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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1904)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1904. Vx .CRilN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Continues High, tmi fUpUmier ii Least Strong o Bf ar Ktwi. SOUTHWESTERN CROPS FIGURED SHORT Crop Thar Lek Well, at At Oa Third Leee Taaa Laat Year Iadtaaa Decrease Goad law PvAspeet. OMAHA, May 21. 1004. Tha May hpt closed lrwi.iv Kn abort the cloaa of Friday. Tha July whe.t closed lc above tha Friday clime, fhe September wni aura not fully share In the strengtn of tha nesrby futures, tha splendid weatner and generally Improved crop Condition working against It. The market la so queer tha local crowd kept out of 11 today, not wishing to rlak tha Sunday. Tha break which occurred Friday Was dua to a report that No. 1 northern wheat from Duluth 1&6,M) to O,00O bushels would ba brought to Chicago to make up tha shortage In stocks there and supply holders of tha May. Dulutn elevator men claim ima can he done at a pront, out me cm Cago experts cannot see It that way. Lallaa reports the wheat crop In northern Trias as good. It says southern Kansas Is fair and Oklahoma Is spotted, with the western part almost a failure. - Corn .In northern Texas Is almost waist deep and looks Ana and has plenty of moisture. Tha Oklahoma Grain Dealers' association esti mate the Kansas iron at Tu.uo.Ouo. Okla homa and Indian Territory at 18.ooO.000 and Texaa at 10,)0,ijii. Last year their figures were ou,iv"J, s,tu,uou and U.UUU.UUU. The general opinion of those assembled at tha recent meetlnsr of the Iowa drain Dealers' association waa that In all sections of Iowa the prospect Is better than It haa bean for several years. Columbus, O., re ports lots of reneedlng In that locality and iois oi corn not in. me Indian nnai omctai figures on tha wheat crop In Agra and Oudh, which produce one-third of the In dian wheat ara M.ttO.QOO bushels, against i.iriu Dusneis tor last year. Tha range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and tha close Friday and iuuay were as ioi lows: - Closed Opened. High. Low. Today. Fri'y rv neat- May 94 B MHB July . 82HH 8213 Sept. '. TlfcB 71fcB .orn v May 61 July ...... 46 kept Ostifc- May July Bept 29 A asked. B bid. 61 46 Va tlB 44Vrl 43 B 89B 80 13 51 B 4r 43 A 8S$B 29T.B 80 29ft Local Cash Grata Market. Receipts of corn were heavy and the mar. ket waa ' off 1 cent. Very little grali. changed hands and the market waa dull. Saturday la usually a poor day among the caah men. Receipts of corn continue to Include almost U) per cent of contract a-rade. RecelDta were: Wheat. I cars In and 27 out; one week ago, 1 car In and 24 out. corn, i cara in ana l out; one wee aco. cars In and 1 out. Oats. 3 cars Im one week ago, 4 cars In and 8 out. Chicago received only 7 cara of wheat, but 117 ot corn. These figures mignt te taaen to how the movement of corn la beginning. WHEAT No, I hard, 0O$93c; No. I baro, 85'K8o; No. 4 hard, 72ft ?8c; No. I spring, UBc; jno. s spring, Btetwc. CORN N6. 2. 4Mr4$n: No. S. 474M8c: No. 4, 48fi47c; no grade, Snigc; No. I yellow, 49 V'johc; jo. s yenow, wac; no. wnue, dixet'ic; ino. I wnue, U4ic. UA1B-NO. 2. 131 MO. i, toe: IV O. 4. nc; ino. s wnue. oac; co. s wnue. aia 42c; No. 4 white, 89&40c; standard, tlfeaVic, Motes from tka Biekun nfllnaa- Omaha grain stocks are: Wheat, 181,883 bushels; corn, 840, Xo bushels; oats, 44,381 U"n o. V.UI1.I V V LUI II in. mviiiaui oa Holmqulst, 144,545 bushels; Union elevator, 30,86 bushels; total, liA.m bushels. Omaha Inspections of grain were 61 cars; Of wheat. J. cars graded No. 2 hard winter, 6 cara No. 1 hard winter and 8 cars no grade; of corn, 17 cars graded No, t. 18 tiara Now I, I cara NO. 4, 4. cars No. 8 ye), ow, 1 cars No. 8 white and 1 car no grade; vi rye, 4 cars graaeu no. . Closlag Prleea at Other Faints. - - Closing piioea of grain today and Friday l tun uuiraeia naiuea were as follows; .'. Chicago. . Cloeed Wheat' Todar. icrf. , July J 87T 86 V . Beptember mB So,B Corn ' s July ........... .. September , KANSAS CITY. .Wheat . . 4KUA 4K 7H 47VsB . wuiy , , September .a. . a. aea..t, . lOnA IDTls. '' saa t A mrs U A TOVkB jorii- July ....... ..4 ...... .. 444jA . 4 444 act ptember ., 42iA ST. LOUIS. - .Wheat- . 5 July CSB UM fieotember Rl W HAi. vorn July 47 September i MINNEAPOLIS, i ' wneav- . July September Wheat July September Whea ' July , .feeptembef 1HB DULUTH. SB 94 B ftfcB 81 B NXDW TORt, SCB A asKed. B bid. 1c OMAHA WUOLfi:SAX.a MARKETS. Coadltloa of Trade ssd totatloaa on taple and Faaoy Freaaee. f 'Kdoa Keceipta, liberal: market steady i fresh stock, lie, LlVBi lOULTRT Hens, 104flOHo; roost ers, according to else, txuc; turaeys, Uc; ducks, He; geeae, 5c. BUTTER backing stock. 10Vc; choice to fancy dairy, lfctf'loc; separator, uiuMo. FRKHH Flail Trout, life; pici.erel, 10c; pU. Uc; perch, 7c; bluensh, Uc; white ush, Uo; aalmon, 14c; redanapper, llo; lob ster, green, jMc; lobster, belied, 3oc; bull beads, Uo; catfish, ltc; black, bass. o; halibut, lo; orapplee, 12c; roe shad, t&c; ahftj roe, 3uc; bunaio, 7c; white baas, Uo, froa lens, pet tioa., 36o. BRAN Per ton, l.uO. HAV frlces quoted by Omaha Whole, aale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, UM; No. x. 8.00: medium, r.&O; cuarse, I7.U0; rye straw, (S.50. These prices are for hay ot good color and Quality. Ue auand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, large else, Sfciji.W; fancy navels, all alsea, J.7Sfe3iw; edllerranean sweets, all glsea, 84.76; Jaf fas, all si sea, 8a. 7k LEMONb CuiUornla fancy, SOO to 860, WW, VIIUK arw IU slU. 4B4S . M). CALIFORNIA Flud-Per 10-lb, carton. 0c; Imported Smyrna, a-crown, Uo; t furown, 14c; 7-crown, Uo. . 1 BANANAS Per medium alsed bunch. ,w i'Oi pw; jumuo, 4. loiiia. I DATES Persian, per bos of 80 Pkcs.. atuffed dates, per boa, U.40, ' riwtAi'njis-ia crates or Z4 to 48, per FRUIT. APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davla, por box. 31. eu; New i'ork export Busseta and Baldwins. 84.00 BTPAvXh.KRIS Arkansas, per 84-ot aae, 81.75tja.Ca. CUERRiKev-CmUfornla per box, Lis. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Coioraoo, 8180; Dakota, 'per tu.. 81.UKal.10; new Texas Red etocic. In k,i $T bu i i anits. - l?ArA,?i;Arl-i'' u., $2.1685. ONIONS-Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, 100; In Backs, per lb., JVc. . CAUaAQM California,, per lb., JV,c; aeuthern, per crate, (2.10. CJJCL'M HERS Per doa, t&275o. TOMATOEd-Per -basket crate, fancy. I8.W; choice, 8100. - KAIMBHbis-Psr dos. bunches, 80a L1STTVB-To 'uce. per oiTeOa JEANb-Va. per bu. basket, 81.00M.J5; ajtrlng per bu. basket, 31.00wl.86 SPINACH Per bu., home grown 50ati0a. ASPAKAOCtt-Per doa bunchea 40oT XjRKEN PEPPfcK-Pe, 8-ba.ast orate. t.OO PLANT Per doa, 11 00. SuU A 81 1 Florida summer, per doa Wo. PtAS-Per bu. box. 82.00. a0"-' 7S0' MISCELLANEOUS. CHE ESS! Wisconsin twins CHEESai-WtscoiM.Ui twins, full cream, c: Wisconsin Young America. Uc; block kIss. lau; Wisconsin brick, UHc; vVuoou- lie 8 Bin hmbersTir. llo. in ii . iir,ji-rer uni , to no; per H bbl., 88.M. lUl'l.H Ml ! A R M, fe lVT 1A' HIUEbV-No, i green. c; No, H green. 5ci No. 1 salted, to: No. 1 salted. si v.x i 1 calf. I to U lbs., Kvio; No. 8 real calf. IS to 14 Iba., sVo; dry edited hides, iaic; sheep pells itur.c; horaehluea, 8i tOailo. NUTB Wslnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb: lfco; hard shell, per lb.. l4o: No. 1 soft aheil per lb., lie; No. 3 hard shell, per lb . lie; cana. lajga. par iu., lie,, per ib. 10c; peanuts, per lb.. c; roasted peanuta, per 10., tc; Chill walnuts, 121.Vi: laige bh'kory nun,, per 4b.. llc smiunda, soft shell, per lb., Uc; hard shell. Lie; sbell barks, per bu., i-00; black walnuts, per bu, 81.. CHICAGO GRAM A.1D PROVlSIOSi Featares ef tke Trad lag aad Cleslag lrlees eaBoard ot Trad. CHICAOO, May 81. Enormous sales -of cash wheat In the- northwest caused strength in speculative options here today. July' wheat closed with a gain of l'fllHc. Corn la off a ihade. Oats are down Vc and provisions a shade to 7c. Initial aales on July showed a loss of a shade to HflWC st !KJ)c. Mdy wss unchsnged at two. The market rinsed almost at the top prices, final figurea on July being atW'vc, after the price had touched 88c. May closed at c, a net gain of c. Clearancee of wheat and flour were equal to IS.1'0 bushela. Primary receipts were 146,800 bushels, com pared with 867,410 a yesr ago. Minneapolis, Uuluth and Chicago reported receipts of J cars, sgainst si cars last week and 188 cars a year ago. Com prices sustained only slight losses. July opened V3o to tc lower at 48c to 8Va48e, sold up to closed at t,''a48o. local receipts were 117 cars, with 7 of contract grade. The feature of trading In oats was fur nished by the May delivery. After opening o to Htfc lower at a$o July ranged between iWa3he and 384c closing at 88J4C Local receipts were 13a cars. Provisions were easier on outside liqui dation and on selling by peckers. Large receipts of hoga ana lower prices at the Lerda were the principal Belling motives ard was down lVa".c at W. 27 Suit 30. Ribs were off a shade, closing at 85.o.a7H. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 45 cara; corn, 116 cars; oata, 110 cars; hoga, 41,0o0 head. 'ina leading futures rsnged a follows; Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat May a Ju!y b July a Sept. b Sept. July Sept July Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 9 9 9 99 7S! JH 8 874-S8 M'aAkl 88 80Hfo 1H 47S-a 4 4?S 48 48VJH sl 47")4l 47 7H 41 41V4 .42 41 41 88 8843 38'A'8Hf4 88U oi, SO WW- 80HSi 80S 10 86 11 W 10 87H 11 Sl 11 12Vi 10 96 11 80 6 30 11 02V4 11 22 tzr 680 886 47V4 40 82 e 4S 6 35 47H 88H 00 6 62V S7H 6 82V4 6 62Vi! 3 47Vki 8 62 -iJ.'k1-1111! tdy; winter patents. 84.704.80; straights, 84.4C4.0; spring pat- .. iu.w, siraignui, M.WW1.1V oaaers, 12.6;j3 8i). WHEAT N. I spring, 9S3c: No. I f.nSY?'c' lw' red 81.064pl.08. . , -BVw, v. w,wm,.v, W7yi BARLEY-innH fuillli SAiftOBn. fl k,u. 7.. iiiaikiiig, wwnCi ow.un no. i nax, xi.og; no. l norm western tl fid .v. A 1 1 n h 'i . i .., , . utiiumj, vi.w, ViUVCl, vuiiuhl'i graae, PRuviBiUNB Mees pork, per bbl., 310.90 v.u.w. per iw IDS., eT.ltXO.l's. Bnorl r bs sides (loose). W.12(a.26, Bbort clear sides, (boxed) 86.26()6.50. The following were the receipts and shlp- Receipts. BhlDments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 34.700 25.700 16.000 147.400 130,900 S23.3U9 181.800 2U4.400 n ve. nil . 7,000 8 60Q- Barley, bu. 44,009 8,700 On tha Wn,,... . .... - - --w mi.ii.iii, iuun me UUl l.r murbat b . .. . . . . . . . . , . n . dairy, 12i&17o. Eggs, eteady; at marltTcasea v,r V -Mwe, weaa, nmw NEW YORK GEXEItAL ' MARKET (twotatlon of tbe Day oa Varloas Coiwmodltles. .?Wk,YORKi May a -FLOUR-Reoelpts, 18,747 bbls.; exports, 19.6U8 bbls. Market waa quiet with little business r.nnri.H. uin... "W; bakers', 34.004.80; winter patenta, 86.10 Pf ) S'Ster "trAlahta, 84 9W&8.10; winter ex- t eo jH.ou. njo nour, nrro; fair to Kopd, 83iKt.l6; choice to fancy, 84.164.60. wmiiiiiiiAii in: veiinw nr mj mm i i mi,f KfrrrS."."! western, oo, spot. , BARLEY Stead V! feerilnir On 1 new x orii, a WIIEAT-Becelpta, 20,900 bi. Spot Arm; NO. 8 red. nominal elflvntnr anil a h niiuai; no. t northern, lJuiutn, 1.03, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manltnha nllmlnal n i. nnoat. upuons opened easy, closing hi. ilC higher. Mar closed, at SHOLa: Jiil. WtfOiXc, closed WHc; September, 88 11-16 ei-xtv, iiuwu et0( Ltcemmr, tKrnwo. closed 84c. CORN Receipts, 14,905 bu.; exports. 8,804 mu. , saies, gu.iav ou. futures. Hpot, nrrn; No. 2. nominal, elevator, and 58a. f n K afloat; No. 2 yellow, tSOc; No. t white, tto. Options opened a shade lower snd closed Hlc net higher; May, eWJtT'ffic, closed Uo; July. 64!4iuW'4c. closed 54c; Septem ber, 6fl(JjSc, closed 68o. OATS Receipts, 69IOcO bu.; exports, 12,966 uu. mixta oais, 20 to S3 ins., eBvicuo; cupped white. 36 to 40 lbs. UmC,VQ. HAY Stendv: 'ShiDDlns;. &f77oc: rood to cnoice, ki-jio. HOPS Steady; statn, common to choice, 1903, 26&30c; 1902, 2;Mi26c; olds, &14o; Pa clflc roast, olds, bifve. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 25 to 28 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 94 to 30. lba, 140. wsAiHUK-ateaay; acta, zmitia. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 3v;ffXV4c: Japan, nominal. PKOVliOM wecr. quiet; lamuy,; beef hams. KKWanO.OO; city rextra India mess, 314.OMT16.0O. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 316.ax17.09 pickled hams. 37.O01O.CO; pickled shoulders, 36.60. Lnrd, dull; western 1. .' .1.1 . a n . . .1 ..11. AAniMn. . . BlPltniru, et.w, tviiiiuu, uu,, wiiiiiiiii., South America, 87.36; compound, 36.006. 12. lr.rlr .,tl. n,llv tlftfl., elAaea tllJVl . VIA, WU... .......... . T ' , -..ay. v, Q14.60; mens, 31'i!.7t3;13 !S. TALLOW julet; city (38 per package), 4ct country (package free), 4jjMo. BU TTEK fcasy; creamery, common to choice, 14?0c; state dairy, ' Common to oholce. 13til6o. CHEESE Firm; state, full oream, email, colored, 74&8c: white, 6Vifl3c; large white and colored, pific EO(i8 Btes'dv: storage, western selected. 17VilXc; firsts. 17(S17c. POULTRY Alive, sieaay ana uncnangea. St. I.oals Grain aad Prorlsloaa. ST. LOUIS. May 21. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red. rash, elevator. 3108: track. l (ai lO; July, 8C',(68it,c; September, 81c; No. 2 hard, 7cS31.00. CORN Easy; No. 3 sash, 61s; track, 53c; July, 47T34rSic; September. 46o. OATS Weak: No. 2 caah, 42c; track, 4r; July 87c; September, 800; No. 2 white, 4c. FIOVR-rSteady; red winter pstenta, 34 90 HKMi - . I V.m Am 1 r. ., IT. rt V, I - Vl . P .!. fancy and straight, t4.6u4i.4Ul6; clear, 62.9C? 400- S eelv Timothy, steady, 33.4iXBl.7B. CO R N M HI A L 82.40. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track. RBcO $1.00. HAY-Steady; timothy, 8.00U.OO; prairie, 86.00(119 00. lrtlpi WfTU.N TIJa- BZO. BAOOlNO-c. HEMP TWINE-6a PROVI8ION8-Pork. steady: Jobbing. HI 15. Ird, lower; prime steam, 15 85. Baron fhoxed), Arm; extra shorts, ft; clear ribs, 37.87; short clear, 37.62. pocltki btsady: chickens. lOHo; springs. 2tjj22c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 80; geese, 5c. Rl'TTER Slow; creamery. 164i20o: dalrr. lomio. O . l Q QI..1. m , 11 . - ...... l.vo . . ah una. (umil. Recelnta. Bhlnmenta Flour, bbls....; ,, 4.0HQ r I.CiO Wheat, bu 23,000 116.000 Corn, bu 50.400 Cl.OoO Oats. DU 47,000 ' 8t3,OuO Ilnlath Oral Market. DULUTH. - May 21 WHEAT fn atnra 2 northern, 86c; to arrive. No. 1 nai-dVlWai No. 1 northern, t7e; Na. 2 northern; oVo; on traok. No. 1 northern. 964i9ko; No. 8 northern, 34o; May, 9vc; July, ifciac: September, Klo. ' OA j.0 un iraoa ana to arrive, 410. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May 21. WHEAT u higher; No. 1 northern. 81.0! : No. 3 north ern, 8i8o: old. July. 8c, bid. BARLEY Steady; No. 1 58c: aamnla. in filc. CORN Firm; No. 8. UC68c; July, 4S,o, asked. Mlaaeepolls Grata Market. c . Ttfw fa XMmrn. nr. re. . m. . - ninnbAruuin, tnmj at. " 1 1 1.A 1 ftlBT, rc; July. Vbo September. 8So; on track. No. 1 bard, ifiA,e; No. 1 northern, 8c; No. I northern, 9oo. FIAJL'R-Flrst patenta. 85.10(j.AtO; aeoorid patents, K Omae.10; first clears, 81.60; aeoond I-Ima m tlftli. Hellday at l.lverpeol. LIVERPOOL. May 21. Holiday In arala and cotton markets. Peerla Market. PEORIA. May B.-CORN-Lowert No. 8. 4lVic, nouiiual; No. 4. mo. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS t . . - r Lut Ent ia Tndint; Ettrajs Kort Tito Uisal Animttioa. BANK STATEKENT AGREEABLE SURPRISE As lakllas tka Heavy Itedaetloa la tke Leiaa lteaa Flads Its Way Abroad aad Reaalts la Bay las Horeaseat. NEW YORK, May 21. The laat hour of the week a trading In stocks proved to be the most animated and the strongest of the Whole week, ihe nays moderate gain were sufficient to decide the average for tne wee s movement on tne aide ot gains. The bank statement proved an agreeable surprise and lmpeilea the lively buying movement which lifted prices smartly. The movement was sudden and had not spreud far In the list when the end ot the session put an end to It. The closing was strong and at the top level. An Inkling of the heavy reduction In the loan Hem got abroad before the publication of the bank Statement and started the buying move ment. The loan reduction is pretty clearly due to the repot t of the exchange market to selling long bills, the proceeds of which have been lent here, presumably displacing loans with the banks. The limitation ot the cash decrease of the banks to 7,l6,5o0 in tne ween m tne reoora exports ot 316. U).Ooi in gold is convincing evidence ot the effective offsetting factors to that drain which are In operation. Total sales of bonds, par value, 39),OU0. The listless drift of prices of stocks is the Index of the form less state of speculative sentiment over the outlook for values. The outflow of gold may oe acoountea tor oy special causes, Japan had made payments for war ma terial and supplies irom this country by dlreot shipments of gold to San Francisco, and by reason of this Inflow and the supply ot the domestlo and Klondike production of gold It is estlmsted that the total supply Of gold In the country haa been unimpaired. It aeema probable that tbe net reeults of tne goia export movement will prove small, Railroad trafflce officials are generally agreed that the outlook for a revival ot tramce la not bright before fall and re ports have been received of extensive plans for retrenchment by railroads to offset the losses. The bond market has been almost eniiallv dull and elugglsh with stocks. United States is. tne xe ooupon and the old 4s have ae cllned V per cent on call durln tha week. Following was the range ot prices on the clock exenange: Bales. High. Low. Clone Atchison ' do pfd B. A O do pfd ... Can. Pact tic Central of N. J Ches. & .Ohio Chicago de A do pfd Chicago Ot. Western C. A N. W C.. M. St. P do pfd Chicago T. A T : do pfd C CT. C. A St. L 7.100 6H4 8 69 SOU i Vi 92 1,800 100 8u0 78 904 117 80 8744 is IS 90 117 117 167 80 100 200 80 8i 87 0 14 109 15 . .' . . 10 7,409 140 139 140 175 8 800 17 IT 17 69 15 61 Colo. Southern do 1st pfd .. do 2d pfd too 21 2014 .154 2oH 166 Vi i67 el. ft Hudson 800 165 el., Us W A R. O.. ...... 19 66 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd. do 2d pfd.. . 4,300 24 23 69 85 69' : 00U lu .... a . 'i09 129 86 Hocking valley do pfd III. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern....... do pfd Ia A N ,... Manhattan L. Met. Bectirltiea Met. St Ry Minn. A St. L M.. St P. A B. Ste M. do pfd Mo. pacific M.. K. A T do pfd Nat l R. R. of M. pfd N. T. Central Norfolk A W., do pfd Ontario A W 80 16 400 600 600 800 106 143 .77 111 107 142 77 1104 62 K'7M 143 1 110 40 109 82 62 118 90'4 15 85 1,200 100 100 "'65 ,109 90 90 15 16 85 85 as 114 114 114 66 85 IM" 56 66 800 21 21 11,700 114 113 Pennsylvania : C . C. A Bt L. ... So Reading 11,100 44 41 43 78 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do afd St L. A S. F. 3d nfd SI 8.300 200 109 21 66 45 0 64 48 21 S?4 12 82 46 St. I 8. W ' .. do nfd . So. Paclno , 400 So. Railway 700 do pfd 900 Texaa A Pacific 100 Tol., St. L. A W 100 do Pfd loo 4 20 82 45 20 82 82i 20 24 24 87 87 82 83 ml Union Pacific 11,800 do pfd...,,..... Wabash t do pfd COO W. A Lake Erie 34 if 89 83 17 89 7 224 84 Wis. Central 100 do prd 100 Mex. Central 800 15 17 88 74 Adams Ex 100 224 Amer. ki , V. 8. Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amkl. Copper 10,000 Amer. Car A F 400 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do Dfd 187 100 200 60 17 49 17 4 17 . 70 2fi 85 Amer. Ice..,.. do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive.. do pfd Amer. Smelt. A R. do prd Amer. Sugar Ref... Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A I Con. Gas Corn Product do nfd Distillers' Securities lieneral Electric Inter. Paper ao pra Inter. Pump.,.. do ofd Natl Lead No. American......... Paclflo Mall People's Gas... Pressecf Steel Car.,.. do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Qoods do pfd , Tenn. Coal A Iron... U. S. Leather do pfd U. 8. Realty do pfd U. 8. fiubber do nfd V. S. Steel do pfd...., 8,700 Westlneh. Spectrin... .! Western union 600 Total sales for the day, 148,709 shares. aTew Terk Meaey Market. NEW TORX. May H MOVF-VTv .n nuiniiim, uw", nine mans nrn sixty andpinety day, fctfs per cent; alx month. VIM per cent RIMH3 MERCANTILE! PAPER-84i(tWu per cent. STBRLINO EXCHANaB-Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at M8a663 4 8670 for demand and at 84.84oH. 8485 for 60 days' bills; posted rate, 4 tovTatsg .,, 4 873N 88; commercial bills, U84V ?VH.;.Mr' Mexican dollars, 44o. RONIiS Uovernmeat ateadr: mii.j Arm. The closing quotations on bonds are as follow l , ... C. . raf. ta. re.. ..104 Manhattaa a . 4....10t Ma. Central 4a 14 de 1st Ino igu. Miss. A St. L. 4s... 44 M . X. A T. 4...:. .10! at . n to cimpoa ..104' la. r-m IM do ooupoa ,.le a saw a, ro ii"t So eoupoa 14f So old 4s. ro lv do eeaaeii tiMV. N. k. .' ef M. a. 4a. T4 1. T. C . tits.. M 111 104 4 , Tl . M , M14 Atahlaoa aas. 4s. lot N. J. O. S. so aoi- ao m At laat i a L. 4s 44 No. Pactna 4a 4a lo !. A W. a 4a.... O. 4. U t 4 ht. Fens. eoov. Ia... . a 4s 101 da ts SBS4 Central ot U. Is.,.. 104 do lot In 14 w nowiss SO Chaa. A Ohio, 4'a....lO Vt LAI. H. a la! r. f. a. PI to 114 fhlaase A A la.... Wi St. L. AS II 44 a. . A a. a. 4s.... st. l. a. w. ia a M A S P. .. i..ll;BMbmnl A, t 4s Ta .1114 . A N. W. a ta... 114 So. raeino 4s , a. L A P. 4a ... 44 So. KaMwar la... ao 001. so TtttiToxM a r. tm 43. oc 4k. k 1 4s.. im It, it. l a w. 4a., to iloasa Tar. 4a ...... 74 lUoloa PaclSo aa 1041, mi. Tobaooo os..u.. 4H do ooav. 4a n IU) Chloa Con Colo. A So. 4o. 144 C. 8. tal Id la. o Tin .....lli Ii A u. 4a Krla prior Has 4s.. . ae wabaah li . . a I do dab. B. "14 'is!! ti so sea. 4a F. W A D. C U.. Horklas V.l. 44.. LAN. aal. 4o. ... wia. Caniral 4a.. .io7j .-vio. r. a t. o. .iwta 'CffereO. f learlag lloas Average. NEW YORK. Msy 21. The statement of averages ot the clearing houss- bank of this city for the' week shows: Loana. Ii . 0M.66t.6iO; decrease, j2 r:6 lot); deposits. 81,- li.w4.p; oeorease, H 0; circulation. 8i4.4"0.4; Incroas. UM ega tenders, .s,l44,vwi luurease, tL64a,; svoci. tm.- 1,800 19 18 19 ' 400 62 82 821 8O0 49 49 49 1,000 66 95 66U . 109 126 125 126 1.700 46 46 "foi 309 200 209 11 66 .. . 20 .... .. .. 166 .. .. 10 .. , 66 . 37 70 100 19 19 19 100 83 II H 200 96 26 28 800 96 96 96 109 26 35 26 .. 66 Xvl 20 6 1 . , 88 '4 5 "79 1.800 7 T 7 2,809 63 61 62 800 18 1 li2 100 67 67 4W3 Bona fiv u J 64 (8 M . . . . . J68 Km HSUi K7U 0m.; decrease, f. 181 .700; .rtwerve, t3HL 54.S.81IO; decrease. r,08&,0Xl: reserve rwiulred. 3-'7f..HI.8i; decreaii, 37,3Si,325; surplus. 318, W4,278; lncresse. 8177,0.; ex-United States deposit, 318.711628; decrease, 31,840,8. Bostoa Btaek Qeetatleaa nOSTON, May Jt Call loans, 3tfS pr cent; time loans, 4 per cent offlolal elMlng of stocks ana nonas: Atehlm sd. 4s..... t Welns. eemnea 4 4j loo' Adrftnturs . Cestnl 4s.... en Alioo. AtrkIM e1 AnulsamttH .... 4o fti lAmerti-an Bine ,. Bntos A Albany.. .IU lAtUntlc IlnatnB A Maine IM Hln(ham Bulos EloTatM 1 l al. A Haclt Pltntabur pM U7 'ialnnl.l Me. OatrsL Orper Rasfe .... M. T.. N. H. A H...IM tlr Wat rare Marqnatte Tl Unmlmeo Coal ... Vnloa ParlSo 3H Franklin TT 4H H 7 t 40 ! 4?4 it 41 V , 4 4 4 Arnar. Ana. Cnam... 14 Oranrjr . So Dfll 7IT4 lula Hot. la .... tmr. Pnes. Tube.. Amar. Sugar ao pfd A mar. T. A T Aaiar. Woolae So pf Pomlnlon I. A S... B4iaoe Eleo. Ills. Oanarml Elertrie ... Man. Kleclrto do pfi Man. Oaa t'nltad Fnilt I n Had Shoe Mseh.. do pfd IT. B. P'enl to pi Bid. "Asked .. 4-4 Mam. Mining ., ,.133'4 Mlrhlran . 14 Mohawk .; ..114 Mont. C. A C... .. 1"4 Old Dominion .. .. 74 Oarenla ........ , 4 11 . a4 , 14 i M Parrot Qulnvv , Shannon ...... Tamarack .... ,.1M .. 14 .. TO , T Trinity .. 404 V. . Hit . . 14 . 1 . S. Mining. ..1104 V. uu . 41 H'tnh HH VIetnris .. , t Winona ... 54 WolTerlne . IS Hew Terk Minis storks. NEW YORK. May 21. The following are ine closing prices on mining stocks; Adama Cos to Little Chief 3 Alice Braaa Brunawtck Cos .. Omatork Tannal Con. Cat. A Vs.. Horn Bllvar Iron SUrer Laadvllla Coo .... ... M ... 10 ... 1 ... It ...1st ... ...175 ... 1 Ontario .... Ophlr Phoanls .... Potoal ...... Saras ...819 ...MT ... t ... It ... M Rlarrm Nersda la 40 Small llopaa V II Standard tit Forela Financial. PARIS, May 21. Prleea on tha Pourse today continued their upward movement, Russians leading; and other internationals snowing Improvement snd closed firm Russian Imperial 4s closed at 90.15. The private rate or discount was 2 6-16 per cent Three ner cent rentes. 97f 12o for the ac count. Exchange on JLondon, 2uf llo for cnecKS. LONDON. May 21. Holldsy on the Stock exchange. Bar silver uncertain at 26 7-lGd per os. Money, lgn per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 2 per cent; three months' Dins, zrai i-m per cent. BERLIN, May 21. Exchange" on London, 20m 40pfga for checks. Discount rates, short bills. 3". per cent: three months bills, 2 per cent. On the Bourse today prices were moaerateiy nigner. - Bank Clearings of the Weekc OMAHA, May 21. Comparative statement oi name clearances lor tne weeg 1904 Monday $1,350,491.49 Tuesday 1,246,922.60 Wednesday 1.180,666.63 Thursday 1.3x6.123.90 Friday 1.2x7.193.85 1903. 31.563.02S.67 1,!S,&9.49 1,23.018.18 ' 1.243.d3!.2S L2ti8.781.97 Saturday l,197,16U2i 1.246,161.84 A decrease for tne week of 32tf.96s.fr0. Exports aad Imports. NEW YORK, May 21. The total Imports of dry goods and general merchandise at this port for the week ending today were valued at iii.ueo.bou. exports ot specie from r.ew lorn lor tne weea were rU.uoo silver and 315.689,270 gold. Imports of specie at. New York during the; week were 8212,832 goia ana sw.tbo silver. I'elted States .Treasory. WASHINGTON. May 21. Today's state- ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral iuna, exclusive or tne 41du.uou.wiu goia reserve in the dlvlnlon of redemption. snows: Available casn Daiance, lti4,ano,zitt; Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mnv 21 WH FIAT Mar ket lower; May, 80c; July, 76'&'7c ; Sep tember, 71c; cash, No. 2 hard, 96ia6c; No. 3, muse; no. z rea, i.iH(i.ot); no. s. cBi."i. . . V . . ...... .Ml. ... ....... . U. . . . T . . . . Die; xno. s, 4atftnc; no. i wnue, oattiOwlkC ; no. s, ode. OATS Steady: No. 2 white. 45c: No. ml,,.) AA HAY HIsrher: Choice Umothy. 310.5OE1L00: cnoice prairie, es.pu. sieauy. Hoc. BUTTER Creamery. lEfil7c: fanov dairy. 14C. " EQGS Steady: Missouri and Kit nana stock, cases returned, 12c; new No. 2 white- wooa cases inciuaeu, uc. Recelnt. Bhloments Wheat, bu..... 16,800 26.400 Corn, bu 40,000 12,000 Oat. DU 5,000 8,000 Oil aad Rosin. NEW YORK. May 21.-OILS Cottonseed. easy; prim cruue, nominal; prime yellow, 28o. Petroleum, easy; refined. New York, 38.15; Philadelphia and Baltimore, t8.1u; in bulk, 88.20. Turpentine, steady, 6868e. ROSlN Quiet; strained, common to good. 82.95fi8.00. NEW YORK, May 20-OILS-Cottpnseed, essy; nrlme crude, nominal: crime vellow. 28c. Petroleum, easy; refined, New York, 48.15; i'niiaaeipnia and Baltimore. S8.10; In bulk, 18.20. Turpentine, steady, 5S58o. ROSlN Oulet: strained, common to arnod 32.96(ii3.00. BAVANSAH. Oa.. May 21.--OILS Turn. ehtlno, firm. 64c. ROSIN-FIrm; A, B. C and D, $2.70; E, $2.76; P, 32.80; O. $2.80; H, 32.85; I, 33.001 K, 33.15; M. 83.20; N, 33.80; W. Q., 33.56; VV. W 33.85. ' BT Tll'ID lt. 01 rATTflV T,,l.f lz- lower: middling, 13c; sales, none; receipts, 66 bales; shipment", 65 bales; stock, 12,361 oaiea. Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. May 21. EVAPORATED APPLES The market la meeting with a moderate demand: common are Quoted at S6c; prime at 65e4c; choice at 66o, ana lancy at o'ic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes remain more or less unsettled and Irregu lar. Prices range from 8e to 6o, accord ing to grade. Apricots, choice, 9g10c; ex tra choice, 104l0c, and fancy at 11130. Peaches are firm at 74S7Ho for choice. 7Vr8c for extra choice and 910o for fancy. aarar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. May 21. SUGAR Raw. firm; fair refining," 7-16c; centrifugal, 96 test 15-lSc; molasne sugar, -loc; re fined, firm: No. 6. 4.50c: No. 7. 4.46c; No. 8. 4.36c; No. 10, 4.30oj No. 11, 4.25c; No. 12, 4.20c: No. 14, 4.40c; confectioner A, 4.76c; mould A, 6.25c; cut loaf, 6.60c; crushed, S.COc; powdered. 5.00c; granulated. 4.90c: cubes, 1.15c. MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans often kettle, good to choice, 81&370. Cotfee Market. VEW YORK. . Mav IL COFFEE fl not Rio. easy: No7 Invoice, 6o; mild, quint; Cordova, WaUo. Future opened steady at unchanged prices, In keeping with gen erally fearleas cables, but meeting wltn further liquidation, eased off in the ab sence of support, closing barely steady, net to is points lower, pun wf'" ' IW uovbo, iiwiuu iij ""'"ife'r' it-A w i..3iiH. t..i.. k ATEr, 4vlrt . d. j rem ner. ihioul otavmiwr. i..vjiu: I i January, 6.260; March, .too. Oottoa Market. NEW ORLBAN8. May Tl-CCrTTON Steady; sales, 2,700 bales; ordinary, 10 8-160 ; good ordinary, llo; low middling, llo; middling, 12e; good middling, I88-I60; mid dling fair, I88-I60; receipts, 674 bales; stock, 176,978 balea. Futures, steady; May. 18.54it, 12.62o; June. 12.78a2 80o; July, 18.08ifjn8 04c; August, 12.8fi(a18.86c; Beptember, 11.07 q II.080; October, 10.624(10. 3c; November, 10.82'S'10.d8c; December, 10.614jil0.62o; Jaunary, 10.56(tflO.(7o. Mortal Maarket. ' NEW YORK. May 2L METALS Th un dertone of all metal market today waa Inclined to weakness and sentiment a general thing wa bearlshy. Trade wa lisht and the demand for Immediate needs only. Lake and electrolytic copper were quoted at 318.0O'&13.12: casting, 312.:."y& 12.87. Tin, spot, 827.6014! 27.80. Lead, 84.6CK&4.66. Spelter, 6.16.fia.20. Iron dull and nominally un changed. Pig Iron warants, spot, 89.26. Oils aad Rosla. NEW YORK. My II. 4J1 ie totion firm; prim crude, nominal: prime ye 28c. Petroleum, steady; refined New 1 $8.10; Philadelphia, $8.l; In bulk, 86.20. NEW YORK. My 21. OILS Cottonseed. yeuow, xora. lur- pentine, etesay. KUBirt eteaay, on .uuimuu to good, 860. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 21. BUTTER Hfjlo lower; extra western creamery, 20e; extra nearby prints, 22o. EK18 -&c lower; fresh western, 170. CHEE8&-Quiet but steady: choice to fancy, fcfeSc; fair to good. ttc. Toledo eed Market. TOLEDO. O., May n SEJ0D8 Clover, rash, $6 26; October, $8 tiVt prime alslke, $6 15; prime tlinotby. $142; September, $1.47. bid. low rtty Mve' Btaosi Narksl, 8IOUX CITY, Msy 21. fBpeclat Tele- fram CATTLE Recelnta, loO head; mar st steady; heeve. ikT4; owa bulls and rMd r'if4 P0; Blockers and feeders, (;'' 1 o: il 's rfi -earllnss. 63-TfcaJTa. 1Ti"-o -t.-H-'- 4 "V iioad; market lrl)X lowsr. i.ilN.i.W. bulk, ll.fc4it.sB. mU LIVE STOCH MARKET cslpU of (knit Light 88 Uiil on tb tut Dj of th Wfk. ONLY A VERY rtW SHEEP IN SIGH Heare Ilew aad Dall at Decline Abeat So kee Strea a Little Ulher for Week Beef Cattle 10 Hisjker for the Week. SOUTH OMAHA, May 21. 1904. Receipts were Cattle, nogs, eneeu. Official Monday ... Onicial 'iuesday... Official Wednesday Olllclal Thursday . Otnclal Friday Official Saturday . .. 3,439 6.ooa .. 4,4, 14.030 k.4"t .. 4.4W 80,678 e-JHS .. 2.361 14.614 1.4 .. l.dBl 7,;a 8.443 .. 108 9.040 2i Total this week 15,191 72.890 14.727 Same days last week. ...14.175 40.46 12.o7 Bame days week before.. 18,013 5i.W7 19,lo8 Same three weeks ago. . .26,418 70,873 23,60 Same four weeks 60.79 3H,liJ Bame days last year 13,148 41.033 13,08'8 X)H THE 1U1AR TO DATUJ. Ihe followln table snows the receipt ot cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date with comparison wltn laat 3904. 1903. Inc. Dec Cattle 375.201 3 9.429 4.X4 "ss 1,007,461 9"6,4 101.006 . SneeD tai sax f.a iul mi lis . Average prices paid for aog! at South v,""" i me utst ssveret aa,i who nn jPf- I uo4.uo.ira.2m.i8.pjn.iaM. May L... Wy 3.... My 3.... May 4..-.. Way May .... May 7.... May 8 ... May 8.... May 10... May 1L.. May 13... My 13... May 14... May 16... May 16... May 17. ..j May 18... May 19... May 20... May Zi... e 4 58 831 6 801 I 261 8 61 6 3 a 75 72 7 61 71 173 I 18 3 86 3 66 8 58 396 4 66 7 61 I7I 34 32 3 3; 6 64 a 191 2 14 ea 7 03 86 3 82 64 66 192 3 9v d3i 83 69 121 67! 62 54 7 00 7 J8 6 641 t 10( 3 69 3 66 I 61 6 66 12 3 16 I a 3 4 m 4 61 7 07 a 8 2 3 W 6 16 I 16 3 621 a 9 61, 46 a 5 5i 6 71 8 66 3 69i t 72 6 73 3 66 4 18 4 3a 4 22 a 4 ft 41 8 sb a 8 67 3 63 4 6ti 4 60 621 4 62W 6 26 82 86 I 17 8 21 6 231 6 20 7 13 a 3 M t 46 2 6 11 3 6 4 39 7 81, 712 6 10 oo 1 n 8 66. 4 26 3 63 4 40 ! 2 7 11 7 03 5 73 6 18 6 63 S 08 indicates Sunday. The official number of car of stock orougni m today by each road was Cattlo. Hogs. Bheep.H'r'A (J., Al. et Bl. f.., 23 Wabash 3 Union Paclflo System. 1 19 C. A N. W 8 2 F., E. & M. V 87 C, St. P., M. & 0 10 B. & M R 23 C, 11. & if K. C. & St. J 1 C. R. I. & P., east 1 C, R. I. ot P., .. 2 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Great Wast. .. 8 Total recelnta ft 123 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- wi ui ocau inuicaiea Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Omaha Pkg Co Swift and Company. Cudahy Pkg Co Armour & Co Armour, from S. C. Carey A Benton Morrill Pkg Co Other buyers Total 4,242 ,, .... 8 1,690 ., 2.206 2,146 291 1,501 ., 26 'io 80 28 8,091 291 CATTLE As is cenerallv tha rsu nn Saturday .there were only a few bunches of tattle here this morning, so that a test of tne mantel was not made. For the week receipts snow dui a slight increase over last week, but a Brain of near I v Sum heart as compared with the same week of Inst year. The table above will show the exact llaures. Beef steers have made up the big bulk of me uiienngs an tne weea ana tae quality haa been unusually good. That fact of course has helped but the appearance of the market on paper and should be taken Into consideration In nuotln tha uns ami downs of the market. ' A a general thing, though, It Is safe to quote an advance of about a dime. Some of the choicer cattle may be a much as 15c higher In extreme cases, while the com moner and halt rat kinds ara not as much as a dime higher in many casee. The mar ket for the week then could best be de scribed by calling It active and generally a dime higher. Good to choice steer ar Quotable from 84. 60 to 36.26, fair to good rom 84.15 to 34. 60 and the common kinds sen irom 34.16 down. The supply of cow stuff ha not been ex cessive and with a fairly good demand each day's offerings have met with ready sale. The light weight cows and heifers have not shown much Improvement, but they have been selling high for some time past as compared with other grades. Heavy cows. It will be remembered, were neglected last week and tms week they have shown an advance of fully a dime. Canners and cut ters have been very slow sale all the week and are a little lower. Buyers are begin ning to be afraid of grass stock, and It Is only natural to expect tnat as soon as grass cows oo begin to snow up in tne receipts that the common to fair cows will suffer a decline. Good to choice cows and heifers may be Quoted from 83.40 to 84.25. fair to gcod from 82.90 to 33.26 and canners and cutters from 81.75 to $2.80. There ha been arood brisk demand for the better grades of bulls all the week at strong prices. The bettor grades sell from $3.25 to 34, with the commoner kinds from $.1 down. Veal calves have been coming quite freely, but still are selling nearly as nod as they were a week ago. The best grades sell up to 38.26, but the bulk of them sell from 34.50 to 36, with common ones from 4.oo gown, There has been a good inquiry for stock ere and feeders this week and the market Is considerably higher cn anything at all deairable. The good to choice grades now sell from $4 to $4.40, fair to good from $3.75 to $4 snd common cattle irom 3. down Representative sales: STEERS AND HEIFERS, Mo. A. WT. No. At t. .. Wfr 4 N 14. ..k 104 4 10 I..... town. m 1 HEIFERS. 1 140 I M 1 a lu HI 848 38 BULLS. 1 370 8 00 CALVES. 1 110 I 00 3 104 I K 14 iOM 4 U limn This ha been a week of la rare hnsi wainta and the arrivals todav were nulla large for a Saturday. The market was a little slow to get started, but when the trade waa onoe under way It was fairly ac tive. The 4uiee paid were lust about fro lower than yesterday. LlKht hoes were slow sal all day and they felt the decline more than to gooa wei grits, sun mat was noininr new h iui tne same txung mignt be l.Xy m-4 .v.r. Aa, this avlc " - - - r . ' The recelDt this week have been the largest for the rear so far, though consld erably abort of the record. The market, a a glance at the accompanying table of av erage price will show, haa landed down ward rapidly since Saturday a week ago. The decline for the week amount to just about 26o. -Rr. A. 8a. FT. ..lot ... 8 88 ..HI 10 4 IT ..1M 140 4 IT ..1M ... 4H ... 4M ..111 ... 4U so 4 a ..It 40 4 IT ..114 840. 4 81 ..ill 10 4 IT ...Ji4 10 411 Ha. At. go. FT. 1 140 aa 4 40 Tl Ml Bl 4 44 84 bl ... 4 44 4t 144 ... 4 43 4 IM IN 4 41 t 4f 144 4 4S Tl... 44... IT... T4... M... 44..., 41... tl... II... ... 41... 71... m... 44... 14... 14... 71..., 14... IT... II... 44... Ml IN 4 41 Tl 441 44. ....... Ml 140 4 41 41 4 4SS II. 4 4t 4 414 4 4t 4 41 4 4) 4 4t 4 42 4 41 4 41 4 4J Ii:...., 11 14...... 44 74 , T4 II Tl .til ..140 B40 1 OS ,.lsl ..!! ..til ..144 ..Ul . t .' 4 ..!; ..IM ..ll 140 i 40 4 44 ..IS ...124 10 4 40 ... 4 40 44 4 40 ... 4 4 80 440 0 4 44 0 4 44 10 4 40 114 4 40 40 4 40 44 4 44 1M 444 ... 4 40 110 4 40 se 4 4o ...100 ...111 ...t'l ...114 ...110 '.'..tit ...lit ...111 ...tat 120 it. it. 44. 4 47V 4 42V 14 140 4 4i 44 144 10 4 4t T 141 40 4 41 PI 415 40 4 41 tl. ...... .441 1M 4 41 tl 14 4 42 41 141 1M 4 42 Tl W 40 14 , 44 44 ...ll VA f .! ... t 41 44 .tn4 IS til 4T 144 lis 4 41 80 4 44 ... 4 44 ... 4 44 tl.. It.. 44.. M.. k4.. 11.. 40.. Tl.. T.. 14.. .. Tl.. ..IM ..IU n m "0 4 41 TO ! i.m.iii iwv a u 41 lit 10 4 41 - hi SO 4 41 ..li0 IM 4 ...HI 4 44 aa ro ne 1 a M... in ... 4 al 47....M..r4 84 4 44 44.... ..IM ... 44 40. ....... r'l ... 444 i m m la H II ... iw 44 1.4 104 4 44 ... 144 M 4 44 44..M...I.I ... 44 K).- lot 14 4 44 St.- HI ... 4 44 it 141 ... 4 41 44 17 44 I 44 ...Ill ...44 ...! ...lot ...111 ...tit ...-t lK 4 40 44 4 40 40 4 44 ... 4 44 40 i 44 ...a8 34 140 4 4 M 440 a.. 4 40 ...l0 ...Ul 40 4 40 m 4 40 ...l.4 it.. i.. .to .In 4 44 4 41 ...via jot 4 aa iw 4 44 40 4 4 .. lit sue 4 44 i.. i. ..I.I ..r4 4 4 44 M 4 40 8UP Tbe market was almost bare of Supplies' this morning usual on a Satur day, only one fresh car being reported In the yards. It met with ready, sale at what looked like a Steady price. There ha been ho greet rnange In the sheep market this week, prices being quoted ss steady and the movement aa aetire every day. At the me time there ha been an upward ten dency to valnea and the general market Is stronger than It was a week sgo, In spot possibly It I 10315c higher. Uuotatlons for clipped stock: flood to rhoice lambs, 88 5tV(ti6.76; fair to good Inmbe, $5 0Hir5SO: good to choice wooled lambs, ri.6K(i6.76; fslr to good wooled lambn, pi.&vj$ 50; good to choice yearlings or wether. 85.0MJ5.23; fslr to good yearlings or wetherg, I4.75i55.00; good to choice ewe. vuo-t fo; fslr to gooil ewes. 84.5u94.70. . Hepreaentallve sales: No. Ar. FT. 291 western ewes 75 4 65 f hlcaao Lira stock Market. CHICAGO, May 21-CATTLr-Recelpts, 1.500 head; market steady; good to prime steers, 2THi6 70: poor to medium. H-HScf 5; stockers snd feeders. $3.C((i4.ti0; cows, $16iVti4; heifers, $150t)4.8K; rsnners, $1.5otf 2 75; bulls. $2.2M4.75; calves, $2J04.ii; Texas fed steers, $4.(Vir4.60. HOOS Receipts. 20.000 hesd: estimated for Monday, I6.00O head: market 6c lower; mixed and butcher. $4 60 6 4 77; good to Oholce heavy. $4 7ifr4 0; rough heavy. $155 465; light, $4.60f4.70; bulk of Bales, H&tf 'SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.OH0 head: market steady; lambs, strong; good to cHolce wether, $6.0Pj.0; fair to choice mixed, $3.7Mi6.0U; western heep. $4.76-o5.t; western clipped lamb. $4.60iij6.20; western wooled lambs, $6.00ti.25. Kaasaa City Lire Stork Market KANSAS CITY, Msy 21. PATTLrT Re ceipts, iw nesa, including no soutnerne market vnchanred: exDort and dressed bee ateers. 84.75h6 ti: fair tn a-ood. t4.iXni4.00 western fed steers. 14 float. 90: Blockers snd feeders. 33.254.70; southern steer. ii.ib(tj 450; southern cows, 33.46Vua.7K; native cows, l2.0tV34 25: native helfprs. 13.7Vo4.86: bulls 32.603.80; calves. 32.7wS5.0O; receipt forth week, 24,400 head. HOOS Receipts, 1500 head: market 60 lower: top, - 34.H0; bulk, 4.4TTJ4.60; heavy. 84.6o7l4.fl0; packers. J4.45i4.fl0; pig am tights, $3.To&4.60; reclpu for week, 54,600 hend. DHEEP AND LAMPiS-Recelpta, l.ono head; market steady; native lambs, $5.261 6.90: western lambs, x5.uwr.7o; red ewes, I4.264f4.76; Texas clipped yearllnga, $4.75 5.26: Texns clloDed sheen. 34.40Q4.M; stock ers and feeder, 83.6ors4.60. B4 I.ahI. t.lara. gloolr Marliat. ST. LOUIS. May a. CATTLE Receipt 26 hesd: no Texans: market for natives, steady ; native shipping and export steers. i4.iorifn.Ho: oreasea neer. sna Duicner steers 84.00i6.5O: steers under l.ono lbs.. 32.75Q4.7i stocker snd feederA $3.5oJf4.S6; cows snd heifers, 33.2&74.oo; canners, l.iu'OJ.vo; buna, 33.00tff3.65; calves, 84.0O86.60; Texas and In dian steers, $3.25(34.80; cow and heifers, 12.004T4.15. HOGS Receipts. 3.500 head; market 6(R10o lower; pigs and lights, 34.10Q5.60; packers, $4.404il6o: butcher and best heavy. $4.0mu 4.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelDt. 800 head market steadv: native muttons. $4 0096. 50 lambs. 86.00417.25: cull and buck. $2,702 4.w; stocKers, 32.251B3.00. New ' York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Mav 21. BEEVES Re celpts, 640 head; none on aale; dressed beef In fair demand at TtfrUUo. Cables, steady Exports today, 700 bead cattle and 7,209 quarters of beer. CALVES Receipt, none; feeling steady; city dressed veal unchanged at CftSo per lb. SHEEP AND LAMB S Rccel D ts. 2 642 head: demand active and Drices firm spring lamb, steady; clipped t'heep, 85; cllDDed lambs. 36.6iii1.2i: sDrina- lambs. 38.26: dressed mutton, firm, 9$llo; dressed lambs, 11 14c: city dressed snrlnsr lambs, steady. HOdS Receipts, 8.8U8 bead no sale re ported; feeling steady. ' St. Joseph Live Stock Market, ST. JOSEPH. May 21. CATTLE Re ceipt. 82 head: unchanged UUB Keceipt. 3,612 head; market 60 lower: IlKht and light mixed. 34.404.50: me dium ana neavy, 34.46ef4.50; bulk, 34.424.60. Vtiwr Af u LAM lis Receipts, none, ' Stock ta Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at tn six principal western cities yesterday: cattie. Hogs. Hnecp. Boutn umma 106 9.640 14.727 Chicago .1,500 . 100 . 25 . 82 . 100 .1,805 20,000 2,500 2.600 8.612 6,600 6,000 1,000 800 Kansas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph .. bioux city .. ToUU 44.668 22,027 STATE CAPITOL FIGHT IS WARM Pierre aad Mitchell Take Cp Coatest la Baraeat. YANKTON, 8. D., May 21. (Special. )- The manager of the South Dakota capital fight have settled down to hard work How that the state convention la dutjof the way, The battle ground will be east of the Missouri river, a the Black' Hill country I a unit for Pierre. There Is no doubt of the result In tbe counties Immediately surrounding the two contesting cities. Tbe counties of Hughes, Sully, Hyde, Hand, Beadle, Edmund and Potter will vote olldly for Pierre, while on the otbr band, Davidson, Hanson, McCook. Miner, Ban bom, Jerauld, Araura and fougla will give Mitchell more than a majority of th vote cast within their boundaries. . The sharpest fight will be In the extreme southern and eastern counties which Mit chell must control to havs even a fight lng chance of winning. Charles Mix, Bon Homme, Yankton, Clay Union, Lincoln, Minnehaha, Moody and Brooking have an Immense vote which I atdently being sought by th representative of the rival Homme, Yankton, Clay. Union, Lincoln, nd Minnehaha Pierre has a strong hold. If the vote were taken now there Is no doubt but tbat these counties would give Pierre a large majority. In Yankton county especially the sentiment, for Pierre la growing stronger every day. . This 1 due not so much from a fear of building an Immense city out or Mitcneii as from a Btrong Inclination to stand pat. The older and more conaervatlv counties are strongly Inclined to echo tbe battle cry of tbe Pierre capital committee. Pythlaa Grand Iodge to Meet. MITCHELL, 8. V., May XL (Special.) Tbe grand lodge of th Knights of Pythias will hold Its session In this olty on June 1, and from the advance Information that 1 oomlng in, there will be an Immense number of knights come to this city. Tuesday evening before the opening of th session a smoker will be tendered the visiting dele gate at tbe Mitchell club rooms, and a banquet will be tendered them on th closing night. The recent district meeting of th Knights of Pythias, held In Mitchell last month, has mad the city popular with the members of th order, and many of them have promised to return for the grand lodge meeting. Grand Chancellor J. Carl Southwlck of Watertown, in writing to local knights, predicts that It will be the best grand lodge ever held by the knights. Arrangement are being made to take car of tbe delegate and visiting knight In proper shape. REAL ESTATE TnAHSVERS. Deeds filed for record May 21, 1904, as fur- msnea by tns Miaiana uuarantee ana Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, to Tha Bee: Mary Beth Wallace to Charles Peter son, lots is, i, W, diock o, creign ton Height 8 AVO Frank WT Carmlohael and wife to Frank L. r itouett, tot (1, clock 99, Dundee piece 1 Mary O. Becker to James D. Taylor, n lot 20. block 12, Shull 2nd add.... 1.200 Benson Land company to Sarah M. Boyd, lots 8, 4. S, 6. block 85, Ben son 660 Ftank J. Fltxgerald and wife to Itnogen A. Benson, lots and t, block 111. Dundee place 1 National Bank of Commerce to Ar thur R rum me, lot 1 and 8. block , Mathews' sub 800 C A. Baldwin, administrator, to Jen nie Sc.honborn. lots 1 and 10, block 1, Grammeroy Park Reserve sub.... 180 Marie Ldrloh and husband to Einm B. Manchester, part lota 1 and 2, block 1, sub of John I. Red Ick's ' .7. 4,500 Albert W. Jefferies. et L to Mary Burrntiigiiain, part tag lot 26, in 16 16-1$ ., , 1.100 Robert 1' Cavanaugh to Mary Barry, some tn ei arty as tov 1,500 Albert T. llowftt to Frank Brown, lot 10. blorb 8. Carths LSd James 1C ' Mnn and wife to 11.11 a'liihla M insane and TYiist com pany, prt if lot 33. ltedtck s add.... IU) FOREIGN EDITORS ARE HEARD Session of Preu Prlima AdJmstd by Un from TLret Csntinont. MAY FORM PERMANENT ORGANIZATION Coaasslttee Appelated ta Devise Plaa to t'alte) Newspaper Ma al Alt Caaatrles la Oa Seelety, mmmmamamm ST. LOUIS, May 21. The most Important event of the day at the exposition was the closing session of the press parliament. The members of the parliament were some what late In assembling, the attractions ot the fair being the trouble with many of them, who made their way to the ad ministration building, where tbe sessions of the parliament are held, by way of the buildings which bold exhibits. Tbe time taken up In sight-seeing by many members of the parliament materially delayed the opening address of th dsy, which was that of M. McD. Bodkin of th Dublin (Ireland) Journal. Th other addresses on the program for the morning were those of Oustaf Gullberg of Stockholm. Sweden; Kanesaburo Mlamltsu, Toklo, Japan: S. Sxkely, Budapest; Frit Rotler, Brussels; Crosby S. Noyes, Washington, D, C, and Martin von Raalte of The Hague, Several receptions were tendered, the member of, tbe parliament at different hour of the day. A committee wa appointed to device a plan for the permanent organisation of the parliament. Machinists la Sesslea. Tbe opening session of the convention of the International Order - of Machinist was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon in tbe Hall ot Congresses. This afternoon the Italian section In the Manufacturers' building was formally dedi cated, the ceremonies attracting a large number of visitors. Tbe section covers 2,800 square feet of floor space and about one-fourth of this given Up to displays of marble statuary. There are about 1,500 pieces ot marble, and In this respect It Is the most notable featur of th exposition. Chevalier Victor Zedlgo presided at the opening, being assisted In receiving the several hundred Invited guest by Big. 8emlnato, editor of . one of the leading newspaper of Milan. The formal opening" Of the Italian pavilion Is set for June 3. and on that day the Italian ambassador to the United States la expeoted to be present. Later In the afternoon the first f the Olympian games was held In the Stad'um. There were twenty events of the esual character found In American track meets. All the contestants were looal athletes and the games attracted a large crowd. Women Meet with Kdltors. The General Federation of Woman's Club ooncluded the first week of Its convention this afternoon and tbe Press Parliament finished its work and adjourned. A move, ment to make a permanent organisation of the parliament was left in the hund of a committee, which Is to report at some later time. This committee Is composed of David U. Francis, president ot th Louisiana Purchase exposition; Walter 11. Stevens, secretary; Henry W. King, chair man, and Charles W. Knapp, vice chair man, of the executive committee of the Press Parliament; Sir Hugh GUsean-Reld, president of the parliament; H. von KupN fer ot the Berlin Anxelger, and the com mlssloner to the foreign press, Walter Wll liams. ' ' Before tbe ' press session of the biennial convention of tbe General Federation ot Woman's Clubs was called to order todny In the German government pavilion at th World's fair grounds. Miss Florence Hay ward, chairman of the press committee, announced that the General Federation would decorate the marblo bust of Km peror William, which stands In the mala corridor of tbe second floor, wltb a wreath. In recognition of the courtesy of th Ger man government In allowing the use of Its pavilion for the meeting of the federation. Miss Hayward spoke briefly, reviewing the prominent part taken In the Louisiana Purchase exposition by Germany, and then. accompanied by Dr. Theodore Lewald, Im perlal German commissioner general to th World's fair, she advanced to the pedestal and bung a wreath of laurel around the neck ot the bust. . , . Mrs. Dlmles T. 8. Dentlaon, president of the federation,' then 'called tbe scselonito order, and Df. Lewald waa Introduced. U responded on behalf of th German govern ment and said that bs would cable to th emperor an account ot, the tribute of re spect paid by the club women of Amerloa. ' Preahy-terlaa art' rfagrairav BUFFALO. May 21. Th general as sembly of the Presbyterian church of the United States held a brief business resnloa today.. After adjournment the commis sioner and the woman of th tarty left for Niagara Vails wbsrs they V ill SDOnd th afternoon. s 17. Farnam Smith ITTOCK8. 'BONDS, " ,: INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 100 We buy md sell South Omaha U nlon Stock . . Yards Stock. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Nb. 8.fa4Jt7 Capital sod Surplus, StOO.000 rtUMS MUtPSr. rs. SCt & WOOD, V. fra. '' UTTBCI D4MKE. CalMef. fRANK T. BAMITON. Mst Cask ay, tiiaiaa aeeeoat ef tonka, oaakato. oe'aee atioiia. Ins as loOlrMoalO oa laws Bis forolsa Xaobaaaa bohsbI an ool. Lotion o I r4 it uama. anllabla ta all porta of tko WOT14. Istoroot sol aa Ttwo Grille I a a Deposit, f ollootlotia nase prompt If m4 ssoasBitvsIl. Wo tasoaot oorreopoososoe. L0WREY BROS. &C0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions Room 212, N. T. Lit Building. ' 'Fhon 8810. epeciai atianuon givsa to telegraph and tali orders. OMAIIA Updike Commission Co. GRAIN AMD PROVISIOX Businna bandied promptly in alj market. Ofno. ta Be Building. . TVeriHon 84CA a. w. cruLsut. iaamaoer. BOKUa 8. I offer at pet aad arc-rued Interest COLJ J-A1F.1 secured by mortaage sort otiior gilt edge -securiues iuteiout . parable . quarterly. Writ fur detail. J. It. f: 70 Wbscansla Uu ,-r-T.rr.. luiuiW, wis.