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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1904)
! TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1004. XT ! j Y I1 V I I V f w 10 COLD MR CONVENTION Kcliiley CUb W.1 Stmt Keloid T ckst, . Jnit for Fun, WILL SHOW CXACTIY HOV REAL THING IS Tm.11 List ( Delegate Will Jtepreeeat State u4 Territories aa Dark Roe-see Ara Lke Fr. sfembem of tha McKlnley club and aettv rrpnoucana generally ara taking a great coal of lntercat In tha mock national con vention to ba held by the organisation on wie mgni or Monday, June 8. While i 6eflnit program haa bwn nrrarM. follow Ins .cloeely along tha llnea actually In practice at republican national convention, Considerable toewair haa tAn t)nwt1 fn tha exercise of oratory, generalship and political ingenuity. ' Only tha framework of tha convention Is cut and dried and tha nomination and Tolatform will result from tha real nr xi tba delegate. It -will ba tba endeavor all along to anticipate tha Chicago con tention, each malt raaaonlng, however, from hla Individual standpoint. While tha nomination of Roosevelt la a foreordains. onclusion, there ara other points to ha a-ecuro. ana ror wnicn certain answer have ftot rat been found. - t7al M LsMtal Rlitarr. Practically tha antlra trangtk f tha Blob will be exhausted in tha affair, which U something unique In Its way. never "tag been tried before in Omaha within tha memory of the club members. Acids tram . tha evenlne-'a entertainment, the tnock convention is expected to prove of ra vam tiot only to tha participants, but sor lp omooaera as weu. as the median- "w." u.uonaj convention wui Da ax oaed. It Is aald a quiet plan la on foot to nominate candidate other than Roosevelt ana Webster, who compose the "slate." In fact, the whole convention It likely to be a aertee of surprises, aa tha delegate ar Working In cliques and plotting to carry wrougn pat project and Idea. In order to afford a task for the display of parlia mentary powers, credentlala will be issued to two eata of delegates from Minnesota. Thai caaa will be handled by the com mute on Credentials and later fought out n tha floor of the eonventlon. Tha committee which arranged the con vention la composed of Ftanklln A. Shot Wall, Nathan Bernstein and T. B. Dyaart Call for Convention. They teemed tha following call: . Committee on arrangements: Franklin A. ShotweU, Nathan Bernstein, T. B. Dy aart. Call for national -republican convention to the republican electors of tha United States In accordance with the resolution unani mously adopted by the McKinley club of .LKwaiae county, iteoraaica, on the M day of May, 1904, Tha committee on arrangements directs that a national convention of delegated representative of the republican party be held at tba city of Omaha, In the etate of Nebraska, for the purpose of nominating candidates for president and vloe president, to ba voted for at the presidential election Tuesday. November I, lSt4. and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before It, and that said con vention enau aaaemDie at a o clock p. in., """J w.w Will WJ Ul JUIIV. JWV. The republican elector of the several atatee, and' all other elnctora, without re- Krd to paat political affiliations, who ha ve In the principles of the republican Sarty, and endorse Ha policies, ara cor ially Invited to unit under thla call In tha selection of candidates for president ana vice president, ana saia national con ventlon shall consist of two delegatee-at large, from each of tha following states California. Colorado, Connecticut, Dela ware, laano, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kan Baa Maine, Michigan, Masaachuaetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Complete External and Internal Treatment Consisting of warm baths with to -cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuti cle j CUTICURA Olnt- mart to .Instantly allay itching Irritation, and inflammationand- soothe and heat; and CUTT CURA.Pillstocool and cleanse the blood. A SINGLE SET, coitta tut ONE DOLLAR, It of tea sufficient to cure the most tor taring', tflsflg-urine; skin, scalp, vac! blood humorj, ccxcmaj, rathe, itchfno-s, and IrrJtatlons, Tdth. loss of hat, from Infancy toagr, wiun all else fails. tf amfliNl lk CMtrm Sn, r.ttt, Uo,M, tlr hiriu ul LW ) ron IttA, be. P UI f a. ltl' L.n.l.i.ilCiilntr. Ml , C.rl.. tiut d. 1 hill :, 1ST t Su Av entitr lffy Clim Ci,.. PiwerlvtM,. mr 1 Kf " H., tm Cur i icim ati lii hmlilMii if iliiSl tiiliM LLiiR Kevada, New Hampahlra, New Jery, New Tora, North Nknm, Hnuth Dakota, OhU. Vermont, Wanning on, Wisconsin, Mary land, and one dl-irate-at-larga from each vi uia loiiowmit territories: .Alaaka. Arizona nitnrt tit CntnmhtA- Nw Mexico, Oklahoma, HawaU and Porto Ail of aaM AIiim Vi11 Ka 1stit rat lesa than flftea da-a bafora tha meetlna of the national convention, and shall be cnosen by popular state and territorial con ventlon of tha several states and terri tories. All notices of contest ah all ba submitted in writing, and accompanied bv a printe-1 statement, setting forth th grounds of contest, which shall be filed with the secre tary of the national committee five day rrlor to the meelng of the national conven Ion. Contests will be acted on by the national convention In the order of the date of filing of notice and statement with the aecretary. FRANKUNA. SHOTvVELU Chairman NATHAN BERNSTEIN. Temporary Organlsatlsa. The temporary organisation will be made up, according to program, which may be changed by unlooked-for assault, with P. A. Well a chairman, Hans Peterson a secretary, Sidney W. Smith as reading clerk, 3. W. Morrow aa aergeant-at-arms and Clyde Bunblad and Elmer Neville aa teller. Tha permanent organltatlon will ba th name, with th exception f the chairman, who In this case will be N. P. Dodge, Jr. Following ar om of th committee: On permanent organisation, John Battln, J. C. Klnsler. B. K. Postalwalt; on cre dentlala E. M. Martin, Russell Bevlns, Oeorg Campbell; on platform. Victor Rose- water. & C. Hodder, H, O. Myers; on nomination of Rooaevelt, O. C Redtck, Charles Battel, Howard Kennedy, Jr.t on nomination of Webster, Frank Crawford, It a. Whipple, Isador Zlegler. In apportioning th member to th state as delegate two well known cltl- sens ar made to represent new acquis! tlona In th party Harry B. Zlmman standing for Hawaii and William J. Vra for Porto Rloo, while Charles E. Morgan come In as a delegate from Utah. Rules of Conveatloa. These rule will govern: First The proceeding of th convention shall be governed by the rules of th Inst republican hationai convention at Chi Taco. III. I Second Speeches placing In nomination firesldrnt and vice president will be 11m. ted to ten minutes each, and the speeches seconning ine nomination tor president ana vice president to five minutes each. Third Contesting delegations will be per mitted to nave ten minute each to present tholr cases on the floor of the convention. Fourth The speeches of the permanent and temporary chairmen will be limited to nrteen minutes each. The list of delegates will be: California. A. W. Anderson, C. A. Beard; Colorado, Charles Battle, J. W. Battln Connecticut. N. Burmelster. E. R. Bevlns Delaware, E. F. Bralley, W. M. Chambers; Idaho. E. F. Chapln, V. W. Christie; 1111 nols, O. F. Campbell, Charts Callahan Indiana, II. T. Clark, Grant Cleveland; Iowa, E. A. Cop, Harry Counaman; Kan' as, Bryca Crawford, Frank Crawford; Maine, . E. W. Dickinson, N. P. Dodge) Michigan,' W, H. Dorancs, T. B. Dyaart; Massachusetts, C. H. Erwln, E .B. Erwln; Minnesota, O. 8. Erwln, Dan J. Riley; Mis souri, W. J. Fawcett, H. Fisher; Montana, Charles B. Foster! H. A. Foster; Nebraska, J. B. Fradanberg, Victor Rosewater; Ne vada, CarlH. Qerber, J. B. Craves; New Hampahlra, Lee drier, M. H. Hitler; New Jersey, K. E. Hodder, O. W. Johnaon; New York, J. C. Klnsler, W. E. Keyaor; North Dakota, Charles H. Kubat, Howard Ken nedy, Jr.; Ohio, F. W. Bhotwell. H. P. Laavttt; Oregon, J. O. Kuhn, Charles Les lie; Pennsylvania, John B. Lindsay, C. II. Von Mansfelde; Rhode Island, H. O. Myer, Ma Idlemon, jr.; South Dakota, E. M. Martin, 'Carl Long; Utah, Charlea B. Mor gan, F. A. Mulflnger; Vermont, J. J. Pier- son, James Rate; Washington, O. C. Rd Ick, Lewis Etter; Wisconsin, Frank A. Furay, T. J. Bhanahan) Maryland, Martin Sugarman, , Roy A. Btow; Alaska, H. A. Tukey; ArUona, J.: R. ,Wlls; Dtstrlot of Columbia, H. Wright; New Mexico, W. A. Tonaon; Oklahoma,- F. G. Smith; Hawaii, H. B. Zimmerman; Port Rloo, William O. Ur. Invitation . will b Issued to prominent republicans, not alon tn Douglas county, but throughout th state, and an audlenc of not less than 200 Is expected. The plac for th convention haa not yet been named. QUAINT FEATURES OF LIFE. "On will not be long In Judging Mis Whitney a real beauty," y th -Wichita Eagl. "Bh .1 ( feet 7 ' tnche tall and weigh about US pound. Bh ha eyes that epfeak a language by themselves, and, by the kid of her graceful expression and her big, candid smile, they verily sparkle. Mlsa Whitney ha a high forehead, but not too high. Her eyebrow ar semi-rainbow lib and ar pretty aa any picture. Her nose I Just th right alt and her face a a whole I a perfect model and an Ideal plotur. On top of all these beautiful fea tures, let Miss Whitney smile or Just let her appear befor anyon and not mile, sad h will be Applauded a a beaut." Circuit Judge Perkins of Jasper county, Missouri, stick to th old-fashioned Idea that a rich man ought to obey an order of court Just th aame as a hi fortunate oltlaen. J. W. Grounds, a wealthy earth- ag man, waa summoned th other day aa a Juror. H bluntly told th deputy sheriff who served him that h waa too busy and would not com. Judge Perking immedi ately laaued an attachment for him and fined him 15. Ill honor announced that business could not serve as a valid exouse, adding for the Information of Mr, Grounds that to serve on a Jury waa one of th most Important duties resting upon tha olUan business that Interests th entire com munity. . A man named Lyon died last December at hi bom on a farm on th military road. near Pletcher' Corner, two mile east of Niagara Falla ' Neighbors, who knew of th death, expected, of course, that th funeral would follow, but time paased and no funaral waa held. Raoently complaint was mad to a coroner that th body waa being kept In th barn. An Investigation revealed that th body was In storage, and th widow said that ber husband' body had been placed In a metallio casket, and that sh waa waiting for a son to oom hom befor holding th funsrsJ. Reuben Smith, a youns Rrm Ui elao. txiolAJl. Will fimtuhlv ...- . i r ' - j a b m iwucit medal fur saving tha life of a Bryn Mawr vuma giru who was trying to board a moving irain at that tatlon. For U h should be a candidate for th medal the young lady In Question wnuM vr itki doclar that h hadn't saved ber life aod mat n was a very rude young man for putting hi arm around her waist In th manner h did. Tt bystander proclaimed him a real hero. Th 1:4 expreas from Bryn Mawr to PhtladalDhla. u i.t tun ing out from the station when th girl, dressed In a whit gown, ran up th steps of th tunnel, aorosa tha aiatinn ni.if.n and waa about to Jump on th second oar irom in engine wnen Bmlth who waa waiting for the accommodutton train ami wno leu sure in , train waa moving too wiftly for ths girt to board It, encircled lila arms aulckltf about Vw. r mnA i- and drew her bask. Smith, who I a mar- rieo man, ssy in gin wouu not have mad th step, a sh Seemed to be Jump ing rlglU bi to th coupling between th cars. Th girl did pot Call down any ttUaattira nn Smith's head fne imphv . .,,, but wor a very Indignant look, preaviuii w hiuu vu wi fuwiai m aa bosrUed th neat baisv GROWTH OF llALF A CENICUY cVmi Eil.ory Gathered from th Datt el Official Doccmtti'a, SSBHMBBSSk rifTY YEARS CF GWAHVS POSToVflCE Paper that laaleats h Modest sal tstktrwslv beglaalag ( Wkat I Mow aa Kxtcaalv Psb. II lastltatloa. Th approaching seml-centennary cele bration of the signing of th bill miking Nebraska a territory Is almost Identically coincident with the foundation of Omaha "City." Fifty years ago on May t, 19H, the poetofflc at Omaha "City" was es tablished. In a recent letter from the Post office department at Washington to As sistant Postmaster Woodard, the following interesting bit of postofflc history Is given: WASHINGTON, April !K, 1904.Mr. J. I. Woodard, Omaha. Neh., My Dear Sir: In reaponae to your inouirv nf the sit instant I btg to state that the records of the "Bond Division" of the office of th fourth assistant postmaster general show that the omoe ai umana city. -Neb., was established under that name on May 1864, with Alfred D. Jones as postmaster, thus showing that the Postodlce department, with lie usual foresight and wisdom added the word "city" to th nam of the office a a propnecy that nriy year would make It toe great city of Omaha. Very truly yours, C M. WATERS. General Superintendent Salaries and Al lowance. First Formal Cssamlsslon. It was during thla period that Post master Jones popularly accredited with carrying th Omaha postofflce In hla hat, and th total amount of postal :celpta during th year of hla Incumbency wr less than (50. Mr. Jones held th offlc of postmaster until July I, 1866, when h was succeeded by William W. Wyman. pur suant with th following commission la sued him, which I tha first formal com mission Issued to an Omaha Postmaster: ,S.-?.AMIIPELL' POSTMASTER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA io an wno snail see these presents, Ureetlngs: Whereas. Qn tn. j5th day of Jun im William W. Wyman was annolnted rvoat- master at Omaha City In the county of Douglas, territory of Nebraska; and where as h did on the 9th day of July, lbo6, execute a bond and ha taken the oath of office aa required by law. Now know ye. That confiding In the In tegrity, ability and punctuality of the aid William W. Wyman, I do commission him a postmaster, authorised to execute the duties of that office at Omaha City aforesaid, according to the law of th United Statea and tha regulations of the Postofflce department; to hold the said office of postmaster wtth all th powers, finvuege ana emoluments to in same De onglng, during the pleasure of th post master general of tha United States. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and cauaed the aeal of the j'omomoe aepwrtnvent to be affixed at Washington city, th eighth day of Sep tember In the year of our Lord on thous and, eight hundred and fifty-Ave, and of the Independence of the United States, th eigmietn. jamem CAMFiijbLiLt. First Mall Bcbedal. v Incidentally, th method of transporting th malls at thl period were somewhat crude, and th following schedule was established by th postmastor general, th Bam to b conspicuously posted In the Omaha postofflc: From July 1, 1SS5, to June 10, 1858, tor rout No. Hid, from - Council Blurt to Omaha City. Contractor. H. D. Hall. , ResMenc Council Bluffs, 1 Number of trip pr week In each direo Uon. L Mode of conveyance, 4 II. H. Lav Council Bluff daily exoept Sunday at I a. m. Arm at Omaha City saro day at 10 a. m. Leave Omaha City dally xcpt Sunday at I p. m, , Arrlva at council Bluffs asm 1m at ( p. tn. ' Postomo Department,- Contract Offioe. June it, 1Mb. 'iTi postmaster win her not th altera tion In th rout In contractor' name, number of trip, mod of conveyance, or departures and arrivals, which th depart ment may order front Um to time. Poatmoster Wyman having discharged hi duties with oommendaol fidelity, Prtdnt Jame Buchanan reappointed him post master, and Postmaster Wyman appointed Albert U. Wyman aa assistant postmaster. Following 1 A. U. Wyman acceptance of th appointment: assistant postmaster at Omaha City, In th .ouMiy oi uouguis, ana territory of r bianka, do swear that 1 will faithfully per form all th duties reauired of me. and abstain from everything forbidden by th laws In relation to th establishment of poatoltloes and post roads wlihln the I' n I ted Stales, and I do solemnly swear that I will support th constitution of th United Unites. Signed.) ALBERT U. WYMAN. the poaca for the County of Douglas, In tha Territory of Nebraska, this 4th d r.i July. A. U. UM; and I also certify that th person above named Is above the ag of 1 year, to the best of my knowledge and belief. ISAAC P. NULLOCK. (blgued.) Justiu of th Peao. ( Flrat Formal Report. In order to tnak a comparison nf the remarkable growth of th postofflc bust- nes at umana during th half century of It eXlStenOA. tha flrat fnrinil "Mnnr ,iV- mltted by Mr, Wyman will prove Interest ing reading, it u as follow: POSTOFFICE AT OMAHA CITY, County Aocount Current with the United 8 1 a tea, .vf vs. ,noi s uaiuiui.II A.T'rj irissnl frnm Jul 1 aanAK.. m tori wi vna on vit o 01 me jrosiomcn JUraart w si ww HVy-wviuuv) s7U AOiHJ , fit To postage of unpaM lettere which re- ....... wv viiiuv tm. mm ciomm ox the Ih-ut quarter , $ ,n To poetaRe of unpaid fetter received frftm nihof rifHriAn Ihla n m mm To postage raid in money on letters vjiii. irvm mi. oinoe ini quarter..., 19 m To this sum paid for advertising let- rm .ilia iu.iinr .mi wnicn amount ha been added to th postage on th letter o advertised To balanc brought down, being th miuuuiii vi i)u.m(t coiiectea on let ters thla quj-tr I 8.M To amount of unpaid poatag on clr- vui4mb, ww.., newspapers, periodi cals, pamphlet and other printed matter received at thla otflr... l K and of poatag prepaid on such mat matter sent from thla office thl ' vuartar In money 124 oj by tamp (.ig ' (Deduct poatag on printed matter re- which la charged In the. last Item ....... w hi umui.j To amount of fees collected on reg istered letter at to eaoh....',, .Mi .2f To amount of posts ire stamps and Amount of postage stamps enld.t3o.00 Aoiuuui ok i axil you envelope " ....... M.UV tt 44 CK. By unpaid poatag of letter ml seen t nd forwarded and amount of over charges on letters this quarter J M J8y unpaid postsge of dead and re fused letter sent to th postomo department thla quarter (1 By unpaid postage nf letter now re maining tn thla offlc , , fi Ualano carried down' 11.12 By two mall register returned to th department this quarter at lUo each a month for each route ,19 by oommlaalon on U D. tl C. letter postase collected at 0 per ont lO.M By rouiinlHsion on el L. U C. letter postage pieimld at to per cent ION By commission on It li. u C. of post age on newspapora and other printed matter at to per cent ,. f a By romnilaslon on 4 l. II c. poatsg rollM'trd prepaid by stamp at t per cent 1 07 By cnminlaalnn on Ko leglstratlon fe.s at M) ner cent ft By III lie Iwttsrt dsUvcrtl g in tn i.u Balanc da tb United etate tt.1t J W. W. WYMAN, Postmaster. r-ostasrs tk Leglslatoe-s. Her I th bill for poatag for th session of th sMlslatar of 1&7 and that of th WMslom f 1K: T. B. Cnmlng, sertry of Nebraska, to th Poatofflo Lepartmnt, Dr.t T posts- of member and onV-era of th legislatur of th Territory of Nebraska from the th day of January to the ltth day of Febru ary, 157, inclualva, U4.. Received payment in full of th abova account W. W. WYMAN, tftlgned Fortmaster, Omaha City. Omaha City, N. T Feb. It. 17. Th poatag demands of th legislature have Increased at a very significant ratio during the past fifty years, aa will be shown by th following: LINCOLN, April ZL 1904 Henry E. Palmer, Postmaster, Oinaha: I hav your letter of th mth, and In reply beg to in form you that the bills tor pontage during the twenty-eighth eHlon of th legislature amounted to J5. Your! truly, tSIgncd.) CHAHXJJ8 VVESTON, Auditor P. A. GEORGE! ANTHE8, Deputy. Further evidence of Postmaster, Wyman' peculiar qualification as a public officer are shown In thl correspondenc: OMAHA CITT, N. T., July 84, 1858. W. W. Wyman, Postmaster: air It afford nie pleasure to add iny testimony to the prompt manner tn which jou have exhibited at an times. 80 lar as 1 have had any Intercourse with your offlc iu an official capacity. And I can further add that your offlc 1 kept neater and your postolhc room ar better adopted tor the distribution of the malls thsn any other nice in th Territory of Nebraska, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, K. R, 8M1TK. Special Agent Kansas and Nebraska. Commission Crosa Prcaldent. Ia 1S54 th Omaha offlc was evidently raised to th dignity of a presidential of flea At all vents, Poatmaatsr Wyman' reappointment In that year oam direct from President Buchanan, as shown by the appended commission: JAMES BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT OF rHEX'MTED STAAES OF AMERICA- To All Who Shall Be The Presents, Ureeilng: Know ye, That, reposing special trust and confidence In the Integrity, ability and punctuality of William . W. Wyman, I do appoint him deputy postmaster at Omaha City, In th territory of Nebraska, nd do authorize and empower him to exe cute and fulfill the duties of that offlc according to law, and to have and to hold tha cald office, with all the powers, privi leges and emolument to the earn of right appertaining, unto him, the aald Wil liam w. Wyman, during the pleasur of the president of th United State for th time being, and until the end of the next session of the senate of th United States, and no longer. In testimony whereof, I have caused these tetter to be made patent and the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at th city of Washington, th nineteenth day of April In the year of our Lord on thousand, eight hundred and fifty-nine, and of the Independence of the United State of America, the eighty-third. iAMES BUCHANAN. . ,1W13 CABS, Secretary of 8 tat a lori es Imall Ckssgs, Th small change question had evidently be com on of considerable annoyance to th Omaha postmaster in 1(60, and Post master Wyman registered a klok against tha Influx of I cent piece to th Postofflc department and succeeded In curing an order regarding .their limit as a iegal ten der, aa will be shown herewith: WASHINGTON, March 2S, 180-Hon. Mr. Eatabrook has transmitted to th depart ment a letter from you, making Inquiry a to your duty In regard to th receipt of I cent pieces when offered fer postage. In reply I hav to stats that you ar re quired to receive these coin like alt other, at the valuation fixed by law, without re gard to any custom on th subject which may be prevalent In your neighborhood. Th law, however, doe not require you to tak more than 10 cent In I cent piece from th same person at on Um. Re spectfully, your obedient servant. HORATIO KINO, First Assistant . Postmaster General, Postmaster, Omaha City, Nab. OAc Kmlpmet la 1801. W. W. Wyman waa succeeded as post master by Oeorg R Smith, on May IS, 1W1, th lattar having been appointed by President Llnoln. Th ' preliminaries per taining to th transfer at that tint were significant, especially whan compared with th recent change of postmasters. Follow ing 1 an Involc of poatofflo property turned over by Mr, Wyman to - hi suc cessor on May 15, ueii OMAHA. May IB, 1861. List of laws, post offices and regulation at thla offlcei 1 list of Postofflces and regulations, 1 tab) of postages to foreign countrlea . Received th abov of W. W. Wyman, retiring postmaster. OEO. R. SMITH. P. M. OMAHA, May 15, lBiX-Llat of look, reg ister and mall bag at thl orflct: I bras lock. 4 Iron locks. J brass key. Iron key. 4 leather bag. , Received the Above of my predecessor, W. W. Wyman. QBO. R. SMITH, P. M. OMAHA, May 16, 1861. Received of W. W. Wyman: 1,800 stamps at So $64.00 7 stamps at 12o 9.11 1800 stamp at to St. 00 2 stamp at to I SO 14 package Of ovlopt at 80o 11.30 ' v IM .43 (Duplicate.). . GEO. R. SMITH, P. M. Captain H. E. Palmar, th present post master, receipted to Mr. Joseph Crow, Feb ruary M last, upon taking possession of tha postofflc as postmaster, for IH4M71.I8 worth of stamps, eta By way of comparison, th following re port of th Omaha postofflc for th quar ter ending December 11, IMS, I given: Amount of postage stamps on hand at clos nf last quarter.... 1157,681. B Amount of postage stamp re ceived this quarter , 151T4I.40 Total : $314, 441. Stamp sold during th quarter.... $124,118 14 poatag collected on eecond clas matter 14.171.ffl Received for waate paper. ..a 19) Y 1 I ... . h. r. mm nvueivru iwr ut'ji ivriiin via. in To deposit received during th quarter Total 1. 1198.064. TO Expended Salaries postmaster, as sistant and olerka: Miscellaneous I Xi.8MJ.ll Railway mall service 1.844 00 Free delivery service 41.68.3 Rural free delivery carrier 81.417.0$ Deposits, tc... $4.T61.3 PRATTLE OF THE YOUNGSTERS. On day while 4-year-old Margie was walking with her nun th lattar pointed out a cemetery, Msrgl was muoh In terested and upon returning hom aald I "Oh, mamma, nun showed m wher th dead folk Uva" Mamma Why, what ia th matter, daarT Little Elsl (cobbing) 8-omfln' dwaadful h-happnd, mamma Mamma Wall, tell m about It Uttl Elsie My d-dolly got away from me an' bwoked a plat in a p-pantry. "Mamma," aald f-yar-old Elmr, "ara X as tall a youf" "Of oours not, dear," sh replied. 'Your head only oom tip to my waist." . "But I'm a tall as you ar th other way, mamma," persisted Elmer, "for my feet reaches th floor the same as your doea" Small Freddy had just been put Into long trousers. "Say, mamma," b asked, "am I a man now Ilk papaT" 1 uppo o," sh replied. "Well, then," h continued, I guess I'll taks a dim out f my bank and go down to th barber shop and get shaved." Llttl Flossl had been presented with mall candy cat by her aunt and It fur nlshsd amusement for hearty a Week. On day It was mliwli g. however, and her mother asked If rlie had lost It. "No, knaminn. i rtnln't losed tt, repllei Floeale. "Me i! ' luve-I wlf It tin jt d t dirty u t ' ! J ta at It." Chicago ... aYbto icelifcr it certainly will If to your advantage. Orchard & Wilhelm garpet Qo. A wise woman knows a good bargain when it stares nor in the face. These remarkable offerings should prove especially Interesting .... Rugs Our sotlr tock of Smith's Axmlnstpr Room Sl Rugs on special gale, commencing Monday. Then ruga consist of all the newest In design and color rouiblna tlona, which we offer you at a big ftvlng- $34.m t-ftxlO-4 Axmtnster Rug peclal sal price $27. AO txlS Axmlnster Rug special al price (..,..... $2.6 27x64-inch Moquett Rug apeolal sal rrlco $4.2.s S6x72-lnch Moquetl Rug special stlo pric t Moodj Matts These are very uVsirablo for summer ne In tin house, on tbe porch or on the lawn. They are woven by natives from Indian fiber and yet with vegetable dyes. A large, new assortment for your choosing, as follows 18x36-lnch 1.00 2x4 feet 1.79 2-9X.V 3.7 S 8x0 4.7S 30x13 4x7 6x9 7 - 6x10 9XJ2 summer Furniture Special showing of a new line of cool and oomfortstbie furnUur for semmer u. Lawn Swings Four-passenger folding Lawn Swing th nw, Improved kind et up on your lawn ready (or use t$00 Porch or Lawn Settees - W are offering what we fully believe to b a much superior Folding Settee than you are usually offered for th prlca. This article comes In four, Ave and six-foot lengths, with back and framework painted gresn or red ana the seat natural finish. These are very substantially constructed nd ar altogether a comfortable and neat plec of lawn furniture. 4-foot length $5 00 1-foot length ....$140 4-foot length $2.S0 Other Folding Settee at each $1.60 Refrigerators epruc. whit enamel or th cpallt tlle I :ace Gurtains lively selling we hav had of Lac Thes curtains sold ip to $10.00 and $5 80 Brussels, Cluny and Irish Point Curtain at $3.75 $7.60 Arabia, Cluny, Irish Point "and Bruasela..... $4.75 $10.00 Arabian, Cluny, Irish Point and Brussels at $4.76 Window Shades ilttZ 25tf gilSCTi??....10o Dovkt Cures Without Stomach Dosing Hysratl Cures Catarrh hr Slsaplr Breathimg Sharsaaa A McCoanell Rfd Mar 1$ t PalU T Caw. A long atrid toward solving th mystery of curing catarrh was taken with th dl ovry of Hyomel. In fact, th percentage of our by this treatment prove tt uia to th Anal test. Th folly of taking medicine Into th stomach to our catarrh of tha nose, throat and lunga, ha been realised by physicians, but not until Hyomel waa known, had they a practical method that would obvlat tomaoh drugging. A eomplet Hyomel outfit coat but $1, a&d consists of a neat pocket Inhaler that can bo used anywhere without attracting attention, a medicine dropper and a botti of Hyomel. Breathing Hyomel through th Inhaler, very particle of air that enters tha nose, throat and lung, I charged with a heal ing balsam that soothes and allays all Irritation, kill th catarrhal germ and enriohes th blood with additional oson. Bherman McConnell Drug Co., corner Blxteenth and Dodge street. Omaha, hav o much faith In th power of Hyomel to our catarrh, that they art selling It under their personal guarantee to refund th money if It docs not glv posltiv relief. mi L FAIR Omaha lo SI. Louis AND RETURN Fr Information, t, Mil or ad drMS Company Offlc S. E. Ccr. Hth&DeBglas, OLUSIA, NED. TOM rtUarlBS, T. I. OOOPRBV, Trav. Fa. Aft, P. T, A. Every Woman 4l. um WUU'HHI ug kURVTl Vthiflmg total ilMM1 bu rifi. im- ar- t- Nil C M U4Wt.,vl,lftraS Nk -"f. L it -r:ti4 llAMIS (T 1. .. .,.1 r. rr-e t ..1 -. . 1,,. 1 a k or Ki tV BniACFfR'S I Hi' HhiP.E.l, lfilh K'-.i ,j t-i : ba. t;iiiHi.a, Kill no Iv t-ui; I in 'its, tui and Main feta m) Trains Xg9f Daily si? 313.00 f 1 7 ? UN "l 1 1 r . v m .v tz DlilWHtiit, 1 -fflSMH iai ' If. PI 18.00 19.00 1.95 2.95 One yard wldo --regular selling price 40c per yard special Monday per yenl 8.73 .....11.00 - 0 16.00 21.00 28.00 This weather should mak you buy we want you to Refrigerators are built to good features and on results. Costa no mor - Hlta; $14 . $2000, $21.50, $M.0O, $26.60 and her are bargain Curtains haa left us with several odd curtains, ome slightly soiled from anpl us. $13.00 pet pair-on sal while they laat Monday only-each, 26c. Brussels. Arabian and Novelties at. Baxony and Double Net Brussels at Arabians and Brussels at Forget Our Odd Curtains at 25o OMAHA'S FAVORITE II. case FlLOODPOISOn 1 J K ll prfiafcrr. eflonaafT m tmumty'ina 1 m- I .,t-. i I I.. U li ""J. i ' , l:i l'H'1 V I It, ft, n'.i o I..- f. iul ' ' . . 1 .... i 1 t y f 4t n1. !' .-in.. I ,. , .r , Itl ' . I'Y 1. I. ' " 1, ' ? t . . i t ml L ,.... - t ' ,, f - f, . - - !' ... 1 . I I . ! ' I t . ,l,i,,lJ-'.l.' . v . ., '.V . Carpets $1.J Axmlnster Carpet I.V Owlnir to the sicceful snle of these cn0f the week past we haT added several now patterns to the lot, nl start out Monday with a fresh supply of these boanttful Axmlnster Car pets, with or. without lwders the rogular selling price always has been 1..0 per yard. f gj Our special price on this lot Monday f jC and while they last Crex Grass Matting 35c . Crox Minnesota Grass Rugs These are very doslrahle summer rugs. A large shipment Just received and placed on sale Monday, as follows 19x30 60o 0x9 feet 8.00 80x00 1.28 8x10 feet 8, 30x72 1.50 Pxll ft 9.00 Library Tables Ixiit call on thla special sal of Library Tabl. A lrg aasortment of Viiy choice ones ar her for your choosing Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Bona fide, poaltlv re ductions mad on these goods for thla sal, $GS00 Mahogany Library Table special ...... $100.00 Mahogany Library Table special .........$76.00 $i7.00 Mahogany library Table special .$1$ W L4.O0 Mahogany Library Table special ...ll.Tj $43.00 Mahogany Library Table upeolal ...... 00 $;.0O MahOKany Library Table special f-!! $45.00 MahaKany Library Table special f1 00 170.00 Mahogany Library Table special fti.v) $(i6.00 Antwerp Osk Library Table epeclal .....K7.W $-'6.O0 Antwerp Oak Library Table special ...M7.09 $JS.OO Weathered Oak Library Table special $17.M $34.00 Weatherea Oak Library Table pecial 41S.M you think of Refrigerator, but befor Investigate th H10RRICK. Henrlok suit. A Refrigerator that ha all th that Is built to glv th best possibl than the ordinary kind. iney com in ey t up. Other Refrigerators, $8.16 n4 up. Commencing of the second week of th special al of Im porter' surplus tock of Lac Curtain at on-thlrJ lea than reaulat- tirloe. You should not miss thl opportunity. genuine. Note price below. The $4 60 BSN ... ..417.W ..Wo So CURTAIN SWISS. ii inches wide yard.. Each, fty; Mine. Yale's Almond Blossom Complexion Cream flREATEST ' TOILET LUXURY nADB. Cleanses, softens, purines, whttsnf and beautifles tbe skin. Boap aoi wat bnly cleanses superfltrlall. Mm. Tal ays: A llttl Almond Blossom Oon pleilon Cream should be applied rat time the face and hands are washed. It removes the dust, soot, ftim smut nd smudge from tbe Interstices of the kin and makes the surface smooth aa civet A dally necessity at borne and broad; treasure when traveling by land or water, or when on an outinc ot any kind, and particularly prlaed at seaside or mountain resort Protect the skin from cutting winds, burning rays of the sun and every injurious ef feet of th elements. Prevents and cures abnormal redness of the nose or any port of the face, and that purplish hue duo to exposure to cold, also chap, ping, chafing, cold sores, rover blisters and all Irritation of tbe skin. It la tbe greatest known spedflo for burn! takes ths fire out more quickly than anything else, soothes, boats and prevents scars nd suppuration. Indispensable for Use of Infants and every member of the household. An exquisite natural beat tiller.' A grateful application after aba v. lng. Excellent for massage purposes. Now In two slses; Mm. Tale's Almond Blossom Complexion Oraatn la sold by Drug Dept., Boston Store Our Special Price i 45c and 89c Whit To Et fas 4 for enj-v. 1 wmn vr tl u I yr. Koiudw fc !( jtriuam. 7Vi.te Stav m JmtK, jMMtnie, ( . 'Vl. A tn.-,a tw bita'tiukq yur bii is. tiivnta. Full tit acvei uggaauous lot rr, lrttn!r 1"h. lanrm "-t's .f-tf is ' :f 1- .-t W ' !" 1 i I ' 4 W: . . . . ... i