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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1904)
V" V fv 17 onrniAi tirvrinro .Arriiiiii nii i ii. r a v w. w . . . s.w awwaw Advertisements ( lk(M lasaas will be lakes til 13 aa. for the evealnr edlloa sad a a til H p. an. lor the morale aad.Saaday edlttoa. . 1 8-2 war flrst lasertlea, le a ward thereafter. Matblaa; takaa for less thaa 20 for the rat laser tie. Taeaa advortlaeaseats aaaat be raa eoBsooatlvely, Advertisers, br reaestla a am. bare eheelt, eaa kav answers - dressed a a aambered letter la car f Tba Baa. Aaawara aa addressed will ba delivered aa praaaatatlaa al tba abeek aalr. . MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOU EVER VISITED Boyles College? Borne folk nerer realize that Omaha has Such a large traalnesa college until they visit Boyies College. It la a (act, however, that It la one of the largest business educational In stitutions In the whole United States. We occupy practically every Inch of space on the second floor of the big New York Life Building. The original partitions hare been removed and the whole turned Into immense, very hlgh eelllnged rooms, Into which the-aunllght streams through dozens of bg win dows and through which cooling breezes blow la the summer time. Amid such a pleasant, healthful environ ment tt isn't hard to work the mind is free to absorb the practical knowl edge of Practical Stenography and ; Business Practice which Is demanded by the practical world. i Careful parents will readily realize the advantages that such healthful, airy study rooms hold out to their delicate daughters and growing sons. They will also realize that other careful parents realize the same fact, thereby insuring for their sons and daughters the better class of fellow students. Isn't that worth something to yout It's a good time to enter now. BOYLES T COLLEGE, ; EL B. BOYLE8, PRESIDENT: NEW TOBJC LIFE BUILDING. , OMAHA, NEB. Catalogue Pree. CTf NJC WALKS, be par foot,' cheaper J ' i 1 than wood; macadam drive ways. E. D. Van Court 1S02 Wirt. "Phone L8u7. R 834 J21 FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY CO. Tat MIX R M74 Je9 CUT RATS TICKETS everywhere. T. K. Phllbln, 1606 Fa main and op p. Union . station. Tela. 784 and 1671. R 826 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY." Tel. 3630 ' R-U TREES, Qmaha Nursery, 11th and Douglas. Tel. 3608. R M-6 Mia TnUFQ,tnr4lM'(l repaired. Jackson y - I V V CO Wr0B, , j.w Ju N. WU. Tel. l-imi... . ... R-ou n OMAHA Safe sad Iron works make a spe cially ot ore escapes, aUuuera, doors and seiea. . u. Aaareeu, Jrrop., 110 a. utn si MXJ Champ. Cars. Clean. Co, 711 8. 14th. T. 663. . R-2 HOI n8ILVER. NICKEL Plating. Ora. UULUiUnj Co., 1H Harney. Tel. 2636, R U7 CITT SAVINGS BANK pay a per cent. R &- BAGLB Loan Office; reliable, accommodate tag; all business oenAdentlai 1201 Douglaa R 4tt ANTI-MONOPOLY GkKbas Co. (U N. lath. Tel. 177a. R il Why Throw Away Old Metalic Articles, . When thar ea be made good aa new at a Small oostT The Omaha Plating Co., raplatea anything made ef metal regard )aaa of else. There are many aourcee of economy, but nana are more Important than the ana developed through the art of Klectro Plating. It la now a eimple matter to everoome the rulnoua affecte of rust and tarnish and articles which have hereto fore been thrown away beoauae af the condition they sat Into after a few years wse can be made rood aa new la Gold, fillvar. Nickel, Braea or Brome. Note the fellawtnc Uat which may serva sa a auggeatloa: Electrical Suapllaa Coffln Trl Burnings. Sumlture Trimmings, Buoklaa, aa Flxturaa, OraiM, Huiiona, Wire Oooda. Orlll Work, Elcylea. Harnaaa Trlmmlnga, Cutlery, Ornamental Iran Work, Watch Caaas, Jawelry, lytcka, Spoons, Plumbcra' Supplies. fadUlery, Steam Klra Englna Btalr Rods, Stove Trlmaitnga, Sad Irona, Bheara and 8clora, Hardware, Sewing Mschlnee, Safe Trimmings, 25.l"BkU"' . Typawrltera, Soda Waici ..,ipsratua Arms and Ammunition, Silverware, Hulldera' Hardware. firaaa tiooda. Butta and Hinges. Uiiuanla Ware. Carriage Hardware, Bar Trimmings? Car Irlmmluga, Toilet and Ornamental Articles Cleaned and Lacquered. Bronse Statues. locke He., Repaired and Rabronal. Prase Bade Polihd and Lacquered Plrst-C'leas Rauairtiig af a.very LaaurlpUaa. OMAHA PLATING CO. -! 1 1 t, , 15CS ITamay St MISCELLANEOUS Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts. SUMMER SCHOOL We are going to hate the largest Summer School we have ever had. It will be for those who desire a short course In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type writing, Telegraphy and Penmanshla It will beirln abont th 20th r in.. and last until September 1. Teachers, graph operators can review. Class for public school children a specialty. MOSHER SHORTHAND. The Mosher System of 8horthand and Touch Typewriting has been adopted by scores of the leading commercial schools throughout the United States and Canada. To learn Shorthand and Typewriting at the Omaha Commercial Col lege guarantees success. Two young ladles came to Omaha. One took up Mosher Shorthand and In four months was. given a fine position in the City Savings Bank; the other took Pitman Shorthand at a local school. After eight months of hard work and" a heavy expense, it will yet take her from four to six months to finish her work. This illustrates the difference between the Mosher and Pitman Shorthand. It will pay you to Investigate the Mosher System. Catalogue free. Address OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ROHRBOUCH BROS., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1U6. R-S3o LOCKSMITH & 5TL& N- r sa Ftr1rr Carpet Cleaning Works. . N. A. t ICC 11 Chrleieueon. Ud. N. Uuth. TeL l&d R-&U ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. oleana cHpools, vaults, removes garbage, drad animals; reduced prices. 621 N, Is. TeL 1774. R-AU PUBLICITY DEAI3NS-WHEATON, In the Bee Bids. R-ttt SIGN painting.' a H. Cols. 1301 Douglas. R-436 ALL ' KINDS carpenter work; repairing Promptly attended to. . 2. T. Ochiltree, ith an4 Lake. R J HELLO,' V CENTRALI . GIVE ME 228) HELLO, IS THIS THB ; DIME PANTORIUM PRESSING CO? Well, do you press pants for 10 CENTS; XE8. And suits for 80 CENTS I YES. Do you do cleaning, dyeing and repair wind - - : i J i : t - : 4 t : vVier"atT SOUTH 16TH STREET. UPSTAIRS. SPECTACLES. 1; examination free: N days only. U. B. Opticians, StiS N-Bf STOVB storage and repairing. Hughes Btove Repair Works, 3217 Cuming fit. TeL CARPET cleaning. J. Wood. 801 Clark. TeL A1847. H-MI65 CURS stored and repaired reduced prices, O. E. Shukert, US B. 16th. R M863M3 PEBFIELD Plane Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest; honest valuea; easy terms. TeL 70L R- H. W. M'VEA, Prumbar, 11M N. Kth. TeL rt7. R-M4C STOVES STORED Vffl Poufflas. TeL K0. Omaha. St. ltp. Wlu. R -M424 DR. BLABAUGH, DenUst, N. Y. Life bldg. BICYCLES! BICYCLESI OMAHA BICYCLE CO., loth and Chicago. RMiWi BARGAINS Uncalled for suns and trouaere. 1617 Jarnem, upstairs, r. a. Aak tor Forman. R M tM NEW genuine pianolas sold onlr JT Bohmofler A Mueller. 1313 FajnainOmaa. ARTIFICIAL 8 TONE AND BRICX SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT FLOORS AT COST M' WILLIAMS BROB Ol-l Paxton Blk. 'y-onea Ub and BJ104. R Mm Jd LET us ba your tailor. Dresner. ISISFm" nam au R 41a 3a ON I MOD, the shoe for men! Onoe a ouf 1 tomer always a cuatomer. Prloea sa-aw V and t60. Regent 8hoe Co,. S. 16th. R 571 2g WANTED MALE HELP ELKHORN Valley Employment Bureau (urniabea help to all who employ labor, and prvcurea positions lor all alio want work. Box e&, or City Hall, Norfolk, Neb. B MtH UN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. OR PHT8I CIAN NOT PRACTICING. TO SELL TO DOCTORS. ESTABLISHED TRADE; ALSO ONE FOR CENTRAL NEBRAS KA. PERMANENT. REMUNERATIVE. P, O. BOX ads, PHILADELPHIA. 1 B-fcio ifca 20 WEEKLY eaally earned poeltion per manenti dlatrlbutlng oirouWra, aamplea; sand 4c (or particulars. Commercial Ad vertising Aaaoolatlon, Philadelphia, Pa. B (Mi Ux DETECTIVES Every locality, good sal ary, experience unneceaaary. Pinkerton's U. B. Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED Man who baa energy to work for reliable house; good salary and all expenaea to start; permanent poeltloo. Snd eddresned envelope (or particulars. Mgr. QUlla. IM Dearborn, Chicago. ' l-47 tx HORSE FOR BALK A LhorMghly reliable family horse, durk bay, welgha 1,IM Ins. jaquUS of C B. BateaCU Bee Bid-. DRBSHl'H makes fashionable clothes at popular prloea. B 4 St WANTED Copper-plate print era; etaady work. S. D. ChUda ax Co Chicago. B l Bx TWO yooag men and I boy a at Eat Otuaha hvs l aotecy, Saa4 Ouisha. OH B TITS OMAIIA WANTED MALE HELP bookkeepers, stenographers and tele PHYSICIAN wanted In advertising doctor's office on salary; must be registered In Nebranka. Address P. O. Box 253. Lin coln, Neb. B M405 24x WE WANT a bookkeeper and stenographer familiar with grain business. We also have many good positions open for drug gists, managers, commercial travelers, hotel clerks, soda dispensers, office clerks, accountants, etc. Call or write for list of vacancies. Western Ref. A Bond Ass'n, 440-841 N. Y. Life. B 414 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc;; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. ' B M433 22x WANTED, at once book binders, book trimmers, paper cutters, Joggers, forward ers finishers, book smashers, castlng-in help, etc; although the union Is on a strike In Chicago we pay the hlphest union seals; will guarantee steady situa tion If satisfaction Is given; apply by letter or otherwise to Rand, McNaJly A Co., 186, Adams St., Chicago, III. B M42S 23x WANTED, an experienced porter: no one but man of experience need apply. J. L. Brandeis A Bona B M438 23x A POSITION 18 OPEN. Do you know where It IsT We do. We neve openings for high grade men of all kinds executive, technical and clerical- paying from 41.000 to 310,000 a year. Write for plan and booklet. Offices In twelve Cltlea HAPOOOD8 ancorporated), 11 Chemical building. St. Louis. B s Do You Want A BETTER POSITION? SEE US. WE CAN PLACE YOU. 1 Ws want people of character and ability to accept positions, such .as commer cial travelers, managers, superintendents, salesmen, stenographers, bookkeepers, mil liners, saleswomen, etc. WE HAVE VACANCIES AS FOLLOWS: Al bookkeepers. plsno salesmen. , hardware salesman. ' ' J dry goods salesman, shoe salesman, soda dispensers. expert salesman for printing company, drug clerks for out of city, furniture and carpet salesman, cutlery salesman, trimmers and designers, mrtftti hotel clerks. lvll Engineer, city work for out ot town. ABOVE POSITIONS PAY GOOD SALARIES. Are you oapable of filling any of themf Call or writs us at ones. BUSINESS CHANCES. . . , Ws buy and sell everything. What have you to offer T Our-Investment department Is devoted to the work of bringing together capital and business enterprises. ' 1 Ws give special attention to tba nseds al those who wish to Invest money with services. 1 - ' If ytru want to buy or sell, 'Phone B321T, and ws will call on you, WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, " MAN HUNTERS," 840-841 N. Y. Life, Omaha. s MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad CANVASSERS on 'liquid veneer;" reno- tare upon our failure to convince you of vates wood work, furniture; a gloss food; this being hue biLtiT, largeat aiiu only re- lightning aeller to homes, offices, stores, liable, most practical barber - college in Uianu results; new plan. Bunalo Spe- thla section. Write for catalogue loday. ulalty Co., Buffalo, N. Y. B &4 2.x Western Barbers' institute. Omaha, No. r-. - ALL MERCHANTS, clerks, window - ., . l . dressers and every one Interested In learn- WANTED FOR U. S. ARMt-AbleVbodled card lgn iUerlng should get our unmarried men between sgea of 111 and pl, Learn In 3 daya. Particulars free. 36; citlreaa of United fixates, of toud Tn. Wagonsr Co.. Kansas City. Mo. character and temperate habits, who oan B 677 22x speak, read and write Englisn. For In- formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th TXIrt Axr M .,,, and Douge fats'. Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. TRAVELING MAN No selling or canvaas- v- Vina-,, Jj lng; salary I La weekly; expenses ad- 1 . vauced; experience unnecessary. Manager LARGE sastsrn plant manufacturer wants Phillips. Manhattan Bid., Chicago. responsible man or arm to take ex- x ' elusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; " ; T . . " T manufacturer will do extensive adver- WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few Using tor agent's benefit. The paint Is a weeks oompletes; splendid demand tor leailar wherever Introduced. Addxesa H 46. graduates: can nearly earn expenses bo Bee office. B XSl lore finishing. Call or write. Moler . , Barber College, Uul Douglaa St. WANTED, flrst-olass barber at onoe. F. B M4S4 tlx W. Bead. Schuyler, Neb. B 0 . . - WE ARB tailors are ws yours? Dresber, AMERICAN Barber college. Omaha, Nab. 1616 Faxnom at. B 61o 23 Write for tree catalogue! It tells every- f ' J thing. B 680 2&x A LIVE man of good address' out ot em- WANTED FEMALE HELP ployment can secure permanent position . .,,, ' and good wages, references required; TO A DESERVING young lady or gentl- I experienced solicitor preferred. Apply at man will give a coinpleta Scholars! Jp la W. A- Uixenbaugn. but Ware Blk. Omaha's loading buaineaa atnd shorthand B Jig college, and to be paid for when oourae 1 la nulehed and position secured. Address WANTED Wagon teams to haul dirt L 16. Bee. CWi Ux &4on"worttD M OwTn'co M LADIES for boms work, stamping WoTidl Inuuire on work. D. M. U wan Co. alr MUVBr. good pay, clean, pleaaant . BXLI CuM w oUgla, TJldg.. Opp. Ilayden's. YOUNG MAN With fair bualnees ability, C-MTb Mat ?i'."u5nt0Enrt?.n Canadian office, nth "dDodf Promotion. Permanent Box 1. Cedar ' tlu , Rapids. Ia. B M334 2x A OIRL for general houssworkt no wsah- WB will pay any man 326 per month and tog. 686 Park av. C-M331 3tt WratRVnfareXnt.1in.UCJto."toht.r;: LADIES and gentlemen, wo pay 3 per V" . , . t r!! i?" V I?, .1 . cash, copying at home: send stamp. tY0UTa!:ryWb.h,0uUa?. BupplyO., Bo, ?r, teed andpaid to you weekly If preferred. " C Mag iix Addre It. D. MartsL DepU lMChicgo. i.DT wlIllnf to f0 t0 . rrancl-co; of- lu- ax po.m jo per month; must Invest ' 300; money secured. Address L 77, Bes Letrn Show Card Writin.: ocs. c-uut ztx And you can command a good salary any- laDT with 33,000 can secure position. 300 where, or make big money In buahiees tor p,r year; money poaltlvely seouredj mter- yourself; our course of hand-painted lee- Vlew oonfldenOal. Addreas P. O. Box Shi, sons Is something new and the most prao- Kansas Cltv. Mo. C MS tlx tloal ever offered; If you want to learn . a- a good paying trade, write us and ws'll a LADY sgent for rspld selling article; tall you more about It iell at ,tht; big profits; for free earn- OMAHA SHOW CARD CO., rle and particulars addreas Marietta ail Paxton Block, Omaha. BtanUy Co., 41 Fourth St., Grand Rapids, B 6M a Mich. - C-604 iix A BEE WANT AD IS A SURE BUSINESS BRINGER. e The best possible evidence is the experience of others. Head "The Starieq of Business Success" on page 4., DAILY PEE! SUNDAY, MAY ' 22, 1904. WANTED MALE HELP Nebraska Business College. A. C ONG, A. M., LL.B, pres. A. J. LOWRY, Prin. Cor. 17th and Harney Sts. COLLEGE NOTES. Inducements to the Bookkeeper and Stenographer. Few peotI. have any conception of what the futura has In store for one who acquires a b'.!neas training or 'a thorough knowledge of ahorthand and typewrit ing. The salaries paid those who are experienced and skilled In the art are much larger than generally supposed. There are over luO women stenographers In tha city of New York who earn larger aalarles than United States aenators. There are t0 who make as much. The lady stenographer and private eeoretary for Mr. Rocke feller Is paid 314,000 a year. That of Mr. Rogers receives 310.OW a year. These ladles all started at a comparatively moderate salary. The posalbllltlea for young men are even greater, and the demand for their ser vices Is unprecedented. Mr. Hayes, president of the Southern Pacific railroad, draw ing the princely salary of 366.000 per year, began ss a stenographer. Mr. Corteljou. laie secretary and private stenographer for two presidents and recently receiving high political honors, began as a stenographer. There la no line of work whloh one can take up that Is so sure to lead up to the highest positions within one's capacity aa that of shorthand. But everything depends upon qualification. Your Qualifica tions will be determined largely by the school you enter. Enter the best, the finest quipped school In the west the N. B. C and you make no mistake. People wonder what becomes of all the stenographers and bookkeepers who attend the schools throughout the United States. The Remington Typewriter company alone, through Its offices In different parts of the country, la assisting annually 26,000 stenographers and typewriters to positions. This Is only a fractional part of the tens of thousands assisted to positions through other agencies. v The New York Times In a recent Issue says: "Never has the demand for stenographers been so great." They are called into every walk of life where they learn the business as thoroughly as the employer himself and eventually are called to be the managers. What the N. & C. is Doing for Yonng People. Every year we train hundreds of young people for ths active duties of life. They become Independent, self-reliant clttsens of the highest type of manhood and womanhood. One of 'the cardinal principles ot this school Is character building. PURE GRE(jG SHORTHAND. The beet of everything is none too good for the young people of today. Their highest Interest demands the best. By giving them the best, they are able to make the moat out of life. The Nebraaka Buaineaa College ha a ever endeavored to give Its students the beat sdvantages of a modern, up-to-date Institution. There Is as much difference in the speed possible In aherthand systems as In the speed possible ot the "prairie schooner" and the through express. The speed possible In the Pure Qregg is equal to any emergency. We make a specialty ot this up-to-the-tlmes system, be cause Its superior merits are recognised la all ths leading Institutions. Apply for a catalogue to ths NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE. The school that secures positions for Its graduates. WANTED Bright young man to represent Important eastern music publisher and visit the sheet music and department trade. Address, Bright, 1364 Broadway, New York. B 663-42X WANTED A good blacksmith. Address, at once, C. A. Thompson & Son. Osborne, Kan. B MM6 &ix WANTED Show case salesmen on commis sion throughout the United States; makes good side line; write with references, ex perience, eta, The Reld Mfg. Co.. Detroit, Mich. B 622 82x A POSITION AT ONCE. Manager, 12,000; bookkeeper, 11,200; sales man, tl,6u0. Inquire Business Opportunity Company, 1 Union Square, N. Y. B-621 22x YOUNO MAN; money may be earned; ar tlstlo employment at home gilding tickets; write for particulars, inclosing stamped, addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, 129 W. U&th St., New York. B 616 22x WANTED Ten men In each state to travel, tack signs and distribute circu lars and samples of our goods; 160.00 per month; 33.00 per day for expenses. Kjjhl aan Co., Dept. B-8, Atlas Block, Chicago. B 630 22x TRUSTWORTHY person! each dlstriot, to superintend business for wholesale house; 320 paid weekly; expense money advanced; Position permanent; experience not essen lal; this Is no deoeptlon. Manar r, 80T Como Bldg., Chicago, B 481 iix '2 Al lumber salesmen. 1 registered pharmacist for out of city. 2 cigar salesmen. 4 grocery salesmen. 1 stenographers and bookkeepers, for out of city. I bookkeeper and stenographer. 1 city salesman for music house, 1 nash and door estimator. 1 drug and soda man. i china and crockery saleslady. 6 demonstrators for, out of city. 6 lady canvassers. WANTED FEMALE HELP HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY wanted; money may be earned; ar tlstlo employment at home gliding tickets; write for Dartloulars. Inclosing stamped. addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, 123 W, 116th St., New York. C 615 22x WANTED Lady between 20 and 30 to travel and canvass; salary and commis sion. Address L 60. Be office. C 673 22X LADIES To do pieoework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from 37 to 312 weekly; send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 E. Monroe St., Chicago. . ' C 489 iZx MINUET skirt and waist holders, offers largest profits; easleet sales: exclusive territory; sample free. Wheeler & Bald win, Garden City block, Chicago. ' C 488 22x WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or facial massage' 4 weeks completes; $13 to 320 weekly made by graduates; splendid demand. Call for write Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C M486 27x DO YOU want to go on the stagsT We can place you there. Big salaries. Engage ments guaranteed. Address National Dramatlo Bureau, 217 West 42d St., New York. , - C 661 22x LADIES 330 thousand copying letters; no mailing to friends or furnishing addresses. Stamped envelope particulars. Seleot Toilet Co., Dept. 78, Chicago. C 601 32x WANTED First-class seamstress. ' Phone 3632. Mrs. Wilson. C 461 22x LADIES to work at home, also advertise a new line of work among your friends; 31 per day easily made. Call 606 North 16th. St, 1st flat C 448 22x IF YOU don't know Dresher you ought to ne makes clothes. C 603 23 WANTED Fairly competent girl for gen eral housework, small family, no chil dren; references required. 2102 Spencer St. C MG44 23 WANTED Girl to work for room and board: good home for good girl. Inquire at 180 Farnam St. C M643 22x WANTED, girl; for general housework -small family; no washing; good wajrea. 811 N. 40th St. C M666 24x WANTED, good girl for general house work; only man and wife in family; close In; flrst-clnss wages; permanent to right party. Address L 61, Bee. C 72 fi AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER steady employment with assured good In come; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvi make eaally 3b0 to 3100 per month. nvaasers per month. Ad dress Century Fsrmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha. J 313 BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for 32 to , 33 a dosan; cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., fey Atlantlo Ave., Boston, Mass. J SALESMEN'S side line. Won't Interfere with regular line. Big profits; easy seller. Walter A. Zelnlcker, In St. Louis. J AGENTS, our men moke 33 to 310 per day fitting glasses: our 24-page FREE EY12 BOOK tells all about It Write Jackson Jan Optical College. College Place, Jack son, Mica. J AGENTS, make money; sell dome-shaped, perforated skillet covers. Prevent greasy stoves. Pay 32 per day or allow 260 profit Catalogue free. American Nov elty Works, Reading, Pa. . J-6S3 22? FREE Illustrated catalogues; , lightning sellers for agents; aklrta, corsets, kimonas, waterproof garments, ladles' hsndy hat fasteners; all new goods. Fair Mfg. Co., 163 Wis. SU Racine, Wis. J 643 32x WANTED Agents for' Perpetual Pencils. "Always sharp;" never need sharpening; guaranteed a year; sells to everybody, everywhere, rapidly. Particulars on ap plication, or samples, etc. for 26c Amer ican Lead Pencil Co., 46 West Fourth St, New York. i-638 32x AGENTS wanted; sell our $1 bottls Bar saparllla for 36o; best seller; 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 116 Lake St.. Chicago. i-67 2x L-VDIE8. $20.00 weekly at heme as local manager; experience unnecessary; no traveling. Address Madame Le Moyna. 27 a 22d St., N. Y. J 634 22x AGENTS Street men, canvassers. Just In vented; wonderful campaign card game; ' trlok beat the trust; quick seller; big proflts; sample, 30 cents. Election Card Co., South Bend. lad. J 631 22x WANTED Every reader of this advertise ment to know that we will send postpaid one American Beauty Rosa ploture, else 14x71 inches, and one Pansy eloture, else 12x17 Inches, lithographed in I colors, for only 60o, regular price 31.16. Send at once te the U. B. Illustrating Co., Rock ford, 111. J-627 32X WANTED Lady agents, every town, to sell U-Neat Skirt and Waist Holders; best made; quick seller. U-Neat Co., Decatur, 111. J 624 12x AOfcNTS wanted at ones on a commission. Dealer In mall order specialties. Bend stamp for Information. It will pay yon handsomely. T. E. Proctor, 4718 Wood land eve., Philadelphia, Pa. J-64S Kx WE start yon selling diamonds Don't fall getting oir liberal offer; $6 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syraonae, N. Y. Mention paper. J SOS X2x WANTED Portrait agents get your por traits direct from artist and save middle man's profit; best work at lowest prloea. A. Hlnger. 1103 8. Hoyns av., Chicago. ( J 602 23x AGENTS 330 to $60 weakly profits. Ws snd proof, read In dark. . nam plates, numbers and signs. Senfl for sample. Your name on postal will do, WHrbt Supply Co., Englewood. 111.) J 4ft 32x a-ui.. !. - . .-i i- . i lju a AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 150 a week guaranteed; automatic Washers sell themselves. Asent writes: "Exhibited Sample to ten women; took ten orders." Time, 46 minutes; pro tit, over (60; guaranteed to do a washing In 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor; costa leas than any other rsacnlne; free sample and exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U. Chicago. J 471 2x LADY AOENTS to present article of excep tional merit- Invaluable to womankind; big proflts. Korectly Co., 6 Dearborn St., Chicago. J tlx WANTED Agents to sell our reservoir duatless brushes In private houses, store, schools, publlo buildings; reduces dust V? per cent, actual sclentlflo test; every brush strictly guaranteed; a first-class seller, with opportunity to build up per manent trade: exclusive territory: no competition. Milwaukee Dustleaa Brush Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. J-482 2x WANTED Men and women to sell coffees, teas, spices, etc. .to the family trade In communities of from 1.000 to 10,000 popula tion; only such ss want permanent em ployment need apply; cash commission paid; energetlo persons can make big weekly earning. For further particulars address bodenhelmer Coffee Tea Co., St Louis, Mo. J- SOMETHING new. Every man that shaves himself wants it: sold under a positive guarantee; sample 10c. Larrabee Mall Order House, 711 Larrabee St, jg WANTEDrtrst-class specialty salesmen to handle staple line; commission of one man laat week 327. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Raplda. Iowa. J 491 tlx AOENTS, sell the biggest money-making fire extinguishers; write for special start ing offer, with free material. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J-378 22x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED, salesman or manufacturer's agent; none but those familiar with mill supplies and acquainted with manufac turers in ths states of Kansas and Ne braska need apply; state reference. Ad dreas Box 143, Station C, Cleveland, O. M423 22x SALESMEN on commission earning hun dreds of dolars selling our fireproof paint to merchants; one minute teat with pocket sample secures order from most ekpetlcal. Salamander Paint Co.. 203 FraukUn Ave., St. Louis. HOTEL and cigar money every day taking crders for consignment goods; only photo, graphs to carry; easiest money on the road. Maer Mfg. Co., Memphis, Tenn. 644 22 SALESMEN make 600 per cent commis sion, selling "Novelty Sign Cards;" mer chants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 8"10 varieties. Catalogus free Sullivan Co., 1139 Maple wood ave., Chicago, 111. 611 2ix SALESMEN Standard article for side line. Sample Is small; commission liberal. The Trojan Mfg. Co., Station O, South Bend, Ind. 61T22X SALESMAN School furniture) and sup plies; country work; antl-tust; 3100 salary and commissions. R. O. Evans Com pany, Chicago. ID - 613 22x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraaka with staple line; high commissions with 'advance of $100.00 monthly; permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. . 626 22x SALESMAN WANTED Wo .want a man to represent us on the road with a widely advertised staple, of which we are the manufacturers. The opening has been unexpectedly created and calls for a salesman of persistent energetlo Rblllty; position permanent end will pay $3,600 to $5,000 a year. Address Manufacturer, L 36, care Bee. 623 22x WANTED Salesmen who oan sell "Blue Sky," bewitching, enticing, winning; mer chants buy quick, make money, are satis fied; commission; expenses advanced to those with successful record: new; $400.00 weekly being made. Dept 67, P. O. Box 628, Chicago, 111. 437 22x EXPERIENCED patent medicine sales man, permanent, salaried position to capable, reliable man-manager. 160 Super ior st, Chicago, 111. 478 22x SPECIALTY salesman, two exceptionally good positions opes with large estab lished Cleveland house; salesmanship, energy and business ability will make position permanent; general mercantile trade; high commission contract with $26 weekly advance while traveling. Merle, Smith & Co., 90-86 Prospect st, Cleve land. O. -607 22x TRAVELING salesman i an active, ener- fretlo man for Nebraaka territory. Staple Ine. House old, established and respon sible. Sales Mngr., 1 Grlswold st., De troit, Mich. -608 22x SALESMEN Wanted Specialty salesmen. Wo have every desirable winning Induce ment any one else has, and some which are new and unexcelled. A great success. Retailers buy and cannot fall to sell, and then buy again. Millions In It Side or regular line. Complete line of samples. No bond or deposit; Just honesty. Ad dress with references, Galloway, McAllis ter te Co., Wholeaale Jewelers (Depart ment O, Chicago. 487 22x SALESMEN John Sexton dc Co., importers of teas and coffees, and wholesale grocers, 16 to 23 State St, Chicago, want ex perienced, honest, energetic, high-grade men to sell farmers and other large buy ers. We are the largest grocery house in America engaged in this business, end the originators of boneat and modern methods of conducting It. Ws handle the llnest goods and guarantee quality and ' quantity of every article; no capital re quired; exclusive territory given, in which an established trade Insures fine Income. Ws are. Farmers usadquarters in Chi cago. 484 22x WANTED By old established house, ex perienced traveling salesman tor Ne braska; good pay 'and permanent position to right man. Drawer 8, Chicago. 482 22x WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as housekeeper by German woman. Address 810 Atlas st A M3uB 22 YOUNG woman, ex-school teacher, wants situation as clerk In general store, small town; good references. Address L 48, Bee. A M420 36X WHO'S your tailor T It should be Dresher. A 001 33 WHO can use man 36 years old, thorough abstracter and examiner of land titles; rrood realty salesman and Judge of values; nsurance and loan experience; excellent references; need situation Immediately, Addreas L (2, Bes. A-446 22x WANTEL-T0 RENT WANTED An eight to too-room bouse, furnished; west Farnam dlstriot pre ferred; period three to six months. Apply Byron Reed Company, 313 So. 14th St. at M861 WANTED To rent flrst-claaa 8 to IS-roora furnished house for the summer: West Farnam district preferred. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1220 lamam at, Omaha. K 671 WANTED Furnished house In good loca tion or suite ot room and board la private family for a few months by man and wife. Address L 48, Bee. K (12 22x WANTED To rent, two or three modern, unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, by mother and daughter. Stats renj wanted. Addreas L 61. Beo. K 449 22a DB PUS ITER, ID Farnam st, Omaha's lead ing tailor. K-408 22 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO SUITES, unfurnished rooms. 1810 Dodge. O. C. JUdK-a, 1617 Far nam. o-M2 a THREE large unfurnished rooms; 2Ht W abater. Call evenings. G 377 CHOICB housekeeping rooms, reasonable 24 Douglas. 0M441 24X 2. I OR Modern, housekeeping: cool, clean, light 2214 N. lklh. O 471 2Zx WE EMPLOY only tha best workmen and turn out the best clothes In Omaha. Dresher. G-du7 83 FOUR rooms, parlor floor, modern 1508 a 2Kth. 0-MU64 WANTED, good, experienced dressmaker; ateady work. L, Weinberg, lO'.ft Douglas f .'. -Mb763j( i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. European, Ulh 3k Chicago. . Eahl DEWEY. European hotel, 13th and Farnam. B-63 O. M. K. hauls trunks. TeL CU. E $64 $L PER WEEK, Do ran bouse, 422 S. lth E -806 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnard; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nigMa. LARGE, warm room; steam heat 'j" Capitol Ave. hr-U7X NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 14-jO Dodge St B-7 . THE FARNAM, 19t and Farnam SQJ6( APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN The Chatham; luxuriously furnished rooms and smoking parlors: appointments first class, lis 8. 13U St, opposite Millard hotel. Ut7i NORTHWESTERN HOTEL newly fur nished. 1 N. 18th. E -13o0 Je3 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern. HUM Davenport K 3-6 23 NICE front room. S3 week. 1717 Web- stsr. 3fi M343 Jel7 NICE light rooms; also rooms for light housekeeping; new management. - 1H21 Douglaa Phone, A30S9A E M367 22 , NICELY furnished room; 31.60 week. 2233 No. Uth. K M3S8 22 THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wits. 'Phone 1140. 2U No. 17th ave. K M4S8 22x THE SHELTON, 85TH AND DODGE. 'Phone F&U4, Desirable rooms, single or ensulte. BM403 36x LARGE front room: also small room; porch and lawn. 'Phona L3TO2. 633 No. 20. i MW9 22x SUITE of four unfurnished rooms; refer ences. 2408 Cass. B M400 22x NICELY furnished rooms; reasonable. 1610 Davenport B M38 29 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rea sonable. 1425 N. 17th. 1S-41S ELEGANTLY furnished sooth parlors; also housekeeping rooms, 3234 Farnam, top floor. E M381 24X NICELY furnished front room, strictly modern. 621V. S. 19th. 'Phone A2M8. v E M432 22X NICELY furnished room, with board. 'Phono 1636. Mrs. Frederick, 621 S ISth. 7 E M4S7 23 FURNISHED ROOM, slnglo or ensuHe, top floor. ITU Leavenworth. E M436 23 NICELY furnished rooms; reasonable. 2207 Farnam. B M484 23s NICELY furnished front rooms. R32 Far nam. E M433 23x DESIRABLE! rooms, modern, light house keeping allowed. 2516 St Mary's) ave. E-M443 2Sx ONE to three partly furnished rooms, mod ern; can be arranged for light housekeep ing; no children; references; 2701 Wool worth Ave. E 666 22x SUITE of modern furnished or unfurnished rooms for housekeeping: reasonable; use ot 'phone. 118 8. 26th St. E 639 2Sx TWO furnished rooms, modem. 622 N. 23d. E M626 23x FOR WORLD'S . FAIR VISITORS First class rooms and accommodations; pri vate; Bell phone, single or parties; rea sonable; references; 4 car lines to exposi tion or 16 minutes' walk. Write or call. Mrs. Wm. Mehl, 6037 Bartmer, St Louis. E FOR RENT Well furnished home, with piano, for summer or longer, Including piano, nice lawn, close "to 24th and Dodge car, 2108 Miami St. E-470 22x FOR RENT A nice south front room suitable for two, modern. In private fn ro ily. Good table board, reasonable. Flno location for summer. 4018 Cuming st Tel. B-1906. E Mia 22x WE MAKE the best clothes In Omaha for the price. Dresher. E 80S 22 IT' IS ' SO muoh more pleasant to hunt rooms when your feet don't hurt. ONI MOD solves ths question; $3.60 and. $2.60; sold exclusively by the Regent Shoe Cov 305 a 16th. E 573 33 720 N. 23d St.. nicely furnished, singls room. In private .family, for young man. E 381 22x ELEGANTLY furnished room; reasnnnblet walking distance. 708 & 16th. E 411 22s FtrRNISHJBD room, suitable for two. 1610 Davenport E 96 23x FURNISHED room, suitable tor two; very reasonable. B 811 22x NICELY furnished room, oonvsnlent and reasonable. 1622 Howard. B M84 Hi NICELY furnished front room: gentleman preferred. 1313 Jackssw. B MOW 24 LARGE, oool south' room; roasonsWe. 2019 St. Mary's ave. E M666 2-1 x TWO nicely furnished front rooms; strictly modern; lsraje porrh and lawn; rates rea sonable. 1836 N. 17th. ' E M661 2-ix NICELY furnished front room. 1K05 N. 17th. B-MG62 24. ONE large furnished room, light house keeping permitted. 1901 California. B M0S3 24 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD ST. JAMXS avotal. day board, meal tloketa Furnished rooms, steam beat, with or with out board. Midland botai, 16tb Chicago. r si 1617 CASS, rooms and board. gWitilf Mil THB MERRIAM, 86th and Dodge, 'phono 6S; nice, light, airy rooms; eaaultes and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of build-as. i 36s BOARD and sooxa, 84; soae-s 15c. 1619 Dodge, r ' ft'-aUU THE ROSE, 2020 EUarsjey; weway furnished rooms, good board; rates reasonable. F id 426 Je3 1316 DODGE, two nloely furnished parlors, with board. 'Phono A26V7. F-Mi&x FURNISHED Iron rooms), wlih board. 811 & 20th st F-AU63 22 FURNISHED or unfarntsbsd rooms board K osaireo. MQa no. iata. ruvai NICELY furnished reoms and bo-rd. 2? 10 Douglas. . F M401 27 FIRST CLASS board, by day or week. 1312 Chicago. F M404 Jax O. M B. TEL. ell. MESSENGER AMD BAGGAGE. F-M&V7 Jail NICELY furnished front room with al cove, and board. HI K, 19th. F M424 22x FURNISHED rooms and board. $4. 2010 St Mary's ave. F 11430 J20 NICELY furnished front room with board; oboloe location and shade. 221a Farnam. F 447 23x NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board, strictly modern, rates reasonable. UiT Cass. F-MU0 i tt ORDHR pour putlng swat of Dresher. F sj 22 NICELY furnlfhed room, with rood board; reasonable. 618 8. 22A st F-319 JO FURNISHED rooms, with board; walking! dlstanoa. Uu Douglas. F 143 2x IF YOU are not satisfied with your room, move, and let the) O. Id. 2L kaul your trunk. F 451 Zix NICELY furnlnhed, tatve room for two Kutii-nen; will give board If desired. 0. 33d st F 400 23s NICELY furnlahed somth front double room. 1812 Dodge. E M567 24x FTTFtNTSTTED room, board. 'Phone L2070. 710 8. 18th- F-M600 24 FURNlSUEr rooms and board. 609 8. S"th avs. F-663 BRASS FOUNDRY BRASS and aluminum easting, nickel lng and finishing.. Specialty Mfg. C el N. Mala suXunal Llufls,