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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1904)
13 e F2 ffee Pioneer Dealers of Nebraska m0m WINTON "TF 4t U We Do Not Sell Experiments 190 Peerless Touring Car Franklin (Air-Cooled.) Ml Seasons Look Mike to the Franklin. UYINTONjKING, Long liw the. Kit TOE OMAHA' DAILY BEEt SUXDAY, MAY 22, 1904. 3 Long live the r if " 2-Horse Power, King of Belgium Body. EQUAL to the best imported cars in material, workmanship and fin ish but better adapted to American conditions. Will go anywhere at any speed desired quietly and without giving trouble. Mechanic-' ally correct and presents a strikingly handsome appearance. The spa cious and comfortable tonneau, especially flexible springs, long wheel base and large tires insures ease of riding not surpassed by any other touring car. A FEW POINTS OF PEERLESS PERFECTION Four cylinder vertical motors, sliding gear transmission, bevel gear drive direct on high speed, forced feed lubrication, long wheel base, cold rolled pressed steel frame. Only a few points. The catalogue tells the rest. m IS ivl V---f f" ' ,,S, rv i . CONTENTMENT Ine WIMUJN operator is a contented man. He fVJc1 . y.9jl knows His car is ruwisuFUL, BUIiSTANTIAL . . . . . . and SAFE. He doesn't have to think of a J) dozen levers and pedals to operate, because a, single foot-button gives any desired i S i j a variation or speea. e mate A'aUJ'y vt r prompt deliveries. V HADN'T you better in vestigate the motor car which has proved the easiest way the best? The FRANKLIN has beaten all Motor Can OF ITS CLASS in races, in hill-climbing contests and constantly on the road. Air-cooled cylinders with no water to freeze in cold weather. It has the popular requirements of power and speed in combination with light weight and noiselessness. Just the Thing for the Doctor or Business Man. Orient Buckboard THOROUGHLY practical and reliable. Ample power and a speed even beyond some of the large cars. Takes up but little room and the construction is so simple it is easily understood. Is air-cooled and can be ridden In any weather 'without fear of damage from freez- ing. Weight about 600 pounds. Price f!25.00. mm? THE WINTON AND PEERLESS ARE TWO OF THE THREE MACHINES WHICH Will REPRESENT AMERICA AT THE INTERNATIONAL CUP RACE IN GERMANY NEXT JUNE.' WINTON WE HAVE other makes of machines for sale not shown above, and some bargains in second-hand large and small cars, ranging in price from ? 250.00 up. Write for full Information It not convenient for you to call. Cata logues for all xnalcea of machines mailed or furnished on appli cation, i II THOROUGHLY equipped garage in Charge of ex t pert repair men. All kinds ancj makes of auto mobiles stabled and repaired at reasonable rates. If your -machine is not working satisfactorily bring it to us. We guarantee satisfaction. llfESTERN headquarters for automobile supplies . and accessories as well as automobiles. A full line of machine equipment kept constantly on hand. Mail orders filled and forwarded the same day as received. WINTONXsKINGi Low? live the A Kind WINTON 11 ft o i ILa o FRED RICK SON 15th & Capitol Ave. OMAHA. IWINTONMUNG, Long Ihv the. King SPORTING GOSSIP OF WEEK (Continued from Paaw Fourteen.) - there never waa one. During the last -week the daily average, be sinning with Monday. ha been fully 1.600. Sunday'a crowd will break well Into the thoueaada. For the dally crowds there la not a city In the cir cuit that outolaaaes Dea Molnea. The bogey score of 82 on the new golf course at' the Field club haa been put in Jeopardy several tlmea of late by the wtsardllke operations of Harry Morrill and his little dub. He has gone over It twice reoently. once In 85 strokes and once In 86, and his friends allow that It Is only a natter of another trial or two when he will put the bogey Into clear. Morrill has made the Inside oourse In less than St strokes, but has fallen down thus far on tbe last hole of the outside course, not because It la particularly hard when It Comes to tbe putting process, but just be cause .It has happened that way. pr. Kahm la another of the Field club players who la making the bogey uneasy. Accord ing to his own score book, he has made the course. In M, whloh Is only 2 up, but In th(s game It la understood that he did not play all the strokes, but counted one and took bis ball up at several holes, so that while- he gat around In St, had he played the putting out. It might have been several strokes more than the figure quoted. The links are In very general use these days by tbe club members, and It Is only a ques tion of a short time when the bogey will have to be trimmed several notches to have it difficult of attainment by many of the golfers other than Morrill and Rahm. The Field club ball team baa taken an added Importance to itself of late on ac count of the acquisition of a new twlrler In the person of 1. M. Rose, who has re cently Joined the club and haa all the latest and snakiest kind of curves In bis possession and. Judging from the practice that h haa thus far lndulgedvtn, is able to hand them out In a fashion that will count Tor something when the score sheet comes to be made up. Maloue, who baa been on the alck lint for some time, and is cne of the strongest players In , the Field club when he la well, ! oonUng to bis feed again and will probably figure In the next lineup of Importance. So that while the team has not attaohed any of the local scalps to Its belt "as yet, It Is not discour aged nor cast down, and admits that It Is ote of the best of the amateurs la the t v alness. ("he Thurston Rifles' ball team baa auf lered a loss In the resignation of Charlie Dunn that It will be hard to make good. Dunn waa confessedly one of the fastest an! coolest beaded players' In the team and for that reason the management of the club at Spalding haa offered him In ducements to come there and play third base that be could not In Justloe to him self refuse. Bo Friday he reaigned his position In the employ of the Lee-Glaae-Andreeson company, packed his little grip and wsnt out to show the grangers how the national gams should be pktyed. Ball playing Is no Dunn s longest suit, either, as Is evidenced by the fact that his Job will be waiting for him when he returns to Omaha In the fall. Among the local amateur teams Dunn la oonefder4 as about the likeliest major league timber that there Is In these parts and his showing at Spald ing will be wa tilled by them with a good deal of Interest The preliminary races to determine what boat shall be the cup defender In the com ing raoea on Lake Manawa are now on, the first one of the eeiles of five having been held last we. There are only two candl-, lates, the Manawa and tbe Argo, not be oase Uuwa aia not ftUuue. blcb axe, siijt. ble on points, but because tnese two are tbe largest, newest and recognised aa tha best 1 boata belonging to club members. Arthur Cooley and Arthur Rogers, who will select a third man, will comprise the race committee and preparations are being made for a moat Interesting event June 23. The Manawa, olub as a whole Is In the most satisfactory of conditions, financially and otherwise, owing to the unusual Interest that la being taken In It and In aquatics In general this season. The 600-foot bulkhead that waa deemed necessary on account of the damage done to the grounds by the high water of last year haa Just been com pleted and will prove an effective and last ing check to any further encroachments of the lake no matter iow high the water. The duea of the organisation have been raised 60 cents per month per member, and aa the membership Is now at Its full limit of 800, the Increase In the revenue will be S9G0 for the year. Much of this sum will be expended In the line of Improvement of service st the club house. A work that, while It doesn't make much of a showing. Is most Important, haa been done this spring In the shape of putting In a aewer that will do away with soma of the annoy ances of the past. Several handsome speci mens of the smaller varieties of boats have been added to the flotilla of the olub thla year and the race committee will arrange for a aeries of regattas and races to last through the summer. It haa been deemed advisable to divide the Class A boats Into two divisions owing to the fact that many of them are old and have but little, If any, chance of winning against the newer and more modern craft that necessarily comes In the same class. In fact everything that can be done to advance and promote the snort, as well aa the Interest and pleasure of the members, Individually and collec tively, Is being given attention, even to the arranging for a social one evening of every week during the entire season. The boys of the Bt Croix Tennis club feel that they are rather op against It when It comes to hard luck, for with tha beat courts In this part of the state they have not as yet been able to serve a ball nor. In short, to get going In any other way. The club waa to have had an opening of Its new club house and grounds yesterday, but owing to ths delay of the workmen and some Hitch about getting the material the only thing that was there to open waa the ground, and that was so very open that little or no tennis could be played. Thla last obstacle Is, however, being fast sur mounted, for the wire fenoe Inclosing the courts was nearly completed Saturday night. The opening Is now a matter of conjecture and will not be announced until the house Is at lesst In process of con struction. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., May Speclal.) St Joseph has at last succeeded In breaking over the too mark, apparently for good, and the hoodoo that haa been the bone In tha eraw of anything that sailed under St Joseph colors during the past few years has taken flight. "I confidently expect," aald President Chamberlain before he left for Omaha last Sunday night, "to see my team at the head of the list before the coming month haa passed." If there Is one thing ths locals can stack a chip on It Is the swatting record of tha past six games. Every man on the staff haa been connecting with the official chunk In a manner that haa even surprised Webster,, the propeller of ths local a . Sample, .the big Paclflo coast twlrler and first baseman In two games, one on tbe Omaha, grounds and the other In the at home series with the, "Millionaires, slammed out pretty three-baggers. Sample occasionally fans the air, but when he doea succeed In walloping the official chunk It la for good. . Bchelbeck, Belden and Hart. man are perhaps the surest hitters of the bunch. Hartman, as a place hitter during the recent series, has shown wonderful lm profement over last season. 'Smiling" Bill Kemmer has been doing the benoh act during the past week, owing to an ulcerated tooth. Sample has been covering the Initial sack. He doea fairly well on the first bag, but lacks the ex perience and sureness so evident In Ham mer's work. Sample is able to cover a greater area of territory and fields his position In fault less manner. Maupln pitched his first championship game of tbe season last Sat urday, and made good. Harry haa been laying off for the past three weeks and many of the fans predicted that he was all In as a slant artist However, Webster realise that he waa there with the goods if hla arm waa allowed time for improve ment IJls record during tha latter part of last season waa In a great measure due to his game arm, which is apparently this season In good shape. Hodson lost his only at-home game, due principally to lack of proper support Chamberlain is fully satisfied with the present personnel and has no . new ma terial In view. "I would not trade tbe bunch I have for any In the league," said Chamberlain, and It certainly looks as though bs has the right Idea. So far this season the attendance at local games haa been exceptionally good. The fans have demonstrated that they are fighting for an opportunity to support a team that, haa at least a fighting ohanoe In the show down. Ths drubbing administered to Pa Ryan's money burners haa raised the locals' stock above par and the St. Joseph public ft not slow In letting It be known. The) Pemasylvl Limited. Leaves Cbloago dally for New Tork at I p. m.1 time. 21 hoars. Solid train of Pull- man cars. Including compartment sleepers and observation car. Ticket agents of connecting Unas will sell you through tickets reading over the Penn sylvania from Chicago. Address Thomas H. Thorp, Traveling Passenger Agent. Room 20. TJ. B. Bank Eldg., Omaha, Neb., for full particulars. r30 Automobile Insurance PROTECTS YOU A0AIN5T ACCIDENTS We writ a policy to protect you against any liability for damages on account of an automobile accident or mishap. It to ma er mm ese-U year strata sieve ay jrwi are rauot4. The Traveler Insurance Co. writes a policy which paya vp to $3,000 for one person Injured, or up to $10,000 if more are hurt. BRENNAN-LOYE CO., Room I N. V. Life. Every tnown kind of Jnsuranee, Telephone 1264. AUTOMOBILE POINTERS The automobile of today must stand a rigid test to. meet the standard of requirement. It must combine speed with durability ease of operation with simplicity of detail. These are the points that have made famous the Thomas Flyer Three Car Cylinder and the Pope-Waverley Electric. Price $2,500 The New' Thomas The Car that is creating a furore in the east. NO" ""SCftot CfX V""V . BurrAU my, u&a The Pope Waverley is the Recognized Leader in its line No matter what impression yon have or what your experience has been with 'steam, gasoline or electrio vehicles, be fore you buy an automobile for any pur pose business or pleasure for 1804, in vestigate ths Pope-Waverley, We carry the fullest line of Automobiles la Omaha. The car for which we are areata are recofrjfxed leaders. They have won the recognition of experts of Europe and America after exacting; tests of speed, durability and general efficiency. It pays to buy an automobile that baa a name and la backed up by a reputation. Our line of cars will Interest you. Call or write us about them. We are western agents for the Manganese Steel Safe, the Hall 5a fe and carry large stock of Second-Hand Safes. 1119 Farnam St. J. J. DERIGHT CO. Long Distance 'Phone 353 g Fittest Workmanship and Material Obtainable j-A Wonderful Hill Climber The Acme of Simplicity. THE CAMERON CAR For 1904 Is mechanically correct In teslgn and construction, and presents a strikingly hsndsome appearance. A car In which short pleasure trips or long Gross country tours may be undertaken with a feeling of absolute confidence la the machine, a certainty that you will get there aua back In perfect comfort and surprising speea. $650 Powerful and Fast Premier Horse Power IS HONESTLY RATED We claim 16 actual horse power. Every engine shipped by us to the present time has shown on the brake 18 or more horse power. We claim speed of 30 miles an hour, and every car we have shipped has shown, before shipment, a mile in lees than 1:35. We claim one of the best cars made In America, Most of our buyers are drivers of .experience, and some of these say we have the best car built, regardless of price. Think It over. j NATIONAL SAFE & LOCK CO,, AOENTS FOR PREMIER AND CAflERON AUTOflOBILBS 1303 FARNAM STREET OMAHA. NEBRASKA I?or Comploto Sporting JVowa of tho DnyTlond Tha HooOnly Omaha J?apov that Prints Full Scores of Loojzuo Hail Games. t s '