Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1904, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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    m f-f - r-i j- m n r-i n r t v fl n n n S """ r3 f"r Ov
r v'rm r n n n n n n i u u
$15, $17
Spring Suits, 6
These are the splendid suits that
were purchased from a well known
eastern manufacturer, who wished to
get rid of his overstock in great
Great Millinery Sale
Tha blfirsrt bar trains. In ladle
mult vr known at ths) hefjrht of
tha Munn-Our sals on these suits
yesterday was enormous, but we still
have an immense va
riety of the very choic
est effects ' t o choose
from. Pretty new
dress and walking
styles the very swell
est new fabrtos your
choice tomorrow
New Silk Shirt Waist Suits
The new check and stripe taffetas, and
cloth of gold daintily fl f fi C
Mmmnd all the new. II la O
est effects wide choice, ijf "
Silk Blouse Jacket Suits
Made of new silks and the silky mohairs
the swelleat novelty of the summer
season, at
Dainty Summer Costumes
The sheer Swiss and lawn dresses,
splendid styles for graduation gowns
daintily trimmed with laces, embroid
eries, ribbons, etc. A splendid assortment
Wash Shirt Waist Suits
Chambrays, linens, cotton foulards snd
novsltj mixtures will la on- QO
der perfectly ohoioe, at.... U
White linen sod crash linen ahlrt waist
suits the prettiest snd mot J QO
fetching Idea; at.... tJO
Blsgant and Bxcluslve Waist Styles la all over lace, elegant Jap allk,
eta the most stunnln g new styles of tbe year, at $3.50, $4.98 up to
lined Voile Sklrts-ln new Q Q0
Srlng colors new Pleated O -O
ecu, at
u fnr?rn
3 . jv JV
$31,000 worth of fine and medium rade linens of every description at nearly
half their worth. We bought the entire stock of a well known New York Irn
nnner whn retirari from business, at m. phenomenal barxaln. You should lay In
a aupply of linens Monday, as another such opportunity may not ooour a grain.
$2 Worth of Towels for 75c These are drummer's
samples. Some of these towels are worth as high
as tl each. There are 4 to 12 towels In a bnnch.
Boms bunches would be cheap at $2. They are huck
towels, damask towels, Turkish tow- gffj rsa
els, and all the odd towels from this H ikh
purchase. They go, as long as they Jl PR Bj
last, for any bunoh
One biff lot of 20c all linen knotted fringe towels, If)-,
at, each . . " Sw
One big" lot 'regular 30c knotted fringe damask I ir
towel and hamstitched huck tOWela. gO at, eaclj. IVI
$2.50 Damask Lunch Cloths spoke stitched and drawn work, at, each, 98c
In this lot are all the fine hemstitched datnak tow.
els, knotted fringe damaik towels,
htiok and damask towels with drawn
work that are regularly worth 60c,
go (or, each ......
All the highest grade towels from this purchase In dou
ble damask, hemstitched hucks, drawn work damask,
and those fine trousseau and holiday towelilQa CQ
worth up to $1.60 each, go at, each H3W W3I
One lot of regular 7o huck towels,
go at, each
$1, SO All Linen Lunch ClothQfjQQQ
Specials iiv Picture Department
In the Basement.
$2.50 Fruit Oleograph Suitable for
dining room, 3 inohes wide, black,
Flemish frame very fine and the
best fao simile of oil paint-. C
ing that is made tO
rishogaay Room floutdlng the 3o .
kind 14-in. wide, per foot
Matted Pictures Large assortment
ment others ask 15o to 2So A.
our price la, each 1UC
75c Drapery Bobbinet 15c Yd
'Tomorrow we place on sale 10,000 yards of fine and coarse
Mesh Bobbinet, in all the .various widths up to 2 yards
. wide these are in full bolts, not remnants In white,
"Arab color and pearl there is also
in this lot an immense quantity of Point
d'Esprit Net and Wash Blond none
of these goods are worth less than 75c
per yard, and will go tomorrow at, yard. . ..
3 Lace Curtain Specials Monday
We will place on sale 850 pairs of high and medium
grade Lace Curtains at nearly one-half their regular selling
price. The lot includes all the newest and up-to-date cur
tains, such as Bonne Femme, Brussels Net, Irish Point,
JPoint d'Arab, Cable Net and Nottingham.
Lace Curtains at $1.08 Pair All the Notting
ham, Huff Jed Net and Cable Net Curtains
that usually sell as high as f 4 a pair, go
Monday at a pair. . . . , ,
Lace Curtains at $2.93 Pair
We will sell Irish Point, Cable
Net, Point d'Venlce, Arabian and
Imported Nottingham all three
and - one-half yards long and tip
to sixty Inches wide easily
worth up to 15.00 a
pair go Mon
day at per
Lace Curtains at $3.98 Pair
AH the best curtains of this lot,
which Includes Real Brussels Net,
Irish Point, Imported Nottingham,
Point d'Venlce, Point d'Calsls,
Domestic Arabian, Bonne Femme
the curtains In this
lot would be cheap at
167.50 per pair your
choice Monday, pair.
nne t emme
75c Lunch Cloths
at, eaoh.
50c Squares and Scarfs
at. each
35c Hemstitched Napkias 18 inches square, IE-
at uih .
25c Hemstitched Napkins and Doylies
at, eaoh ..
TsKIa ftlnfhe Frnn ThU Purnhatft I
go at, -each .'
so at, each 8U"
TABLE CLOTHS, at, eac h
All the very finest hemstitched linen table cloths
in all sixes from this purchase, are In two lots,
worth $7.60 and 110.00 each. They , , 0 0 0 J DO
go at, each u. -r,iw
A special bargain from this purchase are double
damask, pure Irish linen banquet cloths. These
are from 8H to 6 yards long, and worth up to
tr&h. 3.98-4.98-7. 50-9.98
HEMSTITCHED TABLE SETS, 2 and 8 yard cloths
and one dosen napkins to match. These are worth
up to $20.00 a set. and A Qpc oc? CQ.Q QQ
go in this sale at, each '30 3.30
Fifteen Cent Doylies
at, eaoh
Ten Cent Fringed Napkins
at, each
Five Cent Fringed Napkins
at, each
5c Trimmed
'25c -0'
70 Inch full bleached all linen double satin
damask, would be a bargain at $1.50 . .:. f)R!M
yard, (roes for, yard llw
22 Inch napkins to match,
(or, per dozen v. ,
68 Inch all purs linen. German silver bleached,
elegant quality of damask, would really CO
bo a bargain at 65c, goes at, yard.. .UUG
54 Inch extra heavy Scotch half bleached table
damask, worth 85c per yard, Ifff
goes at, yard. lUB
Various kinds of napkins that are worth up to
1.50 per dozen, goes at, for one-half I fla
dozen : tllC
This millinery stock Is from the great New York wholesale
house, where we drove such a big bargain. Even greater values
for Monday. These up-to-date hats are going at ten to twenty
five per cent of their value.
$1 Trimmed Hats st 25c Trimmed
with flowers, ribbons and
gauzes, all colors, slight
ly munned. and not all
them latent style trim
ming;. Basement
saou Keady-to-wear Hats
This summer's styles,
black and white, trim
med with velvet ribbons,
pom poms, quills worth
up to fi t), at
New $2.50 Ready-to-Trim Hats at
Late lummor styles,
newest braids.
black and colors
linery department
Chilian Hats st 00c Ready-to-trim
hats, tucked chiffon,
shirred silk, pyroxollne
braid, worth 11.50 and
a.. . . j. a.
st 50c- dLJ
50c mmm
styles, v .
Untrlmmed Hats 6,000
shapes straws for beta la
dles and children; hats wor tb.
from 50o to 75o each
$1 Hats st 10c Large gar
don hats, flats, dress shapes
In Milan staws Jnp straws,
whlto. hlurk and colors.
9Z.0V, choice at, each
$1 Trimmed Hats at $I.50-Show room hats for the the whole
sale house black and white mixed braids, also solid col
ored hats, trimmed with ribbons and flowers, In turbans,
Colonial styles; worth $0
$7. 50 Hats af $2 50 -Many choice pat-
1CI U uao iuuuu va tivv xsaavs
large picturesque hat, Colon- gwv C rt
ial hat, sailor hat and
toque will go
Pattern Hats Exclusive pattern hats,
made of the most expensive and finest
material, latest spring styles;
hats that were $10.00 and
$15.00 wholesale, .
at ,
a nnesi
A lot of 24-inoh fine plain damask napkins, with wide satin band with Grecian border, and some
plain satin damask. These are worth $4.00 per dosen, and so In this sale at,
per dosen '
Sale of Shirt Waist Silks
New silks for the popular silk shirt waist suits many patterns
entirely new for Monday showing. Five entirely new lines, in
cluding the scarce browns and navys neat rP
omnll flo-nrps hair line strines embroidered t '-
dots, etc., also new plain weaves, worth 10
. fl and $1.25 yard, at, yard.. . d
fiOo quality black taffeta, at, yard 39c
75o quality black taffeta, at, yard 53c
tl oualltv black taffeta, 27-1 n. wide, at yard..... 69c
tl.ii Bonnet black taJTets. at, yard 87c
$1.25 Peau de Sole, for coats and jackets, at, yard 7aJfrO
t2 black Peau ds Sole, at l'3 r XT
t2 yard wide raglan heavy taffeta, at 1.39
k run nimriliGQ an A7UTTf3 CU VG
$1.E0 white Mexican grenadine, Qftr
at, yard m.."u
$1 Imported Pongee, the coarse fOn
kind, yard . .
85o quality white taffeta, 55C
quality Japanese cords, OiC
Black TafTetaa
and Peau da Solea
at 6O0 on the Dollar
S9o quality white China silk, 25C
69o quality white China silk,
27 In. wide
$1 yard wide China silk.
At. varil ...
$i white Crepe d'Autell, FtOc
at, yard cw
Pongeo Silks, Shantungs, Dyed Shanghai
Silks at much reduced prices.
22 In. plain Pongees, HQc
27 in. natural Shantungs, fiQc
at, yara .i
Yard wide Cloth of Gold, 1 2Q
at. yard .... Z'ZZ
22 quality crash pongees, 1.2R
All our l.M )an'd'ii!25'iln'Drolaered ' Qttc
dot pongees in this sale, yard.. ww
Black Washable Summer Bilks 28 pieces
on bargain square Monday at special prices
24 In. black summer silk, 11
at. yard OOC
27 In. black summer silk,
at, yard
Tard wide black summer silk, Qn
Lyons dye, at, yard .vv
38 in. extra Hne quality black summer
silk ' perspiration proof, worth QQr
ILK) yard, at, yard
Special . Novelties In
Velvet Top
Tan Oxfords $1.59, $1.98, $2.50
Three new shades of Oxfords, in dark tan, Russia calf and
champagne, in low heal and military heel and Cuban heel
light and medium solas, go at UM, L8a and 22.60.
Black Vici Oxfords $1.59 to $3
Twenty different stria of black kid low shoes Oxfords,
Juliets and Piinoe Alberts, in light, medium and heavy soles
all the new toes go at 21.68.
Thlrty-elx different styles of black Ud Oxfords, Bluchers
Button Oxfords and Qlbson Ties, go at CLM and ft 60.
Patent Colt skin Oxfords $1.59-$ 2. 50
Five special lots all swell, new,' up-to-date Oxfords, in
shiny leathers, p stent colt skin, go on sale at L6a, 11.96
and 22.60.
59c A 75c
Ladies' Strap Slippers
28 different styles Kid strap
slippers from 1 to 7 straps, at
98c to $1.98
Olrls' Tan
and Black
Clothing Sale
W Spring Suits 6 45
Entire surplus clothing stock
of Davidson &. Finklsbrsnd, 632
634 Broadway, New York, go
ing at sensational bargains.
The sale of this high grade cloth
ing yesterday was great, but the
stock was so large that the lines
are still full and offer as great a
choice and as great bargains as
aver. Tou will find here are suits
better than the usual 215 kind going
New Bress Goods -
$1 and $L25 Dress Fabrics on front bargain square
Sicilians, melanges, mohairs, armures, granites, S
Panamas, etamlnes in blaoK ana an 3rZ
colors at, yard -
New Wash Dress Goods Wash shantungs, silk zephyrs,
ilk mousitline, values up to 35o yard on 121C
bargain square, at ....2
In Regular Department
25c Quality Tub Linens all colors, at, yard......... 19c
White Grass Bleached Irish Litieri 36-inch, yard 45c
-Black Mohair Florentine 50c grade, at H. 39c
75s Grade Black Nun's-veiling at, yard 49c
New arrivals in fancy Sicilians new styles, just arrived the
pretty new French Organdies.
To'ttms of Easiness foi the Week Ebowi
Ooniidarsble ImproTsmsnt.
Hisr Maes' IssMtlODal AtTsats !
FtftMB Cesits Per Hu4n4 Pomads,
Wltm ladlcattoBS FaTeraJl
for HisTber Pvlees.
Weather conditions last week were much
more conducive to a liberal demand for
spring llnus than those experienced the
preceding week. Merchants who have been
en or heard from report trade out through
the couDlry as being ' very satisfactory.
Farmers are of course rather busy with
their spring . work, but still the majority
of them are well along with oorn planting
and as a result they, feel easier and are
more willing to take a day off to go to
town than was tha case a snort time ago.
Then, too, the favorable outlook for boun
tiful crops of all kinds makes them hopeful
for the future and they naturally spend
more money under such circumstances than
they Would otherwise.
wholesalers are also feeling the effects
of the improved demand In the country, ss
mall orders both direct from merchants
and also through traveling salesmen have
shown a big Improvement in tbe last few
day. More merchants are also arriving la
the city for the purpose of sorting up their
Advaaca business with Jobbers en such
lines as have not already been sold up Is
also of very satisfactory proportions. When
retailers are doing a good business they
aro always more willing to place advance
orders and traveling mea are mis meeting
Wltn excellent success.
Tha market situation is not a great deal
different from what It was a week ago.
Groceries have fluctuated up and down to
quite an extent, but aside from those lines
prices are In much the same position they
were a week ago.
Sharp Airssee ta Itsst,
Wholesale grocers' report trade on tholr
line of poods ss being fully up to expecta
tions. The market Is also In a good hrallhy
condition and eepeclully Is that true of
sugar. Dunn t lie week the market made
tlie sensatlonul advance of 15c per W lbs.,
and those who are In a positions to know
shv with a sood dal of emphasis that
inces are going le be oonslderablX big her
In the near future, and. In fact, they look,
for another sharp advance this week. A
large fruit crop Is now practically assured,
as K is not at all probable that a damaging
fsost will occur this late In the year, and
for thU reason Jobbers look for an enorm
ous demand for sugar throughout the
season, and particularly In June. The mar
ket on raw sugar Is also In a very excited
condition and holders are not at all anx
ious to sell.
There was a much healthier tone to the
coffee market last week than for some
time past. Stocks are light and reports
from New Tork show that there have been
very heavy withdrawals during the last
several days. New coffee will probably
put in its appearanoe within the next thirty
or forty days, but the early stock as a rule
Is not desirable for roasting. That being
the situation. It looks as though old coffee
would command better prices from now on
than for some time past.
The cheeae market Is a little easier so
far us Twins are concerned, but Young
Americas are about steady, owing to their
The ennned goods market does not show
much change since last report. Bpot oorn
is tirmly held and tomatoes also showed
more strength last week. There have been
no quotable changes, however. Packers
this year seem to be meeting with consider
able difficulty In getting sufficient acreage
of tomatoes. This Is true both In the eust
and west. There Is no change In the mar
ket tor future oorn. California canned
goods are moving well at full prices. In
fact, several items In the list are practically
cleaned up, no stock being available until
the new pack comes on the market.
In dried fruits there are few changes to
note, prices on spot stocks being about
the same as they were a week ago. The
market on the new crop of peaches la
opening up considerably higher than last
seasott, as sll reports Indicate that the
stock available for that purpose will be
far short of last season.
The rice situation is exceptionally inter
eetlng at this time, as telegrams from
New Orleans Indicate thet Japan has come
Into the market In this country as a buyer.
It is reported that representatives of that
country are taking several cars each week
and securing options on much larger quan
tities for future delivery. It Is understood
that the shipments are for the Japanese
government and for Importers. The low
grade rice Is being taken by buyers from
the West India Islands, so that In a short
time it looks as though the market would
assume a very much healthier tone,
The fish market Is In a good firm po
sltlnn. Not enough new cod has ben
landed so far to maka any very material
change In the situation and whatever weak
neaa haa been caused by the new catch
has been offset by the Increased cost of
parkugea. Mackerel, Holland herring and
suit almon are moving very freely and
with lira weather now at hand a largely
Increased sale 4s looked t or,
Prices are about the same on wooden
ware as they were a week ago, with the
exception of butter plates, which have ad
vanced 10 cents per 1.00U, and still higher
prices are looked for.
Other staple lines of groceries are in
much the same position they were a week
Dry 0eda Mora Active.
' Tba dry goods trade last week was about
the best of the season, from the retailers'
standpoint. There were some days when
the weather reminded one forcibly of the
fact that summer is close at band and as
a result tha demand for light weight goods
took on a muoh more lively air. Stock
are beginning to go to pieces at a rapid
rate and tbe larger retailers are already
sending In sortlng-up orders, both direct
and through traveling salesmen. Borne of
them are even coming to market In per
son. Local Jobbers, though, have sent out
very complete oataloguea which help the
retailer In sorting up his stocks. Every
thing at the present time goes to show
that merchants will enjoy a nice business
throughout the season and for that reason
they are keeping their stocks complete In
order to supply the needs of thefr cus
tomers. ' '
Advance business Is also very satisfac
tory with local Jobbers. They now have
more orders on- their books than ever be
fore st this time of year and traveling
men ars still pounding away with much
success. Before the end of the season
they will undoubtedly break all previous
records by a big margin.
Bo tar as the market Is concerned there
Is not much to be said. All lines are In a
food strong position and as a general
blng Jobbers are not looking for many
Important changes In cotton goods for
some time to come. That being the sit
uation they ssy that retailers are safe
In carrying liberal stocks both of summer
goods and also of placing their orders for
Brisk Pesaana fa Hardware,
Hardware jobbers also have a good word
to say regarding the condition of trade.
The demand covers their entire line of
staple and seasonable goods and prom
ises to continue heavy, as trade In tha
country Is moving akmg at a very satis
factory rata There Is no special feature
to the market except the one so often
mentioned scarcity of such lines as barb
Wire, poultry netting, wire cloth and held
fence. It Is not as difficult, though, to
got the general run of goods as it was a
year or so ago and in fact comparatively
few complaints of any kind are being
made either by wholesale or retail hard
ware man.
Tbe market has been rather featureless
for some time past. There are a few
minor changes up and down, but nothing
has taken plaot of Iste of much Impor
tance 1 the wajr e fluctuations. Net
only that, but none seems to be figuring
on any changes for some time to come and
describe the market as being In a good
healthy condition wtlh prices firm all
along the line.
. Better Movement af Foetwear,
Leather goods men are no longer doing
any complaining. Retailers are enjoying
a big business and wholesalers are now
getting quite a few sislng-up orders. For
a time some of the dealers were rather
Impatient regarding weather conditions,
but now they are making up for lost time
and ' in most communities they are con
siderably ahead of last year In the quan
tity of goods sold. They are also con
fident of a good demand the remainder of
the season, as all conditions seem to be
There Is nothing new In rubber goods,
as trade Is, of course, quiet. A few orders
for fall are coming In from merchants who
have put off buying until the last mo
ment before the advance which Is to take
effect June 1. Praotlcally all of the deal
ers, though, who intend to buy before they
actually need the goods have done so be
fore this time. . ,
There Is now no reason to believe that the
French government will suppress pilgrim
ages to Lourdes this year, as stated by the
dally press.
Rev. George Folsom, of Mount Clemens,
Mich., haa been in the Presbyterian min
istry fifty-two years, having graduated In
1868 from tbe theological seminary in Au
burn, N. Y.
Kav. Philander Q. Buchanan has Just died
In Berkeley, Cal., after a half century of
pastoral work In different charges of the
Metuodlat tplscopal church in California.
Ths Panama Constitutional Convention
favored the Roman Cathollo faith and rec
ommended state appropriations to its mis
sion, work.
The pope 'has ereoted on the Japanese
island of Bhlkoku a new apoatollo prefec
ture. The Dominicans who were driven
from the Philippines are to be employed in
this field.
Representatives of fourteen Influential
Protestant denominations have Issued an
appeal to the Protestant publlo of America
for action by ecclesiastical and civil courts
and legislative bodies that may put an end
to abuses whloh exist in marriage aud di
vorce. Bishop Merrill of the Methodist Episcopal
church, who Is In the seventy-nine year of
his age and the fifty-ninth year of his min
istry, retiree from actlvs service this year.
To Bishop Merrill ths success of the move
ment by which laymen were admitted to
the general conference la lurgeiy due.
The endowments mad by the Preahy.
ttriang fur higher education In ths western
colleges and universities Is $1,978,224, Con
gregationallsts, $3,248,687, Methodists, $8,11,
082. Baptists, $8,&4.817. The leadership of
the Baptists Is largely due to great Indi
vidual gifts to the University of Chicago.
In the South Carolina diocesan convention
last week a member moved an appropria
tion of $600 to enable the bishop to hire a
correspondence clerk. The bishop success
fully opposed the motion. He said he was
already getting better pay than some of
his brother bishops and that the dlooese
could not afford to increase It.
Though far from being a robust man
Cardinal Gibbons Is a great walker. Not
only is he known as suoL In his home city
of Baltimore, but he has acquired that rep
utation among his fellow prelates In Rome.
Ths cardinals and archbishops there with
whom he has made friends say laughingly
that to start out on a morning s walk with
their brother Is like doing a severe stunt
of penance. The cardinal Is too delicate In
frame and health to make anything of a
show as a pulpit orator. Knowing his
physical limitations, 'he Is very retiring in
manner, and when be does appear before a
congregation he is quiet and unassuming
In his delivery, not trying to be Impressive.
He wisely husbands ail bis strength for his
administrative labors.
Peter Zell. the sexton of Christ Episcopal
church at Woodbury, N. J., has for forty
three years tolled the bell that called the
people of the countryside to worship.
Though 74, he still attends to his duties
with exemplary regularity.
Charles O. Hookey, one of the oldest
undertaakers in Philadelphia, and who Is
said to have burled mora than 100,000 per
sons In the forty-nine years he was In
the business, died in his horns last week.
Mr. Hookey was 78 years old.
Benton Long has paid tne full penalty of
the law by (Tying Inside the walls of the
Ohio penitentiary. The penitentiary has
practically been his home all of his life,
and while he waa out he was a menace to
every person who owned a horse and wagon
of any kind. He has completed his eighth
term behind the walls, and every one of
thorn was for horse stealing.
Henry Marr, a farmer who lives near
Columbus, Bartholomew county, Ind., Is
the oenter man of the population of the
United States. The census bureau has
found that the exact eenter of population
at the census of MOO was In latitude 89
degrees, minutes and 80 seconds north,
longitude 85 degrees, 48 minutes and 61
seconds west. If a person is desirous of
visiting the spot a better Idea of Its lo
cation can be got by asking most any resi
dent of Columbus. Almost Invariably the
answer to such a question will be: ''Five
miles southwest of Columbus In Hen Msrr's
barn lot." The center waa recently marked
by a monument.
Eddie Lraudt of Louisville, Ky, I years
old, Is an Inveterate smoker, lie chews
occasionally. Recently his Dsrenls made
an application to have him confined In an.
Institution for young people. Six weeks
ago jurs. urauac emerea ner rwmi iv nuu '
the youngster contentedly smoking In a
dark corner. He put the lighted cigarette!
In his pocket, but she saw him. He ex-,
plained that he had been smoking for sev. 1
eral weeks, that some older boye had
taught hlin to smoke. He promised to
quit and thus escaped with a light whip-'
ping. But he has not stopped. His par. ,
ents have learned tha he has smoked dally,
almost hourly, since that time, and his
health has been affected. A doctor who
was called on Saturday said that ths
youngster was plainly suffering from the
effects of tobaoco and It would be best
for the parents to have him confined.
f ''-77
i!ii-ii!-iiiii.jMiiHiiwi U!n...iuiainji'i.niii.!ii ij .iiij. I i I III III aifasnawTaw
feel geeaT
Greatest In tha World
KTbOandyOatharUo. Oood words spoken by their mamas for OABCABJCT8 to
othar namae have made CABOARaTB successful until the sale now la over A
utittnunnTui a month. WhvoUtUefolksnkeOA60AKlT8t Because they
are a sweet, palatable, fragrant UtM tablet taste good, da goad never grip
nor aripe .butact ganOy, naturally, poeSUvely. Medicine that a child dlsUkee
Will ootto It mnoh Jood. Children are always ready to take CAB0ARET8, TUB
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