Nearly modern g-r. house, close In, full lot I car llnaa, $2,900. Easy terma l-r. house on Grant, near $4th (I.KO. . T-r. nearly modern house, with barn, Da venport, near 2Btn, $3.$0ft, A nice property. 10-r. modern house on Dodge St, near Joslyn's flne residence. In good neighbor hood, and in good condition. Price only $1,409. 620 8. 17th St, U rooms and basement fully modern lot faoee two streets, room for aaother bouse. Can be bought for H first cost ... , f-r, close to Farnam Bt oar, city water and aewer. New and a bargain at H.eo0; easy terms. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO. . Room h Main Floor, N. Y; Life Bldg. HOMES Rsat front on Georgia ave., I rooms, cellent condition: KwO. . , J Corner on Paclha at., rooms, oak finish, grates and mantels; $6,780. . . Closs in on Caas St., rooms, lot 41x131 feet, bargain; $4,600. . m . . On Pacific, near tlst, 8 rooms, oak finish, attractive interior; $4,350. w juaaon at., i rooma, nn rouuon, T Ing paid; only $4,260. Hinn.v smith front. . rooms. uaua, ext-eiieni; 4.wv. . Near Han acorn park, t rooms, modern, full lot: $4,600. Two houses and choice corner lot on ISth Street boulevard, aouth and east front, rentals $40 per month, bargain; $a.7t0. Closs In, on Douglas St., rooms, south front, new) $3,760. Built about two yesrs ago for a home, T rooms, near Curtis Turner park, owner leaving city, price reduced to $3,600. On California, near 28th, 7 rooma, modern; $3,300. on 2th, near Lake, I rooms and large lot, fine comer; $2,600. On Pierce, near 20th, exeellont, modern cottage in bast repair, large lot; big bar gain at $2,200. On North lSttt, near Lake, I rooms, mod ern; only $2,300. On Lake at, near 29th, two cottages; Cheap at $2,000. Nt-wr 21at and Center, large house, barn, lot 60x220 feet. Look thla up at once; only $2,000. On South Mh, near Center, two cottages and two large lots, barns, all In tiptop repair. Your oholoo for $1,600; half cash, balance monthly. On South Wth. near propoeed power house, room cottage; only $1,000, eay payments. Near 6th and Center, 6 rooma and large lot; price $1,000. In Counoil Bluffs, good g-room cottage, electric lights, only 6 minutes from Omaha; $1,160; $300 cash, balancs monthly. In Council Bluffs, new, 6-room oottags and 4 acres good land, at a bargain; price $1,860. LOTS . A snap In a choice resldenca alts, close In on 26th t., 6 feet front, fine location between Dewey and St. Mary's ave., look It over. It s a great bargain at the price, $2,260. Just north jot 63t South 2th St., 16x140 feet, at a bargain. Oround for tour houses at 20th and Ban croft, being lttf feet east front on. 20th by 100 feet deep, paving paid, offered at the ridiculously low price of $2,600; will sell you part at the same rate. Frontage on 21st, near Mason, at low prices. . . , In Brlffgs Place, over 100 lota to select from. Oet prices. Choice corners and Inside frontaga In West Farnam locations. Trackage property wo hava a large list of desirable trackags. INVESTMENTS On North 24th at., I stores with flats above, always rented, rental $76 per month; price only $6,600. Corner 7th and Leavenworth, ground 69x 62 feet, with 2-story frame buildings. Price for quick sale, $2,600. lh brick flats at 2018 and 2015 Douglas St., with 100 feet of ground; price $12,000. Excellent corner on Farnam St., heavily Incumbered and owner will sacrifice It it Sold Soon; cheapest thing on the market in Farnam street frontage; paying fair re turns at present low rental; price $36,000; will gladly furnish particulars to Inter ested parties. W. FARMAN SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street M BE I Bulletin Secy, C. S. LOBINGIER, Counsel. N. Y. LIFE. WB Collect Debts Everywhere. FARMS NEAR OMAHA. 40 acres t mile north of Florence. House, barn and othfcr Improvements. Orchard and small fruit Land gently rolling. ' $90 per acre. : ' 120 acres, large house and barn, two or chards and email fruit, welt fenced, TO acres under plow, two wells. Only $90 per acre. A nloe plaoe. 160 acre 4 miles north of Florenoe, aplen dld stock farm, fenoed and cross fenced, good orchard and small fruit Two seta of Improvements; will sell 10 aores sep arately. $t per acre. Possssslon at onoe. r D. V. SHOLES. L. C. D. V. SHOLES CO. m New Tork Ufa. $T.2C Netr 14th and Leavenworth, neat fire-room cottage, sewer, water and fag. Thla IS a good bargain. $1,0001716 North Kith St.. neat 6-room house, beat repair, and very cheap. $1,600 A very neat, nearly new g-room housa, near tth and Sahler, with larga lot This la an excellent bargain. $1,60 Near .th and Hamilton, 6-room cottage, city water and gaa; will b newly painted and papered. $2,100 Near flat and Fowler, a large f-room houaa, two-atory, beat af construction, sewer, water and gas. Could not build the house for less than $3,6u0; besides full lot. This Is a rattling good bargain. $2,1004613 North 24th St., 60-foot lot. well built 6-room cottage with porcelain bath and modern except furnace. Choice location. Fine repair. v $3,2503856 Charles St., 8-room house with elate roof, hot water heat, all modern, fine lot, high, sightly; atreet paved and paid. $S,600 Uat 8. ISth St., lot &xlSO, 8-room modern house except furnace, well built, choice location. Thla house must be sold. MAKE VS AN -OKFEH. $3,7601314 South 3lKt St -room houae, modern except furnace, full 60x150 fooot lot. This ha OOT TO BE SOLD. What offer! $4,000102 South flat, an elegant 7-room house, very beat of construction and all mod ern, full lot and barn. Owners leaving city. Uot to be sold. Want you to aee It. $4,0002522 Davenport St.. lot 00x133, 8-room houae, all on one floor, strictly modern, with furnnce heat. This Is the old JOSLTN home. It la good, close in BUT, LIKE OTHERS ON THIS LIST, It has GOT to be sold. Vacant and can be seen sny day. $4,0001813 Spencer St., 8-room houae, fine hot water heater, elegant bath with best plumbing, all modern, houae nicely arranged, full lot, paving paid. Want to close out this week. Kenaonable oash offer considered. $4,200-2220 South 10th St., large rooms, sewer, water, bath, gaa. One large lot. This is a flna home. Bee It. . HANSCOM PLACE CHOICE HOMES. 111$ South 81st. half block south of Pacific, close to best car Una, east front, lot SOxlSO feet, fine 10-room house, elegant construction and modern In every detail, re ceiving hall 16x16. paneled in oak $ to 4 feet high, cross-beams In celling, with brick mantel, elaborate stair, lavatory joining; parlor, 14x16, finished In bird's-eye maple; library. 14x15, with rough white brick mantel, oak finish, connected with hall by fluted oak column on high pedestals: dining room, 13xl; fine hard wood floora all down stairs, with l$-lnch border of different wood. SECOND floor has five larga bedrooms, batb with beat plumbing. Two large rooms In third story, all plastered, for servants; fine brick cemented cellar, furnace, fuel and laundry room; best furnace ever put In any house; splendid bam, room for three horses and aa many carriage; stone steps and walks, stone drive, etc See us for price and terms. HERE IS ANOTHER. Ill South Oat St., flne 60x160 foot lot Joining the above; a flna. well constructed t, roora house, the very best oak polished floors, flne brick basement, rooms large and airy, good bath snd plumbing, good barn and in a beautiful loca tion. Either of the above places are In the VERY BEST LOCATION OF HANPcOM PLACE and are only offered for sale because owner's business requires removal from the city. These can be seen any time. Price and ' terms on application. , BROWNELL HALL Facing this building and grounds we offer the finest brick, stone and slate roof resi dence for the money of anything ever placed on the market In Omaha. Housa has 10 rooms, larga receiving ball, parlor, library, dining room, five food bedrooms, bath, good furnace, fine basement, excellent hard wood finish, rick port-cochere over drive, rood barn, flne grounds, half block from Far nam car. THIS IS AN ELEGANT BARGAIN. Coat more thsn double what we will aell It for. It Is there to STAY. DON'T PAHS THIS UP. 8KB US FOR PRICE. WB ARB ASHAMED TO ADVERTISE IT. VACANT. Wa are offering 100 feet fronting WEST, on S9th St., lust south of JOSLTN home, In WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, at the PHENOMENALLY low price of t0 per foot, with all special taxes paid, both streets paved, permanent walk and commanding view In all directions. THIS IS A SNAP and for QUICK sale. MUST ALL GO at one time. Oet TWO FRIENi8 to Join you on two or three lots. IT IS THE SWELLEST OF THE SWELL. NORTH Those EAST front lots, 40x140 feet, on BOULEVARD, Just south of CLARK ST., for $1,000 per lot: one-third cash, balance time, are good bargains, FINEST, CLOSE-IN PROPERTY OFFERED. NO PAVING TO PAT. 1 HANSCOM PLACE. THE'MANDERSON ground on PARK AVE. and POPPLETON. close to HANSCOM PARK, In the BEST RESIDENCE SECTION, ere the finest moderate priced Iota of any PROPERTY OFFERED. OUR SIGNS ON THE GROUND. LOOK ' IT OVER. PRICES $50 to $09 per foot All specials In and paid. 126060x128, on Dupont, near Georgia Ave. oar. BEWER and water. SNAP. 300-East front, 66xW8, 16th. lust south of VINTON. SNAP. SNAP IT. fiOO 43x 75 feet, east front, 24th and Bmmst. BIG SNAP. 700-60x124. Locust, between 16th and 17th. CHEAP. 176060x124, north front Spencer, between mh and 20th. Paving; paid. INVESTMENT. $20,000-18 and 620 B. 16th St, $-story brick lot 44x160, facing 14th and 17th Sta renting . $144 per month. i 6,00066x132 on JacKnon, Just w. of ISth, facing north. BARGAIN. ' $ 4,750 Two T-room houses, renting $640 per year, room on ground for two more; Just south Crelghton college; excellent purchase. t,O00 Will be considered for the 12-room brick house at 41S N. 26th Ave.; strictly modern and up to date, with hot water heat, hardwood on two floors. This la an exceptional BARGAIN If THEY ACCEPT tlie OFFER. RB SHIMER & CHASE, BUILDERS OF MODERN HOUSES. Figure on a house of your own. Improve that lot. , We will furnish you a lot and build a houss to suit you. Have you ever looked into our plans? Get one of our Illustrated booklets. TWO KOUNTZE PLACE HOMES. $4,600.00 8-room, modern; paving, cement . walks, shade, nice barn, block from 24th car. Here's your chance, owner leaving oltv. .V $4.Ou0.0O 8-room, entirely modern, hot water . heating plant MAYBE ONE OF THESE WOULD SUIT: $2,460.00 6-room, splendid value, excellent location, Just completed, modern except furnace, school and church privileges , near by. Near Hanscom Park, Just two blocks from car. $1,800.00 6-room, all modern except furnace. Brand new, never been occupied. $1.300.00 6-room cottage, good repair, city water . and gas. Small corner lot near 2Sth street We have several other places and will be glad to show them to you. Call and see us If you are Interested in real eatate. SHIMER 4 CHASE, v 1608 Farnam St. Ground Floor. Tel. 3423, RE AN ATTRACTIVE HOME On hill, short 1315131106 northwest of Joslyn fine residence. 8 rooms, with McGee fuYnace, doable floors obser vatory, cistern, bath and closets; fine barn and trees. Price 3,500; $500 cash, balance easy. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St RE GEO, E. TURKINGTON, 60S Bee Bldg. $716 N. 10th St., (on boulevard), $-room house, modern, full lot, a good one, $2,000.00; easy terms. Your choice of 1 cottages at 19th and Miami, small lots, close to school and I car lines, $960.00; easy terms. 1212 N. 26ih, corner Caldwell, 6-room house, $1,060.00; snap. GEO. E. TURKINGTON. 601 Bee. RE MiM 23 $1,875 FOR A HANDSOME, new, 6-room oottage, porcelain buth, closet, marble lavatory, hot and cold water, gaa, full else ce mented cellar, lawn, lot 42x132, located In splendid neighborhood, north, near two car lines, school, church, stores, etc. This house was built In a most excellent man ner last year and Is A BIG snap. See us at once. . SWEET & BEST. 613 N. T. L. TEL. 1473. RE Capital, $2,000,000 i . U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co, LOAN MONEY On Improved Property in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. LOANS FOR BUILDING PURPOSES On Either Residence or Business Property W. -H. THOMAS, Agent, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Xa C. MUDQE. Telephone 4$. BOULEVARD. NEBRASKA FARMS. 1040 acres,- well Improved, Dawson Co.. 126 acres fine alfalfa; price, $26 per aore good terms. S20 acres, Dawson Co., Improved, nearly all valley land, 60 acres of alfalfa; price, $23 per acre: terras to suit. 160 acres, Dawson Co., well Improved, all fine valley land. Price, $36 per acre. 160 acres near good town in Furnaa Co.,. all beet of valley land, 86 acres of alfalfa, well Improved; price,, only $4,000: terms, cash. i " 240 acres good land, Holt Co.,' near O'Neill, Owner must sell; only $7 per aero: worth $16 per acre. , Write ue for bargains In Nebraska farma. List your farm with us If you want a quick sale. Write for particulars of our "Special Plan" for selling. . ' FLETCHER R. E. CO. KH N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha. RE 687 32 CHOICE CORNER LOT. Fine vacant corner near 26th and Popple ton ave., 100x137. Street paved; price $2,600. Semis, Paxton Block. RE 620 32 -f FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 404-acre Missouri farm. 824 acree In grass and cultivation; about 60 acres of very line white oak, elm and hickory timber, mostly while oak; all fenced and cross fenced; living springs; about $0 s.cres of wheat now growing; about 40 acres of fine timothy and clover meadow; about 40 acres oorn land, balance In flne, thlokly matted blue grass pasture; living stream, fed by springs, fur nishes abundance of water; wells and cla tern; good 6-room houae; large barn, 40x60, cow bam, $0x30; granary, atock aoaiea; 6 miles from good town of 1,000 people on two lines of trunk railway to Kanaas City and St. Louie. Price, $36 per acre. Will take In exchange stock of merchan dise from $6,000 to $10,000 and carry dif ference on the farm. Jas. B. Atkinson, Clinton, Mo. RE 672 22x CHEAP PROPERTY CLOSE IN. $1,800. 2626 North 18th. 33x126. rooms, needs some repair; pavement and permanent walk paid. Near Lake sohool. THOS. F. HALL, $18 First Nat'l Bank. Tel. L-1881. RE-686 22 8-room house, porcelain bath, mantel! house in good condition; on car line; a bar gain. $1,500. Hast front lot adlolnlnr Kountse PlasaV ' $600. two soutn rront lots on trail street, one a corner; for the two, $000. 1. N. HAMMOND, 617 Paxton Block. RE684 22 Surplus, $3,000,000. SHOLES.