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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1904)
The Omaha Sunday Bee, I PAGES 13 TO 24. i EDITORIAL SHEET. EHTAIiLISIIED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUXDAf MORNING, MAY 22, 1904. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ns WOMEN'S NEVV WASH SUITS. Come to Our Suit Dept., Second Floor, Monday and See the Splendid Assort ment sf New 2-Piece Wash Suits We are Showin for Warm Weather. 88c One case whit ground floe pen ale stripes and figures QQn a two dollar drew at. .. - ' f2.85; $3.95. $4.98-Tbree cases fine orjrandj lawns, batistes ' O Q and dimities white ground, dots and figure $4.85, $3.08 and. We t-J $8.75 NEW CRASH small mixtures in blue, gray and O tan-tbe very latest....; JJ. J $3.95 SHEER DIMITIES AND LAWN'S AND CANVAS EFFECTS nary and black grounds with small dots and figures O Q CZ worth $5.00 at the factory Monday at JZs $4.95 A mixed lot cotton etamlnes, crashes, dimities and linona colors, pink, white, blue, gray and black values up to QC $12.50-all ZfiJ NEW SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS, FANCY STRIPES, CHECKS, FIO . URES AND PLAIN AND CHANGEABLES, In new shades -4 Zf of blue, brown, plain and fanclrs-$22.50, $19.60, $15 and..lOVf We malt red nee oar maansaotfc stock of Wool Tailor-Mad Salts we waat sell BOO thla week 70a eaa have the profit aire C wa tb oat-pial Prices Monday fHAO, S14.RO, 11.0fi. 0VO Attend Our Great Silk Sale on Monday. We Will Give Such Bargains as Have Never Been Heard of Before in Omaha. SHIRT WAIST SUIT SILKS ONLY 350 YARD 25 pieces Tery fine . soft finished Mescaline Foulards, in pluin and crushed dots on grounds of blues, tans, greens,' grays, roses, browns and blacks not n a yard worth leaf than COo special silk sale price per yard... OuC SHIRT WAIST SUIT SILKS 600 YARD Over 100 styles to select from in this big assortment this lot takes in a great many of our broken lota and a big assortment of Imported silks that we secured at a very great , loss to the manufacturer values from 85c to $1.50 yard-7 . . E?f all go In this great silk sale at yurd , ...OUC Black Silk Grenadines at SI.OO yd. 500 yarda of extra fine quality plain and fancy black silk grenadines and chilTonettea, 48 In. wide very awell for hand mm black gown, ' goods that art worth up to t ff a. w S2.7S a yard.- All go In thla aala at, yard. Double Oreea Trsdlag Staaua with Tata Lot. flippf 59c 75c Twine 50c 65c COLORED DRESS GOODS FASHION'S DECREE IS "WEAR SICILIANS 1" We have them. Not as many pieces as We would wish to have, as they are a scarce article In the market, but we have all the newest shades at prices that make them scarce. How is this for a .flyer 7 . 64-lnch bright luster English Sicilians for shirt waist suits colors, gray, brown, navy and black regular. 98c value... 46 to 64-inch plain and fancy figured and striped Sicilians worth $1.25 the yard Monday at yard The balance of our 75c and $1.00 Voiles, Etamlnes, Mistrals, Twine ( Cloths, Canvas, Granite, Crepes, Nuns' Veilings and Batistes all go Monday, at yard SPECIAL NUMBER IN SIOILIANS-worth two dollars and a -f 6S A quarter at luU BLACK DRESS GOODS 64-inch high finished- Sicilian the one dollar kind Monday at yard 48-lnch Roxlana Clothextra high finish, plain small figures -4 fi - and dots worth $1.50 the yard Monday at , 1 vlU AT THE WASH GOODS DEPT. An Immense purchase In linen novelty suitings- enables us to show on Mnoday one of the largest and most up-to-date displays of high class suitings ever shown in Omaha. We will give you an opportunity to Duy tne very latest in wash fabrics worth from 60c to $1 yard, while they last . Another alar lot of English Maroerized Walstlngt 150 pieces In this lot- choice patterna-avery yard wcrth xi)c yard while tcey last., .7.-. ... f. i .'. .T , r . v GREAT BIG INDIA LINON SALE ' Now Is the time to secure your goods for your confirmation and gradua tion dresses. We are prepared for an Immense business. Out stock Is now complete prices ranging from $1.50 to ,, O3C On Monday we will start a gigantic India Llnon sale. ' Lot 1 reguttr 12c Qualities 5 yard O3C Lot 2 regular 18c qualities ' yard . ..... 1UC Lot No. 8 regular twenty -fl re-cent qualities yard , Lot 4 BLACK INDIA LfcNON regular 20c qualities- , iOo yard 1 Lo-WHITK PERSIAN LAWN regular 85o qualities 2Q Q TABLE LINENS 72 Inches wide a good grass bl eached Damask the very latest (1 patterns a regular 85c quality Monday only yard ......... vJOw 15 pieces bleached and cream Damask 68 and 60 inches a Q wide our good 6Vc seller special for Monday yard . 40C 60 dosen drawn" work Lunch Cloths and' Scarfs with 2 and 4 rows of drawn work the Lunch Cloths come In 36x36 Bises Scarfs 18x54 Inches long the regular price of these fine cloths is $1.00 and -f Cf $1.60 each. special for Monday only I e J 3 ODD NAPKINS 100 dozen of fine bleached Table Napkins they come In half dosen lots sizes are 20x20 and 22x22 and are worth 7 EZr op to $20 par dosen special sale, six Napkins for A OC Crockery Department BELL SHATE CUT g- STAR TUMBLERS-y lVC Limit 0 six. ROYAL COALPORT ENGLISH Cni NA DINNER PLATES V original Indian tree I iI I decoration each v Bohemian Decorated a "". Glass Water Sets 12-plece Decorated Toilet Sets nicely tinted, complete with 4) jar and everything - ftt Orleans White China Tea, Breakfast or Dinner Flatea each" 15 cents And 2.t worth of Green Trading Btampa with each plate. Limit of six to a customer. Wellsbach Yusca Gas Mantels, 1 at Nice Decorated Black pots values 40c, 60c and 00c choice at . 6-inch and 7-inch Col ored Jardlneres each White Hnbsburg 100 plece China Dinner Sets at ,.25c En gllsh Tea- 25c 25c 9.75 WITH THE BIGGEST OF BIG STORES in the Trans-Misaouri country with our gigantic equipment fifty-one complete departments evey one running like a complete store in itself, but on the basis of an immense raving in working expense. With an immense buying power springing from our ideal store concentration, every Bennett customer has the buying power of a first a. f 1 .. -v a " a a It A 1 raie ciiy reiauer. uur Duyera are on me roaa an me time they, are no mere agents running around for personal profit, but are paid employes of our house, straininr every nerve for your iolercst. Because of our long experience and knowledge of your needs and our intimate acquaintance with western conditions our hand is on the throttle. Graen Trading: Stamp ra chase. Green Trading Stamps are our eauh customers thrown In with very pur- method of giTlng cash discount to How's Your Stamp Book Coming? A Picture Combination for $2.45 Five pictures one from each bargain table each a work of art. 7 Five pictures for .... 2.45 And $10.00 H pages with that purchase Pyrogrnphy Outflta QO Monday for I.U And lo.OO worth of Little Green Stickers. Photo Frames reg-ular Sbc and 46c values ICi ..a -Monday for i &. f J And $1.00 In Utt)a Orean .. r,i Stickers. By Odds the Finest Silverware Stock in Omaha SSSy -mm Roirera' Al Tpaapoona fancy patterns vQr per set of six OVW And $3.00 In Qreen Trad Ins Stamps. ItnKers' Al Tablespoons fancy pattern per .set of slx...a.Oa And $6.00 in Green Trad ing Stamps. Dcautlful Oneida Commu nity Silver Spoons, guar anteed 26 years, Eft per set of six.... 1,J" And $5.00 In Green Trad ing Stamps. Oneida Community Silver Knives and 1 en ICorks, per do.. O.OU And 110.00 in Green Trading 8 tamps. Again Monday, Gold-filled Spectacles or 4 fif Eyeglasses, at..."" And $5.00 in Green Trad ing Stamps. A private dark room at hand wlt-ti th hMt nf J eye servioe. saaaaMMaajaSajl ' 35c lis lot 15c .15c Millinery Bargains The luyer for tha Bennett Millinery Department has Just purchased an Immense sample line of Pattern Hats and Street Hats, which will ba placed on sale Monday at astonishingly low prices. Tha cream of tha season's bargains. Tuscan Toques, handsomely trimmed with the latest novel- C flfi ties that would sell at $10.00 go at ...3.UU Handsome Tucked Chiffon Hats of delicate shades trimmed 'Z A O In bewitching colors worth $0.00 go at( , JrJ Trimmed Street Hats that formerly sold at $3.00 and $4.00 at the sensational price of...., dCDC Children's Play Hats 10c Children's Duck Hats formerly sold at 50c while they last 25 C Wednesday is Green Trading Stamp Red Letter Day Once More. Get In! New York World Cut out the coupon and get one dollar's worth of Little Green Stickers for It On aale In Stationery Department Tuesday 5 Cents .GROCERY ' The popular place to buy the beat grocer ies at the lowest prioea. 3.00 worth Green Trading S tarn pa witn me iouowina; nsx: 1 can BrockDort Toma- ' toes -.13o 1 can Three Star ' Corn , 124o 1 can Ajasaa .King Salmon 12Un 1 pound Japan Rioe.,..7o 1 car xuiot boa , .be Oo H Bennett's Breakfast Cites Hera'a an optortunlty. to buy a two pound can of the best blend fresh roasted coffee produced. Bennett's Breakfast ARr Coffee O ti.00 worth Green Trad ing Stamps free. This offer for Monday only. iLajrrfiitW I Ml Cheese Special jp.OO worth Green TradJpg Stamps with each pound New York full cream ")(r ohtteae..... fcUb OANDT Ssatal Offer for Monday. Fraab made stick oandy, I sticks for la X. a ticks for So Snaps in i Wooden ware Table Mats 0)n set of six.f. One dozen Pie Plates ..... 3c I Spoon O-ft ' -4V - a 3c Wood Spoon at i'lye dozen Clothespins ..,.. Glacier and Defender Refriger ators up C Q Ct from OU Ice chests up from ........ 4.80 SCREEN DOOR four panel 1 1-8-inch thick ADJUSTABLE . SCREEN WINDOW'S for half windows. . . . GRASS SHEARS at ... Hardware Dept.' 78c 22c 28c 18c ..28c 2.65 2.74 2.92 GOOD GRASS SICKLE at REFRIGERATOR PAN at 12-INCH LAWN MOWER at 14-INCH LAWN MOWER at 18-INCH LAWN MOWER at Double Stamps "The Lightness of a 'Dorothy Dodd" on-the Scales ' A irreat nianv intprentlnar farta mar be fliscover'ed with a pair of scales, bnt it is doubtful if any slngleact will be more IK 1nt.PA.Hnff o nii valnoht. - th.-arAmfro wnmnn than the TTeilrht , of her shoes. For this tells he tlie number of ounces that must be lifted for at least 25,000 times each duy, and a little calcula tion will show that she lifts tone of shoe leather a day no small labor in ltBelf. . , The "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe saves the lifting of one and a half tons every day. A pair of "Dorothy Dodd" shoos are three ; ounces lighter than ordinary shoes. The feet are Just so much more comfortable, and you are just so much less tired. Oxfords, tans and blacks 2.5a 3.00 Double Green Trading Stamps with "DdVothy Dodd" Oxfords Monday. x II Monday Specials in Furniture Dept. POO COUCH golden oak frame-covered with valour 7 45 at .... $12.60 COUCH golden oak frame claw foot deep tufted aeat 9.75 llffiO 'cb'uCHoiden 'oak "t ramebe'ufifuiiy oarved-deep tufting 4.Q5 $4.60 'iRbN 'BEDbra'ge trimmed all colors aubatontlally made ' 2,95 $12.00 IRON " BEDcmtinuoua " poet all colors extra heavy filllnga Q. 75 $21.00 IRON" BED lW-Vn'ch ' oonVlnuoua" 'post braaa eplrais head and C QC t . .11 nnnlhl n . t nn. a t $6.0l DINING TABL.B golden oak aix-foot extenaion 3.95 $11.00 'DININb' TABLE-golden oak heavy aplral turned lega-pollsh J QK n. - i A ' $23.00 PEDE8TAL'iiNiNO TABLB-aelected quarter-sawed oak-p 18.00 inaniy puiiancu ......... LACE CURTAIN DEPT. Third Floor. An Extraordinary Lace Curtain Sale. We have lust received a apeciaj ah him en t of Scotch and Cable Net Ciir- taina. We were able to Durchae these curtains exceptionally oneap, Buying the entire Stock of an eeatern manufacturer. Wn at going to put these cur tains on aale with our regular stock Monday morning at Juat about one-tblrd rt,tru v.Iiia Nrvta anmn of ith oricea: Curtalna that regularly aell for $1.75 per pair-Monday only Curtalna that regularly aell at $3. 60 per pair Monday only. ?' Curtalna tht regularly aell for J5.00 per pair Moaday only J.f Curtainr that 'regularly aell for $7.69 Monday only ..8.98 Alao one lot or odd ourtains worm up to do racn-peciiw ncu i-yw Elxtenalon Rods regular 20c roda Monday each ..9HO - LACE CURTAIN BEFT. TlUtiU 1TUJUB. 'carpets ani rugs 6x8-foot Beauvalx Axmlnater Ruga, Dagaatan, Prlncesa, Bokhara and Kazack patterna. Desirable for hall, library or den sort, ricn, Deautuui col orings that have no equal In dome tic ruga ' 6x9-foot ..I9.00 I 8-3xlO--foot -. 24.75 8xl2-foot ;."y'. '"A-" "J'" Our line of Wilton velvet iiuga at azo.iKf cannot ve equaiiea m umau km less than $31.00. m 2d patterns to Soiaoi rrom, conawunga ox a-raiaa anu a uxm.uiu uwikhi ftrl2 ft.: 25.98 Jxl2 Bruasela Ruga, In floral acrolla, medalllona and amall Peralan effects pleading combination or CQiora a rug mat nas no equal xur if durahllTtv at A complete Una -of bes quality Ingrain Rugs aiaea 6x9 feet to A 'Jffy 12X16 reet prices up irom , 7 " . Special sale of fine China and Cotton Warp Matting, beginning Monday at t o'clock. WALL PAPER Here are some great bargains In Wall Paper of goods that arrived late for spring trade on sale while they last at of actual values. 18,000 rolls Whlto Blanks, up from 3o 5,000 rolls Gilts, 0 or 18 In. borders, up from 8o 12 patterns of heavy Embossed Golds, Bilks and Tapestries, at, roil. .J8o Boom Moulding, up from, per foot "-2,0 Wall Paper Cleaner, 1-lb. cans. ...... 18o THIRD FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. VVagous for Fort Crook and 3 jllav-O , Wednesday. Walnut Hill; Benson. South Omaha and Council Bluffs Daily. a as FRANCIS GOES TO CDICAGO EeooaM OsBsral PaaMBfer Igsnt of Sullngtoa East of Miaaowri. SUCCEEDED HERE BY , L W. WAKELEY ChaaaTa W1bi $a Sabataa.tlal Pra aaottoa taa? naavela'ta tr Sawtla aai KafteaUra Jama 1. OfBqlal announoamant baa bean ma4a at local Burlington headquarters that John Franola. general paaaenger and tloket agent of tha B. A. M., will go to Chicago, June J. to tak. the poaiUoa et general paaaenger agent of the Burlington lines eaat of the Misaourt river, and that U W. Wakeley, general paaaahsr agant Of tb. Missouri llnea of tha' Burlington, with headquarters In BU LiOula, wtU ooroa to Omaha to taka the position made vacant by tha promotion of Mr. Francis, and W. A. IaIot, who has been assistant general passenger agent at Chicago, will go to St. Louis with tlie title of assistant general passenger agent of all tha llnea eaat of the Mlaaonrl river. Mr. I'ranclaj who Is well and favorably known In this olty, entered railroad Service In Preecott. I Onl. . In 1375, ' aa ticket clerk and talegra pher for the G.ajid Trunk rail way, in lsU ba moved to Lincoln to tak. the position of chief alerk In the dlvlalon superintendent's offlua of tb. Burlington at that point. From there ha was trans ferred to the Omaha headquarters, where In XM be became cliief clerk In the paa aenger department. Ha waa made aaslatant general puasenger agent of the B. M. In 1U5, and general paaaenger agent la iSc. lie la rated with tha beat passenger men in the oouutry. Upon tha removal of Mr. Lalor t. St. Louie tha authority -of the paaaenger de partment at that point will be micn ex tended. Heretofore Mr. Wakeley baa bad Charge of only the Missouri lines, but now tha authority of Mr. Lalor, aa aaalataat general paaaenger agent, will be extended over ail the lines of tha system eaat of the river. . 3be emulal snrwunomant of tha changes la dated May 2ft, and Is signed by P. S. Eustla, paaaenger trafflo manager of all the Burlington llnea. Reports have been published concerning tb. removal of Mr. Francla at Intervals during tha last two yeara, and all of these reports have been founded on fact, as. It la said, that the Intention of tb. management of the Bur lington for a long time has been to reor ganize its paaaenger department. The re port of. Mr. Francis' removal printed In Th. Be. about two months ago originated at tha time that a definite removal of Mr. Francis was decided upon by officials at Burlington headquartera in Chicago, It was known by local officials at that time that he waa to go, but they refused to oon firm th. report until It waa mad. public by Mr. Bustla. Liaalt Paaaea ta Emaleyea. Paaaenger officials of th. various lines centering In Bl Louis have adopted a reso lution not to allow free transportation to their employee Into St. Louis after August L It la said thla action waa taken on ac count of th. expectation that trafflo will be very heavy to the World's fair city after that date and all the apaoe on trains will be needed for those paaaangers Who pay their fare. A request baa been sent out to all con necting lines requesting that they take the same action, and It is believed tlfa request will be compiled with. In case It la all tb. Unas entering Omaha will adopt th. rule and will aak their employes to take their vaoatlona early in the summer ao they oan ride to the fair free. It la believed- If the rule la enforced It will cause a great deal of confusion, aa many employee carry annual paaaea and Inatruotlona probably will have to be Issued not to honor thee, on lines running Into BL Louis. As a great many railroad men will have to go to that city during tb. fair on business It will be dlffloult to establish any rule which will not prevent employes on buatneas connected with their, various companies visiting the city without paying; tbelr fare. Bum. talk la Indulged In. by paaaenger officials of making a special rat. of 1 cent per mill to employes to be good during the entire fafr, but this does not meet with the approval of tka employee aad probably would not prevent the additional eongea tlon of tralna late In the fall. ' Th. Burlington baa announced Its Inten tion of nuking; a rate oX ene fare for tha round trip , from points 100 miles distant or leaa In Iowa and 10 miles or lesa In Ne braska to Omaha for the opening- of the Auditorium. The' rata will apply Jun. I and 1. A rat. of on. and one-third far. will alao be mad. for the muaioal festival from Jun. IS to 23 inclusive. General Manager Bldwell of th. Nebraska and Wyoming division of th. Northwestern and C. C Hughes, general superintendent of th. earns line, have returned from a trip over the road in company with Marvin Hughltt, president of tha Northwestern system. POSTAL CLERKJN TROUBLE Cauargredl with Taking? Money from Letter that Pass Uaier Hts Hud. """ Preston C Brooks, a clerk in th. post office at Fort 'Robinson, being unable to distinguish the narrow and upright path that leads to promotion and In or ease of salary, is In serious trouble on the charge of taking and rifling registered United Btataa mall that was not addressed to . him and thereby Increasing bia pin money to the amount of $300 or f09. Ha was taken before United States Commla aloner Babcock at Crawford io explain th. matter, but being unable to do so to the complete satisfaction of th. government authorities and poatoffioe Inspectors, he waa bound over to th. federal grand Jury in the aum of H.000. He waa not abl. to give bond and a deputy United States marshal haa been sent after him to lodge him In the Pouglaa county jail until his case is finally dlapoaed of. UNABLE TO FIND RELATIVES Coroaer Holds ntstaias ef Maa Drawee d laf Vala Effort to Locate Faaally, The remains ef William Bddlaon, found in the Lhtla Papplo, near Irvtagton last Wednesday morning-, are at 111 being held by Coroner Bralley, all efforts thus far to locate the dead man's relatives having been unsuccessful Eddiaon la said to have had a wife and family aomewhere, Tork. Neb., It waa auppoaed, but advices from that place aay that the man's people cannot be located there. PRICE OF ARMY BEEF DOWN Sids to 8iply Dspariasnt Firs ttt 0at Less Than Formerly. NO SUCH CHANGE IN RETAIL MARKET Millions . t PeaaJs Are te Ba Faur aUahed, feat areas ef aoeeearal Bladen Are Bed Tat BaaelaaedU Beet Is going down, at least tor Unole Sam's use. That is. the price at beef. This waa shown In the bids submitted to the Department of th. Missouri for th. supply of beef for the next alx months for the military posts and depots of the depart ment. The feature ef the bids Is that they run from 4H to ( per oeat lower than th. bids submitted for th. last six month a Tb. large amount of beat to be contracted for may have something to do with tb. sudden slump of prices, tor It la not as yet perceptible te retail buyers who are atill called upon to pay a gilt edged figure and the stockmen still complain of the low prices paid them. Several million pounds of beet are to be oontraoted for and th. announcement of th. names of th. sueoeaaful bidders will not be made tor some days. It baa been th. rule of th. government ' to encourage bids from the dealers in the vicinity of the military posts ao as to obtain a better and fresher aupply of btef, and this year this class of bidders is mors numerous than aver. Bids will b. opened at .ua office of th. chief quartermaater, department ef th. Misaourt, May 26. for the supply of fuel for all the military poets and department headquarters for the ensuing year. Th. pr.poaals contemplate many thousands ef tons of ooaL a vast amount of charcoal and several thousands of cords of wood. There are a dosen or more military poets la the depertanent and the auartarawsaer and commissary depots In tine city, fcl Louts and elsewhere. CHUCOVICH ISN0T INDICTED Manager of Diamond la Said te Have Cacaped Cbaxge by the Graad Jury, A report of th. grand Jury was mad. to Judge Day yesterday when five minor Indictments of persons now in jail and otherwise In custody were tamed over to V. L Chuoovitch, who has been the man ager at the Diamond saloon, recently oleaed, and Whose case has been the sub ject ef consideration by the Jury for th. last day or two, was not among th. num ber against whom true hi Us have thus far been found and it la undarstoed on re liable authority that his case has been dlapoaed of without an Indictment (king found. Th. county attorney when questioned as to the probable length , of time that th. Jury would be In sesalon expreaaad himself as absolutely anabl. to even make a guess. FOUR MONTHS IN COUNTY JAIL Sentence at Tonne; Mas Who Beads Obseeaa Letter Through the Malls. Vernon Ray, about U years of age. living near Alma, Harlan county, who was re cently indicted by the federal grand Jury for writing and mailing a vary obscene let ter to en. of his correspondents, waa brought to the city Friday night by Deputy Marshal James Allan and arraigned before Judge Munger, to whom he pleaded guilty and got four months in the Dodg. county Jail. U-JC WaddUuj Kings. JEdholnv Jeweler. BENSON WILL DECLINE JOB Tells Friends Ha Is Tee Beay te Ae ceat Flaee ea Sehool Beard. JSraatus A. Banana Is slllna" bis friends amen tha sevtte that he will decline the place on the Board of Education voted to him at th. last meeting In order to fill tha vacancy eeueed by th. resignation of H. T. Mnlntoett. Mr. Benson gives aa a reason T tor his declination that his time is already too well oocupied with privaXe and other business. H. thinks he Is devoting suffi cient attention to public affairs at present and that th. sobool board position would further sap his energies. Kls formal dec lination has not been filed as yet. . Members of the board who aeoured Mr. Benson's election thought be would refuse It at first hluah, but that they could prevail upon him to accept It. TO REPAIR COUNTY MACADAM Commissioners laatrwet City Engineer te Prepare torn Bead rrwvldlagr fas Werfc. Thar, was a meeting of the county com miaaloners at which the only bualneaa of Importance was th. Introduction of a reso lution by Mr. Kennard In which the city engineer was instructed t. at once draw up a proposal, apeclfloatlon and contract and In connection therewith to frame a bond providing for th. repairing of county maca dam now not under repair contract and for tb. maintenance for a period of ten years of all th. macadam roads in Douglas county. Mr. Connolly, as chairman of th. finance committee, handed In tha county expenae bill for service now outstanding and un paid, with a recommendation that ' the same b. accepted and pat upon the July appropriation sheet to be paid sk that time. It amounts te th. sum of t34.0Ce.0i. Among tb. principal Items that go to make up this total is an allowance of ts.2M.G6 due petit Jurymen and Wltneaaes for servtoes In th. district court. The Judges and clerks of tho last general election are shown to have t4.5M.10 coming to them and th. tales Jurors for th. district curt, 1171. Attorneys John M. Macfarland and Henry Q. "Marphy. who war. appointed by Judg. Day to defend Mao Winn, who was recently tried on a charge of murdar, have each put In a bill for t00 for servtoes In th. trial of th. case and C. EL Bcott has sub mitted on. of 40 tor his services In the defense of James J. Reed, another con victed murderer. Mr. Connolly's reaoratlea) doea not recommend that these two ltema b. paid at tha figure named, on the ground that they are exorbitant and they sr. nob, therefore, properly a part of th. budget, j Another Item la one of tLOBS as the aum -due aa premium on th. county treasurer's bonds to the Fidelity and Deposit com-' ' pany. DENIES DISTURBING THE PEACE Woman Telia Judge She Bad Just Paid Mee taaarajsoe) aad Waa Peaeeakta. "Judge I we Just returning from paymg my policy and I didn't disturb th. peace at all," said Louise Conn of 1109 Davenport street when arraigned In police court with George Sahmffer on a ohargo of disturbing the peace. "Where was that policy gamer' asked City Prosecutor Lea, thinking the woman may have been playing th. mystio numbers that ooms on narrow allpa ef paper. "I didn't say I was playing any policy game; I was paying my life Insurance polloy," th woman hastened to explain. Then every one laughed. Mlaa Cohn and Boh after are said to have had a little altercation on the sidewalk near Twelfth and Capitol avenue, and Bohalter declared the woman slapped him on the proboscis. The oaae will be heard In polio court next Monday morning. CHILD GIVEN T0 THE FATHER Little On Feud la Ran art Kept by Annt la Taken from Har. Th. matter of tb. cuatodlanahtp of a little girl recently found in an alleeed house of III fame oonduoted by on. Miury Novak, an aunt of th. lltOe one, came up In Judge Vlnaonhaler's court for final disposition. Tha father of the child, who la a prosper ous farmer in a distant county, waa present to claim tha girl, and the oourt turned her over to hie future ear. Before th. Judge had arrived on th. a can a tha Novak womas) and th father of the child became In volved In a beaAed altercation, and It was only through the Intervention of the olerkg In the county Judaea office that a free fight between these people and tho several wltneaaes assembled was prevented.